THE SCTiANTON TRIBUNE SATURDAY MGRN1NX. SEPTEMBER 8, 184; H Foe to Dyspepsia GOOD BREAD USE THE SHOW WHITE FLOOR And always have Good Bread. MANUFACTURED AND FOB BALK TO THE TRADE BY Tho Mopfnn Mill Pn i nr i 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 I f M u I IIW W W I EEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS ) THE 6ENU?NE POPtiHW Punch Cigars HAVE THE HHTUIS G.. B. 8c Co., tmprlntfltj on Eaoh Olgnr. Carney, Brown & Co. Mflrs. COUKT HOUSE 8UUAKK. Dr. H. B. WARE PRACTICE LIMITED TO THE EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT 406 Spruce Street. Offlc.Hour.:j- NORTH END BRIEFS. Miss Maggie Hawxhnrst bas returned irom visiting friends In Montreal. 0. V. Terwilliger and Brloe Sicklor leave tomorrow on tbelr wheels to .New xork. A large force of men are now at work relaying the street car track by the Wes ton switch. Hiss Ida Mitchell, of Pittston, has ac cepted' a portion in Bmitn's oakery on Capouse avenue. Class No. 11, of the North Main avenue mptist Sunday school, held a lawn social Thursday evening. The members of the Christian church re having a new hot air furnace put in position in the church. The Loyal legion will meet In the Women's Christian Temperance anion room on Tuesday evening. M. J. Qerrity and Enos Flynn went to New York to meet Rev. P. J. McManus and Rev. William O'Donnell. Patrick Neary, of Mary stroet, chal lenges James juoiuann to wrestle him at irom lie pounds to 13S pounds. The old court house is to be moved to the corner of Main avenue and Court street, and the ground sold for building lots. John Alexander was found sleoping off nis arunK last Wednesday nignt in sweet Gendeuer's yard, Aldormaa Iloran fined lilra S3. "The Cltiztnls "tmnd- accompaolnd, the Joint excursion of the Knights of Pythias and Knights of the Golden Eagle to Lake Ariel yesterday. Stephen O'Boyle and John Heffren ex pect to leave Tuesday for Toronto whore ther will resume their studies at St. Michael's college. The Bldewalk in front of the Griffin es tate, on Providence road above Terwilli ger's butcher shop, has been repaired by Contractor Stansbury. Over 250 couples, lod by Thomas F. Iloaley and Miss Mary A. English, were in the grand march at the Crystal Literary club social laet Thursday evening in Company H. Armory hall. Tbe Ladies' Aid society of the Park Place Methodist Episcopal church have finished paying the portion of the church building debt for which they promised to raise the money. The teachers of the Greon Ridge Presby terian Sunday school will meet at the resi dence of J. H. Fisher, on Washington ave nue, at 7. 45 o'clock to review the Sunday school lesson for tomorrow. The Rev. Dr. Hawxhurst will preach In tbe Park Place Methodist Episcopal church tomorrow morning on tbe subject, "Tbe Profitable Debt," and in tho evening on "Lessons from the Forest Fires." The Crystal Literary club social, held in Company H armory ball Thursday night, was a great success, over 250 couples being in the grand march, which was led by Thomas F, Uealey and Miss Mary A. Eng lish. Tbe music was furnished by Miss Kate Saltry. The Green Ridge branch of the Women's Christian Temperance onion will meet at the League rooms at 615 Green Ridge street next Friday aftornoon at 3 o'clock, at which time it will be decifledTwhether or not tbe nnion will sond a delegate to tbe county convention to be beld in Mos cow next Friday. Ecranton's Business Interests, TBI Tbiboni will soon publish a care fully compiled and classified list of the leading wholesale, banking, manufactur ing and professional interests of Boranton and vicinity. The edition will be bound In book form, beautifully illustrated with photogravure views of our pnblle build ings, business blocks, streets, etc, together with portraits of leading citizens. No similar work has ever given an equil rep resentation of Scranton's many indus tries. It will be an invaluable exposition of our business resources. Bent to persons outside the city, copies of this handsome work will attraot new comers and be an nnequalled advertisement of the city. The circu lation is on a plan that cannot fail of good results to those concerned as well as the city t Jarge. Representatives of Thb Tribunb will call upon tuobb whose namks are desired in this edition and explain Its nature more fully. Those desiring views of their residences In this edition will please kave notice at the office. Muslo Boxsi Exclusively. Best made. Play any desired number of tunes. Gantscbi & Sons., manufacturers, 10S0 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Won derful orohestrlal organs, only 15 and $10. Specialty i Old muBio boxes carefully re paired and improved with new tunes. Sr. Gibbons, of New York oity, will be in bis Soranton office, 441 Wyoming avenue, every Mon day from 8 in the morning until 8 in the evening. j Eat Bread made from Plllsbury's Best and be healthy. Bay the Web.r and get tho best. At Guernsey Bros. Coptinq books and presses. Pbatt'b Book Stori. Thi Success which Hood's Sarsaparilla has bad in freeing old and young from af flictions caused by, Impure blood is really remarkable. Hood's Pills are purely vegetable and do not purge, pain or gripe. Hold by all druggists. , THERE IS NO CHOICE Prize for tbe HnntlHg Song Divided Between Scranton and Forest City. WATKINS CHD1R SUCCESSFUL Captured tho Two Hundred Dollar Prize for tho Best Rendition of tho Gloria Fully Four Thousand Per sons Attended the Festival Last Night-Results of tho Competitions at Morning and Afternoon Sessions. Officers of the Sessions. The second day's proceedings of tbo Laurel Hill eisteddfod opened yester day with delightful weather. Judge Edwards in fellotious terms introduced as conduotor of tbo morning session. Colonel F. J. Fitzsimmons, wbo made a stirring speech. In the first contest one oomDstltor only appeared, viz. : John W. Jones, or ueiievue, who was awarded f 12. Dr. Parry reiterated bis regret at the laak of competitors which bud been so con spicuous. Two. oomp9titors entered me welsh recitatiou contest, "Con octacua' Soliloquy." and John H. Pow ell divided the prlzs of $12 between the two, David Williams, of Wilke-Barro, and Bn Griffiths, of Hyde Park. A nomas Darlington, of Dulwicb, London, was introduced by Judge El wards and addressed the audience upon the Welsh nationality and remarked that wherever Englishmen went they organized borss racing, bnt Welsh men ereotpd obapels sad promoted eis teddfods. Judge Edwards, speaking in Welsh, in referring to tbo address, jooularly remarked that Welsh was spoken in tbe Garden of Eden until tbe tempter came upon tbe scene and brought tbe English language with him. COMPETITION ON MADELINE. Four parties competed in tbequar tetu "Madeline," prize $20, viz: Miss Lydia Sayor , and party, Hyde Park ; North End quartette ; David Ellas and party, Plymouth, and Jobn T. Wat kins and party, of Hyde Park. Tbe prize was divided between the first and tbird parties. Tbe morning session concluded with tbe singing of the Welsh national anthem, "Hen Wlad fy Nhadan." In the abssnoe of Mr, Beetem, Her bert Y. Reese, of tbe Wilkes-Burro Record, was elected president, and in troduced A. J. Colborn, jr , tbe con ductor of the afternoon session, who delivered a magnificent oration on "Musle and Its Charms," at the con clusion of wbloh he was vociferously applauded. Again but one eompetitor appeared, namely, in tbe German party contest of "WaldmorgoD," and the prize of $100 was awarded to tbe Scranton Leiderkranz through Its leader. Pro fessor KoptT. Dr. Parry extolled their singing and stated that they were highly deserving of the prize. In tbe oration on "Daniel Webster" two contestants endeavored to seoure the $23, wbloh Judge Edwards awarded to Owen L. Lvans, of Wilkes- barre, and paid a warm tribute to tbe grace which was exhibltod by both orators. SOrRANO COMPETITION. .Six ladies contested the honors of the soprano solo, "The Promised Land," and after a keen eoinpotition the prize of $12 was divided betweon Mrs. David Lewis, Providnnee, and Sirs. Frank Brundage. of iiyae Park. The eontest la the rendition of the contralto solo, "Guard My Beloved Que," attracted six ladies who struggled tor tbe nonors or the contralto cbam plonsbip, Mrs. Mary J. Boston Wil Hams being the snoeessful one. A prize of $5 was privately handed to Annie Morgan, of Providence, a very little girl who displayed wonderful qualities and the promise of a brilliant voice during tbe contest. Tbe cbief Interest of tho afternoon attached to tbe male eborus contest. the test piese being "The Martyrs of tbe Arena, prize $150. Tbe following three uhoruses ooinpated: The Druids, of Hvde Park, thirty-eloht voioei. con- duotor. Lewis Watklni; Wllkes-Barre male oborus, twenty-seven voices. Thomas C. Lewis conduotor: the Gwents, of Eiwardsvllle, Oliver Prydderch conduotor, thirty-seven voices. Dr. Parry In giving his de cision stated that tho first choir started well; tenor red ted good and dramatio; voices rich and hue: quartette good. Second eholr, intonation not so fine as first oboir; tenor recitative not so ef fective; quartette good. Third oholr, difficult passages very fine and drama tio; tenor recital good; Quartette beau tiful and most devotional. The prize was inereiore awarded to tne upwards- dale oholr. . A BIO CROWD AT NIGHT. All Soranton seemed to be gathered together last night at tbe Laurel QUI eisteddfod at tho closing session. Fully 4,000 persons were assembled in the huge semi olrcle when Llew Her bert opened tbe meeting with tbe old Walah mnif Judge Edwards efhsjently dlschsrged tbe duties of president and received a roost eotbdslafltlo reception from bis fellow-countrymen. Four soloists entered tho lists in the 1 tenor competition, "Orpheus and HiVj Lute," and the various offorts to cap ture the $12 prize were highly appreci ated by tbe audience. Edwin Bowen, of Bellevne, was declared tbe winner. Tbo Catbolio choirs' contest inter ested a large seotion of tbe audience. Tbe test piece selected was "Tbo Gloria" from Mozart's Twelfth mass, the sum of $200 being offered for tbe best rendition. Tbe following three choirs entered tbe musical arena: For est City oholr led by Jobn L. Morgan ; Father McMurray's choir. Dunmore, 14 by David John, and Ssranton United Catholio society, led by John T. Watklns. In the case of the Dnnmore oholr a protest was lodged against tbe mem bers on tbe grouud that tli6y ware not members of a Catholio choir. It was found when tbe members were oonnted by Judge Edwards that fifty-five were on the stage and in compliance with bis request five members were with drawn, A protest wss also entered against tbe Watklns choir 'on the ground that they also were not mem bers of a Catbolio oholr. WATKINS CHOIR TUB WINNER. Dr. Parry gave an elaborate adjudi cation and out of a possible 100 granted the following marks: Forest City, 70; Dnamore, 88; Watklns, 04. Mies Gwen Williams, a visitor from Wales, sang "When tbo Heart Is Yonng," sad was highly appreciated. Tbe great event, however, of tbe whole festival was . the great oboral competition In which tbe committee had offered the handsome prize of $000 tor the best rendition of the "Hunting Bong" (Mendelssohn). Elaborate prep arations had been made by six choirs 'wbloh sang in tbs fol lowing order; Forest City, united oboir, conduotor, John L. Morgan; Plymouth Choral union, John P. Thomas, conduotor; Meadolssohnf. of Hyde Park, William Evans, coaduoter; Wllkes-Barre Choral society. Morgan a Jones, conductor; Hydo Park Choral society, Daniel Thomas, eondoeton Worth uid unorai union, William W. Davis, conduotor. Amrd Intense oxoltement Dr. Parrv delivered his decision and out of tho 100 marks possible granted the follow ing marks: Forest City, 00; Plymouth, 71; Mendelssohns (Hyde Park), 03; Willrai-Ta. (17. il-A. t.h. Ti.i.,rv.ll.j V t , iauw i lift VUVI.I society, 70; North End Choral union, 78. Tbe prize was therefore divided between the Forest City ehoir and tbe Mendelssohns, of Hyde Park. GOING TO ENCAMPMENT. Names of Veterans Wbo Will Leave To day for Pittsburg. Many members of Lieutenant Ezra S. Griffin post, No. 130, Grand Army of the Republic and tiiolr friends will leave on a special. Delaware, Lackawanna and West ern train at 1.80 o'clock this afternoon for the national encampment of the Grand Army at Pittsburg. Which will be In pro gross during the lirst four days of noxt week. The Thirteenth regiment drum corps will accompany tbe veterans, whose expenses will be reduced to a very small sum by the use of the proceeds of their excursion to Farview during the Seven County reunion. The train will reach Pittsburg tomorrow morning at e o'clock. The following officers are expected to ac company tbe post: bmith B. Mott, com mander; J. R. Thomas, senior vice com mander; A. R. Raub, junior vice com mander; W. J. McDonald, officer ot the day; F. P. Amsden, quartermaster; Rev. N. F. Stahl, chaplain; A. W. Colony; ad jutant; Dr. A. Van Cleft, surgeon; 8. Y. Ilaupt, sergeant major: (i. L. Preston, quartermaster sergeant. Following are the names or tne post members wno win make the trip: F. J. Amsden, T. II. Allon, John Ammerman, F. F. Adams, J. M. Armstrong, William Bluine, M. Bumgartner, D. W. Brundage, William Cohen. Choator Cammor, E. K. Urothamel, T. II. Dibble, M. P. Daniels, George Forest, Jobn Fern, George Goary, N. M. Gardner, C. N. Graham, Samuel Oress, J. II. Hoffman. Arthur Hitchcock. U. C. Harrington. N. F. Hine, F. L. Hitch cock, D. M. Jones, D. D. Jones, U. W. Littoll, Anthony Lang, Moses Morey, J. J. Murray, A. T. Miller,T. G. Morgan, Sid ney Miller, W.J. McDonnell, Charles Ma Rovorn, L. J. Northrup, William Puhl, A. P. Ruch, Jacob Keibert, Samuel Shoener, J. 8. Short, Georgo fihultz, T. C. Hnover, Thomas Thomas, J. W. Van Camp, Charles Van Valen, John Westpfahl, W. J. Wil liams. ' A VERY ATTRACTIVE WINDOW. Eff.ot That Haa Been Froduoed at Gor man's Grand Depot. The show window of Gormans grand depot on Wyoming avenue attracted much attention lat evening. In It was a perfect representation of the administration build, ing at the World's fair. Tho structure was wrought with buttons and spools of thread by tbe doft fingers ot John Doyle, the window dresser of tbe house. The building it perfect in every detail, evon tbo colors used in decorating that noble pile which received bo much atten tion at the fair having been reproduced by the judicious use of different colored but. tons and tread. A background of white adds to tbe beauty of the structure when illuminated by electric lights at night. The work is a compliment to Mr, Doyle's originality and artistic taste. WEST SIDENEWS NOTES. Mrs. James Williams, of Jackson stroet, is the guost of friends in Kingston. The Bellevne Mine Accidental fund will run an excursion to Lake Poyntelle this morning. Honry Smith, of Nebraska, has returned homo after a visit with friends on .North Sumner avenue. Scranton Division, No. 00, Knights of f ytnias, win visit if airview lodge or fo- tersDurg tnis morning. The members ot tbe Father Matthew society of the West Side met last evening in St. Paul's armory in uniform. Hon. D. M. Jones, wife and dnugbter,wlll loaye today on the Grand Army of the Republio excursion to Pittsburg. Mrs. T. H. Griffiths, of Wilkos-Barre, called on ner sister, Mrs. jouu x. will iams, of South Main avenue, yesterday. Thomas Anthony, of North Filmore avenue, and Miss May Robertson, of North Robecca avenue, will bo married next month. The Welsh nows notes today contains an item of interest to relatives ot Captain Rogers and others formerly of Hyde Park, but now or ratagonta. The Iroquois dancing class has re-organized and elected officers for the coming season. They will bold their opening so cial in Hears' ball on Oct. l. The attention of the Fifteenth ward councilman is called to the dangerous crossing at the intersection of Hampton atreot and south Alain avonne. The Hyde Park Literary and Debating society will have a special programme of jvionuay evening, wnicn win consist or a literary and musical festival which bas been carefully arranged. We regret to note that Emerson uwnn, who was ex nected to recite "The Miser." will be una ble to do so on account of bis eyes, which are now Doing treated. The vacanoy of principal at No. 14 school. caused by tbe Inability of Prof. W. George JAnvoll to teacn on account or a severe affoctlon ot tho ryes which makes it im possible for him to read, will he tilled by Prof. H. L. Morgan. Mr. Morgan has been among us for a long time and is ably fitted for the position. He recently beld a responsible charge in Wyoming Seminary and was last year's principal at No. 83 scnooi. This evening a farewell renentian will be tendered to Evan R. Williams.' of Hampton street, wno nas decided to take a ministerial course, and will leave tbe city noxt Tuesday for Marietta colldare. Ohio. Mr. Williams will begin his career in this line with the best wishes of his numerous friends. The reception will be held Ht the home of Miss Delia P. Evans on South Main avenuo. Mr. Williams will be accompanied to the college bv John W. Davis who is vieitiog bis parents here. . . RAILROAD NOTES. Seldon Polhamus, of Winchester, Vs., is visiting nis orotners sam and nuos. Witb" the last three days business has increase- almost doubio on tbe Delaware, Liaoaawanna ina western. Engineer Sam Polhamus says he wants to sell bis place at Clark's Green and oome to soranton to live among the people. Complaint was made by the express com' pany that peaches were carried and sold by ran roan employees, tnorony saving express charges.- On Thursday Detective 8. B. Stillwell was ordered to investigate. The result was 1W bushels were found on one train and now tbe conductor bas a vac tion. ' Seasonable SuBe-eatiODS Perhana von mav not reAlizA if tint. an tumn is bore. Within the next few weeks a change in tbe elemeuts must necessarily tulrn n 1 a na Tf halinAit.. n 1 1 prepare for cold weather during tbe balmy ... T .1 1 ...1 1 ! una ui iuuinu Bummer wuuu HUtippuig is yusuiYe ueiigm. rmi nouie cleaning bouse replenishing is as necessary as J .1 .i l : i . . and " .I'IUUIOUIU), .0 UDUCDini J CI. tUQ springtime renovating, whiohbas InsDired . i . the poets to many an epio upon the dust ciotn ana stove pipe. Do you intend to replenish aov of vonr furniture or household utensils this fall? In case yon do, tbo Economy Furniture Store bas anticipated your wishes and is prepared to assist you in every way possl- nlA. . A flaw .nrl afai.. nt lltiu nf r.. . . ,.1 fall trade has been received this week at iue JMX-Domy. MeBigns are tne lateu; OUalltv nnsurnaiaed. and nrlnw lira vlthln the reach of all. It is nredlees to enumer ate the stocK, is too large and ot too varied m nntiirA. W hfth nut n nun a nlinnnln. Inn. m U -- " - w .HVfpug IVU I just step in their spacious ware rooms at At u -" T ' ' J W ...... H.H.. mu, u, wu vlnced. OF Emll Frltfrer, a Plltston Avenue Baker, Is Missing. CREDITORS WANT TO SEE HIM Funeral of Thomas Collins Will Take Place Tomorrow Afternoon South Side Barbers Want Shorter Hours. New Building and Loan Association Organized Services at Young Women's Christian Association Rooms Apron Social in Cavan augh's Hall. In totaling up the ballots at tho No vember general aleotion the count in tbe Nineteenth ward will not Include in tho first list the vote of Euil Frit erer, lately of 725 Pittston avenue. Nor perhups will Mr. Friterer s name be among tbe voters iu that district at any election for years, and maybe for ever. He conducted for four months the bakery at the above number, having bought out the baker shop and goo.l will of John M. Llnder, wbo owns the premises, and from all aeeouuta he ap peared to do a thriving business. Early yesterday morniug he packed up his trunk: and told Mrs. Linder be wus going to New York on a short trip. ihe Unders thought It quite strange that Friterer would start on a junket iog trip while he might better be en gaged in tending to business, especially when bis debts amounted to $500. But be went, and yeatorday Constable woelkers was at tho shop with execu tions from different creditors amount ing altogether to tbe sum named. He "stuok" Llnder for $U75, Stowers Packing eompauy for a smull amount. one of bis employes to the amouut of a month s wagos.and several sundry bills on the South Side are yet to be can. soiled. SOUTH SIDE JOTTINGS. The Mozart Glee club will nosltivelv hold a business meeting Monday night. The Germania band bas been en traced bv the Crystal Hose company for Sept. 21 and 25. John Klllcullen, of South Washington avenue, returned yesterday from New York. Jobn Fickus, of Oedar avenue.announces himself as a candidate for delegate to the Democratic oountv conveutlon from the Seoond dlstriot of tbe Eleventh ward. The funeral of Thomas Collins, the boy who was killed yesterday morning at tbe steel mill, will take place tomorrow after noon at 1 o'clock, from bis father's home, 1,010 otone avenue. The South Side barbers will meet next Tuesday evening at John Zang's barber shop, on Birch street, to combine in the matter of early closing. They propose to close their shops hereafter at 8 p. m ex cept on Wednesday and Saturday nights. The remains of Mrs. Sarah Malonev ar rived at the residence of her eon, Thomas maioney, cornor or mokory stroet and Pittston avenue, at 8 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Interment will be made this morning in Hyde Park Catholic cemetery. At 0 o'clock a solemn high mass ot requiem will be snug at bt. Poter's cathedral. A merry time was spent at Cavanaugh's ball on River street last night. The num erous lady and gentlemou friends ot Mibsfs Jessie Alcuoldrlck, .Bridget Jndge, Lilllo Keenan and Winnie Mohan attended on BDron social oiven by these vounir ladina. McDonald's orchestra furnished tbe music and the evening passed away entranc ingly. A new Building and Loan association was organized Thursday night at Moellor's notei on rrospeot avenue. The following officers were elected: President, Frank Klieuschrodt; vice president, Michael Judge; ireaeuier, rrnnK juuiar; secretary, John uiouons, jr.; aircciors, i nomas j. uoyne, M. fiznvtltr. M. J. TlnnAhnA Jnhn nihhnn. sr.: Fred Kloss. Herman Schnffer unii Frank Moollor. M. J. Donnhoe was en gaged as attorney and instructed to pro cure a charter. As announced before, but which is re peated by requoet, tbe Sabbath exorcises at the South Side Young Women's Chris tian association begin ach Sunday at 8.45 instead oi o ciocs, wmon was the hour during tbe summer montbs. After usunl song service Miss Ethel Flnunigan will address the young ladies, "Reioice" wl'.l be her subject and bar talks are always 1 . L .J X- A I 1 " luiereauug. uu juonnay evening a "towel social" will be bold and a most en gaging programme of music rendered. Keireshments win bo served ana every' body is invited and will be welcomed. A very modest request to tho well wishers or the association is that the donation of a towel be male as an offering. City and Sobool Taxe, 1894. The city and school tax duplicates for tne year ioih are now in my nanos ror collection, Persons wishing to pay can do so now, or any porson requiring state ments or taxes or giving ward and loca tion of property wil) be promptly answereu. R, G. Brooks, City Treasurer. Municipal building, Washington avenue, Office-hours from 9 a. m. to 5 n. m.. ex. cept Satuurday, this office will be closed at noon. " At tiie recent drawing of the ML Pleasant Benefit association No. 436 won tbe suit ot clothes and No. 835 the stiver watch. The holders of tbe above tickets will nleaaa call at 1.006 Swetland street.. . Grocers and but chore' pass Dooks. Pratt's Book Stori. Restful to tired tollers, bread made from JfiiisDurys Best. MARRIED. GILES LEWIS At tbe'parsonage of tbe Scrauton Street Baptist church, Sept. 6, by Rev. T. J. Collins. Philip Giles and Miss Lassie Liewis, ontu or soranton. Illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ! SPOONEY S No belter spoons are made 5 than those of Wm. Rogers' B Manufacturing Co. They S were never sold at this prloe S before. Buy now TEA SPOONS 60o. F03 6. S TABLESPOONS $1.00 FOR 6. RexfordJewelfyGo., unlive, I - H lllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllill PRATTS BOOK STORE ' We aro prepared to furnish all kinds of School Book and School Supplies at short notice. . We always have in stock a com plete lino of Blank Books, Sta tionery and Office Supplies. r. r Wall Paper, Window Shades Pictures and Frames NOTES IE The 840,000 Sobool House ' for Columbia avenue has been let aad will be commenced immediately. Thr am still a few lota left at a low price. ARTHUR DVOTRINflBAM, Office, Theater Lobby. MiMEOORArns aud neostvles for dnrjli- oatlng and copyUng. t RAvrS BOOK STORK. We are clearing out the whole of our stock of fine etchings. Chicago Art Co., 137 Penn avenue. Wood, bamboo and braiss easels, Pratt'b Book Store. CHINA HALL Import Samples mean 20 per cent, less than import prices. . No two pieces alike. Flower Vases, Jarden- teres, Plates, Chocolate and Tea Pots, &c. . To secure REAL BAB- GAINS, come at once. WEICHEL k MILLAR 116 Wyoming Ave. YOUR SHOE HAN W1X1. OPEN PIKING WEEK OF SEPT. 10 New Store, New Goods, New Styles, New Prices. COME AND SEE US. 410 SPROCE STREET ' The namos are tho same but our "Puffs," "Knot?," and "Four-in-hands'' aro ot a dif ferent kind. Ours are in the nockwear line and thoy are In the very latest colors, alindos and com binations. If you are looking for Fall neckwear, don't miss looking at our line. Tho game at both stores. 412 SPRUCE ST. andv 203 LACK'A. AVBNUI3, ClristianrfTe Halter. THE CELEBRATED fo) id PIANOS In at r recent th. Mom Papnlar sal Praitrnd by LtaUMf AflKtl Warerooms : Opposite Columbus Homment, 208 Washington Av. 8oranton,Pa, For fail Wear 305 Lackawanna Ava. tiff - mm tSdMtTHINC NEW IN A HaTi- cone RECEIVED TODAY Martin 6c Delany Custom Tailors and Clothiers, WYOMING AVENUE. aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir PI 111 308 Lacka, Ave. Has just received some special val- i ues in I I RAH. anilsTBM- a ex m LAUt UUK AS I an It will pay you to see them. 150 pairs Nottingham, 3 yds. long, worth $1.50, for $1. a 75 pairs Nottingham, worth $2.50, for $1.39. g 50 pairs Nottingham, worth $5, for $2.75. g 25pair3 Irish Point (see window), worth $15, 5 for $11. I 10 pairs Real Brussels (see window), worth $35, 5 for $21. E 100 Chenille Table Covers, 6-4, worth $2.25, for 1 nlBllllllHIUlllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUiNllllllUIIIIUIIIHIIIIIfllillllllllllllllllllllllllr; Scientific Eye "On the Fence. Soon be over tho season for riding. Ii you want a Bicycle now is tho time to get it. We are cloaring up all stock, and will eivo you such a chance as yon never bad before. One ot our bargains: A FiMt-olaaa, High Grade $150 Bicycle for $05. Bring your cash and GET OFF THE FENCE. CLARENCE M. FL0REY Successor to Florey & Holt ! ! Our Boys' Department Is a Parent's Paradise moderate priced suits like theso: Short-Pant Suits Short Pant Suits, sizes 4 to 14, Effects . . . Short Pant Suits, iu a variety Plaids, sizes 4 to 14 A special lino of Dark Gray Paut Suits, all sizes 137 AND 13D Complete Outfitters. PENN U1MS LARGE LINE O Mackintoshes in Blue and Black Box Coats Also' a first"ciass scock oi l reported Suitings and Trous erings. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiMiiiiu s STBS Testing Free By DR. SHIMBERG, The Specialist on tho Ere. Ileadachos and Nor. vouaneia relieved. Latest and Improved Style of Eyeglasses and Spectacle at the Lowert Prices, Best Artificial Eyes inserted for $3. 305 SPKLCIi ST., Opp. Old Post Office. "Time Tries All Things" Dnt if the time you carry is in accurate, wbut then? Think of tbis, and if in need ot a TVATCII, call on na We'll save you hard dollars, in the price, and give you a good guarantee for quality, backed by a record of over 20 years' successful experience In Scran ton. FREEMAN, Dealer in Watohos and Jewelry for CASH ONLY. IT MATTERS not what kind of a Suit you want for the lad or what you want to pay, you'll find it here at the right price. Good, plain, serviceable suits for every-day wear; suits for Sunday and dress occasions. We not only show you more styles than you'll meet with in any other house in Scranton, but many of the styles shown can be seen only here, as they are styles which we create and control. NOYELTIES BY THE SCORE And a mammoth assortment of plain and Dark Gray Cheviot $1.25 of Dark Chocks and O CXCi . . . . w.VJU Mixed Cheviot Short SZf . . . . U PENN AVENUE. ,' S, L, GALLEN, Hi