THE SCRANTON TIMBUNjE TIITJRSDAT MORNING. AUGUST 23, 1894. ASE BALL Go for the Third lime to Slim non's Aggregation. HITS AND ERRORS NUMEROUS Ten Runs in One Inning Were More Than Cahil! Could Endure and Still Win the Game Other ' Eastern League Summaries Standing of the Clubs National and State League Results Base Ball and Other Sporting Notes. eiiX U U 11 I U-U'WU I 1 r tit tit J ... I l Whv:,V! i-o-w-nlll Still yy l)Jf-l t ira u rnnm lir a little more slidinir ere the "uew blood" of the Scranton acr crocation of ball tosners reach their level in tbo Eastera lengne chsniplon BliiD race. The only pity is that tbe Hon- orablo Michael minht put a sprau on the track and thus enable us to keep our hernia iibora water or mud in the liuaebiilligtio firmament. The cbuniDionshio firames played yes terday in the Eastern league did not materially chant's the standing of the clubs. The leaders added to tneir per ci'iitape nt the expense of Eiie, while Buffalo, Seranton and Syracuse lott to fcpringh.ld, Y ilkes-uarre ana Alien town respectively. The percentages of the elubs, num ber of jfame. won Hnd lost by each, aud their standing in the league race is as follows: Won. Lost. Providence M 31 Puffnlo 57 47 Erie JO Si) Wilkes-Barre... 4H 44 Syracuse 47 W7 Fcranton 44 40 SliriiiKtteld 44 4i Allentown "0 05 Per O't. .C52 , .5-11 .611 .5110 .4S9 .473 .2b0 SLAUGHTERED. Wilkos-Earre Kan Karoos Rally from a Traces la tb. Seventh Inning-. fractal to the Scranton Tribun. "Wimces-Barre, Aufr. 23. Today's Cams between the iltibies and beranton, despite the bit? score aud the many er rors, was. from a Wilkes-Barre point of view, one ot the most interesting or ine season. The visitors started in at a rattling gait, aud on timely batting, daring bate-running and some costly errors managed to get a lead of sisruus before Wllkes-Barre was able to score. In the third inning McLinghlin was taken out of the box and Keenan sub stituted. Scranton got three runs off Lira and increassd their soore to ten, Ling seven ahead of MVllkes-Barre. The lead was maintained until the seventh inning, when bases on balls and five costly mors, together with the home team's heavy batting, gave the home team ten runs. Scranton spurted and sucteeded in adding four rnns to their seore, but were unable to overtake the babies. The features of the gams were the batting of Warner and the fielding of Cahill. Score: WILKES-DARKE. 11. H. P.O. A. E. Lyttle, 1. f. 2 1 a 0 1 Shannon, 'Jb 2 2 2 4 1 steams, l.b 2 1 t) 0 0 Lezotte, r. f 3 12 0 0 JMts, c. f 4 8 3 0 2 Oilleo, 3b 18 13 1 Warner, c 3 0 5 2 1 WcMahon, s. s 0 2 2 2 2 McLaughlin, p 0 0 0 0 0 Kcenan, p 1110 0 Totals 13 20 7 11 8 ECRANTON. B. H. P.O. A. E. Cahill, 2b 1 1 2 0 0 Hoover, If 4 4 2 0 1 Johnson, cf 2 1 4 C 2 Rogers, c. 2 2 3 0 1 Whitehead, 3b. 12 12 2 I'holnu. rf 0 0 1 1 0 Lehsne, lb. 3 1 11 0 1 Hiuith, 63 1 0 2 4 1 Donovan, p. 0 2 1 3 0 Totals 14 13 27 10 8 TYilkes-Barre..O 0 1 2 4 0 10 0 118 fccranton 4 2 .1 1 0 0 2 2 014 Earned runs Wilkeflbnrre, 7; Scranton, G. First base by errors Wilkes-Barre, 6; rcrauton, 6. Left on bases Wilkes-Barre, 8: Scranton, 12. First base on halls Off McLaughlin, 1; off Keeiiau, 1, off Donovan, 5. (struck out By JIcLauRblin, 1; by Keen au, 1; by Donovan, 1. Home runs Hoover, fchaunon. Two-base hits Shan non, Lezotte, Warner, Lehane. Sacrifice Hits McMnhon. Stolen buses Lyttle, Betts 2, Warner. Double plays Smith to Lehane, Cahill unassisted, Whitehead to Lehane, Phelau to Lehane. Hit by nitcher By Donovan, 1. Umpire, Duescher. Time-2:U5. OTHER EASTERN LEAGUE RESULTS. At Providonco Providence.... 2 012800008 Erie 1 0000000 01 Hits Providence, 18; Erio, 6. Errors Providence. 1; Erie, 2. Batteries Sulli van and Dixon; ilcGuiness and Bergor. Umpire Snyder. Second game Providence... .1 1200110 06 Erie 1 00000 2 0 03 Hits Providence, 12; Erie, 9. Errors Providence, 2: Erie, 2. Batteries Lovott end Dixon; ilerndon and Berger. Urn ' plre Snyder. At Syracuse Fyracuso 0 01 2 0 10 4 20 Allmitown....3 0 0 8 1 2 0 5 x 12 Hits Syracuse, 15; Allentown, 15. Er rorsSyracuse, 2; Allentown, 2. Batter ies Barnctt. Bauswein and Rafter; Bald win and Kelly. Umpire Swurtwood. At Springfield Spriugtield....O 1 1 2 2 0 2 2 010 Buffalo 3 0102000 10 Base hlts-Springfleld, 1.1: Buffalo, 11. Errors Springfield, 2; Buffalo, 8. Bat teries Coughlin and Leahy; Hoffer and TJrquharc. Umpire Dan Burke. STATE LEAGUE. AtEaston Easton, 9; Hazleton, 13. At Lancaster Lancaster, 20; Potisvllle, 12. At Shenandoah Philadelphia, 9; Shen imloah, 1. FOR FIVE HUNDRED YEARS, . and over the , Vhole world lias been coming to Carlsbad to bo cured. Disorders of tlib stomach, of the liver, of yie bowels, of the kidneys and bladder, gout, rheu matism, diabetes, obesety all have been sent to Carlsbad. Here is the very same remedy now, right at your own door; the Sprudel Salt (the water evapor ated at the spring). For sale at all druggists. But see that you get only the genuine imported, with the signature of "Eisner & Mcndelson Co., Solo Agents, New York," on every bottle. II il NATIONAL LEAGUE. At Now York- New York.... 2 038000008 Chicago 0 0010010 85 Hits-New York, 12; Chicago, 7. Er rors New York. 8: Chiasmi. 8. listteriss lleekin ami Farrell; Hutchinson and oennver. umpire ileyunid. At Boston BoBtou ...0 0004032 x 8 Cincinnati ....0 0001211 2-7 Hits Boston, 9; Cincinnati, 0. Errors Bo-ton, 1; Cincinnati, 0. B.itteries rucuois anu uuiizel; iourmer ana iUur pby. Umpires Dwyor and Stivetts. At Philadelphia- Philadelphia... 0 0 10 0 0 2 0 0-8 Baltimore. 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 02 Hits-Philadelphia, 10; Baltimore, 2 Errors Philadelphia, 2; Baltimore, 5. Batteries Taylor. Clements and Bncklev: Inks and Clarke. Umpires Campbell aud setts. WHY READING IS PROUD. Th. Horn. Team flay. Narblos With the Louisville Team. Reading, Pa., Aug. 22. The Louisville Nationul League team journeyed over here today to play a game with the local club, and were beaten in an interesting game by tne lollowing score: Heading 0 0011043 0-9 Louisville 1 1.1001 00 37 Hits Ren din ir. 13: Louisville. 11. Er rora Redding, 8; Louisville, 2. Butteries iox and Coyle; Nicols and Zahner. GLINTS FROM THE DIAMOND. Thompson is out for the batting chain plouuhip this season. He is hitting like a Trojan, nnd pushing Deluhanty autl Duffy very hurd for the lead. Cross is also close up among the leaders. If soino of the olavors who are so sensi tive to criticism were to hear the remnrks passed about them on th. bleachers and in the grand stands at times, they would think they were used remarkably well by me press. uostou lioraiu. The Kentucky base ball player who was struck by lightning while playing a gnm on Sunday would serve better as a moral lesson were It not tor the fact that a church steeple in the immediate vicinity was struck and demolished at tho Bame time. Baltimore Herald. Few are ftware of the fact that Snorts man's park, St. Louis one of the finest Dan parus in tne country narrowly oa caped conflagration recently. It was again a lighted cigarette that dropped be tween tho seats and ignited tho timbers supporting the structure, but luckily the ure was uncovered in time. Manager Kuntzsch has signed Rafter of the Binghamtous to relievo Hess, who h one of tho best catchers that ever played on the Star team. Now, if Mr. Kuntzch could gut some one to take tho place of the reno called liauseweln a little better ball could bo expected than has been played in tho last few weeks. Syracuse Jourual. Tommy McCarthy made one of his won derful 'trBu bull" plays in Boston in a re cent game and it saved the game for the champions. With no one ont aud a man on first and second McCarthy tapped a Uy ball in the outfield aud before the Pitts burg pluyers realized what had happened a beautiful triple olar hud been executed. It was a play that will seldom, if ever, bo seen again on the diamond, and only a McCarthy or a Dully nnd suchatenmas tne Bostons could oxtcute it successfully. RACE FOR OLO MEN. Will Be a Feature of Friday's Program at Driving Park. The featuroof the races of the Gsntle- mu's Driving club at the Driving Park Driduy afternoou will be a race in which old mou will be the drivers. O39 of those who will handle the rib bons is t-4 years of nee. The entries for the races are .is follows: 2.40 CLASS. 1. Mugnolia,, Dr. VVentz. 2. Thief, b.g., A. L. Spencer. 3. Keeley, b.g., W. M. Jermyn. 4. Abigail, b.m., Dr. Houser. ,r. Jack, b.g., Dr. Hill. 2.50 CLASS. 1. Duke, brrg., L. T. Payne. 2. Daisey, br.m., C. 8. Senmans. 8. Fanny Blair, b.m., i. M. Shellv. 4, Pet Hand, b.m., Frank Spencer. 6. Frank H, b.g., Frank liazzurd. TLA.M RACE. Dr. B. H. Throon.C. M. Sanderson and 3. R. Mears. 3.00 CLASS. 1. Poor Richard, Dr. Houser. 2. W. F. H jr., J. F. Sio3l9. 3. Billy, C. M. Sanderson. 4. C. U. Pilot, M. T. Kellar. WITH THE WHEELMEN. It is estimated that abont 80.000 women in tho United States ride bicyclei. In the one kilometre bicycle race at the Velodrome de Seine in Paris, Farman won the championship of France. Director Talcott, of New York, has a wacer of (tiW with Playwricht Charlev Iloyt that Boston does not win the pen i.ant this year. Twenty-five pound whools are ridden harder nowadays than fifty-five ones were three years ago, and with as little or less injury to tne wheels. Sawdust sprinkled on a machine after a wet, muddy ride is recommended for clettulug purposes. It absorbs the mois ture like blotting paper and falls off when dry, taking the mud with it. Buffalo is to have another bie twentv- five mile road raco this year. It will be promoted by Penseyres & Haberer, and win iase pmce oopc ine course Has not been selected. The event is open to everyone, and it is expected that all the crack road liders will compete. A, A. Zimmermnn, the American wheel man, won the international five-mile scratch race at Oosforth Saturday. wnceier was secona, unniter tnira, Harris fourth, Max fifth and James sixth. In the five-mile tandem race Harris and Banker were first, Edwards and Max second and V ueeler and James tuird. Manager Selee says that he saw Burnt. of the Brooklyns, throw sand in Tucker's eyes when Uodson recently threw the ball to catch the runner napping. A player who would do such a thing ought to be kept from playing ball and the Boston club ought to prefer charges against him. Tucker lost sight of the ball, ot course. and it was a lucky thing that it did not nit mm in tne nice. FROM THE JUDGE'S STAND. Stamboul. 2.07V, islbeing trained nt Charter Oak park, Hartford, Conn. A dispatch from Irvine, Ky.. savs there Is a horse at that place that is a blind bay on one side and coal black on the other. It has been decided to chance the dis tance for the Kentucky Derby from ona mile and a half to a mile and a quarter. Alix put together the fastest three con secutive beats ever made in harness by either trotter or pacor at Terre Haute yes terday. The time was 2.00, 2.001 2.05. The entries for the fall stakes at L tit on In make a remarkable showing. All told, tbnro are nearly 1,000, embracing quite a lot of cracks, both oast and west. Among the eastern owners who have made nomi nations is Presidont Walbaum, or Sarato ga, who has entered Lamplighter, Poten tate and others. In Russia the trotter is forced to submit to pretty severe treatment as a prepara tion for a race. For two days bofore a race he gets nothing but cnVn0u twer. water, and he is tied np f.nd beaten an hour bofore he starts, so ns to terrif v him into going for all there is ih him, as whips aru uuo kuuwbu uu iu vuurse. One of the latest adaptations of nnan. matlo tires is to the wheelt 0f an omnibus which is being tried by tht Glasgow Tram way company, at Glasgov, Scotland. The tires are about three $a one-half Inches in diameter, aud can Withstand n pressure of 18(1 pounds to the su'.iaro inch. To guard against any risk of tle India rubber being punctured by sharf, stones or otherwise, the tires are thoroughly protected hv v- eral piles of canvass, wltn a covering of wire-wovou iieniun. ine omnibus is said to be a very comfortable vehiole to ride lu. Cleuatlness la Shaving. Notwithstanding that the subject has re cently given rise to some discussion In the daily press, there can be no reasonable doubt as to the causation ot parasitic syco sis, and the frequent responsibility of bar bers for its propagation. We will not deny that tho disease may occasionally arise from accidental contact other than that of infected soap and brush. Its close connection with these, however, is affirmed by the evidence ot a common and persistent sequence of events. We need not dwell upon the tenacity witn which it clings to the hairof the face, nor will we examine the methods used by the dermatologist for its destruction. Sani tary cleanliness is here better than any remedy. We are advised to shave our selves, to avoid the cheap barber, to use precautions with brushes and the like. Terhups the advice first given would prove the best, but the professional operator is to many persons indispensable. The t ruest wisdom for one's self In such a cuso is clearly to use due care In selecting a barber. Whatever he is not, he must be cleuu and careful. It should not be for- fcottun that there are possible safeguards well within the reach of this class of tradesmen which a customer mav fairlv exact for his own security as part of the common law of shaving. These Include the uso of perfectly fresh water and soap, or preferably shaving cream, as admitting of exclusive uso, n clean brush and a clean razor for each person shaved. We should also advise, as a further but not superfluous precaution, that instru ments after washing be dipped in some convenient antiseptic solution. Such meas ures us these require but littlo time to carry them out. They are needful in order to insure immunity from contaglou, and the poorest will find them worth a small nddltiou to the barber's fee. London Lan cet. "Onr llaby." She was a tiny littlo girl, with dirty, sun tanned hair, a blue calico dress and baro feet. Sho carried in her arms a baby half as large as herself, and the baby was so licavy that it sagged down in the mid dle, giving the infant the appearance of being held by the feet nnd nape of the neck. There was some excitement around the corner of tho next block on Wash street, and the children were hurrying for ward like mad from nil directions. The little girl tried to run, but the baby was too heavy, and her breath gave out. Said 1, in a spirit of badinage: "Drop the baby, sis, and go see what the trouble is. . She stopped and stared nt ma "I say, put the baby down on tho side walk and run." "Yer must take me fer a fool, mister." "Why?" " 'Cos this is our baby." "Well, suppose it Is. I'll stay here and watch it lor vou." "No, yer won't, mister. Yer might carry it Oil." "What if I didl Ain't you tired carrying it around and making your back ochef" "Nuw, I ain't. Suy, mister, this is the only little buby we'vo got, aud if yer only knowed how sho can crow and laugh yer wouldn't want me to do no such thine. This baby hain't got no ma 'cept me, and Jin nnd me couldn't do 'thout her. She sets up in a high chair at thotabloand crows nnd kicks while me and pa eats, aud at night I rock her to sleep like ma used to dot When ma died the baby didn'.t know no better, but just lauehed and hol lered, nnd I cried so 1 couldn't keep her sun. rut ner down ou the sidewalk! Fool killer '11 git you, mister, ef you stay around uere long." bt. Louis Republic, In tho llouso of Commons. "My dear sir," observed the great man to me as he lit another cigarette, "you must understand that nothing is as it used to bo here. Times are changed; so are manners; so Is the shape of people's hats. Look at that fellow, Milkpot, who is pass ing us now observe that monstrosity he has on his head, a Mexican sombrero, fit for the pnmpasor the mountaius who would have dreamed of entering the house ot commons wearing such a thing in Lord Pulmerston's timer" Look at the brim, sir. It spreads over the terrace like an awning. Milkpot might hold a tea party under it. Thnt shows what is going on. "We don't even dress like gentlemen any more. A man may do anything now adays and no one will think the worse of him. It used to be uu understood thing that divisions should not be sprung upon us in the dinner hour, or nt other unseem ly times, nnd consequently we could go away comfortably and dine without fear of coming back and lluding the ship scut tled. But now we are obliged to be here all through a sitting we dure not leave the place, even for ten minutes. "Well, we cnuuot always be stuck on the treasury bench, like so many enchanted apes, and if we go into the library some body is sure to be after us with a question, or a deputation, or a request which is ut terly Irregular, not to say disgusting. So you see it lias become necessary to provido each of us with a room. A lot of servants and clerks huve been turned out of this part of the house, and here we are In their places. Come in, and I will show you mine." Macmillun's Magazine. The Victoria Cross. The question has been asked, How many officers are entitled to wear the Victoria cross f lam able to answer the question. Tho mere statement of number reveals at once the exclusive characterof this reward for vulor. No less, however, than thirty nine general officers are entitled to weur it an indication of the fact that promotion to exalted military rank in England has in a great muny caHes been the reward of he roic merit. Thirty colonels and lieutenant colonels are entitled to wear the decora tion; twenty-two majors, eleven captains, eight lieutenants nnd five quartermasters possess the sume privilege. Fifty-nine of the medals, however, are held by noncommissioned officers and pri vates, thirty-four being in possession of privates, five of lance corporals, three of corporals, seven of sergeants, six of color sergeants, two of quartermaster sergeants and two sergeant majors. One clergyman possesses the medal, the Rev. J. W. Adams, who was formerly attached to the Bengal ecclesiastical establishment. Manchester Exumiuer. The Captain's TrlnU. Pretty Passenger Cuptaln, did the ship really make twenty knots every hour last nightr The Captain Yes, miss. P. P. And what do you do with so many knots? The Captain (gruffly) Toss 'em over board. P. P. Oh, how queer! I thought the sailors had to untie them during the day. Pittsburg Bulletin. Winter forcing of tomatoes is very profit able, especially near large cities. A high temperature, plenty of sunlight and great care in the growing are all that is required to produce good results. Mothers I Uoth.rsl! Mothers!!! Mrs.Winelow's Soothing Syrnp has been OBed for over fifty years by millions Of mothers for their children while tentblnf, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain; cures wind colic and Is the best remedy for di arrhoea. Sold bydiuggists in every part of the world. Be sure and ask tor "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrnp," and take no no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bot tle" Mrs. M. EciiAENHEROKn, Beaver Dam.. Wis., writes: "We have used Dr. Thomas' Eclectrio Oil in our family for Congbf, Colds. Crouu and Rheumatism. It cunt every time." CENT A Word. toftta mU kind east that mue o Mpt Situation VTanted.waioA or insert fuse. Help Wanted Male. MEN TO SELL BAKING POWDER TO the grocery trad.; tiadv employment; experience unnecessary; 8"5 monthly Btlary and exD.nHAK dp cum. If nffar tutisiactorv ad- dre-s at once with particulars concerning yourseir, u. s. chemical worn, inicago. , I. ! Rooms Wanted. ' vate house, above Wyoming avenue; nentea ana wita use oi nam. Aujress Koom, J riliune oftlce. For Rent, jMJR RENT STORE 611 LACKAWANNA Ave. Inquire of HENRY FitfcY, ill Lackawanna Ave. POR RKNT ONE-HALF STORE. 120 J. renn avenue, t'M per month. FOR RENT NICELY-FUR. OSHED HALL suitable for lodne rooms. JOHN JER- ' w yoraing avenue. Personal. A f AN WANTED - A REHPEOTABLE 1VJ. young lady, ace 22, worth upward of cj.wu, wisuus to marry an lnuustrious young nioti AiI.Iha.... o v T Li IT ton. Lost, I OUT LIGHT RED COW. ABOUT 11 J years old. Howard of J2.60 for her re turn to MAT ROSEN BOTH, Barbertown, Old Horses at Auction. HORSES AT AUCTION-AT CUSICK'8 stable, Scranton, on Friday, An. 24, St 1 oVlftf-k T, m u.xinil vnn. urnt-h- tw.xana anA drivers. ' W. B. MOORE. Architects' Notice. ARCHITECTS' NOTICE COMPETITIVE plans and specifications are Invited for a city uuildlnii to be used for Are department house and police patrol station. A prospeotus of tho building may be seen at the office ot the city clerk, at which office the said plans and specifications are to be submitted on or before Wednesday, August 22, 1SW4. By order of city councils. M. T. LAVELLE, City Clerk. Scranton, Pa., July 24, 18K4. Special Notices. YOU WANT THIS RELIC REPRINT Illustrations lSol-lSM. Two Volumes Folia Sl0.oO; payable monthly. $2.00. Delivered by express complete, prepaid. Address P. O. WOODY, BIS Uibson street, Scranton, Pa. BLANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAQA zines, etc., bound or rebound at Till TimiL'.NS ollico. . Quick work. Reasonable frices. MEAL TICKETS CAN BE HAD AT 144, corner Spruce street and Franklin ave nue. Twenty meal tickets for fcASO. Good table board. Proposals. CEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE IJ ceived at the office of the Scranton Board or Control, until 7.MJ o'clock, Monday evening, September 17. 1KIH, tor t!ie constructioa and enm plction of a new hitch school, to bo located at the corner of Washington avenue and Vino street, Scranton, Pa.,in accordance with plans nnd specifications in the otliceof thescre t ry, as prepared by Little & O'Connor, ar chitects. f 2 W. Twenty-third street, New York. The sum of five thousand dollan (5.IKJ0) in cash or certified check is to be enclosed with each proposal, which sum shall be for feited to the district in case of refusal or omission on tho part of the bidder to execute contract within ten days if awai ded the snmo. A bond in tho sum ot fifty thousand dollars (60,(KJ) with approved sureties will be re quired of the contractor to whom the con tract is awarded conditioned for the faithlul oerformance of tb. contract. All proposals must be submitted on blank forms to be fur nished by tho secretary, as none others will be considered. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. By order of the Scranton Board of Control. MJGENK D. FELLOWS, Secretury. Scranton, Pa., Aug. 21, 1S91. CEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE O ccivtd at tho office of the Citv Clerk. Scranton, Pa- until 7.30 o'clock p.m., Thurs day, August 30, 18'Jl, to purchase tho old sta tion house in Centre street kiddors i n close with each pro(o.ial the sum of twenty five dollars, cash or certiUud check, as a guar antee to comply witn proposal if accepted. Tho city reserves the rinht to reject any and all bids. By order of citv counHls. M. T. LAVfcLLJS City Clerk. Charter Application. lyOTICli 18 HERtBY GIVEN THAT AN 1 atioli-ation will biUlado to the Governor of the Stute of Pennsylvania, on Friday, the toutn fluy or August A. u. ism, uy w . a. Cou ncil, WAV. Van Dvke, a W. Roberta, Hanson Carr enter and Horace E. Hand, undor t ie Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An act to provide for th) incorporation and regulation of cer tain corpoaatl ns," approved April 211th, 1S74, and the supplements thereto, for the charter of nn Intended corporation to be cullod "The Nay Aug Shale Brick Company," the character and object of which U the manufacture end sale or building brick, pav inir brick, tiles and other artloles inude from clay, sand, enrth, rnrk and minerals,or either or ail of them, aud for thesu purposes to have and possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges or said act of assem bly and its supplement!. oc niiiu, solicitors, NOTICE IS HEREBY UIVEN THAN AN application will be mado to the Gover nor of Pennsylvania on Friday, the third day of August, USUI, by Samuel P. Boyer, George W. Burnes, Joseph B. Dickson, O. S. Johnson and H. M. Boies, under the Act of Assoinblf entitled "An act to provide for the in corporation and regulation of certain corporations," approved April filth, 1874, and the supplements t hereto, for charter of an intended corporation to be culled "The Wy oming Oil Company." tho character aud ob- joct ot which is the mining, producing, sell- 7 Jt .. . i .. n1 . n ,t .1 lUff HIIU BVUHUH wi uu, mi... iui .new, uui AJS(;a to have, poue-s and enjoy all th. rights, br-nelits and prlvilages ol such act of assem bly and supplements thereto. W1LL.AKU, VKAaaifl S ItHsrr, Solicitors. Res I estate. SCRANTON REAL ESTATE AND IN VESTMENT AGENCY. olforB bargains as follows: CITY BUSINESS PROPERTY. 40 ft front by SO ft deep, on Spruce street, rents for $100 J 10,000 40 ft. front bv 80 feet deep, on Spruce street, corner auey iu.oou These together nir. 80 ft. front on Soruce street between Ponn and Franklin, with alley on side. Spruce street property is advancing rapidly. CITY KKHIUKNCB rrSUrr.KTl. CORNER MONROE AND VINE street. lot 60x83, two dwellings, H00, giving a nlc residence and an Income for small investment; ALSO A PLOT OP 8 LOTS, giving 120 ft front on Moaroe avenue, near Vine street Thnae make a first-class residence Plot In a desirable locality. If not sold in one plot will sell above separately. WEST tsiuifc Iit ROxIM). South Mull! avenne. arMoinlnv residence of Smith B. Mott, price, (2,760; also lots on Rock street and Wast End plac. Only four left COUNTRY PROPERTY. A BEAUTIFUL HOME AT DALTON. PA. modern house, spring water 'piped lnt it from hill back, barn for thro, horses and two oows, hennery with comentsd floor, young fruit, fine lawn, grand outlook; one and a bait to three acres, as desired, 86,000. Also lots of ubftut same size on Western Slope, Daltou, Call or address aJii i ri a. uvi manager. No. 421 Lack, ave. rear board trade. CATALOGUE OP REAL ESTATE FREE to all. Please send for CODV. R. ERNEST COMEGYS, Price Building. CO M E AND SEE US CONCERNING THE PRINTING YOU NEED SOON. '. W. can please your taste and wants. Get an estimate. The Scranton Tiibnns Job Dopt, onno On account of extensive alterations now In progress at our store, we will conduct a SPECIAL GLEARLM SALE FROM NOW UNTIL SEPTEMBER 1ST. Oar purpose is to reduce stock in order to accommodate the large purchases we have made for the fall trade. Prices will be such that you cannot afford to miss this opportunity. Immense Attractions in Every Department Our limited space forbids any further details in regard to prices. We only ask you to visit us and ascertain how cheap Dry Goods can be sold under our new regime. With the addition of 1,500 square feet of floor space, which with our present capacity will give us 5,500 feet, we will be well qualified to satisfy the demands of our large and increasing business. When finished we will have the best lighted, most attractive and convenient store in Scranton, and our LOW PEICE3 will continue to be our drawing card. CONNOLLY & Are NOW Made and Sold VERY CHEAP by The Scranton Bedding Company, THE FfiOTHINGHAM ONE PERFORMANCE ONLY. FltlUAY, AUGUST 24. The Laughable Comedr-Fnrco. THE m BOSS AND BOSS Presented by C F. Bertram's Comedians, THE FUNNIEST SHOW ON EA1UH. Introducing all the LATEST BONGS. POP-: ULAK PARODIES, NOVEL DANCES, and the London crsio,"Llngor Longer x Lucy," a Song and Daace by four young ladies. Wednesday".81, 750- W 6aIa oveu THE FROTniNGIIAM Saturday Evening, August 25. EUGENE O'ROURKE In the Comical Irish Farce, IRISH JUSTICE Also a Strong; Vaudeville Com pany, direct from New Yurk City. Tickets now on sale at Powell's Music Store. ACADEMY QF MUSIC. OPENING OF SEASON, MONDAY, ACpuSI 27. George Thatchers Minstrels AND H FARCE COMEDY COMPANY In the New Minstrel Fare. Comody in Three Acts, About Gotham ACT I-Interlorof Oladlson Ave', Hotel. ACT II Kete room ot Soventh R g. Armory. ACT Ill-Club Rouhh mid HroimiU nl sllu Sliorts Club. i Sale of seats opens Friday, Aug. 4, at the box office. Prices, S, Ul 75 and .1.1 Scranton Tribune U DEP 1 . . . fTl VERY description of Job Printing X ih tne Desi siyie oi ine an. Promptness and Punctuality a particular point. Exnriitinpr1 nrarfiV til and n. , U 111. WU1 petent men in charge of tach branch of We do not make a shfam show of cheapness and curtail jfhe quantity or quality of the work. ( Dancing Orders! Hangers, Cards and Posters a Specialty. j BUI Heads, Note Heas, etc., printed at short notice. Estimates on all jtinds of printing, small as well as large, cheerfully given. The Scranton Tribune Job Dept. 13 0K OF THE BEST EQUIPPED ESTABLISHMENTS IN THIS CITY. Situations Wanted. ELIABLE, SOBER MAN. MARRIED, wants steady work! ACTMPleSnAa it ll nd: ffoodhsndwrittnff; irflnd MfaMnnM. o. 1117 Blair a venue, Soranton, Pa. POSITION WANTED-.BY A 6TRONO. healthy man watchman or any hon est work. P. H., list Summit arenue. C1TUATION WANTED BY A YOUNU 3 girl of 18 years as copyist or clerk in store. Addrsse MAGGIE BURKE. 1010 Hud son street, Beranton, Pa. WANTED BY A YOUNO MAN OF A position as bookkenner. excerlenced tnd good references. Wuiingtt bertn on mall wages. Address B. T.. tli Green Kldge tret, elty. I IANTED BY Aef EXPERIENCED CAB builder, a noaition. Address A. lEICHARD, care Y. M. CU i K Hi -rcivy, lly& Wallace WALLACE m Heptasophs xcursion -TO- Glen Onoko AND THE SWITCHBACK TDESDAVADO. 28th Trains leave D. & LI. Depot at 7.45 a.m. Tickets for sale by all the mem bers. The GENUINE New Haven "Mathushek" Pianos ESTABLISHED 18C8. Kew York Warerooms No. 80 Fifth Avenue. E. C. BICKER & CO, Sola dealers in this section. 0I7ICB HI Adams Ave., Telephone B'l'd'g Hie. Scranton Tribune Job Department' T well equipped with the latest styles of type, Superior Workmanship Low Prices and Promptness ought to be Inducements to the trade. Fibre IMCattresses WHY HOT See our FIFTEEN DOLLAR Solid Oak Bedroom Sett We sell Furniture as cheap as any house iu the country that in tends to give honest value for the money. Try us. IHull 205 ABD 207 mnmm Inn; " . T2o5o excessive flumDtlon With njr man prepaia. kFtnot JNiiicTtQiiciiiC ;;.irr. i,v7,,,.. kIcktk ttctoco., Mnonlo lempls, Chicago. m For Sale in Soranton, Pa., by H. C. SANDERSON, Drufisrist, 00. Washington and Snruoei streets. log or Lost Manhood, Impotenov, Nightly lixnU Meotsl Worrv.eioen.lve one of Tobacco Of Op sutupUon and Insanity, with every 85 otder For Sal byC M. HABBIO. Druggist. 0CW ItlCOTATT. UiftAlflEE UCar nioluaurr imlMios. bilxt ai All" Usiag. 1 llrl TllBW eoatQMbttsk or isisnhv. Sl.lHl Mr ri-MMjit-iKt H. PHELPS. Foraala by JOHN Spwuce Street, Scranton, Pa. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CQ CBAn'run anu wilkes-barkb. fa. mahufau Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers, lUlollNU ANU rUMPlIU WIAUnllNtnT. JHZal 4vt CORNER Lacka. and Adam3 Aves. Dr. EX Grewer The Philadelphia Specialist, and his associate staff of English and German physidans, are now permanently located at 811 SPRUCE ST., SCRANTON. The doctor is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania.formerly demonstrator of physi olosy and surgery at the Medico Chirurglcsl College of Philadelphia. A specialty of Chrouio. Nervous, Skin, Heart, Womb and Blood diseases. DISEASES OF THE NERY0U3 SYSTEM The symptoms of which are dizziness, lack ot confidence, sexual weakness In men nnd wo man, bull rising in the throat, spots floating before the eyes, loss of memory, unable to con centrate the mind on one subjoot, easily Startled when suddenly spoken to, and dull, distressed mind, which unfits them tor per forming the actual duties of life, making hap- f iuess impossible; distressing the action of be heart, causing flnili ot heat, depression of spirits, evil forebodings, cowardice, fear, dreams, melancholy, tire easy of company, feeling SB tired in the morning as when retir ing, lack of energy, nervousness, trembling, confusion of thought, dcpression.constipatiun. Weakness of the limbs, etc. Those so affected should consult us immediately and be restor ed to perfect health. LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. Weakness of Young Men Cured. If yon have been given up by your physician call upon the doctor ana be examined. He cures the worst cases of Nervous Debility.Sero f ula.Old Sorcs,t'atarrhPiles,Female Weakness, Affections of the Eye. Ear, Nose and Throat, Asthma, Deafness, Tumors Cancers and Crip ples of every description. Consultations free and strictly sacred and confidential. Office hours daily from 8 s. m. to9p.m. Sunday 9 to & buciose live i-ceut stamps for symptom blanks and my book called "New Life." 1 will pay one .thousand dollars in gold to anyone whom I cannot cure ot EPILEPTIC CONVULSIONS or FITS. DR. E. GREWER, 311 Spruce Street, Scranton, Pa. Co. W0K1XG 1TB. restored! 'NERV&SEED5. Taliwe4.rffJ rs9dy rati mU4 toenn all stertoaa dll .Tx .....) k AiarntsrUAii ftiif hi ill arnrii a 5 order we give wrlte snBrantee to core RESTORED MANHOOD DR. MOTH KEBVER1NE PILLS The res remedy fornorvons prostration and sllnemras diseases or tbe generative organs of either sex. such as Nervous Proitretteo, FBI1 llsflions.i osutiui nrc" n.inm. which lend to Coo- every 85 older we give a written guar ruonev. sold at al.vV per dox. oooica 8 C11JEB1 ICAX CO., Ucvemnu. vaw 17 Feiin Avenue. RESTORt LOST VIGOR Will bra me Will brae vo op In a week. Sold with WBITTBU ' fUrfoisDrtl fttm. T.o.. of fl.iu.l Fowar In ellkvi sri, Cram toy c.ii.ij. If Deglecltd, such troubles lndt joi ny nu, o doi ior a. iu -1 ..v.J ill. m w.. . A itAr eMcr tlTf wtltlia guuntiif to onr or fufuiid lli moaoy. cu.. uioviuii,otile. Pharmacist, cor. Wyoming Avanu and General Office. SCBANTON. PA
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers