The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 22, 1894, Image 1

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There are undoubtedly
Btirring times ahead in
the political world.
And the readers of a
good daily newspaper will
he in clover.
Tt t ojwjqi'j v4jg i ' .
Her Government W,U Urn gainst the Pres
ent Treaty.
"The Spanish People Will Resist Our
Efforts to Monopolize Cuba's Com
merce-Tariff Talk at Washington.
The Condition of Mr. Wilson's
Health. ,
Madrid, Aug. 21.
EL NACIONAL today declares tnat
ibe (uoniHiit the new United
Statu t'triff, by which Cuban su
gar is hiiudicappe I 40 parent.,
is nfnreed thetuinist r of liiecolmiie.,
S nor Bwi-rrn, proposes to gik the
' pttilsh gnvernni nt to denouuo- the
ix ting treaty betw-n Spain and tb-Unit-
d S'Ktu iu regard t- Cu"s.
El Naclonnl continues; " l,U in tb
nly way to pin matters on it fair foo
Ing witb the TJ it-tl State., which
tountry is monopolizing Cnban trade
lo the diadvantge of th colony."
Washington, Ang 21 Additional
irror, in punctti ition in toe new .riff
bill lire const intly being discovered ' y
lb treasury ofii iala. T.wlay an im
portant mistake was found in suction S
of th free list. Tuls section provide
that article of foreign manufacture
mutt o stamped with the name of
the country of origin, and then
lays: "An I until so marked, stamped,
oraunea nr iat)eea triey snail not be de
livered to tne importer iiimuM any ar
ticle of imnorted h
marked, sUuiid," etc., iu excess of
(iii- qu-iity contain a lusucb article,
Itc. It ii as.nm-d that tn.i-e tth,,nl,l
have been a period placed between tii"
worus "iinpnrtr auu ' suouid, but
ss toere in none tbe paragraph as ii
Itaods is unintelligible, aud may lea l
io serious em uarras-ments lu its execu
Ud to this time Secretary Purll.l
bus not rqu'ited an opi don from tne
Sttornev uuneral nnunanv of the
mlliirililieS ill the bill anil nr,.h,.hl
will not do so until after the bill be-
touits a law. The secretary, however,
oas expressed the opinion that all
goo'ls ti"W in bond wniob have been
changed from tbe dutiable to tbe free
net, win b ho J-ct to the duty in
force when imported if withdrawn for
ion. eruption. T ie goo U can. lnuv
sv- r, be exported an 1 then r-iuip irted
un mns reo-iv- tne oetienie uf til
free list.
The senate was not in inainn ini .n
It will meet auaiu tomorrow, dot is noi
likely lo transact auy more businei.
tot Session. Notning is exported to
eotne of tbe f vor-.t.le rporl ma le on
tbe free bill by the senate Bna. i r
eomimiiee. w ulie ben. tor Buck
onru declares tbe bill will be
Oailed op, it will r-a ilre tb
tote or a m. j rity to bring
a Don t tne result, una tbe majority can.
not be obtained. Meanwhile the fre
sugar bill reposes on tbe calendar and
tbe honse Di-inneratin mm..... ...
lerting Vehemently that Senator Gor-
uiau hdii me Older managers of the
senate bill secured tb arquiescenee ot
tbe boose in tne tariff bill on the false
premise that tbey would pass tbe free
lUgar i-ill.
Cbairmaii Wilson will probably take
t triti to Europe soon after congress ad
journs. H- has Invitations to take a
trip np tbe lak e, and ano her to cross
tbe ocean, and he incline, m nr t.
latter, as it gives greaier prospct of
wuperaung ma Health. He want
to be back before S ntomhe .!.......
to begin bi camp iigu in West Vir
ginia, uie Deal in, now-Ver, Will not
permit a vigorous stumping tour. Mr.
Wilson, it ias .id, has r oeived no in
timation ai to what will be done with
tbs tariff bill. He Is oouB lent, how
evr, that tbe i. ill will become a law,
and be inc'lnes tu the belief that it will
Income ciive without Cleveland's
signature Iu tbi event congress can
not adjourn efore n-xt Tu-s .ay.
Aliz Makes Time On 8eoond Baiter
Than Nano Hanke.
Chicago, Aeg. 21 Allx. Monroe
Salleury's wonuerfu, little mare, crea
ted a sensation at Washington park
thia afternoon by turning tc traek io
S.05i io an attemi.' to beat tbe record
for tbe enn-ae 2 064 made by Nancy
Hanks in 1893. ' 1
Tbe eoneensos of opinion among
borsemen after tbe race was that tbe
performance was tbe grandest ever
acoompiisbed by a trotter, as the track
was fully two second slow and tbe
day bardly well adapted for record
mashing. Tbe weather was bright
nd clear, but a chilly wind blew from
tbe northeast, although It died
out almost entirely beiore tbe mare
was brought out. After two
attempts to get Alix going right, Mc
Dowell nodded for the worl and went
to tbe first quarter in 31, When the
time wassoown from t . timers stand
it was conceded that little better than
2 07 wonld be done. At t .e half, made
in 1 03i. tbe mare was joiue
by a running ln.te and fi.iehed
out, seemingly well wltn herself,
an even second better than Nancy's
record for tbe trsok. Great enthusiasm
wis displayed at tbe finish. McDowell
Stated afterwards that tbs bask streto i
wi coppy and tbe far turns too loos.
nd holding. He Is certain that Alix
will do 2 03 or better before the season
is ovt-r.
CXEViTstk Will SUE.
Their O d Loader Says the Virginia Hit
ltla'e Oonduo' Was Air- ctam.
Massillon, 0 Aug. 21. Bsfore
starting fr Newcastle this m irnlng, J.
8. C x y received tbe following tele
gram trom Lawyer Ralston, of Hyatts
v He, Ml.: "Governor Brown shuu
ning habeas oorpua trial ( releases Mo
Kee and Joues ouco olitiftn i 1. "
ux jtj tbey will sue for damsges.
marges luai in Virginia militia lo
'riving out tbe (ijx yiiea were guilty
of atrooities, oire'ully kept from the
l.nblis. A pet eat was ran tnroug
with a bayonet, and while writhing i
agony was slowly roasted ov-r a firs r
inhntnin soMlers Flonr an I otbe
supplies were made unfit for use by
ouspenkaide means, and the men were
I iu prisoned on a bridge one long day
under a t-romng sun.
Narrow Eacspe cf FaaeeGgsrs en the
Yandalla Eoad.
St. T.nnia Ann 01 p... i. . v.
Yorlt fliaL AfnrM. AH tUa V.nbll.
' WH BMW f .1111.11.
road from New York to 8t. Louis was
ouooea two miles west of Fooahontas,
ill.. last BVeiltntf and Ihna. nn
board had a remarkable aoane
I rout death while rnnntnir -fc tha r.t
ui loriy-QTe mites an Dour. Tbe en
gine, three mail cars, and ooe baggage
h a. 1 . . i .
Two coaches and tbe parlor ear kept
Theenfrlnaae Ufatt.fA il,. An.m.n
Di 'klnson, and four postal clerks were
ujureu more or less Seri0Uy out
none of tne other trainman or tiassen
g rs were bnrt. No reason for tbe
wreca ts known. Tbe track was so
badly men nn thtit tha vttii ,..tue nf
the train bad to be bromh' to tbe city
over t e track of the Baltimore aud
U io South wes'ern.
Absconding Cashier Gardner Located
at Pittsburg Sensational Evi
' . dence Promised.
Altoona. Aug. 21 The lateat move
ill Itle ff.irs Of tUe Second Nationa
Dang mi tne arrest this morning ot
Harry Claybaugh, another clerk In the
iiunK, on the sun charire a that nn
ferred Hg tinat M .yb rry Miller, falal-
lytng tne ho g of th- b'nik witb in
tent to deceiv the "Ximiner. Both
mn have sepursd biii inihesom of
o UUU for their appearance at a hear
lug iiiursday morning. No one be
lieves they bad any Intention of wrong
doing, bat that tbey simply obeyed the
instructions of G.rdu-r, the absconded
caibler, whos word wis the law and
gospel in everything pertaining to tbe s nil lira.
Tne arrest of Harry CUybin?1!, as
sistant cash! t of the Second N iti ma
naoK, wae followed this afternoon by
tnoioer sens-trion tne receipt of a
telegram fr n tbe Gilkinsou D-tective
agency at Pittsburg, statmi? that
Cashier G rdner bad been seen in that
city this morning and asked for order
ir nis arrest, ibis ws glv-n at onoe
hot u to the present time bis cup: ore
Man not o-en announceii.
The investigation of the looted bang
is still iu progress and it is b-lieved
(bat other arrets are likely to follow as
- ne coons snow eviiienee wniib war
rant sucn action Mr, Clabanjh np in
oeing approacne I alter bis arrest re-
Hied to make any statement exempt
ihatbewonbl make startling revela
tions when bis cue cam- up for 1ri.1l
nd tbe Impression was given lb t
-ee rsvelati ns would implicate Bank
examiner Miner.
Uarry J. White, a wholesale grooer
of this eity, who became embarrassed
ihrougbtbe sucp-iniou of tbe Second
Nanooal bank, mtde a statement t
his creditors to lay and asked for an ex
tension of Mm. His assets are nlaee l
at about $17 009 and the liabilities are
$28,000. W..ite, who is a son-in-law
ot President Levn, of tbe baok. owes
(he lnetltuiio i S 000 and is indent-I
to Mr. Leva n iu tbe sum of $10 000.
The supeusion of the bank slopped
hit credit.
Deelilon That the Oaaghtar Shall Re-
olv Their rhare JX w.
San Francisco. Aug. 21 Judge
Ci-flfey, of lue probate oourt, his or-
lered that tbe daogbters of the late
Mrs. Theresa Fair be awarded their
p-Ttlon or their mother s estate. Tne
daughters are Mrs. Heimann O lricha
ml Mi-a Virginia Fair, of N-w York.
Tbey will receive a million aud a half
eu. The distri"Utiob of the est -le
was opnosed by their brother Charlea
1 ecaus undr the terms of nis mother's
will he o-nnot receive bis share i-f
$500 000 until he is 80 years of age. He
is now about 21
J alous Rival Pan ory Shots la Bod?
of William Wool
Glencampbkll. Pa . Aug. 21 Rob-
rt Betisni, a wealthy owner of laige
quarry, loaay emp'Ha tne conteots of
a shotgun Into William Wood, a weigh
boss at Urey mines. Tbey were rivals
for the band of an 18-y-ar-old daugh
ter or Thomas Bellis. Sunerin tandent
of the Urey Ridge Coal company of
this plaoe.
Btttttnl has eseaped. It is thought he
made for Altoona where he baa consid
erable money. Wood is not in danger
at death, al though forty chots are
lodged In bis body.
An officer of the Bering Sea flet savs
the aeals at (Jea Island are rapidly dimin
ishing. John Foster shot and killed Henrv Jones.
a mine boss at Morris Creek, W. Va., and
then esoaped.
United States secret service nmVers have
seised 70,000 due bills, which have been
passing as currency in Kansas.
Abraham S. Dorf. of Baltimore, baa been
elect. d graii d master of tbe Grand Lodire
of B'nai B'rth, In session at St. Louie.
Lizzie Patter-ion. the 17. rear-old sirl
convicted of forgery in New York, was
sentenced to three years and six months.
Lee Palmer seized the draar rnne nf a bal.
loon at Bnerbonrne, Mian., and wa car
ried np 160 feet, when he tell and was
Owing to threats nf
home of Edward S. Dreyer, a millionaire
banker of Chicago, is being guarded by the
police ,
The American schooner Jonenhl nt Kill.
cott, from Bermuda for Penaneola. h.a
been quarantined at Massan, because of
tbe illueas of - the captain's son with
typhoid fever.
Within an hnnr CharU. rnm.. . m
Four brak- man. at Terre Hanta w.. e..n
over and ill led. another brakeman on tbe
same train hd bis hand mashed, aud a
miner had his foot crnsbed by the engine
of tbe train.
Story of Japanese Commander's Wanton De
struction of Li e Confirmed.
Japan's Diplomat Says the People of
China Do Not Care If the Tartar
Dynasty Goes to Pieces An Ameri
can Officer's Services Are In De
mand with the Mikado.
London, Aug. 22.
n dispatch to tbe Times Irom
At Shanghai today says that the
oourt of inquiry has established
U U l he fact tual the oouim inder of
ti.e Japanese warship Nmiwt order -d
tne destruction ut tbe drowning men
from the Cninese trausport Kow Shin.-,
which w.tssunk by to-- Jipaues T a
inpatob ud Is that Vise Admiiai
Houorable Sir E. R Fr man tie, in
command of tne Britiah-C ilna station,
is oolleotlug detailed evidence on tbia
sn-i c'
Shanghai Aug. 21 No news of any
impori-nve baa bet-u lecelved bare re
Orutl in regard to the movements of
t-. fl ets or eoncsrniug t ie military
operations la feet, tt may be die-
unotly asserted that no real news has
reached S mngbai concerning tne
between China an-l Japan, sinoe Aug
12 Tbe two Japanese spies who were
arrested in the French settlement of
S laogai are under the p o ection of the
Uniied Slates eonaul, and wi.l remain
ao until a charge Is clearly formuUted
ag dnst theiu.
San Francisco. Aug. 21 Minister
Knriuo, ol J .p tu, la knep, ig .1 yry
keen eye on the newspaper dispatches
trom Seoul aud Yokouama. H-s il l
last nlijbt that be could not believe all
of them were correct, for there Whs an
underatauding between himself i.nd bis
government tnat when there was ser
ious fix h ling he should be a . priced at
once. "1 nave eoua. quently neeu ex-
cting cabl -grin-," ue said, "bui
ainee my arrival I have not received
ooe. Conaul Chinda has not received
any either.
not in need of aid
'In connection wiiu tnis. I want to
com out tbe ImDr ssion that I am here
0 ratae a loan or pislbly t get Anrr-
can troops and ofiijers. My coinlug is
n no way in reference to tbe war. We
are iu need of no gu is. money or men,
We have a sian-li g army of 80 000 men
.nd reserves snffl i' it to in .k - 2j0 000.
Ail are weil tra ie.. Eren iu 1au.11 w.
aVe far Ul ire anp icants for places 10
tig t than we r q nre. Our people are
anxiou to voluute.-r, but we do not
need them Tu volunteers would be
n the way of the trained troops. O ir
i-ople, too are flE ring mouey to tn
govrrmuent. but we do not ued it. and
Steadily refuse it
"Since my arrlv.l a number of Jap
anese i-tid others buy-, fx red their set-
vices, but I have .1 il tined the real J
on Htlun alidendeav ir d to discourage
teem. r-sioes tne xuu uuu trained m -n
we bav forty-seven war ships. We
are thus well qnipped.
"1 think lue policy or China is to
move slowly, but it is a dissevered.
nsmemoerea country, and even tlin
will avail nothing. Tbe people are not
patriotic. It la a Tartar dynasty aud
tbey do not 0 .re if tne country go-s to
pieces, vvny. tu iau3, wuen the b ench
ind English soug .1 to open Canton,
lie (Jninese wou.d not stand by Cuius.
the same w y all over tbe couutry.
Li Hong Cuaug otnuot bold tue Cnine.e
Riverside C I . Aug 21 Colonel
R Waneon, 01 S-dilia, Mo., fo'm-rly
well known ntne-r of the United
States army, h ts be-n summoned by
the J pnneae goveriim -nt to repair at
once to Korea an-l there take c mmand
of the' Mikado's fore s. This inform -
tion Is given out by a peitonal frlen I
of Colonsl Waeson's who resides in this
ity and who is in reoeipt of a letter
from tu colonel giving the above facts.
Colonel Wesson was at ooe lima con
nected witb the J .panes army as uni
ty instructor and it U said th
Japanese offl ials b tva a high regard
ror nis ammy as a commander.
Wabhinoton, Aug. 21. Tne Jnpsn-
ese legaiiou baa receive I telegram
atatlng that tt Das been reported iu
Toklo 00 reliable authority ttwt the
finding of tbe British n Tal court of In
quiry, which w s held at Shanghai to
investigate tbe faots of the sinking of
be uritlsn steamer now going, wnen
acting as a trausport forCblnese trohps
to Korea, by tbe Japanese cruiser N.i
miva Kan, is favorable tn Japan. It Is
Iso reported that tbe Brltlsn sdmir .l
as oflJulally stated to bis government
hat tie eonsi lers tue sinking of the
Kow Suing under the ciroam.t -nces as
qnivalent lo the sinking of a Chinese
Vesseh, aud that he baa cons- qu ntly
dvlsed the British goverumnt to
make no claim.
Comstook's Aceots Arre t Publiehtrs of
V le Li erature.
Philadelphia, Ang 21 Charles C
Rickersou, a lad of 17 years, who was
arrested yesterday iu Lmoaster, Pa.,
t the Instance of Antnony Comstock
for sending objeo.ionable literature
thr-n-htbe m.ils,was arraigned be
fore U lted States Commissioner Craig
ere to lay. tie waived a bearing an-l
wssbeldin $1000 Ueil. M L. D'l-
linger, aged 30 years, also of Lanoaster,
who was arrested by Mr. Comsiouk at
the same time on tbe charge of print
ing Ibe matter will be trl-d at L .ue .s-
ler, his offense not coining ond-r the
iirladletion or tbe U nlted States courts.
Mr O unlock staled today that the
arrest were the most Important be had
ever made in Pennsylvania, and be w-.s
satisfied that tbe fountain-head of the
greatest publishers and distributors
of vile matter In tbe country
bad been nuearthed. Young Ricker
ton told Mr. uomstotk today, so
tbe latter states, that Deilingets
wife sold the ot j ictlonable books and
photographs and tnat H. J. Gist, night
clerk lu th - Lanc ist.-r post nffl ltli
vined the violators as to the method of
'lletriliution. No further arrests will
be made at pr -sent, but G ist has boen
nsmissed trom tbe pnstai service.
Assistant Albright, of
Lancaster, in aiiingMr. Coniatock In
tne prosecution or young Rii-kerson
Tbe arrest of a man named Teale in
Hubberly, N. Y.. last Friday on sim
ll-r ebarge, le I to tbe arrest of the
Lancaster violators. Teale admitted
that ha obtaloed tbe psmplets from
them, '
PULburg Qovsroeas Buloldes Tpon Ac-
oou- t of broken Xosageraeat.
FrmBURQ, Pa , Aug. 21 Mary Ad-
age l 'ii. commute I suiolde to lay
at the house of Mrs John K Cune,
wnere sna was employed as govrnesa.
She came fr. m Mercer county. Pa.
Sbe had just received a letter from a
man to wDoia sbe was engaged, break
ing off tbe engagement, aud took
sebrlxg'is free.
The f-u q 1 haua Cuuntr Farmer.
Chareed with Mard-r, Ropas.
tpreial (0 the Scranton Trihun.
Montrose Ph . Aug 21 The Se
izing mor ier trial w brought to a
close Una afternoon at 4 o'clock, when
the verdict of tbe jury was ren ered.
Bert Senting. a native of Rush town
ship, tbia county, wae charged with
having mnrdered ao Infant child by
plunging it into a kettle of boiling
wnter soon after its birth
Tbe main witness against the . pris
oner was his wife. Her testimony was
corroborated by ciranmstantUl evi
dence. Tbe case attrasted much atten
tion and the feeling against Sebrthg
has been Very strong.
I he evi lence was finished yesterday
and the j idg -'s ohrge was com Dieted
at 11 20 tnis m ruing, wuen tbs jury
man r-tired. At 4o'elock tbey returned
a v. rdiot of not guuty.
Aged William Allwitz, of Hawley, is
Locked Up at the Instance of
His Children.
flpeciol fotie .scrnn'oa Trlhuni,
HAWLEY. Ph.. Anir 21 Thia mnrn-
in Wl.nam Aiiwiiz, a G-rman aged
70 years, living on Sixteen tn street uear
lutle railroad eroasing. was taken into
cnetody by OfBu-r Joshua D-witt and
brought before J-auire J. H.Thousnson.
Charged Witb baving bad illegal
rrlations with his daoguter Josephine,
aged 14.
A Ier hearing nroofa nf tha Ml.
Sqnire Tboiupson committed ' him 10
tne snunty jail at Hon sdile, where be
was taken byOfflier D Witt to await
be aotion or t he grao I j try
Annul two yeara ago tne wife of the
accused di d aud left a family of six
children. Sion afterward ibe father
ueeame aiuuve aud was nnkind to
ti-m: and on account of hi. rnlt
in. 1 :
miiiiam. tne eldest son. and Minnie
tne eldest daughter, aged 16. lei t, home.
ibis left tbe younger memiiers of tbe
amuy at bis mercy.
, rnlHy Josepbiue began to realize
ier position, wnersnpou Allivitz be
ame furiona and drove ber and bar
liitle sister, R ise, age I 8 years, whom
ue tried several times unsuccessfully to
assault, into tbe street.
Tbe two girls took refuge in a black
smit.1 shop near by, aud Saturday at
noon tbey told their story to tb. ir
brother, and after taking counsel on
tbe affair, eansed his fatner's arrest. Ii
ir charged that Allivitz has been guilty
of these ofl.-bSes sinre last February.
Edward Sax. on Bhoi and Killed by Con
tub a Day.
CiiESTER,Pa. Aug. 21 B Day.a con
stable ot Lansowne borongn this morn
lug shot and kiibd a colored mm
unm-d El ward S.xson wnu he at
tempted 10 arrest. Tue negro pulled a
r.zor and alash-d tbe constable in tbs
lai-e, 0 ck and stomach, injuring biiu
serionsly Tne i-AW in Srlf d. feuBe
dr-w bis revolver and shot the men
through tbe heart.
The negro was wanted for hsvlng
split open the head ot a man witb a
natch t daring a q urrel. Saxson was
a desperate cb r ict-r and had deelared
nis Intention to kill any officer who
attempted to arrest him.
Welsh Mountain Outlaw Defeadant In
Numerous laiei.
Lancaster, Pa., Aug. 21 The
grand jury tnis afternoon returned
twenty-two indlutmsuts against "Abe"
Bnztird, the noted Welsh mountain
on law.
Tbe ebarget range from receiving
stolen geode to felonious assault and
bnrglary. After bis last release fmm
prison Bnzz .rd professsd to have em
bnoed religion, .and for a time deliver
ed evangelistie lestnres throughout
Another trolley line from Columbia to
Lancaster is talked of.
Nearly 600 Knights of Pytbiss or Penn
sylvania attended tbe graud lodge at York.
Pottsvllle will have a new water snnn v
furnished by a company of local busiums
By a premature explosion at Harwood
mines, near Hazletou, John Clark was
About 3,600 sorvlvers of the German
army bad a parade and reunion in Alle
gheny City.
Struck by a train near Slnkino- finr I no-
David Broadwick was pinked up Tu a criti
cal condition.
Christian Kramer was appointed rjrmt-
maater al Trevor. on, vice Bejainlu M.ahe
mer, removed.
Eighteen freight cars nn the Pennsylva
nia railroad at Cheater Vallv were wracked
by a broken axle.
Ills inability to annnlv hit famllr with
food induced Henry Murray, near Leba
non, to bang himself.
In a runaway it .lintel Shekilimv. nn the
Br.nburv mountain, . Mr. L. D. Beiger, of
Philadelphia, was severely Injured.
Tbe desth of his e n so preyed unon the
mind of Mondsny Faust, a railroad signal
tower man at Pottsvllle. that he ahot him
self dead.
Numerous Cotton Factories Forced to Suspend
The Treasurers Disagree and the
Fate of the Strike Wavers The
Howland Concession Not Regarded
as a Victory Five More Mills Close
at Fall River.
New Bedford. Mas.. Aug. 21.
TUE mills of tbe city are com
pletely tied up to-day, even those
which were running yesterday,
being sunpen led to-day. The
liowlund corp -rations have not yet re
Mimed work, but undoubtedly will
within a few diya, us an agreement his
been fully reao .ed. The spinn -rs'
xecutive coramitte are today devoting
tneir en -rts to getting tbe Uennett an
Columbia mills, which manufasture
toe same line of goods bs the three
Howland corporations into line. From
statements made privately by the offi
cials of these mills there is some reason
to believe that the effort will be
The fate of the strike now depends
upon the cloth mills. Some of the
treasurers are dispose I to fUht it out i
11 takes all winter. Tu-y assert tha
an agreement has been reached wherei-y
toe mills are to be locked up indrh
nitely. On tbe other band iudividua
treasurers are quoted saying that tbev
are looking for a loop bol- to get out of
the trouble aud will bd glad to find It
ine uriscoi mill, which was pros
ecuted iu eoun recently for running
on &iturday nliernoon, ts so loaded
witb orders thnt a man who is very
close to tbe management said to lay it
could not think of shutting down for
any irngtu ot tun.
Ii may 1 e, however, that even if the
tuanufucturers fimilly conce 1e the wage
queetiou the strike will not immedi
ately ei d. The operatives are Indignant
at the evasion of the recently passed
Particulars bill, and at a mans meeting
at tbe South park today they voted to
make this an ieine of the strike and not
tn return to worn until the particulars
provided by law are fnruisbsd.
Tne spinners' committee say they
-10 uot r-gard the Howland enc- snon
as a victory and they express tbe be
lief that it does not by auy meaus end
tbe strike.
Fall River, Aug. 21 Five more
mills slim down to lay 00 account of
1 lie strike an-l there is a decrease ot
fully 1,500 looms in the mills yet run
Twenty Wagner Ele-pere and Chair Care
Are Destroyed
Cincinnati. Aug. 21. The Big Four
freight deuoi at Tnir-I and Wood street
was burned this afternoon. Toe build
ing was two squires long and was
valued with contents and adjoining
VV igner sleepers and coaches at $300,-
uuu uwingtothe material of wmuli
me strut-tore was built the fl imes could
not be checked.
A row of several frame buildings op
posite tbe depot o.nlit tire sever-.l
iioes, but tbe incipient blaz was ex
tit gu s i- d iu every Ab ut twenty
'f tne Wagner sleepers and cu.tir cars
were destroyed, KQ lulpli iiroft, fire
man, was I jured by a Tilling wall
The fire is supposed to have started
from a freight nan Ier.
Remits of Rao at Hudson River
Eriving Park.
POCOHKEEPSIE, a. Y., Aug. 21
Twelv- buodred people , wlneas-d the
opening day's racing of the grand cir
cuit meeting at the Hu'son River
Driving park, this city, today. The
track was in fair condition but tb
weather was a little too cool for t tt
time, and except in tbe pacing race
there were no very serious contests.
Tbe pacing race was not finished but
proved a great eont- st so far as it wen t
between Diisy Despain an t EllaEldy.
2.3) class, trotting: pnrse $1,0(10.
Payche, c. m, by Wilke Gold-
dust, dam Dy Hweiiu -idiluit
(Ureen) 4 11
Miss Woolsey, b. m 14 3
Kb g Harry, b. g 3 2 fi
bpeuriibrift, b. s 5 5 4
lorn Scott, gr. in 6 6 6
Frank U I Ik. g 2 die.
Perrlttee, rh. 1 7 dis.
Time, ' ii.a.l.
2.22 cIiibb, trotting purae, $1,000.
uueecnv, nr. d., ny ooe tii-own
Ora, br.m
Curl Don, ch.h
King D.uliu :tou, b....
Rort ton Bel e, b.m....
Ik. Wilke , br.s
Arena, b.b
Q latter rjtr. kh. or.,.
LtiPtview, br. u
Time-ii,15M, 8 Wtf, a.17. !3.15).
2.19 class, pacing, purse $l,u0 , (unfin
VnUy Deaplaln, gr. m., by King
Pavor (Stewart). .,
Ella E.lily, b. m
JuilgH Sterling, br. g
Highland L, gr. h
tieikauire Courier, b. b..
Oneanwork, b. g
Vancott, b. g
Time, 8.13.,3.14.
Snp.rintendent D.v.d Cope ts Fatally
Wilkes-Barre, Pi Atijl 21. Su
perintendent Divid Cone, who was in
charge of a n-w road being built from
a point near this eity to Bear Creek,
was set npnn by tbe Italian laborers
working for him this morning and fa
tally Injured, The men had been
troublesome for some days and thia
morning two of them started
fighting, . it is thought merely
ii r 'he purpose of having an excuse to
al A k Cope. He was near by and ss
souu as he tried to separate tbe men i
tbey turned npon him, and all their
fellows coming to ih.-ir assistance, the
superintendent was overpowered and
le.i.nto insensibility, bis arm being
tirnken and his head cm aixu.
The I sll'ins esoap.d to the moun
tains and a p rse are now in pursuit
Ths Anarchists ef Newark Listen to
Fieiy Earaagass.
Newark, Aug. 21 Cartel's Phenix
hall whs crowded tonight to its utsses
capacity when Anarchists Charles W.
Mt-wbray, Emma Goldman, John E-lel-
man, and an Italian anarchist named
Mm. Rod delivered spaeobes.
John LL Elrlmsn opened the meet
ing with an extremely radical speeob
in which be said law and order were a
sort of mystio bngahoo to keep people
in a! jact atitijeetion,
Charles W. Mowbray deliversd bis
nsnal tirade against tbe press and
tben Emma Goldman appeared on tbe
scene and spoke for an hour on the
nsnal snare' isiio topics. Tn-rt were
three detectives in tne hall and Captain
Glori of the Fourth precinct bad a
number of ressrvers ready in anticipa
tion of trouble, but they were not
Two Girls Sacrifice Cuticle to Be
Used in a Skin Grafting Opera
tion on Their Brother.
Special to the Scranton JWiune.
Pittston. Pa , Ang 21. Dr. McFsd
den tbe attending physician at tbe
hospital, performed a difficult opera
tion this morning on John Reilly, the
young boy who was so badly injured
some three weeks ago by baving tbe
lower part of bis abdomen crushed and
mangled by a mine car. His injuries
were sneti that Dr. McFadden
decided that io ordsr to assist naturs
in the healing of tbe wound, it was
necessary to resort to skin gracing.
Two little sisters of the boy, aged 9
aud 11, consented to make the sacri
fice, und went to the hospital yester
day morning at the appointed time.
ur. aicUaldea, assisted by Dr. Mc
Keawen, the resident physician, were
in waning. Dr. Hilcman was present
during tbe operation.
JUike two brave lutle heroes the chi1.
dren bared arms and the work of
r moving tbe cuticle was begun
Piece by piece scaro-ly one-quarter of
n men 10 siz was removed witb dex-
lerity until f mrteen pieoes were re
moved. While tbe pieces were 1 in ill
in size the pain was fully as great as if
tuey were ten times as large, but with
tue love tbey bore tbe patient suflNrer
tuey never flinched under the trying
rdeiti. Ibe pieces upon being re
moved were as .quiokly applied to the
HI oled parts aud tue oeeessary heal-
iug remedies used in such oases were
lne operation lasted upwards of half
an hour. Tbe physicians feel satisfied
that with tbe fresh cuticle the wound
will beal in one-fourth less time than if
they were to take their natural course.
Tne little girls, on being as.ured
their brother would profit br the heroic
sacrince they bad make, kissed him an
affectionate good bye and witu light
nearts loll lor tbeir borne.
A Reading Cttiz-n Ellis Hit Wife and
Then Attempts Suicide,
Reading. Pa.. Aug. 21. Reuben
Walters, aged Go years, abot and in
stantly killed bis wile at their rssi
deno . 013 Pine street, this city, this
afteruoou. After firing tbe fatal bullet
be deliberately plaoed tbe muzzle ot
the weapon to bis own head and
pull-d the trigger, firing two
shots, but neither took effect.
Walters is a batter by truli sad is em
ployed at John R. Miller's factory.
Neighbors say that when Walters re
turned borne ou Monday night he and
his wife bad a quarrel wbieh was kept
np for several uonrs This morning
the quarrel was renewed. Mrs. Wal
ters protested against her busban t's
drinking habits. After dinner there
was ano her heated argumeut and the
husband was heard to make threats
A few minntes later three shots were
heard, followed by two others a
moment later whioh were aimed at his
own head, he intending to blow out kia
brains. At this moment Harry Lacey,
boarder, ruabed up the stairs. A
struggle followed aud Laoey succeeded
iu securing the weapon. Walters then
left the house but was soon arrested
and locked up. He bad very little te
say, but declared that ha regretted be
bad not made a more complete job of
Walters was under the iuflnensa ef
inuor at tbe time of the snooting.
Mrs. Walters Was a quiet, inrff-nsivs
woman, and the only plausible reasm
for the murder was that she badchided
ber Iniband, ss above stated.
The Atlanta will go to Norfolk for ra
pid s.
Hereafter only $10 will be psid for ths
apprehension of a deserter from the army.
The River and Harbor and Sundry civil
bills have been officially proclaimed as
Lieutenant Frank Swift has been ordered
ss executive officer of the oruiner New
All life-saving stations on ths Atlantlo
coa.t have been ordered muuued imme
diately. Wi liam A. Beach his beei confirmed as
nternatiounl ttevenu- collector for the
Twenty-first district of New York.
United States Mnrahal Arnold, of Ch'o
gn, has prei-ented a "strike" bill to he
Department of Justice aggregating about
William L. Msrbnry'a nomination ai
dim ri.-t attorney for Maryland having the
otber day been laid aeide for thirty days,
. prouaoiy -uuug up" or tnia sessiou.
General D. B. Henderson, of lows. Is nut
with a etatemeut that the boasted reduc
tion iu tbe sum toiel of approprUtiona by
this congress just about euuaU the cut in
Washington, Aug. 20. Forscasf
for eastern Pennsylvania anil
Kew Jtneo. fair, nvrtheoiterlu
winds. For IVsifern Pennsylvania, fair,
warmer in western portions, nortnerti
winds, becoming variable.
Summer Sale
One case Webster 10-4, Scar
let and Lluo Borders,
On casa Kpnwood 11-4, both
White and Gray, Borders
Scarlet, Blue and Orangu,
One case Reliance 11-4, both
White and Grey,. Borders
Tink, Blue and Drab,
50 pairs Hampden 11-4, All-
wool and Shrunk, Borders
rink, Blue and Lemon,
One case Eio Vista, Califor
nia, 12-4, Borders Pink,
Blue, Lemon and Drab,
30 pairs Sacramento, Califor
nia, 12-4, Borders Pink,
Blue and Drab,
Crib Blankets in all sizes,
with latest pattern bord
ers and colors.
510 and GJ2 Lackawanna Ays.
Wholesale and Retail.
H. A. Kingsbury
313 Spruce Street.
Lewis, Reilly & Davies
Take off the old and put on the new,
That neatly-fltting, easy shoe.
, When low prices rule as now they do,
Who would deny himself the newt
Burt & Packard Shoes
Make Us Friends.
Lewis, Reilly & DaYies
We Examine Ejes
Free of charge. If a doctor
la needed you are promptly
told so. AVe also guarantee
a perfect fit
The Jews Ier,
08 Spruce Street.