The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 01, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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ft foe to Dyspepsia
1 1
And always have
Good Bread.
The Weston Mill Co,
Punch Cigars
G.. B
8c CO.,
Gamey, Brown & Co. Mfr'i.
DR. H. B. WARE will be
in his office on and after
the first week in Septem
Kev. R. a Jones and Rev. W. F. Davis
will resume duties ou Sunday,
B. S. Robinson and family, of Oak street,
Dave returned from Lake Wlnola.
Mrs. EdwHrd Inch, of Carbondale.
VlBlting O. O. Miller, of Church avenue.
Tb funeral of Charles Huntsman, of
Breaker street, will take place tomorrow,
E. E. Teal and family, of Groea RiilM.
have returned after summering at Elm-
Mrs. Thomas E. Parry, of Richmondale,
is circulating among her old friends in
The members of the Qreen Ridge Baptist
Cbnrcb Christian Endeavor society, will
bold a musical evening at Mr. Jjangbam's
tonight at 7 p. m.
Rev. Floyd Fuller will leave for the west
on Monday, where ne will visit ms nrotner.
Mr. Fuller will preach his farewell sermon
tomorrow morning.
Charley, the 8-year-old son of Constable
Bernard Davies, wbo bas been serlonsly
ill witb pneumonia, is improving satisiaC'
triiy under the cars or Dr. uentiey.
The little daughter of William Jenkins,
of Bright street, wbo died on Thursday,
will be buried at Forest Hill tbit after
noon. Funeral service at the residence at
8 p. m.
Councilman Wade Finn and others, who
have reoeutly purchasod the Tripp prop
erty known as tbe "court bouve property
n Nortb Main avenue, are arranging to
plot nebe tend 4u-bUiMUnA lot, A new
street will be Isid out to connect North
Main avenue and Providence road.
J. V. Hopewell, or tbe Kegistor. re
turned last eveuing after attending the
sessions of tbe Grand Lodge Knights of
f ytniat at xoilt ana tne state camp Patri
otic Order cons of America at Erie., and
reports excellent meetings at which busi
ne of great importance for thjs'iutnre of
toe various oraers was traosacted.
A little 6-year-old son of felentine Burt
ley, the Liberty driver, wa4 bitten Tester
day by a doe on Brick Avenue. The drier
belonged to Llewelyrv Llewelyns, and the
when iheatfu rushed on bim and bit him
ofh'ilt lag. The little boy was attended
by JJr. Thompson, who cantenzed tne
wound, aud late last eveuing the little
patient was reported to bo more comfort'
A special service will be held at the
Welsh Congregational chnrch tomorrow
cvcnlnc. when three students bailing from
Providence will conduct tbe services. They
are Caswallon Duvis, a student of Olivet
college. Michigan, now of tbe celebrated
Moody Quartet: T. Mvrddiu Jones, of tbe
same college, son of Dr. Jones, and William
ih. Davis of Marrietta college, Ohio. The
former will conduct the musical serrlces,
aud other two gentlemen will d"SJi,v-'r ad-
dresses. Owing to the local connec"00 of
Gulie three students a large congreg"'01 is
ore von decide to mir.-hnus a Bcholar-
Marrin B commtirclal school, v'1' Wood's
aay to ge 0f Business and siortnDd. It
Brown, Tay
Appeleii ' .
F era ii ton's
Basin" Intratt,
Tribunb will lon publish a care
....,1 .tAflstiriurf lUf. nf the,
e.i.iw wholesale, banking, manufacture
ir.u n? trofessional interests of Scran ton
and viciaity. The edition will be bound
in book prm, beautifully Illustrated with
J; hotograVure views of our public build
ings, business block, streets, etc, together
witb portraits o leading cttiiens. No
similar wtr" has- ever given an equal rep
reeeutatici" 01 cranton's many indus
tries. It 'w'" De n invaluable exposition
c( v.. ,. business resources. Sent to
-persons outside the city, copies of
this handsome work will attract
new comers and be an unequalled
advertisement of tbe city. The circu
lation is on a plan that cannot fall of good
results to thoee concerned as well as the city
atlsrge. Representatives ot Thc Tribuns
will call upon those whose names
re DismfD in this edition and explain
Its nature more fully.
Those desiring views ot their residences
in this edition will please It. ave notice at
the office.
The Trainina- Sohool
For Kindergartners under the auspices of
theScranton Free Kindergarten associa
tion will reopen Wednesday, Bept. la, at 9
a. m , at 818 Washington avenne. Appli
cations secured by Mies Salisbury, South
Orange, N. J. -
This week tbe races of the Gentlemen's
Driving elub will bs held on Friday after
noon instead of Saturday afternoon, as has
been announced.
Mimeographs and neostyles for dupli
cating and copying.
Pratt's Book Store.
City and Bohool Taxes, 1891.
The city and school tax duplicates for
'the year 1894 are now in my bands for
collection. Persons wishing to pay can do
so now, or any person requirlug state
ments of taxes by giving ward and loca
tion of property will be promptly
R. G. Brooks, City Treasurer.
Municipal building, Washington avenne.
Office boors from 9 a. m. to 6 p. m., ex
cept Satnnrday, this office will be closed
at noon.
Wliii 8 Many people are taking and
deriving benefit from Hood's Barssparillo,
why don't you try it yourself? It will
build you up. Hood's Sarsaparilla will
make yon strong.
Hood's fills enre nausea, sick headache
miansnesa. Try box.
Bliss Gives Some Sage Advice to His
Bearers In Gospal Tent
Asks His Hearert to Carefully r-ur-
use the History of the Son of God
While on Earth-Lawn Party Given
ku m;. Maud Jones in Honor of
Her Young Friends-Other News
Ever since tbe opeuing of the Moody
gospel tent on North Mala avenue 07
12 W. Bliss large srowds have oonre-
Hted nnder tbe wblte eanvass, lsh
evening was no exoepilou to tne rats
and every teat was ocoupiea. xne
evsngelieal work of yesterday opened
with a women s service in tbe bimpson
Methodist Episcopal ebareh whsre Mr.
Bliss delivered an eloquent discourse
to tbe Indies. A movement Is now on
foot to bold numerous cottage praysr
meetings. Tbe Initial meeting of this
sture was ooadnetod at the home of
Mrs. Roberts on North Sumner avenue.
where a large number assembled to
worship God.
lbs afternoon meeting opened witn
song service, which was followed
with a prayer. . William W. Jones, tbe
ohoir leader, has made a vsst improve
men! in bis class of singers.
Tbe evening service opened at 7:uu
o'clock: with a series of Gospel hymn
selections. On the platform were seated
Revs. D. C. Hughes, C. Floyd. U. K.
Fremen, Dr. Psarce and Mr. Bliss.
The hymn, "i Will Sing a wondrous
Storv" snd "Jesus Saves, were sang
nndsrlsadersbtp or wiiu-tm u.ueu iu
tbe abssnce or wuiism w. goun,
Praver was offered by Rst. D. K.
Freeman in a devout manner, and "A
Soldier of the Cross" was sweetly sang
by the eboir. Mr. Davis, a member 01
Mr. Moody's Quartette wbsn at C'hl
caao. satin in a Clear tenor voice me
bvuin. "IberesJNo tiope ror a sinner
LIU- Me." Tickets for the Sunday
evening men's meeting wsrs distributed
snd the announcement was maae oy
Mr. Bliss that no service wonld be held
this evening but that the choir would
menet for rehearsal. Tbe bymu "I
Will Sins of Mv Redeemer" was tbsn
snnar. Mr. jjiivis again sang, ur
Pearee. of tbe Elm Park enuron, onerea
a tiraver. Mr. mm reaa a portion 01
Matthew xxtl. as a texr. auu uuring
bis remarks said:
Some peoDle get offended when they see
their pastor going next door to their home
and say they 0 not care for a man who
cannot treat peoplt. alike. A few days
later yon meet that pastor and be freely
welcome, vou. tie says: "now are tne
people nt-xt door to youf" You say with a
feeling of great jealousy, ''You ougbt to
know, yon go there often enough." But
besays, didn't yon know that tbey bad two
children very sick?" Then you have some
thing to think about. i.nteriaining evu
thoughts about your pastor and never iu-
nuired into tbe welfare of yonr neighbor,
man is a poor sinner, out uuu uou i eoua
7. , 1 ...... r . j
men to helL he tries to keep you out of
bell. The devil comes along and savs.
"God bates yon." "God so loved the world
that He gave His only begotten Son that
sinners uiltrht De savaa.
If you want something that will make
you never entertain a aonot against tne
Lord. Just read tbe history of Christ noon
earth- ' I come toseek and save. He that
comes to Me I will in no wise cast out."
Tbsse are some thoughts that yon should
study. When Christ took tbe vinegar noon
the eroe. be gave up the God. meaning that
his mission on eartu was well none. cyery
thing that God had prophesied had been
Tor 1800 years God's spirit bas coma
nnon men and women, and influencing
tbem to save others. "For life is the gift
of God to every man." It is not enongb to
have riebt thoughts, we must have right
actions. You may say that I have not
learned yon anything tonight, but tbe
question is, "Have you done anything
Pilate believed that Jesus was tbe MesBiah,
but be worked by the pulses of the people,
If the people said Bsrabas, he did so. If
they said Jesus, that was all right. He was
a politician. He had no back bone. Pll
ate said. ''What shull I do with
Jesus?" And tbey said, "Crucify Him."
and be did so. Will put your thoughts
into action tonight ana wneu uoa usks
you, will yon consent to be His. Come
hardships or sorrow, happiness or com
fort, will yon consent and say I will live
for Jesus come what msy. vo this, 1 be
seech you, tonight You and I will know
some day what it is to be in witb Jesus
Christ. He is the coming man. What can
I do with Jesusf Ouly two things. One
In, "Reject Him and die." The ether is,
"Take Him and live."
weeks come ana months go by and we
let it go. At last old sge is here and it is
too late. We die without find no- the
Savior. People will say, "I don't feel like
those Christians say they do." What if
you don't. You can if the earnestness is
there. I wonder if yon are carrying some
darling sin all through your life and give
it op at last. Ob, my bearer, de not be
deceived by that strong argument of the
devil's any longer. Now is the accepted
time. Tonight say you will turn your
back upon your sins, and God give yon
grace to 00 it.
Rev. T. C. Floyd. D. D., pastor of
the Simpson Methodist, gave a very
earnest prayer, with an appeal lo sin
ners. The meeting was closed with
A half liour meeting was then held
and many people were brought to
Christ. Prayers were offered by several
of the divines present, aud the inspir
ing Gospel liymus were sung.
Miss Maud Jouee Entertains Her Num
erous Frleode.
The lawn of Police Officer and Mrs.
Thomas Jones ou .Norm Sumner ave
nue, contained A large number of
young people yesterday afternoon, the
event being a party tendered by their
yonng daughter, Miss Maud, to tbe
Misses Dora and Elilh Jenkins, of
Dinville. The afternoon wits spsutla
a most enjoyable manner under tne
trees wblcu surround the lawn, and
games or various mnus served as
amusement and diversions for- the
yonng people,
At 5 o'clock supper was served by
Mrs. Jones.
Among those present were: Maud
Jonss, Dora and Edith Jenkins, of
Danville; Thell Dawkins, Mabel and
Alice Mnllin. Molly Mobr, Flossie
Sprosts, Pearl George, of Parsons;
Helen Lewis, Edna Stevens, Hose and
Winnie Klneriui, and . Webster and
Howard Levshon. Amel Konecky. Tbe
young people were under the charge of
Mrs. William V. Grimms, Mrs. Thomas
Jones, Mrs James Leyshon and Miss
Gertie Dawkins
Miss Cora Browning, of Pittsburg, is the
gusst or menus on this side. ,
Mrs. Henry Wilson, of Nantlcoke, Is cir
culating among friends on this side.
W, Haydn Evans, of South Sumusr ave
nue, has returned from Susquehanna
county. ' .
Thomas Harris and daughter, of South
Main avenue, are visiting friends on Sooth
main avenne. 1
Janes McCarthy, of Washburn street
will leave today for visit with friends in
Nsw York city.
Arthur Levshon. of North Bromley ave
nue, aud Miss IolaQlfford of Oreen Rid go.
bave returned from a visit witn inenas in
Uiss Clare Doebber. of Mifflluburg, is
tbe guest of ber former school-mate, Miss
8sra Josephine Hughes, of North Sum
ner avenue.
The funeral of Mrs. Lswls will occur
from tbe family home. 1810 Hampton
street, on Mouduy afternoon.
The late David Jones, of Fourteenth
street, will be buried tomorrow afternoon
in the wasUDorn btreet cemetery.
Mrs. Georse Easterly and daughter, of
North Sumner aveuue. returned Yesterday
from a visit with friends in Forty Fort.
Great nreDarstious are being made by
the West -Side Choral society for the com
petitions in the Laurel Hill park eisteddfod
Petitions were issued yesterday to pro
cure the signatures of those in favor of the
viaduct Thoy are addressed to tbe city
councils, giving rsssons wby the viaduct
should be built
Primaries will beheld this afternoon be
tween the hours of 4 and 7 o'clock, for the
election of delegates to the Republican
county convention. The contests on this
side will be spirited.
Tbe members of tbs Washburn Btreet
Prsubvterinn chnrch will worship In bt.
David's ball tomorrow morning at 10.80
o'clock. Rev. D. K. Freeman, of Hunt
ington, will preach. No service will be
held in the evening.
Mrs. Thomas Morion. Mrs. Thomas
Jones, Mrs. William Morton, Misses Emma
Carr. Edith. Annie. Florenoe and bertha
Morton, Beatrice Jones ana ueorgs Mor
ton, have returned borne from a stay at
the Protberos cottage, Lake W inoia.
A horse boloneing to John T. Porter
and driven by Francis Whittling, of South
Bromley avenue, stumoiea ana ten on tne
car track on North Main avenue yester
day afternoon and sustained a painful
abrasion of the left foreleg. Tbe horse's
leg was bound witn rags on acconnt or its
Bleeding too rreeiy.
Tbe funeral of Miss Norma Mathias, of
Price street will occur tomorrow after
noon at 3 o'clock. Services will bs con
ducted in tbe Plymouth Congregational
cburcb by Rev. Peter Roberts.of Olypbant.
Interment in the Washburn Street ceme
tery. A prayer service will be held at tbe
home this evening at 8 o'clock.
The Hyde Park Choral society are earn
estly requested to meet tomorrow after
noon at o'clock, on uammon's mil, tor
rehearsal of tbe competive pieue to be
rendered at the musical sisteddfod at
Laurel Hill park. Au evening rehearsal
will be held in tbe basement of tbe Taber
nacle Congregational church.
,Low Prices,
White Loaf Flour (iOu
Stower's Ham 14
Best Creamery Butter. 24
20 lbs Gran. Sugar 1 00
Mason Quart;Jars 55
Feed Meal or Corn 1.25
Jos. A- Mears.
Some of the Local Veterans Who Will
Attend the National Encamp
ment in Smoky City.
One week from today a large party of
veterans and their wives from tbisoity
and its vicinity will leave for Pitts
burg to attend the annual national
enoampment of the Grand Army of the
Republic. Tbe party will go in a
Dedal train over the Delaware, Laok
awanna and Western and Lake buore
roads by way ot Buffalo, leaving here
at 1 30 in tbe afternoon.
The arrangements for tbe trip nave
been made bv tbe members of Ezra
Griffin post, No. 130. Tbe following
are some of its members wbo have al
ready signified their intention of at
tending tbe encampm
a g Mott. Rev. N.
pment: (Jowruaoder
1: btabi, J. jr.
.,.,, p Am.rtan
Amsden, F. P. Amsden, William
Bluuie. D. M. Jones. John H. Uoff
man. J. W. Van Camp. Colonel F. L
Hitchcosk. Arthur Hiteheock, Aldei
man O. B. Wright, H. C. Huntington,
Allen P. Knob. Ueorie w. uond,
George Geary, Samuel Sbouner, Jaeob
Rsbbert, John a Short, S Y. Haupt,
John WestDfahl. W. J. MoDunald.
N. M. Gardner, Charles 'McGovern,
Thomas H. Allen. N. F. Hint, William
Cohen, W. J. Williams. M. Bumgarten,
C. Clark, L. J. North np, William
Poole. Adam T. Miller. T. J. Morgan,
H. W. Little, Chester Cammer. Motes
Morev. D. W. Brundage, George For
est, Anthony Long and U U. Van
The local veterans will be joined
here by delegations from Moscow, Wy
oming and Hontsdale. Ths Thirteenth
regiment drum corps will acoompaoy
tbe party.
Conductor Brink and wife, of the Erie
and Wyoming Valley, goes to Farview lake
The brush along the Erie and Wyoming
Valley rllroad,a distance ot thirteen miles,
is all anre.
Members of the Delaware. Lackawanna
and Western Mutual Aid association
should not forget the meeting tomorrow,
Brakemsn George Turner and Fireman
William Curtis, ot tbe Erie and Wyomiug
Valloy railroad, recently returned from
Farview lake, Pike county, and brought
back a big mess 01 nan.
Engine No. 1. "C.,1. Scranton." has Just
been repaired at the shops in this city and
will be broken in today. She will then
take ur run ou No. 2 and 5 with Engineer nt tne tnrottie.
Tho following party of Delaware. Lacka
wanna (d W estern engineers mid their
wives toceutly enjoyed a pleasant trip to
Torouto, Canada. Charles Gurrigan and
wife, Howard Durle and wife, George
Blickens and wife, Will RoberU and wife,
and Ell Vail nnd daughter. Some of tbe
boys would like to bave Eli tell what was
the matter with the boat between Torouto
and Niagara Falls.
Shoppin g In Buelueee Oollegss.
Shopping in Business Colleges has been
unknown in tcranton.
Ou Monday all the youth with clorical
tendencies will be on the qui vive..
Remember mat wood'e College of
Business and Shortbaud has been placed
among tne nrst as to nnanciai responsi
You buy wuere yon get tbe best value.
You Invest yonr money where it is safe.
Don't beiunuenced by what tbey ear. but
cuine auu eev.
Wood's College of Business and Short
Repairs Cause Change of Seivioes.
Tbe session of tbe Second Presbyterian
chnrch decided that It would be impossible
to boiq services in tno auuience room to
morrow on account ot its condition from
the work ot enlsrging the organ,. Tbe
Sunday school will meet, however, at the
usual time and the Christian Endeavor
prayer meeting will be held at 6.80 o'clock
m. u is expected that tbe church will
s in condition to be nsed a week from
next Sabbath, altbougb tbe organ will not
oe uone.
We are clearing out
the whole of our
stock of fine etchings. ,
Chicago Art Co.,
m renn avenue.
Before you deelde to purchase a scholar
ship in a commercial school visit Wood's
College ot Business and Shorthand. It
will pay.
FRASSONI-In Mooslo, Ang. 81, 1894, Dr.
M. P. Frassonl, aged 50 years, 5 months
and 19 days. Funeral announcement In
tomorrow's papers.
Republican Primaries Will Pass Off Quietly
This Evening.
He Was a Candidate for Delegate in
the Eleventh Ward, but Retires in
the Interest of Harmony Sunday
Exercises at the Young Women's
Christian Association Personals
and Shorter Paragraphs.
The Republican primaries In tbe
several districts ot the Soath Side
wards this eveuing will be marked by
greater barmony than has prevailed in
any fall campaigns iu tbe past, wbsre
so many delegates jumped in the field
at the start. Two weeks ago in every
district no less than six citizens
were announced for the nomina
tion for delegate. Within the past
few days a change came over the
anticipation of a hot fight by the grad
ual dropping oil of the number until
tbe field in eaou district was lert clear
to just enongb to elect,
On Wednesday tbe only district that
appeared to be hilled for a stormy time
wus the nrst district or tne njievemn
ward. Oil has been ponred on the
troubled waters by the sacrifice of Dr.
A. J. Kolb, who withdrew bis name in
the iuierest of harmony.
Hiss Ida Eok Will Epeak on How to Bear
Onr Burdens.
The Sabbath exereises at the South
Side Young Women's CUristisn associ
ation tomorrow afternoon will begin
at 8.45, and that will be the hour of
beginning herearter untti rurtner or
dered. 'Special mnsio will be a feature
Miss Florence Tomklnson, the secre
tary, will resume ber duties arter ber
vaoatiou and give a talk on ber trip.
Tbe very efficient temporary secretary.
Miss Anna Doersam, will conclude ber
duties. Miss I la Eck will give a prno
tieal talk on "How to Bear Our Bur
Miss Mary Mears, of Pittston avenne, is
Visiting in Pittston.
TheScranton Axle works are idle by
reason of a scarcity of water.
There will be a regular meeting of tbe
William Connell Hose company Monday
Tbe funeral of Mrs. 'Patrick Corcoran,
of Cedar avenue, will be held at 9 o'clock
this morning.
Select Councilman C. W. WestpfahL of
the Nineteenth ward, returned home yes
terday from Erie.
Thomas Eearns, of Pittston avenue, has
given up the barber trade and gone to
work in tne lower steei nun.
Rudolph Euhn. of Stone avenue, will
ODen a 1oD printing department in zieg-
ler's buildlug on Cedar avenue. He ex
pects to be ready te begin business m a
At a special meeting last night the Cen
tury Hose company acoepted tbe invitation
of the Mechanic Steamer company, of
Wllkes-Barre, to attend tbe parade of tbe
Wilkes-Barre fire department on Sept. 18.
The company will run an sxenrsion on that
Tbe following names comprlie a list ot
those who attended tbe evening party
given oy Xdiss Anna unesoner, or Kerning
ton avenue: Maggie ana Minnie juaurer,
Mara-aret Watte. Mr. and Mrs. Sanford.
Emma Gaswiudt, Mi' 1 Lizzie and Katie
Cbrlstophel, Lena i-.Sn, Mollis Helm,
Alice, LiUie and Lizzie Carlyon, Anna
Stalhebor, Mary Murphy, Lena Minich,
Anna Drencher. Llllie and Lena Dreiscber
Pauline Saur, Nellie aud Anns Jones, Ella
Waltbeck, tbe Misses Berkebouse, Jacob
Cbrlstophel. lieisio, Tolemy. Grieser
Frautz, Berkebouse, Louis Gaswiudt,
Addle Gaswindt, Will Driescher, Will
Hartman, J. H. Carlyoa and J. McGinn!
V. W. C. A. NOTES.
Miss Marv S Dunn, state secretary of
the Young Women's Christian association
of Pennsylvania, will address tbe Girls
Gospel meeting to be held tomorrow at
8.45 p. m. in the pleaaaut parlors of the
Young Women's Christian association, 805
Washington avenue. Subject "Not I but
Christ" PhlL i:21. Spi cial music will add
brightness to the service. All youn
women are cordially invited.
Tbe social Tuesday evening, Sept. 4. at
the xoung women's innatian association
will be under the auspices of the reception
committee. A hearty invitation to spend
the evenlug In social converse Is extended
each young woman aud especially
strangers in tne city.
Shopping In Buslnees Oollegss.
Shopping in Business Colleges has been
unknown iu acrauton.
On Monday all tbe youth with clerical
tendencies will be on the qui vive.
Remember That wood's Colleze of
Business aud Shorthand has been placed
among tne nrst as to nnanciai responsi
You buy where you get the best value,
You invest your mouey where it is safe.
Don't be mnueuced by what they sav,
put come anu see.
Wood's College of Business and Shor
- - No Agreement Yet
Yesterday did not bring the trouble b
tween the Scrantou and Pittston Tractii
company and tne supervisors 01 Lock
wanua township any nearer to a settle
ment Attorney Lemuel Auimerman
the only representative or the street car
company at present in tho city, and ha
uot able to be at tbe offioe through illneop,
L-avIng that out or the question
would, no doubt, be a lather difficult mat
ter for a mutual agreement to be arrived
at. T he supervisors expeot to bave a con
fereuce on Monday.
We are prepared to furnish all
kinds of School Books and School
Supplies at short notice
We always have in stock a com
plete ' line of Blank Books, Sta
tionery and Office Supplies.
Wall Paper, Window Shades
Pictures and Frames.
B No better spoons are made
g ; than those of Wm, Rogers'
3 Manufacturing Co. They
S were never sold at this priee
SB before. Buy now
Blnchamton Industrial Exposition.
That tbe exoosition this vesr will be a
larger and more magnificent one than ever
before attempted is an assured fsct. The
management bave taken hold with a de
termination to excel and have succeeded
in scouring exhibits, varied, rich, and cost
ly, and that will certainly be instructive
d entertainlug. Tbe lair will open on
Thursday, September 6, when the Bing
hamtnn Athletic association will bavo their
first bicycle meet under the auspices of the
exposition management; $SU0 worth of
prizes will be given, and tbe different
events will bs continued In tbe eveuing
when the grounds will be lighted by eleo
tricltv. Saturday, September 8. will be
children's day, and it is expected that 6,000
children will maroh to the grounds. The
amusement programme win be a grand
success. The greatest artists in their Hue
ave been engaged at immenso txpsnse.
be world-renowned juggler, Heverus
chsefer who has no peer in his special
ties, will make bis first appearance in
Bingham on.
There will be a troup or ten Japs wbo
will appear daily in daring, sensational
sud amUKlng perrormances, also chariot
races by lady aud gentlemen ridors in mag
nificent Roman costumes, driving thor
oughbred horses, given double team, Roman
standing ana hurdle races. There will be
balloon ascensions daily and other exciting
and entertainlugevrnU. Tuesday, Septem
ber. 11, Governor Roswell P. Flower will
be at the fair, and will be escorted by tbe
Twentieth Separate company, and other
visiting companies of the National Guurd,
state of New York. Wednesduv, Septem
ber 12, will be Red Men s day, snd it being
tbe week of the great council of the United
States, there will probably come by excur
sions from nil parts the largest crowd of
visitors that ever was in the city.
Tbe low price ot admission to tbe lair 25
cents., makes it possiblo for all to go.
Mr. Philip C. Scheuer. who will be a
candidate for tbe office of jury commis
sioner before the coming Republican con
vention, bus beeu a lire long resident or
tbe South Side. Scrnnton He is a mem
ber of tbe well kuown firm Schoner Bros,,
bakers and one of tbe most popular Ger-
msns in this valley: his many menus are
earnestly working in bis behalf aud bis
nomination is almost a foregone con
clusion. Delegates, vote for Philip C.
Scheuer tor jury commissioner.
Before you decide to purchase a scholar
ship in a commercial school, visit Wood's
College of Business and
Shorthand. It
III pay.
Grocers and butchers' pass books.
Pratt's Book Store.
Restful to tired toilers, bread made
from Pillsbury's Best!
Wood, bamboo and braiss easels.
Pratt's Book Stork.
Import Samples mean 20
per cent, less than import
No two piece3 alike.
Flower Vases, Jarden-
ieres, Plate3, Chocolate and
Tea Pot3, &c.
To secure REAL BAR
GAINS, come at once.
Il6 Wyoming Ave.
New Store,
New Goods,
New Styles,
New Prices.
They're Here
Is here.
They were just opened
lag, and are the neatest
this morning, and
and prettiest style we've been
able to show in years.
Both Stores MSgS.
Christian, Tbe Hatter
Martin & J3elaziy
Custom Tailors and Clothiers,
308 Lacka. Ave. I
Has just received some special val-
ues in
ssn pjpj
I It will pay you to see them.
S 150 pairs Nottingham, Z4 yds. long, worth $150, 5
a for $1.
1 75 pairs Nottingham, worth $2.50, for $1,39.
I 50 pairs Nottingham, worth $5, for $2.75.
I 25pair3 Irish Point (see window), worth $15, s
for $11. 3
5 10 pairs Real Brussels (see window), worth $35,
Sj for $21. ,
a 100 Chenille Table Covers, 6-4, worth $2.25, for g
$1.50. 1
Scientific Eye
for the future is ibe east, During the mors than foitv years of g
cxistenee over 03,000 people have porohassd and played and praised g
i The Emerson Piano. I
There are some planet that will eost yon mere than the Emerson g
will. If yon enjoy paving high prloes jsst for the seise of paytsf g
them, probably you will hay one of these. But mattes rb,l JQ9 g
ray you'll not get a better piano, nor handsomer, nor one' more g
durable. It is impossible to improve o the beat. a
. . - i. si w ertj-
For Fall Wear
305 Lackawanna Ave.
Our line of Groceries is
complete and you can
rely on them being the
If you want a delicious,
high-flavored TEA, try
our New Crop JAPAN
for 50c; worth 75o.
Me at rrsesnt Ike Hot rentier
Wemroems! OppeslteOtlotsbus Monument,
BOB Wstthlngton Av. Sorattt,s,'
eat Pnftntei by
Blue and
Box Coats.
Also, a first-class
stock of Imported
Suitings and Trous
Testing Free
The Specialist on the Eye. Headaches an 4 Ner
vousness relieved. Latest and Improved tylo of
Eyeglasses and Speotaoles at the Lowest Prices.
Beet Artificial Eyes inserted for S3.
805 SPRVOU ST., Opp. Old Pest Offioe.
All Things"
But if the time yoa eswy.ii in
accurate, what the at
Tbink o this, end if U nesd et
WATCH, call oa us. We'll
save you hard dollars, la the
prioe, and give yea a goodj
gnsrantee for quality, tasked,
by a reeord of over 20 rears
successful ezperleaoe ln-Seran
Dealer in Watohes and Jewelry
Another Advocate of
SKNTLEMKN-It affords me creal
pleasure to etatn that your new procesj
f extracting teeth was grand encioee Is
any eaee, and I heartily recommend It t
all. I sincerely hope that others will
tees I is merits.
Youre respectfully,
CAPT. S, E. HKYANT. Soranton, Pat
Henwood k Wardell,
816 Lackawanna Ave.
Will oa and after Hav 21 make a Rreat reduq
tloa la the price of plattta. All work gnus'
eoteed flrst-claas In evorv particular.
ROOFttnnlns; and soldering all dons away
with by tbe use of HARTMAN '8 HAT
ENT PAINT, which eoiuriets of Ingredients
well-known to alL It can be applied to tin,
galvanized tin, sheet Iron roofs, al so to brick
dwellings, which will prevent absolutely any
orumbling, cracking or breaking of the
brick. It will outlast tinning ol any kind by
many yeare,and it's eost does not exceed one
fifth that of the coat of tinning. Is sold by
the job or pound. Oontraota taken by