The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 31, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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No fear of
failure in' making
bread .andcake if. you use
Ifalways makes light
wholesome food.
."Pure" and "Sure.
Norrman& Moore
120 Wyoming Avenuo
Bare your COLLARS starohed la the tM
way. when yon can have them done with ion,
liable Buttonhole, lor TWO CBNTB BACH.
New and
Very Choice
Line of
Mears & Hap
415 Lacka. Ave.
If you want
Carpets, Draperies.
Wall Paper or Window
Shades, come to us.
We have a full line of
goods, and our prices are
very low.
127 Wyoming Ave.
To my friends: I hereby announce
that I will be a candidate for the nomi
nation of district attorney, before the
Republican County convention.
St. Thomas' college will re-open on
fiept. 10.
Ti e banks of the city will be closed Sat
urday as it is Labor Day, a legal holiday.
A Keeley league will be formed on Sun
day of graduates of the local Keeley Insti
tute. Tb Oliver Wendell Holmes Literary
. society will meet this evening at 7.80
o'cloi t.
A patent has been granted to A. G.
Brandt and F. M. Spencer, ot this city, for
a coal hod.
Civil Engineer E. F. Blewitt has been
employed by the Scranton Traction com
pany tornake a map of its lines.
Willia'a Austin, of Dalton, so severely
injured bis wrist with an ax on Wednes
day that h'ls band had to be amputated.
John Besore & Son httve been awarded
the contract for erecting the new Kennedy
& Carter building on Washington avenue.
The contract for binding the digest of
the city laws and ordinances was yester
day awarded to J. W. Kaeder, whose bid
was ?M).
Attorney W. H. Stanton yesterday ap
plied to the court for a charter for St. Pe
ter's Greek Catholic Beneficial society of
the borough of Taylor.
The West Side Stars challenge the Base
Stealers, or the Orchard Street Stars to a
name of ball on Sept. 1, at 10 a. m., In the
Little Woods. Louis Davies, manager:
Willie Gallagher, captain.
John F. Dean, of Scranton, has received
two contracts for the Honesdale Iron corn
puny, one to erect a hydraulic elevator in
Wilkes-Barre, and the other for the John
Stackbouse Wagon Manufacturing com
pany, of North Eighth street.
In the case of William Bell & Son
against Sarah C. Robinson and R. E. Ben
nett, administrators :of the estate of Wil
liam C. Robinson, arbitrators C. W. Daw
son, C. E. Oliver and W. A. Wilcox jester
day gave an award of 193.26 in favor of the
plalu tiffs.
Epworth league of Elm Park church
held its regular monthly businese meeting
last evening in the church parlors. A fine
litorary programme commemorative of
the one hundredth anniversary of tne
birth of William Cnllen Bryaut, the great
poet, was given. The numbers were as
follows: "Thanatopsis." W. B. Cairns;
"Epworth League Advance." "Bryant
Edition," H. H. Beldleman; "Gladness of
Nature," Miss Carrie Biedleman; reading,
"Epworth League Amusements," Frank
Eyerj "Forest Hymn," W, A. May.
Pabst's Milwaukee Bier, cool and
sparkling, at Lohman's, Spruce street
Good Goods Always Flud Beady Sals.
When the Garden Growth Tea was put
upon this market by the Soranton Cash
store It was not expected that the sale
would be very large, as the price was
higher than what is usually paid for tea
around here. We tvre told, however, that
the sale Is very good already.and also that
all reports so far fully justify best expec
tations. It is making friends fast and that
fact now Is beyond doubt that it will soon
be very popular,
Williams k Ittully
Ordinances Are Finally Passed by Both
Branches of Councils.
Viaduct Ordinance Reported Upon
Favorably and Referred for Print
ing B. F, LaRue Appo nted a Con
sulting Bridge Enln;er Move for
a Market Place-Time for Collect
ing Taxes Extended -Passenger
Railway Company Again.
Both councils mat last evening', the
select in speoial Bession and the eoin
uion in adjourned session. Much busi
ness was transacted by each branch
and many measures upon receiving the
approval of one counoil were straight
way transferred to the other for con
currence. The bridge ordinances, whioh were
in the hands ot common conned, were
passed on third reading in the lower
tranch and then sent over to seleot,
which approved of the amendments
that bad been made to them by com
mon after they had left the hands of
select. Although thsy were slightly
disfigured select aouncil gladly wel
comed them back from the abyss into
which they bad fallen and lost no time
in putting the finishing touches to
them. They are now ready for the
mayor's signature.
An attempt was made in oommon
council to go into committee of the
whole for the purpose of amending the
bridges ordiuauoes, but it was defeated.
In select council the viaduct ordi
nance as amended was reported fa
vorably by the special committee
through Mr, Thomas, and by unani
mous vote of couneil the ordiuanee was
referred for printing.
The ordinance providing for paving
Frauklin avsnuo was favorably re
ported aud referred for printing. The
streets and bridges committee through
Mr. Thomas recommended that
U'Boyle street, formerly Fifth avenue,
be changed to Broadway. The reeoui
mendatlon was embodied in a resolu
tion which was adopted. The resolu
tion sailing for competitive bridge
plans was adversely reported from the
streets and bridges committee and
couneil approved the report ot the
Thomas Sims was nominated by the
mayor and confirmed by council for
the position of Inspector ot Leggett's
creek culvert. For the important posi
tion of consulting engineer in the con
struction of the bridges, the mayor
nominated Benjamin F. LaRue. Coun
cil confirmed the appointment
Mayor Connell, in a communication,
spoke of the necessity of policing Nay
Aug park, and asked that a resolution
providing for the appointment of two
policemen for the park be passsd at
once. Mr. Lauer questioned the pro
priety of creating offices by resolution,
and on his motion the matter was re
ferred to the police committee.
Mr. Lausr introduced a resolution
providing for the advertising for pro
posals for the construction of the
bridges. The resolution provides that
the bids shall be referred to the joint
streets and bridges committee and
when they are ready to report the
mayor shall within four days after
being notified call a joint meeting of
councils to pass upon the report. Mr.
Lauer explained that his resolution
intended to save time and prevent the
liability of a dead-look.
The following newmeasures were in
troduced: A resolution cW recti ng tbe
city engineer to make a survey of
Miff li o avenue in order to ascertain
whether or not private parties are en
croaching on the roadway; a resolution
directing the city engineer to estimate
the cost of placing the iron bridge, now
used on North Main avenue over Leg
gett's creek, at Wells street; a resolu
tion correcting the sewer assess
ment of Michael Spellman; a resolu
tion directing tbe city engineer to
estimate the cost and tnake plans for a
lsternl sawer on Capousa avenue; a
resolution directing the building in
spector to prepare plans for a barn for
tbe Excelsior Hose company; a resolu
tion permitting John T. Fitzpatriik to
replace the parapet wall at the Dodge
town bridge with an iron railing. All
these measures were concurred in by
common council.
Mr. Manley introduced an ordinance
granting the Valley Passenger Railway
company permission to construct and
operate an electric railway along the
following route: Beginning at the in
tersection of Cedar and Hickory and
extending along Hickory to Pittstou,
to Front, to Moosie, to Prospect, to
Hemlock, to Stone, to Beech, to Crown,
to Maple, to Meadow. The ordinance
was referred for printing.
Under tbe head of concurrent bus!
ness tbe resolution extending until
Jan. 1 tbe time for collecting city taxes
was passed; and tbe veto of Mayor
Coanell of tbe bill of the Sunday News,
which was passed over his head in com
mou council, was sustained in select
by a tie vote.
A resolution granting Arthur Froth
ingham permission to pave and other
wise improve tbe Oakford place en
trance to bis theater, was pnssed in se
lect council, but sent to a committee
in common, when it went over for
Mr. Roche made the first step toward
a publio market place by introducing a
resolotloa providing that a commission
be appointed to investigate and repert
on the matter. Messrs. Roche, Sander
son, Finn, Clark and Williams were
appointed on this committee.
Given by Bandmaster F. N. Innes and
Eis Flayers and Vocalists.
Bandmaster F. N, Innes and his su
perb New York band, dellsbted large
audiences at the Frotbingnam yester
day afternoon and evening. He was
assisted by a quartet of able artists in
the persons of Miss Martha Garrison
Miner, soprano; C, C. Ferguson, teaor;
Miss Louise Engel, contralto; Bowman
Ralston, basso.
Miss Miner has a remarkably sweet
voioe and rendered her solo, "Romeo
and Juliet" by Gonaod, most pleasingly ;
the; others In their parti did equally
Mr. Innes is a master ot the trombene
and in a maroh composed by bim en
titled, "Tne Cbroniole Telegraph
March," dedicated to the twenty-eighth
annual encampment of the Grand
Army of the Republic, he did some ex
cellent work on that instrument.
The descriptive pleee entitled "War
and Peace" was rendered iu most mas
terly style la tbe evening. The piece
briefly described first a call to arms,
departure of the boys in blue for war,
their return, restoration ot pease, etc
Tbe Introduction of Company D, Thir
teenth regiment, and members of tho
Grand Army of the Rtpoblie ot this
city was a feature of the entertain,
Too mush cannot be said iu praise of
Mr, Innis and tbe concerts he gave
here. Tbe audience was not only
pleased, but delighted, and he will be
assured of packed bouses when be pays
the oity a rtnrn visit.
C. C. Fergusoo, tbe tenor of the
quartette, possesses a voice of rare
fl xibility aud mng and delighted the
u nences at I otb concerts. He is th
utborof "Patriots Arouse "
OR. BU .N T ' f--i SH.Bsrr
That la th LL-l A im -r Conc-r- in
the D.moo io '- .at.
"Dr. Burnett is a po.sihU candid -for
sheriff," said one of the promin
ent Democrats composing the ma
chine, when asked for tbe latest move
of the shite makers last night. Astrong
effort has been made to L lus J. G
Bailey to accept the uomin ."on for the
shrievality, but be can not be Induced
to give a definite answer. His candi
dacy is favored by ex-Sheriff Robin
It Burnett runs , for sheriff John
Durkin will not be the candidate for
clerk of the courts, as Bailey will be
given first consideration.
J. H. Brayton, a Printer Living; on
Penn Avenue, Hangs Himself
in Nay Aug Park.
Tbe dead body of a man was found
hanging to a tree on tbe outskirts of
Nay Aug park, at the intersection of
Arthur avenue and Linden street, yes
terday afternoon at 5 o'olock, by Fred
Luther, of 409 Irving avenue.
He iuformed Chief of Police Simp
son, who went to the scene with Mayor
Connell and Officer Johler. Mayo
Coanell ordered the body cut down and
Undertaker Ranb nrrlved with an ice
box. Coroner Kelly empaneled tbe
following jury: John T. Brown, John
Raub, Thotnaj Stanton, Officer 9. E.
Sloat, Officer Thomas Lowrv and John
P. Nolan.
Tbe dead man was apparently 50
years of age, fairly well dressed and
wore a gold watou and ohain. Ia bis
pookets were found a few dollars in
coin and a working card from Bine
hamton Typographical union, No. 283,
for tbe year 189-1, made out in the qaine
of J. H. Brayton. He lived with his
wife in a suite of rooms on Penn ave
nue and had been sick for a wsek with
malarial fever.
Tbe coroner's jury returned a verdict
that he came to his death by hanging
himself with a rope.
"Shaft No. 2," which will be produced
at the Frothingbam Friday night abounds
In mechanical electric effects surprisingly
realistic. Tnis play was written by Frank
L. Blxby to bring before tbe audience
that class of sctiuR pertaining to every
day people, ftituations are introduced of
entirely different types ot acting, more of
every day life being incorporated in the
work by the autbor to reaoh those minds,
who in the past have never been attended
to. That immense scope of displaying
seusational scenic effects is more than pro
vided for by "Shaft No. 2." In the third
act where tbe villian is struck by a light
ning bolt ia the stage centre has never
been attempted before. The Philadelphia
press speak very highly of this one scene.
Box office open for advance sale ot seats
this morning.
Tbe bill at the Academy of Mnsio for
next Tuesday needs little more than the
bare announcement that it is Gus Hill's
novelties. His name and reputation are
sufficient iu themselves to secure good aud
iences at every performance. Regarding
this season's attractions, the Pittsburg
Post has the following to say of their re
cent appearance there: "It ia almost use
less to say anything about the company at
the Academy of Music this week. Gus
Hill's name at the bead of the organiza
tion is sufficient guarantee of ,its make-up,
as probably no variety manager iu the
country has heade I h many good com
panies as those of Mr. Hill, unless it be
Tony Pastor. Each member of the com
pany is selected because he or she do their
parts better than anyone else, and it Is un
necessary to go iuto details of the perform
ance, because before the week is out every
one will have seen it. If the hou-e last
night is to be taken as model, Manager
Williams had better begin bis extra mat
inees soon if he wants to give everyone a
chance to see his attractions."
Risoluttons of Condolenc.
- At the fourth annual reunion of Com
K, Eleventh reaimenr, Pennsylvania
cavalry, held on Saiurday, Aug. 123, 1894,
tbe following resolutions of condolence
npon the death of Leonard Workhyer aud
George W. Sisco were reported by the
committee and adopted:
Whereas. It having pleased the Supreme
Ruler of the Universe to romove from our
midst Lenard Workhyer aud George W.
Sisco, both members of Company K. Elev
enth regiment, Pennsylvania cavalry re
union, now assembled for the ot
renewing old associations, most keenly
feel the absence of the two deceased
comrades, the former having met his death
some months since, and the latter upon
the eve of onr assembling bore today;
therefore be it.
Resolved, That tbe secretary be in
structed to spread upon the minutes the
above renolutions and also have the same
sent to the families of the deceased oom
rades and one copy each to tbe Scranton
Tribune and the Scrauton Truth.
I J. B. Lesh,
Committee, 1 A. J. Ismith,
B. M. Ghee.
The E.ll-vue Sohool Teachers.
The teachers' committee of tbe board of
control met last night to assign teachers
for the Bellevue district. It was decided
to give the present corps ot that district
S reference, provided the superintendent
nds them eligible. The building commit
tee also met and passed a number of bills.
Of Batinees aid Shorthand.
Now open In all the departments with a
large attendance.
Lvtry session well represented 217 came
tbe nrst two days. Monday will be an
other good day. Many prefer to wait until
September to begin. All the train students
will come after tbe first ot the month.
People interested in a business or short
hand edusatton are invited to call.
F. E. Wood, President,
Corner Penn and Lackawanna avenues.
We are clearing out the whole of onr
stock of fine etchings. Chicago Art Co.,
127 Penn avenue.
Tbe (40,000 School House '
for Columbia avenue has been let and will
be commenced immediately. There are
still a few lots left at a low price.
Abthub Fbothinoham, ,
Office, Theater Lobby.
DIED, -.
HUNTSMAN In Scranton. Ang. ' 80,
Charles E. Huntsman, ot 16 Breaker
street, aged 23 years. Funeral at house
. Sundsy afternoon at 8 p. m,
MATHI A3. -In Scranton, Aug. 80, Miss
Norma Mathias, at the home of her pa
rents, Mr. ard Mrs. Daniel Mathias, of
1318 Price street. Funeral announce
ment will be made later.
CALDEN. In Scranton, Aug. 29, Dora,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cal
den, of x(MG Maple street, aged 5 years
ted 11 months. The funeral will take
place Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Supervisors of Lackawanna Township Have
Donned Tbeir War Faint
Extension of the Greenwood Street
Railway Company Line Will Not Be
fiuilt Unt I th--1 C onr-par y Agrees to
Widen t'e DrivRwy lh-y Must
Give a t'o. d to uj;i.rv.s rs Attor
neys Will Hold a Conference Today.
There is more trouble I r?wine be
tween tbe Scranton in; I Pittstou Trao
tion company and tbe supervisors of
Luckawauu township. Contractor P.
S. Page yesterday got ready to begin
the extension of tbe Miuooka and
Greenwood line. Tbe material is dis
tributed along the road leading to
The right of way over this road was
granted to the company in 1892 by P.
J. Connolly and William R Joues,
then supervisors of Lackawanna town
ship, nnd by virtue of this grant the
company prepared to build tracks. The
present supervisors served notice on
Contractor Page that if he begun tbe
building of the tracks, they would re
quire him to leave the driveway in as
good a condition as he found it.
Right here is tbe poiut where tbe
rub comes in. If the company agreed
to widen tho road to make it passable,
theje.ipense entailed would amount to
an enormous figure. The supervisors are
determined that the company must file
a bond sufficient to indemnify them
against all probable damage snitb, as
well as guarantee that the road will be
From the present terminus of tbe
line to Moosic, the turnpike road is
very narrow and a street car track
would occupy it almost wholly. The
ground is a bed of hard pan, and tons
of dynamite would be required to
blast it.
If tbe company consents to do what
tbe supervisors waat it to do, the
dividends for the next tea years will
not be worth distriontiog; and the
supervisors are determined that tbe
road must be widened.
A conference between the lawyers
on both sides today inuy bring about
amicable proceedings.
Programme That Has Been Uappad Oat
for Sunday.
Some one has said of tbe great evan
gelist, D. L. Moody, that be is so con
stituted that he oannot see a great
crowd or hear of a great crowd with
out longlug to preach the gospel to
It was this desire that first led him
to teaeb the ragged urchins of Ciiieago.
It was thlsidesire that brought to him
the power and the opportunity to sway
larger audiences of men and women
tban any man on earth has ever done.
Iu spite of intense weariness from
over-work, the result ot bis great
campaign in Cnicago, Mr. Moody has
not retted but has gone from one oity
to another with his workers, and as
one of them said recently he has never
preached with such force and power
as now.
Scranton owes a debt of gratitude to
Mr. Moody which can nevor be repaid.
Not only tor the personal blessings
which came to many through bis in
fluence, but for tbe splendid monu
ment ereetsd in a large measure
tnrough bis instrumentality tbe
Young Men's Christian Assosiation
bnildlug from which there is going
forth constantly beneficent influences
for the welfare ot our young men.
The programme of the Sunday work
us arranged by the workers already
here is as follows:
Sunday 9 a. m. General union meeting
at Elm Park church, addressed by Mr.
Moody. Church services will all be held
at tbe regular hours.
At 3 o'clock a mass meeting for men will
be held in the large ball of the Young
Men's Christian association, addressed by
E. W. Bliss. Special music will be ren
dered at this service by a male chorus and
by Mr. C. Davis, of the Moody qnartette.
At 4 o'clock a general meeting in the
gospel tent.
At 7.30 p. m. Mr. Moody will address an
audience of men only at the gospel tent on
tbe West Side.
Tbe evangelist will reach Scranton
enrly tomorrow and it is expected be
will be accompanied by Major Whit
tle, B. F. Jaoobs and others.
Thomas Davies, of tbe West Side, can
didate for tbe Republican nomination for
county treasurer, who has been seriously
ill at his home for a week past, was much
improved yesterday.
Attorney A. J. Colborn, jr., will make
the speech nominating Major Everett
Warren for president ot the State league
of Republican dabs,
The polling place of the Second district
ot the Thirteenth ward has been changed
to the corner of Penn avenue aud Green
Ridge street Tbe delegate election will
occur Saturday between 4 and 7 p. m.
The Two Stations Wl.l Positively Open
Monday, Sept. 3.
The new furniture placed in position
yesterday afternoon. Professor Yoder has
If not more than half of tboio whe have
applied for admission enter the first week
the proprietors will be well satisfied.
So many have expressed a desire to in
spect the Interior of the building that ic
has been decided to open the rooms Satur
day evening next from 7 to 9 o'clock. All
are Invited to call Office open even
ings. Bill books, memorandums, time books
anu Diana dooks, in siock or made to or
der. Pratt's Book Btobb.
BUY ft30W
Finest Peaches.
Fancy Yellow
and White.
Lowest Prices.
. Wholesale and Retail.
429 Lacka. 'Ave.
Mark Holland has tttnrned after aeveral
wetks vacation at Nicholson,
Miss Mary Phillips, ot Dickson avenue,
is entertaining Miss Joyce, of Carbondale.
Miss Mary Maybe, of tbe Bristol House,
is entertaining Mies Bullivan, ot Wilkes
Barre, Mrs. John Hummel and Mrs. William
Foy are visiting Mrs. baudersou.of Church
A little daughter arrived at John Staf
ford' rrBiileni e on Wurmen street on Wed
uesla) evening.
A kii number of rosiil.niL of the
North K ill r.croinp. ni-d tu Excel
yiMti'i-d'ii- to Un- Kulor t 'it, iim the
I cal ho-i'- coin. ,;nv tn- k h rt luiiK Ut
I'rfi t iu the fir nmi.V pHiade.
The case aguimtt E. V. Toon-r of steal
ing a scurf pin from J. E. Guild, of Wal
ton, on Wedtie-day night at Heron's hotel
bag been adjourned until this afternoon.
Tooner entered bail to appear at tbe bear
ing. A business meeting of the Providence
Prohibition league was held last night in
tbeir rooms on West Market street, wbere
the report of the committee on constitu
tion aud by laws were approved, and tbe
meeting adjournedto Thursday next.
The members or the Niagara Hose com
pany are requested to attend a special
meeting on Sunday at 2 p, m. to consider
tbo iuvitation to attend the firemen's pa
rade at Wilken Earre. It Is intended to
furnish new uniforms for the occasion.
The Junior Endeavor society of the
Christian church, held a Very successful
entertainment last evening, when asplend
ed selection of recitations and inmlcal
pieces were given. A box social followed,
when a good sum was realized by the sale
of ten cent boxes.
A little girl giving the name of llary
Price was fonud yesterday by Officer
Mills in the square and was taken to tbe
Bristol Honso, where Mr. Maybe, tbe pro
prietor, kindly took care of ber until some
information was gleaned. The little girl
appears to be about S years of age, and
stated that her father's name was Reese
Price, but could give no furthor particu
lars. Miss Ida Andersou, of St. Joseph, Mo.,
was tendered a party at tbo home of her
uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Patch, of Wayne avenue, Wednesday
evening, it being the thirteenth anniver
sary of her birtb. ThoRe present were
Misses Ethel and Robie Rons. Libbie nnd
Annie Khule, Libbie Davenport. Mattie
Prothas, Nellie Tiltson, Maggie and Sadie
Hodgson, Blanche Scisco, Emma and Liz
zie Patch, the Masters Willie and Ray
Wescott Lester Meredith, Clarence Henry
and Fred Patch. The little folks enjoyed
themselves right royally. After psrtakiug
of ice cream and cake they went home
after wishing her many happy years.
Slnghamton Industrial Exposition.
That the exposition this year will be a
larger and more magnificent one than ever
before attempted is an assured fact. The
management have taken hold with a de
termination to excel and have succeeded
in securing exhibits, varied, rich, and cost
ly, and that will certainly be instructive
aud entertaining. The fair will open on
Thursday, September 6, when the Bing
hamton Athletic association wilt have their
first bicycle meet under the auspices of the
exposition management; t-SOO worth of
prizes will be given, and tbe different
events will ba continued in the evening
when the grounds will be lighted by elec
tricity. Saturday, September 8, will be
children's day, and it is expected that 0,000
children will march to the grouuds. Tbe
amusement programme will be a grand
success. The greatest artists in their line
have been engaged at immense txpense.
The world-ronowned juggler, Soverns
Schaefer who has no peer in his special
ties, will make his first appearance in
There will be a troup of ten Japs who
will appear daily in daring, sensational
and amusing performances, alio chariot
races by lady and gentlemen riders in mag
niflcent Roman costumes, driving thor
oughbred horses, given double team, Roman
standing and hurdle races. There will be
balloon ascensions daily and other exciting
and entertaining events. Tuesday, Septem
ber. 11. Governor Roswell P. Flower will
be at tbe fair, and will be escorted by tbe
Twentieth Separate company, and other
visiting companies of the National Guard,
state of New York. Wednesday, Septem
ber 1!, will be Red Men s day, aud it being
the week of the grent council ot the United
States, there will probably come by excur
sions from all parts tbe largest crowd of
visitors that ever was in the city.
The low price ot admission to the fair 25
cents., makes it possible for all to go.
Patriots Arousel
As sung by the author with Innes' band,
may be obtained from your mnsic dealer
or by enclosing 60 cents to C. C. Ferguson,
Box 2i7il, New York city.
Piu-shory Flour Mills have a capacity
of 17,500 barrels a day.
The delegate election for the purpose of
electing delegates to the county conven
tion for tbe First district of the Ninth
ward will be held at the voting booth on
Adms avenue, in rear of Garney. Brown
& C'o.'s store, taturday, Sept. 1, between
tbe hours of 4 and 7 o'clock p.m.
Mybon Kasson,
cvbt19 powxll,
Copying books and presses.
Pbatt's Book Stobe
How la Ir at Co.ton'.P
Why this steady-going, reliable andsue
cessful institution especially a shorthand
school reopens Sept. 3, with the principal
its instructor. Peisonal attention is given
to all. The graduates are in growing de
mand; they are found to be thorough nnd
efficient. Good positions are offered that
we want to fill.
Oxford. Bagster, International and
family Bibles. Pratt's Book Stork.
Buy the
and get tho best. At Guernsey Bros.
A Large line of new books and novels lit
halt price. Pratt's Book Stork.
Buy one of
Berrys Best
Alarm Clocks
417 Lacka. Avenue.
Best Sets of Teeth, $8.00
Including the painless extracting
ct teeth by an entirely new pro
N cess.
S. C. Snyder, D.D.S.
- ItM WYoaiLNU AVli
fcsw Order leaned by the Soranton
Traotlon Company.
The Soranton Trentlnn
issued an order to conductors on the
tseilevueand West Side lines that here
after all cars will tnn t th nl
aware and Hnjson depot on Lacka
wanna avenue to receive ana let off
As the depot is in the middle of tbe
block an I Hit- 1 a general order that
cars must stop on street c r siug only,
tne new rnl will bean accommodation
to tliusi) tukmg the trin ul tr.ut depot.
ft gram. Aunju..oing Ltrffa Ship
m.iiiK. AflvicAft WprA 1-Ai.Aivail Kv CVia B...lAn
Cash Store last evening of large con.ign-
iucuis hi peacnes 10 oe received ttus morn
ing. The fruit is now in fine condition
for canning, and the price Is fully as low
as it will be at any time during the season.
Plums and pears are also quite obeap.
Conway House, 132 end 134 Penn Ave.,
is where you will always find good service
and courteous treatment, the table is al
ways supplied with the best in the market.
Transient aud local trade solicited.
Room and picture mouldings, wall and
ceiling decorations, in water colors and
linspar relief. Something new.
Pratt's Book Stork.
Reminder List
Read This
I. Baffin & Co.
126 Penn Ave.
"We have just received a large
stock of Toy Picture and Story
Books for the little people. Some
of them have paper covers and
some of them stiff board covers.
Nearly all them have beautiful
colored pictures. Prices range
from 5c. to 25c. The following
are some of the titles:
Onr Babv's ABC.
Three Kittle Kittens.
Frogs aud Mice.
Mother Uoose Melo
dies. Ten Little Nicgors.
Beauty and tbe Beast.
E. Elephant, Esq.
Al other Goose Chimes.
A B C of Nature.
Rip Van Winkle.
Old Mother Hubbard.
Little Foot Prints.
Mamma's Kisses.
Easy Words.
Palette Painting
Old Dame Trot.
The Frog Who Would
a Wooing Go.
Home Primer.
Bow-wow Hlories.
Monkey Tricks.
Domestic Animals.
Hector, the Dog.
Fairy Land.
Happy Hoi days.
KhymoB aud Chimes,
hippies of Mirth,
Precious Pictures from the Bible,
Grandma's Favorite.
Also, a new Paper Doll, put up la an
envelope, with 0 dresses and 6 hats for
10 cents.
Alphabet Cards.
C. S. Woolworth
319 Lacka. Ave.
Green and Gold Store Front
The lonfh of August
Is nearly over aud so is BANISTER'S GEE AT AUGUST CLEAR
Have you taken advantage of this chance to buy your FootweaJ
for the bare cost of making!
We can't compel you to come and see what bargains we have to
offer. Your own interest and better j udgmout should bring you her.
There are still a few days more of this sale, and we are every
day adding fuel to the tire in the shape of LOW PKICE3.
SMlOTCn'O Cr. Lackawanna and
(195 I til 5 Wyoming Aves.
Poleca Szanownym Folakorc swoj wielki galent
eryjny mezkich i damskich
gotowych damskich sukien raprow pelerynirozmaitego
gatunka ubran dla dzieci, takze przerabia i upieksza
damskie kapelusze jak najmgdniej po bardzo niskich
cenach (rozmowic sie mozna po polska). CENY STALE.
, P. S. Tr- above 13 Brown's Bee Hive advertisement
in another language, setting forth their Bargains in'
They Cannot Be
Beat Oar Prices
On Goats and Gapes
We are selling a $5 Coat
for $1.98.
A $14 Black Clay Worst
ed Coat for $7-
$4.50 Capes for $1.98.
Ladles' Tailor-made Suit3
in Serge, latest cut, for
$6.50, worth $12.
Mackintoshes for HALF
Come and sea for your
self Thi3 sale will only
last for a few days.
Daring the Summer.
jr. BOLZ
188 Wyoming Ave.
128 Wyoming Ave.
Oa exhibition in our window. SEB
We are now
prepared to do
business at
our new build
ing, 322
Washington Ave.
There is no use
in staying be- Jj"
hind when all V
the world is pushing ahead.
" Progress " is the motto ol
The Scranton Tribune