OUR EXTRA. SATURDAY EDITION ' BUT EVERY DAY IS A GOOD DAY FOR READERS OF THE TRIBUXE. WAS VERY FAVORAKJ.yt TT7I1TITTTT-T ' XV lj Villi. V lllLf. EIGIIT PAGES 56 COLUMNS. SCR ANTON, PA.. MONDAY MORNING. AUGUST 27. 1894. TWO CENTS A COrY. THE TRIBUNE HAS I LARGER BONA FIDE C 1 R G U LA f 1 0 rA M 0 NG S C R A NT 0 N BUSINESS MEN THAN ANY OTHER MORNING PAPER ' i - j i . , .- , -; THE ORATORS S No Opportunities Allowed for Delivering Brilliant Speeches. THE CLOSING DAYS OF CONGRESS Remarkable for Unexpected Happen ingsMuch of the Business at the Close of the Session Transacted Behind Closed Doors in Order to Head Off Campaign Speeches That Had Been Prepared for Delivery and Publication in the Congressional Record. Washington, Ang. 20. F there ever had been a lingering hope of more legislation during tint remainder of this session of con gress that hone whs dispelled bv a remark made behind closed doors Fri day afternoon by Mr. Quay, that it was to be understood that t ,ere should lie no more legislation at this session in connection with contested matters. This whs acqniesoel in, and a few uio tnents later an adjournment wms bud, The cloiing days of the SfRtioti have been marked by a number of peculiar Incidents, and the unexpected has fre quently happened. Ow of the inci dents refc rr-tl to has been the transac tion of legislative business behind closed floors. Senators of both parties bare a number of measures that require only the final action of the Ban ate to enact them, bat the R'publioans were not willing 'to proride the quorum, nor would they permit busiuvst to proceed In open session by uuanimnus eotisent for fear the Democrats would by some means find the opportunity to make. the campaign speeches they have prep ire 1. For this reason legislative business against whieh no objection was made Was transacted behind closed doors by general consent Thursday and Friday, 0RAT0K9 8ILENCKD. Under this arrangement, no speeches could be made anil the Record was pre vented from becoming the vehicle for the dissemination of alleged campaign literature. Republicans were not, however, the only ones who offered oi jtotions to the consideration of contested matters. Mr. Blanehard has effectually blooked, for this season, at least, any effort to change the rules so as to pro Tide for cloture. Mr. Blackbnrn wanted to have hit committee sit during recess and con sider the many amendments to the rules that have beon referred to his committee. lie asked ooment to this arrangement Friday, bat Mr. Blan ehard. who sees in cloture the possibil ity of free sugar, entered an emphatio Objection. There will probably be no legislation of any sort to-morrow or Tuesday. To-morrow's session will probably bs short, affording more than anything lse an opportunity for the vice presi dent to announce his signature to var ious bills. A few odds and ends may be cleared up, bat nothing more than that. Tuesday the president will send I message with hi approval or dis approval of the various matters that reach him at the last moment, and at t o'clock the second session of the Fifty third congress will stand adjourned. HOESE ADJOURNS TOMORROW. According to the terms of the resolu tion agreed to Friday, Speaker Critp's gavel will fall at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon in token of the close of the present session. It is not expected that any business will be transacted in the interim cer tainly nothing of any Importance. A few private bills may be passed and some additions made to the calendar upon reports from com committees, but that is all. On Tuesday it joint committee of the house and senate will be appointed to wait upon the president and ask him if be bas any further communication to make to congress, and upon its report that be bas nothing more to say the two houses will be declared adjourned. ABE BUZZARD CONVICTED. Sent to Prison for Eleven Years San tenon of Bis Aooornplicee, Lancaster, Pa., Aug 20. Abe Buz turd was yesterday convicted of break lug into Fabnestouk's mill at Ephratn and blowing opsn the safe, and then pleaded guilty to robbing Cohen's clothing store in Epbrata and the Lan caster and Downington railroad station and poetoffice at Cedtr Lane. H was sentenced to eleven years' imprison, ment in the Eastern penitentiary. Daniel Weinhold, bis ehief accom pliee, was sentenced to six years and Bix months In the penitentiary; James Btillwell. two years and nlue months in the penitentiary; Harry Fasuaoht, one year and nine montbsin the county jail; Charles S. tiheHffer. one year and nine months in the county jail; Dan iel C. Soheaffer, one year and two months in the county Jail; Harry Hower. thirteen months in the county Jail. Verdicts of not guilty were then entered in the other charges against Buzzard and his accomplices. COULD HAVE ESCAPED. Bat the Franklin Ulnars Stayed to Fight the Fire and Ware Aphvxla-ed Tacoma, Wash., Aug. 25 The thirty-seven miners who we- killed yesterday afternoon by an ex, ion in the Oregon Improvement company's coal mine at Franklin, King county, thirty-four miles southeast of Seattle, were trying to save the mines from.de truotion by fire when the explosion occurred. Those who rushed to th gangway when the fire was discovered escaped. Several of those caugnt were not instantly killed, and a desperate 'Btttmpt was at once made by their comrades to resone them from the flames. The entire, mining commun ity of Franklin aided to flood slope 02, In whith the bodies of the miners lay When the bodies of tbs dead miners were reaobed many were found to be inline, as if simultaneously overcome by stifling smoke. Some bad been smothered, and were not eat or even D I bruised. All were dead before assist ance reached them. It is evident tb it all the mn had time to get out, for those who worked in the further breast reached the shaft in safety, but those who wore nearest the shaft, and consequently morn f moved from danger, perished. The evidently believed they were in perfect safety from the nre, out wane they lingered the smoke ooz-td out from the outBide plaoe further south and they were asphyxiated. The fire is supposed to be due to spontaneous combustion caused by re fuse and screenings in the bottom of tne breast slacking aud catching fire. Superintends Ramsey civs he will ulk the sixth level aud perhaps the nnn tevei it nil hermetically seal them, thus shutting off the air aud smother ing the fire. Wiih the air suddIv shut 'ff the black damp will form aud pnt out the fire. It is believed in threu months the fire will be completely ex tingniebed. NIGAUAGUAN WAR. Washington Department Officials Anxiously Awaiting News from the Mosquito Coast. Washington, Aug. 20. Noitber the state nor i tie navy department Is in formed officially of the stirring events reported to have occurred at Bine fields. resulting in the arrest of British Vice Consul Hatch and some American resi dents of the place by the Nicaraguan authorities. They are anxioasly await ing official news, bat meanwhile are aatisued that the American naval com manders are fully qusl to the task of protecting all Americans in Blu-fields wno are entitled to such protection. By direction of the state department Captain O'Neil, of the Marhlebead, re peatedly warned the American resi dents at Blurfields that if tbey med dled in the broils between the Nioara gnans and the Mosqnitos, and by taking np arms aguiust the former violated the laws of tne country, they would withdraw themselves from tho protection of their own country. All that our government can do consist ently is to see that the arrested Ameri cans are properly treated, tried promptly and receive justice. All this will probably be looked after by United States Minister Baker at Managua, where the prisoners have doubtless ar rived by this time. Secretary Oresbam said tonight that no news had been received today at t lie state department from Bluenelds, bnt that he expected foil dispatches from there tomorrow giving the latest developments in tne situation there. The secretary was averse to express ing any opinions regarding matters at Bluefields. preferring to await the re ceipt of official advices. SOLD II1S WIFE. An Oklahoma Boomer Disposes of Els Partner In Oriental 8tyle. St Louis, Mo., Ang. 20 A special rrom Untune, Oklahoma, says Williim Cardwell, an erstwhile Cherokee trip noomer, nau Dtcome hard up and som days ago announced that he was going to sell his wire to tne Highest bidder. The sale came off yesterday at Car l -well's cabin. There were half a dozen bidders present, aud as the woman was nnxom and good looking bidding was spirited. John Insley, a crass widower, of this city, secured the woman, bidding (100 in cash, a oolt, horse, and a lot of household furniture. The wife seemed to be wholly unconcerned about the matter and departed with Insley smilingly, after he had turned over the amount of bis bid. The pair left for Texas in a covered wagon. LABOR'S NEW MOVE, ' New York Unions Decide to Join th Ptople's Party. New York, Aug. 20. The committee ippointad by the Central Labor union to confer with the People's party on the snlijeot of their joining issues on political lines read their report to the Central Labor union at the meet ing today and advised joint political notion with the Feople s pirty, and that the committee issue a call to all the trade and labor unions of this city to attend a convention to be held Spt. 10 I he report was acceptiid aud the recommendations ordered to be oarried out. CONDENSED STATE TOPICS. Chester will hereafter tax telegraph and telephone poles. Suuirrels are nnnsnallv numerous In Eastern Pennsylvania, On his way to the almshouse Adnm Oodlnaski dropped dead at Schylklll llHVen. Bedford county eiDocts in October to relebrate the centennial anniversary of George Washington's visit to Fort Bed- oi d. Scarlet fever and diphtheria are ao prevalent in parts of Delaware county that strict quarautino regulations are un forced. By using buckwheat coal on its freicht engines the Philadelphia and Heading company saves more than $1 on every ton consumed. Samuel Hans, a resident of Shamokln. hanged himself to a tree at Hnlifax Satur day afternoon while temporarily iusune. His mind had been affected by illness, lie leave i a family. FLASHED FROM THE WIRE. I'be International Printing Pressmen's Union bas rejoined the Typographical union. In rage at being discharged, Carl Lower. a Buffalo tailor, fatally shut Alois Mehl trotter, bis employer. A haw mvi.li 1 KO font, titrvli tti.w.t ,!. " ' " piij.u. IIW .UVV W.(U, wuig, (JUU denly forth in Yellowstone park, badly uurcmg u. j. Anaerson, a tourist. For tfl. Mrs. William JCarvey, of Wa bnsh, Ind., sold her 18-months child to her bunband, who had separated from her. Three seamen of the ounboat Benning ton, are ill at Ban Francisco quarintiue with a malady resembliug yellow ferver. In Cancelllnff an anfrAirnmnnt In impair nn Btaten Island yesterday, Mrs. Mary K. Lease writes: "I am physically wrecked for the season," President John Newell of the Tnl- Shore anil lMii-hionn niiit... ...!!... and also presideut of the Pittsburg aud Lake Erie railroad, died at the Tod House, Yonngstown, at 2.80 o'clook yesterday afternoon. ' Of Supreme Lodge Knights or Pythias to Con vene ot Washington. THOUSANDS WILL BE IN 'LINE One of the Grandest Events in the History of the Order Imposing Parades, Prize Drills and General Festivities to Accompany the Meet ing of the Supreme Body Seven teen Hundred Tents Provided for the Shelter of Visiting Brothers. Washinoton, Aug. 20. TO-MORROW will wituess the be ginning of another of those great gatherings for which Washing ton has besome notable in recent years. Its nnoleus will be the anno-, meeting of the supreme lodge of tne Knights of Pythias, which, while of great interest to the members of the order, will not have that general at tractiveness of its auxiliary, the assem binge of thousands of Knights of the uniformed rank. Stands for spectators have been rected at principal points, aud nearly every business plioe along the line of march is decorated with bunting and Pythian symbols. Over on tne grounds of the Washington moutim nt is loeat. d (nip Qsorge Washington, where 1,700 tents have been erected for the shelter of the visiting commands. It is impossible to give a correct esti mate of the number of Knights who will attend the encampm-nt, but the officers admit the attendance has fallen far below expectations. Tne failure of railroad companies to make cut rates to Washington is given as the princi pal reason for the small contingent of Pytbians from abroad. The number of visitors is also rauoh smaller than thi estimates made. REUOIOUS SERVICES HELD. Services were conducted at tho Foundry Methodist Episcopal church today by Rev. Mr. Sanderson, chaplain of the supreme lodge, but the enoamp- ment proper will not opeu uuttl to morrow night. The opening will oon- sist in a reception to officers and repre sentatives of the supreme lodge, ten- urea by the citizen s committee. Thi will be held in the spacious convention hall, wbloh will hold 10,000 people Vice-President Stevenson and District Commissioner Ross will make ad dresses of welcom. and music will be furnished by the Marine band. Business will begin Tuesday with the meeting of the supreme lodge, and con tinuous sessions will be hold from day to day until the business of the lodge is completed. Ou Tuesday afternoon the great parade of the uniform rank will ta'te place, and President Cleve land will review the marohers, as will tlso general Schonald and the officers of the supreme lodge. DAY OF PRIZE PRILL Wednesday will be the most inter esting day of all, from a popular point of view, for it marks the beginning of the prize drills between the crack or ganizations of the order. The drills will be held on the groun Is of the Washington Bass Ball club, and will he continued through nntil September 1, when the prizes will be awarded. Wednesday evening there will be a grund illumination parade and a cav alry prize drill at Fort Myer will be the feature ot one of the remaining days. A large nnmber of commands will contest tor the drill prizes. Some of those intending to participate haye not been formally entered yet, but a list, practically complete, will be an nounced shortly. The rain fell steadily for three hours this afternoon, leaving the white town, built in the shadow of the great Wash ington monument, after which it bas been called Camp Washington, a most uninviting an! disagreeable place in which to have to turn n after a long lourney. The 1.700 tents were found to be insufficient. to accommodate those who have ap plied tor such quarters and the gov ernment was called on for the loan of 800 more which loan was granted. About two thirds of the tent are now occupied. It is estimated that there are about 5,000 of the visiting Kuights already in the oity and there are many camps still to betr from WANT THE BOUNTY. Louisiana Sugar Planters Will Eadeavor to Oolleot to the V 8. Oourta. Washington, Aug, 20 Judge Mor ris Marks, of New Orleans, represent ing a number of Louisiana sugar planters, is here for the purpose of en tering suits in the Unite! Status eourt ot claims for the recovery of the sugar bounty for the year 1894-5. The petition recites the provision of the McKinUy law, "that on and after July 1, 18U1. until July 1, 1895" certain bounties shall be paid to the growers of ugar upon certain prescribed condi tions as to the niinn ot bonds and tak ing out of licenses, etc. It recites that lor the present year all those formill tis have been complied with and have been formally accepted by the United States; that under the provisions of the section quoted the plauteri have gone ou and enlarged the areas ot sugar plan ted, secured advances from brokers, and have made their crops, and tbey demand that the United States shall carry out their part of the oontract. The total amount of bounty expeoted to accrue on this year's crop Will be somewhere in the neighborhood of $11, 000,000. RUN DOWN BY A STEAMER. Two Girls Are Drowned la thi Elver Naar Btsdtncr. Rbadino. Pa.. Aug. 20 The bodies of the two young girls who were in a row boat last night and were ran ioto by a steamer, were recovered at 8 o'clock this morning. Tbey were identified as Lizzie Ruraberger and Lottie Llndosutn, eaeh 10 years of age. Tbey were attending a picoie down GATHERING the river, and the steamer leincr over crowded a:id being offered a seat in a row boat by Walter Scbuiohl.accepted. It was while in this boat that they were run into by the steamer. MR. MORTON'S PLANS. He Has No Deslra to Again Enttr Polltl eal Lifa. New York, Aug. 20 Among the passengers ol the steamer La .Norman die whioh arrived from Havre today are fion. tievt 1'. Morton and Senator Wolcott, of Colorado. Mr. Morton on being approached with regard to his intentions as to the gubernatorial raoe gave out the following and politely re fused to say anything further; "In reply to your questions I on only say that although I have no de sire to r-nter public life, I have re ceived so innny letters from porsonal and political friends In different parts of the state urging me to allow the use of my uame as a candidate, that now that I am at home, I shall fuel it due to thfni and to the Republican party. which bas so highly honored me iu the past, to give the question serious con sideration." NINE PERSONS MUROERED. Tbs Family of a Wealthy Hebrew Aa- satsinsted. Vienna, Aug. 20 Nine persons, composing the family of a wealthy neurew iarmer, weremnruereu in their home in the villags of Bosehewin Fri day night by robbers. After murdering the inmates and se curing their valuables tbs thieves ap plied the torsh to the building, which was totally destroyed. The murderers escaped and no clue has been found to their identity. AT OCEAN GROVE. Sixty Thousand People Attend the Various Services of the Big Camp Meeting. Ocean Grovs, N. J., Ang. 20 Six days of the uational oamp meeting have passed by and today was cele brated the biggest camp meeting ever known in the history of this place. It was termed "Red letter day." Yesterday the railroads ran excur sions from different parts of the coun try and hundreds have thereby been permitted to attend today's meetings and bear distinguished speakers, who otherwise could not tome to the grove to stay. The attendance was larger than ever and it was the grandest oamp meeting Sunday In the annals of the . seciation. Anywhere from 40,000 to 00.000 people attended the various ser vices at this the oity of churches. The first meeting of the day was at 5.45 dock this morning and was attended ny a big audience. Dr. R. J. Andrews, the leader, spoke of the necessity of Christians being up and at work if they wished to make 'this camp meet ing a success. A large crowd gathered at the 9 oVloek meetings and shouts of "Hulls lnjuh" and "Glory to God" were heard iu the chapel and tabernacle while many were being brought into the light and led to a higher Christian lifo. The family devotions led by Dr. Stokes was the scene of a most enthusi astic gathering of people. Overflow meetings were presided over by other noted speakers. There was an im mense audience at the "Helping Haud Meeting." A strong gospel sermon was given by Dr. A. II. Cleveland, of Erie, Pa., at the morning service. This afternoon the other side meet ings, taking in Mrs. Lizzie Smith's mothers' meetings, children's meeting and several others, were well attended. PEPPERED THE NIGHT BIRDS. Staphan Albright Flraa Fine Shot at Funny Man. Allkntown. Pa., Aug. 20 Seven young men who bad been on. Saturday night were peppered with bird shot enrly this morning by Stephen Al bright, of this place. The injured men are George Xtnder, John and William Sheerer, Edward Trexler, Ed ward Laury, Irwin May berry and Harry Keistr. The first three were se riously hurt but the others walked to their homes. Albright says the men tried to rob his house.and that he fired at them as they were trying to force a shatter. He bus been arrested. ZIMMERMAN STILL WINS. Easily Defeats the Crack Rlderi Every where. Paris, Aug. 20 A. A. Zimmermau won the 2.000 metre race easily todny by a length. Banker was second and B irden was bnt a length behind him, in the one lap raoe of 500 metres. Zimmerman and Dmirer were tiod for first place. Time, 83 2-5. Barden who was next, covered the lap in 80 1-5 seconds. Nine riders started. FOREIGN NEWS NOTES. A disabled Bteamer having a black- topped red funnel was seen bv the Et- ruria, which arrived yesterday at Qieens town. It is stated that the Austrian ambassa dor, at the Czar's desire, has gone to Vienna to arrange a meeting between the Czar and Emperor Francis Joseph. A statue of Joan of Arc was unveiled last week at Domremy, the native place of that heroine, in the presence of 20,000 pil grims. There were religious processions and fetes in honor to her memory. The abandonment of the grand Rnssian army maneuvers at Smolensk was deter mined upon as the wish of the Imperial physicians that the czar sbould avoid fa tigue, as bis health Is not satisfactory. Four fresh cases of cholera were renorted yesterday from West Prussia. All of the patients are Russian rurisuian. In Galicia there were 148 new cases of cholera and seventy-nine deaths: in Bukowiua five new cases and nine deaths. The Queen's speech Drnroeuintr narl la ment the London Daily News says, will contain a strong paragraph on the subject of social and administrative difficulties in Ireland, the nearest approach to a decla ration against the bouse of lords which is admissible in tho speech. Through Veinna comes a story of a sea man on the Russian steamer Sebastapool, running between Odessa and Constant inople, who fell in love with an American passenger, a Miss Garrett, aud, hopeless and desperate, shot two jeering companions and fatally injured the lady. CRUELTY OF THE CHINESE Ihey Behead Subjects of the Mikado Formosa. CHINA'S EFFORTS AT EQUIPMENT Cargoes of Arms and Ammunition Are Moving Eastward in Spite of Neutrality Obligations The Japs in Many Parts of the Celestial Empire Subjected to Harsh Treatment, China Does Not Want the City of Rome. Shanghai, Aug, 20. (r EVEN Japanese iu Chinese cos Vr lumes were arrested here todny, n and it is given out that they will vs lie expelled from China; but no body would bo surprised if they were treated more severely. The Japanese elsewhere iu China are subjected to the most narsh treatment. The activity of the Chinese in hunt ing down Japanese spies increases every day, and "if the Chinese are to be believed the eoust must be overrun with agents of the Japanese govern meat. Iu the Island of Formosa the Chinese authorities have been decapitating Japanese subjects, supposed to be spies. in large numbers. Aooordingto advices received here from Formosa hfty Jap aaese have had their heads cnt off recently, after haying been arrested as spies. The most intense heat prevails and there is much suffering in consequence. lu order to rane money to push the war operations the government baa in creased the transit dues on yarn. THE VICTORY AT CHEMULPO. The letter from C iemulpo, Korea, re- ceiveu at Chee i'oo yesterday, an nouneing tho defeat, of a Japanese forou and Killing ot IMW) Jitpaues soldiers, is much commented upon here. If the report of the battle is correct the Chi nese cavalry, in dividing the Japanese force in two parts,did excellent svrviee, and the subsequent heavy fire of the Chinese artillery from an eminence, causing great havoc in the'ranks of the soldiers of the Mikado, would seem to denote generalship of no mean order upon the part of the Chinese com manders. The German fathers of the Catholio mission at Si-Ning-Cbott, in the south ern part of the proviuce of Sliang Tung, who were captured by bandits and held for ransom, have been re leased by the government posse sent In pursuit oi tne robbers. ' china's equipment. London, Aug. 25. China's efforts to secure a war equipment in Europe are being successfully prosecuted in smte of neutrality obligations. Two or three cargoes of arras and ammunition are already on the way east, and several more will leave Hamburg, for that is the port now used for sash shipments, within a few days. A certain tea mer chant whose office is on Etstcheap, London, is the agent for the pnrchnse of ammunition for China, and he has bis bauds full. Us receives a commis sion of 5 per cent. The Chinese minister here is also re ceiving many offers of ships The most important has been that of Hen derson Brothers, who offered to sell the Anonor line steamship City of Rome for a round sum. The Chinese govern ment refused to pv the price asked. Twenty thousand rifles were success fully shipped to China more than two weeks ago, and are expected to arrive within ten days. Since the declara tion of war it has been deemed neces sary to carefully close and barnhe iron shutters at the Chinese legation in this city, and the building now looks like a safety deposit vault after sundown. Ihe conflicting reports from the seat or war have almost destroyed popular intereat in the struggle iu Europe. The unreliability of most of the news from both Chinese and Japanese sources has already become a byword, ana tne most sanguinary stories of victories and defeats on both sides at tract little attention. OPEN AIR SONG SERVICES. Held in Front of the Young Man's Chris tian Association Building, The Sabbath eznreinaa vnatnrrltir aff. ernoon at the rooms of tho Young Men's Christian asanoiatinn warn nr. ceded by an open air song service on fir , ... tvyomiug avenue, beginning at il o'clock.. It lasted three-nnarters of an hour and attracted several hundred persons. It was given by the Young Men s Christian Aasoaintinn ninn nlnh sixteen members of the club being present yesterday. The song service was opened with the stirring number, "Comrades in Bittle." Then ton other selections were sung. At 8.45 the men's meeting was opened iu the association rooms and after some solo singing by Mr. Davis, of the Moody quartette, Rev. Ralph Gillam, the evangelist, preached. His text was, "What Shall We Do with Christ?" After the sneaker hail ran Mud ml many of his hearers signified their in tention of embraeiuor Christ end the servioes were olosed with prayer by secretary JUahy. .Next Sunday there will be another open air conoert led by tame morgan, it win, taice piace likely ou Court House square. BURGLARS AND BOOTY CAPTURED. The Ilea Who Rubbed Frank Oonnell'a Residence Are in Custody. The burglars who entered the real dence of Frank Connell on Bank street on Monday night last and made away with a lot of silverware, were eaptured in Bingharoton last Thursday morning Un Wednesday evening, two ineu walked into a saloon on one of the main streets of Bingbamton, and called for a drink, whith was served them. Oa leaving, they asked the bartender f tbey might leave a satchel in bis nnre until they called for it and wer, told they might When the bartender took the satchel be thought that it seemed unusually heavy, aud thinkiug the actions of the men w-re rather snspisioui, opened it when they bad gone and found a lot of silverware and reported bis find to the poliee. The officers ktpt the place under close watob, and on Thursday morning went to the saloon in sitizena' clothes. Not long aftir their arrival two men e.ime in, but did uot ask for the satchel, owing to the presenee of others. The bartender, however, nodded to the officers that they were the men who had left the satchel, and tbey were placed under arrest and word sent to Chiof Simpson of their ctpture. The chief immedia'ely sent a description of the stolen goods and the number of pieces, which talllad exactly with what the Binghamton officers ksd found, Mr. Connell want to Bingbamton on Saturday and further identified the goods as bis. The prisoners will be brought to this city as soon as the neoessary papers can be made out. TKOLLEY ACCIDENT. A Street Car Containing Eighty People Dashes Down Steep Grade. Newark, N. J.. Aug. 20. A isrious trolley car accident ocourred at 6 o'clock this evening on the Suburban Traction company's new line between Orange and Eagle Rock, iu whioh fifty persons were more or less seriously injured. The oar. whioh contained about people, wbilej descending a steep grade on the side of the mountain just East of Mountain avenue bteame unmanageable and dashed into a curve at a terrlfio rate of speed, breaking the flange ot one of the forward wheels. The ear left the traek and capsized down a steep embankment. Broken glass flaw in all direetions and the ex cited occupants were thrown into a confused mass. Order was finally restored and the injured were removed in ambulaucss to the Memorial hospital. The following are the names of the more seriously in jured: John Lloyd, aged 4 vears, bad arm crushed completely off at the elbow and amputation was found to be necessary. Mrs. Frank Davis, of Bloomfield, arm broken and bead in jured; Willie Coyle aged 6 years, of Orange, three ribs broken, and it is feared be will die. Many persons who were in jnred by the overturning of the car or by the flying glass bad their wounds dressed at the hospital and went their way, leaving no names, It is stated that the brakes on the car failed to work, and the motormau, losing bis head, did not turn on the reverse current, whioh would have stopped the car. BODY HORRIBLY MANGLED. Delaware and Hudson Train Strnok and Killed Owen Gibbons. The Delawure and Hudson passenger train due in this city at 7 20 o'clock Saturday evening struck and killed a boy named Owen Giobons, just outside ot Wilkes-Bar re proper. The lad stepped from behind a eoal train, which was standing on a aiding and directly in front of the approaoking passenger train. The train struck him and sped on b) the spot for fully a hundred yards be fore coming to a standstill. Then thi train hands aud several of the passen gers returned to where the mangled form lay. Life was extinct and death had been instantaneous. The body was crushed aud mangled horribly, the en tire train having passed over it. The body was picked up and oarrie i to the house of the lad's pareuts which was just across the track from where the accident happened. IS MILLET A FIREBUG. Charged with Applying a Matoh to Osa i way's Hotel in Old Forgt. Thomas Millet, or Old Forge, a mid dle aged man, is at the county j ail a where be was committed last night by Juatiee of the Peaoe R Willis Reese, of Old Forge township, charged with arson. Millet is accused of bavin? sot fire to the hotel of P. J. Conway on Saturday night. The building was damaged to the extent of $300 and for a time ad joining bnildings were threatened with destruction. His actions were suspicions and led to his arrest. At the hearing he was remanded for bail, which he was un able to furnish, and in default thereof be was sent to jail to await the action of the grand jury. TORREY AT THE RESCUE MISSION. The Elcquent City Solloltor Addressed a Large Masting Laat Night. City Solicitor James H. Torrey ad dressed last night's meeting at the Iiea- cuo Mission, taking for his theme the parable of "The Prodigal Sod." He dwelt in an explanatory tone upon parables in general and told that this particular one was spoken by Christ as an answer to those who reviled him for associat ing with sinners. From this oft-told parable he drew a beautiful leson an 1 concluded by relating an Incident that occurred in this oity which in every detail almost paralleled the Bib lioal story. WASHINGTON GOSSIP. Chairman Wilson will sail for Europe Sent. 5. The recent renlt of the rueumatlo guns may cause the Vesuvius to be retained as a dynamite cruiser. A surplus of $1617.383 is the result o! the operations of the treasury the first twenty-four days of August. Attorney General Olnov appointed Thomas E. Milcbriet (formerly district at torney) assistant district attorney at Chicago. Lieutenant Stuart, an expert in powder. has been sent to tbe Unpont works,' iu Delaware, to conduct experiments with smokeless powder, and to report to Gen eral Flagler, the army chief of ordl nance. WEATHER FORECAST. Washington, Aug. 26. Fovtcait for Monday: for eastern ifenn tyltania and New Jerntu. loeal rains, eooUr: northeast winds, i'or Weir- era Pennsylvania, fair, warmer; northeast wiads, becoming south. I RAIN FINLEY'S OPENING OF Kail Dress G-oods We have now on exhibi tion a magnificent stock of New Fall Dress Goods, comprising the latest NOV ELTIES in both FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC GOODS. Early selections are most desirable, the styles being EXCLUSIVE, and there will be NO DUPLICATES. Our stock of Black Dress Goods Is the finest we have ever shown, including full line of the Priestly Black Goods 610 and 012 Lackawanna Ave. MINERS' OILCLOTHIN Wholesale and Retail. H. A. Kingsbury 313 Spruce Street. TELEPHONE NUMBER m Lewis, Reilly & Davies Take off the old and put on the new; That neatly-fitting, easy shoe. When low prices rule as now they do, Who would deny hinisolf the newt Burt & Packard Shoes Make Us Friend3. Lewis, Reilly & Davies 114 WYOMING AVENUE. We Examine Eyes Free of cliargo. If a doctor is needed you are promptly told bo. We also guarantee a perfect fit. LATEST STERLING SILVER NOVELTIES I J. VBL The Jeweler, 40 8 SrljeeUv