The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 24, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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134 Wyoming Ave.
will show you what
you want.
And always have
Good Bread.
The Weston ill Co,
Punch Cigars
G., B. & Co.,
Imprlntai n Each B'qif.
Garney, Brown & Co. Mflr's.
DR. H. B. WARE will be
in his office on and after
the first weak in Septem
Miss Lizzie Levering, of Greenwood, Is
Tioiuu iu tvesi virgmia.
Miss Margaret Campbell, of Hazleton,
was In the city yesterday visiting friends.
Miss Florence Jennings returned to liar
Horn in Cincinnati yosterday, after visit
ing Miss Snover, of this city.
Miss Annie Elizabeth, daughter of Mrs.
uwen l.usick, leaves this morning for
jew lork on a mouths' visit.
P. A. Phiibin, the Archbald correspond
ent of Tng Trircne, is spendiug a brief
vacation aiong ine uuusou.
Attorney M. T. Corcoran, of Cincinnati,
is Bpenuing a tew days witli bis nnclo,
mine Corcoran, 01 iue xwentletn ward,
Colonel Martin Joyce leaves for Wash,
ington this morning to attend the Uni
formed Hanks Knights of Pythias' encamp,
Invitations have been issued by Mr. and
Mrs. Nathaniel Hallstead, of Alillln ave
nue, for tbe marriage of their granddaueb'
tor, Miss Annie May Downing, to Walton
W. Mitchell, of Utica. N. Y., on Wednes
day evening, fcept. o, at 9 o'clock.
Ml8S Hattie McNultV. of P'lttntnn ta cia.
iting Miss Annie Lyuott, of West Market
i reel.
Miss Helen Hart, of Carbondale. is visit.
ing Miss Nellie Duggau, of West Market
Special Officer Andrew Plielan has ac
cepted a position with L, W. N orris, of
vt eston piaco.
Misses Iva and May Stephens, of Nicbol
son, are staying with Mrs. T. E. Tergwil
liger, Park Place.
Elegantly framed pictures are being sold
ior nair price or. rraine. unicago Art Co..
in, 1 1 . '
in i cuu avenue.
John McQuire is progressing favorably
biucb ma ujmrannn poriormeu Dy ut,
bullivan and Dr. O'Brien,
miss neiiie runups, or Dickson avenue.
is entertaining Misses Annie and Agues
urennan, or uamonaaie.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Crellan. nf North
End, will sail tomorrow on the steamship
vnunmuiB, ana wlii enjoy a vacation in
. mi r-: . i , . ...
j.uo citizens' osnd has offered its ser
vices iree for the W. J. Thomas benefit
concert ana tue offer has been thankfully
(A load of straw, owned by a farmer of
" vanuouser, was upset in the
Bqunm eieruay morning, but fortun
ateij who no serious results.
A surprise party was tendered to Will
mm r. Anurew last evening at the real.
aence 01 nis uncle, Harry .McGennis. Fer
dinand street. Mr. Andrew attained bis
majority yesterday, and his many friends
who assembled wished him many happy
returns of the day, as well as a long and
I he Kev. William Evans, of North
waies, wno is Bpenaing a twelve month'
vacation in ine states will preach at the
weisn uongregauonai ennren to-night.
Mr. Evans is well known to Welshmen by
his bardio name of "Monwyson" and is a
theologian or nign standing as well as
preacher ot rare ability.
, Extensive preparations are being made
by the many irieuas 01 wuiium J. Thomas
who is at the Philadelphia eye hospital, to
make his benefit concert a decided finan
cial success. A large number of ladies are
disposing of the tickets rapidly. The con
cert, will be held on Sept. 17 and is
deserving of every support.
We are clearing out
stock of fine etchings.
127 Penn avenue.
the whole of our
Chicago Art Co.,
BitAi. Merit is the characteristic
Hood's Barsaparilla, and it is manifested
every day In the remarkable cures that
medicine accomplishes. Hood's Sarsapa-
ruia is ine Kind, xry it. .
Hood's Pills are the best family cathar
tic ana liver meaicme. Harmless, reliable,
u 1
A foe io Dyspepsia
Rafool Has Two Arabians Arrested
for False Pretense. .
Given by Miss Louise Lutz, of Tenth
Street Those Who Were Present.
Sir Knights of Pleasure Will Re
sume in September Keyser Avenue
People Want Water Other News
Notes and Personal Mention.
Joseph Rafool. the proprietor of a
small store on Jnckion street, prosured
warrants for tbo arrest of two Arabi
ans. M. Bistany and Fred Mi'ik, on thr
charge of false proteoses. These men
entered Rafool's junk shop a few days
ago and purchased some artloles, agree
ing to pay for theia within an ap
pointed time,
The van failed to respond and Con
table John Davies arrested them.
They were given a hearing yesterday
afternoon before Alderman Owen- D.
John, of the Fourtti ward. The case
was settled by the men paying for the
goods and costs of prosecution.
Miss Louise Lilts Entertains Friends at
Eer Horns. "
The borne of Miss Louise Lute on
Tenth street was tastefully dioorated
on Wednesday evening, the occasion
being a party tendered her by a large
nmber of ner friends. xne spacious
awn though prettily adorned with
umerons plants and flowers, looked
picturesque Indeed, with a brilliunt ar-
ay of J hp muss lanterns. U.tuieg
served to while away many hours of
t joynient. During the evening seleo-
ious were rendered by the Marquette
quartette with pleasing effect, lie-
leshments were served at a late hour.
Among those prsBent were Misses
Belle Knowlton. Mary Jul us, of Wind
sor, JN. X.; JUoser. Stella lervu-
iger, Lizzie Carroll, Teiny Moore,
Sadie Kaun, Lizzie aud Kute Brown,
Philadelphia; Ilattie Fallows,
Carrie Smith, Alice Thomas, Nellie
Jones, Mrs. Aosley. Mrs. Louis Smith,
nd Will Davis, tteorse beboen. Kobart
Coonttr, Harry Rinhart, George Grif
fiths, John YVettli.ig, Charles Minsfield,
EUar Meredith, Will Griffiths, Bert
D.x. Elmer Brokenshier, both of Car-
lioudale; Dnuls, trunk and iTedfcmitb,
iboinns Davu, Lincoln Ansley. Kan
lolph Jones aud Charles BitSenbnrg.
Professor Joseph Roney. ot Tenth street,
is dangerously in.
Mr. and Mrs. P. II. Warner, of Lincoln
avenue, are at ocean brove.
Mrs. Dawson Wouthorhog, of Hampton
street, is spending a ween in Canada.
Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Eagan. of Chestnut
street, have returned from New York city.
J, M. Malonoy, of Florida, is a guest at
Kinsland's hotel on North Main avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. B. Smith, of North Main
avenue, have returned from Harvey's
Miss Lizzie Thomas, of North Garfield
avenue, is home from a stay with friends
in Diinunn.
Mrs. William V. Griffiths, of North Sum
ner avenue, spent yesterday with relatives
in iiauville,
Miss Laura Strunk, of Price etrtet. has
returned from a short stay with friends
in strouo.HDurg.
Miss Emilie Evans, of North Hyde Park
avenue, hns returned from a stay with
mends in Lebanon.
Misses Chrtstiua Rin Bland and Helen
Herbert, of Carboudale, are viBiting
ineuus on tms side.
Miss Sarah Davies, of Lafayette street
has returned from au extended visit with
friends iu Shamokin.
Mr. and Mrs, A. F. Becker.of Thirteenth
street, have been called to Philadelphia by
tue uiuess or, ineir son.
The Sunday school of the Plymouth
Congregational church will picnic at
Laurel Hill park today.
Miss Lora Green, of Bollevue street, baa
returned after a sojourn among friends at
uawley aud Lano Ariel. ,
Mrs. F. A. Cramer and family, of Swot.
land street, nave returned from a mouth
visit with friends in Moscow.
Alexander McTnecart. the cenial motor.
man ot ihe Eynon s.reet and Taylor line,
nasreturneu rrotn Lane winola.
Mrs. Marvies Storer and daughter
Edna, of Bradford. Pa., aro the guests of
Mr, and Mrs. W. L. Steenbnck, of Price
Misses Minnie Smith and Jennie Wil
Hams, both of North Main avenue, will
leave shortly for a visit with friends in
The funeral of the late William n. Ellis.
of Swetland street, will occur today at
p. m. Interment will be made in the
Washburn btreet eemetery.
Union servicos of the West Side churches
were held in the Jack-on Street Bantis
church last evening. The meeting was iu
charge ot itev. u. u. ungues.
The funeral of Mrs. A. H. Rowe, of
Schnell's court, who died at bar home on
Wednesday morning, will occur this after
noon at 2 o'clock. Iuterment iu the Forest
Hill cemetery. Deceased is survived by
husband and two small children.
A committee has been appointed by the
members of the Plymouth Congregationul
cuurcn to arrange for the reception o
Key. Tbomas Bell, who will assume the
pastorate of the church on Sept. 8. The
committee consists nf the following: Elias
E. Evans, Richard Owens, 8. D. Myors,
Mrs. W. J. Morgan and Misses ilennie
Lewis, Nellie Hughes and Lizzie A Evaus.
The reception will be tendered on Wednes
day evening, Sept. 12,
The Red Stars of Oarfleid avenue chal
lenge any club nnder 17 years in the city
to play ball at any time or place. The fol
lowing is the personnel of the club:
Catcher, B Browns pitcher, R. Paff: short
stop, T. Hopkins; first baseman, M. Kelly;
second baseman, D. Howells; third base
man, 'T. Thomas; left fielder, John Davies;
center fielder, John James; right fielder,
John Cammer; manager, John James.
The residents along Keyser avenue are
anxious to get the city water pipes laid
along that thoroughfare. The pipes have
just been laid on Jackson Btreet to the
Twenty-first ward as far as the above ave
nue and tbey are thinking of continuing
them up the bill. It would be far more
profitable if these pipes were to be ex
tended out Keyser avenue. There are
many more residences, and they ahould be
considered. A little effort on the part of
the citizens in the locality will undonbtedly
procure that long felt want.
After summer joys have vanished the
Sir Knights of Plessure dancing class will
be continued. in JI oars' hall. During the
previous season this club was extremoly
popular, aud bad the largest membership
of its kind in the city. They will re-open
on the first Monday evening in September
under the most favorable circumstances.
Professor George Taylor will teaoh. The
following comprises the membership of
the Sir Knights' club. George Oberdorfer,
Horace Costlett, George Frank, Charles
Warnke, George Sample, George Thomas
and Charles Kellar.
Going to Hiddletown.
On Saturday Midway park on the Mid-dletown-Goshen
Traction company's line
at Middletown, N. Y will be opened and
on tha invitation of Merle J. Wightman,
treasurer of tbe Traction company, a num
ber of residents of Sorantoo will go to Mid
dletown to attend tbe oponing and to in
spect the lines. A spscial train conveying
them will leave this oity at 6.30 Saturday
morning, returning ou Sunday at 7.53
George Thatcher's Minstrels and Farce
Corned; company will present the new
minstrel farce comedy, "About Gotham."
at the Academy'of Musio as the opening
attraction next Monday evening. Aue. 27.
The play, in which the best aud most
taking features of miuBtrelsy, specialty
and farcical comedy are combined, is oue
of the happiest efforts in this direction
that has yet been seen. One of the great
est things in its favor is that it has a clear,
concise and well constructed story, in
which the innumerable Incidents and feat
ures follow each other with a natural
sequence. There are plenty of bright and
catchy musical numbers, with good people
to slug I hem, aud, aided by an elegant array
ot gruceful dancers, the whole ensemble
moves with a dash and vicror that is re
t t t
The Fencing Master." a comic opera in
three acts, words by Harry 15. Smith and
music by Reginald de Koven, is the splen
did attraction aunounced for Wednesday,
Aug. 28 at the Academy ot Musio. The
company engaged to present this work in
cludes some of the bst singers in the
comic field, including Miss Dorothy Mor
ton, who assumes the leading Boprano role
and is assisted by Miss Bertha Bayli,Miss
Jeunie Dickersou, Miss Marion Bonder,
Miss Marion Langdon, A. M. Holbrook,
V. Ht. Martin, U. B. Brockett and David
Torrence. The chorus is large and well
balanced. The scenery, costumes and
properties used in the original metropolis
tan production are carried witn ine com
pany aud will be seen on the stage here
exactly the same ns when seen in New
York. An orchestra composed of solo iu
struuiontallsts, are under the baton of
Signor A. Toinasi, which Is sullicient guar
antee to ensure a rioh musical treat. The
sale of seats will open Saturday morning
at tne box omce.
t t t
The Inn pliable farce-comody "Hobs and
floss" will be given at the Frotbingbain
theater this evening by an excellent com
pany, embracing several well known fa
vorite. Prominent among these may be
mentioned Jacques Kruger, the popular
comedian who delighted lovers ot the
comic opera in the Baker company and
Conried's opera troupe several years ago
in Scrantou. Miss Carrie Sweeney, a tal
ented youug artist, will also appear. They
will be supported by a company of unu-unl
merit, fullv capable of interpreting the
bright music and harmless rnn that char
acterizes this greatest of comedies.
t t t
Eugene O'Rourke, the well known Imh
comedian, su ported by an excellent com
pany, will be the attraction at the i'roth
ingbam tomorrow evening.
(Under this hnadlne short letters of interest
will bo nubllHheil when accoinuanied. for nub-
Mention, by tho writer's namo. The Thibunb
will not bo held reHponslblo for opinions here
Editor of The TninuNK:
Dear Sir. The Tbirune of this date
contained quite a lengthy interview from
one of the stockholders of the Bonta Plate
Glns4 company. Tbe point is well taken
by tms stockholder, lor the larger portion'
of the stock now issued is hold by residents
or her n ton and vicinity. It seems tome
that only a few of our stockholders realize
what a mammoth industry we have un
der our control. It i less than twenty
years ago, when electrical force was looked
upon as dangerous only, and a good thing
to let alone. .Now millions upon millions
are employed in drawing this subtle force
iuto harness for lighting and power. For
years past we have contented ourselves
using sand for bottles, tableware aud
windows, little dreaming that sand so
plentiful could or would be called upon to
take, in a great measure in building, the
place of fine lumber. Our forests are
swept away, lumber is becoming scarce.
while the demand lor building is on the
increase. All things soom to come iu the
regular order as wanted. Let us enumer
ate some ot the things ior wmch glass may
be used, and serve us a better purpose than
lumoor or stone.
First Glass may be colored to suit any
fancy and its color will remain permanent.
Second Colored glass is made as cheap
or cheaper than puroiy transparent glass.
Third By the Bontu process, glass may
be rolled into any shape desired aud of al
most any siza.
Fourth Glass can be produced in any
ornamental or plain style at less tbuu one
fourth tne cost or marble or stone, and
cannot be disfigured with grease, paint or
ink. It may be rolled in thick slabs iu
white, with plain surface, sawed into
blocks, finished up with sand blast, and
take the place of brown stone or marble
slabs for outside walls of building, anil nt
less than one-half tbo cost, and one bun
dred times more enduring. It may be
rolled iuto shape and make gravo stones
far finer than can bo made of marbl' , It
will, above all, furnish a substitu for
plastering and papering the sidi rail
You may have the hide walls or c .ing of
your house, every room different, undo of
white or colored glass, ornamented in any
manner you may desire, as cheap as you
could plaster, paper or paint, nnd a damp
cloth will always keep it clean and avoid
house cleaning,
(ilass is a non-absorbnnt and a non-con
ductor. No dampnesB will penetrate the
bouse, and no fire of tho ordinary house
will damage it. Foul matter or disease
germs will not attach to the glass walls,
11 or or ceiline, spreading disease. Hob
pitals are already applying for our work,
aud in the nature of things, but a little
time will pass when we may all live in
glass nouses.
There seems to be no more limit to the
use of glass than of lumber. Unlike stone
or marble, glass is warm, aud wbatover
the normul condition ot the atmosphere
may be, glass win be the same. lhi com
pauy, being the pareut company, from
which other companies will be started,
must obtain their license, it wituld seem.
without much study that Scrautouian
should hold ou to the control. There is, in
my opinion, as much wealth to be acquired
in following np tms enterprise as uas neon
made by the (standard Ou company In fol
lowing their vocation. We have tbe
equipments for a rank monopoly. We
want additional money and more energy,
That we shall nave notu is now only
question of a few days. J. W. Bonta,
ochanton, fa., Aug. a.
Pcran ton's Business InUrsats.
The TninrjNl will soon publish a care
fully compiled and classified list of the
leading wholesale, banking, manufaotur
Ing and professional interests of Scranton
and vicinity. The edition will be bound
in book form, beautifully illustrated with
photogravure views of our pnblic build-
iugs, business blocks, streets, etc., together
with portraits ol leading citizens. No
similar work has ever given an equal rep
resentation of Scranton's many indus
tries. It will be au invaluable exposition
of our business resources. Sent to
persons outside the city, copies of
this handsome work will attract
new comers and be an unequalled
advertisement of the city. The circu
lation is on a plan that cannot fail of good
results io tuoxe concerned as well as tbe city
at large, nepreteutati ves ot t he trihdni
win call upon those whose kamks
are desired in this edition end explain
its nature more fully.
Those desiring views of their residences
in this edition will please have notice at
the omce.
Buoklen's Arnica Salve.
The best salve la ths world for Cut!
Bruises, Sores, Uloers, Salt Rheum, Fever
bores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains.
Corns and all 8kiu Eruptions, and posi
tively cares Piles, or no pay required.
is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction
or money refunded. Price S6 cents per
nox, t or sale oy Matthews Bros.
tluslo Bozaa Exoluslvsly.
Best made. Play any desired number of
tnnee. Uautscbl He Sons., manufacturers,
WW uuestnot street. Philadelphia, won
flerful orcheetrial organs, only W and 110,
Specialty! Old musio boxes carefully re
paired and Improved with new tunes.
Edward HcCabe, the Dear Mute, Leaves Home
Virile SuHerlug from an Illness.
The Police Have Been Notified and
the Neighborhood Soarched, but He
Can Not Be Found Reports from
the Bedside of Michael Hand Pat
rick Corcoran's Prominent Visitor.
Other News in Shorter Paragraphs.
Edward McCabe, of Stone avenue,
the deaf mnte, is miesing from home
Ince an early hour yesterday morning.
A week ago he took tick with an at
tack of rheumatism and his limbs
welled np to au abnormal size. On
Wednesday be became fflicUd with
convulsions and Dr. Manly was sent
for. The dootor reached the house
about 0 o'eloek Wednesday night and
ministered to the sick man. The medi
cine whioh he left greatly benefited
McCabe, so that the family believnd
that he would sleep easily through the
night, and therefore tbey were not so
At midulcht McCabe got out of bed,
left the home, and had not been seen
up to a late bour last night. Tbe fam
ily is extremely anxious auout him and
fear that tome barm may nave befallen
him. The police have been notified
aud the neighbornool thoroughly
searched, bat uo trace of him, can be
His Nephew, Miohattl T. Corcoran,
Cincinnati, Arrlved,Y-iterdy.
Attorney Micbaol T, Corcoran, of
Cincinnati, reached this city yesterday
morning aud was driven totberesi-
ono of his uncle, Patrick Corcorau,
of Cedar avenue. Attorney Corcoran
is a progressive and well established
lawyer of the queen city of tho west
and this, his first visit to bcranton, has
thoroughly surprised him, regarding
tbe standing of the oity, which he ex
pected to dud not much better than au
nland country town, of tbe caliber of
Wilkes-Barre, for instanoe,
Mrs. Patrick Corcoran U on ber
death bad, aud the end is expsctod bv
tbe family at any tun. This Is the
cause of Air. Corcoran's visit to this
city. He intends to spend n month
here and become acquainted with the
many industries.
Dr. Manley Thinks tbe Irjured
Will Recover.
Yesterday Michael Hand's condition
greatly relieved the minds of hi
family from any apprehension us to tbe
probable fatal results or tbe accident
be suffered. Except a few hours ot tbe
night that be was delirious, he has been
fully conscious and rational.
Dr. Manly stated to a Tribune ra-
porter last night that there is a slight
fracture of the skull, but not iu auy de
gree sufficient to causo alarm. In cases
of skull fracture, however, the doctor
said that no Injury to the head can be
considered trifling, us there is no tell
ing what shock the brain may have
But he believes that from the present
outlook Mr. Hand will become rapidly
Taxpayers Are Btoomliig More Favor
ably Disposed Toward I'.
The citizens of the Twentieth ward.
a majority of them, threatened to
make trouble for Select Couneiimnn
Alex. T. Connell if he persisted in his
purposa nf passing the sewer ordi
nunce. They have, however, been fur
nished with on estimate of the cost
and it is shown that the big bill of ex
pense that it was said would be en
tailed, will not be any more than half
as large as they believed.
Councilman Connell has the figures
and estimates of cost compiled by City
Engineer Phillips according to the res
olution of couucils, aud Mr. Connell
will call meetings of the citizens nnd
have each iu m's assessment read so
that be may know how much be will
have to pay.
Tbe meetings will be called next
month when the weather g e cooler.
Miss Lizzie Iliitz, of Pittston avenue, is
Visiting at Wilkes-Barre.
Mrs. Frank Murphy, of Looust stroot. is
seriously ill of typhoid fever.
Johu Garduer of Pittston. visited Pro
fessor T. J. Coyne, of Brock street, yes
terday. Miss Sarah McNainnra. of South Wash
ington aveuue, is spending a lew weeks ut
Lake Winola.
There will bo a meeting at, Owen Walsh's
barber shop on South Wasbiugton avenue
Monday night, at which plans for organiz
ing a toot ball team will bo discussed.
Thomas J. Moore, manager of tho Mea
dow Brook nnd Minooka stores, returned
yesterday from the seashore much im
proved iu health and expects to bo at hi
desk next week,
The msrriaee of Miss Bridget Coggins
and Thomas Kane, of Cedar avenue, and
of Miss Julia O'Donuell, ot Birney avenue,
and John Con ahoy, of Minooka, will be
solemuized on Weduosday, Aug. 29.
Tonight the seventeenth birthday anni
versary of Miss Marv A. Jiurke, uanghii r
of Mr. aud Mrs. John J. Burke, of 15iT
Pittston avenuo. will be made a plensuut
occasion. Invitations nave been sent i
all her friends aud an enjoyable time is
The Mozart Quartette club will hold re
hearsal Monday night, after which thete
We aro prepared to furnish all
kinds of School Books and School
Supplies at short notice.
We always have in stock a com
plete line of Blank Books, Sta
tionery and Office Supplies.
Wall Paper, Window Shades
Pictures and Frames.
S No better spoons are made g
5 than those of Win, Rogers' g
H Manufacturing Co. They B
S were never sold at tbii price S
S before. Buy now,
S TEA SPOONS 500. FOft 6.
S . . TABLESPOONS $1.00 FOR 6.
mm 1 E
Rcxford Jewelry Ca.uKk 1
will be a business meeting and the ar
rangements for winter couoerts will be
made. The club will enlarge its member
ship to twenty-four singers, sad will also
form a quartette which will consist of two
female voices.
Tbe funeral of Katie Reuther. tbe 2-yea'-
old dangbtur of Joliu Kenther, of 1012 Staf
ford avenue, will itave tbe bouse at u
o'clock tomorrow morning. Services will
be held at the house by Rev. Father Stop
per, of St. Mary's church, aud Interment
will be made in the uerinan Catholio oem-
City and SohoolTaxe, 1894.
The city and school tax duplicates for
tbe year 18114 are now in my hands for
collection. Persons wishing to pay can do
so now, or any person requiring state
ments of tnxes by giving ward aud loca
tion of property will be promptly
R. G. Brooks, City Treasurer.
Municiiml building, Washington avenue.
Office hours from II a. in. to 5 p. in., ex
cept Satuurduy, this olliee will bo closed
at uoou.
Eat Bread made from
Pillsbnry's Best
and be healthy.
I will present ouo thousand dollars in
old to any one whom I cannot cure of epi
ptic convulsions or tits. Dit. E. Urkwkil
311 Spruce street, Scranton, Pa.
Import Samples mean 20
per cent, less than import
No two pieces alike.
Flower Vases, Jarden-
ieres, Plates, Chocolate and
Tea Pots, &c.
To secure RSAL BAR
GAINS, come at once.
Ii6 Wyoming Ave.
If a Tornado
Strike Scranton
It would cause little
surprise to our citizens than
never have been sold before at
such prices; but, remember there
is no CREDIT at Freeman's,
Cur line of Groceries is
complete and you can
rely on them being the
If you want a delicious,
high-flavored TEA, try
our New Crop JAPAN
for 50c; worth 75c.
Meat Market
The Fines t In the City.
The latest Improved fur
nishings and apparatus for
keeping meat, butter and eggs.
823 Wyoming Ave.
'.re at Preatnl tke Met Pevnler aud Preferred If
Warsrooms! Opposite ColumMis Monument,
wthinfton Av. Scronton.''
ROOF tlnnlnn and soldnrlnR all done away
with by the mte of HAIlTMAN'8 CAT
UNT PAINT, which consists of liiKiedl nts
well-known toalL It can bo applied to tin,
Salvanlzed tin, nhoet iron roofs, also to brlok
welllngs, which will proyont absolutely any
crumbling, cracking or broakinir of the
brick. It will outlast tlnulng ot any kind by
many years,and It's cost does uot excoed one
fifth that of i ho cost of tinning. Is sold by
tbe job or pound. Contraots taken by
MIOMO UAlil JlAIN, b.7 Birch St.
You Need Them
And a visit to Martin & Delany's will be
wilder you at their immense stock of thin
goods. Just the stuff to keep you cooL
Our novelty in summer goods is a
Nobby, Long-cut, Double-breast Blue and
Black Serge Coat. The proper thing for
IMartin 6c Delany
Custom Tailors and Clothiers,
S We Have
AT -
n n rm
0 la
S 45 dozen
lozen Ladies' White
Handkerchiefs, value
50 dozen Children's School Handker- j
chiefs, in plain and colored borders, 0 Parif c
valuo 5 and 10 cents, for .... " VJClllo 3
a 35 dozen Ladies' Hemstitched Handker- R Tflnfa a
k chiefs, value 10 cent3, for - - - - " VIClllO a
A new line of Chemisettes ju3t received. a
Scientific Eye
For Fall Wear
305 Lackawanna Ave.
It's a Great Shock
tiW" -
to tho folks who ar clalmtn? they nnderaell
111 nthi-r to find that without the lor st fuss
or blunter .we aroiriviug caxtom rs tho Don
lOt of such opportunities as those.
A MrietW High Grndn Muht-wolehS
(Vhfnl, 181)4 pattsrn, f. rSUO shIi.
lfi!13 pnttnrn, 150 Wheel, for S75.
1894 imttorii, SlOO Whoiil, Tor eH.1 oauli
fheso prices make tha business at our store
lilaionej Oil and
Manufactur'g Co,
OILS, ar
Received I
I ml
It! 1
e. I
"" a
Embroidered i( fimfc I
25c, for . . A" t
Testing Free
The Specialist on the Evo. Headaches and Ner
vousnet8 relieved. Latest and Improved Ktylo ot
Eyeglasses and Spoctacloi ut tbe Lowest Prices.
Best Artificial Eyes inserted tor t.
S05 Sl'ltLCU ST., Opp. Old Post OQico.
City Musio Store,
ii WiOlONU ATg.. 6CBAXX0
Usca large stoofcof tnt-eUas
Another Advocate of
GENTLEMKNIt ma (real
fie attire to lint that your new proneij
f extracting teeth was a (rand ttireee it
my e, and I heartily re oo mm and It 14
all. I slncarely hope that etheis will
Cast Its merits.
Yours reHpeotfti Uy,
CAri. a K. liUIAJil, eoraatou, Paj
Henwood k Wardell.
S16 Lackawanna Ave.
Will on and after Mav 21 make a great redrni
troa In tbe prices of pinto. All work gua
alibied flrstaluas in ovary u articular,
A. W. Juriscii
Ylotor, Oendron, Eclipse, LoTeli Oiamoal
and Other Wheels.
r fUsw - urt .rrii-- rrwrw -ir.--.