TJIE SCRAKTON TRIBUNE -TnURSD AT MORNINGr. AUGUST 30. 1894. A WORD ORTWO ABOUT OURSELVES FIRST Wh en we have a good thing we are anxious to divide it among our friends. We require more space for our Fall Trade and all Summer Goods must make way. We can not afford to carry them over until next season. We give you Bargains. SECOND Our Fall Goods are com ing in daily; very choice designs and colors. Kid Gloves in all new shades and popular lengths. Cor sets, all sizes and best makes. Laces, Dres3 Trimmings, Umbrellas, Hosiery, Etc. Every de partment is a reservoir of style and elegance. Val ues beyond the wildest dreams of the economi cal. We never resort to extravagant statements, but will let the goods speak for themselves. THIRD The Fashions illustrated in our Monthly are the latest. We are the only dry goods house that pub lishes a Fashion Monthly and hope you appreciate our efforts. If you wish to dress well and dress economically, don't fail to read it GORMAN'S A Noted Physician Now With Us. PR. E. L. REEVES, of Philadelphia, the Ibis nod survey! ul i'hvhicia 11 and Surgeon, U now purmancntly located at 412 Spruce Street, Scranton, whore hn has fitted spnclous and commodious parlura for the diiilv treatment of all ACUTE sml CHhONiO DISEASES of men, women and children. The boetor ii a SPECIALIST in the eoneral Bonseof thetrm. Un lias it voted a lifetime In relieving sutf-rinit humanity, and having spent ;17 years in active practice, both in pri vate and hospital 8 'rvice, he is prepared to let SPECIALLY in any and all diseaa s, hav ing treated every conceivable disease known. He. with hisaasistants, treat nil Diseases o( the A'Tvous System, Diseases ol tile Eye, Ear, Kosear.d Throat, Dyspepsia, Rheuma tism, Lust Vitality, Prematura Weakness or Decay, in loth scxn; Femat' Weaknesses nd Ii retrularilies, Nervous I dn'litv, Catarrh, Tumors, Cancers, Kruptions.Blriod Poisoning, Fits Epilepsy, Indiscretions and Errors of Youth. Lost Manhood, Eczema, Scrotula. St. Vitus' Dance, Asthma, Diseses of the Heart, Lungs, Liver, iwdnojs, Bladder, Stomach, Consultation and examination freo Office Hours: Dailv, V a.m. to 9 p. m. Sun fluy, in to 12 and 2 to Kemember nanio and number. DR.E.L.REEVES 412 Spruce St., Scranton. Dunmorc. Ed Whpsdon, of Chicago, was a vis itor at M. K. Lisbop'a yestnrdHy. Among the yorjnK people of this pkee who Attended Conrad's band ex cursion to FnrTiew yesterday wer: Rnlph Winters, Ida Dotv, Lizzie and Wert, Lettie McCullongh aud A. W. Close. Mrs. A. C. Snyder spent yesterday With relative! In Providonce. Mrs. J. B. Bronson Bnd children r tnmd from a visit with Thompson, Ph., relatives Tuesday. Miss Lottie Yetman, accompanied by Miss Artie Bntler, retnmed to her hauia at Brooklyn, N. Y., yesterday. I A hapt y pHrty of young people gath ered at the home of M inter B iy Wood ou Blukely atrevt Tuesdsy afternoon, the occasion heinit in honor of his onsina, Misses Grace, Helms, and Master Harry Bishop, of Ilonesdale. Among the party was Master Harold Cloie, Earl Moffatt, Uavid Barton, Howard ChainbvrUiu, the Misses Fan tiie and Olive Smith and Mary Decker. One of the amusing features of the eomlnjr union social of the Ladies' Missionary society and the Young La dies' Missionary circle, which is to be hold on Sept. 18, will be the dollar of ferings which each member will make, Tbe money is to be earned by individ ual labor and when presented to the so ciety on the evening of tbe social each one must be accompanied by a verse telling how it was earned. The election of Republican delegates for the eomiog convention will be beld at the retnlar polling plaee' on Satur day between the hours of 4 and 7 p, m. Thomas Palmer and Henry Summers compote the Republican vigilant Cora tnlttee for the Third' ward Third dis trict, and will have charge of tbe pri mary vote. Mitt Matne Harper, of Cherry street, it visiting her grandparents at Blake ley. Mr. and Mrs. John Doyle, F. Reiley and 'Andrew Racht, of Whllmore, N. Y who have been viiiting M. Dade at Bunker Hill, returned home Tnetday. Mrs. E. Stone is vieiting Hawley friends. Mrt. William Seigle is among George town friends. George Fletcher attended the Glen Onoko excursion on Tuesday. Thomas Henwood is again on duty after short illneis. Pittston. -Tbe committee consisting of Messrs. Brennan, Abbott and Ilines, who were appointed at the last meeting of the school board to lnveetiget" the alleged charges preferrtd by M. N. Donn-Hy, agiinst a c- rtain principal of the bor ough schools, met Inst evening in the High School building to hear what evt dnce, if a y, might be offered. It having became known that Supervising Shiel was the principal, Mr. Donnelly was attacking that gentleman appeared before tbe board with his counsel, As sistant District Attorney, P. A, O'Boyle. Nothing in particular wat irauauted at the meeting except to mold a mode of procedure. Having accomplished this the board adjourned to m 'ft at the eall of the chairman The meeting was hold behind elosed doors, only the committee, the accused and Attorneys Donnelly and O'Boyle beiug present. The coroner's jury empaneled by 'Squire Etiret to inquire itito tbe death of Joltu Cordis!), wtiu died at tne hos pital from wounds supposed to bi due to injuries received iu the mint's, met at the hospital hat evening to hear what evidetiee might be offered in evi dence. Dr. Burlington, of Dnryea,wns sworn, and stated that several coun trymen of Cordish's told him conflict ing stories as to how Cordiab received bis injuries. Some said he received them iu a light.others said in the mines, while more said he was struck by a car. Drs. McFadden, McKeowan and Hileinan were sworn. Dr. Mc Fadden detailed at length th result of the treatment given 'the injured man nop the autopsy. In his opinion he thought the deceased had been struck by a blunt i nst rumen t. Dr. McKeowan and Hileman corroborated their col league's story its given. The jury there upon went into executive session and after carefully reviewing the testimony rendered a verdict that "John Cor liuli came to bis death from wounds in flicted by a blunt instrument in tbe bauds of a party or parties to the jury nnknown." What came near resulting in a trag edy oecnrred ou South Main street yes terday afternoon at the intersection of Swallow strent. At tbe point indioated a two seated surrey, drawn by one horse and containing fonr men, ubont 4 o'clock, was returning frem a funeral. The occupants of the carriage were driving at a lively rate and attempted to turn into Main street. They had no sooner done ao than an electric car, in charge of Motorman William Burke, running at a lively rate iu a northerly direction struck the wngoD. The crash was so sudden that it shattered the rig to kindling wood, bruised and cut the borso in several places. The occupants by nothing more than the intervention of Provi dence escaped uninjured. It was ap parent to all who witnessed the acci dent that responsibility rested entirely with the meu in the carriage. Many passengers in the car became nearly hysterieal when the crash occurred, Tbe marriage of Richard Lahey to Miss Ella Mi Queen took place in St. John's church yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock. The eereujony was performed by Rev. Father Fiuneu in tbe presence of a large concourse of relatives and friends of the young conple. Several friends from Scranton, Wilkes Barre and other points close by were present. After the ceremony a wedding supper consisting of all the delicacies of the season was served at the home of the bride in Sebastipol. Late Tuesday night a serious wreck ocourred on the Lehigh Valley road between Ransom and Fulling Springs. Freight train No. 540 was coming down the road ae a lively rate, when an axle broke ou the third car from the rear. The car was thrown from the tr.Hck, as also were the two cars follow Ing and the caboose, and all were badly wrecked. The three curs were louded with beer. A loca 1 freight train that was following the wrecked train ran into the wreok and the engine was somewhat damugod. So far as could be learned no one was hurt. The Cox tou wrecking crew were called out to clear the tracK, an 1 they were uotn pelted to work all night. Treasnrer W. L. Watson, of the Hos pital Association, acknowledges the re ceipt of the following contributions; ' Friends," through A. B. Brown, $9; Lewis Gordon, $4; Luzurue Lodge, 721, 10 0, F., for bed and furnUuings, $00. Ellen Golden died at the home of her brother, T utiias G ilden, ou Rock street, Ilumtown, Tuesday evening She was ngd fifty-nine years. The fnneral will take place this afternoon. Funeral services will be beld at St. John's Church and the remains will be interred iu Market street cemetery. A dispatch was received here at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon from Coudersport, Ph., announcing tne death of Levis W, Crawford, who will he remembered as an old resident of this place, having lived on River street for a n n iu der of years before removing to Coudersport. The remains will reach here Friday morning and will be interred in West Pittston cemetery. Postmaster Mullin has received in structions from t lie post office depart ment to have the free delivery .system extended to the outlying districts of Sevastopol, Browntown and McCirty villa. Tbe home of Mr. and Mrs. Cliambsr lin, of Fulton street, was the scene of a pleasant eotinl .event last evening, it being occasioned by the marriage of their daughter. Miss Nellie, to John Evans, of Frothiughara street. The ceremony was perfarined at 8 o'clock by the Rev. JN. G. Clark according to the ritual of tke Presbyterian church. A large numb -r of relatives and friends of tbe contracting parties were present. Among those from out, of town who attended tbe Laboy-MiQu-en nuptials last evening, were Miss Hawks, of Park Tlace, Scranton. and Correspon dent John Niliind, of Scranton, Miss Agnes Fleming, of South Main street, left yesterday at noon for Jer sey City, to be present at the weddiug of a friend which occurred laat even ing. Cure for Headaohe. As a remedy tor nil forms of ITeadnclie Electric Bitters has proved to be the vory best. It effects a permanent cure and the most dreaded habitual sick headaches yield to its influence. Wn urge all who are afllicted to procure a bottle and give this remedy a fair trial. In cases of habitual constipation Electric Hitters cures by giv irfg the needed tone to the bowels, and few rases long resist tbe use of this medicine. Try It once. Largo bottles only Fifty cents at Matthews Bros', drug store. Hallstcad. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Tiffany, who have been spending a few days at New York city and Albany, have returned home Mr. and Mrs. E-ir! Taliuage attended Ditnock camp meeting last week. Dr.. Reeves, 4t3 Spruce street, Scran ton, cures all di sen sirs of the nervous system, 9 a. m. to 0 p, m. W. D. Lnsk, of Montrose, lain towo. Yesterday an nnknown man stole a horse from Wrightsr's livery stable in Snsqnehanns and drove it to Thomp son, Jackson, New Milford and to the Mitchell House barn in this plac, ar riving at the Utter place at 12 o'clock at night. He tied the borse there and left town. Mr. Wrttr liter came and took the horse home today. Maeter Fred W. Cbnrcii, who has been visiting friends iu Deposit, has re turned borne. William Smith, of New Milford, called on frieuds and relatives in this city todov. Miss Nellie De La Vergne, or Hr nellsville, who has been visiting her utint, Mrs. Charles Capwell, has re turned home. - The Gospel meeting on Sunday will be addressed by M. O Utley, president of the Railroad Youug Meu'a Christian association at Elmira. Charles Capwell and Fred Van Wormer left today on a fishing trip to Conklin. Mrs. John Pike is visiting her son Will in Washington, D. C. Honcsdalc. At the First Proshytwrian church yesterday at 3 p. m.. Miss Smile S Col lnm was nuited in marriage to U. G Hidgeway. A largo congregation had gathered in the church and at exotly 3 o'clock the bridal party entered the church. The nthors, Fred. Crossley, P. A. La Barr, Percy Cole. J. P. Som mers, John Brow, r and Joe Craud all were followed by the brides maids, Mias Louise 11-ff and Carrie Smith, tlreesed iu white dotted swits, then came the maid of honor, Miss Gussie Ciillom, cousin of the bride, iu cream ulbatross.then the bride in cream China silk trimmed in rib bons and laee. The bride, mai l of bouor and bridesmaids carried bridal roses. At the altar the bride was met by the groom who was accompauted by his best mini, Paul W. Gardner. Rev. William II. Swift united thum in mar riage, using the ring;the wedding march Mendalltohn's was played by Miss Emma Ward. The church had been i toilsomely deeorated witn fl wor. A fl ral arch was over the aisle whero the wedding party entered and nnother over tbe aisle where the party passed out. A reception was held at the residence of tho bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Collnin, where the guetts were entertained. .Mr. and Mrs. Ridgewsy left on the 5:I!0 Gravity for Philadelphia nnd other points, and on returning home will occupy Mr. Ridge way's handsome new bouse, built by himself on ripper East street. Charles Bullock and wife left yester day to attend the funeral of a relative at Hartford, Conn. Mrs. Lee Dimming, Wilkes-Barre, Mrs. Shook, Plymouth, nnd Mr. and Airs. G. W. Owens and child, Scranton, are the guests of John Brown, on Bank street. An iron bridge will soon span tip-Lacknwax-m and canal at the Eric depot. George Valentine and wifp, of Brook lyn, returned home yesterday after a long stay in Ilonesdnle. E. A. Giltnore, of Scranton, was a caller in town yesterday. Olyphant. Miss Julia Cowley, Nellie Martin and Mary Carbine attended the Ctisey O'Boyle wedding at Providence last evening. Miss Annie Lynch, of New York city, who has been viiiting Mrs. Mary Shieldp, will retnrn home today. Willie Money, of Los Angles, Cala., is visiting relative in town. Miss Lizzie Blewitt, of Pittston. and her guest, Miss Reddington, of New York, called on frieuds in this place last evening. Dr. A. F. Crans left last evening for Ow"go to attend the fnneral of bis rather. Miss Mamie Burke, of Park Place, is the guest of Miss Nellie Galagher, of Dun more street. The Brown Juniors will play the Blue Stars, of Providence, on tbe Brown's gruuuds this afternoon. Miss May McN.col bus returned home after a two weeks vacation at Philadelphia and AtUntio City. Mrt. Maggie II iwkins, of Providence visited hore this week. Tue Brown Juuiors defeated the Sunsets, of Archbuld, yesterday after noon. They won mainly by superior stick work nnd by the errors of the visitors. The home run bits of Cleary were the features. The score: Brown Juniors... 2 5 1 3 5 2 6 327 .Sunsets 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 4 ti Hits Browu Juniors, 19; Sunsets. 7 Errors Brown Juniors, 2; S.tnsets, 19 Batteries Morgans uud Gillespie, Flemiug and 1) iiiy. Priceburg. Burglars effected an entrance to the Ddawareand Hudson depot on Tues day night and stole a quantity of .roods. Dr. Reeves, 412 Spruce ttreet, Scran ton, cur-a nil diseeses peculiar to f males, 9 a. in. to 0 p. in, Mrs. Isaac D ivis, of Hals'eal ave nue, who has been seriously ill for the past week is uow progressing favor ably. The Republicans of this pTace are donning their war paint and they will make it hot for their opponents in No vember. A m eting of the Central clu'i will bo beld at the Central hotel ou Friday evening. Let every Repub lic n be present. Martin J. Welsh, of Main etreet,who has been indisposed during the week is able to be arou id aguin, Thomas Peach iind William Sears are the nominees for delegates to the county convention subject to the de cision of the C-ntral Republican cinti Dr. J. J. LiKeimer is nrotind again after a sevj;- a' tack of neuralgia. The many burglaries and otb-r dep redations to " t nave b-en coinmitt d in this town during the past year ought toconviho the authorities bettor police protection is necessary. Misses Annie nnl Katie Hart, of Carboudale, were the guests of friends in town on Monday. C, G Rogers, James Reid and Simnel Pritchard, who were honore t by an invitation to attend the Middle, town aud Goshen Traction company's road, are loud in their praises of th" place nnd its inhabitants. Gil mores Aromatic Wine A tonic for ladies. If you are suffering from weakness, and feel exhausted and ner vous; are getting thin and all run down, Gilmore's Aro matic Wine will bring roses to your cheeks and restore you to flesh and plumpness. Mothers, use it for your daughters. It is the best regulator and corrector for ailments peculiar to woman hood It promotes diges tion, enriches the blood and gives lasting strength. Sold by Matthews Bros., Scran ton, Archbald. Miss Mary Handler, of Bowling Gren, Ky., is visiting her mother, Mrs. Charles Norton, of Main street. Mr. and Mrs, John Cirdeo, jr., are being congratulated over the arrival of a young heir at their home on Wayne street. James A. and M. J. Ktarney, James P. Mack and P. A. Philbio, wuo have heen in New York for several days, have returned. Mrs. Bonrke, of Girardviil", and Mrs. Neil Pad len, of Scranton, called on friends here ou Tuesd iy. A McKinley club was organized here on Monday night by a number of well known Republicans of this plaee. It is composed exclusively of German Americans, aud its object is the pro motion of the principles of its patron, Governor McKiatey. ot O lio. Orgaui Zttion was effected hy tlie eleetion of John Beck as president, August Zim merman, vice president; B. A. Batten berg, secretary; H. W.l'abst, treasurer. Cjplain C. C Butenberg introduced a set of resolutions expressive of the otj 'cts of the club, which are unani mously adopted. The following execu tive committee was appointed : Conrad Cleinbauer, Philip Behee, Christopher Linde, John Otto nod Michael Baltes. After a general discission of political topics the meeting adjourned to re assemble ou Sspt. G The cluh begins its mission with a membership of fifty and it will undoubtedly do effective work in the pending campaign. In St. Thomas' chnruu at 4 o'clook yesterday afternoon MUs Mary A. Burke, a popular young lany of the Esst Side was married to Michael Uohan, cf Providenee. The ceremony was performed by Rsv, T. J. Comer ford. The bride was attended by her cousin, Miss Ellzs Ltngau, of Dun more, nnd the groom by his brother, Thomas II. Hoban, of Providence. The bride looked charming in lavender silk, trimmed with cream lace, and wearing a hat to match The bridesmaid wore a beautiful dress of blno cashmre, trimmed with cream lace and her hat was of the same color. The bridal party enjoyed a short drivo, after which a reception was held at tho hoin of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Burke, of Salem hi reet. Here they received tho congratulations many of their friend. Several pleasant hours were spent iu the tinjoymnnt of wedding pastimes. The guests included many from out of town, bpsides tbe intimate friends of the young people. They began wedded lite with the good will of everyone. Yesterday afternoon, also. Miss Min nie Sauer and Fred Ziirautier. both of South Main street, were mar ried. The ceremony was performed in the Germ in Lutheran church by th- pastor, Rev Mr. Sohabinger, in the preseuce of many friends of the young people. The bride was attended by her cousin, Miss Minnie Hendershot, of U.izloton, and George Saner, a brother of the bride, was grooimman. The bride and her m iid made a pretty an nearance, having been neatly attirel in white robes with hats to match. A reception was held at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sauer, where a large numuer of in vited guests had a most enjnyuble time. Mr. and Mrs, Sehwartzurauber are well known an 1 highly eetuemed by many friends, who wiBh them success. R-v. G. S. Allen, of Carlisle. N. Y , formerly pastor of the Presbyteriau church, called on his many acquaint ances here yesterday. Miss Lizzie Monie, of Moosic, has re turned home after a pleasant visit with friends hero. Rev. F. J. Morgan, of Clifford, who bus been filling th pulpit of the Pres byterim church during the vacation of Rev. Mr. Shaw, has returned home. Mrs. Dr. Van Doren is visiting her parents at Clifford. M. L. Bi.air, Alderman, 5th Ward, Scranton, Fa., stated Nov. !), '83: lie had used Dr. Thomas' O.lectric Oil for sprains, bums, cuts, bruines auu ruentuatism. Cured every time. Stroudslnirg. Rev. William A. Smith, pustorof the Baptist church of Eist Stroudsburg, is visiting J H. Khntwll. Dr. Reeves, 412 Spruce streot, Scran ton. cures all acute and chronio diseases of men, women und children, 9 a. in to fl p. m. At the primaries held here Sitnrday D S. Lee wis nominated for state sn ntor, R, F. Schwarz for representative uud R L. Burnett va returned to the chairmanship. D D. Wyman, of Waverly, N. Y., it at the Buruett liouse. S. B. Palmer, the famous biilg" builder of this place, is in Portland, Me., on business. Charles Kitler, of Allmtown, was seen circulating nmong friends here. Mins Mande Cobb, of Philadelphia, is the guest Of C. D. Claim. Mks Myrtle Stnnppdr recently re turned from an extended visit at Oeun Grove. Harry Miner, the well known tha utrical man of N-w York, is at Mr Oiienheiiu-r', For-et Park Charles Drake and Alu-rt Eckert are in Houesdale ou business. The funeral services of Captain G-orge Pearce, who w is murdered in South Atneiica by the steward of a V'-ssel cf wnich he was captain, wore held in Craig's Meadows, this comity, on Sunday. The Monroe Comity Agricultural so ciety's interesting annual Tair will be held at Stroivlsbiirg Sept. 4 to 8. An icelleiit programme has bieu pre pared, Montrose The address by Mrs. Twing, of Nw York, at the Graug r's picnic on Tues day was highly complinient-d. ' Mrs. Towusend Poor and Mrs G. F. Bentley, of Scranton, are guests of Mr. and Mrs N H. Sliafer. It is reporte t that the postotDce will be moved from its present location to the new brick now being erected. Judge Archbald, of Suranton, has been here the pnet week hearing the case of Kyte vs. ex-Sheriff Forou. lucklen'a Arniei Palv. The best salve In the world for Cuts Bruises, Hores, Ulcers, Milt linenm, Fever Bores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all hkin Eruptions, and pol tively curea Piles, or uo pay required. It it guarantees! to give perlect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price SKi cents per box. For sale by Matthew liroe. Alinooka. Mrs. John Chatham.of Edwardsvillc, it visiting at the home of Isaac Davis in Greenwood, Miss Mary Evans, of Dnryea. who resided at Butte City, Mont., for the past two monthis, is visiting at Isatto Bnvls'. One of tho grandett weddings of the ae son was solemaiztd yesterday morn ing at 10 o'cloak with nuptial mats in St Joseph's church, when John Conn boy, or this place, wa united in mar riage to Miss Julia O'Donnell, of Bir ney avenne. The bride wat attired In a beautiful garb of lansdowne trimmed with point lace, while the bridesmaid, Mitt Ellen Cannon, was dressed in Bilk to match and carried bunches of tea roses. After the oremony the bridal party' drove to tbe home of the bride's pa rents where dinner was served Mr. aud Mrs. Conaboy left on tbe 1.50 train oa their wedding trip. George Doud. Harry Doud and Dave Lovering, of Greenwood, who have been spending their month's vacation at Atlantic City and West Virginia, re turned home yesterday, John Holleran and Mrs. William Kearney. both of this place, were united in marriage at St. Joseph's church Tuesday evening by Rv. D. H Green. Miss Bridget Fitzhenry was bridesmaid and Patrick Mauran acted as best man. The wedding reception was beld at the home fif the brid-. Mr. and Mrs. Holleran will reshle on Davie street, Carbondale. Miss Ella E. Hubbard, of this city, was married yesterday to George S. Millau, of New York City, at Windsor, N. Y. Miss Hunbard was beld in high esteem and her many frieuds wish them a naopy life. Yesterlav. at 12:30 p. m , Miss Mag gie Howard died at the residence of her rather, John Howard, of Pike s'reet. Miss Howard was about fout teeu years old and was a great favorite with her playmates. Ou Friday evening of this week all the furniture of the Young Men's Christian Association will be sold. Miss Allie Chase is home after spend ing two weeks in Scranton. Frank Berry, of Caiman street, left yesterdty for Philadelphia for an ex tended visit. Last evening at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Budd, of Lincoln ave nne, occurred the marriage of their daughter, Eva May. to Corzou E Dix The ceremony was performed at 8 j'O o'clock. The diagram for M. B Leavitt's speotacnUr production, "The Spider and Fly," will open this morning at Reynold's drug store. E. M. Maloney, a representative of the Long Distance Telophoue com pany, and J. S. O'Brien, of the Cen tral Pennsylvania Telephone company, of Scranton, are in towu looking i p those interested in u line of this kinu being placed in this city Mr. Corbin, operator at Main street station, is spending his vacation with his parents iu Now York state. C. It. Smith is filliug his place during his Vacation, James Mooney and sister. Lizzie, of Pittston, are spending a few days with their cousin, John aud Alica Brown, of ibis citv. MissEloise Edwards, of South Church street, ia entertaining Miss Sophie Evans, of Wilket-Barre. Brakemun Watkins, of the Delaware and Hudson, was quite seriously hurt this afternoon at J. fferson Juustlon. He bad his arm crushed aud a scalp wound. Taylor. Many wells have gone dry and the water company's supply is not plenti ful. Anna Gordon is visiting friends in Provideuee. The ladies of the Pries library are at work In beantifyiug the ball. Burgess Griffiths is home from an outing at Atlautio City. Allred Davie, of Forest City, has been in town the past two days. Daniel George Jones is home from the wildi of Forest City. Watkin Jonet has returned from Richfield Springs. J. VV. Homer and Thomas Francis are delegatet in support of John V. Reese for recorder. W. S. Docker has been at Lake Un derwood fishing tbe past few days. John Griffiths, the barber, is so journing at Lake Winola. A party of Taylor young people, un der the guide of Aiign-t Reinhardt. vioitcd the Pyne mines Monday night. Nicholson. A. L. Titus while tinuing a roof at Kingsley folf a distunct of twenty feet It is thought that his hip Is broken. Mrs. C irr aud daughter H-iniiah. of Green Ridgo, are visiting Mrs. Frank Briggs. Mist W-aton, tho elouutionist, will gwe one of her pleasant entertain ments at the opera house Tuesday evoniug, S-pt. 4. for tho beuefit of tho Presbyterian cnurch. Mrs. N. S. Walker Is entertaining several yonng people this week, Charles Btkr. of Diltoa, is visiting his mother, Mrs. Whitbeek. Our school commences the first Moa day in September The Past Guarantees The Future , The fact that Mood's Sarsapn rilla has cured thousands of others is certainly sufficient reason for belief that it will cure you. It makes pure, rich, healthy blood, tones and strengthens the nerves, and builds up the whole system. Remember i r Sarsa- -wrwrvjrsv-y rv Be Sure to set MOOD'S and . Only MOOD'S. : Hood's Pills are especially prepared to bt taken with Hood's Surshparilla. Ii5c. per box. Hotel Waverly IE Cor, 15t!i and Fittert Sts., Ptiiladi Mint desirahle for renMents of N.K.Tonn' jyivtiila. All 1, travel-' J" '"'"'"n Bro.l street ad thl 5 vol tU n.l Market Mtroet station ul T. J. VICTORY. PROPRIETOR. MR. "FRED WE1CHEL rtyZ??7,W"?7ioi B"d licensed Hotel at LiAKiv 8 HUM MIT, is now prepared to fnr- fu t j'niv?? !)?.n,""rt "l,1 lrlte the LA I LbT, MKW-KTYLED kiutf, single ri..i"Vbu ' 'V Uk? t,,em 10 ' ke Wtn.3a, llrnvol Pond and all suburban polntw and Knramer resorts lit reasonable prices. A lftro livery b arucounooted with aotol lor tray el lug public Hood gHiiiniiwnniMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHHiiiigHU,milimmr THE 0 F ARAMr F 0 La Laud lllrfllU iJ la SALE AT HE I 400402 Lackawanna Ave, Commences SATURDAY, AUGUST 4 GREAT BARGAINS e(llllSIUlllIiSII:IEIIS!lll3inUIII!llllllll!tlIIIIIIIE!lS!IIll!EIIEIIIl!I!!llllk" WINDOW SHADES Fine Holland Shades, with heavy knot fringe, Hartshorn Rollers, SOc Eacli Plain Shades, 20, 25 and 30c. each. Measurements taken and shades put up by experienced workmen. We Cany All lidtto Store Shades la Stock irass Extension Sash Rods 15 and 20c. each. A few Vienna Porch Shades left that we will close out at cost. ERR & SIEBECECER 406 and 408 Lacka. Avenue. OUR SALESMEN DON'T REQUIRE THE GIFT OF GAB. To sell the goods in our several depart ments. It's to your own interest to deal with us that is, if you care to save on your purchases and we think you do there are other reasons. A stock of 3 Scranton Stores is shown under one roof, and we make it easy to settle. We chop the amount off so fine you hardly miss the paying of it. Besides Carpets and Furniture we sell Stoves and Crockery. You know we furnish homes complete. GREAT FAS 1 1