THE SCIIANTON TRIBUNE WEDNESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 22, 1594; ASE ALL liio Ciy Deceivers from Wilkcs-Barre Do It Once ASaln. WE ARE NOW IH SIXTH PLACE Syracuse Again Demonstrates Iks Su periority Over the Honorable Mich asls' Gypsies Tha Bisons Fall Be fore the Prowess of the Springfield Clan Standing of the Clubs Na tional Summaries Base Ball and Other Interesting Sporting Gossip. HERE are u number of change in the standing of the clutis comprising the East leaKU US A of Ibo prunes played yes terday. Buffalo lost to Snrlujifiulil. mid rain preventing the scheduled Ruine no- . tween Erie and I'rovidoiice iiormits the former to move iuto second pUcif, followed by liatfalo oue poiut lower. The tie which existed between Wilkes llarre, Syructise and yerauton lis beon broken, the former by winning1 from Scranton Koinit into fourth pluee. S.yraouM defeat of AHuntown places thtf former in fifth place, one point be laud Wilkea-liurre, and forcing Scran ton down into sixth place, mill leading Springfield twenty-seven points, whieh, however, may possibly be wiped out should tlis former adhere to its losinc streak. Allentowa holds on to the tail of the kite with a grasp that it is not possible to loosen this season. Tha percentages of the clubs, num ber of games won and lost by each, and their standing iu the league race is as follows: Won. Lost. Providence i(5 SI Krie 40 117 Buffalo S7 40 Wilkes-Linrre... 45 44 Syracuse 47 40 Ycrauton 44 4.1 Sprint-Held 4 J 40 Allentown U3 05 Per C't. .f44 M .553 .600 .5i:: .m .407 .278 AX AWFUL GAME. CahlU'i Man Gave a Moat Discouraging Exhibition of Ball Flaying'. Eleven hundred persons, mostly dis gusted Scrantonians, saw the Wilkes Barre club make monkeys of our pets at the ball park yesterday afternoon. The boys from Luzerne simply wiped up the earth with Cahill's men. They started right in to do their desperate work in the first inning and kept it up all during the game. At present there ars but three ball players on the Scr.mtcm team, as it displayed a front to the enemy yester day. They are Cahill, Johnson and Patchen and it was hopeless to expect that tbey could pull away a victory from Shannon's men. Whitehead may be a great tbird baseman, but he did not show up in good form yesterday. One game is no criterion by wkich to judge a player and it is i possible that be uny prove a valuable addition to Scranton. At least it is to be hoped he will. At the bat our players arSvery inef fective as a record of fifteen men left on bases yesterday amply testifies, Hoover can neither field, run bases or bat, judging from bis performance yes terday and Lehane, while a fairly good first baseman, is n poor runner and a worse batter. Friel has a lam nnkle and canno; therefore cover much ground and is also weak at the bat. .Smith is another very weak batsman nnd not a very brilliant fielder at abort. Quartos is an erralio pitcher and hits nc the ball like a school girl. With such an aggregation is it any wonder we lost? Cahill was responsible for three of the four runs Scranton sesured, II n made one himself and batted in two others with a three baso hit. His bat ting resord for the day is one double and two triples. The error column fails to demon strate the decidely yellow kind of bill our pets played for they ars sharp enough to avoid errors. They sseruud to be in a trance all during toe contest and failed to seiz any of the opportu nities offered them to play the national ft mm. Their work was most decidedly stale and flat and will unquestionably prove very unprofitable to the manage ment We have no suggestion to make to llr. Cahill concerning what he should do with bis aggregation for he should know the capabilities of his men better than anyone else, bnt it might not be amiss to remark that if his club cannot make a better showing against Wilkes Barre than it did yesterday it ought to retire from the business. Scranton is not disposed to play Second fiddle to the village down" the cteek in base ball while we lead ber iu fcbont everything el.e. jMeekin was the Wilkps-Barre twirler .,IsaHec,T-Ws"llS The Coming of Summer Is Supposed to End the Social Season. Dinners, cotillions aul balls are t T intern' m - done, aocioty seeks rest at tne Bliore or mountains. Jiuc is it Tound! Fashion's sway still rules. The bello and chaporono alike are fatigued. Almost as much to do as in the city. Just as tiring be cause it iu so hot. Johann IIotT's Malt Extract thon taken makes the Summer easy. It banishes fatigue, and fortifies the system for Winter, aids digestion, gives health and ' strength. Beware of imitations. Look for signature of "Johann Iloff" on neck label. Eisner & Mendelson Co., Sole AgentsJ New York. and, althougb be gave seven tnso. bases ou balls, bo was very effective at criti cal moments, and bis presents were re sponsible for no runs. He was found twelve times by the Scranton batsmen, who eeonred two triples, four doubles and six siuglss. These bits be kept well Bcttered. lie struck out fonr men. Qaarles struck out ssven men, Kave but three bases on balls and was found only eleven times, yet bis work was not so good as Aloekiu's for the Wilkes Barre bny could pnt their bits togathsr and flud bim when a bit msant a run. A borne run, three triples, two doubles and iivs singles vw e the bits made off him. Tim home run wus secured by L,-rtte who knocked tiie ball over the center field fence. Diagram of the slaughter: SCUANTON. it. it. r.o. A. K. , Cabill, 2b 1 8 2 3 0 ! Hoover, If 0 3 0 0 0 j Johnsou, cf 1 1 7 C 1 1 l'atrhen, o .. 0 1 S 0 0 ; Whitehead, 8b. 0 1 a 1 0 ; ViM, rf 1 1 0 0 Oi Lelisno, lb 0 2 4 0 1 8mith, ss 0 0 13 1 Quartos, p 1 a 0 a 1 Totals 4 1.1 24 7 4 WILKES-BARKE. n. H. Lvttle, 1. f a 4 Shannon, Ub U (I Stearns, 1b 8 3 Jjczotte, r. f a 1 lMtttt, c. f 1 0 (lillon, ;ib 1 1 Warner, c 0 0 McMubon, s. 8 0 1 Muukiu, i 1 1 r.o, a, a o a a 7 1 Totals 10 11 27 8 1 Hcrantim 0 0 1 0 0 1 3 0 0-4 Willces-Barre..8 0 3 3 1 1 0 1 x-10 Earned runs Scraulon, 2; Wilkcs-Barre, S. First bae by errors ticrnutou, 1; Wilkes-ISarre, 4. Left on bases Scran ton, 10: WiUos-Uarra, 0. First bn-e on balls Off Quartos, 4; Jlenkni, 7. Struck out lly Quartos. 7; by Meiildu, 4. Home run Ltzotte. Three-base bits Cabin ('J), Steams. Hilton, .Monkin. Two-base hits Cuuill, Johnson, l'atchen, Quartos. Stolen base Hoover, Lytlu ('-), l.ezotte, Ciilleu, Double nlavs Whitehead to Cahill to Le- I linne, Smith to Lehane, Shannon to Me I Mahon to Htearas. Passed balls Patcheu. i Umpire Doescher. Time 1.55. ! OTHER EASTERN LEAGUE RESULTS. ; At Syracuse i Syracuse 3 10001Oll-fl Aiientown....o oooaooau Hits Syracuse, 10: Allentown, 11. Er rorsSyracuse, 4; Allentown, 4. Hatter lea M. Kilroy and Hess; Kiltoy and Cos tello. Umpire Snyder. At Buffalo Buffalo 1 0000014 0-0 apriuglieia 0 8 0 1 0 0 0 3 5-11 Base hits Buffalo, 0; Springfield, 10. Errors Buffalo, 8; Springfield, 0. Bat teries Vickery and Urqutiart; Uruber and Lyuch. Umpire llowo. NATIONAL LEAGUE. At Brooklyn Brooklyn .1 3 3 1 0 0 1 4 x-20 St. Louis 0 C 0 S 2 I 0 3 3 It Hits Brooklyn 24, St. Louis 14. Errors -Brooklyn 2, S . Louis Id. Butteries Lucid and Earle; Breiteustein and Twineham, Umpir" Lvnch, At New'York Now York....O 0 0 3 6 2 4 1 0-15 Chicnyo , 32030000 8-11 Hits New York, 10; Chicago, 15. Er rorsNew York, 5; Chicago, 3. Batteries German and Wilson; Hutchinson, Strat ton ttiid Schriver. Umpire McQjaid. At Philadelphia Philadelphia.. 1 2 3 1 5 0 0 1 0-12 Cleveland 3 0000800 0-fi Hits Philadelphia, 14; Cleveland, 12. Errors Philadelphia, 4; Cleveland, 2. Butteries Carsey and EucBley; Cuppy, Sullivan and Z uimer. Umpire Koefe. At Boston, first game Boston 2 C 4 tr 3 0 0 3 x 18 Ciucinnati.. .3 0000000 0-3 Hits Boston, 17; Cincinnati, U. Errors Boston, 0; Cincinnati, G. Batteries Stivetts, Staley, Kau nnd Tenny; Fisher and Murphy. Umpire Emslie. At Boston Second game- Boston 11 3 0 4 5 Cincinnati 0 0 4 4 0 2 x-25 0 0- 8 Flits Boston, 19; Cincinnati, 9. Err-TS Boston, 0; Cihcinunii, 3 Battories- Stivetts, Nichols and Ryan: farrott, Whitrock and Murphy. Umpire Emslie (Game called at end of seventh inning by mutual consent.) At Baltimore Baltimore 4 0 2 3 0 2 0 Pittsburg 3 0 3 4 0 0 1 Hits Baltimore, 21: Pittsburg, 0 x-17 0 011 18. Er-Batter- rors lialtimore, 1; .Pittsburg, 1. les McMahon, HawkeH and Humbert, Ehrot and Mack. Belts. At Washington Wshincton...O 0 8 10 1 Rohinsou, Uinpiro 4 4-15 4 1- 0 Louisville 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 Hits Washington. 18; Louisville. 11. Er rorsWashington, 4: Louisvillf, M. Bat teries Mercer and jfctiuire: Wadsworth and Zahuer. Umpire Hurst. PASSED BALLS. Cahill did somo terriiio batting yester day. A surgoon lias beeu appointed for tha Reading team. Hoover's work in left field yesterday could not. have been much worse. By loosing yesterday's game Scranton dropped from fourth into sixth place. Johnson put out sevon men in the field yeutenlay- , He had an error, but it was ou a very difficult fly ball. Little, of Wiik;es-Barre, had four hits yesterday ont of five times at bat. One was a double and the others singles, Hogan played his first game with St. Louis at Brooklyn Monday and was credit ed with one hit, three pnt-onta and one error. The Lancastor Iutnlligencersay the Lan caster Base Ball club has really been show ing the town folks that it thinks it knows what it's there for. Anson has been lifter Second Baseman Stewart, of Sioux City, all this season. He has banged bis man and Stewart will wear a Chicago uniform next season. The scarcity of pitchers' games is at tested bv the remarkable scarcity of shnt onts. Never before have whitewashes been so f-w and so far between. Anson has been hitting the ball In the pyn this season. The Gladstone of base ball stands eighth from the top In the bat ting records with a percentage of .874. It would not be surprising to see Anson topping the list of first basemen this season at the wind-up. The old war horse Is now tied for second place with Boyle, with a percentage of ,988. and bus made but eight errors iu seventy-eight Riimes. Barrlug the fact that Umpire Doescker's bearing will not allow him to diwoern a foul from a strike and that his eyesight on balls and strikes Is very defective ho is not a bad sort of an umpire. Sometimes be culls a runner out when be Is not, as be did one of the Scranton msn yesterday, but that's only an error of judgment and no persou would lay it up against Mr. Doeschrr. One of the Wilkes-Barre rooters who came up yesterday said: "If you think Doescher Is bad wait till you see bwartwoodl" Then let the fates preserve us from Swartwood, BEHINO THE SULKY. Unknown persons entered the pastnre of Major George Titus, Langsville, O., one night recently.snd stabbed two floe horse, to death with a knife. The fast pacer, John R. Gentry, S 09!V, has heon sold by his Missouri owners t the Alamance Stock farm, Graham, N. O., for a price said to be (10,000. Kremlin, 2.07JX, is being specially fitted to beat hi record at the Providence races, which begin Sept. 8. He now holds the track record, 2.11 at Narrausett park, where the races are to be held. , A CLEVER TRICK. Trying to Save a Hank Clurk and in . Itoullty Helping a Swludlar. A queer story Is told of a Liverpool bank ofllcer who received a private letter from his friend, a member of a London baukiug firm. It is said that oue of their employees, the son of tlieir highly esteemed cashier a man who was probity itself had gone away with several thousand poiinila of se curities. If the son should be nr rested and placed in the prison's dock tlio old man would never lift his bead again. The firm was, therefore, resolved to do all that lay In its power to nave its aifcd and valued servant from the misery and shame which would certainly overtake him if his son's sin became known. The writer thought that in all probabil ity tho young man would call with bis wj ourities at the Liverpool bank, and on tho htreuytli of his connection with the Lou don bank try to ueitiate them. If w, the Londou banker wanted the Liverpool banker to seize Iho property and keep it until be heard from the London banker ugaln, to lecture the young man soundly, buy him a ticket to New York and Rive him ?1,00() with which to begin tho world naiu. The Loudon banker was going to Paris for a fortnight, so that the Liverpool banker didn't need lo write to hiin about t he alia ir until that time. He also wanted the secret; kept from everybody, as far as possible, both for tho sake of the London bank, the young man's father and the young man hitiihelf. The Liverpool banker, kuowing that many a young man had gone wrong who liilglit have been s.ived at tho proper mo ment, decided to comply with bis friend's request. Soon after a nice, frank looking young man of the name referred to was ushered In to him, und, saying that he desired to travel, explained in it constrained uud ner vous manner that ho had some securities on which ho would like to realize. He mi id be didn't understand business, and perhaps was going awkwardly to work, but the ship for New York was to sail that day ard be was iu a hurry. Iu reply the Liverpool bunker handed him the letter be had just received; As hu read it his bieiut heaved with emotion, tears came into bis eyes and be finally burst into a lit of weeping. He made a full coufesslon, and the bunker, after point ing out the heiuousness of his crime, of fered to do what the letter requested, The young man kissed the banker's hand In token of his gratitude, said that he had been foolish and wicked, and would gladly go to another country and redeem himself. The banker then gave bim the (1,000, bought him a first class steamer ticket and gave him a dinner at tho restaurant. But nothing be could do or suy seemed to raise the young man's spirits. lie was so sad and broken down that tho banker really pitied him. As he bade him goodby from the ship's .side, the hard old man could not restrain his tears as he thought of the young and repentant sinner he bud saved from a life of crime. At the end of tho fortnight, when he sup posed the London banker would have got buck from Paris, the Liverpool bunker wroto to bim in great glee of his success in currying out his wishes, and of the contrite youth who bad set sail for new scenes with the banker's blessiug. Ho got the following reply from London: "You must bo mad. Our cashier never bad a son. No securities are missing. Per haps you have been sold." It was true. Ho hud. The letter was forged. The securities were worthless. lie had thrown away (1,000, a passage to New York, a good dinner and a good deal of ad vice upon an ingenious swindler. Bostou Every Other Saturday. Tom Starr, the Cherokee desperado, was the only man with whom his nation ever made a treaty of peace. That was over twenty-five years ago, when, at the uge of seventy, he became tired of bis life uud outlawry. Mothort! Mothra!l Mothartlll Mrs.Winslow's Soothiug Syrup has baen used for over titty years by millions or mothers for their children while texiblng. with perfect success. It Booihns the child, softens the pums, allays all pain; cures wind colic, and is the liest remedy for di anhcoa. Sold bydiugtfists iu every part of tiie world. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. WIuhIow's Soothing Syrup." and take uo no other kind. Twenty-dye cents a bot tle. Mns. M. ScitAESiiEnoEn, Beaver Dam., Wis., write-; "We have used Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil in our family lor Cough", Colds, Croup and Rht-uniatitm. It cur s evrv tini." Found. VOUND-A STKAY IIEIKEB. 2 YKAH8 1 olil. The owner can I ao the sumo by identifying and paying the eost of this adver tisement. PIS i Kit MAN1.EV, Chief of Polii-o, Price burif. I'a Incorporation. TOTICE IS HEKKBY GIVEN THAT AN li npplleatlin will bo made to tlio Dover nor of Pennsylvania, on tin) Hncond dav of August. ls'JI, at 111 a. m., by Charles MeMnllen, (leorgn K. ('lark, William r C-iroy, William J. Kenniman anil Marion W. Finn, under the wto t Assembly. entitled "An act to provide for tho incorporation und regulation of n r ta n corporations," approval! Apr. 1 2.1, 1s7t, and tho supplement thereto, f ir th charter of an int uil'jii eorporation, to bo call id "Tlio fierantoii Chimney ai Company," tin character and oh jeet of which is for Iho pur. pme of tliemnnulae.tiiroorsnleof iron orstoel or of uny other metal or artielo of commnrco from metal, wood, or both, and lor these pur pngns to havo, possess and tuioy all the rights, benefits and priviloges of said net of assem bly und supplements thereto, II. .11. HTKEETER, Solicitor. T0T1CE IH HEHEBV CIIVEN THAT AN li iipolication u ill be made, to tlm Qover nor of tho Hiutoof Pennsylvania, on Wednes day, tho oightlt day of Almost, 1SDI, by Ed ward H. Murg.-s, i'rederiek J. 1'latt, Orlando H. Johnson. William T. Smith. Frank E. Piatt and Joseph ('. i'latt, under the Act of Assem bly of the Commonwealth of i'euiisylvania, entitlod "An act to provide for the incorpor ation and regulation ol certain corporations." approved April '.".I. 174, and tho supplements thereto, for the charter of on intended cor poration, to bo oallod "Tho Scranton Idee trie Construetion ('ompanv," tbo character andobjictof which is tho manufacture, fur nishing, ereotiou and installation tail or either) of oleetrln or steam plants for light ing, drilling, haulage, and pumping, or clee trie power generally, in and about mines or imnin11 operation? and elevators; and lor the nianufaeturn nr lurnlsliing of all kinds of electrical machinery, and of appliances used In operating tho sa no, and for these pur poses to havo and possess and enjoy all the rights. benellU and privileges of the said act of assembly and its sunplninents THUS. F. Wl U.fl Snlleltor. Propoaals. OEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE HE i5 ceived at the office of the Scranton Board of Control, until 1. 110 o'clock, Monday evening, Beptenibor 17, ism, for the construetion ami completion of a new high school, to be located at tho corner of Washington avenue and Vim streot, ScrnntoD, Pa.,ln accordance with plans und Riiccitlcntions in tho office of tlies'Cie t- ry, as prepared by Little O'Connor, ar chitects, of at W. Twenty-third streot, New York. The sum of flvo thonsund dollsrt (ri.HOI) In cash or certified check is to he cnolosed with each proposal, which sura shall be for feited to tho district In rasn of refusal or omis ion on thepsrt of the bidder to execute contract within ten days If awarded the samo. A bond in tho sum of fifty thousand dollars (50,0uu with approved mtretiaa will be ro quired of the contractor ti whom the con tract is awarded conditioned for the fait hi ul performance of the contract. All proposals must be submitted on blank forms to be fur liisho l by tho secretary, as none others will lie coniidorod. The hoard reserves tha right to reject any or all bids. By ordnr of the Horanton Biard of Control. l.Ut ENE 1). FELLOWS, Secretary. Scranton, Pa., Aug. Ul, 1H04. CEALED PBOPOB4LS WILL BE RE O ceiyed at the office of the City Clerk, Heron tou. Pa., until 7.) o'clock p.m., Thurs day. August3, Jgili, to rurchns- the old sta tion house in Contra street l lddors shall n closewlth each propoal the sum of twsnly five dollar, cash or certified cheek, as a guar antee to comply wltn proposal If accepted. Tho city reserves the rluht to rojoct any and 11 bids. By ordor of city coum-ils. ii. T. LAVELLE, City Clerk. 01 COT A Word. fanf of alt Mndi cost that muck, ea wpt Situationt n'aiifd,uiftcA ore insert Help Wanted Male. MEN TO BELL IIAKINO POWDEll TO tho grocery trade; steadv employment; experience unuiiCHssary; (T5 monthly salary and expenses or coin. If odor sattsfuetory ud dris ut onro with particulars coueurnlng yoursoir, u. a. . neiiueai woras, imenKo. I I r IVTIrn . MAW Wlln TTVIlWll- stands cooking for lumber eump. Iu quim Wednesday, itoom 61 Commonwealth building, corner Spruce and Washington ave line, hcranton, Pa. H T ANTED-MINKb'B AND MINE LA-borm-N for the Tiltuminnu coal region of Western Pennsylvania, (iaod miners Ota e.irn J;ia day and more. The work is steady all the year round Now comers uuacoua tomo 1 to work in soft coal are guurnntud VI a day for thirty day to give them amide time to become us'ud to the work. For particulars call ut Westminster Hotel, ricruutop, l'u., Tuesday and Wuduesduy. B. BLANCIIARD. Rooms Wanted. WANTED KL'RMHUED ROOM IN PKI vato h ouse, abnvo Wyoming avenue; heated and wltu usj of bulh. Ad irons Hoom, Tribune otllce. For Rent. l.'OH RUNT-TWO FL'RNIHHED FRONT I rooms, suitable fur two gents or married couple; use of bath given. IV) Knuikllu Ave. j.Ult ithN'TON INBAiTF STORE. !. i Penn avoniio. (ml por month. 1Olt RENT-NICEi.Y-FUK;.lSHEn B ALL 1 suit iiile for lodge rooms. JOHN JEK MYN. llll Wyoming avenue. Horses at Auction. stuble, Scranton, on Friday, Au -, H, at 1 o'idock p. in., souud yuiiu.' work horses aud drivers. W. B. MOORE. Architects' Notice. AKCHIT ECTS' N OTICE-COMPET1TI V I plans and apoolttcatlona are invited for t city builuiuir to be used for fire department house ana liulino patrol station. A prospeetu of the building may he seen at the office of tin city clerk, at winch otllce the said plans am. specifications aro to he submitted on or befori Wednesday, August Si, l04. By order of city Councils. M. T. LAVELLE, City Clerk. Scranton, Pa., July 24, lst'l. Special Notices. 'pBE WILSON LUMBER COMPANY. WHEREAS, Under a certain Indenture dated tho first day of Juno, made In tw en The V ilson Lumber Company, a cor 1 oration organized und t He laws of Noril Carolina, nnd tho undersign-d, T o Lack wanna 'I rust and Bate O.-podt Company, i corporation organized under the laws of Pen. i-ylvania, as trust e, recorded June 13, JSUli, . the Regista "s oltleo, Caldwell county. Norl Cam i um. ia 11, .ok F of .Mori gages on naves .11 t fsii it is, among i tln r thluu's, provided th. if default sliali on made iu the payment i any Int-r. at due thereon for sixty days atti any snini-minnal installment thereof sin fall due and be demanded, or shall nevleut o fail to set aid' , or cause to boretasul", t iustallmeut of four tlioaMinl do.lars (?l,0i annually lor tae creation of a sinking f m for the pac of s xty days after the tin . me tn.n-d for sin h a' tiou, such neg.e it oi failure shall iu each ib e bj deem to bo a forfei nre of the condlt on of tie trust mortgigo, and 'hen un in that event it shall be lawful for th trustee, upon th request of the owners of majority in valve of tlio bonds then outstaiid ing. to enter upon aud take possession f tit land and property of Iha trust n ortgagede scribed, and t sell said lands to tho IiIkIics bidder for rush at tlio court ho iso door I: Cald ell county. North Carolina, fl at adver tising the same once a week for thirty (W days in one newspaper published hi sae county, and one nevspapi-r published li, Scinuton, l a., aud lllinn such sale to ioiiv the am i to tin purchas-irs in fee simpl.i uiul out of Ihu moneys l'eceiviKl from said ado t pay said bonds und interest with costs o' side, etc. And Wh- reas. Default has been made in the pavilion t of tlio coupons accompunyiti the loads secured by sal Km t iuorigago,ai'i ill" payment of the lmtallme t into the -ink ii.g lend, and said deiault has continued loi more than sixty days, And h. reas, The undersigned has bee. request d by the hollers of ihe majority . ih Ixmds issue I u ider and s oured by si 1 trust, mort age to proceed and s 11 tlio laud lights franchises, Improvements, contraeis agreement , chose i iu notion, privileges am iipnm tenauo s therein conveyed, Now. Tlier -fo e, The Laos . wanna Tru and Hafe Deposit Company hereby giv -s n . tice that it w II, upon tae IHth day of Sept in ber, A.i 1SU. at id o'clock am , at thecouri housHiloorln Lenoir, aldwoll county, Norn carol na. proceed to sell al the aids, rights fraiicnises. improvements, contracts, ngu. mcuts, choses In action, prtvileres and itppur teuanccs in said trust, mortgage descriiie. and set forth. THE I ACKAWANNA TRUST AND BAH DEPOSIT CO., Trustee. H.J. ANUER.-ON, Vice President. C'HAS. H. WELLES, Attorney. XJOTICEIS HEREBY GIVES THE STOCe il holdora of The Scranton Axle Work that tho annual mooting tor tho the clcctioi of officers und the transact ion of such oth.-i business as may come before tho liii'etinv will be held at the otlic) of the company, ul their factory, Thursday. August liJ, ISM, atti o'clock p.m. THOS. M. EHWIN, Secretary. Scranton, Pa , Aug. 4, Ihl. THE ANNUAL MEETING! OK THl X stockholders of the Horanton Forging Company, for tlio election of directors am: tho transaction of otli r business will bohcli attheolhceof tho company, In tho city o Scranton, ou Wednesday, August ".'J, lhtq, ni 3 o'clock p.m. E. F. CHAMBER-LIN, Rocretary. OTOCKHOLDEKS' MEET1NU-THE Bl)N ta Plate (ilass company, Tne nnnuii meeting of the stockholders of the Bonta i'lati olass Company for tne olection of dlrecion and for the transaction of such other busiius as may come before them, will lie held at tin office of the company. No. Ill Lackawannr avenue, Scranton, Pa., on Wednesday, Sept. Ilhh, lstU, ut t o'clock in tho afternoon. . II EN R Y T. HOW ELLS, Secretary. CHAY'S EXPRESS WILL CALL Al O bcrautou every day but Saturday: ir. Carbondale. every day but Monday. Lcav ordora at Conrad's, 1(05 Luckawanua Avo. YOU VVANTTlIIHREUCREPRiN'l Frank Leslie's Illustrated Wookly Wat Illustrations ISM-lStta. Two Volumes Folio, 1111.5:1; payable monthly. SiOO. Dobvereil bv express complete, prepaid. Address P. O, MOODY, tils Uihson street, Hcranton, Pa. I) LANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAOA I) sines, etc., bonnd or rohound at Tuc 'liniiUNE office, yulck work. Reasonable prices. MEAL TICKETS CAN BE BAD T 144. corner spruce street and Franklin ave nue. Twenty meal tickets lor tH-iU. Ooud table board. Res I tstate. CCUANTON REAL ESTATE AND 1N- O VESTMENT AGENCY. offers bargains as fellows: CITY BUSINESS PROPERTY. 40 ft front by W ft. deep, on Bpruoe street, rents for S700 110.000 4U ft. front by 50 feet deep, on Sprue streot, corner alloy 10,000 These together give 80 ft, front on Sprues street between Poun and Franklin, with alley on side. Spruce street property is advancing """"CITY RESIDENCE PROPERTY. CORNER MoNRtiE AND VINE streets, lot 6uxS5, two dwellings, ii,iUI, giving a ulce residence and an Income for small investment; ALSO A PLOT OF a LOTS, giving ISO It front on Monroe avenue, near Vine street. Theia make a first-class residence plot in a desirable locality. If uot sold in one plot will soil above separately. WEST BIDE. ' Lot 60x180, South Main i"omi9, adjoining residence of Smith B. Mott, price, 2, 760) also lots on Rock street and West End place. Only four luft. COUNTRY PROPERTY. A BEAUTIFUL HOME AT DALTON, PA., modern house, spring water piped int i it from hill hack, baru for three horse and two cows, hennery with cements! floor, young fruit, line lawn, grand outlook; one and a half to three acres, as desired, $6,000. Also lots of about (line size on Wostern 81 ope, Dal ton. Call or address 8 HIT 11 B. MOTT. Manager, No. 421 Lack, ave. rear board trade. CATALOGUE OF RKAL ESTATE FREE to all. Please send for copy, B. ERNEST COMEOYri, Price Building. , , ' onnolly On account of extensive alterations now in progress at our store, we will conduct a SPECIAL CLEARING SALS FROM NOW UNTIL SEPTEMBER 1ST. Our purpose is to reduce stock in ordor to accommodate tho largo purchases wo have made for tho fall trade. Trices will be such that you cannot affofd to miss this opportunity. Immense Attractions in Every Department Our limited space forbids any further ' details in regard to prices. We only ask you to visit ua and ascertain how cheap Dry Goods can bo sold under our new regime. With tho addition of 1,500 square feet of floor space, which with our present capacity will give us i 5,500 feet, we will be well qualified to satisfy' tho demandi of our largo and incrcasiug business. When finished we will havo the, best lightod, most attractive and convenient store in Scranton, aud our LOW TEICE3 will continue to bo our drawing card. CO 10LLY & Pine Fibre Mattresses Are NOW Made and Sold VERY CHEAP by The Scranton Bedding Company,' Lacka. and Adams Aves. FIIE FKOTIIINGIIAM Opening Event of the Season. WEDXBMMli 1-VE., Al't.lBr . Grand Spectacular Production of RICHARD III ELABORATE COSTUMES. GORU..OU8 ACCESSORIES. rOC ES OF SPLENDOR. ,'wn D.Jones (Edm nd Drury), as.. Richard ' scph Ra soidh as..Hunrv VI and 1 lo m nid wiln m RIcln.rdB s....D ike of BuckiiiKuara isa Mary Led uskie Young aa Qiieu E lznb.-tli Ins Tile l.ewisas Ouches of York (las Klttie M Cabe as Lady Amine SO-A Great Compa ly of Fifty People-00 sual Prices Ha e of roseiv d eats will 'Clin at P well's uinsio t ire .m .Mun lav. TUB FKOTIIINGIIAM ONE PERFORMANCE ONLY. 1- KIUAV, AlCiUST 24. . . Tho Lnughabla Comedy-Farce, FHE NEW BOSS AND BOSS Presented by C. F. Bertram's C medians, THE H'NNlEsr SHOW ON KAKI1I. introducing n!l the LATENT SOXOH, POP ULAU PARODIES NOVEL DAN'CES, and the Loudon craze,' Linger Longer Lucy," a Song and Lance by four young hull. s. PRICES SI, 7uc., o0j anl c Sale opens Wuduesday, I'lIK FROTHING II AM Saturday Eva ting, August 25, EUGENE O'ROURKE In the Comical Irish Farce, IRISH JUSTICE Also a Sironir Vau 1 villa Com pany, direct from New fork City. Tickets now on sale at Powell's Music Store. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. OPENING OF SEASON, ' MONDAY, AUGUST 2T. George Thatcher's Minstrels AND FARCE COMIODV COMPANY Iu the New Miustrol Faroe Comeiy in Three Ants, About Gotham ACT I-Inti-riorof Ohdison Avo. Hotel. ACT H-Fote room of Seventh Keg. Armory. ACT III-Club House and Grounds of Sly Sports Club. Sale of seals opens Friday, Aug. it, at the box office. Pr.ees, i'5, OU 75 1 1. Central. Railroad of N. J. SPECIAL EXCURSION RATES AND bPECIAL TRAIN TO WASHINGTON, D. C, FOR THE Supreme Lodge, Knights of Pythias, August 27 to Sept. 5, 1894, For this occasion a special train of elegant roauhes and luffet parlor cars will leave H. ranton at 7 a. in. on Monday, Aug. 27, an 1 returning leayo Washington nt 10 a.m. Aug.:!!. Hpovial excursion tlckots from Scranton will he sold goo 1 to go on any train Aug. '.':) to 2Hth inclusive aud for return until Sept. 13 Inclusive. 1 AUK toil TIIE HOUNO TKIP, S7.81. Central Railroad of New Jersey SPECIAL EXCURSION RATES TO Upper Lehigh FOR THE UNVEILING OF THE FRcELAND Soldiers' - Monument " On Thursday, kj 11 M . BnorUl excursion tickets from Soranton will be sold good to go on any train on Aug. 28 and for return Aug. 28 or 24. FAR FOR ROUND TRIP, ?i 07. Situations WanUd. RELIABLE, SOBER MAN, MARRIED, wants steady work; experieno-s ot all kind: good handwriting; good references. G, 1117 Blair avenue, Scranton, P.i. POSITION WANTED BY A 8TRONO, healthy man an watchman or iy hon est work. P. H U26 Summit av nue. SITUATION WANTED-BY' A YOUNG girl of 18 yea s as ooprlst r c erk in store. Address MAGGIE BURKE, 1010 Hud son street, Horanton, Pa. ANTED BY A YOUNG MAN OF SO A position as bonkkeoppr, experienced and good references. Wll Ing t begin on small wngea Address B. T.. 61 J (Jreen Kidge street, rlty. WANTED-BY AN EXPERIENCED CAR bulldsr, a position. Address A. J. REICH AHD, cars Y. M. U A., city. WALLACE m GRAND CLASS A BICYCLE RACE MEET OF THE Green Ridge Wkta AT Scranton Driving Pari WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, August 22, 1894, at 2 O'clock L. A. W. Sanction and Race Rules. Admission, 50c. Grand Stand, fOc The GENUINE New Haven "(Wathushek " Pianos ESTABLISHED 18(50. Kew York Warerooms No. 80 Fifth Avenue. E. C. BICKER & CO., Sole dealers la this ssctioa. OFFICE 121 Adams Ave.. Telephone BTd'g WHY NOT ' See our FIFTEEN DOLLAE Solid Oak Bedroom Sett Wt; sell Furniture as cheap as any house iu the country that in tends to give honest value for the money. Try us. Hull m AHD 207 kEFORE ANQ AFTER USING no ottaer. AMre ' m FN tMWOD RESTORED! If 2ffl li'..'afl mm. .unit ..Weak Memory, Loss of llratn Power, llesdaclio, WakofulneM, ffl - U l'nMnno",NlJSt,alldralniand(oi.9of powor .J 'tfSfr 1 rf5S i.icoMfvTuIeof tobcoe.oplumoriilmul lo lurtrnittr. Cob. tWamr AsSnn"or?n"aX H1 "I'V'lSH JCKl0fflniiffim$AWlfo S ont'" we alve a written fuurantee to nr &yaCJll-.r.pJSK.mnnrv. Hrrulsr free. Sold by all drumhus. Afk for It, uio For Sale in Scranton, Pa.,byH.C. SANDERSON, Druggist, cor. WashingtoD inrl Snriico Htxepts. . - !OEXa ENNYRGYAL !.Ask for . MOTT'S PSSITTSOTAXi FILLS and t other. ?lf"Send for cirouiar. a-nce i.uu per oo J? '-'T ; Xilt. MOTT'H CHEMICAL CO., - Cleveland, Obdo. For Rale byO. Sf. HARRIS. DrotiUt, EVERY WOMAN ComeUns needs a reliable, monthly, regnlatlng medicine. Only haraUss ISA the purest drugs should be nsed. 11 you want the best, gat Dr. PcaPc Pennyroyal PHIs They are prompt, sate and oertaln In result. The sennlne (Dr. Peal's) oerer dlsao. oeinL Seat any where. $1.00. Addreas tXAi Maoiouio Ce OeTaltnd, O. For male by JOHN H PHElPS, Spvuce Street, Scranton, Pa. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO. KCKANTON AND WILKES-BARRE. PA- MANUFACTURERS Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. General Office. SCRANTON, Pi. 0.00 rKFEI AVE Dr. EX Grewer The Philartolphiii Ppsclsl'st.and his asndatej, staff of Engllh and German phrslc'ans, are now permanently located at 811 SPRL'CK ST., SCIlNTON. The doctor is a graduate of the University of Pennsyvanin,forn;erly demonstrator of phvsi olouy and surgery at the Sledico Chlmrgical College of PhlladPlphia. A specialty of Chronio, Nervous, Skin, Heart, Womb and Blood diseases. DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM The symptoms of which are dizziness, lack of ooniluence, si'Xual weakness iu men aud w man. ball rising in the throat, spots floating liefore the eyes, loss of memory, unable to con centrate the mind on one subject, easily startled when suddenly epoken to, and dull, distressed mind, which unfits them for per forming the actual duties of life, making hap piness impossible; distressing the action nf the heart, causing flush of heat, depression of spirits, evil forebodings, cowardice, fear, dreams, melancholy, tire easy of company, feeling as t ired iu the morning" as when retir ing, lack of energy, nervousness, trembling, Confusion of thought, depression.constipation. Weakness of the limbs, etc. Those so affected should consult us immediately and be restor ed to perfect health. LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. Weakness of Youug Men Cured. If you havo been given np by vour physician call upon the doctor and lie examined. lie cures i in. worst cases of Nervous Dobility.Bcro fula.Old Siires.CatarrhPiles.Female Weakness, Afflictions of the Eve. Ear, Nose and Throat, Asthma. Deafness, Tumora Cancors and Crip ples of every description. Consultations froo and strictly sacred ard confidential. Office hours daily from 8 a. tu. ton p.m. Sunday 9 to ii. r.ii. .und live .cent stamps for symptom blanks and ray book called "New Life " 1 will py one thousand dollars in gold to nnvone whom 1 cannot euro ot KPILEPTiO CONVULSIONS or FITS. PR. E. GREWER. 311 Spruce Street, Scrautau, Pa. &Oo. I.0MHG AVE. 'NERVESEEDS. ThUwondtrfol rtnrdf fiui an It d to air All atnsna dll PILLS. ever offered to Ladies, especially recommend -ed to married Ladies. 1117 I'onn Avenue. Pharmaclsit, cor. Wyoming Avenue-anel VEUVE HEEOCO., Masouio Temple, luicauo.hj. ) V