The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 20, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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Wo Keep Up
' To the minute on all NEW
STYLES, and are the first to
introduce theni to the Eutail
Every Detail
of Merchandising
Is so carefully watched that
there is slight chance of dis
satislactlou. Quoting Prices Goes
for LITTLE Unless You
See the Goods.
Every department is a reser
voir of STYLE and ELE
GANCE, and we oiler no
sleepy imitation for patron
age. BUY HERE, and
You Will Get the Best
Do not drift away from our
Remembar, We Take
To Show Goods' and Quote
Prices. If we can suit you
iu a satisfactory purchase,
we are both benefited. We
purchasing what you don't
Our Entire Store,
Our clerks, our system of
buying, all are at your ser
Early Fall Dress Goods
The examination of our Dress
Materials for Fall is early so
licitcd. The variety of ihv
signs to choose from is as ex
tensive a formerly. The
qualities, the finish and the
prices arc the best.
A n tin' d sell ol home. Prepares for the
dim - i pl; a.
In imuuIi co;;is '9 in Music nwt Art
TeaeliiTs-1 lna rlres bj-.t preparation for
i oiunHTciitl Courso includes Typewriting
aim Miuniiau i.
1 usi .Oi.nn cure! for Graduates,
t-end t r ui-w iilus.rnted ciirular.
I. JI. LUU.M..S, A.M., Principal.
Mis Nettie McDoiiiil'l, of Binghsm
ton, who Ims been visiting here, left
for ber honif on bnlurdHV. bh wh
m cuipiniied ly her frK'ud, Miss Nlli
(jtilllj;Uer, or tills place.
MiHR Muttie Piikeriiijf, of Peckvilln,
wua tbo guest of friends in town S itur-
Mrs. John Ferunsion spent Sund'V
with her si.tor, Mrs. P. If. MiUtr, oi
Miss John Cowl'jr, of Del.iwitre
street, in visittntr br coqsiu, Mian
Lizzie Blewitt, of Pittatou.
J b ii I.Inttiiews is sptndinsf few
UJiys nt aiinersville.
JJia Ros R.itunford, of Scranton, is
tile giiMt or 2ilvs. iUut tiummoii.l, o
Diminorn 8trt.
Don't forget the lawa nodal of
Hmpers lnwn tonixht. A cordial iu
viUtioi) is i xtemltl to all.
Mrs. William Collins and family, of
Syracuse, are visitiug relatives on Du i
more Btrest.
A will be held io tho Conors
g.illouul ctiorch tomorrow uv-nini.
John McNulty, of tbs Arcbtmld
Citizen, called on friends in town
Mian Annie Probert Is the guest of
ber sister ac Kingston.
Bvkdock Blood Litters tnkn after
eating will relieve any feeling of weipht
, or over lumebs oi tue stomucii. Sum every
About fifty whettioiou turned out for
the parade called by the Muplo City
wheelmen Friday night. The line vvus
formed on Tenth street and was led by
(JnptHin Julius Moll and Lieutenant
Captain Dr. C. It. Brady, Then came
tho iiady cyclists, tne Maple City
wheelmen and unattached ridora. The
streetH were lined with people who
tnorougbly enjoyed the parade. Tue
v.'ueeiiuen presented a nne appearnncp,
A lantern parade ha been called for
Friday, Aug. ill. All wheelmen are
invited to join and are requested to
tnnilsD tneir own lanterns. ill
Maple City wbeflmen hope by these
parades to secure tne Interest of the en
tire ommuuity in thoir race meet
Oot. 4.
W. M. Qardner was In Soranton Sat
F. M. Oiyphant, secretary of the
JJeluware and JUudson Usual company.
and snn, Mnrray, and Mr. Hortou, of
New York, where In towu Saturday.
John Reeves, of Jersey City, is visit'
lug his sister at Waymart.
Elaotrlo Bitters.
This remedy is becoming so well known
sua so popular as to noea no special men
tion. All who have used Electric Bitters
tiiiif the same Bong of praise. A purer
medicine does notexist and It is guaran
teed to do all that is claimed. Eleotrio
Bitters will cure all diseases of the Liver
and Kidneys, will remove riinples, Boils,
Bait Khenm and other affections caused by
impure blood. Will drive Malaria from
tuo synom and prevent as well as care all
Malarial fevers. For care of Headache.
Contispation and Indigestion try Electric
enters entire satislactlon guaranteed,
or money refunded. Price SO eta, and 11
per Dottle at Matthews Bros., Drug store
Highest of all in Leavening Powef. - Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Complete Text of Henry A. Fuller's Splendid
Speech Nominating Ex-Senator Williams.
Luzerne's Little Misrepresentative Is
Impaled on the Sharp Prongs of
Mr. Fuller's Oratory The Day of
the Congressional Socialists, An
archists and Tramps Is Past Merit
and Not Gab the True Test of a
Man's Worth.
Special In the Scranton Tribune.
Wilkks-Bakre. Aug. 19.
r ELDOU has a couuiy convention
r t)K33 so flectrilidd with oratory
yj of a grnuiuu stump as was that
J which, iu Lunduvaser's h II, T--
c inly listeuvd to the sputtoh of II. A
tailor, or this oity, plaoing In nomina
tion for coukd m tne name of n-S'im-
tor Morgan B. Williams. Mr. Fuller,
upon this occasion, failed to see his
candidate success' ul, Out sucoeeded in
winning unanimous admiration as a
convention orator.' The Tkibons is
glad to be able to preaeut th full text
of bis addrsss, as a piece of campaUn
literature deservlug to he preserved.
Mr. Fuller said:
Fellow liepublicaus! Comrades In the
noble outerprlxe of restoring to the coun
try tbut prosperity which it eujoyed with
us iu powur, and lost wusu we went out!
Tumi lis for this privilege. It is a great ouo.
1 snail not D'jjo it, tor l simll ne it to
pauio thH ni'it reprsir-stiuiva from the
Twelfth Cnogri'Ssloual district of IViiur.vI
vunia: nd tust is a matter of big ooncprn
for us all, If we did bnt know It, and ap
preciate tbs fact. In our contempts Ion
of the present niisrepreaeutativ let us nut
delude ourselves with the belief that It is
of small coucorn. Tbs constitmlou of the
United States, an ancient docniWMit to
which we may occasionally rofer wuh re
spect, even iu the heat and turmoil of our
inoduru politic, sftur prramble which
declares its purpose to promote the gen
eral welfare, proceeds straightway iu its
very nrat article to tallla and denne
the house of represou tat ives. Btlore the
prexideut; befoie thu senate; before the
auprxme court; abjre thorn all befoie
tliem all; more vital tuau an tne rant,
tlrs; aud foremost, tbe uouie of rapreaeu-
tan veal That is whera it cornea iu, and I
beg to remind you that is wnereit belongs
iu spits of very recent svidenoe is this
particular dutnet tuat tbs voters ber do
not put tbxt lofty estimate upon tbe
oQl.'e. Our fatbeis did; and we may
protit much by tbe occasional rvfWcuou
tnat our latners were quite wortny or
their sons.
Iamsiillold faahloued enouuh to be
lieve tnat Ueorge aabiDgtoD aud iiauja
min Fnnlilin and Robert fcorrls and
Jared Ingersoll and Alexander Hamilton
and thH rent were smart men and knew
what they weio ootug, when thy wrote
that constitution, to put in first ill" hobae
of repriMn,alives. Tlieydtd not put the
can bef ve the horse, nor tbe tad brore
tbedog; they built up from tee fnumla. ion
of allslalile givtrument direct (i"puiar
rt-preM'Utation whish comea straight from
the people uuder direol reapu: aioility to
the people. Wneu the ouanoej of polr.iual
lortniie nave comtiinea to tnaue olilr
mnijitnite each a man as is the present iu-
cumuent, wears paiutully rtmlnded h w
little we cau rely upon ibe p''"'lue:'t.
When tho upper house iu couuieas bus h-
comeatneio club i l millionaires, whoto
teuuro rests oil puri-has or des,, th
tooi of trusis, pHMonally if not politically,
more dugem-rute tlinn the E.jglish In. use
of lorde, so sunkeit that even Don L'aineroa
in cm enviri nmnnt appears comparatively
respectable, we discovnr to our suam how v
in 1 10 ws count t.pou tne seua'e, oue time
the nation's pride, now a hitler pill (or
pilriots 10 swuiiow, siijar-coateil.
i'Ue federal judiciary will b -no belter in
i he long run tuau the president or tho
somite ti whom it owes npp iutment, as
lute auceei-iodS to the supreme bench dem
Keith, r president, senators, nor jnd
con.o diivcuy from tne pouple. But iu mic
Gud, and tbank our tatbeM, tbe repreien-
tatives do. We lutve our say in tliat, we
boos that job, and if we say in eacnnt and
if wo bos.i in fact, I know well and you
woll iu epite of provident, senutors or
judgeH, tlna ifOVeruuient or the people, by
the people and tor the people sbnll not
per, sb from the earth. Jnst because we
diil not nay in earned and just becatixe we
did not boss i fuct, tbe Tnelfth illt-t ict
of Penuslvauiu is not represented but
niiBreprewiite I In congress today, Tli
iucu.nbeut calls himaelf oar repreentu
tive; I call him our miitrepreseiitati. e.
One hundred years ago en ii member :
that huuse 6 too I for GO,0(K) people a d
mud" laws fur 5,!00,0M) people; now h
stntidn for 200, OUO peoplo nnd tnui es
laws for 7' ,000,000. ilithematiealo
it would seem : tnat t!0i),lK)0 puople
on ah t to hsve a hotter representative than
5u,0o0 peoplu, and tbut trie man wbostand i
for SUU.tUO ought to be at least four times
tho man who stood for 50,0K). But histor
ically and actually the reverse is true In
geometrical inverse ratio, As the constit
uency has incrensed the representative baa
decreased, until now be is a pigmy; aud
the vulgar frsctiou l-!iOUO,000 correctly in
dicate bis microsoupiu churacter. Men
tally, morally nud physically unable to
represent 200,000, be has come to icpreseut
just one himself. I presume at first be
honestly expectMd and intended to repre
sent the whole aoo.OLK), for he does not iu
advance habitually underestimate hit own
capability; but when he found tbo job be
yond his strength ho wisely disencumbered
himself of llW.MI and clung to what was
left aud he will get left next fall.
Itodical science has recently discovered
a little thing in tbe human body called tbe
vermiform appendix, the rudiment of a
former bowel now absolutely useless, bnt
very dangerous when it becomes swollen
with a sense of its own importance and
tries once more to be a bowel. The un
fortunate creature who possesses such an
ambitious vermiform appsudix gets what
is sailed appendicitis, and is quite apt to
die. Not long ago this senatorial district
was affected with appendicitis, aud called
to its relief a surgeon who out oil the ver
miform appendix; and now this con
gressional District, being smitten with tbe
same disease, calls aloud for that same
surgoon to cut off that same vermiform
appendix. He can do it, for he ha done it
once; be will do it if you say the word.
Fellow citizens of the Twelfth Congres
sional district, what do we want and
whom do we want in this anvrgencyr
some may say we want a man who lias
the gift of gab, au orator tbe glib
tongue and more glib conscience, whose
eloquence can cover a- large multitudo
of sins, make wrong eem right, the
worse appear the better reason. Ken
tucky is now straggling with the problem
whether it wants an orator. We do not
want an orator: the country does not
want au orntor; It boa got all the orators
it can stand. Our modern congress Is a
place for work not words, for worker
not word-mongers, for homely virtues not
honied phrases, for good old-fash ioued
gutnutlou not genius.
Then some may any we want a man who
does not affiliate with corporations, who
is not a capitalist, who has never perpe
trnt'd tbe heinous crime against society
of drawing dividends, of clipping coupons
and of fostaring enterprises, who it not
encumbered with the Accumulations of
his own hand aud brain iu tbe issue now
sharp drawn between poverty and prop
erty. I differ from these patriots. Con
gress ha had its till of Socialists and Popu
lists aud tramps. The duys of the dema
gogue are nuiubrred, the man who calls
hiiusalf tbe friend of tbe laboring man, but
befriends no one save himself, who stands
forth a the churaoiou of labor but. cham
pions no rausa save his own, who slanders
wealth that ha himself may live in luxury,
traduces cupitul that be liinwelf may ac
cumulate a surplus and denounce cor
porations that he himself may draw divid
ends on stocks, clip ceup.iis from bonds,
and rids upon a pass.
We want the iuhu who hnviug come
from boneat poverty to bomwt property
knows and respectHthe rights nud respon
sibilities of both; wo want a man whose
heart is soft with sympathy with laboring
men because his hand is bard with labor,
nnd whose head is rii;bt. towards capital
because he joined the industry to earn
witb Hie brums to multiply uninueriiod
wealth; we want a man who will regard
the olllc as a public trust and not a priv
ate speculation; we want a tuau who will
do public service hecan e he is a ptiblio
servant taking public pay; wo want a man
who will dovote more energy to legislation
than to re-olectlon, prefer principle to
partisan advautuge, and give more thought
to public measures than to petty post
ofiices; we want a man and not a minikin;
we want a representative and not a mis
reprasentative; we want a Ropnblican
one not by luheritr.nco nor by Into con
version nor in exuberant youth; but a
veteran in the fuitu and service, who is
tried and true, who has fought nud bled,
aud tkarefore, if no other reason can pre
vail, must be preferred to other good nnd
worthy man whose time will come, but is
not yet, because it is tbe time of him I
name, Morgan B. W illiams.
The rapid rale in which the council
of this borough is expending tbe tax
payers mouey has earned many of the
thinking ou' i to wonder what will be
the result. Some h ive been heard to
remark that before a year elapses bo
rough ordars will be begging at 75
cents the on dollar. Since the present
souuoil has obtained, control of the
berough xohtquer nothing can be
sbowu whereby the expanses of the
borough bave been lessene l tbe claim
that they would do so they used to a
irreat extant la getting thtmselves into
offloe. On the contrary everything
tuat they felt would contribute
to their personal comfort was prosnred
riuardleas of cost. Iu tbe distribution
or sJv.rtisi ui.uts they paid no beed to
tae law wbicu plainly Bays the pobli
eation of aucb shall be undo in p.ip-ra
puhlisiisd uot circulated within' tbe
ounty. At is well known they were
aot only givu to papsrs published out
hUs th county, but to pnprs published
'Utslds the state Stationery galore,
little of which Is ever used, th
mvmornnda fl!s, more ormt
lunntal tbao usiiul go to nuk
up tbe tlioui.uid and one things
tbU eonld be diapered with. Tbe ad
v rtising of the rocent election ordi
,i .nee was conducted so recklessly tin
irtd of r'siing the borough some
i i. log Ilk- $13 rfS the law provi ng it
rei.oned t. en-rin .u figures of, in
lound numbers, $15!), or tea times
wuat it should, luis is only a sample
of the recklessness tunt works ail t'jeir
notions. In tnei'Xiieudltnre or tuet 'X-
p.iyara rtiuuwy they bave gone aie:tl
nitu it direunrl or the souroes ol sup
ply tbut prove tnom eithr wholly in
competent, in fliuiioul tuirs, or wil
taliy regaraloan or the cous.-qa 'no-is of
ctio i The clique that controls c mil
cil is headed and eonlrolled by s nie
olevr, wise pullers and in mlpaWtor
who under tne ciouk of the tax-p lyers.
.ro using tuwir p isitiunt to adv uu-i the
interests of themselves ami their
i riends at the expense of the pu 'lie
A (dance at tho monthly etui meats
of the oorUh disour-ein-uts end an
ex inii.aliou of tbe tnetuods by which
l.iVor is obtained with tbe powers tuat
be, will Show clearly huw cleverly
tlii S" maoipul iters are using t i-ir po
sition lor tne benefit of their friends
aid relatives. The c ire exeru sndin
scrn l izmg tne bills for capsular
work, nippiles, eta, U us 1 1.1 pnvtug
tor urnlttire iud oniur nriioles a large
it in might alone be spared t ie
r. ugu
Iv'W that tbe qu hiioii of p .vitig is
.i,,iii to be p .8e.i npon by tue cou icil,
L .eMUtij oi Up-riuvni in tne tuind-i of
ii.e puuliu is "vVli ,t kind o( pavement
is going to be used? " Tu I hihl'.ne
representative during the week just
closed was apprououud by several of
thp prominent tuxpsyers along Min
street relative to the paving quegtiuu.
They all agreod ou oue thing aud that
was that the colinoil should uot act in
accordance with tbe dictates of tneir
own conscience, but, either in conjunc
tion with the advisory committee oi iu
vite the opinion oi tbo property holders,
npon whom the footing of the bill de
volves, and ascertain what they desire.
If the mnjority favor paving witb as
phalt there will be uo need of unneces
sary delay exp rienoel in aceordlng
briok pave agents a bearing. If, on tne
contrary, tbe concensus of opinion is
iu favor of the brick pavement tbe
same rule holds good an in tuo former
instanoe. It is an undisputable faet
that the agents (or the dilldrent brick
paves look with disfavor ou the pave
represented by the asphalt agents and
vlee versa, Huoh beiug theuitse, the
eitizins sluoe they were consulted in
the raising of the loan required to do
the work, should be permitted to
say what kind of pavement should be
nssd. It tbe council would do this
there could be no suspicion or question
of doubt raised regarding their integ
rity iu the letting of such an expensive
contract Will they do it? We pause
for a reply.
President Devlue, of Scrim ton, and
Vice President Lvn.of Wilkes-lisrrt),
representing tbe diocesan union, cuine
here yesterday and went before the
Father Matbew Total Abstinence so
ciety and demanded that the long dis
puted trophy in possession of tbe
Father Malhew battalion, of this place,
e turned over to them in accordance
with the judge's award made a year
ago. Their demand was refused. Iu
making known tbeir refnsal tbe so
ciety sjid that they would pay the cx- of u com D tent Ualte l States
artuv i fflaer to review tue report uf
thj ludirea who presided at the drill.
If, after having done so, be decided
tnat the pioneer oorps was entitled to
it the bnttaliou wonld cheerfnlly oom
fly with wbutewr tbe result might be.
Under snuh conditions and no otbr
would thjy give up the trophy, there
upon the Messrs. Dovlue and L.ivan
Compauies C and II, who t ave been
enj tying tbo dntis ui ciuip life for
p t week, r-turuod home early yester-
'i iy morning.
Superintendent Gibson, of the Pitts
ton hospital, ou s-ttur lav received a
letter from Hoiwrt Mercur, of .Wilkes-
Liarre, teuderiug thanks lor the kind
reatuient he rec-'ivel while a patient
at the hospit il, and enclosing u snb
cription of $'J3.
Mr. and Airs. Howard Perrin, (ne
Ellitborp) of Philadelphia, are visiting
Mrs. Perrin's parents.who are eiimuisr
iag at Like Curey.
Miss Aiinnie h.vr,e loft feiiturday
morning for Ociau Grove.
George Syrainirton has returned from
his European trip much improved iu
Mrs. LHbie F. Clausen, of Mi Idle
towu, N. Y., is visiting Mrs. I. N. Cath
erl. Mis Elsie Crosslcy, of Philnilolphi;i,
is visiting with Miss Netta Lloyd, ou
Porke street, West Pittston.
Howard DeFrohn nnd family left
Saturday for Eaut Muuch Chunk, to
spend n brief vacation.
J. W. Wheel r, C. K. Trumbower,
Ed. Hnghes and A. II Stroff, all of
this place, compose a wheeling party
that will leave this week on their bicy
cles for Washington, D. C. They go
by way of Danville, II irrieburg nnd
Gettysburg, and expoot to mike the
iriti in abont four days. Returning
thy will pass through Baltimore, Wil
mington and Philudelphi t. Altoetbe r
tbeyt-xiieat to bo absent about two
Misses Kitio MeLTale and Maggie
-McIIaW, of Pine street, huve goue to
Jersey City to spend a few weeks with
Miss Nina Hull and Miss Winona
Gandervort, of Wl!ke-Brre, are visit
ing their aunt, Mrs Jay King, of Par
sonage street.
Collieries No. 0. 10, I t. Ewcn nnd
Buruum, of the Pennsylvania Coal
company, will work this week, aud all
others will be idle.
M. W. Morris, who was a delegate
from the Father Mathew Total Ab
stinence society, of this place, to the
National Catholio Total Abstinence
Union of America, recently held at St.
Paul, Minn., made a report of his trip
to the society at n meeting of the latter
held yesterday. The report was full of
Interest for thoa-) concerned and the
most pleasing part of it was that the
trip did not cost the society one cent,
Mr. Morris absolutely refusing to uo
ctpt his expenses. In refining Mr.
Morris informed the sock-ty that the
pleasure he derived wis worth double
the expns. Tue report was receive I
and Mr. Morris tendered a vote of
Ti.e vacating of the seats of Counoil
mau Kearney, Tiguan l Ilenniga will
no doubt be tbe means of causiug con
si'leralil.) turmoil at the meeting to be
held this evening. That they will make
an attempt to occupy their chairs 1
tne council in nic chamber at tbe meet
ing to be held this evening there is n
question, and if they are refused to sit
iu session it is understood a legal battle
will follow in the courts.
The many friends of Mrs. E'.lhu
Holmes, known in the literary world
as Veronica Coe Holmes, poetess, will
e pained to learn tuut she is lying
wry ill witb gastritus at her borne in
West Pittston. Her condition on SU
tirday was sueh that it was thouitbt eh
would not survive the day. Her phy
sicians have giveu up nil hope of her
Lute Hamlin, of Dinghamton, ar
rived here Saturday eveui g to spend a
snort visit with bis parerits on North
Mtiu street.
M. E. Birber and S S. Stxtou, tw
expert pave promoters of Canton, O,,
arriv -d here Saturday. They are bare
for the purpose of inter sling the
council lu tho quitiUits of their pave
John E. Roche, of Scranton, spent
a few hours here Saturday on business
E tiiiy, the 18 months old child of Mr.
and Mr. Elwurl Whiti, tflert Patur
day evening. The fuueral will occur
ti is afternoon at 3 o'clock.
The funeral of Eiiztbeth Tigne,
who was brought here from Philadel
phia for burial, oscurre.l Saturd iv
afternoon and was largely attended.
Interment was lu.ide in M irket street
Mrs. D Giiodman, of Willhm stre t,
is vliiti'ig f i-n Is tu S'm-rville, N. J.
Maurice K-illy, of C.rbon.lle, is
vi-iting his eist-r, Mri. Dr. J, J.
Walsh, of Willrvn sT.iet. L icoe, of Ex-iter street, bis ro
lurutid from a d.-ligbtful trip in Mio li
gn. Frank S-ymonr, form-rlv of this
place, now a resident of Nw York
city, has bsen spending the pust few
days in town.
Mrs. Aaron IIuMnn nnd ditng'titor,
Miss Il-I!i, are vi-i'ing relatives in
Northumberland cnumy.
Mrs. Sireng and children, of William
street, are visiting relatives in Ber
wick. Miss Bab Moran, of William street,
spent Sunday among friends in Wilkes
Barre. Remarked by R. C. Joiner, of Allen P.
O., Hillsdale Co., Mich.: "Nothing gave
my rheumatism such quick relief as Dr.
Thomas' Erlectric Oil beiiove it infallible
for rheumatism."
Dr. William Peters and James F
Donnelly, of Philadelphia, are here for
a few days.
Mrs. 3. H. Newhnrr, of Scranton, is
visiting Mrs. Fruuk barber, on Main
Miss Emma Cress, of Bethlehem, is
In towu, the guest of Mrs. J. L.
Mrs. Baldwin, of Montclalr, and
Miss Swerney, of Jersey City, are with
Mrs L zzle Bunnol for August.
Mayor Pntorbangh, of East Strondn
burg, and wife, Mtus Edna Pnterbangb
and Dr. II. Bush, lately returned from
gay Atlantic City.
Miss May and Kate Powell, of Scran
ton, are tbe guests of R. Powell and
wlf of McDonnell street.
Peter Paul, of Ashley, is enjoying
himself among relatives here.
Last Thursday eveuing when Mr.
and Mrs. W. W. Adair returned from
their choir praotlce nt tbe Railroad
Young Men's Christian association,
they were surprised beyond measure to
find their house completely filled with
friends, who had gained - entrance in
some unknown manusrand wbogreeted
them with triumphant laughter. Bo
fore tbe ho3t and hostess bad recovered
from their astonishment Rjv, Davis, In
a few complimentary remarks, pre
sented the secretary aud his wife witb
a beautiful couch. Mr. Adair made a
brief response. R?v. L W. Church
then made a short and witty speech.
aud niter rtnr.liul hon.1.itia!jna thu 4.11v
party departed fully pleased that they
k i voii real surprise.
Mrs. Theodore Hays viiitid Scranton
on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Hays are
visiting friends at Spring lake.
This la Farview's greatest season. It
is suted that over 40,000 mor- parsons
bave visited this re-ort this year ud to
the present time than up to the si mo
time last season.
The Misses Hsssler, of Honesdale.are
gu sis of Miss Ainey Kluback, of Cem
etry Ltreet.
A foot race which caused no little
excitement t' ok place in this city ou
Sutur lay morning. The race was from
this city to Crystal lake and back, a
distance of tea miles. The starting
place was at Thomas Carrett's store ou
Fallhrook struet, and nt 5 o'clock the
following pedestrians took tboir depart
ure amid the cheers of numerous
friends: Patrick Brennan, of Piko
street; John Flatinery, of Brooklyn
street, and Thomas Garden, William
McNulty and B-rnnrd Cramyif Dtindaff
street. Notwithstanding the early
bour at which the rase took place the
spectators who witnessed ttie event
numbered up into the hundreds and
many horse back riders were out. In
thirty-one minutes after the start was
made Patrick Brennnn toucliad the
hotel at Crystal lake and started home.
The others were but a few minutes be
hind, but it was apparent that Mr.
Brenuau would be the winner, The
mea arrived at tho starting place iu
the following order: Brennan, 1 hour,
14 uiinut'fs; Flan ry, 1 hour, 17 min
utes; Garden, 1 hour. SI wiuutes;
Crane. 1 hour, 25 minutes; McNulty, 1
boor, 80 minutes Eiohof the con
testant" put in $10, making a pnr of
$30, $40 went tj the winner and $10 to
ibe second.
A party composed of tho following
left on Saturday afternoon to spend
this week at Windsor: V. D. Evans
nnl family, Mrs. II. C. Wheeler and
daughter, UaZil, Mibs Ella Hubbnrd
and Lillian Jones and Mr. aud Mrs.
James Deeths.
H. G. Likely and Miss Flora Allen
will leave today to join the party of
campers that are camping at Crystal
Missos Bertha and Grace Hathaway,
who bave been thu gnasts of Mrs C. C.
Wentzler, of IBinghuraton, N. Y. , re
turned Saturday after a two weoks'
Miss Alice Donxhue.o Rhode Island,
is visiting Mitts Beano Crane, of this
Miss Rachel Francis, of Forest City,
who has been visiting Miss Lizzie Mc
V'rish, returned home last week.
Misas Belin ta Gerrity, of Pittston,
visited Minooka friends yesterday.
Misses Maggie King and Mamie
Cieary, of Duryea. visited Miss Kate
Jeffer's yesternay.
Miss Stella Hollenbaok, of Green
wood, is visiting friends in Wayue
Messrs. Joe Doud nnd Dave Lover
ing, went to New York ou Saturday
Miss Sarah Kelly visited friends at
Ulyphant yesterday.
Misses Maggie McCrea and Allie
Casey, visited Dunmore friends yester
day Miss Jane Mulderig is visiting at
The seventy -five yard foot race be
tween Will Murray and Joe Jennings
for $23 a side was won by Murray.
Two band wagon loads of young peo
ple from this place and Greenwood en
joyed a pleasant ride to Lily lake yes
terday. Last Saturday night was the quietest
pay night vxpL-rieuc-d here in a good
while, there being no drunks or fights.
Squire O'Hara and Officer St. John had
a night off, there beiug only one arrest.
The culprits were a couple of young
men charged witb stealing apples from
a tree in Robert Campbell's gardeu.
Tho 100-yard foot race between Mik
Mangan, of Gilmore avenue, and Joe
McDonongh, of Greenwood, will tnire
place this evening at the Greenwood
ball park for $25 u side. Considerable
motley U up on both sldss. Mntitr in is
uriug traiued by Minooka s famous
sprinter, Mike Joyce, and McDonougb
is being taken cure of by John Galla
gher and Mike McDonougb, two other
runners of local tame.
Miss Grace H'-ov r, ut Wiikes-Barre,
is the guest of her cousin, Miss Maggie
Kerry Klly whs quite badly burned
by gas at the shovel works oue day
last week.
C. D Linskill is spending a few
weeks at Mnrveyvillo.
J. A. Hutchius & Co. bave shut
down their ooal works for an indefl
nit period.
MissMiggio Jenkins spont Sunday
witn hr pirents at Kingston.
Bunj imin Coolbauu was a caller in
town Fri lay.
J. L. L. Fraiceso, of Soratitoa, was a
caller here on Satur lay.
Mr. r.nd Mrs. Alvin Robinson and
Mrs. Abram Kitiker spout Sunday at
tne citnp ground
Miss Jennie Eirley is visiting at
Mrs. W. C. Lord's.
Mr, and Mr W. J. Jones.of Wilkes
Btrre, spent Sunday with Mrs. Joseph
Un a Trae, of Cnures.
Kilkra-Bam Record.
A question thai the Democrats of this
cou ity are sskiug themselves just now:
Where was Bines wheu the tariff bill
Mr. Geo. II. VietterlcK
The Plain Facts
are that I have had Catarrh 10 Year.. Ko
catarrh cure did me any good, but Hood's Bar
' Sars&
tw panlla
eapartlla helped me
wonderfully. Wy head
is cleared, sense of smell
returning. Hood's 8ar
uparllla is dolnu mv
wife a world of good for Thai Tired Frel.
Ukohqk II. UiKTTKHitu, Hobble.ra.
Hood's Pills are efficient and gentle. 20e
s r- s
400-402 Lackawanna Ave,
Fine Holland Shades, with heavy
knot fringe, Hartshorn Rollers,
Plain Shades, 20, 25 and 30c. each.
Mcasuremeuts taken and shades put up by experienced workmen.
We Carry All Mih Store State in Stock.
Srass Extension Sash Rods
15 and 20c. each.
A few Vienna Porch Shades
left that we will close out at cost.
406 and 408
They Say
iH Sols
onion Had
) Wives
We Have
in Scranton aud vicinity that can attest to
the furuishing-up qualities of the "Economy"
especially the FUKXITURE part of it, but
that wo are blowing loudest about this season,
and our toot will ba heard with delight by
the economical housewife, while it will vi
brata disagreeably on the ears of the
ft .!.
Bring your measurements and get onr A
Laoka. Avenue.
One Thousand