THE SCBANTON . TRIBUNETHURSDAY MORNING,1 SEPTEMBER C, 1894." GENERAL NEWS " OF A special to tha Philadelphia Record frsm Nsw York lavs the formal dsn for tha reorganization of the Reading BailrOBd company will b presented to in receivers of tbs company, wnut id attain of tbli plan have been care fully cuarded It ia considered abso lately certain that do assessment of tbe took and junior aeoaritiei is contemp lated. Tbe atook and reference bond' holders will be asked, however, to sob- on Be to an lasne of 5 per cent collat eral trust bonds at a fair price, $10 -000.000 of whlcb, backed by $15,000,000 securities, are now in tbe company's treasury, una refunding of tbe gen eral mortgage sonpons for tbe period of five years and tbe creation of a vot ing trnst dnring tbe period of refund ing is another provision, though tbe voting trnst features is snsceptible to a change in favor of a representation on tbe board of managers of tbe general mortgage and preference income bondholders. Tbe $3,000,000 or more of equipment notes coming due are also to be taken care of and a new car trust will likely be created. As to the funds necesasry to oarry out the provisions of tbe proposed plan it is well known that Philadelphia has al ready under written $3,100,000 of the amount requisite to refund the general mortgage coupons and could readily have raised tbe balance. The receivers of the Reading company, having given nssurance of their hearty co-operation in the matter of reorganization and tbe principal featnres of, tbe proposod plan having been thoroughly can vassed, the prospects of the submission of a re organization plan to tbe secur ity holders at a very early day are ex ceedingly fluttering, Application has been made by Fran Ms J. Gowen receiver of the Senth Jer sey Railroad company, to Jadge.Dallas, n the United States circuit court, for tn order to provide tot the payment of vages of employea it was related that tbe men was not paid during June, July and August and that there is coming to tbetn about $39,000 for wbieh they hold time checks. Ttie complainant cred itors and some of the bondholders of tbe road were represented by connsel, but before the discussion had pro ceeded far the judge held that the mat ter was not at this time in such shape that an order could be made. Tbe Newport Coal company, which operates several collieries near Wilkes Barre, has been in financial distress for some time. Operations were continued, however, until Tuesday, when the col liery at Lee passed into tbe hands of tbe Lehigh iid Wilkes-Barre Coal company, Tiie Newport company operated under a lease and the Lebigh and Wilkes-Barre company held a mortgage on tbe property, wbicb will be advertised for sale at once. It com prises about 500 acres of first class an thracite coal, which is said will yield no less than 11,000,000 tons if operated to Its full capaeity. As several parties have been negotiating for tbe lease hold interest of tbe Newport company, it is ezpectod that sufficient money will be realized from tbe sale to satisfy all outstanding indebtedness. Meantime tbe Lehigh and Wilkes-Barre company guarantee tbe payment of tbe employes for the work done daring July and August A important conference on tbe af fairs of tbe Philadelphia and Reading railroad was held in Naw York Tues day afternoon. It was attended by George Earle, jr., P. L. Tyler, of Phil adelphia and by Fred P. Oicott, of New York, and otber members of what is known as the Oicott commit tee of tbe general mortgage bondhold ers' committee. It was agreed to consolidate tbe Philadelphia commit tee, of which Mr. Earle is chair man, with the Oicott committee and a Bub-committee was appointed to draft a plan for the re-organization of tbe Reading company, (Some time will be ocsnpied with tbis work. It is 're garded as likely that there will be nn assessment on the Reading stock and income bonds for wbich a new seenrity will be given. Tbe coupons on tbe general mortgage bonds will also be funded for a limited period. At a recent meeting of the executive and financial committee of tbe Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Ruilway company, Monday, D. W. Caldwell, president and manager of the Nickol Plate road, was appointed general man ager in tbe place of tbe late John New ell, who was president and general manager. There was no president ao pointed, but D, W. Forester was elected as vice president. The figures which Poor's Manual gives us relating to tbe freight traflia ha fact that dinlnnmanli in oMll In It - . 1 ,1 i I . , a existence waxes fiercer and fiercer. Tbe record presented, as we pointed ont when dealing with tbe passenger business, does not covsr a uniform period, but takes in all returns made up to the close of the various fiscal yearsiof tkeseveral companies reporting. Tbe period of depression is, therefore, only partly represented, those state ments made which come down only to June 30, or even to an earlier date, as they do in a few instances, of which ock Island and the Chicago and Northwestern may be cited as the most important examples, reflecting a period when traffics were good rather than otherwise. Tbe result is that we have an unusual inorease in tonnage and ton mileage, but for ; the reason stated, tbe falling off In rates, no such corre sponding increase in earnings. e ' la order to make profits under such conditions, managers have before them a task wbioh it seems is destined to present new phases and difficulties without end. There has not ben a year when the average was as low as in 1893, and inferentially not a year when earnings were in more demand to meet the requirements of tbe operat ing department. Tbe fact that no step in tba otber direction appears to be possible long ago demonstrated tbtft oapital outlays were necessary in order to provide facilities to meet snob, a condition, If the vast sums already invested were to continue to receive any remuneration at all. - As it is we are reminded by the statistics wbioh emanate from trustworthy Bourses, every now and then, that the rate of profit progresses towards the diminish ing point, showing that What has been done to avoid ills actnal disappearance bas not been too well done, nor done any too quickly. lit Last Friday tbe Woodward colliery of the Delaware, Laokawanna and Western Coal company broke its former record by 108 cars. Some months ago they broke the record by hoisting M00 ears, which was banner INDUSTRIES hoist np a deep shaft. Tbe hoist made oa Friday was 1,503 ears, which was done in ten honrs, tbe number of tons amounting to 8 ISO, Tbe throttle was handled by Engineer Thomas Smith withoat a mishap. Superintendent W. O. Williams- and Assistant Superin tendent William Beaobam'1 were at work, both in and out of the mine, ar ranging tbelr forces of men. The Portage Iron works, at Duncans ville, resumed operations in all the de partments. Tbe resumption ends an eight-months' strike among tbe pnd dlers, who have finally aoceptsd tbe wages of $2 75 per day, the rate first offered by their employers. The works will go on double turn, and will em ploy 050 meu. Fire, presumably of inoendlary origin, on last Saturday destroyed the Huin boldtcollieryat Hszleton. There was no fire about tbe building wbatever, and it has not been in operation for soma months. Linderman & Skeer, tbe operator, bad been removing machin ery from it, and the most valuable en gines were not in tus'blaza. Tbe total loss to the compauy will be about $10, 000. ., . , Minor Industrial Notes: After five months of idleness tbe Couloch Coal company, near Ilazleton, bsgan operations yesterday. J. P. Walsh bas just completed his thlr tieth year as general mastur mechanic of tbe Louisville and Nashville. Tbe Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Will enlarge its shops at West Milwaukee and give employment to 1,800 men. During August tno Pennsylvania rail road sent west over its main Hue 02,604 cars and east 00,527, a total of 12!),091. Frank Chandler, late general passenger ssent of the Wabash, loaves an estate valued at $00,000. It is largely in stocks and bonds of good standing. Bruco Chand ler, bis brother, is now looking up his property, lie left no will. The Chesapeake and Ohio is making im provements at C'atlettshurg that will cost several hundred thousand dollars, includ ing an expensive iron bridge across tbe Big Sandy river and elevated tracks through Catlettsburg. A number of western roads are dosing the less important stutions and dismissing tbe aiienta. Ou the St. Josuph and Grand Islund ruad notices of tbe closing of a dozen or more stations hive been sent ont. This is partly due to the failure of the crons and partly to tbe fact that the in habitants of such towns have moved away. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Stocks and Bonds. New York, Sept. 5. As in yesterday tbe stock market continued entirely pro fessional in its character with tbis differ ence, however, that today operators were inclined to be bearish, whereas yesterday the bullish sentiment was in the ascend ant. At the start certain railway issues ran off X to per cent., while Sugar, Wostern Union, Lake Shore and Lead advanced as much. The early loss was soon recovered, however, notwithstand ing foreign and local selling to realise profits. Tbe improvement was based partly on the favorable railway earnings for the fonrth week and month of August, and the statement by Pennsylvania rail road officials that west-bound traffic was picking up at a satisfactory rate. Subsequently the market drifted into dullness and tbis resulted in a general decline of to 9 per ceut. Iu the last hour there was a fractional rally but owing to a renewed Belling movement In American Sugar which carried that stock down to tbe lowest point of the day, tno recovery in the general list whs lost. The market in consequence closed barely steady. The transactions were smaller than on yester day, footing np only 160.000 shares against lib, 000 on Tuesday. . Net changes show losses of yi to per cent. Tne rauuo of tolav's rjricna for tha five storks of the New York stock mnriot aro Riven below. The quotations are furnished Tub Tuibunr by O. du B. Dimmick, mananor oi Willi ii Linn Aden & Co., stock brokers, 11 3llUUO IblOCI, CUlttUbUJl. Open- Hlorh- Low Clos- insr. est. est. ing. Am. Cot. Oil 84 34 34 34 Am Bugar. 10U lotl In I Knu A.T.&8.S" 1 HH 75$ 7 Can. 8a MM 5 tt bSH Chespenke& Ohio... 2l3j 214 1MW Cblc. Gas. 749$ 'H 73J Tifttf Chic & N. W.......1H7 107 106M 10IW Q., B. ft Q 78 76.JJ 77V " C..C.C. &8t. h.... 41 41 41 41 C. M. A St. Paul.... WU 7U M WA l'hicngo,n. I. & Pac. lid 1 0 k. liUU mi d. & h... 1:15 m m m D., L. &W 1W'4 ltwil ltwifi 18K u.fto. P.... if4 ivi Wis- O.E.Co. 4i;s 42 41fc 4196 Ills. Cent Lake Shore 137 137 137 137 L. & N 84 50-Vf KM mu Manhattan 11! IN 120J4 Ml 120 Sikh. Ceut Miss. Pao 30U 8074 SIM Snu; Nat. Cordage 1UW 1!4 llitl Hi Nat. Load.'. 4594 J4 3V 43 New Jersey Cent a. 1. Central 1U1 WIK 1U1M 101 M N.Y.&N. E .... ...T .. N. Y., L. E. & W.... W4 1(1 Kit KM N. Y 8. & W.. or " .. .: .... norenrao , o$ o oA oji North Pac. cr 224 22(4 21& 21 O. A W 17Sii 1741 I7W 171, Phil. & Reading..... 22!4 22Vd 21 21 men G W. if 18-i JHg WA 1 C. I Texas Pao li ICS low 10 Union Pacific 14 14 14 14 Wabash 74 1 1 7 Wabaab pr Vi'A 17Jg 10$ 17W Western Unidn 11W t tills m CHICAGO BOARD OP TRADE PRICES. vOpen- High- Low- Clos ing, est. est lnff. .... mi 63ft mi 53g .... 5lift 67 Wft WHEAT. Root Deo OATS. Sept May Hopt M'4 B714 Due bo)i W'-g r.r,i4 WW BMC Ntw York Product MarksL New York. BeDt. 5 Floor Dull. weak. WfllCAT -Tulrltr apfiva tnr aTnnrta firm. No. 3 rea store and elevator) oao.; anoat, MaSStfo.; f. o. b., 58a59tfc.; nnsradfld rail r,?.W . JJn 1 i.ih.m 63c; options closing steady at ii. down; December most active; September, ooc; uecemoer, Die. ;may, ooJc. oorm-DuIL atrongor! No., a, 64Ja65c; eevator, 65c. afloat; options were moder ately active and firm at c advance; Way and Decembermost active; September, rfijfcc.; October, 62c.; November, 61e.; December, 68o.; .way, 6"c Oats Dull, steady; options dull, firm er; September, 34c; October, 86c.; NnvAmhpr. flfin DnrAmViai. n . XT ., , .-wwuaw., U.U., iUltJT, 40a; Bpot prices, No. 3, 83a34c; No. 2, white, 80Xa30Jic; No. 2 Chieano, 84 Va 84io.; No. 8, Utfo.; No. 8 white, SGaaoo,; UUAttU wesvoru. oaooo.; wuueuo., oaa4lc; white stats, 8oa41c. BniF-Steadv. quiet; family, 110.00a 12.00; extra mess, .00s8.S0. BEKr HAMS DUU; 12,00. TrKRHItn HulF.lf Ollint. firm, oltir .r.. , "V , - , w.wj ...Id India mess, $17.00. Out Meats tjulet, steady; pickled belllef, 13 lbs, 8c: pickled shoulders, 7c; pickled bami, ll&alSc; middles nominal. Lard Quiet, firm; western steam 19; city, 8a8Xc.; September, t9; refined, dull, firm;' continent, 19.85; South America, 19.60; compound. 6u6e, Pobk Active, firm: mess $15.50al6.73; extra prime, tl3.C0.al4. cutter jHooerateiy acUve, steady; State dalrv. l29Vi rln iriim. iq. 2aXc; Pe'nnsylvanlH, do. 18a23)a; west- umry, loaiic, ao. creamery, l5a2lo.; ?K,i0BOtory 18,l0o-5 e,8'ni ai"-i creamery. Chkksk Moderate demand, steady; ;lg ,VH Oftuo.; lancy, luwaioa; do. small, SXalOJt'c.; part skims, 4a8a full skims, 8aS)c. Eoos-Choice, firm, and fairly active; - itoiuu., western irssn, lualHO,; do., per case tl.75s8; Canadian, 17al8c, Dr. food's Norway Pins Byrup was used forvearsasapencrlption by a suc cessful physician. It is in all respects the m a cugl1 medlone made today. Sold by all dealers on a guarantee of satisfaction. NOT OUT OF THE MODE. Silk Is Tery Popular, but All Wool Fabrics Are StUl Worn. Although silk is so much worn this sea son, flue wool fabrics are by no means out of tbe mode. All the old standard weaves are shown in the new colors, while crepons, both all wool and silk and wool mixed, ore seen with new variations. They may be self trimmed or combined with satin and moire. Ihs latter Is worn in all colors, al- GREEN CREPON COSTCMK. though block seems to be the favorite, as it always Is In moire, Pretty woolen gowns are made with a yoko or vest, belt and gigot sleeves of bcngalino or moire, tbe Bklrt being trimmed with bias silk bands to match, or the sleeves may be of the woolen goods, with a balloon pull of silk reaching from shoulder to elbow. Fine gimp or gal loon trimming is used as a finish. The popularity of silk seems to have giv en a fresh impetus to the ribbon trade, and ribbons are shown in an unusually wido range of color, width and stle. Satin faced moire and double-faced satin or peau de sole come in beauWully soft, rich qualities, and satin backeu velvtt ribbon may bo found in all tbe fashionable shades, but crosgrain ribbon seems to have gone out in lompany with grosgruin silk both ore in visible. Ribbon Is much used this year not only for millinery, but for trimming cos tumes in bows, bands and ruffles, and is a particularly pretty garniture for light sum mer goods, such as muslins, nainsooks and challies. It is not confined to tbe trimming of tbin gowns, however, but is used on heavier toilets and wraps by itself or com bined with black, white or cream lace. An illustration is given of a summer walking costume composed of tbin lettuce green crepon. The skirt is plain on the right side, but is draped over the left hip, tbe drapery being held in place by a large silver buckle. The back of tbe skirt has no trimming, but tbe front and sides are ornamented with two oblique bands of wide white moire ribbon. Tbe plain round bodice fastens invisibly under tbe left arm, the back being In one piece, plaited in at tbe waist. A doable band of ribbon is car ried from tbe nnder arm seam ou the right side across the front to tbe left shoulder, where it is fastened under a bow with loug ends, and a ribbon belt confines tbe waist. The gown has gigot Bleeves. THE LINEN DUSTER'S DAY DONE. The raising of a Fright and the Coming oi Pretty Dust Cloaks. The linen duster of 80 years ago bas en tirely disappeared. It was a strictly util itarian garment, suggesting overalls, in geniously constructed so as to not only cov er and protect the gown, but conceal every good point of the wearer, emphasizing tbe bod ones if there were any. A more unbe coming article of apparel could not be de- ORAI CLOTH PU8T CLOAK. vised, and how women ever persuaded themselves to appear in such attire Is a marvel. But we have changed all that. The linen duster is obsolete, and in its place we have dust cloaks made of surah, gloria silk or thin worsted goods, fashionably cut, carefully made, becomingly trimmed and well fitting. Buttons, stitching, braid, passementerie and guipure may be used as a garniture, although all heavy trimming should be avoided, as these dust cloaks are strictly hot weather garments, and lightnesses fjiisideratuni. They not only protect flietlress from dust and cluders, but as tWcostume Is completely covered It is possible to wear on hot days tbe thin nest sort of muslin gown under the cloak without the fact being apparent, There is an unwritten law, which no well bred woman ever infringes, against wearing In tbe street a bodice thin enough to allow tbe arms and neck to appear through the stuff, but a loose coat of thin Bilk conceals tbe diaphanous gown and Adds little to the warmth of the wearer. These cloaks are becomingly made, with a snugly fitting back and straight front confined by a loose girdle, or they may have a guipure covered yoke and a full front. The sleeves are usual ly loose and often made in bishop fashion. As to. material, surahs and thin cloths are used in all the duller shades. A sketch is given of a dust cloak in tbin silver gray cloth trimmed with silver but tons. It is close fitting in the back, while tbe front bangs straight from the shoul ders. The large revers, extending below the waist and sharply hollowed out at tbe top, are fastened back by buttons. The pockets, placed high on the hips, are also adorned with buttons, as are the close cuffs of the bouffant sleeves. Tbe plain stand ing collar 1b surrounded by a flaring orna mental collar lined with silk. The black straw bat wbich accompanies tbe cloak is trimmed with bluck ostrich tips. Jcpic CnoiXET. i SunrlM on Mount St. Elfas. In the morning I was awakened by the croaking of a raven on tbe snow immedi ately over my head, and found that the soft blue light of my grotto was replaced at the entrance by a pink radiance, telling that the day had dawned bright and clear. What a glorious sight awaited mel .The heavens were without a cloud, and the sun ahone with dazzling splendor on tbe white robed mountains. The broad, unbroken anow plain seemed to burn with light re flected from millions of snow crystals. The great peaks were draped from base to sum mit in the purest whltft, as yet nnsoarred by avalanohes. On the steep cliffs the snow hang in folds like drapery, tier above tier..wkUetb.e .OBgnJar Maia above stood TRY PHUlADHbPIUH For Washing Clothes CLnAN'and SWEET) It LASTS LONGER than other Soaps. Price FIVE CENTS a. bar. out like crystals againsfthe sky. St. Ellas was one vast pyramid of alabaster. Tbe winds were still. Not a sound broke the solitude Not an objeit moved. Even the raven bad gone, leaving me alone with the mountains. As the sun rose higher and higber and made its warmth felt, the snows were loosened here and there on the steep slopes and broke away, gathering force as they fell, and rushed down in avalanches that made the mountains tremble and awak ened the echoes with a roar like thunder, From a Bmall beginning high up on tbe slopes the new snow would Blip downward, silently at first, and cascade over preci pices hundreds of feet high, looking like a fall of foaming water; then came the roar, Increasing in volume as the flowing snow involved new fields in its path of destruc tion, until the great mass became irresisti ble, and plowed its way downward through clouds of snow spray which hung in the air long after the roar of the avalanche had ceased. All day long, until the shadows of even ing fell on tbe steep slopes, this mountain thunder continued. The echoes of one avalanche scarcely died away before they were awakened by another roar. To wit ness such a scone under tho most favora ble conditions was worth all the privation and anxiety it cost. Israel C. Russell in Century. Printers' Epitaphs. One of the oldest epitaphs upon a printer is that inscribed upon a monument erected In St. Mary's church, Datchet, to Chris topher Barker, at one time printer to Quoen Elizabeth. It runs as follows: ITere Barker lies, once printer to the crown, Whoso works of art acquired a great renown; Time saw his worth, and spread around his fame, That future printers might imprint his name, ltut when kin strength could work the pTcas no more. And Ida hut sheets wore folded into store Pure faith, with hopo (the greatest treasures given). Opened thoir gates and bade him pass to heaven. In a different strain Is the next epitaph we shall quote. It purports to be written by the defunct himself, but whoever wroto it showed a pretty turn for making a merry quip of a serious topic. No better idea of death being a release from cares and troubles could bo conveyed than In the fol lowing lines: No more shall copy bad perplex my brain; No mora shall type's small face my eyeballs strain; No moro tho proofs foul page create me troubles By errors, transpositions, outs and duables; No more to overrun shall I begin; No more be driving out or driving in. The stubborn pressman's brow I now mayscoff, Ilevised, corrected, and finally worked off. Ilere is a curt complaint: Weary of distributing pye, Pressed out of life, I now most die. I've cut my stick, my fount is sped, My case is empty, asin lifo my head; In fact, my last impression is I'm dead. Manchester Times. Modern Convoraatlon. Talleyrand, looking bade, declared that he who had not lived before the French revolution knew nothing of the charm of living. Now, however, in England at least, conversation, like letter writing and a hundred otber social joys of a quiet and leisurely age, is fled, and in their place we have telegrams, slang and slovenliness. There seems to be a general agreement that in our time conversation is in a bad way. 'Without repose, without a certain strain of old world courtesy, without manners, in short, conversation is impossi ble. Many will agree with M. Renon, who finds this to be a pushing, selfish, demo cratic age, of wbich "first come first served" is tho rule, and which has ceased to pay any heed to civility. Nor is this a question only of manners. , When tbo philosopher Schopenhauer used to dine in toil coat and white tie at the table d'hote In Frankfort he usod daily to place a gold piece beside his plate. "That," he explained when asked, "is to go to the poor whenever I hear the officers discuss anything more serious than women, dogs and horses." The gold piece always reappeared, and I fear it would do so in places nearer than Frankfort. Forty years ago Sir Arthur Helps in "Friends in Coun cil" pronounced the "main current of so ciety dreary and dull." It has not improved since. Gentleman's Magazine. In China soanstone is largely used in preserving structures built of sandstone and other stones liable to crumble from the effect of tho atmosphere; and tho cov ering with powered soapstone in the form of paint on some of the obelisks in that couutry, composod of stone liable to at mospheric detoriortlon, bas been the means of preserving them iutact for hundreds of years. ' Tbe number thirteen is supposed by many to be unlucky, and if they find themselves one of a party of that number they will deport with haste. But why should not the number thirteen be just as lucky as twelve, fourteen or any otber number? Many instances could be cited to establish this principle were it neces sary. Some of the Icelandic lakes are studded With Volc&nlfl istOM. minllltlirA milnnnfc strombelis, whose craters rise from bases green witn a proline growth of angelica and grosses. Even in tbe bosom of tbe sea, off the coast, there are hlddeu volcanoes, WEAK MEN your attention l Am Ws.bL.Ul TU TUS jt. mark Tiamwn Great English Remedy, "J Gray's Specific Medicine IF Yflll SIIFFFB from Ner- imitwm. wtu hum. vous De bility, Weakness of Body snd Mind. Sperma torrhea, and Impotunny, and all diseases that arise from over-Indulgence and self abuse, as Loss of Memory and Power, Dlmusas of Vis Ion, Prematura Old An and many other dis eases that lead to Insanity or Consumption snd an early grave, writofor a pamphlet. Address uRAY MEDICINE CO., Buffalo, V. Y. The Hpeoiflo Wediolne is sold by all druggist at per package, or six packages for u,or sent by mail on receipt of money.and with every $3.00 order WE GUARANTEE m cure or juuiiuy roiunuau. Ify-On account of counterfeits wn hv sdopted the Yellow Wrapper, the only genu ine. Bold In Bcrauton bv Matthews Bros, Stand at the Head. For thirty years lJucbcr Watch Cases have been endorsed by every prominent dea lcrlnthoVnltcdStatcs. Tho Duober trade mark in this country, and tho Hall mark In I England ore a guaron- I tee ol pure metal. 17- iu the rJt 'c Hampden tuove JOtyfE yf&qr neiits in Ducbcr cases tSS& stand at the head, t If your dealer does sot keep our watches mall us your addrens and we will send you tbe name of dealer woo does, latt fiuusa 9 i Third National Bank of Scranton. ORGANIZED 1872. CAPITAL, $200,000 SURPLUS. $250,000 This bank offers to depositors evert facility warrajiu d by their balanoee, busi ness sad reapaailbUitr. Bpeelsl attention irlvea tn business ao counts. Interest paid en time deposits. WILtTAM CONNFt-t, President. UEO. H. CATLIN, Vlre-lTeildent, WILLIAM V. ritCU, Cashlek DIRECTORS. William Connelt, Qeorgre FT. Catlln, Alfred Hand. James Arclibald, Henry Delia, Jr. WlUUm aoitn- Lather THE TRADERS National Bank of Scranton CHQANIZED 1890. CAPITAL $250,000. SURPLUS $301000. FAlffJETj HINF.3,rPresMonfc W. W. WATSON, Vice President. A.b. W 11 .171 A W H, Cashier. ClRBCTOns. fAlTCSI. HWM, JAMES M EVWWART, Irvino A. Fmcn, Pieboe B. Finljct, Joseph J. Jchmyiv, M. S. Kimekbiu, CUAS, P, MATTHEW'S, JoIJN T. PoUTSU. W. W. WAISOS. PROMPT, ENERGETIC, CONSERVATIVE and LIBERAL This bank Invites the patronage oC business (nen and flrms generally. and Fertilizers Large Medium and White Clover, Choice Timothy and lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and Phosphates for Farms, Lawns and Gardens. BUNT & CONNELL CO. IK Booms 1 and 2 Commonwealtli Bld'g SCRANTON, FA, MINING aUdBUSTINQ POWDER Hade at the MOOSIO and BUSH DALE WORKS. Ltfflin & Band Powder Oa' ORANGE GUN POWDEB Electric Batteries, Fnses for explor ing blasts; Safety Fuse and RepaunoChemical Co. High Explosive! SKITEB BOOR CO.. Ino,p.Cspltal,!. 000,060. KST SJl.HO SHOE IN THE WORLD. "A doUnr tttd it a dollar lanud." This Ladles' Nolld French Dnngola Kid Bet- ion isool delivered Ireeanywnare in uie u.s.joo v rt reoolpt of Cah, Money Order, or Postal Note lor fi.oo. Equals every way the boots sold la all retail stores (or 62.60. We make this boot ourielres, therefore we guar ante ue ju, ityn ana vtar. and If any one Is sot satisfied we will rofnnd tbe money or send snotner pair, upers roe or common bos, i ... i.. r r w k vi? lies 1 to 8 sad osir lies. Stud your tint; ws vtti nt you. Illustrated Oala logus FREE Dexter Shoe Co, 3 FEDERAL ST.. 1 BOSTON. MASS. fljwdal ttrmi tt Deuivt. I 1IiIi.iM.', ELGB3F0ISG:. raW MVaUsdirtniTunr. Mena By uou.uuuo Pusltiv proote tad 40O-pf book, illorNd (ran B UfefroMptbfilvsttM.lVMbTMU. WhmHotRprltifi I ud MstmitMI. Our Mnglo ftomAdy win i tMCltiVtlT tun. IWt MB Bill I Ptl, (MM, III. I Ms fill k.MI tl.flrOrcV.'V m --ft u iv..v . 1 'a ujin r-.'-i -v&iv BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL l'HVUK IANS AMI OlllUihO.N.t. DU. G. EDGAK DEAN bas removed to 015 Bpraoe street, Btrauton, la. (Juat op posite court-bousu Bquaie.) DK. A. J. CONNELL, Office ail Washington avenue, coiner Sprues street, oyer Frauoke s drug store. ItosiUence, ?) vine at. Ollico Hours: 10.Uu to 12 a. m. and S to and to-WPjin. Sunday, 2 to jPjjn. DK. W. 12. ALLEN, "ottlce co7. Ladli wanna and Waehltiaton aves. ; over Leon ard shoe store; ollice Sours, W to 12 a. in. and Uto 4 p. tn.; eveuiutf at rwldeuce, 5UN. V ashlngton vo. 1 K. (J. L. FKEY, Practice limited to Oi XJ eaxns of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat; office, lit Wyoming ava. ltosideuue, iUl Viae street. 1U. L. M. GATES. 125 Washington Avenua. XJ Office hours, S to V a.iu.. to a and f to 8 p.m. Rosidonce 'Jm Madison aVenu TOHN L. WEN'fZ, M. b., Olllces 6i! and St O Commonwealth building; residence 711 Madison ave: ol&Ye hours. 10 to IS, 1! to 4, I to 8; Sundays 2.80 to 4. evenluira at rusidenca A specialty made of diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat and gynecology. 1) R.KAY, awPeunAve.; 1 to3p.m ; cull20t).;. Ois.of women, nbstotrii's and din. of chii. I.AHVKUS. JM. a RANCK'8 Law and Collection of. flco. No. 817 Bpruce at., opposite Foront touse. Bcranton, Pa, ; collections a specialty throughout Pennsylvania; reliable oorruspouu ents in every county. JErihUl'S HAiSi), Attorneys and Counsel lors at Law, CommouweiUth building Washington ayv. W. H, Jerhvp, Hohace E. Hard, W. H. Jessop. Jn. WILLARD. WAKItFN & KNAPP, Attot neya ana Counselors at Law, Republican uuiinmg, waBninsrton av&. Bcranton. tn. PATTEKriON tc WILCOX, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law; olllces (1 and 8 Library building, bcranton, Pa. RoswEt.L H. rArranso William A. Wiu-ox. LFRED HAND, WILLIAM J. HAND, At li. torueyg and Counsellors, Couimonwealtb building. Rooms 19, a) and SI. WF. BOYLE, Attorucy at-Law.Nos.lK and 20, Hurr bnllilinn, Waehlnjjton avenno. ITENKY M. REELY -Law oflicea In Price buiklluff, 1211 WaahiiiKton avenue. FRANK T. OKKLL, Attorney at Law. Room li. Coal Exchange. Scranton, P.O. MILTON W. l.OWRY, I C. H. VON 8TORCH, I Att ys, 2.7 Waahinir ton av., C. H. square JAME8 W. OAKFORD, Attorney at Law, rooms 63, 64 and 85, Commonwealth b'l g. OAMUEL W. EDGAR, Attorney at Law. O Office, 817 Bpruco at., Scranton. Pa. T A. WATRES. Attorney at Law, 3 Xj. Lackawanna ane. Bcranton. Pa. P P. SMITH, Counsellor at Law. Offloo, 1 . roomaM, 65, M Commonwealth bnilding. ti R. PITCHER, Attorney at Law, Com ' . monwealth builaiiiR. Scranton, Pa. C. COMEUYS. 821 Spruce Ht. D H HF.I'I.OOI.K 4tt..r,,vl nn .. tiated on real eatiito security. 4(M Kpruco. F. KILLAM, Attornov at Law, lai Wy oniinsr avenue. Scranton. SC1KMII.S. CCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA, Scran O ton. Pa., prepares boys and girls for colloga or business: thoroughly trains young childrun. Catalogue at request. D cm SnpU mbur 10. Rev. Thomas M. Canx, Walter H. Bi-ei.l. MISS WORCESTER'S KINDERGARTEN and fcchool, 41 Adams avenue. Pupil received at all tlmos, Next term will open Soptenibor 10. IIKN I p C. LAUBACH, burgeon Dentist, No, 115 CH." yominir ave. R. M. STKATTON. nin Conl F.Tchi.nw I.O A KH. THE REPUBLIC Saviugg and Lnnn Asso ciation will loan you mouoy on easier terms and pay you better on investment than any other asBoclation. Call on 8. N. CALLLN PEH, Dime Hank building SEKDS. Ga CLARK & CO., Soeilsmen, FlorisU and Nureorymen; store 148 Washington avenue; groen houso,lUjQ North Main uvouuo; store telephone 7H2. TKAS. GRAND UNION TEA CO.. Jones Rro WIUK PCRKKNS. JOS. KUETTEL, OiS Lackawanna avenue, Semnton. Pa., mannf'r of Wire Screens. HUTKLK AND li K.ST A V It A NTs, rpHE ELK CAFE, liSandlLT Franklin ave X nua. Rates reasonable. P. ZiKQLEB, Proprietor. WLbXillMbTEB HOTEL. W. G. SCHENCK, Manager. Sixteenth street, one block east of Broadway, at Union Squaro, New York. American plan, 60 per day and upward. SCRANTON HOUSE, near D., W. pa longer depot Conducted on the Europoau r'""" i in in 11111 rcr"' Proprietor. aiii iiri Kt i s. 1) AVIS & HOUPT, Architects. Rooms !21, a ana m t oinmonweann o m g. acranton. 17 L. WALTER, Architect. Ollice, rear of Jm HOB Washington avenue. I? L. BltOWN. Arch B. Architect, Price buiiding.18 Washington Ave., Scranton. lUISrEM.ANKOl'S. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA -MUSK3 FOR balls, picnics, parties, receptions, wed dings and concert work furnished. For terms address R. J. Baunr, conductor. 117 Wyoming ave., over Hnlbert'a music store, H ORTON D. 8WART8-WHOLESALE lumber, Price building, Scranton, Pa. MEOAKUEE BROTHERS, PRINTERS' supplies, envelopes, paper hags, twine. Warehouse, 180 Washlngtou ave., bcranton, Pa. II URSEU AND CARRIAGES FOR SALE at 1JJ Cupouso avenue. D. L.FOOTE, Agent IRANK P. BROWN & CO.. WHOLE salo rlealerB in Woodwaro, Cordage and Oil Cloth, "'.'0 W. Lackawanna avenue. Ei Robinson's Sons' Lagbb Beer Brewery Manufacturers ot tne Celebrated PlLSENER Lager . Beer . CAPACITY 100,000 Bbls. Per Annum, HA8SON STARK. AT THE OLD DFPOT HOTEL, FACTORY VILLE. Is Drenared to reoeiva summer boarders and furnlHhrigs for touristB to surrounding towns aud suuiuior resorts. A Handsome Complexion Is on of tho greatest charms a woman can possess. Possoni's Couflbxion Powdsb gives it. CENTRAL RAILROAD OF R I LEHIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA niuisina ctfb llnd mfoTt. time tab La i arvac mat 20. lMt. For Atlantic City, 8.30 a. m. For New York, Newark and Elizabeth. 8.21 fexnress) a. m.. 12.30 (exprosj with Buff e arW car). 8.30 (exprei; pP. a Bunoay, .U Fon MAucn CnrNK, Allkntowk Bbthlb. S';nfJ;ri,N?KfinAI!cn' 0clEA! Onova, eta, at p ("ith through car) a. m.. l'i.W p. m. . or Readinir, Lebanon and Harrisburg vl Aljentown. , m, USDj w p.uudly For Pottsville, Rffla. m., 12.H)p. m. .t2SSirKi,?.tolV0 Now York' ot Liberty f io1H?wrlv,,r' ftt.R'10 (Pss) 7m.. . m"Tl 5 i !h'0 K1"? Terminal, ft5J a. m., aoo and 4.JJ p. m. Sumlay, 6.27 am. JifUaket' V U. Mnts at lowest rttos may be had on application in advance tbi ticket agent at tta station. a P. BALDWIN. J. H. OLHAUSEN, 0-ss.AawH, Gun. Bupt. DELAWARE AND HUD , SON RAILROAD, Commfinctniv VnnA 30, all trains will arrive and uoparc irom (ha new Lack awanna aVBUUA Rtj,tlnn aa trft Ff follows: C.m M Train, -ill to... a W M Ml MW . ..... aunTv UVI .11 KM r ton station for Carbondale jf IF r and intermedlato points at i i&A , 8 23 nd U.l(l a.m., 12.00, 2,2a, 8.65, 6.16, 0.15, 7.K6, 0.10 and 11.20 p.m. For Farview, Waymart and Honesdale at TOO. 8.25 and 10.10 a.m., 12.00...JO and S.15 p m Fcr Albany. Saratoga, the Adlrondacksand Montreal at 6.4i am. and 2,2(1 p.m. For Wilkes-Barre and Intermediate points at 7.45, 8.45. 0.38 and 10.45 a m, U05, J.20; 2.88, 4.ll, 5.10, 8.05. ttl5 and 11.38 p.m. Trains will arrive at Scranton Station front Carbondale and intermediate pnlnts at 7 40. MO, ..34 and 10.40 am.. 12C0, 1.17, 2.84, a 40. 4.64, 655.7.4), 9.11 and 11.83 p.m. From Houosdale. Waymart and Farviow at J.34 a.m.., 12.00, 1 17, 8.40, 5 55 aud 7.45 p m. From Montreal, Saratoga, Albany, to., at 154 and 11.U3 p.m. From likes-Bnrre and Intermediate points at 2 15, 8.01, NU'5 and 11 55 a.m., 1 10. 2 14. 8 30. 5.10, 0,08, 7.20, 8.03 and 1L18 p.m. ' U A V IV 1 U11J Train loaves Bcranton for Philadelphia anl New Y ork via. D. & H. R R. at 7.45 a.m.. 12.0-jl 2.88 and 11.38 p. m. via D., h. &W. B, B, 8 0 B.(W,11.20a.m.,and 1.9) p. rn. Leave Srunton for Pittston and Wilkes Barre via D.. L. & W. R. R, 8.00, a08, 11 2J a. m., 1.30, 3.61). 8.07. 8.50 p. m. Leave Scranton for White Haven, Hazleton, Pottsvillo and all points on the Boaver Meadow and Pottsville branches, via E. & W. V.. 6.40s.m.,vla D. SEH. It. st 7.45 a.m.. 12.05. M P-m T' D- L- w- B- B- J 11.20 s.m 1.30, ioOp.m. Leave Bcranton for Bothlehem, Easton. Reading, Uarrlcburg and all intermediate BoInU via D.4t H.R.R.7.45 a.m., 12.03, 2.38, 1L84 pp., via D., L. & W. R. R.,8.00,5.08. ll.aia. tn, L80 p.m. Luve Scranton for Tunkhannock, Towanda, Elmira. Ithaca. Geneva and all intermediate points via D. & H. R.R., a. m., 12. 05 aud 11.38 p. in., via D. L. & W. R. R., 8.0J,l.;Wp. m. Leave Scranton for lloohoster, Buffalo, Ni agara Falls, Detroit. Chicago and all Dolnts westTiaD. is 11. R. R h.45 o-m., 12.00, p.m.. via D. L.& W. R. R. and Pittstoa Junction. 808 a.m , 110, 8.50 p. m., via E. & W. H.R.. 3.41 p. m. For Elmira and tho west via Balamanoi. via D. A H. R. R. e.4A ,m., U05.U.U) p. ra . via D L. ft W. Rit, ,8.08 a.m., 1.30 and 8.07 n. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping or L. V. chair ears on all trains between LSD. Junction or Wilkes-Barro and New York, Philadelphia, Buffalo and Suspension Bridge ROLLIN H. WILBUR, Gen. Siipt. CHAS. S. LKE. Gon. Pass. Ag't, Phlla..Pj. A.W.NONNEMACHER.Ass't Qan.Pass. Ag't, tiouth Bothlehem, Pa, DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA AND WESTERS' RAILROAD. Trains leave Scranton as follows: Express for New York aud all points East. 1.40, 2.6U, 6.15, 8.00 and 9.5o a. m.; 12 60 and 8.50 p. m. Express for Easton. Trenton. Philadelphia and the South, 615, 8.00 and 8.6) a. m.; 12.61 and 3.50 p. ra. Washington and way stations, 8.65 p. m, Tobyhanna accommodation, 810 p. ra. Expr ss for Binghamton, OBwego, Elmira. Corning, Batb. Dausville, Mount Morris ana Buffalo, 12.10. 216 a. ra. and 1.24 p. m, makiug close connections at Buffalo to all points in the West, Northwest and Southwest. Bath accommodation, 0 a. m. Binghamton and way stations, 12.37 p. m. Nicuolaon accommodation, at 4 p. m. anj 6.10 p. m. Binghamton and Elmira Express, 6 05 p, m. Express for Cortland, Syracuse, Oswego, Utlca and Richfield Springs, 2.15 a. to. and L2 p. m. Ithaca, 215 and Bath 8 a. m. and 124 p. m. For N ortbumberland, Pittston, Wilkes-Barre, Plymouth, Bloomsburg and Danville, making close connections at Northumberland for Wllliamsport, 'Harrlsburg, Baltimore, Wash, hi K ton and the South. Northumberland and intermediate stations, 6.00, 9.55 a in. and 1.30 and 6.07 p. m, Nanticose ana intermediate stations, 8.09 aud 11.20 a. m Plymouth and intermediate stations, 8.50 and 8.5.' p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping coachos on all 'Voir detailed Information, pocket turn tables, etc.. apply to M. L. Smith, city ticket offloe, 1128 Lackawanna avenue, or depot ticket oflloa, JRIE AND WYOMING VALLEY RAII. Trains leave Scranton for Now York and in termediate points on the Erie railroad at 6 H a! m. and 8?24 p. m. Also for Honesdale, Hawley aud local polnU at 136, 9.4o am.. and 3 ai? ule above aro through trains to and from Honesdale. . An additional train leaves Scranton for Lake Ariel at 6.10 p.m. and arrives at Bcran. ton from the Luke at H 20 a m. and Trains leave for wukos-liarre at .0 a, m, and 3.41 p. iu. SnitANTON MIVISION. In Fllfct June 24ih, 1894. North Buiido. Mouth Bound, 803 203, 20 i .02 J04 2OO a J3 i Stations q 1 r l4 , m (Trains Dally, Ex. cepi unuuy.i Arrlvo Cnavei ... 7 25 ... 7 1(1 ... 7 00 p mI N. Y. Franklin fit. West 4'Jnd street eehawkou Arrive LcaveU 8 aii 1 15 Xi 1 151 .... V 1 09 .... S IS Mil .... Hancock Junction! 6 001 2(6. 8 7 Hancock starlight l'rostou paik Couio Foytitella SOS 8 18 825 C3H 811 ... W .... 8 31 .... !Mlr h 9 6l 4 W 2 581 4 69 8(0 505 809 508 8 19, 5 18 884 6 84 7 Ml IU its 7 4.V12 40 A jwiiaavioio, 64 7 8812 lKilOOtl Tss'isifli sa Bcluiout Pleasant ilt; 8 46 6 55 lllfllPW 9 48 loiondHle Forset city Carbondale Whlt Bridge MuyllHU Jenny n Ardilbald Wlnton Peckvllla Olyphaut ltlfkaon 'Jhroop Provldoncs park Place Scranton 16 58 7s 1 1 49 il 881 11 81 91.r 7 10 6 51 7S4 6 4k f0 fuso 9 ic 1 arm ami k a? 0 0 fl H!f ll 48lf5 42 6 I111 28 9(M 7 811 8 45: 5 41 till 11 IS sa? 7 4(K 861 661 6 51 6 69 604 607 6 10 614 16 20 OMflllS OiNill 11 0 23ill (17 6 2111 OJ 8 54 7 43 8 M 8 50 8 41 7 481 8 59 7 Nil 4 04 8 41 7 541 4 07 6 19 11 OX 8 ll'.i 6 1411 ('! 8 3S 7 Gft 4 10 8 01 4 141 fo nm7: .is 8 (ItU 17 8 05; 4 S0 610 10 55 80 r mU hi I4ave Arrive 1 rr u All trains run dully except Sunday, t xljiulilcs that trains stop on signal for pis. se rigors, recure rates via Ontario a Western before purchasing tickets and save money. Vtj and Klligt EipresBtothe West. J. C. Anderson, Oen. Pass. Agt T. Flltcrott, Dlv. Pass, Agt. Bcranton, Pa. WC CAN OIVC YOU SATISFACTION ,uihk unu ue us uooui tne joo worn you mil nceasoon. The Scranton Trite JoD Dept. KiiM - mm as 1 M .. 7 40 .... . 7H5 .... . 810 .... N M ....