fHE BOH ANTON TItDJUtfE-TUESDAY MORNING. AUGUST 21, 184. GENERAL MEWS , Of Thi foht that la now on for the poa Mild Jd( tha franchise and right of way c the old abandoned South Moun tain i ad, between tha PenniylranU V Mia IA J 4 L . Til If ... I - --il duiunau mu bun due auuuhttm imi- road, of wbiob. Clinton Borer is the president, promises to be an interesting one, and already, aayi the Philadelphia Record, criminations and re-orinilua-tlone are flying thick and fait between the rlral oorporationa. The Bine Moun tain railroad if tha ootfirowth of an organization effected by James Marib, a Lebanon con tree tor, who bad a lien against the old Sonth Monntain for construction work done and who pur chased the rirbU and franohisas of that road at sheriff' sale some months ago. To aomply with the laws of the com monwealth and maintain the validity of bis purobase, it was necessary to ef fect an organization within thirty days, and the Blue Mountain company was the outgrowth. It was not very long before the organizers of the Blue Mountain railroad awoke te the fact that though tbey bad purchased the rights and fran chises of the South Mountain road they possessed nothing but tbe bear fran chise, the rights of way having revert d to the original owners of tbe land. Upon discovering this fact tbey at once set about to secure the necessary rights of way, and V. C. Mayne, tha counsel for the company, and one ot tbe prime movers in the project is au tnority for the statement that fully two-thirds of these have been secured. Mr. Mayne further states that thr Pennsylvania Midland, whioh is capi talized at $3,000,000, undolalms to have secured by deed the entire right of way ot the old South Mountain road, pos sesses nothing but a franchise, wuioi. represents a cash outlay so far of about $4,000, made tip mainly of counsel fees, and the purchase at sheriff's sale ot Mr. Marsh's interest as an incorporator in the Blue Mountalu railroad. Tbe Blue Mountain company has for som weeks been engaxed in a careful resar vey of tbe old South Monntain route, and the action of ; the Pennsylvania Midland directors in approving the hasty survey and ordering it to be file at Harriaburg is taken as an intention on their part to forestall their rivals lu the mutter of location. A belief, once prevailed,, says tin Stockholder, that the Pennsylvania, through its refusal to ob-operate with other companies, would eventually l the means of disrupting the combina tion. This belief wns intensified when the returns of 1603 were in, sbowinu ' that tbe company increased its tonnage during that year 276,021 tons, or 3 per cent, nver 1802, following tbe increase in 1808 over 1S01 of 5 p)r cent. The deureHse to be noted in its output thi year, therefore, is surprising, and is construed to indicate taut it has ni most reached (at any rate, temporarily) ine maximum producing capacity. Tbe anthracite coal regions are nlso becoming girdled with electric rail roads, which connect town after town with their neighbors on both sides. Iu the main tbe securities of these com panies are paying investments, and their patronage increase from woek to week. The closeness with which the steam railway companies watch their movements is the strongest evidence ' that could be found of the probable future of the electrio lines. Vhntevet may once have been thought of them, it is now evident that tbey have come to stay, and a general willingness tc admit the fact has been readied by their competing lines. But while thic Is true, and while it is also a fact that their completion does not swell the re ceipts of tue steam roads, their exten sion is t) be complacently regardoj by the public. It gives the lutter the choice of traveling by different lines ut lower rate, and does not force the oil companies into receivers' bands. It is Uie knowlsge of these facts which iin pels the people to urge on the work of electrio extension. rnllaaelpina ln quirer. Minor Industrial Notes. A semi-official statement places the num. ber of railway men out of employment by reason of tbe v estern strike at 7,000. In twelve months American railroad companies lave paid $2.19,016.284 an inter est on bonds ami t!)5, 1)37,081 as dividends on stocks. f During tbe year 1803 the steam Riirface railroads or tins country carried 6?8.9U5. 073 passengers aud moved 757,464,480 tons ol freight. Rumor is still enrrent in traffic circles . that Isaac L. Rice Is slated for president of the Heading, but rumor on this subject is very uurenauie. General Jlnnagor Tucker, of the Maine Central, announces that the company lias decided to postpone indefinitely the award ,' ingofthe eoniract for buildiug 1,000 cars, t owing to aim times. General Manager Maun, of the Mobile land Ohio, has answered a communication from the mayor or &at bt. Liouie, declin ingto re-employ the men who went out . during tue recent scrlKe. The state with the greatest railroad mileage is Illinois 10, 4J8 mile". Next cornea Pennsylvania, with U.435; Texan, with (MM: Kaunas, with 8 031: Ohio, with 8,558; Iowa, with 8.513; and New York, witu 8,iiu. It is believed that the action of tbe Great Northern in inaugurating a big reduction in elevator rates will extend throughout INDUSTRIES , the country, and this is a Hue of business in which economists have heretofore been i unknown. W. O. Beckley, of the Wabash, has been . elected president; W. B. I Chislett, of tbe - Pennsylvania, vice-president, and U. P. Feltrow, of the Memphis and Cherles- ion, secretary ana treasurer or the Kail' road Conductors' Life Insurance asnocia. tion of the United States. The earning" of American railroads last ypar were lal 1,978,842 from passengers. 1808.494.008 from freiubt. and ihsum.4Rn from miscellaneous sources. The receipts oi mo ciwvni.ru (uhub were fi 3,1170, making the total revenues 1 1.222.61 8 2IH)' The companies expended (858,027,181 tor operating expenses. The railroad mileage of the United States at the close oi the year 1893 was 177.768 miles, an increase for the vear i.r 2,649. Tbe companies owning 175.441 miles of line have a capital - stock of t5,t80,03& 904, funded debt of t0.570,292,613,aud float ing debts of nearly f800,0UO,00O. so that their total liabilities are 111,443,888,892. wuicu isfilui'l mail tue assets. All Free. Those who have' used Dr. King's New Discovery know its value, and those who ' have not, have now tbe opportunity to try . it Free. Call on tbe advertised DruKirlst and get Trial Bottle, Free. Bend your name and address ton. ti. isuckien a Co., rhln.n ,1 at ..mnl. Viiv f Tim King's New Life Pills, Free, as well as a copy of Guide to iVlto and Household Instractor, Free, All ot which is guarnn- . teed to do you good and cost yon nothing. V Matthews Brda. Droiratora. . . . . V TOT first trial of Dr. Wood's Norwav ( Pine By tup will satisfy anyone that the . .lUDg-bealing virtue of the pine tree ba ll ' now oeeu rennea into an eirective ana ' convenient congb medicine. Bold by all aeaieraonagnaranteootsatuuaotion. INANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. ' Etooks and Bonds. New York. Anir. 20. Offer! ntrs of long stock checked tbe rising tendency in tbe railway group this morning, uueoner inus, however, were well taken and tbe market properly speaking could not be called weak. Railway earnings were ot material aaaiatanca to tbe bulls, the re ports to hand for tbe second week of Aug UBt having shown an improvement 'iue market lltially closed nrra auu n w U nnr rant, hlo-her for tho active railway issues and Jf3 per cent, higher for tbe Industrials, Sugar leading. There was n better iuquiry for the usually inactive is sues aud rubber common, Pullman. United States leather preferred, Chicago and Eastern Illinois, Colorado Fuel, Consoli dated Gas and New England moved cp anywhere from ltofi per cent, 'ine transactions were heavy and aggregated 248,600 shares. The following complete table snowing tbe Ut's fluctuations in active stocks is suonlied and revised dully by LaBar 4) Fuller, stock brokers, lil wyomina avenue: v upon- aita- low uos inv. est est. in. am. cot. oil si a-JK now 2U Am 8uear. HIM 11 Hi, maZ 11 U. A. T. AS. If 7 7 . lili W Can. 8a 51 51M 51 61W Cen. N. J 112 U2U 112 ll-'fi Cble & N. W 1071; KITM 107 107t? O.. B. A Q Tii 78 77W 77W Ohls. Gas. 765), 7 TiUl "H c, c. c. & Bt. L.... wifa wii 'm Col., Hock.Val. A T. 1K4 111 19 u. u 1.11 i;ti lit) im D., L. & W 1(!5U MiiM Iti.-.l4 J D. A C. F Mil V'l llu 10 Erie V l.wi m V (. K. Co 411!$ 44 42'ij 44 Lake Shore rfci'd UH ls-'fli Ui l. St N 51 51 544i MM Manhattan 117 11H lliiVa IIS Miss. Pao HI MM HOU TO Nat. Lead 441 44M Ui UH N.Y.&N. E 1Hi 2IM WYi N. Y. Central 101k IOH4 1U14 101H N. Y O. A W 17 ilSn 17 mt Y.. 8. A W ID VM 1 m II. 8. C. Co 214 22 21K 22 North Pao 44 M 4k H North Pao. of 1714 17U HiW nwi Omaha 3i 88t4j 8IJa iH Pao. Mail HendlnK 20 20 2i 20 Hock Island VH W II. T 17 IS 174i 17 St. Paul B4W M B44-4 T., C. & I lt4 h 111 IU'4 Texas & Pao 11 H"3 UH Wi Union Paoltlc 7h 13S 1V wniinsb pr l(ia mi nt WcHtorn Union IKI ll . H mi W.& U K V.H l'-'i 12H VV. it h. E. l'fd. 424 42J4 il 4154 Chicagro Grain and Provisions. SrRAifToii. Aue. 20 The followlni Quota tions are suiipltua aud eorrenteil dally by L imroc f uller, scoca oroaers,ui nroujiaic ave nue WHEAT. Sent. Ioc. May. OuenlDK.. Cil4i) VH Vlt Illlfhest 54i f!:l ftt Lowest I'M 5i'.9 !14 CloahiK 15V4 58H Oper.nn C2'i ' 4!H 51 54:14 6 1 la 53 t'ii 4114 61 lllKhest , liOU'UMt , ClOSltlR , 64 519s 52! OATS. Opening 204 Hlnbest m Lowest 2HU Closing , , Uuij .146 00 Oncnini 11140 HiKhcst i:ai Lowest l.lin Closlnir 1H50 LAUD. Otn-nini? 71") Hiubest 757 Lowest 745 (.losing Jo7 KUOHT KI13S. Opi?nini , 720 Hluliost 7U2 Lowost 72) Closing 7a2 fiorantoa haUaals Markst Rcranton, Aug. 0. Fnnn and Produce Uneu applos per pound, 0ja7c.: evap orated opplea, Ilul4c. per pound; Turkish prunes, 5a5)c: Kuglish currants, 2a2!c.; layer ramns, si.T5al.8i; muscatels. Sl.Olu 1.40 per box: new Valcucias. 0a7c ner pound. beans marrow-rats, ij.4Una.60 cer DUHnei; meuiums, F-uuai.uu. 1'KAS fcireen, fl.l5al.Z0 per bushelj split, 2.50a2.60: lentels, 5 to 8a per poand. potatoes .New, per barrel, f3.40a2.50. O.MON3 Bushel, 8UC. Butte n 17c to 22c. per lb. CnittSK 8al0c. per lb. Eaes Fresh. 17al7Kc. Meats Hams, lac: small hams. lSVic: skinned baraa. 14c: California bains. 9Vc: shoulders, 9c; bellies, 9)c; smoked LreuKtHHt Dacon, lzc. fiMOKED BEEF-Outsides. 13ic: sots. 15c: insides und knuckles. lOUc. Acini) sliced smoked beef, 1 pound cans, $2.23 uozon, . Pork Mess at f 15; short cut, $10. Lard Leaf in tierees at Us.: in tabs. 0a in 10-pound piiild, 9c: In 6-pound pans, u;f,c; s-pouna pails. 10a, per pouna; compound lard tierces 7c; tuba, 7c; 10-pound pails. 75ic. per pound: 5-pound paiis, ?Xc per pound; 8-pound pans, oc. per pound. Flour Minnesota eaten, ner barrel t4.0iia4.20; Ohio and Indiana amber, at t,i.,-a; uranam at i&0; rye Hour, ts.uu. Feed Mixed, perewt.. at1.25. Graiic Kye. (ifie.i corn. C4toG7o.t oats. sa to oac. per Dusheu Kyk straw Per ton, t ISalu. Hay $l4.50alfl. Nw York Froduoi Market New York. Ans. 20. Flour Ouiot. steadies; wintor whaat, low grades, $l,83a 2.50; low extras, fl.85n2.50; do fair to tancy, f24li2.90; city mills, f3.65 .3 65; do pHtents, a.75ad.ao; do patents, f4.25n4.5. Wheat Dull, firmer with ontious No. 2 red, store aud elevator. 5S':iifloiit. 58'a ?;f. o. b., 5Sa594e.: ungraded red, 6la u3c;io. 1 nonuern, ooar,; options lell on realizing, with trading fairly active; September and December most activo; saies inciuuea jno. v rea, ciosmir: Aueust. 58'c; September,6Sc.j October, 5'Jo.j ucceniDer, tc; May, t(&c. CORK Dull, scarce, firm: No.2. 61 Ma 61c; elevator, b'i)n61c. afloat; options closed steady, lc. over Saturday, with trading dull; May most active; AiiKust, ougc; noptemoer, onc: t;otober, oo7c : uecemner. hwie.: juhv. oo!o. Gats Dull, steady: options auiet.WsVfs. up, firm; August, Uic. Soptember, 34c; October, B5c: spot prices, No S, B3Kc; Wo. 2 white, 37Ka; No. 2 Chicago, 84Kc; No. 8, 33c.i No. 8 white, 86X0.; mixed western, 84kc; white do.. 37a42Xc: white beef steady, quiet; family, $10al2; ex tra mess, fsa8.50. CUT MEATS-Steodv.DUiotipirKled hnllioa 12 pounds, 8)ic.; picjtled shonhlers, dc. pickled hams, 115(al2c; middles nominal. Lard Quiet, steady: western atonm f7.H5; city, 7a7Xc: September, closed .mi; renneii, sreaay; continent, f8 25; South America, f8.00; compound, 6!c, X-UH& vuiif au'i aieauy;mess, !Sal5.i5 extra prune, n.ituo.ou. mutter - fancy urm; quiet, state dairy, hiip.: uo. crauinry, 1824ie.; western tlHiry.liialHe., do. creamery, I6a 2n-; uo. laciory, i.ini.icj elglus, 24Wc. imitntion creamery,16al8o. Cheese Quit, llrm; state, large, 7Wa vo.; taniv, wi'. ; uo. small, tsimjic. part sk!m, hOc; full skims, 2a3c. jioos L.urger receipts, state and Pennsylvania, 17kal8:.; ice house. Ilia 10c'.: western fresh, lOkanXo.: do., per Philadelphia Tallow Uarkat PBiiAPELPniA. Aug. 20. Tallow was nrm with small supplies. Prices were: Prime city in hogsheads, 444c.; prime, country, in barrels, 4a4c.; do. dark In carreis, s;c.; cakon, c; grease, Bc. Dueber-Hampden 17-Jewel Watches are known by rail road men and other experts to be un RUBY JEWELED ! fc ADJUSTED ojl equalled for we at and accuracy. SV IMC Tbe Dueber Watch Works, Canton, 0. HATS AND VEIL8. Piqoout Aeeessorles Which Conceal Do- loou ana magnlly Ucauty, A certain m.irmiisn u-hn la nnf. Wn turning an honost penny, or rather sou, Dy giving gooa counsel to ner country women on various nubjects connected with the tollot has decided opinions as to tho veil, which may Interest American as well as Parisian women. After descant ing on its rlBO, dovclopmont and uses in tho past sho goes on to speak of it in its OltEEN UEURETTA. modorn capacity as piquant nccossorj wnioii conceals lm)prrectloiis and uisnlnyj beuuty." Her advlco Is clinmcterizod by good tasto nnd is worth rcuiemberlng: "Tho veil par excellence is tho wlilto 0110, with black dots. It gives a look of freshness to tho complexion nnd mlds to tho effect of the cyos. Tho nil white veil is only sultnblo for a brunette with a clear skin. A plain black veil is not becoming to any ono, but a block ono, with block dots, is becoming to everybody. Never weur a red, violet or blue veil, as It gives ft sickly and vmnaturul tint to tho most beautiful complexion in tho world." 'I ho pretty alpino nnd crush crowned straw huts with wldo curled brims nro coming into groat popularity. They oro a relief from tho ubiquitous rigidity of tho sollor hut and thereby fill a long felt wont. Tho sailor hat is really only sult nblo for children nnd young girls, hut it has boon tho only sort of outing headwear, short of caps, provided for womuu for years post. Thcso new shapes oro woro illgnlllod ond more generally becoming, oiul It Is to bo hoped that they havo como to stay. Thoy may bo trimmed with tho sovero band nnd dunlop bow or mny be softened In effect by tho addition of a cliou of ribbon, a bunch of violets or a tuft of black or whlto cock's feathers. An Illustration is given of a hut having a berretta crown of green straw and a brim of plaited black loco. It is trimmed with blnek gauzo ribbon having nioiro stripes, which surrounds tho crown nnd forms a knot at tbo left sido of tho front, hold in place by a jet ornament. MUSLIN GOWNS. They Are All Made Full and Are Lavishly Trimmed. Striped muslins, ginghams nnd nain sooks havo nppcorcd in wonderful profu sion tills season. Pink, bluo lavender and black stripes of varying widths on a whlto ground nro seen everywhere, ond a pecul iar slin.de of sea green hus also lately been brought out which, in combination with white, looks refreshingly cool. Thin gowns nro nil modo very full and aro lav ishly trimmed, oven if it bo only with tho samo goods. Ribbons nnd loco nro much employed, however, und as on expensive MUSLIN GOWN. variety of luce is not required a very pretty gown may bo produced ut slight cost, nt least for tho materials. Of course tho dressmnkor's bill is largo whether sho does her work well or 111. It Is a good plun for everylKKiy to hovo at least a littlo knowl edgo of dressmaking, enough to allow of tbo venturo of making thin summer gowns at homo, even If moro expensivo goods are put Into professionol bonds. To pny flS fur tho making up of matorlnls that cost less than $5 geems scarcely a reasonoblo outlay when tho purso is only moderately supplied. Tho homo dressmaker will find that skirt and sleeve patterns nro moro to bo relied upon than corsage patterns unless Bho lias tho latter cut specially to mcosuro, If sho has not and doubts her ability to adapt ono selected from tho general cata logue, she may moko the skirt nnd have a regular dressmaker cut and lit the bodice, which sho herself can ofterwurd trim to match tho skirt. If It is intended that much dressmaking shall ho done at homo, tho easiest way Is to go to a good tailor nnd havo a pattern cut to nieusuro. This Will givo n correct foundation upon which to construct a variety of gowns both for Street and evening wear. It should lio borno in mind that, next to a good pattern, a hot flutiron Is tho dress maker's best uid to tho achievement of a workmanlike result. Scams, hems, fac ings and buttonholes should bo conscien tiously pressed as soon as they nro finish ed not allowed to wait until tho garment Is all completed. This advice lias more particular reference to heavy goods, al though muslins will look tho better for such treatment. A picture 1b given of a greon muslin gown trimmed with applications of but ter colored guipure. It has a round ekirt and full, round bodice gathered In at the throat and waist. Tho puffed elbow Bleeves, which aro finished with a frill aro trimmed with two diagonal bands of guipure, tho corsagos with $wo horizontal bonus. Ilelght of the Aurora. Interesting particulars concerning at tempts to measure the height of the anrora have been given the Royal Danish acad emy by Mr. Adam Paulson. At Godtbabb, with two theodolites four miles apart, the height of difforcnt aurorss wns found to range from one-third of a milo to nearly forty miles in height. Near (Jape Farewell, with a base line of about three-fourths ota mile, the results showed them to range in height from one to ten miles; and at Spits bergen, with a base line of about one-third of a mile, they were shown to be from 800 yards to eighteen miles high, according to brilliancy. In earlier observations, Flogel estimated tbe height ot several auroras at from ninety to 810 miles. Kelmann found abejghlof at least.60QinileiQrjoBe.ftttrQra observed by him, while Nordenskjold placed tho mean heieht of all aurorm at. ln miles. Lomstrnm rlntms tn hnva nlAimul . - "wji 1 m uo aurora when it was not above 1,000 feet high, and Ililderbrundson has seen them tmlmv t.hf rlflllrla Pmm flia ..h... . ni... .. - - -- .uv afvav nctj of facts and figures produced by tVifforont uiraervurs, unu till wino uuiorence of opln ion 1 n iiicu exist.a amoug BcivDullo men as their exact height, Mr. Punlsen infers to that cue aurora only uppears at a consldor height In tha t!mruriLta nm mi.ii. t able tho n 1 ' vUu, nuua iu nnrnral mi) nmmF lhflnhiA,n....n 1. . -- . n..,uvuuiucuuu ib generally produced in the lower atmo pbere. St. Louis llupublio. DECORATIVE NOTES. roper Screens, Dressing For Beds and Laundry Ttajrs, Woven letters, red on whlto, for mork- lng clothing and household linen aro now shown set two abreast on doublo width ribbon in all combinations of Initials. Japanese paper screens aro to bo boueht for a song now, but they aro scarcely worth oven that prieo, not thut they oro not frequently pretty and doeorativo, but thoy aro very fragile. An unusually care ful woman, llvlug all alone and never re ceiving a guest, might possibly keep a pa pur screen intact for a mouth, but under ordinary circumstances tho paper Is punched through iu a dozen places before that length of time ellipse If tho man Who delivers it ut tho houso hus not al ready burst It with his lingers, it is suro to be set within reach of tho heels of a rocking chulr, so that tho first person who elts down sends tho rockers through It, nnd if there is a projecting corner ot a furniture knob anywhere ubout tho serecn fulls over oa it and sjiikes itself ut the first LAUNDRY BAG. gust of air. Black and gold cloth screens oro lnoxpenslvo In these times, and It is worth tho oxtra money to havo something that will lust o littlo while Tho fashion of dressing up beds In lace spreads und pillow covers laid over color ed muslin has given way too moro artistic stylo of ornamentutlon. A silk or tinted linen spread is embroidered by hand with doeorativo Iloral or conventional designs nnd bordered with wldo, heuvy loco, or tho spread is mado of embroidered squares separated by drawn work and hemstitch ing. For persons who do not caro to givo up spaco to a largo basket for holding soiled linen a laundry bug is tho only resort. This muy bo made of plain ticking or mny bo elevated to tho rank of a decorutivo ob ject, and it is a laundry bag of tho latter description that is illustrated. It is niado of strips of heavy canvas embroidered in a cross stitch tupestry design scporatcd by bonds of colored crocheted Insertion. Tho bottom of tho bug is finished with a cro cheted edgo to match. Tho embroidered sides are divided by straight plain end pieces to make tho bag capacious, nnd tho wholo thing is lined. Tho top of each side has small brass rings attached at inter vals, through which aro run brass rods which hold tho bag in shape. Juuic ClIOLLET. Make a ISuuana Peel Itself. A trick which works on a simnlo prin ciple is to make a banana peel itself. To do this all that is wanted is a bottle, a ripe banana and a bit of paper wet with alco hol.' Light tke paper und drop it into this bottle. When the air in the bottle is well heated set the banana on end on top and let it do the rest itself; as the air on the in Bide cools oil and contracts the outside pressure pushes tho banana down into the bottle until it has drawn itself out of its skin. St. Louis Post Dispatch, HER PITY. This is tho room to which she ramo that day- Lame, when the dusk was fulling cold and gray Came with soft step, in dellcato array. And sat beside tne in tho flrcllEht thcro; And, like a rose of perfume rich and rare. Thrilled with her sweetness theonvironing air. We hoard tho grind of trolllo In tho street Tho clamorous calls the sound of passing icci Tbe wall of bells that In tho twilight beat! Then I knelt down, and dared to touch her hand Those slender flncers, and tho shlnlnK band Of happy gold wherewith her wrist was spanned; Oh, thought, by which despair Is half consoledl 1 hat slender hand lay once wit am my hold, And round my own 1 felt nor lingers fold. Her radiant beauty made ray heart reioicc: And then she apoko, nnd hor low, pitying voice was into thosott, patbetlo, tender nolso Of winds that come before a summer rain: Once leaped the blood in every clamorous vein Once leaped my heart, then dumb stood still again. l'hillp Bonrko Murston In Independent, rTBQkLEY SOAP Is an Improvement in Soap. In the Trolley Soap old methods and materials are superseded by new ones. The Trolley Soap lenves the clothes sweet and clean and lasts lonerer than other soaps. Ask Your Grocer for It. If he does not keep It send us order for 20 BARS FOR TRIAL FOR $1.00, or for a Box too cakes 75 pounds $4.50. Joseph Thomas EDpalon, 227 Chestnut Street, Phila. HAS80N BTARK. AT THR OLD DEPOT HOTEL, FACTORY V1LLE, is prepared to receive summer boarders and furnish rigs for tourists te surrounding towns and summer resort. I CUItEH HEADACHI! CURES HEADACHE CURES HEADACHE Restores Miss Lottie Cahron, of Rai-. nnc, Mich., writes: "I have boou troublod with a torribla h. ailarlio tor about two yi-ai s and oouid not if t anything tr h-lp nis. but at last a frion 1 advlnrd mo to takovonr Bin. DO' K Biod BntBiis. wblcj I did, and aftor toktng twj bottles, I have not hud ths tieauacho sinco." Lost Health Bank of Scranton. ORGANIZED 1872. CAPITAL, $200,000 SURPLUS, $200,000 Til I. tiAnlf aSTam tn iI.ii...II.m fnutlltv wttrrantf.fi hv tlif.li I..!..... Un.i. Dean anil rupiilblltty. eouuU. Interest paid on time deposit. TTJ.Li.IAM CONNKI.t, Pratldaat, GLO. H. CATUS, Tirn-l'rfsl'lent WILLIAM 11. rUCK, Cullies DIIIECTOKS. William Council, Gnori-it 17. Catltn Alfred Hand. Jaiaes Amhbald. Hnurv lUJIn, Jr. Milium X -uith- Lothei- THUS IRk National Bank of Scranton CHQAKIZED WL CAPITAL $250,000, SURPLUS $30,000. FAMCTIL nrNFSJPTOaldont. V. W. WATtiOX, Vlco Proalilanfc cinicToia, PAinriL Htnes, jAMKSM'ErEnnAnT, InviNO A. Fi,NCn, Piekcp. R Finlbt, JOSEPn J. JKIIMVN, M. H. KEMEHGIt., CUAB, P. ilAlTUEWJ, John T. Pouxeii W. "W. WAT80 PROMPT, ENERGETIC, CONSERVATIVE and LIBERAL. This btinlt Invites tba patronage ot bualncsi men anu urms generally. Large Medium and White Clover, Choice Timothy and lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and Phosphates for Farms, Lawns and Gardens. HUNT & CONNELL CO. CO Bcoms 1 and I Commonwealth Bld'g 6CRANTON, VA. MINING andBLASTINQ JIade sit the MOOSIO and BUSS DALK WOIiKd Lafflin & Rand Powder Ca'l ORANGE GUN POWDEl! Electrio Batteries, Pnsei for eiploJ lng blasts, Safety Fuse and ftepauBoChemical Co. 's High Explosive) Hotel Waverly Enropoan Plan. FlrsVelaas Bar attMihsfl. Lopot tor Uurgner ugul'a Tanubmuaoi IE tor, 15th tod Filbert Sti, Pliilaii Host doslrabla for resldeata cf N.E. Pentf yWaula. All oor.Tiilnofi for travxlaii' to and from Broad Btraot atatlnn and tint Twelfth and Market Htraut atation. D slrable fur vlsltlntt Karantonlaua ao4 peo Jt ui an juiuiraoice naviuik T. J. VICTORY, PROPRIETOR, MR. FRED WE1CHEL At his nowly-renovated and licensed Hotel a j CLARK'S HUM MIT, is now pruparad to fur nlsli traveling man and soalal uartini wttli the L AT KMT, NEW-BTYLBO B1U8. alngl.; or double, to'take thorn to Lake Winola, GraTel Pond and all suburban tiolnta auil Bummer resorta at rnasonablo priopa. A largo nvery nam oonneotou witu notol (or travel Third tktiona Ms and Fertilizers MOOSIC POWDER lng puuuo. . BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DB. Q. EDQAB DEAN lias removed to 618 bpruce strt-ot, bcrautou. Pa. (.Just op posite court-house Square.) DH. A. J. LON NELL, Olflne HI WashinKton avonUOL rnrnni Kript.A t-an m.. Francko a druff stora. Kuaidenoe, KJ Vine St. Unioa himiM. til (kt n 1.1 . i a a A . iu .... Ill, nilU . w W mu jol.dt) p. m.Sunday, i to 3 p. m. K. W. li ALLEN, Ollloe cor. Lack wanna aud Wusbinston avns. : over Loon- 1) ard uto owitri omco uoura, iu w) is a. m. au.. VaBlilugton aTo. y. ui. , rjvouiugs at reaiuonce. uu a DK. U L KHEY, Practice Uuiitod to Di, easos of the Ey Ear, Noso and Throat ofllca, IS! Wyouiiug ave. Kcsidonoe, 63 Vint Klritnt DU. L.M. GATES. 124 Washinntou Avouuj OUlce hours, 8 to V a tu., IM ut e aud . to 8 p.m. Koldonce 3n Madison avenua i OUN L WENJZ, M. 1)., Oflfcw 5fi aud l Commonwealth hllllrllnir. rnalilf-lina 71 Madiaonavej ollloe hours. 1J to U, 3 to i I tc B; Hundays 2.30 to 4. evenlum at residunoe. specialty made of dlfoasus of tbe eye, ear, nosi and throat and gynecology. D H.KAY, a)6 PennAve. ; 1 to 3 p.m ; call 200L'! fiM.ui women, oosieirics ami ait, ot cm.. LA 14.lt H. JM. C. RANCK'b Law and Collection ol llco.No. 817 Bpruce St., opposite Form House. Bcranton, I'a,; collvctlous a speclalt throuithout Peniisvlvaniu: reliable corresuoud ents in every county. JEHBUPti to HAiMU, Attorneys and Cuuimu lors at Law, Commonwealth butldiu. WaaulugtoD ave. W. II. Jkhhup, IloiiAca E. HAND. W. H. Jessvp, Jk. WILLARD. WARKE. it K.NAPP, Attr neva nuu Conniieiors at Law. Uenublicai. .ulklini;, Washluion ave.. Bcranton, Pa. UAXTERMON & WILCOX., Attorneys an . X Ciiunaellors at Law: ollluea U aud 8 Library building, Bcranton, Pa IlOSWEtL H. PATTlRSOfl. William A. Wilcox A LFREDHANa WILLlAilJ. HAND, At (.1. tornnVH and rminHnllnrn. Cammonwualtil builditiff. Rooms 10. 20 Bnd 2U w F. UuYLE. Atturuev nt-Liiw.Kof.ll) anil 20, Burr building, Washington avenm H ENRY M. 6EELY Law olflies iu fric. building, 128 W asliington avenue. 7 RANK T. OKf.LL, Attorney at Law. Uouui V 6, Coal Kxcliancn. Hvranton, Pa. JULTON W. l.OWKY. I Att'v. 227 Washinir C H. VON BTORCH. f ton av.. C. H. square TAMEH W. OAKKOKt). Attoruer at Law fJ rooms 03, 61 sad (15, Commonwealth Wg. AMUEL W. EDliAll. Attorney at Law. J OOlce, 817 Spruce at., Wcrnnton. Pa. A. WATRKS, Attorney at Law, 12. Lit Lackawanna auo., 8crsntin, Pa. J P. bMITH, Counsellor at Law. Office l . rooms St. r US Comnionwimlth bnlldinv ' It. PITCHER. Attorney at Law, Com monwpaita uuiiamir. bcranton, ra. U COMKUYH, :t2l Htirtice st. D B. REPLOliLE, Attornev Loiins neo Bated on real estnta security. 4Qrt Spruce IS V. KILLAU, Attornev Ht-Law. 12U Wy ominvraveQuw. H.'ranton. H'HOULS. OCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA, Scran O ton. Pa., nrennres bovs and ffirla fnrcnllei? or business: thoroughly traiua young children. Catalogue at request. Rur. TnoMAs M. CAN WALTEIt H. BUELL. f IBS WORCESTKB'i KIN DERU A UT E N iVl and School, 412 Adams avenuo. Pupil i received at all times. Noxttorm will ouen Soptomhor 3. bi.N l Is I's. ( 1 C. LAUBACII, buigeou Dentist, No, llj i yointne av. It. M. h-THATTDN, offlf iv,l Kxhnne. rpHE REPUBLIC buvinirs and Loan Asso. JL ciatlon will loan ou money on easier ternw ana pay you Dottur ou investment man any iitner iKsoclntlon. Call oa la. ft. CALbLN I Flt. llitne BanW hnilrlinir ' SEKDS. n li. CLARK & CO.. Seedsmen. Florist. VJT , end Nurserymen; store 148 Washington avonue; ttrcen house,iJjJ iNortu lUaiu avenuo; utorn telephonn 7H2. ti:as. OKANU UNION TEA CO.. Jones Rrai WIItH JK-BKKN8. JOS. KUET1 iuu, 0i3 Lackawanna avennj, Srrnnton. Pa., mnnnfr rt Wire Screen HOTELS AM) liKsTAVltAM'!!. THE WEbTMlNbTEK, 217-2111 Wyom;n X ave. Root J heated with steum all mod ern Imprm-enimite, C. M. Thumaw, Prop. 'PUE ELK CAFE, 12". and 127 Franklin ave i. auo. Rates reasonable. P. Ziegi.f.r. Proprietor. W'fcbXAlUNsTEil HOTEL. " ' W. O. bCHENCK, Manajor. Kixteenth street, one block cast of Broadway, at Union fquaro. Now York. American plan, J.'l50 per day and upward. pOYNE UOUbE, European plan: Iftool w roouia. voeu uay anu uignb liar sup pueu wun ins uosc P. n. COYNE. Proprietor. OCRANTON HOUSE, near D., L & W. pa IT .,.w. .l.r.l I .....A Al t. iuu((.t uujwim cumiuciiu uu tun ciurupea: phn. ViCToit Korw. Proprttnr. AKCHI'tKCI'K. AVIS & 1IOUPT, Architects. Rooms 21. 28 and 28 Commonwealth b'ld'K. Hcrr -on I Jt 806 Washington avenue. 14 L. BROWN. Arch B. Architect, Price i nniiaing.iai ssninRton Ave.,oranton MISCn.I.ANKOl'S. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA - MUSIO FOB balls, plorrios, parties, receptions, woi dings and concert work furnishod. For ternw address R. ,1. Bauer, conductor, 117 Wyoming ave., over itumert s music srnro. TTORTON D. SWART8-WHOLESALE Ik lumber, rrlco bnilrtina Scranton, Pa. 1 EU ABrtKE BROTHERS PRINtT? iVX supplioa, envelopes, paper bans, ta'ine. .Varehouao, 10 Washington ave. Bcranton. Pa. H ORSErt AND CARRIAGES TOR SALE at l.o.i Capons o avenue, D. L.FOOTE, Agent. TRANK P. BROWN A CO.. WHOLE J salo dcalnrs in Woodwaro, Cordage and .'ii uioin, ivu v. xacxawanna avenue. . Robinson's Lageh Beer Brewery Manufacturers of tbe Celebratal PlLSENER Lager Beer CAPACITY 100,000 Bbk Per Annum, What Is More Attractive Than a pretty face with a freah, bright comploxiont For It, use Pononl's Powder. l . ) XlUHli M IV I h x I I UUI!D K I CENTRAL RAILROAD OF 11 J. LEHIGH ANO SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION Anthracite coal used exclusively, insuring cleanliness and comfort. TIME TABLE IN IFFECT MAY 20, 1R91. Trains leave Scranton for Tittaton, Wilkes. Barro, etc. at 8.a K.15, 11.30 a. m., 12.6a 2 UU, ?;& ity I rX- ll ui P- Sundays, D.UU a. ul, 1.0U, 2.13, 7.10 p. m. For Ailantlo City. 8.20 a. m. For Now York, Newark and Ellznboth, 8 3J (express) a. m., 2.M (expross with Bullet pal lor car), B.30 (oxpross) p. ru, (Sunday, 2. 13 roii MAurn CnnNK, Am.entowr, Betiii a-!',K-M,' J-AsT" aud Philadklpiiia, 8.a a. nu li.iO, 3.A), 6.U0 (oxoept Philadelphia) p. in. Sundav. 2.16 n. m " o ,E0r "J40 AHCH, 0CEA! OllOVE, etc,, 4t 8.0 Cvvith through car) a. m., 12.f0 p. m. ror neauinir, i,euanon ami liarnsburn, via Allentowu. 8.20 a. m. .'Jl s 00 r. m u,,.l.. -.!" p. in. 1 " ' " for Pottsville, 8.20 a. m., 12.50 p. m. HlitUmillL'. lcaVO Nw Ynrlf f.int nt T.lViArf street, North river, at IWO feroress) a. m.. 1.10, l.oO, 4.;w (oxpross with Bullet parlor ca.-J p. m. Bun'liiy, 4.U) a. m. Leave Pbilmlolnhia. Koadiuu Terminal a. 11 a. ni 2.00 and 4.;W p. m. Sunday, 8.27 a. in. Through tickots to all points at lowest rate may be had on application in advance to tot '"-"li utfuub ue lua station. li. V. BALDWIN, f. IL CLn.ATJREN', ' lion. Bupt. DELAWARE AND nU3- BON RAILROAD. Commenciuir Mondsv.JuTv .10, ail tiuina w.ll arriveand depart irum the new Lav t awauua avenue stutlou ae fellows: Trains will Isavo Scrai- ton station for CarboudU and intermediate points it 2. SO. 6.45. 7 00. 8.25 And 10 Id .m., 12.00, 2,20, 3.53, 5.15, til 5, 7.25, 0.10 and i.sup.m. For I'urviow. Wavmart and Honondale ill '00 8.25 and 10.10 a.in., 12.00,2.20 aud 5.15 an, Fcr Allmnv. BmatOfta, the A dlroudacks aud loiitreal at 3.4 a m. and i.ui p.m. For Wilkes-Barro aud intermediate point it 7.45, 8.45, tf Ut! and 10.45 a m, 12.05, LV1, lib i.ll. 5.10, 0.05, 0.15 and 11,!)8 p.m. Trains will arrive at Scranton Station fren arbondale and intermediate lunula ut 7 A3. .t0, y.4 and 10.40 a.m.. 1210, 1.17, 2.81, aJJ, 4 54, 5.55. 7.4-3, 9 11 and 11.1(3 p.m. l rom Honesdale. Wavmart aud Farvlew at l.flu.m.., 12.00, 1 17, 8.40, 5 55 and 7.45 p.m, rruui .in uueiii, caratoa, Aiuauy, eto. u 1.51 aud 11..1 p.m. From tlkes-Iiarre and Intermediate tiolnt tt 2.15. 8.01, iat and 11 55 a.m 1 lli, 2,14, 3..U, i.10, b.OS, 7.2J, 9.0J aud 1L16 p.m. Si AY l i. lMlti Train leaves Scranton for Plillmlelnhla t. New York via. 1). A- H. U H. at 7. 45 a.m.. 12.1 i 2.88 and 11.38 n. m. via D.. L & W. R. It., ttil 8.08,11.20 n. m., and p. tu. ijeavo prranton lor i-ittston ana wnitej. Barro vial).. L. & W. It it sun. BOA n .i a. m , 1.80, 3.50. 0.07. p. m. L.oavo Hcrunton for White Haven, Uazletoi, Pottsvillo anil all points on tlio Beav nf Jlendow and Pottsvillu luanchos, via E. & . V.. 0 40 a.m.. Via I). 6t 1L It It. at 7.45a.m.. 12.1 S. 2.38. 4.10 p.m., via D., L. 4j W. R. R, 0.00, 8.1s, n. a. a.m., i.ju, .i.eup.m. Leuvo Scranton for Bethlehem, Eaito i, ReaUiuK. Harrisburir and all intermedia , points via D.& H.14.H. 7.i5 a. in., 12.05. 2.38, lLil ii.m.,via D h. it W. R. Ii.,U.00,8.08, 1L20 a. n ., 1. 30 p.m. Leave Bcranton for Tunkhannock. Towand t, Elmira, Ithaca, Geneva aud all intormeditt points via L. & H. K.R.,s.ii a.m.,12.05 and 11.3 p. m.,via I). L. & W. It. It., 8.08 a.m.,1.30 p. i l Luave Scranton for Hochester, Baffalo, Ni agara Falls, Detroit. Chicano and all notn' i west via U.& U. U. R., f.15 a.m.,12.0j,;i.ir,.U.H p. m., via U. L. & W. R. R. and Pittst.m Junction, 808 a.m., ISO. 8.50 p. m., via E. & V. R.R., 3.11 p. m. For Elmira and tha went via Salamanot. v:i I). II. U. R. 8.4i'i a.m., 12.05,6.05 p. m.. via D L. W. H.R., ,8.08 a.m., 1.30 and 8.U7 p. m. Pullman parlor snd sleeping or L. V. chalf cars on all trains between L. & B. Junctiou ot Wilkos-Barro and Now York, Philadlphl t Builalo and KBsponsion Bridnn. ROLL1N H. WILBUR, Oon. Supf CHAS. S, LICE. (Ion. Pass. Air't, Phila ,P.. A.W.NONNEMACHER.Ass't Qsn.PaM. Ag't, South Bethlehein. piu T-kELAWARE, LACKAWANNA AND JJ W ESTER M RAILROAD. Trains leave Scranton aa follows: ExprM for Now York aud ah points Eaab 1.40, 5.15, 8.0i) aud 9.5o a. u.; 12 55 and 8.50 p, m. Express for Euston, Trenton. PhUadelph a and tho South, 5.15, 8.00 and 0.5.1 a m.; Hit and 3.50 p. m. WanhinRton and way stations. 8.55 p. m, Tobyhanna accommodation, 0.10 p. m. Expr.ss for Blnehamton, Osweio, Elmlri, rorning, Bath, Dauaville, Mount Morris ana Buffalo, 12.10, 215 a. m. aud 124 p. m., makii g close connections at Huflulo to all points in ti Wont, Northwest and bouthwesu Bath accommodation, V a. m. Btiighamtou and way stations, 12.37 p. m. NicnoLon accommodallou, at 1 p. m. anij 0 10 p. m. Blnghamton and Elmira Express, 8.05 p. m. Express for Cortland, Syracuse, OswbkOj t'tlca aud Richfield Springs, 2.15 a, m, aud VIA p. m. Ithaca, .15 aud Bath 9 a. m. and 124 p. m. For Northumberland, Pit tston, W:Ukos-Barr, Plymouth, Uloomaburg and Danville, maklufl close counectlonM at Northumberland Ijr Williamsport, HarriBbuig, Baltimore, Wata lcBton and the South. iortliuinberlaud nnd intermediate stations, 6M, .65 a. m. and 1.80 and b.07 p. m. Nantieoxe ana luterraediato stations, 8.01 and 11.20 a. m. Plymouth aud intermediati stations, 80 and 8.5Jp, m. . Pullman parlor ana Bleeping coachoa on all express trains. . ... . . . . For detailed information, pocket tlnn tablet, etc.. apply to M. L. Binith, city tic koto fflc 828 Lackawanna avouu or depot ticket oulcf. TRIE AND WYOMING VALLEY RAILi Vj hOAD Trains leave Scranton for New York and i i termediate points on tho Erie railroad at (LB a. m. and 8.24 p. iu. Also for lloaesdale, hawley aud local points at A 35, 0.45 a. m., and 8.24 p.m. All tho above aro through trains to and from Ilonrsdalo. An additional train leaves Scranton for Lako Ariel at 6.10 p.m. aud arrives at Sera i ton from tho L.iko at 8 20 a m and 7.4) p.m. Trains loavo for Wilkes-Barro at 4.40 a. r. and 3.41 p. in. SCRAMTON . ITISION. In l llrct Jane 2 1th. 1801. Kortb Hound. Mouth Bound, 80.3 203 201 1 202 201 2(1(1 a Stations ft. than XTralns Dally, Ex. cepthunaay.) Anlvo Leaviv N. Y. Franklin St., West 42nd street; N eehawken Arrlvo lavei ill. 1 l 'i . 1 . I Ml . UaucockJiiuciluui fi nil 8lrt Hancock St iu lit in, Preston parte como 7 5" 7M 7 AS ia-t . I240A flHISSi in mi Poyntelln Belmont Pliws'aiit Mt. litilondalH Forsct city C'Ribuiidaie White KrldgO Jlaytleld Jeiinyn Archibald Wlnton 7 83! 12 IN 7 12 08 in oil 9112 1)48 9 8S 915 9 121 7 l9ill:.W 7 08 11 49 19 6 18 34l 5 14 661 II 81 0 4Jfiiao 7 27 (8 SSI 6 37 7 82H 485 12 f 8 4:)l (9 0 6 41111 28! 9 011 7 81 a 41 6 Ml I 18. 8 57 B32;flll3j 8 51 7 401 8 61 6 21U 11 6 29 II t7 6 21 11 01 6 Hi ll (VI 6 I41!! (j ffl Ul'fKMl 6 ldllO 55' 8 Mi Peckvllle 8 44 OlyphanC 8 41 Dickson 7 6 4 04 764 401 8 89 Throop 7 06, 4 10 8 38 Trovidenoe 8 38 Park Place 8 (XI1 4 14 6 It 8 nil 14 17 8 l 8 031 4 IM, 6 Uti Scranton p U ha m Leave Arrive, A NF MP H All trains run dally except Sunday, t siKUllies thut trulns slop ou Blgnol for pa . acnirors. pecure rates via Ontario a Western Defore pnrchftMnir tickets and save moauy. Day ai d Klhgt Express to the West. J. C. Anderson, Gen, Pass, Agt T. Klltcroft, Dlv. laas, Agt, Sciaaton, Pa. WK CAN aiVK YOU SATISFACTION IMP ... 71" .. .. .... 7 00 .... P M'P II . 8 Come and see us about the Job jl Work you will need soon. The Scranton Tribune Job Dept n s