The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 30, 1894, Image 1

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    -phero's no spoiling
among Tribune adver
tisers. "gparo the 4ad.' and
spoil the sale."
They Claim to Have Punished the Japs at
A Victory for Li Hung's Warriors An
nounced in the Chinese Press.
Koreans, It Is Alleged, Aided the
Pigtails in the Battle Against the
Japanese Invaders The Mikado's
Warships Make a Slight Reprisal.
Shanghai, Aug 29.
THE native press bits received con
firmation of the battle fought
between tin Chines-1 mid Jap in
ese troops on An1. 13, Accord
ing to these reporter) 000 Chinese troops
or nil arms attacked the Japanese
forces, which bad boon detailed to
guard tbe Pine-Yang passes, in the
northwest of Korea, and eventually
succeeded in driving tbe Japanese from
the position which they held. It is
added that a lartr nnmber of Koreans
flocked to tbe Chines standard, bee
ping for arms and asking for permis
sion to form tbe advance guard of the
Chines forces moving against the
On Ang. 14, still, aecording to the
same reports, the Chinese were rein
forced by 4,000 troops from Yi-Chow,
and on tbe day following they attacked
tbe Japanese linss at Chung-Ho, with
tbe result that tb Japanese retreated.
On Aug. 10 the Chinese army was, the
reports say, further reinforced by 13,
000 fresh troops, and on Aug. 17 they
attacked th - Japanese, who are said to
have lost 4,0J0 men and their heavy
The Chinese, on August 18, advanced
to Huang-Chow and, passing too near
tbe Tatnng river, wbere thirtseri Jap
anese war ships were moored, they
were attacked by the Japanese, who
opened fire npon them with tbe ships'
guns and inflicted a loss of several
hundred men npon the Chines". At
ebbtide, ou tbe lame day, tbe native
reports add, three of the Japanese war
ships found themselves aground and
were afterward severely damaged by
the fire of tbe Chinese artillery which
was bandied from a bnsli. Tbe balk of
tbe Japanese forces, it is farther assert
ed, retreated southward, pursued by
tbe Chinese cavalry, until night stopped
the latter's advance.
Finally, tbe reports of tbe native
press say, that General Y'enn, the Chi
nese commander, then made a detour
and attacked tbe Japanese in the rear,
completely rooting them and capturing
Huang-Chow. Th general news re
ceived bere does not confirm the re
ports of there Chinese successes re
ceived by tbe native press.
Ping-Yang is a province in tbo north
west of Corea and borders on tbe
Chinese province of Shing-Kind and
Manchuria. Tbe province is cross-d
by four mountain ranges. It is con
sidered the key to tbe northern portion
of the Corean peninsula.
japan's attitude.
Berlin, Ang. 29. The National
Zeltung publishes advance sbeets of an
ar icle to appear in the September
R indsohau, by Herr Brandt; formerly
G rman minister to Pekin. Tbe writer
a cuses Japan of absolutely wanton
aggression toward Korea. Tbe Jap
aut8e representatives in Corea, he says,
have consistently sought to make
capital out of tbe periodical revolu
t sua in Corea, so that a pretest
"flight be fnnnd for the interven
tion of the Japanese government. He
Bs5sSrJts that the Japanese have hungered
after "Kored from tim immemorial.
The itdoption as their puppat of tbe
king oV. Korea's father, who is the most
fanaticAl hater of foreigners in tbe
whole ( Korea, is sufficiently cbarac
teiistiojof Japanese sincerity. Herr
Brandt I remarks that neither Russia
nor Engrynd is likely to be in a burry
to interfere in the present trouble, but
it is his opinion that they must do so
Th Partisan.1 Equabble at Lancaster to b
j iDvesticratad.
Washington, Aug. 29 First Assist
ant Postmaster Jones, accompanied by
Civil Service Commissioner Rosevelt
and the latter's private secretary, left
Washington this afternoon for Lan
caster, Pa., where they will commence
an investigation of the postoffice thre
as a result of a complaint filed
tome months ago against Post
master Malon for the removal
of letter carriers for political
reasons. Malone charged the carriers
with taking part in tbe Republican
campaign and accepting bribes. Charges
in turn were preferred by th dismissed
employes against Malone that he, as
chairman of the Democratic state com
mittee, influenced the members of tbe
force in voting,
Before leaving Mr. Jones said it
would tak several day to complete
the investigation.
Bo H Endeavored to E.oapi from His
Troablaa by Suloldn la Chicago.
Chicago, Aug. 29 Jacob J. Noel,
of Elkhart, Ind., fUd from bis home to
ivoid paying bis attorney for getting
him out of prison, where he was serv
ing a life sentence for mnrder. He
turned op in Chicago, became despond
mt, and tried to take bis own life in
Lincoln park last night, but was pre
vented from carrying out bis intent by
a park policeman who wrested tbe pis
tol from bis band.
Noel was pardoned from tbe Indiana
Itate prison about a year ago by Gov
irnor Matthews, after having served
fourteen years for the murder of Abra
ham Panlus, a druggist, of Elkharf. being pardoned he rstarned to
bis old home in Elkhart, and again
went into business. But his wife was
lead and his children scattered all over
Ihe conntry. At first it was thought
Ibat Noel murdered bis victim without
provocation, lut later it was learned
tbst there was provocation, and tbe cit
izens generally united in asking Gov
ernor mailliews 10 grant iiilu a puruuu.
British Garrison's Withdrawal Does Not
Maan Transfer to Turkey.
Laknica, Island of Cyprus, Aug. 29.
Orders have baen received hern for
the evacuation of the Islaud of Cyprus,
and the British garrison is preparing to
leave. The news has caused a panic
among tho Christian population, who
believe that the island is about to be
restored to Tnrkv.
London, Aug. 29. The dispatch from
Cyprus was shown to a representative
of the British foreign ofliee today and he
explained that tbe withdrawal of tbe
Lintisb garrison was one to military
txegeucies only and thrt it it had no
political meaning. The foreign ofliee
official added that a small detachment
of lliitish troop will remain at Cyprus
inhrgeof tho stores and buildings
belonging to the government.
Yesterday's Sessions of the Supreme
Lodge of the Vorld Unattended
by Interesting Features.
Washington. Aw;. 29 To-day's
session of the Supreme Lodgo of
Knu'litn of Pvthiiis of the World was
devoid of any interest, consisting main
ly of the reference of business matters
to appropriate committees.
A pleasing incident wus tbe presenta
tion to the lodge by Congressman Rich
ardson of un engrossed copy of the act
incorporating t he order with autograph
signatures of President Cleveland, Vice
President btevenson and Speaker Crisp
The third biennial gassion of tbe su
preme temple, Pythian Sisters of tin
World, convened this morning at h t
hall with a full attendance
Mrs. Hattie A. Rjbinson, supreme
chief, in her auuual report congrat
ulated tbe ordor upon the progress
msde despite unfavorable circnm-
stanceg. Since tho lust meeting fifty
dispensations were granted. Two tem
ples, Memphis and Hot Springs havs bv
come defunct. Grand Temples have; neon
established in Colorado, Wasnington,
Oregon, New York, Pennsylvania and
New Hampshire. All attempts to ef
fect a consolidation nf the sisters with
the Pythian sistarhood have failed.
Every obligation of the order has been
liquidated and f 047 remains in tbo
treasury. Oo Jan. 10 last there were
fifteen grand temples, 410 subordinate
temples with a membership o f 9,972
knights and 13 !J67 sisters, a gain
since the lass rsport of six
grand temples,223 sn'nrdinate temples.
6,811 Knights and 7,135 sisters. Since
J m. 1 sixty-two ttinples bave been in
stituted and tbe total membership is
niw estimated at 11,000 Knights and
15 000 sisters.
During tbe past two years there have
been received $30. 291; disbursed, $23,-
041; now on hand, $7,230.
Tue visiting Pytnians bad an impac
tion and review this afternoon on" the
White lot, a great oval field south of
the white house. Four o'clock was tbe
hour set for the event, but it was an
hour later before tbe head of the col
umu marched past Major General Car
naban and his staff, brilliantly uni
formed and mounted on horses gaily
caparisoned. Thousands of people
witnessed tbe review and the police
arrangements were so perfect that the
field was kept clear for the participat
ing knights. Owing to the lateness of
the hour about half the Pythians only,
about 4,000 iu nnmber, took part in tbe
Mrs. Kline Drcpi Ouh Hundred and
Twenty fiv Feet
Reading, Aug 29. Mrs. Milton
Kline, aged 3S met with a terrible
deatn at her borne in Blaudon late this
afternoon. She had just drawn a
bncket of water from a wo.ll. and was
about stepping from tbe platform when
it collapsed.
Tbe woman grasped for tbe edge of
the platform, but missed it, and
plunged he idlong down the well, a dis
tance of 125 feet. It required several
hours to remove ths body. It if sup
posed she was killed almost instantly.
Fostofflc Buldlng- All That Is Left or
the Town.
ITf.lena, Mont., Aug. 29 Tbe town
ofEdiitoo on the Northern Pacific
railroad, thirty miles west of here, was
destroyed by fire early this morning.
The fir started in a livery stable
and tbe only building left is the post
office. Loss, $100,000
Huffs church at Seisholtaville, Berks
county, was robbed of its communion ser
vice. Eicht-year old Willie Pudloiner was be
headed bv a train while be was picking
coal at Heading.
Thirty -six emyloyes have sued tie em
barrassed Diamond Drill company for $4,
000 iu back wages, at Reading.
The Johnstown Fire Insurance company,
an assessment mutual concern, has been
re-organized as a stock company.
Ex-County Auditor Lockard's wife
dropped dead of heart disease in the road
at Richmond, Northampton county.
Ninetoen-yesr-old William Rupp, jr.,
has been mysteriously missing from bis
home at Ousel, Lebanon county, Blnce
Aug. 10.
Mrs. Marcarnt Albright had to arrest her
young sou, Willintu, at Heading, for strik
ing her in the face wben she forbade his
stealing npplee.
For tbe third time In a few months rob
bers looted H. 15. Rusby's variety and
jewolry store nt Roadiug on Monday night.
They got goods worth 11,000.
Peter Lnefflng, 60 years of ags, residing
In Lower 8t. Clair township, committed
suicide yesterday by blowing the top of
bis head of with a large revolver. The
only known cause is desdondency over in
ability to secure employment. Lueffiug
had a family of grown children.
James M. Ganse, aged 54, a retired hotel
owner and. one of -be leading Democratic
politicians iu this county, died this after
noon. Several weeks ago be attempted
suicide by drowning. He was rescued.bnt
has beon contlned to bed since from nerv
ons prostration, which resulted in his
death. Urip unbalanced his mind.
Review of an Act In! reduced In the Interest
of Spoils Mongers.
Civil Service Commissioner Roosvelt
Expresses Himself Characteristic
ally Upon the Famous Bynum Act, a
Measure Demanding That Dis
charged Democratic Postal Clerks
Be Reinstated An Effort to Break
Up the Practice of Assessing Ofliee
Washington, Am;. 29.
BEFORE leaving Washington to
day to investigate charges
ngainst the postmaster at Lin
caster. Civil Srvice Commis
sioner Roosevelt expressed somo char
acteristically vigorous viowg respect
ing tbe work of tbe commission, the
practices pursued in tho departments
and the construction of the laws relat
ing to tbe commission. After riving
credit to Senators Cockndl anlLnlge.
for securing the provision in tha ap
propriation bill which gives to the com
mission the right to select its own
clerks, which the house struck out of
the bill, Mr. Roosevelt said :
'I want to call attention to the By
nnm bill in the lionsi to reinstate ths
Democratic railway clerks who were
turned out prior to the classification of
tbe railway mail service in 1S89
It is a thoroughly vicious partisan
measure, and I cannot but express
my astonishment and r-gret that not
one single D moernt in the house votad
against it. If it should become a law
it would be a precedent for the enact
ment of similar measures whenever u
change of administration took placi.
It is introduced purely in the interests
of the spoils mongor, and is a thor
oughly vicious bill in every way.
solicitation is illegal.
"Then there is something else," he
went on. "The recent decision of the
attorney general, which permits solici
tation for political purposes by letter
in government buildings. If this opin
ion holds the commission must imme
diately request the passags of a law to
prohibit such solioiution. The com
mission has always insisted that solici
tation for political purposes was il
legal, whether doue iu person or by
letter in a government building.
It was owiug to this interpretation
that we weru able to very nearly break
up tbe practice during the last presi
dential campaign, and as the after
math of that campaign we have pro
cured the conviction of two govern
ment officials, one a postmastor in Ohio
and the other a deputv internal reve
nue officer of Kentucky, but we have
never bad a case tried in the courts,
where the accusation was that tbe so
licitation was by letter.
"Nina-tenths of the good done by the
law will vanish if solicitation by letter
is allowed, und although tho commis
sion will, of course, do all it ean to
protect employes if they are molested
in any way for refusing to contribute,
it is imperative that we sbonld be given
power to prosecute any attempt at po
litical assessment In a government
building, either by letter or otherwise.
"Tbe commission sincerely hop?s
that there will be a great extension of
the classified service, and tliBl the
number of positions now excepted from
examination will be tmtoriaily re
duced, both in tbe departments and in
tbe postoffices and custom houses
throughout the country. A great
many placss are excepted from examin
ation on the theory that they must be
filled by people having confidential re
lations to tbe head of tho department
or that they rsquire special qualifica
tions not to be tested by examination.
This is the theory. In practice thes
excepted positions are filled almost
wholly on political grounds and are
filled as a rule with men much inferior
to those whom we get through our
comptitive examinations,
Tney are places better remunerated
than others in the same ofliee, and by
the filling of these in this way a pre
mium is put upon pernicious partisan
activity, as against a faithful perform
ance of their work by clerks actually
in tbe service. Moreover, the exiHtense
of these places is a constant temptation
to officials to change the titles of them
go as to make them excepted. Several
striking illustrations of this hare oc
curred in the treasury department,
Will Not Accept a Presidential Nomina
tlon Vnl'as it is Unanimous.
Washington, Aug. 29. The Post
this morning says: Ueneial L. L. Mich
ener, of this city, who managed Gen
eral Ilarrisin' campaign at the Chica
go convention of 1838 and at the Min
neapolis convention of 1892, and who
is an intimate political mi l personal
friendofthat gen tie nun. is authority
for the statement that the ex-president
does not desire a renominaLioii, and
would not accept one unless it should
com to bim with practical nnanmity.
General Micbener made this declara
tion last night, and - the sincerity nf
bis ntterance cannot be questioned He
said that after President Harrison s de
feat ho called at the White house one
day and told that gentleman that many
leading Republicans hoped to see bim
the nominee of the party again In 1890.
Raising his band as if to ward off an
linpendiug blow, tho president re
plied: "No more of that. Four years of the
presidency has been simii'ient for me.
My ambition bas been Inlly satisfied.
The white honso is associated in my
mind with the greatest sorrow of mv
life. I shall be glad to leave it, and I
bave not, nor do 1 ever expect to have,
the slighesl desire to re-enter it as a
At a later date, when General Micb
ener and tbe ex-President mot at the
latter's home iu Indianapolis, the sug
gestion was again advanced by Gsueral
Michener tbat th great majority of
the R-publican parlv desired his re
nomination. But General Harrison
again disclaimed any ambition in that
direction and substantially repeated his
former protest against any further de
sire for Presidential honors.
General Minhener says that 90 per
cent, of tho Indiana Republicans are
loyal to Harrison and would work en
thusiastically for bis renomination. He
does not regard tbe defeat of the Re
publican ticket two years ago as any
retl ction uron the candidate. Tho
conditions, ho says, were all un-
favorable to lt'puWican snce-s and he
does not believe that any nominee
put lorwanl by tbe party could hav
won at that time. General Harrison,
he continued ia living quietly at hia
home in Indianapolis and altendinir
industriously to his law business.
Two Poor India Mia Sudiinly Find
Thmj;v i Fab'ilouVv Wealthy.
Eckerly, Lid., Aug. 29 Elmer Gil
nioii', a teacher in the public schools
here, ling fallen heir to an estate in
Doriy, Ireland, aliiu;ited nt $3,000,000
Tho fortunate tuaclier recniv-d letters
from Mahlon anil R-id, barristers, of
Nttwry, Ireland, requesting him to
prove his id.sutitv, ami Mr. Gilmora
has forwarded tbe n-icessary docu
ments. Aq El wood, Ind., telegram says John
J. Jonea, a Welsh tinplat worker uui
ldoyed in a factory here at a salary of
$7 a week, received word from Wales
tonight that an unel bad died and bi
qneathed him money and estates
amounting to $1 O'JO.OO). He hag quit
work and will taave for Wales at once.
Hints for tho Husbandman Given by
the Bureau of Animal
Washington, Aug. 29. The second
of a eerie of circulars of information
prepared by the bureau of auiinal in
dustry bas been published by tbe de
partment of iigrumltfire. It ia a dis
cussion nf wheat ns a food for growing
and fattening animals
Dr. Salmon, ehief of the bureau says:
"During the past year there have been
numerous inquiries in regard to the
chemical' composition of wheat as corn
pared with corn and oats, its relative
value ai a food for growing and fatton
ing animals, and the method of feeding
whioh would produce tbe best results.
These inquiries have, doubtless, been
snegested by tbe groat change in the
comparative prices of tbe grains just
As a result of the experiments raado,
ami showu in tables givn in the circu
lar, it is stated that "equal parts, of
wheat and corn should, therefore,
prove better for fatteuing animals than
ither of those trains alone. For
growing animals corn is plainly not
so suitablo as is wheat or oats, When
wheat and orn are the same prleu per
bushel, it U preferable to feed wheat
and sell corn. The best way in which
to fend wheat is to roll or grind it into
coarse meal. It may then be fed alone
or mixed with corn meil or ground
oats. It should when possible be mixed
with some other grain, and csre should
he taken to proven t any one animal
from getting more than the quantity
intended for it."
Respecting the chemical and econ
omical features of the grain, Dr. Sal
mon says; "Tho information derived
from the tables should be used in con
nection with onr knowledge of the
bablts of animals and the practical re
sult of feeding. We should not care to
assert, for instance, that wheat screen
ings are in general more valuable ns a
food for animals than thnplnmp, sound
wheat, although the table would indi
cate this to be the case. We may, how
ever, safely conclude that the screen
ings and imperfect wheat should be fed
and only tbe best wheat put upon tbe
Fifty Fast rf tha Chicago Grand Stand
Bedncid to Athes.
Chicago, Aug. 29 All but fifty feet
of the grand stand of the Chicago Base
Ball Club at Polk and Lincoln streets
was destroyed by firs this nfternoon.
The stand had been practically reenn
Btrneteil after tbe fire of several weeks
ago, which destroyed about half of the
stand. 1
All of the reconstructed part and
somo of the old strnoture went up in
flames this afternoon. The origin of
the fire is believed to he incendiary.
Loss estimated at $19,009.
Congressman Bryan will become editor-in-chief
of the Omaha World-Herald on
Sept. i.
A scheme is on foot to move tbe Ant
werp exposition to tho City of Mexico IU
Renr Admiral Skerretr, ou his way to
Washington, is detained at Denver by
blight illness.
Tha National Woman's Christian Tem
perance union convention will open at
Cleveland Nov. 10.
Attenipls of Milwaukee health officers
to move smallpox patients to a hospital
led to renewed rioting. ,
Starvation ended t.ho life. In Croslon
(In.) streots, of John M. Moore, of rnoblo,
a Pennsylvania veteran.
Throwing herself from a fourth-story
wiudow, Mrs. Elizabeth llurback, a New
York widow, ended her life.
Senator Chandler made an address before
the final session of the American Forestry
association, at .Jackson, N. II.
For M50.000 Fuller Daggett and others,
nf Fittaburg, bought tho Birmingham
(Ala.) Furnace company's plant.
Eating watermelons for a wager, Wil
liam tieaworth, of Chana, III., killed him
self and bis sister is likely to die.
Accused by Charles Radcliffn with inti
macy with Mrs. RadclilTe, Prill Morgan
pounded him to death with a hauimor.
A man who committed sniclda at Den
ver, Col., Inst Friday bas been idontifled
as Frank Melbourne, tbo rainmaker.
The attempt will be made to land the
Bennett-Mackay caote, now reselling
Coney Island, at Now York's harbor front.
Foiled by Town Clerk Edom In au at
tempt to escape from court, J, W. Barnes.
a desperado, of Pleasant Hills, III., fatally
staboed bim.
Lieutenant Welsh, who struck Colonel
Crofton at Fort Sheridan, III., is declared
to have been temporarily insane and re
lieved from duty.
The Hollanders Ml with Serious tosses at
They Display Great Courage and
Sagacity General Vottcr's Troops
Entrapped and Cut Down Other
Reverses Reinforcements Sent to
Crush the Plucky Little Ruler.
The Hague, Holland, Ang. 29.
DISPATCH regarding the disaster
i to tbe Dutch forces operating
M against the rajah of the island of
U Lombnk. near .Turn ia nnhlinliad
in th official Journal today. The dis
patch says that General Vcttcr, the
commander of the expedition, was sur
prised at. 11 nVlnrk nt
Tj ikrn Nejnra. Th firing wm con-
. ; 1 ... . . .
iiuuoun umu morning ana me Dutch
in this Higiiceraent lost fourteen killnd
rttid eighty-live wounded. As the
water supply of tbe column
failed, and hs foraging was iui-
possiuie, the Dutch troops were com
pelled to retreat toward H.
capital of ttia island. During the" re-
i .k. . .1. i- , . .
unit mt. jAiicu iobi; neavny, being
continually harassed by the natives,
mm in one piace in me route tney found
that barracades h:id lvn rnion.l T,..,.
obstructions were so stoutly defended
uy iuo nauve warriors mat tbo troops
were una bio to fn Mtun u.,,i
were compelled to make a long detour
in uiuer 10 avoid tue oiocuadod route,
and iu so doing they lost more mm.
Tbe Dutch succeeded in reaching
Amnenan on Am-. 22 with n t,iti
casualties far iu excess of tbe nnmbnr
at nrst reported. The killed included
four officers and sivtv-tbrnH
were twelve officers and 15.') men
wouuueu, nivt six oiiicers and 118 niihi
missintr. Conaniirtntlv turnnm-mm
officers and BC1 men were killed,
wounded or luisiue durlnnr th mm.
cessive engagements with the natives.
T 1 l : . ; mr.. . . .
in aiiui.iou me verier column lost four
field guns.
dutch sustain heavy losses.
It now armura flint tun nH.a
columns of Dutch troops operating
mum me same lsianu nave sustained
hoavy losses and eudured much suffer
ing. These are the columns com
manded by Colonels Van Pabst uud
Bylsvclt. These columns have been
operating separately and have also sue
CH'ded in reaching Amnnnun Ti,ii.
loses are not stated, but they are ad
mitted, voionei van raost wus among
the officers killod with his column.
Five steamers carrying troops and
field guns leave Batavia. Java, for
Lombok tomorrow and evory effort
will be made to retrieve tbo disaster to
tbe Dutch arms.
Tbo news of the loss sustained by
the Dutch forces sent to punish the
Rajah of Lombok has caused great ex
citement throughout Holland, and it is
believed that tbo whole truth is not
yet known, and that wben tbe Iobsos to
the Van Pabst and Bylavelt columns
are added to those sustainod by the
Vetter column", the loss in killed,
wounded and musing will be ov-r 500
The people am clnmorinc for th
latest news from Lombok, and the gov
ernment is urged promptly to despatch
the strongest roinforcemeuts possible
to that island. Tha governor cetioral
os tbe Dutch Indies, General Van der
Wijck, has summoned a conncil of the
naval and military commanders, who
are determining upou the decisive
measures to bo takeu in order to wipe
out tbo defeats of the Dutch troops.
Mass Msetina' of ths Weavers Two
Mora Mills Starts!.
New Bf.dfoup. Mass., Aug. 29 Tbe
weavers ussi-mbled in large numbers
on the city common this morning for a
mass meeting. Secretary Hart and
other promiuent union men made ad
dresses, eneonrauing them to hold out.
Mr. Hart said that should an attempt
bo made next Tuesday morning to start
up the mills under tho wag rednc
tion, the union would resist it to
the last, and tha weavers would nnt -
tnru to work until they bad assurance
that the particulars bill will be com
plied with. Owing to tho pressure on
the union's funds by reason of th
strike, barges cannot be hired, he said,
for the women i oprative on labor
day ss heretofore, but thny will all
march in the procession enrryimr ban
ners inscribed: "We want to know
the length of our cute." Much en
thusiasm was showu.
Bennett mills Nos 1 and 2 and Col
umbia mill No. 1 started np at the old
schedule this morning. There was no
demonstration. Tho places of opera
tives in the three corporations will be
filled by help from other mills. Coluuv
bia mill No. 2 did not begin rnnnint
today, as repairs Were not completed,
Truy Believe tho New Amerloan Tariff
Will Ben.fl- Th.ra.
London, Aug. 2!) A representative
of the bouse of Windeler & Co , the
largest wool brokers engaged in the
American trade in London, in an inter
view to-day expressed the opiuion tbat
the American tariff bill would un
doubtedly benefit the English market,
which is now feverish and uncertain.
Stooks are hold firm here, and deal-
era in the United States are demanding
lower pricaii. The largo stock of wools
in the United States and ulnowher, he
believed, males a permanent rise
doubtful. There is little business now.
and tho next public sale will not take
plao nntil Sapt. 18. American dealers
insist upon cheaper raw material in
conoequenc of their reduced prone
The wool-broking firm of Jacob &
Co. concur in th views of Windeler &
Co , adding that the recent gales of
2,0U0 Dales bave been made to Ameri
can buyers.
Yorkshire bouses are jubilant over
the passage, of th tariff bill into a
law, and ar confident of increased
business in tbo future.
And Now Young- Fred Albrltton and Lil
lian Or an Ar Sorry.
Fremont, 0 Ang. 29 Fred Albrit
ton, tne 18-year old son of tho Rev. J.
L Albritton, of the Fremont Metho
dist Episcopal chnruh, and Mis Lillian
Oran, daughter nf John F. Oran, of
CUvaland, president of tha Lak Side
company, were married secretly at La
crosse on August 10 as a joke. Albrit
ton's father discovered tbo marriage
certificate in his sou's pocket. As both
parties to the marriare are undsr age,
the marriage was annulled yesterday at
Mr. Quay Is to Spend September Along
the Atlantlo Coast.'
Atlastio City. Ang. 29. United
States Senator M. S, tjiuy arrived bere
this afternoon. Hamilton Disston, of
Philadelphia, accompanied bim. The
senator is to remain here through Sep
tember and expects to be joined by bis
He will spend his time fishing off
Brigantine beach.
The Wife of a Nanticoke Farmer Ad
ministers Proper Medicine to
an Angry Tramp.
Wilkes-Barre, Aug. 29. Thomas
T. Hughes, a Nanticoke farmer, left
home yesterday, leaving big wife alon
in tbe house. She notioad four or five
men in a field near by, gathered appar
ently around a keg of ber.
A few minute later one of ths gang
appeared st the Hughes house. He
t old Mrs. Hughes that a keg of beer
had been stolen and be accused
tier of knowing wbere it was secreted,
She denied it,aud told him tbat she bad
seen bim and a gang of pals drinking
the beer in an adjoining tiald. At this
the man beame angry and ubusive.
When he refused to go out gue grabbed
a rolling pin, which the man also mads
n lurch for.and together they struggled
about the house, upsetting cbaira and
tables, Tbe woman was hurled vio
lently against tbe door of tbe dining
room, but she got np disappeared from
view aud immediately reappeared with
a shot gnu.
Before tbe tramp knew what she was
about she had leveled the gun and firod
a load of bird shot into bis logs. He
ran out and limped up the road, leav
ing a trail of blood, lie wae followed
some distance by th blood, but could
not be overtaken, as big eompanious
helped bim to escape.
ix secosdTlace.
First Regiment Team of Philadelphia
Passe ths ThlrUeuth atlttt. Grotua.
Mt Gretna, Pa., Aug. 29. Gover
nor Pattison aud Adjutant General
Greenland both qualified as marksmen
at the regimental shooting to day, The
governor scored 43 with a Koug-Jor-gensen
rifle, while the adjutant general
only made 20, one more than the re
quirnd score.
Tbo First regiment, Philadelphia
team again secured first place in both
tbe preliminary trials in the morning
and the decisive ones in tbe afternoon
The score follow:
Morn- After
rtcgimeut. lug. uoon.
First 4-11 453
Thirteenth 4,t;t 4:iS
Nintl 4I 4'J8
Sixth 41 1 4IK1
Slxthteeuth 40! 457
Slate Fencibles 4n7 82
KiKhth 4u7 410
Fifteenth 8114 4S7
Fourth 31 ao.i
Tenth Sii 87.1
Artillery 3S.I 351
Second SKJ 3S1
Twelfth 37'J 3S5
Eighteenth 871 815
Fitth StiS 4(
Cavalry liOO 4IW
Third.'. 853 378
Fourteenth 3J8 303
A Bomb Exploded Among- Bather aV
London, Aug. 29 The Standard's
correspondent at Rome reports that a
panic was caused among the patrons of
th Paucabli sea-battiing establish
ment, near Lechorn, last evening by
the explosion of a bomb in one of th
dressing rooms. Tue building was
partly shattered, and several bathers
were slightly injured. The excitement
lti Leghorn over tbo outrage is great.
The city is filled with gnnimsr visi
tors, aud among them the feeling of
alarm is especially keen. What the
motive of ti e miscreant was, or who
be was, cannot be conjectured. No
suspicious person was observed iu the
vicinity of tbe bathing pavilion, Tho
bomb wag enclosed in a metallic case,
which wag not tightly closed. Had it
been go, the effeots of its explosion
would have beon much worse.
Ten Thousand Pvople Listen to Populist
ami Woman'a Ktalits Spteohca.
Williams Grove, Pa., Ang. 29.
Ton thousand people arrived at th
Granger' picnio grounds here this
morning from all section of the coun
try. Hon, Leonard Rhone, state master,
optmed the large meeting and intro
duced the first speaker, Hon. J, T. Ail
man, the Populiut candidate for gover
nor. Hia speech re laud principally to
the duties of farmers. lie ws followed
by Mrs. Carrie S. Twlng, of New York,
who advocated tne right of women to
vote. She was followed by other lady
The flood in the Ghona Valley, India,
filled some gorges to the depth of 150 feet.
American sealers iu Iluflson Bay ore ac
cused in a London paper of poaching on
Canadian fiuhing grounds.
Washington. Aug. 29. For
western I'mnxyhunia, fair, ex
cept showers near the hikes.
cooler, south winds becoming northwest.
For eastern Pennsylvania and New Jersey.
fair, warmer, sovthwest wind.
We have now on exhibi
tion a magnificent stock of
New Fall Dre3S Goods,
comprisingthe latest NOV
Early selections are most
desirabb, the styles being
EXCLUSIVE, and there
Our stock of
Black Dress Goods
Is the finest we have ever
shown, including full line
of the
Priestly Black Goods
510 and 512 Lackawanna Aye.
Wholesale and Retail
H. A. Kingsbury
313 Spruca Street.
Lewis, flcillf k Davies
Take off the old and put on the new,
Tbat neatly-fitting, easy shoe.
When low prices rule as now they do,
Who would deny himself the new?
Burt & Packard Shoes
Make Us Friend3.
Lewis, Reilly & Davies
We Examine Eyes
Free of charge. If a doctor
la needed you aro promptly
told bo. We also guarantee
a perfect fit.
I J,
The Jeweler,
108 Spruce Street