rG ? t ANOTHER AMD JUST AS GOOD , AS IT IS BIO. QICS PAPER TOMORROW, If .. -. -: . EIGHT PAGES 50 COLUMNS. SCRANTON. PA., FRIDAY MORNING. AUGUST 31. 1894. TWO CENTS A COrY. THE TRIBUNE HASA LARGER BONA FIDE CIRCOLATli AMONG SCR ANTON BUSINESS MEN THAN ANlT OTHER MORNING PAPER i - t 1 , , , . THIRTEENTH TRIUMPHANT "he Regimental Team Carries off the Honors at ML Gretna. NEW RIFLE tiECORD ESTABLISHED A Quartette of Scranton Marksmen Passes All Previous Records Pri vate Youngs Makes a Remarkable Score of 98 Out of a Possible 105. Marksmen Stout, Cullen and Wat kins Also Sustain Their Past Rec ords. Sptclal to the Scranton Tribune. Mt. Gretna. Pa. Awr. 30. THE rid tuHin of the Thirteenth regiment carried off tbe laurel here today and woo the regi mental cup of the new series, giving n u rxnlhition of marksmausliin unparalleled ia tbe history of state r i fl matches. Private W. W. Younirs, of Company D, performd thertnarkable qmlifioa tino in preliminary practice of making 08 out of a possible 105, which will, do donbt, secure for hiiu the ohampion hot badge of the state for the fourth year. The First regiment Philadelphia team got first place in the preliminary trial of the morning. Tuesday and Wednesday wre set apart for practice, and tbe sharp-shooters buckled on their armor and prepared for a royal battle. Tbe incogs of the Phila iel delphia team in tne preliminary matches imbued them with a d errai nation to win the regimental cnp Bat in the contest tbe most formidable rival the Thirteenth tam bad was tbe crack riflemen of tbe Sixteenth. The members wbo were designated to uphold the colors of the Thirteenth wi re Private W. W. Youngs, Quarter master Sergeant Reese Watkini, Ser geaut Henry Cullen and Private Gcorne W. Stoat. As rnal after peal rang from tbo steady rifl e of tbe Thir teenth team and tbe target recorded their unerring aim, it became appar ent that nothing less than phenomenal rifle work from their competitors eoald overcome their record. When tbe smoke cleared away tbe totals showed thut tbe Thirteenth team not only won tbe regimental eup, bat alio had surpassed the bast record or . all previous matches. Tho enthusiasm that followed made the bill of Mt. Gretna resound with echoes aud re echoes of chers. Score : W. W. Yonngs 04 : Reese Watkins 93 Henry Collins 01 JJeorge W. Btout 00 Total 307 The Sixteenth regiment was gecond with a score nf 352 This team won tbe eup in 1893 aud 1893 and if it had beea successful today, the cap would bave been their property. A team must win three annual matches to become poisesor of tbe cup, but it is not obligatory that three con secutive matches be taken. The Thirteenth took tbe cup by winning in 1884-'84-'85, and again by winning in 1889- 90 '91. CONTE8T FOR BRIGADE CUP. Tomorrow tbe brigade teams will proctitis and Saturday tbe match for tbe bricade cup will be shot. Teams of twelve from each brigade will com pete end tbe four members of victori ous Thirteenth rifle team will be in cluded in the Third brigade team. Colonel Herman Ostbau, general insDeetor of rifle Dractice. will no u in. lb iu nnruran rnw or tna Bn.MKna tO be llint Il.Tt TnOl1u ITumln.. these aatohes bave been beld at Creed moor. ' Teams will be entered from New , York. Kew Jersey, Maine, Georgia and WasbiuKton, D. C. LIST OF TODAY'S SCORES : 200 Regiment. yds. First 115 Second 105 Third 107 Fourth 108 Fifth Ill Nxth 114 Eighth 108 Ninth 120 Tenth I(i8 800 600 To- yds. yds. tain. 126 108 349 119 7 321 101 81 289 111 91 810 116 101 828 113 96 822 124 103 835 118 110 343 104 120 812 115 120 !57 130 119 8(18 113 99 820 113 112 335 124 110 352 94 52 251 116 H WO 109 110 830 110 81 297 resulted at fol- Twelfth HO Thirteenth 11U fourteenth Fltteetith , hixteentb " Eighteenth Artillery - Cavalry State Fencible. 108 110 118 105 106 111 106 Tbe brigade practiee low: First Second Third 1,26. 1,284. 1,316. WAITE Off TRIAL. Colorado's Chief Hag-lslrate Defendant in Conspiracy Caae. Denver, Col.. Ang. 30. Tbe novel spectacle of the governor of state on trial for conspiracy brought a large crowd to the federal building to-day. The governor conducted his own oase and bad several tilts with tbe district attorney. At tbe afternoon session Jessie Parr. tbe man wbo wrote the troublesome! letter, was called and was asked: ' "Did you send a ohotograph in your lertert" "No." "You say you weigh 189 pounds Would it cost any mor to feed yon than if yon weighed 135 pounds?" "I do not know.'' "You ay that yon bad bine eyee. Did you expect that to be taken into considers tion in making a contract with a house keeper!" Tbe witness looked foolish and was exoused amidst a burst of laughter. Police Commissioner Barnes, Ajnx Rogers and Dennis Mallins, of th police board, were also witnesses. Their testimony called np the old trouble be tween tbe police board and tbe gover nor and seemed to implidate the latter tbe least of aay of tbe alleged con spiracy. . At 6.15 tbe cases for tbe de- strong were concluded. Tbe governor will present bis case tomorrow morn ing at 9 o'clock. ' CATTLtMtN ANXIOUS. They Fear Dleaatroue Eff.ote in Tuxae from the R.duoeiooa in the Tariff. San Antonio. Aug. 30. It is claimed liv ti.e cattlemen of aontbweat Texas that tbe new tariff will result in serious injnry to tbe cattle interests of thin section. The duty is reduced from $10 per head to 20 per cent, ad valorem, and now that grass is good on this sid it is expeotfd that at least 100,000 cattle will be brought into Tex ts Ironi Max ico within the next sixty days, and, fter beiug fattened, marketed in this country, thus forcing down the prices. INVENTOR'S MISFORTUNE. Loses Hla Band While Experimenting wi'h a Fire Extina-ulsher. Philadelphia, Aug. 30. While cx perlmentin with a new lire extinguish ing ehemicsl which ho thought he bad invented. Pierson AL Stackbonse, a conveyancer, bad bis left hand blown off at tbe wrist today. After building a roaring Are in a lot opposite bis bom, Stackhnuse attempted to extinguish it with bis newly discovered preparation. The mixture was in a bottle and ns be neared the fire, the stuff exploded. Tbe severed band was found twenty five feet away. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. Proceedings of Sessions of tne Su preme Lodge Held a' . Washington. Washington, Aug. 80.-Tbe various committees of tbe supreme lodge Knights of Pythias, to which bave been referred tbe great legislate questions of general interest to the rank and file, and vitally affecting tbe organization today, settled down to business in earn est. The committee having the subject ander consideration today decided to propose a report reoommending that the supreme lodge rescind the permis sion heretofore given to tbe several state jurisdictions ullowing each to de termine for itself whether, those en gaged iu the liquor trufflo should be admitted. It is understood that the supreme lodge will adopt tbe report when presented, thus having the efT et of preventing the future admission to membership of bartenders and saloon keepers. The committee of five to wbich was referred tbe question as to whether certain lodges . will be allowed to as the ritutl as translated into German, this morning gave a protraoted hearing to those who desired to make argn mints in favor of either side before the committee. Tbe committee took tbe matter ander advisement and do not expec; to arrive at u conclusion before Saturday, The committee is divided on tbe subject and it is difficult to predict bow tbe question is going to he settled. Several delegations, especially those from Wisconsin and other states having a strong preponderance of Ger man population, are making every ef fort to have a report adopted favorable to tbe retention of tbe German ritual. The committee having in charge the preparation of a new and revised ritual for the uniform rank have completed tbeir work and compiled what is be lieved to be a satisfactory manual for lodge work. The supreme lodge will bold a special secret session tbis evening, at which the new ritual will be explemi tieil, thus affording the representatives an opportunity of forming a better opinion as to tbe advisability of its adoption. ASBURY PARK RACES. Events of the Three Days' Good Roads TouraamenL AsburyPark, N. J., Ang. 30 Tbe great three days' Good roads bicycle tournament was begun on the traek of the Asbnry Park wheelmen today with a fair attendance. The varions rseing events were as follow: One mile novice, won by J. 9. Fink, En glewood, N. J.; A. Brown. Riverside, sec ond; William Weller, Newark, third. Time, 8.01. Two-mile handicap, class B, won by A. R. Barnett, Crescent wheelmen, Plein field (150 yards); L. A. Cnllahau, Buffalo (130 yards), second; E. F. Miller, Vine land (120 yards), third. Time, 4 til 1-5. Two-thirds mile, open, clas A Won by W. F. Sims, Washington; H. B. llartin, Aibury Park, second; George C. Smith, New York Athletio club, third. Time, 201-5. Two mile handicap, Class A, for New York and New Jersey riders Won by E. A. Botinger, Riverside wheelmen, New York (75 yards); W. U. Roome, New Jer sey Athletic club (95 yards), second; A.J. Hargan, Newark (230 yardB), third. Time, 4.46. One mile handicap, clnss A Won by E. A. Bofinger, Riverside Wheelmen, New York, (56 yards); Monte Siott, Crescent Wheelmen, Plaintield, (30 yards) second; J. H. Harrison, Anbury Park, (95 yards) third. Time, 2.15 2-5- One miie open, class B Won by Harry C Tyler, Springfield; A. D. Kennedy. Chi cago, second; W. H. Mullikin, Baltimore, third. Time, 2.21 2-5. CARRIED HALF A MILLION. The Big Pile of Stooka and Bsouritie Found on Bubbell Smith. Fort Worth, Tex., Aug, 30. A de teotive has arrived here from Denver for Hnbbell Smith, who is nnder arrest for forgeries eommitted in Colorado, aggregating $3,000. Smith had $500,000 in bonds and mining stocks on bis person when ar rested. He will be taken to Denver as soon as proper papers can be socurej from Governor Hogg. IN OUR OWN COMMONWEALTH. A train at Chickies struck end killed aged Jobn Stricken. There is a row iu West Chester over the drawing of the color line in tbe public schools. . i . About 350 eases will be tried In Schuyl kill's county's criminal court beginning next week. On suspension of being a bogos United States pension detective, William M. Thomas is In Towanda jail. Governor McKinloy, of Ohio. Will le a conspicuous figure at the UcKeesport cen tennial celebration on Sept 13. HE OWNERSHIP OFJHE EARTH Interesting Statements from tbe Census Office at Washington. THE PERCENTAGE OF HOME OWNERS Large Percentage of Farming People Own Their Homes, While in the Cities the Families That Rent Dwel lings Are in the Majority New York Has the Highest Percentage of Home Tenancy of Cities of Over 100,000 Inhabitants. Washington, Aug. 3U. THE census office today made pub lic the principal results of the investigatian of farm and home proprietorship, which was male iu all the states and territories. This U the first Investigation of the kind ever conducted for this or any other country. Of the 12,090 153 families in the whole oouutry, 47 80 own their farms and homos, and 53 30 per cent, hire; and of tbe families owning their farms and homos 37 97 per cent, have incumbrances thereon, and 73.03 tier cent, no incnm brance. Amoug 100 families, on tbe verige,53 hire tbeir farms and homes. 37 own free of incumbrance, and 13 own subject to incumbrance. The number of resid"ti' ownars in the United States is 0,000,417 plus such a number nf land owners as may be liv ing iu tenant families. Tbe farm families humber 4,707,179, of which C5 92 per cent, own tueir farms, aud 84 8 percent hire, while of the owning families 38 32 ' per cent, have incumbrances on tlnir farms nl 71 78 per oent. have none. Iu 1880. 31.56 per. cent, of the farms were hired. HOME FAMILIES IN CITIES. The cities and towns of 8,000 to 10,000 population are aggre gated for tbe 1,749,579 families that live in them, and of those families 85 0G per ceat. own tbeir own homes and 04.04 hire, while of tbe own lug families 34.11 per cent, own sui ject to incumbrance, and 05 89 per sent, without incumbrance. In the cities that oontain over 100. 000 population there are 1.948.834 home families, of wbich 33 83 par cent' own tbeir homes, and 77.17 , per cent, hire, while of tbe owning f ami lie 37 80 pr cent, own subject to incumbrance, and 03 20 percent, free of inrnmhrasce, Among the cities having 100. 000 popu lation and over, New York has the highest percentage of home teu anoy, namely, 93 67; Boston is next, with 8167; Brooklyn third. with 8144; Jersey City fourth with 81.20; and Cincinnati fifth with 80 82 Toe percentage f r Balti more is 73 94; for Buffalo, 60 03; for Chicago, 71.27; for Cleveland, 60.90; for Denver, 70 89; for Minneapolis, 08 86; for New Orleans, 78.51; for Philadel phia, 77.24; for St. Lonis. 79.53; for St. Paul, 59 80; for S.n Freuoi-co. 7846; for Washington. D C , 74.80. The smnlleet percentage, CO 03, represents Rochester, N. Y. VALUE OF FARMS. The value of the 1,798 890 farms and homes enhjeet to incninbraboe ia $5, 087.378,069 and the incumbrance on them is $2,133,949,563, or'37.50 per sent, of the valur. Th value of vueb owned and incumbered farm iu tbe United States is $3 444; of each ineumbi-red hom, $3,350, and tbe average incumb rance on each of the farms is $1,324; on each incumbered home, $1,293 It waa ascertained that 74 22 per cent, of tbe inenmbrance on owned farms was inourred for the purpose of buying real estate and raaicing im provements, and that 83 51 per cent, of the inenmbrance was for the pur pose of buying and improving xeal es tate, investing in business and purchas ing tbe more durable kinds of personal property. In tbe case of borne 81.34 per cent, of incumbrance was inenrred to secure purebase money and make improvements, and 92 66 was inenrred for purchase money, improvements, business and tbe purchase of tbe more durable kinds of personal property. YAQUIS IX AMBUSH. Mtxloana Surprised and Slaughtered by the IodlaBS. San Diegio, Cel., Aug. 30 Details of another ambuscade of Yaqui Indians oo Mexican troops have been received. On July 28 forty-five men of tbe Four teenth battalion left plaee called the Pillares for Crnz de Pied re, and from their started on Joly 30 for Yaqui, near the outpost of Ls Guasimas. They were ambuscaded in a thiokly wooded part of the road by a party of about 100 Indian?, wbo bad bid them selves on either side of the road. At tbe first fire delivered at pistol range, nine Federals dropped. Captain Go mez rallied his men on the defensive a little ont of the ambuscade. When the Indiana again attacked the troops re sisted stubbornly, some badly need op. The fight lasted more than an hour and abalf, the Federals remaining in pos session of the fiel l. While some of the Indians were fight ing the remainder stole the baggage, nuimals, money and as much of the ammunition of the troops as tbey could carry off. It was noticed that two Indian women and six or eight Indian bays were among the ambushing party. Twelve men were killed and six wounded. The wife of a sergeant was killed and a little girl of 8 and a boy of 9 were slightly wounded. Four Indians were killed and twenty-seven slightly wounded and taken prisoners. Captain Gomez will be court martialedat Toriu. TYRONE CATTLE PLAGUE. Dead Animals Repose Near the Souroe of the Water Supply. Harribiuro, Pa., Aug. 80. Dr. T. S. Bridge, the state veterinary snrgeon, reports to Secretary Edge, of the state board of agriculture, that he learned at Tyrone that there W -re 169 cattle in the "tharax" infected distriet. Sixty wert well, but will be killed if they show symptoms of tbe disease; thirty were dead . and seventy-nine unaccounted for, but will probably be found dead. Some of tbe dead cattle were within two feet of the stream that supplies Tyrone with water. THE TARIFF ABROAD. The Sugar Provisions Are Not Well Re ceived In Oeimanv. London, Aug. 30 The Standard's correspondent at Berlin says: "The new American J tariff law gives um brage in Germany, especially in the proviso which increases tbe duties on sugar from countries giviug boautis. Tbis change is felt more keenly here, as the amount of increase ie tbe same for all bounty-giving countries, regnrdiess of the amount of the bounties The ef fect of tliie, accoring to German opin ion, will not be to indue such coun tries to abolish tbe bounties, as the Anieriain senate wishes, but, on the contrary, to rais them." The correspondent udls: "I hear that the minister of foreign uilairs is "'out to enter into negotiations with Uuited Slates Atntiasaador Runyon in relttiou to certain points of tbe tariff nffieting Germauy." ixdiainTfight. Two Bands of Alaska Chilcats Slash Each Other in a Drunken Row. Port Townsend, Wash., Aug. 30. The steamer City of Topeka, whioh haa arrived from Juneau, Alaska, gives de lulls of a drunken fight among the Chilcat Indians, which resulted in six men being killed and a large number wounded, A dispute nrose over a trivial matter which resulted in tbe lender of one fac tion being stabbed to death. The Indians then divided 'into two parties aud the battle began. Tbe settlers liv ing a fuli mile beard the yelling, but dared not venture to the neighborhood until late in the afternoon of the next day, when they be held tbe dead and wounded Indians lying all around the vill age. Soma were frightfully mutilated; a small band of survivors, elated with suocess and thirsting for more blood, had gone down the beeeh threatening to return, embark a crowd of savages and annihilate tbe white settlers in tbe vicinity. The whites then became alarmed and sent to Juneau for assist ance. Jnst before tbe City of Topeka sailed Deputy Collector of Customs Slater and a posse arrived on the steamer Wrestler and started for Chileat to ar rest the smuggler's who sold the In dians the whisky and seize tbe liquor and quiet the Indians. LABOR COMMISSION. An Adjournment After Fourteen Days of Inquiry Probable Result of Deliberations. CniCACio, Aug. 30 After a fourteen days' session tbe national labor com mission adjourned at 3 o'clock this af ternoon to reassemble in Washington, Wednesday, Sept. 36, when it will, ac cording to Chairman Wright's formal announcement, receive any communica tions bearing on the ;settlement of tbe difficulties that come between labor and capital and hear any wit nesses who may desire to testify. One hundred and seven witnesses have been beard so far, and nearly $15,000 ex pended by tbe board. Subpoena bave been necessary in only a few esses to get persons to testify, nine-tenths of tbe testimony having been given volun tarily. Nothing official has been given out ae to the views whioh have been form ed by tbe commission, bnt it in be lieved that tbe chief recommendation will be for the creation of a state board of arbitration to judge between em ployes and employer. The licensing of engineers, conductors and firemen will probably also be recommended, and more than all, tbe cultivation of a kindly feeling between wage earners and those for whom they labor will be advised. It is said Mr. Pullman will not escapa censnre for the methods in vogue in bis town as well a for rejecting all proposals for arbitration, and that tbe General Managers' association and Chairman St. John will be rebuked for not giving tbe Ameriean Railway union a bearing when it wished to end tbe strike. Marshal Arnold and bis strike deputies are not likely to be spared severe criticism. The American Riilway anion cannot hope to escape unscathed. It will in all liktlikood be severely taken to task for not exercising sufficient control over its members to prevent them at all times from resorting to violence and intimidation of fellow workmen. FRESH FROM THE WIRES. By a sewer cave-in at Newark, O., five men were buried, Jobn liirschlein beiug killed. The funeral of President Jobn Newell, of tbe Lake Shore, was held at bis Chicago home. , For bigamy and forgery, Frank P, Mars field, of Boston, was arrested at Barring ton, 111. Jere Dunn, the New York sporting man, was mustered into, tbe Oswego Grand Army post. Heavy rains have cut down Alabama's cotton crop 20 to 25 per cent, and badly hurt other products. George Kolb, a drummer, at Columbus, O., blew bis wife's brains out last evening, because be was jealous of her. Both being tired of life, Thomas Mans field, of Lewiston, Me., shot his wife and then himself ' but neither will dte. Thrown from a carriage in a runaway at Shelby ville, Ind., Mrs. E in in a Newton and Mrs. James Giay received fatal hurts. Failing to get Mrs. Henry Martin to marry him, E. D. McNitt, a cripple, of Bonham, Tex., cut her throat and tnen bis own. A boom has started for Colonel A. P. Burchfleld, of Allegheny county, for vice commander in chief of the National Gran ' Army of tbe Republic. A verdict of accidental death was ren dered by the coroner's jury at Norristown in the case of Willie Langon, the Phila delphia lad who jumped into tbe river to escape arrest. GUNNING FOR S The Democrats Wbo S ood by Him Are Now Blacklisted. MADE TO FEEL A PETTV REYENG Mr. Gibson, the Follower of the Maryland Statesman, Receives a Hint Wanted a Postoffice, but Was Refused Twelve Gormanites Are Dismissed from Government Ser vice. Washington, Ang. 30. "TirriR. CLEVELAND and his cabi ilf net officer have made it evi VII dent that it is the intention of JuU tho administrutiou to make wur on those Democrats who were re sponsible for Mr. Ctovelaud'e defeat on the tariff. Iheyure black-listed for tho bulunce of the udmidistrution, A system of rewards and punishments, wbich will divide the party botweeu tbe chosen once and those who ere turned aside, is anticipated from what bus hitppeued already. It has been suid that Mr. Gorman conld iiffnrd to bo independent because bis term in th e senate does not expire until '99, but itia already demonstrated that there are many ways in which he may be madtt to feel the disfavor of the administration. 11 It. GIBSON TURNED DOWN. Hi friend und follower, Mr. Gibson, who is seeking another term in tbe senate, bus been turned down most pointedly in the uppoiutment of tbe postmaster of his native town, and in a heated discussion with the p3stmaster general yesterday be was given to un derstand that there was no particular reason why his wishes should be re garded by tbis administration. Mr. Gibson was seeking the appointment of bis brother-in-law as postmaster of Centreville, Ml., and be thought there wns no doubt about the matter until he was told yesterday that the appoint bad gone to another. Among tbe dismissals from tbe print ing office yestenlry were twelve whom Mr. Gormau had recommended, and it is said that the appointments in that office chargeable to Maryland, of which there are many, will be held by anti Gorman people, and that in no way will Gorman influence seoure anything from tbis administration. Not ouly Mr- Gorman, but all who belong to his little band iu tbe senate, are finding themselves unable to get any consider ation as Democrats from tbe depart ments. DUEL WITH KNIVES. Kentucky Partisans Slash lhemeeiva in a Q i rural on Breckinridge, Cincinncti, O., Aug. 80 A spooinl from Lexington says: "Adultothe death with knives was fought in Clark county, near Booneaboro, yesterday over tbe scandal feature of tbe Ash land congressional contest. John King, a Breckinridge man liv ing in Fayette county, met on the high way bis old frieud, George Cook, who lives in Clark couuly. Cook said that any woman wbo weut to bear Breckin ridge's speeches was no better than sbs should be. King dismounted from bis horse, saying tlmt his wife and daugh ters bad heard Breckinridge. Cook in sisted it was a shame. He also dis mounted. Both drew knives, the blood flowed freely until Cook dropped, having three etabs iu tbe breast. King was arrested. COMMITTEE HAS ORGANIZED. It Objsot I to Sicur the Rifarniahing of the Y. M. O. A. Tbe initial steps towards securing the refurnishing of the Young Men's Christian association building was taken last night at n meeting of the young men's committee that has de cided to take the m ater in obarge. It organized by tbe election of T. R. Brooks, chairman; James B. Watson, treasurer, and Ernest Dolph, secretary. A committee was appointed to examine tbe conditions of the furnishings of tbe building and report on tbe amount it will cost to properly equip it. Much interest waa msnifested in tbs project and the young men are deter mined to bave tbe bnilding furnished in as neat a manner ns any Young Men's Christian association in the state. M'KENNY PROPERTY SOLO. William D. Boyer Becomes Its Owner for $27,600. William D. B.iyer yesterday pur chased the McKeuny property at the sontbwest corner of Admin avenue und Spruce street for $27,500 The proo erty has a frontage of fifty feet on Adams avenue and a depth of ninety feet along Sprnce street. The Droperty has been greatly en liunced in value daring th last year as it is on the direct road to tbe entrance to th proposed South Side bridge. BEST SHOT Oft RECORD. Private W. W. Youngs Breaks tbe Rio ord at Jttt. Gretna. The Lebanon News, in speaking of tbe first day's target practice at Mt. Gretna, aays that W W. Youngs, of he Tribune, mude 93 out of a possible 105; Bums, of the Ninth, and Rohling, of the Thirteenth, made 95 each, and Huber, of the Twelfth, and Sergeant Shillinger,'of the Fourth, 94 eneh out a possible 105. Youngs' shot is considered the best ever mad at Mt. Gntn. BEATEN BY ROBBERS. 1 r. Merosr Clubbed to Insensibility by Midnight Thugs. Beaver Falls, Pa., Aug. 30. Masked robbers broke into tbe resi dence of Dr. A. Mereer, of this place, this morning and after beating tbe dootorand bis wife into insensibility ransacked the bouse, Th robbers GORMAN I enred but $19 and a few pieces of jewelry. It is "feared that the doctor will die. His aged mother, who was kept quiet by threats, is also in a serious condi tion through fright t IN MEMORY OF MR. SHAW. Uniform Rank, Knights of Pythiar, Deliver Eulogies. Washington, Aug. 30 Memorial services were beld at brigade bead' quarters today in memory of Past Su preme Chaneellor Shaw, Brigadier General Halsey, of Wisconsin, deliv ered a brief address eulogizing Mr. Slmw as a Pythian and tnetnher of con gress. The Wisconsin division of Knights attended iu a body. Tbe Uniform rank of the Pythians was inspsoted and reviewed in the White lot this afternoon by Major Gunoraf Scbofield, of the army. Not withstanding tbe faet that tbe review was a repetition of yesterday, a large and enthusiuelio crowd witnessed it The knights wore thnir full dress uni forms and mad on excellent showing. PEOPLE'S PARTY MEN. Will Hold Their County Convention on Sept. 6 Ringers Are Not Wanted. At a meeting of tbe county commit tee of the People's party held Wednes day night, it was decided to bold tbe county convention of tbe party on Thursday, Sept. 6, at 10 a. m. It will be a mass convention, which will do away with the formality of electing delegates. The convention will be held in the ball at 419 Lackawanna avonu. That place waa selectsd for th convention in preference to tbe court house for tbe reason tost there a restriction can better be placed ou those who will be privileged to bave a voice and vote in the convention. Tbe party managers learned that an effort would be made to fill tbe con vention room with "ringers" who wonld do their almost to muke a bur lesque of the convention. To thwart these schemes the hall at 417 Lacka wanna avenue has been selected. It is tbe intention of the party man agers to nominate a fall county ticket, candidates for congress, legislator and the senate at tbis convention. Tbe managers refused to say wbo are likely to receive nominations, but it is gen erally understood that ex Judge W. II. Stauton will be tendered the nomina tion for additional law judge. Tbougb be has as yet refnaed to commit himself on thesubject.it is understood that Mr. Stanton will accept the nomination. ROBBED BY MASKED MEN. They Nearly Club an Old Farmer to ' Daih and Steure Hie Bidden Hoard PniLLiPSBUito, Ang. 30. Threo masked men entered the house of Philip Reese, an aged farmer, near Carpntrsville, N. J , last night, and, covering him with revolvers, demanded his money. Reese, who was dozing on a chair, showed filit, but Was over powered aud oluubid almost to death. The robbers secure! a gold watch, a lot of eilberware and $500 in gold, which waa bidden in an old trung Reese's wife and daughter were so terri fied that they wore unable to make an outcry. There is no olue to the rob ber. THE WAR IN LOMBOK. Mataram, lie Capital, Taken by the Rebels The Dutoh Bombarding It. Amsterdam, Aug. 30. A dispatch received here from Batavia says that Mataram, capital of tbe Island of Lorn bok, where the Dutch troops have re cently met with serious revetees at the bauds of the Baliuese is in the posses sion of the rebels. Tbe dispatch adds that Mataram is being bombarded by the Dutch fleet. WHIPPED BY WHITECAPS. A Michigan Wife Beater Possibly Fat ally Fnnltb.9d. Ishpeming, Aug. 30. Frank Nelson, of Trout Creek, threw dishes at bis wife and children and ended by trying to empty a shotgun at them. He was arrested, bat a gnng of about twenty white caps took him from the j til and gave him a hundred lashes on the bare back, and tied him to the trunk of a tree. He -was rescued by a sheriff's posse and may not recover. wAUGHT STEALING LUMBER. George Smith Discovered Helping Him elf to L. I & S. Co. Property. Tbe night watvhmaa at tbe Lacka wanna Iron and Steel company's fouu dry discovered a man walking away with a piece of timber from tbe yard near the mill and after a brisk chase succeeded in capturing him At the bearing yesterday morning he gave his name ns George Smith. He told a pitiful story of distress to Alder man Fuller and was discharged. CARS TO BE TAKEN OFF. Service on th Dunmire Suburban to Fe Curtailed for the Prjs.nt The Scranton Traction compaay will reduce the number of or on the Dun more Suburban line at the end of the enrrent week. It is understood that three of the cars will be taken off and a branob ear provided for that will make trips be tween Marlon street and the termini a of the line. . DEATH OF A HERO. Bavfd tbe Livea of Three People and Then Blew Out tbe Ga. New Castle, Pa., Aug. 30. Samuel Livermore, aged 30) blew out the gas at tbe Levi House last night and was found dead in bed this morning. Yesterday evening Livermore stopped a runaway horse and saved the lives of three ptople. He was unmarried. WEATHER FORECAST. Washinotoit, Aog. 80. For tutern Pennsylvania and New Jemu. fair: northerly windt For viertern Pennsylvania, fair; northerly winds becoming variable. H FINLEY'S OPENING OP Fall Dress Goods We have now on exhibi tion a magnificent stock of New Fall Dress Goods, comprising the latsst NOV ELTIES in both FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC GOODS. Early selections are most desirabb, the styles beinj EXCLUSIVE, and there will be NO DUPLICATES. Our stock of Black Dress Goods Is the finest we have ever shown, including full line of the Priestly Black Goods 510 and 512 Lackawanna A?e. MINERS' OILCLOTH! Wholesale and Retail. H. A. Kingsbury 313 Spruce Street. TELEPHONE NUMBER M.T3. . Lewis, Reilly & Davies Take off the old and put on the new, That neatly-fitting, easy shoe. When low prices rule as now tbey do, Who wonld deny himsolf the newf Burt & Packard Shoes Make Us Friend3. Lewis, Reflly.fi Davies 114 WYOMING AVENUE. We Examine Eyes Free of charge. If a doctor is needed you are promptly told bo. We also guarantee a perfect fit. LATEST STERLING SILVER NOVELTIES I J. L The Jeweler, 408 Spruce Street 11