The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 20, 1894, Image 1

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    There aro undoubtedly
stirring times aheai in
the political world.
And the readers of a
good daily newspaper will
be in clover.
rn a I '""
19 crnTff crt
Jseless Office Holders Fattened at the Expense
of the War Yelerans.
Mr. Cannon's Startling Array of Fig
ures and Estimates Pensions Whit
tled Down in Order That the Salar
ies of Cleveland's Friends Might Be
Increased The Manner in Which
Economists Have Practiced Their
Pet Theories in Office.
Washington, Aug. 19.
fjNHAIRMAN Sayre's elaborately
(I prepared statements of the
II J1 economical expenditure! of the
ds Fifty-third congress is being
vigorously combated by hi associates
of the approprntions couimittet, and
under h general "leave to print" for
ten days, wbicb was granted in the
general order adapted for taking u
Tot on the senate tariff bill, the Con
gressional Record in likely to carry
tubular statements of expenditures for
tome days to ooia.
Representative Joseph E. Cannon, of
Illinois, who was chairman of the bouse
Appropriations committee in the fifty -first
congress, and who has ben for
ininrvuiri u nrnminant Runnhllftftn
member of tbe committte has propnred
his statement which will uppenr in the
Congressional Record ou Tuesday next.
It is in part a follows:
When tbe executive forwards yearly
to congress bis estimate for annual
appropriations he also forwards bises
timate of the amount that will be ex
pended for coming year under parman
entlaw, Mr, Cleveland, by bis esti
mates, asked oongress to appropriate
for tbe public servioe for tun coining
fiscal your, inelulinir permanent ap
propriations, $520.602,840 71, nnd con
?wn hnn appropriated for such service
$490,003,369 !)2 This, in round nam
brs. is $30,000,000 less than the
preiidcnt asked for th nnhlic service.
A large part of this $30 000,000 how
ever, will bo appropriated next winter
by way of deficiencies. Accompanying
this etut'-raent is a tuble comparing
tbe impropriations made at this con
gress for the fiscal year ending June
80 next, with appropriations m ids ut
tbe fir; and second sessions of the last
congress (lbs 52nd) and at the first and
second session of the Fifty-first, com
monly known as the "Reed Congress."
This statement Mr Cannon says,
ihows that tbe appropriations this year
are greater by $27,209,838 72 than
were those made by tbe first session of
tbe Fifty-first, or ' Rie.l Congress."
The statement also shows that the ap
propriation made this year are $28,835,
980 70 Wei than those made at tbe sec-
ono session of last or Fifty -second con
gress. Hut, be says tbis reduction is
covered by tbe item for pensions
alone. There was appropriated this
year for pensions $20,009,504 85 less
than was appropriated last year. It
will be noticed, therefore, that tbe ap
propriation this year, excepting pen
sions, are greater than the appropria
tions made last year by $263,515 15.
Tbe total appropriations of the fifty
first, or "Itred Congrtss," two years
were $USS,417,183.34; those for the
Fifty-second, or Inst congress, two
years, were $1,027,104,547.02: and it Is
absolutely certain that, starting off at
!'u,uuu,uuu as we do for tbis year,
when tbe deficiencies are addod next
winter to tbe regular appropriation
then to be made for the coming year,
the total impropriations will nesreirate
at least $1,050,000,000 for the Fifty-third
congress, unless by unfriendly adminis'
tration further heavy redactions are
insile in payment of pensions.
Under tbe law the executive Is re
quired at tbe close of encn fiseul year to
in it k e a statement or trie receipts end
expenditures of the United States
government for the past year.
Notwithstanding the great distress
throughout the country there have
been many Increases in tbe salaries of
Democratic cfhsials, especially In the
diplomatio and consular service, Tbe
salary of tbe first assistant secretary of
state is increased from $3,000 to $4,000
The minister to Belgium, Mr. Ewiuif,
or Illinois, toe former law partner or
the vice president, is increased from
7,5UU to $10,000. Tbe ministers to
Switzerland und Portugal. Messrs,
Carrutb and Broadhead, are increased
from $5,000 to 1 0.500 resnectivelv.
Tbe minister to Mexico, ex-Governor
uray, oi Indiana, who receives an an
nual salary of $17,500, has the salary of
his secretary of legation increased from
fi.euu to $3,650. The ministers to
Nicaragua and Coata Rica, for the
nrst time, are allowed secretaries of
legation at $1,800 each. whila the hn
reau of American reDublicsestahliiilied
i n Hop trA snsnA, ct a m t
iu yiuiuiiff vuuiuiBrc una reciprocity
rViOH ig ent rlnwn frnm
$30,000 to $10,000. The six auditors of
me irenry department are increased
from $3,000 to 14,000 each. The ialarl
of a great many euniuls and otber offi
cials are largely lnoreased.
1 II 41 T . , . .
ah hjo juuiocrauo ometals re
ceived their appointments undar Mr
Cleveland. For years they dsolaimad
in common with all other Democrats,
about tbe extravagant salaries of offi
cials, and pledged that if they got into
power mere suouiu oe economy and re
form. There is no exouse for the in
crease of most of these salaries.
American Hallway Union Dlraetort An
iwir Charges of Contempt.
Chicago. Aug. 19. J&mes Hogan
W. E Burns, R. M. Goodman, J. F,
MtVonn and Martin J. Eliott, the dl
rectors of tbe American Billway union
filed an answer in the United States
circuit eourt yesterday to the informs
tlon against them charging contempt
of court. In addition to tbe general
answer to the information they also
filed answers to the interrogatories of
the goverment regarding the conduct
f the strike. Tlie answer to me in
formation denies ,tbt the directors
ave hut power to order a strike or
ooiupel ite disoontiuuance.
Tbe defendants aaraii mat at varions
times during the month of June and
before the Injunction wis leaned, they
dvised certain of tbe employes of the
ruilroads to quietly, peaceably and law
fully quit the servient of the railroads,
but all men so advised were members
of the uuiou, and in giving sueb advice
and counsel they acted for said em
ployes and by their authority,
J. he answer denies that there is an il
legal conspiracy to tie up tbe railroada,
out it alleges that there was a conspir
acy on tbe part of the railroad com
panies to reduce the wages of their em
ployes and to break up the Amerlcau
Railway union, As to the telegrams
sent out in the name of Debs, for
which Debs when brought into court
and denied all responsibility, the
answer admits that they were sent by
the defendant, Hoiran.
United status Alarebal Arnold leit
for Washington yesterday to present
bis account of the expenses of the rail -road
strike to the attorney general.
Tbe total amount of the bill wbioi) he
will present to Mr. Oluey is about
Shanghai Correspondent Gives
Gloomy View of the Affairs
at Wei-Hai-Wei.
London, Aug. 19. The Shanghai
correspondent of the Central News
gives in today s dupatohes a gloomy
view of affairs at Wei-Hai-Wei. the
fortified eity on tbe Shantung promon
tory. There is little doubt that the
Japauese intend to attack this Chinese
stronghold shortly, despite the trndi-
tion of the Chinese that the place is im
pregnable. The lights along the promon
tory have been extinguished, the buoys
have been removed and the Cninese
are constantly adding to the defences
by laying torpedoes and submarine
mines. Nevertheless on three succes
sive nights in tbe last week Japanese
torpedo boats have entered the harbor
aud reconnoitered the forts. The
crews of tbe Chinese torpedo boats,
which lie iu the harbor, had no inkling
of tbe nearness of tbo enemy until tbe
Japanese vessels were leaving. The
Wei-Hai-Wel forts then opened nre
but it was to late to accomplish any
thing. The success of these three Japauese
expeditions has shaken greatly tbe con
fidence of the army in tbe impregna
bility of Wet-Hat-Wei. The supposi
tion is. that the Japanese are preparing
for a combined land and fear attack on
the stronghold. Tbe garrison is being
increased to meet inch an attack and
heavy guns are being added to tbe ar
tillery in tbe interior line of defence.
Tbe foreigners who were employed
In tbe Wei-Hai-Wei arsenal are lear
nt tbe place. Nearly all tbe Eng
lishmen and Scotchmen have gone and
within a few days only natives are
likely to be left in the shops. The feel
ing against foreigners is running
high among tbo military of tbe
city. The soldiers have fired sev
eral times upon foreigners who
were leaving the shops nnd have
been checked only with difficulty bv
their t officers. All tbe foreigners are
reproached and insulted as they depart.
None of them havo been wounded ns
yet, but their escape has been due al
most solely to the strenuous efforts of
the officers who have been charged with
tbe responsibility for their safety.
The main Japanese squadron has
been sighted again in the gulf of Pe
Cbi-Li. Tbo natives of tbe seaports
have been forbidden to use Japanese
His mission of Destruction ! a Failure.
H Wants to Go Home.
New York, Aug 19 It is reported
that Charles Wilford Mowbray, tbe
English anarchist, has determined to
go home. His mission of demolition
to America has resulted in failure.
He is less interested now it is said,
in the annihilation of soeial and politi
cal institutions in tbe United States
than he is in rasing enough money to
pay bis passage buck to England.
The Carlisle silk mill, of Pottsville. will
locate a Drancn lactory at Ashland.
Br BeDt. 1 tbe Farnum mill at Lancaster.
ra. , win employ v,ouu persons tun time.
Kfihrnprinr'K mtt.iui mill At. -T.nnrnBtnr
Pa., will resume today will 300 employes
A New Yorker. B. Goldsmith, will build
a suo,wu unpiate mm in Aiiegneny
Tbe Stephens & ! Bee ten csrnet factorv.
bw vurunie, i win resume operations to
day after a protracted idlenese.
By tbe sale of tbe bankrnDt Well man
Iron and Steel plant at Chester. Pa., it is
expected to be reopened with 1,21X1 em
me w nitcomo metaillo Bedstead com
pany, of blielton, Conn., has cut wages 10
per cent to meet tbe cut in tbe rate of
duly under the new tariff.
A firm of wool dealers in Hamilton have
over l.OOu.OOO pounds of wool stored in
their warehouses there, nearly all of which
will Do snipped to tne untied States wben
tbe new tarill Decomei a law.
Tbe Harlan & Hollingsworth company.
of Wilmington, Del., has received a con
tract for the construction or a steamer for
the Merchants' and Miners' TransDnrta-
tion company, of Baltimore. The contract
will provide work for between 600 and
11.000 men.
ThePuaev& Jones company, oflWil
mington, Del., announce contracts for
two immense paper machines and two
Urge welded digesters for making soda
pulp, from tbe Hudson River Water
Power and Paper company, of Mechanics'
vine, n. y..
Tbe Ashland. Wis.. Iron and Steel com
pany has made another large pnrcbaBe of
Oie, and will resume operations at its
large charcoal furnace Sept 1. Tbe open
log of the plant will give employment to
a large force of men who were discharged
six montns ago.
me iingue Manufacturing company,
makers of silk plusb, have started up at
Ansonia, Conn., on full time with 800
Hands. The mill tin been almost entirely
ciuseu since July lSjya waitlng a settle
ment Of the tariff nnnntlnn. Dnrinu tn thn
difference, however, between the new and
ine oia rate, tte general cut of S per cent.
uinue nut Aiiauss win De continued 1
Peculiar Death of Boarding House Proprietor
Through a Gas Explosion.
William Mosh, at Port Griffith, Takes
a Naked Lamp Into an Old Working,
Encounters an Accumulation of
Mine Gas and Is Hurled as from :
Catapult Through the Boarded En
trance and Far Out Into the Field
Treasure Seekers Baffled.
Special (o ficranfoii Trlbunt.
PlTTSTON, Aug. 19.
1LLIAM W0611 it the name of
a Slav, siugle, and not mere
than 23 years of age, who re
cently kpt a boarding bouse
tor his fellow countrymen at the lower
nd of Port Qnflith, in what is known
as White How. Mosh acted as the
cashier of many of these boarders, re
ceiving their money at pay d ly and
aktng from it that which was owed to
Not fur from Mosli's home there is
an entrance to an abandoned mine
working. Tbis entranc bad been cov
ered securely with boards, but on Sit-
nrday Moiu took a naked mine lamp
and pried open au entrance. It is be
lieved to hnve been his purpose to take
the proceeds of the week's pay into this
old chamber to secret it. Mosh s ac
counts amounted to a good miny hun
dred dollars in the course of a yeur
but he had never been educated up to
tbe poiut of appreciating the mo.lurn
bank and was accustomed to resort.
instead, to some bidden drawer or
other out-of-tbo-way receptacle.
Scarcely bad Mosh made bis ingress
into tbe abandoned chamber of the old
mine wben tbo neighborhood was
startled by a deafening explosion, the
force of which was enough to shatter
window panes and bring at once a large
number of excited men and women to
the scene. The spectaolo presented to
them was horrifying. Mosh bad en
countered an uoeumulation of gas and
it bad been ignited from bis unguarded
lump. The man w8 shot, as if from
cannons mouth, clear through the
boarded opening and his yet quivering
body, burned into a sielceulng maes of
cbarred flsb, was found ' yards away
from tbe aperture. -
When picked up and conveyed to the
hospital ftlosh was yet alive, but he
died at an early hour tbis morning.
As soon as it became known tbat
Mosh s miislon into tbe old mine was
to add a fresh deposit to his secreted
bank cccoant, there was a rush of
treasure buntsrs to the spot; and they
continued tbeir searoh until late to
night, but have not yet been successful
in finding the money. The quest will
be continued bright ana early tomor
EtiRlneer Peck Turns on tbe Oas and Is
Philadelphia, Aug. 19 Rather than
suffer ceuuure for reckless driving
John B. Peck, 44 years old, foreman of
engine company No. S) today commit
ted suicide by tnrning ou the gas in his
room at tbo engine bouse and snioth
ered to death. Pock was reported for
reckless driving and he told hi
wife 'yesterday tbat he would
sooner die than be dismissed in dis
grace from the city fire force. Wben
bis wife wsnt to his room at their
home tbis morning to awaken him
she fonnd tbe windows closed and the
gas turned ou. The gas bad not been
tnrned on long enough to reuder Peck
unconscious aud his wife roused him
and begged him not to attempt hie
life again. Peck promised and went
to tbe engine bouse.
Suspicious and fearful tbat her hus
band wonld do himself an injury, Mrs
Peck sent their 0 year old boy to the
engine house to look for his father,
Tbe firemm told tbe child bis father
was upstairs asleep und the little fellow
went to his room. Tbe child did not
notice the odor of esoaping gas and
seeing his father lying ou the bed ap
parently asleep laid down beside bim
a Jtnft time afteawards tbe firemen
noticed tbe odor of tbe gas and going
to Peok's room found him dead and bis
child sUeping peacefully by bis side.
Toe little boy had not slept long enough
in the deadly atmosphere to injure him
and was awakened withont tronble.
One Irate Woodman Kills His Oompan
ion with an Ax,
Laceyville, Pa,, Aug. 19 One
woodohopper split another's head wltii
an ax on Thursday night, tteorge W,
Kully and Adelbert Halrfor I were re
tnrning from a bee at a neighbor's, and
got into a quarrel over an old board
bill owed to Kelly by Hartford. Hurl
ford took Kelly by the neck with his
left hand and with his right band
struck him in the bead with his ax.
Kelly has died, and bis murderer has
ran away.
Diver Walter of Phlladolphia Sucoeeds
in His Sad
Special (o tlu ScranlonTrlbun.
Stroudsburo, Aug. 19. Diver Her
man Walter, of PhlUd.lpbiu, after
ten minute's searoh on Thursday found
the two boys drowned In L ike Popo
noning on Wednesday.
Tbe names of the yonug men were
Edward Townssnd of Philadelphia.
and John Webb of Jumaloa, West
Indies. These are tbe first ever
drowned in this lake.
A Farmer Would Sue By nam for His
Lo.ies on
Indianapolis, Aug. 17. William
Stanley, a prosperous farmer of this
cosnty, and nntil he joined the Popu
lists a D.'inocrnt, baa consulted
lawyer with refrence to briuging suit
agaiiiBt CongriMtu:a Dynuui for dam
ges. Stanloy says that when Byoum
was a candidate two years ago ht said
that the farmer would cot $1.25 per
bushel for their wheat if Cleveland was
lected instead of the 80 or 00 cents they
were getting at the timo. Believing
that the Democrats would curry the
country and relying upon P.yimm's
promise that wheat would be $1 25 per
bushel, Stanley says lie sowed a largo
mount of wheat and had a crop in the
two years of 2,800 hushele.
But instead of getting the promised
price, he was compelled to sell for 00
cents Inst roar and for 45 cents this
year. He intends to sue Byuum for the
dinerence between tbe promised price
nd the price reesivd.
Stabs His Wife, Brother-in-Law and
Child and Suicides by Jump
ing from a Window.
Newark, N. J., Aug. 19 In a little
wo story bouse on Uavu avenu?.
Kearney, an awful tragedy occurred at
o clook tbis morning thut resulted in
the death of one man and probable
death of his wife and brother-in-law.
and an attempted murder of four chil
dren. Thomas Hewitt, (he central
fixnre in the tragedy, lived on the sec
ond floor with bis wife Adele, four
children Adele, aged 7; Emma, aged 5;
Carrie, aged 3, and Gertie, azed 2
und bis wife's brother, Fred Purcell.
young man 23 years old. Three
weeks ago Hawitt, who is a moulder.
23 years old, was compelled to quit
work on account of illness. Dr. Allere,
the family physician diagnosed the
CAse as typhoid fever and one week ngo
Hewitt was compellod to take to bis
Saturday night at 11 o'clock Hewitt
became irrational and called on his
wife, who was iu constant attendance,
to pray for bim. She was abont to
call her brother, who wits asleep with
the children in an inner room when
the patient dropped into a heavy
slurabfr. The wife, who was fa
tigucd by ber long vigil, grasped
he opportunity of taking a tew
hours sleeD und threw herself wearily
on the bed with the children. Two
hours later she was startled by a noise
n her husbands room, and peering
through a small window was horrified
to see una standing In the center of tbe
room nude, with bis underclothes ly
ing on the floor in shreds.
Before she conld move he rushed into
the room, and to whore she sat on the
side of the bed and said- "DjII, my
bonr has come, I have got to die. for
God's sake pray for me." The next
instant he dashed out of the room into
the kitchen and before his wife divined
bis intention he re-appeared with a
large carving knife fa bis band. '
Fright rendered tbe terrified woman
speeobless nnd unable to move and the
next instant be plunged the long keen
blade into her shoulder, lnnictiog an
ugly wonud four inches long. As he
raieed tJie knife for another blow, Mrs.
IT 1.1 i .1 11. . 1. 1 1 . ...... , 1 .
uewui graspeu mu via iv wiiu ner leu
band and he drew it away almost sev
ering her hand in two.
All this happened in less time than it
takes to relate it, and not a sound es
caped, but Mrs, Hewitt's brother was
aroused nnd, grasping tbe situation nt
a glance, he rushed to save his sister
from her maniac huehaad. The latter
with a power born of frenzy, threw
Purcell to the floor like a like a child,
and, pouncing upoa bim, drove the
knife through the prostrate man's
shoulder iuto his left breast.
Turning from Purcell, Hewitt rushed
to the bed where bis children were
sleeping and with an awful lunge at
tempted to sever tbe head of Adele,
and succeeded in cutting a frightful
gash ou the ehllds neck and shoulder.
The awoke with a wild shriek which
euused ber father to drop the knife and
rush headiong from the room. Into
the front room he dashed and the next
instant he plunged head first through a
wire screen to tbe ground below.
The child s shriek bad aroused John
Terune and his son, who lived on the
lower floor, and they rushed out to dis
cover tbe cause of the commotion. On
the sidewalk I iy the body of Hewitt,
stark naked, und tbey supposed, at the
first glance, dead. The younger lor
hnne ran to bis assistance, wbile the
father ran npstuirs and met a sight
which ennsed his hair to stand. In the
inner room by the dim light he saw the
prostrate forms of Mrs. Hewitt and her
brother bathed in blood and on the bed
he saw the obild moaning pitaously.
Tbey found H wittunconsoious from
loss of blood and concussion of the
bruin. Then they turned their attsn
tlon to Mrs. Hewitt and her brother
who were both unconscious from loss
of blood and shock, and to little Adele
who was bleeding profusely from a
dangerous but not necessarily fatal
wound. Br the time tbeir wounds
were dressed and restoratives
administered Mrs. Hewitt and
ber brother had sufficiently recov
ered to briefly explain tbe awful oc
currence. Meanwhile every effort was
made to restore Hewitt to conscious
ness, but it proved unavailing and he
died at 7 o'clock.
While Mrs. Hewitt's wounds are not
as serious as thote of ber brother, she
was more affected by the shock ond
bnt slight hopes are entertained of tbe
recovery of either.
It la Popular Abroad.
London, Aug. 17. Many tin plate works
in South Wales, weioa nave oeen cioseu
for noma time are preparing to resume
work in view of the passage of tbe tariff
bill in Washington.
Georco and William Cody have been
sentenced to death for barglarly in Madi
son countv. N. C.
Aftnr thirty vears of incsndiarlsm. J.
M. Logan was caught at Kansas City just
as be set nre to a mmoer yam.
The bodv of Colonel C. L. Winston, of
PftHadona, Cel., who was lost during a
November snow storm, has been round.
Meetintt on the road David Hall, of
Jouenville, Va., who bad caused his arrest,
Tim Denny, Aged 18, shot hud killed him.
For the theft of horses and house break
Ing, Mis Flora McOrassln, a young girl of
Cedarville, O., has been arretted.
Ins family auarrel Edward Lemaster,
of Clerkdvllle. Mo threatened to knock
his vtitudowu, aad was shot dead by his
Grand Chapter of the Royal Arch
Degree to Koet at Topeka.
The Tri-ennial Convantion Will Be
Among the Most Important Gather
ings of the Kind in the History of
Masonry Official Relations with
the Grand Chapters Throughout the
World Will Be Established on a Scale
Hitherto Unattempted.
Topeka, Kun., Aug, 19.
CfpHERE will usuemble in this city
ou Wednesday the (iunoral
Grand Chapter, Royal Arch
Masous of the United Sttitos. It
is tho triennial convention. Nearly
400 delegates will be hore to represent
the 100,000 Royal Arch Masons of the
United States. All the past grand high
rlests will be hero to participate iu
conventiou. In addition to them
there will be n representative of every
Grand Chapter in the republic, com
prising tho tlireo council offluors of
every one of them. The council does
not meet frequently, and as such a con
eonrso of Masonic dignity is not wit
nessed ofteuur than every three yours,
the interest of the fraternity in it may
be understood.
Many of tho prominent members will
come with tho delegations trom tin
E istern and New England st:tes, but
ther states and sections will send maa
high in tho councils of Masonry,
Washington will send George E. Cor
son ana Kentucky, Uernnra u. Witt,
who is now general grand master ot
the second veil, but who is to bn pro
moted to tbe third in room of Nathan
Kingsley, of Minnesota, a prominent
delegate und Mason, whose nextdignity
will be royal arcli captain.
There will be a general shifting of
positions, since it must choose a sno
cen8')r to a deceased dlgnit iry. Tuii
choice may full to George L. McCuiian,
who has so faithfully dinoharged the
dnties of deputy general grand hig:i
In tb forthcoming mooting thero
will be 2.0S0 subordinate enrolled chap
ters to deal with, exclusive of twenty
two suoordiuate chapters in tbe terri
tories, and as tha Sandwich Islands
and th Chinoso empire aro under tbo
immediate jurisdiction of the general
grand ohariter, the dollberations will
necessarily assume nothing of nu in
ternational character. These foreign
chapters will unite representations in
tbeir own behalf for more direct self
government than it has heretofore bjeu
possible for thorn to enjoy.
The fraternal relations with the
grand chapters throughout the world
are, it is truo, of the most friendly na
ture; but olucial relations nre to be es
tablished ou a scale hitherto uout
tempted. Itidoed, overtures have been
received from the dignitaries and grand
chapters of England, Scotland Ireland,
Slam, Japan, Brazil and Australia.
Felicitutious will also be transmitted
t) the brethren of Germany and Rus
sia. It in hurdly overestimating tho
importance of the foreign relations iu
the convocation to say that they will
form one of tho most interesting and (
animated portions of tbe proceedings.
This condition of thiugs promises to be
propitious to the general desire to erect
Masouio monuments In various p ittsor
the country. Tueso memorials, while
mitueroup, nre not so frequent us to call
special attention to tho services of
many eminent Masous to tbeir coun
try. A commission will probably be
appointed to investigate tnis matter.
The convocation will also have to
adjudicate Various decisions which
have been promulgated by the grand
chapters ot the several states, but they
nre all comparatively unimportant.
The statos which have no grand chap
ters of their own will be compelled to
look to the convocation for authority
to make speoial disposition of their re
sources, ouch jurisdictions as wish to
form grand chapters will be heard.
There is also to be a spaaial commission
from tho feandwich Island, the mem
bers of which wish to form a grand
chapter. This will ba the first convo
cation that has ever been obliged to
deal at length with Masonic conditions
in those islands.
There will be special ceremonies
commemorative of the death of M. E.
Joseph Potts Horner, general grand
high priest of the general grand
chapter, whose death renders so many
elections neeosrary. These will be con
ducted in accordance with the ritual,
and, us the deceased Mason had at
tained an degree of Masonic
dignity, having been elevated to tbo
sovereign grand inspector generalship
of the Ibirty-third degrees, the cere
monies will bo of special interest to tho
generality of the delegates.
England has sent tokens of fraternal
esteem aud Masonic regard. Europe
Is in entire sympathy with the Ameri
can Grand Chapter. The convention
will be in session about hve days.
There promises to be a very lively eon-
tost botweeu tbe east nnd tbe south for
the next triennial meeting in 1807. The
southern delegates will support At
lanta. Ga.. while the oust will be di
vidod between Philadelphia, New
York and Boston. The delegations
from the Virginias will favor Washing
ton, D. C.
Interesting Dtvotloaal Ezirolsea and
Large Attendance at Nichol'i Grove.
Svtcial to tht Scranton Tribune.
Clark's Summit, Aug. 19 The home
camp meeting which is being held in
Niohol's grove, and conducted by
Evuueelist G. D. Moore and wife, Is
meeting with much succoss. Meetings
are largely attended and uinoh good is
beinar done. Meetings were held each
afternoon aud evening during last week
and all dav today.
The order of services today consisted
of preaching bv R' F. H. Pursonfl at
10 80 o'clock; nt 2.UJ p. m., buptiin of
children followed bv u children's meet
ing, led by lira. Moore. At 0 80 the
Epworth league led bv Mrs. Coon, and
at 7 20 a sermon on '"Hell" by Rev. G.
D, Moore, comprised the interesting
nnd instructive ex rones. Large num
bers attended.
Two Man Go D.wn Before D L & V.
Wilkes Barre, Pa., Aug. 19. James
Gibbons, a minor of one of the Wyom
ing collieries about six miles from tbis
city while intoxicated sat down on tbe
edge of 'the pli.tform of the station of
the Delaware, Lackawanna and West
ern this morning nod was struck by
tbe locomotive of a passing train and
instantly killed.
A man named Ed. Welob, nged 50
years, of Multby, was walking the
track of the Bloomsburg railroad early
yesterday miming, when he was
struck by a freight train and terribly
injured. He died at the Pittston hos
pital this evening from the result of
his injuries.
Unknown Man at Wyoming Station
Fails to Get Out of the Way of
a Passenger Train.
fpecial to the Scranton Tribunt.
Pittston. Pa., Aug. 19 At the hos
pital tonight there lies at the point of
death an unknown man, aged about 65
years, who met with a peculiar aoci
dent at Wyoming yesterday afternoon.
When the down passenger train on the
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western
that leaves Scranton at 3.50 o'clock
drew up to the station at Wyoming an
aged uiau was sitting on the platform
with his foet depindiug over the rails.
Whether he did not hear the train,
was not seen by the engineer, or was
unable to move in response to the
u?ual signals is not known. All thnt
is known is that ho was crushed under
the wheels und that tha physician at the
Oregon hospital does not expect him to
It is said here tonight thut a man
was also killed at Luzirne Borough,
while walking on tha truck, The re
port cannot l e verified.
Appoaranota Indicat Tbat tin Presi
dent Will Sign Tariff Bill.
Washington, Aug, 19. There is
good reason to believe that the week
that opens tomorrow will tbe close of
the second session of the Fifty-third
congress. The work of the senate is
finished; the last of tbe appropriatiou
bills was completed aud the conferenae
repot t adopted Fridav, and there is
nothing now for the senate to do but
clean op the ends of the very busy and
very entertaining session.
About the only thing tbat keeps sen
ators here is the tariff bill, and the gen
eral improssiou is now tbat the presi
dent will permit it to become a law
j tm t as soon as the treasury cLicia'n
are ready to Carry it mtoi effstt,
l nut he does not intoud to veto
the bill is clear, for the law
print is now being prepared at
the government priming office. After
tomorrow it is likely the senate will
meet for a short time daily and then
adjourn pending tho reception of the
tariff til I. Until it is known just when
to expect this measure from the presi
dent, it is not likely that a joint reso
lution fixing a day for adjourumint
will be introduced.
Found a Sack ot Gald and Silver Cola
Aggregating $10,000.
Memphis, Tenn., Aug. 19. B. S.
Saimdeis, of Indian Bay, Ark., went
squirrel hunting and carried hoini a
iucKof gold nnd silver coin aggregating
little over 10,000. These he found
under a big oak which was uprooted
last week nn land owned by M. G. Cart-
right, of Ripley, Miss.
lbe money 13 nearly all of American
mints, and none of it bears date later
than tho bngiuning of tbe civil war. It
is believed to huvd been buried by the
outlaw Johu A. Murrell.
Investigation of the management
the Colorado Springs' Institution.
COLOKADO fcPIUNflS, Colo., Aug. 19.
An investigatiou into the management
of the Childa-Drexel Union Printers'
home in this city is being conducted by
the visiting committee. A. L. Runyon,
of Pueblo; V, A. Whitemier and
James J. Burns, of Denver, and Joseph
Conway, of Kansas City, An inmate
notified Superintendent scuuman of
charges of conspiracy with thre.its of
ill treatment.
It is believed generally here that tbo
management will be vindicate!.
Indiana's Bust Citizeni Engage in Fatal
Thornton, Aug. 19. During a fisht
over tbe possession of two dissolute
women lust night Charles Sutton
crushed tho skull of Hiram MaDonald
with a rock nnd John Sexton shot
Charles Patterson.
McDonald died within an bonr and
Patterson is dying, All the participants
were well connected.
The anarchist bill will be favorably re
ported by the house judiciary committee.
The treasury department has invited
proposnls for striking 53,757 medals of
award for exhibits at the World's fair.
There has boon a vorv heavy decline in
the potato crop this season, nccordiug to
aarieultural department reports. For the
mouth of July the estimated docline or
depreciation in tho crop was 18 per cent.
This Is the greatest ever recorded in a
single month. Ic is probable that the
price ot potatoes will be considerably ad
Washington, Aug. 19. Forecast
for Monday: tor eastern 1 mxiv
sulvania. and Kew Jersrii, show
ers f the earlu morning; fair Monday,
southerly windi. For Wretrii Vennsxil
unin'n., fair fvrent showers near the lakes;
uai inev; vurtuUio umiw. 1
Summer Sale
Ono case Webster 10-4, Scar
let and Blue Borders,
One case Kenwood 11-4, both
White and Gray, Borders
Scarlet, Blue and Orange,
One case Reliance 11-4, both
White and Groy, Borders
Pink, Blue and Drab,
50 pairs Hampden 11-4, All
wool and Shrunk, Borders
Pink, Blue and Lemon,
Ona caso Eio Vista, Califor
nia, 12-4, Borders rink,
Blue, Lemon and Drab,
30 pairs Sacramento, Califor
nia, 12-4, Borders Pink,
Blue and Drab,
Crib Blankets in all sizes,
with latest pattern bord
ers and colors.
SIO and 512 Lackawanna Ave.
Wholesale and Retail
H. A. Kingsbury
313 Spruce Street. -
Lewis, Reilly &- Davies
Take oft the old and put on the new,
That neatly-fitting, easy shoe.
When low prices rule as now they do,
Who would deny himself the new?
Burt & Packard Shoes
Make Us Friends.
Lewis, Reilly & Davies
'1 ,iVC,f,'Wj .'.'
We Examine Eyes
Free of charge. If a doctor
la needed you aro promptly
told bo. We also guarantco
a perfect fit.
The Jeweler,
408 Spruce Street