TUE SCTiAJNTTON TRIBUNE TUESDAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER 4, 1891. A Foe to Dyspepsia i GOOD BREAD USB THE SHOW WHITE And always have Good Bread. U A Vtttw a nmfrnnn A vrr eTa U AT. 11! T41 THE TRADE BT hp Wptlnn Mill Pn. iiu iiouiuii min uui EEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS ) THEBENUINE POPULAR Punch Cigars HAVE THE INITIU3 G. B. & Co., Imnrlntad as twnh Clflfif. Garney, Brown & Co. Mfr's. tOUKT UUUltK ttUUAUK. Dr. H. B. WARE PRACTICE LIMITED TO THE EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT 406 Spruco Street. Office Honrs: j!j TO 11.30. TO 5. PERSONAL. Joseph Kettill, of floboken, is vieiting in this city. Sol Oettingor has returned from a trip to Atlantic City. MIks Cora Leach, fof Jackson streot, is at the seashore. Henry Waltliors, of Jackson street, has returned from Now York. William T. Dnvia, of Jackson street, has retruued from Wilkes-Barro. Attorney Homer Green and son, of Honesdale, were in the city yesterday. Mrs. Eliza Slarring, of Maple wood, was the guest of friends in town yesterday. John Jermyn was about town yesterday, looking hale and hearty alter bis European trip. " Architect Pcrcv J. MnrrU fc fta rAfnrnc.il ffom Atlantic City, where he spent his VBCHblOD. Hon. Jolin P, Qainnan, of the Sonth Mrte, has returned from a trip to New York city. Miss Letitia Doyle, of the West Side, re turned today from a visit with friends in New York. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Holmes, of Sonth Main avenue, left yeiterday for Elmira and Buffalo. James Philips and wife, of Dickson ave nue, returned last night from three month's trip in Ireland. Mies Kate Bronnau, of Maple street, re turned home yesterday after a two week's visit with her sister in New York city. Mr. and Mrs. William Kelly and family have returned to this city from Lake Ariel, where they spent the summer at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Hand gave a dinnor at their residence on Jefferson avenue last evening in honor of their daughter, Miss Anna Hand. J. (i. Gallagher, tho popular hotel man, of Jackson street, and C. B. Wordnn, of Thb Tkibunb, spent yesterday in ltoch ester, N. Y. F. H. Qerlock is visiting his' family, who are spending the summer with Mrs. Geriock's father, Rev. E. A. Bauer, of Lehighton. David T. Davis and sons, of Philadel phia, have returned home from a short visit with Dr. and Mrs. B. G. Beddoe, of (South Main avenue. Lieutenant Governor L. A. Watres will go to Harrisburg today to attend a meet ing of the medical conucil, of the state, of which he is a member. Miss Normile, of Binghamton, who has been the guost of Miss Sadie McGuire, of Lafayette street, for the past week, re turned home yesterday, Hnch Cnlkin. nnerintaminnl-. nf i-nnira uiiiuj uu iupuuse avenue. A dancing party will be given this eve- iiuiiia ui jur. miii nira t. i. JlCr. Dili Alltnrna nvanaa in K,.A- - . ".Uh, ai uuuui UI ttttvtf iur iew ionc touny and to- l " . ... ,nd. returned yesterlav with hi wlf wUx. v ' i u i. ... 1 u ununri and faultily from Erie, whore he was mnsi cal conductor at a summer resort Mr. Bummerhill will reside In his former home on Norti Sumner avenue. Mr. and Mrs. John Ausler, sr., and grand daughter, Miss Lela Porter and Leonard Ausley, of St. Louis, Mo., have returned from a pleasant visit at Hnwley. Miss Lela Porter is very prond of the string of fish she caught nt Goose Fond, there being thirty-six of them. Bill books, memorandums, time books and blank, books, in stock or made to or-der- Pratt's Book Stows. Ecranton's Business Interests. Thk Tribunh will soon publish a care fully compiled aud classified list of the leading wholesale, banking, manufactur ing and professional interests of Bcranton nd vicinity. The edition will be bound in book form, beautifully Illustrated with photogravure views of our pnbllc build ings, business blocks, streets, etc., together with portraits of leading citizens. No similar work has ever given an equal rop resentation of Boranton's many Indus tries. It will be an invaluable exposition of our business resources. Bent to persona outside the city, copies of this .handsome work will attract new comers and be an unequalled advertisement of the city. The circu lation is on a plan that cannot fail of good results to those concerned as well aa the city at large. Representatives of Thb Tkibunb will call upon those whose namks are desired in this edition and explaia Its nature more fully. Those desiring views of their residences in tnlB edition will please kave notice at the office. Bay the Wbr and get the beat. At Guernsey Bros. Mimeographs and neostyles for dupli cating and copying. Pratt's Book Stork. That tired feeuno which Is so common and so overpowering Is entirely driven off by Hood's Barsaparilla, the best blood purifier. Hood's Barsaparilla overcomes weakness. Hood's Pills arc the best after-dinner pills, assist digestion, cure headache. 26a a box. FLOUR I Young Men Meet and Resume Their Task of Self Improvement , MEETING FOR HIONDAV EVENING It Will Be Made of Special Interest r.nd Young Men Are Invited to At- . tend It-Funeral of Mrs. Alfred Lewis, of Ham.oton Street Services Held at the First Welsh Baptist Church Shorter Paragraphs. The Ilyde Park Literary and Da luting society opened it second season last evening at its rooms on Sontb Main avenue, under the most favora ble circn instance. The ontlook for the ensuing term is exceedingly bright. The attendance last evening excelled 11 expectation, about thiriv members being present, and aearly all took an active part in the disonsiions of tho evening, making the meeting very in teresting and in8trnetive. Resolutions were drafted expressing the regrets of the society for the loss of so valuable a member as Philip J. Davies, who leaves for college next Monday. Mr. Davies was, one of the founders of the organization and an active member. It was unanimously decided to uiako the meeting next Monday of special interest, to which all young men are invited. The follow ing programme has been prepared for the occasion: - Mnsical suloetion; ad dress, President Edwards; deelamation, Emerson Owens; address, Charles E. Daniols; declamation, D. J. Davis. Tills will be followed by three minute talks by the mmnhers. The officers for the coming tbrsa months are: President, John El wards; vice president, Charles Ilouse; treasurer, Howard Davis; secretary, Wallace Moser; orltio, Philip Davies; exfcntive committoe, W. A. Price, D. J. Davis, John York. An iuvitation is extended to all young men interested in self-improvement to attend next Monday's meeting. LITTLE WEST SIDE NEWS NOTES. Mrs. J. O. Morris and family, of South Main avenue, have returned home from a trip to Wales, Tom Beels, of North Hydo Park avenue, Is recovering slowly from a severe attack of typhoid malaria. The Hyde Park Choral socioty will meet for rehoarsnl at the residence of H. D. Jones, on South Hyde Park avenue, this evening at 8 o'clock sharp. Complaints have been made of boys who nightly haunt thecoruur ofSnmner avenue and Lafayette street. Ollicer Jones dispersed a large crowd last even ing. Last evening at Mears' hall the Sir Kuhjhts of Pleasure dancing class opened its seiison. The hall was crowded. Pro fessor George Tnylor Instructed the pupils aud Mids May presided at the piano. Miss Mary Dnvis entertained friends at her home on North Lincoln avenue last eveuing. The lawn was tastefully adorned with Japanese lanterns. Games were in dulged in until a late hour when refresh ments were served. The funeral of Mrs. Zilla Lewis, wife of Alfred Lewis, occurred yesterday after noon at 2.30 o'clock. The remains were borne to the First Wolsh Baptist church, whore Rev. D. C. Hughes, D. D., of the Jackson Street Baptist church officiated. Interment was made in the Washburn Street cemetery. The funeral of Edwaid Shearns. who died on Saturday at the home of his daughter. Mrs. Michael McAndrew, of North Filmore avenue, will take place this morning at 0 o'clock. A solemn hlsh mass of requiem will be celebrated in St. Pat rick's cnurcn. interment in the Hyde Park Cathoiio cemetery. ' NORTH END BRIEFS- The infwnt child of John Stafford, the barber, died yesterday morning. Miss Mamie Thomas returned to Blooms- burg yesterday to pursue her studios. The North End Choral union will hold a concert in Archbald's ball next Wednesday evening. Mrs. Lawrence Moran. of West Market street, has returned after a visit to Clin ton, Mass. Misses Dillie and Ethel Jackson, of Mon- sey avenue, are visiting friends at Brook lyn, JM. i . The employes of the Letrtrett's Creek and Marviue mines received their nar yesterday. Miss Sarah Llewellyn, of Pittstnn. is visiting her friend, Miss Lizzie Davies, of Margarot avenue. Tho Sunday school of the Welsh Bantixt church will hold a basket picnic at Laurel Hill park on Sept. 12. Johu Jehu, who spent two adavs' fishing vacation, returned home with a tangible loseu oi nn piscatorial aouitles. Rev. J. B. Parry, of Barnelev. Enclanrt. preached an eloquent sermon at the Welsh Congregational church lent evening. Charles Thomas, of McDonouch a van tin. is now on hi way to ibis country on the Germania after an extended visit to his fatheilana. Fred C. Roberts, of Summit avenue, for merly of New York city, has been em. pioyea as assistant operator at the Dela ware and Hudson's new depot. A Prohibition mass meeting was held at the corner of Dickson avenue aud Green Ridge street last evening, which wan auuresseu oy ttev. W. li. Hatkius and oinors. A large number of friends called on Minn Mary A. Davies. of Wavne avenue, taut evening to wish her farewell on bor de parture for Stroudsburg tomorrow, where bud win mienu me normal scnool. Complaints are made by resldontsof Parker street, notablv Hv William ami Thomas Harris, of the freaks of a gang of rowdies who smash the windows at uignis. me presence or the police on Parker street would be aiinraciatad hv t.h residents. A large crowd is Interested In the jump ing seed or living bean od ezhihltinn In the window of Lewis' drug store. The ueans are claimed to Da tbe only animated vegetable and to appearances there is nothing to acoount for the moving of tbe beans until, however, on a minute inspec tion the bean is found to enclose a minute insect The North End Choral union held nn open air rehearsal last evening on the lawn or ionn -uyncn, or Margaret avenue, at which time tnov practiced the "Hunt ing Song," by Mnudelssohn. which is the enter piece ror competition at the eietedd- roa to be Held in Laurel Ulll park. Tbey win uoiu an open air renearsal tonlgut at the same place. Ever Upward, Ever Onward. In fifteen short months Dr. E. Grtwar. tbe PbiladelDhia anacialist. has takan a deeper hold on the confidence of th nennla of bcranton than any physician at present In the city. Tbe reason for this is not nara to seek. The Doctor is all that he claims to be. and oonnlea with hia remark. able medical and surgical attainments all iue anergy nn pUBn 0r tus successful business man. The results of this are seen in bis lame anrl hnnrinnma nw r.fRra. in the old Postoffloe building, corner Penn o.oiiuo anq opruoe street, wnere Between office, reception rooms, laboratory, etc., heoccupies floorage amounting to ovor square leet. Tbeappointuienta In the new establish. ""mi ?r" eomP'ete in every detail, and Will fully meet tharennirHmnnta nf a nran- ticc which had far outgrown tbe limited spoca iu wie old oincns. NEWS IE WAS THE SALE LEGAL? ' II B. Simrell Is Trying to Bays It Bet Aside. Attorney C. W. Dawson, sitting as referee, beard testimony . yesterday in tne case or J . M. Ayleswortn against M. & Simrell. The proceedings are for the purpose of having sit aside an executor's sale of a farm in Scott town ship. Mr. Avlesworth nurohased it for $1,500, but it whs contended bv the da- tendunt that the land was worth at least $2,000. At tbe time of the sale Mr. Simrell wee contesting in the su preme court certain noiuts in tbe will of Phoebe Ann Simrell, under which tne executor was acting. Mr. Simrell won and bonce is now making an effort to have the sale set aside, claiming that tbe executor had no right to make the sale. The case was closed yesterday afternoon. The plaintiff is represented by Attorney C. li. Uardner and the plaintiff by Attor neys Hulslander & Vosburg. n AUGHT on me riy. IT ft r.mii f u.nkn. t.. ... k .. w i. li i li, J ., .v.. n visitor in the city yesterday after an ab sence of twenty-two years. He came to this city for the purpose of calling on hit sister. Airs. Jonenli M. Orltnn nf KM. null V" IaPA. Whnill llM hllU tlnf. .uun fn. v.nr. Mr. Carroll was astounded at the wonder- i cnauge tnac nas taken place Here since 1.af. Hirnr Hi.r.ntnn Xa loft !fc ili.,,.n and returned to And it a big, thriving city. "1 believe that nartv lino. m luvlnrr nh literatodat Duniiiore," said Dr. Winters yeBterday. "I went to the primaries ou Saturday and saw exorcising their rights ivujiuuiiuiuii uiauy men wno in loruier 'ears wern nt,Htinrh liamnnrnt. n Tiii shows that the citizens of Dunmoreare be cinninir tn rallz.. thn th,,!, ,ln.. ;a the party that stands by American Indus - uivsauu luuiiJluumis. Professor Georcre A. Tiifk nf Von VnrV city, was the guest of nis brother, Dr. Taft, of this city, yestorday. Conrinctnra nn thn nar. nf tha c..nn.,.n Traction company find no little difficulty in Mltnrcino t.hn rnla nrrninBt amnliiiii, n closed cars. This rule requires that the cuuuucior bubii prouioic any one from smoking on the platforms of cars. Iu en forcing thiB rule conductors frequently have unploasaut experiences, for tbe lov ers of the weed are prone to enter decided objections against abandoning their cicars or pipes. Samuel TTmlann nf Phil.rlolnlita whi on Sept. 17, will become editor of the Times, was in the city yesterday looking over the plant of the paper and carefully surveying the Held in which he is iu fu- ..... . . l .. 1 . rv . i . . biuw w muur lur xeuiU(TAl.lC SUCCOSS. Mr, Hudson was nilnt.iil nlimir. tnvn h. n .T Campbell and introduced to many of the lending citizens of the city. Mr. Hudson says that the Times will be enlarged as auuu ua .ui, ovu tiuu nimseii necooic its owners. The Republicans of the Fourth Laniala- tive district have not yet decided when they will hold their convention, but it is not lmprooaoie tnat it will be held one week from tomorrow. Griffith Jones, of Harrison avenue, has a son in the Hawaiian army who freauentlv sends him Honolulu papers to keep him posted on the progress of affairs in tbe imam repnoiic. iub jhiiiunk nas been ravoreu witu a copy or tbe Hawaiian Star. which contains the proclamation setting forth that a repubiio was established, The same issue contained tbe constitution adopted and was printed in red and blue on white paper. The leading editorial headed "doa save tne Kepubllc" closes aa follows: "Auspiciously inaugurated, steadv on the lines or true and ruauly inspiration, muv tbe repubiio continue to grow aud de velop her citizens until in the fulness of time she shall bloom into the Union of Statos we all revere." AT THE THEATERS. Gus Hill's "World of Novelties" will be seen at tbe Academy of Muslo this even ing. In connection with the performance air. nui announces tne engagement extra ordinary, at an enormous exnnnso. of the latest European importation, Hacker and Lester, the wonders of the world, in their asiomniiig acroDatio performance on wneeis, tne only artists to Introduce bead to head balancing on a bicvele: $1,000 challenge to produce their caunl. These artists nave appeared before the crowned beads of Europe. Taken as a whole, tbe company is one oi tne best now before the public t t t The "Spider and Flv" Dromised for Fri. dny evening at the Acudemv of Music in said to bs by far the best attraction of the kiuu on the road this season. It fairly uurBu open wnn new leatures, new Ideas, now costumes and scenery, new ballets, pretty girls and good comedians, not for getting some exceedingly popular music To enumerate all the clever people ' in the caste wonld take too much space at this writing. There are some novel stage trans formations, and some remarkably hand some costumes. Much of the nlav la in "McGinty land," otlurwise the bottom of the sea. The groupings and marching of tbe company in tbe ennetnbles make beaut iful stage pictures. The pantomimists are also excellent. In fact, as a spectacular ouriesque tnis production takes a very t t t All laughter and no tears is what charm. ing Hettie Bernard Chase promises her patrons at the New Frothingham, Sept. 7 and a The farce comedy, "lU'Jfl," was niaue ior lauguiug purposes only and will be Interpreted by the very best company of singing comedians obtainable, Tbe compauy numbers thirty people, carries its own orchestra, its own scenery and calciums, ana will present a serlo. or twen ty beautiful living pictures. Box sales' of seats opens Wednesday at 0 a. m., at the i rotuingnam. The Bcranton Business College Opened yesterday in both day and even ing sessions. The proprietors' expecta tions were more than realized. Tbey do not say bow many students -entered, but they do say corns, see and count. More chairs will be ordered today, and an extra supply of books telegraphed for last avenins. Bohool of Art and Caaign Will open Sort. 10. Thorough instruction In Drawing, fainting and Designing. Ad dress Miss Worthinqton, 01 Coal Ex.. D1KD. COAR-In Bcranton, Sept 8, William Coar, at his home, 510 Gordon street. Funeral Wednosday morning at 9 a. m. interment in iiyae rark cemetery. - NOTES SOUTH Tbe South Side, It Is Claimed, Is Not Fairly Treated in Regard to Mail Service, KINDERGARTEN SCHOOL TERM Will Reopen Monday at the Same Place Where the School Was Con ducted Last Term Officer Boland and- the City Line Thugs Serious Injury to Frank Casper by Falling from a Ladder. The postoffloe department will bear something of interest in a day or two from the business men of the South Side. Select Councilman C. V. West pfahl yesterday complained to a TniB dnb reporter of tbe shabby mail facili ties furnished to the South Side as com pared with theWest Side or North Eud. Mr. Westpfabl is tbe manager of one of the largest grocery stores and in his business suffered considerable from auk of mail service. The first delivery in tbe morning does not come many days until 11 o'clock, and the afternoon mail arrives about 4 30. It is argnd that there ought to i a delivery iu the morning at 8 o olock, one at noon aud snot her after supper along with tbe two that are now in operation. FELL OFF A LADDER. A Sixteen-year-old Boy Seriously In jured. Frank Casper, a boy 10 years of age. living on Moltke avenu-;, fell from a ladder placed against tne side of bis father's bouse yesterday afternoon and suffered a very serious Injury. Ilia scalp was cut open and the temporal uotie or the skull grazed by coming in coutact with the edge of a rock. How ever, the family physician does not think the case bopoless. The boy was after iclimbing tbe lac der and had reached top rung. He loat his balance and fell a distance of twenty feet, SOUTH SIDE JOTTINGS. Miss Ida Harris, of South Washington avenue, is visiting in Hazleton. John Coyne, of Minooka, is ready to ac cept a challenge from any pigeon shooter in the connty lor any sizod purse. Rev. F. Holter. of the German Evan gelical church, of Ccdsr avenue, is again at the helm after a pleasant vacation. The arraugamenta for the fair in Oc tober of the Prospect Avenuo Gorman Baptist church are progressing along liuos that guarantee its success. Tho city line thugs are not getting anv ease. Officer Boland bas made up his miuu mai inese lawless youtns must be taught respect for tbe law. If thev wars snbduod it is oertaiu that there would bo fewer burglaries and bigbwty robborios in mat part or tne city. Tbe free entertainment last night at the rooms oi tne xoung woman s Christian association was attended by a large audi ence and was well enjoyed. Refresh ments were provided gratuitously and all present entered into the agreeableness of tne situation witn refreshing informality. Tbe South Bide braucb of St. Luke's kindergarten will re-open for tbe fall and winter term ou Monday next, nnloss some umerent arrangement Is decided upon in the meantime. The success of this school bas become so markod that a great demand bas been made for admission, creator, in fact, than the capacity of the eebool can accommodate. Miss Florence Hull, the principal in chame. will continua wiih t.lm ncnooi ior tne next season. DID NOT SEE THE PLANS. Statement of a Representative of Potts v.lle Iron Company. One of the assertlona maila dnri, i the fight nraninitutad hv 'nnriuln ben of ennnoil tn hnva tho niiv niab- solicit competitive bridge plans, which arew irom inamnTnr a vatt nnrtm. .lut. of April S3, was tbat the plans drawn np uy wiy engineer I'htlltps wore pre pared in part or least with the know ledge of the Pottsville Bridge com pany. H. P. Cooper, representing the Pott ville company, specifically denies tl asanrtlon T-Im irnri ti.lth.i. ti,..i uor any other offlol.il of the iTottsville uriuge comnauv lias henn conanltuH concerning the aitv ancinanr'a nl.n. m j - - - The f-ffort to rr.nnan tha nnaetiAn ,? plans emanated, be believes, from agents or a rival company, and the as aertion relating to tha Pottavilla nm nanv is culenlatad hn thlnlr. tn nrnrlr it an iu justice, by prejudicing couueils against it. VIEWERS FOR DELAWARE STREET. They Were Appointed Yesterday by Judge Giinstnr. Mrs. Christina R. Lindsay, wbo owns property on Delaware street. Green Kidge, yesterday petitioned court for tbe appointment of viewers to assertain tbe amount of damages done to her property by the grading of that s treet. Judge Gunster Appointed E. J. Me Nalley, Charles Koemple and Ran dolph Crippen a board of viewers. They will meet Sept. Attorney I. 11 Burns represents Mrs. Lindsay. HIS FACE IS A SIGHT. Kicks and Thumps Destroy the Beauty cf J. W. Clayton. Charles White, of the North End got 'on bis uiusole Sunday afternoon and became tronlilesome at tbe Jackson Ilouse on Frauklin avenue. Au em ploys of the placo, J. W. Clayton. i . : f iiruii- . . . . i ' iriveu iu pauiiy trims anu got a Deal ing for his pains. Clayton's face is a PRATT'S HOOK STORE Wo are prepared to furnish all kinds of School Hooks and School Supplies at short notice. We always have in stock a com plete line of Illank Books, Sta tionery and Office Supplies. Wall Paper, Window Shades Pictures and Frames. iiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiigiiiiiin ISPOOMEY I ! No better spoons arc made S . than those ot Wm, Rogers' g Manufacturing Co. They S were never sold at tbii price before. Buy now 5 TEA SPOONS 500. FOR 6. I . TABLESPOONS $1 .00 FOR 6. RexfordJewelry Co., Lacrnve, niiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiirMiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiil fright from the usage White applied, ana it win oe at least a raw weeks be fore it is lu anything like presentable shape. A warrant was sworn out vesterdav for the arrest of White before Alder man Fitziimnions and later in the day he appeared, waived a hearing and en tered bail in the anm of $500 to answer at conrt. John K. . Jones became bis bondsman. City and Bohool Taxes, 1894. The city and school tax duplicates for the year WM are now in my hands for collection. Persons wishing to pay can do so now, or any person requiring state ments or taxes oy giving ward aud loca tion of property will be Dromntlv answered. R. G. Brooks, City Treasnror. Municipal buildiug, Washington avenue. Office bours from U a. m. to 5 p. in., ex cept Satuurduy, this office will be closed at noon. We are clearing out the whole of our stock of fine etchings. Chicago Art Co., ui renn avenue. FOR JURY COMMISSIONER. Mr. Philip O. Schr-uer, who will be a candidate for the office of jury commis sioner before the coming Republican con vention, has been n life long resident of tho South Side, Scran ton. lie is a mem ber of the well known firm Scheuor Bros., bakers and oue of the most popular Ger mans in this valley; his many (riends are earnestly working in his behalf aud bis nomination is almost a foregone con clusion. Delegates, vote for Philip C. Schcuer for jury commissioner. The $40,000 Sohool House for Columbia avonue has been let and will bo commencod immediately. There are still a few lots left at a low prico. AKTl I I'D, tllOTHINdHAM, Office, Theater Lobby. Grocers and butchers' pass bonks. Puatt's Book Stoiik. Pili.siiuiiy Flour Mills have a capacity of 17,500 barrols a day. Wood, bamboo nnd brais oasols. Pkatt's Book Stoke. Import Samples mean 20 per cent, less than import prices. No two pieces alike. Flower Vases, Jarden ieres, Plates, Chocolate and Tea Pots, &c. To secure REAL BAR GAINS, come at once. WEICHEL & MILLAR Ii6 Wyoming Ave. YOUR SHOE MAN WILL Ol'I.N PIUINU WEEK OF SEPT. 10 New Store, New Goods, New Styles, New Prices. COME AND SEE US. 410 SPRUCE STREET They ARE Beauties The Fall DUNLAIV II AT,, buf not a bit nicer, neater t r more elegant than our lino cf FALL HECKWEAR All the latest styles, colors and combinations. The same at both stores. Christian, The Hatter, 4 12 SPHUCK ST. and 205 LACK' A. AVUNUK, D OOFtlnnlm and soldering all done imr with by the nso of HAKTMAN'B LAT ENT PAINT, which consists of Ingredients Well-known to 1L It can be appliod to tin, aalTanized tin, shoot iron ruofs. also to briok awellinva, which will provont absolutely any erumblinir, cracking or breaking of the brick, it will outlast tinning; ot any kind by tnany yenrs.and it's cost does not exceed one fifth that of I he cost of tinnine. Is sold by the job or pound. Contracts taken by NIOMO UAIU'DIANN, UI Birch Bi Oil HULL DECEIVED TODAY Also' a firstclas9 : stock of Imported Suitings and Trouserings. Martin & Delany Custom Tailors and Clothiers, WYOMING AVENUE. i"i!iiuiiiHi!iHU3iig!i93iiiiiiitiiniiiiniiiaiiiir!irj!a!;i9!i0!!:r3ci;9!:!:i! 308 Lacka. Ave. Has just received some special val- 3 ues in LACE It will pay you to a 150 pairs Nottingham, ZJ2 yds. long, th $1.50, for $1. tj 75 pairs Nottingham, worth $2.50yfor $1.39. M a 50 pairs Nottingham, worth $5, for $2.75. I 25 pairs Irish Point (see window), worth $15, S for $11. f. I 10 pairs Real Brussels (see window), worth $35, sj for $21. ' g 100 Chenille Table Covers, 6-4, worth $2.25, for 1 $1.50. S "isa3!!2iiiini9iniinni!iiieg:ii;3iH3ii3t:iiiiir.Miuan;r9a3!i!i:i!niES!S!t3iii!Eii Scientific Eye ui!iBeswguMiinrc!m!!iBi2EniH I STELLE & SEELEYl I 134 WYOMING AVENUE. S I THE BEST S 1 OF PROPHETS I 3 for tho fntnre is the past During tbe more thaw forty yearn of 1U - ezistenoe over 05,000 people have pnrohaeed and played and praised j I The Emerson Piano. i There ars soma pianos tbat will eost von more than the Emerson, will. If you enjoy paring hleh prions just for the sake of paying them, probably yon will hay one of these. But no matter what you fay yon'll not t a bettor piano, nor a handaoraor, nor one more durable. It is impossible to improve on the best. REASONABLE PHICE CASn-INSTATXMFKTS-FEVr. "On the Fence." "On the Fence." Soon be ovor the 6oaon for riding. II yon want a Bicycle now is the time to get it. We are clearing np all stock, and will give you such a cliauott as you never had before. Ono ot our bargaius: A First-class, High Grade $150 Bicycle for $03. lirina your cash and GET OFF TIIE FENCE. CLARENCE XL FLOREY Successor to Floroy & Holt. THE CELEBRATED 1 VttWtl PIANOS ire at Prcstnt the Mott Popnlar and rraferreil bf l.eoitlin ArlUtS Warerooms: Opposite Columbus Monument, 205 Washington Av. Soranton.Pa. MT. PLEASANT AT RETAIL. tbat of tha beat quality fur doraeatlo nsa,aofl ef all sltea. dolivared la any part of to ait at lowest prioa. Orders left at my offloa, NO. 118, WYOMING ATENVIt, Rear room, first loor, Third National Bank, cr sent by mail or telephone to tha mine, wUl rteeiys prompt attuntlon. dmciai eontracts will be made for the salt Ma delivery of Buckwheat CoaL Wm VII 1. SMITH. LARGE LINE O. J Mackintoshes in Blue and Black Box Coats. a 1 j GyRTAmS see them. Testing Free By DR. SHIMBERCr, The Specialist on the Ere. Headaches and Ner vousness ralievad. Latnst and Improved Htvle of Eyeglasses and Spectaolfts at the Lowett Prices, Best Artificial Eyes inserted tor (5. 805 SPKCCE ST., Opp. Old PoRfrOfflce. "Time Tries All Things" a rint if the time you eirry ii In neenrata, what then? Think of this, and if in need of a WATCH, call on us. We'll save you hard dollars, in tha price, and give you a good guarantee for quality, baeked by a record of over 21 years' sttcceaeful experience in Scran ton. FREEMAN, Dealer in Watches and Jewelry For Fall Wear 305 Lackawanna Ave. THE BEST? TIIE TRIBUNE VaaP SWETHIMC N.W IN A HaT . CONRAD r