The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 25, 1894, Page 12, Image 12

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te Keep Up
To the minuto ou all NEW
STYLES, and are tlio first to
introduce them to the Iietail
Every Detail
of Merchandising
Is so carefully watched that
there is slight chance of dis
satisfaction. Quoting Prices Goes
for LITTLE Unless You
Sea the Goods.
Every department is a reser
voir of STYLE ami ELE
GANCE, and wo offer no
sleepy imitatioa for patron-
You Will Get the Best
Do not drift away from our
Remember, We Take
To Show Goods and Quoto
Prices. If wo can suit you
in a satisfactory purchase,
we are both benefited. We
purchasing what you don't
Our Entire Store,
Our clerks, our system of
buying, all are at your ser
vice. Early Fall Dress Goods
Tho examination of our Dress
Materials for Fall is early so
licited. Tho varioty of do
signs to chooso from is as ex
tensive as formerly. Tho
qualities, the finish and tho
prices are the best.
Forest City.
Miss Jennie Lowry, of ScrntoD, is
the guest of Miss Celia Higiini.
Rev. A. Reynold?, of Wavorly, Pa.,
Kill preach both morning and tveuing
in the Baptist church iu this place to
morrow. Hurry Johnson, of Old Forge, wob
the guest of bin old time friend, John
F. Gallagher, Wednesday and Thurs
day, Mrs. Benjamin Maioy snl son,
George, spent yesterday in Scranton.
Work on the Cnrbondale and Forest
City Traction compuny is progressing
J. C. Howard, of Deposit, N. Y..
form rly employed in Conrad's
manufactory, has returned to this
borough to take charge of the cigar
manufactory owned by M. Krantz
Samuel J. Jennings will spnrt Sun
day at the horns of his sister, Mrs. Ed
ward Pentecost, of Prompton.
Workingmen were digging the holes
yesterday for the erection of the poles
iu the borough of the Long Distauce
Telephone company of Scranton, which
' intends having a telephone station in
"this place.
Twice has Forest City been visited
by a fire this week, the second fire
occurred Thursday at 3 o'clock in the
afternoon. The bouse that was on fire
is situated on Hudson street and is the
property of Mr. Rounds, of Uuiondale.
It whs tenanted by William Llewollyu
and Nat Lee. The two fire companies
responded quickly and the Enterprise
company soon bad a strenm on
the burning building. The Hillside
company could not secure a water
plug as the other plugs wets
considerable away. The firerapn soon
bad the flames under control. The fire
started on the roof and it is thought
become ignited from a spark from the
siiihII locomotive. The roof and upper
story are destroyed.
Flames have also been rasing in tho
woods below this place, and yesterday
were getting very near the Erie saw
mill, two miles from hors. Meu were
sent to the mill to fight the fire. It is
thought the mill is saved.
The school board held a special
meeting last cvtning to consider the
charges preferred by M. W. Donnelly.
The matter was referred to a commit
tee consisting of Messrs. Brenuan,
Hines and Abbott.
Florence Coal company had to sus
pend operations yesterday for want of
s water on account of dryness of
A very large house greetnd Owen D.
., Jones at Musio Hall in ''Richard III."
The crooks captured on Thursday
evening are still in custody and will
be kept for several days her e, pending
further inquiries conce. piug their
Critiolilngr a Young Lady.
"She would be a pretty girl for but one
"What's thatr asked Charley.
Georgo Her face Is always covered with
purple and red blotches.
Charley OU, that's oasily enough'dis
posed of. UBed to be the name way my
self, but I caught on to the trouble oue
day, and got rid of it in no time.
Georgo What was itf
Charley Simply blood eruptions. Took
a short course of P. P. P. I Ml you, it's
the boss blood corrector. The governor
had rheumatism so bad that you could
hear him holler clear across the country
every time ho moved. He tried It, and
you know what an athletio old (rent he is
now)mebody Would Bive Miss Dniv
a Vhe would thank them after
the drug stores sell it.
During the past two weeks this town
bas beeu brought into undesirable
prominence ou ucoount of the die
graeaful orgies that have takeu jiIhch
on the outskirts of the horoui;u.
ginning with the revolting spectacle
on the east side and ending with the
iiffray at the ridge on Monday, the
reputable people here have been ob-
iigea to bear more than their share or
odium on account of the misdeeds of
others who have little in common with
them. It would be a consolation to
say that our police officers had
done their full duty in trying to pre
vent these outbreaks. It seems to be
known to everyone, except our officum,
that the license laws have beeu openly
nud shamefully violated. Nearly every
case reported here by tho newspipurs
within tlio past two weeks can he
traced to thesn unlicensed places.
Decency demands that tlmse vile places
be wiped ou!. It is not in this respect
alone that onr constables are derelict.
It is alleged that the affray at the
Ridge on Monday was caussd bv the
attempt or a constable from the Kiilg"
lo "bleed n p:irty of hllerions Huns,
and failing iir his eif art, picked up a
qu irrel with them. If this should be
true, t!u officer should be ralbved
from duty at once.
Maggie, the wife of John Blake, of
Hill street, who has been ill for some
tinin, died yesterday afternoon at 1
o'clock. Sim is survived by her hus
band and five children. Mr. BUk
was the sister of John M. nnd William
Dougher, and Mrs. Stephen Barrett, of
Archbald, and Miss Bussie Dougher,
of Philadelphia. The funeral will take
place Sunday afternoon at 2 30. Inter
meut will take plaoe in Aroboald
Catholie cemetery.
Work at the Jonos, Simpson & Co. 's
mines will be suspended till Tuesday.
Miss Bussie Maber. of Philadelphia,
and Mrs. Martin Gibbon, of 'Dun
more, visitol friends in town yester
day. The marriage of Mr. Frederick
Swartzstrauber to Miss Minnie Saur
will take place next Wednesday even
ing. Dalton.
Miss Jennie Parkton is visiting rela
tives in New York city.
Miss Elldn Schoonover bas returned
to her home at this place after speudiug
a few weeks at Dlugbamton.
The Dalton Base Ball club last Sat
urday went to Tunkbannock aud were
defeated by aseore of 25 to 15, and last
Wodnesday they ugaiu met defeat
by a club of farmer boys from Benton,
called tiie "Mud Pond Peepers," the
score being 7 to 3.
Miss lluttie Fister, of Pottsville, re
turned to her homy at that place last
Wednesday altar spending n few weeks
with her niece, Mrs. A. G. Ives, of this
Miss Mattie Shortman. of this place,
and Charles Colvln, of L .Grange. Pu.,
were married ut biughamton oue day
lust week.
Miss Minnie Wu1omn entertained
Miss Lydia Wood, of Carbondale, last
The Dnlton Cornet band was at a
plcnio at Manatake last Thurs
day. Mrs. M. B. Sherman and daughters,
Minnie and Lena, are visiting friends
at Elmirn, N. Y.
Miss Carrie Stoll entertained a num
ber of her friends at her borne last
Friday aftornoou. Among those pres
ent were Misses Ha Jonnings, Mubul
Purdy, May Schoonover, Sallie Webr
and Mrs. W. C. Purdy.
Harry Simon and Charles Warner,
of Scranton, were visiting here Thurs
day. Mrs. Jane Bailey is spending a few
weeks at Carbondale, Lake Ariel and
other pliioes ot note.
Rev. C, L. Tiffany, of Drew Theo
logical seminary, will preaoh at the
Methodist Episcopal church next Sun
day. Mies Nellio Carlton spent a few days
with Elmlra friends last week.
Mrs. William Ayleswortb, of Walls
ville, was visiting at this place one day
last week.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Mell Smith a
Miss Nellie Burns and Miss Katie
Ryan are visiting at Binghamton.
Electrlo Bitters.
This remedy Is becoming so well known
nnd so popular as to need no special men
tion. All who have used Electric UlUttrs
bine the same song (if praise. A purer
medicine does notcxist mid it is guaran
teed to do all that is claimed. Electric
Bitters will corn all diseases of the Liver
end Kidneys, will remove Pimples, Boils,
Bait Khenm and other affections caused by
iuipuro blood. Will drive iia!uriu from
the system and prevotit as well as cure all
Malarial fevers. For cure of Headache,
Coutispation aud Indigestion try Electric
Bitters Entire catislnetion gnaniiiteod,
or money refunded. Price 50 eta. and $1
per bottle at Alattbews Bros., Drug mora
William Walker was in Scranton
Friday evniug.
Frank Finn, of Clifford, visited H.
J. DeGraw yesterday.
Mrs. W. J. Bergan was in Carbon
dale Friday afternoon.
H. G. DtGruw was a Scran tou visitor
P. F. Kilker, of Poplar street, is in
Scranton today.
William Iuitlis, of Scranton oflk-a of
the Hillside Coal and Iron coiup iny,
passed through here last evening on his
way to Forest City.
Frank Andrews, of Windsor, N. Y. ,
listened to the sounder at the Dela
ware aud Hudson Btation yesterday.
Georgo S. Dunn, agpnt of the On
tario KJid Western at Jermyn station,
is on the sick list, George Dyer is
hustling the "truck" whiie Mr. Dunn
is absent.
Miss Mamie Bnrgan is at Lake Ariel
spending her vacation.
Mr. aud Mrs. D. G. Williams are on
their way to Eagland and Wales,
where they expect to stay for two or
threo months.
Price Davis is spending today at
Herrick Center.
The Uillsido Coal and Iron company
is drilling fur coal on the mountain
west of our borough. .
J. F. Taylor was in Green Ridge
John Coombs bas returned from a
visit to New York olty.
Dm Jones has resigned bis position
as drug clerk in Davts' drug store.
The choir ot the Methodist Episoopul
church is rehearsing the cantata,
This morning the Loyal Knights of
America will run an excursion to Dela
ware Water Gap. Taylor band and
the lodge paraded the streets last
night advertising today's event. The
band will accompany the excursion.
The reception committee ot the
Price library will meet on Monday
night to prepare and arrange for a
grand entertainment on Oct. 24, in
Webor's rink. '
J. B. Daniels and wife are horns from
Atlantic City.
The Republican League elub, through
some misunderstanding, did nt.ut
on Thursday night. The slab will
meet on Monday night at Price Library
Mrs. W. J. D. Thomas is bom i from
a visit to the beech.
Edward Timlin, of Buffalo. X. Y.,
spent yesterday with li is brother,
Georgo L Timlin.
Professor T. J. Duvis, Mus. Bsc, of
Ssrantou, aud Miss Verna Mitchell,
also of Scranton, will sing Sunday
night in the Methodist Episcopal
Today will occur oni of the finest
excursions that has ever left this city
It will be conducted bv trie George E.
West division, No. 408. Brotherhood of
Locomotive Engineer. Th commit
tee have arranged with Mexsrs. Ed
wards and Amlerifon to bake tho clams,
aud as they have a wida reputation iu
this all may expect, a treat iu this line.
The engineers will spare no pains to
ina!c the. oeeaslon u pleasant one. The
Genninia bund aud orchestra wilt fur
nish music.
Mr. and Mrs. James MaMillau left
this morning for an extend-d trip.
Their first visit will be' to Old Point
Comfort, where they will remain a
week. They will visit Washington, D.
U. and other points of iut'rmt.
Last nisht tho Veuus Social club
gave its first series of monthly socials
in their rooms in th Opera house
block. A number of invited guests
were in attendance.
Mrs. Boyd Uuse, and daughter, Jes
sie, was visiting frionds in Waymart
The number of visitors at Farview
this year, so far, has outnninhoreil
those of any previous yar uy 30,000.
The concert this evening by the
Mozart band will be of special inter
est. The specialty of the evening will
be the "Humors of Don ny brook." This
is the programme: "Star Spnnglel
Banner;" march, "The Liberty Bell,"
by Sousaj serenade, "Song of Love,"
Lsurent; overture, "L'Elgante." Pet
tee; selestion, "Ethiopian Carnival,"
Laurendean; selection, "Echoes of
Ministrelsy," Hosfueld; waltz, "Co
rinue," Dalbey; Irish overture, "The
Humors of Donnybrook," Curl Volti;
march, "Naval Reserve, " Arbogast;
"America. "
The Delaware and Hudson railroad
is making improvements around the
Union station in this city which will
be great accomodation to picnic pur
ties as well as to the traveling public.
The river which ran so near ttie station
and tracks has been planked over and
the old building romoved which adds
greatly to the looks of tho station The
company is taking pride iu improving
their property and no finer place can
be found in town than the lawn near
the Gravity Main street station.
Roy Chase loft this morning for
Lunwaboro whero he will spend two
weeks with relatives.
Old Forge.
The infant child of Mr. nnd Mrs.
Fred Addison wss interred in Marcy
cemetery ou Friday afternoon.
Miss Mum J Serfass. of Scranton, was
visiting relatives In town this weok
Robert Robiuson and Anna Play
forth were married at the home of tne
bride's parents on Wednesday by
Samuel Brodhead, jr., J. P.
The Sunday school of the now Meth
odist Episcopal church btld its an
nual picnic on Wednesday.
George Jaokson, who was hurt by a
fall of roof some time ago, died on
Wednesday and was buried ou Friday
ut the Cathoiic cemetsry in Miuooka.
Richard Howard was culled to Phila
delphia this week to attend tlio funeral
of a relative.
Tax collector Georgo Kehr will be at
Drake & SUwart's store on Tuosduy
from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m, to receive taxes.
Miis Ina Hitcbtier, of West Pittston,
is the guest of Miss Jennie Drake,
Harry Russell, jr., of Old Forge, nod
Mary Williams were married in the
Stewart Memorial chnrc'.i on Wednes
day evening, by Rev. Cochrane, pastor
ot the ohurch.
William Faraday was quite seriously
injured by a fall of roof in the Old
Forge shaft on Thnrsd.iy.
Mis. R. Willis Rees, of R-ndliaui,
was the guest of Mrs. Johu Willis on
Will R:ce baa retnrnol from an x
tousive visit with frionds in New York
tytptpjia and Indigestion
In their worst forms nr- cured by tlio
use of P. P. P. If you are debilitated aud
run down, or it you uued a tonic to regain
Ceehnmt lost appetite strength and vigor,
take P. P. P., and you will be strong and
healthy. Ivor shattered constitutions aud
lost manhood P. P. P. (Prickly Ash, Poke
Hoot and Potassium) is thu king of all
medicine. P. P. P. is the greatest blood
juiitler iu the worl I. For sale by all
The festival h I I In St. Marv's con
gregation was Well attended It Was a
success both socially and tinaticially.
The water company lias a lare force
of men tit work on Simla M lin street,
digging a ditch prepiratory to extend
ing their main pipn They will also
extend their wator pipes up to Lincolu
bill. .
Born Ti Mr. and Mrs. Walter An
derson, of North Maiu stroet. a daun
John F. Qilhooley, foreman of Avoc i
Hose company, is iu receipt of an in
vitation for Avoca Hose company to
atteud and participate in tlio Wilkes
B irra annual pir.i.le September 13
Miss Annie Aikman apeut yesterday
with Mr WilliHui White of Moo.iic.
The excursion to Farview yesterday,
under the auspices of the Melho '.ist
Episcopal and Primitive Methodist
cburebes of this place was a great suc
cess Miss McMillan, of D.mmore, is the
gVs' of Mis Fvinl- H" "vr
Tired Feeling
So common at this season, Is a serious
condition, liablo to lead to disastrous
results. It is a sure sign of declining
health tone, and that the blood is im
poverished aud Impure. The best and
most successful remedy is found in
Wliich makes rich, healthy blood, and
tliU3 gives strength to the nerves, elas
ticity to the muscles, vigor to the brain
and health to the whole body. In
truth, Hood's Sarsaparilla
Makes the
Weak Strong
Be sure to get Hood's and only Hood' l
Hood's Pills are purely vegetable, pe-.
botlr harmless, always reliable aud bencficl
Miss Van Aiken, of Port Jervls, is at
the residence of E II. Cortright
Mrs. N A. Riy, or Pittsburg, and
sister, Mrs. Myrou Simous, nud daugh
ter, Alice, returned yesterday from a
visit with Mrs. Frtd Brown, at Car
bondale. A lam Metzger, jr.. returned home
Thursday after making bia first trip
on the road for the Houesdsle Shoe
Large new flagging is being laid in
front of the buildings of the Wayno
Independent and the Reif Spsttigue
Entry blanks of the Maple City wheel
men have been printed, with the fol
lowiu pnzs: One mile novice first
price, gold medal, presented by the
Wayno Independent, a large, hand
some, solid uold medal; second prize,
silver, presenlod to tho Msple
City wheelmen by Messrs. Li Birr,
Diettrich aud Gariuer; third pr:z,
silver medal, presnuted by C. J.
Wctaver. One-half mile open first
prize, diamond, value 25; second priz
cut gins dlsn, valui $10; third
uriz", watch fob, valun 5. One
milo championship, Wayne county,
first priz', gold medal, presented by
Dr. C. R. Brady, J. T. Brady and O T.
Chambers; second priz-, silver medal,
presented by Messrs. Suhueller, E.
Freeman, S. J, Kalzaiid Ueinhenb.tkor.
One mile open, first prizi, diamond,
value $25; second priz ', cut glais dish,
value 15: third piiz-t, scarf pin, value
$5. One mile handicap, first priz-1.
diamond, value $25; second priza, cut
glass disli, vahu- $15; third prize, urn
tirells, value $5, All enlrivs Hre to be
made to Paul W. Gardnt-r. Honedale,
Pa. Entry blanks upon application
Miss Bell Ric'nrdii, who has beeu
unending a few wj k with hor sister,
Mrs. A. W. Brundige, has returned
A number of people will leave for
York state to pink hops next week.
Miss Mame .Peck aud hr mother,
from Scranton, called on friends in
town Wednesday.
Mrs. Corey Jenkins is expected home
to-day after u week's visit with rela
tives at Pittston.
Miss Bessie Powell, of Dunmore, is
the gnest of Miss Julia K stoll.
Mrs. T. C. Wuttrass and children, of
Pittston. are visiliug her brother, Wil
liam Day.
P. Snedicor anno'.inci-s his name as a
delegate to represent the First ward ut
tho Republican county convention.
Mrs W. S. Bloes returned last
Wednesday eveniug after a visit of
several weeks' duration with frionds at
Plymouth, Wilkes-Barre and other
Miss Julia Kostell, our popular mil
MiiHr, is the owner of a copy of the
Ulster County Gazette that was pub
lished on J nuary 4. 1800. and was in
inonrnins on accouut of the death ot
George Washington.
Miss May Stair and Dsisy Womels
dorf, of Wanamio, are visiting their
cousin, Foreuiau E. E. Deacon at the
powder mills.
Mrs diaries D.mcon, who has been
indisposed for some time, is convales
cent. Remarked by R. C. Joiner, of Allen P.
O., Hillsdal.1 Co., Mich.: "Nothing gave
my rheumatism such quick relief as Dr.
Thomas' Edertric Oil believe it infallible
for rheumatism."
Price burg.
Will Robert, Thomas Davidson.
Charles Grifll i, Michael Kane aud
Thorn is Birrett, formed a party thut
left here yesterday for a week's en
campment at Fieetville.
The Misses Ella Hart, Nellio Dur
gan and Laura Duggan, of Carbondale,
called in town yesterday.
William Hawkins, of Dickson flUs.l
ou thu sick list.
Joo Gilgallon and John McGowan
have returned borne from a visit to
friend in Archbald.
MutthHw McPherson made a bminess
trip to Riohmondale yesterday.
A defective stove pipo caused a fire
at tho home of John Bouton ou Thurs
day last. The prompt arrival of th
l-ose com pmy soon had the fl.mes u. -der
check and no serious damage re
ml ted.
The Christian Mission will hold ser
vices at Smith's musio ball on Sunday.
J. Coop.-r, of Olyphant, will preaci.
Services to cointuenco ut 2 30 aud 0
o'clock p m.
W. II. S O'-uiakrr and family left
yesterday for Lik Carey for a period
if two weeks
Mr. mid Mrs, Marshal Breese are re
j icing since Thurs lay over a bouncing
uaby hoy.
An op'n air rae-ting will b held in
front or the old Methodist Episcopal
church this evening. Mr. Evans, the
nominee for Congas by tiie People
and Prohibition parties, will address
the people
H-ury Troxwell. who had his hand
injured at tiie shovel works this week,
is improving nicely,
Mrs. William Switz r and Mrs. Iinac
Howl will leave today to visit friends
at Newtou.
Jits. Walter Parks, of Parsons, was
t !io uvst of Mrs. Mar'in on Friday.
Thomas Martin returned last even
ing from visiting his brother at Tuuk
hauuock. Winooka.
Miss-s Cora and Mattie Elw.irls, in
company with their brother Daniel,
are visiting at Isaac Davis', in Green
wood, for a week. They are the chil
dren of Chief Elwards, of the King
ston fire department.
The old shaft of the Green wool had
to suspend work yesterday on account
of a threatened cave-in of the roof all
through the mines. Luckily no acci
dents hive occurred,
During the progress of the conflagra
tion on Main street Thursday ev-ning,
while the family were out assisting in
saving the belongings of the different
neighbors who were threatened with
the disaster, some person entered the
house of Tom Murphy, on Back street,
and stole a sum of money which hud
been si creted in h nook in the bedroom,
iimonuting to $30.1
Richard Lown, of Susquehanna, is
the guest of his daughter, Mrs, C. W.
Mn nson.
Mrs. Charles Currior, who has been
stopping with frleuds in Elmira, bus
returned home.
P. J. Knowlin, of Pittston, is calling
on friends in town.
Mrs. Maurice Moore, of Geneva, is
visiting her mother, Mrs. Joseph Du
Bois. '
Frank Hollon, of Peru, N. Y., is
visiting friends in this plaoe.
Simeon Sawyer, of Csndor. is visiting
bis sister, Mrs. William Hoover, on
William street.
Burdock Bi
satin? will relinvn onv feailnonf .ui.
or over f uluess of the stomach. Sold every-
It Must Be Whether You Take
Vacation or Not
Tima Now, to Strengthen
Nerves and Body,
See That Every Part ot the Body Becomes
Well Fed.
Eleven months for business, for
money-making, for absorbing work.
Take August for becoming well and
G.t back to your proper weight; re
lieve the tired nerves of their irritabil
ity; fill the body with ruddy, vigorous,
serviceable blood. You will work to
twice tho purpose with a clear bead
and a body undisturbed by ashes and
Give Paine's celery compound a fair
trial in August.
Weariness and lack of strength is a
matter of the nerves and brain. It is
the exhaustion of the nerve centers
that produees the feuline ot lassltnde
aud depression.
Digestion and assimilation are the
first to become affected by diminished
nerve power, and as these functions are
so closely counected to every part of
the body the entire system shares in
their disorder. Men aud women about
middle age take little exercise, thir
bloo I becomes slow nnd impure and all
their important organs sluggish, while
a constantly increasing load of anxiety
and care keeps their nervos from being
properly nourished. Such persous will
find a steady gain in health, in vigor
and good spirits from Paine's celery
compound taken steadily through the
month of August
The reason for the high regard in
which Paine's celery compound is hold
by physicians for building up tho weak
the sickly aud the nervous, is because
all its ingredients are known to medi
cal men to feed the nerves and to pro
vidu pure and rich blood for all the
weak parts of the body. Every traoe
of nervous exhaustion disappears when
the nerves that govern the functions of
the body are thus abundantly supplied
with their appropriate food.
The disturbances of the nervous sys
tem, whether neuralgia, rheumatism,
debility, extreme nervousnes or heart
trouble, are due to derangements in
nutrition. Headaohv, a sense ot
weight on top of the head, a feeling of
constriction about the forehead; these
nre very significant symptoms and
should be heeded. Better and more
complete nutrition is demanded for the
uerves nnd brain. Thin, pale faces,
wasted frames.unhealthy skin and low
spirits tell unmistakably of b'ood too
thin nud poor to properly nourish the
l'aine's celery compound brings an
increased, natural appetite, assists the
ussimilaiion of the food and quiets and
restores a healthy nervocs action.
The funeral of Sherman n SIot--
late proprietor of the Stevens' House)
will take place tomorrow afternoon at
1 oO Tunkhnnnni'lr lndrr. XT 01
Knights of Pythias, will have charge
of tli " xereises.
City Musio Store,
Altra krg ttock ot flnt-sua
lUblU iu'LU, uxa
National Bank of Scranton
CAPITAL $250,000,
SURPLUS $30,000,
AFSJ' HINES,tProslclmt.
'.)VYA'J;S0N' PrwhVmt.
A. B. WILLIAMS, Cashier.
f.vV'P'T IAMrs M- EvennARt,
?,"";P,L,;tJli,,MY'. M.H. KUMKHKIL,
tUAs, r. MAiiiiKws, John t. I'ohxsb.
W. W. Watson.
This bank Invites the patronage ot business
men and Urnw gem-rally.
Complexion Preserved
viola mm
Removes Freokles, Plirplst.
Liver Molsi Blickhotdii
Sunburn and Tsn, and re
klnrnfl thn alrln in ilm lnl.
ual freshness, producing a
clear aud healthy com-j
preparations and ,per(c-tly hornless. AtlU
touggists, or mailed for SOets. Beud tor Cireulu,
VIOLA 8KIN SOAP I Umpl- Inmnrienblt u t
kin prlljloj Sop, uoqniM Sit Uu toilo, ud wkkmt
riral bit the nurttry. AbMlmtlv nan US wlfcaMy Mdt
MUS., Prio2SClll.
G. C. BITTNER& CO., Toledo, O.
F"v"'" b M"tUew Bro. . John
II, (helps.
400-402 Lackawanna Ayc,
Fine Holland Shades, with heavy
knot fringe, Hartshorn Rollers,
Plain Shades, 20, 25 and 30c. each.
Measurements taken and shades put up by experienced workmen,
We Carry All Widths Store Shades in Stocfc
to Extension Sash Rods
15 and 20c. each.
A few Vienna Porch Shades
left that we will close out at cost
406 and 408 Lacka. Avenue.
Itop Paying
"What have you got after you've boarded and paid eight
dollars per week or more? Have figured what you
spend, and have nothing to show for excepting
k Handful of Receipts
you can have your own homo fur
nished complete with COMFORT
and ELEGANCE and have money
left to fnrnish your table with the
delicacies of tho season.
If not, don't say
But interview us.
I .,'. A jn- 4'. 1. vSJ"""
Board Bills
It is our pleasure to give all
information possible whether you
or purchase on
We offer you the same induce
ments. uoous aeimrea tfiitfia every
Homes Famished Complete,