TIIE SCRANTON TKIBUNE-MONDAY MORNING, AUGUST 27, 1894. PUBLISHED DAILY IN SCMNTON, P. TNI ritltUNC PUBLISMINO COMPANY. K. ft KINGSBURY. INIIUl MAHAW New Von Omen TmnMt uilwn. reAM Orav, Manaokr. INTinD AT TMl POATOrriM AT acMltTOIfc tn IOOHS-OUM MAIL MATTM. "l'riiiter' Ink," tho recognized journal for advertisers, ratoi tho SCHANTON '1 H I IiUNE as the best advertising medium iu.Mortlioantcrn l'eousylvania. "I'riuter' li.k" knout. SCRANTON. AUGUST 27. 1891. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. for Governor! DANIEL IT. HASTINGS, OF CENTER, For tituimunt (lovirnnr: WALTER LYON, OF ALt.EUnExr. for Auditor General: A5IOS H. MYLTX, Ot' LANCASTER, for Secretary of Itmiai Affnim JAMES W. LATTA, OF PHlI-AliEM'HIA. for Congressmen-at-Larqe: OA LUSH A A. GROW, OF BL'fitJUF.FTANNA. GEOKWEF. HUFF, OF WEHT.MOHELAND, Election Time, 'ot. A, It is 1'i.EAsma to notice that tho local support of Major AVarreu's can didacy for tho stato league presidency comes from nil elements m the ranks of his party. This is one of the facts which well attest his popularity and uvailahility. The President's Authority. In the Albany Law Journal of Aug. 4, James J. If. Hamilton, of this city, contributes a lucid article, explaining the limitations of federal authority as contrasted with the authority of the several states. Mr. Hamilton's discus sion of this subject is comprehensive und thorough, and is in reality a digest of the more important rulings and opinions of the courts, and of the fed cral statutes bearing upon this intricate question. The immediate text of his contribution is supplied by the discus sion which has arisen because of the president's action in sending United States troops to Chicago and other places of dancer during tho recent Debs railway strike. JMr. Hamilton points out that "one cause of error on the part of some who have criticized the president's action in sending government troops into Il linois without waiting to be requested by Governor Altgeld to do so, is a fail ure on the part of the critics to distin guish between an insurrection against the government of the stato and an in surrection against the government of the United States. In the former case it might perhaps bo tho duty of the president to wait until called upon for help by the governor of the state, provided tho insurrection in noway interfered with or violated tho laws of tho Union. The president's duty in Huch case is pointed out in section 5,297 of the revised statutes of the United States, which enacts that Iu case of an insurrection in any state against toe government thereof, it snail ba lawful for the president, on application of tlie legislature of such state, or of the ex ecutive, when the legislature cannot be convened, to call forth such nurubor of the militia of any other state or states, which may bo applied for. as he deems suf ficient to snpprets such insurrection: or. on like application, to employ, for the same purport?, such pure or the laud or naval forces of the United States as he deems necessary. "But the late insurrection at Chi cagowas against the government of the nation, in contempt of the federal .courts, in violation of federal law. In such case it can never bo tho duty of the president to wait until the gov' ernor, who may be in sympathy with the insurgents, requests him to enforce national law and avenge tho insult to the nation's power. It can never be his duty to sit idly by and see the gov ernment delied and the Union do stroyed for lack of power to send gov ernment troops into the sacred con lines of a sovereign state to enforce national law. The duty of the presi dent In case of insurrection against the United States is clearly set forth in the revised statutes, section 5,298 which is as follows: Whenever, by reason of unlawful ob structions, conimnations, or assemblages of persons, or rebellion against the au thority of the government of the United States, it Bhall become Impracticable in iub juugmenx or rue president to enforce, by the ordinary course of judioial procott lngs, the law of the United States within any siam or territory, it shall be lawful for the president to call forth the militia of any or all the states, and to employ bui;u ii ib ui tuu iuuu ana navai rorces or. the United States as be may deem neces sary to enforce the faithful execution of the laws of the United States, or to sup- y i coo Hutu icueuiun in wuaiever state or territory inereor tne laws of the United ctates may db iorcioiy opposed, or the 0X6' cution thereof forcibly obstructed. "But the next section (5299) of the United States statutes goes still further, It enacts that Whenever insurrection, domnatin viol ence, unlawful combinations, or conspir acies in any state so obstructs or hlndem the execution of the laws thereof, and of the United States, as to deprive any portion or class of the people of such state oi any oi.iue rigum, privileges, or immuni ties, or protection, named in the conatitn tion and secured by the laws for the pro tection of such rights, privileges, or immu nities, and the constituted authorities of such state are uuable to proteot, or from any cause, fail in or refuse protection of the people in such rights; in all such cases, or whenever any such insur rection, violence, unlawful combination, or conspiracy, opposes or' obstructs the laws of the United States, or the due execution thereof, or impedes or obstructs the due course of justice under the same, It shall be lawful for tbe president, and it shall be hiB duty, to take such measures, by the employment or tne muitia or the land and naval forces of tbe Uuited States, or either. or by other means, as he may deem neces sary, ror the suppression of such Insurrec tion, domestic violence or combinations." An interesting portion of Mr. Ham ilton's article is where after quoting from the Federalists, No. 29, its asser tion that the power to command the services of the militia in times of in surrection and invasion are "natural incidents to the duties of superintend ing the common defense, and of watching over tho internal peace;" he notes that Mr. Justice Story, in deliv ering the opinion of the court iu Mar tin v. Mott, 12 Wheat. 19-30, declared that "these powers must be so con strued as to the modes of their exer cise as not to defeat the great end in view." In the same decision it is said to be the unanimous opinion of the court that tho authority to decide whether t;e exigency calling for the exerci.se of the president's powers un der the act of congress has arisen, be longs exclusively to the president, and that his decision is conclusive upon all other persons; and that a militia man who refuses to obey the orders of the president calling him into the public service is liable to be court- martialed. In the opinion of Mr. Justice Grler, delivered iu the cele brated Prize cases, 2 Black, G'i5, it is emphatically said that "the Constitu tion confers on the president the whole executive power. He is bound to take care that the laws be faithfully exe cuted, He is commander-in-chief of the army and navy of tho United States and of the militia of the sev eral states Mhen called Into the actual service of the United States. He has no power to initiate or declare war either against a foreign nation or a domestic state. By the acts of Congress of February 28, 1795, and 3d of March, 1807, he is authorized to call out tho militia and use the military and naval forces of the United States in case of invasion by foreism nations, and to suppress insurrection against the government of a state or of the United States." If the criticism of the president's ae tion iu sending federal troops to Chi cago bo based on his alleged lack of authority to do so, the answer which Mr. Hamilton makes is that "tho au thority for his action is to be found in the constitution and statues of the United Slates and in the decisions of the federal judiciary. If it be based upon an alleged lack of necessity for his action in the premises, then the answer is that the highest judicial au thority has decided that he is the sole judge as to the existence of the exigency calling for his action, and that his de cision is conclusive on all others." In this opinion all loyal citizens are bound to concur. the newspapers have marked out for him, is certainly playing it well. For silence, slyness and adroit ness ins campaign thus far mis been phenomenal. Whether it will be crowned by a brilliant victory or collapse ignominiously at Wednes day's conference of the Eighth district conferrees, the sou of Northampton's pioneer leader will have accumuiatea surplus of publicity rarely voucu- safed to one who has served but one term in congress, anft that under the handicap of parental greatness. In Saturday's Tribune the editor wrote and hoped to say apropos or Major Warren's candidacy for the stato league presidency: "lhe ltepuo- lieaiis ot Northeastern Pennsylvania have had knowledge of his loyalty, ardor and worth;" but when fate and the proofreader completed their neia rious work the sentence read: "The Republicans of Northeastern Penn sylvania have had knowledge of his loyality, ardor and wealth." In a sense, perhaps, this amendment is true. Major Warren has from an original capital when a boy starting for college, of $10 and a strong deter mination to advance himself in life, succeeded by honest methods in accu mulating a fair competence; anu nas not spared these resources when called upon to contribute to the necessary and legitimate expenses of party or ganization. But he would be tho last man in the world to boast about tnis, and the proof reader's amendment, we therefore feel, must be reiectea. FCR DELEGATE ELECTIONS. Apportionment of Republican Repreeen- tation Among; the Various Dietrioti. Pnranant to a tnnetin? of the Republi can County committee held on July 14th, 1894. the County Convention will bs held on Tuesday, September 4th, 1894, at 10 o'clock a. m., iu tbe court bouse at Scran- lon, ror tbe purpose or. placing in noniiim tiou candidates for the following named offices, to be voted for at tbe ntxt general election to be held November 6th, 1894: Congress, Eleventh district; Judge, Forty fifth Judicial district; sheriff, treasurer, clork of courts, prothonotary, district at torney, recorder of deeds, register of wills, and jury commissioner. Vigilance committees will hold delegate eleotions on Saturday. September 1st, 1K94, between the hours or 4 ana T p. m, iney will also give at least two days public notice of the time and place for holding said elettlons. Each election district should elect at tbe said delegate elections, two qualified per sons to serve as vlsilance committee for one year, and have their names certified to, on tbe credentials of delegates to tue voumy Convention. The representation of delegates to the County Convention is based upon the vote oast last fall for Fell, candidate for judge of supreme court, he being the highest officer voted for at said stato eleotion. Under this rule tbe several election districts are entitled to representation as follows, vizi A T THE Pie Counter. There api'EARs to be some question in the mind of President Cleveland as to whether the pen is mightier than the jaw. The Military Drill in Schools. Although the advantages of military drill in the public schools are generally couceded, little has been done toward securing them. It has remained for Heading to set Scranton an example in this matter. The school board of Read' Ing has just decided that the ex perl ment of military training in the schools shall be tried for four months. The city superintendent, accordingly, has liiid down a course of drill for all grades. The younger pupils will be taught singlo exercises in marching, while the high school pupils will be put through the manual arms. Pupils will be di vided into squad3 and officers; and there will be two drills a week, as parts of tho regular school work. In the main, however, these exercises will be confined to the recess periods, and will, therefore, cut little, if any, into the regular school programme. There Is no reason, except possibly a sentimental one, why this experiment should not succeed, and why it should not be duplicated with equally suc cessful results in all our cities. There are persons who have a conscientious horror of anything that smacks, in whatever degree, of war or of its con ditions. These persons claim that the teaching of tactics in schools would have a tendency to increase the war like instincts of the pupils, and encour age the growth of a fighting tendency in a republic whose mission, they justly contend, is one of peace and civiliza tion. The argument would perhaps have some weight if the drills in question were permitted to usurp the place of the regular school work, which, if it be worth anything, should teach that the best citizenship is that which is least given to bullying the weak; and that the wisest general ship is that which prefers honorable ar. bitrationand conciliation to the un speakable horrors of war. But so long as the public school re mains as it is; so long as the "mili tary instinct" takes no more serious form than the occasional teaching of army discipline and the exercises and maneuvers of our citizen-soldiery, it is needless to fear that the peace-loving Instincts of the American people will be undermined. In a country whose regular soldiery forms such an infln itesmal "drop in the bucket" of its en tire population that many citizens do not see the uniform of so much as a high private from one year's end to the other, any thought of the upgrowth of a perilous military instinct may safely be dismissed as not wisely founded. If there be no stronger reason than this with which to oppose the suggested adoption of the military drill in the public schools, we may reasonably hope Boon to see the school children of America skilled in the rudimentary principles of national defense. ' Amono the I'olitical events of the coming week the battle of How ard Mutchler for a renominatlon at New Milford next Wednesday will occupy prominent rank. Nobody yet seems to know exactly what the young Easto nian's game is. There have been guesses without number; but thus far none of them has sufficed to draw from Mutchler or his friends a sign which might serve as an indication of its accuracy. The so-called "Young Boss" of Northampton, if he is play ing the deep and desperate role that Tbe impressions of a tenderfoot with reference to the anthracite industry are graphically depicted iu the August Mc Clure's in an article by Stephen Crane. This is his idea of the slate picking depart ment! "In a larce room sat the little slate pickers. The floor slauted at on an cle of forty-five degrees, and the coal hav ing been mastigated by the great teoth was streamine sluuaiBhlv in lone iron troughs. The boys sat straddling these trniiL'hs. and as the mass moved slowly they grabbed deftly at the pieces of slato theruin. There were five or six of them, one abovo another, over each trough. Tbe coal is expectud to be fairly pure after it passes tho final bov. The howling mschin erv was above thorn. Hich up dim figures moved about iu the dust olouds. These little men were a terrifically dirty band. Through their ragged shirts we could aA, occasional ulimnses of shoul ders, black as stoves. They looked nreciselv like imps as they scram' bled to cet a view of us. The man who neruuus believes that he controls them came and harangued the crowd. He tulked to tho air. The slate pickers all throuch this reeion are yet at the spank lnit period. One continually wonders about their mothers and if there are any school houses. But as for them, they are not concerned. Whoa they cot time off they go out on the culm heap and play base ball or ncnt witn ooy9 irotn otnor -preas: ers' or among themselves, according to opportunities. And before them always Is the hope of one day getting to be door boya down in the mines aod, later, mule boys; and yet later, laborers and helpers, i in ally, when they have grown to be great- big men, they may become miners and go down and net 'sciueezod.' or perhaps es cape to a shattered old man's estate with a mere case or 'miners astnma.' iney are very ambitious." Why He Quit: A retiring newspaper in in gives this philosophical reason for qtilttlug tho busi ness: "A cmid is corn, tne doctor in at tendance gets (10, the editor notes it and gets 0; it is christened, the minister gets ?4, the editor writes it up, gots w; it mar ries. tho niiuiRter gets auotfie fee, the edi tor gets a piece of cke or 000; in course ot time it dies, tho doctor gets from to $10. the minister another to, the nnder taker $25 to $50 the editor publishes it and receives OuOO and the privilesa of running free of charge- a card of thauks." hxcluinge. The Loss Accou.vikd Fon: The sea serpent ot Lake Como, Minn., is only fourteen feet long this year. Last year it was thirty foet long. The loss of the sixteen feet la attributed to Doiao- crutio tariff tinkering. Buffalo Courier, Fiioi'Eii Qualifications: First Patriot Mr. Greenhead wants ter be 'lected fonator. r-'ecoud Patriot What kind o' mau Is hef "Us boys called nn him last night to talk things over, and I've gotter splittin' head ache this momin'." "I'm fer hiiu," Arkansas Traveller. Didn't Have Time. Visitor I hear your last sorvant loft yon without giving notice. Housekeeper Yes; she poured kerosene on tbe fire and was blown out of the win dow. Aew lork Journal. Evidence of Knowledge. "Docs Miff) Blank understand the game of base ball?' Harold Yes; she finds fault with tho umpire all the time. Uhicayo Inter-Ocean. The Modern Summer Girl. The maiden frail and airy, Rhe who emulates the fairy, lias by Dame Fashion's.stern decree become passe of late. Her charms which once delighted, Now are almost wholly slighted; In fact, tbe fragile maiden's very sadly out of date. We used to bow before her, But no longer we adore her; Her baby ways and helplessness our hearts CHunot beguile; Tbe pale, angolio creature's Lily-white, sun-guHrded features We do not now appreciate because they're out of style. Now in the golden summer We adore the glad newcomer, Who does away with childishness and all that sort of thing. She's thorough quite at rowing, Swimming, tennis, fencing, throwing, And rides a wheel with all the grace of birds upon tho wing. She's happy, strong and agile. Not the least bit pale and fragile; She does'nt faint beoause her face may catch a shade of tan; She's neither weak nor stupid, But she's just the girl that Cupid With honest joy can join for life with any lucky man. Chicago Journal. Without Opposition. Philadelphia Prca. Msjor Everett Warren, of Scranton, ap pears to have no opposition as a candidate for president of the State League of olubs, the election for which will take place at the coming mooting In Harrisburg. Major Warren is a popular and onergetio young Republican with most excellent qualifica tions for the place, and it will be within bis power to do tbe organization a great deal of good. When first created the club league was regarded as likely to prove a most important factor in our campaigns, but In the last two or three years it seems to have done little or nothing bnt to hold its annual meetings. Some of the most wide-awake and intelligent young Repub licans in tbe state are interested in these club organizations and only want the op portunity to become a working force in a campaign such as the present. Major Warreu will be the kind of president to give direction to the organization in this respect, and his eleotion will be most sat isfactory all aronnd. Archlmld borough 1st ward, 1st ulst,, 1 1st ward, 2d dist.. 1 '2d ward 1 iklward 1 Blakoly borough J st ward i 2d ward Udward 1 Benton township..., 1 Clifton townshii 1 Covinuton townshio li Curboudale townshio iMorineaHi ami..., u Northwest dist..., 1 No. 8 dint Carbondalo citv 1st ward, 1st disc, o 1st ward, 3d (list., 1 M ward, 1st dist., 1 fciward, Zdditit... 1 d ward, lid dist... 0 ikl ward, lnt dit,. 1 3d ward. 2d dist... II M ward, Bddlnt... 0 4th ward, 1st dint., 1 4th ward, Sd dist.. 1 4th ward. 3d dist.. 1 fitll ward, 1st dmt., 21 5tU ward. Sd dist.. 1 6th ward, lstdist., t Bthward. 2d dist.. (I Dickson City boro ist waru 2d ward 1 Dunmore borough 1st ward, 1st Umt., i 1st ward. 2d dist.. 1 2d ward, 1st dist.. 1 2d ward, 2d dist... 1 3d word. 1st dist.. 1 3d ward, 2d dist., 1 3d ward, 3d dist... 1 4th ward...- 1 0th ward I eth ward. 1st dist.. 1 tlth ward. 2d dist.. 1 Elndiurst township. 1 Fell township JStUIMt n 2d dist 1 3d dist 1 Glenburn borough., 1 Uouldsuoro borough 1 (JreenQuld township 1 Jutt'erson township, Ji-rmvn borouith 1st ward M 2 2d ward 21 3d ward Lackawanna towns'p Nortb dist Koutlidist 1 West dist IstdlHt , 1 2(1 dist 1 3d dist i 4th dist 1 Olypbaut borough ist wara M i 2d ward 2 3d ward 1 Ransom township... 1 acrauton cny 1st ward, 1st dist., 1st ward, 2d dist., 1st ward, 3d dist,, 2d ward, 1st dist., Xdwurd, 2d dist.., 21 ward, iid dist.,, 2d ward, 4th dist.. 2d ward, 6th diet., 3d ward, Ist dist., 3d ward, 2d dint.,. 4 tli ward, 1st dist.. 4th ward, 2d dist., 4th ward, 3d dist., 4tliward,4thdist., 5th ward, 1st dist.. 5th ward, 2d dist.. Cth ward, 3d dist.. 6th ward, 4th dist., Sthward.lstdist.. flth ward, 2d dist.. 7th ward, Istdist.. 7th ward, 2d dist.. 7th ward, 3d dist., 8th ward, 1st dist.. fith ward, 2d dist.. th ward, istdist., 3 Kth ward, 2d dist.. 3 10th ward 2 11th ward, lstdlst, 2 11th ward, 2d dist. 11th ward, 3d dist. 12th ward, 1st dist 12th ward, 21 dist. l:ith ward, 1st dist 13th ward, 2d dist. 13th ward, 3d dist. 14th ward, lat dist Kth ward, 2d dist. 15tb ward, 1st dist lfith ward, 2d diet, lilth ward. 1st dist ltith ward, 2d dist, 17th ward, 1st dist 17th ward, 2d disk 1U.1. M.X1.1 lUthwari'ls't'dist 2 lutli ward, iu dist. Itfth ward, 3d dist. inth ward, 4th dist 20th ward, 1st dist 2nth ward, 2d dist. 20th ward, 3d dist. 21st ward, 1st dist. 21st ward, 2d dist. Eust dist 3: S. A blngton towiis'p iNortneast dist.... l Hprmg nroon t wn p lscotttownslilp liWaverly borough... ljWinton borough- Southwest dist. . LaPlumo borough. Lehigh township. , Aladlson township., JIayfleld borough... Newton township... N. Ablngt'n towiis'p Old Forge township Attust: a W. POWELL, Chairman. J. W. BROWNING, Secretary. 1st (list.. 2d dist. Total ,. GOLDSITH'S BAZAAR GREAT CLEARANCE SALE OF Ladies' Wash Wrappers AS FOLLOWS ) Wrappers: Of fine duality Gineham: Wraooers mAo with wide skirts, very large sleeves, fancy-shape cape, trimmed with leather-stitched braid, embroidery or chambray. Wrappers: Of Percale, in a variety of very pretty patterns, ruffles trimmed with either embroidery or feather stitched braid; very large sleeves. These include Indigo Blue and Black, suitable for mourning wear. Wrappers: Of very fine Dimity, trimmed elabor ately with lace, and of White Organdie, also trimmed with lace These goods are worth from $Lg8 to $2150. Closing Out Price AH at 98c. Opening of New Fall Dress Goods SATURDAY, AUG. 26 When we will display all of the latest European and American Novelties. .134 DO not be deceived. The following brands of White Lead are still made by the " Old Dutch" process of slow cor rosion. They are standard, and always Strictly Pure White Lead The recommendation of " Atlantic," " Beymer-Banman," "Jewett," , "Davis-Chambers," " Pahnestock," " Armstrong 1 McKelvy,1 to you by your merchant is an evidence of his reliability, as he can sell you cheap ready-mixed paint9 and bogus White Lead and make a larger profit. Many short-sighted dealers do so. For Colors. National head Co.'s Pure White Lead Tinting Colors, a one-pound can to a 25-pound keg ol Lead and mix your own paints. Saves time and annoyance in matching shades, and insures the best paint that it is possible to put on wood. Send us a postal card and get our book on paints and color-cord, free! it will probably save, you a good many dollars. NATIONAL LEAD CO., New York. With the New Valves Out of Sight Our new Bicycles are now to be seen at our 314 Lacka wanna avenue store. VICTORS, BPALDINty CREDENM, GENDR0NS, And a full line of Boys' and Girls' Wheels. We are mak ing extremely low prices on Second-hand Wheels. JMILLIISW, 814 Lacka. Ave. BO0ICS A Fall Assortment Just rseoired a nl new llne of SILK SHADES in choice colon aud styles. Onr stoak of Banqut, Piano and Parlor Lampa ia complete. Haviland Cbinav Carlsbad and Amur loan China, Dinner and Tea Sets in. many styles) alio a number of open1 stock patterns from which you Can elect what pieee von want c OURSEN, CLEMONS & CO. 422 Lacka. Avenue. Letter Copying Books OUR SPECIAL: A 500-page 10x12 Book, bound In cloth, sheep back and corners, guaranteed to give satisfaction, Only 90c. iflNE STATIONERY AND ENGRAVING; Reynolds Bros. Stationers and Engravers, 317 Lackawanna Avo Dr Hill & Son Albany Dentists feet teeth, best set, 18: for (told earn Cud teeth without plates, called crown and ridge work, call for price and references. TONALGIA, (or extraotiiig teeth without Pain. Mo ether. No gas. OTEB FlBST NATIONAL BANK COLUMBIA BICYCLE AGENC1 ll Spruce St Dp, Intone Office, In addition to tbe finest lino of Now Whoels on th( market, wo offer the fnlowing Bpocial liarirains foi August: I Stearns Special, 1 Union Hpoelal, 1 Imps ria 9 Clevelands. 2 Majestic, 1 Victor, 2 Hi:korlos and 5 Col umhias, all In pprfoat condition. Prices from S345 t SlOO each. Cull and secure a genuine bargain. aliiiissiiiiiisusHHgiiiiiisiiiiEgEeuuniUBOSsasisssasiiiESiaaKiiiii iiiutniinilfcia. QLUDC 1 Shoe Store I Selling Agents. I 227 Lacka. Aye. THEY ARE 13f I I EVANS & POWELL, I PROPRIETORS. MissttianinnsraiiBiii am nan r: mm 9 v Baannen wjm it aeiBjja v tti FTin iiDiinnni ttv tibviiibvwbwwytbwbe i4iiill!UtiUsiiailliaMillllZ.iieijliisiDi!Jiiiiiiiiciui!tcii:cit:ii:iiuaiiii.ii,i!:j.aiaaiiiii G0INC AND WILL SOON BE 0 3 w. At Greatly Mmi Prices THE REMAINDER OP OUR STOCK OP REFRIGERATORS. ICE Cream Freezers, OIL AND GAS STOVES 4 Foote & Shear Co., 513 LACKA. AVE. 9 tf FANCV "Jenny Liflf CaBtGloupes. HOME GROWN Green Com anil Tomato, Lima Beans, Egg Plant, etc. PIERCE'S MARKET BUY THE WEBER and Get the Best. For many years this Piano haa stood in the front ranks. It has been admired so much for its pure, rich tone, ihat it has become a standard for tone quality, until it is considered the highest com. pllment that can be paid any Tiano to say "It resembles the WEBER" . We now have the, full control of this Piano for this section as well aa many other fine Pianos which we are selling at greatly reduoad prices and on easy monthly payments. Don't buy until you see par goods and get our prices ' GUERNSEY BROTHERS' NEW STORE Y. M. C, A. 224 WYOMING AVENUE, BUILDING Atlantic Refining Co. Manufacturers sod Dealora in! Illuminating and LuMcatiD TneAAil nil KnntTiaa anrl GraflfV lb8 of all grades. Axle QraassJ Pinion Gtease aM Colliery L'pr pound ndso, a lnraa line 01 raffina Wax Candles. We also handle the Famous CR0V ACME OIL. the only family rofqtf burning oil in the market. WILLIAM MASON, Manliger. Office; Coal tochanco. Wyoming Ai Works at Vine Brook. BJR. 7 MLIN n)and DOCTOR JOHN H Veterinary Surged Veterinary Dentist TBLEPHOKE 81)13. Prompt attention to calls for treatment of all domestic animals. Veterinary Medicines carefully compounded and (or salet reasonable prioos. Office at tbe Blume Carriage Works, 121 DIX COURT, Surauton. where 1 direct shoe ing afternoons. Graduate of the Aroorican Veterinary Col lege and tba Columbian School of Compara tive Medicines r Well, Sir! "Spectacles!" Tes, sir! We have a special ist here to fit you who does nothing else. Sit right down if I f and have your a scicntifio manner. eyes fitted in LLOYD, JEWELER 423 LACKAWANNA AVE. m ADS. Inserted In THE TRIBUNE t (& tate of ONE CENT A WORD. r J