The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 08, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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Korrman Moore
320 Wyoming Avenue
Have your COLLARS starched la tha eU
year, when yon can have them done with aof
(liable Buttonhole, (or TWO CENTS EACH.
ew and
Very Choice
Line of
& Men
415 Lacka. Ave.
you want
Carpets. Draperies,
Wall Paper or Window
Shades, come to us.
We have a full line of
goods, and our prices are
very low.
127 Wyoming Ave.
Scranton Elks cleared $1,500 on their
Bummer's benefit excursion to Lake Ariel.
P. 3. O'Donnell, of the Sixth ward, has
announced himself as a oandidate for jury
The diagram opens at the Academy of
Music box office at 9 o'clock today tor "A
Breezy Time."
Miss Anna Nebelung, of Dalton, has re
turned home after enjoying two weeks
With friends in Scranton.
Books are needed at the county jail. If
every visitor will donate one, the library
The stockholders of the Scranton Base
Ball club will meet at 4 o'clock this after
noon in the Raub building.
Todav the Delaware. Lackawanna and
Western company will pay its employes
at tne Hampton, eioan ana uuss mines.
Advance Agent Smith is in the city
making arrangements for the appearance
of Thomas Keene at the Academy of Mnsie
on bept. 17.
John R. Evans and Miss Catherine
Prltchard. of Oivrhant. were married yes
terday at the office of the clerk of the
courts by Alderman Wright.
Adjutant W. S. Millar has been selected
by the Republican League clubs of this
senatorial district as their representative
on tue state executive committee.
Mr. Southworth's music studio Is open
for the reception of pupils, and others
contemplating the stndy of music on Mon
days, xuesasys, iridays ana Saturdays.
A musical evening will be held at 7 p.m,
tonight at the residence of Mr. Garney.
North Washington avenue, in connection
with the Baptist Christian Endeavor so
ciety. B. J. Morgan, A. B., will preach to the
congregation of the Washburn Street Pres
byterian church in St. David's hall tomor
row, Sept. 9, at 10.80 a. m. No services in
the evening.
Rev. Dr. MoLeod has returned from his
vacation and will ocenpy his pulpit to
morrow morning and evening. His even
ing subject will be upon the subject of
''Disasters and Their Lobsods."
The funeral of Mrs. Catherine Maloney
will take place this morning from the
home of her ion, Thomas Maloney, 519
Hickory street. A solemn high mass will
be celebrated at 9 o'clock at St. Peter's
cathedral. .
Judge Gunster yesterday granted an In
junction against the Lackawanna school
board on the prayer of several citizens re
straining the board from erecting a new
achool at Mlnooka. The injunction is
returnable Wednesday at 9 a. m.
Marriage licenses were granted yester
day by the Clerk of the courts to Denis
McCarthy, of Dunmore, and Mary Lynch,
of Scranton; Eugene Drlscoll and Ellen
Mangan, of Mlnooka; John R. Evans and
, Catherine Pritchard, of Olyphant
The ordinance providing for the paving
of Penn, Washington, Wyoming, Mousey
avenues, Marion, Green Ridge and Dela
waie streets, and Capouse avenue in the
Thirteenth ward, which passed both
branches of conncils yesterday, became a
law by the signature of Mayor Connell.
Divine services will be held In the First
Presbyterian chnrob at 10.80 a. m. and
7.80 p. m. Dr. MoLeod will preach both
morning and evening. Owing to the fear
ful disaster that has befallen to hundreds
of onr fellow citizens from forest fires,
Bound to Return.
The housewife lzy be
persuaded to try another
kind, but if she has used Cleveland's
Baking Po .vder once, she remembers
how light and flaky her biscuit were ;
how her cake kept moist and fresh
and she will return to Cleveland's and
stick to it.
No baking powder costs so much to make
as Cleveland's. No other gives such value. 4
Dr. McLeod will take a bis evening sub
ject "Disasters and Their Lessons."
The Honesdale iron works yesterday ob
tained a writ of foreign attachment
against tho Columbian Manufacturing
company, directing the sheriff to levy on
all brotiertv and eoods whatsoever to the
credit of the defendant in the hands of
the Hillsdale Coal and Iron company.
Second Presbyterian church, Rev.
Charles EL' Robinson. D. D.. Das tor. morn
ing services at 10.30. Sunday school et 12
o'clock. Christian Endeavor meeting at
7.30. In the evening the congregation will
unite with the union meeting at tne turn
Park church, wheio Rev. W. G. Partridge
will preach.
There will be a special meeting of work
ers held at the Young Men's Christian as
sociation rooms Saturday afternoon at 3.45
o'clock to plan for the Sunday evening
meeting at the Frothincham. AH Chris
tian men are earnestly invited to be pres
ent, in order that the Frothingham lueot
iug may be a success.
Mondny George E. Davis will rc-open
Wonderland for its fifth season. This
season a chance has been made In the
name and hereafter the house will be
known as Davis' theater. A first-class
vaudeville comnnnv will be the attraction
for the oneniui? week. It contains many
lateut people who will give a first-cluss
The nemt.nnnnnl statement of the Del 8
ware, Lackawanna and Western Mutual
Aid association, covorinc the period from
March 1 to Seuiember 1. shows the re
ceipls, $5,871.90: disbursements, $1,071.37;
balance, H,8o0.fl3; 843 members: 110 mem
bers reoeived during the term. The re
port is signed by Alfred J. Froude and S.
T, Ace, trustees.
Robert C. Wills yesterday petitioned the
court for partition of a property on Peun
avenue, which he owns jointly with Pat
rick B. Higgins, who is bis partner in the
liquor business. Mr. Wills says in ins pe
tition that Mr. Higgins denies a division
of the Dronortv. and thorefore he has ap
pealed to court. The lot is 40x107 feet
and is improved by a throe-story brick
and stone building.
At 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon there will
be a meetincr led bv Mr. Moody for women
at the Elm Park church. The service will
be held at the South Side Young Women's
Chistian association and it is hoped that
all South Side vonnir women will take ad
vantage of this opportunity. A towel
social will be a pleasing event at the rooms
Monday evening. All are invitea to oring
a towel. Refreshments will bo served.
Pabst's Milwaukee Eeek, cool and
sparkling, at Lehman's, Spruce street
First Day of the Scranton Lawn Com
pany' s Tournament Was a
Decided Success.
Yesterday was the first day of the
third annnal tennis tournament of tbe
Scranton Lawn club and included the
preliminary and first round of gentle
men's Bingles and the preliminary
round of doubles, a total of fourteen
rounds. No ladies' nor mixed contests
are included.
Today's play will be commenced
with an uncompleted first round in tbe
singles, followed by toe second ana
semi-final singles and first and semi'
final doubles. It is probable that the
finals will not be played until Monday.
From 10 o clock yesterday morning
when play was begun until 0 o'clock in
tbe evening the tourney attracted
many interested spectators. The re
sults were as follows:
Preliminary Loveland-Chlttenden, 0-3,
0-4: Jobnson-LoveUnd. 0-4. 6-2; Lathrop
Moffat, 6-2. 4 0, 0-1; Snvdor-S. Jessup, fl-5,
5-6. 0-4: Kinesburv-Jones. 0-3. 20. 6-1:
Torrance-Kingsbury, 0-1, 0-2; E. Torrey-
Orchard, 0-3, 0-5; F. Fuller-K. Warrinor,
5-0, 6-3. 0-8; H. Kirkpatnck-Moon, 0-8; 0-2;
Blair-Walker, e-3, u-o.
Brooks and Hnnt-Belin and Moffat, 0-3,
4-0. 0-2: E. Torrey and Chitteudon-
Orchard and Lathrop, 6 4, 6-2; Kirkpatrick
and Snvder-JessuD and Warriner. 8-6, 0-0.
7-6: KiDKsbury and Sanderson-L. Fuller
and W. Torrey, 0-3, 5-0, 0-1.
Today's singles will be among; the
first winners as follows: Snyder-Tor
ranee. E. Torrev-F. Fuller. Kirkpat
rick, winner of Blair L. D. Foller, sets,
The doubles will be continued as fol
lows: Brooks-Hunt. Archbald-Knapp,
Torrey-Chittenden, Johnson-Fuller,
KirkDatrick-Snyder. Torrance-lloon
Kingsbnry-Sandorson, Jonea-Loveland
Of tbe players tha following are
from out of town : A, S. Chittenden
Binghamtoo: Loveiand. Wilkes
Barre: Lathron. Carbondale; Stuart
Jessup. Montrose: Jones, Wilkes
Barre; Torrance, Mcon and Orchard,
Carbondale; Knapn. B. Norwalk. Conn
B, F. Torrey, jr., Brooklyn, N. Y.
The past week was very successful 812
nave registerea on Dotn sessions.
Notwithstanding the dull times, the
receipts of the college are nearly double
that of last year.
Professor C. W. Cook, the new short
hand teacher, is a bright fellow; he and
Miss Haggerty are doing excellent work
in their department.
Professor Wood had seven application
for bookkeepers and stenographers this
week. Thomas Edmunds is with Coxe
BroB. & Co., at Drifton; Louis Gschwindt
is with W. E. Smith & Co.; Harry Snyder
with Charles Schlager; Miss Ammerinan
With William D. B. Alney at Montrose.
Tbe teachers in the business department
are introducing practical methods. The
students of tbe future will be thoroughly
equipped in the details of office work.
Professors Kramer and S. J. Wood, Arn
field and F. E. Wood are holding tbe fort
in the business department: Mr. Whit
man acts as registrar and Miss (Jukes re
ceives the callers.
Call and see onr fall styles of wing
tinned shoes, in calf, russett, patent leather
an 8 pig skin. A. C. Nettleton Common
wealth Shoe store, Washington avenue.
' Of Business aad, Shorthand.
The best business since the college was
. Both sessions largely attended.
-This year a large number of people find
it inconvenient to pay for the scholarship
on entering. The management has set
aside a fund of $5,000 to accommodate
those who wish to pay on the instalment
Persons interested are Invited to call.
F. E. Wood, Principal
vangelist Mood; Describes tbe
of Each.
What Mr. Moodv Thinks of Card
Playing, Theater Going, Etc. Ser
vices That Will Be Held on Sunday.
Brief Synopsis ot Mr. Moody's Talk
Last Night In the Elm Park Church.
At the Moody services yesterday at
Elm Park churoh tbe edifice was
taxed to its utmost seating eapaoity,
In the evening and the afternoon audi
ences completely filled the auditorium
and main gallery, and was distributed
over a portion of the rear ball
la tbe evening Mr. Moody treated of
th" Mi-ricteri8tics of supposed Curls
tuns ;.ud described tbe birth of the
plrlt ia man. He said:
It 1 asked you if Jesus of mzaratu
taught the truth you'd all vote "yes."
Just as important n ques, ion is "have
you been born again of the spirit from
above? (Jurist taught that there 1
only one way to enter tbe kingdom of
God and that is to be boru of tbe spirit.
Trinity, redemption and justification
are not clearly understood until one
has been born of the spirit.
Going to cbnrcb or being a sister or
brother of an arobdeacon don't make
you a Christian; villains go to church
to hide their rascality. It's like saying
a prayer aud not praying. Why, when
was a little bov, II 1 was saying,
Now I lay me," and my brother
kicked me from the bed, I'd swear at
him. Christianity, the new birth, is
now malting vows, crying over funeral
sermons and tbe like. You might as
well say a deud man has life as to say
that a mnn has a heart and has not
Christ. K a photographer came in to
this city to take pictures ol people i
hearts he wouldn t find a customer,
You conldn't hire 'em to submit to It.
The pioturs of man's heart is defiled.
Will any deny it? Get tbe heart right
and the foot, eye, hand and life will be
right a new life, a new spirit born
leant conceive a greater plea sure
than to rocoive God's nature. Ail
things of Heaven are heavenly. There's
mighty truth in tbe fable of tbe
crane, which, after listening to tne
story of tbe swan about heaven, didn't
want to go into God kingdom be
oause ia Heaven there were no snails
to eat.
If God can save the vilest drunkard
or harlot who walks tbe streets ol
Scranton tonight, don't you think he
could save you 1 Let your heart be
willing and let the spirit come.
At the afternoon service Mr. Moody's
remarks struck a particularly popular
vein from the laot that he dwelt upon
card-playing, tbeater-going and other
cnBtoma considered within the realm
of worldly things. Ilia opinion is that
whatever pleasures one undertaken,
those pleasures are proper if one has
the grace of God with him: but in view
of God having provided so many better
things, he doubted if any one enthused
with the grace ot God would enter
into the so-called worldly pleasures,
After announcing "Overcoming Life
as his subject he said that material
birth is not sufficient; one most be
born of the spirit. Tbe fact that the
most worthy Biblical characters fell
through, the weakness ot tbeir sup
posed strongest points is applicable to
men ol today. "Tbe man wbo over-
cometh his own faith is greater than
him who taketh a city." In battle
many a li:e has been lost through un
der-estimating tbe strength of tbe
enemy, and the observation is true of
tbe lust, jealousy, covetousness. tem
per and other weaknesses of mankind,
Mr. Woody averred that the surest
core for these sinful characteristics is
open confession and apology to the
person injured.
Hd divided liars into the following
classes: Political, social, business,
fashionable, white and black liars,
whose cure bs guaranteed if they fol
lowed the prescription for covetous
ness. jealousy, etc The medicine is so
unpalatable tbat tbe disease will stop
out of resnect for the cure.
"These border Christians," he said,
'people wbo try to live both worldly
and Christian lives, get more clubbing
than any other class; tbey have the
respect of neither Christian nor worldly
people. I have been asked to smoke;
I don't smoke because I would lose my
self-respect and would lose my cbances
of being able to influence others; I
don't know one playing sard from an
other for tbe same reason. I've been
asked why I don't go to the theator; be
cause I'd rather eat dirt, because I can
find better things to do. HA. lady asked
me wby I was opposed to theater'
going, but admitted that she had never
beard me preach against it. I don't
preach against these things, but I do
preach that any man wbo follows these
practices while reeling taat ne might
do something better is guilty of sin.
"If you can play progressive enohre
with the grace of God play it; if you
cannot do this then give it up, Shall
you overcome the world or shall it
overcome yon? Everything grows, sin
grows; now are you getting a viotory
over desires within or tbe world with
out! If any question develops in your
mind between the world and Christ,
eive the latter tbe benefit of the doubt.
" 'He tbat overcometb. shall inherit
all things. ' Even persecution and ridi
cule should not sway you from tbe
The services in the West Side Gospel
tent last evening were well attended.
The meeting opened with a song ser
vice at 7:30 o'oloek, after which Rev.
L. C. Floyd, D.D., pastor of tbe Simp
son Methodist Episcopal ohurob. offered
prayer. Mr. Bliss spoke on Christ
healing the withered band.
The following are the announcements
of the meetings whion will be held on
Sunday in connection with tha Moody
campaign t
At 3.30 p. m. E. W. Bliss will speak In
tbe gospel tent on the West Side. The
subject of the address will be "The Three
At 4 o'clock Mr. Moody will address a
meeting of women in the Elm Park church.
TbiB meeting has been announced to be
held at 4.80 o'clock, but it has been neces
sary to change the time to 4,
At 7.80 p. m. Mr. Bliss will speak in the
gospel tent, West Side. His subjeot will
be "Two Men."
At 7.80 p.m. Mr. Moody will speak in
the Frothingham theater to men only.
His subjeot will bo, by request, "Sewing
and Reaping."
At 7.45 the Penn Avenue Baptist church
and the Second Presbyterian church will
unite with tbe Elm Park church in the
Elm Park church, in a service which will
be addressed by the Rev. Warren G. Part
ridge, of tbe Penn Avenne Baptist church.
Everybody Is oordially Invited to attend
this union service. ,
There will be no service held today, and
up to the present time it has not yet been
decided to bold any on Monday. But on
Tuesday and Wednesday Mr. Moody will
speak In the Elm Park churoh at 8 o'clock
on "The Holy Spirit. From 4 o'clock un
til 5 he will conduct a prayer meeting.
Pastors of churches In outlying towns
are requested to give notice to their con
gregations ol tne Diuio reaumgs next
Tnesday and Wednesday.
Iks Asktd tht Poor Board to As
sist H.r to D So.
The meeting of tho poor board yester
day was for a while on the breezy line.
Mr. Gibbons made a number of speeches,
with the result that bis views were adopted
In each case that came before tho board
for deliberation.
The first one was the case f Mary
Judge, whose parents live in Dunmore.
Last May the girl took the grip and tho
sickness unbalanced bur mind. Her
parents sent her to a private institution
in Philadelphia. After four weeks' con
finement she appeared to regain her reason
and was sent home, bat wus not long at
home until symptoms ot dementia again
began to develop. She was sent back to
Philadelphia where she is at present.
Colonel ti. M. Doles became interested
and appeared with an intercession, asking
tbe board to take charge of the case, and,
when the board agreed to do so aud was
about to make au order for her admit
tance to tbe insane department of the
Hillside home, Colonel Boies thought that
it would be a more beneficial step for tho
giri if she were sent to Danville, where
she would be better taken care of. Mr.
Gibbons objected to sending the girl to
Danville, stating that the facilities at tbe
home were fully as sumcient as at uan
ville. After a short discussion, the case
was referred to a committee of three with
power to act.
Tbe usual number ot applications ror
relief were heard and granted. Mrs.
Joseph ine Ike appeared and wanted trans
portation to Stroudsburg. After some
questioning, which she replied to iu a
very sharp manner, Secretary Lynett
asked her if she wanted u ticket for her
husband too, she roplied, "fto, no, I want
to hhake him."
The report of Superintendent G. W.
Beemer, of the Hillside home, for tho
month of August showed that the 151
males and 104 fomale paupers and forty-
seven insane paupers are kept ut the home.
The reoort or itusiciout ruysician u. r .
Evans was a tabulated statement of the
number of cases uttcuded to during thu
Mischievous Boys Show No Respeot for
an Instructor.
Herman Ruthinbere. of 409 Raymond
court, conducts a private day school at his
residence, at which ho strives to teacu tne
vounir idea how to shoot. Two young
scalawags, named Leidy aud Walsh, amuso
tuemsoives by curving stones ai mo win
dows of tho school and tho expense re
quired to replace broken window panes
after tho boys have tired themselves pelt
ing make a big bole in tho income of the
Drotessoras we l as in tne wiuuow uauis.
He went to Alderman Fullor's office yes
terday afternoon and had a warrant sworn
out for the arrest ol the boys.
Sid Not Soore a Success in Her Play,
Hettie Bernard t'base and hor company
cave "I'JUo" nt the Frothincham last night,
The piece is Inane anu augoiatea anu iuu
acting not of a very high order.
The liv U2 l) ctures. wuicn were soen lor
the first time iu this city, were wen pro
duced, but thore was much trouoio expert
anrnd In shifting them on the stneo.
This afternoon "The ljittio Lonnetto"
will be L'iven and tonight "1099 ' will be
seen again.
The Fcranton Easiness College.
If any had doubts ns to the success of
the business college, said doubts were dis
pelled bv the oneuius on Monday Inst.
Double the number expected by the pro
nrintora entered on that daw some came
on Tuesday, weunesuay, inureuay huu
Friday, and many others arranged to en
tor next week. .-'
Professor Yoder has splendid classes in
shorthand in both sessions. He has nlready
proven himself to be the instructor be was
advertised to be. Ability soon manes if
self nnnarent.
James J. It. Hamilton, esq., uenverea
an interesting lecture on commercial lnw
before the students yesterday aitoruoon
The school is now .n splendid working
order and you are Invited to call and see it
and the building, even though you are not
interested in a business education, v isit-
ors will be welcomed at all hours of the
Travsllng' on Air. -
J. F. Aldrich. of Oneida. N. Y., was yes
terdav exhibiting a road vehicle with
nneniuatic tires, of which he is the manu
facturer. A number of prominent citizens
and newspopor men were treated to a riue
in a trun ruiiniuir on nuoumatio tires. To
day he will exhibit bis vehicles at the
Driving park.
The Presbyterian Clerlo
stands adjourned to meet at Dr. Logan
study on Monday. Sopt. 10, at 10.30 a.m
Important that all members snail oe pres
ent. u. uuild, rresiuenc
S. C. Loo an, Secrotary.
Boaght bv Normile Bros.
Eisohamtos, N. Y., Sept. 8. Tbe stock
of E. F. Brady & Co., whose recent failure
has been the talk of tbe shoe trade for the
past week, was sold today. Normile
Bros,, of this city, was tbe buyers, and
they got it at their own flguies, as the
bidding was slow and far between. '
CloBing out russett, oxfords and russett
dlucbers at reduced prices. Also ladies'
bog, foxed, congress, razor toes, pretty
Commonwealth building,
Dr. C C Laubacit, dentist, Gas aud
Water comnanv buildina. Wyoming ave
nue. Latest Improvements. Eight years in
Scranton. - -
Bill books, memorandums, time books
and blank books, in stock or made to or
der. Pratt's Book Stows.
Pillsiiurt's Best makes beat bread.
Eohool of Art and Design
Will open Bept. 10. Thorough instruction
in Drawing, Painting and Dosigning. Ad
dress Miss Worthingtox, 01 Coal Ex.
Oxford. Bagster, International and
family Bibles. Pratt's Book Store.
429'LQCka, Ay,
Dr. fillcn Presented a Thoughtful Report for
Their Consideration.
The Wooden Pave in Front of the
Markets on Penn Avenue Is to Be
Deoderized Daily Next Friday the
Members of the Board Will Go to
Elmhurst to Examine the Reser
voirs and Water Shed.
The board of health bad a most inter
eating meeting yesterday afternoon.
When tbe routine preliminary Business
had been passed Sanitary Officer Burke
xnlained that it was tbe order ot
Health Officer Allen to him to swear
out a warrant and serve it on Michael
Hand, proprietor of the Meadow Brook
brewery, for dumping into the Stafford
Meadow brook retnss rrom tne
brewery, polluting the stream and be
coming accessory to maintaining a
nuisance, Tbe warrant was sworn out
accordingly and was about to be served
the day Mr. Hand was tnrown irom
his carriage and injured. Since then
the nuisance bus been abated, inetoi-
lowiug report was submitted by Health
Duicer Allen:
Durins tbe month of August the work
ot the health department has been as satis
factory as possible. The councils are do
ing everything to facilitate matters aud if
property holders in certain districts ot the
citv would show a little wlinngnoss to cor
rect some bad conditions themselves, it
would be still better.
The little Lackawanna river, I am happy
to say, is deodorizing and disinfecting tbe
sewage ol the city in lis usual style,
notwithstanding the long drought, but
whore would we bo if the mine pumps
should stop running for a few days?
Councilman Roche is earnestly advocating
n councils the erection ot a city market
house, a consummation most devoutly
to bo wished lor. Thero certainly is a
crying need for one in this city. Hcranton
is behind little towns ot 10,000 inhabitants
all ovor tho state.
Should this materialize lower Penn ave
nue might become less unclean, though
not docent while tho rotten old blocks re
main in the street. The familiar aroma
from the bono ambulances is now a thing
of the past, as covered motallic cans serve
to do the work perfectly.
I would suggest to the board that postal
card blanks be furnished to physicians
anu nudwives, especially tne intter. as i
am informed thoy have charge of most of
the coses and seldom roport. The birth
list should be in excess of tbe death rate
here and would be if correctly reported,
Tho conrt between Sumuor and Brom
ley avenues, above Swotlaud street, is in a
bad condition aud can not be remedied un
til the conrt is cruded. The nuisance at
Deacon street can be easily corrected by
connecting with a privat sewer which
empties iuto the river. The street com
missinner declines doing this as the street
is not graded. Iborouro streets, courts
and pluces in this city that have been
opened and built upon for thirty years
aud have never been given a grade. XI all
such streots could be graded, thore would
be tew standing pools leit.
Tbe mortality for the month of
August showod a total of 130 deaths as
against 1G1 in July. So far this year
1,03j deaths have occurred. Births for
tbe month amounted to 172, and con
tagious diseases to 21.
A communication from City Clerk
Martin T. Lavelle relating to the water
supply was read. 1 be sanitary com
mittee of councils sent a recommenda
tion to the board that the city water be
analyzed once a month and tbe result
submitted to the committee. This met
with favor, but Colonel Ripple ex
plained that at a very conservative cal
dilation the expense ot snch wonld be
at least $15 for each reservoir, of which
more are five, making a total of $
per month, and there is no appropria
tion to cover this expense.
By motion it was decided to notify
councils to make an appropriation nec
essary. Health Ollicor Allen reported
tunt west .Lackawanna avenue was
suffering from lack of sanitation and
genoral uncloanlnees, and he added
that if the street commissioner were
instructed to flush it twice a week,
there might be some relief obtained,
The suggestion was put into effect by
borne time ago tbe property owners
living along Sanderson creek in Green
Ridgo, who had been using tbe creek
at the basin for all their sewage, were
notified to desist, and at the same time
an effort was made to make provision
whereby they could connect with
private sewer. The arrangements fell
through and tbe families were ordered
to cease using the creek, as the stuff
was carried to tbe doors of people liv
ing below it, making life almost intol
erable in tbat vicinity.
In compliance 'with the suggestion
in tbe report of Dr. Allen in regard to
disinfecting Penn avenue between
Lackawanna avenue and Center street.
on motion of Colonel Ripple the board
resolved to purchase a street sprinkler
and with it sprinkle the market place
each day with water saturated with
deodorizing disinfectant.
The members will visit the reservoirs
and watersheds at Elmhurst next Fri
day, leaving in carriages at 8 o'oloek
a. in,
A laiuie line of new books and novels at
half prico. Pratt'h Book Stoke.
Buy one of
Berry's Best
4.17 Lacka. Avenue.
Best Sets of Teeth, $8.00
Including the painless extracting
et teeth by an entirely sew pro
test, ' .
S. O. Snyder D.D.S,
OfM $1
Conway House, 132 and 134 Psnn Ave.,
is where you will always find good service
and courteous treatment, the table is al
ways supplied with the best in the market.
Transient and local trade solicited.
Room and picture mouldincs. wall and
ceiling decorations, in water colors and
unsparreuoi. Bometmng new.
riiATT'B Book Stork.
5 Her
They Come !
The now lino of Heating -
btoves you . have been
waiting for have arrived,
and are exposed .
s in the
a Daylight
Because they will bear
inspection. First-class in
every respect, and good
s And the Price
in Plain Figures
is marked on every one.
We propose to induce
and hold your trade.
Call and see what you
can do on Heaters.
5 H.Battin&Co.
You will be surprised how good a broom
wo can sell you at.
Bettor Brooms at.
,20c to 25c.
Cabbago Cutters, a good ouo .
Decorated EnulishB orry Saucer
Decorated Wax Candles
Wlno Glasses
Glass Dcrry Saucers.
Lamp Chimneys...., ...,,...
Band Tumblers..
China Egg Cups
Individual Butter Dishes...,
A now Child's Chair, in cither pink, blue
or white onaniel finish a beauty, for..
Fivo O'clock Tea Kottles-all brass,.witU
alcohol lamp, complete. A beauty for.
Cut Olaes Tumblers, per dozen 4.HJ
Cut Uloss Toothpick Holder...
Cut Glass Oil Bottle 1.39
Cut Glass Bandied Olivo Dish 8.UV
New line .Stand Lamps, Fino Decora
tions, from,,,.,,........ ... VDcup
319 Lacka. Ave.
We are now
prepared to do
business at
our new build
ing, 323
Washington- Ave.
eptember Is
And pretty soon you will commence to
BANISTER wants you to watch for the mauy surprises - in
Ilia BOYS' AND GIRLS' SIIOES are the. befr that
can be made aad will cost you no more than you are now" paying foj
inferior 8hoe3. It will pay you to trade at
Bought of us wo keep In
ropuir, free of ohargo.
if T oa
S a
In tha State. Guaranteed.
Tbey Cannot Be
BeatOnp' Prices
On Goats and Gapes
We are selling a $5 Coat
for $1.98.
A $14 Black Clay Worst
ed Coat for $7.
$4.50 Capes for $1.98.
Ladies' Tailor-made Suits
in Serge, latest cut. for
$6.50, worth $12.
Mackintoshes for HALF
Come and see for your
self. This sale will- only
last for a few days,
During the Summer.
133 Wyoming Ave.
128 Wyoming Ave
Oa. exhibition
in our windov.
OFFERS the best
business education
of any Institution
of its kind in tha
country, at mini
mum cost Tbe pro
prietors are Instruo
torewith years of ex
perience and knovr
thenecessities ot tha
business work. In
struction ia tbor
oogb and practical,
College building is
a beautiful structure, well vsntllaUi
and possessed of all modern oonve
oiances and is located on Court Housa
Day and Evening Sessions.
will open MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 8.
Oar Journal tails all about ns and onr
methods. Send ns your naiuu and you
will gt It by mail.
Buck, Whitmore & Co.
Cor, Adams Ave. and Lmderv S treet.
We can please your, taste and
lants. Uet an estimate.
Tne Scranton Tribune Job Sept,
i"fvai ifeuiV' mum uwm M
mm hats
Cor. Lackawanna and
Wyoming Aves.
Of til kinds A SPEC
IALTY. New Fall Millinery