8 TIIE SCKANTON TEIBUNE FBIDAY MORNING. AUGUST 31. 1894. ft WORD ORTWO ABOUT OURSELVES FIRST When we have a good thing we are anxious to divide it among our friends. We require more space for our Fall Trade and all Summer Goods must make way. We can not afford to carry them over "until next season. We give you Bargains. SECOND Our Fall Goods are com ing in daily; very choice designs and colors. Kid Gloves in all new shades and popular lengths Cor sets, all sizes and best makes. Laces, Dress Trimming, Umbrellas, Hosiery, Etc. Every de partment is a reservoir of style and elegance. Val ues beyond the wildest dreams of the economi cal. We never resort to extravagant statements, but will let the goods speak for themselves. THIRD The Fashions illustrated in our Monthly are the latest. We are the only dry goods house that pub lishes a Fashion Monthly and hope you appreciate our efforts. If you wish to dress well and dress economically, don't fail to read it. GORMAN'S A Noted Physician Now With Us. DR. E. L REEVES, of Philadelphia, the nliloauJ am; mst'til I'liysloiiui nnd burguon, Is now loriimiuntly located at 412 Spruce street, Scranton, wlioro lin his fit tod spacious and eommodlons pnrliTB for tlio iliiily trout mnut of all ACUTE mid tllKONlC DISEASES of men, wouion and ilil ilroti. Tho Doctor ia a SPECIALIST In the general wiisi' c.f thutrin. Ho huxd 'voted a lifi'timu in ndii'vitig stiir. rinir humanity, and having up nt !i; j 0.1 I'M in iK-tivo practice, both ill pri vate and iioijiital K'rvice, he is prepared to act SPECI ALLY in any and all discus '8, hav ina troutcd every cnnceivalilo disca-w known. He, with iiiHuHiat!irits, trout all Diseuues of the Nervous System, Discum-n ot the Eye, l'.ur, Nose itud Throat, Dyspepsia, Hheuina. tisra. Lust it iMly, Pro'iiaturo Wcaknoss or iJeci.y, in loth sexs; Fiinalo WeulineHS'H antl lrrcgnluritics, Nervous U.'bility.Ciiturrh, Tnniors, (Oncers, .,ruptions,Blood Poisoning, F.tn, Epilepsy, Indiscretions and Eitoih of Yon'b, Lost Manhood, Eczoma, Scroiula. St. Vitus' Dance, Astliraa, Disonsos of tho Heart, Lungs, Liver, Kidneys, liluddur, Stonuicb, Etc. Consultation and examination free, oiiico Hours: Daily, 9 a.m. to 9 u. m. Sun day. 1U to 1-2 an 1 2 to 4 lieiuembur name and numbor. DR. E. L. REEVES 412 Spruce St, Scranton. K EYSTONE Academy FACTOR WILLIS, PA. A refined school home. Prepares for the best ci leifi B. 'I horoutth conrses in Music and Art. Teachers' Class sives but preparation for TesciiiiiK. (.vminnn-isl Course includes Typewriting and shorthand. Posi Ions secnrel for Graduates. Pcnd for new illustrated circular. P. M. L00M1S, A.M., Principal. Wyoming. Mrs. R S. Mvers raord her house hold jroods to West Pittston yesterray. W. & Towoond And wife called on Townend brother last evening, John Sparks has tbe nicest flower Parian in town. W. S. Jacob, S. R. SshnemnkAr nnd Jomeg Pchooley returnHd from Swurt we d's Eldy with tbe finest catch of the ftrajon Inst evening. Kent R. Jnmes. Carles Shoemaker and George Dsrly left yesterday for Pike fount? fur a wvpfe'a noting. Edward Stoeker It (pending ft few days with his nncle at Orange. The parties that are in the habit of taking papers from people's doors, nnles it is discontinue !, will be proso tnted Mrs. Ylngat.who has been Tery ill for the past we-k, was a little tetter last evening. Wyoming Monument lodge, 887, In dependent Order of Old Fellows will rnn an ezenraion to Bingbamton, Sept. 6 Rate are low and amuse ments will be plenty. Fred Safford sojourning in Mew Jersey, Mr. John Sbarpi and Mrs. Estella Campbell were at Wilkes Barre on WedDesdny. ohn Carer, U-. La France and John I Dan MtCabe are eamping among Jakes tma week. Cure for Haadaohe. laedy tor all forms of Headache ters Has proved to be the very Ms a permanent core ana the habitual sick headaches We nrge all who are ls bottle and give this . In cases of habitual LBitters cores by giv- i bowels, ana lew this medicine. lonly Fifty cents tore, , Highest of all in Leavening Powei. Latest U. S. Gov't Report iOt! folder ABSOLUTELY PURE HE VETERANS TO CELEBRATE Extensive Preparations for tbe Grand Reunion at Montrose, THE DISTINGUISHED SPEAKERS Over Three Hundred Veterans Ex pectedThe Grand Army Posts and Camps of Sons of Veterans Prepar ing to Give the Visitors a Hearty Welcome Galusha A. Grow, Justice McCollum, T. V. Powd.rly, A. J. Colborn, Jr., Colonel Laciar and Others Will Speak. flitcial to the scranton TWfmm. AlONTROSU, Aug. 30. UliING the lust law il..ys l oin lb. ciiiZ'Usnnd Circuit Army vetcr ii n a of Mi'Dtns nud Su-qn-hanna county biive been ussi.m- 'itioiy planning and working in aniioi inuou of tbe great Veterans' reuuiun in t;,iH borough during Tueslay. SVedntBilay, and Thursday of next week. It is expected that the eneniupuient will attract the largest crowd known in the history ot the town, AccurJing to Captain II. F. Beardsley, jr-neral comrouniler of tiie veterans' org.iuiz liou of buiquebaiina eounty, tue re union will u kttHiiiled by over 3,000 veterans mi.l piwibiy three timea tti.n number of visitors, sights iers mid ex cHirsioiUHtn. Captain. 'De Laey, ol fc'cruuton, reports that large delega tion of luiiii s will auoompitDy the O ne Hundred and F'irty third regiment from tfcruuto'i, Wavcrly and puinis in Lkz-tdh comity. 'I ho lccal tiuiis of Veteran's camp baa decided to establish headquarters tit Camp Repots aud has so notified the member of tout order ia this and adjoining comities. ALL OI.D BOLDIEItS WELCOMED. The patriotio and hospitable citizen of Montrose have needed no suggestions as o tbe wckome tliey should give tbe old soldier and visitor. Tbe town will be generally decorated with fl igs daring tbe day nnd lights Jand Inuternt by uigbt, and during the period of en cuinpmeut buiintbs generally will be devoted to the need of th occasion. On Wedut'tday evening Spt. 5, the tin-wvdding camp tire at tbe Four Brothers post, proinisus to develop one of the most peculiar and enjoyable features of the encampment, Tbons 4nds of tha veterans will be1 served bean soup, coffee and hardtack, sing tbe song of the battlefield and march, liaton to brief speeches especially adapted to tbe occasion and be treated to a banjo, guitar and mandolin muai oal programme. Iu addition to the special trains on the L ickawannaand Montroa railroad leaving Alford at 10 30 on the morn ings of S-pt. 4 and C, there will be a special train on the .Montrose railway leaving innKtiannock at u a. m., bept. 4, after the arrival of the morning trains from the west and east on tbe Lehigh Valley. Half-far excursion tickets will be sold via the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western from Soran tou and liinghamton and intermediate points, and from statious on tbe Liluomsburg division. The following well known speakers are among those who will be present: Oalnsha A. Grow, congressman-at-large trom Pennsylvania; Justice J. B. McCollum, of tbe supreme court of Pt-unsylvauia; T. V. Powderly, and United States Commissioner A. J. Col born, jr., Scranton; Colonel J. D. Lacier, Wilkea-Barre; Colonel C. K. Campbell, Pitlston; M jor Browu, Marrisbnrg. Carbondale. Mr. nnd Mrs. E. F, Ely left yester day for a few davs' vieit with tbe former's parents at Foster, Pa. Wiiliaui Watkins, who was bnrt on a Deluware and Hudson train Wednes' day.is reported to be improving slowly. He was applying tne brake when the brake arm broke, throwing him under the wheels. Both bones in bis fore arm are broken and the elbow joint crashed, his collar bone broken and badly bruised about tbe bead and ahonldera. He was taken at once to tbe hospital, wbere he still remains. The doctor have hope of bis recovery. Tbe "Camp Sunset," eamping party retnrned last nigbt after a very enjoy able ten day onting at Crvstal Lake. Mr aud Mrs. Fred Penwarden, Mrs. William Aunger, Mr. and Mrs. Coarl- Smith, Mrs, Mary Penwarden, Mrs. A. K. Penwarden and daughter, Mr. S. D, VVoHe and Rev. Mrs. Arthur William, ot Unadilla, N. Y., spent the day at Wxymart. Jevse Wayner left yesterday morning for Philadelphia. Miss E ui m ii Althea Allison, who has been visiting Mrs. J. J Reig-lutu, will return to Cuming. N. Y., today Tomorrow the G-rmnuia band of tble city will picuio at Farview. Tbey have made preparations for a lurge crowd and all ebould go witn them that oan aud enjoy Labor Day at tne popular mountim reaort. Last evening the GtrmanU band gave Its second open air concert at Hotel American. A fine programme whs rendered, . Iloncsdalc. A lecture was given to the Knights of Honor Wednesday evening at tbe city ball by G-orge A. Dn Bree, of Pbitadelpbia. His snbj ct was the ob jects an I work of tbe order. Mr. Du Bree is a One speaker and delighted bis audience. Among other tilings he said he was acquainted with Honesdal through the Scranton papers. Short addresses were also mad " by Captain Lord and F. W. Steven, of Bethany. Miss Hannah Bell, speoial teacher in penmansuip and drawiag, and Miss Lulu flerseb, teacher in the graded school, came to Honesdale yesterday. Both Kdies tanght a ere lust year. Mrs. Louisa Dein, of Maple avenue, entertained a number of ladiec at ber borne on Maple avnne, last evening. Tbe wheelmen ot Honesdale have a lantern parade this evening. All wheelmen are invited to partiuipate. A nnw featnre has been added to the raee meet of tbe Maple City wheelmen, Oct. 4 A one-half mile boys' race lor boys under 16 year of age h is been placed in the programme. Prizds gold and silver medxls n I cycle bell. Hallstead. A fine stone walk is heing laid In front of the Mitchell House on Main Street The Hallstead base ball club went to Suqnehanna yest-rday and played iheclub at that place and the resnlt was the score of 12 to 9 in favor of tbe letter. Annie Q tinan, of this plac,attendf d the rpnuiou of tbe Ancient Order of Hibernians in Eliuira yeaterlay. A watering tr"liili has been er-cted on Franklin street, near Firemtn'a hall. M'ss Maud Speucer, one of the t H2 era in the U.gh school at Piitu:on, called nu Mrs. F. D. Limb the first of the wpi'k. A Democratic caucus for Halletoad orough elHetion district will be held t the borough lockup on Saturday, "pt. 1, at 8 o'clock p. in. Mr aU'l Mra. Gor Dennis are th quests of friends and relativ 'S iu Sin quelmnna. B. J. Hill visited Binghamton yester lay. Martha Hill, of Now York oity, who has been calling on friends in towi , iaa returned houiH. Yesterday, while F. Cassldy, of Cmiklin, whs driving from that place to Great Bend bii horsi became fright eued by the cars and ran away. Fortu nately no one was hnrt. Miss Bridget Noouan is visiting friend iu Scranton. Mr. and Mr. James Floyd, of El mira, are stopping with friends in this place. Ja mes McDevitt, of Oxford, is visit lug his brother DauM in this place. Frank All-n, ot EIniira, called on friends in town yesterday. - . Mis Edo:i Trowbridge, who has been visiting friends in Biughamtou, has returned horaa. B. C. Read is visiting friends in Bain bridge. Mies Maggie Gilchrist, of Binghara ton, who has beeu visiting relatives in this place, has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Trowbridge are sp nding a few days at Niagara Falls. Frank Shallue," of Biogharaton, is visiting at the residence ot John Pike. Miss Myrtle Rought. of Soranton, who bus buen visiting friends in town, has returned home. Mrs. E. Nichols, of Waverly, called on friends in town last week. V. E. Wilmot and family, of Cherry street, attended a wedding anniversary at Kirk wood, N. Y., yesterday. H.in. a B. Chase, of Pine street, is in Easton. Annie McCarty, of Front street, is visiting ber sister, Mrs. M. Cotter, at El mira. Montrose Miss N' llie Watrous started yester day for Mansfield, wbere she will at tend the state normal school. Tbe ladies of the Presbyterian church held a very successful fair at the resi dence of Judge Jessup on Wednesday evening. Next week will be lively here. Soldiers will be here from all parts of tbe connty, beside many visitors from other conn ties. Charlie Reed who has beeu spending the past two weeks in New York and the famous summer resorts, returned borne last night Chief Engineer E N. Barny, of the Montrose Fire department, was the guest of tbe ohlef of the Binghamton Fir department yesterday, Enoch Smith was in' Binghamton yesterday as a member of tbe New Milford Comet band. A letter received from Professor Hawk, who has been instructor for tbe Montrose band last year, states tbut be has been very ill with a fever and is still unable to leave hia room Quite number of people from Clark's Snmmit came up here on an excujsion on Wednesday. They were favorably impressed with Montrose and tbe people. It is seldom, if ever, that the people living here have seen co much smoke for so long as has been tbe etse bere for tbe pHst week; the sun bus been entirely obscured most of the timi. As a rule, there is no smoke or fog on this bill, bnt in the Democratic time strange things occur. Pcckville. The marriage of Mis Lizzie Will iams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. a Williams, of Peckville. to Arthur P'ck, was solemnized on Wednesday at 12 m. Tue bride was dressed in cream eilK and carried a bonquet of crnam roses. Miss Dlla Peck wa brides maid while Miss Besi Drtniels aote i as maid of honor. Willis Kiug and John Williams were best men. Thog. Daniels aud Edward R y were utiiers. After the ot-ri-uiony wnioii was per formed by Rev. F. B, Doty, the guests rep-tired to tbe dinning room where the wedding breakfast was served. The brid" and groom lef i on the 2 p. m, train for a ten day trip t ) Philadelphia, New York and Atlmiio City. Tn young couple rea ivud tnauy baudsom presents. Avoca. The marriage or William Dougherty and Miss Julia Hasten was solemnized Wednesday afternoon iu St. Mary' church. Rev. Father Crane officiated. Tbe bride was handsome y Htiired in a custom of cream brocaded satin with lace trimmings and was attended by Mies Kate Mullin, of Pittston, who was also attired in cream sntln. Both carried bonqnets Tne groim was at tended by William Gillespie, of Avoca. After tbe ceremony the bridal party with a large number of frieuda par look of a bounteous wedding suppar. The evening was spent in duueiug. singiug, etc Tbe young couple were tbe recipients of nnuieroui handsome and costly gifts, which shows tbe high esteem in which they are held. Mia. Ella Corran and ber Mend Miss Kate Brennan, of Philadelphia, called ou Scranton frieuds yesterday. Pay your taxes before Saturday even ing at 0 o'clock and cave tbe discount. Mr. M. A. Flock left for Bradford, Pa., yesterday, where she will attend ber daughter, Mrs. G. C. Lwis, whj is seriously ill. Mr. B. Snellman. of H rvy' Lake, called on Avoca friends yesterday. MitaMame Charles of West Pittston, spent yesterday in Avoea. Forest City. Miss Laura Davis, of Wyoming, is, the guest of ber friend, Miss Flo Allen, Main street John McDonald will leave Monday to represent Branch 35, Catholic Mutnal BeneHt association, of this place, at the convention which will be held in Phila delphia during the entire week. Dm G. Jones, of Taylor, is iu charge of Davis' drng store during the ab sent' of Alf Davis, who is enjoying bis annual vaottion. Mrs. A. L. Morgan and Mrs. W. G. Taylor are visiting at tbe home of their parent at Plymouth. I'tie board of trade which has not met for some time owing to the warm weather, will meet next Monday even ing at the office of Attorney Wedeman. All memi'ers and others wishing to becom-members are earnestly invited to be present. Tbe Twilights, of this place, will cross bats with a dab from Simpson on the grounds near tha Ontario and Western station in this place today at 2 p. m. A Detnoeratio eaucus for the voters of the Second ward, will b held tomf r row evening in Smith & Blakesbe's store room at 7 30 p. m , for tbe pur pose of transacting sneh bnsin a may properly come before it. Vigil ance committee, Peter Gillespie and Patrick Ri.ich. C.mcin for tha Fiut ward voters will be held in McDonald's t all at the sam' time aa tha above Muon. Vigil nice committee, A, Bu tie t a i l E, C. Dunnbr. Ml3. J U VYeatgitt is visiting rla lives at Gloaou A private sew-r is being built bv H F. Aldrleh. W H L.-k and VV. J D ,vn in frout of tneir reapeotiv-' prop i ties. I will be a dfci i-d improve ment uii'l is an enterprising movement wnirh should be increased. Miss Minnie Movlan, of Canaan, ia vixiting Miss Lizzie Eicholz-r. David Moyian. o' Canaan, wuo was the guest of Ben Eicntl zr. returned borne Wednesday. Dr. Reeves, 413 Sprucejstreet, Seran ton, cures fits Hnd epileptic convul- ions ; 9 a, m. to 9 p. m. At a meeiing of the school board Monday evening the directors assigned ti'e teacher their respective rooms. Professor W. G. Trim is the principal. The other teacuers have been assigne 1 grades from the principal in the fol lowing order: B. F. Maxev, Miss Maud Reynolds, Miss Mary E Reyn olds, Mia Cdia Lanning, Miss Anna Doran, Miss Myrtle Alexander, second primary, and Miss Ella Fuller, first primary. Cri'iolsiug a Young Lady. "She would be a pretty girl for but one thing." "What's thatr asked Charley. George Her face is always covered with pnrple and red blotches. Charley Oh, that's easily enough dis posed of. Used to be the same way my self, but I caught ou to the trouble one day, and got rid of it in no time. George What was itf Charley Simply blood eruptions. Took n short course of P. P. P. I tell yon, it's the boss blood corrector. The governor bad rheumatism so bad that you could hear him boiler clear across the country every time ha moved. IIo tried it, aud yon know what an athletio old sent he is now. If somebody would give Miss Daisy a pointer, sho would tbauk them after wards. All the drug stores sell iu Pittston. The new Building and Loan associa tion held a meeting last evening, R -ports from member having subscrip tion lists were received and were of a very enoou-aging nature, Samuel Urquharr, father of Lon Ur qnhart, who was drowned in Smeoa lake on Sttnrday last has gone to the scene of tbe accident. Mr. TJtqnhart has employed a Philadelphia firm to search torthejbody of his son. Concern ing tbe possibility of recovering the body the Gazette of last evening says: "Scientific test show the tem perature of the water where the body lies to be 31) degrees, or 7 degrees alove frerziiu', 200 feet below the sur face. Below this point no tests have brtin mtde. Tbe theory advanced by physieian is that the Intensely cold water at tbp bottom of the lake keeps bodies in a perfect state of preservation, aud that therefore they do not rise, as bodies ordinarily do, when de composition sets in. Large re wards have been offered as an inducements to resident near tbe lske to search for tbe body, and in addition dynamite is to be exploded in the water, iu hopes ot bringing it to the surface. Twenty-live ponnd cart ridges will be used at first, and tbey will be exploded at varying depths. If these explosions be unsuccessful, heav ier can ridges will be used. Dr. Reeves, 412 Spruce street, Scran Ion, cures heart troubles; 0 a, m. to 9 p. m. The large water main of the People's Water company sprung a leak on North Main street yesterday afternoon near the intersection of Mill street. Workmen were put to work to repair the break and exp-ct to have it' re paired by this morning. Tbe remains of Lewis H. Crawford ar" expected to arrive at the Lehigh Valley station at about 8 40 this morn iug. .M. N. Donnelly failed to produce a -Ingle witness in substantiation of the charges made by him against supervisor SuieL at the meeting held Wednesday uight. The inference now is that Mr. Donnelly wis made tbe vic tim of some praotioal j iker. The elec'riu cars yesterday morning crmmenca running as far as tbe Mu The Plain Facts arei.n;.t tiavs tdt . o. tit v..... v. eataTh.utva:d .ui m1, out Hood's Bar ood s Sarsa- Isolfiir-tf e,w0f .mil) k .W1 toparllla Is loiiig .v fi? V.r!' Jr Peel- la. -v. urI n. iirrEH.JJ. II nhhlA Pa . Hood's Pills iu efficient and gentle, ss rt INVALIDS' FOOD. j Chronic I Dysentery I MARY S. TORREY, 131 West 63d Street, New York. His kxpsriuncii- " There is nothing to be com pared to Bovinine for chronic dysentery. During my two years' illness I tried every other invalid food, without avail. will subdue the worst attack in one day, if taken simply with water, and other foods discarded. If I had known of Bovinine sooner, my disease would never have become chronic." For sale at all druggists. THE BOVININE CO.. NEW YORK. Jcrmyn. On aeeonnt of the National Naval encampment of tbe Grand Army of the Repnblio at Pittsbnrg, Si-pt. 8th to 15th, the Ontario and Western and Central Railroad of New Jersey, will make the extremely low rate of $10 Co for the round trip from Jeriayn. Tickets good on all train going from Sept. 0th to 10th, good to retnrn until Sept. 25tb. Mie Addie Richard, of Ellenville. N, Y., bas been visiting ber sister, Mrs. Fred Davis, for tbe past week, returned home yesUrday. Tbe First Baptist church of Jermyn ran an excursion to Lake Ariel yester day, which was attended by many out side the Baptist congregation. They bad six conctirs well tilled. Miss Ruse M. Rich is visiting her sunt, Mrs. Henwood, at Luzerne bor oagb. Dr. Reeves, 412 Spruce street, Scran ton, cures all diseases ot the eye, ear, nose and throat; 0 a. m, to 9 p. m. H. A. Beebe witnessed the base ball game at Scranton yesterday. Miss Maggie Collins is quite seriously ill at her borne on Main street. W. H. Wood, Elmira, N. Y.; W. A. Smith, Blngbamton, N. Y. ; J. B. Toldas, South Gibson; Mr. and Mrs. G. A. El wards, New Milford ;L D. Jack son, Greenfield; A. W. Dicker, J, J. Clark and F. J. Westgate, Carbondale, registered at Hotel St, George Wednes day. Brakeman Daniel Caldon was killed at Sydney last nigbt. His conductor, Mr. Mathews, was called to identify him today as one of his orew missing. He has a sister living at Springfwld, Mass. It is rumored there was foul play in tbe death of tbe unfortunate brakeman. Mr. and Mrj. G. H. Edwards, of New Milford, Pa., are visiting their brother-in-law, II. A. Beebe, proprietor of Hotel St. George. Don't forgot it is dolegate election. Republioau caucus Saturday, this week, Priccburg. The return game of alley ball will !. played at Logan's alley Saturday be tween James Callaghan, ot Mayfield, aud Joseph Bowden, of Jessup, against John Elgy, of Duryea, and William Kennedy, of this town, Tbe game now stands Kennedy and Elgy, 31; Bowden and Callaghan, 18; aud they will start from that score. Tbe four players are experts at tbe game, and much interest bas been taken by their supporters. It will no doubt be tbe best game of alley ball ever played in Pricebnrg. L William Kennedy, hearing of Jo seph Wbartou, of Olyphant, wishes to play me a game of alley ball, would state that be can be accommodated if he will meet me at the bonse of Tbomas Logan Satnrday evening. The McKinlev club will meet this evening at 7 30 o'clock in Henry Whital's hall, Main street. Business of importance will be transacted and all members are reqasted to attend. By order of President, G. Gleason. Throop. Miss Jennie Tellford, of Blakely, spent Tuesday at the home ot Miss Hannah Indian. Mrs. J. D. Williams, of Hyde Park, spent Tuesday with friends here. Mrs. Ornnr, of Scranton, spent Wednesday with her daughter, Mrs. William Lawyer. Thomas Evans and Alfred Gill, of this place, spent Tuesday and Wednes day with friends in Kichmondale. The new blocks in course of erection by S mnel Huhz. is now completed, and Mr. Huliz will oocupy tbe side nearest Scranton. Tbe Repnblioan club of Throop met on Tuesday, but the members are as yet nivided as to congressman. Some ar for Fellows and some for Scrauton, two delegdWs being iu the fl Id. Miss Katie Cotgrove spent Wednes day in bcranton. Minooka. Mr. A C. Edwards, of Williams port, is visiting at R. J. Callery's this week. Edward Jovce.an aged and respected citiz n of this place, dl d yesterday morning at bis borne on Lynch conrt from the effects of old age. The de ceased bas resided in this place for the past thirty years. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon. James Harnett, of Miners' hill, who had his face burned and bis eyes near ly burned out on Tuesday nigbt by smoking a pipe wblch had powder in the bottom, inserted by two other boys f'ra joke, is in a precarious condition. Dr. E. E, Weston, tbe attending physi eian, says be will lose tbe sight of one of his eyes. Buoklsn's Arnloa Setv. The best salve in tbe world for Cat Bruises, Bores, Uloers, Salt Rheum, Fever Bore, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblain, Corns aud all bkin Eruptions, and poti tlvely cures Piles, or so pay required. It W mijirAtitjul bIm n..f, ,.,i.r..,lM I or money refunded. Price US cents per box. For sale by Matthews Bros. i ! The Original Raw Food THE SALE AT THE FAIR ; 400-402 Lackaw anna Ave. Commences SATURDAY, AUGUST 4 GREAT MEiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiauiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniisiiiiiiiiiiiiiimsieiiDiisi mmm SHADES Fine Holland Shades, with heavy knot fringe, Hartshorn Rollers, Plain Shades, 20, 25 and 30c. each. Measurements taken and shades put up by experienced workmen. I e Carry All Widths Store Shades in Stoci Brass Extension Sash Rods 15 and 20c. each. A few Vienna Porch Shades left that we will close out at cost KERR 4 SIEBECKER 406 and 408 Lacka. Avenue. mm Those Green Discount Tags m That you may have seen displayed on several of the articles of Fur niture for the last few days should be of ffreat interest to you. They Tl are on goods that to date," but desirable neverthe- less, and the discount off makes them even more attractive than II i. - J.i.H Ir.'.J Rft A A rtO, ' 30 and 20 per cent., are the cuts SMJ we have made. We won't enum erate. . Suffice to say, it's a general line. You can furnish your house with discounts. ' '""""''awsBS MMSMMMMWMHWMMMMMM GREAT BARGAINS are not just "up J