THE TRIBUNE Is for the nominee) of the convention. EIGIIT PAGES--56 COLUMNS. SCRANTON. PA., THURSDAY MOHNING. SEPTEMBER . 1S94. TWO CENTS A COPY. THE TRIBUNE HAS A LARGER BONA FIDE CIRCULATION AMONG SCRANTON BUSINESS MEN THAN INT OTHER MORNIIIS PAPER THE TRIBUNE : Js for the nominees of the convention. ATE Ithnsiastic Gathering at Harrisbnrg MAJOR WARREN ELECTED PRESIDENT The Most Enthusiastic Meeting Ever Held in Pennsylvania's Capitol Hun dreds of Patriotic Citizens Deliberate Upon the Best Methods of Fighting the Free Trade Dragon Scranton's Brilliant Attorney Chosen President Without Opposition A. J. Colborn, Jr., Electrifies the Assemblage by His Eloquence Great Mass Meeting in the Evening The Campaign Opened by General Hastings in an Exhaustive Review of the Situation. Etlilorial Corresimndenct of th Tribune. Uarrisbuko, Pa.. Sept 5. SELDOM has a conyeution been bo eleatri&ed as was the seventh annual convention of tbe Penn sylvania League of Republican clubs, by tbe address of A. J. Colborn, jr., in placing the name of Major Everett Warren in nomination for president. Up to tbat point tbe day's proceedings had been devoid of striking incident. Whea Mr. Colborn began his address the eonvention bad been restlets; when be finished it was palpitant with an mm - MAJOR EVERETT WARREN, President of the Pennsylvania State League of Republican Clubs. enthusiasm tbat at places broke oat into eonlienous and vociferous cheer ing, tbe like of which old conven tion attendants say baa never been surpassed in the ' history of nominating conventions in this great commonwealth. Mr, Colborn's two points wliioh brought on the crisis of applause, both bad reference to brainy Tom Reed, and were both Im promptu. Paraphrasing Scripture, Mr. Colborn referred to the ex-speaker cot as the reed that bad been shaken by tbe wind, but the Reed by whom the wind of Democratic congressional in competency bad been shaken until it whined for merty. This apt repartee, coming after a succession of taking al lusions, canght the convention, and when one of the delegates under the Inspiration of the moment, proposed three cheers for Reed, they were given witb vim. Then tbe orator, with dramatis ef fect and with an elocution that was faultless, followed op bis theme as fol "Vlows: "The same band that made the Veiling and craggy cliff made the Au valley smiling in tranquil eauty: tbe hand tbat made also tbe uountain torrent made the mirrory Wface ef the ploeid lake, And I want I) add without meaning any irrever Vee that the hand that made elorlons t- . . .i a iveeu at mo same time maae a impossible in com type 10 give 1 . 1 . ! . . . , . 1 all Harrisbnrg is talking of the new orator, and Colborn, like Byron, may say that be has awakened one day to find himself well nigb nationally fa mous. Tbe convention npon reconvening after dinner promptly began business by adopting a strong platform, includ ing a plank vigorously denouncing southern electoral injustices. Charles P. O'Mslley, of Olyphant, was ehosen one of the delegates to the next na tional convention of league elubs in Cleveland, Q, next year. The nomi nation of Major Warren for president was made by acolauiation after an eloquent seconding speech by Thomas L Hicks, of Philadelphia. When the election of officers bad been com pleted, President Warren named as corresponding secretary, Fred W. Fleitz, of Scranton. Mr. Fleitz's se lection whs due less to geographical location than to the request of promi nent league members who took this niothod of testifying to bis energy as an organizer and to bis many services for the league's advancement. The Scranton party left for borne af ter tonight's monster mass meeting in the opera bouse and will arrive in Scranton tomorrow morning at 042 o'clock. THE s)0WNWARD TRIP. Inoldente of the Journey on Board the Harri.bars Bp.olal. Special to tin Scranton Tribunt. Habrisburq, Sept. 5. Forty-one Serantonlans oconpied the two through sleoplng oars attsobed to tbe Dela ware, Lsokawanna and Western train wbioh lf Scranton for Northumber land at 6.05 o'clock last night Tbe county convention at that time bad nly got partially through its work, and this fact probably deterred many CONVENTION of Young Republicans Yesterday. who bad expected to join in the pil grimage. Those on board were: Judgr R. W. Archhald, James W. Oak ford, Harry W. KiiiRbnry, Harry P. Simpson, Charles E. Daniels, M. H. Dale, Thomas E. Reynold. C. E. Pryor. A. 8. Newton, of l'ockville; S. V. Arnold, of Peckville; Adjutant W. 8. Millar. F. II. demons, Alex T. Council, William Alason, of Ulakely; Dr. W. E. Lloyd, also of iilukely; Colonel E. H. Ripple, D. W. Powell, W. Willis Reese, of Old Forgo; J. R. Johns, John M. Harris and J. E. Wat kl us, all of Taylor; John R. Farr, Thomas Lnyfehon, W. Gu.rlord Thomas, John 11. Reynolds, Mayor W. L. Counell, John R. Edward", William R. Lewis, A. J. Colborn, jr., M.W. Lowry, R. A. Zimmerman, Jobu R. Jones, Thomas P. Disprove, of Arch bald; James W. Hmitb, of Peckville; D H. Jout'9, of Archbald: Charles P. O'Malley, Heese U. Brooks, Timothy J. Burke, it. J. Huag and John Roles. The run to Northumberland was made without special inoident and dur ipg tbe interval supper was served, en ronte, to the half-famished convention attendants who bad no tinio to make preparation for the excursion. At Northumberland, a fonr hours' wait was enlivened by an impromptu pro gramme of minstrelsy, arranged under the ekilfnl direction of A. J. Colborn, jr. Those who had not already been introduced to this gifted orator's mel odious vocal powers in the siugintr of plantation ballads and plaintive love ditties wre agreeably surprised With Dr. Newton, of Olypbant, as master of ceremonies, the programme was carried out to tbe piuk of perfec tion, and elioited the tribute of undis guised wonder from more than a score of natives whom it wooed from tbe arms of Morpheus. The journey from Northumberland to Harrisbnrg was completed at an early hour in tbe morning, and was unbroken only by tbe monotone of Clarence E. Pryor's soft murmuring of self-felieitation ipon his happy avoid ance of the pitfalls besetting a ronom ination. SCRANTONIANS RECEIVED. Veiy HospltabU Welcome for the Friends of Major Warren. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Harkishuro, Sept. 5. After break fast at the Union station dining rooms, the Scranton contingent was welcumed by Howard D. Potts in behalf of the reception committee of tbe Uurrisburg and Dauphiu conuty clubs. Headed by the Harriiburg City band, the members of the Central Repub lican clnb of Soranton, with Colonel E. H. Ripple, Judge R. W. Archbald, Mayor Conneil and City Treasurer Reese G. Brooks in the van, were escorted to the headquarters of Major Warrsn at tho Lochiel. Here hospitable entertainment was In readi ness, credentials and other convential details were adjusted, and tbe Warren Glee club, in spirited song, consigned tbe Democracy, Wilsoniem and free trade vagaries to their proper doom. Tbe arrangements for the reception of visitors were well-nigh perfect, and many complimentary expressions were heard in behalf of Harrisbnrg hospi tality. THE CONVENTION AT WORK. Cheers for Jack Robinson and Other No table Incident, ftwriat to the Scranton Tribune. Harrisbuko, Pa., Sept. 5 Tbe con vention assembled in the tastily re decorated Harrisburg opera bouse at 10.30 o'clock. At tbe entrance of Pres ident Robinson a scone of enthusiasm prevailed for several moments. The William Abern club, of Philadelphia, 150 strong, carrying American flags, gold headed canes and silk bats, occu pied tbe right hand gallery and ebeered vooiferously. Tbe Harrisbnrg City band and the brass instruments of the Abern club united in a strident welcomo and enthusiasm thus began early. No table Republicans, upon entering the ball, were eaoh accorded hearty greet ings. Among tboae thus honored were Chris L. Magee, of Pittsburg; Hon. Walter Lyon, candidate for lieutenant governor; William B. Ahern, of Phila delphia. After invocation by R-v. George Duncan, pastor of the Westminster Presbyterian church, of Harrisbnrg, a call of the roll diselosed the presence of delegates from 175 clubs, tbe largest membership ever enrolled at a league convention. One 6f tbe incidents of the roll call occurred when tbe name of tbe Thomas B. Reed club was reached. An outburst of cheering was the result wbicb continued for fully one tuinnte. Tbe M. S Q my clnb and tbe W. B Abern clnb an the Boies E. Penrose club, of Philadelphia, were also honored by the convention by sim ilar ovations. When tbe Daniel H. Hastings elub was reached tbe cheer ing was tumultuous; and tbe William K Leeds association was also compli mented by a vigorous outburst. Th address of welcome by A. Wil son Norris, of Harrisburg, tbe league's new vice-president, was a masterly ef fort, abounding In telling points which were reeelvod at times with an en thusiasm bordering on wildness. His nllnsion to the recent Democratic de pression as a "period of national tor ture" canght the fanov of the conven tion. When he likened it to the pass ing thunder storm whioh obscures with tbe cloud of Idleness only for a time tbe brilliant sunlight of national pro gress, the cheering broke out Into an ovation. But the climax was reaohed when in eloquont words and still more eloquent gesture he paid tribute to General Daniel H. Hastings, tbe hero of Johnstown, and exborted the Re publicans of Pennsylvania to ratify hie nomination at the polls by a majority which shall set a new record of Re publican victory in an hour of national danger. President's Robinson's re spouse concluded" the oratory of the forenoon session. Letters of regret in response to invi tations to touiiut's inonstor mass meet ing were reeeived nml read from Hon. Henry H. Bingham, Representative Ir ving B. Wander, President W. W. Tracy, of the National league of R publioan clubs; Representative T. W. Phillip!), Representative Robert Adams, jr., Senator William B. Allison, of Iowa; Senator John Sherm in. of Ohio; ex-Vice President Levi P, Morton, or New York; Representative John Dil zell, of Pittsburg; ex-Senator J. Sloat Fansett, of Elmira, N. Y. ; Senator Cushman K. Davis, of Minnesota: Hon. Robert T. Lincoln, of Chicago; ex Speaker Thomas B. Reed, and Governor William MvKinley. Tnere being no contests, the coiivniition decided unani mously to bold its next meeting in York, and a recess was taken until after dinner. L a R. NOMINATIONS MADE. Eloquent Address bp A, J. Colborn, Jr. Major Warren'e Acceptance. Tbe convention re-assembled ut 2.30 o'clock when Chairman Hicks, of tuo committee on resolutions submitted the resolationslwhicb wore unanimous ly adopted. He also read a snplemen tary pi. ink, as follows, which wus adopted: In a republic, whote cornorstone is the equality of all men before tbe law, the riuhts and protection gnarauteod by the constitution and the laws should be sa cred to all men, rich and poor, black and white. It is the cardinal principle of our government, national nnd state, that no citizen shall bo peprived of lite, liberty or property except iu accordance with law righteously nnd justly administered. It Is with regret that we sea t hit great princi ple almoRt daily violated in the nouthern atates of the nnion, and this regret is deep ened by tho fact tbat almost invariably our colored fullow-citlzens are selected as the victims of this iniquity. The constant lynching of colored citizens throughout tho south without any effort to invoke the law and secure to the ac cused the constitntional right of a fair and impartial trial, is a crime upon our common humanity, a violation of the con stitution and laws of the United States and of the states and a disgrace to civiliza tion. In the name of justice, humanity and law, we protest against the crimes perpetrated upon the colored peoplo of the south. - Nominations for officers of the con vention being in order, A. J. Colborn, jr., of Scranton, arose to place in nom ination Major Everett Warrej, of Lack awanna county, for president of the league. His speech was frequently in terrupted by applause. Mr. Colborn's address was in substance as follows: The Republican party points with pride to the great achievements of its past and offers as au earnest of its future faithful ness an unbroken record of services per formed for freedom, union and national prosperity. It suppressed tbe most gigan tic rebellion the world hns ever known, and through its great leader, the immortal Lincoln, lifted a race from servitude and unpaid toil to manhood and citizonsbip, and by its wie-e financial legislation it suc ceeded in protecting tbe credit and cur rency of the nation from repudiation and inflation. It stands today for the pro tection of popular government on the American continent; stands for the protection of governmental and interna tional rights: stands for the protection of tho lifo, liberty and property of tbe indi vidual: stands for the protection of all tho rights, privileges and immunities of American citizenship: stands for tbe protection of tbe ballot box from fraud and intimidation; stands for the protection of American commerce, American manufacture and American ag riculture from destrucuvo foreign compe tition: stauds for the protection of home invention, borne skill and home labor against the free trade heresies embodied in the roceut Democratic bill which tends to pauperize and degrade them all, and which strikes a deadly blow at our industrial prosperity; stands for the protection of both capital and corporation from confis cation and mob violence; and, above all, it stands for the sanctity and happiness of the American home. It welcomes to our shores the downtrodden and oppressed of every land, but it insists that the inestim able blessing of American citizenship shall be extended to those who are in full sym pathy and accord with the fundamental principles of onr government, and who will loyally support the sacred proviidons of the constitution of the United States, and conform to its laws and iuHtitutious. It holds that this country is great and broad enough for all true lovers of hburty, but it is too small nnd too narrow for an anarchist, a socialist or a communist; that the free winds of heaven winch swerpover it are freighted with freedom and will bear on their breasts the folds of no other flag save those ot the Stars and Stripes. The Democratic party was entrusted less than two years ago with entire charge of the government for the Hrst timo in thirty two years and Its admiuiHtratlou haa only been satisfactory to those who hold office nnder it. Its loyalty has received the ap proval of overy enemy of the government. Tbe courage of ita foreign policy has amused tbe world and plenHed every cow ard. Its justice to tho disabled soldiers has won golden opinions from those who gave them their wounds. Flushed with triumph two years ago, today it is hu miliated by tbe consclonsues of unspeak able shame and astonishing failure. It promised retrenchment of expendi tures, but it has passed appropria tions for the coming your larger than those of the "billion congress'' at its first session. It promised abolition of protective duties, n tariff for revenue only and destruction of trusts and monop olies. It has surrendered to trusts and monopolins,and its unparalleled atraddlejof the tariff question has bettn a source of wondermeut to "gods and men." Never has a party failed more completely and disgracefully. It has been strong only in the Imbecility of "innocuous desut-tudo," and deserves to live na a reminieence of promises forgotten and pledges unre deemed. Tbe result lias made capital timid, closed onr mills and manufactures, depleted our treasury, paralyzed business and brought penury and want to tho peo ple, who now turn to us for succor and re lief. There are those who have said tbat the Republican party bad completed Us work; that its mission was ended. Is tbat the message yon bear? No; its work is not ended, its glorious minslon has just begun. The Republican party Is immortal it can' never die. It principles ita vital princi ples truth, justice, patriotism theBe, these are eternal, immortal, imperishable. The party today stands united, unfettered free. It points to ita 'glorious record of Continued on Page 6 DEAD BODIES LA! II HEAPS Many Bnmm Forms Are Turned to Unrecog ninblo Cinders. HOW ONE MAN SAVED MY LIVES Braman Drove Thirty Persons Into a Shallow Pool and Threw Water Upon Them Preparation for Re lief of the Suffering Provisions Are Distributed at Hinckley Domestic Animals Starving in the Burnt District. Pine City. Minn., Sept. 6 THE Hinckley horror is dawning in its awful magnitude. There are now lyinir in the desolate cemetery, undor a shallow cov ering of sand, or in rough boxes which take the place of caskets, 210 bodies. F. G. Webber, of Pine City, who hue had entire charge of the interment, has bad bis work well in hand and has kept most accurate accounts of the Indies These fipnrcs are bis, and include those burled by their friends. Four trenches in nil hava been openod, separated by about fonr feet. Commencing on the south in th north trench are forty-five unboxed corpies. In trench No. 2 are twenty boxes, mauy containing from two to five bodies. This trench is not yet closed. Iu the third are twenty-seven boxes 'like the others. Tbe fourth Is not yet in use. but tbere are piled up nineteen boxes which will be put in to morrow. The foreman of the construction train reported bo Coroner Cowan this afternoon tbat in the hill at the north end of the bridge across the Grind stone were nine bodies completely in cinerated, so that tbe sex could not be distinguished. A few rods west of where tbe Dnluth depot stood was found the body of a woman. To this must be added tbe few bodies shipped out, the two buried by 3im Hunt's party, four interred by another explorer, Stautla by name, making the total of nbout,225 accounted for in Hinskley and vicinity, DEAD IN A MILL POND. A mass of estimates are being made, but there is no foundation for them. There were undoubtedly settlers and men in the lumber camps who have not yot been discovered. A search for them will be prosecuted with vigor, and tbey will be buried where they lie There is an unknown nntuber of dead in the mill pond. It is as yet unapproximated. Tbe bank was covered with sawdust and edgings, and not fur away was tho Brennan mill and lntnber yard. A num ber of persons was seen to go to the mill pond No one oame out alive, and hardly a glimpse of the south bank, where the people were, cau be ob tained oa account of tbe smoke still rolling up in dense colnmns. At Pokegama, or Brook Park, tbe duad have been nearly nil accounted for and will not run over twenty-five. At Miller were buried twelve; at Sand stone sixty. seven. These figures, with nn estimate including those not yet round, bring tbe total np to 379. Tbe latter estimate may be too low, bnt it is a matter of absolute conjecture, and it is here that tbe widely different totals are found. Some think that at least 200 settlers in camp are yet to be found. Vbe hero of the burning of Pokegama settlemont is John Braman. He got over thirty of tbe victims into a shal low pool below the log dam. The lat ter oaught fire and burned fiercoly in their faces. On one side was the rail road trestle and on the other a pile of more than 100 cords of bard wood. Mr. Braman and other men kept the women and children in tbe shallow pool, dash ing water over tbuin. Mr. Braman lost his son, J. Braman, who perished while trying to save bis horses. Mrs. Braman and Mrs. Frame and tbe latter's four children took refuge under an overhanging bank of the creek and were saved, There were 113 inhabitants in the township and tbere were probably a few other fatalities. CAIiINO FOR REFUGEES Dulcth, Minn., Sept. 5. There are over 1.000 destitute refugees from tb Hinckley and Sandstone fires now in Dnluth. and it is expected that there will be only a few more to come. Over if (1,000 has been raised for tbelr relief, and food clothing and lntnber have ben liberally donated. Cloquet, Two Harbors and other surrounding towns are lending supplies. Some persons are returning to their burned homos, leaving wives and families in charge of tbe Rillaf society, or sending them to friends and relatives. The relief so ciety aent 100 refugees yesterday to friends or relatives in other cities. The railways nr- furnishing transpor tation subject to the order of the com mittee on triimpirtttion. The mayor und city rfflciuls ot Hinckley areall safe and arrived iu the city lust night. Gnu of the sad features is the large number of oows, horses, sheep and hogs, as well as fowls, tbat miraculously escaped the fires and are now suffering and slowly dying from hunger. The Humane so cieties at Dnluth will at once take this part of the relief work in charge. There was a wedding yesterday in -the bethel in the midst of sevral fire suf ferers by the Rev. C. C. Salter. The bride' was Sophie S.imnelaon and tbe groom John Deroscor. both refugees from Sandstone Junction. It wus one of tbe few oheerful inoldents of the tire. Chief of Police Armstrorg was best man, and Mrs. Crowlty, head of the woman's relief committee, was bridesmaid. The families of the bride and groom are fire destitute, Deroscor In a few days will return to his farm and, with a box car for a temporary house, pnt up a modest cabin, bis bride meanwhile staying with friends. Partial and conservative estimates of tbe damage inolude the fnllowiug totals: At Hinckley. $500,400; Sand stone, (202,500. and Partridir-, 1(28.009. This .makes a total of (980.300 and coven more than ball the loss in all the towns, but includes no timber losses, which are enormons. RELIEF AT HINCKLEY. Hinckley, Minn., Sept. 5. There wns considerable activity in Hinckley yes terday. The survivors have placed the executive direction of nffuirn in cbarge of a committee of wbioh II. C. D.ivis is chairman, and A C. Hay secretary. Lumber and suppltes came np Monday night, and a cook ihauty, inclosed on three sides, with an adjoining store home, was knocked together. Here was installed a crew of lumber-camp cooks, who prepared ham and fresh meats, coffee and bread and cheese in abuntant quantities for the refugees. Ashland, Wis., Sppt. 5 The bodies of the eight pople who lost their lives at High bridge have been identitied as follows: Frank Bargrin, Maggie Bar grin, Isaao, Elislin, Willie, Jessie and Mrs. Tawuey and Waiter Grant. Homestenders near Marengo report twenty-eight door burned in one bunch where they had huddled together in a green thicket and suffocated. Baked rabbits, partridges nnd porcupines are numberless. Within a distance five miles square in tbe town of Murengo thirty-two homesteaders lost every thing and but three bouses remain. AFRAID TOCO TO BED. Farmers in Western New York Stay Awake, in Terror Lest tho Forest Fires Descends Upon Them. Buffalo, N. Y Sept. 5. Reports from the farming districts of Western New York say that nil that is needed for a repetition of tho recent horrible calamity in the northwest v to have a fire onco get a start in th section. Farmers are afraid to go to bed at night on account of the danger from fire, which, owing tothe long continued drought, is liable to sweep the parched country ut any time. Pasture has burned and dried np so that it is a hard matter to got food for stock; farmers are compelled to haul water long distances for their cattle and other stock, the little brooks and rivulets having disappeared. Tho Ginesee river is lower than for many years at this season of the year. Dunkirk reports fierce forest Ores raging south of there that threaten de struction to everything in their path. Already thousands of dollars' worth of property have gone up in smoke, and the work of destruction continues un checked, notwithstanding the vigorous work of hundreds of men, women and children who aro fighting the flames day and night Ytsterday morning tho flames reached a point jnst south of Fredonia, and every available man in the village nnd surrounding country is fighting the fire. Tbe viUage is practically without fire protection, the water in tbe reservoir having been nearly exhausted on ac count of the long continued drouth, and should the fire gain headway tbe entire town would be wipjd out. Fires are also raging on the "Cavey farm." a mile south of Dunkirk, nnd apprehension is felt on account of the high south wind prevailing. Reports from the surrounding coun try are to the same effect. Everything is burning up, and there- are no indi cations of ruin. Farmers are in a terri ble predicament. Those who have es caped tbe ravages of the grasshopper plague are now having their season's crop destroyed by fire. The city of Dunkirk is dense with clouds of smoke from the fire district, and lake vessels from that port are keeping up a constant blowing of fog horns in order to prevent collisions. TAILORS' STRIKE. Brotherhood 1 1 nights cf Labir Jlan. New York, Sept. 5 The third day of the clothing workers' striko opened with 14.000 men idle in New York and 7.000 idle in Brooklyn and Brownsville. The Brotherhood tailors and the Knights of Labor tailors are at loggerheads be cause tbe latter refuse to join in the strike. This morning the Brotherhood men attacked the headquarters of tbe Knights in this city and hurlod a nntn tier of missiles through the windows. The strikers were dispersed by tbe police, Tbe war between the organ iz'id carpenters and sub-son tractors, bids fair to be a long and bitter one. The present fight is not a question of wages or hours, but is to do away with the system of lumping, or snb-letting of contract jobs. Neurly 1,000 men are out and it is stated that before twenty four hours the number will increase to 2,500, tying up the work on over 250 jobs. POPULISTS SPLIT. Eansana Prapailng to Organizs a N.w Fanelcd Political Party. TorKKA, Sept. 5. An address wns issued to the people of K'inflas yester day signed by J. U. Lathrop,W. H. Ben nington and others calling for the or gani.zitinn of a new political party in this state, based on the initiative and referendum system. Polling places are to be established all over the state and voters in accord with any of the old parties will be asked to call aud identify themselves with the now organization. The Fight a Draw. New Orleans, Sept. 5. Tho fight be tween Dempaey and McCarty was declared a draw at tbe end of the twentieth round. FLASHED FROM THE WIRES. By cutting through tho stone jail wall, seven persons at Hillside, Mich., made their esoape. A cloudburst near Guthrie, O. T drowned Mrs. John Mcl'ikf, two daugh ters and Miss Mabel Hill. Unable to curb bis appetite for liquor, B. F. Fisher, a bookkeeper, of Oklahoma City, O. T., took laudanum. While rowing on a Pembroke (Mass.) pondT. E. Ulnkoly and John E: Hum phey, of Boston, fell in and wore drowned. On a raft without sails or oars Frauk Beaoh and Oeno Hnndloy, of St. Louis, started for Now Orleans to win a tl.OOU wager. On the charge of stealing the affections of Mrs. Carrie VVebor Clurk, formerly a noted Boston singer. O. P. Decker, a traveling man, is suod by her husband for 115,000, S UP II VERMONT The Republican Majority Bay Reach 30,0 Voles. NOT APPROACHED SINCE THE WAR It is Double That of the Last Off Year Election, Big Gains Having Been Made in Every Town Democracy Has Gona to Seed in the Green Mountain State A Blow at Free Traders Given with Stunning; Effect. Bugle Note of Northern Sentiment. Burlington, Vt., Sept. 5. pETTJRNS are slow in coining in, UJ but it ia certain that Vermont m has led off the ball of state eloo J U tiona with a most sicnirtcaat Republican victory. Instead of being, as the Democrats predicted, a falling oil from the usual off year figure, tbe Republican majority is unprecedented for an off-year, and may not improb ably exceed tbe greatest majority given in any year in tbe state's history. Compared with 1890, tho last off year, the majority is nearly doubled, it Is estimated to be over 20 000 and may reach 30,000. That it is a bugle note of tbe ssnti ment which has been aroused through out the country against the national Democracy and ugainst tbe principle of free trade cannot bedonbtod. The following is the whole ticket elected : For Governor Urban A. Woodbury, Burlington. Lieutenant-Governor Zophar M. Man sui, Brighton. State Treascror -nenry F. Field, Rut laud. Secretary of State Cbauncey W. Brownoll, of Burlington. Stato Auditor Franklin D. . Hale, of Lnnonburg. Members of Congress First district, II. Henry Powers, Mnrristown; Second dis trict, William W. (irout, Barton. NO SHOW FOR POPULISM. The Populists, contrary to expects tiona, made no showing whatever. They niadega vigorous campaign, but when it came time to vote they were not heard from. The city of Burlington, governor elect Woodbury's home, gave him a good send-off by voting a mnjority of (191, Tbe vote 'stood: Woodbury (Rep.), 1,504; Smith (Dein.), TG0; McUinueas (Pop.), 41; scattering, 13. Iu the same town iu 1890 Page, tbe Republican candidate, only had a majority of 44 votos. and in S'.)i Smaller (Dein.) hud a majority of 90 votes. Tbe city gave the Republican comity candidates un average majority of over 500, The Republicans curry every county, elost two congressmen by increased majorities, aud eieot a solid Rspnblicun senate and an overwhelming majority of representatives. Congressmen W. W. Grout aud H. H. Powers are re-elected by increased majorities. The Democrats have met the most crushing defeat since the war. The returns from nearly every town show an increase in the Rupublicun aud a corresponding decrease iu tbe Democratic vot9 for governor, as com pared witb tbe result in 1892. C. M. B. A. COUNCIL. T. P. Hoban, of Soraaton, Electol Presi dent of Aaaociation. Philadelphia. Sept. 5. Tbe Catho. lie Mntuul Bunufit association of Penn sylvania grand council closed this even ing. The reports showed a very lnrse increase in membership during tbe last two years. Tbe following ofllcers were eleoted: T. P. Hoban, Scranton, president; M, J, Duffy. Great Bai l, first vice presi dent; J. T, Oraii-v, i-ne, second vice president; J. B. l s, Bradford and B. A. Kelly, Csrbondale, trustees; John P. Kunkel, Allegheny, marshal ; L. A. Schott, Pittsburg, guurd: Professor M. J. McMahon, Pittsbnrg; P.McMamara, Sbarpsburg ; aud J. T. Mldelaner, Erie, finance committee. SHOT HIS CAPTOR. Desperate Dead of a HUiourl Horse Thief In Carrolltoa. Uakuollton, Mo., Sept, 5. Hurloy Coin, a horse thief, who was being brought herefrom Cbillicotbe, shot and killed Constable William Hall, of Hill township, witb the latter's revolver. Coin then attempted to shoot Hall's father, but was prevented by Justioe Rutiyon, who wrested the revolver from Coin's bund. Coin ran and was shot at four times by Runyon, one sbot taking effect iu his houd. He escaped tothe timber. A posse was organised, and he was captured and taken from the infuriated people and brought to jiil at this place. Symptoms of Cbolara CuuiiEitLANn, Md., Sept. 5. John Peter Watthor, a native of Bavaria, who was takon off a west-bound train of the Balti more and Ohio railroad here today, died at 5.50 tonight, ills symptoms were tbat of Asiatic cholera. CONDENSED STATE TOPICS. VICTORY Auditors report that ex-Treasurer Philip Fisher, of Westmoreland oounty, is 13,891) short. Tyrone's board of health refuses to re move cattle that died of anthrax just out side of that borough. The National Master Blacksmiths' asso ciation, composed of railroad blacksmiths, has seventy delegates at Pittaburg. Locomotive firemen of the country will aend COO delegates to the Brotherhood con vention at Harrisbarg on Monday. R. M. Stocker, of Honeidaln, was yes terday nominated by the Tunkhacnock Democrats ot the Fifteenth district for congress. WEATHER FORECAST. P. Washington. Sept. 5. For eastern iWinitjZiiant'o, nenerally fair, cooler, variable tci'tidX For t western I'ennsylvania, fair, "oooirr, e-veept in the vicinity of AVt'e, north winds. FINLEY'B OPENING 07 Fall Dress Goods ' "We have now on exhibi tion a magnificent stock of New Fall Dre33 Goods, comprisingthe latest NOV ELTIES in both FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC GOODS. Early selections are most desirable, the styles boinj EXCLUSIVE, and there will be NO DUPLICATES. Oar stock of Black Dress Goois Is the finest we have ever shown, including full line of the Priestly Black Goods 510 and 512 Lacksraaa MINERS' un Wholesale and Retail. H. A. Kingsbury 313 Spruce Street. TELEPHONE NUMBER VKO. Lewis, Rellly S. Davies School Shoes You know how tbnt lively, onorpetic boy of your's knocks out his shoes. We've boon thinking of liiin providing lor him anl his destructive energy. Wo havo a regular woar defying shue from 00c. upward. Lewis, Reilly .4 Davies 114 WYOMING AVENUE. We Examine . Eyes f Free of charge. If a doctor ia needed you aro promptly told bo. We also guarantca a perfect fit. LATEST STERLING SILVER NOVELTIES The Jeweler, 408 Spruce Street. ' , , - I J. IICE