There are undoubtedly stirring times ahead in the political world. And the readers of a good daily newspaper will be in clover. J EIGHT iPAuj2fe-56" "COLUMNS' SCRAKTON. PA.. TUESDAY MORtflNGr. AUGUST 21. 1894. THE TRIBUNE HAS A LARGER BONA FIDE CIRCULATION AMONG SCRANTON BUSINESS MEN THAN ANY OTHER MORNING PAPER BS ST Gives His Version of the -Recent Trouble to the National Strike Commission. SCORES CHICAGO NEWSPAPERS The President of the American Rail way Union Denies That He Ordered the Strike Will Take Steps to Unify All Railroad Labor Organizations but Does Not Care to Accept an Official Position Thinks the Courts Are Against Labor. Chicago, Aug 20. PRESIDENT EUGENE V. DEB3, of the American U ill way nuton, occupied tht stand for nearly four hours to lay be torn the na tional strik commission. He advo cuted ec-operative c:niuiouwealtb, the ubolition of the wage system ami the government ownerilup of railroads. He toll bit side of tb-' strike as con neck1 J uarrativ?, which was frequently interrupted by applause from the la boring elem-nt present. T, Ii. Morrissoy, first vice grand muster of the Order of K lilway Train men, ami Graud Cliinf Clark, of tbe Order of Railway Conductors, also tes tifl'd. ' I had uo Toici in ordering this strike myself," said Mr Dubs in giving bis testimony, "but I bad had a voice in it I would bava ordered It. I have no denire to shirk any responsi l illty. My record will show als that I have always counseled BRainst vio lence. The telegram attributed lo ma wiih read 'Have your niouey and buy n gun,' though sent over my signatare, I never saw it. I: whs sent by our stenographer to bis superior in Mon tana and 'Was not intended literally. It was merely a playlul expression cur rent in Montata. ' Tiie wivili'Ds claimed that the m'n would bayeXwon the strike Jiad nut tbe court intVrtVoil. He charjed General Miles wiCi t'uf5 Jfi league witn the. reilrcud maJ;rs "lo suppress tbe strike. Mr. Dei-i denied that thfc Amer ican Railway iijlfen'bad any antipathy for the old orjjarrp itions. REORGANIZATION VUlX Within tiie nest three days." said tbe witness, "we are going to tak steps to unify all railroad labor organ izations. We are willing to give np our t' anions and suoribee tiie Ameri can Railway Union to accomplish this result, nnd agree not to accept un of ficial position at tbe bead of the new organization. Mr. Debs testified that froni'the be ginuiug the American Riilway nuion and the strike leaders bad been badly treated by the Chicago press, later views had been distorted and many lies told. Mr. Debs eap- cully seoied the Western Associated Press which be assarted had taken its color from Chi ca0 railroad organs and had m is rep-r- sented the strikers in every way. President Debs said if there bail been n revolution it would have been directly chargeable to tbe pr-es of Chicago rather than to the American Railway union. Editorials had been writtwu all over the country, as as serted, based on matter seut out by the Western Associated Press, the editor inls in every case attacking tbe Ameri can Railway anion on information which whs absolutely false. Do yon charge tbe General Man agers with being responsible for the strike?" asked Commissioner Wright. GENliKAL JIASAQEKS NOT RESPONSIBLE. "Well, I could hardly go as far as that, I believe however,they had much to do with keeping it np." "How wonld yon gai'i (he demands of labor ers on publio corporation?' asked Jn Ige Worlbingtou. "There are two ways. Ou" is the way adopted by the old broth-rhoo Is. Tout is getting a schedule of wages gradually from the companies. There has beep little, good in this mode of proceeding. Ii takes a strike to win sometimes, but I don't believe tne railroad em ployes of this country will win a strike to'iny if they were all organized in one brotherhood, because tb.- courts are against labor. I can show in twenty years of writing that 1 have always been otinoneil to strikes, but I think there are times when they are justifi able, no matter how much toe public is discommoded." Mr. IMn said he did not think the general managers were always to blame in reducing wages, because their or ders came from a higher sourse. He believed that tbe American Railway union conld never be omened, and that tbe spirit of organization among labor ing men would always be strong. He predicted that more serious troubles wonia occur than ever before. YALE MLN FLEECED, A Ehr.wd Adv.nturaas Fasies Herself Off as a Graduate' Rlat.r Hartford, Conn., Aug. 20. A shrewd adventuress struck this city on Satur day last, and by representing herself as tbe sister of an old Yale graduate suc ceeded in obtsining money to the amount of $34 from two of her so-called brother's college acquaintances, on the pretext of having lost her pur Be in the train, containing ber money and her ticket, tbus being strsnded in tbe eltv. She bsd worked practically the sme ' game in 8pring6eld and Wocester. Tbe police are on tbe lookout for ber. She is tall, well dressed, with dark bair, a sallow coeipleiloii and eon verses rapidly, She is about 45 years old. . TWUVE GUARDIANS WANTED. Ointon Says If Ha Had That Number Ha Could Biform Valparaiso, Ind Aug. 20. Lewis H. Ginton, aiwealtby oitizen of Bristol, ia under heavy bond tor nssauit with intent to murder. He bas now issued a notice to the public praying for the appointment of twelve guardians to aid hint in reforming his life. , He said tbat by tbe result of a strange hallucination bis past life baa not beeo what it should, but tbat be would be WITNESS AND able in the moral co-operation of twelve citizens who ar to direct bis business and domestio affairs to make himself a useful member of society. FOWLER'S FAKE INVENTION. Told Boiton Women to Fasten Hats to Thair Ears with Rubber Bands. Eostov, Aug. 20 Frank E. Fowler, of Nabunt, is locked up in this city awaitiug a hearing on the charge of using the Uuited States mails for fraudulent purposes. Fowler adver tised that he had for sale a ladies' hat fastener, which made the use of hat pins unnecessary, and offered to send a sample for 10 cents. Orders began to ponr in rapidly. Several ladies in this city sent money for a sample, and in return received two small rubber bands, with direc tions wbieb read: "Sewono of these fasteners on each side of your hat or bounet, and place the loop around yonr ears, which wiil hold sifely." . LOSS OF A SHIP. The George Sealcy Is Wrecked in the Carribbean Sea Sufferings of the Crew. Philadelphia, Aug. S3 After fonr weeks of misery on a small island ia the Caritibuau sen tea shipwrecked Scandinavians from tbe Norwegian steamship George Saley, were landed at this port today by tbe steamship Gurley, from Poit Antouio. Jamaica, at which point they had arrived with difficulty from the Central American coast The George S-aley, bound from New York for Bluett-Ids, Nicaragua, struck on the north side of Old Providence island, in tbe Caribbean sea, earth on the morning of July 11. All hands were lashed fast to ttie rigging and the vessel bumped beavily on the reefs until a ti' hole was pounded in her bottom, directly under tbe engine room, and she filled and nt once settled on the bottom. Diyliabt found all hand waist deep ia the watr on the sunken deck, and all they could do was to seize what floating wreckage that came to bund and with it drift ashore. Oape on the islands they were made as comfortable as possible by the na tives A soon as possible a small coasting schooner was chartered. In this the crew rescued Colon, from where they went to Jamaica on the steamer Orinoco, Captain Allundten and tbe steward n in daed on the is land. Five of the crew took a vessel to Blnefields. and the remainder were landed here yesterday from tbe Gar ley. The Ions of Sealey is attibuted .to the same cause as that given for tbe rscent wreck of the ill fat' Esarsae, the un known and uucertsin currents for whioh proper calculation bad not -been made. , TICKS FROM THE TELEGRAPH. Hots are starving in South Dakota from lack of wheat or corn to feed them. For the murder of hii wife. William G. Taylor was hanged at Newberne, Va. The bill for federal deputies during the Chicago strike reaches nearly tlOJ.000. The wovld's coffee crop Is likely to reach 18,500,000 bugs, beating all records. Overpowering the jailor, four prisoners at KooKuk, Ia.," beaded by Forger Webb, escaped. The will of Airs. V. U Miner, a St. Louis woman suffragist, gives Susan U. Anthony $100,000. Manager Abbey will retain Lillian Rus sell's services by paying a $10,000 forfeit, u is sai'l, In despair from lack of work, Clyde Jnr- gnusen, of New York,- shot himself near Grant's tomb. Found gtiiltv at St. Joseph, Mo of as saulting a Utile girl, Joe Dus'ty wan sen tenced to death. Trying to stop burglars who bad looted his house, Jacob Cnsby was shut dead, at iuerrimac, Jlasa. Foul French exhibitors sue the World's Fair comr.auy for $10,000 worth of goods destroyed by nre. The explosion of oil tanks in a freight wrectc at Buttaio, terribly Durneu l. j. bnyder, amakeman. A thunderbolt at ITemmingford, Neb., killed Joef Naidn and his daughter, who songnl rernge unrtnr a true. Three negroes aeleen on tbs track, at Cincinnati, were strucK ty a train and one killed and anottaor fatally hurt. Made half crazv by excessive cigarette smoking, Jacob B. Miller, of Hagerstown, jua,, cut uis turout ana win die. Mrs. H. Cramer and daughter and Mrs. Harttnaa were drownad at New BrauufeU, lex., ne tne uusettln; of a boat. New York bnllet dancers have formed a protective association. Trained daucers only nre admitted and there is no age limit. After hidinrr a rear on Illinois farm. Bauker C. L. Neihoff, who left a $I0U,0C0 ahortage at Chicago, was arrestud at Brighton. Going home to Dado City, Fla.. Milton Higgs'founa nis wire out ridiuir with an other man, and when she returned blew ber brains out. Despondent at the death of bis wife and child. Uerbert a. Mess, a Lbicaso lawver. 83 years old, committed suicide yesterday witn morpnine. Heartbroken over discharge from a job be bad waited a year to secure, Leopold Janowltz, a new York tailor, took a fatal dose of carbolic acid. In ftcht over dissolute women at Thorn ton. Ind.. Charles Sutteu cruahed in Hiram McDonald's skull and John Sexton fattally snot ibarie ratterson. On the charge of mixing glass with a horse's oats to set revenge for dlscnarire. Bamuel Strausa, a 16-year-old Bond it New XorK, was held for trial. On his wnv from Baltimore to Harris- burg, William Starkloff bad bis arm, that was lying on tbe window sill, dislocated oy a pausing freight train. All the Coxevitea in Marvland lalts will be psrdoned except Christopher Columbus eones, or r nusdeiphla, and Marsbau mo Kee, who refuse to accept any. A masked robber atnnnnd a. train near Wells, Tex., Saturday evening by putting a tie on the track. He then shot Dr. Drew- ney, or Kusk, and robbed tne body. . Attempting to drive through a crowd ol veteran, at Oblong, III.. David Eaton, an ex-convict, shot dead David McDonald, who stopped him, and was nearly lynched vj ui uiBuueueu moo. The Csuadlan government has suspended Customs Officer AlcUormlck, of the Pelee island, for the part ke took in the seixnre of United States pleasure steamers, for al- icgeu Tiuiauon or me niuery la we. SUGARING OFF POPGUN BILLS Three Tariff Bills of the Lover Branch Are Unrecogn'zible. RON ORE BILL ALONE ESCAPES The Senate Finance Committee Re ports Back Free Sugar Bill Amend ed So as to Provide a Duty of Forty Per Cent, on All Sugars The Free Coal Bill Was Also Amended in Sim ilar Manner Brief Session in the House. Washington. Ang ?0. SENATOR HAllKIi-HDiiu., Teun.,) n the acting chairman of the fin- a nee committee, - carried out today the promise which be uimle to tbe senate last week, that the ronr bills to place od the free list. sugar, coal, iron ore and barbed wire, would be reported back from tbo com mittee if they, were referred t' it. They were all reported back, but all tint one, in a form very different from those in which the house bad paHsed them. Tbe free sugar bill no longer provided for free sugar but for an ad v.tlorem doty of 40 per rent, ou all sugars, and for n epecined duty of 2 cents a gallon on niohsaes testing above 40 and not above 00 degree, and of 40 cents on molasses above 50 de grees omitting all reference to differ- ntials. Ihe free coal bill csme buck with a Drovision for a duty on all im ported from countries that levied an import duty on Am-ricau coal. The free iron ore bill w, s the only one that come back in its original shape. As to the barbed wire bill the ex posure of blundering on the part of the liouie was smaziug. It appeared that the house of representatives in the precipitauey had not (hs intonded to do) placed barbed wire on tbe free list at all, but bud on the contrary, m ide the materials out of which it ii m uinfaot ured free thus giving all the benefits of tbe legislation to the manufacturers of burbad wire, and none of them to the farmers of the United States, BILL REPORTED BACK. That stute of the case was put very strongly by two of the Republican mem bers or the finance committee Sena torsAllison, of Iowa; and Aldricb, of Rhode Island and was admitted by Senator Harris. The bill was there fore reported back with a substitute lacing on the free list barbed fence wire and wire rods of iron or steel for its manufacture. All . the bills were placed on tne calendar. Although there was uo actual quorum present, only 83 senators (five less) several bills were Dassed, smoug tbtm the senate bill reported from the judiciary committee by Senator Hill, (Deni , N. Y.) ior the prompt prosecu tion and speedy determination of the claim of tbe United States against tbe estate of the late Lsland Stanford (iris ing out of tbe Pacific railroad indebted ness. HOUSE APPROPRIATION BILLS. The house w..e in session but fifty minutes today, and in tbat time trans acted but little businoss of importance. A bill was passed appropriating $y,0UU for additioual clerical force in tne bureau of internal rtveuue, anil $3,000 for the expens.s of the committee to determine the amount of the claim of tbe Veuzaela Steiim Transportation company, of New;York, against Venzu el i. Tbe question was asked of Chair man Sayres if the $9,000 appropriation was mads necessary ly the operation of the proposed income tux, and he answered tbat it was probable,- but be did not certainly know. A bill was also pasted to incorporate the Society of American Florists; also a joint resolution direotiug the secre tary of war to return to Massachusetts the fl ig of the Fifteenth, Nineteenth, Twenty-third and Fifly-oighth regi ments of Massachusetts volunteers. Mr. McCreaiy (Di m., Ky.) endeav ored to secure consideration for the substitute for Mr. Bontells's resolution recognizing tbe Hawaiian republic, re ported trom the committee on foreign affairs; but Mr. Payne (Rep , N. Y.) objected on tbe ground that minority members of the committee not present today desire to discuss tbe matter. A message from the president was received announcing the signing of tbe sundry bill, and at 12 SO the bouse ad journed. HE NUDE ICE CLOUDS. Bnt Gtorga Mat h.w Ftilad to Prcduoa Bain aa Stipulated in a Contract, " ,MEXlCO,Aug. 20, George Matthews, a selt-ityled rainmaker from Kansas, bus failed to fill a contract here. He agreed for $100 witbin six days to give Audrian county a good shower of rain. His time was up last night and be failed to deliver auy rain. He packed bis machinery and re turned to bia borne in Wichita. He oluims that be succeeded in producing the ice clouds daily but that the mois ture clouds could not be gathered ou account of the unfavorable condition of tbe atmosphere. HEIRS TO ONE MILLION. Six filatlva of a Wealthy TJcols Found in Humble Ciioamatsncas. Cleveland, Aug. 20. Six Cleveland people ia modest circumstances have fallen heir to a fortune of $1,000,000. They are Richard Clevering, John Birtley and bis sisters, Mary and Mar tha, and Samuel Bsrtley Clevering. Richard Clevering is a letter carrier and Samuel Bartlev is a moulder. These people bad an uncle named Richard hartley, The uncle, a Scotchman, set tled in Australia many years ago and bis ' family lost sight of him. He amassed a fortune and died without legal Issue. A few weeka ago relatives began to receive telegrams from Australia in nuirlng for names and addresses of all tne Richard Bsrtley heirs. This was followed by a letter received a day or so ago explaining bow the old man bad amassed this fortune and died oblld less.' There nre eleven heirs ia all aud the siinre of the six who live in this city will not be far from $1.000 ,0J(). GALITZ1N CASE. Nun a May Teach in;o Schools in Caihullo Oaib, EuKNsnuRa, Pa., 'Aug. 10. Judge I'aik'-r filed his decision this morning in the G tlilzin school cai in which W. T. Kerr, of the Junior Order Amer ican Mechanics, sought to restrain the board of directors of Galitzin public schools from employing nuns as teach eri. The decree dissolves the preliminary injunction in so far as tbe same re. strains the school district of Galitzin borough, the school directors of said district and their successors from em ploying tbe other defendants named in tbe bill as teachers under certificate is sued by the comity superintendent in their religious names and permitting siid teachers to remain as such while wearing tbe garb of nnns, and in so far as it restrains these teachers from acting in the capacity of teachers while wearing the g.irb of nuns, and it ii also dissolved in so far as it restrains the said teachers from permitting the pupils to address tnem be the till-) of "sister" or a visiting priest us "father. " The preliminary injunction is made perpetual in so far as it restrains the defendants from peimitting the use of the cainchisui ot the Roman Catholic church as In oki of instruction in said publio buildings at any time, whether during school hours or otherwise; and from Riving or permitting auy religions, sectarian instruction therein nt any time, and from using or permitting the use of the public school property for any other than free school purposes. The defendants are ordered to pay nil docket costs and the costs of their wit nesses, the plaintiffs to pay the costs of their witnueses. COTTON MILL STIMKG. Eleven Thousand Operatives at New Bedford, Mass., Refuse to Submit to Wage Reductions. New Bedford, Mass., Aug. 20 This morning the cotton operatives iu angnrntad their general strike and nearly 11,000 are idle. The machinery or but five of tbe twenty-seven mills in this city is in motion, and it is thought thnttht'se mills will soon be shut down with the others. The manufacturers have little or nothing to say, but tue notices of a re duction against which the help robel are still posted. Secretary Ross, of tbe Spinum union, stated this morning tnut tbe i members of bis union have lined up for a long struggle and confi dently expect it it will be ot six mouths' duration. , ' The strike promises to be the most important tbat ever occurred ia tbe textile industry In Mssisnhusstts. The manufacturers must fight perfectly or ganized unions, some of which are fairly wealthy. Notable in this par ticular ia the Spinner's union, which has a fund in its treasury aggregating at least . $311,000. The spinners have voted, however. not to touch any of this m iney for a month. Uutil yesterday it was hoped the strike would be averted. The situatien in New Bedford is quite did rent from tbat in Fall River. lu the latter city print cloths are man- nlsctured tor the most part, aud there is a larger stock of goods on hand. However, the mills tnunnfscture a finer grade of goods, nnd some of tbem have orders which would keen tbe mills busy for several months. Every mill posted its reduction schedule Satuidny, and they were com pared by the labor leaders yesterduy. W bile the rchedtiles are dissimilar, it was found that the manufacturers had cut down tbe spinners more than 10 per cent, in mauy instances, while the weavers were not cut at all, or very little. This ratio is preserved systematically throughout tha mills, and the opera tives believe that tbe manufacturers hope to get the weavers buck before many weeks. So long as tbe weavers are not backed by a strong treasury, tne manufacturers thluk they will not hold oat very long, particularly as their wages will not be chauged and they wiil only be impelled to stay ont through sympathy. The manufacturers tuink that by tbe time they are ready to start up the weavers will be ready to come in and that yarn cau be bought from other mills uutil the spinuers are ready to euecumb. But ttiere is no trepidation ou the part of the operators. All are buoyant and confident of ultimate suc cess. Some of the mills, no doubt, are pre paring for a long shut down. IN OUR OWN COMMONWEALTH. A fall of coal at St. Nicholas crushed to death Michael Fitzsimmons. Israel Long, the father of eleven chil dren at Kutziown, banged himself. A branch of the United Mine Workers of America was organized at Ashland. Diving into Codorns creek, at York, Frank Briggeman never came up alive, The number of taxub'.es in Willimnsport decreased seventy-seven during the past year. The choral societies of Lebanon and Lan caster comities, about 3'J0 voices, met on Mount Gretna. Ex-German soldiers, known as the Ger man Kreigerbund, are holding a re-uuion nt Allegheny City. Tbe Fourteenth regiment burled its dead colonel, P. D. Pereumect, at Pittsburg, with military honors. For striking his child with a shovel Ja cob Blckley, near Lsoanon, was held in $1,000 bail tor a bearing. A scoundrel, yet uucanghr, killed eight sea cattle with poison in Beech Creek township, Clinton ouuuty. Western Pennsylvania coal miners threaten to strike again unless tbe scale of wages agreed upon shall be paid. . Knocked from a water tank at Chester Valley, accidentally, Braketnan J. O. Lav erty, of Columbia, was fatally hurt. . Jumping from a barn roof in Bouthainu ton, Bucks county, Benjamin Hazard, a rnuaueipma iau, was nauiy nurt. President Antbouy Cornstock, of tbe So ciety for the Suppression of Vice, arrived at Lancaster yesterday and caused the ar rest ot M. L. Dilliuger, proprietor of the Aurora House, a fashionable boardiug pluci, in i lie charge of selling obscene books and pictures. BUILDING FOR THE BOARDJF TRADE The Structure Will Be Eight or Tea Stories HiiSh. LOCATED ON LINDEN STREET At a Special Meeting the Board Ac cepts a Proposal to Erect a Building for $100,000 or $150,000 by a Stock Company The Right Re served by the Board to Purchaso the Structure Within Five Years at Cost and Six Per Cent Two Upper Stories to Be Rented by the Board. THE Scranton board of. trade will have a bviiMi:ig of its own, eight or tdu stories high, located on Lindeu street opposite the court bouse. At a special meeting called last even ing for the purpnse of considering the proposition the board unanimously de cided to adopt the report of its special board of' trade building committee, which was appoiuted aoout one year ago, but until very recently had not seen tbe opportunity for performing the purpose for whieti it was ap pointed The proposition comes practically from the following ten gentlnnvn who last week purchased for $13,01)0 the plot of grouua with a 73 foot frontage on Linden street and extending 120 feet along Dix alley: Dr. D. B. Hau l, Al fred Harvey, A. D. Dean, Dr. L. M. Gales, Georg-. R. Clark, J. W. Guern sey, 8. N. Ullnndar. J. W Peek, J. D. Williams aud O. P. Davidson. Through Mr. Davidson the proposition was made to tli board to erect an eiirht or 10-storv building to cost from $123,000 iu $130, COO, and to be known as "The Board of Trade Building." The money is to be raised by abbseriptions to the extent of $100,000 capital stock, a 5 per cent, loan effected on the balance and in five years, or sootier if desired, the hoard is to te given the option to pur chase the stoe it with interest at G per cent, in five years or 1.10 in four years or sooner. . not done for profit. Mr, Davidson's statement that there was absolutely no profit included in the proposal to himself or colleagues was substantiated by A. VV. Dickson, chairman of the special building com mittee. A statement made by William Connell that the proposal was not made solely through public spirit, but that its acceptance would enhance valnea .in the vicinity iu which tbe gentlemen were interested was not denied. j- Following is the report of the om- m It tee, which was adopted with slight modifications, ufter a discussion lusting nearly two honrs: It is proposed to form a stock company for the purpose of buvins a plot of eround ou Liudou street. Court House sqnnre, 7i reotou L,inaen street ana rjo teet deep to ku auuy 4 leet wide in tne reur, along Dix alley, which is 2a foot wiile. This plot can be bought for $43,000. It Is proposed to erect a hreproof oflice and business block eight to ten stories high, with a view to eell the same to the Scran ton board ot trade. The laud can be bought by pBying15, 000 cash and the bal ance in live years, with the option to piv as much sooner us desired. As soon as the building is erected a 5 per cent, loan can bo ellected to meet any debt unpaid by tuestocK subscription. The buiUliugwiil cost from $100,000 to $125,000. AMOUNT OK CAPITAL STOCK It is proposed to make the capital stock of said company $100,0:10, and as soon as flo.000 Is pain iu to secure the title to the lots. It is proposed that A. D. Dean shall act as temporary treasurer uutil a perma nent treasurer is eiectea oy tno stocuuolii ers, aud that he shall be authorized to nur- cua-e the plotot ground as trustee for the stockholders ns soon as suniciont subsciin UKiisartf uuiuiiicu uuu uau!.niueuia paia lu. To carry out thu genoral features of the plau above outlined tbe undersigned hore- uy supscrine lior tno amount or stock sot opposite our uauies and agree to pay in our subscriptions upon the call of the treasurer as tiereatter set forth. All subscriptions are made subject to the following provisions: FiiHt- Said building shall be kuowu and plaiuly marked in atone or irou letters prominently located "The Board of Trade Bmliling,"or words to that effect. Second The plaua therefore shall be nn proved by the building committee of the board of trade before nuy contracts are made .or instalments collected on the stoclt, except Ilrst payment of Is per cent. Third For five years from completion no portion of the building shall be rented to tenants except by approval of the said committee or a majority of them. Fourth The two upper Btoriws are to bo reserved for the cxclu.ive ueo of tho board at an annual rental (until option to pur chase to purchase stock be exercised) to bo agreed upon by tbe building committee of tne bonru ana tue president of the corpora' tion to be organized. Fifth Calls shall not be made faster than 15 percent, per mouth (interest at 0 per cent, to b allowed ou all advances taster tuan ia per cent, per mouth.) Kixtb Within one year from tho com pletion or general occupation of the build ing, tbe stock may too purchased by tbe bourd of trade for Its own purposes aud control tor tne amount actually paid in, with interest thereupon at tl per ceut.. and at auy time, within four years there after (five years from the completion or general occupation) tor 1.10 (either amount iu cash), and upon said purchase (or iu caae of tender of cost and refusal or lailure to transfer tho stock) the title shall be transferred to the properlv constituted officers of said board subject to any bonded or other indebtedness tbat may bo there on. A clause to the ubove eft-el shall be iuiorted iu all stock receipts aud certifi cates. Sevouth No subscription hereto is binding until $100,000 in bonnfido sub scriptions be secured. MR CONNELt'S AMENDMKXT. Before the report was adopted Clause 4 was changed upon Mr. Council's amendment to bind the board to occupy only snub space of the two upper floors as they deolde upon, the rent to be CO per cent less than similar space in other portions of tbe building. Although tbe thirty-five members present bad been notified ot tbe pur poses of the meeting, none bad sup posed that that the object of a dozen or mora yesrs was really within their grasp, whioh feeling probably aocount Continued on Page 3, OltAKQEKS CAMP. Mount Q.etta Again the Ecena of Life and Activity. Mount Gretna, Ph., Aug. 20 To-' day is Ihe opeuiug day of the American Farmers' encampment at Mount Gret na. All was life and activity this morn ing. Teams were busy hauling the va rious exhibits to their respective places ior exiiioition. xne prospeots lor an insreased display in machinery and implements over last year is very en connging and today a large number of exhibits were assigned space bv Dr. S. f. tietirann, manager, who was kept busy all day superintending matters. Tomorrow being Republican dnv. General D. H. Hastings and ex-Governor Braver will be present und de liver addresses. The prospeots for a successful encampment this year are very flattering, and no doubt the gen eral publio will take advantago of hear lug and seeing the intensely interesting incidents in store for them. If the weather is favorable a large attendance is expected tomorrow. JAPAN PATUIOTIC. Her Citizens Subscribe Liberally to the War Fund China to Re organize Black Flags. Tokio, Japan, Aug. 20. The internal war loan is being subscribed to with great enthusiasm. San Francisco, Aug. 20. A panic ia fearod in Japanese financial circles on account of tbe Korean imbroglio, lay the Japansse pupers. The banks have enspeudod their loans, while deposits are fast being witndrawn. Capitalists are unwilling to invest, as they expect to have an opportunity of making large profits tbrough;the panic. Tbe money market is now very stiff. This condi tion is due to the belief that tbe pre sent war will be far greater and more expensive than the Satsuma rebellion. One pacer cays tbe fiuancei were then quite disorganized. But now they have been organized to suoh an extent that there is a surplus in the treasury. This surplus alone amounts to about 34,000 000 It will not be difficult to iasue 423,000,000 of convertible notes Tbus tue expenditure of $39,000,000 would not have, much effect on finan cial circles. Already popular subscriptions have been opened iu Japan to raise money for tbe support of tbe troop in Korea and als.i to provide for the families of reserve soldiers who have been oallod into servici. In mauy cases these families are left destitute, as the money supply has stopped. About $30,000 bad been donated for this purpose prior to Ang. 1, and money was then coming in quite rapidly. London, Aug. 20. Mail advices from China show that the Chinese coveru - ment has prohibited the exportation of horses. Horses are regarded as con traband of war by Japan. Urgent or ders Lave been sent .from tbe northern to the southern arsenals for powder and other munitions. Recruiting for tbe army is progressing actively. Tbe Japanese have fortified the passes lead ing from China into Korea, and have established elaborate defenses at Seoul, the capital. One hundred and sixty thousand men have been mobilized by Japan and tbe reserves have been call ed upon for service in Korea. Sickness prevails in both tbe Chinese aud Japa nese armies. China has accepted the offer of Lui Ynug'Fi. the celebrated ex-chief of the Black Flags iu Tonqnin, who ia now a naval commodore nt Canton, to re organize tbe Black Flags to fight against Japan LIVING TARIFF PICTURES. The Reading railroad is enjoying a freight boom. 'After a mouth's vacation 900 men have resumed work in the Celluloid works at Newark. Fall Rivor (Mass.) spinners will accept a 10 per cent, reduction in wages rather than go idlo. Business at the New Jersey Zink works is better than ever, and 1,000 men are working on fnll time. Steul workers at Stoelton on Saturday received 73, 14:1 iu wages, tho largest fort night's pay for months. Contracts are coining in to tbo Balbach Metnl Kefiuiiig works, at Newark, and to day 000 men will be busy at work there. The Wiiliamsport Foruiture company on Monday received a large order for a fine grade of goods to be seat to England. Dreifus, Block & Co, bave purchased a site at New Kensington, Pa., embracing teu acres, upon which tboy will erect a tin plate plant to cost fUOO.OCO. It will be known us the Duquesne works. Over a thousand men are employed at Kdwiu Lister & Co.'s factory, in Newark, N. J. The working hours were reduced a mouth ago, but last week new men by tbe score were put oh. The cannery at Camden, Del., will open this weeek, nltordiug employment for seventy-five hands. A shirt factory, which will employ from fifty to 100 hands, will hi started iu Senford tbe first week of September, The McBeth glass factory has reuinied operations at Elwoml, ind. Ninety-six shops are in operation. Franktou's throe window class plnuts have kindled fires iu their furnaces aud setting pots prepara tory to starting about Sept. 1. Tho Athu and ltlingworth Steel company and the New Jersey steel Works company at Newark, will ti'ulay start ou full timo, and all the old bands have boen instructed to report for work. The factory of tbe Atha& Illingworth company will be run day aud night, and twelve shifts will bo put ou. General Felix Angus, editor of the Balti more American, isorganiziuga conipauy to invest heavily iu nn outorpiiso to cultivate oysters in Maryland on, a scientific basis. A large lake has been secured, aud a big canal will connect It with Chesapeake Bay to supply suit water. From $400,000 to (1.000,000 capital is to be invested. A number of the nulls at Chester, Pa., that have been running but four days a week have received orders aud are ruuniug longer hours. Tho shipyard has $200,000 worth ot contracts on band, and In a short time it is expected that the lull quota of men will be employoii at this large estab lishment. Tbe large iron and steel plants, with tho exception of the Wellman, are running full time and bave orders enough to lost tbem for months to come. WEATHER FORECAST. WAsniNQTON, Aug. 19. Forecast for Tuesday: For eastern 4-tonn- - ffyiranio, 7i'ri cooler, ruriaoio syivania, fair, voulei; north winds. . , , f CLEAR FINLETS Summer Sale OF INTERESTING PRICES TO. BUYERS: One case "Welter 10-4, Scar let and Blue Borders, 59 CENTS. One case Kenwood 11-4, both Wlii to and Gray, Borders Scarlet, Bluo and Orange, 98 CENTS. One case Reliance 11-4, both White aud Grey, Borders Pink, Blue and Drab, $1.35. 50 pairs Hampden 11-4, All wool and Shrunk, Borders Hnk, Blue aud Lemon, $4.60. One case Rio Vista, Califor nia, 12-4, Borders Pink, Blue, Lemon and Drab, $6.00. 30 pairs Sacramento, Califor nia, 12-4, Borders Pink, Bluo and Drab, $8.00. Crib Blankets in all sizes, with latest pattern bord ers and colors. 510 and 512 Lackawanna Ave. MINERS' OILCLOTH! Wholesale and Retail. H. A. Kingsbury 313 Spruce Street. TELEPHONE NUMBER 4(1 - Lewis, Reilly & Davies Take off tbe old and put on the new, Tbat neatly-fitting, easy shoe. When low prices rule as now they do, Who would deny himself the new? Burt & Packard Shoes Make Us Friends. Lewis, Reilly & Davies 114 WYOMING AVENUE. We Examine Ejes Free of charge. If a doctor is needed you are promptly told bo. We also guarantee . a perfect fit. LATEST STERLING SILVER NOVELTIES f.J. L The Jeweler, 08 Spruce Street. BLANKETS 11 l:JiUU K