Till? SCPANTON TBIBTTtfE-TlTURSDAY MORNING,' AUGUST 30, 1894: BASE BALL The Bisons Are Themselves Gored in the Conflict with Scranton. WE WON WITH RANDS DOWN Providence Administers Defeat to Manager Shannon's Beauties from Down the Creek Springfield and Syracuse the Other Eastern League Winners Standing of the Clubs. National and State League Results. Base'Ball and Other Sporting News. ELL, wewonsnother game, and a good one at that, anJ consequently our average is considor nbly batter than it was yesterday, al though the tie with Bpringfleld remains unbroken, as the lat ter was also fortu nate in winning. Bat poor Wllkei Barre was pushed farther down the list. Providence beiug the heartless rillian. Syracuse's vic tory Dlaces that club in a much stronger position as the second club in the pennant race. The following table gives the per centages of the clnbi, the number of games won and lost by eaob, and their standing in the league rase Won. Lost. Per C't. Providence 5 33 .670 Syracuse M 47 .5'J5 Buffalo 6S M .filS Erie 47 45 .511 tcranton 48 4S .600 Springfield 4'J 49 .500 Wilkes-Barre... 40 4!l .484 Allentown 27 70 .578 VEM HEAVY HITTING. Locals Touched Up Slgeby of Buffalo to a Lively Manner. There was blood on the fase of the sun yesterday which mayor may not be the reason the locals made such a show of Buffalo at the ball park. Whether or not the sun bad anything to do with it, from the very nature of things, purely conjeotural, we are in ellned to give the credit to Pitcher De laney, who did superb work. Only four hits were secured by the Bisons, three of which were singles and one a double. These hits were all several innings apart. Buffalo scored its firit runs in the third inning on errors. Conley made a single and Boyd strnck out Sigeby hit an easy one to Delaney, which the latter threw to third with the intention of cutting off Conley. The throw was a bad one and Conley ssored, while Sice by slipped around to sacond, O'Brien was retired from Cahill to Lehane and on Phelan's error Sigoby scored and Collins reached first. The Hide was retired by Clymer flying out to Lehane. The visitors did not get n man across the home square again until the ninth, (Jrqnart, the first batsman, went out from Delaney to Lehane and Lewer was given a base on balls, Conley reaohed first on Lehane's excusable er ror and on Boyd's two-bagger both Lewer and Conley scored. The next two batsmen were retired on short in field hits. Much bstter work was done with the stick by the loeals who aroused great enthusiasm among the rooters. They were more in evidence than at any game since the club went Into the Eastern league. The scoring began In the first in ning. Cahill sent the ball spinning for two bases and scored on O'Brien's bad throw of a ball from Hoover's bat, the latter reaching third. Johnson struck out, Patohen filed out to Clymer and on Hess' single Hoover scored. Phelan was put out on a fly to Holler. During the next five innings Scran ton had only sixteen men at bat and was unable to score. In the soventh the spell of Mr. Sige by's witchery was broken, and his heretofore deceptive curves were found with esse. Hess began operations with a double and Phelan went to first on Lewee's errors, Lehane singled into right field, allowing Hess to score and Phelan to reach third. Smith flied out to O'Brien, and on Delaney's single Phelan soampered home. Lehane and Delaney were enabled to soore by Ca bin's single. Hoover and Johnson were retired on flies. The loeals made two hits but no runs in the eighth, but in the ainth again did some terrifio batting. This time Smith led off with a single, Delaney following suit. Cahill reached first on Urquart's error and on Hoover's force hit Smith was thrown out at the plate, At this point Johnson came to the rescue with a three-bass hit, De laney, Cahill and Hoover scoring. Patohen sacrificed to centre field, al lowing Johnson to score, Heas singled and soored on Phelan's double. The sl Je retired with Lebane. Detail score: SCRANTON. B. H. P.O. A. E. Cahill, 2b 2 2 3 5 0 Hoover, If 2 0 8 0 1 Johnson, cf 1 1 a 0 0 Patchen, o 0 0 4 0 O Hens, rf. 2 4 1 0 0 Phelan, 8b 12 0 12 Lehane, lb. 1 1 12 2 1 Hmith, ss 0 1 1 5 0 Delaney, p. 2 2 12 1 Totals , 11 13 27 15 C BUFFALO. R. H. P.O. A. X. O'Brien, 2b 0 0 2 2 1 Collins, If 0 14 0 0 Clymer, of 0 0 8 0 0 Hoffer, rf. 0 0 8 0 0 Urqohart, 8b. 0 1 1 1 1 Lewees, ss. 1 0 0 8 1 Conley. lb 2 1 8 0 0 Hoyd, c 0 15 0 0 bigsby, P 10 0 10 Totals..'. 4 4 27 7 1 Hcrnnton 2 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 6-11 Buffalo 0 0200000 2-4 Earned runs Scranton, 8. First bane on errors Scranton, 8; Buffalo, 5. Left on bases Scranton, 8; Buffalo, 6. First bane on balls Off Deiany, 8; tjigBby, 2. Struck out By Deiany, 2; Sigeby, 2. Three base hits Johnson. Two base hits Cahill 11 ess, Pbelau, Deiany, Stolen basea (Jon, ley. Double plays Smith to Cahill to Le hane; CoDley,ouas.iBted; Lewee to Conley. Passed balls Patchen, 3. Umpire Does cher. Time 2.00. OTHER EASTERN LEAGUE RESULTS. At Syracuse Syracuse 2 0 4 0 0 S 2 0 7-17 Erie 0 0010022 0-6 Hlte Syracuse, 24; Erie, 10. Errors Byracuie, 0; Erie, 2. Batteries Baruott and Hess; Healy and Berger. Umpire Swartwood. At Springfield Bprlngflela....l 2 10 12 4 1 0-12 Allentown.... 8 02 01200 19 Hits-SpriRfleld, 14; Allentown, 8. Er rors Springfield, 14; Allentown, S. Bat teries Gruber and Leahy: Eilrov and Mil- ligan. Umpire Connolly. At Providence Providence, 14; Wilkes Barre, 8. . NATIONAL LEAGUE. At Boston Boston 8 4 1 4 0 0 0 2 x-14 St. Louis 8 1100000 0-4 Hits-Boeton, 10: St. Lonis, 8. Errors Boston, 2: St. Louie, 2. Batteries fitivetts and Ryan: Clarkson. Miller aud Twitieham. Umpire McQuaid. At New York- New York.. ..4 0000002 x-6 Cleveland 8 0000 8 00 0-4 Hit-New York. 12; Cleveland, !. Er rorsNew York. 2; Cleveland, 2. Batter ies Meekin aud Farrell; Cuppy aud O'Connor, Umpire Hurst. At Philadelphia- Philadelphia.. 4 1000001 0-6 Chicago 4 2 0 0 0 1 0 6 x-13 Hits Philadelphia, 11; Chicago, 16. Er rorsPhiladelphia, 3; Chicago, 3. Bat teries Weyhiug, Careev aud Grady; Grflith aud Scbriver. Umpire Lyuch. At Baltimore Baltimore..... 0 0010100 x-8 Louisville 0 0011301 00 Hits Ealtimoro.lO: Louisville, 12. Errors Baltimore, 1; Louisville, 3. Batteries Hawkes, Espor aud It ibituon; Wadsworth aud Zuliner. Umpire Belts. At Brooklyn Rrooklvn 1 0 8 2 0 2 8 0 x-11 Pittsburg 0 004008007 Hits-Brooklyn, 14; Pittsburg, 11. Er rorsBrooklyn, 8; Pittsburg, 3. Bitteries Stein and Duiley; Ehret and Sugdou. Umpire Keefo. At Washington Washington.. 2 3040000 0-9 Cincinnati.... 1 0101200 0-5 Kits Washington, 12; Cincinnati, 7. Errors Washington, B; Cincinnati, 4. Batterios Maroer aud McGuiro; Fourmcr and MerritU Umpire Emslie. STATE LEAGUE. At Pottsville-Pottsville, 10; Philadel phia 5. At Shenandoah Game forfeited to Shen andoah by non-appearance of Harrisburj. At Lancaster Lancaster 20: iluzleton 10. GLINTS FROM THE DIAMOND. Hogan is to run a foot race with Dowd, also a tit. Louis fielder, Hess carried off the batting honors yos terday. He had three singles and a double. Scranton will play Buffalo at the park again this afternoou. Dttlauey or Cjnarles will do the pitching. The Base Stealer challenge any club in the city wider 15 year of ago. Oliver Day, manager: Joo Metcalfe, captain. Delaney not only pitched a splendid game but made a two base hit and ran the bases well. He is a second Hodson. The Orchard Street Stars challenge any club in the city under 15 years of age. William Cullen, manager; James Walsh, captain. Umpire Doescher wai not present when the time arrived to call the game yester day and Harrv Hopewell officiated for the first inning, He adjudicated liko a vet eran. Fielder Smith, of Louisville, now asks a higher salary than Manager Cahill agreed to give him, aud the idea of haying him become a member of vlie Scranton team has been abandoned. An effort may be made to have Joe Wrightthe hard hitting fielder of the Harrisburg club, come to Scranton. Demuville,otherwIse known as Duraont, was to have made his appearance here with Bull'ulo yesterday, having signed with them to play third base. He failed to arrive in town, however, and Catchor Urquart took his place. Dumont is the youngster who was given a trial at short by Pittsburg after Binguamton disbanded. He did not prove speedy enough for Na tional league company. Husio Boxes Exclusively. Best made. Piny any desired number of tones. Gautscbi & Sons., manufacturers, 1030 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Won. derful orchestrial organs, only $5 and $10. Specialty; Old mnsic boxes carefully re paired aud improved with new tune. WHIRLS OF THE WHEEL. Cycle racing by electrio lights is among the probabilities for Riverside, N. J., iu the near future. The prizes to be "hung up" at the na tional circuit meet in Philadelphia on Sept. 22 aggregate ii,OD0 in value. More than 1.000 cyclists are now ridinc in Class B. The second and third-rate men are beginning to complain, as they are un able to win prize:, aud unless the pro moters oi race meets put class races on their programmes a larze number of the unfortunate ones will have to rotire, as racing tor iuu la not iu meir UKing. Cabannc, the yonng St. Louis ridor, whose biilliaut work in keeping the cracks guessing, promises to make a good show ing in the national championships, lie has defeated among others, Bald and Ken nedy, Both Bald and Kennedy have ridden very close to Johnson and Sanger, and have oven beaten there men occasionally. On this comparison Cabanne deserves to be classed with the tiptoppers. The next meet of .importance at the famous Waltbam track will be the annual tournament of the Press Cvcanz club, of Boston, on Labor day. There will be four Class A eventi, one mile three-minute class, a third mile open, a mile open, and a mile handicap with Dig prizes. Class B will have thrne events, a third mile ouen. a mile invitatiou aud a mile handicap. There will also be attempts at record Dreading. GENERAL SPORTING NOTES. "Denver Ed" Smith and Ed Farroll mot Saturday aud arranged to light for 5,030 a side. The fight is to come off in Denver within five weeks. Solly Smith, the California feather weight pugilist, and Frauk Erne, of Buf falo, have been matched to fight ten rounds for a purse of $800. The battle will be fought in Buffalo on Oct. 2. The finish fight between Onoree Corfleld. the English bantam weight 'pugilist, aud Charley Kelly, of this city, will take place In Sheffield, Eng., in December. Corfleld and Kelly will maul each othor for tSO'J a Bide and puree. Tom Allen, the old time nuirilist. of St. Louis, says bn is willing to find any part of $2,500 for Ed Smith, the heavy weight pugilist, of Denver, to fight any man in the United States. Allen eays: 'I backed Smith when be defeated Joo Goddard." Jlmmie McLaughlin, the speedy ama teur sprinter, of Worceatea, Mass., has been declared a professional and the Ama teur Athletic nnion warns all athletes uot to compete against him under nenaltv of expulsion. McLaughlin and "Piper" Don ovan intend to make a tour of the country togeiuer. Beauty Is No Inheritance. Cosmetics do not beautify, but often destroy a healthy complex ion. A natural rosy and healthy complexion cannot be had by the nso of cosmetics, but only through the health of the body in general. Jiotluug is better to secure this result than the genuine imported Carlsbad Sprudel Salt when taken early in the morning before break fast (about a small teaspoonful dissolved in ,a tumblerful of water). It clears tho complexion and produces a healthy color. Best taken when out-door exercise can be had. Obtain the genuine article, which has the signature of "Eisner & MeudelsonCo. , Agts., New York," on the neck of every bottle. NEARLY 3,000 MILES AT A CLIP, Bleeping; Car Porters Who nave the Long, est Buns la the World. The only employees of the Canadian Pa cific who are with the express trains all the time between Montreal and Vancouver are the sleeping car porters. They travel nearly 8,000 miles without a break, and nre on the road for nearly six days. It Is a pretty hard life, hut at both ends of the route the porters have an opportunity to rest, though even then t hey hardly get suf ficient recuperation. For two or three nights the porter is not likely to get over three or four hours' Bleep a night, and he is lucky If he gets that. He is his own con ductor, and collecting the sleeping car tickets and accounting for them adds con siderably to his work. Leaving Montreal at 8:40 p. m., he is certain to have a busy time at Ottawa shortly after midnight, and then he has his boots to black, and he Is lucky if he gets a wluk of sleep before 2 or 3 a. m. Ha takes a pillow and lies down In the smok ing room when no passengers are there, and catches cat naps If he can. He is likely ut any moment to be aroused by a bell, summoning him to one of tho berths, and the bell is sure to bo kept btisyufter day break. After leaving Winnipeg he has a com paratively caBy time ucross the plains, though ho Is compelled to be up after midnight both at Hegina and at Calgary. At all important stations he has to go to tho telegraph office with a statement of the accommodations unoccupied in his car, so that the station agents ahead may dispose of berths. He has a busy time through the mountains. As a rule ho loses nearly his entire car load at Winnipeg, and it fills up there at once with passengers from the south. Ho loses his passengers again at Banff, and their places are supplied by tourists who aro going on from that pleasure resort; then many of his passengers get off at Glazlar, and others como on, so that nearly all the time he has much to do in tho way of keeping his accounts, besides his duties as porter. At Vancouver he lays over for two days, aud as a rule he sleeps in the car, occupy ing it all the time for the round trip. When ho returns to Montreal he has been away fourteen days. Then he has a longer rest. Ho is off duty for five days, except tlmt he has to take his turn reporting at tho depot at night to assist the outgoing porter iu talcing care of luggage. His five days' rest puts him in pretty good condi tion for another two weeks' siege. The porters say tho trip is rather trying, but that there Is nothing like getting used to a thing. Tho company pays them forty dollars a month, and they expect to make at least us much more in fees, All of them ure colored men from the States, and have served on some of our best lines. They suy they like the service. Once iu awhile a man is switched off his regular run, which does not please him very well. For instance, ho may reach Winnipeg, going east with un empty car, und he is likely to be side tracked for further orders. He has plenty of leisure then, but the fees, which form so large a part of bis income, nre not forthcoming, and ho prefers more profit able activity, New York Sun. A Mystery Expliilncd. A gentleman of this city who has taken some interest in mind rending, hypnotism, telepathy ond the like, entered his office the other day, aud just as he was sitting down thought of ii friend whom he wanted very much to see on a matter of business. In less than a minute in walked the very person. "Did you just arrive?" asked the gentle man. "Drove up to the door about half a min ute ago," said the visitor. "Must send it to the Psychical Research society," said the gentleman, explaining what had happened. After his visitor went away he began thinking it over. Then he suddenly re called something he hud overlooked. On passing his office through another room he hud seen a gentleman reading a book with a peculiar binding. It reminded him of another book iu similar binding he had been reading ut a summer resort the week before. This reminded him that he thought of going buck there for another week of recreation aud that reminded him that his friend had been down there, too, und was expecting to go back with him. Then he wondered how many similar mys teries might bo rationally explained if the connection between one's thoughts could only bo re-established. Detroit Free Press. The Wisest Man Contradicts Hlmsolf. Napoleon was a fool more than his just proportion of time, and ho hud a habit of sticking to decisions made iu his off hours. You may bear this in mind, that the wisest man is he who most ofteu und freely con tradicts himself. To never veer in judg ment, and never go back on yourself, is not a murk of genius. I nsked my boy the other day wlmt the phrase "go back on yourself" meant, and his answer gives me just the illustration I need. He was pick ing a row of rasplierries; his answer was: "I have to go back every few feet and find berries I have nii.-seil. Wheu Phil tells mo I am not picking clean, I tell him to go back on himself." That is a wise man is one who reviews himself us ofteu once a day, and then perhaps again eau.i week. If you have a possible controversy, und have written a letter, be sure not to send it for twenty four hours, giving yourself time to recon sider it. Perhaps a good rule is to let all letters lay by for u day, it possible. You may have written ono iu your fool hour. You will bo surprised ut least thut you could have said some things, or proposed others. St. Louis Globe-Democrat. Where Scallops Aro Found. Sixty years ago the presence of giant scallops was known in the vicinity of Cys tine, Me., but It is only within tba last fif teen years that they have found a market. Everybody ought to learn that it is the "heart" (which is not the heart) of the scallop which is eaten. This so called "heart" is the strong abductor muscle of the mollusk. All the rest, or the mantle, is thrown away. In all muscular tissue there is a sweet tasting substance, aud probably iu the scallop this Is present In large quantity. The usual method of taking the scallop is by dredging. It is believed that there are undiscovered beds of these giant scallops yet to be found off, the coast of Maine. There used to be entertained the idea that since scallops were only found near the old French settlements, they were due to accidental planting by the first colo nists, but such Is not the case. The Pecten naturally belongs to the whole North American coast. New York Times. An ankle sprain is a stretching or tear ing of the ligaments of the joint, caused by a sudden twist, the weight of the body being unexpectedly applied to the liga ments, as if by, a lever. In most cases the foot Is turned inward, and hence it is the external ligaments that suffer. Uothers! Mother.lt Mothtrst!! Mrs.WinBlow'B Soothing Syrup has been need for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all psiu; cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for di arrhoea. Hold bydiuggiBts in every part of the world. Be sura and ask for "Mrs. Wlnelow's Soothing Syrup," and take no no other kind. Twenty-live cents a bot tle. Bad Drainaqi causes much Bickness, and bad blood and improper action of tho liver aud kidneys is bad drainage to the human system, which Bnrdook blood Bit tors remedy. A Word. Tanf of ofl Kind's cost that much, a tpt Situations Wanted,vihieh art insert Help Wanted Male. xFaPFd'-max tomaTSageran ch ' office at Bcranton; salary $1,0011 a year; JG0O cash and references required; commer cial references furnished. Room 15 Old Post Olttoe buililinir. Scranton. Helo Wanted Females. Wanted - five uood girls for ' ireneral housework, two dinia groom girl", two co)ks, colored c.iauhraan and dres (foods mnn for dry goods house. STAR EM-fl-iOYMEST Ah'ENOY, 436 Bprnce street. Wanted To Buy. ajtWvtTbuTioeoTsaTy one having common pigeons to sell state price, and address 03t ortlco box fititi, Koranton. Pa. For Rent 70R RENT 8T0KK 611 LACKAWANNA . Ave. Inquire of HENRY FKEY, 421 Lackawanna Ave, l?OR RENT ONE-HALF STORE. li 1 Penn avemie,$'i0 per month. IOR RENT House one block from cars, centrally locntcfl; beautiful view:reut low, U. A. CLEARWATER. 1UJ ilonseyavo. 1 J- all modern improvements; i-o pur month; immeJiate uossusnon. (.'all 614 Adams Ave. l.OR HEXT-NICELY FURM8HED HALL V suitable for lodne rooms. JOHN JER MYN, lltf Wyoming avenue. Special Notices. TO CONTRACTORS AND BIDDERS: Tho amount of the bond to bo furnished by the contractor to whom tho contract for the eroction of the new hiuh school has been awarded, has been reduced from 800,000 to 8-5,IWU. By order of the Scranton Board of Controls EUGENE D. FELLOWS, Secy. Aug. 21), JSM. You want this relic-reprint Frank Leslie's Illustratod Weekly War Illustrations lsiil-18fti. Two Volumes Folio, lli.5D; payablo monthly, fciOU. Delivered by express complete, prepaid. Address P. O. MOODY, HIS Gibson street, Scranton. Pa. BLANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAGA ziues, etc., bound or rebound at The TimiuNs office, (juick work. Reasonable prices. MEAL TICKETS CAN BE HAD AT 144, corner Spruce street and Franklin ave nue. Twenty meal tickets for $J.5U Good table board. Proposals. Sealed proposals will be ke VJ eeived at the olllce of tho City Clerk, Scranton, Pu until 12 o'clock m., Thursday, August 30, 1KH4. to hind three hundred (,:XW) copiesof tho Dlgost of Laws and Ordinances prepared by the City Solicitor. Specifications and sample of work and material required may be seen at the office of the City Clerk. The city reserves the riitht to reject any and all bids. By ordor of city councils. M. T. LAVELLE, City Clerk. Scranton, Pa., Aug. 18i)4. CEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE k? ceived at the office of the City Clerk, Scranton, Pa., until 7. 8U o'clock p.m., Thurs day, Sept. S. 1SU4, to pave West Lackawanna avenue botwoen D. L. A . R. H. crotsiuii uud Nintn street, with stone block, known as Bolidan block pavement, also to set or reset curbs:one where necessary on either side of said avenue between the aforenamed points. Proposal shall cover the entire woric and f hall state separately the price for f urniMilng and setting curb "tone, also price of re-setting old curb stone: also tho price for paving per square yard, which is to include tho cost of grading as nhown on the profile attached to the city ordinance providing for the woik; and is alto to include too re-construction or adjustment of street basins, gutters, castings, manholes and lampholes to meet the require ments and alterations caused by said improve ments. Bidders shall enclose with each pro posal the sum of three hundred dollars, cash o certified check, as a guarantee to ex cute a contraot within twenty days for the work if awarded the same. In case the bidder to whom the contract shall have been awurded, omits to execute a conti act within twenty days from date of sward, the enclosure accom panying his proposal shall be forfeited to the city of Scranton. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. The work is to be done iu accordance with the plan and specifi cations filed in the offlco of the city clerk, and under tho direction ol the city engineer. By ordor of city counci Is. M. T. LAVELLE, City Clerk. Scranton, Pa., Aug. 28, )!. tEALfcD PROPOSALS WILL BE RE O ceived at the office of the city clerk, Scrau ton, l'a until 7.8U p.m., Thursday, September Uth, IflW, to pave Pine street between Wash ington avenuo and Clny avenue, the portions of said Pine st'eet from Washington avenue to Jellcrso:! and from Mudison avenue to ( lay aveuui is to bo paved with standard sheet as phalt on a concrete base, and the portion of aid street from Jefferson avenuo to Madison avenuo is to be paved with West mountain yellow stone block, known us Bel rian block, on a concrete base. Proposals will also he re ceived at same time for furnishing and sotting new curbstono that may be necessary, also for the resetting of old curbstone on the por tion of said Pine street that is to be paved. Prr p ta s shall cover the entire work and shall state separately the price for furnishing and sutiing or resetting curbstones, the price of paving per square yard, which is to include the cost of grading as shown on the profile at tached to tho ordinance providing for the worlt. Bidders shrill enclose with each pro posal the sum of three hundred dollars, ensh or certified check, as a guarantee to execute a con'rni't within twenty days for the work if awarded the same. Iu case the bidder to whom tho contract shall have been award ed omits to execute a contract within twenty days from date of award, the enclosure accompanying his proposal shall be forfeited to the city of Scranton. Tho work is to he done in accordance with plans and specifica tions filed in the ofilce of tlie city clerk mid under the direction of the ilty engineer. The cily reserves tlie right to roject any and all bids. By order of city council. M. T. LAVELLB. City Clork. Scranton, Pa., Auc. '2S, 18H4. Charter Application. IYOTICE 18 HERl'.BY GIVEN THAT AN li nppli'atiou will bo made to theUovernor of the Stato of I ennsylvanio, on Friday, tho tenth day of August A D. lsm.by W.A. Cou ncil, W.W.Van Dvke, S. W. Roberts, Hanson C ar) enter and Horace E. Hand, under t:ie Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An act to provide for th incorporation and regulation of cer tnlu corpoaati ns," approved April iidth, 174, and the supplements thereto, for the charter of an intended corporation to be culled "The Nay Aug Shale Brick Company." ..u . . i . . : . . . i . i i r manufacture an i saloof building brick, pav iuu euniftt wr aim uujeub oi wuicu 1? me ing uricK, uieB huu orner articles made from clny, sand, earth, rock and minerals.or either or all of them, and for these purposes to have and possess and enjoy all the rights, bonefits and privileges of said act of assem bly and its supplements. JtSSUPS & HAND, Solicitors, "lyOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TnAN AN 1 application will be made to the Gover nor of Pennsylvania on Friday, the third day of August, lot)4, by Samuel P. Boyer, Ueorge W. Burncs, Josaph B. Dickson, O. 8. Johnson and H. M. Boies, under the Act of Assembly entitled "An act to provide for the in corporation and regulation of certain corporations," approved April Zth, 1874, and the supplements tlioreto.fortue charter of an intended corporation to be called "The Wy oming Oil Company," the character and ob ject of which is the mining, producing, soil ing and storing of oil, and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges of suoh act of assem bly and supplements thereto. WILLAKD WARREN St KNAPP, Solicitors. Scranton Tribune Job Department T well equipped with the latest styles of typ Superior Workmanship Low Prices aud Promptness ought to be inducements to the trade. On account of extensive alterations now in progress at our store, we will conduct a SPECIAL CLEARING" SAIX '- FROM NOW UNTIL SEPTEMBER 1ST. Our purpose is to reduce stock in order to accommodate the large purchases we have made for the fall trade. Prices will be such that you cannot afford to miss this opportunity. Immense Attractions in Every Department Our limited space forbids any further details in regard to prices. We only ask you to visit m and ascertain how cheap Dry Goods can be sold under our new regime. With the addition of 1,500 square feet of floor space, which with our present capacity w ill giye us 5,500 feet, we will be well qualified to satisfy the demands of our large and increasing business. When finished we will have the best lighted, most attractive and convenient store in Scranton, and our LOW PRICES will continue to bo our drawing card. CONNOLLY & Do Yon Sleep Well? If not, get one of nature's BEST SEDATIVES, il Pine BZTcLttress They Are Inexpensive. THE THE FEOTIIINCHAM Two Grand Festival Concerts. THURSDAY, AUG. 30, 2.30 AND 8 P.M. THE GREAT AND HIS FAMOUS mm pMHew York Band lllf M inthfiWnrlri OO-Of tho Best Musicians Olitainnblo-00 ProJnclUK "Trip to tho World's Fair," und the greatest historical musical spectucle, Warand Peace Tho event of the present season, with the nssistam e of MISS MARTHA O. MINER, Soprano. MISS LOUISE KNURL. Contralto. MR. C. C. FERGUSON", IVn r. MR. BOWMAN RAI STON, Basso. Marching Veterans of Griffin Post. (i. A. K., fife and drum corps, etc., etc., aud the Fdmois Artillery Accompaiiimsnt. Coiuplote battery of rapid, electrlc-flrlnit ar tillery, in porfoct time with the music. PRICES-Matinee, 25c, G0&, 75c. Night,25c. 50c., , jo. and 1. Beats on sale Monday at box office. THE FR0THINGIIAM Special Labor Day Attraction. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 8. SHAFT 102 IsS? By FRANK L. BIXBEE. A thrilling, iloscriptive idyl of every day life by everv-dny people. Thoroughly excitable in niechaaical situa tions. THE ELECTRIC WORKSHOP SCEXE is today the greater t and most complete elec trical display ever soen on any sti'go. The cast issuperb in cha'acter parts. Among tho artUts are klSS MARION ELM OK IS and MK. FRANK LOOSES, well known in this city. The usual prices of this Theater. Seats can be procured commencing Friday V a.m. Real Estate. SCRANTON REAL ESTATE AND IN VESTMENT AOENCV. offers bnrgaius as follows: CITY BUSINESS PROPERTY. 40 ft front by 50 ft deep, on Spruce street, rents for $700 (10.000 40 ft. front by 60 feet deep, ou Spruce street, corner alley 10,500 These together give H0 ft. front on Spruce street between Penn and Franklin, with alley on side. Spruce street property is advancing rapidly. CITY RESIDENCE PROPERTY. CORNER MONROE AXU VINE streeti. lot M)xS.", two dwellings, $(,i.00, giving a nice residence and nn inccnid for small investment; ALSO A PLOT OF 3 LOTS, giving ISO ft front on Monroe avenue, near Vine street. Tboae make a ilrat-rluss residence plot in a dexirablo locality. If not sold iu one plot will sell above separately. WEST SIDE. Lot MxlRO, South Main avonno. adjoining residence of Smith B. Mtt, price, $7oU; also lots on Rock street and West End place. Only four loft COTJVTRY PROPERTY. A BEAUTIFUL HOME AT DALTON, PA., modern house, spring water piped into it from hill back, barn for three horses and two cows, hennery with comentil floor, young fruit, fine lawn, grand outlook; oue and a half to three acres, as desired, $6,000. Also lots of about same sizo on Western Slope, Dalton. Call or address SMITH B. MOTT, Manager, No. 421 Lack, ave. rear board trade. . Situations Wanted. MIDDLE-AGED MAN WANTS A Posi tion as a janitor or a watchman: good reference. Address C. O., Tribune office. VC-UNO MAN DESIRES A POSITION AS X cashier or assistant bartender; four yea-s' experience. Address P. H. Parker, Crane avenue. (SITUATION WANTED. A young man O wants a position as a watchman, or some kind of light work ; good references Is sober and reliable. Address. HONEST. 1310 Jackson It. RELIABLE, SOBER MAN WANTS A Po sition as traveliug salesman. Experienced and good reference. Address, W, Kenabau), Wait J L.u a rniiviiuAU uflitn" maker wants position; experience and best of references. Address 1717 Penn Aye. v . vTfr.K.r. . nniwiniT . tut. VJITUATION WANTED AS CLERK IN, O grocery store or as colloctor; bad several years' experience; can speak both German and English; will furnish A No. 1 references. Address X. V. Z., Tribune office. , WANTED-A POSITION BY A YOUNG V V lady as bookkeeper; Is willing to clerk for a time; has taken a course In double and ingle entry; can furnish references. Address K, I. M., 00s Tbroop street, Dunmor. urn WALL 209 ESTABLISHED 1800. 20,000 IN USE. Instruments In every sense of the term as applied to Pianos. Exceptional iu holding their original fulness Of t(IDP. NEW YORK WAREHOUSE, No. 80 Fifth avenue. SOLD BY E.C. RickerScCo. 1 15 Adams Ave. New Telephone Bdg. Wm, Linn Allen & Go. STOCK BROKERS. Bay and sell Stocks, Bonds and Grain on New York Exchangee and Chicago Board of Trade, either for cash or on margin. 412 Spruce Street. OTLocal Stocks a Specialty. G, duE DIN1 TELEPHONE 5,002. Malooey Oil and Manufsctur'g Co, OILS-m VINEGAR AND CIDER Hi TO 151 MERIDIAN ST. ACE TOil BEDDING CO. -To 'mTJ WHY HOT See our FIFTEEN DOLLAR Solid Oak Bedroom Sett We sell Furniture as cheap aa any house In the country that in tends to give honest value for tho money. Try us. Hull 4 Co 205 m 207 sumpi onor Insanity, hi mll prepaid. With ... nVITiWTsTTiTlim iiMiWIT btrUHtAND AFTER USING.no other. Address MEKVC EEBCO.. juaioulo 'ieinpie, cuicaoo. iij. For Sale in Scranton, Pa., by H.C. SANDERSON, Druggist, cor. Washington inrl .Snriice streets. PENNYROYAL iiAnh for SB. BIOTT'S PENBTEOTAI, PILX.9 and take no other. iviSv p'" Send tor ciroular. A UI1. MOTT'B JirlHiJXLliJA.U JO., For Sale by C M. HARRIS. DrncKist, EVERY WOMAN eometiintanedianllabla,nonthl,nguUtlng medicine. Only hamlets Utsl the purest drugs should be used. 11 you want the best, get Dr. Peal's Pennyroyal Pills They are prompt, safe and certain In result. The genuine (Dr. Peal's) never dlssp. noint. Boat anywhere, 81,00. Addreiaf&u.iUMiaaaCe,, Cleveland, O. For sals by JOHN H. PHELPS, Spvuce Street, Scranton, Pa. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CQ SCRANTON AND WII.KBS-Ba.RRE, PA. MANUFACTURERS O? Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. General Office, SCRANTON. FX WASHINGTON AVE. Opp. Court House. Dr. EX Grewer The Philadelphia Specialist, and his associated taff of English and German physicians, are now permanently located nt 811 SPRUC13 ST., SCnWTON. The doctor is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania.foriuorly demonstrator of phvsl oloey and surgerv at the Medico Chlrnrgical College of Philadelphia. A specialty of rhronio, Nervous, Skin, Heart, Womb and Blood diseases. DISEASES CP THE NERVOUS SYSTEM The symptoms of which aro dizziness, lack of confluence, sexual weukness iu men and wo man, ball rising in tho throat, spots floating before the eyes, loss of memory, unable to cou rentrato the mind on one subjeot, easily ttartled when suddenly spoken to, and dull, distressed mind, which untlts them tor per forming the actual duties of life, making hap- finess impossible; distressing the action of he heart, causing flush of heat, depression of spirits, evil forebodings, cowardice, fear, dreams, melancholy, tiro easy of company, feeling as tired in the morning as when retir ing, lack of energy, nervousness, trembling, confusion of thought, depression, constipation, weakness of the limbs, etc. Those so affected should consult us immediately and be restor ed to perfect health. LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. Weakness of Young Men Cured. If you have been given up by your physician call upon the doctor and lie examined. lie cures tlie worst cases of Nervous Debility. Scro f ula.Old Sores.CutarrhPlles Feras'.e Weakuess, Affections of thu Eve, Ear, Noso and Throat, Asthma, Deafness, Tumors. Cancers and Crip pies of every description. Consultations free and strictly sacred and confidential, office hours daily from V a. in. to U p. in. Sunday 9 to 2. .. nve ii-ci'iit stamps for symptom blanks aud my book called "New Life." 1 will py one thousand dollars in gold to ativosie whom 1 cannot cure of EPILEPTIC CONVULSIONS or FITS. DR. E. GREWER. 311 Bpruco Street, Scrautou, Pa. 3 5 nmm m. 'NERVESEED9. eases, such as Wenk Memory. Loss of Brain Power, IleaUache, Wakefulnein, Ixwt.Manhood.N'liihtly Kmlsslons, Kervousnei,alldralnsandlosof power ln(ueratlveOreanofettlieriwxosuedbyoerexenlon.oulhfulerrir. excesmve use of tobacco, opium or stimulants, which lead to Infirmity, Con- tan Doosmeuin t.(ih"i- a 85 order we written anurantee to cure r'ii-f'tiifir frA- Mim nr an imiiraisia. ani rorn. tno PILLS. ever offered to Ladies, especially recommend ed to married Ladies. JPriee ifl.Ot) yor box, boxes lor $5.00, Cleveland, Ohio. 187 I'enn Avenue. Pharmacist, cor. Wyoming Avsnus and
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