The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 22, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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Bread and
cake raised with
keep their freshness ,
and flavor.
'Puro" nnd" Sure."
Norrmanfi Moore
120 Wyoming Avonuo
Have your COlLAltS starcliod In the eM
way. when yon cn have tlioin done with toft,
pliable Buttonholes for TWO CENTS EACH.
2-Days' Sale-2
Saturday and Monday.
Oar entire line of Scotch Ging
hams, Persian Mulls, Printed
Tiques and Dimities, worth 23c.f
for 10c.
Ginghams, Organdies, Sateens,
etc., wort', l-2c, for Sc.
Mears k Hagen
415 Lacka. Ave.
If you want
Carpets. Draperies,
Wall Paper or Window -Shades,
come to us.
We have a full line of
goods, and our prices are
very low.
0 a i 1 11
imams & nuiiu
127 Wyoming Ave.
To my friends: I hereby announce
that 1 will be a candidate for the nomi-
nation of district attorney, before the
hepuDlican Uounty convention.
Tribune readers leaving for their
summer'! vacation can hnve their favor
ite paper tent to them without extra
enit, by notifying thin office of the de
sired cliancee In tlio paper'a udilreas.
The regiment does not drill until Nov. 5,
ine range closes on uct. 1.
Tho employes of the Meadow Brook and
National collieries of William Connell &
Co., received their monthly earning yes
Information was received in this city
yesterday of the death of Ji. Ei.-hnrrl .T
AlcHale, of Philadelphia, who is a sister-
in-iaw or aire, i. u. Alelvin of Penn av
lllchaol Noonan, who was stabbed last
riuay nignt oy James Uunleavy, in
Jllnooka, has so far recovered that he will
De uisoi arged iroin the Lackawauua hos.
pital in a few days.
Work on the superstructure of Hotol
Jormyn, was Degun yesterday and will be
CUi-hed to a hasty comnletion. An lm
mense scaffolding tot rauiua the iron nil.
lars of the first floor into position was
erecteu yesieruay.
Announcement is made of the marriage
ofjlisg Waggle Marshall, of Vine street,
to i nomas iuoran. rue ceremony was
performed at blnghamton a week ago,
Jims Marshall's parents objected to the
marriage of the young folks, hence the
trip to Uiugnamton.
The programme to be rendered at the
Young Women's Christ an association. 2(l.Y
200 W ashington avenue, this evening will
ue an exceptionally Hue one. The follow
ing will participate: The Dickson Banjo
uuu lunnuuiiu ciuo, JU188 Vema JVlltrnell,
uuro. xjor uavis-jiieizgar, juessre. iirner
KOn UWen. Charles lumnnni Waltur
Kipple and a quartette consisting of Misses
uruwu uu uouny and Messrs. AlcCul
lOUgb aUd LathroT). All vnliner wntnnn
especially strangers In our city will bo
ueanijr wuiuuiueu.
Pabsts JHilwaukm Beer, cool and
sparkling, at Jjoumau's, Spruce street
Wood's College of Business and Short'
The college will be open on Monday.
Ana. 87. with a faculty of ten neorjle.
Tbe following persons will teach In the
different departments:
Professsor P E. Wood, Professor G. W.
Kramer, froiessor o. L wood and Pro
fessor J. V Arnfleld in the bnsiness
school. -
Professor E. M. Williams. Miss Hair
gerty, Professor N. U. Latbrop in the
shorthand school; Miss uaicei in omee and
stationery department: Mr. Whitman will
act as register and superintendent of out
side work; Tame Morgan, vocal muno.
On Monday,. Aug. 27, a reception will be
civen to ail the old students. Invitations
have been issued, but change of residence
makes delivery doubtful. We want all
former pupils and those who contemplate
coming mis year to ue prowuu.
We are happy now. There have never
been so many applications for admission as
this year.
Patrons Invited to call
F, E. Wood, Principal.
Thy Are Welcomed In the City,
Davldow Bros.' 11.50 stem-winding
Police Department Determined to Rid tbe City
of These Fests.
Following the Suggestions of The
Tribune All Trampe Will Be Ar
rested and Compelled to Work on
the Chain Gan Plans to Make a
Wholesale Capture Eleven Already
In Custody.
Tub Tribune's notation towards
remedying the tramp nuls.tnoe Ins al
ready borne frnit. The polloe depart
ment bHS concluded to rid this city of
the horde of vagrants which now in
fests it, nnd will follow ont the snir-
cestioni contained in Monday's issue
us means to that end.
When the mayor and Chief Simnson
became coRiiizaiit of the enormity of
ins evil aud the necessity of removing
uiey determined to immediately take
decisive steps to prosocate that object.
1 oe ciialn iiang was decided upon ns
the most efficient means of dealing
with tramps and Street Commissioner
Kirst was instraoted to prepare to
manage one. Word was sent to all the
the precincts directing the officers to
arrestevery tramp they eould lay hands
on and send them to the central sta
tion. This was done and the first
night's work resulted in tbe bagging
of fourteen Wandering Willies. Seven
were found sleeping in an empty box
car on the Cayuga switch and as many
more is a likegoelter on the Delaware.
Lackawanna and Western "Bloom'
At the bearing given them yesterday
morning by Alderman Fitzatmnions
eibt were held and six discharged.
Only those who are dyed-in-the-wool
kuuhts of the road were eentenced to
wear tne cnain ana Dan. ine six wno
were discharged gave good accounts of
tbemselvxs and were allowed to depart
npon promising to leave tbe city.
A general raid upon evry tramp
rendezvous in the city was planned
yesterday. It wus arranged to occur
at an early bour tbis morning, it tne
raiders met wltb any kind of success
the chain gang will be large enough to
require some pluo other tuan the eta
tlmi bonne to bold them, as the city is
fairly over-run with tr.tmps
Three more tramps were arrestee
yesterday afternoon in Hyde Park,
making eleven in all who spent the
night in the stavion bouse.
P. 0. S. of A. Delegates Will Go to That
City oa Monday.
The Annual stats camp of the Patri
otic Order bons of America, of Penn
sylvauix, will occur next week in Erie,
The delegates from tnis section will
leave on Saturday at 1.3U p. m. ou a
Delaware. Lackawaunu aud Western
special car.
Among those who go from this vicin
ity ar W. A. Townsend, Mill City;
H. T. Koehler, bcranton; Frank Hoi
leiiback, Forest City; A. Gregory,
MeshopDen; Holland Belles, Moosie; V
Burschell. Douruor-; David 3. Davie?,
Scrautnu; Paul Victor, Waymart; J.
U. Hopewell, Scran ton; C. M,
Lancaster, Moscow; Alfred Twin
ing. Scranton; L. V. D-cker, Scran
ton; H. D. Swick; Jermyn;
(J. C. Auurows. Hollisterville; IS. t.
Johnson, Nicholson; J. C. Johnson,
Bald Mount; F. 13. Heller, Carbondale;
V. J. Finch, Carbondale; Charles
Khiofeller, Factory ville; J. C. Ens
hardt, Ssranton: A. J. Colburn, Scran
ton ; C. W. Westphal, Scranton ; W. E.
De Witt, (ilbson.
The Haydn Evans Party Off for Wales
The Haydn Evans Concert company
sails this morning from New York on
the City of Berlin for Wales, where it
will give a series of twenty concerts In
tbe principal cities.
The company includes liny an Evans,
director and accompanist; Joseph P
Burns, basso; James Anwyl, tenor
Miss Bud in Kaiser, soprano: Miss Cor
delia Freeman, contralto; Miss Jnlia
Allen, violinist. John H. Blackwood
accompanies tbe party as business
manager. Btzsliel Davies. advance
agent of the company, precedes the
party and arranges tbe dates.
Among tbe many letters of recom
mendation carried by tbe company
one from Governor Puttison bearing
hisslgnature and tbe seal of the ooui
Progressiva Firm's Latest Effort to
Hewitt & Son have supplanted all
their open wagons with tbe latest lm
proved galvanized iron tanks which
will be used altogether in the work oi
collecting the mutt-rials whieh tbey
daily cart to tbeir fertilizing factory in
Taylor. Tbe new vehicles are perfectly
odorless and will more than comply
with the requirements of tbe board of
The Messrs. Hewitt are to be com.
mended on tbeir alertnesB in keeping
abreast of tbe times and on acoount of
the regard they show for the laws of
tbe city's board of health. '
William Hopkins KefloUd on James
Flyna'i Birth.
Yesterday in the office of Prothono
tary Pryor James Flynn, of the North
Lnd, through his attorneys, Hulslander
& Vosbnrg, began a trespass suit in the
sum of $1,UUU against his neighbor,
William Uupkina.
On Aug. 18 Hopkins, In the presence
of several witnesses, expressed himself
with more foroe than elegance regard
lng tbs pedigree of inynn.
to square himself Flynn believes
that be is entitled to damages in the
sum of 11,01)0.
Foreman and Lib rer Indulf Inf In
Monkey aud Parrot Time.
U lu Teeter, foreman or a gang
working at Woodlawn park, yesterday
had one of bis men, T. U. flicuumuess
arrested on a charge of aggravated as
lanlt and battery. He was held to ball
by Alderman Wright to answer the
cnargx at oourt.
Mt-Gulnness has bad Teeter arrested
on a warrant Usud by Alderman Bii
iey, ior assaulting him with an ax.
1 be bearing will take place at 10 a. m
c riaay.
Vsrdiot of the Coroner' Jury In the Case
of lasso Coslett. ,
Coroner K-lly went to Dnnmore yes
teraay morning and held an Inqnest on
the hod V of Isuun Pnalatr ahft VBualpllIu
by passsnger train Monday evening
at 5.80 o'clock near No. 6, while walk
ing oo the tracks of the Delaware.
Lnckawanna and Western railroad.
Tbe following jury was imrneled:
Dr. J. R. Murphy, A. R. Golden,
Thomas Stanton. W. S. Pottar, Tnoraas
English and Henry Tregear. Two wit
nesses were examined, their testimony
tying couelnsive proof that death was
accidental, and a verdict was rendered
Loslott was 31 vears old. unrunrriod.
nd was on his way home from his
ny S work when ha met his death.
The body was removed from the
morgue of Undertaker Lstohworth to
the residence of the mail's father, John
uoBlett, of 1323 Vine street.
The Man Killed at Wyoming Proves to
Bi a Sorantonlan.
The remains of the man killed by
being run over by the cars at Wyom
ing Sunday night were yesterday iden-
ihed as those of Thomas Evans of this
Mrf. Evans, who resides on Washing
ton avenue iu the rear of Terrence
Martin's store near tho 3 nil. read the
account of the accident and the d
Fcription of the victim in Monday's
TltiBUNE, and surmised that the body j
was that of her husband, who went to
Wyoming, and discovered that Buch
wa tbe case.
She states that her husband started
out to visit her married son in King
ston, and it is believed that while
walking on the track he was prostrated
y niB. to which be was subiect. ami
fell in the way of the train which
caused bis death.
Five children -survive him. Besides
the son in Kingston he leaves another
son In Plymouth and a daughter iu
Trncksvilie, and has two more children
at borne. The family 1b said to be in
poor circumstances.
He Is Quite as Well as When He Left
Scranton Several Weeks Ago
for Cape May.
Rt. Rev. Bishon O'Hura returned
friitn Cape May yesterday and is now
at the episcopal residence on Wyoming
avenue. He arrived in tuis city at 5 50
Inst evening in the Pullman ear, Wild-
wood, naving travelled In it direct
from Cape May. accomnanied by his
brother, Dr. Michael O'liara, of Phila-
ipnia, Kev. J. A. O li-illv. rector of
St. Peter's cathedral. Rev. P. J. Golden,
of the cathedral and Rav. P. C. Nugle,
of Wilkes-BHrr-.
R-v. Father O'Reilly was seen at tho
eniHCupil residence last evening by a
1 RiBu.NE reporter and said that BishoD
O'Hara is now quite as well as when
he left this city several weeks' ago.
"lie was out driving yesterday at
CHpu May for over an hour and seemed
to enioy it greatly, continued Father
O'Reilly. "The report that he bud a
relapse yesterday and is in a very weak
condition is not true. Tbe fatigue of
the journey from Cape May seemed to
have little effect upon him nnd when
he arrived here he was strong and as'
well as when he left bom."
After tbe Wildwood arrived in this
city, tbe venerable bishop was driven
to his resilience on Wyoming avenue.
and when tbe reporter called last even
ing, was in bis room resting from the
fatigue of bis journey.
ttis brother, Dr. Michael O Harabns
every confidence that tbe bishop will
entirely recover from bis reoent at
He Will Be General Bunnrlntendent of
the Traotion Company.,
Engineer Robert F. Fox was pro
moted yesterday to the office of general
superintendent of the Scranton Trac
tion company.
Mr. Fox is a eivil engineer and be
came here to superintend the repairs of
the street ear tracks.
Ibe order of Mr. Fox's promotion
was posted yesterday in the dispatch
er's office.
Alaiim clocks, 85 c. Davidow Bros.
Summons in renlevin acninst Martin
Barrett and bis wife. Annie Barrett, was
isbued by Enos Flynn, who alleges that
the defendants are in possession of a lot of
household goods of the value of flOO, to
which bo claims ownership.
Joseph H. GunBter.assignee of the Scran
ton City bank, yesterday directed a sum
mons iu assumpsit to he issued against
Williem B. Rockwell to recover on a
promissory note of 13,000 given by the de
fendant to George A. Jessup, cashier, and
dated April 3, lbbl).
Tim slander suit of Mary Bnndisovlcz
against Antony Neccziensno, tried yester
day before George Howell, John F. Cum
mings and Nathan Vidaver, a board of
arbitrators, was decided In favor of the
defotidant. The opiulon of the arbitrators
was that there was no cause of action.
Marriage licenses were granted yester
day by Clerk of the Courts John H.
Thomas, to llarry O. Russell and Mary C.
Williams, of' Old Forgo; Patrick Madden
and Delia. BCurke, Michael P. Lavelle and
Ellen Lavsry, of this city; and Stanislaus
Hhemonkey aud Auuie Kowaisky, of
The bonds of William H. Tennis, treas
urer, and David J. Williams aud Richard
Mellow, trustees, of Rose of Lackawanna
lodge. No. 1U0, Loyal Knights of America,
of Jermyn, the treasurer's bond in the
sum of 300 and tho trustees' in the sum of
fiOO each, were filed yostorcuiy in the of
fice of Prothonotary Pryor.
Belief Engine Company Exourelon.
Tbe Relief Engine company, No. 3, B. P.
D., of Petersburg, will run their second
excursion to Lake Ariel on Thursday, Aug.
Vi. Trams teave E. and W. V. depot at
b.ilO a.m.: good on regular tralus. Fare for
round trip: Adults, 75 cents; children, 40
cents. Everybody knows that the Relief
boys always have a good time,
An Impossible Way.
'Tie impossible to serve bon-bons with
out Daviuow Bros.' bon-bon spoons.
Conway House, 132 end 134 Penn Ays.,
is where you will always find good service
and conrteous treatment, tbe table Is al
ways supplied wltb the best in tbe market.
Transient and looal trade solicited.
Reduced Rates, Unveiling Soldiers' Mon
ument, Freeland,
Special reduction in rates via Leblgh
Valley railroad. Tickets sold for all trains
Aug. S3 good for return to aud including
Aug. 24. . .
A Sprolal Train
For the Green Ridge wheelmen's races at
the Driving park will leave the new Dela
ware aud Hudson depot at 1.20 tbis after-
Da. C O. Laubacb, dentist, Gas and
Water company building, Wyoming ave
nue. Latest improvements. Eight years in
Conrad's Band Ezourslon.
Farvlew, Aug. 29, orchestra concort in
afternoon; dancing all day, Music for
dancing by Prof. Johnson.
83c alarm clocks. Davidow Bros.
Whit the Board or Associated Charities Has
" Been Doing.
J Seven Children Have Been Taken
Charge of Since tho Last Session
of the Board Conway Boy Is to Be
Indentured to His Aunt Dr. J. W.
Walk Will Lecture for the Board.
Report of Treasurer.
The associated charities met last
nlgbt in the poor board rooms, but it
was a 8limly attended session owing to
the fact thut a great numbor of the
members are out of the oily. Colonel
Hipnle waB iu the cnair and W. G.
Tuomas acted ns secretary. T. J.
Kully, Luther Keller and J. It. Cohen
were the other members present.
Mre. Dnggan, agent of the society,
reported that the cliilil-saviug commit
tee had taken care of seven children
since the lust meeting. The Conway
boy, whose parents bad been sun to will be indentured to Mrs. Con
way's sister, Mrs. Kennedy, of Wilkes
B:irre, who has signilied her willing
nea? to adopt the boy if she cxn gain
legal possession of him. Mrs. Dnggan
further reported upon fifty-nine cases
which she hud investigated during tbe
past month. Iu every caao where the
applicant was found worthy aid was
Treasurer W. T. Smith reported
$175.40 rnmainiiig in the treasury and
tout $100 had been expended during
th montti.
Mr. Cohen, of the entertainment
committee, stated that he was iu com
munication with Dr. J. W. Walk, of
Philadelphia, who has volunteered to
give a lecture in this city on associated
charities' work and that arrangements
are under way for a lectnr to be bel I
during the middle part of Nuvembur.
All tbe member spokin commenda
tory terms of tbe work of tbe society's
agent, Mrs. Dnirgun.
Hh Wdgfr-d It for the tap ee of Slan
derinu Mrs. Catherine Francis.
George Jones, of Petersburg, hns an
U i bridled tongue and in eonai qu-nce
ot' the free rein be gives it a buurd of
a bitrators, Attorneys Stark, Holwortn
a id Wilcox, listened yesterday to tes'i
mony i u a trespuss sui t to recover ?i 000
damages brought aguinst him by Mre.
Catherine Francis on tbe charge of
L ist June while passing Mrs. Fran-
i cis uouse jones got luto an unseemly
sqnatible with one of her little children
j When Mrs. Francis appeared on tho
' scene she chid Jones for meddling with
' th youngsters and he retaliated with
. a flood of billingsgate, making special
-n-ntion of an ali g-ition rtfl-cting on
: Mrs. Francis' fidelity. The ense whs
, listened to by a crowd of spectators,
three-fonrtliH of them women,
j Attorney G-'orge, S. Horn was Jones'
i lawyer, and Hulslander and Vosburg
i represented Mrs. Francis.
Prosecutor and Defendant K"CosnIz3 in
One Another Old Time Thorn i.
A rather dramatio Incideut occur
red yesterday morning at police
conrt, where Alderman Fitzsimmons
was trying tbe case of Charles Stanton,
of Binghamton, charged by Liveryman
C. L. Smith with having damaged one
of bis carriages.
Stanton hired a carriage from Smith
nnd when ha returned it the box was
badly wrecked. ' Stanton refused to pay
for the damage, whereupon Smith had
him arrestod. When the prosecutor
and defendant were brought face to
face before the aldermau's desk they
looked at one another for a time, then
stared and finally' grasped each other's
hands. All that the spectators heard
for the next few minutes was, "Well
I'll be jiggered," "Is that you Smithy?''
"Where the dues are you living now? '
"Well tbis is pretty good," etc., etc.
They wore schoolmates and close
friends when they were ooy living in
Nicholson, and hxdn't seen or heard
from one another in twenty years or
more. It is needless to 6ay that the
: nuRrt w nilinnrned to the nearest hot
Captain Molr Socurei First Prize
Wtarlng Best Costume.
Captoin James Moir. Officer John
Moir and Robert Stewart, of the Serati
ton Caledonian club returned yesterday
from Philadelphia, where they attend
ed the annual games of the Quaker
City Caldonlan's.
Captaiu Moir brought home with
him a beautiful and valuable gold
medal which be was awarded for being
the best dressed Highlander at the
games. i
Ecranton Msds a Railway Mail Service
Examining Station.
Scranton has been made one of tbe
examining stations for ' railway mail
clerks and each year examinations will
be conducted in the new government
Secretary Sohantz, of the local eivil
service examining board, yesterday re
ceived a communication from tbe poet
(dike department at Washington noti
fying him that the first examination
for this section will be held iu October.
An expert from Washington will as
sist the local board in the, first eximi-
The Finest White
Peaches. The best
canning Peaches.
Buy Now
They last but one
week. Prices are low.
429 Lacka. Ave.
nation. Railway mail clerks on the
roads with terminis here or roids run
ning through tbis city will bs here
after examined in Scranton. Hereto
fore they were compelled to go to New
York, Philadelphia or Pittsburg. A
these examining -stations are located
only in largx railroad cantors tbis
newest recognition of Scranton shows
that the post office departmeut is awak
ening to tbe importance of the Eieetric
Six Candidates for the Five Positions In
Daily Fraotloa.
The Thirteenth regimeut rifle team
will leave on Mnndny for Mt. Gretna
to participate in the state matches
which will take place there during tbe
coming wtok.
The men who will represent the
Thirteenth will be selected Saturday
night. Four competitors, one substi
tute, and Iuspector of Kifle Practice
Ji'Bsup will comprise the party. Six
candidates for the team are now in
daily practice. They are Private
Youngs, of Company D; Private Stout,
of Company I); Sergeant Ctillen, of
Company C; Quartermaster Reus Wat-
kius, of Hold and stuff: Private John
son, of Company A, and Private Rob
ling, of Company C
Iuepuctor Jesaup feels confident th:it
the Thirteenth will capture the regi
mental match, as tho team which will
be sent ont this time Is thought to be
tbe best that ever represented tbe reg
iment Private Youugs, who now holds
the state individual championship, will
it is expected, retain his laurels.
Democratic County Committee to
Get Together That Day to Fix ,
a Date for the Convention.
"It is highly probable that the Demo
cratic county committee will meet on
Saturday to fix a date for holding the
convention. Tbe call for the meeting
or the committee will be issued tomor
row or T.iurs lay." S ich whs the state
ment made yesterday to a TmiiUNlS re
porter by Sheriff John J. Fall, y, chair
mau of tbe Democratic county com
At first it was thought desirable to
have a meeMng of the executive com
mittee prior to the calling together of
the full comity organization, hut that
idea has been aiiandoned.
Some little difficulty is being met
with by tbe D inocratic slate makers
iu placing the candidates for t ie differ
ent i ffiues. Several of the candidates
are desirous of running for offices oth r
than those to which the slate makers
wsnt to assign them.
That's where the trouble comes in.
Too candidates have not suc'.i great
respect for tho wisdom and foresight
of the aforesaid slatemakers that tbey
are willing to bow in unquestioning
ob-dience to them They sny they
know what they want and will take
nothing else.
Mset the MiyirM Approval.
Mayor Connell yesterday fot his seal of
approval upon the following mmsures: A
ro olutioa providing for iho distribution
of the city laws ami ordiuanees a resolu
tiou directing the Central K iilioart of Xew
Jersey to place: its track to grade, on
O'Boyle street, a resolution granting John
shepherd permission to connect his prop
erty with the Deacon street sewer, a
resolution directing tho chiui of fire de
partment to repair tho Eagle Hose com
pany's carriage, a resolution directiug tho
city engineer to give grade on Charles
street iu tho First ward and a resolution
also providing for gradoto be given ou Par
ker streetin the first wurd.
See Niagara at Sunrise Moonlight
Ail day Sunday at tho monarch of cat-
arncts; a superb arrangemont. r.voryone
enn atroru to go. Saturday evening, Aug.
25, the Krie lines will run a graud excur
sion to Niagara Falls aud Buffalo, reach
iiiL' the fulls early Sunday morning.
Tickets will be good to returu on special
train Sunday, Aug. 20. or on regular
trains Aug. vi, lsyi. xne dormyn, lJa.,
Cornet band will furnish music enrouto.
The excursion will be iu charge of repre
sentatives of tho passenger uepsrtment,
l ram will leave carDondalo at7.;)n. m.
Fare rouud trip only tJ. Leave fccrantou
at 0. 15 p. in.
He LatA Two Months.
M. J. Ryan's cash Btore on Lackawanna
avenue, opened two months ago, wan yes
terday closed out by Deputy Sheriff George
c. Griswouid on executions amounting to
t'iiW. held by M. is. McCnrty. Attorney
George S. Horn bought iu the stock for tho
full amount of tbe claim,
Wb can show you a larger soloction of
fine watches than all the jewelers iu the
city, call and do convinced. Davidow
Reunion at Clnrk'a Summit.
The thirty-third nnuivorsary of the or
ganization of Company K, Pennsylvania
Cavalry, will be celebrated at Nichols'
grove, Clark's Summit, on Stturdav, Au
25. An invitation is extended comrades
aud citizens to attend.
JuBt Think of III
Do you know that yon enn obtain a stem
winding watoh for (1.50 at Davidow Bros
E. A. Lane, collector of taxes of Jormyn
borough, yestorday filed bis bond in tho
sum of 418,000 with Clerk of the Courts
Thomas, aud had it approved by the
court. TheBuretias are U. L. Bell, Jacob
inner, l. v. winter, it, uuut.
' A Surprise to Everybody.
Those montel clocks that Davidow Bros,
soil for ii. i'J; are sold for $12.00 at iustall.
ii, ont nouses. '
And see the Dia
mond Prizes to be
' Given away by the
Green Ridge
Best beta of Teeth, $3.0o
Irclndlng the r,n,es'' extracting
tt teeth by au eutlrmy new pro
cess, S. O. Snyder, D.D.S.
Hs Uses It Iu a Band to Band Strolo
With Serious Results.
Joseph Olaschifoki, Who Attempts to
Rescue His Friend from Constable
Jonathan Venison, Receives a Bul
let in tho Thigh for His Troubles.
Archbald Again the Scene of a
Serious Shooting Affray.
Last evening in Aroubald, Jonathan
Venison a coustable, shot Joseph
Olaschifoki, a I'olander, who be claims
interfered with him iu the discharge of
bis duties.
The bullet enterod Olaschifoki's
right leg ou the inner side of the thigh
ploughing through tin fljsn a distance
of i'onr inches. The gun whieh Veni
son uaed was fourteon inches long aud
of 41 calibre.
It ai'peiiM that the constable was
taking a I'olander to j ul and ou the
way was met by Olaschifoki, who
wanted to know the cause of his com
patriots arrest. Venison warnod him
off and when Olaschifoki persisted in
interfering, the constable drew bis club
and aimed a blow at him. Olaschifoki
grabbed the club and a struggle for its
possesion ensued. During too excite
ment of tbe tussel the coustabler drew
his gun and fired, Bunding Olascihfok!
to grass.
The wonndod nun was assisted to
bis home and friends imtnediatly pro
ceeded to this city to have Venison
arrested. Attorney M. A. McGinley
was retained to prosecute Venison and
last night be had Alderman Fitziim
mous issue a warraut for the arrest of
the constable. The warrant will be
served this morning,
Some of ths Fast Msn Who Will Be Seen
at th diving Park.
The Green Ridge wheelmen will con
I net their first annual race meet at the
Driving park this afternoon. Judging
from tbe entries, which were published
n yeateriav IHIBUNE, the raeen this
Read This
KM I' l-j iioxm.
i;u; poach ms,
We are now
prepared to do
business at
our new
0 n 1
4 4
Washington Ave.
1 Baffin & Co
126 Penn Ave.
ine lonlh oi August
Is nearly over and so in BANISTER'S GREAT AUGUST CLEAR
llavo you taken advantage of this chaaco to buy your Footwear
for tho bare cost of making
Wo can't compel you to como and sec what bargains wo have to
offer. Your own juterest and better judgment should bring you hero.
There are still a few days more of this sale, and wo aro every
day adding fuel to the lire iu tho shapo of LOW PRICES.
A Timely Warning
JT MEANS that $1 goes almost as far
as $2 in buying Millinery, Suits, Shirt
Waists, Hats, Neckwear, Underwear, &c,
at our store this time of the year. LOOK
at our line BEFORE purchasing.
afternoon will equal anything ever
seen in this city in the line of cycling.
juome fccott, tne fastest Class A rider
in America, and Ray Daweon, Scott's
greatest rival, will be present and make
things decidedly interesting In the
events in which they ride.
John IS. Coarser will also be present
and about forty of tbe fastest Class A
men in tbe country. Races begin at 2
Fottsville Iron Company Will Have It
Completed Within Twenty Says.
The Pottsville Iron company yester
day entered into an agreement witii
the Elmburst Boulevard company to
have the bridge at Nay Aug falls com
pleted within twenty days from dato.
Work ou the structure is being
pushed as rapidly as possible and tbe
ofiloiala of the company say they will
positively have tbe bridgo somploted
within tho time specified.
Tbe $40,000 School House
for Columbia avenue has been let and will
be commenced immediately. There are
Btill a fow lotB left ut a low price.
Ullice, Theater Lobby.
Prices on Waitha Cut In Twain.
Where others chnr,'o you fifteen dollars
for a watch we can Roll you tho same inl
ltv end kind for S7.MI. Dnvidnw Bros. e
Restful to tired toilers, bread
from Pillsbuiy's Best.
Buy I he Wbr
and get tbe best. At Guernsey Bros.
They Cannot Be
Beat Our Prices
On Coats and Capes
We are selling a $5 Coal;
for $1.93.
A $14 Black Clay Worst
ed Coat for $7.
$4.50 Capes for $1.98.
Ladies' Tailor-maie Suits
in Serge, latest cut, for
fc6.50, worth $12.
Mackintoshes for HALP
Coma and S38 for your
self. This sale will only
last for a few days.
STORED and !
U Vi'i J During tho S
During tho Summer.
138 Wyoming Avo.
128 Wyoming Ave.
Hip Pads, Stocking
Cor. Lackawanna and
Wyoming Aves,