One of the features of Saturday's Tribune will be a brilliant letter from Councilman Koba- THE Saturday Tribune by; the way, is a paper that you'll particularly want to take home. than, in Wales. ten EIGHT PAGES--5G COLUMNS. SCRANTON, VA. FRIDAY MQRXINQ. AUGUST' 21, 1804. TWO CENTS A COrY. THE TrIBONE HAS A LARGEB IS Gas Not Attached His Signature to. the .Senate Tariff Bill. STILL OBJECTS TO THE MEASURE The President Expresses His Objec tions to the Gorman Substitute for Wilson Ideal, but Does Not Say Whether He Will Sign or Veto the Act Sanguine Democrats Say That There Is a Possibility That Mr. Cleveland Will Sign the Bill. Washington. Auir. 23. HEN it was known mat Sp-iker Lrup bad seen Mr. Cleveland today there was a rush of members to the sneaker's room in orJer to learn the president's intwu tion hb to the tariff. All tbe speaker would nay was that the president would probably allow tbe bill to b coiue a law without his signature. lie Bnid tbe preaideut bad uot told bim what he would do, but from bis gen eral conversatiou regarding tbe bill the speaker uiude tbe foregoing dodut tion. Tbe president it ia said baa not hesi tated to express to some of his callers Lis objeotioni to the bilL These ob jections are as strong to-day as tbey were when his now famous letter to Cbuirmun Wilson was real in the bouse more tban a month ago. None of tbosd who saw tbe president asked whether he would veto the bill. The constitutional limit of ten days in Which tbe bill may become operative without the president's signature will be reached at midnight on Monday next. Some of the Democratic leaders who saw the president this morning have urged bim strongly to sign the bill. They have represented thHt any other course would discredit tbe measure and tbe party, and it would be a serious handicap to them when on the stump daring tbe October campaign. The president is reported to have heard these gentlemen patiently and to have shown by big responses that be was noi insensible to their nrgnment. In some oases they returned to the capitol feel ing that after all thre was a possibility tliHt the presidential signature would be affixed to tbe measure, hut, as one of the nnmt-er expressed 'it, "there is only a pOSMlbiliBty"! fl .f Equal uncertainty sIbo exists whether President Cleveland will send a mes sage to Congress concerning the bill, lie has been urged not to do so, but to WltKhrtM nn.M.i it n Un MMW 1 , say on tbe subject until the re-assembling of congress to be Incorporated iu his annual message. CLARK CAPTUHED. Leader of a Gang- of Kibbiri Bagged ia Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Auk. 23 A man apposed to bo William Clark, the head of the notorious Clark family, who are charged with having recently committed a number of robberies in tbe vicinity of Princeton and also in other parts of New Jersey, was ar rested here early this morning. The polio noticed a wagon with its top riddled with bullets being driven slowly on tbe outskirts of the city and sns pecting that the driver was Cliirk, they arrested him and notified the New Jersey authorities. Tno suspect says his name is Arm strong and denieB that he whs ever at PrincetoD, but gives no explanation as to how the wagon became riddled with bullcW The latter fact Is what made th police suspicious, it being be lieved that the vehicle ia tbe one iu wblou Clark and his son made their escape from the officers near Princeton ou yiunday, during which a heavy fire ws kept up between the pursuers and L ' ,1 mi . . ... ... o pursueu. xue man will Ds held a til the New Jersey authorities are bard from. Tbe suspect was given a hearing this ternonn una Held In n huil fni. nrrner nemrinir iinrinir run tiMni AnntaA tk.ft hi- ......... f 11 .. -1- 1 " Muni, un LBiuti wkb wium nau Hid he traveled around tbe country with bis horse and Wagon working on farms. He said he had no family and that he came from Peterson, N. J. The mnn also stated that be did not know the bullet boles were in the earriage until they were shown to him by the police. THE WORLO'S END NIGH. New Prophets in Knsai City Say So and Call the Dab Strike a Sign. Kansas City, Au. 23. A small pamphlet entitled, "What Do These Things Mean?" is being freely distri buted among the homes, particularly of workingmen, about town. It at tempts to prove that the end of the world is at hand, and that the wonderful things told in the Book of Revelations are about to come to pasj. Tbe recent railroad strike is adduced as a last sign of prophecy. Tbls last sign, it declares, is distress with per plexity. The pamphlet is published by tbe International Liberty assosiatioo. At their office ne one was able to fix tbe exact day for tbe end of the world, but it was stated that the present gen eration will live to see it. FRESH TARIFF BLUNDER. A Eidlonloue Mistake In the Coal Bohed ule Which Will Make Trouble. Washington, Aug. 23 Another Wand' r bas been discovered in tbe new tariff bill, which is almost sure to ause serious trouble. In the free list of tbe MeKialev act appears these two paragraph: "No. Coal, anthra cite." "No, 637 Coal stores of Ameri can veseeli, but none shall be unload ed." The new bill, towever. unites these paragraphs in Seotion 441 of tbe fre list, which now reads: ''Coal, an tbri cites) and ooal stores of American Vessels, but none shall be unloaded. ' Of oourse. according to the punctUB' tion, tbe prohibition contained in the last elanie applies to all that precedes CLEVELAND 111 COMMTTAL tt in tbe paragraph, including anthra cite coul, which was intended to be made free. As tbe pargraph now stands anthracite coal cannot b un loaded. GARDNER'S FAR AWAY. Altoona's Bank Cashier Enroute for the Flowery Kingdom. Philapelpuai, Aug. 23 A rumor was circulated last eveuing that Henry A. Gardner, tbe default ing cashier of tbe Altoona bank, who disappeared resently with over f 100, 000 of t'uo banks funds, was in this city. It was said that he bad been seen here and that tbe news of bis whereabouts was made known to tbo Altoona police through a telegram sent from this city by some unknown party, who was also kind enough to Volunteer tbe information that be was here awaiting the recovery of a Mrs. Gordon who whs in the hospital. Superintendent Linden was cnmmun icutcd with, but failed to locate Gard ner and could not discover any woman n m d Gordon in any of the hospitals. Tim superintendent scouts the idea that Gardner has been iu this city since his theft and believes with the United States authorities that the missing cashier is ou his way to either China or Japan. Tbe story is strengthened by the fact that a man answering Gard ner's description wag seen a few days ago iu Portland, Ore. BOLIVIA CANNIBALS. Father and Son Brutally Tortured to Death and Eaten by the Carangas Indians. Panama. Aug. 16. The Star and Herald prints the following details of tbe recent double murder by Indians in Bolivia: Tbe Indians of Carangas killed the magistrate of the court of Oruro, Sonor Arce, and his son, who was with him. Tbe unfortunate men seeing the menacing attitude of the Indians took refuge in a priest's house, which was surrounded bv tbe Indians, who threatened to set fire to it. Having held a council of martyrdom they re solved that tbe life of the son should be taken first, and in the presence of the father they clipped out bis tongue, extracted bis eyes and otherwise tor tured him until be was dead. As the blood fl wed from the body they caught it in horn cups and drank' it with avidity. They then put the father to death in a like horrible manner. A carnival of Cannibalism was then held over the bodies until tbe flesh was eaten to the bones. This account of such inhuman barbarities occurring within the region of civilization is almost inoreditable. This story also seems to explain the reason for a report that it was ex-President Arce, who is at present in Chili, who bad been assassinated, but as has been made known already it wus a namesake of bis that was the victim of these Indians, and the unfortunate magistrate was the man. Advices from Chili to the Star and Herald says: "The steamer Longavi, belonging to the Compania Sud-Auisr-icana, while bound from Carahue to the north ran on a rock during a dnse fog and is a total wreck. Many lives were lost, but the exact number is un known," THE LUTHERAN SYNOD. A National Gathering of the Scciety Delegates. Columucs, O , Aug. 23 The Evan gelical Lutheran synod, whose juris diction covers practically tbe whole of the United States, opened at tbe Trinity Evangelical Lutheran church in this city today. It is composed or 300 clergymen. 100 lay delegates una thirty parochial school teachers. It was decided that tbe synod should be in session each day from 8.30 to 11 a. m. and from 2 to 5 p. m. Today was spent in organizing be synod. SONS OF VETERANS. New OflWrs Elected at the National En campment. Devenport, Ia.. Aug. 23. The Na tional encampment of Sons of Veterans this morning elected the following officers-Commander in chief, Colonel William E. Buudy, of Ohio; senior vice -commander, T. A. Burton, of Rhode Island; junior vice-commander, L. A. Dilley, of Ohio: eonncil. W. D. Sneers, of New York; El well T. Carr, of Penn sylvania, and U it. Darling, of Boston. MISCELLANEOUS NEWS NOTES. Work on the Hennepin canal was begun ac rrraceion, m. Tbe National Numismatic society opened a couveuwuu at uetroic. Amendments to New York's constitution will not be put to popular vote until next yeor. New Tork's Cotton exchange declared that sugar bag cloth for sugar was all ngni. A telegrapbio printing apparatus for newpapers will be pushed by an Illinois compaoy. A O. McLaue was committed to Con cord. N. H., jail for trial for killing Nettie Douglass, with wnom ne went riding. A master pilot's license was granted at New Orleans, to Mrs. B. 8. Leathers, wife of a Mississippi river steamboat oaptain. William Waters, Ph. D of the Uni. Tensity of Cincinnati, bas accepted the presidency of Wells college, Aurora, a. x. On charges of tnurdor for causing the Sacramento train wreck. (Strikers Knox, Compton, Muller and Hatch are held for iriai. Crazy Tom Johnson, a negro, hugged uamy Jackson on tbe street at JNasiivuie, Tenu., and was almost lynched by the angry crowd. Miss Mary Sherman, daughter of the general, is engaged to James Alciaiium, nstiBiant oiere: or the supreme court or tue United Btates. Iu a fight with four horse thieves at Bay City, Mich., Jacob Smitburs was shot in the back and Perry Young's horse was uiBauieu, ma roDDers escaplug. Ambushed by mistake for the sheriff, F. B. Wirk. president of a Otnnln I Ing company, and J. W. liossberg, secre- mijr, worn unuiy wounded. . . .. A bodv Seen flnAtinff nff Amaatint-v Mass., is probably that of Captain N. B. Jordan, of the schooner Lydia F. Bailey. vi uu, juu., vt an utis oeen missing week, and was probably murdered. TROUBLE WITH THESRIIEBS Progress of tbe Great Sirike In Massachusetts Cotton Mills. A LONG AND BITTER WAR BEGINS The Lockout Under Way It Was Settled at a Secret Meeting of Manufacturers Weavers in New Hampshire Go Out New Bedford Employes Non-Committal About Conferring Over 25,000 Thous and Are Idle. Fall Riveb, Aug. 23. THE great textile strike here tod:iy developed into a lookont, and, n a resul', tonight will see 25. 000 idle mill operatives in the eiiy ot Fall Itiver. Notices were posted in the mills early this morning, which established beyond question that tbe war between labor and capital her is to be a long and bitter one. Tonight every mill operated by the men who are members of the Manufactnrr' association will shut down indefinitely. These mills include every establish ment engaged in the manufacture of print cloth, and the shut down throws 23.C15 men and women out of em Inv mnt. There are at present about 2.500 wbo have voluntarily quit work, which swells tbe total to about 25,000 idle operatives. The decision to close was reached by the manufusturers at their seeret meet ing yesterday, and is the result of an agreement to close the mills at any time that three-fourths of the looms were silent for any cause, This, wus trne yesterday, and today's notiee re sulted. The shut-down will leave a total of 3,275 employes at work in tbe Barnaby Manufacturing company, Fall River Iron works, Connecticut and Seaeon net mills. These establishments are engaged in the manufacture of goods that do not come under the manufac turers' agreement. The Weavers' as sociation met this afternoon to discuss the advisability of calling off the King Philip mill strike, which bas been ou for some time. If this is done it will place tbe strikers on the same footing with tbe other employes. NEW HAMPSHIRE JOINS. Sun Cook, N. II.. Aug. 23. Four hundred weavers in tbe China mills here did not go to work this morning as a result of the reduotion in wages equal to the cut down in the Fall River mills. Wages here are governed by the scale iu Fall River, and the opera tives were accordingly notified of a 10 per sent, eut dowu on Tuesday. They obj-oted strenuously, finally went out, and today refuse to return. No tices of a reduction have been posted in tbe Webster and Pembroke mills also and strikes may follow. The weavers, wbo are nearly all French Canadians, are not members of a union, but now will probably organize. Out of 2.4T1 looms in tbe China, Webster and Pembroke mills 2,060 nre rnnuing this afternoon. Agent Jewell stated to an Associated Press reporter this noon that he hoped for an amica ble settlement of the difficulty, but in ease none was arrived at within a short time work iu all the mills would be stonped. New Bedford, Mass., Aug. 23 Tbe principal feature of interest in the strike situation today is the conference to be held tonight ou the call f Mayor Brownell. The labor secretaries have voted to attend, but manufacturers ure non-committal. Messrs. Barry and Warner, of tbe state board of arbitra tion, have arrived. They said they had come Bimply to look over the grouud and will decide later on their course. Tbe gentlemen bold a conference with the officials of the Spinner's union. Later they bad a session with Mayor Brown ell, and have approved his course. The weavers and back boys bold meetings on the Common this morning. Tbe boys took steps toward tbe formation of a union and passed rules for fining boisterous members. It was voted to elect a "big feller" treasurer. MURDER MYSTERY; Burglar Fire the House of Clayton San ley, Who Ie Buraed to Death. Camden, N. J., Aug. 23 Clayton Danley, tbe barber wbo was severely burued in escaping from bis buruing bouse early yesterday morning, died at Cooper hospital at o o clock tins morn ing from bis injuries. Tbe fire is sup posed to be the work of burglars, as Danley claimed a sum or. money and a gold watch bad been stolen during the night. Mrs. Danley, the wife of the dead man, arrived home last night. She, with several officials, at once made an investigation of the burned premises and discovered some articles missing. Among those were several pieees of silverware and wearing apparel with her wedding dress. The bed on which Danley slept dur ing tbe progress of tbe nre was found bv Chief Dodd to have been saturated with ell, and about six other places over tbe bouse were found to have been oiled and set on fire, Four of these are in the cellar and the others on tbe stairway. Tbe police claim to have positive evidence that the fire was the work or an incendiary, inis adds another murder mystery to Camden county's already long list. HIRST IS INNOCENT. The San FraooUoo Hlnlstir Was the Viotlm of a Foul Conspiracy. San Francisco, Aug. 23. Rev. A. C, Hirst, president of tbe University of tbe Paetne, and a pastor or Simpson Memorial Methodist Episcopal ohnrcb, in this city, bas been cleared by tbe ecolesiasticil court of the charges of gross immorality preferred against bim by rroressor nogers. ; The verdiot says: "We find the charges maliciously and absolutely false. After a most oareful examina tion of the testimony, it is our judg ment that the charges bare their origin in a wicked cnnanir.irv to defamn the character of the accused." NOT AFTER WORK. Coxyita Offired Shelter Upon Terms That Shock Thtir Sennib!lltia. Philadklpiiia. Aug. 23 The sixty ex-Coxeyits who wer nnloadead from a train from Baltimore Inst night, whither tbey bad been s-nt by the Maryland authorities after having been released from that state's bonae of cor rection, met with h chilly re ception from tlia local authori ties today. The late follow ers of the commonweal agitator spent the night wherever they could find shelter, and this morning two of thir number, aeting as a committee. called at. the office of Mayor Stuart. Iheir olj-ct was to raquest that honi' ward transportation be furnished tno ni'mters of the army, i lie chief executive, however, was not in the city, and an attache of his office di rected them to Superintendent of Po lio Linden. With meek countenance the pair ap peared before the latter funotionary and related their story, only to be met witb a bluff "Get out of town as quickly as you can." In thus admon ishing the committeemen the police superintendent made no reference to the furnishing of transportation, but supplemented bis advice with n warn ing that the Philadelphia, house of cor rection would receive the army, indi vidually end collectively, if it did uot d'-pnrt. Tbe superintendent afterward re lented and said the army might stay in the city if it went to work, but tbe committee were not seeking employ ment and they withdrew. As the police are keeping a sharp watch upon the hobos their departure brfore long, by a route as yet unselscted, is looked for. CROOKS ARRESTED. Pittston Police Capture Two Men Who Are Loaded with Burglars' Tools. Fvrcial to the Scranton Trilmn. Pittston, Pa., Auir. 21. Two crooks supposed to have boen fiom Philadel phia, were arrested here this evening ty officers Iighe and Wethers. Tbey were captured at the Lackawanna and Blooinsburg juueiion, and i t is supposed that thev alighted from a truiu due from Philadelphia about 9.30. They were searched prior to being locked ep and their baggage was found to con sist of a complete set of burglar s tools, including jimmies, pincers, nippers, powder and a quantity of fuse. Eaoii carried a 32 calibre self-acting revolver with all chambers loaded. One of the revolvers was minus the original stock and a pine handle had been substituted, whiob was held in place with rubber bands. It otherwise was in perfect condition and appeared quire new. incomer revolver was a bulldog and was well used. The prisoners were well dressed anil were apparently aged about 25 and 35 years respectively. Tb.9 officers believe that tbey belong to an organized gang that has boen operating in this valley for some time past, roooing railway statious and postofficss. They will be given a hearing to morrow morning before Burgess Mulone. It is thought the officers received a tip from the doteotives iu the employ of the railroad companies which enabled tuem to locate their prisoners, EXPENSIVE RIDE. Thbtnie Brennan R.calvaa a Brokon Nose and Jaw and Bibi". Fpecial to tlie Scranton Trilmnn. Pittston, Pa., Aug. 23. 'lhomas tirenuan and a companion, while steal ing a ride on a freight train near this city tbls evinmsr, was requested to get olt by the train bauds, lie refused and the trainmen attempted to rj-ct him. in the struggle tuat followed, Breanan received blows from a coup ling pine that broke bis nose and jaw. As he fell from the train several ribs were also broken, Brennan was picked up and taken to the station house and was removed to the hospital later. During the rumpus Brennau's part ner vanished. PENNSYLVANIA BREVITIES. Ashland bas a water famine. Military exercises will be introduced In Keading public schools. A heavy beam fell upon and mangled to aeam oiionaei isassick. Accused of stealing bis sistor's watch James Belt is in Lebanon jail. While bathing nt Valley Forge. Henrv Carter, a colored man of Wayne, was drowned. Water consumers at Pottsville say the new water meters increase tbe cost of water greatly. United Mine Workers of America expect to orgauizo Aiacanoy bity coal diggers to day. A spark from a locomotive ignited Edith Clark's clothing at Clifton station, and she was perhaps fatally burned. John T. Craig, of Clarion county, was yesterday unauimously nominated on the beyeuth ballot for the Thirty-eighth Sena torial district by the Republican district conference. Tbe trial of Claicnce Peters, charged with wrecking Watts Station, on the Pennsylvania railroad, on the night of April IM, IttlH, witb dynamite, resulted iu au acquittal. The coroner's jury iuipannelled to inves tigatft the death of Bank Examiner Miller, at Altoona. rendered a verdict that the de ceased came to his death from tbe result ot a pl-tol shot wound, the weanon bavins been 11 rod by bis own hand; but whether oy accident or intention, to the jury uu known. (FRESH WIRINGS BY CABLE. Pope Leo has warmly congratulated Mgr. Ricard upon attackiug Zola's Lourdes. British glass manufacturers expect a re vival of trade, although our tarilj does not In order to give the unemployed work, members or fans trades unions will volun tarlly go on short time. Solomon's water conduits at Jerusalem are to be rebuilt by the Turkish govern ment ata cost of 1400,001). Tbe wedding of theczarewitchand Prln cess Alii, of Hesse, has been postponed until January or F ebruary. IS FLAME SWEPT Scranton's Sou! hern Suburb tbe Scene of $30,000 Blaze. . EIGHT HOUSES BURNED TO ASHES A Disastrous Conflagration Caused by the Exploding of a Lamp in Mrs. Coyne's Cellar Fire Engines from Central City Sent to Assist in Con trolling the Flames A House Torn Down to Stay the Fire's Progress. THE village of Minooka was swept by firn at midnight and eight houses in tbe center of tbe place woro burned to tbe ground, at a total loss of not less than $3J,OdO. Tbe firu originated in the basement of the grocery storo of John J. Coyne, on Main street, in tbe center of a block of frame houses. A liiuip in tbe cellar of Coyne's store exploded and ignited a large petroleum tank, nilod with nearly bfty gallons of heudlight oil. . The residents were were awakened from their elumbor by the report of the explosion of the tank, and iu U-hj than live minutes when tbey rushed to the street, buga volumes of fl lines were seen breaking from the windows in the cellar of the store. Before thoy could collect their senses the fire bad erupt up the side- walls and were licking the wood work of adjoining buildings. THE FIRE SPREADS. The store in which the fire started wus annexed to a lare doable dwell ing house, owned by Mrs. Coyne, mother of John J. Coyne, and is ten anted byier funiily and the family of John M'lhady. Iu fifteen minutes tbo store and double dwelling were a mass of fl lines. The bouse of Thomas Kear ney, on the north, next caught lire and was speedily consumed, communicat ing the fir. to tin house of John Gil higher, which met a like fate, as did tbe large dwelling of Timothy Lydon. Wbilo tbe fire wus eating its way to Lydou's houpe, about 20d Di'-u attacked n two-story building btdotiging to the Judge estate, and in a shore hour every stick of timber was toru away and the progress of the fire was checked for the time being. On the south side of Coyne's store the houses were not so closely situated and it took longer for the fire to spread. First the house occupied, by Timothy Iliggins caugnt, next tuc -story-end-a-naif building untenanted, owned ' by the Michael Costollo estate, and then the splendid new residence of John Lowry caught fire. KIRE COMPANIES ARRIVE. A telephone message was sent to Chief Engineer rerber, of the Scranton fire department and, although it was outside the city limits, he ordered box 05 to be pulled, and tbe Aeptnne, Ceu tury and William Council companies responded. Tne new Neptune Bteamer was attached to the pi ok at the corner of Birney avenue and Sanders street. and two lines of hoso were linktd to gether to reach the lire. Chif Farber direated the stream to be turned ou Lydon's house, and in a fow minutes the spread of tbe fire was checked. On the other side a bucket brigade kept the house or lhomas JLoughney saturated with water and prevented the flames from reaching it. Alto gether there were eight houses de stroyed and one raznd to the ground. The burned district sums up a loss of $:0,00, and not one-fourth ot is covered iiy insurance. John J. Coyne is the greatest loser. He had his store and stock insured for about half of their vilue, and he lost every article he owned, not even sav ing his books. His mother had nearly $500 in her room and this was burned up. Tbe fire spread so rapidly that those whose homes were destroyed had no time to save scarcely anything of value. At one time the crowd of over 5,000 persons stampeded and many escaped miraculously from injury in rushing from beneath tbe trolley wire which bad become loose through the burning of two poles. . The fire companies kopt the stream on the ruins until 1.3J and the fire wus entirely extinguished. PROHIBITIONISTS ORGANIZE. Meeting Held on West Market Street, A meeting of local Prohibitionists was uld last evening at 133 West Mar ket street in a room specially arranged by William Moors for the purpose of organizing a league to work in the North End. William Moore acted as president and 11. i. Dunning as seoretary. The following were appointed a committee to draw up tbe constitution and by laws of the league, viz: John Moore, William P. Anderson and II O. Dun nlng. A large number of members were enrolled. Addresses upon the ob jeer of the league were delivered by several of the intending members and the meeting was adjourned to Thurs day aext. HAD A GENIAL HOST. A Commonwealer Wbo Marched Into tbe Lion's Dsn, One of Coxev's late army marshed Into Captain Edward's house at Provi dence yesterday while tbe captain was at breakfast. Tbe icxeyite requested some refreshments ior ,tne "inner man" and the captain, who at the time had not donned his uniform, invited bim in and told bim to fill himself to his hearts content, placing before bim a good solid meal. The tramp, al though almost fainting at the exhibi tion ot unwonted generosity, immedi ately attacked the) edibles and after doing ample justice encaged the cap tain lo a very luierestiog conversation as to his sojourn. After the main boints in the discus sion were settled tlie captain put on his coat, while tbcCoxbyitepnt on another i look and bis opiuiojbs of hie genial host 1 underwent a considerable cbanga. The captain, however, demanded some re turn ror tbe substantial meal and binted that the return could be worked out on the chain gang. The commonwealer wus locked up at Providence accord ingly, prior to his connection with the chain gang. He declares in language whloh cannot be misunderstood that be will not again dine with a police officer. RYAN WENT DEER HUNTING. He Bagged Hie Game in Carbon dale AftT an All Day Searoh. Special Officer Rvtn was not up witb the birds aud The Tribune car riers Wednesday moruing aud as a oon si queues be bad au all duy cause after Constable Jonathan Venison whom ho wanted for shooting Joseph Olasohefski iu Archbald on Tuesday evening. Venison read the account of the shooting in The Triucne and with the intention of warding otf arrest as long as possible hid himself to Curbondale. When Special Officer Hyaa with Alder man Fitzsiimuons' warrant, arrived ia Arobbald at 9 o'clock Wednesday morn ing, he found that bis game had eluded him. Sin kmc a trailhowever, he tracked bim to Carbondale and to wards nightfall had bim in custody. Venison went before Squire Munley, of Archbuld, aud entered bail iu the sum of $1,000 to answerat court, Philip Behle becoming bis surety. A AOT LEGAL l'OlNT. It Was Baited by the Owner of a North Bud Cow. Cm a cow be milked while in pound for the benefit of the pound keeper? That is the question the peopla ot the North End arc determined to have answered. A few days ago a number -of cows were found at the Highworks bv George Searle, of Keiser avenue, wbo informed the owners ot the bovines that a fee ot $1 wouid have to be forth coming for each before they would be roleased.? John Murphy, tbe owner of one ot the cows, paid bis dollar, but when be discovered that the soft-eyed animal had been milked be demanded the milk or its value. He did not get it and has brought suit before Alderman Horan. Tbe case will be beard next Monday aud the result is awaited with creat interest by cow owners of tbe North End. MARRIED AT PHILADELPHIA. Miss Adeline Miller United to George 8. Mott Miss Adeline Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Miller, of Adams ave nue, was married nt Philadelphia Mon day to George S. Mott, of this city. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. C. Boyle in the presence of Miss Milieu's parents. The young people have been much attached to each other for some time, but Mr. Mott's relatives did not look with favor on bis marriage to Miss Miller. Ha was uot to be shaken in his choice, however, and hence the ceremony was p.rfjrmed in Philadel phia. Mr. Mott is a clerk at the Delaware, Lackawanna, and Western machine shop, and his bride is one of the most attractive yoang ladies of the city. MRS. KENNEDY OBJECTED. Boet Not Want Hur Daughter to Marry Till Sua I'j of Age. A woman walked into the court of the clerk's office iu the court house yesterday, nnd asked for the clerk who issues marriage licenses, "Step into the next room, madam," said Deputy Thomas P. Danieln. "Oh, I don't want a license for my self. I have a man ulready," was bor rejoinder; "but If my daughter. Nora Kennedy, comes here in comyany with a boy named John Thomas, for your life don't giva them a license. My lit tle girl is only 17, and it is plonty time for her to think of marrying when she gets to be of age." "Now, miud that," was her parting salute, as she swept from the office with the air of a tragedy queen. FLORISTS' CONVENTION. Officers Chosen at Closing Sosaiona of the Atlantio City Meeiing. Atlantic City, N. J., Aug. 23. The lontb annual convention of the Society of American Florists came to a close this evening. Tbe important action of the day was the choosing of the follow ing officers for the ensuing year: Pres ident, Edward Lonsdale, Philadelphia; vice president, C. C Reinman, Pitts burg; secretary, William J. SUwart, Boston, and treasurer, II. B. Beatty, Oil City, Pa. Two essays were read, one by G. L. Grant, of Chicago, aud the other by Robert Simpson, of Cromwell, 111. Tonight tbe annual meeting of the Florists' Hull association wus held. Tomorrow the delegates will be enter tained by the Philadelphia Florists' association. DULUTH'S MYSTERY. A Well-Dreeiod Woman's Body Cast Up on Lake Superior's Shore. Duluth, Aug. 23. The body of au unknown womau was found on the Lake Shore of Minnesota Point last evening. It was partially buried. A fractured skull, marks of violenoe on the bands and neok indicate murder. The body was that of a woman about 32 years old, of light complexion and apparently of good station. Her dress and onderalotbing were new, of good quality and unmarked. There were found on the body three tings, a bracelet, a brooch and earrings. Death was caused by the wound on tbe skull. Last of th9 Season. On Saturday, August. 25 the last excur sion of the season to Niagra Falls wdl go over the Lehigh Valley road. Tickets are f") and ran be obtained at tbe Lehigh Valley ticket office or new Delaware and Hudson depot. They are good to return on any regular train until Monday, Aug ust 27. WEATHER FORECAST. Washington, Aug. 23. Forecast for eastern Pennsylvania and .Ww Jevttu. fair. MOithwestrly irtnrfc. For Wnttrn Pennsylvania, fair, noulhcrly winds. R FILETS Summer Sale . OF INTERESTING PRICES TO BUYERS: One case Webster 10-1, Scar let and Blue Borders, 59 CENTS. Onfi caso Kenwood 11.-4, botli White and Gray, Borders Scarlet, Blue aud Orange, 98 CENTS. One case Reliance 11-4, both White and Grey, Borders Pink, Blue and Drab, $1.35. 50 pairs Hampden 11-4, All wool and Shrunk, Borders l'ink, Blue and Lemon, $4.50. Ona case Rio Vista, Califor nia, 12-4, Borders Pink, Blue, Lemon aud Drab, $6.00. .10 pairs Sacrameuto, Califor nia, 12-4, Borders Pink, Bluo and Drab, $8.00. Crib Blankets in all sizas, with latest pattern bord ers and colors. 510 and 512 Lackawanna Ave. MINERS' Wholesale and Retail H. A. Kingsbury 313 Spruce Street. TELKl'IIONE NL'IIBEU 4(itl. Lewlsi Reilly & Davies Take off the old aud put on the now, That neatly-flttiug, easy shoo. When low prices rule as now thov do, Who would deuy himself tho new? Burt & Packard Shoes Make Us Friends. Lewis, Reilly & Davies 114 WYOMING AVENUE. We Examine Eyes Free of charge. If a doctor ia needed you are promptly told so. We also guarantee a perfect fit. LATEST STERLING SILVER NOVELTIES I.J. L The Jeweler, dO 8 Spruce Street. BLANKETS! OILCLOTH 1"