The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 21, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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w i r f .... . . '
" I am convinced Cleveland's is
the purest baking powdc made,
and I have adopted it exclusively
in my cooking schools and for daily
household use." Sarah T. Rorer,
Principal Philadelphia Cooking School,
"I prefer Cleveland's baking
powder to others because-it is pure
and wholesome, it takes less for the
same baking.' It never fails, and
bread and cake keep their fresh
ness and flavor." C. C. Bedford,
Principal New York Cooking School,
NorrmanA Moore
120 Wyoming Avenue
Have your COLLARS starched In the oVi
Wsy, when yon oan have thein don with soft,
pliable Buttouholos for TWO CENTS EACH.
2-Days' Sale-2
Saturday and Monday.
Our entire line of Scotch Ging-
nams, 1'ersian Mulls, rrinted
Tiques and Dimities, worth 25c,
for 10c
Ginghams, Organdies, Sateens,
etc., worth 12 l-2c, for 5c
Hears & Hagen
415 Lacka. Ave.
If you want
Carpets. Draperies,
Wall Paper or. Window
Shades,1 come to us.
We have a full line of
goods, and our prices are
very low.
Williams & McAnuIty
127 Wyoming Ave.
To my friends: I hereby announce
that I will be a candidate for the nomi.
ration of district attorney, before the
Republican County convention.
Trlhnne road it leaving for theli
nimmer'i vacation can have their favor
ite paper sent to tliem without extra
cot, by notifvin? this office of the de
sired changen In the nnpor'a uildremt.
Tbe Delaware and Hudson Canal com
pany paid at Plymouth yesterday.
Yesterday was the first dav for the pay
ing of city and school taxes for 1894.
The Board of Associated' Charities wir
meet in tl.J hall of the Public library thiii
evening at 8 o'clock.
The Delaware and Hudson Canal com
print will remove their offices to the upper
floorWof the now Lackawanna avenue de
pot about Sept. 1.
Ralph a Hall, having passed successfully
the atndent's examination, yesterday reg
istered with Protbonotary Prvor us a stu
dent at law In the office of Willard, War
ren & Knapp,
Andrew Raulin was discharged yester
day from the county jail, where he hat.
been confined since February, serving r.
term of unprisonment for aggravated as
sault and battery.
Company H, National Guard of Pennsyl
vania, of Providence, will go to Middle
town Saturday. Aug. 20. via the New
York, Ontario and Western. Special trait
will leave Scranton at 6.80 a. m., shnrp Ii,
is expected that the mayor and tnernben.
of the city council will accompany them.
Marriage licenses were granted by Clerk
of tbe Courts Thomas yesterday to Thorn m,
McCann and Ellis Brogan, Dunmore; Mi
coael Harrington and Elite Early, Dun
more; George L. Van Coughull and Anns
M. Wood. Loversville, Fulton county N
Y.; William J. Foloy and Nora Shea'
(Scran ton; John F. Schwartztranher and
Margeret E. Snuer, Arcbbald; George C.
Kichter, Dunmore, and Emma Koch,
Scranton; and David K. Gwyn and Mar
garet M. Mo j lea, Old Forge.
v s
Pabst's Milwaukee Beer, cool and
sparkling, at Lohman's, Spruce street '
Cams from LovsrsvIUe.
Among those who were grouted mar
riage licenses yesterday by Clerk of the
Courts Thomas were George L. Van
Coughnel, aged 26, and Anna M. Wood,
of Loversville, Fulton county, N. Y. Hav
ing secured the coveted document they
went out and hunted up a clergyman.
Charter for Knights of Pythias,
An application was made to the court
yesterday for a charter for Hyde Park
Lodg, 800, Knights of Pythias. Tbe sub
scribers to the articles of incorporation
are John T. Edwards, Evan T. Williams.
William J. Jenkins, John R. Richards and
Thomas Lewis. .
f PiirejX
IIIK aixiii. ..a I r.t..-uF. I I l ' " " . -- 1
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imu H lHLLi ill UUII
Advocates of Different Heating Systems Cause
a Split la Committee.
The School Board Indulges In a Hunt
for an Ethiopian In the Paling and
After Insinuating AmongThemselves
Outsider's Make Inelnuatlo ns Bids
for Construction of the High School
Will Be Advertised For.
The sohool board had its own troubles
last night. Tbe members seemed to
be jealous of the councils because of
tbe investigation wiiicb is now on and
are oourtlng a little investigation of
their owu. There were members with
suspicions, members with insinuations.
indignant members and those who
were not members at all who were
very outspoken in their allegations of
suspicious aotions.
It was all about the awarding of eon
tracts, tbe heating Bud ventilating of
io. iu Duuaing being tbe big bone of
contention. The fun stiirted when Mr.
Carson, for tbe building committee.
reported in favor of giving the work
" Smesd, Wills & Co., of Philadelphia.
W. J. O'Malley presented a minority
"port awarding the contract to Ilunl
& Connell. It transpired during tin
discussion that followed that Architect
Divls, iu figuring no the cost of put
ting in the respective systems, found
at tint that Hunt & Conn, li t,
system was tbe cheaper, but yesterday
ne reportau to tbo committee that nt
had discovered a mistake in bis figure)
and that Hunt & Connell were $30
dearer than tmead. Wills & Co. Thlt;
mistake and its discovery, Mr. David
cxpiainea, ware una to tbe Mot that.
owing to the short time tbe committee
gave him to figure on the plans, be had
to make a hurried report at first and
verify bis figures luter.
This changing of the figures caused
Mr. Notz to think that be deteoted tbe
odor of a rodent and iu a speech of
five minutes or more he told bis col
leagues of his nasal disturbance. He
wanted to know what show an honest
unsuspecting bidder would have with
such a condition of affairs existing or
something to that ellsct.
Mr. Jennings said be signed the ma
jority report because StnaJ, Wills &
Co. were the lowest bidders. Mr.
Wornuer suld he would vote for steam
heat. Mr. Watroua asked for a report
from the architect, and Arohitecl
Davis proceeded to explain as above.
In addition he stated that the bids wore:
Sraeud, Willa & Co.. $3,500; Hunt &
Connell, 3,751. According to his cal
culation on Saturday it would cost
$4,055 to put in the Stnead, Wills & Co.
system complete, flues, stacks and all;
and $-1,750 for the Hunt & Connell
system. His revised figures mitde yes
terday showed that Smead. Wills &
Co s system would cost but M.711 and
Hunt & Council's $4,770. The mis take,
be explained, was due to tbe fact that
there was a "flap" titan accompanying
tue &meua, w inset Co. drawings which
con fossil him.
Mr. O'Malley then moved that the
minority report be accepted. Mr. Jen
uings moved to have the minority re
port laid on tbe table. This motion
was lost and the minority report giv
ing the contract to Hunt & Conaell
prevailed by a vote of 0 ayes to 0 nays.
Among the spectators in the rear of
the room were a number of agents who
represented firms that bad sent in bids
for furnishing supplies. Some of them
waxed wrotb, especially tbe paper
men. Mr. Jacobs, for the supply com
mittee, which is now wrestling with
tbe bids for furnishing the supplies for
tbe coming year, reported that the
ommittee bad only begun its lubors
and at present could report on bnt
two itsins, spelling blanks and pencil
pads. The contract for 20.000 of tbe
blanks they awarded to E. H. Butler &
Co., of Philadelphia, for $28 per thou
sand and for furnishing tbe pads Rey
nolds Bros., of this city, were favored,
their bid being $19 20 per thousand.
After tbe meeting there was consider
able kicking among the unsuccessful
bidders and one of tbem, W. H. With
ers, went so far as to state that be was
lower than the firm awarded one ol
the contracts.
Then Mr. Jennings objected 'to tht
manner iu which tbe supply committee
had presented its report. He claimed
that all the bids should have been read.
in order that they might be placed on
record and bo open to inspection. After
considerable discussion tbe committee's
recommendations were adopted and the
secretary was instrncted to make out a
tubulate! report of the bids.
Mr. Jennings, for the high school
committee, reported a resolution di
recting the secretary to advertise for
proposals for the construction of the
new high school building according to
the plaus of Little & O'Connor, whioh
cull for both a fire proof building aud
one that is not fire proof.
the board decided to visit and in
spect the new No. 13 building, which
is now ready for occupancy. The visit
will be made on Thursday afternoon at
2 o'clock.
WmRREN again indorsed.
Resolutions Adopted by the Sovsntesntl.
Ward Rtpublloan Club.
The Seventeenth Ward Republican
club beM a lnrg.., harmonious and en
thuslistio meeting at tbe rooms of tbe
Ceutrui Republican club last even
ing, for tbe purpose of electing
three delegates aud three alternates to
tbe convention of Republican State
League of Clubs to be held at Harris-
bnrg, Pa., Sept. 5. The meeting was
called to order by the president, Frank
H. Clemens', Cbarlei B, Penman acting
as secretary.
The following delegates were elected:
Colonel E H. Ripple, Hon. W. L. Con
nell and Rese (i. Brooks; alternates,
Frank H. demons, Theodore O. Wolf
and Horace E, Hand. The following
resolution was unanimously adopted:
Resolved. That we heartily endorse the
candidacy of Major Everett. Warren for
president of the Republican State League
of clubs, and we iutitrnct our delegates to
vote lor mm in convention to be held at
uarrlatmrg, l'n. on Kept. 6, and use all
honorable means for his election.
Delegates and friends of Major War
ren will leave for Harrisburg on the
evening of Sept. 4.
Supposed Professional Crook.
James Mnran. altaa .Tamo. Vn.nIiw n.!..
-- - wnuivn H.UIIII, n uu
Was arresterl Knnrlair mni.nihn ... i, m An
joymg a sloop in Frear's grove, Providence,
mons yesterday npon a charge of attempt-
inn " me nouse oi air. names, or
Dean street. Mnran ii
from Philadelphia and is tbo same man
who was recently discharged upon a
charge of sleeping in a house in Pine Brook.
He was n 4nfl uti i-
.. ... -.. wv j oi i, umi m tutf sum
of $500 not being forthcoming. He is sup
posed to be a professional crook.
j Fine peaches cheap, Coursen,
Being; Ixtroduoid by the Soraatoa Cash
' Storis. :
The Scranton Cash Store la st present
Introducing a garden-grown tea, a
higher grade than is usually brought
to this eonntry. Americana as a rule
are not vry particular about tneir tea,
in many oases not even knowing whioh
variety they like best This is due in
a great mMSur to the fact that nearly
all the tea brought to this country is of
inferior grade. Now, the flavor of a
high grade Japan is as easily distin
guished from a fine Ooloug as an im
ported olgar is from a Lancaster two
for (most housewives will understand
this difference). Mr. Price is confl
dent tbt when the garden growth
tea once gets a foothold iu
Scranton there are people enough
who will appreolate a strictly fine ar
ticle to make a large wade in it, rea
sonably certain. The tea comes in
pound packages to insure against mis
takes, aud includes the following varie
ties; Oolong. Pan Fired Japan, Bas
ket Fired Jupan, Congon English
Breakfast, Moynne Gunpowder and a
Blend; and, although this tirade brings
wherever sold, from $1.25 to $150 a
pound, it oan bsliad for 85c uutil fully
established. Who would not be willtug
to pay lo. additional for each cup ot
tea hi drinks if it is a pleasure to drink
it? If you buy a package of Garden
Growth Tea and find tliat you do not
cure for it, you can, after a thorough
trial, return it and get the price of a
full pound back.
Names of Those Twelfth Ward Voters
the Legality of Whose Ballots
are Now Attacked,
By permission of Judge F. W. Gun
ster. Attorney D. W. Connolly yester
day filed an additional bill of particu
lars in the contests of H. W. Coyle and
John F. Kearney against Morgan
Sweeney and James Manley for the
offices of common and select council,
of the Twelfth ward, respectively.
In tbe petition which accompanied
tbe application for permission to file
the additional bill it was set forth that
when the original bill was filed a num
ber of votes, the validity of which it
was intended to attack, were through
an error (omitted from it. Tlia names
of those now attached are:
Twelfth ward, First district John
Acker, Fred Burscb, Jamos Reap, Thomas
RoAn. Tlutlinl Tll.nfilllla mv X-ihn Pnun.
John Durkin, John Sweenov, Patrick IJur-
Irin T..l.n ut..,A .... tf:-l I n 1 ll-'li!
aiu,wwuu ouccuail, JUUUHUl.UUruUU, llUUm
Mahon, jr., Jainos Judge, Bartholomew
Mullen .lillin 1( k'nllm- Pntrii-lr I.nm.i.n
sr., John Kennedy, Bloo'm Lafrance. Timo-
. t. .. T . T . T - I ni. .
iujr uuuubj, uuuu jieogu, i nomas LiOltus,
Eugene Healey, Authony Muhou, James
Calvlftv .TntllMtt .liii.iaj U'oLli
James McGouldrick, James A. Walsh, Aa-
uiuuy ioaion, jonu waisu, joun J. fail
bin, Martin Roche, jr., Matthew Rocho.
Twelfth ward Knpnnrl tierrift 'rii..flin
Butler, William Frane, John Cawloy. Pat-
rn t.i. in .-!i,- ; .
IH.-H ny mr, uouu bleary, iv imam Liyncn,
John Evntis, Patrick Duffy, Matthew Caw-
lnv. John filhhniia Ir PhIhf Pnlnv AliUa
I ....... j.., ...... - . v 7 , wiigd
Sweeney, Frank Foley, Jeremiah Murphy.
T l, .. LT..II.. T I 11,.., .
j-uuuiub Mxvuy, uuiuea IHIUIOU, illlCUaei
Hyde, Patrick Langau, Williom Mullen,
Peter Laflerty, Michael McGuire, Martin
Roche, Stephen Reap, Matthew Cawley,
Owen Sweeney, Patrick Boland, William
Sweeney, Jamos McDonald, Patrick
Sweeney, John A. Kain.
What the Philadelphia Prase Bald About
the Thirteenth.
The Philadelphia Prets in its Inst
camp report paid the Thirteenth a fine
compliment, as follows: "The Third
brigade had an interesting drill at 10
o'clock this morning, forming by bat
talions and regiments, and firing in
this order. It was only the brigade
that bad this peculiarly picturesque
and effective drill during the period of
tbe encampment The brigade moved
in cschelon lines, and made one of the
prettiest displays ever seen on the pa
rade ground. Tbe tiring was by bat
talions and regiments. The brigade
officer of the day was Major George II.
Whitney, of the Thirteenth regiment.
Tbe offieer of tbe Thirteenth regiment
was Captain F. W. Stillwell, of Com.
pany A, which has for fourteen con
secutive years (qualified every member
of the eompany us. a marksman, whioh
is the best reoord in the guard. The
company was formerly commanded by
Captain Lonis A. Wat res. Tbe officer of
thegnardwas Lieutenant Frank Mc-
Xduiten, nf Company E.
"Tbe Thirteenth regiment nrondlv
possesses the Colonel Henry M. Boies
falraa" or solid sterling silver, weigh
ng fourteen pounds and costinir 2500.
This flag piece has been won by tbe
inirteentu tnree consecutive times In
1880, 1881 and 1883 and is now the
property of the regiment, and tbe boys
are justly prond of it. t
"The quartermaster of the Thir
teenth, Lieutenant James W. Oakford,
has been appointed judge advocate of
the brigade by general order No. 2, to
fill tbe vacancy caused by the resigna
tion of Judge John Alhro. Tbe corn
missionary sergeant, William J. Tracy,
wss appointed quartermaster, Bnd Cor
poral Edward C. Yocum was annointed
tiommiasionary sergeant of the leal-
m.i ' , . . . n
men i, inis lis tne corporal whom
General Gobln complimented so highly
as corporal of tbe guard at headquar
Wood's College of Easiness and Short
Tha rnllnrTA will ha nnAti nn 1VT.m A a
Aug. 27, with a faculty of ten people.
The following pornons will teuoh in tho
different departments; '
Professsor F. E. Wood, Professor G. W.
Kramer, Professor 8. L Wood and Pro
fessor J. D. Amfleld in tha hnilmi
Professor E. M. Williams, Miss Hag.
gerty, Profossor N. H. Lathrop In tbe
shorthand school; Miss Oakes in office and
stationery department: Mr. Whitman will
apt. nnrl annnrinfamlank t
side work; Tallie Morgan, vocal music.
Cn MnlnAnlt Alia. 9.? n HuunHnn mill 1. -
V u .... , un I , .VHUJIIIUU TV 111 VV
given to all the old Btudents. Invitations
uave uei'u inaueu, nut cubulth oi resmeuce
t J .1: J I...., .r uuiivery uuuuuui, we want all
fnrmap miTiila Anil thnaa whn pnnlamnl.i.
coming this year to be preseut.
Wa bm tiarmv tinw Ttiu.a VtavA
..w.w I 1 " " l-l-.U uoiri
been so many applications for admission as
this year.
Patrons Invited to call.
F. E. Wood, Principal.
Belief Enalns Company Exourslon.
The Relief Engine company. No. a 8. P.
D., of Petersburg, will run their second
excursion to Lake Ariel on Thursday. Ault.
23. Trains teave E. and W. V. depot at
8.80 a.m.t good on regular trains. Faro for
round trip! Adults, 75 oocts; children, 40
cents. Everybody knows that the Rellof
boys always cave a good time.
Conwsv House, 133 and 134 Peon Ave,,
is where you will always find good service
and courteous treatment, the tablets al
ways suppueawitn tne best in tbe market.
Transient and local trade solicited.
Reduoad Ratss, TJavsiling Soldiers' lion
umsnt, Frssland,
Special reduction In rates via T,f.hlrrh
Valley railroad. Tickets sold for all trains
Aug. 23 good for return to and including
Aug. 21. s
Prlz;s Were Awarded Last Night at Central
The Visiting Turners Speak Highly
of the Reception They Met With.
Philadelphia Turn Gemeinde Cap
tures Most of the Prizes The Turn
fest Will Conclude with an Excur
sion to Farviow Today.
The second day of tbe Bezirks-Tura-feBt
passed off yesterday amid general
jubilation by the Scranton and visiting
Tnrners with a picnic at Central park.
The parade of the Turners aud tin in
vited local Germau sooieties did not
start from Turner hall at tho hour
specified owning to the rain. But at
11 o'clock tho skies cleared and tho line
of n a-ch was started.
Tun parade was led by mountel offi
cers burke and Rjche. Then came
Gutb'e band, the Scranton Turn Vereiu
society, Philadelphia Turn Gemeinde,
Southwark Turu V'-rein society, of
Philadelphia; Ganibrinus Turner so
ciety, of Trent m; Vorwaerts Turu
Verein, of Williamsport; Ladies class
of Turners from Camden, N. J. ; Soran
ton Saengorrunde, Fortbildangs Ver
ein, of Wllken-Brirroj Krneger Verein,
Junior Turu Vureln, of Scranton, and
the Trenton Tumor sooiety.
The parade marched to Franklin
avenue, up Spruce street to Wyoming,
to Lackawanna, to Cedar, to Willow,
to Pittston, to Birch, to Cedar, to Elm,
and down South Washington avenne
to Central park.
At 2 o'clock the competition for
prizes began at Schwenk's park, ad
joining the picnic grounds. There were
entries for the priz-s from all the
Turner societlos of the Philadelphia
district, The judges of the turn f est
are us follows: August Arnold, Will
iam Uaar, Dr, J. Smith, Joseph Funk,
D. M. Krogh, H. Mann, Albert
Ntusobe, U. Bernheim, F. A. Fiukel
dey, from Philadelphia; Georgo Soikel,
of Newark, N. J. ; G. J. Bojus, from
Elizabeth. N. J.; A. Seibort, from
New York; F. Lusck, from Tren
ton, N. J.
At 9 o'clook last night the an
nouncements of the judges were given.
Tho first announcement was for the best
all-rouud showing made by tbe socie
ties as a whole in general athlotio work.
Competition in clasnes first prizo, Gam
brinus Turn-Section, Philadelphia; second
prize, Scranton Turu Vereiu; third prizo,
Vorwaerts Turn Vorein of Williamsport;
fourth prize, Gurmnnin Turn Verein of
Philadelphia: fifth prize, Camden Turn
Verein, N. J. ; tixth prize, Trenton Turn
Verein, Trenton, N. J.; seventh prize,
Southwark Turu Veroin of Philadelphia.
Coutosts on apparatus aud outdoor
sports First grade, first prize, William
Stitzeuberger, Turn Gemeinde, Philadel
phia. Second grade on apparatus and outdoor
sports First prize, llormau L. Winterer,
lurn Gmueiudo, of Philadelphia; second
prize, Mux Om, Gnrubriuus Turnsection,
of Philadelphia; third prize, Frank Htou
del, Gernmuia Turn Gemeinde, Philadel
phia; fourth prize, George Seher, Germania
lurn Gemeinde, Philadelphia; fifth prize,
William Friedgun, Turn Gemeinde, Phila
delphia. Field sports First prize, Herman Ar
nold, Philadelphia Turu Gemeinde; seo
ond prize. William Ludacher, Puiladel-
Shia Turn Gemeinde; third prize, F. B.
use, Williamsport Turn Verein Vor
waerts. Wrestling-First prize, Henry Clark, of
Trenton; secoud prizo, Emil Baumner,
Swimming First prize, Charles H.
Meyer, of Philadelphia Turn Gemiendo;
second prize, Louis Ziotz, of bouthwurk
Turn Vereiu.
Club swinging First prize, Georgo May,
of Philadelphia Turn Gemeindo; second
prize, Herman II. Nebele, of Southwark
Turn Verein.
Sword contest First prize, Herman Ar
nold, of Philadelphia Turn Gemeinde! sec
ond prize, William Frudger, of Philadel
phia Turn Gemoiudo.
Fencing First prize, William Friodon
ger, of Philadelphia Turn Gomeindo; seo.
ond prize, Herman Arnold, of Philadelphia
Turn Gemeinde.
Literary work First prize, D. M. F.
Keogh, of Southwark Turu Veroin; second
prize, Louis F. Schnock, of Philadelphia
Turu Gemoiude.
The end of tha fest will beoelebrated
with the excursion today to Farview.
Tomorrow the visitors will return
There will not be another Tnrn Fest
again for probably four years, and
then it will take place in Philadelphia.
These events are held every two yeors,
but in 1800 a national Turn Fest will
be held iu St. Louis, and on that ac
count the district assembling will be
Since tbe arrival of the visiting
Tnrnera they have been much im
pressed with tbe hospitality of Scran
ton, and they will leave for their homes
tomorrow with happy remembrauces
of the sixteenth Bezirks-Turn Fest
He Helped Hlmeelf to the Goods of
Company B and the Stats.
James Hazen, of Lake Ariel, was
cook for Company B, of this city, dur
ing the encampment at Gettysburg
last week. Ou Saturday the company
brought back a gaod many supplies
with it and stored them in the armory,
Yesterday it was learned that Hazen
was removing them to his home at the
lakeside, but Captain Eellow, ot Com
pany B, succeeded in having the goods
intercepted at the depot before they
were shipped.
There were a font flap and blankets,
tha property nf the Rtan, and trims,
The Finest White
Peaches. The best
canning Peaches.
Buy N6v
They last but one
week. Prices are low.
423 Lacka. Ays.
coffee, etc., owned by the company
The goods were all taken back to th
Battalion Adjutant Conklln W1U Stay
with the Thirteenth Regiment.
Claude C. Conklln, adjutant of the
S'coml battalion of tb Thirteenth
regiment, whos- resignation was an
nounced in The Tribune's Gettysburg
correspondence last .Saturday, has de
cided to continue to perform the dntiei
of bis i.fBce.
Mr. Conklin has been with the regi ment
for fifteen years, and is oue of Mm
most bard working and efficient offi
cers. His superiors were loathe to loan
his services ami persueded him to with
draw his resignation and remain with
the regiment. He has done so.
The Counoilmanic Ir.qalry Ii to Bj Made
a Joint Affair.
The seloot council special committee
appointed at the last meeting ot that
body to investigate the Frable chargen
will take no steps in the matter until
common council has bad n meeting and
selects a committee to net in conjunc
tion with thnu.
President Nealis of the lower braucb
stated yesterday that the charges wero
directed against tbe commr ' ts as well
as the selectmen and tha . .Qe lowe;.'
branch would alto demand an investi
gation. LIST OF ENTllIES.
Those Who Compete at the Bicyclu
Races of tho Green Ridge
Wheelmen Tomorrow.
Tbe following are the entries for tho
class A bicycle meet of the Groer.
Ridge wheelmen at the Driving pari:
One mile novice First prize, gold modal;
secoud prize, silver medal; third prize,
cycle bell; W. J. Fredericks, Anthracits
wheelmen, Pittston, Pa., blue and orange;
Julius Moll, Houesdale, Pa.; E. A. Poole,
Scranton, Pa., black; Chns. Coleman,
Bcrantou, Pa.; Morrit Biddluirian, Scran
ton, Pa., gray; Fred H. Dittrick, Mapli
City wheelman, Honesdale, Pa.
Half mile boys' race First prizo, gold
medal; secoud prizo, silver medal; third
prize, cycle lamp: Chns. Coleman, Scran
ton, Pa.: E. W. Finn, Scranton, Pa.;
Blythe White, Scranton, Pa.; Geo. Kline,
Scranton, Pa.: J. J. Weber, Pittston, Pa
(Quarter mile open First prize.diamond,
valuo ?25; (.econd prize, diamond, valuo
$15; third prize, gold headd cane, vhIui
J. B. Corser, P. W., Pottsville, Pa.,
black and yollow; H. M, James, Wilkes
Barre, Pn.; Kay Dawson, N. Y. A. C,
Bloonton, N. Y.; F. P.Weyandt, bcrantou.
Pa.; R. V. White, G. R.W., Scranton, Pa.,
orauge ond white; R. A. Gregory, G. R.
W., Scranton, Pa., orsngo aud white;
Monte Scott, C. W., Plaiuflold. N. J.; G.
M. Tolemie, G, Ii. W., Scranton, Pa., blue;
E. W. Softly. W. E. W.,Wilkes-Bnrre, Pa.,
garnot and black; A. F. Dlffendorfer, B.A,
C, ISinghamton, N. Y., lavender anil
orange; R. W. Lnngford, A. W., Pittston,
Pa., orange and white; W. N. Price, W.
W., Philadelphia, P.i.; C. T. Miner, B. A.
A. , Binghamton, N. Y.; G. II. Winans, b.
B. C, Scranton, Pa.; G. R, Neilsou, Pitts
ton, Pa,
Two-mile handicap First prize, dia
mond, vnluo, S.'S; second prizo, diamond,
value, SM; third prize, diamond, value,
815: fourth prize, diamond, valuo, $10. R.
V. White, G. R. W., Scranton, orauge and
white; F. P. Woyant, Scranton; R. A.
Gregory, G. R. W., Scranton, orango anil
whito; Monte Scott, C. W., Plainlleld. N.
J.; Julius Moll, Honesdale; J. B. Corser,
P. W., Pottsville, black and yollow; G.
M. Tolomie, G. R. V Scranton, blue: E.
W. Softloy, W. E. W.,Wilkos-Burre, gnrne-,
and black; E. A. Poole, Scranton. black;
C. W. Krick, Peun. Wheelmen, Sinking
Springs, Pa,; F. A. Gardner, S. B. C, aud black; E. A. Gilmoro,
S. B. C, Scranton, orange and black: H.
G. Newman, S. B. C. Scranton, oranzo
and black; A. F. Diffondorfor, B. A. C
Binghamton, N. Y., lavender and orango;
Ray Dawson, tNew York A. :C, Bloonton.
N. Y.; H. M. James, Wilkos-Barre; Morrin
Bldlemiin, Scranton, gray; E. L. VanValk
enberg, Anthracite Wheelmou, Pittston,
orange and blue; F. E. Doup, Liberty
Wheelmen, Brooklyn, N. Y., white ami
red; R. W. Laugford, Anthracite Wheel men,
Pittston, orange and blue; W. N.
Price, Wisenhickon Wheelmen, Philadel
phia; C. T. Miner, B, A. A., Binghamton
N. Y.
Chumplonshln of Lackawauna county
First urize, diamond valne, ?2f; second
prize, diamond value, fl5; E. P. Weyaudt.
Scranton; R. V. White, G. R. W., Scran ton,
orange aud whito; R. A. Gregory, G.
R. W., orsngo and white; G. M. Tolomie,
G, R. W., Scranton, blue; E. A. Poole.
Scranton, black; G. A. Gardnor. S. B. C.,
Scranton, orange aud black; E. A. Gil.
more, S. B. U, Scrnntou.orango aud black;
H. G. Newman, S. R C, Scrouton, ornngn
aud black; G. U. Winans, S. B. C, Scran
ton. One mile lap race First prizo, diamond,
value tiO; second prize, diamond, valuo
$15; third prizo, gold cuff buttons, valuo
?B; E. L. Van Valkenberg, Anthraclto W.,
Pittsburg, orango and blue; C. W. Krick.
Ponn. Vhoelmon, Reading; II. G. New
man, S. B. C. Scranton, orango and black;
E. A. Gilmore, S. B. C, Scranton, orange
ond black; G. M. Tolemie, G. R. W., Scran
ton, bluo; Mouto Scott, Crescent W., Plain
held, N. J.; R. A. Gregory, G. R. W.,
Scranton, orango and white; R. V. White
G. R. W., Scranton. orange and whito; j!
B. Conor, Pottaville W Pottsville, black
and yellow; Georgo U. Wiuans, S. B. C,
Half-mile open First prize, diamond,
value, $15; secoud prize, diamond, value.
$15; third prize, gold scerf pin. $7. R. Wi
Langford, Anthracite W Pittston, bluo
and orange; E. L, Vun Valkenberg, An
thracite W., Pittston, blue and orange; C
W. Krick, Penn wheelmen.Kiuklng Springs;
A. F. Diffondorfor, B. A. C, Binghumtou,
N. Y., lavender and orange; II. O. New
man, 8. B. C, Scranton, orange and black;
E. A. Gilmore, 8. B. C, Scranton, orango
and black; G. A. Gardner, 8. B
C, Scranton, orange and black; W,
And see the Dia
mond Prizes to be
Given away by the
Green Ridge
Best Seta of Teeth,$s00
Including the painless eitractlnj
cf teeth by ou entirely new pro
tees. S. C. Snyder, D.D.S.
E. Softloy, W. E. W., Wilkes -Barre,
garnot and bine; G. M. Tolemie, G. R. W.,
Scranton. Pa., blue: J. Oscar Smith, An
thracite W., Pittston. blue and orange;
Monte Scott. Crescent W., Plaiufleld, N.
J.; R. A. Gregory, G. R. W., Scranton,
Pa., orange aud white; R. V. White, G. R.
W-, Sorauton, Pa., orange and white; F.
P. Weyaudt, Scranton, Pa. : W. N. Price,
Wissahickon W., Philadelphia, Pa.; H. M.
J.imes, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.: J. B. Corser,
Potuvllle W., Pottsville, Pa., black and
yellow; C. T. Miner, B. A. A.. Bingham
ton, N, Y.; O. II. Witiuus, S. B. C, Scran
ton, Pa.; G. R. Neilsou, Pittston, Pa.
Richard lit Will Be a 8uprb Attraction.
An evening of rnro engagement is prom
ised those who attend tbe spectacular pret
entatiou of Kicbnrd III at tho Frqthing
bnm tomorrow night. Those who have
had the good fortune to lee tho rehearsals
are euthusiustic over tho promising grand
eurs. The stirring battle sceuo, the nmg
niflceut coronation and the impressive
funeral procession are features of attrac
tion which alone will pay people to see. It
is the great company of fifty players that
mnkes it possible to imbue these scenes
with that power and proper significance
without which these important accensones
would bo tame. Tho work of Mr. Jones,
Mr. Ransotno, Mr. Richards, Mm Fair
brother, Miss Lewis and Miss Mct'abe will
meet tho most exacting demands, while
the suporb costumos und magnificent
mounting of tho tragedy will delight tbe
lovers of glittering incidents. Tho siilo of
seats nt Powell's yesterday would seem to
insure a fine house,
See Niagara at Sunrise Moonlight
All day Sunday ot tho monarch of cat
aracts; a superb arrangement. Everyone
can afford to go. Saturday evening, Aug.
S5, the Erie lines will run" n grnud escur
sion to Niagara Falls aud Buffalo, reuoh
Jiig the fulls early Sunday morning.
Tickets will bo good to return on special
train Sunday, Aug. 20, or on regular
trains Aug. 27. 1S91. The Jermyn, Pa.,
Cornet b;md will furnish munlo enrouto.
The excursion will be in charge ot repre
sentatives of tbe passenger aepartiuent.
Train will leave Carbondnlo at 7.30 p. m.
Fure round trip only ti. Leave ccranton
at 6, 15 p. m.
Collector's Bond Filed.
E. A. Lane, collector of taxes of Jermyn
borough, yoHterdny tiled his bond in tho
sum of $18,000 with Clerk of tho Courts
Thomas, and had it approved by the
court. Thesurotios are C. L. Bell, Jacob
Hiller, C, D. Winter, R, Bunt.
Get your furnaces repaired for the cold
weather. Now is the time. Repaired
promptly, properly and cheap. Drop a
postal to W. H. Derby, ICOU Pi Ice
lemiotler List
Read Thi
- Baffin & Co.
126 Penn Ave.
We are now
prepared to do
business at
our new build
ing, 322
Washington Ave.
Of SHOES Is Now On
And you'll not be treating yourself right If yon don't take advantage of It.
Every shoe in the house is reduced to ooat, and many goo la such as RU:U
SETS and all SUMMER SHOES, a good deal less than cost.
WHITE CANVAS OXFORDS, best quality, worth $1.50 a pair, will be so d
for 75 CENTS.
Some that are soiled ani discolored will bo sold for 23 CENTS a pair.
There is no half way business about It, but a great houseful! of GOOD
SHOES at the cost of making them. LET US SEE YOU.
A Timely Warning
JT. MEANS that $i goes almost as far
as $2 in buying Millinery, Suits, Shirt
Waists, Hats, Neckwear, Underwear, &c,
at our store this time of the year. LOOK
at our line BEFORE purchasing.
The $40,000 School House
for Columbia avenue has been let and wilV
be commenced immediately. There ai'e
still a few lots left at a low price.
Office, Theater Lobby.
Eat Bread made from Plllsbury's Best
and be healthy.
Buy the Weber
and get tbe host. At Guernsey Bros.
nothing but the best.
You will be satisfied
if you call on J. BOLZ ani
get some of the bargains ha
is offering.
A $5 Coat for $1.49.
A $7 Coat for $3.
A Fine BlackClay Worst
ed Coat for $5, worth
Ladies' Capes,allshade3,
for 98c.
Ladies' Tailor-made Suiti
for $4.75, worth $9.
During tbe Summer.
138 Wyoming Ave.
128 Wyoming Ave.
Hip Pads, Stocking
business education
of any institution,
of its kind in tbo
country, at mini
mum cent The pro
prietors are instruct
torswith years of ex
perience and know
thneces8iti?8of tha
business work. In
struction is lho
onph and practical.
College building is
a beautiful structure, well ventilated
and possessed of all modern conve
niences and is located ou Court Uoute
Day and Evening Sessions.
Our Journal tells all about ns and our
methods. Send ns your name and yo3
will get It by mull.
Buck, Whitmore & Co.
Cor, Mams k and Linden Street.
Cor. Lackawanna and
Wyoming Aves.