The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 21, 1894, Image 6

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Alto in tiio iiftenioon I tramped into
MarsbminstcT. It was by no niians my
flvBt visit to that sleepy provincial town.
Under tho shadow of the cathedral tower
dwolt relatives with whom I had afore
thno spent school and collrgo holidays.
Their houso waj tho goal of my pilgrim
age, and a weok's rest was to recoup
mo for the toils of tho walking tour.
Tho tragic occurrence at the Feu inu
altured all my plans. With an assassin to
bu tracked thero was no time for com
fortably idleness. Francis Criarficld had
biieii my friend, and I owed it to his
memory to uvciigo his death. It was ng
my task I liad set myself. 1 recognized
that from tho first.
la place, therefore, of seeking the cen
ter of tho town and my maiden aunt's I
tun;t d oil' at tho outskirts and nmde
for LVllin Hall. According to tho story
of Franei.-!, his brother wait Btuyiug
with the UMiii'M, and it was necessary
that 1 should t:eo him at oneo about tho
matter, lly acquaintance with Mrs. Bel
lin and her daughter was confined to
casual ennvtr.-ation at crowded "at
home:;" during the season. I had hardly
the to thrust myself on them un
united, but my business brooked no
delay. Tho sooner Felix knew tho truth
tho better it would bo for him. If ho
were guilty, I could punish him for his
crime by denouncing him at once to the
authorities; if innocent, ho need lose no
tinio iu hunting down thoso who bad
slain his brother. Beside I wished to
put Olivia on her guard agaii;st tho
man masquerading as Francis Briar
field. That I intended to do in any case,
whether ho was innocent or gui Ity.
Belliu Hall vns a groterquo specimen
cf architecture, built by Jeremiah Eol
lin, who l ad made his money out of
blacking. It was uncommonly liko a
factory, but prhapj tho deceased Jere
miah liked something to remind him of
the origin of his fortune and keep him
from thinking his aucistors ea:wo ever
with William tho Conqueror, lie mar
ried t; daiv;ht"rof a baronet and then
took bin departure to the next world,
leaving U widow well provided for
and his daughter an heiress in her own
Mrs. Belliu was a pretty woman,
with no brains and a gi,,'i4-'.i:ig lauyh.
Her daughter had tho beauty of her
motiior and tin, brains of her father, so
sho was e.l together a charming girl.
How sho could tolerate her silly dolly
of a mother I conjd never understand.
Perhaps iZ years of constant forbearance
had inured her to the trial,
On aniving at the front door I learned
that Mr. Briariluld was within and sent
np my card, requesting a private inter
view. For the present I did not wish to
bco Olivia, as it was ray intention to
warn Felix that I was cognizant of his
trickery. My theory was proved correct
by the following dialogue:
' Myself Is Mr. Briarflold within?
Footman Yes, sir. Mr. Francis
Briarfield has just returned from town.
After which question and answer I
was shown into a room. Observe that I
had said "Mr. Briarfleld, " and the foot
man answered "Mr. Francis Brinrfiold. "
Now, as I well know that the man
bearing that name was lying dead at the
Fen inn, it was oonolusive proof that
Felix, to gain the hand of Olivia, was
masquerading as his brother. I had just
argued tl.'is out to mycomplote satisfac
tion when Felix made his appearance.
Tho resemblance between the brothers
was extraordinary. I had some difficul
ty in persuading myself that the man
before me was not he whom I had seen
dead that morning, tho same pale face,
dark hair and jaunty mnstaoho, the
samo gestures, tho same gravity of de
meanor and actually tho samo tones in
tho voice. Thore was not the slightest
difference botweou Felix and Francis.
Tho ono duplicated the othor. I no longer
wondered that Olivia was deceived.
Dospite my aequaintanoo with tho
brothers, I should have been tricked
myself. As it was, I stared open mouth
ed at the young man.
"This is a ploasant surprise, Den
ham," ho said, looking anxiously at
me. "I did not know yon were in this
part of the world. "
"Nor was I until yesterday. I am on
a walking tour and last night slept at
tho Fen inn."
"The Fen inn," ho repeated, with a
Blight start. "What took you to that
out of the way place?"
"I oamo by tho marshes, and as I
was belated had to tako the shelter that
"But, man alive," said Folix, rais
ing his eyobrows, "tho inn is empty I"
This timo it was my turn to be as
tonished. If Felix thought the inn was
empty, why did be appoint it as a meet
ing place for his brother? Ho eithor
knew too muoh or too little, so it be
hooved me to oonduct the conversation
with the utmost dexterity.
"It was not empty last night at all
evonta," I retortod, keeping my eyes
fixed on his face.
"Indeodl Aro gypsios enoamped
hero?" ho said coolly.
"Well, not exactly," I answered,
emulating his oalm. "It was in charge
of a man called Strent and his daugh
ter." "This is news to me. I was always
under the impression that the Fen inn
was quite dosorted. "
!'5fou havo not been near it lately?"
" "No. Nobody goes near it They say
it is haunted."
"Pshaw," I answered "angrily, "an
old wife's talol And yet, " I added after
a moment's thought, "it may well bo
haunted after what took place there last
night." '
"This begins to grow interesting,"
taid Felix. "Had you an adventure?"
" Yos. I met with your brother. "
"Impossible I My brother Felix is in
"I am talking of Franoia "
"Francis," ho repeated, with a dis
agreeable smile, "Francis? Well Den
ham, I am Franoia."
"I think you wo waking a mistake,
i 1
Briarfield," saidlcoldly. "Yonrbroth
er Francis slopt at tse Fon inn last
"I Clept in this ho"
"I quito believe that. But yen aro
"Oh." said Eri-.rfield, bursting into
a harsh laugh, "I see you aro making
tho inevitable mistake of mixing mo up
with my brother. It is pardonable un
der tho circumstances; otherwise I
might resent your plain speaking."
Tho nsmranee of the man was so com
plete that I wondered if ho knew that
his secret was safe by the death of his
brother. Such knowledge would account
for his complacency. Yet it was quito
impossible that ho could know of tho
death, as he certainly had not boon to
tho inn. I knew that from my own
"If you are Francis," said I slowly,
"yuu are engaged to Miss Eullin. "
"I am," ho answered haughtily,
"but by what r;-l:t you"
"Ono moment, Mr. Briarfield. Miss
Bell iu gave her lover Francis a p-arl
riii'i. I do rut e it on yrr fin"' r. "
lo glaii''. .1 f' at his hand and
grew coi:fiiM::l.
"I u t it," 1; . j.:iittertd "I lo: t it
some li; e two. "
"That is not V: !"
"Do you dare t i '
"I ( iinyti
what I know to
passing yourself
'. in connection with
i"i a fr.iud. Yon are
off as your brother
"By what riIit do you m;
l:o th;
mad suHrtioii?" '
"From what Frauds tuld mo last
"But I tell
said savagely.
you I am Francis," he
"Dua't I know mvown
"If you are the man you aswrt your
self to be, where is the pearl ring?"
"I Ut it."
"Yui did net. You never had it. I
saw it on the tinker of Francis no later
than last night. "
"I think you aro mad, Dcnhani!" Felix, white with passion, "or else
yon must bo talking of Felix, who is in
Paris. "
"That untruth will not serve," I said
coldly. "Felix is before me, and Fran
cis is lying do-id ut the Fen inn."
"What! Fnuicis dead?" he cried uu
guardedly. "Ah, you admit it is Francis?"
"No, I don't, " ho rotorted quickly.
"I only re-echoed your words. What do
ycu mean by Faying such a thing?"
For answer I rose from my seat and
made for the door. The farce wearied
"Where aro you going, Deiiham?" he
asked, following mo up.
"For the police," I answered, facing
bini. "Yes, I am determined to find
out tho mystery of Francis Briarflold's
death. You, his brother, docline to help
me, so I shall place the matter in tho
hands of the authorities."
"Upon my soul, Denharu, "said Fe
lix, detaining me, "you are either mad
or drunk. I declare most solemnly that
I am Francis Briarfield. From this story
of yours I should think it was my broth
er Felix who is dead, did I not know
he is in Paris?"
"A flue story, but it does not impose
on me," I answered scofflugly. "Listen
to mo, -Briarfield. Your brother Francis
went out to South America some six
months ago. Before he went he was en
gaged to Miss Belliu. Tho mother
would not hoar of the marriage, tho
engagement was kept quiet. You alone
know of it and took advantage of such
kuowlcdge to suppress tho letters sent
to Miss Belliu through you by Francis
and represent yourself to Olivia as
her lover returned three months before
his time. You, I quito believe, are sup
posed to be in Paris, bo that you may
the moro easily carry out tho gamo. "
"This is mero raving."
"It is tho truth, and you know it
As Miss Bellin did not answer his let
ters, Francis thought something was
wrong and returned homo. Afraid lest
he should And out your plot, yon asked
him to meet yon at the Feu inn, and
thore either intouded to throw yourself
on his mercy or to murder him. "
"Murdor him I" ho repeated fiercely.
"It is false!"
"That will be for the police to deter
mina" "But surely, Denham, you don't in
tend to inform the police?"
"I am going to do bo now. "
Felix seized me by the arm and drag
god me back to my seat He was now
much agitated, but made every effort to
restrain his emotion.
"Sit down," ho said in a hoarse tone.
"You dt me wrong, Denham on my
eonl yon do mo wrong'. I was engaged,
I am engaged, to Olivia Bellin. Her
mother consented to our engagement
after I returned to England three months
ago, Felix, I believe, is in Paris. I
"Sit cfotun," he laid in a hoarse tone.
don't know whom you met at the inn last
night It was not I it could not have
boon Felix. Thero was no appointment
between us. I am not masquerading as
Frauds bocauso I am Francis."
"I don't believo you."
"Yon must! I can bring forward
Witnesses to prove my identity!"
"They may be miBled by the resem
blance. Remember, you and Franoia are
twu& "
"I said before, and 1 say it again,
yon are mad!" ho cried, roughly casting
mo off. "Whoever heard of an appoint
ment being made at a ruined inn? No
ono has livod theuj for months. Ask
any ono in Marshininster, and thoy will
toll you so." .
"Stront and his daughter Rose"-1
began, when he cut mo short
"Who are they? I never heard of
them. They are figments of some dream.
You went into that ruinsd inu last night
and dreamed all this."
"You don't believo my story?"
"Not one word, " said Felix coolly,
looking me straight in tho face.
"Then I don't believe ono word of
yours," I cried, jumping np. "Let us
place tho matter in the hands of tho
authorities aud see who will be beliov
ed." "What are you going to say, Den
ham?" "Say? That Francis Briarf.eld has
died iu tho Feu inn."
"You won't believo that I am Fran
cis?" ho said, evidently making some re
solve. "No. You aro Felix!"
"Ono moment," ho said, goiug to tho
door. "I shall provo my identity and in
a manner that will admit of uo denial "
With that he vanished, and I waited
to see what further evidenco ho would
bring forward to back up his imposture.
Thero was no doubt that Felix in
tended to continuo passing himself off j
as Francis. For how long I was uncer
tain; perhaps for the rest of his natural
life or until ho mado Olivia his wife.
In this latter event he could reveal the
fraud with impunity and revert to his
own identity. I could not help thinking
that ho hail been informed beforehand
of tho death of his brother, else ho would
not have dared to keep up his impo. turo
with a possible revolution to at
baud. Even assue in. such ignorance, 1
had now told him of t ho death myself and
fo r.tret.js-t'iencd Ws position. 1 r'g''t
ted that I hud rut been more cautious. '
I was curious to see whom lie vuild
bring forward as a witness to his iden
tity. Scarcely Olivia, as if sho once had
suspicion of tho truth she would never 1
rest until all war cleared up to her satis- '
faction. I hardly thought Felix would
run such risk, the more so as his story
of losing the pearl ring could not stand
u'ainst my assertion that it was on the
finger of the dead man. If he still per
sisted in declaring himself to be Fran
cis, I determined that ho should ride
with mo to the Fen inn aud thero see
the corpse of tho man whoso name he
had so shamelesrly assumed. That
would surely settle the matter. j
Felix was bolder than. J gavo him
credit for, as his witness proved to be
none other than Olivia Bellin. She en
tered tho room with assumed lightness,
but her face was anxious, and she glanc
ed every now and then at Felix as
though to seek his aid and countenance.
Ho, as was natural, wore a haggard ex
pression. His nerves were tensioncd up
to tho highest pitch, u matter of small
wonderment, seeing that his life's hap
piness depended upon this interview.
"What is this strango story you bring,
Mr. Denham?" asked Olivia, greeting
mo coldly. In our best days we were
never ovorfrieudly.
"lias not Mr. Briarfleld told you?"
"I have not had tho time, "inter
posed Felix quickly. "Beyond a few
hints of the truth she knows nothing."
"Not even that you aro Felix Briar
field?" "Felix?" repoatcd Miss Bellin in sur
prise. "But you are making a mistake,
Mr. Denham. This is Francis. "
"So ho says. "
"You see, Olivia, "said Briarfield,
addressing Miss Bellin, "Denham in
sists upon taking mo for my brother F e
lix." "How absurd! I assuro you, Mrs
Denham, that Felix is in Paris. I re
ceived a letter from him only this morn
ing." "Impossible," said I, taken aback by
the authority of her touo.
"It is quito true, " sho continued hur
riedly. "Excuse me for a moment, and
I shall fotch tho letter. You must bo
lieve the evidence of your own eyes. "
When she left the room, Felix turned
toward me with a gleam of triumph in
his eyes.
"Aro you convinced?" ho asked mock
ingly. ,
"No. I am puzzled."
"Iu what way?"
"To think how you managed to get
that letter sent on from Paris without
being thero yoursolf. "
"Against stupidity tho gods them
selves fight in vain, " quot li Felix, shrug
ging his shoulders. "I assure yon that
my brother Felix is in Paris. Miss Bel
lin is about to produce a lotter received
from him only this morning, and yet
you insist that I am not myself and that
he whom I protend to be is dead. You
aro mad. "
"Hero is tho letter," said Miss Bel
liu, entering at this moment "You see,
it bears tho date of yesterday. Ho is at
present staying at tho Hotel des Etraii
gors, Rue do St. Honore, but talks of
going to Italy. "...
I examined tho letter closely. It was
gonuino ouongh. Of that thore was no
doubt, as it bore tho Frenoh and Eng
lish postmarks. I quite believed that it
was written by Felix, but also that it
had been forwarded from Paris by an
emissary of the young man iu order to
keop np the needful deception. Cortain
ly Felix had a marked talent for in
trigue. "If Felix Briarflold is in Paris," said
L handing back the lotter to Olivia,
"who was it I met at the Fen inn last
"The Fen inn?" replied Olivia, with
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I ft
a puzzlod look. "Why, no one lives mere
now, Mr. Denham. It is in ruins and
has been empty for over two years. "
"Nevertheless it was tenanted last
night, and I slept tVero; also I met
Francis Briarflold at tho same place. "
"Francis was not out of the house last
night," declared Olivia decisively.
"Ojuite true," he repliod. "I went to
bod early with a bad headache."
"It was not you I met at the inn last
night, but your brother Francis."
"How eun you persist in ho foolish a
story?" said Olivia angrily. "This is
Francis, and Felix is iu Paris. ' You
could not have met either of thom at
tho Fen inn last night, nnd indeed I
can't believe that you slept thero at all. "
"1 did, Miss Bellin, aud there I met
"If you did, where is ho now? Why
not clear up tho mystery by bringing
him hero with you?"
"Because he is dead. "
"Dead!" she echoed, catching the
arm of Franois. "Dead! Who is dead?"
"Francis Briarfield."
"Ho is mad," sho said to Felix in a
low tone, her faco white with fear.
"Upon my word, I am beginning to
think so myself," I said, losing my
temper, "but I dcclaro on my oath that
I speak the truth. Thero is only one way
of solving tho riddlo. Como out with
mo to tho Fen inn and look on tho faco
of tho dead man I say is Francis Briar
field. A single glanco will givo tho lie
to tho assertion of this mau who pre
tends to bo your lover!"
Felix looked at Olivia, t'ho at him.
It seemed to me that they grew a shade
paler. I wondered whether any guilty
bond existed between them, as certain
ly they seemed to understand ono an
other very well. Olivia appeared anx
ious to protect Felix from harm. Either
she really believed him to bo Francis or
had taken her In ail Lo:ii onebiollu r
and pveu it to the other. It was she
who spoke first, and throughout tho in
terview the woman played a more c!ar
in pamo than did the man. Her atti
tude puzzlod me, ami for tiio moment 1
was quite in tho dark a3 to what were
her real thoughts regarding my story
and that of tiio pseudo Franois.
"We cannot go tonight," she said,
with some hesitation, "but tomorrow
morning, if you like, wewillrido out to
the inn. "
1 glanced at my watch. '
"It is now 5 o'clock, " said I, "and
will bo light up to 9 or thereabout.
There is plenty of time for us to rido to
tho Fen inn, aud I think it advisable
to do so at once. "
"Why not tomorrow morning?" ob
jected Felix.
"Great heavens, Briarfleld, have you
no natural affection? Don't I tell you
that your brother is lying dead there?
Can't you understand tho necessity of
attending to so serious a matter without
delay? If you havo no affection, you
might at least have decency."
"I decline to believo that my brother
is dead, " said Briarfield coolly. "That
letter shown to you by Olivia proves
that ho was in Paris yesterday. Ho
could not havo come over so quickly,
and besides wonld have no reason to go
to the Fen inn."
"Of course if you insist upon assum
ing your brother's name I can say noth
ing, but I know tho truth nnd had it
from the lips of Francis."
"What do yon mean?" asked Olivia.
"I mean that Francis returned from
Chile a few days ago and went to the
Fen inn by appointment in order to hear
tho explanation of
"What explanation?"
"Tho reason of Felix passing himself
off as Francis."
"Yon aro utterly mistaken, Mr. Den
ham. I swear that this is Francis, the
man to whom I am engaged. "
"Can you wish for stronger proof?"
asked Felix, with the marked intention
of insulting me.
I paid no attention to his sneer, but
turned round to Miss Belliu and asked
a pertinent question.
"Where is tho pearl ring you gavo
Francis, Miss EjIHu?"
"The pearl ring?" she said, much ag
itated. "Yes, I did give Franois a pearl
ring, but ho lost it. Did you not lose it,
Francis?" she added, turning toward
her lover:
"Two months ago."
"Well, Miss Bellin," said I deliber
ately, "if you come out with mo to tho
Feu inn, I will show you the pearl ring
ou the (ingcr of tho dead man."
"It cannot be it is impossible," sho
murmured, clasping her hands together
in great distress. "I am utterly bewil
dered by your talk. Francis returned
from Chilo tlirie months ago, and my
mother consented to our engagement "
"It was not FrancisWho returned," I
asserted doggedly, "but Folix Felix,
who pretends to be in Paris. "
"lint this letter?"
"Bah I That was written hereby Bri
arflold and forwarded to a friend in
Paris, to bo posted back to you. "
"Liar!" cried Felix, dashing forward
with clinched fists. "If you don't re'
tract that statement, I'll"
"For pity's sake, be quiet" entreated
Olivia, throwing herself between us.
"Do not bring my mother here. Fran
cis, you do not know tho harm you aro
doing. Mr. Denham," sho added, turn
ing to mo as ho suddenly stepped back,
"do you say this gentleman is Felix?"
"I do most decidedly."
"I tell you, sir, it is not so. This is
my affianced lovor, Francis. Great heaV'
ens, could a woman make a mistake in
so serious a matter?"
"I believe the rosomblance between
tho brothers would deoeive any one. "
"Let us scttlo the question by going
to the Fen inn," said Felix sharply.
"I'll wager that thero we find neither
landlord nor any one. "
"You don't believe mo?" said I
"I do not, sir. I believe you have
dreamed all this rubbish. I am here I,
Frauds Briarfield. Felix, my brother,
is in Paris, and as to your cock and bull
story of a murder at the Fen inn I
don't believo a word of it "
"Very well, Briarflold," I said, pick
ing up my hat "You have chosen your
course. I will now ohoose niino. Hither
to I have kopt the affair quiet for your
sake and for that of Miss Bellin. Now
I will place the matter in the hands of
the authorities and wash my hands of
tho whole affair."
"Do what you think fit," retorted
Briarfield fiercely and turned his back
on me. Stung by his contemptuous man
nor, I walked smartly toward the door,
but was stopped ou the threshold by
Miss Belliu.
"It is no use, your going to bco the
Dolice. Mr. Denham. she said anxious
ly. "I assnre it will ouly get you into
trouble. Your story is too wild to be
liove, They will Bay you are tua& "
"111 take the risk of that I am not
yet so mad as not to believe the evi
dence of my own eyes. Lot me pass,
Miss Bellin."
''Stayl" sho said in a peremptory
tone. "Lot me speak a moment with
Francis. "
I bowed my head in token of acquies
cence, and sho glided back to where Fe
lix was looking out of tho window. For
a few minutes they spoke together in
low, hurried voices. She Boomed to be
For a few vtlnules they tpoke tutjether in
ww, nurriea rotccs.
entreating and he refusing. At lougth
ho evidently yielded to her prayers, fot
ho sank into a chair with a gesturo ot
despair, and sho returned to my side, j
"I don't wish you to get into trouble,
Mr. Denham," sho said coldly, "nor dc
I wish yon to use my name, as you as-1
snredly will do in making your rep-rt 1
to tho police. I believo this story of
yours to bo a hallucination, and in or
der to convince you of it am willing to
rido out to the Fen inn tomorrow with
you aud Francis. When we arrive there, :
I assure you wo shall see nothing.
"I am certain you'll see more than
you bargain for," said I dryly. "I
would rather yon went thero tonight."
"I cannot. My mother would not al
low mo to go. Be a littlo considerate,
Mr. Denham."
I saw tho justico of this reasouiug
and forboro to press tho point. Alter
all, so long as they went the timo did
not much matter.
"Then let it be tomorrow morning,"
I said coldly, "at 10 o'clock. I will be
at your park gates. If you and Briar
field are not there. I go at once to tho
polico office and gi-ro information con
cerning tho murder of Francis. "
to be continued.
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torlnn tlm fire of youth. It ward " off 'nwinity
ml ConHinnptlon. Iusixt ou baviiiK RKVIVO, uo
'ber. It ran bo carried in xrkt pocket, iiy
1.00 per pnetajjc. or nil lor PS.OO, with a pnsl
e written piiuranieo to rnre or rofunil
-loney. Circular tveo. AUirexs
. . i..i,.cm "".,. st ctilCAGO. II'
For salo by Miitthoin llros,, Drupgliits,
Seriinton, I'd.
HEART LAKE, Susquehanna Co.
U. E. CltOFUT Proprietor.
'I HIS HOUSE is strictly ttimperanre, Is now
I and woll furiiisbol and ul'KtflD TO
located midway botwottn Montrose an 1 Snran
ton, on Montrose uud I.HiMmvan-vi Kallrra 1,
nix miles from )., I., & VV. R R at AKord
Station, and Hv) milm from M nitron; cu
LU'dty, eighty-five; throe minutes' wallt f rom
K. R. station.
HIKE TO lit Mi 8.
Altitude about 2,'KJO foot, eimalliiif in this
respect tho Adirondack and Catjsill Moun
tains. tine groTes. plenty of shale and beautiful
fcenery, making a smiiiinr Kosorc unex
celled in beauty and cheipn.iss.
Dancing pavilion, Bwins, cro Hint gr ounds,
Sea. Cold Hnrina Wator and Dlauty of Milk
Kates, V7 to 10 per week. Sl.ftO per
Excursion tickets sold at all stations onD.
L. & W. lines.
I'ort r meets all trains.
DEITER RHOB CO,, Ino'p. faplUl, II ,600,000.
" A dollar w it a dollar tarntd." ,
This I.adlea' Hollil French Dontjola Kid Bnt
ton Boot delivered free auyw here in the U.S., on
reoeipionaen, aionoy uraer,
or 1'oiUl Note for (1.60.
Equal every war the boot
eold ia all retail (tores for
We make this boot
oureelres, therefore we guaf
antf the fit. tlvlt and wear.
and if any one (e not unified
we win rettina tne money
er tend another pair. Opera
Toe or common uenee,
Idths C, t E, ft KK.
lie 1 to S ana nan
Stnd your tin ;
wt Kill nt you.
ill HI
loffne FRCE
Dexter Shoe Go.,
Upteiml ttrnt to iltaltr:
A Handsome Complexion
la one ot the greatest charms a woman can
Dosness. Fozaom'a Complkxiok fowDaa
gives it.
frtil lull.
r'- SSI
n IT at JJ JX . .
vif i Weill
The aboye brand or flour can be had at any of the following merchants,
who will nccept The Tribune flouk coupon of 25 on eaoh one hundred pounds'
of flour or 00 on each barrel of flour.
Ecrnnton-F. P. Prlco, Washington arena I
Gold Meilai Driind.
Diinuiore-F. P. Price, Go'.d Medal Brand.
Lunuiiire F. D. Manley. Superlative' bran I
liydo far k Caraou ft Davis, Wa-bburn Bt.
Gold Medal Brand; J aeph A. liturs, Main
avenue, Superlative Brand.
Orcen i:itlxn-A.b.Hpi!ncer.Guld Medal Brand.
J. T.McHtile, Superlative.
I'lovldonco i'enner ft Chappell. N' Main ave
nue, Superlative brand ;U. J Gillespie, W.
Markut street, Gold .lii-dil Brandt,
Olyphant James Jordan, Superior's Brand.
Pwkville shatter ft K is-r Superlative.
Jermyn-C. l. Winters ft Co. Superalatlve
Arohbald Jones, 8 mpsrm & Oo., Gold Medal.
Carbontlalo-B. 8. Clark. Gold Medal Brand.
nesdale-I. N. F.Mter ft Co. Gold Medal.
Minoukn M. H. Lnvelis
Dealer in Choics Confections and Ms.
1437 Capouse Avenue.
ittenbender & Co., Scranton
Wholesale and retail dealers' in WaRon makers' and Blacksmith'
That we will GIVE you beautiful new pat
terns of Sterling SILVER SPOONS and
FORKS for an equal weiht.ounoe for ounce,
of your silver dollars. All elegantly en
graved free. A large variety of new pat
terns to select from at
"No star was ever lost we once have seen, "
We always may be what we might have been1
Scranton, Pa.
22 and 23 Commonwealth Building.
Manufactured at ttaa Wapwallopan MM. L
atrne county Pa., and at WU
mlngton, Delaware
General Agent for tha Wyoming District
11S Wyom trig Av., Scranton Pa
Third National Bank Bulldln
TflOB. FORD, Pittnton. Pa.
JOHN B SMITH 4 BON: Plymouth. Pa.
E. W. MULLIGAN. WlUm-barra, Pa.
Agents (or tha Hepaun Uhetnloal QMS'
(any'a High EiuiYe
rvomfAeS 7. rntwae, Tea, I, Utt .
The Flour
"CmcAOO, Oct 81. Fhs flnt official
innonnonment ot World's Fair di
plomas on flenr has bee a mad. A
medal bas been awarded by the
World's Fair jadsei to the flenr manu
factured by the Waahbnm, Croiby Co,
in the great Washburn Flour Mills,
Minneapolis. The committee reports
the flour strong and pure, and entitles
it to rank as first-elms patent flour top
family and bakers' use."
Taylor Jndire ft Co., Gold Medal; Athertos
or mo., superlative.
Duryea Lawrence Store Co., Gold Medal
Moo-dc-John MoCrlndle, Gold Medal
Htteton-M. W. O'Boyle, Gold Medal.
C ark's Green-Fraoe & Parker. Superlative.
Clark's huminit-P. M. Young, Gold Medal.
Lalton-S. E. Finn ft Son, Gold Medal Brand.
Nuhlnon-J. K.Harding.
Waverly-M. W. Bllit A Son, Gold MedaL
Factory ville Charles Gardner, Gold MedaL
Hopbottom-N. M. Finn ft Son, Gold Medal.
Tobyhanna-Tobyhanna ft Lehia-a Lumber
Co.. Gold Medal Brand.
Oouldsboro-8 A. Adams. Gold Medal Bran 4
Moscow Gaiae ft Clements, Gold Medal.
Lake Ariel Jamas A. Bortree. Gold MedaL
Forest Clty-J. L. Morgan ft Co., Gold MedS
& Conhell
! of tha twot quality tor doinMtJp utt. arJ
ef all tliea, deliTared la an part ot U el
atloweet prio.
Order left at my offlo
Rear room. Ant floor, Third National tank
or tent by mall or telephone to th mine, will
receive prompt attention.
Bpecial eontracU will ba mad to the aal
ana (UUrery ot Buckwheat Coal
AMDUjrearei I
totedan to 2
I . anbreunntribuk! kt IMul
pit hM.
I UhiMiipMiil.Mna.kMbr utl. wlmBotaprtiai I
I u. n.mrTaul. 0r Maata Remedy wfli I
uhmiroan- "Xi auKui ou, cm m.R