THE SCTtANTON TRIBUNE TUESDAY MOHNING. AUGUST 21, 1894. . . " I J STELLE & SEELEY 134 Wyoming Aye. We wi'.i show you what you want. GOOD BREAD USE THE SHOW WHITE And always have Good Bread. ANUFACTCRKD AND FOB SALE TO THE TRADE BV The Weston Mill Co, EEWARB 'OF COUNTERFEITS J THE CEMUINE POPIIUH Punch Cigars WAVE THE INITIOS G., B. St Co., Iwnr'ntH rn Earth Cluif. Garney, Erown & Co. Mfr's. DR. H. B. WARE will bs in his office on and after the first we3k in Septem bar. PERSONAL. Val. M. Riiscby, of Now York, is visit ing V. J. Carter. Arjn Towfll N spending his vacation at Block I-lar.d, R. I. Harry Hopwell 1) its returned from a visit to tho H'Kslior'", Mrs. D. B. Hanrl and family left yester day for As bury Park. Rnbert T. Gould and sister Maggie left for Ocean Criove yestertlav. Sir. ami Mrp. H. 15. Mtgargeo have re turned from Atlantic City. : Miss S. E Alorn-ll, nf Adam aveuui', hag returned from tho sea shore. Philip. Kir-t and famiiv have returned from a week's Hay at Atltntie C ity. Mis Agnis linrre'.l, of Ninth st:et, i9 home from a f-ojouru in Biiigliamtun. ' XUs K ithryno flmruortv. of North Main iv- im', U home from a vibit at Willard, NY. F. A. M'trarjj-e has returned from a tlircu we ks' oj ium of pleasure at Atlan tic City. Miss Margan-t Ward, of Tiinghamton, N. Y.. i the gnext of Miss Sadie McGuire, of Lafayette street. f.'is I.izzi" J. Williams, of theNorlh End, bus refium-d after spending a few days with riyuioutli f fields. Mrs. FliK-roft nnd family, of Caponse avenii", hnva returnel from a month's cmtipgat Oneida Lnk, N. Y. Jlisaes Joser hino Potvors and .Miirznret Martin, of Pittstou, are guests of MM M1111rptt linzirerty, of S ranton streot. Mr. and Mrs. J,.h:i B. Goodwin nnd (laupht-r are joying n two weikV vaca tion at New Yrrk, Uridgep irt nnd Uart ford. Mr. and Mr. J. Scott Iaglls and Mr. nnd Mrs. 8. W. Kellnm left yesterdav for a pleasure trip, which will include BoHon, Nantucket und Newport. Police Officer Johu Moir, who is onjoy ing his a n ii ii nl vacntion, attended the an nual games of the Philadelphia Caledonian clnb at that place yesterday. Miss Mary Richards will leave for New York ti day, where she will remain for several weeks makint? a sludv of tbn fall etvles of millinery. Upon her return she will occupy a position as ralesludy at AcKermnu s millinery store. T. P. Daffy, who for more thnn n year past nas neon assmtunt city editor of the ft pumic.-in, nas re luneu Ills position and aiensed c ut of the rank' of the journal- ietic army, tie will hereafter devote his energies to biotrnug the life insurance bus iness. Mr. Duff has been for several years Mentifled with the daily pr-ss of the city and took high rank among bin fellows as an accurate news gatherer and force- lul, eutertaiulng writer. City and School Taxes, 1894. The ri'y and fchool tax duplicates for the year 18U4 are now In my hands for collection. Persons wishing to pay can do so now, or any person requiring state ments of taxes by giving ward aud loca tion of property will be promptly HTisvrored. R. G. Brooks, City Treasnfer. Municipal building, Washington avenue. Office hours from 9 a. m. to 6 p. in., ex cept aatuurday, this office will be cloned at noon. . : PiLLteBURY's Best makes best bread. Snoklen'f Arnloa Salva. The best salve In the world for Cats Bruises, bores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever bores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all fckin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It 1 guaranteed to give pert eat satisfaction or money refunded. Price lis cent per box. For sale by Matthews Bros. Real faItr never grows weak by hav ing to watt. HuQerers taking Hood s ttar ioparill'a for chronic complaints should be patient and the result will be satisfactory. Hood's Cures. - Hood's Pau act easily, yet promptly anu emciently.on the liver ana Dowels, wo PIANOS ORGANS - - A Foe to Dyspepsia FLOUR BUILDING FOR THE DfiAon nr TDiinc DUHIIU Ur II1HUL Concluded from Page I. .. i i erl for the very decided alienee when Mr. Dickson completed the rending of too report. In presenting the report Mr. Dickson said that the committee since its ap pointment a year ago had served through a business period of crisis uud gloom, and though in a number of meetings it bad considered the matter nothing could be done until the present pUn was presonted. It was an opportunity for accomplishing a long desired end und the report was off-red for at least consideration and lie hoped adoption. The location, hesitld, is excellent, with the route between the two proposed bridges and the trend of business mov ing in that direction. It was presented In the form of an addendum to the subscription. Air. Davidson stated that the plot was being sold to the board for its pnr chase price and the gentlemen associ ated with him would not make a penny on the consummation of the proposal. IT IS A MOMENTOUS MATTER. ' Luther Keller and S. Goldsmith ob jected to immediate adoption of the report, the former alleging that tbose present were a small proportion of the total number of members and that it was reully a momentous question in which cautiou Bbonld be exercised. Mr. Goldsmith argued that the board should not be obliged to occupy the whole of the two upper flors. The apparent disposition to quibble over the report brought Mr. Dickson to hii fot, and by bis speech ot ten min utes' duration and the remarks of Cap-'-in May later, the meeting was in fluenced to m ike an affirmative de cision. Mr. Dickson said; Tbisbonrl is twenty-live years old and for iiflreu yean has been hoping that something would revive it and phi e it on a plane witn similar organizations of otter cities. Primarily tue board served a purpcse in forming safe cicdit among its members, but of lute years what has held it together has teen the spirit of patriot ism. Now, with tur I'llicieut president and secretary, what is our opportunity? We have come to a crisis. I'm not a blower nor a croaker, but when we can reiure audi a valuable property for t!U0 per foot when laud on Washington ave uue, the old Presbyterian church parson age for example, sells for $T5U a foot, wo would be foolish not to affirm this report The bull has just begun to roll in Scran ion. If every pound of coal is exhausted here in the next twenty year.', onr city will yet be the premier citv of her class. Hence, it behooves us to move and moye quickly. Wheu will we again be able to locate a building on the moat favorable Bite in the city and secure the land at cost? Now is the accepted time aud the day of snlvation: alter the details of tho report if you will, but don't "throw itout of court." CAPTAIN MAY'S REMARKS Captain May relinquished the chair to Mr. Keller to occupy the floor for the first lime since he bus been uresi dent. II aittii the board s burden might bs taken irom Its shoulders by money raised by others and the offer is so lair that he lu-couuturt lor it only by snt: posing the building will enhance the vulu of properties in wluoU tue gen tit-men are. interested, ine erection of such building for the board of trade will be -said, sssist in uernetnating the solidity of the city. During the year the board had been instrumental in securing the f- voraUo vote for bridges aud Darks; had made tho cbeapuess of ' culm fuel known throughout .he country, and now it should make Hs grandest effort in considering favorably the proposal to establish himself in its own home. Following these remarks bnt few members responded "aye" and all re trained fiotn saying "no when Mr Dickson's motion to adont the report was repented by toe chairman. At Mr. KelUir's suggestion a rising vote was called and tho response was nnamuiour. After the nieetirir Mr. Davidson an nounced that i3."). OW in subscriptions bad be-n secur-ii. SNEAK THIEVES AT WORK. They Iavads ths Re.-idenes of Colonel H. Rirmlp. The sneak thief b is ug dn nude bis presence felt in the city. Some lime Saturday morning a man walked bold into uio oiniiii; room or uoionui Ripple's resilience tit 513 Washingt iiVmIiiih und Hllr,f..niiu.l in ftLirruii :ton S away various pieces of costly cnt glass u':ir rhina and hrif.-ji.hrin The members of tne household wora busy in another part of the house when the thief walki 1 in the door which leads from the side porch to the dini a room and coolly belpeil himself to the most available articles, tie was evi dently lightened oil ly Home noise, frir thfirA fvra n PTPiit munv t.Mni,. gs left which he might just as well have taken, (t -xpt thn n.irv nun Iiam n infaatail will tramps and men of the sneak thief oru.-r, nun iuo luucu precaution canu be taken to keep all buck doors locke A TRACK W-LKER KILLED. He Stepped in Fro at cf a D., L Fassetig-. r Train. & W, An unknown man was instantly killed and frightfully manirlsd on the Delaware, Lackawanna aud Western railroad at No. G last evening at 6 o'clock. lie wns walking toward Scranton on the south bound track and seeing a train approach steppid on to the north bound truck directly in front ot the passenger train which arrives in this city ut 6 p. m. -When toe train passed bis Blooding and dismemberod body was found cloiu to the track. It was taken to L ttoh worth's ujdertuklng establishment, bnt nothing was fouad on it that would lead to identification. Today an in quest will be held. , , BISHOP O'HAIU TO COME HOME. Ht Will Probably Return to Eoranton Todav. Rev, Futher O'Reilly," reetor of the cathedral, who le with Bishop O'Hara In Cape May, ' telegtapbtd yesterday that the bishop will leave for Scranton today. Reports of bis graces health con tinue to be of the most enconraglng character. H-) is now able to take bis meals with the family of bis brother, Dr. O'Hara, and enjoys a rid occasion ally. ' ' DO. NOT FAVOR IT. Eeleot Council's .Streets and Bridges Committee Against Competitive Plans. The streets and bridges oommlttee of select council last night decided to report adversely npon the resolution directing the city clerk to solicit som petitive plans for the proposed bridges in order that the aity engineer may be able to have an opportunity to oonsnlt the various methods ot constructing bridges. It was the seme of the meeting that the project was good on and would bate been quite expedient two or three month ago, bat it would be perilous now for I bo reason that it might oc casion indefinite delay in the construc tion of the bridges. " CRANFIELD'S BODY FOUND. Telegram to That Effect Rsctlved Yes Uiday by Pottmamr Vsndllog:. The body of R. K. Cranfield. of this city, who committed saicide bv drown ing himself in Lake Csyngu, near Ithaca, N, Y., was reoovered ysstorday morning aud a telegram received by Postmaster Vandling which reqnosted the friends of Crnnfield to make nr rangernents for burial. Postmaster Vandling sent the tele gram to Abraham Cook, of 223 Wyom ing avenue, to whose car ll nuil ad- 'resied to Cranfield was direct d. Mr. Cook was seen last nicbt and said that be in turn sent the message to W, Mason, of the West Side, a brother of Cran field's deceased wife. At a late hour last night nothing de finite bad bean aureed upon regarding the disposition of the body. SOUTH SIDE.1 Eobsrt Eosrt Charg-ad with an Awful Crime. A most serious offense is laid at the door of Robert Seart, of Cherry street, an old man over 70 years of age. For a number of years Mr, Soart has lived on this side and was in all that time looked npon as a man of very moral character. He is of more than ordinary intelligence and has nt various times contributed articles on current topics o the newspapers. During the late Prohibition campaign in this state Mr. Scart sent an article to the newspapers against the umendment to the consti tution and subsequently had it bound in pamphlet form, which he sold at the rate ol 25 cents each. He was employed as a gate tender at the South works of the Lackawanna Iron nnd Steel company, nnd it is stated that on Snuday afternoon he en ticed three little girls, their ages being not over 12 years, into a shauty In the mill yurd for the purpose of commit ting an assault on one of them. His purpose was thwarted by the arrival of two employes at tue mill, John Caw- ley, a brakemau, and John McGill, a . laborer. One ' of the girls is a- daughter - of Mrs. Hugh McCrea, of Fig street, the other two are the d.iu niters of Mrs T, J. O'Connor, of Cdar avenue. The uhildren say that Scurt fnv tbem some pennies nnd was thus enabled to entice them into the shanty, lue families are not incliued to prosecute. preferring to hush the matter. bcart couhl not be founU nt bis resi dence yesterday aud he has been din charged from the mill by Superintend ent stuuton. BURGLARS AT WORK. Thty Ransacked Twentieth Ward Homes Yesterday Morning. Fully a dozen families in the upper end of the Twentieth ward complain of having ben visited nv burglars early vesterd.iy morning. The residence of Mrs. shea, near Minooka s'oro, was I Token into aud goods to the value of $50 stolen. The people in the neighborhood of Mrs. Shea's house who had left clothes out during the night are minus every thing left on the clothes line. A gang of tramps have been .seen around th" Twentieth ward tor tae past week and the robberies aro charged to them They are said to be quartered in Mil ler's field, SOUTH SIDE J0TTING3. Johu J. Ruddy, of Cedar avenue, is en joying nis vacatiou along tne riuuou. Miss Kittie Nolan, of Wilkes- Barre. Is the guest or Aim Maggie LoiuUy, ot or chard street. We are clearing out the whole of our stock of fine etchings. Chicago Art Co., 121 Peun avenue. Miss Mary Conway, of Maple street, has gone to Atlantic City aud will stay at the seaside lor the next two weeks. OFFICER I. F. JONtS INJURED. His Revolver Acoldently Discharged la . His Pocket. Police Officer I. F. Jones was acci dently shot at Wyoming avenue and Linden street. He was about to go off duty and was standing talking to Officer Georg Jones and Officer Block. Offloer George Jones tapped Uln tur 1. t . Jones play fully on the shoul ler and just then the latters revolver, which was in his oat pocket, discharged. The bullet pi-rced the officers coat, tore nnd set fire to his trousers and took a piece off tho top of the index finger of the right hand. He bad the wound dressed and went to his home His escape from more serious injury was most lorinnuto. Caledonians Will Oo to Wilkes-Barre On Saturday the Wilkes Barra Caledou ian club will hold its annual games at Hanover parlc near Wllces-ttHrre and the members of the local Caledonian club are making arrangements to attend in a body Many ot those who will bo from this city intend to wear the full Highland costume. Deaths of the Week. Last week's mortality report of the board or healtu snows that & deaths oc curred fn.m all causes, 2 from typlnid lever anu l irom aiptneria, and ii cases of the former and i ol tho latter disoases de veloped during the week. In the week previous 34 deaths occurred from all causes. Hotel Kppsr Fall-'. Anthony R t'a, who runs a hotel at the Kidze. Archbald, had his ellucts seized bv- Deputy Sheriff Griswold yesterday on au execution issued Dy A. a. JN. llolteubeig. l ue amount in tne jungmeui is iui. Mue:o Boxes Exclusively. lJest made. Play any desired number of tunes, liautschl Ac Sons., manufacturers, joau Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Won., derful orchestrlal oriraus, only t5 and ill). Specialty: Old musio boxes carefully re paired and improved with new tunes. Ecrnnton'e Bueinesi Interests. Tub Trihunb will soon publish a rare fully complied aim ciassined list or the leading wholesale, banking, manufactur ing and professional interests ot bcranton and vicinity. The edition will be bound In book form, beautifully Illustrated with photogravure views of our rmbllo build ings, business blocks, streets, etc., together witn portraits ol leading citizens. No similar work nas ever given au equal rep. resentation ot Bcrauton's mauv indu tries. It will be an invaluable exposition ot onr . business resources. Bent to persons outside the city, copies of this handsome work will attract new comers and be an unequalled dvertisement of the city. The circu lation Is on a plan that cannot fail of good results to tnose concerned as well as tho city at large, representatives ot i hs tribune will call upon thosr whobk names are desired iu this edition aud explaiu Its nature more fully. , Tbose desiring views ot their residehoes in this edition will please have notice at the office. I will present one thousand dollars in f;old to any oue whom I cannot cure of epi eptic convulsions or fits.- Ur. E. Grbwkr, 811 Spruce street, Scranton, Pa, . OF ircweil Concert lo the American Quartette at JrCkson Street Church. NUMBERS THAT WERE RENDERED Members of the Quartette Heard to Good Advantage-Party Will Leave for New York This Morning and Sail Tomorrow on the City of Ber linGospel meetings to Be Held. Other News Notes. A well pleased audience in the Jack son Street Baptist church last evening stoned to the farewell concert ot the American quartette, which is about to bet;in a tour of Lnglaud aud Wales uu-. der the direction ot Professor Huydn cvans. The programme of ten num bers wns enlarged by Miss Julli Allen. the violinist of the party, who, by re quest, played a Welsh air with much tlect. This, with the addition of sev eral encore numbers, completed an evening's entertainment that was care fully varied and highly appreciated. Miss Cordelia Freeman, the contralto ot the party, was warmly greeted by friends, who knew her as the daughter of Rev. D. K. Freeman, former pastor of the Washburn Street Preahy terian church. Her voice evinces much cul tivation, hut is rather on the order of a mezzo-soprano. She sang with excel lent effect Mrs. Tom's ''Waiting Heart," with violin obligato by Mifs Allen. It was in the duet with Miss Kaiser that Miss Freeman's voice was heard to best advantage. The number was Abt's "Ilurp of the Winds," and its blending of soprano and contralto . effects was excep tionally felicitous. Miss K titer's sing ing of Bishop's "Hear the Gentle Lurk" gave this gifted soprano abundant op portunity to display the resources of tier voiee. A particularly noticeable featnro was its volume nnd register. Miss Kaiser's enunciation was excep tionally clear nnd her trills and runs true and well modulated. Mr, Burns and Mr. Anyl, always favorites in this city, were in superb voice, and the vio lin playing of Miss Allen has seldom been heard to snoh advantage. The party this morning will take train for New York. They will maki the outward voyage in the stanch lo rn nil liner, City of Berlin, Captain Wntkins. The concert tour will be initiated at Cardiff and contintio fix weeks, including the principal cities in Wales and possibly several in England. During the tour Miss Kaiser will con tribute letters to The de scriptive ot the quartette's reception and interesting incidents of the jour ney. The City of Berlin will lift anchor ut 10 o'clock tomorrow, morning. LITTLE WEST SIDE NEWS NOTES. David Hrvey. of Carbondale. is visiting friends on the est side. John Roberts, of Deckers's court, is vis iting friends at Lake Wiuola. Wallace Bittenbonder, of Ktroudsbure. id viDibiiiK melius uu mis muo. Mrs. Thomas Richards, of Montrose, is circulating among Ineuds on tho West "te. .. George Rogers of Buffalo, is tho euest otitis sister, Mrs. Frank Zuetle, of Tenth street. Mortimer Stevens, of- Lake Winoln, is the guest of Wallace Moser, ot Lafayette street. Mrs. Wilfred Lake, of Boston, Is visiting iuiiMius j'uuiiie uuu uaisy uoyce, oi iiucK sou street. Mr. and Mrs. James Watkins, of North Hyde Park avenue, have returned from a two weeks' stay at Lake Wiuola. r Misses Mame aud Anna Stevens, of Car. bondale. are the quests of MihS Mame Kromer, ot North Hyde Park avenue. Bert Eynon, who is spending the summer nt liHKe tvniola, Is visiting his father, A B. Eyuou, of North Hyde Park avenue. The funeral of James Hcnntean, who died at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. John yuinuan. of Prico street, will take place tomorrow morning, a requiem hihss will oo ceinnrnteu iu at, t'atnek s church at it o'clock, Rev. D. C. Hughes, pastor of the Jack son Street Baptist church, has been at work of late arranging for holding of the Moody revival meetings. A largo tent will be erected on the West Side iu which the meetings will bo hold. As a preliminary to the proceedings a union service will be conducted tomorrow evoninc in the Simpson Methotlist. Episcopal ruurch. The members of all the Wust Side churches who are interested in the work are urgently requestea io ue prescnr, Mrs, Samuel Davis, of North Hyde Park avenue, a most esteemed resident of this side, died at her home yesterday morning at, io o chick, uirs. uavn nnd ueen sillier iiig for about four weeks. Deceased was 82 years ot age. She was born in Now joi n state, lud tins resided here for Foven ty-two years. She was a member of the Scranton atroet Baptist church, althnucrli of late her extreme old age prevented her from atteudmg services. She is survived by four married clnMren. Troy ate Mrs, Frank Woodruff, Airs. P. Decker, Mrs. Ed. ward Sweeney aud it'uton Davis, of Lin. colu avenue. luueial announcement later, NORTH END BRIEFS. Miss Nellie Fadden, of Olyphant. is visit. 1 . .1... L-..H..l.n 1. 1 1UK nb uc uuirAH MUUDU Miss Carrie Huff, of Parkor street, is vuiiiug ii iouus ni i.iarK's summit. A meetiug of tho Liberty Hose company will be held this evtmiug at 8 o'clock. The Crystal Literary club will hold its annual Dim nt tue armory on Sept. G. Mrs. T. D. Lowis, of North Malu nve. uue, is recovering alter her receut illuess, Martin Nolan and Miss Mary Nolan are visiting . Mrs. UuslcK, ot Webt Marke street. Elegantly framed pictures are being sold L. I. . ... . . ior nan price oi irame. luicugo Art t o. 127 fenij avenue. The Cumberland Hose company has nr ranged for its . annual picnic at Frear'i grove ou sept. &, j Prolo'sor Haydn Evnns will take a number of Llew y Bryn's publications for circulation in Wales. Emm'ott O'Boyle will leave today on business trip of a week's duration in t the Adirondack mountains. Miss Lizzie llolthitm, of aauderson ave nue, and Mrs. R. E. Gill, of Prnviil, ncft. accompanied by Miss Kulledgo, of Pitts- ton, will sjiend two weeks ut Delaware water uap. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Bnrke and Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Fadden have left 'or a tour aioug l tic uudson and through New York IIIIIIIIIBIIIIlEBaiEIIICBIBIBEIiaiiaillBIBinp: I SPOON S No, better spoons are made g j5 than those of Wra, Rogers j B ' Manufacturing Co. They 3 were never sold at this price E S before. Buy now Sj TEA SPOONS 50c. fOl 6. jjj B TABLESPOONS $1.00 FOR 6. g RexfordJewelryCa, uS3ftve niiiiiiiiiiiiiBiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiinti D I ID EY state. They will also visit Philadelphia and Atlantic City. S. D. Roberts, of the Providence Coal company's store; August Jenkins, mull carrier, aud William Miller are enjoying a vacation at Lake bt. John. Samuel Van Wort was charged before Alderman Bailey yesterdav with wilfully concealing eight racing stilts and other articles which ho "took wiihout permis sion" from the Driving park on Aug. 13. The prisoner restored the suits, puid the costs and was discharged with a repri mand, SODA WATER A NO SODA CRACKLRS. Hard Taok on a Chain for Sunday Sodn Customers, "Judge Gnnster's opinion virtually gives us permifslon to sell soda water on Sunday," said a central city drug gist yesterday. "If It is legal to sell soda on the Sabbath as an accompani ment to a lunch there is nothing to preveut ns from selling on Sunday aud living within the pale ot the law, for It is an easy matter to furnish a lunch." "B;fore next btinday you will see a lnnch table in that bay window. Sus pended above that lunch table will be chain and attached to that chain will be a lunch. For 0 cents you can have all that lunch you care to eat nnd a glasB of soda besides. For 10 cents you will be furnished with a pi?ce ot cake and soda." What will your chained lunch con sist of?" naked the reporter," "Well, 1 think hardtack will be the most lasting," he replied. This plan of meeting the peculiar demands of the law iu thttcase ot sell- ng intoxicants has lived in Bostou and it is claimed stood the test oflaw, The local druggist states that it is not so much to evade the law us to show up ts absurdities, that lie is starting a lunch counter as no adjunct to his soda-water fountain. Teet of Nw N p'uae Steamer. Tests of the new Nentuue steamer will be mado tomorrow rooming at U o'clock at Court House square and later from tho cistern at M, Robinson's brewery. City officials and fire committees. of councils will witness the tests. Import Samples mean 20 per cent, less than import prices. No two pieces alike. Flower Vases, Jarden- iere3, Plates, Chocolate and Tea Pots, &c. To Secure REAL BAR GAINS, come at once. WEICHEL k MILLAR 116 Wyoming Ave. If a Tornado Strike Scranton It would causa little more surprise to our citizens than FREEMAN'S NEW SPOT CASH PRICE LIST HAS DONE WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEW- ELRY, SILVERWARE, ETC., never liavo been sold before at such prices; but, remember there is no CREDIT at Freeman's. Our lino of Groceries is complete and you can rely on them being the finest. If you want a delicious, high-flavored TEA, try our New Crop JAPAN for 50c; worth 75c. C. DITCHBURN 4:7 LACKAWANNA AVE. AYLESWORTH'S Meat Market The Finest in the Citj, The latest improved fur nishings and apparatus for keeping meat, bntter and eggs. t28 Wyoming Are. Mil s -P5 ft You fMeed Them : And a visit to Martin & Delany's will be wilder you at their immense stock of thin goods. Just the stuff to keep you cooL Our novelty in summer goods is a Nobby, Long-cut, Double-breast Blue and Black Serge Coat. The proper thing foi tennis. Martin & E&elajay Custom Tailors and Clothiers, WYOMING AYENUE. We Have - AT - L2 308 Lacka. Ave. SPECIAL 45 dozen Ladies' White Embroidered 4f fWo I Handkerchiefs, value 25c, for . . W willb 50 dozen Children's School Handker- 1 s chiefs, in plain and colored borders, 0 fnnfn 5 f, value 5 and 10 cents, for .... W tlOlllD g 35 dozen Ladies' Hemstitched Handker- R fflnfo i chiefs, value 10 cents, for - - - - 0 llClHo s s A new line of Chemisettes just received. 5!IUIII!Hg3E!IHII!IIISi;SIE!m:!Ei3iim Scientific Eye f it''.: .- For Fall Wear mm 305 Lackawanna Ave. It's a Great Shock fothe folks who are elulmlnor they undersell 111 others to find that without the least fuss or MutiT we are iiivlns custom-rs the bun tit ot Btioh opportunities as t'leso. A Mrietlv Illicit Grade l.l;lit-welsli Whrcl, pattnro, t t S 1 1 1) casli. 1803 paltvrii, SI SO When I, lor S7.V 1HII4 imttnrii, MOO V hmil, lor 085 casW, These prices make tho business at our btoro. FLOREY C HOLT Y. M. C. A. BUILDING. Maloney Oil and Manufacttir'g Co. OILS VINEGAR AND CIDER 141 TO 151 MERIDIAN ST. THE CELEBRATED BStltT IN IJk'iJt h. PIANOS fro at Preinit the Umt Popnltr sad frofcrred by Laeiliuf Alibis. Wirerooms: Opposite Columbus Monument, 13 Washington Av. Scranton, Pa. AD y F- "a '"'tt Received 1 IS VALUES Testing Free 5 By DR. SHIMBERG, The Specialist on tho Eye. Headaches and Ner vousness relieved. Latest nnd Improved Stylo of Eyeglasses and Spectaclos at the Lowest Prises. Lest Artificial Eyas inserted for $.". 305 SIMtlCK ST., Opp. Old Post Offics. II. A. HULBERT'3 City Music Store, WXOUIXQ ATE.. 6CKAM0 6TF1NTVAT RO?l DKCHER BROTHERS lira KRAMICH & BAOK WiiJBl Umi larg ttocfc ot BnteJaa UVSlCAIi MGKCHAN'DISft MLblO, tlJ.. KTU Another Advocate of Anffisthene UKS. HKNWOOD & WAKDELL: OENTLEMEN-It afTords rae crral pleasure to state that your new prooesn of eltractiiiK tneth whs b rond eneeeae Is n j case, and I heartily rpcnmmonil It t 11. I aluverely hope that others will ieit its nit-rltK. Yuurs respertfully, CAFT. 8. E. Hit V ANT. Horaoton, Pa, Hen wood & Wardell, DENTISTS, S16 Lackawanna Ave. Will on and aftnr May 21 make a grent rednn tloa In the prices of plates. Mi work gun anteeJ first-class in avoir particular. A. W. JURISCH , 435 SPRUCE STREET BICYCLKS AND SPORTING GOODS. Victor. Qendron, Eclipse, LovelL Diamoat and Other Wheels. ROOF ttnnln and soldering all flone away with by the use of HAKTMAN'8 LAT ENT PAINT, which consisU of ineredi nts well-known to all It can bo applied to tin, fralvunized tin, Rhont iron roofs, also to brick dwellings, which will prevent absolutely any crumbling, cracking or brenklnif of tin brick. It will outlast tinuliiK ot any kind b) many years,and It's cost does not exoeed one fifth that of the cost of tlnnlnir. Is sold by the Job or pnuuil. Contracts taken by ANIOMO UAltllllANN, &ff Biroh Bl -