' THE SCTtANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY MORNING-. AUGUST 22. 1894. STELLE & SEELEY 134 Wyoming Aye. We will show you what you want. GOOD BREAD USB THE SNOW WHITE FLOUR And always have Good Bread. HAHUFACTTJRED AND FOR BALE TO THE TRADE BY The Weston Mill Co, LEV ARB OP COUNTERFEITS ) THE CFH1HNE POPULAR Punch CigarQ HAVE THE IMITIVS G- B. & Co.. Garney, Brown & Co. Jiff. M.l-l.i but,.-., eUlAu. DR. H. B. WARE will be In his office on and after the first week in Septem ber. PEUivONAL. C. A. Battenbnrs ia nendtnir a week on tqe nunaon Ci lon 1 Boiaa and family are here from nueuou x-iaoo. Mr. and Mm. E. N. Willard are in the White m untaini. A. T. Pont, of the Lackawanna hospital, ia visiting In Montrose. James BUIr, jr., u home from a lengthy sojourn in nsw lorn ata e. Dr. Wallsce, nf tbe Mt.cs Taylor bos pital ia visiting in Philad -Ipbla. Mrs. Claode G. Conklin has returned irotn an extended oating at Ocean Grove. Homer Greene, of Honendale, Wayne county nriiiiaoi poet-iawyr, waa 8cranton visitor yesterday. Charlea Seeley.treaaurer "f tbe Academy oi juubic, oaa returnea rrom a two week's vacation spent at Lake Winola. M". and Mrs, H. W. Kingbnry and Mr. and Mrs. Everott Warren are located in a cottage at jjalton for few weeks. Mrs. J. J. Spellmm, of Brooklyn, re turned home yesterday after month's visit at tne residence or Mrs. Owen Cn-ick. E. P. Kingsbury yesterday started for BarKentville, Me., wbere he will Dasa bin sommer'a Vttcatlon, Mrs. King-bury t already at Sargentvill-, together with fuageana jura, ti, A. Unapp. Mrs. M. H. Oearhart will give an after noon tea tomorrow in honor ot her danirh. ter'a gueata, tbe Mitnes Warren, of Goauen, Iud., and MissFreiz,wbn were iliss(iear- oari-ascnooimatea at Welles college. Cards are out annonncing the marriage of William a. Malta, Houesdale eirre- sjxindent of tbe Truth, to Miss Julia urn mm. daughter or Mr. and Mrs. John Drnnim, of fionesdale, to take place at Hi. John's church on Tuesday, Sept. 4 at 1 nVlnrlr LETTERS FROMTHE PEOPLE Under this heading abort letters of Interest win lie published wnen eccompsnled, for pub uraiion, ny tne writer's name. ThkTribuns win not ue ueia responsible lor opinions here THOSE TRIP HAMMERS.' Editor of Thb Tninn. There are hnnureds and thousands ot people In Scranton who gladly welcome tbe rapid influx of Industrie lntn nnr Ritv. ,Blvef mP1ynent to our ciiiz-na, it makes labor for tbe multitude; and there ... .a, are aependent on the r T. u T "'"IBi. out, ii anv more ahonld make application, whoe ba.iness mquiro. inrin vo use trip hammers, would it not be well to locate them aome where off in the woods, where they would annoy lio one bnt those Interested in tbemf Th noise of those hummers can be hn.rrf f-. two to three miles away, and why should a dozen or a acore ot men, who are ao anxious to make money that they work tbem day and nicbt and thereby rnh rmm 8O.O11O to 1()0,(iOO people, whether sick or wen, or me uoa givn nieging of eleeo by aistorbing their midnight slumbers who meir omeous sounas. Mr. Frotbincham's organ was declared i nuisance, but there was a great deal more harmony in it than there is in thoee trip hammers. John Davt. Scranton, Pa., ng. 21. Pillbburt Fl.nr Mills have a capacity of 17,600 barrels dsy. , Buoklsn's Arnloa Salve. The beet aalve in the world for Cuts Bruises, Bores, Uloers, Bait Rheum, Fever Bona, Tetter. Chapped Hauda, Chilblains, Corns and all Bkin Ernptiona, and poi ttvely rures Piles, or no pay required. It it guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price US cents per box For aale by Matthews Bros. Tbi Bucciss which Hood's Sarsaparilla has had in freeing old and young from af flictions caused by impure blood ia really remarkable. Hood's Pills are purely vegetable and do not purge, pain or gripe. Bold by all drugglata, PIANOS ORGANS A Foe to Dyspepsia rsa -a. ' NEWS SIDE Death from Pnenmmli of William H. Ellis, of Evaa'i Court MR. PHILLIPS' NARROW ESCAPE Arm and Shoulder Lacerated by a Fall of Rock Death of Miss Edna Utter, of Brown's Court Her Funeral Will Take Place This Afternoon. Return of tlsinore Camping Club Other Notes. William EL Ellis, an resident of thU aid, died t about 8 35 o'clock ye terilar afternoon, after a abort illness, it Ma borne in Ertne court. He was tk-n ill about four weeks ago, bnt it did not sem likely to orov serious. Mr Cilia was born in Wales, and was 68 yeare of ago. He ame to this coamry twenty-seven years ago with bis wifa aud bia ilnoe rasidad on tuis aide. Deceased was employed as a mlo-r i'i the Diamond aolliery. Ha wa a member of the Court Centennial, No 191. Ancient Order of Forester of Am ricaand Diamond Mine AoeidenUl uuil. Mr. Ellia ia survived br a wif- nd three oiiillren. namely Mar?. Liz zie and Hnb Ellia. Tba fnneral no nce will appear later. DEATH OF MISiS tONA UTTER. Waa Baa to a Fit. to Attack. of Which She a 8ubt.ot. Tbe fnneral of Ms Edna Ut'-r, ughtarof Mr. and Mrs OrlanioU - er, of Browo'a oonrt, w-io dia l at her mr on Monday, will occur this after oou ai 4 '' lock S-rvloes will be con- luuted by R y. T J. Colliua. pistor f tie - Scran on Sir- t Baptist cbureh. iit--r men t wUI lie m.de iu tbe W.ieu urn S r-et cemetery. Miss U lers death was tha re.nlt of i violent fit She bad beau stl"jct ti lietuev-r sino aba was abou' fiv year- of age. From then hit cka her iealth waa greatly itnpitred. Deceased whs 23 yeara of axe nnd a devout roera- uer of the Scranton street Baptist cbnroh. She w,is well known, and bar idutirnble diapositioa won for btr mauy friends. CM PING CLUB RETURNS. The Elsinores Have a Weak of B ij y- ment at Winola Tbe E'sinora CHmping olnb returne d hotu - yesierday after sp ndiug n week a' Lake Winola. The nirty was com posed of tbe following: Mrs. A. F. Yost, chaperon; Misses Carrie Fellows, Nettie Dern, Mxttie Wiliiams. Helen Neiuieyer, Clara Neim-yer, Alice Mil- er, Mhv liinboll, i lore nee Irving and Ilirry Acker, Charles Oliver. H'irry K innolph, U arles bgeley, lidrt Fern, i nd Frtik Williams. The week was a most enjoyable on to alL InstrnmenUI andvootl music on tbe lake were grea'ly in vogue. NARROW ESCAP& FROM DEATH. Thomas Phillips Almost Crushtd by a Two-Ton Rjck As Thomas Phillips, a resident of North Hyde Park avenne. was at his work mining in Tripp s slope yesterday, in accident occurred whicu almost re suited in his death. He was bnsiiy engaged In his work. when a rock weighing over two tons fell, badly lacerating bis left arm and aboalder. Had tbe nek laoil six iuebes clos-r be would nnloubied y have been killed Dr. J. J. Roberts ia attending Mr. Pol lips. LITTLE WEST SI0& NtWS NOTES Mrs. H, M. Bare, of this side, returned trom j-ime Ariel yesterday. Tbe employes of tbe Capouse colliery re ceived tbeir pay yesterday. Miss Maggie King, of Merrifleld avanne. is me gnesi oi ner aister, at Blnghamton, Mr. and Mrs. D, W. Moaer, of N irth tverett avenue, nave returned from Free lanu. Tbe Mount Pleasant Mine Accidental fnnd will ran an excursion to Lake Ariel on Saturday. Miss Laura Strunk, of Price street is speuaing ner vacation with mends in btroudsburg. Elegantly framed pictures are being sold ior nan price or irame. cnicago Art uo, 127 Penn avenue. Miss Sadie Ad king, of Lafayette street, hae returned home lrom a visit with friends in Dalton. Miss May Belle Bweetzer, of Price street. returned yesterday from a Ave weeks' visit with iii-scow friends. Mis Mary Owen., of South Sumner ave- nue. baa returned from an extended visit with relatives In Honeadale. Tbe Sabbath school of the Snsnner ave nue Presbyterian church, will piouic at ijaurei mil para on juoiiaay. Henry Utter, of Oueonta, N. Y., is here on account or tne aeatn ot nis sister, JUisS T-. 1 T.. m n . ' cuna utier, i t crown s court. Fred and William Nevill. of Fairvlew avenue, have returned nome from Little Aleadown, eusqoebannt county. Mrs. Theodore Nannan and son Walter retnrned last evening from an extended visit witn iriends in Wilkes-barre. John J. Davis, the South Main avenne uruirgi.i, dh reiurnea ooine trom a week's a N-w York, Bars toga Bay and Vermont. Morton Stevens, of Nicholson, who haa oeen visiting Wallace Moser. of Lafayette streei, lert yesterday for Aiilleraville State iNormai scnooi lor a course of study. Uuion service of the West Side churches win oe conducted this evening in tbe Hmpsou Methodist Episcopal cbnrcn. It will be a preliminary to the Moody meet- lug on ouuuay nexi. Tbe funeral of Mrs. Davies, of North Hyde fart avenne, will occnr this after, noon at 2 o'olock. Servicea will be eon- duoted by Rev. T. T. Collins, pastor of the ecranton street Baptist church. Tbe Sunday School of the Jackson Street Baptist church held a picnio at Laurel Bill park y.sieiday. Five car loads of young people left tbe V est Side about o'clock. Tba day waa a most ei.joyab one to an. . The West Side station house container six vagrants, or tramps, last evening tbe result of diligence of tbe West Sice po lice. Three of tbe squad were picked up near iripp's crossing, wners tuey were having a feast of potato, dug from an sajoining field. The otner trio was uis coveied in Bellevue begging. They will receive justice in tne niurniug. REUNION AT MONTROSE. Qaluaha A. G w Will Addre.s of One Euodr-d and Fort r-third. Captain P. D Lov, president f Association nf tha O.u Hnnrfrait the tba and Forty-third Regiment of Pennsylva i volunteers, has received . letter I Congressman Q ilnsba A. Grow w fr om bicn states that the latter will deliver the address at tbe reunion of the regim en aj monirose on Sep . 4, There probability that T. V. Powdarlv also deliver an address. is will j.ui. is vne iwantv-aevanth inn ual -..-..v, -aw . vu.u muuni reunion of theOnsHnniire l and Forty- third, and will i.e held in connect Ion with tba enompmt of tbe Basque K n n Cahhi. . ... vuum veterans, WOIOB Is for three days beginning Bept Bpesiai rates hays been sesursd for all those who deaira to attend the encamp ment or renni-'n. URNERS AT FARVIEW. tast Say if th Feat i p., t In a Day of E J -ymeut. Yesterday m ruing at 8 15 a train of fit man toaohsa steamed ewav from the laware nnd Hnd.on d-DOt. bearlnir Cf t" Firview the Scrantoa Taro-rs ud visitln- oeintiaa with tbeir wivr-a nd daughters. Tiie regular trains during the day w. re filled with excursionists, ami n o set aside a dav for sratiuiti resre i- tlon, anon wig in tor for tbetn, pr vi tod ly tba oaphle coramitt-as of the locil Turner The nu'nbrof persons n the grounds daring tbe day la eati - tji.it". I Nt 1 800 By 8 o'clock last night the last visi- tor retamsd from Farview and many of the yiaiting Turners, who eamn in erlier, left for thalr honea last ulght. Alwnt half of the visitors hay re- m lined until today, and tbia afternoon th-y will hid Boo i-by to tha city, lay ing with ples.ant feelings of the six taentb Tnrn Feat. AT TIIE THEATERS. This evenins tbe amusement season will be opened at the Frothingliam with the duction of Richard III by Owen D. ones and his company. It waa given in Wilkes-Barre Inst niht. and concerning he Impression ic made there, our VVilk-s- Barre representative writes as follows: Tbe interpretation of the tragedy was in every respect a surprise, and more t an phased the people, .ur. Jones astoninnea the critics by bis fine presentation ot the the wily tyrant. His acting was een. strong, graceful and effective. He was bandxcmelr supported by Jo-epb Ransome. William Richard-. Mss Alice Fairbrotber, Miss Tillie Lewis, Miss Kittle McCsbe and tbe balance of the players. In cenic splend r. gorgeous in identals and thrilling c imaxes it ws unrivaled There is a uuivsrsal demand for its repetition here on T ursdav night. Scranton pur er, have a genuine treat in store fur bem Weduesdsy eveuing at the Frothing- bam." t t t Next Monday evening the Academy of Moec wiU reopen iia door aud George Thatcher and bi Company of miii'treU and farce couedr people in "About Gotham" will be ibe attHaction tha- w ill usher in ihe session of 'V4-'05. "About Gotham" is a clever mixture of nice cle m comedy, pretty mnsio delighifully sung, bits or burlesQue humorously perlormeii. (i entertaining specialties cievoriy rxe- rntea. uue or lis mam advantages is a cl an rut and perfectly consistent and comprehensible plot that is never forgot ten lor a moment throughout the eveuing which elves cause for aud adda strength to tbe fun. A corgeoiialv mounted min strel "first part" is one of tbe manv fea- ures oi the play iu wnicu tnose two mugs of the "en I," George Thatcher and Car roll Jolmsou, will appear with all their old time vigor anl fun provoking methods. NORTH END BRIEFS, Mrs. Maggie D dan, of Elmira, Is visit ing Mrs, John Henoey, of School street. Mis. Roach, of Mill City, has been visit ing tbe Misses McCarty, of Wayne avenue. An excursion to Farview has been ar ranged bv Conrad's baud, of Green Ridge, for Aug. 21) Tbe marriage of l m Burke and Miss Mary French is announced to take place at an early date. We are clearing out the whole of onr stock of tine e chiugs. Chicago Art Co. K7 fenn avenue. Misses Jennie and Hattie Field, of Thompson street, are spending a few weeks at Lake winola, Tbe G-ueral Phinney Engine house which has recently been renovated, pre sents a very neat appearance. W. J. Campbell, of Providence. Is an nounred as a Democratic candidate tor the nomination of jury commissioner. Walter Wil'lams. of North Main avenue. and Walter Anight, oi tlenwo id's dru store, started yesterday on a circular tour to Canada. Tbe funeral of Mrs. Amelia F. Beddae will lak- plaoe today from tbe residence on Albert street, Piicebarg. Interment in Priceburg cemetery. The funeral of Miss Adelia Griffin will take place this afternoon at 2 o'clock from the resiaeuce, I3V8 frovideuce road. Inter ment being at Dun more cemetery. Joseph 1. &vau. has returned after an extended tour tbnugb Massachusetts. Connecticut and other states aud reports tnat Scranton ia ahead of all other cities he visited in commercial activity. Complaint is mads of the miniature lakes which are formed on North Main avenue caused by tbe la go atream of water flowing from tbe West Ridge fan bouse. There is only one sidewalk upon that portion or the avenue, and every evening this solitary sidewalk is sub merged by tbe water, making it impossibl for ladies to nse tbe sidewalk, hence driv Ing them to the main roadway. Alderman Bally's office on Dickson avenue, ureen itinge, was crowded on Monday night with residents of the We Bile, who were interested in a charge pre ferred against seven ooys trom that sec tion of throwing stones at a house lu llydi Park, tbe property of Jams Fly on, of frovidence. as tne prosecutor had n put In an appearance at 9 p. m.. the alder man dioharged the boys amid the execra tions of their rriendi, who evidently did not bold Mr. Flynn in high esteem. About 2 o'clock yesterday mording Offl ceis Reese, Jouea aud Mills arrested sevej tramps found in o x cars on the Delaware, Lickawanna ami Western railroad switch near He Cayuga and the Hampton switch They showed a disinclination to move, hu were finally coralled and march- d to the station bouse. Tbe action of the officers, ia hignly commended ia the Nortti End where the i ramus have been a great nuis ance, as well as a terror to ladies who are compelled to be alone in their homes dur ing the day. Ecranton's Business Interests. Thi Tribuni win soon publish a care fully compiled and classified list of tbe leading wholesale, baukiug, manufactur ing and professional interests of Her an ton and vicinity. Tbe edition will be bound in book form, beautifully illustrated witb photogravure views of our pnblio build ings, business blocks, streets, etc., together with portraits ot leading citizens, No similar work haa ever given an equal rep resentation of Boranton's many indus tries. It will be an invaluable exposition of our business resources. . Bent to persons outside tbe city, "copies of this handsome work will attract new comers and be an unequal! advertisement of the city. The circu lation Is on a plan that cannot fall of gooi results to those concerned as well as the city at large, preventatives or the TRIbuns will call upon those wbohb names are dksirkd in this edition and explai its nature -more fully. Those de.iring views of thoir residences In tnis edition will please 1. ave notice at the office. City and School Taxe, 1894. Tbe ci'y and school tax duplicates for the year 18W are uow In my bands fo collection. Persons wishing to pay can do so now, or any person requiring state ments of taxes by giving ward and loca tion of property will be promptly answereu, R. G. Brooks, City Treasurer, Alumcioal bulldlug, Washington avenue. Offl- e hours from 9 a. ra. to 6 p. m., ex cept batuurday, this office will be clean at noon. Music Boxes Exclusively, Best made. Play any desired number of tunes. Uautscbl A Hons., manufacturers, 1080 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Won derful orchestrial organs, only 15 and ltd. Ipecialty: Old musio boxes carefully re paired and improved with new tunes. Thi admission to tha bicyola races at the Driving park this afternoon will be 50 cents; graud stand 16 cents. . SOUTH Street Cars Will Be Running to tbe Satiplt Silk 11111 In Its Months. RAILS AND TIES B:ING HAULED Will Be an Extension of the Belle vue Line The South Side Will Have a Foot Ball Club Michael Egan Is Another Enoch Ardan, but He Was Not Absent as Long as Mr. Arden. Other Interesting Paragraphs. The Scranton Traction company Is Hstributing miterial aloug Soutn W-iahingtoo avenne and by fall tbe street sari are promised to tbe people tha Flats. Soma time ago The Tribune contalaad an artioM in refrr en:e to tb route over which the oars will pass. O oeral Mnatr B.etsin ss' bean desirous of fnrntsbl'ig aci-oiu- modation to tuis part of tba Soutn Sid , hut tbe obstacles In thewiyor raiiroal rossings oo Soutn W isbington avenn- ave been the eanae of delaying tbe noting of the street railroa I. However, It haa tiaen sen that tiv extending the Bellevue line over El in street bridge to South Washington av ua and tbeuo to tba Hanqiolt Bilk mill - that territory eould be supplied with an adequate servioe. rue one arawbaou lu getting at tm ork is the sotroity of street ear rails A shiput ut is soon expected and whn It arrivos the bnilding of the track will be pushed ahead. NOW FOR FOOf BALL A Team Will Be Put T igsthsr Gamprlasd of S uih Side Athletes. The foot ball pi iyers o' this aid . of wiiic itbere ar- a snlH'ieut unintiwr f good ones to gn-trtutee tin org in- Z'ng of in elev n tiltt will cr-iiittoiy repr sent the citv, are agreed that a earn will b pot in th field. D'Ujaisi D.uiel G. G -Inert and Bar er Oven Walsh are two cr ck ami- teur players and they ar - of tb opinion hat a Urst class nraniz ition oan readily he ufl icte I. With a view to ward organizing and getting into pr-tc- ice ther will be a m etiog some night xt week at Wals i s btrb r snop on Sooth Washington avenue There ia soui- talk of engaging Coaeher Woolruff, who cotcued the Wilkes-Barre leveii 1 st season. He is a broiber of Woodruff, tbe U ilversity f Pennsylvania eoaeh, and one of the best iu the country THE BUBBLt IS BURST. Mls.ing Miohael Egaa Still in the Lend of the Living. Tba myateriona disappearance of "Pop" Evan, the baae ball player, from his home on South Wyoming avenue at a lata bonr at night, some months ago, caused the impression that Egan uiu-t have met with foul play. As time passed and no word came from him Mrs. Egan became convinced that her hnsbaud was dead A few days ago E ran earns borne and told his wife tnat during bis absence ii bad bean in Philadelphia. Tuis w. all the explanation he bad to make, ind witb tlat he pat on bis hat, left ibe house and re-di 'appeared. SOUTH SiO J jTTINGS. Mrs. Edmund Jones, of Pittston avenne, la visiting in Way mart. Mis- L zzie Shener. nf Cedar avenue, is spendin ; her vacation at Lake Ariel. Miss Tessie Mi-Gee, of Cedar avenu- left yesterday for Baltimore on a visit to friends. MissB. McTighe, of Cherry street, re sume 1 work yesterday after a two weeks vacation. Mrs. Daniel G. G -lbert, of South Wash ington aveuue, is at Puttsville, the guest or rriei.d. Mrs. Henry Slebecker and family, of Birch street, returned yesterday from Lske Underwood. Thomas B-dand. son of Contractor C. T. Boland, of Pittston avenue, fell yesterday and bad two or his nngera oroken. Mrs. Michael Higgius, of Elm Btreer, U at tbe point of death, and her physician, ut. waisn, nas no nopes or ner recovery, R aring Brook Conclave, No. 214. Inde cendent Order of Beptasopba. held a busi ness meeting last night at Dr. Manley's ball. John J. Brown, ot South Washington avenne. after baviug spent a two weeks' vacation at tbe sea shore, returned home yesterday. William Moore, of Willow street, took sick resterday while at work in the t-and Bank's shaft. He waa taken home in the mine ambulance. Professor Thomas J. Covne, of Breck street, has adopted a aet of pluns for the erection of a palatial residence on the lot adjoining his present home. James Mohan, son of Patrick Mohan, ot Fig street, is dangerously ill of typhoid fever, and Dr. .uani-y has told the family to prepare for tbe boy 'a deat b. George Scbsnk and Frsd Heusner an n ounce themselves aa candidate for dele gate from the First district of tbe Eleventh ward to the Republican county conven tion. Mr, and Mrs. E. Joseph Renard arrived h. me yesterday, having spent their honey muon at- At laiitic City. After a short btny tuey will move to uuukuaunock and be gin housekeeping there. Michael Lavelle, of Brook street, will lead to the alt r this afternoon Miss El-en La very, of 616 Harrison ave me. Tne ceremony will take place at St, John's church at 2 o'clock. A i caption will be held in the evening and at mid ngbt the couple will be;in a honeymoon trip, visi ing Buffalo, Niagara Falls aud the TbotiS and lslanda. Tbe funeral of Mra Edward Reilly of Pittston avenue, departed from her la PRATT'S BOOK STORh. We are prepared to furnish a. kinds of School Books and iSclioo Supplies at short uotice. We always have in stock a com plete line of Blank Books, bta tionery and Oflice Supplies. Wall Paper, Windo w Shades Pictures and Frame i. 1 IBIIIIBBIBIBIBIBIBIBBIIIIIBIBIBBBIIBIBIBBBBBBI SPOONEY E No belter spoons are made S than those of Wm. RoKera' a Manufacturing Co. They S were never sold at tbia prioe g before. Buy now g 5 TEA SP10NS 50o. FOl 6. TABUSPOONS $1.00 FOR G. Reiford Jewelry Ca.iicTue, f, fiiiiiuiiiiuiiiiimmiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiilil residence on Pittston avenne to St John's church yesterday morning wbere a high ma-s or requiem was auug by Key. t. i: Walsh. Iuterment waa made in Hvde Park cemeterv. Tbe pall bearers were: Jobn O'Donuell, Patrick urray, Owen Mct'anu. Peier Kuhu. Thomas McTighe aud Thomas Moore. PULLED IHE B I0GE AWAY. And It Was Done at Midnight, too. Just Like la the Song. 'The stone bridg crossing Keyser V.illey creek on Lnz -me str- et was partly torn down by a crowd of row- li.g at a late bonr Mouilay night. 1 e roping and a larae portion of tbe arch was displaced and tne stones thrown into the cre-k. Street Cointniisionnr Kost yesterday Investigate I tn ' ui .tt-r and to-diy will have warran s is.ued for 12 youths of that tieithl orhood wl o are snspected of having committed tbe act. I will present one thousand dollars in gold to any one wb- m I cannot cure of epi. li-ptic couvul-ions or tits, bit E Gkewkk, 811 Spruce street, Scrauton, Pa. CHINA HALL Import Samples maan 20 per cent, less than import prices. No two pieces alike. Flower Va3es, Jarden ieres, Plate3, Chocolate and Tea Pots, &c. To secure REAL BAR GAINS, come at once. WEICHEL & MILLAR 116 Wyoming Ave. If a Tornado Should Strike Scranton It would cause little more surprise to our citizens than FREEMAN'S NEW SPOT CASH PRICE LIST HAS DONE WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEW ELRY, SILVERWARE, ETC. never have been sold before at such prices; but, remember there is no CREDIT at Freeman's. GROCERIES Our line of Groc3rie3 is complete and you can rely on tham baing the finest. If you wint a delicious, high flavored TS A, try our New Crop JAPAN for 50c; worth 75c. C. DITCHBURH 4 7' LACKAWANNA AVE. AYLESWORTH'S Meat Market The Finest in the City. The latest Improved fur nishings and apparatus for keeping meat, butter and eggs. C28 Wyoming Ave. PI ANOO -s at rnnat th. Miwt fepnlar and l"referrd bf U.dma Arn.il "srerooms: Opposite Columbus Honumsnl ROOPtlnnini and soldering; all done away with by the use of HAKTMAN 8 AT ENT PAINT, which conaista of iiiRredl nts Well-known to ulL It ran be applied to tin, galvanised tin, .het iron r-o', a- so to brick welllnira which will prevent absolutely any crumbling crackmR or breaking of the brick, it will outlast tinnlua ot any kind by many y.ars,and it's cost doe. not excee-l one fifth that of he cost ot tinning. I. sold by the lob or pound. Contract taken by AMOJUO UAUXatAMM, 6tf Ulroh Si THECELIRATED You Weed Them And a visit to Martin & Delany's will be wilder you at their immense stock of thin goods. Just the stuff to keep you cool. Uur novelty in summer goods Nobby, Long-cut, Double-breast Blue Black Serge Coat. tennis Slartin & Delany Custom Tailors and Clothiers, WYOMING AVENUE. U!IISlH.lllllII!IIII!gIIllEIIIII!tIini We Have saw , -, , A T a 1 308 Laicka. Ave. SPECIAL 45 dozen Ladies White . valnfl - Handkerchiefs, value S 50 dozen Children's School Handler. a chiefs, in plain and colored borders, Q Panfc 3 value 5 and 10 cents, for .... " W s 35 doz3n Ladies' Hemstitched Handker. R fnnfn chiaf3, value 10 cents, for - - - - v VJOlilo a wrm A new line of Chemisettes just received. BflEllllllIBBlBBEII.IIHBIBirBIBIiCIIllBIIHIlIBgsaSilliBBIIlIllIiXlilBlilJSSESlEHIISigi.llt's Scientific Eye 9 ' C JOmcthinc NtW IN A haT3 For Fall Wear c 305 Lackawanna Ave. It's a Great Shock fettie folks who are eUlm!nr they undersell 111 others to flud that with mt the leist tusa or Wu-ter vte are giving oustom rs the ben tilt of siK-h opiiortanities aatuese. A Mr.c'W Utah Grade I.I-.-ht-wclgb VMierl, 1804 pattern, f rSllOoasli. 1R03 pattern, 10 Wheel, fur 7S. 1SII4 pattern, 10O Vi heel, lor 85 easily these prices make the business atourstor FLOREY & HOLT Y. M. C. A. BUILDING. Mm Gil and Manufactur'g Co, OILS, I ITT VINEGAR AND CIDER 141 TO 151 MERIDIAN ST. 33 HAD "WELL BRED, SOON WED." WHO USE SAPOL O is a and The proper thing for 8EBZIBIiaiSBlBIBI.II IBBIIIIIiailU Received im - ua HI VALUES Embroidered 4 fnrifri I 25f fnr . . IU VJOlllO s 25c, for Testing Free By BR. SHIMBERG, 01 The Specialist on the Ere. Headaches and Nor vonsness relieved. Latest and Improved Style of Eyegl.isses and Spectaclen at the Lowest Prices. Beet Artificial Eye. inserted for ft. 305 81'ltlCK ST., Opp. Old Post Office. W. A. HULBERT'3 City Musio Storo, TFTNWAT SOI DKCKKR iskothers KRANICU & BACH. PIANOS Also a large stock et nrst-sta ORGANS MCSICAI, MRKCHANDlBJit MLbiu, t-iu. txa Another Advocate of Anffistliene DBS. IIE.NtVOOU Ss WARDELL) 6ENTLEMKN-It affnrda me great pleasure to atate that your new proceas of .xtractlns levth was a Brand snree.a la nay ease, and I heartl ly reeommend It ts all. I aluoerely hopo that others will t.t its merits, Yuurs reapertrnlly, CAFI. 8. E. lSltYANf, Scranton, Tm Heiiwood k Wardell, DENTISTS, 816 Lackawanna Ave. 1 Will on and after Mav SI make a great redan Una In the price, of plates. All work gUaS anteeJ flrat-cluas in every particular. siaaJB!ryfT'y-llW ia. ' ' A. W. JURISCH 435 SPRUCE STREE1 BICYCLKS AND SPOHTINa GOODS. Viator. Qendron, Eclipse, LovelL and Other Wheels. Diamond GIRLS nr4, Va7 Y07