The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 01, 1894, Page 12, Image 12

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When we have a good
thin? we are anxious to
divide it among our
friends. We require more
space for our Fall Trade
and all Summer Goods
must make way. We can
not afford to carry them
over until next season.
We give you Bargains.
Our Fall Goods are com
ing in daily; very choice
3 ailU
G10V63 in all new shades
and popular lengths. Cor
sets, all sizes and best
makes. Laces, Dress
Trimmings, Umbrellas,
Hosiery, Etc. Every de
partment is a reservoir of
style and elegance. Val
ues beyond the wildest
dreams of the economi
cal We never resort to
extravagant statements,
but will let the goods
speak for themselves.
The Fashions illustrated
in our Monthly are the
latest We are the only
dry goods house that pub
lishes a Fashion Monthly
and hope you appreciate
our efforts. If .you wish
to dress well and dress
economically, don't fail to
A it-
A Noted Physician
Now With Us.
DR. E. L. REEVES, of Philadelphia, tb
able and successful Physloian and burgeon,
It now permanently located at
412 Spruee Street, Scranton,
where ha baa fitted spacious and commodious
parlors for the daily treatment of all ACUTE
and CHRONIC DISEASES of men, women
and children.
The Doctor la a SPECIALIST In the f?enral
K use of thewrra. Ha has devoted a lifetime
reliering Buffering humanity, and having
sent 37 years in active practice, both In pri
vate and hospital service, he Is prepared to
act SPECIALLY in any and all diseases, bav
in treated every conceivable disease known.
He. with hisassistanta. treat all Diseases of
lbs K.rvoua System, Disease! ot the Eye,
tar, Nose and Throat, Dyspepsia, Rheuma
tism, Lost Vitality, Premature Weakness or
Decay, in both sexes; Female Weakness-!
and Irregularities, Nervous Debility, Catarrh,
i ri
Youth. Lost Manhood, Eczema, Scrofula, St.
Pits Epile
ucera, I
sy. In
discretions and Errors of
Vitus' Danos, Asthma, Diseases of the Heart,
i.unga, uver, burners, uiaaaer, Btomacn,
Consultation and examination free.
Ofllco Hours: Dally, ( am- to 9 p. m. Sun
flay, 10 to 12 and i to i
Remember name and number.
412 Spruce St, Scranton.
For yeara tbe weaUra bank of the
Lackawanna baa been tb damping
;-rouod of tut eaTnpt)ra and rsfas of
II kind, as wall aa the bodlaa of da--nnct
can in e, and felines there find a
I'm itl lasting plaoe to offrnd the nostrils
f deeent people. The) persona who
l.ave offanded seam to think that they
i.iiva proprietory rights to the atate'a
iighway, and without oontlJerlng that
the community at large bare any
tights that tby are bound to respect.
Neil Coolloao will be a oaodidate for
slisrifl before the Prohibition conven
tion. James R, Eaton will be a candi
date for auditor bafore the Republioau
convention, walls Andrew Carroll will
.nk a nomination for the same offlo
Irom the Deinoorata.
The seoond ward of this borongb la
he most prolific spot la the state for
patriots, douiestlo or imported: nor are
(hoy confined to any party, bat are In
.Igenous to both. There areccorea of
ible bodied citizens who are willing to
leavs tboir private affaire to represent
i heir parties in the coming county con
ventions, no matter at what inoon
vtmience te themselves.
Ibomus P. Moran, of Rock terraos,
i. rdtorned from a pleasant trip to
lluffalo and Niigars Falls.
The Transit company Is putting in a
new branch at the Wayne street bridge.
It is said to be the intention of the
company to take away the tnrnont
tuar the bead of Plane 0 and run all
cars through to the Blakely borough
line. Tbc practice of .rouuing a single
car between MoyU's and Blakely will
therefore be abandoned.
Mrs. Mitchell and Mrs. Stephens, of
Dunihore, called on friends bare on
The congregation of St. Thomas' will
hold a grand bazaar in the basement
of the churob during Ostobrr. Father
Comerford is already making arrange
ments for it, and it will undoubtedly
be a grand success.
Great ezoitement was occasioned
enrly on Tnaraday morning by the
burning ot a lot of rnbbisb on the
liver bank In front ofCaffrey's botel.
People were awakened at 2 o'clock by
cries of fire and in a very abort time a
large crowd bad gathered at the scene.
The blaze had assumed such propor
tions that people at a distance thought
the botel was a fire. Fortunately, no
wind was stirring, or their supposi
tions might have been correct. The
buildings in this neighborhood are as
dry as tinder owing to the oontinued
drought, and a spark would easily be
kindled into a flame. No one seems to
know who set the rubbish afire.
Rev. M. G Evans, of Crozler Theo
logical seminary, will preach in the
Baptist church Sunday morning and
The following is the complete list of
attractions cooked so far this season at
the Grand opera boose: Sept. 1,
"Spider and Fly;" Sept. 11, J. B.
Masks in bis new piece, "Sid Show;"
Sept. 12, "Breezy Time;'' Stt. 17,
Charles A. Lod-r in "O What u
Night;" Sipt. 25, "In the N.ime
of Czar:" Sept, 23. "Wife for a
Wife;" Sept. 29, "The Burglar;'
October 2. John!'. Sullivan ; 5 Brry
O'NVill in 'Irish Iaspiration ;" 6,
"1492;" 10. Go. Diion; 12, Joseph
Dowling; 15, Eltn-r Vance with the
"Limited Mail;" 16, "GilUr Slave;"
20, "Old Glory Brought Bick from
Europe: ZiJ, Morrisons uausi:'
November 14, Gns Willimni; 30, faroe
aomedy by the Gormans of minstrel
fame; December 11. James O'Neill ;Jn-
nnry 5, "Kooin tiooa; la. "lrip to
Ciiiuutown;" 22, "Lion's Paw;" 30,
"Uncle Tom's Cabin;" March 2,
George J. Benton returned last even
ing after a two weeks' visit with bit
parents at Alton, JN. X.
Mrs Cluster Wright is vary ill at
ber home ou Aratibald street.
Robert Murshall leaves today for
Fa.itorvville to attend school.
The Mozirt band went to Hones-
dale last night, where they g ive one of
tbeir popular ooncerts. The band will
be unable to give tneir concert tuia even
ing, owing to the members of the
band's engagement at the Opera bouse.
Today being- a lagal holiday, the
banks of the city will not be opened.
Scranton, were the trnts of Mr. and
Mrs. E. J. Feeler ou Monday nud Toes-
day, also the Misses Gertie and Snsan
Swingle, of Green Ridge.
Dr. N. C Maokey has returned from
from bis trio to Rhode Island very
mnob improved iu health.
F. A. Purker. who bad been con
valescing from a severe illness, bad a
relapae and is again coaflaed to his bed.
Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Swart, of Scran
ton, are spending a few day at tbo
r.sidenoe of bis father, John S. Swarts,
of this plaoe.
Ur. Heaves, 412 Spruoa street, Scran
ton, onrss all atomaoh troubles, dys
pepsia, costtpatloo, etc. 0 a. m. to 9
p. m.
We are bavins: as dry h time at this
place ns baa been known for some
tioae. For three weeks it has not rained
to amount to anything. Many of the
wells have failed and the road ure
very dnsty.
Miss Carrie D. Stoll left last We Jns.
lay to spend a few weeks with friends
nod relatives in N'W Jersey.
A. Ball anil son Howard spent Sun
day in New York city.
A vary savers accident befol William
Austin, of tbia place, last Wednesday
tfUruoon, while he was chopping some
tire wood The hi suddenly slipped
and struck his left wrist, nearly sever
ing the band. Dr. N. C. Mnckey and
Druggist T. A. Purdon were at ouoe
suniinonded, and they found the aoci
dent so severe that the hand had to u
Mrs. Ive. of Wilkes-Barre, is span 1
ingafew days with her cons at this
Rev. James- Fielding was at Phila
delphia laat Suudey, His pulpit was
Oiled tn the evening by a young man
from Persia, who gave a very interest
ing talk on the religion of that coun
try. The Dalton school will be opened
ntzt Monday with Professor Grem as
Clareuee Finn arrived at homn last
Monday after spending a few days' va
cation at Uooperitovrn, N. Y.
Miss Jennie Griffith is visiting her
grandparents in this place.
Mrs. J. H. Swarts was in Scranton
Misses Ida' Jennings and Mabel Purdy
will leave next Mouday to commune
school at Blooms burg Stats Normal
A party of young people from this
plase spent a very pleasant evening at
the home of Miss Jessie Kempher last
Old Forge.
Miss Nell S lundcr, ot West Pittston,
was tbc guest of Miss Jennie Drake on
Charles Drake left this week for
West Point to resume his studies at
the Military Hcademy.
Mrs. Nettie L.iinotit and Musette
Edsall, were viaitors to Scranton on
Mrs. Rogers, of Ointba, Neb., is vis
iting friend in this plaee
The schools of Old Frge township
will open nazt Monday, b pt. 6
Miss Carrie Brodhuad return id bom
on Friday front a two weeks' visit in
The Lackawanna foot bill team is
ready for a game with any organized
club. Pet-r Richards, manager.
Edward Fowler is confiueJ to bis
borne by sick noes.
Attorney Hi. tionse was calling on
friends here on Thursday.
At a meeting of the (supervisors and
citizens committee on Thursday even
ing it whs decided to begtu suit against
Messrs. Watres, Ammerman and P.
Page for damages done to the roads in
Old Forge townauip in the reeent at
tempt to lay the track for the street
A spirited oontost is going on for
delegate to the coamy oonventiou from
the Fourth district. There are four
aspirants nod such one is putting forth
bis best tt.irla to be elected,
Mrs. George K Drills", sr . nnd Mrs.
T. J. Stewart were calliug ou friends
in Taylor on Friday.
Miss Mamie Biglen, of Green Ridge,
visiting Miss Dala Connelly tbla
Dr. Rt, s. 412 Spruce street, Soran
ton, cures rLcumitisui. in any and all
stages, 9 a. in. to 9 p m.
The borne of Miss May King, of Main
strsst, was invaded last evening by a
bevy of pretty voung ladies from Hyde
Park in company witb some of tbeir
gentlemen friends, wbo tendered her
witn a aeligbtfnl surpris.-. uunoiug
aud other pleasing features were In
dulged in till the small hours ot the
P. J. Kllv and sister. Miss Sarah, of
Main street, attended a society affair at
Olyphant on Wednesday evening.
ibe boranton and Pittston Traction
company have cominenoed work on tbc
xteasion of the Greenwood line as far
as Pittaton.
The funeral of Elward Jovce. wbo
died Thursday morning, occurred yes
terday aftornoon at 4 o'clock. Inter
ment wns made iu Mluookn oemttary.
Aiss Auna Burke, ot Stafford street.
is slightly imtispossd.
St. Joseph s choir will rehearse this
vening after a two months' vacat ion.
They will sing blirh m iss ou Sunday.
me Republican caucus will be to
night at Faasuold's hall to elect a dele -
ite to attend the Republican eountv
convention Sept. 4.
At the Indignation meeting of the
itizns held on Thursday nicrnt tbev
lecided to petition court to serve, it
preliminary injunction on thi actio i
I the board restraint ug tbe erection of
the new school at Moosio.
Mrs. Albert Frlsbee, wbo has been
risiting friends in England, returned
horns last Wedntsday evening.
1 1 Mrs. A. B. Ayres, who has been vis
ing ber aunt, Mrs. S. M. Rogsrs, for
tbc past three weeks, has returned to
hsr boms at Morrlstown, N. J.
Mrs. A. A. Swingle is rusticating at
Mrs. Dennis and danghtsr, Edith, oH
uaroonaaie, spent Thursday with Mr.
and Mrs. George Woodbridge.
Tbc union exoursion of tbe three
Sunday sohools were favored with de
lightful weather and one ot tbe pleas
enteat days of the season for their ex
cursion to Lake Ariel last Wcdnesdsy.
It was estimatsd that 600 parsons were
In attendance from tbic plaoe. The ex-
onrsionists ocoupled seven cars of tbe
ipesial train that left the Delaware and
Hudson depot at 8 o'clock in the morn
ing and a number followed on tbe reg
ular trains.
- MIssss Ella and Katie Ritter, ot Phil
idelphia, is visiting at the home of
their aunt, Mrs. Henry Chapman at
Bell place.
Dr. Reeves, 412 Spruce street, Scran
ton, ourei lung troubles. 9 a. m, to 9
p. m
For the benefit of our many readers
here we give tbc names of those who
ire offering their servioes as delegates
to be eleoted this evening to attend tbc
Republican opnvention next Tuesday:
From the First ward, James W. Smith,
Wright Brown, Edward Craig, Phlle
tions Snedieor and C. S. Doud. Only
two can be eleoted. Select yonr oholoc.
The many friends of John Gusedale
will be sorry to bere that he is suffer
ing from an attaok of typhoid fever.
John T. Williams left last Tursday
to attend the State Normal sohool at
Miss Nellie Glanvillc. wbo has been
Visiting her many friends here for tbe
past three weeks, returned to her home
atNanticoke yesterday.
Cure for Beadaohe.
As a remedy for all forms of Headaohe
Electric Bitters ha proved to be tbe very
best. It effects a permanent cure and the
most dreaded habitnal sick headaches
yield to its influence. ' We urge all who are
.afflicted to procure a bottle and give this
remedy a fair trial. In cases of habitual
constipation Electrio Bitters cures by giv
ing the needed tone to the bowels, and few
cases long resist the use ot this medicine.
Try it once. Large bottles only Fifty cent
iUtthsws Bros', drug store.
Miss Florence Auisbry, of Plains, is
tbe guest of Mr. aud Mrs M. W. Bliss.
Mr. and Mrs. William Staley, of
Pitts, are visiting the family of Mrs.
A. M. Coon.
Jonn Wahl and Miss Ida Weber, of
Scranton, ware the gnasts of Mr. and
Mrs. Martin Bold on Tnesday.
Fred Ma in ford of New York city. Is
visiting bis aunts. Miss P. D Ralph
and Mrs. C E. Maboney.
Miss Mildred Grsen. after an absenos
of a month visiting friends in Carbon
dais and vleinity, ba returned home.
W. A. Sanford, formerly teaeher at
the Madison academy here, but now of
New Jersey, is visiting bis old soholars
nnd friends.
Murray B. Courtright, of Tyron,
BIMr county, 1 calling upon old friends
aud acquaintances.
Rev. John Wintab has returned from
the camp meeting of the Free Metho
dist church at Ararat, Susquehanna
county, and will hold services next
Sunday morning at 10.80 a. m. at bis
church here.
Rev. F. E Parson, of tbe Methodist
Episcopal ohurcb, will bold servioes
next Sundav morning at 10.30 o'olock.
Rev. A. Benaou Browe will fill tbe
pnlptt at the Baptist church at 10 80 a.
m. and 7.80 p. m next Sunday,
T. W. Graham, clerk of tbe courts
at .Denver, Col., wbo bns been visiting
the family of A. B. Wlnohell hss re
turned to hi borne at Denver, Col.
Miss Gruce Bailey is visiting friends
in Scranton.
Tonsorlal If you want a first-cluss
shave, a fashionable bair cut, a thorough
shampoo, your bair or whiskers dyed
orslngsd, oall at Martin Bold's barter
shop, next door to postoffloe, and bs
assured of first-class work.
Mrs. John Owens and fnmily of
Gil mores Aromatic Wine
A tonic for ladies." If you
are suffering from weakness,
and feel exhausted and ner
vous; are getting thin and all
run down, Gilmore's Aro
matic Wine will bring roses
to your cheeks and restore
you to flesh and plumpness.
Mothers, use it for your
daughters. It is the best
regulator and corrector for
ailments peculiar- to woman
hood. It promotes diges
tion, enriches the blood and
gives lasting strength. Sold
by Matthews Bros., Scran
CrHolsing a Young Lady.
"She would be a pretty girl for but one
'What's thatr asltcd Charley.
George Her face is always covered with
purple and red blotches.
Charley Oh, that's easily enough dis
posed ot. usea to oi tne samo way uiy.
self, but I caught on to the trouble one
day, and got rid of it in no timo.
George What was it?
Charley Simply blood eruptions. Took
a short course of P. P. P. I toll you. it's
the boss blood corrector. The governor
bad rheumatism so bad that you could
hear him holler cluir across the country
every time he moved. He tried it, aud
you know whnt an nthlotlo old sent he is-
now. If somebody would give Miss Daisy
a pointer, sne would tliault tbein after
wards. All the drug stores sell it.
Mrs. N. L. Men I, Blanche Mead
Mav Gardner. ) GirJr.'r ndNw
ell and Arthnr Mua I, of Brooklyn, an I
Hattie Lawrence, of Binginm, ton.
are visiting at th rest eno of Clurle
Lawrence, on Main street.
Mrs. Charles Abero visited the Par
lor City yesterday.
Miss Allot Waterman, who has been
visiting friends in Susquehanna, has
returned home
Mr. and Mr. F. T. B iland, of Al
bnnv, are visiting at the i ideuoe of
M J. Fiynn.
Ella Sullivan, of Scranton, Is visiting
friends in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Giles Carp inter, who
have ben ottendiug the uauip meeting
at DimocK, nave returned Dome,
Mrs. H.-ury Millar! and dmgUtor
Rutb, are visiting friei d at N irwiuh
Miss Belle DuB i is visiting friend
and relatives In BulTilo.
Mrs. Rose Day I on is visiting friends
at Suuke t;r-ek.
Miss Lizzie Hnui r ui, of Willi is
B.trre, is the gmat of MLs Ly la Mi
Kill this week.
Mrs Mary uemiug nn I ber son
Burt, of Waverly, N Y, and Mrs.
Eliit Casterllu, of Vsi Piiuiom, spsn
yesterday with Ur. IS a AUIng.
Mrs. W. A Beecber, wbo has h-n
mending a few diys with friends i
Waverly, N. Y., returned home yester
Servlo-s lit the Wyoming. Presliy
terial chureli tomorrow at 11 n. ui. tin I
7 t). m. After th uiornlug sermon tb
Lord's Supper will Im administer I and
new members received.
Mr. and Mrs. Tibbnts and d mint
Irene have returned to Uonesdale an I
are living on Upp r Cist street.
The Esohange club gives a reception
to IU member and their friend nu
Mond.iy evening.
Mr. Noble H. Ray returned to her
borne in Pit sbnrg vestord.iy.
Honesdale Is beginning to suffer from
tbe small water supply. The foros is
so light that In soni parts of the town
the supply is eutlrely out " during tb
day. There Is also danger of trouble
on tbe cnosl. ns tbe water I beoontlng
low, threatening to Hop boating.
Mr. jr. L.
Oris singer
Nervous and Weak
All broken down, unable to sleep, distrass and
burning In my stomach, smothering and choking
pells this was my condition when I begau to
take Hood's Sursaparllla. I have taken S bot
tles and feel like another snsm, can work
with ease, weigh over 200, and bb cured. I
shall ever bo ready to praise Hood's Sarsnpa
rllla. J. L. Gkisbinokr, New Grenada, Pa.
N. B. Bo sure to get Hood's and only Hood's.
lilies sr. jj uniooiiiv
Hood's Pills are endorsed by thousands.
An Old Farmer Said to Ilava Rediscov
ered It In Absolnto Perfection.
In a log cabin, about two and one hnlf
miles from Phillippl, W, Va., lives an old
German furiuer, who will Home day give to
the world that which will prove the won
der of tho Nineteenth century. It scetns
that it baa been left to the gray lieurclcil
old man, Gruhum II. Iliimrlck, to discovei
something which has puzzled the brains ol
learned men and scientists for ages pxst.
The discovery Is the art of preserving ani
mal and vegetable substances so cither
may be kept without a sign of decay, de
composition or change, but in his effort h
to solve this great problem he has become
to bo regurded by many people in this sec
tion of tbe country as some kind of heinu
to be avoided, and there are many who will
not go near tho log house In which the ohl
man hits ''live dead people" aud animals.
Just how Mr. lliimrlcx conceived tin-
Idea that he could preserve animal and
vegetable matter iu ite natural state lie
does not say; but, after experimenting for
years he became convinced tliut he hud not
labored in vain, aud he declares, and hi-
works prove, that he has the art perfected.
Until a short time ago his experiments in
preserving or embalming had been confined
to lower animal nud vegetables, nud s
successful had been his efforts that be dc
terniined to test the process on human
He secured permission from the author
Ities of the state hospital for the insane to
experiment on two bodies. These were
given into his custody, aud in one hotn
after he bud them in his room he informed
the authorities that they were ready for
sxamlu.ition. Tho bodies were examined,
and it was found that they had not been
mutilated in any way, not a drop of blood
hud been drawn, nor an incision or punc
ture made in them.
Since that timo the two bodies have ben
continually exposed to the air and all
kinds of clnuutlc chnnges, but they art
still perfect and lifelike. They are now In
his room lying on a table, looking us natu
ral as wheu living. The blood in the veins
can be plainly seen standing out iu bluish
black lines where vessels are superficial.
In the same room are embalmed cats,
dogs, fowls, rabbits, fawns aud otliei
things all as natural us life. Sticking
about in corners aud on rough shelves
these "ornaments" give the room the up
peurnnce of a museum. Those who huve
ventured iuto tbe home of the farmer huvt
been aniazud at the sight. Mr. Ilamrick U
plain and frank, with ouly a moderate ed
ucation, but he lias been too shrewd to
give the slightest idea of his process.
However, he does not hesitate to say that
his process consists of applying a fluid, tin
ingredients of which can be found in al
meat any gonenl country store, and thai
the whole thing Is so slmplo a child could
uso it, This assertion is doubted by gen
tlemen who have given the matter years ol
careful study.
He positively refuses to claim more pow
er In his process than ho can prove by past
experiment to belong to it.
The homo ot this queer old man is evei
opeu to those who wish to visit him.
There are those who dread him and lib
bumble cabin because they fear the dead
and on account of his association with tht
embalmed or mummified animals aud bod
ies. It is almost impossible to got negroes
to go near bis cabin.
The learned doctors of this country urt
not alone In recognizing him and his secret
in a proper way. The Royul Scientific as
sociation of France has mado him an hon
oniry member and given him a certificate oi
life membership and a solid gold medal at
a token ot the esteem in which they holt1
him for making it possible fof1 the pcnplt
of this uce uo longer to speak of tho "lost
art" of embalming. Cor. Waahlngtot
Greely's Itepl
A story of t he GreelyexpeiAtion was told
at a din nor ono evening lately by a naval
officer to whom the occurrence was a per
sonal romiulscencc. He accompanied the
Bear in its mission of roscue, and hap
penod to bo one of the party that act ually
fmi ml the siuull hand. It is history that
tho moment was a dtsperatu one for the
Greely men. The lusi drop of liquor had
been poured down the throat of ono ot
them, who seemed tobe dying, and about
at the end of hope utld resources, and weak
with hunger and suffering, the little com
pauy was settling iuto tbe Btupefactiou ol
overwhelming misery, when the rescuers
suddenly appeared
Ouoe more tbtW were tn the world. At
such a time a ivitn is apt to conceal bit
eniotious, and tUe trugic meeting was ao
complished witha simplicity that in itscli
was tragic. A cleerful "Halloo, old mar,"
from the rubcuoik and a grunt or two frca
such of the survivors as were uble to grunt
even, and it wailovcr.
Then folio wed tho attempt to get tht
poor fellows in condition to be muved tc
tho ship. Noiiiislilng food and driuk wen
given to them nnd they wero cheered bj
talk of home tnd friends aud the latest
Dews. But the process was slow at lint.
Chief engineer John Low seated hlmsuif
by l.loutgnuilt Ureely, who, gaunt with
starvation aid wild eyed with late despair,
seemed to take littlo heed of him,
"Well, culonel," he said finally, nfu?
several apparently Ineffectual efforts t
arouse thotiH dawd oflltwr, "there's om
little wemun will be glad of this duyY
work." i
Greely rtlfld bis eyes, theni dropped their
again half sullenly. "Littlo woman," In
repeutcd with a sort of a growl, "she weighs
a hundred and sixty if she weighs a pound."
And thuij M'. Low knew he would come
arouud ujl righU-New York Times.
: i .
Mine Musical Instruments,
Rob-ffhe most wonderful organ I ever
aw wi the property of a private gentle
piau, It had nearly a hundred stops,
UichkrU Tbe most wonderful organ 1
ever sriw was tho property of a widow. It
ww hjfr tongus, and it had pp stop at ail
Let Railway's Heady Relief be nsed OB
the first indication of I'ala or Vnaaslneas;
If threatened with Disease or Slowness,
the Core will ba made bafore tbe family
doetor would ordinarily reach the housa.
to twenty minutes Not ono hour after read
ing this ad verttsemont need any on SUF
For headaohs (whotber atok or nervous),
toothache, uuuralgia, rheumatism, lumbago,
pains snd weakuiss in the ba le, spina or
kidnoya, rains aiound the liver, pleurisy,
swelling of tbe joints and palus of all kinds,
th apulicution of Kadway's Kady RolUf
will afford immediate ease, and Its continued
ns for a few days effect a permanent cur.
Summer Complaints,
. Dysentery, Diarrhea,
Cholera Morbus.
A half to a teasnoonful of Ready Relief in
a half tumbler of water, repaatad aa often
as thedischargte continue, and a flaunel sat
urated with ftaady Koliof placed over th
tomachand hovels will afford immediate
relief and socn effuct a cure.
Internally a half to a teaspoonful In half
a tumbler of water will, in a few minutes,
cura Cramps. Spasms. Sour Stomacb.Nausea,
Vomltinu, Heartburn, Nrrvotisneas, Sleep
lessness, Sick Headache, Flatulency and all
Internal palua,
Ualaria n n( Various Forms Cured and
(here is not a remedial agency In the world
that will euro lever aud ague and all other
malarious, bilious and all other fevers, allied
by RAl WAY'S HI.L-, so quickly as KAD
Travelers should always csrry a bottle ot
Bad way 'a Ready Relief with them. A few
drops in water will prcvont sickness or pain
from change of water. It Is better than
French brandy or bitters as a stimulant.
Miners and lumbermen ahould always be
provided with it.
Price 60 cent par bottle. Sold by aU druggists.
Sin Ieb y
Perfectly tssteloss. elegantlv coated, purga.
reguWte, purify, cleanse and atraugthen.
RADWAY 8 ilLLS for th cure of all dis
orders o' the Stomach, Boele, Kldn-ys,
Bladder, Nerv.ius Diseaies, D zziness, Var
tigo, Costiveness, Piles,
Observe the following avmntnma rasultlnff
from disea-ss of the digostiva organs Con-i
stipsuon, inward pues, ruiinvss oi blood In
tbe bead, acidity of the s.oniach, nausea,
heartburn, disguat of fool, in loess of weight
of the stomach, sour eructations, sinking or
fluttering of the heart, chok ng or suffooat
ing sensations when in a lying posture, dim
nas of vision, dots or webs b. foro the alght,
fever and dull pain in the h ad, deficiency of
perspii atlou, yellowness of the skin and
eyes, pain in mesiae, cnest, limbs, and sud
den flushes of heat, burning- iu the flesh.
A fewdosesuf RAD WAY'S P1L S will frae
we system or au tne above named disorders
Frloo 5c per box. Sold by druggists or
sent by mall.
Bend to DR. RADWAY A CO., Lock Box
ooo, fiew iora, lor hook ci Advice.
Manufactured at the Wapwallopan MM, L
erne county Pa., and at Wil
mington, Dalawar. .
Ganaral Agant for th Wyoming Dlstrlot,
118 Wyoming Ave., Scranton Pa
Third National Bank Building.
nana vnfin u: .-.
JOHN B SMITH A KON; Plymouth. Pa.
K. W. MULi.lOA.S, Wilkra-Barr. Pa.
Agents for th Hapaun Uaemloai Com
tany'a High Eiploalvea.
Meat Market
The Finest in tbe Citj
Tb latest Improved fur
nishings and apparatus for
keeping meat, bnttsr and sggi
SIS Wyoming Av. ',.
has excellent facilities to do It work, and
please the most fastidious.
AT -
400-402 Lackawanna Ayo.
Fine Holland Shades, with heavy
knot fringe, Hartshorn Rollers,
50c. Eacli
Plain Shades, 20, 25 and 30c. each. Y
Measurements taken and shades put up by experienced workmea
Tffe Carry All Wih Store Shades in Stock.
Brass Extension Sash Rods
15 and 20c. each;
A few Vienna Porch Shades
left that we will close out at cost.
406 and 408 Lacka. Avenue.
Those Green
Discount Tags
That you may have seen displayed
on several of the articles of Fur
niture for the last few days should
be of great interest to you. They
are on goods that are not just "up
to date,", but desirable neverthe
less, and the discount off makes
them even more attractive than
"up to date" kind. 50, 40, 33,
30 and 20 per cent, are the cuts
we have made. We won't enum
erate. Suffice to say, it's a general
line. You can furnish your house
with discounts.