THE SCEAKTON TRIBUNE SATURDAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER 1, 1894. Zfy gcranfon txxhnt PUBUIHIO DAILY IN SCIUIITOII, r.. Tribune usliihino Commnv. C . KINOSBURV, New Vena smeei nmm RAY, Uanaokh mm at tm. wrefnc. ar .cmiitm, m. i eicoaa-eun IMTTia. "Printers' Ink," Ilia recognized Journal Tor ailvertlaere, rte the ISCBAKTON 1 KI nvKE n. Ihe beat advertising medium in Mnrtheanteru Pouutyltanla. '"Printer.' Ink" know.. fc'CRANTON. SEPTEMBER, 1. 1891. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. For Governor.' DANIEL H. HASTISiOai Of CKNTKB. For lieutenant Governor: WALTER LYON, OIT ALLEUUENT. let Auditor Cenrrnl! amos h. myujt, or LANCAbTUK. For Secretary of Iternal Affnirit JAMES W. LATTA, Or W11LADELIUIA. for Conjreiumen-at-Large: UALL'SHA A. UROW, or SUSyCKHANNA. GEORGE F. HUFF, or WtHTMOliELANU Xl.ctlou Time, Not. a Hwituucan voteks nLould not for get thut Sept. C is the lust day for reg istration and rweessment aud Oct. G the lust day for the payment of taxes. Koglect of this nmy result iu the loss of their vote. Today's Primaries. With the culmination of the Repub lican county canvass only a few hours removed, it is a good time for a few re. murks to be addressed to the sober sense of the musses of the party. In the spirited and at times acrimonious contest which has for several weeks been waging among the Republicans of Lnckawunna county for preferment at the party's hands, The Tkirujje has espoused no faction nor tied itself to the political destinies of any man or men. It has felt conlident that the regularly chosen delegates of the party could meet and discharge the duties which belong to their office without the need of Interference, or of what might have the semblance of interfer ence, from Republican newspapers. A policy thus wisely chosen will not now be departed from. The convention hall is the place for the nominating of candidates, and so far as TheTkibune is concerned, it repeats now what it has already said: It will support the fairly chosen nominees of that conven tion, whether they be personally relish able or not. This puper will do this because It be lieves in Republicanism; and because it believes, further, that the best Demo crat, in the liizht of his nurtv's recent performances at Washington, would be worse in a position of legislative re sponsibility than the worst Republican. Fortunately the "worst Republican" is not running forofllce this year. There is a disposition throughout the country, where two or more candidates aspire to a given ofllce, to select that one who is best fitted, if elected, to serve the constituency behiudTiim. This is the wise principle. It Is the Republican principle. Its application need not be feared in Republican Lackawanna. If in the application of this principle, however, differences of opinion should arise, the party primaries afford a chance for the affected constituency to register its preference; and when that preference is once fairly and intelli gently expressed, when it shall be, in real fact, the wish of a genuine major ity, it should be accepted as such by all, without bitterness and without re venge. The Republican who is a Re publican for a deeper reason than the revenue there is in it will not need to be reminded that the principles for which Republicanism stands are infin itely superior to the personal aud tem porary fortunes of successful or re jected local candidates. The principles endure after tbe men who represent them are gone and perhaps forgotten. And though pessimists may say to the contrary, there Btill are principles principles fundamental, principles vi talin our politice. There remains but one thing to be added. The party primary is a civic duty. It is not, with men of deep character a place for the venting of personal spites or the perpetration of small schemes of revenge. If the primary is to any large extent made an instrument of such purposes there wll1 arise in our boasted republic, a govern ment hectic with the elements of in evitable decay. If at these primaries unscrupulous men should exercise a dominatinglnfluence, whose ultimately Is the fault? Where, finally, will rest the responsibility? The Republican party boasts on the platform and in its press, that, of all parties, it best typi fies the brain, the conscience, the wis dom and the character of the Ameri can people. If this be true, it ought to be demonstrated at the primary. The primary should, to 'prove it, be clean honest and well attended. The further it is from these conditions, the worse it is for the party's fair name and fame; aud the harder will be the ac counting which must some day come to those influences in our political life which make politics a reproach and citizenship a duty where It should be a privilege and a pleasure. In the exhibition of spite against Senator Gorman and his friends Presi dent Cleveland seema to have carried out the programme indicating his Liliputlan statesmanship. The blus terlng advocate of free trade, who dodged the question at a time when his signature or veto would have at least indicated his position in a way that would leave no room for argument, gives new evidence of his true nature in the spiteful work of chopping off the official heads of the friends of the Maryland senator, who personally were iu no wise responsible for Mr. Gorman's position in the senate debate. By the act of vetoing a tnriir bill that was not in accordance with his views or the promises of his party, President Cleveland could under ad verse circumstances have preserved his dignity and manhood; but the spec tacle, Ingtead, of the President of the United States stooping to wreak ven geance upou the smallest partisan po tutoes in the long retinue of Senator Gorman is almost painfully ridiculous. Hart the Nominee. The nomination at Mil ford yesterday on the two hundred and twenty-fifth ballot of Thomas J. Hart for congress in the Eighth district ends a light which threatened at one time to be come iireconcilably bitter. Forseeiug the impossibility of accomplishing the deals whereby he had hoped, at the final moment, to throw his forces In the breach and cmergo a victor, young Howard Mutchler has apparently suo cumbed to the inevitable and has chosen that the honor, of which he himself wh denied, should go to a friend, his former lieutenant iu Pike, rather thou to any of his octive and implucuble enemies. This is our as sumption, merely; the only. fact known at this writing being that Hart has been successful at the end of the third day's balloting, a fact, however, to which our theory docs no violence. Apart from the possibility that out of these spirited Jealousies In the enemy's camp there may come a chauce of suc cess to the Republican candidate, pro spcctlvely ex Attorney-General Kilpat rick, the incident is instructive chiefly in its bearing upon tueconferree system Of selecting nominees to congress. Voters of Lackawanna are fortunate In having recently had littlo personal ex perience with this system. Unless when based upon a fair ratio of popular repre sentation, making its conferences vir tually conven tions, the conferree system has never yet failed to give dissatisfac. tion, excite needless bickerings and dissensions, and, in its encouragement of rotation, liable at any time to sup plant experienced ofllcials by men iu nowise qualified. The absurdity of it is freshly illustrated in this instance, when a county whose total population is not equal to that of Duuniore bor ough, is admitted in the conferences where candidates for congress are chosen, with a representation equal to that of Monroe, with twice as many, and of Carbon, with four times its population. So far as Hart's nomination may be said to att'ect the Republican outlook in the Eighth, we are of the opinion that it improves it. Despite all the talk of bitter popular opposition to young Mutchler, it can be set down as a certainty that a man who could, as Mutchler did, step into shoes vacuted by a distinguished father and 1111 them, is no mean antagonist. He may have made enemies, but he has at least made himself known and feared. Concern ing Mr. Hart, the records will be searched in vain. He is known to nobody outside of his own small county, and the indifferent Democrat, who will be a numerous factor iu this fall's campaign, will not have even the incentive of enmity to interest himself in Hart's candidacy. ' Two years ago the Eighth district returned a Demo cratic plurality of 0,2-14. In the Grow campaign this fell to a beggarly 1,H S0, aud with an unknown man like Hart runniug against so good a Republican as Judge Kilpatrick, popular disgust with Democracy, aided by Mutchler's natural apathy, ought yet to pare this plurality down one-half, if not to re verse it altogether. The iron work for the bridges to be erected across Roaring brook at Nay Aug tunnel by the Elmhurst Turnpike company will be upon the ground in a day or two, and the few unfinished patches of the turnpike between Scranton and Elmhurst will probably be graded by the middle of September. In less than a month the city ap proacheB at Mulberry street will be the only incomplete feature of one of the finest driveways in the country. In the matter of grading the Mulberry street approaches to the boulevard there seems to be a misunderstanding that has occasioned much delay, and should the work of grading be com menced at once it would be impossible to huve the approaches in proper or der by the time the boulevard is com pleted. The cause of delay should be located and the machinery of repair set in motion at once. People who wish to enjoy the beauties of the new driveway should not be obliged to risk life and limb in going from Mulberry street to the boulevard. Equal aud Exact Justice. If there were not in the hearts of the great masses of our lellow citizens, ir respective of party, an instinctive sense of right and of wrong, we should be tempted to fear lest the apparent indif ference of the people to such schemes of spoliation under cover of the law as, for instance, the Popullstic income tax, meanttsomcthing more than mere in difference. We should begin to fear lest it might mean the unjust tax's tolerant acceptance which would bo equivalent to the affirmation that theft is not a crime where only the rich are robbed; and that the right of property ceases to be a right at the bouudary of $4,000 a year, becoming thereupward a priv ilege and a courtesy, to bo arbitrarily abridged. If there were not such an instinctive sense among the honest masses we should be tempted at times to despair of the future of our democracy when we see its very life threatened by dem agogues who would have one think that industrial labor can be made prosperous by costly strikes or that agriculture can be benefited by the upheaval of laws which give agricul ture a near and a steady and an al ways trustworthy home market. The uneasy haste with which restless labor and dissatisfied agriculture accept these fallacies fresh and reekiug from the cunning brains that scheme them for a selfish purpose, at times pi-rplexes and appalls us. But this Indifference and this indis criminate avidity to seize hold of something new are more apparent than real. Reverting to our illustration of the income tax, the masses of the people have perhaps not yet learned that the blackmailing hand which strikes thrift when it his reached a certain point of aflluence will, with equal impudence should the chance arise, deliver to honest poverty an undercut which will rob It, too, of its own. When this fact shall have been realized, when the conscience of the people shall have been quickened to the people's sin, and to the people's danger, as well, it will not, we fancy, take long until the income tax black mailers under mask of law will be swept from the places that they dis grace, and their insignia of office be given over to men who, knowing the principles of equal and exact justice to all men, will not feel afraid to apply them. Labor, whether in field or shop, and poverty that is honest must learn the lesson of patience and self-help, for there is no royal road to the goal that each would seek. POLITICAL NOTES. Auditor General Grepg, of Bonding, hav ing peremptorily declined to be considered in connection with the Republican con grednional nomination in the Berkx-Lehigh district, the Keailing Times promptly re marks thut the "selection of some other strung and acceptable candidate as its standnrd bearer is therefore the important duty immediately devolving upon the party In anticipation of the rapidly ap proaching conventions." This being true, why should not the Republicans of that district confer the honor upon another who is not only personally worthy of it but who, politically, is also a. available as any mm in the district; iu other words, why should thoy not nominate the polished editor or the Times itself, Colonel Thomas C. Zimmerman)1 He is no novice in politics, ile has showed nt the polls how popular he is personally with all parties. Thore U no finer orator in tlio district; neither is there a man hotter equipped to present the ad vantage of protection aud the disad vantages of Democracy before the honest yeomanry of Berks county, who heretofore have been deluded into sustaining tbe free trado ticket. It this banner Bourbon dis trict can be redeemed at all, it can be re deemed under the ccurtly and chivalric leadership of Berks' eloquent poet-oditorj and his unanimous nomination would be the signal for an unprecedented campaign. When Morton's gubernatorial candidacy was authoritatively anuounced iu New York, ex-Senator Fassett is quoted as hav ing admitted tbe hopelessness of his own ambitions. Speaking of Fassett, "Hol land" writes a clever thing: "Air. Fussett in the campaign of 18U1, hud no otti-r po litical weakness than that which has its source in youthful trustfulness, confidence aud enthusiasm. If he had been of a sel finb, calculating disposition, had been a cold-blooded man or an insincere one the chances are that Mr, Fassett would have been able to hoodwiuk the people of the state so that they would have looked upon him as a man of ideal qualities, aud it he had added to these traits the capacity to produce vague meaning epigrams and a ponderous platitude with a mannerism of looking wise and of knowing it all, we might have had certain elements in the Btate worshiping him by this time. But he was a mutter-of-fact, frank, credulous, so fur as friendship weut, and perhaps an over enthusiastic young man, so that ho whs not (Bteemed at his real worth. It is a mistake in these days for a young man seeking political honors to have many en thusiasms." A special dispatch to The from Stroudtlmrg last night said: "Tuumas J. Hart, of Pike county, was nominated to day on the two hundred aud twentv-flfth ballot for congress. Howard Mutchler had, up to that time, been able to prolong the fight by giving the other candidates to understand that Northampton's conferrees would likely come to their support ou tue succeeding bo) lot. Hart, the winning can didate, is prominent la Pike county, but little known outside. Mutchler's defeat will be favorably received in the dixtrict outside of Korthamton and by many in his own county." Representative John Kubach, of Hones dale, has been renominated, and Thomas Oldfleld, of Uuwley, put on the ticket as his running mate by the Democracy of Wayne county. The Republican conven tion is likely to renominate Representative ( virtis and name, as his associate. Dr. Daniel B. Strong, of Starrucca, if the lat ter will consent to run. Strong pressure is being brought to bear upon him. He is believed to be particularly strong among the farmers. P. A. O'Boyle, of West Pittston, Demo cratic candidate for district attorney on the ticket with Iliuea, will poll an extra ordinarily large complimentary vote in the upper end. He is popular Dorsnnally ; aud, in addition to that, there are Republicans in the Second and Fifth districts who do not care much to support Wilkes-Barre candidates oftener than twice or three times every j ear. 8peechs at Tuesday's convention will need to be boiled down if county delegates are to get through in time to go to Harris burg on the evening spocial. Anyhow, why should they not? Convention eloquence is invariably spiced by brevity and spoiled by being prolix. Harry 8. Levan, president of tbe North- be put iu nomination by the Reading uoinKAn iui viuo-piunmuuD or me state league. The convention will be attended by a large delegation in Mr. Levan's itter. est. t The Democrats are having a good deal of forced fuu among themselves over what they term the lukewarmness of the Will iams forces tin Luzerne connty. It la well that they have this fun now. Around elec tion time there'll be none in sight. The renomlnation of Judge John A. Pittspr by the Forty-fourth Judicial dis trict Democratic conference Thursday will open up an Interesting struggle in which the precedent of partisan opposition was set by Judge Si User himself ten years ago. Just why ihe picture of Senator Cameron should occupy a place on tbe league badges at Harrisburg may puzzle some persons who are not enthusiastic) over the junior sage of Lochiel. Senator Quay and Chris Magee are said to be on more cordial terms today than they had previously been In several years. It is, indeed, a good year for harmony. Tbe last card, In these days of popular intelligence, rarely a trump. Slaapprared la Tramlt. Wtlket-Barrt WetM-Deater. That statement ex -Banker Rockafellow was going to send to his bondsman, Isano Levlngston, must nave got loet In tte malls, FOR DELEGATE ELECTIONS. Apportionment of Btpublloan Represen tation Among the Various Dl.trlct.. Pursuant to a meeting of the Republi can County committee ueld on July 14th, isiH. the County convention win be held on Tuesday, September 4 lb, 1804. at 10 o'clock a. m., in tbe court house at Scran ton, fur the purpose of placing in point ua tion candidute.4 for tbe following mimed office, to be voted for at the next geuernl election to be held November flthV 18U4: Congress, Eleventh district; Judge, Forty fifth Judicial district; sheriff, treasurer, clerk of courts, prothonotary, district at torney, recorder of deeds, register of wills, and Jury commissioner. Vigilance committees will hold delegate elections on Saturday, September 1st, 1894, between the hours of 4 and 7 p. m. They will also give at least two days pnblic notice of the time and place for holding lrua elections. Each election district should elect at the (aid delegate elections, two qualified per sons to serve as vigilance committee for one year, and have their names certified to, on the credentials of delegates to the County Convention. The representation of delegates to the County Convention is based upon the vote cast last fall tor Fell, candidate for judge of supreme court, he being the highest officer voted for at said state election. Under this rule tbe several election districts are entitled to representation as follows, viz: Archbald borough 1st ward, 1st (list.. 1st ward, lid dint.. 2d ward 3d ward , Blukely borough Istdist 1 1 2d dUt 1 1 3ddist I 1 4th dist 1 lOlypliuut borough J st wurd 1 2 2d ward 2 ist wura id ward 2; Jidward 1 tidward lRiuieam townghln. . . 1 Tl . . ... . . Clifton township DHiuiiu towuttiiip..., Jocrauton cuy 1st ward, 1st dist., 8 I'OTiiiKton township 1 Carbondida township Northeast dist.... 0 Northwest dint. . . . 1 Ho. 8 dist 1 1st ward, 2d dist., 1 1st wurd, 8d dist.. 3 2d ward, 1st dist.. 2 2d wurd, 2d d. st... 2 2d wurd, i d dist.., 1 21 ward. 4th dist.. 1 2d wurd, 6th dist.. 1 3d ward, 1st dist., 1 3d wurd. 2d dist... 0 4th wurd, Istdist.. 2 4tli ward, 2d dist.. 2 4th ward, 3d dist.. 2 4th ward, 4th dist.. II othward.lstdist.. 2 Mb ward, 2d dist.. 2 6th wnrd, 3d dist.. 3 6th ward, 4th dist.. 2 Bth ward, Istdist.. 1 6th ward, 2J dist.. 1 ith wurd, Istdist., 1 7th ward, 2d dist.. 0 7th wurd, 8d dist.. 1 Bth wind, Istdist.. 2 btliwuid. 2d dist.. 2 9th ward, Istdist.. 8 91 h ward, 2d dist.. 8 Cnrbondale city 1st wurd, 1st dist., 1st ward, M dist., 2d ward. 1st dist., SM ward, 2ii dist... 2d ward, lid dist... ikl ward, 1st dist.. 3d ward, 2d dist... lid ward, 8d dist... 4tli ward, 1st dist.. 4th ward, 2d dist.. 4th ward, M dist.. fith ward, Istdist.. bth wurd, 21 dist.. Uth ward. Istdist.. 6th wurd, 2d dist.. Dickson City boro 1st ward 2d ward Dunmore borough 1st ward, Istdist.. 1st ward, 2d di-t.. id ward, 1st dist. . 2d wurd, 2d dist... 3d ward, 1st dist.. ikl wurd, 2d dist... ad wurd. Dd dist... 4th wurd Otli ward 0th ward, Istdist.. Uth wurd, 2d dist.. Elmhurst township. Fell township Istdist 2d dist luthwurd 2 11th wurd, Istdist. 2 11th waid, 21 dist. lith ward, 3d dist. 12ih wurd, 1st dist 12th ward, 2 J dist. l:ith ward, 1st (list 13th ward, 2d dist. l;ltu ward, 3d dist. 14th ward, 1st dist Uth ward, 2d dist. 16th ward, 1st dist 16th ward, 2d dist. lilth ward. 1st (list 10th ward. 2d (list. 17th ward, 1st dist 17th ward. 2d dist. Sd dist 1 dlenburn borough., (iouldsboro borough Uteenlleld township Jefferson township. Ji rmvii borouKh Ibthward 1 I'Jth ward, 1st dtst 2 10th ward, 2d dist. 1 Hull ward, Sil dist. 1 iUth ward, 4th (list 1 20th wurd, 1st dist 1 1st ward 2 2d ward 2i M wurd Lackawanna towns'p North dist .South dist West dist Eiistdist Northoust dist..., Southwest dist.... LuPluuie borough. Lehigh township. .. , Mudison township., Maytleld borough... Newton township... N. Abhmt'ntowiis'D 20th ward, 2d dist. 20th ward, 3d dist. 21st ward. Istdist. 21st wurd. 2d dist . S. AbiuKton towna'D 1 Spring Brook t'wn'o 1 S, ott township 2 IjWaveriy borough... I l!Winton borough 2 Istdist 1 1 2d dist 1 2j Total. Old Forge township Attest: D. W. POWELL, Chairman. 3. W. BUOWNI.NTG, Secret iry. REMEMBER 'there are hundreds of brand9 of White Lead (so called) on the market that are not White Lead, composed largely of Barytes and other cheap materials. But the number of brands of genuine Strictly Pure White Lead la limited. The following brands are standard "Old Dutch" process, and just as good as they were when you or your lather were boys : "Atlantic," "Beymer-Bauman," "Jewett," "Davls-Chambert," " Fahnestoclt," " Armstrong & McKelvy." For Colors. National Lead Co.'i Pure White Lead Tinting Colors, a one-pound can to a 35-pound keg of Lead and mix your own paints. Saves time and annoyance In matching shades, and insures the best paint that it is possible to put on wood. Send us a postal card and get our book on paints and color-card, free; it will probably lave you a good many dollars, NATIONAL LEAD CO., New York, Jast rmived a slot nw line of SILK SHADES in choice colon and ityles. Our stotk of Banqnat, Parlor Lamps la complete. Piano and Haviland China, Carlsbad and Amor lean China, Dinner and Tea Seta in many stylet; also a number of open atock pattern! from which yon can aelect what piete yon want COURSEN, CLEMONS & CO. 422 Lacka. Avenue. BUY THE WEBER For many years this Piano has stood In the front ranks. It has been admired so much for its pure, rich tone, that it has become a Btandard for tone quality, until it is considered the highest com. pllment that can be paid any Piano to Bay "It resembles the WEBER." We now have the full control of this Piano for this section as well as niany other fine Pianos Which we are selling at greatly reduced prices and on easy monthly payments. Don't buy until you seo our goods and get our prices GUERNSEY BROTHERS' NEW STORE GOLDSMITH'S THE LONG These are the davs of 1 , r . t ... ., ' -.w.7 "ai"'i' yntca lui U3. lime, i! f ! 2 5 i r taXCS' WaitS for nobody' is hustling us toward that delightful period called Fall Trade. We begin now to get ready for it All the stuff about which lingers any suggestion about June roses or July sunshine must follow Bill Nye's celestial THEYMUST G-O SPECIAL SALE OF LADIES' MUSLIN UNDERWEAR A chance lot of 50 dozen Ladies' Gowns' full size, high sleeves, neat tucks and embroidery, and excellent muslin, at 49 and 59c. Also, several lines of Corset Covers, Drawers and Chemise, proportionately cheap. With tha New Valves Out of Sight Our new Bicycles are now to be seen at our 314 Lacka wanna avenue store. VICTORS, SPALDING, CREDENDA, GENDRONS, And a full line of Boys' and Girls' Wheels. We are mak ing extremely low prices on Second-hand Wheels. J IUI 314 Lacka. Ave. A Full Assortment Letter Copying Books OUR SPECIAL: A 500-page 10x12 Book, bound In olotb, Bfceep back and corners, guaranteed to give satisfaction, Only 90c. FINE STATIONERY AND ENGRAVINGS Reynolds Bros. Stationers and Engravers, 317 Lackawanna Ave Dr. Hill & Son Albany Dentists t tenth, 1M0 beet t, 8: tot foi eupa knd teeth without plates, called crown and bridge work, call for piioea and referanoea. TONALG1A, for extraotlng toeth without pain. Mo ether, Nogae, OTEB FIRST XATIOHAL BANS. 224 nwiii.MMQjp.QQn iiiLLinimmu u BOOKS Y. M. C A. BUILDING SHORT OF IT All of our finest Percales, Batiste, Satteen and Lawn Shirt Waists which formerly sold from $1.50 to $2.50, your choice now at 98 CENTS IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIll!ll!EIIlIIIUlIIIIllI!lllli:Ui:illBtig.llIIIIIII.I.IEU 1 Big Gut in School Shoes I s s M pa a During tbe month of SEPTEMBER we will sell S I M UN DELL'S SOLAR TIP SHOES I Bit S zn a Nos. 6 to 1 80 Cents I N03. 8 to 10 90 Cents 1 g Nos. 11 to 13. I GLOBE SHOE STORE, 227 I a -a uiniiHnitJiiiiiiiiisjsiiiiDiiiisiiuMssiiKniiciijuaiaiiiiiiniisieuisiiiiiin THEY ARE AND WILL SOON BE GONE til vicauj ncuatcu iuobj a I THE REMAINDER OP OUR STOCK OF ALASKA l REFRIGERATORS. ICE $ Cream Freezers, OIL AND GAS STOVES Foots & Shear Co., 613 LACKA. ATE. O FANCY "Jenny IM" Cantcloupes, home: grown Green Cora anfl Tomatoes, Urn Beans, Egg Plant, etc, PIERCE'S MARKET and Get the Best. WYOMING AVENUE, nnn a mmnitT BAZAAR COLUMBIA BICYCLE AGENCY 224 Spruce St Op, Tribune Office. In addition to the fluent line of New Wheel cm the market, we offer the folowlng Bpec'al Bri?alru fur August: 1 Stearns Spncial. 1 Union rinenial. 1 Imperial, 2 Cleveland. S Majeatic, 1 Virtor, 2 Hlckuriea and 5 Col nmhlaa, all in perfect cm litlon. Prion, from Bit to 100 each. Call and secure a genuine bargain. - . .-.-.$1.10. Atlantic MiiM Co. Vannfiuiturora and Dealorl luL " N tllnminating and Lubricating Unseed OH, KapthM and Gas Tines of all grades. Aile Qmse, inion Grease and Colliery Com. , P-mnd; also, a largo hue of. Pi "ne Wax Candlea w 00 70 00 W9 also hanaie tb Famous CROWd J w ACME OIL, the only family safety burning oil in the market an 01 WILLIAM MASON, Managi' Office: Coal Exchange Wyoming Worlu at Plus brookr At DOCTOR JOHN HAMLIN Veterinary Suron and Veterinary Pentist. TELEPHONE i. Prompt attention to call, for treatment ot all domestio anlmala, Veterinary Medicines carefully compounJeJ and for aaia at reasonable prtcei Office at the Blums Carrtaea Work, 121 DlX COURT, Bcrautoo. where 1 direct anoo ing afternoona. Graduate of the American Veterinary Col leje and the Columbian School of Compara tive Medicine. Well, Sirl "Spectacles!" Yes, sir! AVe have a special ist here to MB you who doel nothing ebe. Sit right down r " oil ngUli uunn r T andhavo your ' II eyes fitted ia a scientific manner. LLOYD, JEWELER 423 LACKAWANNA AVE. Inserted in THE TRIBUNE el th OILS mm ' tateof ONE CENT A WORD.