The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 29, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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A Foe to Dyspepsia
6000 BREAD
And always have
Good Bread.
The Weston Mill Co,
Punch Cigars
G.. B. & Co.,
tsinrlntarl nw Earth OlffW.
Garney, Brown & Co. Mfrs.
(lltKI UUllMi: bUUAHK.
DR. H. B. WARE will be
in his office on and after
the first week in Septem
Theodore Coniinll returned yesterday
from a business trip to Philadelphia.
Miss Neitle Keating, of Pittston, and
Miss Margaret Campbell, of Carbondale,
are fuests at the residence of John E.
Bon he.
Rev. P. J. McMnnns, pastor of St. Paul's
cntirco, or ureen Ktuge, who Has been on
a visit to Europe for the past mouth, bulled
for home yesterday.
Miss Minnie D. Norris. who lias been
with Goldsmith's bazaar for the past nine
years, resigned her position and lett yoS'
terday to visit relatives in the west.
Dr. R. H. Gibbons was summoned from
New i or k to atteud an important sur
clual case, and will remain in the eitv for
the remainder of the week in attendance
on it.
To the Ropublican voters of Lackawanna
I hereby announce that I will be a can
dttlate for the nomination of recorder of
deeds, subject to the decision of the Re
publican county convention.
Ueo. H. Shires.
In selecting tnlent for producing his fa'
moiis historical musical spectucle, "War
mid Peace," which will be uivun at the
Froth Ingham Thursday afternoon and eve
ning, F. N. Junes decided to accept only
such vocal artists as would make up a
quartette of really grand and unequaled
merits. Ureat tenors are always most ac
ceptable and delightful to hear, but in O,
C. Ferguson it is believed a genuine gem
has been secured. Me studied for a time
with J. Rouliy, of Paris, but his style is
Italian. The other menibejs of the quar
tetle are Jliss Martha Garrison Miner, I
brilliant young soprano; .Miss Louise
En Eel. the tesouant contralto who assisted
lluio. Patti on her last American tour, and
tiowiunn Kins ton, a remarkably artistic
batso. who for a long time sang the lead
ing roles with the famous Carl Koia Opera
company in England. Box office is now
open at the theater. Matinee prices, 25,
6u aud 75 cents.
J. II. Loiue. an experienced theatrical
man, has been secured as manager of the
Frolhlnguaui theater for the season. lie
was until receutly managor of Innes' band
and was for several years manager of tbe
torn of Gilmore'a famous band.
T t t
At tbc Academy of Music next Tuesday
evening Uus Hill's Specialty company will
give one of its interesting performances
end on Friday evening Leavett's "Spider
and tho Fly," a speotacnlar extravaganza,
will be seen at the same bouso.
Tinghamton Industrial Exposition.
TV7-t the exposition this year will be a
larger Ymrt more magnificent one than ever
before v.Uompted is an assured fact. The
management have taken hold with a de
termination to excel and have succeeded
lu securing exhibits, varied, rich, and cost
ly, and tlliat will certaiuly be instructive
and eutfortaining. The fair will open on
Thursday. September 6, when the Iiiug
hamton Athletic association will have their
first bicycle meet under the auspices of tbe
exposition management; ISOO worth of
prlzei will be given, aud tbe different
eveuti wiil be continued in the evening
wbau the (tronuds will be lighted by elec
tricity. Patnrday, September 8, will be
children's day, and it is expected that 6,000
children will march to the grounds. Tbe
iimusement programme will be a grand
succsm. The greatost artists in their line
have beeu engaged at immense expense.
The world-renowned juggler, beyerns
Schaefer who baa no peer in his special
ties, will make hit first appearance in
There will be a troup of ten Japs who
will appear daily in daring, sensational
and amusing performances, also chariot
race by lady and gentlemen riders in mag
nificent Roman rostumes, driving thor
oughbred horses, riven double team, Roman
standing and hurdle races. - There will be
balloon ascensions daily and other exciting
and entertaining events. Tuesday, Septem
ber. 11. Governor Roswell P. Flower will
be at the fair, aud will be escorted by the
Twentieth Separate company, and other
Visiting companies oi the JNational Uuard,
tate of New York. Wednesday, Septem
ber II, will be Red Men i day, and it being
the week of the great council of the Un ited
States, there will probably come by excur
sions from all parts the largest crowd of
visitors that ever was In tbe city.
Tbe low price of admission to the fair 25
cents., makes it possible for all to go.
City and Sohool Taxes, 1894.
Tbe city and school tax duplicates for
the year 1894 are now in my hands for
collection. Persons wishing to pay can do
, so now, or Buy person requiring state
ments of taxes by giving ward aud loca
tion of property will be promptly
R. O. Brooks, City Treasurer.
Mtinicloal building, Washington avenue.
Office hours from 9 a, m. to 6 p. m., ex
cept batuurday, this office will be closed
at noon.
Mimeographs and neostyles for dupli
cating and copying.
Pratt's Book Stork.
Rkal faith never grows weas: by hav
ing to wait Sufferers taking Hood's Sar
saparllla for chronic complaints should be
patient and the resnlt will be satisfactory,
liood's Caret. , . v .
Hood's Pills act easily, yet promptly
and efficiently, on the liver and bowels. 2So
Mr. Bliss Makes an Earnest Plea In the
Gospel Tent to Sinners.
Dr. J. J. Carroll's Horse Snapped a
Hitching Post in Two and Then
Dashed Through a Plate Glass Window-Nail
Social at the Welsh Cal
vinistic Methodist Church Citizens
of Bellevue Want Water.
Tha Mnnrlv meetings were eontinued
last evening in the teat on North Main
avenue at 7.30 o'clock. A very large
number were in attendance, ana the
discourse was listened to with great in
terest Miss Lillian Sbively presided
at tbe organ. Tbe meeting opened with
singing under the direction of Conduc
tor William u Jones, alter wmon
Kev. T. J. Collins led with an earnest
and devout prayer.
A greater and warmer interest is be
ing taken in these meetings, and the
good results from the evangelical work
of Mr. Bliss are being realized. The
siuglug is more effective aud the mani
festation of earnestness Is greatly ap
parent. On the platform were seated
Revi. D. C. Hughes. W. O. Watkins.
of Providence. T, J. Collins, L. C.
Collins, D. D.. ana Mr. Bliss. Pastor
Collins' prayer was followed by sing
ing of the bymn "At the Cross." Miss
Lillian Shively, of the Simpson Meth
odist J Episcopal church rendered the
bymn "There s a green JtiUi far Away
In a very impressive manner.
Rev. W. G. Watkins. pastor of tbe
Providence Presbyterian ehuroh, read
a portion of tbe Scripture from Psalms
xiv. . W. Bliss announced that an
other service will be held la the tent
this evening and that a woman s meet
ing would be held tomorrow afternoon
in tbe Simpson Methodist Episeopal
churoh. , v
Mr. Bliss in his eveniug address
oliots as bis text Revelations xii, 11,
saying "And they overcame them by
the blood of the lamb. " Be said :
Satan was the orieiiiator of sin. He fell
from treat crood and prominence and has
taken a large number of fallen spirits
with him. People have an idea that every
thing nartaininir to Satan occupies a very
small space as a scriptural topic There
is notliiiiff but the blood of Christ which
can silence him. If the blood of Christ
had not been shed on Calvary, Satan could
atnnd heforn Clod ta-dav and charge II I in
with iajustice. God says: "My Son ditd
for these men, aud any that balieveth in
Him can have life. The wages of sin is
death, but tbe gift of God is eternal life."
No man can come before God and be
satisfied inwardly unless he has the blood
of Jesus Christ. Two sons came to God.
They were Cain and Abel. They made
offerings. Abel's offering was accepted
and Cain's was not. Cain now thought
that it must be the heart. I know that
this theme runs right through the pride of
heart and we are so used to getting our
100 cents for the dollar that we cannot be
expected to sacrifice anything. But yet
we expect everything from God for
nothing. God knew we had nothing
to give, so be gave bis only begotten sou,
that whosoever believeth in Him should
have everlasting life. God says, "When
see the blood on the doorpost! I shall pass
over yon." A son comes to his father and
sava. "Father, have you obeyed Moses
command and placed the blood npon the
doorpostr ills ratuer reDuues mm, ana
the boy is satisfied at his father's judg
ment. That niebt the angel pnssed over the
citv. and the first born was smitten from
the home. Tbe father on arising in the
morniui is Htnggered at God's terrible
iudameut. and marvels at his way of warn'
ing. A family across the street went to
sleep that night in peace, because tney
(mil nlacod the blood on the post and
olmv.d God's command. My friends,
there is going to be another PaBSover, and
how mauy of you will be ready t Some
times when vou riray you get up dissat
isfled and if you only new knew it, the
devil was by your side all the time,
laughing at you.
Sometimes in the prayer meeting yon
must sDeuk for Chrint and this dissatisfac
tion will cease. The dovil once appeared
to Luther with three rolls under Ins arm
He showed him a roll with everything that
he bad left undone. Luther said, "Get
thee behind me. Satan, for I belong to the
Lord Jesus Christ." The power comes to
men, bb soon as thoy accept the L,ora Jesus
Teere are a good many people now who
believe in tho Lord, and will consent to all
that I have said about His blood. Yet
they bavo not experienced anything in the
saving line.
At tbe close of his sermon Mr. Bliss
gave an earnest prayer to Qod for those
present, hoping that they may believe
in the Lord Jesus Christ. The meeting
was closed with the rendering of
Gospel bymn. An after meeting was
held, which was principally devoted to
Carroll's Horse Smashes a Flat
Glass Window.
At an early hoar yesterday morning
a horse owned by Dr. J. J. Carroll, of
Jackson street, broke loose by snap-
Ding a hitching Dost, to which he was
tied, in twain, aud ran at a rapid puoe
down Juekson street. Tbe animal
flight was unohesked until he reached
the corner of Main avenue.
His course lay right tn the direotion
of Jenkins & Alusgrave s drug store
and in trying to tarn, be slipped oo
tbe smooth pave and fell to the side
walk, His bead went through a plate
glass window valued at 140, snisshin
it. Tbe animal qulskly arose and
continued his course down Jackson
street. He was captured in the central
city. .
Mr. and Mrs. Ered Tretz, of Sumner
avenue, are spending a week in New York
Miss Lizzie Hoover, of North Bromley
avenue, baa returned Irom a visit to Port
Morgan M. Jenkins, of Danville, called
on friends in this city on his way to Port
Oram. N. J.
Rev. J. B. Downey of Ffestini, Wales.
preached in the First Welsh Congrega
tional church last evening.
Tbe Hyde Park Choral society will meet
for rehearsal tonight in the basement of
the Tabernacle churcn on tiyuo rarK ave
'A man was picked up on South Main
avenue, at an eiirlv hour yesterday morn
ing. He was drunk and fighting. Two
tramps were also arrosted. They were
placed in tbe West Side station bouse.
A full attendance of the Mendelssohn
Choral society is promised at tbe rehearsal
to be held at the Welsh Baptist church this
evening. The society, after a rehearsal of
a short duration, will go to tne oeaumui
lawn in tbe rear of W. G. uameis- ana ren
der in open air the 1600 prize test piece,
Mendelssohn's "Hunting Song." Com
munications of interest to every member
will also be read.
The citizens of Bellevue are very Indig
nant over the fact that for tbe past two or
inree aays tney nave been unable to pro
cure water from the nines of the Tavlor
Water company. The force of water was
shnt'off Sunday evening about 5 o'clock
withont the least notification. It fans been
shut off since with tbe exception of about
an hour. The water during this time was
mnAAn that, it ritiiM not ba nsed for anv
purpose and was therefore useless.'.
The Ladies' Aid society of the Welsh
rlinlBfiA MMthnritKt church held a nnil
social last evening in the basement of the
cbnrcb. The front was tasteruuy dec
orated with Japanese lanterns aud bunt
ing. The novelty of the affair was the
presentation ot a gilded nail to every
male. Refreshments consisting of cake
aud ice cream were served.
Organised Monday Night Amid Much
Amid much eutbusiasn the McKin-
ley Republican clnb, of Archbald, was
organized on Monday evening last
The ol jict of the club is to nse their
best energies in the coming campaign
to lntnre the election of tbe party
nominees, and resolutions to that, effect
were rend and adopted.
i be following ornuers were elected:
President, John Beck; vice president,
August Zimmerman; secretary, C. A
Battenberg; treasurer, Henry W.
Propst; executive committee, Conrad
Klionbaur, Philip Beble, C. Linde,
John Otto and Michael Baltus. Henry
Heokman, Frank Sommers nnd Max
Klopfer were choseu as delegates to the
State league, and a resolution instruct
ing them to vote for Major Everett
Warren for president or tbe league,
was unanimously adoptod.
Tbe club starts out with an enrolled
membership of forty-nine. The next
meeting will be held in Linde's ball on
Thursday evening, Sept 6 All Re
publicans are invltod to come and join
the JUeiuniey ciud.
6hyslskl Bad a Revolver, Di.k and Billy
for Companions.
.Tnsnnh Shvsiski. of tbe Continental.
was brought before Alderman Filzsiui
mous last night on a warrant sworn
ont by John Jenuiugs, of the Twenty
first ward.
Shvaisltl. it is said, vssterdav armed
blniBelf with a revolver, a dirk knife
and a "billy," and baviug met Jennings
attempted to use all three of the
weapons on bim. Jennings had a base
ball bat in bis hands and struck Sky
siiki with it, knocking him to tbe
ground and rendering bim powerless.
Later he had a warrant sworn oat
a M.rm.n v u irnnnni eommuiea
Shysiskl to the county jail in default of
$1,UUU ball.
A Euggy Dimolishid on Legett Creek
A gentleman and lady who hired a
buggy fiom Cnsick's livery on Monday
night had a narrow escape irom ueing
burled down tho steep bank at the Log
gers Creek bridge on JNorth Mam ave
nue. The buggy was a lotai wreoa.
Alterations are being mnde at the
bridge and the road is considerably
narrowed, rto lights were placed 10 in
dicate tbe danerous spots of the road.
A Tkiiiune reporter visited tne place
at 10 o clock last evening ana round
the bridge in total darkness. It is
about midway between two eieetno
street lights which seem to make the
darkness more intense owing to the
dure through tbe trees. The car traok
runs along tbe bridge and on one side
there is but eighteen inches left be
tween the track and the bar
ricading? and on tbe other side
six feet or Bpace is leic ueiweon
tbe traek and the brlge girder. The
barricading placed by the contractor
rnns at a sbam angle into the street,
and any car or buggy passing at night
would be lucky to escape a collision,
Officer Perry, by direction of Lieu
tenant Snelliniio. placed lights last
night at either end ot the bridge.
Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Mulley have left
for a two week' visit at block Island,
R. I.
MissB. McVey. of Wil tren-Barre, is the
guest of Roger Leonard, West Market
A Una babv eirl was welcomed at the
residence of .David deltreys, vayne ave
nne, on Monday.
Rev. Georce Guild, pastor ot the Presby
tenan church, will return irom bis vaca
tion tomorrow.
James Ilaggerty, of Providence road, is
entertaining Alihsej Katie auu tiarnar
Burns, of Pitttton.
The Niasara drum corps has been reor
ganized and hav; nrranged a ball to be
held in the armory on uct. lu.
Thomas John is n candidate for delegate
in the Fourth diit'rict of the fcecoud ward
to tbe Republican convention
Clarence Biglow, of Mnlly's bardwaro
department, is spending bis vacation nt
Mount 1'leasaur, wayne county, wuu 111s
pareuts. ,
A lares committee is working in the in
terest of Thomas Jeliu, Llew y Ilryn. tho
well-known bard of Providence, who ur
pushing bis caudiduture for jury commis
James Williams and Titus Davis hnv
have arranged a KiO ynrd lout race at Luke
Ariel on Sept. 7 for flu n Hdo. Joseph
Morris is stakeholder. Davis gives ill
iams five yards start.
Rev. Morinis Evans, who is on a visit
from WalfC creuched to a Inrge audience
on Monday night at tbe Welsh Baptist
cburcb. Mr. i-vnns will probably make
prolonged stay 111 the states.
W. J. Thomas' bi-nefit concert at St
Marv's hall on Sept. 18 promi9.s to bo
ereat success. From latest reports from
Philadelphia Mr. Tbomus is improviug.bul
the operation has not yet neon performed
Arraneeraents are fully completed for
the Excelsior rxruriou to the Parlor City
tomorrow and a large crowd is expected
at the Cayuga switcu at 8. II) besides the
crowd tbat win leavo ocranton atea. in.
William Conrad, of tbe Green Ridce
creamery, will move Into his new prom
ises on Larch street nex waeic. Mr. t;on
rsd has invested over $7,000 upon the rew
croamery and the amount is snmcletit In
dirntlon of tbo growing extent 01 tun Dusl
Another Chatu G,.nn Formed.
Four tramps were captured by the po
lice at an early hour yesterday momma
sleei'ine in a freight car on the "U loom'
divbion of the Delaware, Lackawanna
and Western road. A now chain gang was
organised nnd the men put to work at the
Ecrautoo's Business Interest.
The Tribune will soon publish a care
fully compiled and classified list of the
leading wholesale, banking, manufactur
ing nnd urnfeHsinnal interests of Scranton
and vicinity. Tbe edition will be bound
in book form, beautifully Illustrated with
Hinna a! nut -nhlln l.nlM
Dgs, business blocks, streets, etc., together
with portraits of leading citizens, No
similar work has ever given an equal rep
resentation ot Scranton's many indus
tries. It will be an invaluable exposition
of onr business resources.' bent to
nersons outside the citr. conies of
this handsome work will attract
new comers and be an unequalled
advertisement of the city.' Tbe circu
lation is on a plan tbat caunot fail of good
ahhUo in ikniiA nnnnnonml na WTnl 1 no tm oi f
at largo. Representatives ot Thb Tiuhuns
are desired in this edition and explain
its nature more fully.
In this edition will please have notice at
tne oiuce.
Grocers and bntchers' pass books.
Pratt's Book Store.'
tree Youths Detected Burglarizing the Resi
dence or John J. Burke,
Patrick Campbell Left for Woon-
socket to Bring Home the Body of
John Heffron Funeral of John
Charles Miller Yesterday Mar
riage of Miss Alice L. Minn and
Arthur M. Evans on Sept. 19.
Tbe residence of John J. Bnrke on
Pittston avenue received a visit from
burglars early yesterday morning but
Mrs. Burke was awakened by the noise
and prevented them from sarying off
She claims to have reoognlzsd in tbe
burglars three young men of the South
Side, whose fathers' are respsoted citi
zens. Officer tioland was summoned
and he met the young men a half hour
rterwards and tuey denied any con
nection with the attempted entrance of
Burke s house. For more than a week
bouses along Pittston avenue have
been burglarized and tbe charge was
laid up against tramps. Burke is un
decided whether or not to prosecute
tbe young men, and until he makes up
his miud will not mention names.
Servicis at Eicitory Street Presbyterian
The funeral of John Charles Miller,
of Birch street, was held yesterday af
ternoon at 2 o'clock. Tbe remains
were conveyed to the Hiukory Street
PrsBbyterian ouurob, and tbe buna
services psrform-td by Rev. August
Lange, who pruaohed a sermon on the
life of tbe deceased, referring pnrticu
larly to the enterprise and public
piritedness bf Mr. Miller.
Aftsr tbe services at the tnnroh the
remains were conveyed to the Oerman
eemetery on North Washington avenue
and interment made.
Young' Han Found Dead In Woonsookst
Thought to Ba Elm.
The relatives of John Hsffron, who
loft tbe Soath Side .a year ago And
traveled with a force of bridge build
ers, are eonnrmeu in the belief tbat it
bis body that was found along a
railroad track in Woonsoeket, R, I
A telegram was received yesterday
which substantiated tbe identification,
nnd the dead man s brother-in-law left
last night to bring home the body.
Barber John Zang, of Pittston avenue,
is ill.
The repairing on the sides of the Pitts
ton aveuue culvert will be commenced
next week.
Miss Bridget Cocrsius. of Cedar avenue.
and Thomas Kane will be married this
afternoon nt 4 o'clock in St. Joseph's
cimrcn, minooKa.
The choir of St. John's church will go to
Lake Henry at Maplewood tomorrow on a
special excursion arranged by the pastor,
Kev. a. J. Money.
David M. Davis, of Pittston avenue, an
nounces himself as a candidate for dele
gate to the Republican county convention
from tbe First district of the Twentieth
The funeral of P. H. Flaherty did not
occur yesterday morning as bis family ex
pectcd it would, arrangements having not
been fully completed. It will be hold this
morning at u o'clock instead. A man mass
of requiem will be celebrated at St. John's
Patrick Donnelly, the Baech street hotel-
keeper, intends to accompany the excur
sion of the Excelsior Hose company, ot the
JNortn r.uu to uingnamton. This is some
tiling unusual, as Mr. Donnelly has been in
Scranton for forty years and it will be the
nrst time since be settled here tbat he will
have left the county.
Cards are out announcing the marrlaire
01 iuiss Alien u. ymun, uaugncer or Air.
. I : . I . T 11. 1 ..... A .
and Mrs. Anthony Quinn. of 414 Stone
avenue, to Artbur M. Evans, of the West
Side. 1 he coremony will take place in St
Peter's cathedral on Wednesday. Sonr. 19.
at 0 p.m. and a reception will be held at
tbe borne or Miss yuinn nt U p.m.
It Will Occur on Sept, 25 and Will Hav
S.veial New Features.
The board of anuinnitra of the S -ran
ton 1'ire denirtiiiBiit has fired Tneadnv
Sept. 2.1, us the date for the annna
. . . . , : . . . : . .
parime nii'i uispeuiiou in me depart
ment. The line of marsh and nssiirnment nf
companies will be about the same
1u.11 veur. a. red in si wi na iiwuie
the Franklin E.i trine coinnmv. who I
ryasnn of seniority of aerviee el at
the nrst plaee In tbe Hue, to give np
this distinction to the Middletown Fire
company and the Crystals, whoso
L'uesta thev will be. The Middletown
company will be accompanied by the
ramons Liitiooin urnm corps, or Pater
son, numbering thirty pieces.
An .Hurt is I built made tn hnvn
line the old hand engine recently pre
seated to the iiremous association
Dr. Tbronp nnd to have it manned
i s old foreman. U. ,V. itoesler. nnil
tunny of tbe old uioinbers of that com
p ny ns ran be secured.
Tbat Is What dward Rollly Clio Ties
Airalnst John Dolan.
Edward RMlly, of the Twentieth
ward, npp'.-nnd before Alderma
Wright vestercl iy afternoon and swore
o it h warrant for the nireitof Joh
We are prepared to furnish all
kinds of School Looks and School
Supplies at short notice.
We always have in stock a com
plete line of Blank Books, Sta
tionory and Ullice Supplies.
Wall Paper, Window Shades
Pictures and Frames
m No better spoons are made
5 than those of Win, Rogers'
S Manufacturing Co. They
S were never sold at this price
S before. Buy now
1 ReifordJewelryCa.ucUm
Dolan, ot tbe same locality, whom be
charges with stealing bis field of eorn.
Mr. Rsilly doss not plaoe such Talus
upon the corn for its intrinsio worth,
bat from the fast tbat it was planted
by bis wife, who died but one weak
ago, be is greatly anlicted by the theft.
Dolan,. he says, came to his premises
while he was at work, cut down the
corn with a sickle aud eirted it awsy
to bis own home. He traeed the thief
by tbe husks which fell by the way
Marriaee licenses were granted yester
day to Allen Anderson, ot Gouldsboro.and
Minnie Utt, of Frytown, aud John Couder
and Susie Lukach, of Olyphnut.
Executions amounting to SI, 100 were is
sued yesterday against Michael Yotsko, a
I'rtceburg eutcner, at tne instance or
Michael Bosod and the Stowers Packing
Reeister of Wills Koehler is attending
the Patriotic Order Sons of America state
convention nt Erie, and during his absence
Thomas Nealon is transacting the business
of tbe office.
Letters of administration were granted
yeaterday by the clerk of the courts to
Annie Garvey in. the estate 01 John uar
vey, late of Scran tou, and letters testa
mentary were granted to Patrick Farrell
iu the estate of John Farrell, late ot Arch
bald. The hearing in the injunction case of the
Lackawanna Iron and Coal company
against David Hughes and William Wat
kins was by agreement again postponed
yesterday until Sopt. 11 at 10 a. m., the in
junction to remain in full force until that
Eat Bread mado'trom Pillsbury's Best
aud be healthy.
Wood, bamboo and braiss easels.
Piiatt's Book Store.
Import Samples mean 20
per cent, less than import
No two pieces alike.
Flower Vases, Jarden
ieres, Plates, Chocolate and
Tea Pots, &c.
To secure REAL BAR
GAINS, come at once.
116 Wyoming Ave.
. s
New Store,
New Goods,
New Styles,
New Prices
Your New
Fall Dunlap
Will be her bright and early NEXT
September let.
We Already Have
A beautiful line of olher makes of
Fall Hats at different pricey.
FALL NECK WEAK will he in
full bloom in a few days.
Christian. The Hatter
413 spitrcis sr. and
-Ort IjAcka. avexuk.
if at Fnimt tit Uoti Popalar and fntmi if
bmuing Mini.
Wsrsrooms : Opposlts.Coltimbus Monument,
ROOF tinning and soldering all done away
with bv the nse of HAKTMAN'B PAT
ENT PAINT, which oontrists of ingredients
well-known to all. it can ne applied to tin,
rml vanlsed tin, sneet iron roors, ai so to unci
iwnlllnn which will Drevent ahnolutolv an
crumbling, cracking or breaking of the
brick. It will outlast tinning ot any kind by
many years,and it's cost does not exceed one
fifth that of tbe cost of tinning. Is Bold by
tbe job or ponna. uomracis iaicnn oy
MO MO UAH1UANN, 627 BlrohBi
TODAY so' a rsvass
: stock of Imported
Suitings and Trouserings.
iKtartin & 33elany
Custom Tailors and Clothiers,
We Have
f d is
308 Lacka. Ave.
I 45 dozen Ladies' White
Handkerohiefe, vahw
S 50 dozen ChiWrars School Handker- S
chiefs, in plain and colored borders, Q Pah fa s
value 5 and 10 cents, for .... 0 g
35 dozen Ladies' Hemstitched Handker- R Panto
chiefs, value 10 cents, for .... w UOUID
A new line of Chemisettes just received. i
Scientific Eye
iimiiimimuiiir iiiiisiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiii iiihiiiii itiiiuimiiuniBiitt:
for the future is the past. During the mere than forty years of its
xistenoe over 65,000 people have pnrchajsd aud played and praised s
There are some pianos tbat will cost yon more that) the Emerssn 2
will. If you enjoy paying high prices just for the sake of peylaf a
them, probably you will buy one of thjst. Bat no matter what you j-
pay yon'll not gi-t a bettor piano, nor a handsomer, nor one. moM
durable. It is impossible to improve on the best. a
- 4
For Fall Wear
805 Lackawanna Ave.
Our line of Groceries is
complete and you can
rely on them being tho
If you want a delicious,
high-flavored TEA, try
our New Crop, JAPAN
for 50c; worth 75c.
in Blue and Black
Box Coats.
Received H
Embroidered 4 Pan to
25c, for . . AU winu g
Testing Free
Hi 1 1 i
The Specialist on the Ere. Headaches anfl Ner.
vonsness relieved. Latitat and Improved Style of
Ere(lasses and Spectacle! at the Lowest Prioes.
Beit Artificial Eyas inserted (or S3.
305 SritCCK ST., 0xp. Old Post Ofuce.
All Things
But if the time you carry It Iu
accurate, what then!
Think of this, and if in need of
a WATCH, can on ns. Wa'tl
ave yon hard dollars in the
prioe, and give you a good
guarantee for quality, backed
by a record of over 3d years'
successful experience In Sesan
Dealer in Watches and Jewelry
Another Advocate of
GENTLEMEN-It affords me srreai
plaasure to atatn that your pew pvoecM
f oatraeMng teeth was a grand toeo... IS
mj ease, and I heartily reeommead It M
all I .Inn. rely hope that others will
twt its merits.
Yonra respeotfnlly,
OAPT. 8. B. BXIYAMT, Scranton, P
Henwood k Wardell,
816 Lackawanna Ave.
fWUI on and after Mar Jl make a great redna
tlaa In tbe prions of plat. All work g-ua
anteed first-cluas in every particular.