The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 28, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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Is splendid; in fact," says
a young housekeeper, "it
is almost too good. It
seems as though I were
making cake all the time
for donations or church fairs
or some committee. I tell
them if they will follow the
recipe in your cook book
and use Cleveland's Baking
Powder they can make
cake just as nice as mine.
I am sure I never made
such - Ike before. Thanks
both I Cleveland's baking
powc' nd the cook book."
The..lpe book is sent free on receipt
of stamp and address.
Cleveland Uaking Powder Co.,
Si fit 83 Fulion St., ti. V,
Norrmanft Moore
120 Wyoming Avenuo
ve your COLLARS starched to tbe M
ay, w ten yon can have them done with soft
liable Buttonhole tor TWO CENTS EACH.
New and
Very Choice
Line of
Hears & Hagen
415 Lacka. Ave.
If you want
Carpets. Draperies,
Wall Paper or Window
Shades, come to us.
We have a full line of
ffoods, and our prices are
very low.
127 Wyoming Ave.
o my friends: I hereby announce
will be a candidate for the nomi
nation f district attorney, before the
' fa.
V Williams
ylRepubliwsn County convention.
Trlbnne ri aileri leaving for their
fnnimor' vacntinn onn have their favor
te pnpor rnt to tlieiu without, extra
Cnat, by notirvliiiK this ofllce of the Ue
tlred change lVi the unper'i addresa.
TbU afternoo and evoDing the Nay
Aug Hose company will plcnio at Wahler's
jrove. ,
Boner's band wil) hold its annaal clam
bake and pionic nt Waaler's grove next
There will be a month's mind li'gu mass
' pf requiem at 8 o'clock to-day at St. Peter's
cathedral for the lute Owen Cusick.
The sale or the Arcade leasehold which
was announced to take place last Saturday,
baa been postponed until September 20.
The Callender family reunion will take
place on the Baptist Churoh grounds at
Brown Hollow, .Scott township, Friday,
Aug. 81, 1894, at 10 a. m.
The Tegular meeting of the Green Ridge
Women's Christian Temperance union will
be held at its room, 015 Green Ridge street,
tbis afternoon at 8 o'clock.
Fifty mombers of the H. N. Dunnell
livision, Uniform rank, Knights of
PythiaB, left yesterday for Washington to
ittend the national encampment
Today the Hoptasophs' excursion go to
Blen Onoka. Butler's band will accom-
any the party and discourse concert and
ance music Train leaves the Delaware
ind Hudson depot this morning at 7.45.
The business misunderstanding between
W. Gibson Jones and Meredith L. Jones,
tud the Traders' ' National bank, an
iouueed last ovening, has been amicably
tdjusted without discredit to either party.
William Linn Allen & Co., the Spruce
Itreet stockbrokers, with this issue begin
to supply Tub Tribune with daily revised
flotations of the leading active securities.
This service will doubtless be much ap
preciated. ,
The funeral services over the remains of
Mrs. Ann Coyle took place yesterday
Horning at St. Paul's Cathollo church,
ireen Ridge. A requiem mass was cele
brated, after whioh the remains were
laken to Carbondale for Interment
Pabst'b Milwaukee Beer, cool and
Iparkling, at Lehman's, Spruce street
We are clearing out the whole of our
Itock of fine etchings. Chicago Art Co.,
127 Penn avenue,
The $40,000 School House
or Columbia avenue has been let and will
commenced lmnierllatnlv. There are
till a few lots left at a low price.
Arthur Fhothwuham,
' Office, Theater Lobby.
ior Manufacturer kdlgaant Over tbe
Awarding of tbe Supply Contracts.
Does Not Question the Honesty of
Supply Committee but Doubts
Their Knowledge of Paper and Has
Scales Along to Prove That They
Were Not Right in Awarding the
Bids as They Did. ,
W. H. Withers, manager of the
Withers Paper Manufacturing com
pany, of Penn avenue appeared before
the board of oontrol last night and
questioned with u largo interrogation
mark the supply committee's knowl
edge of paper and judgment in award
ing the contracts for furnishing that
When tbe report of the supply com
mittue had been read, Mr. Withers se
cured the privilege of the . floor and
stated that iu the advertisement for
paper the committee asked for "Oak
laud Mills" or its equal; that his bid
was on "Oakland Mills" aud was at
the rate of 11 J per pound or $1.15
per Team; that the contract bad
been awarded to Reynolds Bros., for
$1.25 per frearn ; that on commercial
note rPr his bid was CD eents and the
contract was given at 78 eents per
ream; that on tablets be bad tmdorbid
Reynolds Bros., $3.50 per thousand but
tbe lattsr firm uad secured the con
tract. Further, he stated, that last
year Reynolds Bros., had bid on forty
pound book paper but had ' supplied
thirty-five pound newspaper. lie said
he bad his scales and samples of paper
with .him and was ready to prove his
There was a silence for n few mom
ents at the conclusion of Mr. Wither'
remarks and then Mr. Wormser arose
and moved to have an investigation.
He suid the board could not afford to
have the assertion go abroad unchal
lenged that more was being paid for
supplies than what they could be se
cured for.
Mr. Jacobs, chairman of the supply
committee, did not look with favor
upon giving so much importance
to Mr. Witber's allegations, and said
that the committee did what it thought
was best and waa quite positive that it
had done its duty.
Mr. Withers here asked for five
minutes to prove his assertions. Mr.
Jacobs wanted to know why Mr,
Withers had not appeared before the
committee with his information before
the bids had been awarded. "We told
him when we were going to meet" con
cluded Mr. Jacobs. "Yes you did I
You did like fun," relorted Mr. With
ers. Mr. Barker stated that Mr. Withers'
bid was 15 J instead of 1H cents per
pound, (is Mr. Withers claimed
aud produced the original bid
to prove the statement Mr. Withers
was surprised to see that the figure
he bad intended for a one looked some
what like a five aud had deceived the
committee. Mr. Schriefer stated that
the Withers bids were in a chaotic atate,
and that the committee conld not make
bead or tail of them. He did not sub
mit samples of pads as called for, but
a lot of paper.
Chairman Jacobs of the Supply com
mittee then remarked that as the hon
esty of the committee bad been culled
into question he would insist on an in
vestigation. Mr. Withers Jumped up
and said that he had never doubted the
committoe's honesty, but he questioned
their knowledge. Thereupon Mr.
Wormser withdrew his motion for an
investigation and the committee's re
port was adopted, as follows:
We recommend that the following con
tracts for supplies be awarded, these bid
ders having been found to be the lowest
and best: ,
To Price & Roo: Twenty-five reams of
commercial note paper at 175 roams
foolscap at $1.25; ISO dozen of teachers'
lead pencil?, eagle mercautile, at $3.25 per
pross; 100 boxes enameled crayon at fl&c;
25 boxes colored crayon at 80c; 600 boxes
Ensierbrook pens, No. 128, at 410.
To M. Norton; Two barrels Carter's
School black ink, at $-11.30; 500 boxes slate
pencils, at 8c; 300 boxes enameled
crayon, at flc; 50 dozen Androws' felt
eraser, at 55c.; 100 dozen noiseless slates,
at 02c.
To Reynolds Bros.: Two hundred and
fifty dozen pen holders, Eagle, No. 1,407,
at 7ic. per gross; 15 gross Eagle Drawing
noncils, nt 81.70; 500 dozen pupils' pencils,
Eaglo, No. 140, at 07c; 10 dozen pointed,
ut 1. 2b; 50 boxes rubber bands, No. 10,
Fabor, at He; 10 pounds pencil erasers,
No. 80, ut r,2c; CO waste baskets, M per
dozen; 100 feather dusters, nt$2.?5.
ToC. B. Pratt, 100 pnekages No. 12
Manilla envelope at fl.30 per M. ; B'JO
packages No. 0 XX white envelopes at
USc. per M.
To William P. Connoll & Sons, 25 granite
water pails at $9 por dozen; 25 wash
basins at $2.90 per dozen.
To Howlcy Bros., 125 dippers at J3 70
per dozen; 75 dust pans at 75c. per dozen;
500 brooms at 12.26 por dozen.
A committee from tbe reeontly an
nexed Bellevue district, consisting of
John Hale, Edward Harris and William
F. Williams, appeared before the board
to ascertain what the board intended
to do about furnishing a school for the
district. Mr. Hale stated that tbe
Bellevue school hones was destroyed
by fire in December last. The Lacka
wanna townshiD board refused to put
up another bnildiog, alleging that tbe
township was not bound to do so, inas
much as the Bellevue district was
about to become a part of Soranton.
The committeo answered this by
calling the attention of tbe township
to the fact that it had collected the
school taxes from the Bellevue district.
The township had also attempted to
collect the taxes there for this year but
the Bellevue people secured an injunc
tion restraining the , collector. Mr.
Hall said tbe object of the Bellevue
people was not to avoid the taxes but
to have them properly applied.
On motion of Mr. Williams the
teachers committee was instructed to
have the old building in the Fifteenth
ward repaired, and to assign teachers
there for the present to take care of
the children of Bellevue. The com
mittee thanked the board for their ac
tion. On motion of Mr. Carson the janitor
at No. 12 was granted a salary of f 15
per month, .
On motion of Mr. Welsh the bond
required as an accompaniment with
hlifb school bids be rednoed from $30,
000 to $25,000. This was adopted, and
on motion of Mr. Mabon the secretary
was instructed to change the advestise
mont accordingly.
Bids for shades and spriag rollers for
No. 12 were received as follows: M.
Norton, $39 64; Kerr & Slettecker,
$108.42; Williams & MoAnulty, $134 93.
The contract was awarded to M. Nor
ton. Mr. Davies, architect for No. 19 sug
gested a few slight ohanges In the
heating and ventilating system of No.
19 and.on motion of Mr. O'Boyle.Hunt
and Conoell were permitted to make
those changes if they would bt no ex
tra expense, .
. Tbe pay roll for the month for ofQ
cers and janitors was: officers $123,jnl
tors $1203,50.
Professor Gibhs, of Danville, inven
tor of the Arutillury sphere, addressed
the board and explained tbe workings
of bis apparatus, which is intended to
assist the pupil in the stu ly of physi
cal geography and astronomy by furn
ishing an object lesson In theso studies
and making it possible for teachers to
easily explain the wonders of the uni
verse. An agent of the Tolly Thermometer
company, spoke on the .advisability of
introducing his thermometers iuto the
schools for the purpose of regulating
the temperature of the room.
Thatcher and Bib Focpls Trove Good
Entertainers In About Gotham.
The Academy of Musio opened its
season last evening with "About
Gotham," a skit which enables George
Thatcher and his company to display
their varied talents.. During the sum
mer months the thoater has been greut
ly beautified, and tboss who visiwd it
last night were muoh pleased with the
transformation. It is cozy, neat and
Mauagor Burgundor was fortunate
iu the piece seleeted for the opening
night. "About Gotham' is not destined
to live in the history of the drama, nor
was it built for that purpose. It was
simply intended as a medium for
Thateher and his people to get before
the puplio aud'it serves its purpose ad
mirably. It is laughable and entertaining and
just suoh a warm weather diversion as
the average theatre goer likes to pat
ronize. Thatcher was as droll and
clever ns of old, and some of those who
assisted him in tbe work of entertain
ing were Carroll Johnson, Ed Marble,
E. C. Jobson, Fred Oakland. William
Thompson, William Grillio, Ei Marks,
Diive Foy, the Byron sisters, Florence
McKinley, Alice Blauvet, Cecils Lor
raine and Cora Carlisle. '
New Tariff 111 Has a Depressing- Effoct
on It Already.
The Green Ridge Glass works will
not resume operations on Sept. 1, as
expected, and the management is un
abie now to say just when it will be
possible to again light the furnaces.
Tbe tariff bill is responsible for this.
At present the outlook for the pres
ent season is not very bright. It is cus
tomary for the glass factories all over
tbe country to light up about tiapt. 1.
but this year orders are nor plentiful.
The new tariff bill makes a 25 per
cent, reduction on glass which will
greatly interfere with the American
industry and enable European goods to
make serious inroads on the trade of
the American factories in the home
Died in hoboken.
Patrick Walsh Foim.rly of the West
Side Expires Suddenly There.
Patrick Walsh, a young man, son of
Miles Walsh, of the Continental, died
suddenly in Hoboken yesterday. A
telegram was received by tbe family
last night but it contained nothing of
the causa of the young man's death.
John Walsh, a brother of tbe dead
man, and his mother left for Hoboken
Inst night to return with the remains.
The funeral will be held on Thursday
afternoon at 2 o'clock, interment being
made in Hyde Park cemetery.
Mr. Walsh was formerly a residont
of the West Side, but for several years
has been living at Hoboken.
Contractors say that tho demand for
work this Buuimer is not so great among
laborers as It was last year.
An effort will be made this week at the
Mouth works to break the record made for
the best previous week.
Work at the car shops of the Delaware,
Lackawanna and Western is picking up
und tho employes are making nearly full
The Scranton Axle work resumed oper
ations yehterday after a short period of
idleness, and the outlook for the fall aud
winter is exceptionally bright.
The "Tunnel" mine of William Connoll
& Co., having been operated continuously
for the pust thirty years, is still furnishing
coal. It supplies on an average forty cars
of coal daily to the national colliery.
At 8 o'clock tomorrow nfternoon tbe
manufacturers' committee of the board of
trade will meet at the rooms and a confer
ence will be held between the committee
and a gentleman whose purpose it is to
build a carpet factory in this city if satis
factory conclusions can be reachel. The
representative of the factory is at present
general manager of one of tlnlnrgent car
pet manufactures In the United States,
and is averse to allowing tho use of bis
name until something more definite is
done. If ho concludes to locate in Scran
ton a plant costing at least $100,000 will be
built, and of that sura the gentleman him
self promises to take a large share of the
stock. The proposed factory, it is esti
mated, would furnish employment to 100
hands in the beginning. There has been
no certain part of tbe city (elected as the
most probable site. Tomorrow afternoon's
meeting may bring forth somothiug of in
terest oil tbe subject.
To the Bopubllcan votors of Lackawanna
I hereby announce that I will be a can
didate for the nomination of recorder of
deeds, subject to tho decision of the Re
publican county convention.
Geo. II. Shiiies.
The Chain Gang D d It.
Captain Edwards fays that tramps are
scarce in this city. Tbe officers report to
him that although they make nightly
hunts, not a single tramp can be found.
The light brigade who were at work on
the chain gang were discharged Saturday
night, and with their departure the lust
specimen of the genus tramp left the city.
Wood's College of Business and Short
hind. The HeH Week. So many never came
before. Parents, guardian, young men,
joung women, ruddy faced boys and
thrifty girls. The whole faculty busy,
describing tbe work, showing the rooms
and writing scholarship.
The Opening on Monday. Students
from a distance, from adjoining towns and
from all parts of tbe city will enter on
The ilectption. In the evening a recep
tion will be given to all the old students
and to those who wish to enter this term.
Many Invitations were returned because
of change of residence. Let this be your
invitation. A souvenir for all.
Free Tuition. A Urge number of our
old students who bought scholarships
from us have been offered free tuition in
another sehool. Think it over. Is it pen
roil or eelflshl Will it pay I
A Large and Competent Faculty. Shall
an institution stand still f Brains are tbe
proper ornament for tbe top of a man.
For culture, practical experience and
pedagogio skill our teachers excel.
A 15,000 fund is in tbe bands of the
management to aid worthy young men
and women who must pay their tuition on
(As instalment plan.
Young people who can furnish good
recommendations as to character and
thrift are invited to become the bene
ficiaries of this fond.
We invite you to visit us.
F. E. Wood, President
Park Citizens Hold a Public Meeting to
Agitate Its Construction. .
Spirited Addresses by Prominent West
Siders and Resolutions in Favor of
the Contemplated Improvement A
Committee Appointed to Wake Up
the Councils to the Necessity of the
Viaduct Details of the Meeting.
A publio meeting to further tbe pro
ject of constructing a viaduct over the
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western
tracks on West Lsckawunna uvenue
wus held in St. David's hall last night.
The meeting was under the auspices of
the West bide bqard of trade, and was
called by a special committee of that
organization which has in hand tho
booming of the viaduct.
The hall was crowded with tbe rep
resentative citizens of Hyde Park, and
all were enthusiastically in favor of
the movement. W. G. Tbomss was
chosen to preside and C. E. Daniels
was elected secretary. Addresses were
made by Mr. Thomas, Hon. T. V. Pow
dcrly, Hon. John K. Farr, Councilraen
Victor Lauer end William Thomas and
A. M. Morse.
Tbe culmination of tbe spirited ad
dresses was the adoption of the follow
ing resolutions presented by a com
mittee consisting of D. D. Evans, T.
Fellows Mason and Charlos E. Daniels:
Whereas, The people of the West Side,
city of Scranton, numbering nearly one
third of the population of the eutirecity,
and consequent thereto, payers of a largo
proportion of tho city taxes, have for yours
advocated the erection of a viaduct over
the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western
railroad tracks, said desire finding expres
sion through the board of trade and other
channels; and
Whereas, the need of said vaiduct grows
greater daily as population increasas and
traffic grows. West Lackawanna avenue is,
and must continue to be the chief medium
of communicatlou between the central city
and the West Side; aud.
Whereas, There is a constant and men
acing danger to pedestrains, equestrians
aud occupants of vehicles, but particularly
to tho thousands who daily ride in street
cars, the said danger having soveral times
in the past, resulted in collisions between
street cars aud ruilroad trains, and iu
other escapes at tho railroad crossing
aforesaid aud
Whereas, A larce part of thevotois of
tho West Side were led to believe in Feb
ruary last, when the ordinnnce for bond
lug the city in the sum of 00,000 to erect
two bridges camu before the electors, that
the viaduct would be built, casting their
votes iu favor of tbe bridges on the
strength that it would be supported and
Whereas, The city councils have allowed
to lie dormant for soveral months an or
dinance providing for the construction of
the viaduct when tho decision of court--which
is given as one strong reason for the
delay was to the effect that tho ordinance
would only have to be passed, but the
viaduct not necessarily built before the
uppointmont of viewers, and
Whoreas, The qaeotion of daraajes has
arisen iu connection with the building of
the proposed viaduct to such an extent that
it is given as another great stumbling
block to tho taking of tho necessary stops;
therefore be it
Rosolved, That we, the citizens of the
West Side, in public meeting assembled,
now Aug. 27, 18W, believing that the dam
age cry has been exaggerated as the city
proposes to occupy only a part or its own
street, aud feeling that such a large sec
tion of the oity should not be trifled with
in a matter which concerns the safety of
her citizens as well as tbe development
aud growth of her part of the city, do
hereby call upon the city councils to take
up for action the ordinance providing for
the viaduct which now lies in tho select
council's hands, and be it further
ltesolved, That in view of the urgent
needs and the promises made to her West
Side citizens during the bridge campaign
that the West Side should hnve her via
duct, we urge upon councils the necessity
of keeping fuith with the citizens by doing
nil that lays iu tbeir power to build tho
tbe viaduct, the result of which can ouly
be its construction. Be it also
Resolved, That in order that the coun
cils mny be cognizant of the action of this
mooting, this preamble and resolution be
printed iu the daily papors and copios for
warded to both branches of the city coun
cils, lie it
ltesolved, Further that this meeting
recommend the formulating and circulat
ing of the petitions addressed to the city
couucils expressing our needs for the via
duct and our demands for our rights.
Messrs. Farr, Powderly, E. E. Clark,
J. J. Davies and T. J. Price were ap
pointed a committee to wait upon the
special conncilmanlo committee which
has the viaduct under consideration
and present the resolutions.
Another resolution, presented by
Mr. Farr, protesting against the usage
for other purposes of the $10,000 ap
propriated for the viadnet was adopted,
Both Granchai W ill Sleet to Transaot
Important Business.
Owing to the fact that next Thurs
day will be the fifth Thursday of the
month no council meeting was sched
uled, but as there is a big rush of busi
ness on band, both branches of council
Imve arranged for meetings that eve
ning. The common counoil'i session will be
en ndjourned one. Its principal work
will be the passage of the bridge ordi
nances on final reading. Inasmuch as
those measures were amended in com
mon council, select council will again
have to act upon them. Another im
portant reason for the special session of
select council is that they will have to
act before Sept. 1 on tbe ordioanoe ex
tending tho time for the collection of
city and city special taxes until Jan, 1,
"What about HIM! Greatost
"Ceylon" Tea grower in tho world.
Wo are his distributing agents
for Northeastern Pennsylvania.
Just think! 45c, 50c. and COc.
for tho same "Ceylon" or "Lhud"
Tea that others ask $1.25 for.
One-half the quantity of "Ceylon"
Tea required in drawing, which
makes the cost so low. Everybody
is buying it, Sold only in sealed
429 Lacka. Avo.
Trade Price to all Dealer
to make the measure operative, Sept 1
being the limit of time now Qxad for
Failure of the Pottsvllla Company Will
Not Afftot Contracts Hare.
The failure of the Pottsville Iron and
Steel company was ouly a little family
affair aud will not interfere with tbe
work which that company has in hand
in this city.
Owing to the fact that three of the
grandest improvements contemplated
in this oity, tho 10-story Hears' build
ing, the Hotel Jerinyn and the Nay
Aug bridge, which is the only key to
tho Boulevard, depended for their early
completion upon the company, there
was considerable talk and many con
juctives occasioned by tho announce
ment of their failure.
W. A. Malany, foreman of the com
pany, yesterday started work on each
of tbe three contracts. A boiler and
engine were put In plaoe at the Mears'
building and a gang of men were sent
to Nuy Aug to unload a car of the
bridge iron which arrived yesterday.
Mr. Malany said all three jobs will
be pushed to a hasty completion. They
can work day and night it necessary.
Colonel Sahoonmaker says he has as
snranots that the bridge will be com
pleted Sept. 21
During a Fight Her Husband Used a
Knife on Her.
John Gaffney and his wife, Ann, yos
terday engaged in one of thsir custom
ary fights, during the course of which
the woman was stabbed in the face by
her huBband. The knife struck her on
the left cheek making a gash which re
quired three stitches to close.
With her clothes covered with blood
she went to Alderman Fitziimmons'
office to have her husband arrested.
The alderman issued the warrant and
also directed that Mrs. Gaffney be
locked up, as she was beastly intoxi
Former and Prettnt Students to the
Number of 2,000 Attend.
The reception given at Wood's Business
college last evening to mark the opening
of the fall term was attended by over
2,000 of tbe former and present Btudents.
The rooms which were given over to tbe
reception were prettily decorated with
potted plants. Bauer's orchestra dis
coursed promenade musio during the
evening, songs were rendered by Edward
Walsh and Arthur Wooler, and Professor
Curter gave instrumental solos. Refresh
ments were served and tastoful and ap
propriate souvenirs distributed among the
Besidos being a Boclnl success the recep
tion by reason of its large attendance,
evidonced in a degree the extensiveness of
the woric that has been accomplished by
this school.
Binshamton Industrial Exposition.
That the exposition this year will be a
larger and more magnificent one than ever
before attempted is an assured fact. Tbe
management have taken hold with a de
termination to excel and have succoeded
in securing exhibits, varied, rich, and cost
ly, and that will certainly be instructive
and entertaining. Tbe fair will open on
Thursday, September 6, when the Bing
bninton Athletic association will have thoir
first bicycle meet under tbe auspices of tbe
exposition management; $S00 worth of
prizes will be given, and tbe different
events will be continued in the evening
when the grounds will be lighted by elec
tricity. Saturday, September 8. will be
children's day, and it is expected that 6,000
children will march to the grounds. The
amusement programme will be a grand
success. The greatest artists in their line
have been engaged at imnieuse xpense.
The world-renowned juggler, Seveins
Schaefer who hns no peer lu his special
ties, will make his lirst appearance in
There will be a troup of ten Japs who
will appear daily in daring, sensational
and amusing performances, alio chariot
races by lady and gentlemen ridorsin mag
nificent Itoman costumes, driving thor
oughbred horses, given double teom, Roman
standing and hurdle races. There will be
balloon ascensions daily and other exciting
and entertaining events. Tuesday, Septem
ber. 11, Governor Roswcll V. Flower will
be at the fuir. aud will be escorted by the
Twentioth Sopnrate company, aud other
visiting coiupanios of the National Guard,
state of New York. Wednesday, Septem
ber 11, will be Red Men s day, aud it being
t he week of the great council of the United
Statos, there will probably come by excur
sions from all parts tbe largest crowd of
visitors that ever was in tho city.
The low price of admission to the fa ir 25
ceuts.. makes it possible for all to go.
Copvinu books and presses.
Piutt's Book Stokc
Tomorrow at Fairvlew.
A delightful excursion will be conducted
by Cpnrnd's band to Farview tomorrow.
Prof, Johnson will furuish tbe music for
dancing, a piano having been taken to
Fa rview for that purpose. The Conrad
band will give a concert iu the afternoon.
It will be one of the most enjoyable excur
sions of the season, especially for young
Tins week the races of tho Gentlemen's
Driving club will be held on Friday after
noon instead of Saturday afternoon, as has
been announced.
Oxford. Bagster, International and
family Bibles. Piutt's Book Stork,
Buy tbe Wnbsr
and get the beet. ' At Guernsey Bros.
A larue line of new books and novels at
half price. Pratt's Book Store.
Buy one of
Berry's Best
tlarm Clocks
417 Lacka. Avenue.
Best Sets of Teeth, $8.00
Including tbe painless extracting
ef teeth by an entirely new pro
ws. S C. Snyder, D.D.S.
189 WlOMiaU AVK.
OfO $1
Conway House, 132 tod 134 Fena vAv.,
Is where you will always find good servloe
and courteous treatment, the table is al
ways supplied with the best in tbe market
Transient and local trade solicited.
Room and picture mouldings, wall and
ceiling decorations, iu water colors and
linspar relief. Something new.
Pratt's Book Storb.
Reminder List
Read This
126 Penn Ave. '
Jnst received a carload
sisting of Butter Jars,
either dark or light-colored
ware; size? from 1-4
gallon to 8 gallon. ; Pre
serve Jar.?, with covers,
dark-colored ware only;
all sizes.
We also lave Round
Bottom Pans, Jugs aud
Stew Pans in Stoneware,
all very desirable goods
at any time, but espec
ially so at this season of
the year. Most of these
goods come under the 5c.
and 10c. limit; some of
the larger sizes are higher
in price, but you can rest
assured that we are al
ways on tho "Ground
Floor" aud occasionally
in the basement where
prices are concerned.
C. S. Woolworth
319 Lacka. Avenue,
ireen and Gold Front.
We are now
prepared to do
business at
our new build
ing, 322
Washington Ave.
The Month of August
Is nearly over and so is BANISTER'S GREAT AUGUST CLEAR
Have you taken advantage of this chauoa to buy your Footwear
for the bare cost of making!
"We can't coinpol you to come and see what bargains we have to
offer. Your own iuterest and better judgment should bring yoa here.
There are still a few days more of this sale, aud wo are every
day adding fuel to the lire in the shape of LOW PRICES.
Poleca Szanownym Folakom swoj wielki galent
eryjny mezkich i damskich
gotowych damskich sukien raprow pelerynirozmaitego
gatunka ubran dla dzieci, takze przerabia i upieksza
damskie kapelusze jak najmgdniej po bardzo niskich
cenach (rozmowic sie mozna po polska). CENY STALE.
P. S. The above is Brown's Bee Hive advertisement
in another language, setting forth their Bargains in
They Cannot Be
BeatOur Prices
On Goats and Gapes
We are selling a $5 Coat
for $1.98.
A $14 Black Clay Worst
ed Coat for $7.
$4.50 Capes for $1.98.
Ladies' Tailor-made Suits
in Serge, latest cut, for
$6.50, worth $12.
Mackintoshes for HALF
Come and see for your
self. This sale will only
last for a few days.
Daring the Summer.
138 Wyoming Aye.
128 Wyoming Ave.
On exhibition in our window. SEE
OFFERS the best
busineia education
of any Inititutlon
of iti kind in the
country, at mini
mum cost. Tbe pro
prietor! are inttruo
tors with yeaw of ex
perience and know
thentcet title of the
busineti work. In
struction U thor
ough and practical
College bnlldlniii
a beautiful structure, well Tentilated
and posiessed of all modern oonye
niencea and ia located on Court Howe
Day and Evening Sessions.
will open MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 8.
Our Journal tells all about us and onr
methods. Send us your name and yot
will get It by mail.
Bod', WMtmore & Go.
Cor. Adams Ave. and Linden Street
We can pleaae your taste ind
wauU. Uet an estimate.
The Scranton Tribune Job DepL
Cor. Lackawanna and
Wyoming Aves,