THE SCTIANTON TRIBUNE -FRIDAY MORNING. AUGUST 31. 1894. 3 1 A foe to Dyspepsia , -i GOOD BREAD USE THE SHOW WHITE FLOUR And always have Good Bread. MANUFACTURED AND FOB BALE TO THE TRADE BY The Weston ill Co, EEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS J THE BENUINE PAPULAR Punch Cigars WAVE THE INITIALS G.. B. & Co., twnrintpii en Eafth Blear. Garney, Brown & Co. Mfr's. llltlKI UUUMt rUUAllK. DR. H. B. WARiS will be in his office on and after the first week in Septem ber. PERSONAL. Architect Percy J. Morris is at Atlantic City. Franklin Howell is at the White moun tains, Fred Emricb has been spending the Week At Mt. Pocono. Captain H. B. Chase is upending a few days in New York city. Hon. John P. Quitman is spending a few days at Rockaway Beach. The Misses Marie and Jennie Eiesel are sojourning at Ocean (irove. Miss Margaret Lutholt will leave on Mon day for Tole o, O., to visit relatives. Mrs. Ray Miller, of Wilmington, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. H. H. Archer. Mils Varion Mills has returned from a trip to Chattanooga and Niagara Falls. Miss Annie Atnsden, of Hallstead place, is visiting friends at Sonth Orange, N. J. Mr. and Mm. W. J. Hand, have re turned from a sojourn at the White moun tains. . E. Moses, of Wyoming avenue, left for New York yesterday, where bis father is dangerously ill. Robert T. Gould returned from Ocean Grove yesterday, where he had been spend ing the summer. Miss Bessie Whitmore left yesterday for Lincoln, Neb., where she wiil eugage in kindergarten work. P. A. Barrett, of the Elmira Telegram, who spent two weeks at the seaside, is back again at his desk. Miss Katie Fleming, of Lafayette street, lett yesterday afternoon for a two weeks' sojourn at Lake Ariel Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Connell are receiv ing congratulations over the arrival of a baby girl at their home. Dr. Coolidce's family has returned from Dalton, where they have spent the sum. mer at the Clark cottage. E. M. Veruoy and family have returned from Lake St. John, where they occupied a cottage during the summer. Miss Keogb, of Pen a avenne, is enter taining Miss Lenahan, of Wilkes-Barre, and Mist McNeil, of Harrisburg, S. B. Coston has returned from his tent ing vacation and can be found dally at his school rooms in the Republican building. Miss Kittle Roberts, saleslady at the Factory Slice store, has resigned to accept a more lucrative positiou in the same line of business. Mrs. Orace and Annie Rose, of Franklin avenue, have returned from an extended visit with their grand mother, Mrs. Rose, of Homer, N. J. Miss Grace Kef for, of Syracuse, N. Y., and MUs Clara Tiffany, of Nicholson, are the guests of Mr. aud Mrs. H. T. Wilkins, of Oreen Ridge street. Rev, J. A. O'Reilly, rector of St Peter's cathedral, is enjoying a much needed va cation. At present he is at his home in hus'iehnuna county, bnt will go from there to Binghamton. Mrs. Thomas Foulkes, Misses Lizzie Evhds, Lydia Richards, Hattie Thomas. Elija Price, Anna Evans and Edward Lewis hive returned home after ten days' visit at Lake Winola. Mrs. Sarah La Tonrhe, of Hackettstown, who baa forseyeral days past been visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. (J Q. Carmen, of Franklin, avenue, re turned home yesterday. Ecranton's Business In Ursa t. Tbi Tribune will soon publish a care fully compiled and classified list of the leading wholesale, banking, manufactur ing and professional interests of Bcranton and vicinity. The edition will be bound in book form, beautifully Illustrated with photogravure views of onr pnblic build ings, business blocks, streets, etc., together with portraits of leading citizens. No similar work has evor given an equal rep resentation of Scran ton's many Indus. . tries. It will be an invaluable exposition of our business resources. Sent to persons outside the city, copies of this handsome work will attract new comers and be an unequalled advertisement of the city. The circu lation is on a plan that cannot fail of good results to tho e concerned as well as the city at large. Representatives of Thb Tkibuxs will call upon those whose names are desired in this .edition and explain lia nature zuure luuy. Those desiring views of their residence! in tnis edition will please Uave notice at the office. ' This week the races of the Gentlemen's Driving club will be held on Friday after noon instead of Saturday afternoon, as has been announced. MiHEOORAPrm and neostyles tor dupli cating and copying. Pratt's Book Stoke. City and Sohool Taxes, 1894. ' The city an' school tax duplicates for the year 180 e now in my hands for collection, 1 e-sons wishing to pay can do so now, or any person requiring state ments of taxes by giving ward aud loca tion of property will be promptly answered. R. G. Brooks, City Treasurer. Munlclnal building, Washington avenue. Office hours from U a, m. to 5 p. m., ex. cept Satnurday, this office ' i will De ( closed at noon. Tbi fact that Hood's Harsaparills, once fairly tried, becomes the family medicine, speaks volumes for its excellence and me dicinal merit. Hood's Sarsaparilla is na ture's co-worker. Hood's Pills become the flrwsjfle ca thartic wHh everyone who tries tlsem. 25c. IB A GALLANT Attorney John R, Jones' Candidacy for District Attorney Gain- ing Strength Daily. HIS PAST SERVICES ARE APPRECIATED . r Brief Sketch of the Career of Mr. Jones He Is a Native of This County His Distinguished Services for the Republican Party in Various Capacities. What He Has Done for the Public The Splendid Fight He Made Against Toll Roads Tributes That Members of the Lackawannna Bar Pay to His Ability as a Lawyer and His Character as a Man. .iW.-'.Wf Attorney John It. Jones who seeks the Republican nomination for district attorney, haw made a Kftlltint fight since the moment lie entered the lists. Dashing and niairnetif. with a pleasintr personality he has won friends aud gained strength from the moment he ularity Willi ine lllllSft's m ueiuiMimriueu uy tue iiue uuuiuer ui cuius uiiuugu out the county that have unqualifiedly endorsed his candidacy. Mr Jones isia native'of Lackawanna to the other He was born at Archbald common school (duration at that place pursued his studies at Keystone Acad emy and Wyoming Seminary. Mr. Jones began his law studies at Harvard, Seiit. 2S. ISTii. and graduated with the degree of LL. B. three years later. In the meanwhile, aud after he had been but two years a student of the famous university at Cambridge, on March 28, 1878, Mr. Jones was admitted to prac tice his chosen profession at Middlesex, Mass. After his graduation e bWan practicing his profession near the scenes of his boyhood. He entered the oflice of Attorney Alexander Farnham at Wilkes-Barre in September, 1879, ha ving during Juue been admitted to practice m an ine Luzerne county courts. How ever, Sir. Jones' legal talents became best known In Lackawanna county after he had entered the law oince ot judge u. v. Arcnnaid in Bcranton, uct. 8,issu He was admitted to the Lackawanna bar the same day. He remained with Judge Archbald until that geutleman was elected to the bench In 1H84. Mr. Jones is uow a member of the supreme court of Pennsylvania, the United States circuitcourt.the Pennsylvania Western district court.and the sup reme court of the United States. The announcement of John R. Jones' candi dacy for the district attorney nomination is in a measure typical of the man; it was" done openly but without any blazonry or trumpeting.fearlessly but without effrontery, confidently but withoutegotism. The candidacy of Mr. Jones being the effect of a successful career, it may not be out of place to mention one parti cular case conducted by him which attracted particular attention throughout the states and which may be mentioned as one ot the causes of Mr. Jones' pro minence in the lejml world. We refer to the famous trial of Aucustina Nolli. who was indicted for murder and tried October id, lsiw. in conducting tne aetense jur. j ones demonstrated nis asiut ness as a tactician, magnetism as an orator and his ability as a lawyer. The de fense took desperate chances, but through the skill and ability of Mr. Jones the jury was convinced to bring in a verdict was the popular opinion oi lawyers present ai me iriai mat a veruict oi inuruer in the flrwt degree was warranted uy tne crime. Mr. Jones also made a splendid record in the case of the commonwealth against Paul Hydo, who was in 188!) been identined wmi tne nepuwican aud has been a delegate to many conventions and nearly always made nomi nation speeches. He nominated It. W. Archbnld for judge in 1884, Joseph A, Scran ton for congress in 1885, and Hon. J. B. Van Berger for county treasurer on the same day. lie was secretary of the 1884 convention and did assiduous and excellent service ns a member of the Republican county committee tlie same year. Michael Oitroy at the Fourth district convention, held in Carbon dale several years ago. was also nominated by Mr. Jones. As a member of the Republican state convention of 1885 Mr. Jones did splendid service. In the state convention of June 20, 1880, lie was honored by an election to the position of vice president and made a speech seconding the nomination of E. S. Os borne for congressman-at-large. He also had a conspicuous part in the state conventions of August, 1S87, and in 1889. As director and oflicer of the Blake ly poor district, Mr. Jones did such commendable work and took such an active Interest in an mat peruitnea to poor laws, mat two years ago ne was elected vice president of the Poor association of Pennsylvania. What by many is looked upon as the public was the live years' tight he against tne ton gates on me unruonuuio was a desperate one, but Mr. Jones was ished. Such is a very brief sketch of the caudidate for tne .Republican nomination What Some of the Leaders of John R. Among the members of his profession in high esteem for undoubted and unquestioned legal ability and acumen rie low are appended the opinions of memliers of the Lackawanna bar who, with out reference to tneir political beiieis, ability as a lawyer: Horace E. Hand, Eq. : "I have been ten years; nnve always louna mm very accommoaatiug, ana consider mm a lawyer ot excellent ability." 1 H. Burns, E;q., ex City Solicitor: jonn n. done, ua is a clear advocate, a wise counselor ana a gooa orator." Milo J. Wilson, Esq. : "John ii. Jones is kind, courteous and a lawyer ot good ability." John M. Harris, Esq1: "I know of no member of the Lackawanna Bar, whose stanaarn ot wnat constitutes a llrst-class lawyer is nigner tuan trint ot Junn K. Jonen, Edq., and I have known him an a practic ing lawyer intimately for ten ycarB, and I never saw him engaged in any legal nutter, whether trivial or of great consequence, where ho for a moment lost sight of this Rtundurd." L. M. Bunnell, Esq.: "John R. Jonei t. a member of the Lackawanna Bar too well known to ueed auy introduction or cominoudation from me. lie hat won for hiimelf during bis short, practice a standing among hi follows of the legal fraternity au envia ble position at tne oar, being well equipped by educatiou and intollfsjence, by bis qual ities of heart and mind, be adorns tho profession he has chosen. As a lawyer he is rarnest, honeft and painstaking, effort whether be can pav alurg or small fee' Tbi por or oppremed will not look in vain for a friend in Mr. .lonei. f lis love for justice will prompt him to do right. In fact, he fills tbe bill for District Attorney, and hence will confer an bonor upon the party that will place lum there." Charles Dn Pont Breck, Eq.: "I have known John R. Jone for a number of years aud believe him to he a man of unhleuiiKhe I integrity and a good lawyor." "Hon. Thomas J. Dusgan: "I consider John b. Jonei one of the ablest of the young members of the bar. Ho is well qualified to till any office to which be may aBpire." Hon. M. F. Saudi: "1 have known John R Jones, E-(J , fur twelve years. I know him to be a hard-working and pains-taking lawyer." C. B. Gardner, Esq.: "I have known Johu R. Jones, Esq., since his admlsolon to tlie bur. He is a man of undoubted ability, aud ns a lawyer Is courteous, able and always has Ills cases well prepared." P. W. Ktokes, Kj.: "John R. Jones is an able attorney and a staunch R-publican.' E. C. Newcomb, Esq. : ''Have known John R, Jones a good manv years aud con sider him o good lawyer and a gentleman of the bUhext integrity. His relatious with hiB fellow lawyers are uniformly agreeable and pleasant." T. P. Hoban, Efq. : "Tliere is no question obout John R. Jones' ability as a lawyer. He isan assiduous student and well known to tlie people of the county." Anthony Baunmnn, E q.: "John R. Junes, Esq , if elected District Attorney, would undoubtedly make polite, obliging nod nbl officer." M. A. McOinlev, Eq. i "I consider Junn R. Jones, Esq., a good lawyer in every respect." . ' ' ' i Frank T.' Okell. Eq.': "I have known John R. Jones well for a number of years, and consider bim one of the ablest and most brilliant members of the Bar ot Lacka wanna conntv. Ho is well fitted to di-charge tbe duties of auy public office." John P. Murphy, Esq. : "I have known John R. Jone "for about six years, and from my acquaintance with him I have f jund that he it well versed in the law and a careful and studious lawyer. To the younger lawyers he is courteous and always ready to advise them when they have a case that puzzles them." Chas. E. Oliver, Eq. : "I consider it a fortunate circumtanca which associated me intimately with John R. Jones as a student at law in bis office during tbs first two years of my professional life. As an eloquent and aggressive advocate, the name of Jobn R Jones Istamiliar far beyond the limits of Lackawanna couuty, hut it is bebipd tbe scenes in the privacy of the office that tbe truest estimate of a lawyer may be made. There Mr. Jones was always busy and beset by the almost innumerable an noyances incident to a large geueral practice, yet always pleasant and never too busy to do a favor. His sympathetic professional bubits added to bis well known natural ability as a criminal lawyer, qualifies bim, in my opinion, as the ideal officer to uphold tbe dignity of the Commonneultb. Doubtless there are many members of the bar who could fill tbe office with credit to themselves and tbeir constituent', but in Jun R. Jones any opposing candidate will find an antagonist worthy of bis host steel." ST 5 f- first announced his candidacy. Nis pop county and is known from one end of it on Mav 27, 18o0. and after receiving a for his lifeduring the week commencing of murder in the second degree. It indicted for murder. Mr. Jones has party since nis residence in tins county, Mr. Joues' most distinguished service to made in the county aud supreme courts aim rroviaeuce lumpiKe. The nglit successful and the toll rtes were abol gentleman who presents himself as a lor district attorney. the Lackawanna Bar Say About Jones, Esq. i Mr. Jones is very popular and is jd unnesitnuugiy pay tribjte to Mr. Jones1 acquainted with J ihu R. Jones for the past "I have a great deal of personal regard for and when engaged hn client gets bis bent NE1S WEST SID Dterestlog Woman's Meeting Held In the Simpson M. E. Church. AT THE EVENING SERVICES Gospel Tent Was Crowded Impres sive Services by E. W. Bliss Death of Miss Norma Mathias, a Popular Young Lady Meeting of the Hyde Park Choral Society This Evening. Personal Mention and NeWs Notes. Awomin'i meeting of tbe Moody campaign was beld at 3 o'olock yester day afternoon iu tbe Simpson Meth odist Episcopal ehnrcli. A short time previous to this a Un: number ot the Indies congregated at the home of Mr. Roberts ou North Sumner avenue, where an hour of prayer anil thiinks giving was hold. Tbe auditorium of tne church was crowded. :Tbe meeting opened with a song service, after wbitli Revs. L. C. Floyd and T. J. Collins prayed. Mr. Bliss took for his text Murk, xiv, 8. His discourse was very titerestiiiL.-. At its close Kit. D. C Hughes cave a touching account of bis conversion through the influence of bis mother. The evening service was opened with sons after which Rev. D. C. Hughes gave nn earnest prayer, making a plea to the people to aocept God, Mrs. Dora Metzear. the sweet contralto, sang an excellent solo entitled, '"That Beautiful Land on High." This was followed by a prayer. Mr. Bliss an nounced that another afternoon service would be held at 3 o'clock today in the Simpson Methodist Episcopal church. IMS will lie the last auernnnn service to be held this week. A 9 o'olock ser vice will be held on Sunday morning n the Elm Park church. At 7 30 In tbe evening be will prenoh to men only at tbe tent. Tickets wore distributed thronghont the audience for the meet ing for men on Sunday evening. Mr. Bliss was surprised at the number ot people who congregated in tbe tent last evening. Not a seat coma ne found meant Rev. L. G Floyd read a portion of the Scripture from Isaiah, DO Mr. Bliss tooK as text tue eign- teenth verse of Psalm 08 His remarks were elnqnent and convincing, and cre ated a deep impression ou bis audience, MILLICK HAD A PERMIT. Flashed It on HI Prosecutors When Ar raigned Bifore Alderman Mortran. Jacob Milliok has charge ot tbe grass plot in front of Mr. Heissr'a property on South Main avenue and takes great interest in keeping it in una condition. He has of late boen mnch annoyed by cows that have tsken a great fancy to the quality of the grass. To rid himself ot the cnisance be established a pound and in it placed the cows that wers commit ting depredations and demanded $1 for tbeir release. The owners of tbs animals objected to Mr. Mellick impounding them, claiming bs had no authority to do so. He was arraigned by before Alderman Morgan yesterday and produced a per mit from Mayor Connell authorizing bim to keep a pound. LITTLE WEST SIDE NEWS NOTES. Thomas Beels, of North Hyde avenne, is seriously 111 with typhoid malaria. Daniel J. Evans and daughter, Miss Delia, left yesterday for Philadelphia. Thomas D. Davis, of South Main avenue, is improving slowly from a severe illness. Mrs.' Duebles and family, ot Shiokshin- ney, are visiting friends on Lafayette street. Hon. and Mrs. D. M. Jones, of South Main avenue, have returned from New York city. Mrs. Henrv Jamns. of Jackson street. has returned from a visit with Wilkes- Barre friends. Tbe Ledies Glee club rehearsed on the lawn of Mrs. Randolph Jones, of Jackson street, last evening. S. D. Adkius, of Lafayette street, is suf feriug from a severe eye trouble, which greatly affects his sight. It was caused by spinal trouble and nervous dob'.llty. Tbe Hyde Park Choral society will meet this evoning on the lawn of Hon. John K. Farrat the corner of Lafayette and Chest nut streets, If it shnuld-be ruining at that time, tbe singers will repair to the Tabern acle Congregational church tor rehearsal. Tho manv friends of Miss Norma Ma' thias, daughter of Duniel Mathias, were shocked yesterday to hear ot her death, which occurred at tho family home on Price street. For some months Miss Ma thias suffered from hi eg trouble, which lately became ot very alarming nature. 8be was Vi years of age aud much esteemed. Shu was prominent in society, The luneral announcement will appear later. SOUTH SIDE. Suspicion That John Beffron Was Mur dered at Woomocktt. The body of John Htflron was shir ped to this city and arrived at 12 50 yesterday. A J rhione reporter inter viewed the dead man's brother-in-law, Pntriek Campbell, who stated luwUive ly that Htffron was the victim of foul play. This theory he based npou the roan ner that the body was mutilated aud the fact that Heffron lnul always been a sober, industrious young man. The chief nf police of Woonsncket promts. 8 to investigate the case and send on any particulars be may learn. The funeral will be held this morn iug from the family home 1101 Stone avenue. The body bns reucboi that IIIIIIIIIIi91!I!3IIISIIIIIIIIIIillIlilIII!II!l S No better spoons are made I"V 5 than those of Win, Rogers' jg Manufacturing Co. They B were never sold at this price S3 before. Buy uow TEA SPOONS 50o. FOR 6. S TABLtSP00NS$l.00F0R6. 1 RexfordJewelryCa, ucuve. UIIIII9l!ll3PliIlllllliSl!llllSBtlIII!lliillBtTl PRATT'S BOOK STORE We are prepared to furnish all kinds of School Hooks and School Supplies at short uotica. We always have in stock a com plete line of Blank Books, Sta tionery and Office Supplies. Wall Paper, Window Shade3 Pictures and Frame 3. SPOONEY stage of decomposition that it cannot be brought to tbe chureh. Prsyer will be said at the house and Interment will be made in Hyde Park cemetery. SOUTH SIDE JOTTINGS. A special meeting of the Centurv Hose company will be held tonight. The Mozart Gleo club will hold an im portant meeting Monday night. The tireutii Verein society will meet Sunday afternoon In Oermania hall. UUs Annie Null, of Willow street, will leave on Monday for a trip to the far west. Tbe police patrol boxes on this side are being equipped with long distance tele phones. Charles Wirth. nermanent man at the Neptune Endue house, is attending to duty after his vacation. An explosion in one of the converting vebsels at the South works early yester day morning did slight damage to tbe roof. The choir of St. John's church, accom panied by Rev. E. J. Melley, and Rev. F. P. Walsh, enjoyed a ploasanS outing at Maplewood yesterday. The funeral of Mra. Patrick Corcoran. of Codar aveuuo, will ba held tomorrow morning. A solemn high ninn ot requiem will be solemnized at St. John's cuuiuh at 9.30. Interment will be made in St. Jos eph's Catholic cemetery, Miuooka. In tbe funeral notice of the late Jobn Charles Miller, of Birch atreet, the burial services were said to have been performed at the Hickory street Presbvterian church by Rev. August Lituge. It was at the froappct Avenue (ierman Methodist Epis copal church and by Rev. J. J. buter. Orocehs and bntcbors' pnss books. PnArr's Book SToais. PiLLsnuny's Best makes best bread. Wood, bamboo and oasoli. PltATT'S fcOOK STOItE. Import Samples mean 20 per cent, less than import prices. No two pieces alike. Flower Vases, Jarden- ieres, Plates, Chocolate and Tea Pots, &c. To secure REAL BAR GAINS, come at once. WEICHEL & MILLAR Ii6 Wyoming Ave. YOUR SHOE MAN WILL OPEN OX SEPT. S New Store, New Goods, New Styles, New Prices. COME AND SEE US. 410 SPRUCE STREET Your New Fall Dunlap Will be bore bright and early NEXT SATURDAY, September let. We Already Have A beautiful line of olhor makes of Fall Hats at dilleroiit prices. FALL NECK WE Alt will bo in full bloom in a few days. Christian, The Hatter 413 SIMtlX'li ST. AND 203 liAC'li A. AVENUti. THE CELEBRATED ileal PIANOS in at Promt tho Mint Popnlar and I'm f erred by LcaillliR Aril.:. Warerooms : Opposite Columbus Monument, aoo Washington Av. Scran ton, Pa. ROOF tlnnlnir nd noldcrlnu nil rtone waj with by the uneot HAUTMAN'H I AT EN11 PAIN T, which oonststi of inorodl nta wellntnown to nil It run be Applied to tin, 5lTniied tin, nhrmt iron ruofg, aieo to hrick wellinus, which will prevent nbmlutely any crumbling, craolcinn or hreakinu of tho brick. It will outUst tinuliiK ot any kind by many yenm.and it'e oont doen not exceed ono flftb that of ihecont of tinning. U sold by the job or pound. Contracta t:knn by ANTONIO HAIU MANN, M7 Birch 81 HALL RECEIVED TODAY Also' a first class stock of Imported Suitings and Trouserings. Martin & Delany Custom Tailors and Clothiers, WYOMING AVENUE. giiimomiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinniiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiEiiu We Have AT 308 Lacka. Ave. SPECIAL S 45 dozen Ladies' White Embroidered Ponk. 5 Handkerchiefs, value 25c, for . . AU UOUID I 50 dozen Children's School Handker- s s chiefs, in plain and colored borders, 0 Ponfc S value 5 and 10 cents, for .... u 1,01110 s 35 dozen Ladies' Hemstitched Handker- R fanfc 3 s chiefs, value 10 cents, for - - - - " 011lD S s A new line of Chemisettes just received. niiiiiigiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiigiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiBiiiiiigiiisiiii(iiiiEiiiiiiini Scientific Eye IIIIIIIISIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUUIIHlllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIEIIIIISIIIIIg ISTELLE & SEELEY 134 WYOMING AVENUE. THE BEST E OF PROPHETS S for the future i the past. During- tbe more then forty years of iti exlstenoe over 03,000 people have parobared and pitted and praised S The Emerson Piano. 2 There are some pianos that will cost you more than the Emerjon H will- If you enjoy paying high prices just for the sake of paying S them, probably yon will buy one of these. But no matter what you 5 pay you'll not tret a better piano, uor a handsomer, nor one more 3 durable. It is impossible to improve ou tbe best. 3 S REASONABLE PRICE CASH INSTALLMENTS KENT. S niiEiiiiiiiiiiiiHuiiEiEni!:iiiUMiiiniinumiiiiiiiiiiiuuinisiiiiiBiiiiiiiiiii: .1 '4 JdMETMNC NEW IN A HAT For Fall Wear 305 Lackawanna Ave. Our line of Groceries is complete and you can rely on them being the finest. If you want a delicious, high-flavored TEA, try our New Crop JAPAN for 50c; worth 75c. C. D1TCHBURN 4.7 LACKAWANNA AV. CONRAD GROCERIES "FOOL'S HASTE IS NAE SPEED." DON'T HURRY THE WORK UNLESS YOU USE jARGE LINE.OF Mackintoshes in Blue and Black Box Coats. Received I mt S mm n VALUES Testing Free By DR. SHIMBER&, The Specialist on tbe Eye. neadnches nod Nnr vousneaa relieved. Latest and Improved Style ot Eyeglasses and Spectacles at the Lowest Prices. Rest Artificial Eyes inserted for $5. 305 Si'lll'CK ST., Opp. Old Post Office. "Time Tries All Things" But if the time you carry is iu accurate, what then? Think of this, and if in need of a WATCH, call on ns. We'll save you bard dollars, in tho price, and give you a gooi guarantee for quality, backed by a record of orer 20 years' successful experience iu Seran ton. FREEMAN, Dealer in Watches and Jewelry for CASH ONLY. Another Advocate of Anssthene tRS. nr.Nwooi) & wardell: OENTLEMKN-lt affords ma greri pleasure to state that yonr new prooen of extracting teeth was a grnnd "orcein II my caae, and I heartily reeommend It t all. I slnverely hope that others will test Its merits. Yours respectfully, CAPT. 8. K. BRYANT, Soraoton, Pa Henwood & Wardell, DENTISTS, 816 Lackawanna Ave. Will on and after Mav SI make a great redaa tioo la tbe prices of pistes. All work g-uul Skntead first-class in every particular.