THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE FRIDAY MORNING. .AUGUST. 31,", 1894. S OF Rumors srs again circulated, ssys the Wilkes-Barre Ktoord, to tbs Qot tbat big pUn It on foot to concentrate ths control of tbs anthreslte coil roads which Include the Rending, Lehigh Valley, Jersey Central, D-laware and Had eon and . Delaware, Lieltawann and W.i ern luto a few bands, and it ii openly asserted tbat tbe RotlscbiMs nnd Vanderbllts are workl ig in har mony on the scheme. The former bare bfen buyers of Reading stock and bonds, reports to tbe sontrary notwith standing, but the extent ot their pur chaste is not known. Tbat control of Reading bis not changed since laat year is admitted, but it is not improb able that the big solders could be i dnced to join in a plan, tbe objeet of which would be control of all tbe anth ricite conl currying and producing companies. These are only rumors, bowerer, and may be taken for what Ibey are worth. It will be a long time before tbe antbrasite coal trade is cor railed into a monopoly. 1 The Indianapolis Journal pays the following tribute to a distinguished Scrantonian: "W. F. Hallstead, gen eral manager of the Delaware, Lacka wanna and Western road, has just completed bis forty-second year of ser Tie with tbat company. lie began as a brakeman in 1853, was afterward conductor, train dispatcher, assistant superintendent, general superintendent, and on Jane 1, 1836, was appointed general manager of . this powerful aud and wealthy corporation. In the east he is oredited with being one of the ablest transportation men in the coun try, and under him the road hs been highly prosperous. Ho is now 57 years of age and quite aotive. He keeps b I ra se!' fell intonnid regarding the da ta. J of bis work, and is as hard a worker as the late John Newell." e The manufacturers of window glass of tbe western district met at the Hol leuden hotel in Cleveland Wednesday. M. W. Watson, of Pittsburg, presided, Some forty factories were represented, including all those of any prominence in tbe district. There was much feel ing beoause the glass workers made a settlement with an Individual manu facturer at wages lower than they of fered tbe regularly authorized wages committee of the manufacturers and there was' a -strong sentiment in favor ot the manufacturers treat ing directly with individual workers in the settlement and starting three or four non-union factories, having the moral and financial support of the mat of tbe manufacturers. This would be a startling departure in tbe window glaBS business. Tbe movement has not taken practical form, but is being con sidered. Tbe new scale, as accepted by a few manufacturers, was tborougbly disousssd and all agreed tbat it was simply impossible to make glass and compete with the foreign product under the reduced tariff. It was said tbat Mr. Chambers, of Pittsburg, stated that it required a 10 per cent, wage reduction to meat the lower tariff and yet he aeeepted a re duction equal to only 19 per cent. The entire wages matter was left in the bands of tbe wages committee with full authority to act. About 29,000 men will be affected by the act! on of tbe wages eommittse. The western association controls about three quar ters ot the window glass manufactur ers of the country. ' ' Substsntial progress toward a re organization ot tbe Reading railroad compauy bae been made. J. Kennedy Todd and F. W. Whitridge, repressnt tag tbe Olcott committee of New York bondholders, were recently at Puila delpbia with both tbe receivers and Messrs. Earle and Tyler, representing tbe Philadelphia committee. Substan tial progress toward complete harmony was made, and the New Yorkers left for home apparently well pleased with tbe result ot tbeir oonfer ence. One of the receivers stated tbat an outline of a plan had been sub mitted by the New Yorkers; but the details of it were cartfully guiriled, It was also learned tbat the Philadel phia committee had succeeded in hav ing underwritten $3,000,000 of the re paired $4,800,000 m-eessary to fund the Itenetal mortgage onupons, and that the whole amount oonld readilv have been secured there. Out of deffsrence to the New York people, who desired fo'tf participate, further subscriptions to The food in Philadelphia were de noon aside nl ' ' ' w.(H,s vry Interesting feature of the developments was tbe evident strength ot ezAPostmaster General Wanamaker In cooWetion with reports that coupled his name with the incoming presidency of too Reading. Although Mr. Wana maker Vtaas as yet carefully refrained from . aommitting himself, be: bat dropped a .few words ;that are signifi cant: "I believe tbat I could reor ganize Reading, and that very ihortly." The opinion is rapidly gain lug ground' that fal. re to re-organizs Ibe company within very short time will mean - Mr, Wanamaker's olectlon ns president of the Reading company. While Mr. Wanamaker is very gnarded in bis utterances, there are few if any who are familiar with Reading affairs who do not entertain the opinion that be would consent to become a candi date, if properly approaehed by any re spectable number of security holders, Some of the affects of " be drought npon colliery Interests a Luzerne county are thus portr ed io tbe tbe Wilkes Barre eorrei Andente of the Hazleton Staudard: ' The Susque hanna Coal company still has plenty of water, being supplied by the Nantiooke Water oompany from its dam on Har vey's creek, whioh is fed from Harvey's lake. There is no danger of a cessation of work on the account of water. ' The Lehigh Valley Coal company gets its water supply for collieries from the Spring Brook Water oompany, which has its main on tbe west side along tbe Wyoming road. Besides, this company bas bnilt a pumping station near tbe Prospect oolliery and a reservoir at tbat place is kept tilled with water pnmped from tbe river. Tbe Henry, Wyoming and Prospect mines arc thus supplied and there is no fear of stoppage. The Lehigh and Wilkes-Barrc Coal company bas water cnongh to ka its collieries run ning for tbe new two months, even without rain. Thl oompany is sup plied with water rom tbe Crystal Spring company. ' lich as yet has a food supply. The latter company drained the Xlntake dam at tbe foot of No. i plane, Ashley, and will tilean its entire bed.' While the dam is being ' elssned a relay pipe is being used whioh carries all the water past it and on to where needed. The process' recently adopted by the Crystal Spring coppany of aerating the water la novel aud suc cessful in removing the bad tasUf The water is forced. tbrouaJi a nerforated GENERAL NDUSTRIES cap on the end of a pipe to a dlstanoe of eighty feet in tbe sir, The boles bored In the pipe are at various angles and tbe water is sent into the air in form of spray.' The color is unchanged and will remaia so until tbe filters come. These latter are a certainty aud it is only a question now with tbe company as to wuioh system will be adopted." ''l- ' 1' Following is tbe coal tonnage trans ported over the Reading railroad sys tem fnr tbs week ended Saturday, Ang. 25. Cor, week im. 161)3. Dooreasj. Total for ' weak ... .V.m0O K '.789.00 Prev o'ely 8.210.513 IB 9,172,545.(0 34 544 (U4.1KU.U7 TTc"ar.!" 8,492,917.16 9,393,834.17 W0.417.0l Increase. Minor Industrial Notes: Bnruside colliery, of Shamokin, and North Franklin colliery, ot Treverton, have closed down indefinitely, Tbe stop page ie caused by tbe scarcity ot orders received by tbe Reading Coal and Iron company. By the closing down of these two collieries many men and boys will be thrown out of work. Bo scarce is water in the vicinity of Sil ver Brook that tbe stringing of a pipe line to Still creek, about tnree miles dis tant, is being seriously considered by the Leblgh and Wilkes-Barre Coal company. Only one steam shovel Is working there, and the collieries will crawl nut of a nar row bole if they work all week with the present supply of water. Tbe LebigU and Wilkes-Barre Coal com pauy nre constructing a new loke road from No. 5 breaker, near Hazleton, to what is known as "Honkcydory," or west No. 8, a distance of one and one-balf miles. It was deemed necessary to build this new link to remove tbe old road from its pres ent location so tbat a large vein of coal tbat lies under it can be stripped. Next Monday tbe first car will be run over tbe hbataokin-Mt. C'armel Street rail way from tbe I'lillu lolpUia and Heading station, Mt. Carruol, to Gutter's furra, a distance of six miles. Over this route four cars will pas?, making fast time. Tbe la bor of constructing tbe intervening space of road not built between Alt. Caruiel and Bbauiokin will be pusbed with tbe utmost rapidity and by Oct. 15 the eutire system will likely be in operation, with thirteen cars runuing. An Unfortunate Mistake. A youug gflntlemau had an engagement With the daughter of a prosperous citizen to attend tbe theater. The young lady sug gested that they use the family carriage, ami the galiunt was too polite to decline. Ou the morning of tbe engagement the young lady asked her father to please stop in Air. Bowcrsox'a office and inquire where be wanted the carriage to coll for him The kindly old gentleman did so. lie stepped in tbe office, and calling to th young man, said: "I want to see you about that carriage." "Wuit a moment," said the youth, cvl dently agitated. He laid down bis pen, and coming from behind the desk led his visitor into a far corner and continued: "1 can't settle that just now, as I am deucedly hard up. I'll fix it by the middle of the month, dead sure.'r "What do you mcanf" said the old gen tleman. "Why, uin't you the collector for the Gouge 'cm Transfer company." "No, I'm not. I'm Miss Bondholder' father, and want to know where my car riage is to be sent for you tonight?" He went to tho theater in tbe carriage but he did not enjoy it much. Louisville Post. Various Expressions for Long Distances. The measures of long distances have varied widely at different times and with different nations, to gay nothing of the comparisons used in different sections ol our country. For instance: The Jews said, "from Dan to Beersheba.1! The Persians say, "from Medina tc Mecca." The F.nglish say, "from Land's End tc John o' Groat's." Tbe Yankee says, "from Maine tt Texas." The southerner says, "from Florida te Alaska." The Sucker and Hoosiersays, "from the groat lakes to the gnlf." The South American says, "from tbe Isthmus to the Horn." In Louisiana they say, "from New Or leans to Pittsburg." In California the common expression is, from Altaville to Pilot Knob." "-'' Two lives Saved. Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction City, 111., was told by her doctors she had Con sumption and tbat there was no hope for her, but two bottles Dr. King's New Dis covery completely cured her and she says it saved her life. Mr. Tbos. Eggers, 139 Florida St., fan Francisco, suffered from a dreadful cold, approaching Consumption, tried without result everything else thea oouglit one bottle of Dr. King's New Dis covery and in two weeks was cured. He is naturally thankful. Is is such results of wbicb these are examples, that prove the wonderful efficacy of this medicine In Coughs and Colds. Free trial' bottles at Matthews Bros,, Drug store. Regular size Me. and $1. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Btooks and Bonds. New York, Aug. 80. Dnring tbe first hour of business at the Stock exchange to day prices were further depressed owing to realizing sales and manipulation by the bears and sold out bulls. All tbe leading issues wore influenced and declines rang ing from M to 1 per cent, were recorded. Sugar and the Grangers were the heaviest sufferers, Sugar railing 1 to H) St. Paul & to 64X, Burlington and Quincy 1 to 70K, Rock Island to fc Tbe sell ing movement exhausted itself before midday and after tbe first hour the ten dency was upward. Iteadiug was another strong spot an Q rose to Tbe securi ties of the company were strengthened by a belief tbat considerable progress bus been made in tbe way of reorganizing tbe road. The general list in the afternoon moved OP XW. per cent,, Burlington aud Quin ce leading. At the close recent sellers of the grangers were not so confident of tbeir position. .Sugar, after its early decline, rose to 107, but on tbe execution of stop orders there was a break to 100. An ad vance to 2tf per cent, quickly followed, but just previous to its close there was a drow to 1G6).. The range of yesterday's prizes for tbe ac tive stocks of the New York atock market are flven below. The quotations me furnished UK Thibunb by G. du B. Dimmick. manager oi Willie ii Linn A len & Co., stock brokers, 412 Spruce street, Boranton. Open- High- Low Clos ing, est Mt. Ing. Am. Cot Oil 8a &W 83 SAH Am Sugar. 107 1USU m 1W A.T. & &K..V iCt nu oil Can. Bo. 63 BM 6U, 62'i Chespeakefe Ohio... 2M 2IM II 21W Chic. Oas. 78M 74 7414 tttf Chic A N. W. 1(17 107 WH 10044 Q., B. A Q 77 774 705. 719 C, O.C. A St. L.... 40 40M 40 40U C. M. A St. Paul.... 4 W, 64t (WW Chleago.R. I. A Fao. W ml tl.VK 809 D. A H wl IWA VMi 136!$ D L. AW 107Wi 107H 107M 107U D. A O. F JMh, 1!K iM im O. E. Co. D . SUM HUH 404, Ills. Cent... Lmke 8 bore. L. AN II n batten.. Mich. Cent. ... M ...117W ... twvj ... SJtt Mlas. fao. Nat. Cordage 1894 Nat. Led 43 New Jersey Cent... 11414 N. . Central 101J1 N.T.AN. E .7 N. T., L. E. A W J. YM8. A W , 1014 N. Y., a A W, pr. H North Pao 6U Nrth Pao. pr 1UM o.& w. 17 Phil. A RftafliUK.. 8114 Rich A W. P........ 1'., C. A L Texas Pao 10U Union Paclflo litis Wabash , :W Wabash pr Ul Western Union..... eal WORKING A REVOLUTION Tint Is Wbat the Naw Artificially Digested Food Is Doing. A fflOST REMARKABLE ADVANCE It is Now Possible to Give the Stomach a Vacation Because the Food Is Digested Before Be ing Eaten. Paskola works wonders I The ereat pre-digested food tbat makes people well ,is winning mora praises by reason of what it has done for dyspeptlo sufferers than any other pre parations ever offered to tbe public A person who eaffjrs from this dis tressing complaint usually feel a gnaw ing at the stomach, an "all gone" feel ing as if suffering from want of food. There is a bad taste in the month, a coated tongne, gas rises from the stomach and sometimes there is sick ness with a constant headache. When people lose flesh, they goner ally begin to feel alarmed. Tbey want to regain wbat tbey bave lost. Some times they are unfortunate enoush to take cod liver oil for tbat purpose. The effect of cod liver oil taken into a weak, disordered stomach Is to make dyspep sia worse. Cod liver oil will sicken a well person. Imagine its effects on a dyepeptio sufferer with a weak stomach I Bat modern scieoee bas happily pnt an end to all this. People are rapidly finding ont tbat tbe way to cure dys pepsia is not to make it worse. They are discovering tbat tbe best way to get flesh is to digest tbeir food properly and that when tbeir food is well di gested tbey do not suffer from dyspep sia. Paskola cures dyspebsia, it makes sound, healthy flsb because it is not a medicine bnt a food. Drugs cannot mako thin people fat or cure dyspep tics of their dyspepsia. Paskola is a pre-digested food which gives nourishment without tho aid of thestomaeb. It contains those prinei ples wbisb are essential to tbe natural digestive process it aids digestion. When it is taken, it enters at once into tbe tissues of the body giving instant nourishment. It permits the stomaoh to take a rest and get into a better con dition. Paskola is pleasant to tbe taste and agreeable to tbe most sensitive stomach. It bas no nauseating or bloating effdots but tones up tbe whole body and cre ates a healthy appetite, It drives away all billious sensations and enables every particle of ordinary food to be perfectly digested. Paskola may be bought of any reput able druggist, An interesting pamph let on food and digestion will be mailed free, on application to tbePre-Diirsted Food Co., 80 Uende street, New York. Cbioaso Grain add Provleious. The range of yesterday's prices for tbe ao tive slocks of the New York stock market are k'iven below. Tne quotations are furnished The Tuint'NK by G. du ii. Dlmmick, mana ger of Will. am Linn. Allen A Co., stock brok ers, t2 Spruce Btreet, Suranton: Open- High- Low- Clos- WHEAT. inff. est. est. lag. Sept fotts 53 W54 Deo bojlg u7 60)4 57 OATS. Sept S9J4 29M 21 2904 COKN. Pept f.44 fio 5094 Dec. 51)4 514 New York Produot Market. New Yokk, Aug. 00. Floor Quiet, weak. Wheat Dull; higher with option firm. No. 2 tea store and elevator, S''c; afloat, 57i58c.;f. o. b., 68)4a5S5fc.:unBraded red, uliujSc. ; No. 1 northern, 65c; options closed iteady at a)4c. uuder yesterday, with a dull trade: December and Sep tember most active; August, 67c; Sop tern ber, 6754c. : October, 5bc; December, 016c.; Slay, CtiaC Cohn Dull, scarce, firmer; No. 3, G2c. ; elevator, 6:a(!34e. afloat; options clod dull, firm and uc. higher following the west with local covering. May and December most active; August, tW)4c; September, 61XC: October, 604c. ; Decem mber, 57 Wc; Alay, 50c. Oats Less active, firmer; options dull, Arm, up. August, 83J4o.t Septem ber, 33Kc; October, 34Hc.; November, 85J4c; December, 30c.; No. 2 white, Ortober, 304c; Spot prices, No 2, 83a 830.; No. white, 86a3Cc; No. 2 Chi cago, 34c; No. a, 324c. Ho. S white, 854&; mixed western, 83aa34c; white do., Ca41c.; white state, 86a41c. liEiv Quiet, steady; family, $10.C0a 12.MX); extra mess, tS.OUc8.50. Ekef Hams Dull, steady; $22.00. Tierced Beef Quiet; firm; city extra india mest", Sl7.i0. ' C'UTllEATS-Quiet,6teady;picMed bellies, 12 lbs, 8i'; pickled Bboul'di-rs, 7c; pickled bams, nVJc; middles nominal. Lard Quiet, firmer; western steam closed at 65c; city, Sc.; September closed 86c; refined firmer; continent, $8 91; South America, 19.15; compound. UVnUc, Pork Firm, moderate liiimaud; mess, $15.25al5.50; extra prime, $13.50.a!4. BUTTER-Quiet,nany; stale dairy, HaSSc; do. creamery, 18a24c.;I Pennsylvania, do., 8a24c; western dairy, 134ttl7r., do. creamery, 15a2!o.; do. factory, 13alUc; tlgiiis, 24c; imitation creamery, 15al8a Cheese Fair demand, nrm;siute, large, SalOh'c; fancy, lO.alOi'c.; do. small, 64al(jc; part skims, 4.sC.; full skims, 8a .c. Egos Dull, easy; state and Pennsyl vania, 17al8c; ice house, 14)4al6c. ;west urn fresh, ltlal7c. ; do., per case t2n3. Philadelphia Tallow Market. Philadelphia. Aug. 30. Tallow was quiet and steady. Prices were: Prime city in hoKsbeaJs, 4 4c; prime, country, in barrels, 4n4c; do. dark in barrels, iHo.; cakes, 5c; grease, 4c. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup cures coughs aud colds quicker than any other remedy, tecaubo it combines tbe lunir healing quality of tbe pine tree with other valuable medicines. Sold by all dealers on a guarantee of satisfaction. When Baby was sick, we gare her Castorta, When she was a Child, she cried for Caatorla. When she became Miss, she clung to Castorta. When she had Children, she gave thea Castorta Beware ok Frauds. Be sure you get the genuine Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil. It cures Cold", Croup, Asthma, Deafness and Rheumatism. WEAK MEN Y0UR attention IS CALLKD TO THB Great English Remedy, Cray's Specific medicine ir vnil SlirrFRfromNer- Huianauum . Tom De bility, Weakness of Body and Mind, Sperma torrhea, and Impotency, and all dlseas-s that triee from over-Indulgenue and elf-abtiee.jia ,oee of Memory and Power, Dimnesa of Vis ion, Premature Old Age and many other dl eaees that lead to Insanity or Conmimptlon end an early grave, write for a pamphlet. Address OKAY MEDICINE CO.. Buffalo. N. Y. Tbe Bpeolfle Medicine Is sold by all drupirlsts at S per package, or six packages for 15, or sent by mail on receipt of money. mid with every ?5-00 order WE GUARANTEE a Cure or muiiey retauueu. . tWOu account of counterfeits we have adopted the Yellow Wrapper, tne onlyg-euu-Jua, aWM ta Annuioit tur AUttbMi 3 TRY TMETRQJLLEY SOAP f PH1UBDBUFHW For Washing Clothes CLEAN and SWEET, It LASTS LONGER than cthar Soaps. Price FIVE CENTS a bar. Fa pcirifi v ash pnifF cnnT and potassium Makes Marvelous Cures e2 in R nnn Pnicnn saav jsk in uiuuu a uiouii Rheumatism and Scrofula ej P. P. P. purifies tbe blood, bulMsop the wenlc anil debilitated, gives strength to neakenuil nerves, expels diseusas.ftlvlnK the patient health and bapuincHS whure sickness, Kloorur lufllcgs and lassitude first prevailed. Fiirprlniary.seoondary and tertiary eyphllis, for blood potBontnjr, mercu rial poison, malaria, dyspepsia, and in all bloo4 and akin diseases, like blotches, pimples, old ohronlo ulcers, tetter, scald hend, bolls, erysinulus. eciema-weniaysny, without fear of eoutrndiotlon.that P. P. P. Is the best blood purifier In the world, and makes fiosltlve, speedy and permanent ourea u all cases. rt etSs Ladies whose systems are poisoned and whose blood is In an lmoure conai- (kw tlon. due to menstrual IrreKUlaritles, Uerful tonlo and bloou cleansing- prop erties of P. P. P. -Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Potassinm. rn - IjPHiMOPiBLD, Mo., Aug. 11th, 1893. loan apeak In the highest terms of sB 1 your moaiclne from my own prrsona! Knowledge, iwasauecteawunnearo disease, plearlsy and rheumatism for 35 years, was troated by the very best fihytriclans ana spent hundreds of dol ars, tried every known remedy with out finding relief. I huva only taken js one oomo oi your r. jr. jr., buu uaa S" cbonrfnlly say It has done me more ewfr - good tlian.iaythlng I buvo ever taken. I can recommend your medicine to all ffi ' euflerecof the above diseases. AIK3. OX. 1U. IISAKI, 8pr Jgfield, Qreen County, Mo. "On the Fence." Soon be over the senron for ridinjr. If you want a Bicycle not? is the time to get it. We are clearing up all stock, aud will give you such a cliauoe as you never bad before. Oue ot our bargains: A Firt-class, High Grade $150 Eicycle for $03. Brine your cash and GET OFF THE FENCE. , CLARENCE M. FLOREY Saccessor to Florey & Holt. W. L. Oouclas 'f QilnP '3 THE BEST. V5 NO SQUEAKINa 5.C0PeD0VAN, FRENGHAENAMEUEDCALR ' 3.sp FINE CALf &KAN6APC1 3.yP0LICF,3 Soles. EXTRA FINE. " 2.liB0YSSCH35l5HCES. LADIES' SEND FOR CATALOGUE W'L'DOUCLAS, BROCKTON, AVAS3. You enn save mnnpy liy purchasing W. L. J;oiiiiIiis MlOlH, Because, we are the largest nianufacturers of advertised shoes in the world, and guarantee the value by stamping the name and price on the boltom, which protects you against high prices and the middleman's profits. Our shoes equal custom work in style, easy fitting aud wearing qualities. We have them sold every where at lower prices for the value given thnn tny other make. Talce no substitute. If your dealer cannot supply you, we can. Sold by E. J. LEONARD. DR. HEBRA'S viola mm Bemoves Freokles, PimpUl, Liver Moles, blsokheac'e, Sunburn aud Tsn, and re stores the tklti to Its origi nal fresbni'sa, producing a clear and healthy com tiIct Inn. Rnrjcrior to nil face preparations and perfectly harmless. At "all urugglsts.or mailed ior SOcts. bead for Circular, VIOLA SKIN 80AP ! elmplr loerairibt as a kin r,irH7lQS Sosp, aoeqntlefl ft ths tollflt, and vlUiiMit a rlTnl lor Ut purMiy. AbwlutHv pitrs sad doUQktsly modi. uod. MdroiiN Price 2 Cents. G. C. BITTNER & CO., Toledo, O. Fnr sale by Matthew llros. and John II. Pliclps. Endossid tv vhc Hiomist Mieieai Au-tho.itiss SnEIITnOLiriHALER CATARRH HEADACHES' ItnTAt.Kit will cure you. A wonderful boon to sufferer! from Colds, Sore Thro a t, Inflnenra. Rf-nnrhlttB. orllAT FETEK. Afordi immnllattrtHtf. An efficient - retuo:iy, convenient to carry In rtoekot, renly to use on flr-t Indication of cold, t'ontlnned Use KSTecta rerraaneat Cnre. Patlsf action guaranteed or money refunded. Frlee, SO rta. Trial free at Dniiulsis. Realstered malk su oeuM. B. D. CDSHUl-t Vfr., Um titan, ILoIl, D. 3. 1 OTJaHMAWB MPMTHfll The surest and safest remedy for I nUU all skin dUeasesJCeiema. Itoh.Salt Rheum, old flnres. Rums. (Hits. Wnnjl.prHl rem ertyforPlt.r.. Prlo,S) Drug- o a I SI tlsts or by mall prepaid. Address as above. DHL. if For aala bv Mattliaiva Bros, and John H. Phelps. lob Work r TA8TV OATOKT ThsScrsnles Tribune Job Dept. W- is Bit.. S t5 ft mm s L.SK sLaJ Pimples, Blotches and Old Sores ' Catarrh. Malaria and KldneyTroubles Are entirely removed by P.P.P. lk Ttalra Drtnf. Anil Pnt... slum, the greatest blood purifier on 'HEP earm. AsiRDKEif , O. . July 21 , 1891. mKSSKS. JJ"-r)lAN DKUS. , DflVUUUttU, Ga. : Dear b irs I bouiiht a bottle of ' your r.v. v. at hoc springs. ara. .ana It has done me more good tbnu three months' treatment at the Hot BurlnKS. Heod three bottles J. O. D. , HJ JAfl. M. NEWTON, Aberdeen, Brown County, O. t'apt. J. D. Johnslou. To nil vhom U mav conrernt I here by testify to the wondnrful properties igrS) of P. P. P. for eruptions of tho skin. I suffered for soveral years with un un- "JP sightly and dlsugreeable eruption on iM my faco. I tried every kuown reme dy but In vain, until P. P. P. was used, 'g ana am now entirely cureu. (Signed by) J.D.JOHNSTON, Savannah, US. Skin Cancer Cored. Tettimony from thi Mayor of Sequin, Tex. Sequin, Tex., January 14, 1893. Messrs. Lippmas Bros. , Savannah, Ga. : Uentltmenl have tried your P. P. P. fr a disease of the skin, nsuallv known as skin cancer ,of thirty years' M standing, and found great relief; It - puriflea the blood and removes all Ir- ' 'Usv rltatlon from the eeut of the disease JfiP and prevents any spreading of the m, aortts. I have taken fiveor six bottles "-l- and feol oontldent that soother course will effect a cure. It has also relieved me from Indigestion aud stomach troubles, yours truly, CAPT. W. M. RUST, Attorney at Luw. Book od U Diseases iti Free. ALL DRUQQIBT8 SELL IT. LI PPM AN QROS. PHOPRIETOH8. -l9 Uppman' Block,SaTannBht Cm 1 THB TRADERS National Bank of Scrantoa ORGANIZED 1S91 CAPITAL $250,000, SURPLUS $30,000. FAMUEL niNES.presldent W. W. WATSON, Vice President. A. E WILLIAMS, Cashier. DIRECTORS, SAMmtr, nrwrs, jambs M- Evfrhart, iRviNO A. FiNcn, Pierce B. Fim.kt, Joseph J. Jermys, W. B. Kemkiiiir., Cuau, P. Uatxukws, John T. Poktms. W . W. WATSOif. PROMPT, ENLRGETIC, CONSERVATIVE and LIBERAL This bunt Invites the patronage of business men and firms generally. AYLESWORTH'S Meat Market The Finest In the City The latest Improved fur nishings and apparatus for keeping meat, butter and eggs. 823 Wyoming Ave. DEITKB RfiOE CO.,Inc,p.Caplfftl,$!,OW.01'. BUST HH015 IN TUB WOKLD. "A dollar iktil ii a dollar tarnfd." k ThlsT.uflles' Solid I'reui h DonsjoUKidTtnt ton Boot dclWored free anywhere in the U.S., on receipt oi uasn, uooey urder, or Potul Note for SI. SO. Equals every way the boots sold in all retail stores for 12.60. We make this boot ourselves, therefore we ijuar ati the ft, ilylt and vear. iq ir any one is not aansnea e win retuna tne ronry or send another pair. Opora ioe or common cense, T V S. ITU tea l to s and Hair zes. Sendyouriiu; will Jit you. Illustrated Ctta loitte FRZE Dexter Shoe CoTSK- Bsecial ttrmi Kafirs- rar RE VIVC RESTORES VITALITY if MflHf a , kflAZ-ll 1st Day. fljj -Xhjifvcii man lSth Day, y of Me. I nc UntA I Snth ta prodnces the above results In SO days. It acts powerfully and quickly. Cures when all others fail lounitmeuwlllroiiiin their lost manhood, and old men will recover their youthful vigor by usinj KEVIVO. It quickly and surely restores Nertous ness, Lost Vitality, Impotency, Nightly Emissions, Lost Power, Falling Memory, Wasting Diseases, and all effects of self-abuse or ejcesiand Indiscretion which unfits oue for study, busluess or nurriaio It sot only cures by starting at the seat of disease but s a great oerv tonic and blood builder, bring ing back the pink (low to palo cheeks and re storing the fire of youth. It ard off Insanity ud Consumption. Insist on haiing RK VI other. It can be carried In voBt pocket. By mall 1.00 per parksge, or six lor 86.00, with a poel tlve written g-uarantee to cure or refund he money. Circular free. Address 1AL MEDICINE CO.. B3 Rlvsr 81.. CHICAGO, ILL For sale by Matthews Bros.. Druvriata 9 a rtC'A. at J aST B. l Kr - - VyrtiW iUl m f At BUSINESS AND- PROFESSIONAL PUVSH lANs A.Nu hllhUr.ON-4. DR. U. EDOAK DEAN has removed to 018 Spruce street, bcrantou, Pa. (Just op posite court-house Wquare) H. A. J. CON NELL, Office iul Washington AJ avenue, corner Bpruoa street, over francke a drng store, Residence, 723 Vine st. OUice hours: lO.autolHa. m. and S tot and !l?J-i giJJuiidayJ to 8p,ra. DK. W. Ii ALLEN." Offlca cor. Lanka, wanna and Washington avos.: over Leon, aril siiue store: oilice hours, 10 to 12 a. in. anJ uto 4 p. m.; evenings at reeldeuo iliS V. gton hve. IkibUL. JKiCV, Practice limited to Dt XJ eases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat: offlca, 1-) Wyoming era Residence, &A) Vine street. , DH. L.M. GATES, lifi Washington Avenue. Office hours, 8 to 9 a.tu.. l.lo to 3 and I to 8 p.m. Residence m Madison avenue U H.M U WENTZ, Jl. D., Offices 62 and 41 tl Lomnionwealth buUding: residence 711 Madison ave: offloe hours. 15 to 13, S to 4, 7 to 8; Sundays 2.80 to 4. evenings at residence. A specialty made of dkeaaes ot tbe eye, ear, nose and throat and gynecology. D R.KAY, 208 PennAve. ; 1 to 8 p. m ; call mt. Dm. of women, obstetrics and dis. of chil. I. AW VERS. JM. C RANCH'S Law and Collection of- flee, No. 817 Bpruce st, opposite Forest House. Scranton, Pa,; collections a specialty throughout Pennsylvania; reliable correspond ents lu every coun ty. JLbSUfS Ac 11A,N1J, Attorneys and Counsel lors at Law, Cwuniouwealth building, Washinstoii avav, W. H. Jescp, Horace E. Hato. W. H. Jkssup, Jr. W1LLARD. WARREN tc KNAPP, Attor neys and Counselors at Law, Republican building, Washington ave.. Scranton, Pa, IJATTERSON Sc WILL'uX, Attorneys aud A Counsellors at Law; offices tt and 8 Library building, bcranton. Pa. Roswem. H. PATT1PSO William A. Wilcox. ALFRED HAND, WILLIAM J. HAND, At torneys and Counsellors, Commonwealth building. Rooms 19, !!u and 21. l T V. BOYLE, Attorney at-Law, ' v 20, Hnrr building, Wasliinet ,Nos.l9 and on avenue. HENRY M. 8EELY -Law oillcea in Prica building, )2li Washington avenue. lRANK T. OKtLLrAttorneyat law. Room 1 6. Coal Exchange. Bcranton, Pa. MILTON W. LOWHY, I Att'yn, 227 Washmj U H. VON STORCH, J ton av., C. Hsquare JAMES W.OAKFORD," Attorney at Law, l rooms 63, 64 and 68, Commonwealth b'l'g, (JAMUEL W. EDOAR, Attorney at Law. O Office, 317 Spruce st., Scranton. Pa. A. WATRES, Attorney at Law, 423 i. Lackawanna aue., Bcranton. Pa U P. SMITH, Counsellor at Law. Offloe, rooms 04, pp. no wommonweann Duuuing. c n., Attorney at Ltw, wom jnonwea'.th building, Bcranton, Pa. C. COMEOYS. 821 Bpruce st' DB. REPLOOLE, Attorney-Loans nego jitWedoreajstiji6curity.tuis Spruce. Br. KILLAM,. Attornevat-Law, 12U Wy oniingBvemin. Scrunton. S( HOIII.'J OCHOOLOF THE LACKAWANNA, Scran O ton, Pa., prepares boys and girls for college or business: thoroughly trains youug childrea Catalogue at renueot. 0 ens September la Rev. Thomas M. caux, . Walter H. Bdei.l. MISS WORCESTER'S KINDERGARTEN and School, 412 Adams avenue. Pupils received at all times. Next term will open September 10. DKNTISTS. (1 C. LATJBACH, burgeon Dentist, No, 113 s . Wyoming ave. R. M. sTRATTON. nfflrs Cnsl Kxrhnne LOANS. rPHE REPUBLIU Savings and Loan Asso A elation will losn you money on easier terms and pay you better on Investment than any othr association. Call ou 8. jN . CALLEN PKR, Dime Bank building SEKDS. GR. CLARK & CO.. Seedsmen. Florists and Nurserymen; store 148 Washington avenue; green house, lojj North Main avenue; store telephone 7tti. TEAS. OHAND UNION TEA CO.. Jonee Bros. WIRE SCKErNS. T09. KUETTEL, Di5 Lackawanna avenue, f t Bcranton. Pa., niannf'r of Wire Si-rens. HOTELS AND KKSTAl'RANTS. '-HE ELK CAFE, 125 and 127 Franklin ave A nue. Rates reasonable. P. Zieqler, Proprietor. EsTMliNaTr:rt tifn-vt - iv. w. rtacnin, manager. Sixteenth street one block east ot Broadway. ... ITl CJ ,T ni. uujvu rquure, iev lorK. American jlari, fi60 perayjtnd upward. C CRANTON HOUSE, near D lT& VI. pa O seuger depot Conducts on the European plan. Vir Ton Korn. Proprietor. AKtiuri.cis. I) AVIS & HOUPT, ArchltecU. Rooms 21, 28 ana za Commonwealth b id g. Scranton. JJ L. WALTER, Architect. Office, rear of wt w asnington avenue. Vf L. BRC 'N. Arch B. Architect, Price I bnilding.120 W ashingtou Ave.,Scranton. MISCEI.I.ANKOim. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA-MUSIO FOR balls, picnics, parties, receptions, wed lings and ooncert work furnished. For terms iddresa R. J. Bauer, conductor. 117 Wyoming 'Ve., over Hulbert's music store. HORTON D. SWART8-WHOLESALE lumber, Price building, 3cranton, Pa. ktiARUEE BR0THER8, PRINTErF supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, 130 Washington ave., Scranton, ra. II UR8K8 AND CARRIAGES l"lt SALE at lead lupous?) avenue. u. u. fuurc, Agent. PKANK P. BROWN ft CO WHOLE" J1 sale dealws in Woodware, Cordage aud Oli Cloth, 720 W. Lackawanna avenue. E Robinson's Sons' LAQBI3 Beer Brewery Vastifactnrers of tbs Celebrat4 PlLSENER Lager Beer CAPACITY 1CX),000 Bbl Per Annum, HASSON STARK. AT THE OLD DEPOT HOTEL, FACToRYVILLE. Is prepared to receive summer boarders and furnish riKS for tourists to surrounding tow us and summer resorts. Ladles Who Value A refined complexion most us Potxoni's Pow-I der. It produces a soft and beautiful skin, CENTRAL RAILROAD OF ft J, LEHIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION Anthracite coal used exclusively, Insuring cleanliness and comfort. TIME TABLE IN EFFECT MAT 20. 1804. Trains leave Scranton for Pitteton, Wilkes. Barre, etc., at 8.a, S.I8, 11.30 a. m., 12.8(1 !I00. 830,8.00,7.25,11.1)5 p, m. Sundays, 9.00 a. 1.00, 2.15, 7.10 p. m. For Ailantio City, 8.M a. m. For New York, Newark and Elizabeth. 8.3) (express) a. m., 12.60 (express with Buffet parlor car), &o0 (express) p. to. Sunday, a. 14 p. m. For MAron Chunk, Aixkntoww. Bbthls hem, EAhTOH and Philadklpria, a. nx. Bundall6U0 (ex0pt i'nUadelphia) p. in. For L'okq Branch, Oceaic Grove, at. t 8.20 (with turougn car) a. m., 12..V) p. m. For Heading. Lebanon and Harrlsbara-, via Allentown. 8.20 a. m., ItW, 6.00, p.m. Sunday. 2.1) p. m. For Pottsville, 8.a) a. m., 1Z60 p. m. Keturnlnj, leave New York, foot of Liberty Street, North river, at 6,10 (express) a. m,, 1.10, 1.30, (express with Buffet parlor car) p. m. Bundity. 4.SU a. in. Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, .0J a. m., 2.00 and 4.80 p. m. Sunday, 8.27 a. m. Through tickets to all points at lowest rates may be had on application in advauoa to tbs ticket agent at the station. H. P. BALDWIN", J.H.OLHACSW. Oon. Supt. VWt A UT A t tJ 1 Vtv ntn 4 JL . BON RAILROAD. Commencing Monday.July 30, all trains will arrive ana depart from the new Lack awanna avenue station as VfT'VaSl folio"': Mf m Trains will leave Scran. WS P ton station for Carbondale jft ' and intermediate points at r' 2.20. 6.46. 7.00, 8 25 and 10.10 a.m , 12.00, 2,20, 8.65, 6.16,0.15, 7.26, 9.10 and 11.20 p.m. For Farview, Waymart and Honesdale at 7.00 8.2"i and 10.10 a.m., 12.00,2.20 and 6.16 um. Fcr Albany-. Saratoga, the A dirondacks and Ho-itreal at 6.4 am. and 2,20 p.m. For Wilkes-Barre and Intermediate points at 7.45, 8.45, O.ilS and 10.46 a m, 12.06, hw, ti A.m. 5.10, 6.05, 0.15 and 11.38 p.m. Trains will arrive at Scranton Station from ' arbondale and intermediate points at 7 40, 8.40, .:il and 10.40 a.m., 1210, 1.17, 2.31, 3. 411, 4 64,, 011 and 11.33 p.m. From Houosdale. Wavmart and Farview at 9.84 a.m.., 1200, 1 17, 3.40, 5.65 and 7.46 p.m, From Montreal, Saratoga, Albany, etc, at 4.64 and 11.33 p.m. From likes- Barre and intermediate points at 2 IS, 8.01, 10.05 and 11 65 a.m., 1 10. 2,14, 8.39, 0.10, 6.08, 7.2), 9.03 and 1L10 p.m. MAY li. Train leaves Scranton for Philadelphia and New York via. D. & H. R R. at 7.46 a.Ju.. 12.04, 2.83 and 11.38 p. m. via D., L. W. R. R B.00. a. in.,and L80 p. m. Leave Scranton for Pittston and Wilkes Barre via D.. L. A W. R. R., 6.00, 8.0$, U.8J a. m , 1.80, a50. U.07. 8.-50 p. m. Leave Sornnton for Whlto Haven, Hazleton, Pottsville and all points on the Beaver Meadow and Pottsville branches, via E. & W. V.. 6 40 a.m., via D. SftR.R. at i.46a.m,. J2.06. 2.38. 4.ti0 p.m., Tia D L. tt W. B. R, 6.00, 8.08, 11.20 a.m., 1.80, a 50 p.m. Leave Bcranton for Bethlehem, Easton, Reading, Harrisbnrg and all intermediate points via D.& H.R.R.7.45 a.m .12.05. 2.38, 11.88 p.m.,via D., L. & W. R. R.,8.00,6.08, 11.20 a. m., 1.80 p.m. Leave Scranton for Tunkhannock, To wand , Elmira, Ithaca, Geneva and all intermediate points via D. & H. R.R..8.46 a.m.,12.05 and 11.34 p. m., via D. L. tt W. R. R 8.08 a.m., 1.30 p. m. Leave Scranton for Rochaater, Buffalo, Ni agara Falls, Detroit Chicago and all points west viaD. & H. R. R., 8.48 a.m.,12.05, p. m., via D. L. & W. R. R. and Pittston Junction, 8.08 a.m., 120, 8.50 p. m, via E. W. R.R.. 8.41 p. m. For Elmira and the west via Satamanot, via D. tt H. R. R. 8.45 a.m., 1205,6.05 p. ra.. via D.. LAW.HK. ,8.08 a.m., 1.30 and 8.07 p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping or L. V. chair cars on all trains between L. tt B. Junction or Wilkes-Barre and New York, Philadelphia, Buffalo and Suspension Bridge. ROLLIN H. WILBUR, Gen. Supt. CHAS. 8. LKE.Gen. Pass. Ag't, Phila.P. A.W.NONNEMACHER.Ass't Oeu.Pass. Ag't, South Bethlehem. Pa, DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA AND WESTERN RAILROAD. Trains leave Scranton as follows: Express for New York and ah points Hast 1.40, tW, 6.16, 8.00 and 9.6d a. m.i 1265 and 3.50 p, m. Express for Easton, Trenton. Philadelphia and the South, 6.16, 8.00 and 9.65 a. m.; 1AM and 8,60 p. m. Washington and way stations, 8.65 p. m, Tobyhanna accommodation, 6.10 p. m. Expr ss for Blnghamton, Oswego, Elmira. Corning, Batb. Dansvllle, Mount Morris and Buffalo, 12.10, 2 16 a. m. and 1.24 p. m., making close connections at Buffalo to all points io ths West, Northwest and Southwest Batb accommodation. 9 a. m. Binghamton and way stations, 12.87 p. m. NicnoUon accommodation, at 6 p. m. aas) 6,10 p. m. Binghamton and Elmira Express, 6 OJ p, ra. Express for Cortland, Syracuse, Osweg Ctlca and Richfield Springs, 115 a m. and US P'lthaca, 215 and Bath 9 a. m. and IU p. m. ForNortbumberland,PitUton,Wllkea-BarTa, Plymouth, Bloomaburg and Danville, making close connections at Northumberland for Wllliamsport, Harrisburg, Baltimore, Wasl Ington and the South. Northumberland and Intermediate stations) f .00, 9.65 a m. and 180 and 8.07 p. m. Nanticoie ana intermediate stations, S.W and 11.20 a. m Plymouth and Intermediate stations, 80 and 8.61 p. m. . . Pullman parlor and sleeping coaches on aU Xfordetalled information, pocket time table, etc.. apply to M. L. Smith, pity ticket offloe, 828 Lacltawannaavenue, or depot ticket omoa, E RIE AND WYOMING VALLEY RAIL no in Train. Ium Hcranfnn fnr New York and in termediate points on the Erie railroad at IDS a. ui. and 8.24 p. m. Also for Honesdale, Hawley and local points at 135, 9.46 am.. and 124 p.m. . A1 tho above are through trains to ana from Honesdale. An additional train loaves Scranton for Lake Ariel at 6.10 p.m. and arrives at Scran ton from tbe Lake at 8 6 am. and 7.45 p.m. Trains leave for Wilkes-Barre at o. a. in. and 8.41 p. ui. 8CRA1TON ..ITMIOtf. la Effect Jaae 84th, ISM. North Bound. tioum Bound, 205 203:201 8oTo.2oe Stations ri w " S a. tx w 3 (Trains Dally, Ex cept sunqay.) P M lArrive teavei 7IH N. Y. Franklin St. TIM 7 00 West 42ud street) Weshawkeu P M r Ml lArrive Leaveja 8 20l 1 151 .. 8 10 1 .. 7 5112 58 .. 7 61 1S46 .. 7 451)2 401 TM'ISliMO 7 8819 18(10 7 I2 03 9 7 16(181 9 Uancock Junotloni Hancock Starlight Preston park Couio Pqyntclle Belmont Pleasant MC. Uulondale Forset City Carbondale White Bridge Uayfleld Jermyn Archibald WInton Peckvllle Olyphant Dickson Throop Providence Park Place Scranton 7 0S 11 49 6 81 II 84 S-tl (St 4 48 f6l fllSOi 9 JTIfS SSI 6 87 119 tl UlS 48 16 42 6411 111 231 9 711 8 46 545 74 SSI 861 7 d 8 54 lit 7 49 t 69 6 69 7 &j 4 04 01 TM 407 (07 7 5 4 M 610 8 (M 4 14 I U 8 MM IT II SON 49 (SO 63511 18' 8 6 82lflll6; 8 6 a.iin n s 6 2511 07 8 6 21 11 051 8 S If 11 0-ii 6 61411001 8 fli 18fl067 8 6 10,10 56, g r ma na Leave Arrive' lA sr H All trains run dallv exeunt Sunday. f tL-mna that trains aton on signal for nas- sengers. secure rates via uniano m nesvern or rare basing tickets ana Bave money, uay tilngt Sipress to tbe West. in a nnorann jnn sx T. FUtcroft, Dlv. Pass, Agt. Scranto mm Command Work v Si ra IX r bo" a SOU Sl4i .... 06 11 .... 618 S 92 .... (15 831 .... 89 i4i r a 4' 9 60 4 S 45 1 68 4 6S 6 56 8 06 ( 06 It 48 8 69 ( 08 7 101 1 19! 1 18 7 941 7 The Sera