The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 29, 1894, Page 2, Image 2

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Ecrenton Yerj Nearly Loses a Gam) In the
Ninth Inning.
Springfield-Wilkes-Barre Game Called
at End of Sixteenth Innings with the
Score a Tie Providence and Syra
cuse the Other Eastern League
Winners Standing of the Clubs.
National and State Leagu Results.
Base Ball and Other Sporting Notes.
RIE went down be
fore MmiRiter-CaD-tsia
CabiU's In
dians yeterduy,
although by a very
mall margin, aud
in cons queues we
add several points
to onr percentage,
and boiog a tie
with Snrincfleld
for fifth place, tbe game between the
latter and Wilkes Barre resnltine in a
tie after sixteen innings. Providence
ngain defeated AUentownand Syracuse
defeated Buffalo, going into seeoud
place nad forcing the Bisons down a
noloh In the pennant scramble.
Tbe percentages of the clabi, num
ber of games won and lost by each, aud
their standing in the championship
race is as follows:
V.'on. Lost. PerC't.
Providence fi-l Si .f.U7
Hyracuae I3 47 .530
Utiffalo 68 63 .523
Erie 47 44 .510
HiiringfiBld 4;S 41) ,4'.I5
bcranton 47 4i ,4'.I5
Wilkes-Barre... 40 48 .4S!
Allentown 27 C'J
Erie Came Extremely Close to Batting;
Oat a Victory In the Ninth,
It was a contest of errors on both
sides, and tbe spectators groaned at
the bad plays. Soranton had the game
bagged until the ninth inning, and tbe
Erie sluggers came to the bat with the
score 18 to 4 in favor of Scranton and
batted ont eight roni, coming within
one of tieing tbe seore.
Cahill's men went down before Me
Glnnis in one, two, three order in
their half of tbe first two innings. In
the third Inning Smith led off with a
liner toward second base, which was
thrown wild to first, allowing the run
ner to reach third. Qaarles wont out
on a foul bit and Manager Cahill was
next to the bat He smashed tbe bull
on the nose for three bases, and Smith
scored. Hoover hit for a two-bagger
and brought in Cahill. The rest of the
men died on bases. The Eries scored
a rnn on the second an a three bagr
nnd an error. In the fifth inning
Scranton inoreasad its lead by bringing
in another run. Bat when the Erie's
went to the bat they tied tbe score.
Cahill was tbe first man to the bat in
tbe snatch running and he struck ont.
Tbe rest of the club did not do any
thing to the Erie pitcher bat hammer
tbe ball all over the field, scoring eight
rone. They made another rnn in the
seventh, making a total of 13 scores to
their credit. Although the Erie club
gave their pltaher yellow support, still
Cahill's men hit the ball bard and tap
ped Mr. MoGinnis, who recently held
them down to ven scratch hits at
Erie, for 18 basehits.
Qaarles pitehed a splendid game un
til the ninth inning and then he went
to pieces and almost lost the game,
wbieh would have bsen tbe case but for
the big lead Scranton had. Up to this
time not an earned rnn had been se
cured off Qaarles and the four rnns
credited to Erie bad been presented to
them through errors,
In tbe ninth Tinning Shearon led off
with a three bagger end scored on
Lally'i bit. Fields made a two bagger
and Lally floored. The hitting con
tinned nntil eleven men had batted and
eight of tbem bad scored. Fields came
to the bat a second time and Lally was
on second with two ont. A bit wonld
have tied the seore and very likely
won the game; but Mr. Fields sent a
short foul fly down to Lehane and the
disgusted audienee sst nail for home.
R. H. P.O. A. E.
Cahill, Sb 1 2 4 6 1
Hoover, If 3 3 8 0 1
Johnson, cf 1 1 8 0 0
PatoUen, c 1 1 3 0 0
Hess, rf. 2 8 1 0 0
Phelnn.Sb 2 2 12 0
Lehane, lb. 12 0 10
Smith, ss 2 2 3 3 8
Queries, p. 0 2 0 1 0
Totals ..13 IS 20 12 E
"tiunson declared out.
h. n. P.O. A. E.
Nicholson, 2b 1 8 2 8 1
Smith, ss 10 14 2
hhearou, rf 2 8 0 0 0
Lally, cf. 14 10 0
Field, lb 1 2 9 0 0
Berger, c 2 1 4 1 0
Kuehne, 3b 0 0 8 1 1
Van Dyke, If 3 1 6 0 8
McGlnnis, p 1 2 0 8 0
Ounson, 8b 0 0 2 1 1
Totals 12 10 27 13 8
Bcranton 0 0,2 1 8 6 1 0 0-13
Erie 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 8-12
Earned ranss Bcranton. 2; Erie, 5. First
fcL-,. '
The Spanish call the noon-day
rest from the hot sun, Siesta.
Just as necessary in our climate,
if we would do itj but here it is
business rushing about aud use
of energy in the hot sun.
Johann Iloff'a Malt Extract
taken at meals, or drank in the
office, renders living easier in hot
weather. It supplies enorgy bo
cause it aids digestion and the
nutritive functions. Beware of
imitations. Look for signature of
"Johann Iloff " on neck label.
Eisner & Mendelson Co., Sole
Agents, Tew York. ..,
base on errori Scranton, 2; Erie, 4. Left
on bates Scranton, 10; Erie, 0. First base
on bulls Off Canaries 8; ilcGuiuness, 8.
Struck out By (juarles, 8; McGuinucss, S.
Three base hiU-Cahill, Leo 8initb.Quarle,
Shearon. Two base hits Patchen, Nich
olson, Shearon, Berger. Sacrifice hits
Leo Smith. Stolen bases Hes, Nicholson,
Van Dyke. Double plays Smith to Cahill
to Lehnne. Wild pitches (juarlea. Um
pire Doescher. Time 2.10.
Yet Sprlnuftild-Wllkei-Barre Game E
main a Glorious Uuetrtainty.
Springfield, Mass., Aug. 29. Um
pire Connolly was ronndly hissed when
he called the game here today at the
end of the sixteenth inning. Tbe oause
he assigned was darkness, though it
was only a few niinntes after 5 o'olock
and there was plenty of light to go on
with tbe game. It was planned to
play off two gams this afternoon, the
first of them being a couponed game,
bnt not one was fiuishsd. The game
is the record gams of the aeasou for
length. It wss well played on both
sides, but SDnngfield was getting the
advautage at the close and would prob
ably have won in another inning, an
Warner was disabled. Seore:
It. II. O. A. E.I II. II. O. A. K.
Sliaimon.HsU 0 8 1 t.vttlo, 1C..U 2 6 0 1
Donliy, 3b.O 1 3 0 0,Shan'n,'-u.O !i J tf 0
Lvneh, Iib.,1 2 4 4 'Stearns, lb. 1 0 !il 2 1
Sclielll'r, rtt 2 7 0 0 Luzo'e,i'f.,L-l 14 0 1
Leahy, c..l 1 I) 3 0 Kelts, cf...3 15 0 0
Hot o!iiis,cfl 5 7 0 (I Uilluu.S b..l 4 0 4 0
NaJean, If. 2 4 0 OW'rner.c.O 0 1) 2 0
B'rMV.lb0 3 15 0 II IHVL'lln.rf.O 0 0 0 0
CiUKhltn.pO 6 0 0 1 M M'h n.ssl 5 4 fi U
Mcokin, p..l 0 8 2 1
Total.... 7 17 43 14 4
Totals.. 7 15 48 21 4
Kprlnffflelu" 0 20100310000000 0-7
VilkesBarre ..0 0 0 1 0 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 II 0 0 -7
Earned runs-8priiirriold, 7; WllkesBarre,
2. First base by orrurs-Snriiitftleid, 1;
Wilkes ISarre, 8. Firt huso on lialls-Cuugh-lin,
4; Aleokin. 0. Struck out (.'oniThlin,
Three base hits-Donnelly, Lcfcutto. Two bnso
bits Lvnch, Botteuns 2. HreckinridKO. Saeri
riJicu hits Shannon. Donnelly, Louhy, KaUuuu.
Stolon bases Leahy, Nadeait. Duiih.o pluya
Shannon, Lynch and Breckinridge; Jlc
Muhon and Htearns. Passed balls-Louhy,
Lezutte, Umpire-Connolly. Time 420.
At Syracuse
Syracuse 0 0 2 0 0 4 8 0 015
Buffalo 2 0000102 27
Base bits Syracuse, 19; Buffalo, I).
Errors Syracuse. 4; Buffalo, d. Batter
ies Buuswein and Hess; Vickery and
Urquhart. Umpire Swartwool.
At Providence Prov., 5; Allentown, 8.
At Brooklyn
Brooklyn 0 0082300 s-8
Pittsburg 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0-2
Hits Brooklyn, 12; Pittsburg, 5. Er
rorsBrooklyn, 0; Pittsburg, 2. Batteries
Kennedy and Duiley; Meuofee nnd ilaek.
Umpire Kee.'o.
At New York
New York. ...3 0000020 0-5
Cleveland 0 0000100 01
Hits-New York, 10; Cleveland, 10. Er
rorsNew York. 2; Cleveland, 2. Batter
ies Rvnie aud Furrollj Young and Zim
mer, Umpire Hurst.
At Boston
Boston 0 0000500 0-5
St. Louis 0 0003040 0 0
Hits Boston, 13; St. Louis, 15. Errors
Boston, 3; St. Louis, 1. Batteries
Nichols and Gausol; Uawloy and Miller.
Umpire McQuaid.
At Philadelphia
Philadelphia'.. 3 4 3 0 0 2 1 0 3-10
Chicago '..0 2101200 0-0
Hits Philadelphia, 29; Chicngo, 14. Er
rors Philadelphia, 3; Chicago, 3. But
teries Kyier nnd Clements; Terry und
Scbriver. Umpire Lynch.
At Baltimore
Baltimore 0 1302200 x 0
Louisville 0 0002000 02
Hits Baltimore, 8: Louisville, 8. Errois
Baltimore, 0; Louisville, 4. Battoriea
McMauon aud Robinson; Hemming aud
Zahner. Umpire Betts.
At Washington
Washington.. 5 0010011 10
Cincinnati.... 2 2000020 17
Hits Washington, 12; Cincinnati, 10.
Errors Washington, 8; Cincinnati, r
Batteries Maul and McQuiro; Dwyer and
ilerritt. Umpire Emsiie.
At Reading Reading, 6; Hazleton, 10.
At bhenandoah Shenandoah, 5; Potts
ville, 18.
At Carlisle Harrlsburg, 10; Philadel
phia, 11.
The Season 'Will Be Prolonged One
Week Only.
New York, Aug. 23 A special met
ing of tbe Eastern Base Ball league
was held this morning at tbe Fifth
Avenue hotel for the purpose of ex
tending the season of tbe league so as
to permit the Yonkere elub, formerly
the Allentowns, playing against the
Giants on tbe letter's grounds. Tbe
sexson of the Eastern leaene has here
tofore terminated the middle of Sep
tember, but recently two-thirds of the
clubs petitioned the executive to ex
tend tbe soason till the end of the
This wss found impracticable at to
days' meeting, but will probably be so
arranged next year. As it is, tbe
schedule was re-arranged to Rive the
Yonkers men a go at the Nnw Yorks on
the Polo ground on Sept. 7 The fol
lowing day the Yonkers club will play
two games at Buffalo and continue
their swing around th circle, phying
in Providence Sept. 17 nnd IS, and
winding np tbe season Sept. 20 and 21
at SpringQeld, Mass.
It will thus be seen that the season
has been prolonged only one week and
that mainly for the pnrpoao of bring
ing ''King Kl" and his men to the
fore. President Powers said today that
tbe present season bade fair to be the
most successful in tbe history of the
Eastern league.
Catcher Morritt. late of Pittsburg and
Boston, has been signed by Cincinnati.
Pitcher Hodson, the ex-Scrantonlnn,
"will do," according to the cranks of Bean
town. Hoover distinguished himself by bis bat
ting, bnt he counterbalanced it by bad
Cahill yesterday made a star stop of
what everybody thought would be a bit,
and recovered himself in time to throw
the runner out.
Doencher umpired a very fair game yes
terday and used good judgment. The aud
ience commended many of his close de
cisions, which were not bestowed with
Bliss Is to ride a fourteen pound wheel.
Billy Young hopes to develop a tandem
team that can go In 1.43.
Banker, whom Ed Nelson ran np afrninst
while tn Europe and would have defeated
but for an unsportsmanlike trick, won tbe
one-third kilometer race at Paris, Satur
day. Seventeen riders started in the race
and Banker made the distance in 23 sec
onds. Bad Diuinaoi causes much sickness,
and bad blond and improper action of the
liver aud kidneys is bad draimige to the
human system, which Burdock Blood Bit
ters remedy.
Mus'o Boxee Excluilvalr.
Best made. Play any desired numbor of
times. Uautscbt & Sons., manufacturers,
1080 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Won-,
derful orrheetrlal orgaue, ouly (5 and tlOji
Specialty: Old , musio boxes carefully re
paired and improved with new tunes. V
IIow the, "Sexton lteetle" Labors to
Bury Its Fellow Creatures.
The two beetles were soon at thoir post.
They first ran around the body of the dead
fish uutil they met. Then they seemed to be
conferring for a moment. Next they passed
under the body nt opposite sides and began
to lift. The head rose slowly and then
both the toilers could be distinctly seen nt
work. One was lying' on bis back with
feet in the air, lifting the upper part of the
llsh from the ground. His mate was just
behind him, standing upon her hind feet,
her fore feet, anteunra nnd mandibles
wedged between tbe scales of the fish above
her while she was thrusting forward with
all her might to push along the tlsh as her
mate lifted. All in vaiul There was still
no advance.
Again there seemed to be a conference.
Then the head rose again, lifted as before;
but when it bad reached its utmost height
she reared herself upon her hind feet,
braced herself so us to receive upon her
head the whole weight and thus set free
tlmtither beetle, who ran around behind
the fish, turned his back to it, worked him
self backward under the fan of the tail uu
til ho was ulmoYit concealed from view,
then buried his orange colored nutennie in
the earth, lmuiped his back, gave one reso
lute thrust and away went red throat,
"lit tle wife and all."
The movement hud been so sudden that
his companion was taken quite uuuwares,
but though sbo was thrown some distance
with the weight of the whole IIkIi upon her
she did not socin ut nil diseomlited, but
was out and fp on her feet ngain, evident
ly delighted that more thau an inch of
progress had been made.
Thus, inch by inch, these two patient
toilers carried their load, sometimes lifting
ns I have described, sometimes tugging
with their horny forceps, sometimes pusli
iug and thrusting with every posture aud
method. In a half hour they had mude
less than & foot of progress.
Two hours later, when I returned from a
fishing jaunt aloug the stream, they had
reached the edge of the path, where there
is a steep dccliue for eighteen inches to
ward the stream, and below it a soft bed of
sandy loam. As it wus the hour appointed
for luncheon, and my comrades bad not
jet come, I waited to witness the burial, or
ut least the steps toward it.
In a few minutes tbe edge of the steep
declivity bad been reached. One beetle
was on his back under the fish, pushing
with all his might. The other was in front,
tugging with her teeth. Suddenly, us the
veryu was reached, the fish toppled; a min
iature uvnlancho was set in motion, und
down to tho bottom went tho three, tbe
hh ou top, the two sextons underneath,
Tho body being now in place, excava
tions for its burial were immediately be
gun. Each of the beetles passing under
began to dig away the soil and to thrust it
backward with the feet. Soon, all around
the body, nt tho distance of an inch or so
from it, reminding one of the hasty in
trenchment about some military camp,
rose a little embankment of finely pul
verized earth, which had been dug with
the strong forceps that served as picks,
nnd thrown back with the six horny feet
that supplied tho place of shovels. The
body gradually sank ns tho embankment
6lovly rose, the head lingering longest
above the original level.
I returned from time to time to watch
the process of the burial. When the shad
ows of evening were falling, nnd I re
turned for the last time, a portion of tho
head was still visible, all the rest being
under the earth. In a few hours more the
little red throat was lying three or four
inches under the ground, as neatly awl
carefully buried as if some man had done
tho work. T. D. Witherspoon in St. Nich
olas. Tho Moosa Is a Wonderful Animal.
I encountered an interesting person the
other day who, when he works, has chargo
of a natural history collection. I surmiso
that he ofiiciatcs as janitor, for he knows
more different things about natural sci
ence than anybody that I ever met, and if
he chose he could astonish souie of the pro
fessors with his attainments. For exam
ple, "The tiger is a very sthroug animal,"
says he, "and his tail is thesthrongest part
of him. Wid one whisk of bis tail he can
cut a man in two at the waist. The moose
isasthrong animal too. You can guess
how stlirong he is when I'm tellln you that
he sheds his horns every winter, und as soon
ns ho has 'em ou the ground he ates 'era.
Tink of the teeth ho has in him to nto his
own horns! But he's good 'ntln himself,
tho moose is.
"I was wau of a party av forty-six min
as whit to ncrt' Newfoundland wid Con
thractor McGonigul to open the mines
there. McGonlgal got his ship loaded an
he sailed oil lavin the forty-six av us wid
out pay nn widout pervlsions an widout
guns. We dug a hole In the snow to catch
wan av thim moose, an we caught him, an
the forty-six nv us lived off him for t'ree
weeks. I'm still wnntiu me pay for that
wintlier, nn I'll never go back to New
foundland ngen. But it's a great mitiin
counthry. It's all full o' copper. As you
go up to tho coast of it ye see the green
rualit of it (loatln all over the say. "Brook
lyn Eagle.
Insects Have Thousands of Kyca.
The eyes of Insects present several pecu
liarities. Often in the same individual we
shall find two sets of eyes, the simple and
the compiund, these latter having a large
number of minute hexagonal facets, each
of which is in reality a cornea; nnd the
marvel Is thnt every single facet belongs
to a distinct eye with pupil, iris, lens, all
complete. The number of these corneas
varies very considerably. While the ant
possesses fifty only, tho ordinary house fly
has 4,000, butterflies have uo fewer than
17,000 nnd some beetles rejoice in us many
as 2j,000. Chambers' Journal. ,
tfotherel Mothers!! Mother!l!
Mrs.Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been
used for ovor fifty yeurs by millions of
mothers for their oliildrou while tentbing,
with perfect success. It soothes the child,
softens tho gums, allays all pain; cures
wind colic and is the best remedy for di
nnho'n. -"old bydiugglsts in every part
of tho world. Be sure aud ask for "Mrs.
Window's Soothing Syrup," and take no
uo other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle.
Board Wanted.
rANTED. Hoard and room III a pi'ivute
t V family, by a Rentlnninn with Rood recom
mendatinnH. Addmwlt. (. Tribune.
Real Estate.
offers bargains as follows:
40 ft front by W ft, deep, on Hpruoo
street, rent for JtOO 810.000
40 ft. front uv 60 foot deep, ou Sprues
street, corner alloy 10.W0
These tonBthor Kive t ft. front on Rnrore
street between Peim and Frankliu, with nllev
on side. Spruce trot property ia advuuciug
lot RlxHS, two dwellings, ji','00, jiIvIiik a nice
residence and nn ineeixu,':r small inveslimmt;
AL.HO A PLOT Oj'a t,OT8, givinif 1) It.
front ou Momaj avenue, near Vine atrnot.
Thetn wake le'ttrst class rvaidenee plot in a
desirable looHnty. If not sold iu ono plot will
ull above separately.
Lot tf,im. South Main avenue adjoining
resldiHieo of Smith R Mott, prh e, ti,'M; ulso
lots n Hock stroet and West HuU pluco. Only
fou loft.
mix!.. limian. Rnrinir water nlpeil int i it from
Hill back, baru for three horse anil two oows,
hennery with cemoatid floor, young fruit,
One lawn, Krand outlook ; one and a half to
three acres, us desired, 1 5,000.
Also lots of about sun size on Western
Slope, Dalton. Call or address
SMITH U. ilOTT, Manager,-.
No. 421 Lack. ave rear board trade.
A Word.
fantt of OR kindi cost that mitea, sa
ft Situation Wanttd,uhieh are imert
Wanted To Buy.
one having common plgrons to sell
state price, and address post offlco box 603,
Heranton. Pa.
For Rent
lfkl UL U i. r v- it . r 11) timf-tOt- l.lrt
avenue. 8KI per month.
IOR RENT House one block from care,
centrally located; beautiful vlew:rent low.
lt)3 Monaeyave.
I all modern improvements; $K6 per month;
iiumeilate possesdou. Call 014 Adams Ave.
J aultahl for lodue rooms. JOHN JEU
MYN, lit) Wyoming avenue.
Help Wanted Male.
IITP W1UH f..nL- vniTVn umi tii-'TT
oral positions were nntllled lust term,
notably one tor stenographer iu promiueut
railroad olttee, for laj-k of the yountr men.
Our L'raduates are In growing demand. Re
opening September 8. COSTON'S SCHOOL
For Sale.
A sale, a well-paying Are lnsurauce
agency will be sold at a groat sacrifice. Best
or reusons for sellimr. A splendid opportu
nity. Address Kire Insurance, Tribune ofllce.
Special Notices.
WHEREAS, Under a certain Indenture,
datid the lirst day of June, 1893, made be
tween The Wilson Lumlier Company, a cor
peratiou organized undnr tne laws of North
Carolina, aud tho undersigned, The Lacka
wanna '1 nmt und Safe Deposit Company, a
corporation organized tindor thelaweof Penn
sylvania, as trut , recorded June 13, 1891) In
the Regtste 's ollire, Caldwell county, North
Carolina, in Hook K of Jlortgageson pages 641
1 1 'M It is, nnioug ot!ier things, provided that
if default shall b made in tho payment ot
any interest due t hereon for sixty days after
any semi annual installment thereof ahull
fal (lui and be demanded, or shall neglect or
fail to set aside, or cause to be set aside, the
installment of four thounand dollars (1,W)
annually for tho creation of a siukiug fund,
for the space of s xty davs after the time
nnv.tionid for such action, such neglect or
fuiluro shall in oacii ca:o bj deemed
to bo a forfeit uru of the coudit ous
of tlio trust mortgage and thun and
in that ovent it shall bo lawful for the
trustee, noon th ) request of tho owners of a
majority in value of tho bonds then outstand
in:, to enter upon and take possession of tho
Innds and property of tho trust mortgage de
seribcd, and t sell snld lands to tho highest
bidder for cash at the court hoase door In
Caldwell county, North Carolina, first adver
tising tho same ouco a week for thirty (30)
days in one newspaper published in said
county, and one newspaper published in
scnuiton, l'a., and upon such sale to convey
the amo to th i purchasers in fee simple and
out of tbeniouovs received from eaid silu to
puy said bonds aud interest with costs of
sals, etc.
And Whereas, Default has been mnde In
t Uo payment of the coupons accompanslnir
the loads secured by eaid tru.t mortgage and
the payment of the installment into Uxe sink
ing fund, and said default has coutfuued for
more than sixty days,
And Whereas, 'I ho undersigned has bcon
recpiest-d by the holders of the majority of
the bonds issued under and secured by said
trust uiort.ago to priced and sell the lands,
lights, franchises, Improvements, contractu,
agreement, chose i in action, privileges and
appurtenance therein conveyed,
,,0,w.'J,,'l'r'-',," 'rile Lackawanna Trust
f,1"1 fu ? '"J!" (-'oml"uy hereby gives no
tice that It will, upon the l'.ith day of Septem
ber, A.U Isiu. nt li) o'clock a.m., at the court
house door in Lenoir, t uldwell county. North
( arol na. proceed to soli a 1 the lands, rights,
franchises, improvements, contracts, agree
ments, choses in uetion, privileges and appur
tenances in bM trust mortgage described
and set forth.
CHAS. Pre"d6nt
X rank Leslie's Illustrated Weekly War
1 lustrations i Istll.l&r,. Two Volumes Folio,
tld.W; payable monthly, JiOU Delivered by
?.W,ntr V?m,VH'te' P'oPa'A Address P. O.
MOODY, OlSUibson street, Scrunton, Pa.
It line, etc., bound or rebound at Thb
TinnuNB offlco. Quick work. Reasonable
!X corner Spruce street and Franklin ave
nue. Twenty meal ticket for 83.60. Good
table board.
A of John Moore in the Third Ward of Bor
ough of Taylor to Henry Vaegll.
ctice is hereby given that the Court of
Quarter Session of Lackawanna has filed
Monday, September 17, I8tl4. at Ha, m. as the
time tor hearing on above transfer.
Atty'e for Petitioner.
tJ cetveJ at tbe office of the City Clerk
Fcranto , Pa., until VI o'clock m., Thursday,
August 30, 16U4. to bind three hundred (300.)
copiesof tho Digest of Laws and Ordinances
prepared by the City Solicitor. Specifications
and sample of work aud material required
may be seen at the offlco ot the City Clerk
The elt y reserves the right to reject any and
all bids. By order of city councils.
M. T. LAVKLLK, City Clerk.
Scranton, Pa., Aug. 113, 18J4.
O coivi d at the offlco of tbe City Clerk
Scrauton, Pa., until 7.31) o'clock p.m , Thurs
day, Sept. 0, 1MH, to pave West Lackawai na
avenue between D. L. A V . R, R. crowiiig
and Ninth street, with stone bloek, known as
Belgiun block pavement, a'so to set or reset
cuiba;one where necessary on either side f
mm avenue eeiween mo nioronamnil points.
i-ropomi sna i cov. r tne entire wora and
shall state separately tho price for furnishing
and setting curb Mone, ah:o price of re-settlug
old curb stone; also the price for paving per
square yard, which is to include the cost of
grading as shown on tlio profile attached to
the city ordinance providing for the work;
and isaboto include the re-construetion or
adjustment of street basins, gutters, castings,
manholes and lamplioles to meet the require
ments and alterations caused t y said improve
ments. Bidders shnll enclose with each pro
posal the sum -of three hundred dollars, cash
o certified check, as a guarantee to ex cute
a contract within twenty dayi for the work if
awarded the same, lit case the bidder to
whom the contract shall have been awarded,
omits to execute a con ti act within twenty
ui. Hum uuiu ii inuiu. vuu uiiciuHure accom
panying his propos-il shall be forfeited to the
city of Scranton. The city roserves tho riiiht
to reject any and all bllh Tbe work ia t, l,
done in n' Cordance with the plan and speclll-
CKiions nieu iu me oinco 01 me city clerk, and
unner tuo direction or tne city engineer.
By order of city councils.
M. T. LAVELLE, City Clerk.
Scranton, Pa., Aug. i!8, IWU.
S baled" proposaiS-" will beTrS
ceivedat the ofllee of thecltv clerk.
ton, Pa., until 7. an p.m., Thursday, September
6th, It-'JI. to pave t'ine street between Wash
ington avenue and Clay avenue, tho portions
of said Pine street from Washington avenue
to .lenerson ami irom mnuison avenue to Clay
avenus is to be paved with standard sheet as
phalt ou a concrete base, and the portion ot
eaid street from Jefferson avenue to Madison
avenue la to bo paved with West mountain
yellow stone block, known as Holnlau block,
on a concrete base. Propotals will also be re
ceived at same time tor furnishing and totting
new eurbstono that may be necessary, also
for the resetting of old curbstone on the por
tion of said I'll a street that is to be paved.
Prep a s shall cover tile entire work mH
shall state separately the price for furnishing
mm nriiiuK ur i embuiit cm oMomia, iie price
of paving per square yard, which is to Include
the cost of grading at shown on ths profile at
tached to the ordinance providing for the
work. Didders shall unclose with each pro
posal th sum ot three hundred dollars, cash
or certllled check, as a guarantee to execute a
contract within twenty dove for the work If
awarded the same. In case tho bidder to
wnom tne contract snail uave ooen award
ed omits to execute a contract within
twenty days from date of award, theenclosure
accompanying Ills proposal shall be forfeited
to the city of Scranton. . The work It to be
done in accordance wit n plana ana specifica
tions filed in the office of the citv clerk nnd
unger the direction of the city engineer. The
city reserves tne ngui ui rejeui auy ana all
bids. Uy order of city council.
i CltyClork.
Bcranton, Pa, Aug. 28, 18Dt
onnolly& Wallace
On account of extensive alterations now in progress at our store, we will conduct a
Oar purpose is to reduce stock in order to accommodate the large purchases we have made for tho fall
trade. Prices will be such that you cannot afford to miss this opportunity.
Immense Attractions in Every Department
Onr limited space forbids any further details in regard to prices. "We only ask you to visit us
and ascertain how cheap Dry Goods can be sold under our new regime.
With the addition of 1,500 square feet of floor space, which with our present capacity will givo
us 5, COO feet, we will be well qualified to satisfy the demands of our large and increasing business.
When finished we will have the best lighted, most attractive and convenient store in Scranton, and our
LOW TRICES will continue to be our drawing card.
Opp. Court House.
Do ITo-u. Sleep Well ?
If not, get one of nature's BEST SEDATIVES,
iL Pine IZCattress
They Are Inexpensive.
Two Grand Festival Conczrts.
THURSDAY, AUG. 30, 2.30 AND 8 P.M.
IpSi'New York Band
K 'vWPV ni !. iv.
mvb iuu.nviaiia vimuinui7Ur
Producing "Trip to the World's Fair," and
ue givtibvtii. uibioricai musical spectaoie,
Warand Peace
The event of the present season, with
the A9Si9tunfe of
UI8S MARTHA (i. Ill NEK. Soprnno.
MR. C. C. FKSWHON, Ten .r.
MarehinR Veterans of Griffin PoBt. O. A. R.,
fife and drum corps, to., etc., and the
ESTABLISHED 1800. 80,000 IX USE.
Tamo3S Artillery IccompanimsoL
Complete battery of rapid, electric-Urine ar
tillery, in perfect time with the music.
PRICES-Matinee. SSc., 50c,. 75c. Nlght.Kc.,
50c., 76o. and tL Beat on gale Monday at box
X. i application will be made to the Gover
nor of Pennsylvania, on the eecond (lav of
August, 19. at 10 a.m.,by Charles McMullen,
George R. Clark, William V Carey. William
J. Reimiman and Miirlcm W. Finn, under the
Acto f Assembly, entitled "An act to provide
for the incorporation and regulation of cer
tain corporations," approved April Zi, 1874,
and the supplements thereto, for the charter
of an intended corporation, to be called
"The Bcranton Chimney fan Company," the
character and object of which is for the pur
pose of themauufactureorsalnof iron or steel
or of any other metal or article of commerce
from metal, wood, or both, aud for these pur
poses to have, possess and enjoy all the rights,
benefits and privileges of said act of assem
bly and supplements thereto.
II. M. STREETER, Solicitor.
the County of Lackawanna. September
Term. 18U4. No. 1004.
Notice is hereby given that an application
will be made to above court on Thursday,
September, Vltli, IBM. nt ten o'clock a. m..
under the "Corporation Act of 174," of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and the sup
plements thereto, for the charter of an in
tended corporation to be called "The Wil
liam A. and Lawrence Colliery Ko Fund,"
the charter and objeot of which is for
beneficial and protective purposes from funds
collected therein and for these purposes to
have, possess and enjoy all the rignts, benefits
and privileges ot the said act of assembly and
its supplements.
The proposed charter is now on file In tbe
JOHN M. HARRIS, Solicitor.
application will be made to the Gover
nor of the Htnte of Pennsylvania, on Wednes
day, the eighth day of August, 1891, by Ed
ward B. Mturges. Frederick J. Piatt, Orlando
S. Johnson, William T. Hmith. Frank E. Piatt
and .Ios"ph C. Piatt, under the Act of Assem
bly of the Commonwealth ot Pennsylvania,
entitled "An act to provide for the incorpor
ation and regulation of certain corporations,"
approved April ai, 1H74, and the supplements
thereto, for the charter of an intended cor
poration, to be called "The Bcranton Eleo
trlc Construction Company," the character
and object of which Is the manufacture, fur
nishing, ereotion and installation (all or
either) of eloetric or steam plants for light.
Ing, drilling, hauhgo, and pumping, or elec
tric power generally, in and about mines or
mining operations and elevators; and for
tho manufacture or furnishing of all kinds of
electrical machinery, and of appliances used
in operating the same, and for these pur
poses to havo and possess and enjoy all the
rights, benefit and privileges of tho said act
of assembly and Its sunplomonts.
THOH. F. WKliLH. PnlMtor.
Situations Wanted.
tion as a janitor or a watchman: good
roforouoes. Address C. O., Tribune office.
cashier or assistant bnrtender; four
years' vxperlonco. Address P. K. Parker,
Crane avenue.
O wants a position as a watchman, or some
kind of light work; good references. Is sober
and reliable. Address. HONEST.
1I11U Jackson at.
sition as traveling salesman. Experienced
and good reference. Address, W., Kendham,
maker wants position ; experience and
best of references. Address 1717 Peun Ave.
grocery store or as collector; had several
years' experience; can speak both German
and English; will furnish A No. 1 references.
Address X. Y. Z., Tribune office.
v V lady as bookkeeper; is willing to olerk
for a time; ha taken a course lif double and
single entry; can furnish references. Address
K. X M., 00s1 Throop street, Duumore.
(aW-? P
Instruments in every sense of the term as
applied to Pianos.
Exceptional in holding their original fulnens
of tono.
115 Adams Ave. New Telephone Bdg.
We Linn Allen & Co.
8T00E BE0KEE3.
Bay and seH Stockg.Bonds and Grain
on New York Exchanges and Chisago
Board of Trade, either for cash or on
412 Spruce Street.
tST'Local Stocks a Specialty.
& M
w -
Maloney Oil and
Manufactur'g Co.
Dr. E. Grewer
T. n TIKI!.. O 1 1 ; a .i
' stuff nf Fm'linTi nnA na,n.nn nl..;n!.n.
are now permanently located at
The doctor Is a graduate of the Unlversl ty of
Fennsylranis, formerly demonstrator of physi
ology and sureerv at the Wedico Chlrurgical
College of Philadelphia. A specialty of
Chronie, Nervous, Skin, Heart, Womb and
Blood diseases.
The symptoms of which are dizziness, lack of
confluence, sexual weakness iu men and wo
man, ball rising in tbe throat, spots floating
before the eyes, loss of memory, unable to con
centrate the mind on one subject, easily
startled when suddenly spoken to, and dull,
distressed mind, which unfits them for per
forming the actual duties of life, making hap-
f iuess Impossible: distressing the action of
he heart, causing flush of beat, depression of
spirits, evil forebodings, cowardice, fear,
dreams, melancholy, tire easy of company,
feeling as tired in the morning as when retir
ing, lack of energy, nervousness, trembling,
confusion of thought, depression, constipation.
Weakness of the limbs, etc. Those so affected
should consult us immediately and be restor
ed to perfect health.
Weakness of Young Men Cured.
If you have been given up by your physician
call upon the doctor and bo examined. He
cures tiie worst cases nf Nervous Delnlity.Scro
fula.Old Sores.CatarrhPlles.Female Weakness,
Affections of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Asthma, Deafness, Tumors. Cancers and Crip
ples of every description.
Consultations free and strictly sacred and
confidential. Ofllce hours daily from V a. m.
to 9 p.m. Sunday 9 to i
j. .ite five !M'ciit stamps for symptom
blanks and my book called "New Life."
I will puy one thousand dollars in gold to
anvone whom I cannot cure ot EPILEPTIC
311 Spruce Street, Scranton, Pa.
Oak Bedroom Set!
"Wo sell Furniture as cheap as
any house in the country that in
tends to give honest value for the
money. Try us.
Hull & Co
205 AED 207 V10K1HG AVE.
eases, sueh as Weak Memory, Lobs of Brain Power, neadaohe, Wakefulness.
I .... 1...1w.w1 tctuhtlv tftnltalMn. Nf.mi.nM. all (Ira DS aim lOAS OI DOWT
in Generative 6rsnof either soicaused by overexertion, youthful errors.
excessive use of tobacoo. oplnra or stimulants, which lenrt to Intimity, urn-
sumptlonorlnsanlty. l'n neoarneain vesipocsv. ir.ui...r
bv mall Drenald. With a order we give a wrltiea guarantee to cure
i...A....i.i..nnT.. pirrninrfrM. Hn lil bT a ilnurglite. ah lor it, ism
btf ORE AND AFTER other. Address AEKVE HEED CO., alasoulc Temple, CBiCAOO.lU.
For Sale in Scranton, Pa., by H.C. SANDERSON, Druggist, cor. Washington
anrl Snruoe streets.
5 Thegreatreinedy fornervous prostration and allncrvousdlseiues of
' if-A the Kenernllve organs of elilier sex. sueh as Nervous Prostration. Fall
Inn or un Mannooil, lmHuincy. MKlitly Knilsslons, Toutaiul Krrors,
Alental Worrv.exoesslve use of Tobacco or Opium, which lead lo Con
sumption and Insanity. With every S ord. .' we ihve a written Buar.
antee to cure orrefund the money. Peld at VI. OO perbox. 6 boxee
tor vs. vuiia i; a;ieeusuuuaiu
For lale by C. M. HARK1S, Druselst, l1 renn Avenue,
UtlV Mlli tislUg.
Haw Will 1 .. .-i. - flriisl Hh WBTTTTEtt
OUAKANiKR to Care HvrvoPiDvbilHy i IUm oftiul Fowr id UhiMi,
con-uutption or lavanity, 81.00 per box by mail, 0 boipi fnr tA. With tv-rv (V
onler wo fm written uiuiaotetj to our or Xwfuud lh moan. AUdr
Forsale by JOHN H. PHELPS, Pharmacist, cor. Wyoming Avenue and
Spvuca Strtet, Scranton. Pa.
Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers,
General Office. SCRANTON, FA.