The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 25, 1894, Page 9, Image 9

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Suggestions That May Enable Many Tribune
Readers to Feel Better.
These Hints Don't .Cost Much, Are
Not Copyrighted and if They Don't
Do You Any Good You Can Have
the Satisfaction of Knowing That
They Will Not Do You Any Harm.
For the bkiiurduu Tribune,
The newest heultli-Kiviiig discovery
Is called by its im-untor the tlienito
gen. It consists of a quilt containing
a coil of wire bunt in t tie fashion of a
gridiron, inclosed in insulating and
non-conducting material, and imbed
ded in cotton, wool or oilier soft sub
stance with a silk or woolen covering.
The resistance ollered by the coil to the
How of an electric current through the
wire produces heat in the same way
that heat and eventually litrht are pro
duced in the filament of the glow
lamp. A uniform temperature of about
lot) degrees Fahrenheit is thus main
tained; but in the event of the tem
perature rising beyoud that point from
Increase of pressure in the electric
mains, a fuse instantly melts and au
tomatically shuts oil' the current. The
quilt niiry'bo attached to ordinary in
candescent lamp terminals. In de
scribing this device London Lancet
says that this most important medical
use of such an invention would be on
the operating table, where, in leugth
eued operations or in those attended
with hemorrhage, where artificial
means to sustain the patient's temper
ature are required, blankets and hot
water are a decided nuisance. J n such
cases these quilts would be invaluable
as a soft, dry, warm and convenient
covering. Again, in cases of chronic
rheumatism, luinbagoor senile slowness
of circulation, such an appliance would
le useful. The thermogen is now re
ceiving trial at several large English
Dr. Stotzor-Buetzer, in one of the
foreign medical reviews, writes as fol
lows on the medicinal and hygienic
properties of the apple: Apples eaten
immediately before bed time promote
the health generally. Jts dietical as
well as alimentary substance is of the
highest order. It contains more phos
phoric acid in an easily digestible com
bination than any other vegetable
product. It is (1 1 good brain food, (2)
excitei the functions of the liver, (It)
promotes a sound and quiet sleep, (4)
disinfects the mouth, (.r) agglutinates
the surplus acids of the stomach, (0)
paralyzes hemorrhoidal disturbances,
") helps the secretions of the kidneys
and prevents calculus concretion, (8)
obviates indigestion and (0) is a good
preventive against diseases of the
Many Pittstonians and several
Serantonians remember H. It. How ley,
the artist, who boarded formally years
at the Eagle hotel in IMttston. Mr.
Howley is now in L'tica, N. Y., in ro
bust health. Years ago he was a vict
im of acute dyspepsia and siill'ered Un
told misery from indigestion. One
day his torture became so intolerable
that in sheer uesperation he seized a
huge beefsteak a thing unprecedented
plastered it over with mustard an
inch thick he hud never before looked
at mustard and swallowed the whole
conglomeration in a trice. Mr. Howley
no doubt expected this would bring on
a crisis, if not au undertaker. Nor was
he disappointed about the crisis. The
mustard and the beef steak formed
such an amicable alliance in his ali
mentaries that the demon dyspepsia
was fairly shamed into retreat. The
next day Mr. Howley repeated this
accidental prescription and added
mustard to his bread and potatoes as
well. The long and short of it was
that by the free use of mustard, he
knocked his dyspepsia out in less than
a .fortnight and could now introduce
iron wedges into his stomach without
feeling much the worse therefor. This
narrative may run counter to the tradi
tional teachings of hygiene, but it is
the sober truth, as Mr. Howlev will
himself attest.- And the point to it, if
mere is any point, is mac dyspep
tics often overdo the matter of "diet
ing," aud by their fussy abstemious
ness augumenl rather than relieve the
original trouble.
According to the directions of Dr.
Salmon, to sterilize milk, take a tin
pail and have made for it a false bot
tom perforated with holes and having
legs half an inch high to idloAy circula
tion of the water. The. bottle of milk
to be treated is set on this false bottom
aud the pail is Tilled with water until
it reaches the level of the surface of the
milk in the bottle. A hole may be
punched in the cover of the bottle, in
which a cork is inserted, and the ther
mometer is put through the cork so
that the bulb dips into the milk, and
the temperature can thus be watched
without removing the cover. This
water is then heated until the milk
readies a temperature of 155 degrees
Fahrenheit, when it is removed from
the heat and allowed to cool gradually.
A temperature of 150 degrees main
tained for half au hpur is sufficient to
destroy any gemis likely to bo present
in the milk, and it is found in prac
tice that raising the temperature to
155 degrees and their allowing it to
stand in the heated water until cool,
insures the proper temperature for the
required time. The Pasteur method is
practically the same the temperature
is raised to KiO degrees, kept there
about ten minutes, and the cooling
process is as rapid as possible, rather
than gradual. It is found that the lat
ter method makes the milk more easy
of digestion in the case of infants or
delicate persons. Either process in
mres the ridding of dangerous germs,
lud milk so prepared will keep usable
thirty-six hours.
There is a good bit of healthy sense
In Kate Field's advice io women:
"Judicious mental work may help to
lift one out of the ruts ot premature
Did age. Head and think what you
read. Don't., use your, mind as if it
tvere a sieve and you were trying to
ee how much you could pour through
It. There is a belief extant that knowl
edge, if gained at all, must be acquired
In youth. Fallacious theoryl Behold
Balileo at three score and ten pursuing
iis-studies with unflagging zeal; Cato
beginning Greek when advanced in
Fears. Ogilby commenced classical
itudies when past CO. Gladstone is as
much the student today as when the
bloom of youth mantled his cheek. Be
kind to the feelings and fancies of
pouth. If they prove perennial so
touch the better. Don't forbid your
elf glad, recreative thoughts and
lotion. Don't bo ashamed to make
rourself as pretty aft you can. A sell
able woman may feel a thrill of pleas
ire innocent as a maiden's when re
viving a glance of respectful admira
tion from a manly form. Smile with
out affectation, be pleased without be
ing silly in short, be young as lonu as
you can.
The composing room towel has been
for years a favorite theme for satirical
allusion among those familiar with its
granolithic properties; but there are to
be seen in more than one Scran ton
restaurant a species of towel which
presses the dusky fabric of the print
shop hard for its honors. We allude to
the small snatches of bedraggled linen
which depend from hooks in front
of certain bars. If one of these could
only speak, what a tale of microbe
mixing and disease genu miscegena
tion it could, perchance, unfold. The
mouth that drips with sour ale vies
with the moustache fresh from an ab
lution in buttermilk in the elfort to
blend its siirpluss upon this liberal
"wipe"; and all because the average
man is too careless or too improvident
to carry with him, for use in such
emergencies, a spare handkerchief. The
statistics of disease propogatiou un
doubtedly owe much to this forget ful
ness. Health for the Millions:
To relieve a sty take every six hours
one-twelfth a grain of sulphide of cal
cium. Often a jaded appetite may be re
vived without ill result by taking
five drops of diluted hydrochloric
acid in a half glass of water before
Bathing the nose twice a day with
hot water and sulphur soap will
eventually remove the yellow "llesli
worms" that often collect in the pores
of the nose.
As a cure for erysipelas in the lower
extremities take through a glass tube,
every four hours, twenty drops of the
tincture of chloride of iron in a tum
bler half full of cold water.
Dr. Antal, a Hungarian chemist, lias
discovered a new chemical compound,
the nitrate of cobalt, which, ho says,
is a most efficacious antidote to poison
ing by cyanide of potassium or prussie
Acknowledgiuen lis due to the Phila
delphia Record's superior "Health and
Hygiene" department on Sundays for
many of the suggestions and remedies
noted in this column of the Saturday
Itcliiug of the feet may often lie re
lieved in one week by bathing the
affected parts in water hot as can bo
borne. Dry, then wet old linen and
muslin with phenol sodique and ug
lily, night and ' morning. Wear un
bleached socks throughout the year.
The old notion that water must ho
prohibited in (lie case of raging fevers
has in most instances been abandoned
by the medical profession. Cracked
ice applied to the patient's parched
tongue is preferable to the water itself,
but when the latter has been distilled
and cooled it will oftener do good than
Milady's hands may be kept white
aud soft if she will remember to use
lemon juice every time she washes
them. Wear gloves on the street, ami
upon going to bed thoroughly rub into
the hands the. following mixture:
Tincture of benzoin, one ounce; gly
cerine, one ounce; water, one ounce.
HIeep with old, loose kid gloves on the
To remove fullness from beneath the
eyes take twenty drops of the tincture
of the chloride of iron in half a glass of
water after meals (take through a glass
tube) for eight weeks. Between meals
and when retiring at night, take five
drops of the tincture of digitalis in a
wineglass full of water, for three
weeks; discontinue for one week and go
on for three more weeks.
Do not read while riding on railway
trains. Give the eyes a rest. This
common practice of reading on the
cars is- most trying on those delicate
muscles that regulate the shape of the
eyes' lenses and so affect the focaliza
tion of the organ. The danger is great
est, of course, on those railroads whose
ballasting is imperfect and whose rails
are roughly laid, producing much jar
ring and consequent rapid changing of
the distance between the eye and the
paper. That "abominable headache"
common to travelers is many times
due to nothing else than this strain on
the muscles aud nerves of the eye.
Nancy Hanks did not Drove in foal to
Ariou, and sh 1ms bonn bred to Vatican,
the sire of Belle Vara, 2,0$;.;.
Cobwebs, 212, was purchased last yenr
for $500, anil 1ms won much over ten times
that amount already this season.
Eurl Bulniont, !2.2!J, owned by Lestor
Withorspoou, of Versailles, Ky., was Killed
Dy nsrutuing in ins stall a lew days ago.
Fantasy reduced her record to 2.07 at
Rochester. She is still two full seconds
behind Diroctum's 4-year-old record, but
the recora-broalcing season is still young,
. At Milan, Auk. tho American Rolding
SpolTord won tho international trotting
nice in two straight bents; distance, one
mile and a furlong. At Florence Sioffoid
also won the big Consolation purse, the
distance Doing one and a milt miles.
It is reported that Merry Monarch will
be placed in tho stud next spring at the
breodiuij farm of his new owner, near
Lexington, Ky. J. E. Kittson, whose
property Merry Mouarch now is, nlso
owns some famous brood mares, including
Hpiuaway, dam of Handspuu aud Lazzar
ono. One of the most attractive features of
the now track at Oaklny, O., will be an
artificial lakoin tho Quid opposite the club
house. This will be something aftor tho
style of tho lake at Latouia, but much
larger, . extending nearly throo-qnartors
tho length of the Cold. This lake will bo
stocked with bass, wall-eyed pike, trout
and other gamo llsh.
There will be no Arion-Directum special
trotting race in Chicago. Falling to get
tho Washington park track for the rnee,
Doblo and Hickok refused the offer of the
Northwestern Breeder's association, and
notified the management that tho raco
would not go and that Directum would
go east. Tho chances ore that the pair
win inuek m uuston.
duiihant Kceord.
Mayor Connell's objection to tho ruth
less tearing of the main streets of Scranton
was highly propor. Tho mayor koeps a
watchful eve on the affairs of the city and
aims at the comfort and welfare of tho
citizens. - ' '
Beecham's pills are for
biliousness, bilious headache,
dyspepsia, heartburn, torpid
liver, dizziness, sick head
ache, bad taste in the mouth,
coated tongue, loss of appe
tite, sallow skin, when caused
by constipation; and constipation-is
the most frequent
cause of all of them.
Book free; pills- 25c.' At
drugstores.or write B.F.Allen
jCo.,365 Canal St., New York.
The letter read before the North
Main Avenno Batnist church last Sun
day morning was very encouraging to
Dota pastor and people. It bri'-flv
aninmed up the work of the year. The
present memborship is 230; forty were
received into the church during the
year and twenty were dismissed. The
Sunday school is in a flourishing
oondition. and has an enrolled mem
bership of 200. The finances are
in good condition and all soci
eties connected with the church are
flourishing. Tho most interesting
item in the letter was the glad tidings
that the debt on tho church was wholly
removed. During Mr. Watkins' pre
vious pastorate, about two years ugo,
pledge wore taken from the members
that covered the dobt, which then
amounted to $3,000. These were not
paid in as rapidly ns anticipated be
cause of the pressure of poor times, bat
during the last year the pledges were
almost wholly redeemed and the debt
rt'movod. The pastor nnd members are
greatly pleased at tbs result and will in
ino near future hold a jubilee service,
at which the mortgage will be burned
and a season of rejoicing will be ob
served by tho church and congregation.
The people of the West Side will
have an opportunity to hear
the eo-laborors of D. L. Moody,
who havo dona such excellent
work in Luzarno county. A tent has
been erected on two vacant lots on
North Main avemip, between Jackson
and Price streets. In this, services will
bo held for the next two or three weeks.
Au executive coininitto has tba work
in charge, of which Rov. D. C. Hughes,
D. D., is presidout. All tho churches
of tho West Side are co-operating in
the work, and during the week union
meeting have been held, where the pas
tors meet and devise the boat possible
moans of conducting these services.
Evangelist E. W. Blis3 will
the services at present, but soon, bis
co-laborer, Mr. Schivere, is expooted
in tho city, Tomorrow morning all
churches will worship as usaal, and
the regular Sunday school services will
be conducted. A 3. CO p. in. nnd at 7.30
p. in. services will be conducted in the
tents, Churches holding services at
G p. m. can meet as usual, but thos
assembled for voninp; worship at 7.00
or 7.30 p. in., are requested to suspend
their service and join in the e-.Tvien in
the tout. Much interest is taken in
these meetings, and thi good done by
tbo campaign in our ndj iining county
is a promise of what will be done in
the city.
The members of the Puritan Congre
gational chnrcli of Providence have
surprised their friends in the strenu
ous efforts they have made to ere".t the
commodious house of worship now oc
cupied by them. The vast majority of
the church are young Cambro-Ameri-cans,
and rilled with the push and pluck
characteristic of our people, they are re
solved not to flag In their efforts until
tho main entrance to the church will
be properly fixed, The expose of
building a retaining wall and placing
stone steps into position will amount
to hundreds of dollars. In order to se
cure fnnds they will bold a fair and
festival iu the fall. Tickets for the
same were issued this week, which
have been well received by the public.
It will be nooessary also, before tbo
winter sets in, to put in the church a
heating apparatus, which is another
obj-'ct for which the young peoplo are
working. Thoir enthusiasm and earn
estness desire success, and wa hope
thoir efforts will be properly rewarded.
At the close of tlm services on Sun
day morning, July 29, in the Simpson
churoh, Los Angeles, Cat., tho follow
ing preamble and resolutions were
adopted by tho entire congregation dur
ing the absence of tho pastor:
"Whorens. We, the quarterly confer
ence of the Simpson Mothodist Episco
pal church, now holding our last session
for tbis conference year, doem the
present a fitting and timely occasion
for the expression of our warm regard
and sincere gratitude to those whose
labor aud sympathy have so cheored
and helped us during the past year and
inspired ns with such hope aud confi
dence for tb future."
Itesolvod, That wo hereby convoy to
our beloved pastor, Uov. U V. McLean, 1).
1)., our most hearty thanks for bis minis
try during the past sevon mouths; that wo
assure him that wo recognize aud highly
esteem his faithful and eloquent preach
lug, his wonderful and untiring energy in
building up tho membership, finances,
spirituality and usefulness of our church.
Tuat in thus expressing our appreciation
of the heroic and successful work of Dr.
McLean we dosiro also to especially thank
his excellent and accomplished wife for
tho chnruiing and happy eflkioncy with
which alio has so nobly soconded all tho
arduous ministrations of her husband, and
that above all, Ur. and Mrs. McLean have
so won our hearts and affections that as a
united and working membership wo os
toem it a joy as woll as a privilngo to
upend and be spent with them in the great
work of Christ committed to our charge.
Dr. McLean was pastor of Adams
avenue, now Elm Park church, in this
city, and has many friends who we
feel assured wonld like to hoar of his
welfare and his work.
Evan Williams, of Hampton street, will
leave soon for Marietta, where ho expects
to begin a regular course and prepare for
tho work of the ministry.
The regular monthly meeting of the Ep
worth leagno of tho Elm Park Methodist
church, which was to be held last Thurs
day evouing, has been postponed for one
Tho choir of tho Puritan Congregational
church of Providence will give a service of
of song iu thair church tomorrow evening.
Caswallon DavieB, conductor of the cele
brated Moody quartotte, will bo present
and sing in the service.
A fourth annual re-union of the Luther
ans of the Susquehanna valleys will be
hold noxt Thursday at Clement's park,
near Sunbury. Addrosses will be delivered
by some of the lending clorgymon of the
denomination. Hev. E. L. Miller, of our
city, is one of the executive committee,
lie and some of the peoplo of his parish
will attend.
The convention held last Monday and
Tuesday in I'ittslon, by the yonng peoplo
of the Welsh Baptist churches ot north
eastern Pennsylvania, whs a pronounced
success. A large number of delegates
were present from nil the churches iu the
anion, and both tho papers and the ad
dresses that were prepared, manifested
much enthusiasm and consecration in
the work. The next convention will be
held in Taylor, about the latter part of
The young men' of the Green Ridge
Primitive Methodist, church ran a vory
uccessf ui exoursion to Farviow last week.
1 . .
All necessary preparation was vory care
fully made, and nothing ever undertaken
bv this active organisation was more
t-fticiently carried out. Tha pastor is
thankful for tho material help of tho
young members uf tlio church, by whoo
effort the nuances of tho church nre en
riched, and the peoplo given a pk-asaut
day on tho mountain top.
Rev. George Guild, of tho Providonce
Presbyterian church, is expected home
next week from his vacation.
Rev. D, W. Skelliugor, of the Washburn
Street Prosbytorinn church, expects to re
turn from his vacation next week.
Rov. W. J. Ford, of tho Green liidgo
Baptist church, has returned homo from
his wedding tour and will occupy his pul
pit tomorrow.
Rov. G. L. Maire and family, cf the
Green Ridge Evangelical church, 'returned
home from their vacation last Tuesday.
Mr. Maice will occupy his pulpit tomor
row morning and evening.
Tho Green Ridgo Evangelical churfh has
secured tho services of Rov, J. H. Murce,
tho blind evangelist of Central Union mis
sion, Washingt.iu, IX C, who will conduct
services iu tho above church for two weeks
in October. ,
Rov. Floyd E. Fuller, son of Roy. M. D.
Fnller, of Providence, will leave a week
next Monday fur the west. Ho expects to
visit the cities of Minneapolis aud Chicago,
where he will stay two weeks, and thence
go south to Florida and resuino work iu
the church uudor his care.
Last Tuesday evening tho Plymouth
Congregational church appointed a recep
tion committeo to make necessary nr-
rangomeuts for tho coming of Rov.Thomas
ttell, the pastor-elect of the church. The
members appointed nre Miss Lizzie A. Ev
ans.Miss Jennie Lewis, Mis Nellie Hughes,
Mrs. W. J. Morgan, Elins E. Evans, Rich
ard Owens aud S. D. Moyors.
Prayor sorvico will be held in the First
Welsh Congregational church tomorrow.
Rev. W. F. Davios. of tho Providenco
Baptist church, will conduct communion
services tomorrow evening.
John Davies, a theological student of
jAlonotta college, will proaca In the Ply
mouth Congregational church tomorrow.
Rev. Leonnrd Colo, of Green Ridce. will
occupy the pulpit of the Anbury Methodist
Episcopal church tomorrow morning and
Rov. Daniol A. Evans, of the Puritan
Congregational church, will preach tomor
row evening nt tlio Weltli Cougrogntional
cnurcn on est .unruet street.
Rev. E. L. Miller, of tho Holy Trinity
Luihornu church, will go to R jadin" noxt
Friday to attend a Luthor league rally of
the Rending district, and will deliver au
address thero on the work of tho league,
The general secretary of tho Primitive
Methodist conference of this part of our
state has issued n call to the clergy of that
denomination to moot m lamainiua in tho
early part of October to transact impor
tant business.
Rev. Daniel Havngo, of the Green Ridge
rrimitive Jietnouist cnurcn, preached last
Thursday evening on Deacon street, To
morrow be will siieak in tho morninc on
"Christian Confidence," nnd in the even
ing will answer the question, "Is Thore a
Tho congregation of tho llolv Trinitv
Lutheran church is preparing for thoir
harvest home festival which will be held
the third Sunday m September. The com
mittee having the arrangements in charge
is tlio ronovviiiR; K. Jl. lirader, Newton
orott, lieury hcliuuert. Miss Abbio Orff.
Miss Elizabeth Garaguu and Miss Annie
von Konecnz.
Rev. G. G. Messnier, presiding elder of
tne 1'uniuioipuia district or the German
Methodist Episcopal church, will hold
quarterly meeting ia tho Adams. Avenue
Herman Mothodist Episcopal church on
Weduesday evening next, nnd In the
becond German Mothodist Episcopal
cnurcn ou tno boutu hide on Thursday
evening, un Tuesday evening Un will d
liver a locture before tho Epworth league
of the First German church on Adums
Rsv. M. D. Fuller was nt tho Wyoming
camp meeting last Aloudny and Tuesday,
Rev. M. H. SHU expects to movo uext
weok from South Muin nveuue to North
Main avenue.
Rov. John W. Richards, wife and two
children, ot Lancaster, are visiting Henry
i inner ou Jiuiuerry street.
Rev, Floyd E, Fuller will preach tomor
row oveuiugiutho Providence Methodist
Lpiscopal church.
Rov. P. II. Hawxhurst, D. I)., is ex
pected homo todav from Oceau Grovc.aud
will occupy ms pulpit tomorrow.
Rev. K. S. Jones, 1). D., of Providence,
lelt Tuursciay utternoon iorivew lork.
He will preach in the Welsh Congrega
tional church thoro tomorrow.
Rev. D. K. Freeman, D. D.. of limiting'
don, this visiting William Prink ou
Washburn street. Mr. Freeman willpos-
sioiy stay in iu cuy lor two weens.
Rev. James McLood, f). D., of the First
Presbyterian church, is expected home
next woek. His pulpit will be occupied
tomorrow Dy i;ov. wiurcd w. snaw.
Tho pulpit of tho Hampton Street Moth
odist Lpificopal cnurcn will Do occupied to
morrow morning by F. W. Pnarsbll, of the
Railroad Young Men's Christian associa
Rov. D. M. Kintor, of tho Providence
Christian church, left last Mondny for
Wayne county, whom ho visits friends and
conducts meetings in tho mission under his
Rov. II. Brausou Richards, who lias
faithfully served the l'ark riaco Lutheran
mission during the summer, will return to
tho seminary in two weeks. He will
preach his farewell aormon a week next
The Sunday school of the Westminstar
Presbyterian church will hold its nunual
picnic at liaurei uiu purs: noxt Monday
The Park Tlaco Mothodist Episcopal
Church Sunday ecnool will I, old its annual
picnic at Laurel Hill park next Thursday.
A pleasant day was enjoyed by th Ply
mouth church Suudnv school at Lnurel
Hill park yesterday. Over three hundred
scholars and toacaors wore present.
The music lovers of tho Primitive Meth
odist Sundny school of Green liidgo, have
organlzod an orchestra that discourses
sweet musio to the attendants. This hns
greatly added to the interest of the work
nud increased tho attendance. During tho
summer months the membership hns in
creased and the presont condition of the
work is most liattoring to the superintend
ent and ollicers.
Tho Mission Sunday school on Sherman
avonue i very flourishing under the charge
of Miss Deln P. Evans. At the picnic held
on tho 17th inst. there were over SOU peo
ple assembled, and over 400 oranges aud
bags of candy wero distributed. The at
tendance Inst Sunday was 254, which could
not be comfortably accommodated in the
present building. The superintendent
spoke recently of the luck of room to W.
It. Storrs, o( the Delaware,. Lackawanna
and Western Coal company, and he imme
diately gave orders to build an additional
ream, hair as largo again ns the present
building, in order to give ample accommo
dation to tho fervent baud ot Christian
workers in ' this part of our city. The
building Is an old store, aud is the property
of the Delaware, Lackawanna and West
ern Coal company, nnd the addition now
being built is put' pp by the company,
U7liih nnn 9 ifc.iioltcia nil tlia mnA;..l TI.a
.. u.bu .iav . ... uiaua ... ,uo waLDl ink A 11 U
superintendent and school are very thauk-
f i . . i. i . : ,i . . . ,. .
iu. iu kuo Jtiuuuuaa UL jur. OLOITH, WUO SO
readily complied to tlia petition of the mis
TniNiTV Enolihii Lutheran Ciiukph
Adams avenue, cornor Mulberry street.
Ituv. b. L. Miller, pastor. Services will
be conducted nt 10.30 a. m. and7.U0 p. m.,
Dy 11. liranson idenards, rows are tree.
and visiting worshippers always welcome.
Ghai-k Exih.isii Lutheran Church
Rev. Foster U. Gift, pastor. Services on
Sunday at the Youug Men's Christian as
sociation at 10 30 a. in. and 7.30 p. m.
Sundny school at 11.30 a. m. Everybody
Gki:kn Riikih Baptist Church Services
at 10.:iD a. in. and "!''') p. m. Sermons by
tue pastor,
Jackson Street Baptist Church Tho
Washburn Street Presbytorinn church
unites with this church ugnin tomorrow.
I'ronrliuig Dy tlio pastor of the Jackson
Street Baptist church. Services at 10.30
and ti p. iu. The lnttor service for one
hour to (tivo timo to attend the tent sor
vico nt 7.30 p. m. All the singers of tho
churches of tho West Sido to moot this
Saturday evening for rohearsal for the
tent service at tho Jackson Street Baptist
churoh at 7.30.
Pknn Avenue Baptist Church Rov.
Ransom Harvey, of Gerinuntown, Phila
delphia, will preach morning nnd cvon
ing. Services nt 10.30 a. m. aud 7.30 p.
in. Biblo eidiool nt 2 p. m. Christian Eu
deavor meeting ut 0.30 o'ciock. A cordial
welcomu to any or all of tho sorvices.
Sr. David's Church The Rev. M. II.
Mill, rectur. Fourteenth Sunday after
Trinity. Morning prayer and sermon nt
10.30; evening prayer nt 7.30: Suudnv
school at 2.30. Seats free.
First Baptist Church rastor Collins
will preach Salilmth at 10.3) a. m. Text,
"A S mud of a Ooing Trough the Tons of
the Mulberry Trees." In tho evening tho
church will join in the union meetings in
the tout at tho corner of Price street aud
Mnin nvenuo.
Saint lukr's Church Rev. Rogers Is
rael rector. Fourteenth Sunday aftor Trin
ity; noly communion, a a. m.; sorvice and
sermon, 10.30 a. m.j Sunday school. -.30
p. m.; eveniug prayer, 7 p. m.
Saint Lukr's Duniiorr Mission Sun
dny school, 3 p. m.; evening prayer and
sormon, 4 p. m. Euv. Mr. Lewis, of Hones
dale, will ofllciato throughout the day.
Grkkn Kiixih Evangelical Church
Cnpnuso avonue, Rov. G. L. Mnico, pns-
tor, !--uuiiay scuool at O.uU a. m. ; K. L. U. L.,
0.45 p. m. Preaching service by the pas
tor at 10.30 a. in. aud 7.45 p. m. Strangers
always welcome.
Ftt'ci(tl roiTt'sjjuiifh'ife,
T.nvimv Ailfr 111 A imrliruiintif nvrr ..a.
turn is published showing tho value of
Episcopal church property In Wales as
siuce 1703.
From landed prop
erty $ir,i,c-;o
Titles. W3.735
Income from other
$1,130,505 ?0i!,SN5
.Total 81.107,450
Vested iu ecclesiastical commis
sions 42,915
Grand total $1,210,U5
Tho ancient endowments, Sl,130,5f.5, will
Dy tne disestablishment bill bo tnkon from
the church nud devoted to educational
and othor purposes. Progressive church
niun spenk favorably to the so
far as tho tithe, V) 735. is" concerned,
which is really tho bulk of the- sum, but
they object to the confiscation of tho
lauded property and othor sources of in
come which havo baen given for the pur
pose of assisting to promulgate certain
specific doctrines, to wit: thoso of tho Es
tablished church.
Thore nre cases whero tho clearest proof
can bo given thnt these benefactions, i. e.,
ancient endowments, were given to the
church to aid iu hor ministrations, and yet
by tho bill they will bo ruthlessly taken
away. Thero m o "two sides to a question,"
and tho framors of the bill have, no
doubt, overreached the bounds of discre
tion to pacify the noisy section of tho Lib
erationiHs. There are men, unfortunately,
whoso desire to disestablish the mother
church ariso from spite and hatred rather
than motives ot religious equality, and
probably there is some foundation for the
rumor somo time, ago tnat rather than at
tempt to meet thodemands of this section,
Mr. Uludstoue throw up office.
The Welsh champion brass baud contest
was hold at Swansea this weeic, tho result
being: First prize, Llanclly baud; second,
Morristown; third, Blauia; fou.'th, Abor
tillery. Eleven bands competed.
Mrs. Catherino Davies, of the Rose &
Crown hotel, Porthycawl, has been notified
of a fortune of $JU0,tWU left hr by an
American relative.
Mrs. Margaret Morris, wife of a collier
residing at North street, Forudalo, brought
au action for libel against tho pastor and
secretary of her ciiurch. Tho pastor's
daughter was married to tbo son of Mrs.
Morris and tho lutter eugnged in n family
fqimhblo with her daugiitur-in-law when
pupa-iu-law stepped iu and in tho capacity
of pastor ordered the church secretary to
affix the letter "D"to Mrs. Morris' name iu
tho church mombers' li-t, signifying that
she had been expelled. Mrs. Morris kicked
against this with tho result that the pas
tor and tho secretary paid (5 J each and
costs. Tho case is a most important one
as it bears strongly on the right of Welsh
pastors and deacons to coustituto them
selves into n star chamber upon the com
mercial tramuietions of their members.
There ought to be somo curtailment of
their authority, as instances have occurred,
fortunately rare, whore un autocratic
pastor hns ruined his church by tho ubuse
of powers with which ho is invested. .
The death is aunouncod of the famous
street preacher, David Davis, which oc
curred at Gateshead. Deceased was a
prominent figure in South Wales twenty
years ngo and created much excitement bv
bis oratory nud evangelistic work,
The bihop of SL Asnph is a most pug
nacious hustler inid has done more than
any other man to unite tho forcus of tho
Welsh church. Ho has mado himself tho
virtual leader of tho church iu Wales and
has led his hosts into nn avalanche of bit
ter criticism by his action ia persuading
the bouse of lords to reject tho Ruthin
grammar school scheme. The scheme bad
the npproval of the county council and the
house of commons, but was killed by the
lords. The bishop li.undered Ruthin will
be in the loss of a good school and the
house of lords have scored on the wroug
Inspector Protheroe has been promoted
to bo chief constable of Anglesoa. This is
almost tho Mist promotion from the
rauks. Hitherto gouty ex-oflicers of the
army on halt-pay wore appointed to give
the polico force an aristocratic odour.
Recent interesting weddings in South
Wales: At Cardiff, Reos Phillips (Evans &
Phillips, roal ostato ogmitj, Cadoxton) to
Miss Annie Marin, daughter of the late
Captain Hugh Llowollyn Francis, Llnnolly;
William Proctor Keward, of Fellbnrough,
Cardiff, to Miss Tolly Edwards, Clive cot
tago, Cardiff. At Dinas Fowls, Edward
Spencer, M. D., of Towington, to Miss
Blanche Mary Aloxnudor, of Dinas Powis.
At Ponnrth, Ernest Nicholls to Sophie
Kreiger, daughter of the German consul,
Cardiff. At Lhindiiff cathedral, Walter
Powell Williams to Mabel Geach, of Llan
daff. , Owen.
The first trial of Dr. Wood's Norway
Piue Syrup will satisfy anyone that tho
lung-healing virtue of the pine tree has
now beon refined into an effective and
convenient oough mrdioioo. Sold by all
dealers on a guarantee of satisfaction, j
The G:ntleman from the Fifth Hob Nobs with
a Live Crown Prince.
The Trip Over on the Lucania Re
plete with Incidents Some of Those
Who Contributed to the Gayety of
the Voyage Picturesque First View
of the Emerald Isle Other Features
of a Pleasant Itinerary.
Special Corresionfieiice.
Swansea, S. W., Aug. 10.
TO sucli a state of perfection has
mechanical skill aud nautical
science brought the inter-com-munieiition
between the old
and new world at the present dav.
thntatripacross the Atlantic is thought
no more ot by those who are consider
ed wealthy tliau would be a journey to
New York by the average Serantonian.
However, to one whose dollars are not
us numerous as the sands of the sea
and who, if be strikes terra Anna once
again iu that city that is known the
world over for beiiw the home of the
Tammany tiger, will bless old Nep for
having preserved him from being a
source of nutriment for that species of
the linny tribe that produces so much
Done, it is, indeed, atrip that is attend
ed with considerable pleasure and ex
citement. The excitable throng which irathered
at the pier to bid friends adieu, the
muscular porters who are gathering
trunks aud boxes of all descriptions
and designs, the huge dimensions of
the vessel that is to be your home for
the next six or seven 'days, and the
misy seamen wiio are running to and
fro putting the last touches on her be
fore she starts out on a voyage that is
ns uncertain as is tno voyage ot lire,
all go to produce a feeling that words
are unable to describe.
It was my good fortune to be one of
the eighteen hundred souls that were
aboard the steamer Lucania when sho
sailed from Pier 40, North river, on
the twetity-eignt day ot last month
The rtuy was perfect. Old Sol never
shone brighter. Amidst the tooting of
whistles and the thousand cries of
"lion voyage! " we steamed down the
buy nnd started on a iourney that for
six days at least, perhaps forever who
on board could tell? would cut us
oil from all communication with the
busy world.
Jollity and mirth, however, reigned
supreme. Perhaps there were a few
who east one longing, lingering look
behind as they thought of the dangers
of the mighty deep and heaved a sigh
when there passed before tlieiu faces of
dear ones that had been lelt behind.
Hut this (piiekly lied and each one
seemed on one common purpose bent,
that being to getas inucii pleasure and
eiimymeut out ol tne trip as possible.
Among the prominent people on
hoard probably the best known were
II. (J. brick, or the Luruegie .steel com'
puny ; ex-Mayor Urace and family, of
Mew l ork; iiidwai'd htokes and i'ercy
A. Pyne, of the same city. The llrst
two days are spent in forming ac
(uaintances and after that everybody
knows everyone else and each one adds
his mite toward lessening what other
wise might lie a monotonous voyage.
We were fortunate in having several
good vocalists and elocutionists with
us, who aided us very materially iu
helping pass trie time.
From our city we had T. II. Jones,
the genial treasurer of the poor board
who at once became a favorite, and
many an hour sped rapidly by while
Tom was explaining the geological
conditions of the coal strata in the
Keystone state. Rev. W. S. Jones,
niistor of the First Welsh Rantist
church, was also a passenger, and his
knowledge ot literature and literary
characters made him a very interesting
conipauion. We also had a real live
prince with us. He was the sou of
King Arssuah, of the Vei people, in
Africa, and had been to America to be
educated. He spoke r;nglisli very ilu
ently and was the center of attraction
during the entire trip.
It is hard I v possible lor one who hat
not crossed the Atlantic to conceive of
the proportions of these mighty ves
sels. They are in reality floating ho
tels. Tlio Lucania Is OHO feet long,
She has a registered tonnage of 12,000
pounds, carries provisions enough to
feed il.oOO people tor three weeks, con
sumes -hiO tons of coal a day, and on
this last trip when wo left New York
she had 1,000 cases of beer and ale, to
say nothing of the spirits and wines,
and on the following lliursday night,
before we reached (Jueenstown, the bar
looked as though the Rev. Mr. l)ony
was trying to euiorce nis Kundayob
sei'Viiujco law on the deep, for not a
drink was in sight. Everything was
The weather was more than could
be expected, not au hour's rain from
the timo we started until we lauded
and the sea, with the exception of one
night, was as calm as a null pond,
On Friday niorniug we sighted the
lieuutilul coast ot Ireland aud It was,
indeed, a sight never to be lorgotteu
Tlio green hills in the distance and the
pretty httlo farms that lay inter
mingled among them, but which could
be seen very plainly by the aid of a
marine glass, made one think that it
was one of tho fairest spots on earth,
especially if you had not seen laud for
nearly a week 15y noon we were at
Queenstown, nt which place we land
ed four hundred of our passengers and
fifteen hundred bags of mail. Before
midnight we were in the Mersey and
within sight of Liverpool, but did not
succeed in getting landed until Satur
day morning.
The trip from the start to the finish
was ono of pleasure and enjoyment and
not one on board could be heard to ex
press dissatisfaction with the ollicers
or crew. It would not surprise me iu
the least to hear any moment of the
good vessel having gone to the '.jttom
for when I left her she was showered
with thanks, praise, and congratula
tions for having landed us safely, the
combined weight of which must cer
tainly exceeded her registered tonnage.
After having our baggage Inspected we
parted going iu all directions some to
China, others lo India, Africa, Rome,
Paris and London, the coal baron and
myself coming down Into little Wales
to rest up among the hills and vales
before su.rting for the continent.
On Sunday next we are to have the
Jleasure of hearing the Revs. Fred and
ohn Evans of America. They are to
be assisted by their two brothers, all of
whom willpreaeb in this city.
Revised Official Programme
Laurel Hill Park
Sept 6 and 7, 1894.
1, Mendelssohn's "Hunting Song," for
C'huirs not to 'exi-eeil 111 in DiimW.
Published by Ditson 1600
3. 'MUoru" (Mozart), for Cathollo Churoh
iii oils, not to exi.-eed tt) in number
nnd not less than 2Ti In numlmr 2nfl
a "Zampa Overture," liy Herold, for
orasi aim reed bands, not to oxceed 35
pioces ami
4. "Star Spangled Biinner," lor publio
scuool vuoirs not 10 oxceea tu la num
ber. No scholar over 111 years ot ane
to participate In this contest, and ths
leadursor conductors ot the various
choruses must be teachers or scholars
ot tho various schools the contesting
choirs represent ,,, 7J
And u Oold Medal to the leader.
5. "Tho Martyrs of thsArona," for mala
parties not to exceed 40 and not less
than x'.'i in number, with Quartet 1SQ
0. "Woldinoriten," a German (lee, by
not'iuer, iur uoriuan parties noc less
than ID and not over 2o lu number 10(1
7. "lho Bridal of the Birds" aud "My
xiuoijovu nam my neari, nolo se
lections published by Novollo. For
female parties nut to exceed 00 In num
ber and not less than it) 100
8. Double Quartet, "Tho Sea Hattt Its
i'oarls," boprauo, Alto, Tenor and
liass. Pinsuttl. Published bv Novollo. id
0. Quartet, "Madeline," by J. U RoeckeL
Dituou is Co.. publishers ff)
10. Duet, "The Two Hards (Y Ddau Awen
vdd). by Parsou Price Ill
1L soprano, "The Promised Land," by
i-iiui Kouney, in a i wu noozy, pub
lisher. New York 13
12. Contralto, "Guard My Boloved One,"
ny AtiKeio Macneroui. Boozy A Co.,
Now York 12
13. Baritone, "Toreador," by Bizott. Dlt
son & Co., publishers ., 13
14. Tenor, "Orpheus and His Lute," in B
nut, uy oir Armur uuivaa. ouaw
Philadelph-a, publisher IS
15. Cornot Solo, "lho Secret." hv Hazel.. 13
111, "The Wnndoror," by Schubert, bass
sdio irom staimuru son xs, lor bass
17, English oration on "Daniel Wobator."
Timo, fifteen minutes 2
18, Welsh Kecitation, "C'araotacus' Solil
oquy," by mr. John H. fowoll, Scran
ton. Mr. Powell will also aot as ad ju-
dicator ou this collection Ia
19. A Special J'rl.e of SlOO, and gold
ineuai to leaner, is to do awaruea tor
tho best rendition of "Hallelujah
I'horus," by brass and reed bands.nuin
boring not loss than 18 aud not over
Si pieces. Carl Fischer arrangement.
1. That the adjudicators are authorized ia
divide prizes where merit be equal, and to
withhold prizes where merit be insufficient.
z. That the committeo shall have power to
nominate other adjudicators Instead of any
who may oe uicapacuateu oy illness orotner
unforsoen causes.
;1. i rotestj concerning any decision or any
com petition, shall not be made at anv of tha
sessions of tho festival, but shall be for
warded in writing to tho secretary at the time
the alleged cause arises.
4. Should only ONE choir or band enter In
Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4, tho competition shall be
withdrawn. In the choral competitions and
the male and female competitions the accom
paniment shall be limited to tho piano, the
American organ, or both. Choirs and parties
may provide tlieir own accompanists.
5. The double quartette, tho uu
nay proviuu uioir own accompanists.
5. The double quartette, the quartette,
duet, and nia'e and to male solos and the cor
net silo will use the piano forte only.
(I. Should any choir sing out of tune, the
prize will bo awarded to tho choir giving the
most intelligent rendition. This rule applies
only to the chief choral selection.
7. Choirs and competitors (vocal and Instru
mental) must send thoir names to the secre
tary on or before August 20, 18111.
8. If neossury.competitors will be expected
to ntt'-nd preliminary contests.
H. Tho coiumitt 'e reserve! the right, should
circumstances make it necessary, to hold
minor contents iu any hall that can be secured
for Bili'li purpose.
10. Tho fettival will be held on the days
advertised, but in case tho work will be more
tliau can be accomplished ou these days1
sessions to terminate the work will be held
on Saturday, Sept. n, IkH.
- -I
For nearly fifty years this wonderful rem
dy has proved itself tho best, quickest, ea
;st aud surest antidote for pain in t be world.
liable and effectual becanso of the stimulat
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mil inciting to renewod and Increased vigor
the slumbering vitality of the physical struc
ture, aud through this healthful stimulation
ind increased action tho cause ot the PAIN
Is drivon away and a natural condition re
tored. It is thus that the READY RFXIBP
s so admirably adapted for tho CORK OP
PAIN and without tho risk of injury which
Is euro to result from the use of many of the
so-called pain remedies of the day.
In using medicines to stop pain we should
ivoid such as indict injury on the system.
Opium, Morphine, Ether.Oocaine and Chloral
top pain by destroying the sense of percep
tion, when the patient loses the power ot
feeling. This ia tho most destructive prac
tice; it masks the symptoms, shuts up, and.
lu stead of removing trouble, breaks down
the sttmach, liver and bowels, and, if con
tinued for a length of time, kills the nerve
and produces local or general paralysis.
There is no necessity for using these un
cortaln scants, when a positive remedy like
HAD WAY'S READY RELIEF will stop tha
most excruciating pain quicker, without en
tailing the least dialculty in either infant ot
Summer Complaints
Dysentery, Diarrhea,
Cholera Morbus.
A half to a teaspoonfal ot Ready Relief In
a half tumbler of water, repeated as often
as tho discharges continue, and a flannel sat-'
urated with Ready Relief placed over tha
stomach and bowels, will afford Immediate
rolief and coon effect a cure.
A half to a teaspoonful In half s tumbler of
water will in a fow minutes cars Cramps,
Spasms, Sour Stomach, Heartburn, Nerroun
noas, Sleeplessness. Sick Headache, Diarrhea,
Dysentery, Colic, Flatulency and all internal
Not only cures the patient solzed with this
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If peoplo exp osivi to It will every morning,
ou getting out of bed, take twenty or thirty,
drops of tho Ready Rolief in water, and tat,
say, a cracker, they will esoape attacks. This
must be done before going out
Thore is not a remedial agent in the world
that will cure Fever and Ague and all other
Malarious, Billons aided j BAUWY'fl
P LLS, so quick as RAD WAY'S KB ADj
SOc. Per Bottle. Sold by Druaoists.
The Great Liver and Stomach Hj
For the cure of all disorders of the Stomach,
Ltver, Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder, Nervosa
Diboases, Losi of Appetite, Heads cha, Cos
tivenoss, Indigestion, Biliousness, Ferer, In
flammation of tne Bowels, Plloj and all other
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or deleterious drugs
Price, 25 cents per box. Sold by ail drug
gists. ' '
Dr. Railway's Pills are a oure for this com
plaint. They restore strength to the stomaoh
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nymptoms of Dysptnsla disappear, and with
thorn the liability of the By stum to contract
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and True." respecting diet
t9 Send a letter stamp to DR. RADWAT
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nd True "