Tim SCRA2TT0N TErBTTITE MONDAY MORNING, AUGUST 27, 1894; BASE BALL Scraatoo Breaks Even la (be Series with Allentown. WON OUT IN THE NINTH INNING Springfield Takes Two Games from the Erie Blackbirds Providence Defeats Buffalo with Ease, and Wilkes-Barre Goes Down Before Syracuse Standing of the Clubs. National and State League Sum mariesBase Ball, Bicycle and Gen eral Sporting News. NOTHER week of (tie championship season in the Eastern league has passed. Providence is play inr in superb form and will finish tbe season the proud possessor of the li'netie pennant. Buffalo and Syra cuse are also putting up a stiff article of ball, the former in Rocond place and the latter in third position, seventeen points behind. It in quite probable that Springfield will finish in fourth plsee, as since her itmngthening by several of the old l'roy players ehe is putting lots of Bin der iuto hor play. Erie is also play ing well, while Scranton. for Ihn reason of its being organized so late in the Benson, is sur prising some of the old timers, even thtngh she is beaten in the majority of contests; and should she keep up the progressive work which sbo has been doing tbe past week, and with a little home encouragement, will compel tbe leaders to put on their best playing clothes to vanquish ber in future games yet to be played. As it is she is at present keeping abreast with the much lauded Wilkes-Barre aggrega tion, and the coming week should wit ness tbe home team move stoadily up ward and away from the down river brethron. Kelly's Allentown club is too far in tbe rear to cast even a shadow in the pathway of Scranton this year, The following table gives the per centages of tbsalutis, number of games won nnd lost by each club, and their standing in the league race up to and including the games played Saturday: Won. Lost. PerC't. Providonce. Huffalo Syracuse.... Erie fcrnnton ... 81 68 51 41) 33 60 47 4.1 47 47 49 07 .(BO .5117 .51 .517 .4113 .4115 .41W .SIM 4(5 wilkes-linrre... 40 Bpringtleld 47 Allentown 27 BROKE EVEN WITH ALLENTOWN. The Locals Succeeded In Capturing Sat nrday't Game. Scranton played a good article of ball on Saturday nt the park and suc ceeded in taking a game from Allen town. Delaney pitched another fine game, holding Allentown down to eight bits. King Kt-lly did not appear in the game, Piteher Kilroy covering the first bag. Hcbs, of last year's Scranton club, covered right field for the locals ana did it well. He has been playing With Wilkes-Barre all season, but was al lowed to go because that club had too nany players under contract, The core: SCRANTON'. it, n. P.O. A. E. Cahill, 2b 1 1 1 4 1 Hoover, If 3 1 ii 0 0 Johnson, cf 8 3 1 0 C Patchen, c 0 3 8 1 1 He?s, rf 0 3 10 1 Pnt)lan,8b 0 0 3 0 0 Lohsne, lb 1 3 11 0 0 .Smith, 83 10140 Delaney, p., 110 10 Totals 9 11 27 10 8 ALLENTOWN. iu n. P.O. a. e. Wood, 1. f 2 0 3 0 1 Wise, 2b 0 1 7 3 0 Kilroy, lb 1 1 11 0 2 P. Sweeney, cf 1 2 2 0 0 Mulvey, 3b 0 2 3 2 1 Milligan, c 0 10 3 1 CoBtello, r. f 0 0 2 0 0 W. Sweeney, s. s 0 1 0 (i 0 Duryea, p 0 0 0 1 0 Totals i 8 27 15 5 Scranton 1 00001 11 50 Allentown. ...1 0001002 04 Earned runs Scranton, 2. First base by errors Scranton, 3; Allentown, 2. Lolt on bases Scranton, Cj Allentown, 7. First base on balls OH Duryea, 4; oft Delnney, 2. Struck out By Dolaney, 7; by Duryea, 1. Throe base hits Johnson. Two base hits Patchen 2, P. Sweeny 2. Sacrifice bits Smith, Wiao, .Milligan. Stolen bases Cahill, Johnson, Patchen, Hoover, Delaney, Willigau.. Umpire Doescher. Time of game 1.43. OTHER SATURDAY BALL GAMES. EASTERN LEAGUE. Providonce, 15: Buffalo, 2. Syracuse, 11; Wilkes-Barre, 8. Sprmgfiold, 11; Erie, 8 (first game), Springfield, 11; Erie, 1 (second game), NATIONAL LEAGUE, Philadelphia, 13; Pittsburg, 6. New York, 18; Louisville 6 (first game). New York, 6: Louisville, 1 (Becona game). Boston, 8; Cleveland, 3. Baltimore, 4; St. Louis, 3. Brooklyn, S; Cincinnati, 3. Washington, 9; Chicago, 4. STATE LEAGUE. Lancaster, 0; Philadelphia, 4 (first game). Lancaster, 11; Philadelphia, 1 (sec ond game). Ilazleton, 16: Pottsvillo, 5. Heading, 9; Shenandoah, 3. SUNDAY BALL GAMES. At Providence Providence. ..0 0 0 0 3 8 9007 Buffalo 1 0000000 01 Hits Providence, 15; Buffalo, 5. Er rorsProvidence, 4; Buffalo, 0. Batteries Kudderham and Dixon; Sigsby and Boyd. Umpire Charles Lovett. GLINTS FROM THE DIAMOND. The Mulberry Street Stars defeated tbe Scranton, jra., Raturday afternoon by a score 17 to 10. Tbe Stars challenge any club in the city under !5 years of age. Duffy still leads the National league in batting, with an average of .434. Thomp son is second, with ,4'i8; Delabanty third, with .425, and Turner fourth, with .407. The players of the Philadelphia club, outside of Thompson, Delahanty and Turner, with batting averagos of ,800 per cent, and over, are: Cross, .39.2; Hamil ton, .170; Grady, .844; Cloments, .843, and H oilman, .327. ... Tbe Scranton club will play in this city all of this week. Today and tomorrow the Eries will be here; Wedneiday and Thursday, Buffalo will be our opponents and Friday and Saturday the battles will be witn Syracuse. Anson told Captain Comlskey the other day that be d(Anotl Intend to make a "4,gJiange f .m noit season. sir v sam the o the I better thov will cot. I don't thiuk it will help matters by making changes, and I'm willing to Btake my reputatiou that they will be in the hunt next year." Gleasou requested that he put in against St. Lonis on Thursday in order to Ret re vengiinpon Von der Abe. The Browns promptly knocked the Baltimore pitcher ont of the box, and Uleason's revenge is postponod for a time. Manager Cahill received word last even ing from Secretary Uetts, who in in New York, that Fielder Smith of the Lonis villes, bus accepted Sorantou's terms aud will report here for duty tomorrow. Ilea?, late of Wilkes-Barre. has not yet been signed, but may be today. Foutz expeon hU Brooklyn team to do much bettor work from now on. for in Kennedy, Bteiu, Lucid and Duib ho line four pitchers who ought to give a good account of themselves The Brooklyn team is a pood butting one, and with closer at tentions to team work and a little better base running Fnutz's men should have nothing to tear from any teum from the west. The fight the Baltimore clnb is making for tho pennant of the National leaKiie this season is one of tha most remarkable fights in the history of base bull, and shows what young blood will do when properly coached. Brouthers and Kobinson are really the only old-timers in the field, the other being youngsters picked up here ULd there. Keeler was not good enough for New York and Brooklyn; Brodio wus a Boston and St. Louis cast off; Kelley wus lot go by Boston; Jennings was turned down by Louiville; Keitz and McUraw wore lassooed from minor league company. This is the first season those men have worked together as a team, aad yet they have been in the hunt from the start nnd are now, when the stretch has been reached, in the front rauks and setting a faster pace than ever. They have dis posed of tbe oft-repeated assertion that they would weaken when the pace got hot, and seem to possess unlimited staminn. While it would be a violent surprlso to have the Orioles win the Hag, still it can not be denied that thoy aro dangerous every minute of the day. WITH THE WHEELMEN. Jliss McAllister, Ward McAllister's daughter, is an outhusiaBtio cyclist. She rides dally at Newport. James Micniiel, tho 17-yosr-old wonder of South Wales, expects to visit this coun try next season. An expert wheelman, in giving Iih opinion of Johnson as a racor, says he lacks judgment and rides only with his legs. The prizes offered for the tournament to be held at Anbury Park the latter part of this month are tho finest ever given at a yclo meet ia the East. A mammoth building is being erected in Lawrenceville, this state, for indoor sports. Its principal feature will be a ten lap bicycle track. The building will be completed this full. Here is soni good advice from Dr. F. M. Cooper, of Emporin, Kan.: "Sit erect, ride moderately, short of fatigue; it is healthful aud you will live long. Stoop over, take long, exhaustive rides, aud you will die young.-' A writer says in London Truth: "All the children of the kins of Denmark cyclo. I hear that the czarowitch owes the great improvement which has taken place in his health to cycling. Some yeurs ago he was very delicate and thought to have a weak heart and a nervous systom rather out of gear. The symptoms which save uneasi nebs have disappeared." A Toronto man has just invented a great novelty iu the shape of a pneumatic tire skate. The Invention is called tho bi cycle skate, and it stands about ten inches high, having ball bearings, a spring rest for the feet aud ankle supports, each weighing only three and one-hulf pounds. The inventor claims that ho can travel on the asphalt pavement at the rate of forty miles an hour. The necessary steps have bnen taken to patent the model, and a company is being formed to handle the patents throughout the world. GENERAL SPORTING NOTES. Butterflies enptured about $18,003 for her owners by winning the Futurity stakes on Saturday. Frank McLnin, "the Cuban Wonder," lias accepted Edward Warner's chnllengo for a fight at 143 pounds, give or tnke five pounds. The National Horse Show association has issued the prize list for tho annual ex hibition, which this year takes place on Nov. 13 to 17, at Madison Sipiare Garden. The classification is most complete, there being 100 different competitions, for which prizes aggregating J0,003 are of fered. Minoofca. Mrs. James McJIahon, of Sayra. Pa., is visiting at ber brother's, Thomas Burke, on Main street. Miss Anna Lovoring is visiting friends at Sharaokin, Pa. Hundreds visited the scene of Thurs day night's firo yesterday. Rev. John Loughren, of this place, will leave in a few days for a sojourn across the Atlantic, where be will re main for about six weeks. Tonight the school board will meet in No. 3 school uud a lively time is ex pected, as the coramittoes from the different sourees will be present with their grievances The petition held by tbe citizens of this district, containing about DUO names, was destroyed by the Dre in Coyne's store on Thursday night ThomaB Ileffron, of Miner's hill, is to have a n: 111 nt Sheridan's hull on Sept. 21 for n thoroughbred Ilarable tonian cole A large crowd from this place will be present. The backers of Sprinter Mangan, who defeated McDouough last week, have deeided to accept the challenge of McDonough's backers for $100 or $500. Tho Fowor of the Eye in tho Dark. Toward nightfall, as the light crows carce and dim, the pupil of the eye in creases to Its greatest size bo as to catch and absorb all tho rays it possibly can. Thus a cat's eye will grow large at dusk, and those of the night loving owl are so made as to produce a greater convergence of the rays of light, so that in faint light. It can distinguish objects closer. It is as great a mistake to suppose that cats can see in the dark, where no light is, as it is to suppose that under tbe influence of pas sion or excitement man's eyes have the power of emitting light. It Is Impossible, as has been proved beyound a doubt by many experiments in uttor darkness. True, a cat's eyes have a wonderful brilliancy, but that is due to a "onrpot of glittering fibers" called the tapetum. It may be to sonio extent in virtue of this glitter that they possess their alleged power of fascinating small birds and other creatures, though we certainly need not suppose that the terror and inability to move evinced by the victim are duo to tbe power of the cyo alone. Fear of the ap proaching monster, whioh instinct tells them is hostile to their life, is fully as para lysing ns any eyeglitter. Chambers' Jour nal. While cyclones and tornadoes are differ ent phenomena, the former appear to give rise to the latter. Tornadoes almost al ways break out, if at nil, on the southeast erly outskirts of a cyclone. Russian girls conceal their finger rings amid the corn in tho barn, and then bring in a hen to peck the grain. She whose property is first unearthed is supposed to be the first to marry. The average salary of ministers in the United States is under WOO a year, and rery much more 1s required of those who receive $400 tb,on of tb.ose who receive H000. vm-- What Makes the Svrellinz? Opinions have differed as to the cause of the swelling aud pain resulting from a gnat or mosquito bite. Some have main tained, In accordance with what has always been the popular belief, that effects of such niagnitudo could not be produced without tho introduction of a poisonous fluid, though they have fulled to show that any apparatus exists which would be capable of completely fulfilling such a function. Though this poisonous fluid la itself con jectural, a purpose has been assigned to it, namely, that of rendering the blood more liquid, so that it may tho more easily be sucked up. And that some such function would have to be assumed is tolerably cer tain, since the poison could hardly be re garded merely as an implement of offense, und consequently an advantage to itspos sesser. It seems scarcely open to question that, apart from some such function for the poison as above, the insects could far more easily obtain the blood they covet and far less precautions would be taken againat them if thejdid not produce any painful results and tl.us rouse the hostility of their victims, and that, therefore, from that point of view, a poison could not be an ad vantage. If, therefore, a poison exists, its function must undoubtedly be to facilitate the drawing of tho blood and not to serve as a weapou. Influenced by the anatomical difficulties above meulioned, other observers have maintained that no poisonous fluid is in jected, bus that the laceration of tissues produced by the six minute, acutely point ed and in some cases barbed organs which constitute the borer is sufficient to account for the inflammation and itching. This hypothesis, again, is not without objection. It would appear that tho insect sometimes experiences difliculty in getting at the blood it desires, for deep perforations of the skin may bo made without drawing blood, and then no swelling occurs and lit tle paiti is felt. This certainly appears a formidable difliculty iu tiro way of the lat ter explanation. Kuowledge. The Itcst or Hunters Get Lost. Stories are told of guides who have dropped sticks into streams to find which way they were flowing, and when the sticks went iu n different direction from what they thought was right, disregarding their plain testimony and avowing that the stream was running up hill. Other stories are told of hunters who have been found frozen to death in the dcptlis of tangled swamps With compasses picked to pieces because they would not point the way tho bewildered man thought they should, and so were plainly out of kilter. These stories, though individually unre liable, lear witness to a general truth. The fact is, that it is the easiest thing in the world under certain circumstances to be come "turned around" in the woods, nnd no one is exempt from this failing. Old hands know and understand this fact. It is only the tyros who do not, nnd who ridicule thoso who own up to having been lost. And when these scoffers go Into the woods themselves, nine times out out of ten there come.s a night when they do not turn up at camp. Then there is rejoicing among those who have borne their arrogance, for it is tho turn of these to crow, uud they who laugh last laugh best. Iu a flat, wooded country with the sun ob scured and no compass to guide him the best woodsman Is apt to lose his way. Un der less unfavorable conditions the same thing often happens from preoccupation. Interest in hunting or fishing drives away nil thought of one's course till suddenly he is rudely nroused to find that iie is in an unfamiliar wilderness with no notion of the way out. Forest and Stream. Mind Iteadlns fur Boys. Harold Morse's father belongs to a soci ety for "psychical research," and the child has beard a good deal of conversation on the subject of mind reading. His mother is afraid he "thinks uud understands too much for a child of his years." His father, however, is not nt all alarmed, and a few days ago repeated to Sirs. Morso a remark of Harold's in his "children's mind class," which was cer tainly well calculated to allay her fears. Harold had collected the class much, against the will of several members of it, who would have preferred to remain out in the yard on the doorstep. "Now, you wait hero a minute," said he, and presently ho returned with suspicious ly bulging pockets. His father, in the hall, listened for what would come next. "Now," said Harold, appearing before tho class, "you mustnll think hard. How many apples have I In my pockets? The boy that guesses right can have them all, but of course he'll divido, for there are just enough to go aroundl" Youth's Compan ion. Lettuce Matured by Electricity. Among the bulletins of the agricultural experiment station of Cornell university is one that gives a very interesting account of some experiments made on plants with a view of determining the influence of tho electric light upon their growth. To that eud a greenhouse was divided into two equal parts by a tight board partition. On one side the plants are left to the ordinary conditions of growth, but on the other side the vegetation was treated to the sun light by day and to the electric light by night. Tho results of these experiments showed that the use of the electric light at night hastened tho maturity of the plants, and the nearer they grew to the light the greater was the acceleration. Lettuce thus treated was sold two weeks earlier than its neighbors on the other sido of the parti tion, although both were planted at the sanio time. Equally successful results were oiit-incd with other vegetables. Philadelphia Record. The Eui'le Screams. American Official (Iu China) This mob bing of missionaries must stop. Chinese Offlciul-Huhl Whatee, Melican glovement do 'bout itf "Harkl Do you hear that terrible rum ble f" "Thatoe earthquake. We huvee many." "Do you know, sir, what causes- earth quakes?" "Me no sube." "It's tho American government testing its big gunsut Sandy Hook." New York Weekly. Always Sits Down When lie Shaves. I know an old farmer who shaved him self sitting on a milking stool and looking at his reflection in a bucket of water. That was what ho did as a boy, and he said that he couldn't shavo Btanding up, Boston Cor. St. Louis Globe-Democrat. He Was Fortunate. "Did Bronsou save anything from the wreck of his fortune?" "Yes. Fortunately for him, his wife had been shopping the day before he failed, nnd all tho goods had been sent home." Har ncr'a Bazar. Bad Drainage causes mnch sickness, and bad blood and improper action of the liver and kidneys is bad drainage to tbe human system, which Burdock blood Bit ters remedy. Mothers! Kfothersll Mothers!!! Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions Of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain; cares wind colla and is the beat remedy for di arrhoea. Sold bydiuggists in every part of the world. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no no other kind. Twenty-flye cents a bottle, A Word. JTant of all kinds cost that muo a ft Situation WanUd,which are insert WKE. Wanted To Buy. WANTED TO BUY PIGEONS AN Y one having common pigeons to sell state price, and address post ollice box 600, Scranton, Po. For Rent KKN I (IVK.HALU STORE. Penn avenue. S3 per month. I TOR RENT NICELY-FUft.vISHED HAUL suitahlH for lodge rooms. JOHN JEK MYN, lit Wyoming avenue. Help Wanted Male. EWAN TOEOUrNTMEr's2v eral positions were unfilled last term, notably on tor stenographer In prominent railroad ollice, for lack of the youutr men. Our graduates aro iu growing demand, lie openiuK September 8. COSTON'S bCUOOL Helo Wanted Females. housework. Inquire 823 Adams avenue. Special Notices, YOU WATTllsrBLIC REPRINT t rank Leslie's Illustrated Weekly War Illustrations 111.18)5. Two Vomraos Folio, l.5U; payablo monthly, JiOl). Delivered by express complete, prepaid. Address P. O. MOODY, BlSQibson street, Scranton, Pa. TLANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAGA JL sines, etc, bound or rebound at Thb Thidunb office. Quick work. Reasonable prices. MEAL TICKETS CAN BE HAD AT 1, corner Spruoe street and Franklin ave nue. Twenty moal tickets for $3.50. Good table board. Proposals. CEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE 1J ceived at tho office of tho City Clork, erranion, i'a., until 11! o'clock m., Thursday, August 30, IBM. to bind three hundred C300j copiusof tho Digest of Laws and Ordinances propared by the City Solicitor. Specifications and sample of work and material required limy bo soen at the ollice of the City Clerk. 1 he city reserves the riuht to reject any and all blda By ordor of city councils. M. T. LAVELLE, City Clork. Scranton, Pa., Aug. 23, 18ii4. OEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE eeived at the office of tho Secretary of the Scranton Beard of Control, until 7.31) o'clock, Monday evening, Septcmbor 17, lMtf, for the construction and com pletion of a new hih school, to be located t tho corner of Washington avonuo and Vino StrPftf. Snrnntnn P. in ..,. i.K-t ' and speculations in tho ollice of the soore- .i inunfu vj inline b uAonnor, ar chitects, of 26 W. Twenty-third street, New lork. Tho sum of five thousand dollarj (5,000) in cash or certified chock is to be enclosed with each proposal, which sum Bliafl bo for feited to tho district in caso of refusal or ouiis-don on the part of the bidder to execute coiitraot within ton days if awarded the same A bond in tho sum of fifty thousand dollars (50,UUO) with approved sureties will be re quired of the contractor tJ whom the con tract is awarded conditioned for tho fait)"lul performance of the contract. All proposals must be submitted on blank forma to he fur nished by the secretary, ns none (ftiers will be considered. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. By order - of the Horoitpn Board of Control. EL GENE D. FELLOWS, Secretary. Scranton, Pa., Aug. 21, imt. CEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE- 0 ceivtd at the oflloe of the City Clork, Scranton, Pa., until 7. DO o'clock p.m Thurs day, August 30. J8'J4. to purchase tho old sta tion house in Centre street Bidders shall en close with each protosal tho sum of twenty five dollurs, cash or certified check, as a guar antee to comply witn proposal If accepted. 1 lie city reserves tho right to rojeet auy and all bids. By.ordor of city councils, M. T. LAVELLE, City Clerk. Legal. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL parties concerned 1 hat the widow's ap praisements in the following estates have been confirmed ni si by the Orphans' Court of La kawanna county and unless exceptions are filed will be conflrmed finally by the Clerk of the Orphans' Court on Wuduesday, Kept. 10, 1SU4, to witt Stephen J. Smith, Arthur F. Stone and Peter Higgins, deceased. J. 11. THOMAS, Clork O. O. AUDITOR'S NOTICE THE UNDER, i V signed, an auditor appointed bv the Or phan's Court of I aokawauua county to pass upon exceptions filed to account of aud to d-s-tribute fund in the hands of l harlos Gardner, executor of the hist will of Henry Chnso, de ceased, hereby ghes notice that he will attend utK.M.I . .1... .!,.... ..P 1.: . i a , V. ''o- ui in-, appu.uiiuuilli at tho ( nke. No wis Spruce Btreet, scrauton.Pa. , un rnuuy, ui mm uay 01 August, A. D. lhW4, at 10 a. ni .at wh cu time and place all corsuns ..... VKIMI. UHIND, IMU DittU UT,UliU lUllb prosent them or Ve forever thereafter de- lmi-r.kil frnm pmn:n0 ( . tniil ,,,..1 DAVID W. BROWN, Auditor. ESTATE OK THOMAS MULLEN, LATE of the city of Scranton, county of Lacka wanna, State of Peiiusyluniiio, doceased. Letters testamentary upon the above named estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons having claims or demumls against the said estate will present tln-m for payment and those indebted thereto shall please niuke immediate payment to THOS. J. MULLEN, Executor. JKSSI'PS H.vn. Attorneys. Real Estate. CCRANTON REAL ESTATE AND IX- O VESTMENT AGENCY. offers bargains as follows: CITY BUSINESS PROPERTY. 40 ft. front by 50 ft. deep, on Spruoe strcot, rents for $700 $10,000 40 ft, front by 60 foet deop, on Spruce street, cornor alloy 10,500 These together give 80 ft. front on Spruce stroet between Peun aud Franklin, with alloy on side. Spruce street property ia advancing rapidly. CITY RESIDENCE PROPERTY. CORNER MONROE AND VINE streota. lot 50xS5, two dwollingti, ft,U, giving a nice residence aud an income for small investment; ALSO A PLOT OF a LOTS, giving W ft. front on Monroe avenue, near Vine street. These make a llrst-class residence plot in a desirable locality. If not sold iu one plot will sell above separately. WEST SIDE. Lot 0x180, South Main avenue, adjoining residence of Smith B. Mutt, price, Si7u0; also lots on Rock street and West End place. Only four left. COUNTRY PROPERTY. A BEAUTIFUL HOME AT DALTON, PA., modern house, spring water piped into it from hill back, barn for three horses and two cows, hennery with cemented floor, young fruit, fine lawn, grand outlook; one and a half to three acres, as desired, f 5,000. Also lots of about same size on Western Slope, Dalton. Call or address v SMITH B. MOTT, Manager. No. 421 Lack, ave. rear board trade. CATALOGUE OF REAL ESTATE FREE to all. Please send for copy. R. ERNEST COMEUYS, Price Building. Situations Wanted. RELIABLE, SOBER MAN WANTS A Po sition as traveling salesman. Experienced nnd good reference. Address, W Rendham, Pa. WANTED - A PRACTICAL WATCH maker wants position ; experience and best of references. Address 1717 Penn Ave. SITUATION WANTED AS CLERK IN O grocery store or as collector; had several years' experience; can speak both German and English; will furnish A No. 1 references. Address X. Y. Z., Tribune oflloe. WANTED-A POSITION BY A YOUNG lady as bookkeeper; is willing to clerk for a time; has taken a courso in double and single entry; can furnish references. Address single en K. I. M m Tbroop street, Dunuiore. I) ELIABLE, SOBER MAN, MARRIED, t wants steady work; experlonoeg of all kind: good handwriting; good references, G, 1117 Blair avenue, Scranton, Pa. POSITION WANTED BY A STRONG, healthy man ss watchman or any hon est work. P. H., 1426 Summit avenue. SITUATION WANTED BY A YOUNG girl of 18 years as copyist or clerk in Btore. Address MAGGIE BURKE, 1010 Hud son street, Scranton, Pa. WANTED BY A YOUNG MAN OF 20 A position aa bookkeeper, experienced and good references. Willing t begin on small wages. Address B. T 016 Qreen Ridge street, city, ' onno On account of extensive ' SPECIAL FROM NOW UNTIL SEPTEMBER 1ST. Our purpose is to reduce stock in order to accommodate tbe large purchases we liayo made for tho fali trade. Prices will be such that you cannot afford to miss this opportunity. Immense Attractions in Every Department Our limited space forbids any further details in regard to prices. We only ask you to visit u3 and ascertain how cheap Dry Goods can be sold under our new regime. R rlthQ addiMn f 1,500 Square feet of floor sPMe vWc& W-h our present capacity will give us 5,500 feet we will be weH qualified to satisfy the demands of our largo and increasing business. mw' SSSn ?Ve liBhted' mSt attPaotive and convenient stole in Scranton, and on LOW PEICE3 will continue to be our drawing card. CONNOLLY & Are NOW Made and Sold VERY CHEAP by The Scranton Bedding Company, ACADEMY OF MUSIC. OPENING OP SKA SON, MONDAY, AUGUST 27. George Thatcher's Minstrels FARCE COMEDY COMPANY In tha New Minetrol Farce Oomedy in Three Acts, About Gotham ACT I-Interlorof Gladlson Ave. Hotel. ACT 11-Feto room or Seventh Beg. Armory. ACT Ill-Club Kous9 una Qronuds of Sly Sporta Club. Bale of seats opens Friday, Ang. 21, at the box office. Prices, 26, CU 75 and 1. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. TUESDAY, AUGUST 28. THE FIRST OPERA OF THE SEASON. The Highly -Successful and Melodious Opera Comkjuo, The Fencing Master By DeKoven Smith, authors of "Robin Hood," "Kob Roy," etc., presented in magnificent manner by the WHITNEY OPEKA COMPANY. Large and Strong Company, Gorgeous Cos tumes, Special Scenery .Superb and Complete, and Brilliant Enemble. Priccs-Ui, SJ, 75 and ?L Sale of seats opens Saturday. THE FROTHINGIIAM Two Grand Festival Concerts. THURSDAY, AUG. 30, 2.30 AND 8 P.M. THE GREAT AND HIS Tf . 4H Mb It Mi (10 Of tho Best Musicians Obtalnablo-CO Producing "Trip to tho World s Fuir," and the greatest historical musical spoctaclo, War and Peace The event of the present season, with tho assistance of MISS MARTOA G. MINER, Soprano. MISS LOUISE ENUEL, Contralto. MR. C. C. FERGUSON, Ten T. MR. BOWMAN RAl.HTON. Sinn. Marching Veterans of Griffin Post, G. A. R., mo buu uruiu corps, oic, ok., anu ine Famous Artillery Iccompanimflnt. B Complete battery of rapid, olectric-firing ar- tuiury, iu puriuci, iiiuu wim me music TiT3Tr,T70 ir.,: nc en. Be- !.. nr - KSOc, 75o. nnd $1. Seats on sale Monday at box R office. Central Railroad of N. J. SPECIAL EXCURSION RATES AND SPECIAL TRAIN TO WASHINGTON, D. C, FOR THB Supreme Lodge, Knights of Pythias, August 27 to Sept 5, 1894. For this occasion a special train of elegant coaches and but tot parlor cars will leave Soranton at Ta. m. on Monday, Aug. 27, and returning leave Washington at 10 a.m. Aug.iJl. Special excursion tickets from Soranton will be sold good to go on any train Aug. 23 to 2t)th inclusive and for return until Sept. 15 inclusive. FARB FOB THE BOUND TRIP, 87.81. Maloney Oil and Manufactur'g Co. OILS, r VINEGAR AND J CIDER Hi 10 161 HERUlAH SI. alterations now in progress at wir CLEAFtiMC WALLACE 209 Heptasophs Excursion -TO- Glen Onoko AND THE SWITCHBACK TDE8DAVADG. 28th Trains leave D. & II. Depot at 7.45 a.m. Tickets for Bale by allthe mem bers. ESTABLISHED I860. 86,000 IN USE, gssrSwMfelEJ Instrument In every sense of the term as applied to Pianos. Exceptional in holding their original fulness of tone. NEW YORK WAREHOUSE, No. 60 Fifth SOLD BY E.C. Ricker 8c Co. 1 15 Adams Ava. New Telephone Bdg. " Hie Scranton Tribune Job Department S well equipped with the latest styles of typa Superior Workmanship Low Prices and Promptness ought to be Inducements to the trade. Fitor Mattresses WHY OT See, our FIFTEEN" DOLLAB Solid Oak Bcdj-ooin Sett We sell Furniture as cheap aa any house in the country tuat in tends to give honest value for the money. Try us. g-iuil & Co. VMlWm bEfdFiEANBAf TtRUSlNS.nooier. AddreM KKVK HEEDCO.. Ma.onlo Temple. CHICAGO-iLi. For Sale in Scranton, Pa., by H. a SANDERSON, .Druggist, car. Washington and Snruce streets. 55 Thegroatremedy umutton and SUB vv A4r w - -y For Sale by O. M. HARK1S. llruggl.t. V. imm,. BodxaMdrMutUung. Ffi&L MEDIClnB OO.. Cloralaud, Ohio. For tale by JOHN H. PHELPS, Pharmacist, cor. Wyoming Avenue and Spvuce Street, Scranton, Pa. . THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING COl ECRAKTON AVD WILKE3-BAEEE. FA. M ANUFACTOREKS 09 Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. Genual Qfflc SC&ASma XX store, wewill conduct a SALE WASHINGTON AVE. Opp. Court House. Lacka. and Adams Ave 3. Dr. EX Grewer The Philndelphia Specialist, and his ssortat4 staff of Enulish and German phvsiolans, are now permanently located at 81 1 SPRUCE ST., SCK ANTON. The doctor is ngradnato of the University of Pennsylvania.formorly demonstrator of pliyei oloey and surgery at the Jlodlco-Chirurglcnl College of Philadelphia. A specialty of Chronio, Nervous, Skin, Heart, Womb and Blood diseases. DISEASES OF THE HERYOUS SYSTEM The symptoms of which are dizziness, lack of confidonco, sexual weakness in mon and wo man, ball rising in tho throat, spots floating before the eyes, loss of memory, unable to con centrate the mind on one subject, easily Btartled when suddenly spoken to, and dull, distressed mind, which unfits them for per forming the actual duties of life, makinghap piness impossible; distressing the action of the lier.rt, causing flash of heat, depression of spirits, evil forebodings, cowardice, fear, dreams, melancholy, tire easy of company, feeling as tired in the morning as when retir ing, lack of energy, nervousness, trembling, confusion of thought, depression, coiiHtipstiou. weakness of the limbs, etc. Those so affected hould consult us immediately and be restor ed to perfect hoalth. LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. Weakness of Young Men Cured. If you have been given up 1 y your physician call upon the doctor auu hu examined. He cures the worst cases of Nervous Iiebility, Scro fula, Old Sores.CatnrrhPiles.Fernalo Weakness, Affections of the Eye, Ear, Nosh nnd Throat, Asthma, Deafness, Tumors. Cimcors and Crip ples of every description. Consultations free aud strietly sacred and confidential- Oflke hours daily trow ba m. toi) p. m. Sunday 9 to 2. r.;,. .u,.-e nvo -cenl stands for symptom blanks ami my book called "N'ew Lifo." 1 will p.iy one thousard dollars in gold tu anvone whom I cannot euro of El'lLKPTIO CONVULSIONS or FITS. DR. E. GUEWER, 311 Spruce Street, Scranton, Pa. RESTORED! 'NERVE SEEDS. UtttdMilNill Btrroui if mm, such as Weak Memory. Los. of Brain Power, "eedaobe. akef ulne.s. Lost Manhood, Nightly BraU.lons, Vinmmm.Miotvofnt In Generative Onran. of either .01 oauwrt by of enton. ymtktcri RESTORED MANHOOD DR.M0TT3 M-TtTEKHB PILLS for nervous prostration and allnervou.dleeaee" of We Renemuvo urnniio vi vi,ner nueu n nvrvilus wunmi'i . .,.- Ing or Lost Manhood, Impotoncy, Nightly BmlsBlons.Yoothrul Error., Mental Worrr.exoesslve use of Tobacco or Opium, which lead to ton- amsamiT. witn every ss order we aive a wTuwna""r" prroiund the money. Soli at BI.UO rerbox. boles JtK. MOT'JTa ClLfcMlCAX CU., UcvdoaU. Ohio. Insanity. With every VII order we ilve a written guar. 17 fenn Avenue. RESTORE wiiii lis . . - . i If LI I I 11 W d Will m. waoW AmI J wllk WRTTTRW -i'lioaaaa itts ii ur. various UrbililT, l.onomtsiu.l rowar in eiinti ci, jf Inroluntif y Kmiarlona from any oanie. If neglscted, sucb trouble. 194 ti oemmmpliB. ar iuMnilr, fl.SOpa' y mil,6tin.nr . with evrrvts ordar wa give a writtaa guvantaa tn cure or ifua4 tha moaaj. Addr n '