V VUTS SCEAKTON TKlBTWE-SATimDAT HOKNIN&,' SEPTEMBER 1. 189. RISE OF WELSH NATIONALITY BrcWjIshop Howell, of Wrexham, Contributes as Eloquent Communication. INTELLECTUAL LIFE OF WALES It Has Been Greatly Stimulated During Recent Years by the Development of a Sentiment Favorable to a Strong National Individuality But This Sentiment Is Not Hostile to the ln tcgrity of the British Empire. For Vie Saturday Tribune. Among the influences which have contributed to the revival of national feoling in Wales may bo mentioned the natural reaction from the long and persistent repression of the patriotic instincts of the Welsh people, on the part of the "powers that tie" in church and state. A spring cannot for ever bo kept under, and the longer it is sup pressed the more copious and irresist ible will its outllow become. Ho it has been in Wales. Something may also be said for tho fact that meu of char acter, intelligence and position, such as the late Henry Richard, the late Dean of Bangor aud others, becamo the champions of the Welsh national ism, and by them the cause was lifted Up to a higher level aud made to com mand the candid consideration of our public men. Moreover, a practical di rection was civen to the feeling of nationality by Bettiug before it objects of great utility, such as the closing of fmblio houses on Sunday, tho estab ishment of the University Colleges of Xvorth ana boutu Wales, ami latterly the promotion of intermediate educa tion in Wales. But far more than any of the influ ences combined must be ascribed to the extension of political privileges to the great mass of the people of Wales. With the passing of the act of 18(16, there came as great a change in the at titude of the Welsh people as had al most ever been known in the history of any nation of modern times. Tho nation rose in its might, as "a giant refreshed with wine," and asserted its rights with au energy that astonished none more than those who were lead ers on the popular side. I simply mention the fact historically, without, of course, any opinion as to the result s. But beyond anything and everything else, is tlie revival ot national leeling in Wales due to the power of the Welsh press. The population of Wales and Monmouthshire is estimated at 1,570,000. Of this it may certainly be saiu man tuny one-tnira speait weisii only as the language of daily lite. An other third may be said to sneak Welsh and English indiscriminately in social and commercial intercourse, but who use Welsh only for devotional fiurposes, and for the discharge of re igi,eus duties in the house hold and on the .Lord's Day. THE WELSH NEWSPAPEHS. The Bishop of St. Asanh. in a caleu lation made some time ago, estimated that only 88 per cent, of the inhabit ants of Wales and Monmouthshire worship in English, leaving tho re- maing 62 per cent, to bo worshippers in weisn. auq wunt is the mental food provided in the vernacular for tnose whose reading is Welsh? With out wearying you with statistics I may say that there are seventeen weekly newspapers published in the vemaeumriu wuies, wuu a circula tion of fully 120,000 a week. There arc twenty monthly and quarterly publi- J e l : , vuuuiio, uuo ui muni uuviiig u circula tion of 37,700 a month, and tho eircu- lation of the magazines published in me vernacular is saia to amout to lot),. 000 a month. A Arm of Welsh pub lishers, some years ago, laid out no less than $00,000 in the production of a single Welsh work, and with such sat isfactory results that they are now . bringing out a second edition. A Welsh-English dictionary, now in course of publication, lias taken a lmlf guinea quarto volume of 400 pages to reacn me ena or me urst letter in the alphabet. Three leading lirms of Scotch publishers have taken to pub lish Welsh works, and one has already sold to the amount of S181 ,2."0. On a fair computation the Welsh reading public, in and out of Wales. spend $1,000,000 a year on Welsh liter ature published in tho Welsh ton cue. A firm of publishers in mv lato narisli of Wrexham send some hundreds of pounds worth of Welsh books to the Colonies every year. In the United btatea there are twelve Welsh newsr pers published every week, and tho sale of Welsh books iu America is steadily on the increase. THE WELSH AS KEAUEHS. A year ago, Principal Edwards, then of Aberystwith, was induced to write his commentary on the Hebrews in Welsh. An edition of C.000 was an nounced, every copy of which was sola wHum tive flays or its publication. A second edition of 5,000 was put into the press, 8,000 copies of which had already been paid for 13,000 of a work or turn description in three months, All this affords ample proof of the vitality of the Welsh language, of tho extent to which it is cultivated, and the undying attachment of the Welsh people to their ancient mother tongue even wncn scattered over the world and dwelling in foreign lands. Such, then, have been the influen ces at work in producing such a aulck enlng of patrlotio enthusiasm as has rarely, if ever, been known in the his tory of any nation In m -Iflrn times. Looking at the past it would have been no wonder if the very last spark of national life had died out from tho hearts of the Welsh people. It is hard to conceive how more 'determined efforts could have been made than were made during several centuries to crush out the characteristics of tho Welsh people to exterminate their language, to root up their patriotic in stincts and to blot out their existence as a nation from among tho national! ties of the civilized world, WELSH A RICH LANQUAafe For a nation to lose its lancruacro is to lose that which is an importont part of . itself. Not only so, but it must never be forgotten that the Welsh Ian- guage is admittedly one of the richest or an the ancient languages of the world. It claims close afllnity with banscrit, ureek ana .Latin. It is pre- eminently rich in root-words. Dr, Owen Pughe's Welsh-English diction ary is said to contain 80,000 words; aud the dlotlonary of tanon silvan Evans, now in course or puoutation, will con tain 10,000 more, This speaks highly of the resources of our language, when I remind you that Webster's English dictionary contains only some 43,500 words. Nor 1b this all, for while two fifths of the English language la made up of foreign elements, the Welsh dic tionary is almost wholly made up o: native words. And, surely, such a language is worth cultivating, and it would be a loss to the world ir it was relegated to the limbo of dead lan guages. England's glory is our heritage nnd our birthright, as much at least as that of any other national clement of which our empire Is made up. We do not mean to renounce our share iu that heritage; wo do not mean to surrender our claims to a portion of that glory. it lias been a saying in W ales, tiiat, me Cymro would light for the Crown of Britain even if worn by a gate post. This is our strong way of expressing our loyalty to the constitution under which we live. We have buried old ealousies and old antipathies iu a grave out of which there is no resur rection. We are true as steel to what now an old alliance; but we have not lost our national individuality, and we do not mean to lose it. lis cultivation is not aiitngonistic to that union of hearts between the dillerent races of tho empire which is essential llio peace and prosperity oi an. 'here is no antagonism between true patriotism and that feeling of friendli ness and good will which we should feel and cultivalo toward men of other nations. There is no conflict of inter ests between tho Welshman's love of his beloved Wales, and his loyalty to tho institutions of that greater Britain of which he forms tho base. Any other feeling would be but a spurious pa triotism, a contentious, suicidal sel fishness, which every true Cymro will be the first to denounce. David Howei.ls, Archdeacon, Wrexham Deanery, Can on ol St. Asaph Cathedral, Aug. zi. Stock! and Bonds. New Yoiik. Abu. 31. Speculation nt tho Stock exchange was quiet nnd except for the dealings iu Amoricun Sugar tlio trade would have been absolutoly without ten ure. Tlio fotol sales were only lu.MI shnres against 207.7U0 shares yestordny, and "1I,T0U ou Wednesday. Net chuugos show losses oil Val per coat., Aniorican Sugar leading. The rnnu'o of yesterday's Driers for the ac- tivo stocks of tln'Mow York stuck market aro Klvon Mow. The quetntkms aro furnished Tub Tiiiiu'NK ly H. tin H. Diminirk. mannaer ol William Linn Alien A (A.., stock brokers, 41. spruco street, ccrautuii. Open- hUh-ina. Am. Pot. Oil. 8;i?fi 114 Am Sueur. 107 101 M A.T.&S. IT r.'i 7! an. So fj'-Mi r.J-'U Chespeako & Ohio. .. 2la ".l if, .,.,.. .1.... -rr. .".11,. lllO A N. W IMKi H., .. B. It o. ........ ; !,, C C'.C. & 8t. L.. 4l4 4Uli W tioih (ire,, ii.)!4 ti 63 INANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL, hOW frit. 104:1-4 74-V, lOti';, C. M. 4 W.:i'aul. hirairo.It. I. & Pac D. A 11 D., L. ft W... u. v.... . E. Co UK Cent.... Lake Shore. & N Manhattan.. llieb. Cent. Mlna. Pan Kut. Corilago r.at. 1. pud Now Jersoy Cent.. . 1. Central N. Y. & N. K N. Y.,L. E. & W... N. Y.,H. W Y.. K & W.. nr. North Pac North Pac. t r O. & W Phil. AltenrtW,.,, Kieh. & W. P T., C. & I . Texns I'ao Cninn Pacific, 14 Wabash Wabash pr lrt$ Wcstorn Union 8.114 Clos lutr. 1UV4 74H .... '"4 .... 4UJ4 .... rn'H ....11! .... W .... ' IS-IJ 4;;.4 179, 41 l'li'iii KM 11.1 ill ' m n,)i 41 Mi 2d--.fi rw it;,4 14 ls(i W l:Vi" 11 m 1; wit, m" rm'.i v.i ITU 4ia 11)11-4 10U4 44 M 20 sill 44 17i.i Sl?4 W4, VV',4 Cbioaro Grata and Provisions. Tbo raniio of TeBterday's prices (or tho ac tive sto( k of tbn Now York atoek market aro im-nn below. 1 he iniotations ar furnished niK Tiiiiu'NK oy I, uu li. inniinicK, mana ger or William Linn. Allen to., bioch uroK ers, 412 Syruco atrost, Scranton: Open- Hifjli- Low- Clos ing. ... W-! ... to;4 WHEAT. Ropt.. ....... Deo COKN. Rept Dec... OATS. Sept . r-"i4 i 6146 est. est. inc. r4 km 0794 wjS 67 S7 5.-,6 t,Wt r,i;4 80 30 flcranton Wholasala Markat PCHANTON. AUK- 31. FllUlT AND PltODUCB Urlod apples per pound, uaia: evap orated apples, i laiio. per pounu; u urKisa prunes, 5a5Jo.: English currants, SaiiJcj layer rnmins, m.idhi.oiv, lnusuaieia, si.w 1.40 per box; new Vnlencins, bate, per ponnd. Beans Marrow-fats, f3.40aa.50 per bushel; mediums, ? J.00al.U. f s urean, Sl.loal.idO per bniutl; put. ta.fiOaa.BO; lentels, 5. to Ho. per poind. Potatokb New, 75 to 80c. por bushel. Onions I'.UHhel, 70 to 7Bc. Bottkr 17c. to SSe. per lb, Chfuse yalOMc. par ib. Eoas Fresh. KalSo. llEATn-Ilams, 12 Uc.; snmll hams, 13s,; skinned hnms. lie: California bains, 9c; shoulders, hc; bellies, BJo,; smoked DrenKiaHt tiacoii, i.'c. Kmoked Bkkf Outsides. laKc: sots, lHc: in sides nnd knuckles, 10';o, Acme sliced smukod beef, 1 liouud cans, $'XH aozen. Pouk Moss nt $10: short cut, f 17. Lard Leaf In tierc at D'-i's.: in tabs. v;i.s in lU-ponna palls, 10Vo. por ponnd 6-ponnd pails, H)c. per pound; 8-ponnd palla. lue. per ponnd; compound lard tier'ios, 7c; tubs, Ytfc; lU-ponna pans, 7o. per ponnd; B-pound pails, 7o. per pound; o-noundpails, be. per pound. Flock Minnesota paUnt, per barral. W.OOa4.20; Ohio and Indiana ambar, at ti.a: uranam at - rya Hoar, at 3.00. Fun-Mixed, vn cwt. at SL2". GitAiri-KT. (15a.: corn. C4toC7o. oata. 43 to 550. par busheu ivTB faTHAW 1'or ton, 5i3ftlu, llAY-$14.50alO. Nw York Froduca Markat New Youk. Aue, 01. Flour About Steady. W heat Dull, Xc hicbar. firm, wo, red store 'and elevator. fiSo.; nfloat. CSa W'c.if. o. b., o84a50c; nnttraded rod, C2a 68c. j No. 1 northern, 65a05c; options closod stoady at unohancred prices to o, advance witn trading actlvo; December and September most active; September, nec.; uctoDer, wa; uocemDor, ic. May. COVc. cobn Dull, firm; No. 2, 03Jc; elevator, o3Xc afloat; options modarately active, strong aiui aic. cicner. Aiay most ac tive; Septamber, fi2Jio.; October, C2c; De- cemner, ao-; aiay, mo. Oats Fairly active, firmer; Septem ber, 84c; October, 85c; November, aio; Decambor, 87c; No. 2 white, uotoDer, B7 wo.; tpot prices, .No S3. B3!i 84c; No. 2, whlto, 30ku3fiic; No. 2 Chi cago, 84a35&; No. 8, !!3o. No. 8 white, anc; ;mixeu wesiorn, S4ajuc.; waits uo. oua4ic; wnitn state, ena4ic. Brev Dull, steady; family, 10.00a I'J.ikw; extra mess, I8.(i0ns..w. Bkkf Hams Quiet, steady; $22.00. Tierced Bkf.k Dull; firm; city extra inula mesa, h.iiu. CuTMEATU-Quietsteadyrpickled bellies. 13 lbs, B"ic; pickled shoulders, 7c; pickled nams, iiaiviu; miuuies nominal. Lard Quiet, higher; western steam closod at IS. 73- asked; city, Sag'i'c.j tep- tomoer ciosoa reunea nrnier: couti nent, ti).00 Kouth Amorica, 'J.25; com. pound, (lc. Pork Fair flemand; firmi snleB 400 bar- rolls; most ?15,25alfi.S0; extra prime, $13.50, an.i. Butter Quiet,nasy; state aairy,14a23c uo. creamery, lsa'J4e.;i Pennsylvania, do. 18a24c; western dairy, 13Wnl7c, do, creamery, 16a21o.; do. factory, 18nt0a; elirins, 24c; imitation creamery. 15al8c CuiKWt Moderate demand, easier; state large, eaiuio.; innoy, loo,; do. small, Xaiu?io. part minis, 4aBHc; lull aklms, oanHc. Eoos Onfet: fancy steady; ice home. 14Jalfiat western- fwh,. 10al7&; do., per ease i.ioao,w. GENERAL HEWS OF INDUSTRIES One featura of the prevalent im- provemeut in business is the fact that the increase is not all confined to grain. Shipments of lumber, live stook, frnits nd Tezetablag are very large with many of the roads. Coal is also mov- ng in considerable quantities, und now that paoplo iknow more about the tariff, wut bound business is improv- ng. Another result brought about through the improvement in business ia that hundreds of train crews who are been idle since lust January are back at work and the number is daily ncreasing. Engineers of maintenance f way are being given more rope in the matter of m iking improvement! to roadbeds, and all along the line there is a better feoling us the number of freight trains inorames and side tracks are cleared of all idle cars. The nnthrncito conl sales agents, at their meeting iu New York this week. greed to restrict the September pro- uction to 'J.&UU.imu tons, the same as for the present month. The meeting was short and, apparently, har monious, and the question of prices was ot even considered. In this connec tion it is asserted tbnt prises on certain grades of coal have been ent within he past ten days no less than !f 1.15 per ton. while tho coal was not ot the best quality, the cireular price is, nev ertheless, $4.15 per ton, and it has been selling at :!. A dispatch from Cleveland says that during the past week there has been a marked improvement in the lake car rying trade. Within a few days ore rates from tho upper lakes have been advanced 20 cents per ton, with a very light offering of tonnage. Three weeks ago many Heats, or portions of them, were laid up awaiting charters. Today everything that will carry a cargo is in service. The vessel owners have agreed araoug themselves not to oarry a ponnd of coal from the lower lake ports to the upper lakes at less than 50 cents per ton, and there is every indication that this lignre will be freely paid and even raised within a few days. Marine men generally believe that businees will be very brisk, with good rates from now on till tho olose of navigation. ... The Pennsylvania railroad, for the week ended Augunt 18, moved an un usually large quantity of coal and coke, howlng a ievival in manufacturing industries, especially iron, along the line of its railroad system. The total tonnage of anthracite, bituminous and coke carried over the lines of the renn vlvania railroad east of Pittabnrg and Erie for that weak exoeed 400,000 tons. The figures of the year 1801 to Augnst 11 showed that the Pennsylvania rail road's total tonnage of coal and coke had fallen off 3,070,185 tons, as compared with the corresponding period of last year, bnt tbo gain for the week ended Augnst 18 has reduced this loss of ton nage about 150,000 tons, the increased movement ot coal being nearly 100,000 tons, while that of coke exceeded 00,000 tons. Latest advices are that the Pennsylvania railroad's coal and coke tonnage also made still further increase last week. . . The Wilkes-Barrre Eecord leartis that an important ch antra will be an nounced on the Lebigh Valley railroad in a few weeks, it having been decided upon several dnys ago. At present Superintendent ksser, of Wilkes-liarre, bae oharge ol the North Branch Ul vision, running from Coxton to Sayre, but he is to be given charge of the Seneca division also, which runs from Sayre to Manchester, N. Y., giving him the sucerintendency of the two at visions. The Seneca division is now in oharge ef J. C. King, who will resign. Mr. Laser will nave jurisdiction over the important terminals at Sayre and the shops at that place. It is possible that his oflice will be moved from Wilkes-Bnrre to Sayre. . Minor Industrial Notesi The froicht officials of the Big Four say tho troight tonnage with thorn Is now only limited by the cars which can be com manded. Tho tonnage of tho Tittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicnco and of the Pennsyl vanla lines east nnd west for tbe last ten days has excoedod all formor records. West bound travol is now so heavy, on account of neonle returning from the sea board pleasure resorts, that on nearly all turotigu trains extra Bleeping coacnes are being hauled. Johu Lar.arns, of the Indianapolis, De catur nnd Westnrn, with headquarters at Indianapolis, but formerly of lJlttston, says his road is doing a splendid business aud would do more had it enougn cars. The merchants of Pittsburg have sent a longtby petition to tho general passenger agents of the trunk linos, praying that they make a uniform rata of I cent a milo to the Grand Army of the Republic encampment, Tho coll for the regular bi-monthly meet ing of the pnsBengar department ot tufl Central Trafllo association has been issued for Sopt. S. Tbe principal matter on the docket is the proposed abolition oi stop overs on all tickots. The colliory of tho Dolawaro. Lacka wnnna and Western company at Avoudale will resume work on Monday, alter a sus pension of ono month for repairs. This will givo employment to a large number of men and ooys who nave Deon idle. The work of re-cribbing the Notting ham shaft at Wilkes-Barre. which lias not beeu timbered for twenty years, will be begun at once. It is expected that it will take about thirty days to complete this work. The mine will be idle during this time. An ex-rallwav official alleges that some ot tho roads which have been paying re bates to shipners have not been even fnuare" in transcressine the law. It ia claimed that the shippors received only part of the amount of the rebate, the man who secured the rebate setting a certain amount and the railway oQlcials the bal ance. lie thinks that within a short time some ugly phases ot the rebate system will come to toe surface. 14th.SBWBR DISTRICT. In he: Ai,iioiufimut of viewers to ascertain costs, damages and expenses andassoss the bouoflta for the Fourteenth llistrirt Main sower of tho Thirteenth ward of the city of Scrautou. No. Mil. Man term 1M14, common ploas, Lackawanna county. Notice ia hi-roby ffiven that our report as viewers in the abovo case has bien filed In tho pruthonotury'a ollico of tho county of Lackawanna, Tbo following is a schedule of benefits found by us as is shown in said roport: Buoklen's Arnloa Salve. Tl, hoaf. anlvn In thn world for Chita Bruises, Bores, Ulcers, Salt Kheum. Fever Dores, letter, nappeu xiauus, iuuumiuh, ('nrnn and all fckiu Emotions, and DOii- tivelv cures Plies, or no pay reauired. It 1 miRrmntl to irive perfect satiaf aotloa or money rofnnded. Price US centa per box. Por sale by Matthews tiros. Stand at the Head. For thirty years pucber Watch Cases bavo been endorsed by every prominent dca lcrinthoUnltcdStatcs. in Duobcr trade mark In tills country, I A.w1 thn TTnll Tniirk 111 England aro a guaran- ADJUSTED lAM tee of Dure mctaL 17- Jewel Hampden move ments in Pucber cases . aland at tbo head. Ifyonr dealer Ones not keep oorwatclies mall : ..in.... ort will nencl you the rams of a dealer who does. lU &UJESX YiAWS YYOWUi CftllWOi QS I LE?v VIEWERS' NOTICE. Lot. 1 2 !l K II 111 2 Ml 21 5 li K II 111 II M l:l U UH l.i Hi 21, 23 11 H 15 111 17, IK, 111 17, IS, 111 17, 18, lit 17, 1H, 111 ) 21 22 S:t 21 2' 2il 27 2S 211 til) ;n it: 34 Rii 37 iW K II 10 11. 12 w 14 15 111 17a ITc IS 19, 20 21 si l 2 a 4 5 II 7 H 9 10 11 12 2 3 4 5 U 7 8 0 10 10 1U14 'a 4 6 7 8 I) II) 11 12 i;i 14 15 111 17 20 IU) 31 33 34 35 :m 37 3M m 41) 41 42 43 41 4i 4(1 47 4H 1 2 3 4 5 II 7 IS lm 111 211 v:i 2! 25 211 27 2S 211 31 31 K3 31 31 35 . mi 37 1 2 3 4 5 fl a 4 r 7 8 II II) Sib 12 13 14 15 Hi 17 18 111 20 21 23 23, 24 23,24 25 28 27 28 15 HI 17 lSlf 10 10, 20U Part 21 Part 21 1 2a 2o 3a 8c 4 5 (I 7 8 0 10 11 12a 12b 13 14 15 1(1 17 43 44 1 1 8 4 6 (I 7 a o 10 n 12 13 - H 15a 15b 111 Block. Namo of Owner, Fcltz, Isaac B Feltz. Isaac B llri-imnii, Benjamin.... -MulHKiin, 1'. Olivor, David... Wc-bi.r, A Wilbur, Dr Culninan. 11 Ci.li'iiiun, li I'enn avenuo. 20 20 ) 211 20 2U 20 20 ill 20 20 20 20 3 : 3! 35 ill 3i 3i IK 3 31 .15 3) 35 S.- HI HI 111 HI 10 HI II) 10 10 HI 10 10 10 10 10 in HI 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 IS 18 IS 18 IS IS IS IS IS 18 HI 18 IS IS IS 10 HI 10 10 10 HI 10 10 10 10 10 HI 3S 38 3 38 38 38 ;is 3S 38 40 40 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 IS 18 18 18 18 IS IS 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 -11 41 41 41 41 41 41 -II 41 41 42 43 43 42 42 42 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 41 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 13 15 15 10 18 10 10 10 111 10 10 1(1 11) IB 10 10 1(1 10 10 . 10 Street or Aveuuo. Penn avenue Penii avenue Penn avenue Penn avenue Penn avenue lVnu avenue lVnu avenu. l'eun avenue. dill), David Hell-tiny, c. T Vnrliis, Mrs. Ada Tulii-v, C. I. Thti'l Citthurina JiurnH, Jame.s Hntdy, 3. K Prink, William Dulluy, Frank estate, Lewis, John F , Cniirad, K. S Conrad, E. H Conrad, K. 8 Colli ml, E. S Conrad, E. H Frederic! F. C Conrad, Andrew Wehliiu, Dr. L JIul loon, James Aluldoon, Jaini H Vvaylntid, Waltor re nn avenne Capo tiso avonu-i CitpottNO aveuue, ..... Capouse aveuuo Capoustt and Cherry, Cherry Lane cherry Litno Larch street Lari-h street Larch Htreet Laich street.. -Mousey aveuuo Moiisoy aveuuo Mousey aveuuo 411x1110 Jlnnsey avennu. Cherry aveuue. , Mousey aveuuo Mousey avenue, Ponu aVDiiuu.,,, Punn ave mo..., ...Puiin aveuuo. Uibbn. Alfred Point avenue Smith, L. H New York street.,. Mone, John ow orkstreet. TouMiml. A. li. lloujamiu, 8. (J Kelly, T. J , Kelly, T. J Townsend, B Ayleswnrth Bros Jones, Byron UadiKitn. Kiehard Curr and C'omp litlli,;au, liicliard Webster, D, W Oakley, D. K C'r.ine, J.'.mes Oakley, D. K , Holiau, P.. A , Oakley. D. K O'Malley, Kato llobau, B. A Maloney. Peter Kelley, Mrs. Ann Dippro, Mrs liat'ter, John F Loftus, Charlos Lutz, George K- arnoy, James estuto. llenore, Johu JlcNally, Mrs. E. J Stowart. Charles Me Hush, Mrs. C... Jlclluxh, Mrs. 0... HeanianH, C. 8 Ilaslor, D. M ..Now York street ....New York stroiit Capousu avenue Capouse avenue CnpouRo avenue. ....Capouau avenue ....Capouse avuuuo ....Capouse avenue ....Capouse avenuo. Capouo u ven ue. Capouso aveuuo .....Capouvo avenuo. Cipunso avenue.,,..,. ('apouse avenuo Chiiouho avenue CapouBO avenuo Capouso avenuo Capouso avenuo ,. Capouso avenue , Capouse avenue apouse avenue Wyoming avenue Wy. niing avenue Wyoniintf avonue..... Peun avenue Penn avenuo ,. l'eun avenuo Penn avenuo, ,;s ........Penn avenuo Penn avenue Penn avouuo Ponn avenue Stewart, Mrabarah Penn avenuo Lrock.Dimmick & lioyuolds.New Yorkatront B.dksy, Mrs. M. A Harvey, Alrrea llanloy, Anthony Hmalliidi;e, Mrs, Eliza... Illuloliey, Peter lloban.R A Walsh, Mrs. Bridget Dougher, P. F Uilpallon, P. 11 Cuiininghain, John Conroy, JiiineH Conroy, T homas ,, Merryweather, John Muldoon, James Kuapp, Mrs. Eliza Kearney, Mrs Conrad, William...,. Ooldon& Walsh.,,.; Lioldon x vv alsh. .. Now York street.. ...New Yorkstroet ...Penn avenuo ...Penn avenuo , ...Penn avenue ...Ponn aveuue , ,,.Poiiu aveuuo , ...Ponn avenue ...Ponu avenuo ...Penn aveuuo , ...P -nn aveuuo ...Penn avonuo ...Penn avenuo ...Ponu avenue ...l-aiidorson avenue..., ... Sanderson avonuo.,., ...Larch streot ... Sanderson avenuo,.. ..Sanderson avenuo. Uoldon it Walsh Sandorson avenue.... Golden it Width Sanderson avenuo.... Gihnore & Meylert estate. ..Sanderson avenue.... HarkwortHf B. M Sauderson aveuuo..., GilmoreM& Muylert estate... Dickson avenuo Gilmoro & Sleylert estate... Dickson. avenue Browning, M Capouse avouuo lirowninn, H Capouso avenue American Safety Lamp Co. .Capouso avenue American Safety Lamp Co.. Capouso avenue Serautou Fence Mftf Co Capouso aveuue Scranton Fence Mfg Co Capouso avenuo DoWitt, M. il Capouso avenue jvocn )oiin i. apouse avenuo. , Koch, John , Koch, Johu , , Koch, John Weichel.Phillii... ...... Leer, Edward Leer, Sarah Mat how. Siduuy Kluitt, Fred Gilmore. Mrs. Laura.. Gilinoro, Mrs, Laura.. Gilmore, Mrs. Laura. Penn avenuo. llobau, B. A llolian, B. A. Sanborn, T. M , Kelley, Edward Mellody, Patrick Burnett, James ostnto. Evans, F. M , Fairfield, Mary Faiilielil, William , Gray, Aaron.. .Capouse avenue 411x167 . .capouse avenue. ..Capouso avenuo , ..Capouse avenue ..Capouse avenue ..Capouso aveuuo ..New York avenue.... ..Now York aveuuo..,, ..Ponn avenue .Penn avenue .Penn avenue. ....Ponn avenuo ....Penn avenuo ....Penn avenuo ....Penn aveuuo . ...Penn avonuo ....l'eun avonuu ....Penn avonuo ....Ponn aveuuo .Penn aveuuo Gray, Aaron Penn avenuo. Gray, Aaron Cleveland, F. E Clevelimd, F. E Cleveland, F. K Buttorman, A Spencer, Keymoud Stone, N. E Koiper, Charles Koipcr, Charles. ........ Howlov, James, jr McCalVrey, P. J , Cnroll, John Barber, H. E Hight, Mr Jackson, T. B Brockiiway, K. B , HrocUaway, li. It l uust, Michael ,. ... Faust, Michael Scranton Fence Mfg Co feet'. 1 reet reet ) Larch street Larch street. Larch street. Larch street.. Larch street.. Larnh street Now Yorkstreet Wyoming avenuo Wyoming avenue Wyoming avonuo Wyoming avenuo , Wyoming avenuo Wyoming avonuo New York avonuo..., Now York avonuo,,., Mousey aveuue Mousey avenue Mouse v aveuue Monsoy aveuuo ..aionsey avenue., 37Kx 50 1.1.1 w III i.l Ml 41 'x ISO 411x180 40xis0 4UXINI 40xlK5 4llxl8li 311x130 4!lxlil0 40x107 4Uxlli7 40x150 40x130 40x GO Scranton Fence Mfg Co Monsey aveuuo 40x 40 llobau. T. I1 Holian, B. A. Hobitn, 11. A Holmn. B. A Walker, William .Monsey avonue... , Mousey avenue..., ,. Monsey avenue... ..Monsey avonue... .Monsoj- avenuo... 38 x Ml OOx 00 40x1110 40x1101 40x100 40x100 Jordan, .lames Mouse v avenue. Jordan, James Monsey avonuo 40x100 llobnn, B. A Mousey avenuo 4Hxll,l Schellhaae. Henry Mousey avenuo. llobau, U. A llolian, 11. A Fischer, George. Fischer. George Hoche, F. M UiK-hu, F. M , Steavans, E. G.. Steavans, K, G., Steavans. E. (.. Christmann It Becker, Holmn, B. A.... Mousev avenue.. ..Monsey avenue.. ..Monsey avuuuo... 00x100 30x235 8l'x 3Ux .Monsey avenuo, 30x ....Capauso aveiino.. (lxl07 . Capouso avenue 40x107 Motcalf. Alfr. cstato. Maus, Jacob, llolian, ii Capouse avonuo Capouso avenuo.,, (.apouse aveuuo.., Capouso avenuo. . . w yonnng avonuo. llobau, B. llobau, B, llobau. A B. A Nordhaiker, Storms, Lc-wib., CM ' 40x1 Oi 40x107 40x107 40x107 40xls5 40x185 40x185 40x185 40x185 40x185 Wyoming av nuo 40x185 Wyoming avonuo...,, 40x185 Wyoming aaonue Onxlso Wyoming avenue...., 20x180 Wyoming avenue 40x180 Wyoming avenue 4Uxl0 .Wyoming avenuo.... Wyoming avenuo.. ....Wyoming avenuo 40x180 Bloir, Christopher Wyoming aveuuo.,. Gavin. Patrick, Boog, Charles ,,,, Hartwick, Henry Murkle, Charles , Murkle, Lawronco,.., Stein mttz, Charles... Bteinmetz, Charles,,., Saylor, Ella , Furgerson, Martin.,,, McDonnell, Miles. Norton, John Gilinoro, Mrs. Laura., Gilmore, Mrs. Laura., Haycock, Georgo Mcllallo, Bridget Watson, W. W , Kurtz, Charlos Worlott, Goorgo , Wilson, Claio , Durham, Chsrles Krossler, William True, Mrs Jenkins. W. O Lutz, Honry, jr., ..Wvomiug avenue.. Wyoming avenue New York street Now York street Now York street Nuw York streot Now York street Now York street , Penn avenuo , Ponu avenuo , Penn avenuo Penn avenue Penn avenuo , Monsey avonuo , Mousey aveuue , Monsey avenue Now York avenuo.,., .......Now York avouuo..., Mousey avenue Monsey avonuo Mousey avenuo Sanderson avenue,.., Monsey avenue..,.,,, Monsey avenue .Mousey avenue. , Lutz. Henry, jr. lloban, is. A Monsey aveuuo.... Holmn, B. A Monsey avenuo.,,, lloban, B. A Monsey avenue..,, Hobau, B. A Monsey avenuo..,. lloban, B. A Mousoy avenuo... Connors, Jamos ostato Moiisoy avonuo... Compton, Peter Monsey avouuo... Peck, J. W Mousey avonue.,. Hummlcr, Jnnn Monsey avenuo Deltzel, oust Heniuish, F. A , Lisk, John W Laring, J. W Brown, F. W lloltham, Thomas, Cleveland, V. E... Gesheidlu, Louis.. Mylert estate Mylort cstato. ... Mylert ostato Schwartzkopf, M, Mvlert est a to Mylert estate. Monsey avenue Mousey avenue Sandoison avinuo.,,, Sanderson avonue,,., Sanderson avenue..,, Sanderson vonue. .., Wyoming avenue Larch streot Washington avenue,, Washington avenue., Washington avonuo: K., Washington avenue., Washington avonuo., Washington avenuo.. Gu lister, Petor Washington avenue,, Schimplf & Lang Washington avenue., Schimiift & Lang Washington avenue.. Seliinijiff & Lang..,. Washington avenue., 40x180 40x188 40x186 37x130 87x130 . 37x1:10 37x130 37x130 60x 10 40x127 H 40xlH0 40x186 40x180 40x180 40x107 411x107 40x107 00x130 00x130 70x 47! 70Z 47 60x150 40x 80 40x 80 40x100 40x 100 40x1113 4llx2VO 411x225 40x250 50x200 4(1x140 40x140 40x140 15x100 15x100 70x 80 fKlx200 40x220 40x235 50x280 50x210 50x105 00x212 40x212 40x212 4,xil2 40x212 40x212 40x212 40x212 40x212 64x212 O'Malley, Michael .Wyoming avenue 40x132 Lohmann, John Wyoming avenue 40x182 Zurlluh, Paul Wyoming avenue 32x100 Schadt, Charlos estato Wyoming avonue 40x132 Roche, Mrs Wyoming avenue ' 60x132 Schadt, Charlos estate Wyoming avenue,,.,, 40x180 Briegol, John ,,,,, .Wyoming avenue,,,,, iOzlW Lot Block. Name of Owner, Amount Total of Amount Land. of Coat. 00x107 g;4 53 40x107 21 55 40x107 itOBO 411x107 111 00 411x107 24 55 40x107 21 55 411x107 24 55 40x107 21 G5 40x1117 18 40 (tlx 1)17 II 3 0x 87 31 55 4(1 x 00 40 00 40x 111 23 00 35x118 13 00 05x118 11 fill 05x118 28 35 4'.xl4l) 23 40 311x145 23 40 3nxl.,0 13 40 311x155 13 40 50x 100 23 40 40x1 (il) 2.) 40 411x1110 23 10 4Sxllii) 17 05 0x I 18 28 : 01x103 23 40 01x103 23 40 30x107 23 40 40x107 23 40 40x107 23 40 40x107 23 40 38x180 10 40 38x130 10 40 40x107 28 35 40x107 23 40 50x157 " 28.il'. 40x107 23 40 40x107 28 40 40x107 23 40 40x1117 21 40 27x107 lu 70 53x107 81 30 40x107 23 4(1 40x1(17 SI 40 25x107 40 80 40x1(17 05 00 40x107 05 Ml 40x10 23 40 40x107 23 40 40x107 23 40 40x107 23 40 40x107 23 10 40x107 23 40 60x107 28 83 4Hxl80 35 05 40x18(1 23 40 00x180 23 40 100x180 23 40 40x180 23 10 40x180 23 40 40x180 23 40 40x180 23 40 30x 180 23 40 10x180 35 05 40x180 17 70 1110x111 8 41 100X 0) 8 40 40x105 18 31 35x105 20 75 fmxKKI 20 75 40x100 25 75 40x100 20 (.0 40x10(1 20 25 40x100 20 00 40x101) 28 35 40x100 23 40 40x100 23 40 30x100 20 75 60x100 30 75 41x100 48 84 411x107 48 84 130x140 21 55 270x100 24 55 60x101) 24 55 42x 00 24 55 4-'x IK) 21 65 42x 00 24 65 OOx m 24 65 138x200 24 55 5(1x200 24 65 fc0 21 65 380 24 oft 40x100 24 65 40x115 21 55 40x135 21 00 40x145 13 00 55x107 411x107 33 40 40x107 4(1x107 . 8 00 411x107 13 75 40x107 30 80 40x107 24 55 40x107 24 65 40x107 24 55 60x107 24 55 311x130 24 65 ItOxliiO 24 55 40x180 01 0J 40x180 102 75 40x180 20 40 40x180 12 70 4 'xl8 12 70 40x180 12 70 40x18(1 18 75 40x180 72 00 411x10 41 IK) 40x180 102 00 40x180 102 00 40x180 15 30 40x180 15 70 60x113 20 00 60x 70 61 00 8o no HOx 00 23 40 17 18 HI 20 21 22 1 8 18a 18b 18(1 10 10 21 22 J42.W3 5 0 7 8 II 10 11 12 13a 13b 21 21a 21 h 21c 25 20 2 10 II 12 1 2 3 4 5 0 7 8 U II) 11 12 1.1 82 83 31 35 30 87 36 39 41) 41 42 3 4 5 0 7 8 0 10 11 12 13 14, 15, 16, 17 is Hia 20a 21a l!'b 20b 311) 22b S, 8, 7. 8 1,2,3,4 )tol7 2 13 14 15 10 15a 10a 10c 17 18a lhb Ilia 1Kb 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 2 3 4 6 0 7 23 40 13 40 23 40 13 40 23 40 13 HI 23 10 30 (10 19 75 10 21 to 21 21 56 21 55 24 71 14 71 14 71 14 100 05 35 60 71 14 71 14 71 14 71 1 71 14 71 1 18 Ml IS 50 18 60 18 60 Is 60 15 35 17 40 24 55 24 21 55 21 55 10 21 2) 40 23 40 21 40 19 10 00 8 00 10 40 18 00 15 40 23 40 23 40 23 40 23 40 23 40 80 00 27 40 27 40 27 40 27 40 86 16 23 40 23 40 23 40 23 40 23 40 32 Tfl 16 J 31 06 26 00 20 00 20 00 26 00 20 03 20 00 26 00 211 on 35 00 20 00 20 00 ' 17 90 20(10 82 00 24 66 24 66 21 66 24 66 24 65 80 76 27 66 80 03 22 75 11 UO 23 40 28 40 23 40 20 76 211 75 12 86 12 35 25 60 13 75 18 76 15 40 16 40 23 40 25 60 26 50 27 (0 86 65 22 60 22 60 3 4 6 Ca 0b 7 8 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 2 3 4 6 0 7 8 II 10 11 12 2 3 4 5. 0 7 : s U 10 21 22 23 8 U . 10 11 13 13 14 15 Hi 7 8 16 16 111 16 10 16 17 17 43 43 41 43 43 43 43 44 44 44 44 44 44 41 41 44 44 44 41 41 44 44 44 44 41 S' 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15. 15 15 15 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 15 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 65 55 55 55 60 66 12 13 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 11 11 14 14 14 60 66 66 60 68 60 60 50 66 M 60 til 66 60 66 57 67 67 57 67 57 67 57 67 57 57 67 II (I 0 Street Amonnt or of Ivnniu T I Tlilmpney, Patrick Wyoming avonuo 4oxl8(i O Mslley. James Wyoming avenuo 40x186 m X,...,'mS?"V- Wyoming avonue iuhIkh Mcwittln. Mortiinnra.. . w,-..ln , ....?; n-r imw i or uveuuo.,.,, 1 jianhiiUBor. 8 Now York avenue L owellyn, Hopkin Wyoming avouuo Warman, Mary i: Wyoming avenue Iloltlmm. Thomas Sauderson avenue,.,, Mulim, Goorgo Sanderson avouuo.,., Mohm, Jacob Sandorson avenue.,., Lee, Charles Sauderson avenue..., Jordan, James , San lorsou avenue..., Jordan, James Sanderson avenue,,,, welts, Edward Snndorson avonue..,, Kuple, J. 8. New York aveuuo.... Burst, W. B Now York avenuo.... Cobb, Sam Now York avenue.... j-ostur, josepu Nn York avenue Pourer, Adam., merer, Adam Jonos, Parsons Fuller, M. D Fasaold, Adam Stevens, E. G Stevens, E. G Stevens, E. G Hurus, I. H Bra: (It, Elisabeth.... Brandt, Elizabeth,.,, Karnes, F. V. e.tato.. Ilarbar, Thoresa Kearney, D. F Howe, J. B Robinson, Oust Heilly, David M Widomanu, G. B Lorenz, Carl Ueik, Anthony jiunioy, .lames .Now York avenue.. 4llx 1 62x11.0 60x 56 41 Ix 76 20x23(1 30x170 80x130 42x165 42x100 42x155 42x150 45x1110 45x100 311x110 30x100 40x100 .Mousey avenue 8nxl05 Mousev avenue. . Mousey avenuo Mousoy avenu - Monsey avonue Monsey avonuo. , Monsey avenue Mousey avenue Monsey aveuuo , Alb: iglit aveuue Albright aveuuo Albright aveuuo Sanderson avouuo.,., , Sanderson avenue,,,, Sanderson avenue,.., Main stroet , Main street Main street , Larch street , Washington avenue. Manley, James Washington avenue . " -"alloy, Mary n ashingtou avenue., Walton, Mrs. Lizzie Washington avenuo.. Sweeny, MU-haul Washington avenue;.. O Mou, Daniel Washington avenue.. Cemetery association Washington avenue.. Cemetery association Washington avenuo.. cemetery association Washington avenue.. .... Washington avenue., .... Washington avenue., ....Washington avonue., ....Wyoming avenue ....Wyoming avonuo ....Wyoming avenuo ....Wyoming avenue ....Wyoming avenue Wyoming avenue Wyi ming avonuo...., Wyoming avenue Wyoming avenue Wyoming avenue ..Wyoming avenuo ..Sanders m aveuue , . Saude rson avenue. ... , ,. Sanderson avenue ..Sanderson avenue ..Sanderson avenue , .Sanderson avenue ..Sanderson avenue , .Sanderson avenue , . Sanderson aveuue ..Sanderson avenue ..Sandorson aveuue ..Marion and Dickson,, ,. Dickson avenue ,.Di ksou avenue , ..Dickson avonue ..Dickson avenuo .Dickson aveuue Ooinrtory association. Cemotery association. Cemetery association. Schleining, Caspar.... Schleiulng. Caspar.... Silviua, C. E Gallagher, Rlchjrd... Gibson, Mary rionan, li. A lloban, B. A Hobau, B. A Hobau, B. A Cleveland, J. E Cleveland. J. E Schadt, Charles estate.,, S chadt, Charles estato. . , Moio, 11. A Street, Mrs. P. A Neald, Amanda Neald. Amanda Bunting, W, A Smith, UniHtou Puuli, P. 8 Sandoison & liobb Muyor, John MeCaun, I', ostato Sandorson & Kobb D L. & W. R. K. Co..,. D-, L. 4b W. K. K. Co .... D.. L. Ai W, H. R. Co D.. L. & W. R. H. Co Dolawaro and Hudson Co.. ..Dickson avonue Delaware and Hudson Co.. ..Dickson avenuo...., Dolawaro and Hudson Co.... Dickson avenu j Delaware aud Hudson Co-. .Dickson avenue Delawaioand Hudson Co... Von Storch avenue D., L. & W. R. U. Co Gillmoro, M. L Gillmore, M. L Sandorson AS Hobb Gilbert Mrs. Mary A... Thuax.Mrs. 8 Wint, Deniiison W imams, W. R Burns, 1. H Morton. Charles Kruegermann. Gust Williams, J. E Kruegermann, Gust McDouough, Mrs. Ada, Costello, Thomas Morell, Lewis Boland, P. G McDoniuill, Patrick Dickson avenuo.. Von Utorch avenue.,, Dickson avenuo Dickson avenuo Dickson avenue , Larch street Larch street L irch street Washington avenue.,. .... Washington avenue,, ,,,, Washington avenue., ....Washington avonuo.. ....Washington avenue,, ....Washington avenue., ,,,, Washington avenue,, ....Washington avenuo.. .... Washington avenue., ....Washington avenue.. McDoimVll, Patrick Washington avenue. Price. Thomas J Washington avenue.. Mill, (i. E. Dr Washington avenue.. Everharut, J. M. Dr New York aveuue... Farley, Mrs. Edward Now York aveuuo... Mylert estato Washington avonuo.. Mylort estato , Washington avonuo.. mylort ostate Washlugton avouuo. Mvlert estuto. Mylert estato Mylert estato Mylert estate Laik, E viu Killy, David M.. Jackson, ,1. A.. .Washington aveuuo.. ... Washington avenue., ... Washington avenue.. ...W nhingtou avenuo., ...Washington avenue.. ...Washington avenue.. ..DlcKson avenue. OOxlUS 30x105 8iixl05 30x no 3 ix 110 2iix no nix no oox no 41x150 41x100 82x100 72x100 66x160 00x210 35x 04 3'ix 01 35x 114 50x105 40x210 40x210 40x210 40x210 10x210 411x210 411x210 40x210 4nx2!0 40x210 40x210 40x210 40x210 40x210 " 40x210 4"x2IO 40x21(1 40x210 40x210 40x210 40x210 411x210 40x310 (10x210 00x210 011x210 411x220 60x220 4!ix0 60x220 100x205 05x170 Wlx 137 SOx Ul 1IHIX200 711x110 30x110 80x110 31X110 35xlf0 81x110 OUxllO 30X114 85x180 i;ox 17IIX 37f.x 375x 70x181 60x181 mix no 3nx no 40r 70 OOx 53 40x210 40X111 40x100 40x210 40x 70 40x no 40x 70 40x no 40x210 40x210 4ixl00 50x100 68x 90 mix no 00x211 40x211 40x211 40x211 411X311 40x211 40x211 40x211 llKix m 00x11 Koch, John..,. l'U'-lpa, J. P PhelpK, J. P Paie, Mrs. Hannah .... Sanderson & Robb... Sandorson & Robb... Sauderson & Robb... Sanderson Kobb... Sanderson & Robb... Sanderson &Robb.., Sanderson & Robb., .Dickson avenue .. , . Dickson avenue Dickson avenue ., .Dickson avenuo ...Von Storch avenue,., ,,,Von Storch avenuo... ...Von Storch avenuo... ...Von Storch Tntin,,--,.,.Von Storch avenuo.,, ...Von Storch avenue... Von Storch avenuo, Saudcrsou & Robb Von Storch avenuo.,, Roilly, John , Von Storch avenue.., Heilly, Jamos Nay Aug av, nuo llylert estato Vou Storch avenue.. Mylert estato Von Storch avenue,. Mylert estate V n Storch avenue.. jnyiert estate Vou storch avonue. Mylert ostato, Clark, John , Hughes, Michael Kuezlesky, Albert Keenauu, J. J Gunsier, J. H. truBtco. Jordan, Michael estato, Q inn, James. Qnlnn, James Millor, : rs. Margaret , ID 11 12 13 11 1 2 3 4 6 0 7 8 0 10 11 12 13 14 6 0 0 0 II 0 9 II V u 0 9 tf I) 12 12 12 13 12 12 67 67 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 58 58 68 58 58 6S 68 68 Gehen, Mrs, Cath.. Gohen, Mrs. Cath..., Gehen, Mrs, Cath.... Gehen, Mrs. Cath.... Gehen, Mrs. Cath..,. Ammann, Dr- J Ainuinnn, Dr. J Ammann, Dr. J Williams, E Williams, E Martin, Willtm.... Martin, William Ruddy. Patrick Casoy Bros, Muliloon, P.., Muldoou, P Maloy, P Walsh. M Sykes, James,,. Sykes, James... Von Storch avenuo... ..Von Storch avenue,., ..Vou Storch aveuuo.., ..Von Storch avonuo.,, ..Von Storch avenuo,,, ..Von Storch avenue... ..Washing'on venue,. ..Washington avenue., ..Washington avenue,. Larch streot Foote. Mrs. Maizorie Dickson avenue OOyImI Ross, Clinton Dickson avenue 4iixlsl 4(1x181 OOXISI tiOxlsl 00x181 110x181 00x181 00X181 OnxtSl 110x181 CllxlSl 00x181 70x181 150x112 11x118) 40x181 40x181 10x181 40x181 411x181 40x181 40x181 40x181 4lixl81 411x181 &"x 41 IX iidx 40x Six 81 x Six lllx 38x 40X 60x BOx 05x 4( ix 4i ix 41 ix 50x 4IIX 40x 43x 43x 5lx 40x 4UX 40x hOx IMx 60x181 60x181 70x181 60x181 00x181 00x181 00x181 60x181 60x181 60x181 411x181 40x181 411x181 40X181 40X181 40x110 40x00 Total Amount of Gnat. 22 60 6 oa 6 00 16 40 81 05 26 1(1 26 70 84 00 11 75 11 75 11 75 10 (0 26 00 20 00 26 00 20 00 2.1 00 26 00 26 00 26 00 26 00 20 00 20 00 26 00 71 00 74 (X) 74 0J 74 00 74 00 20 00 26 00 28 00 26 00 20 00 20 00 6 75 17 75 15 15 24 00 ) 40 23 40 22 00 17 40 17 40 12 05 12 115 IS 60 13 40 13 40 18 40 13 40 12 115 12 35 8 00 4 00 12 36 21 65 15 611 15 .50 29 41) 34 0) 38 75 11 70 14 70 12 35 1(1 00 26 00 10 00 15 30 26 00 11 30 12 00 11 30 12 00 20 IX) 20 00 15 80 111 80 24 00 12 (0 88 (0 20 10 28 10 28 10 26 10 211 11) 26 10 20 10 26 10 89 (0 89 00 81) 00 82 00 82 70 82 00 82 70 6T 80 45 ia 41 40 8 01) 80 2 2 33 40 10 39 16 30 16 80 23 40 16 30 16 80 17 50 23 40 209 00 75 00 609 60 101 15 35 23 31 00 25 80 20 00 19 30 20 80 10 60 16 80 17 U5 17 30 20 00 21 8J 13 81 14 0(1 3(1 00 23 30 21 01) 24 29 80 24 40 21 40 . 25 65 25 65 26 00 23 70 12 7(1 22 70 26 70 14 71) K6 0i) 86 00 24 00 24 00 24 00 86 00 80 (10 80 00 80 00 86 (Ml 86 00 86 0(1 86 00 86 Ul 42 00 143 23 82 (X) 78 00 70 00 70 00 70 on 70 00 70 Oi) 0 71 Larch streot Larch street Larch street Larch street Larch street Larch street Lai ch street Lurch street ..........Larch slreet . . Larch street Larch street Larch streot l'eun avenuo Penn avenue .......l'enn aveuuo Penn avenue Peun avenue .........I'enn aveuuo Peun avenuo Peon avonue Svkes. J allies... Penn avenuo Sykes, Jamos Penn avonue Thnax, Mrs. 8 Larch stroet Gilmoro, Mrs. L Von Storch avenuo, ., Gilmoro, Mrs. L Von Storch avonuo... Sanderson (t Robb Von Storch avenuo. ., Sanderson & Robb Von Storch avenue.,, Sanderson & Robb Von Storch avonuo.,, Sanderson & Robb. Von Storch avenuo.,, Sandnrmm & Robb Von Storch aveuuo... Sanderson & Robb Von Storch avonue. ,, randorsou it Hobb Von Storch avenuo... Sundorson & Robb, Von Storch avenuo,,, ' Shotka, Theodnro Von Storch avenuo... Gilmoro, Mrs. L Von Storch avouuo... Gilmoro, Mrs. L Von Storch avenuo... Gilmoro, Mis. L Von Storch avenuo.,, Gilinoro, Mrs. L Von Stored aveuuo... Von Storch ave mo... Vou Storch avenue... Unless exceptions to tne report oi viewers snnn do mod in tho protnonoiary s omce v thirty days from tho filing ot said roport, tho same will be confirmed absolutely. C. 11. ROPER. 1 . P. W. STOKES. Vlowors, FRANK JUUcil-iLiEK, J Doud. Thomas,, Powell. CP "On the Fence." "On the Fence." 1 1 Jr I U Seoa be over the season for riding. It Jrou want a Bicycle now Is te time to get It. We are clearing- tip all stock, and will live you tach a obanoe as yon never had before. One ot our bargains: ' A Fint-cloM, High Grade $150 Bicycli for $03. Bring your cash and GET OFF THE FENCE. CLARENCE II FL0REY Successor to Floroy & Holt . THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE BOOKBINDING. DEPT. has excellent facilities to do Its work, and caq please the most fastidious. IflTTMINQ IN THE LINE Or OOKBINOIN. TBY US PKXTER SHOE CO., Ino'p. Capital, II, 0O0.0M. BEST Sl.ftO HHOK IN THK WORLD. "A dollar land it a detlar omJ." K This Indies' Solid Frank Dongola Kid Bnt. ton Boot delivered f rM snywbcn I the U.S., on reempt ot i-.ua, nosey order. or rorai note lor fi.iu. Equals every way to boot sold In all retail sUre for -S.60. We malo this boot ourteWM, therefore we guaf anlet Mm fit, ityU and uwr. and It any one It got satlifltd will rafuod the money ead another nlr. Otxra Toe or Comhton Sanw, wMtha C, P. E, KB. lies 1 to s ana uu ties. amrfyouriH',' it tit you. Ilfuilntol Celt ktfii FREE 3 FEDERAL ST.. HORTON. MASS. &we(a( term) ( IHaltn. Dexter Shoe Co UGODIHIIS(fflBgS lady, safer iwutr.buM J7 k--L tJl (Win nrwfi Kd 100. put Mt.lllnistM 1 HfetMMwIiMradJtotkTi"" wWBMg tat KMorrau. Oar Mario Remedy ih 1 wakrntr am. OOOI HMtfBI CO, Oak II- For Delicacy, For purity, and for Improvement of the com plexion, nothing equals Pozzoni's Powder.