THE 'SCEANTON ' TEIBbNE SATUKbAT ' MOEKINQ-.'" :SPtEM3JER 1894; THE The meetings bald io tb tent on the itfeet Bideare well attended- Aecom modatloae art provided for 2,000 peo ple. Daring tae week night services an average of 1.600 paopla have at (ambled to bear E. W. BUsa preaahlng, while laat Sunday orer 3,000 people were in and around the doors of the tent. Mr., Bliss Is a man of great abil ity in eTangelietio work, and bas been a oo laborer of D L. Moody for the past twenty yean. He la not an ordained minister, and h'aa not bad collegiate training, bnt ii- one of tbe hundreds turned ont of tbe Moody Training aohool, Into which ba entered, having given up bla business as traveling sales man. .His style is clear' and dlreot, triklng home to the hearts of bis bear ers to convince them of their errors. He is preparing the way for his master and teaoher. and no apsoial effort bas been thus far made to gather in the converts. Mr. Moody will be in town today and will stay In tbe Westminster. ' He will preach tomorrow morning at 9 a. m. in tbe tent. Tbe evening service WH be for men only. A special meet ing for the women will be held in the Simpson Methodist Episcopal chorea. Major Whittle will aocompany Mr. Moody, and Messrs. Sankey and Steb bins are expected next week. - Caswal loa Davies, conductor of tha Moody quartette, sang in the tent during the past week and greatly, delighted tbe audience. Mr. Moody will make all arrangements for the- meetings to ba bald next week,' announcements of which will be made at tomorrow's ser vices. The obnrohea of the West Side will bold their regular services in the morning, and in the evening unitedly worship. in tbe tent and Simpson Meth odist Episcopal church. ANNUAL BANQUET. The Baptist Ministerial conference of the Abicgton association will open their weekly sessions by banqueting on the 17th inat. at Keystone academy, Factoryville. Tbe committee on pro gramme bas done its work, and has as signed subjects to the following gen tlemen I Rev.M. J. Watkins.of Faotery Tllle, will speak on "Blue Monday, Its Cause and Remedy;" Rev. J. R. Ellis, of Blakeley, will talk on the "Demands of the Age on the Christian Ministry:" Rev. T.J. Collins,, of the West Side, will address the meeting on "Should the Pastor have a Sabbath or Rent Day? If so. What Day Should It Be?" Rev. D, U Hughes, D. D of this city, will dlssuss ths subject, ''Should Ad herents of Christian Science, So-sailed. Have Membership in Baptist Churoh st" Rev. W. J. Quest, of Peokville, will shed light on tha "Sphere of a Minister's Wife;" Rer. W. Q. Part ridge will say "What Booka Should Constitute the Minister's Library;" Rer. T. E. Jepson, of Carbondale, will tell of the "Relationship subsisting between Keystone aoademy and the Baptists of northern Pennsylvania. Are we alive to the interests of the academy, and is it rendering to us what is due aa an ednoational force? ' The banquet will be served at 1.30 p. m and Rev. W, G.Watkins, of Provi dencei -wiH be tot-ratir-or the-occasion, " .... DEDICATION SERVICE. Today, the First Slavonio cbareb of Peckville will' be' dedicated. .This is the first frnits of the missionary ac tivity of the Lackawanna Presbytery, which has undertaken missionary work among the foreign populations of our valleys. This organization at Paekvilla bas been . in existence for some time, and until reoently was under' the fos tering eare of the Green Rldza ehnroh. A commodious house of worship has Deen erected, ana by trie generosity or leading laymen in tbe Presbytery, tbe dab haa been paid. . Ths building will be dedioated free of all financial in cumbrances . today, when sermons and addresses appropriate to the ooeaslon will be delivered. The service will be in charge of Rav. S. C Logan, D. D., the efficient super intendent of the work, who bas given much attention to the first Slavonio so ciety,, in this flourishing town. Rev, George Guild, Rev. N. F. Stahl and Ktv. Williams, of Dunmore.'are Also down for an address. Tha nutnr John Klasack, will address the i Bohemian mission ir nf v. bltv. Will nr'fih in Rtnvaa Th S : 1 1 . - bftABt AnffAfraA fnt tha A....I.. will meet the elergy at the Peck- Bruir inn a anmnaan ... trill rttaon t Tin I i 4.L. i. . . ,r . , W J VMUJL. thiV slhnrch That aavamnnw wni do eonaucUa by the iuo BerTit) win cuamenoe COMING AND 60ING. gregatlonal church ef Plymouth; will be muaiueu diiu 1UBVBMBU VJ COUnill next Monday. The first session will be at '4 p. m.i when the pastors of the Wyoming conference will meet to examine the can didate .and .take parkin the -ordination services! - Mr. Evan is a graduate of Yale aeminary, whew he took a three years' coarse. He secured' his collegiate and academical, training . in England.- Hia ministerial life is begun among a young and aotive chorch, , which has flattering prcspeots of future growth and useful ness. Rev. D.' A? Evans,' pastor of the Puritan Congregational church; of Providenoe. has resigned. His labors with his present enarge will end the Snthlnst. He has re ceived a. call from Vaoghansvtlle, Ohio, whiob he hasacoopted and will begin work there on the firs1 -f Ootober. Mr. Evans' resignation is regretted by a large oirole of friends, both in and outside the city. He has faithfully labored amid many dispar agements in his present field for a year , and nine months. The majority of tbe church comprises young people, depend ent on their daily labor for subsistence, and'ot their scanty earnings they contrib uted liberally to pay for a lot npon which to erect a church. The edifice was bnilt last year by the efforts of Mr. Evans, and the present indebtedness is not so heavy aa to be a source of anxiety. Affaire are pros pering under his leadership, and the peo ple of his charge deeply regret tbe resig nation of their pastor and leader. Mr. Evans has labored before In Ohio and is now returning to the fellowship of an as sociation of which be was formerly a mem ber. CHRISTIAN WORK. The Ladies' Aid Soolety of the Beorind German M. E. Church will meet Wednes day afternoon and prepare for the fall's work. . ' ; , The choir of'the Otdar Avenue Method ist Episcopal church is busily preparing a acred cantata trader tbe leadership of D. M. Daviee, which will be given tbe public about the last of the month. Next Tuesday the Elmlra district of ths Wyoming conference will hold its nieotlngs Aft I rnv hia tnt. Rev. F. A. D-jny has been invited to be present and will address the members on "Sabbatn uoservauce. William Wilk and Paul Gogolin, two young men of tbe Lutheran chureh on the South Side, will leave next Monday for Dubuque, la., and enter the Wartburg seminary to prepare themselves for the work of the ministry. A letter was read last Sunday In the First Welsh Baptist church from Rev. W. S. Jones, the pastor, who has spent his vacation in Wales. Mr. Jones expects to return to bis work next week, and will preach on tbe 9tb inat. St. Paol'a Evangelical church is busily preparing for the fair and festival which will be held next October. The ladies in charge are meeting with success. This effort is made to remove the debt still re maining on tbe church. The Sunday schools of the Primitive Methodist churches of Lackawanna and Luzerne valleys will hold their annual con vention at friceburg on tbe 11th inst. Rev. W. H. Acornlv. of tha First chnrch of Plymouth, is president. Rev. S. O. Logan, D. D.. will announoe tomorrow at the dedication in Peckville that a kindergarten will be started in the haseraent'of the churoh on the 10th lust Tbe work will be in cbarce of Miss Faunla O. Fuller, of Mnghamton. N. Y. Tomorrow evening the Christian En deavor society of tbe Congregational church, West Market street, will assume charge of tbe evening service. Mvrddyn Jones, of Olivet college, and William Davies, of Marietta college, will deliver addresses; and Cotwallon Davies, of the Moody quartette, will sing some sacred solos. The meeting will be held in the church, to commence at 8 p. m. THE CLERGY. Rev. Q. Hausser, of the First German Methodist Episcopal church, will conduct a love feast service tomorrow evening. . Rev. W. G. Watkins will celebrate holy communion tomorrow morning. In tbe evening a song service will precede the regular sermon, Rev. R. S. Jones, D. D.. returned last Tuesday from a trip to New York. He will celebrate holy communion at tomor row mowing's service. Rev. H. H. Harris, of Taylor, and Rev, D. Jones, of the West Side, sailed from Liverpool last Wednesday and are ex pected home next week. Rev. F. A. Dony, of Green Ridge, goes to Canton today, where he expects to preach tomorrow at two union meetings on "Sabbath Observance." Rev. Warren G. Partridge, of the Penn Avenue BaptiBt church, is expected home today and will occupy his pulpit tomor row, iioiy commuuion win oe ooservea in the morning service. Rev. George Guild, of the Providence Presbyterian church, returned home Thurs day evening from his vacation. He will occupy bis pulpit tomorrow, when the regular services win ba resumed. Rev. George Alrich is expected home to day, and will occupy his pulpit in the Grace Reformed church tomorrow. The Bible class conducted by him on Thursday evenings, will be , resumed next Thursday evening. Rev. J. R. Davis. D. D., of New York, successor to Dr. Howard Crosby, is ex pected at tbe home of William Frlnk, on Washburn street, today. He expects to stay in the valley about ,two weeks, and will prohaoiy preach on Sept. V at tne Washburn street cburcb. ,. ReV. J. 8, Parry, of Burnley, England, will Wench tomorrow in the Plymouth churcb. On Monday evening he will preach in the f rovmeuca congregational church on. West Market street, and' on Friday evening will preach in the First Congre gational church on South Main avenue. Rev. W. Morlais Evans, of Wales, is vis ittng bis frionds in this state, and has served several of tbe Baptist cburcbea in our valley. Mr. Evans was in active ser vice in this country some years since, bnt left for tbe land o( nis fathers. He has re turned and expects, to locate in the repub lie, which he prefers to Her Majesty's do minions. NOTES. ;' Rev. C. E. Robinson, D.D., returned from his vacation last Ibursday George G. Many, secretary of the Young Alan's Christian association, win preach at the Asbury Methodist Episcopal church tomorrow. Rev. Vf. J. Ford, of the Green Ridge Baptist church, la busily engaged this week moving his study and furniture to nis home on Mousey avenue. Word bas been received from Rev. D. W. Skellinger, of tbe Washburn Street Presbyterian church, stating that be will not D home pntu arter sept, u. The evening Sabbath service of the Ger man Lutheran churches, which was sus pended for the months of July and August, will be resumed tomorrow evening. Rev. P, Scheliha. of Williamsport. will preach in the German Evangelical church of Taylor tomorrow. , He la likely to bo caned to the pastorate or this church. Rev." Daniel Savage, of tbe Grsen Ridge primitive aietnouisc cnurcn, win conduct communion service tomorrow morning, and the evening will preach on the "Pearl oi ureat price." : . . ReV. D. K, Freeman, D. D of Hunting don, will preach tomorrow morning In the Washburn btreet Presbyterian vhurob. and in the evening he will preach in tbe ween mage Presbyterian church. Rev. J. J. Messmer, presiding elder of the Philadelphia conference or tbe Uerman Methodist Episcopal cburcbea, will cele brate holy communion in tha First German Methodist Episcopal church in tbe morn ing and in tbe evening at tbe South Side uerman Methodist Episcopal church, ' The session of the Second Presbyterian ehnroh met last Thursday afternoon and decided not to hold services in the church tomorrow. The organ will not be ready for use for two weeks, but tho board ex pects that the cburch will be in condition to be used lor pnbllo worship on Sept. 0. ReV. E. L. Santee and family returned noma xnuraaay evening irrom Huntington Valley camp ground. This is a new place. opened for the first time this year, and is managed oy a section or the uanvnie dis trict., mere are , thirty-eight cottages erected, and about 160 lots sold. Mr. San tee reports very Interesting meetings being neionere, wuion were wen attended. , . i . ' - - a i . TOMORROW'S CHURCH SERVICES. Baiht LOKB's Chorcu Rev. Rogers Is rael rector. Fifteenth Snnday after Trinity. Holy communion, 8 a. m.; holy commnnion service and sermon, 10.80 a. m.; Sunday school, 8.30 p. m.; evening prayer, 7 p. m. Saint Luke's Mission. Dunmore Rev, A. L. Urban in charge. Snnday school, 8 p. m,; evening prayer and sermon, t m Dunmore Presbyterian Churoh W. Williams, pastor. Morning service at 10.80; evening at 7.4o; osouaio sonooi at noon; ubristlan Endeavor at 7 p m. All are in Vited. Elm Park Methodist Episcopal Ch men W. H. Pearoe, paator. At9 a. m. Rev. D. L. Moody will preach. This service is especially for Christian workers. At 10. 80 the pastor will nrsaoh. At 7.80 It is ex pected that Maior Whittle will assist In tha service. Sunday school as usanl. Ep worth, leagua as aou O 01OCK. , k. Simpson Methodist Episcopal Cbcrch -preaching by. the pastor. Rev. L. C Floyd, at 10.80. gahhath arhnnl af. 19 m Epworth and Junior leagues at 6.30. Jn tbe evening a aervice for women will be oonauotea oy one of the evangelists. WAVEBLT BAPTIST--A.' Bersen Rrnwu. pastor. Preaching morning and evening v mo pastor) at iv.o suojeot, "(Standing by the Cross;" at 7.80 p. m., "He Did. but couia JNot." gore's supper at close or morning sarmon. Service of aong led by young people's choir will precede evening sermon. ,.: i Grace English Lutheran Church Rev. Foster U. Gift pastor. Services on Sunday at the Young Men's Christian as sociation at 10.80 a. m. and 7.80 p. m. The evening service will consist of a song ser vice. Everybody welcome. The CncRCH or the GOod Shepherd Green Ridge street and Mousey avenue. Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity. Morulnir prayer aud litany at 8 a. m. Iloly com munion and sermon 10.80. Evening prayer and sermon 7.30. All seats tree. All wel come. First Frksbttehiav rnnnrn Rav. James McLeod. D. D.. will occunv his pulpit tomorrow morning and evening, Calvary. Reformed Church Corner Monroe avenue and (lihsnn Rtrat. Rat. W. H, Stubbleblne, pastor. Preaching morn ing and evening, 10.30 and 7.30. Morning subject: "An Immovable Kingdom;" evening, "Preparation for Heaven." GREEN Ridoe Baptist Church Rev. W. J. Ford, pastor. Services at 10.30 a. m. and 7.80 p. m. The Lord's Supper will be celebrated at the close of the morning service. Howard Place African Methodist Episcopal Church Rev. C. A. McGee. pastor. Preaching by the pastor at 10.30 a. m. and 8 p. m. Morning subject, "God's Call to the Church;" eveuiug, "The LaBt Judgment." First Baptist Church Pasto Collins will preach Sabbath at 10.30 a. m. Theme, "Winning Souls." In tbe evening this congregation will join in the union ser vices. Green Ridoe Presbyterian Church. Services at 10 80 a, in. and 7.30 p. m tbe latter being changed from 7.45. Sermons by tbe pautor. Bible school at 12 o'clock. and Christian Endeavor moating at 6.30 p. m. Trinity English Lutheran Church Adams avenue, corner Mulberry street, Kev. ,. L. Miller, pastor. Services at 10.80 a. m. and 7.80 p.m. Pewa are free and v siting worshippers always welcome. All Souls' Church Pine street near Adams avenue, Rev. George W. Powell, pastor. Services tomorrow at 10.80 a. m. Theme by request: "One Religion Many Creeds;" and at 7.30 p. m., theme: "The neautirui Kellglou or a Pagan." As this will be tbe first Sunday service after va cation, all friends are requested to be pres ent. Jackson Street Baptist Church The pastor will preach tomorrow at 10 30 a. m. and 0 p. m. On account of Mr. Moody's sermon to men in the tent on the West Side at 7.80 p. m., the service at Jackson Street Baptist church will close at 7 o'clock sharp. NEWS NOTES FROM WALES. Smcial Correttnndence. 1 LoNDON.Aug. 10. Sir William Harcourt. chancellor of tbe exchequer, bas behaved handsomely to Wales, having given a grant of f 50,000 to the Aberstwyth college upon condition that t-3, 000 is subscribed in addition. This will easily be accom plished. Tbe $2,000 bas also been donated for the purpose of searching tbe ancient records of Wales and having a transcrip tion made into tbe prosent day language. There is a great boom at St. Winifred's well at Holywell, well known to Catbolica This queer Welsh town is the center of Catholic work and a well bas been erected before the memory of man over a spring of water using at tne rateoi twenty tons a minute. Last week tbe town has been more than crowdod and more pilgrims have attended than upon any previous record. This was due to tbe marvelous cures which have been reported, and cer- tlncates wer shown proving that Incurable cases were immediately healed by bathing lu the holy well. As a result or the visit and tbe money collected a marble atutue of bt. Winifred will be erected. Ben Tillett, the labor leader, in speak ing at a meeting in South Wales declared the disestabliBbmeut policy to be "ahum bug of tbe first order.1' The Montgomery borough Liberals have at last secured a candidate to oppose Sir pryce pryce-jones in tue person ot J. W. Wlllans, of Dolfargan Hall, Kerry, an elec trical engineer and chairman of tbe Lon don chamber of commerce. Miss Llewela Davies, a native of Brecon. has acbieved a career as a student of the uoyal Academy of Music, the brilliancy of which is without a parallel. In 1887 she was elected John Thomas Welsh scholar, in 189!) Macfarren scholar, in 1801 she gained the Sterndale-Dunnott prize, tbe 1803 the Santley prize and iu tbe same year the Louis Hopkins prize as well as the Worshipful Company ;of Musicians medal in lbW and in the present year her success nas culminated in the attainment of the much coveted Charles Lucas medal for competition in face of bitter opposi tion ot uugallant male. Bravo, fair Llewela, thou art worthy of tbe "land of song." Rev. William Powell, of Pembroke, is dead, uuousanoa ot your readers will recollect tbe worthy old divine wbn pased to rest at the ripe old age of 80 years. lie was tbe oldest preacher iu the Culvinistlc denomination, having commenced preach ing in 1833. There is no doubt that many souls were gathered to the master's vine yard through the efforts of William Powell. . Frederick Cooper, of Ferndale. eloped with the wife of Thomas Jones Snoa- inakor.of Ferndale and John Philip Lewis, son ot Rces Lewis, grocer, of Cwro Civ- daeb, eluped with a lady unknown and tSUO. In both cases tbey were cnught by the police aud locked up. Elopements don't wasn in wales. Welsh politics are at a dead level and nothing at preseut seems to attract any attention iu the political world. Mayor J onos, tue vetoran politician, made oue ot win ivuiaianuis .uab.u.u. ,u which he abaudoued the old theory of supply and demand and urged tho estab lishment ot a minimum wage by law. - MosquitOv-s are tbe terror of Newport, Booth Wales. Tbe little visitors are sup posed to have btru carried from tropical countries iu cargoes of grain. Tbey are weloomed uy the doctor, who treat pa tients tor the swellings which follow the bite. . uwkn. .THE BANNER FISH YARN, For several years there has been a large blaok bass that made bis ueadquurters at the foot of tueIio:idaledam In the Fishing oreck, Bioomsburg, which was known to all the Qshermen In that vicinity as "Black Bill." Ail the local lzaak Walton a have bud a laudable desire to capture bim, and he has been booked hundreds of times, but was so large aud so quick in his actions that be always escaped when his capture seemed sure. The Bioomsburg Daily on Tuesday reported the capture of the far famed hah by a fisherman from that town, and says that be was so full ot old books he could not be eaten aud bad to be sold for old iron. . Dsftat Gractfully Aoknowlsdged. WUktt-Barr Newi-Diti ir. The marksmen ot tbe Ninth regiment shoot pretty good, but there are marks men in tbe First and Thirteenth regiments Who can shoot better, Beecham's pills are for biliousness, bilious headache, dyspepsia, heartburn, torpid liver, dizziness, sick head ache, bad taste in tiie mouth, coated tongue, loss of appe t:' "Jlow skin, when caused b nstipation; and consti pay j- is the most frequent catiU of all of them. Book free ; pills 25c, At; drugstores,or write B.F.Allen Co.,365 Canal St., New York, s 1 HEALTH HINTS Suggestions That May Enable Han; Tribune Readers to Feel Better. WISDOM FDR THE ' HOOSEHOLD These Hints Don't Cost Much, Are Not Copyrighted and if They Don't Do You Any Good You Can Have the Satisfaction of Knowing That They Will Not Do You Any Harm. Few recent developments In medical science has attracted more attention than those which have attended the experiments of Dr. W. W. Myers, of Philadelphia, to obtain a substance which will inculate patients against diphtheria. The announced results of these experiments have been received with some surprise and incredulity, but the opinion of careful observers seems to be that an important discovery has been added to the list of modern reme dial agencies. For the purposo of in oculation Dr. Myers has used a sub stance known as tox-albtimen, which, according to his own. description, is Erepnred as follows: "The diphtheria ouillion-culture is first filtered, then evaporatod to one-third its volume'; it is then treated with ten times the quantity of alcohol and acetic acid, and precipitated until a clear liquid is obtained; this is dlalyzed for seveuty two hours and again precipitated with alcohol and dried. The residue is a white substance, termed tho diph theria tox-albumen." Two children, aged 5 and 4 years respectively, and a married woman, aged 81 years, who were suffering with diphtheria, were thus inoculated by Dr. Myers, the tox-albumen being applied to the parts affected by the disease. In each case the patient recoved. In one of the families where the disease appeared Ave members, whose ages ranged from 18 to five years, were each Inoculated in the left arm with this same tox albumen. In three of the children slight febrile symptoms 'were manifest and slight uneasiness of throat. The inoculations healed kindly and no fur ther trouble developed. The children were kept from school and in the house all the time, occasionally in the sick room, but no other cases devel oped. Three children, members of the household in which the second case occurred, were inoculated, and the husband and the sister of the married woman were also successfully Inocu lated. The left arm of the husband was very sore for several weeks, but yielded to treatment. The sister's throat was slightly inllamed for a few duys, but there were no appearances of ulceration or false membrane. The doctor's experiments have been equally as satisfactory In cases of membraneous croup, which have been treated in the same way. " The experiments of Dr. Myers were doubtless suggested by the reportMi auppngg of Dr. Koch, the cele brated German bacteriologist, iu the treatment of diphtheria by the use of his anti-toxine lymph. Dr. Koch claims to have cured over 3,000 cases of diphtheria in Berlin, aud he wants 30,0u0 from New York city for the right to use his latest discovery. i Notwithstanding the generous size of this required royalty, the Koch lymph, It is said, Will receive a thor ough trial In New York. Professor Biggs, of the Uothani health dtipnrt gent, who was Commissioned to go to Berlin and study Its operation, has re named, and brings back glowing no counts of the lymph's efficiency. In 250 cases the anti-toxine treatment produced the following results under Professor Koch's prescriptions: Where the treatment was applied within the grst twenty-four hours, all cases were cured; where patients were innocu lated on the second day of the disease, 97 per tent, recovered; when innocu lated on the third day, 87 per cent, recovered-oil the fourth day, 70 per cent.; on the fifth day, " per cent. By the treatment any person who has beon exposed to the disease can be rendered immune if the symptoms have not been developed. If cases are treated within thirty-six hours the mortality can be' rendered prac tically nothing. It can be seen how wonderful the treatment is when it is recalled that the average mortality of true diphtheria is 27 per cent. The anti-toxine treatment rest on tbe fol lowing facts: 1. I thus been found that where h person contracts an infectious disease, and recovers from it, that person can not contract the same disease again for a greater or less length of time. . 2. Many infectious . diseases are known to be caused by specllloerms. 3. Death from an infectious disease is not caused by the germ of that dis ease, but by a poison (toxine) created by.tlie germ. In diphtheria tho Klebs Loelller bacilli of the discuse create a poison, which, when absorbed from the throat by the body, cause death. 4. The reason why a person who has recovered from an Infectious disease cannot "take" that disease again for a Ceriodof time is because there lias eeu created In the body of that per son an anti-toxine, some substuuue which neutralizes the poison of tho dis ease, just as acid neutralizes an alkali. 6. Dr. Koch bas found that If large animals, uch as horses, cows, etc., be given small doses of dyphtherla bacilli they will become slightly Nick, giving them another dose after they get well, und then another and another there comes a time when no dose of diph theria bacilli will make them sick. They have then developed lu the blood Ii Hf win a onKufn nnu w oLm l 1113 CHI H IVAIUV Ull-JnmiHA . V? v VI this is, which neutralizes the poison of diphtheria. Professor Biggs, lu a lecture upon this subject the other day, explained further that the blood of these animals then becomes an antidote to this poison, It Is drawn oft In such quan tities as will not Injure the animals and may be used at once on a person who has juBt contracted the disease. As, however, the injection of the blood of an animal into a man would create a fever, the serum of the animal's blood is separated before it is used. This contains the anti-toxine sub stance. If this anti-toxine serum Is Injected into a healthy person It has no febrine effect whatever, but it neu tralizes the poison of diphtheria. It takes from four to six months to get an animal into the condition where the anti-toxine substance exists in its blood. During these months the ani mal has to be watched ana treated oy skilled' men. It is the purpose of the New York board of health when It has this serum ready to give It to physi cians throughout the city for use. As the work of making it Is costly, it must be done by a sanitary board or the Door could set none of it. The board will ask for an appropriation of 130,000 to carry along tho worn, i Th growth of the tendency, toward self-slaughter;doesri't need to beiproved CARLISLE'S PRIVATE SECRETARY. His Health at Once Improved Paine's Celery Compound. Palna'a telery compound makes peo ple well I From the wilds of Maine to the land of golden sunsets, from Canada to tbe Florida rears, rich and poor, men and woman in high plaaes, and those wbo serve tbelr country equally aa wall by being good husbands and good wives all manner of people are being bene fited by Paine's eelary compound. Many in hixh positions, knowing that their example la likely to be fol lowed, and wishing that their experi ence may help others, have given their testimonials to the value of this great eat remody. llr. II. W. Van Senden. the private secretary of John Q. Carlisle, seoretary of the treasury aayi: "I have used tereral bottles of Paine's celery compound, and its bene ficial results wer manifested in a very much improved condition of the sys tem. Those who arts overworked will find it a splendid tonio and nerve in vigorator." Mr. James A. Bryan, theeity editor or tbe Paduuan (Ky.) Standard, one of the most influential newspapers in that part of tht country, writing about a month previous, said; "I have, used several bottles of Paine's celery' compound for nervous ness and general debility, and the bene by statistics. It Is indicated every time one scans the newspapers. A merchant encounters trouble in busi ness, seizes a pistol and bang! out go his brains. A lover sees bis beloved speaking to a hated rival, gets a lauda num bottle and goes into everlasting sleep. A fretful mother grows weary of multiplying cares or crazy over re ligion and chops her baby's head off with au axe, afterward killing herself. Just the other day a champion run ner, fulsely accused of embezzling $300, ran Into the woods, leaped into a cherry tree, tied his neck in a noose and jumped off, breaking his jugular. And thus It goes, world without end, ad infinitum. Tho sapient editor of the Philadelphia Record thinks that a good bit of this homicidal madness can be traced back to a prevalent prac tice pithily summarized by the word "nagging." Apropos he says: "Neu ralgias yield to proper remedial treat ment; and teeth may be pulled. But what remedy avails when a . wife is yoked to a nagging husband, or a hus band to a nugglng wife? There be children also, petulant and peevish in infancy, born nuggers, and adept in all the intricacies of the game as the grow older and beyond the spanking age. Nagging Is thanklesxness; and Shakes peare would have hit the mark quite as closely if he had written: "How sharper than a serpent's tooth it Is to have a nagging child.1 How many thousand households are made really earthly purgatories by the naggers! The fault may bo forgiven to persons atliicted with incurable ner vous disorders? but there are hearty and healthy naggers, many of them unconscious of their dreadful ability to turn sour all the pleasure of those con demned to associate with them. They are the fault finders who exaggerate all petty ills that strew life's pathway Into serious miseries. They only see the seamy side of things, and find their pleasure in the disoomfort of others. Naggers are known of all men. They are the skeletons that stride uncloseted about the merry world. What shall be done with them? Should there be instituted training schools where the youthful nagger might be taught cor rected paces as a untrained colt ie made amenable to harness? Should nagging be made legal cause for divorce? Should there be hospitals for incorri gible adult naggers? Must we, after all our nineteenth century advanoe- lment, go back to the stocks, the duck fits have been marked. I consider it an Invaluable remedy for nervousness aud exhaustion, the result of confine ment, sedentary habits, and long sus tained mental and physical exertion. I take pleasure in rscommeadlng it to anybody who may be thai afflicted. This statement is made without solici tation and with no other objeot than to my testimony to that of others as to the efficacy ef what I believe is a meri torious renovator ot the human sys tem." And N. J. Dilday, one of tbe publish ers of the same paper, says: "I was troubled with nervont attacks, coupled with sleeplessness, ann tried Paine's oelery compound. Two or three bot tles convinced me that it is not with out merit. I am well pleased with it, and consider it a valuables remedy for nervousness caused by overwork and sedentary haoits. I am never without it." Thousands of testimonials come unasked-for to the proprietors ot this remedy, tbe discovery of which by Dartmouth's greatest professor, Ed ward E. Phelps, M. D., LU D., is one of tha ablest aobievments of reoent times. Paine's eelory compound furnishes ready, snfBoieat. appropriate food for nervous tissues all over the body. Its ing stool and horse pond, and com mence the twentieth century where we left off in the seventh? Something must be done to stop the suicidal ten dency of the time.'' T t t Health fob the Miliion: . Rheumatism is not likely to come to a man who, with religious punctuality each morning, eats a whole lemon, raw. . . If the skin is not broken, slight burns may be treated to advantage by covering them with white lead; but this is dangerous ou a large scale. Tea should never staud In the teapot after it is brewed. The ill effects of poor tea are doubled when the brew is permitted to develop into a black and noxious liquor and then taken Into the stomach. After all the ' Standard Blood Strengthener is best in nine cases out of ten. Take after each meal, and through a glass tube, twenty drops of tho chloride of iron diluted in half a gluss of water. One of the best general rules of health ou record Is thus expressed: Keep the body cleau and the skin healthy by a daily sponge or plunge bath, followed by brisk rubbing with a coarse towel. Do not permit yourself to ba consti pated and compel yourself to walk two miles every day. To one in good health who is thin and wants to be fat, the Philadelphia Record recommends that he get plenti fully of aweets and starchy foods bread and potatoes especially. In ad dltion to three dally meals drink milk either with the meals, or between meals at least two quarts everyday. Drink two quarts of water every day. Sleep ten hours out of the twenty four, When Baby was stole, we gave her Cestorta, When ah was a Child, she cried for Castorla. When she became Hiss, she clung to Oaatorla, When she had ChUOrea, she -to them Castori Biwarb of Frauds. Be aure yon jret the genuine Dr. Thomas' Eoleotrie Oil It cures Cold, Croup, Asthma, Deafness and RhtumatiazD, by Ingredients represent the most,, vaara of Prof. Phalna' nrantlaal nf tha nirvrtm mwm f am In Ata--. wa -u. uw. , .JBIfU, III IUIHH) After taking Paine's celery convpouol tbe blood no longer oreeps in e thlh, sluggish stream, bat the orlerlea gradf uaily become filled with riob. itroas) tide of vigorous red Mood that aMeOacf and bathes every tiny nerve and mu ole fiber in the boey. Headache, neuralgia, and lou of ap petite and strength cannot coatlnnc when inch healthy arterial blood (nil of ruddy, ltfe-glvlne;. ooapoeeles, and hraln tlunaa rani anal tha thin sal fluid, full of bad humors aid Uming iu um.ritiTe vaiuc. Thousands of men aad wemea whoa I ally life is making severe draughts M their vitality aeed Peine, celery com pound. Neae are to old helped y it( none arc to young to be at enee beM- fited. It permanently euree every kind of nervous diceaae. It quickly nlagf new material to the worn oat nerve sen tars, aud removea tae on causa el the many forms that nerrardleeaeel take: Dyspepsia elcepleeeaeW heart disease, rheumatism, meWuuheqr, kid ney and liver troubUa. As relief tor the debilitating efteoU oi this) Wes son, nothing can do so much. WEAK MEN vow ttehtiqji IS OAU4D to CM - "a"i vi Gray's Specific ledidBi IF YOU SUrTER ! wtaiTMiM. urn mm y I feus W billty, Weakness of Body and Mind, 8 per put torrhea, and Impotonoy, and att dMseaee thai arise from overindulgence and seUbafe.M Loss of Memory and Power, Dtnutaea af Yla Ion, Prematura Old Aa aod nusojr oihtwfUa. eases that lead to Inaanltr er OommisspUosi and an early jrrave. write for a pampawtt Address dRAT M EDIOINt uJMo, N. Y. The Bpeoifle Medicine is aT bTaU druggist at f per pack-, or sic pkecap. for &,or sent by mail on reoeipt of mMev.aM with every 15.00 order WE WARANtU a cure or monoy refunded. mmmmmmmmtm aayun account or eoanurutts w hawa adopted tne Y allow wrapper, tne only I k allow wrapper, the only aaaa iue, Bora in ecraaion ov J datthawsBret here 13 no use in stavlnp hinrl whn all K"V the world is pushing ahead. " Progress " is the motto of The Scranton Tribune Bookblndina REVIVO REST0RCS ViTMJTY. Mefd9eV. let Day, Well Man 15th Day. of Msj, THE GREAT BOtfc : produces the above result tn!B days, H acta rtwr(bllr end quickly. Oares woaael eMail ml oonamenwlUraaala thsir I art saaaoo4aaeel4 men will recover thetr youthful Hror by lie si RE VIVO. It quioll; asd rorl7 reatota Kurtfua. nesa, Lott Vitality, Impetaaoy, tnfbtlv laUaaWp Lost Power, felUnc tcaaf, waaflni rtmni.ana all effect of sett-abu or aaoaalaha lndlaoratto!. which oaSts ome tor study ! ns ot aaartlsaa. It net only cures hy etariat at the eeM f Aaeaie, Uba 1 street nerve tonic and bMod baUdar, balae ekeadf atdrins the ftro of y?uth, ft wand esT iDaaojty iif naoi tae puts ievietJ esseeea seal baik aad Consumption, his lit on haasu BSV1 VO, aw other. It can be carried la vest packet. It aaetL 1.60 per pankaae. er U tar OXkOO, wen e Uve written oMattoe to euro aw rJo4 tha money. Circular free. Address ROYAL MEDICINE CO.. IS River a, CrUeMO. IU. Tor sale by - i , rmfjrtatai, toreaioB, fa,