The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 25, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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134 Wyoming Aye.
We will show you what
you want.
And always have
Good Bread.
The Jeston ill Co,
Punch Cigars
G.. B. & Co.,
Garney, Brown & Co. Mfr'B.
COtltl UOUhb bUUAKK.
DR. H. B. WARE will be
in his office on and' after
the first week in Septem
ber. SOUTH side.
UIii Mary Ellen Burks Surprised on Ear
Seventeenth Birthday.
Last night the home of Mr. and Mrs.
John J. Burke, of 1518 Pittston avenue,
whs invaded by several of the young
friends of Miss Burke, and a good time
enjoyed until morning. It was the oc
casion of the seventeenth anniversary
of the birthday of Miss Mary Ellen
Bnrke, and it was appropriately ob
served by a party of ber young friends.
McDonald's orchestra furnished the
ruusio. Those who attended are as
Misses Maggie Reilly, Katie Hughes,
Maine Gaftnoy, Maggie Lot tus, Annie Lot
tos, Katie McCann, Lizzie Coyne, Hannah
Oninn, Mary O'Hara, Mary Tonney,
Bridget Burke, Lizzie Coyne, Agnes Coyne,
Lizzie Cook, Maggie O'Hara, Bridget Tif
fey, Nellie Sullivan, Lida Hurley, Katie
Eean, Aggie CoBtigau, Nellie Kennedy, Win
nie Kennedy. Thoa. Hughes, John Hughes,
Timothy Finnegan, Joim Judge, Thomas
Gannon, Harry Garlick, William Smith,
William Ferris, James Bnrron, Michael
Burn. Willie Frantz, John Devaney,
Petri tan, Joseph PoltFrankGavan,
Aw derrick, Edward Kennedy. Pat
rio tus. William Dolan, John Malloy,
Fr.. Dowd, Patrick Flaherty, George
Graham, Jauies Dwyer, Thomas A. Dona
Mrs. Henry Legh died at her home at
Cedar avenue aud Alder street Thursday,
aged ai years. The funeral will take placa
on Sunday at 2o'clack.
Miss Jenuie O'Boyle, of Archbald, the
guest of her cousin, Miss Tessie Gibbons,
of Pittston avenue, for the past two weeks,
returned home yesterday.
C. W. Westpfahl, Fred Erhart aud
Jacob JIantz will leave on Monday for
Erie to attend the state oamp of tbe
Patriotic Order Sons of America.
Mrs. Michael Higgins, of Elm street, died
yesterday morning at an early hour after
a long illness. Arrangements for the
funeral had not been made last night.
The picnic of Carpenter! nnion, No. 563,
of the West Side, at Central park yester
day afternoon aud evening was well at
tended. P. J. McGuire, j.f Binghamton,
delivered an address on e labor question,
and his remarks were well received.
Tomorrow arternoon at the South Side
Yonng Women's Christian associat ion Miss
Anna Krebs will address the young ladies
of tbe association on the general topics of
Christianity. Afterwards a song service
lasting fifteen minutes will be held and all
young ladies will be invited to attend.
The new Neptune steamer met with an
accident Thursday nigtit at the fire in
Minooka through the amount of sediment
in the water plug to which it was attached.
When the engine steamed up and started
a stream on the flume, it was Been that the
water pipti were filled with Binall stones,
pieces of wood and other obstructions.
Yesterday afternoon the members of tbe
company took tbe engine apart and re
moved the stuff that had collected in tbe
valves and the engine Is again in shape (or
active work.
Delays Are Dangerous,
So commence at once and get one of the
8 Bios', bargaius.
Mimeographs and neostyles for dupli
cating and copying.
Pratt's Book Stork.
We are clearing out the whole of our
stock of fine etchings. Chicago Art Co.,
127 Penn avenue.
When Bo Many people are taking and
deriving benefit from Hood's Sarsaparilla,
why don't you try it yourself f It will
build you up. Hood's Sarsaparilla will
make yon strong.
Hood's Fills cure nausea, sick headache
indigestion, biliousness. Try a box.
1 1
1 Foe to Dyspepsia
Banged Himself In Bis Bam Id th3 ha of
treaker Street
Had Eeen in Scranton Late in the Af
ternoonHe Returned Home and
at 7.30 Went to His Barn Where
He Ended His Life with the Assist
ance of a Piece of Rope.
Georgo W. Sisco, cRrpsnter, of 510
Breukor street, committed snicido by
hanging hiinBolf last night in a bnru
behind "his residence.
Deceased had been to Scranton late
in tbe afternoon and had paid bis tuxes
and whs seen about the house until
about 7 30 p. in., when his family
thought that he was in the basement,
where bo kept some of his tools and
did some of his carpentering work.
At tbe time be committed the fatal
aet, his sou was chopping slicks in tbe
yard nearby, and heard no unusual
noise. At 0.15 be went to feed the
horses in tbe barn and saw hiB father
apparently standing on a bos. lis
spoke to him and, receiving no reply
went nearer, and, upon touching him,
found that he was suspended.
He gave the alarm and his brother-in-law
ran and cut down the body,
which was warm at tbe time, but it
was soon evident that life was eztinot.
Mr. Sisco was about 60 years of age
and leavssawidow and four chilJren,
viz., Mrs. Hemlock. Mrs. Henry
Realty, Burt Sisco and Grace Sisoo,
be yonngost daughter. He acted as a
special officer, at one time was con
stable of the Second ward and last year
acted as watchman at tbe base ball
He owns the substantial dwelling in
which be resided on Breaker street, as
well as a farm of moderate extent.
No cause can be assigued for the
deed, as the family declare that to
their knowledge tbe deceased was not
involved in any difficulties, finaneialor
otherwise. A rumor spread last even
iug that be had recently been addicted
to drink, but it is impossible that bis
mind was unhinged from that cause as be
was known to be sober yesterday. Tbe
rops used in the fearful act was a thin
hemp rope fastened to the cross-bars
on tbe ceiling, about ten feet from the
floor, with a running noose, which he
affixed round his neck and then sliding
from a box gave bimself an eleven-foot
drop, which strangled him. Coroner
Kelley will hold on inquest this morn
ing. Mr. Sisco wag a member of Post 130,
Grand Army of the Republic, and
Lodge 833, of tbe Independent Order of
Odd Fellows.
Street CcmmUolouor Kirst says Stmts
Will Be Properly Bepaired.
The numerous complaints of late regard
ing the condition of tbe Central city street
aud the fears often expressed that they
will not be properly repaired by the com
panies which have torn them up, prompted
a Trihl'XE reporter to interrogate Street
Commissioner Kirst on the subject.
That gentleman stuted tbat he wished
The Tkibone to aseure the people of
Scranton that tho streets will be placed In
as good n condition as they were before
the street car uud steam heating compa
nies began their operations.
"Before I would grant a permit to the
street car company," said Mr. Kirst, "I
demanded a cash deposit of $6,(100 as a
guarantee that they would repair the torn
up portions of the street to my satis fac
tion. The asphalt company has assumed
the responsibility of the steam heating
company's repairs, this arrangement hav
ing been made on account of tbe fact that
tbe asphalt company must keep in repair
for several years yet the pavement ou
many of tbe streets traversed by the com
pany's pipes. We have the bond of the
asphalt company for a faithful perform
ance of this duty. The law says that re
pairs to pavements must be doue to the
satisfaction of the street commissioner. I
have their money, and if they don't do the
repairing I will at their expense."
A Tbiaf Eeturni That Part of the Booty
for Which Ha Hat No Use. v
The satchel which was stolen from Mrs.N
Owens, of Ninth street, while she was
shopping in the Fashion was yesterday
A party who was entering the Trailers'
Bank building yesterday afternoon found a
satchel lying in the hallway, and as no one
about claimed ownership he turned it over
to Chief Simpson.
It is believed that the thief placed the
satchel there with the intentiou that it
should fall into the hands of the police.
An examination of tbe satchel disclosed its
ownership. The pocketbook which Mrs.
Owens says was contained in the satchel is
missing. No clue to the thief can be
Commander of the Commonweal Army
Writes a Litter.
T. J. Walsh, the secretary of the com
mittee having in chnrgo the demonstration
at Mountain i ark on Labor Day, has re
ceived the following letter from General
Coxey :
MAbSll.LON, O., Aug. 20.
T. F. Walsh:
Dear Sir Your letter of Aug. 15 re
ceived, and will advise you that I will be
nt Mountain park by 10 a. m., Sept. 1,
1891, to deliver an address, so that I can
leave on the 5 p. m. train. Hope you will
make all the arrangements to suit to let
me get away by that time, as I am billed
to speak in Springfield, Mo., on Monday,
Bept. 3. Yours truly, J. S. Coxey.
Produced by a Good Company at the
, Frothlngham.
Tho regular amusement season opened
at tbe Frothlngham last night with tbe
production of "Hoss aud Hoss" before a
large audience.
Since last seen in this city many changes
have been made in the details of the skit
although the original outlines romHiu. A
good company, headed by Jacques Kruger,
interpreted the various roles last night
and gave a very enjoyable performance.
The character of Maggie Brody, the
Bowery girl, waa overdone and can be
moderated with benefit to the perform
It Will Be Conducted on Tuesday by the
Tuesday's excursion to Glen Onoko will
be a most enjoyable affair. It will be con
ducted by the Heptasophs, who are leaving
nothing undone to Insure the entertain
ment of tboso who attend.
Bauer's band will furnish dance mnslo
and give a concert on tbe pavilion at the
glen from 2 until 3 o'clock in the afternoon.
There will be a caterer on the train and
Those Who Are Entitled to Them in
the First Dlstriot
Mine Inspector Bodorick has received
from Harrisburg certificates for those who
passed the recent mine foreman's and
assistant foreman's examination at Car
bondale. Their names are.
Foremen Peter Plnkney, W. C. Noyle,
D. M. Jones, S. J. Jennings, W. H. Jenk
ins, L. M. Evans, John F. Lynch, David
C. Evans, Andrew Kennedy, John J.
Walsb, J. A Kearney and M. M. Hughes.
Assistant Mine Foremen Edward Ev
aus, jr., Thomas P. Laliy, A. D. Richards,
Reuben Morgan, Uoucer Parry, W. A.
Hodgson, W. J. Kigharda, Andrew Nichols,
W, J. Williams, J. F. Moot. James Clark,
1). J. ilorgau, Absalom G. Jones, Morgan
Morgan, Chris Cambell, Thomas G. Ed
wards, George Barron, Luther Edwards
and W. H. Chapman.
Interment Made In the Forest Bill
Yesterday afternoon, the funeral of
Sarah C, wife of W. H. Rowe took
place, the services being held at the
Penn Avenue Baptist church. Rev.
Dr. D. C. Hughes preached, and tho
church quartette sang.
Mrs. Rowe was tho daughtorof Mr.
and Mrs. Burtley Cruwn, and was a
member of the Penu Avenue church.
She bad baon an invalid for throe years,
and bad suffered much. She wss 30
years old, and leaves two children.
Interment took plaee at Forest Hill
Conferanoe Concerning- the Narrowing
of School Streit
A committee comprising Councii
tueu Golden, Norris and Battle, met
School Superintendent Harvoy yester
day at No. 25 sobool with reference o
the encroachment upon School street
caused by the building of the new
boundary wall.
In an interview with a Tribune re
porter Mr. Golden explained tbat be
had received several complaints from
indignant citizens at the action of the
school authorities who were narrow
ing School street by five feet. He was
determined, be rtuiurkud, that he
would not allow such a (treat change
in the street to take placp, inasmuch
as there would be but sufficient space
left for a sidewalk.
Mrs. Wado Finn and Miss Marion Bloom
are at Asbury Park.
Mrs. E. A. Fuller, of Green Ridge, is at
Dowusville, N. Y.
Miss Anna Humphry is spending a vaca
tion at Lake Winola.
Misss Mame Charleswortb. of Marion
street, is at Lake Ueury.
Miss Emma Brundugo, of Dickson ave
nue, is visiting at Lake Ariel.
C. II. Pond and family, of Green Ridge,
are enjoying a vacation at Preston park.
G. A. Clearwater, of MonBey avenue, is
spending his vacation at Avon-by-the-sen.
Misses Katie and Mazie Da vie, of Ca
pous avenue, are at Martbu's Vineyard.
MIsb Kate Thornton, of West Market
street, is spending two weeks at Pittston,
Mrs. Frank Wolsh and Miss WelBh have
returned after a three weeks' visit at Nor
ristown. M, ('. Carr, of Green Ridge, is entertain
ing Mr. and Mrs. LaBnrr, of Hacketts
town, N. J.
Mrs. Caroline V. Dorsey, teacher at the
Indiana State Normal school, is visiting
her parents on Delaware street.
M. i). Cashmore, of Philadelphia, gen
oral secretary A. O. O. Foresters, will visit
the local courts during the forthcoming
Mrs. Pellet, of Cahouse avenue, is enter
taining her mother, Mrs. McClell, and her
sister, Mrs. Poih, of Pbillipsburg. Gordon
Pellet, of New York, is also at his paternal
Rev. W. J. I and Mrs. Ford have re
turned from their wedding tour, and will
commence housekeeping on Monsey
avenue. Mr. Ford will resnmo duties at
the Green Ridge Baptist church tomor
row. Ivor Jones, of Wayne avenue, was taken
to the Lackawanna hospital yesterday suf
fering from typhoid fever. Jones has been
suffering f rem pneumonia for a conple of
weeks and yesterday symptoms of typhoid
developed and it was deemed advisable for
the purpose of isolation to remove him to
the hospital.
Lieutenant Spellman and Special Officer
A. K. Detweilor effected a raid upon the
old barracks, corner of Oak street and
North Main avenue, lust evening. About
9.30 verv boisterous sounds were heard
and complaints were made by the neigh
bors, with the result that the two officers
effected an entry and found drunken peo
ple. They ui rested a man and woman.
The Excelsior Hose company is drilling
every evening at St. Mary's ball, in view
of their appearance at the Biughamton
firemen's parade on Thursday. The ex
cursion to the Parlor City will be patron
ized by a large number of North End resi
dents and other f rionds of tbe Excolsior
boys. The Lawrence band will accompany
the Excelsiors and take part in the parade.
New uniforms have been ordered for the
parade and the smart appearance of tho
boys both in tbe maneuvers aud in their
general military bearing, has culled forth
the plaudits of their friends.
V. W. C. A. NOTcS.
Miss S. C. Krigbnum will lead the half
hour service to be held in tbo Young
Women's Christinu association rooms to
morrow at 3.45 p. m. Short talks upon
the subject "Words," and singing of a
varied chnracter, will make the service
attractive. A cordial invitation is ex
tended all young women.
The Dickson Banjo, Guitar and Man
dolin club will render a very pleasing pro
gramme at tbe social to be held in the
Youpg Women's Christian association, 205
Washington avenue, Tuesday evening,
Aug. 'J8. A hearty welcomo is assured all
who attend.
At Limel Hill Park Sunday.
Kev. John Jasper, D. D., I L. D., of
Richnidii.Va., tho noted colorod preacher,
will bo o:-.o of the speaker at tho colorod
camp melius ut Laurel Hill park tomor
row. Hie subject will be "Ti.o Sun Do
Move." The jubilee singeiswill also as
sist at the exercises.
Ecran ton's Business Interests.
The Tkiiiune will soon publish a caro
fully compiled and classified list of the
leading wholesale, banking, manufactur
ing and professional interests of Scranton
aud vicinity. The editiou will be bound
in book form, beautifully illustrated with
photogravure views of our public build
ings, business blocks, streets, etc., together
with portraits of loading citizens. No
similar work has ever given an equal rep
resentation of Scrauton's many indus
tries. It will be an invaluable exposition
of our business resources. bent to
persons outside tbe city, copies of
this handsome work will attract
new comers and be an unequalled
advertisement of the city. The circu
lation is on a plan that cannot fail of good
results to those concerned as well as the city
at large. Representatives of The Tribune
will call upon tuose whose names
are desired iu this edition and explaiu
its nature more fully.
Those desiring viows of their residences
in this edition will please have notice at
the office.
Bucklen's Arnloa Salve.
The best salve in the world for Cuts
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever
Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, chliblalus,
Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It
Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction
or money refunded. Price US cents per
box. For tale by Matthews Bros.
Billhooks, memorandums, time books
and blank books, In stock or made to or
der. Pratt's Book Store.
Muslo Boxes Exclusively.
Best made. Play any desired number of
tunes. Gautscbl & Sons., manufacturer!,
1030 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Won
derful orchestrial organs, only to and $10.
Specialty! Old musio boxes carefully re
faired and improved with new tunes.
Tout for tbe Mocdy Meetings Das Been Raised
oq North Main Avenue,
Those Who Are Assisting Him-Ex-ercises
Will Begin Tomorrow After
noonFuneral of Mrs. W. H. Rowe,
of Schnell Place Nine More Candi
dates for the Chain Gang Meeting
Monday Evening to Discuss Viaduct
Question. '
The large tent for holdiug the Moody
meetings in was raised yesterday
afternoon on the properties of II. M.
Edwards aud J. Alton Daviea on
North Main avenue. The tent measurt g
80 by 120 feet, aud will seat nearly
2,000 people. The work was done
under tbe direction of Mr. Bliss, who
will conduct the evangelical work in
this section. Tho seats are inado of
canvas and will be placed in circular
form within the touts. The meetings
iu the various ehurobes this week have
been tbe moans of evoking a great in
terest in the affair and the attendance
will be very large.
Among tbe most prominent workers
besides tbe stuff of Mr. Bliss are: Rev.
D. VV. Skelliuger, Rev. L. C. Floyd.
Rev; D. C. Hughe, Rev. A. W. Cooper,
William B. Owen. William Lull, A.
B. Eynon. D. E. Hughes. Ellas E.
Evans, Minor WorJen and D. W. Mor
gan. The exercises will begin tomor
row afternoon, and tbe singers of the
various West Side churches are re
quested to meet this evening at 7.80
o'clock in the tent for rehearsal. It is
supposed tbat the meeting will be con
fined for about two wki.
Gomor Bower, of Mears' cash store, has
returned from Ocean Grove.
Mrs. J. E. Kern, of Scrauton street, is
convalescing after a severe illness.
Miss Gertie Woolba, of Lafayette street,
is visiting friends at Mount Pocono.
Lew Davis, of North Rebecca avenue, is
spending a week's vacation at Lake Ariel.
Bert Banning of North Lincoln avenue,
left yesterday morning to visit Great
Louis A. Howell, of Washburn street,
has returned from' a sojourn at Lake
Misses Annie Clomons, Carrie Jones and
Jennie Harris are at Thelma cottage. Lake
Miss Lillian Reynolds, of South Sumner
avenue, has returned from Susquehanna
Miss Edna Stevens, of North Sumner
avenue, was amoug friends iu Taylor yes
terday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shedd, of North
Sumner avenue, are visiting friends at
Miss Augusta Morgan, of Hoiser &
Warnke's, is;sponding her vacation at
Mrs. George RogesB, of Buffalo, has re
turned from a visit with Mrs. J. J. Ziu
tell, of Tenth street.
Mrs. Charles Bush and children, of 113
South Sumner avenue, left yesterday on a
visit to Junction, N. J.
The Misses Dora and Edith Jenkins, of
Danville, are visiting at the home of Wil
liam V. Griffiths on North Sumner avenue.
Misses Cora Butcbee, of North Lincoln
avenue, and Mattie Batt, of Division
street, will spend the Sabbath at Lake
The singers of the West Side churches
are requested to meet at the tent on North
Main avenue at 7.30 o'clock this eveuiug
for rehearsal.
George Schoen, of North Lincoln avenue,
and Will D. Griffiths, of North Summer
avenue, will spend Sunday with friends
at Lake Winola.
Lll'.ie and Gertie Woisenfluh, daughters
of adrew Weisenflub, of Chestnut streot,
hae returned home after a three weeks'
visit in Monroe county,
Tho funeral of Mrs. W. H. Rowe. of
Schuell's court, was largely attended yes
terday afternoon from the family home,
lutermcnt was made in Forest Hill cem
etery. Mrs. Clnrence Davison, of Princess Bay,
and Mrs. Burt Uliot, of Thornhurst, who
were visiting Mr. and Mrs. William liable,
of South Garfield avenue, returned home
Miss Gwladys Joseph, of South Hyde
Park avenue, left yoaterday for a sojourn
of ten days at Watervillo, N. Y. Mis Jo
seph was accompanied by Miss Williams,
of the latter place.
The Republican league of the West Side,
held a meeting in its rooms last evening.
Dr. W, A. Paine presided. Mnny import
ant matters were discussed, among them
preparations for tho coming campaign.
Nine tramps were arrested at an early
hour yesterday morning by Officer Marker
and squad ou tho West Side. The men
wore taken before the mayor and will
probably be used to swell tho membership
of tbe chnin gang.
The members of the Plymouth Congre
gational church picnicked at Laurel Hill
park yesterday. Fivo car loads of young
people lott the corner of Main avenue aud
Jackson street at 0 o'clock, aud a ploasaut
day was spent iu the park.
The special committee appointed by the
West Side board of trade to arrange for a
public meeting for the discussion of means
to secure a viaduct over the Delaware,
Lackawauna aud Western tracks ou West
Lackawanna avenue, has decided to hold
it ou Monday evening in St. David's hall.
All citizens who any iutorest in the
mattor are urgently requested to bo
The funeral of tbe late William II. Ellis,
wbo died on Tuesday afternoon', occurred
yesterday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock, front
his lute home ou Swetlaud street. Impres
sive services were conducted by Rev. W.
8. Jones, pastor of tbe First Welsh Baptist
church. Lodge No. 6,181 Ancient Order
Foresters of America, and th ' -jiid
Mines Accidental fuud, of wbicl .v. Ellis
was a member, were in attendance. Tho
"We are prepared to furnish all
kinds of School Books aud School
Supplies at short notice.
We always have iu stock a com
plete line of Blank Books, Sta
tionery end Office Supplies.
Wall Paper, Window Shades
Pictures and Frames.
5 No better spoons are made S
5 tban those of Wm, Rogers'
B Manufacturing Co. They E
B were never told at this prioe B
g before. Buy now B
g TEA SPOONS 50o. FOR 6.
fReifordJewelryCa.udk f
former organization was marshaled by
William Morley and the latter by Chris
topher Robertson. Among the handsome
array ot floral tributes was a pillow, two
buskets and several casket bouquets. In
terment was made in the Washburu Street
cemetery. Tho pall bearers were: From
the lodge, Arthur Lewis, William T.
James, Jonah Redman; from the fund,
Andrew Robertson, D. II. Lewis and John
They Are All Invited.
All railroad men are invited to attond
tbe conversational Bible class services,
which begin nt 3.45 o'clock Sunday after
noon. Remember the place is in the Rail
road Department, Young Men's Christian
association, 55 Lackawuuua avenue, where
you will be welcomed.
Mkn's $2.00 shoes will bo sold tomorrow
for el.ftu at the 6 Bros., 008 Lackawanna
GnocEiis and butchers' pass books.
Pratt's Book Stoke.
City and Sohool Taxes, 1804.
The cily and school tax duplicates for
the year 1804 are now iu my bauds for
collection. Persons wishing to pay can do
so now, or any person requiring state
ments of taxes by giving ward aud loca
tion of proporty will be promptly
R. G. Buooks, City Treasurer.
Municipal building, Washington avenuo.
Office hours from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m., ex
cept Satuurday, this office will be closed
at noon.
Eat Buead mado from Pillabury's Best
and be healthy.
Wood, bamboo and braiss casein,
Pkatt's Book Store.
Import Samples mean 20
per cent, less than import
No two pieces alike.
Flower Vases, Jarden
ieres, Plates, Chocolate and
Tea Pots, &c.
To secure REAL BAR
GAINS, come at once.
116 Wyoming Ave.
New Store,
New Goods,
New Styles,
New Prices.
Your New
Fall Dunlap
Will be here bright and early NEXT
September 1st.
We Already Have
A beautiful line of oth?r makes of
Fall Hats at different prices.
FALL NECKWEAH will bo in
full bloom iu a few days.
Christian, Tie Hatter
4t2 SIMtl'CK ST. and
1!03 liACRA. AVEXUU.
Our line of Groceries is
complete and you can
rely on them being the
If you want a delicious,
high-flavored TEA, try
our New Crop JAPAN
for 50c; worth 75c.
You fotaed Them
And a visit to Martin & Delany's will be
wilder you at their immense stock of thin
goods. Just the stuff to keep you cool.
Our novelty in
Nobby, Long-cut, Double-breast Blue and
black berge Coat.
Custom Tailors and Clothiers,
We Have
308 Lacka. Ave.
mm 2
I 45 dozen Ladies' White Embroidered 4( fan to 5
I Handkerchiefs, value 25c, for . . UOlllo s
I 50 dozen Children's School Eandker- 1
" WiU Hiuva bVll1 su uuiucia. v I 'on 10
value 5 and 10 cents, for .... 0 wCillo
s 35 dozen Ladies' Hemstitched Handker- R fimfci I
chiefs, value 10 cents, for - - - - " Will ID
A new line of Chemisettes just received. j
Scientific Eye
For Fall Wear
305 Lackawanna Ave.
It'3 a Great Shock
to the folks who are claiming thoy undersell
ill others to And that without the least tuss
at blnntor we aro uiving cUbtomrrs the boa
Ot ot such opportunities w theoe.
A Strictly High Grade Llght-welghf
Wlisel, 1894 pattern, fur 8)110 uh.
1H3 patters, SI 90 Wheel, for 875.
1H01 pttrn, 9100 Wheel, far 8B oml
These prices make the business utourstoro.
Meat Market
Till Flout io lie tilt
Tbe latest improved fur
nishings and apparatus for
keeping meat, batter and eggs.
t28 Wyoming Ave.
ROOPttnnlnn and soldering all done away
with by the use of HAKTMAN'8 PAT
ENT PAINT, which consists of Ingredients
well-known to all It can be applied to tin,
Salvaniced tin, sheet iron roofs, also to brick
welling which will prevent absolutely any
crumbling, eracking or breaking ot the
brick. It will outlast tinning ot auy kind by
many yenrs.snd it's cost does not exceed one
fifth that of theoost of tinning. Is sold by
the job or pound. Contract tuknn by
O&VlirHINC NEW IN A HAr1'-a-r
ifli-v v.
summer rjoods is a
The proper thin? for
Testing Free
Tho Specialist on the Eye. Headaches and Ner.
vousness relieved. Latest and Improved Style of
Eyeglasses and Spectacles at the Lowest Prices.
Best Artificial Eyes inserted for ?5.
800 SPRUCE ST., Opp. Old Post Office.
All Things"
But if the time you carry is in
accurate, what then?
Think of this, and if in need of
a WATCII, call oa us. We'll
save you hard dollars, in tha
price, aud give you a good
guarantee for quality, backed
by a record of over 20 years
successful experience in Scran
Dealer in Watches and Jewelry
Another Advocate of
GENTLE MF.N-It nflords me great
BloBfiure to state that your new process
of estractlnc teeth was a grand (uccess l
my oaso, and I heartily recommend It t
II. I sincerely hope that others will
test Us merits.
Yours rrsprotfnlly,
CAFT. 8. . HKYANT. Scranton, Psi
Henwood & Wardell,
816 Lackawanna Ave.
Will on and after Mav 21 make a great redan
Won In the prices of plates. All work iruaV
antetd flrst-claas in every particular.
fletor. Oendron, Kollpse, LoveU, Diamont
and Other Wheels.
in it Prtssat IS fipntto- u Irnamd It
Wsrerooms: (bpuil Cnuubu. Hanamw) t,
200 Washington At. Sc f toton JF a.