The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 18, 1894, Image 6

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Scene! from the Darker Side of Hu
manity In the Old and Dingy Hall of
Justice Make the Average Mortal
Well Satisfied with Even a Common
place Lot In the Social Scale The
Experience Which Followed the Re
search of a Lecturer.
Whenever sr-enes of m ualor. poverty.
crime or misery are mentioned or wit-
Deseil in Bcruiiton, wnicu lor several
years has worn the air of tho usual city
Bf a diversified population, the writer
Is reminded of the miserable panorama
exhibited daily lu the famous romus
police court tu New York. The low,
(missive, dlny and dank smelling old
buildlnif lends a tin in;,' background to
tbe sceue9 of Its Interior, and after
climbing the steps and turnliiK from
tlie dark corridor Into the darker
walled police court room tho visitor
must, in a measure, be prepared ror
the dismal side of humanity portrayed
within the enclosure.
Of New York's three police courts,
each has its peculiar constituency.
Ihe Yorkville court, a ay up on the
East hide Just west ot Third avenue,
gets the pauper crime overllowof the
upper tenement house district and
occasional effete cases from the resi
dential portion of the city east of Ceu
tralpart; the Jefferson Market court
on the West Side at Eighth s'reet ami
Bixth avenue receives the sensational
cases which bubble from the never
sleeping nnd famous tenderloin pre
cinct and gambling and sporting
But the oi aud dismal Tombs court
is more femous than them all: within
its arms are received tho bloody frays
and slime of the (treat sluum, the pair
perUm aDd degradation of the lowest
possible walks of life, and in the midst
of the filth, perhaps an embezzler or
hiufh life evildoer appears from the
brokerage and Wall street districts.
What an opportunity It oilers the stu
dent of human nature cannot be com
prehended. Out of a given half dozen
eases which are heard there each day
could be thrown search lights which
would reveal stories too pitiful, too
awful, too horribly real to be believed
The writer's business necessitated
frequent visits to tho Tombs and a
humorous occurrence is recalled which
shows what effect the sccues of the
court has upon feminine nerves. An
ollieial wi ll known in the Woman's
Christian Temperance union circles of
JNew lork state.wnile seeking material
for a lecture on intemperance among
the poor, visited the Tombs one morn
ing with two women friends. Through
the courteay of the justice l'atrik
Divver, I think tiie trio were given
seats inside the railing along the aisle
through which the prisoners are con
ducted to the cages ueneaiu niter sea
tence is propounded.
For a half hour they listened to the
tales of distress and degradation. When
one of the visitors rose from her seat to
more clearly hear the progress of the
cases, an officer admonished, her
against the contact with vermin
which during Ihe sessions falls from
many of the prisoners and occupies the
cracks and corners or the court turni
ture. The woman drew back with
startled expression and with her two
companions stood in tne aisle witn
their skirts raised and drawn closely
around them, 'lhelr period of nervous
ness terminated In flight when a dirty,
begrimed and filthy old creature, who
was being led to the cells, fell at the
feet of tho lecturer, and after throwing
her arms around the woman's limbs
began deliriously shrieking for salva
tion. The seeker tor lecture material
was carried fainting from the nom
aud it is not probable that the visit to
the Tombs was repeated.
Court opens each day, including
Sunday, at 8.:i0 o'clock, and until an
adjournment is made at 2 or 3 o'clock
in the afternoou, from CO to 125 cases
are heard. The justice fiom a list pre
viously prepared calls out the names of
tbe policemen in rotation ; each officer
with liis batch of prisoners gives testi
mony, the culprits also recite their
side of the cases and the squad makes
way for another batch. The number
is so great that the cases must of ne
cessity be disposed of rapidly, and the
order of proceedings after the officer
has been heard, Is something like this
between the justice and the unfortu
nate: "Mary, what have you to say for
"Well, you see, your honor, I had
just come from "
"Never mind where you came from;
"I had taken only a wee bit of
liquor, and it went to my head which
troubles me, since my old man died,
you know your honor, if you'd let me
go this time ready, y ur honor, it's
the first time "
"That will do; you were here last
wee. ; thirty days. Next!"
In the dead of the winter may be
peen a woman before the justice whose
head is unprotected save by a mass of
gnarled and uncombed coarse hair
striked with gray, the upper body
hidden only by a thin waist aud the
limbi covered with a threadbare skirt
and dirty socks. Perhaps the feet may
tie encased by sllppem,but Justas likely
the . stockings are the only protec
tion. During the hearing the woman
has perhaps pleaded with tears in her
eyes n t to be sent to the Island and
has called upon all the saints in the
calendar to bear witness to her inno
cence, but when sentence is pro
nounced she turns into a tigress of
fury and ia led away cursing and heap
ing vile maledictions on the head of
the imparl urable jimtice.
Budi is the court and such is a
glimpse of the scenes which make a
iuanfs blood boll, and, as he draws a
full breath of the fresher air of Center
street, make one thankful that he
exists in more respectable society, no
matter how humble his lot may lie.
As EniUahman Upon Jim Corbatt's B
BQlolictioa of London.
Evidently Jim ' Corbett waa like a
duck out or water in London, and it is
to be hoped that his highly polished
and scholarly article will at once be
brought before the British parliament
In order that immediate steps be taken
to' rectify those frightful anomalies
which the wonderful perspicuity of
our nnuie and gallant Jim has un
earthed, to wit:: "serving -drinks in a
rotten manner." What a blot upon
the great Union Jack of England. The
idea that "they couldn't give him
someming nt to drink" is positively
shocking and moves one to tears.
Neither did Jim think much of the
Euglish girls, but what an earthquake
it would be if they thought less man
"umcii" of Jim and cared still less for
his opinions. Note how quickly Jim
discovered that "the house of com
mons waB a big building, of course."
After that compliment we may expect
Gladstone over to America at once.
To show how thoroughly J" did
London and how he grasped t he main
points read his remarks: "liie ne-r.
thing in London was the music halls.
There wasn't much in Loudon that
impressed me. I went to see West
minister Abbey." Jim kuows all
about London, every historic building
and monument for he says: "I don t
tiling much of this tiling of chasing
around looking at things." No wonder
London Impressed him so mignuiy.
He met several lords, but they didn't
strike him as being anything out of
ordinary. It Is to be hoped that Jim
had concise ideas or an iuikiihii lorn,
inasmuch as it has been decided some
lime ago that an English lord is but a
man eudowed with human nature.
Latest advices from the greatest city
on earth state that .London nas re
gained partially the equilibiium it lost
over the visit of James J. Corbet t, but
probably not one in a thousand ever
heard of his name and less than one in
a million will care for his opinions.
Special Con-rniiontfi'iir.
London, Aug. 8. Special inipvrt-
ance is attached to the verdict of the
jury in the Albion disaster, inasmuch
as it is about the only case on record
where the management have been cen
sured. According to the evidence mere
is no doubt that besides negligence,
serious Infractions of the law and mine
regulations have occurred. The ver
dict is a blesslnar without doubt, as it
will be a salutary lesson to several
managers who la e their duties iu an
easy fashion mid delegate their de
partment to incompetent assistants.
The Welsh press has been very lively
recently. The l.ytulil, an l'jpiscopa lan
monthly, states that, they are of the
conscientious opinion "that our coun
try would be far more religious today
than it is without one chapel or
preacher within it and that the Nou
conformist ministers have had a hang
dog, fu lee and double faced look on them
ami are never happy without being con
tinually iu some commotion."
It is a consolatlou, however, to know
that this is but a specimen or the end
sions of the High church gang who
by their intolerant bigamy aud rancor
have done so much to make the old
church so unpopular. Will it easily
be credited lhat in their eyes it is a
sin to call a chapel anything but a
meeting house. The sight of a dis
scn inji minister wearing a white
"choker" will make them frenzy.
Yet another specimen of "High
Churchism": A churchman (?) writes
in the Linn advocating the continu
ance of church elementary schools
upon the ground that they are an ex
(client source from whence Noncon
formist children can be proselyted! It
is a frana confession but an idiotic one,
These ridiculous effusions bring
forth replies lrom the intolerant sec
tiou of the Nonconformists, for exam
ple, the Kev. D. Oliver Ldward-t, who
commences by calling the church the
old harlot and Her ministers "i
drunken gang," and ends up in lan
guage which will not bear reproduc
Terms are used by both factions iu
the "religious tight" which are a dis
grace to the Welsh language and at
times eclipse scenes depicted even iu
your Arizona Kicker. Une more speci
men of this week's Welsh press. An
Aberystwyth paper speaking of an al
leged portrait of the well known divine,
the Kev. Job Miles, in a contemporary,
states: "Excepting that the eloquent
preacher had what appeared to be a
black eye, a swelled mouth, and a
smudgy face, nobody could say that it
was not some sort ot a likeness."
The South Walians were proud to
bursting point over the number of
prizes which went to their teiritory
from the Carnarvon eisteddfod, but
alaa I heir joy is short lived as the els
teddfod statistics show that in the
musical competitions twenty-seven
went to the north and only twelve to
the south. All along the line the north
is triumphant, the totals beini', North
Wales, (i4; South Wales, 3(i. Owen
PROM i u rj M ,.'3 AG .
I trnMn; Emu .i-o-. o Conn
o d
r h V Fu- "4 Thonn Dick-"
People of Scrantou have very lit1!
idea, or perhaps have never stopped
think, of the 1111 i.lerofconi-ni'aih '
old men who. are etigiiged in ue''
business in our city. We me.-i Hi 1.,
every day piiesinir to nnd from their
various places of business tonkin..' hale
and hearty, and Iheir phsical strength
iinlnipa'rtd, and frum ibis ryiici,
neV' r uhe the subject a pt-sin;
thought. A list of the dates f bir h
of some of .NTiinton'B inosl pr"lii n nt
and sueccs' Hil en izons is heie i 1 lob d
which w 11 doubtless prove f 1nt.1Te.1i
to many of Tup: I kihune's readers.
In July, 1S4, tvt the time of ihe
death of one of Scranlon's most re
spectcd citizens and bend'adors,
Thomas hlckson, a party of gentlemen
went to the Delaware Water Gap to
meet the renuiius, which were i cing
luiiiiclit from New York. Dining tbe
journey a di-eussion arose in regard to
the axes 01 me several genuemen and
a list of the same was coin pi led by W.
It. Storrs, simply for his own satisfac
tion and the satisfaction of the mem
beisof the party. lie gave a copy to
each one present. Tlie following is the
list, with date or tnrin, made by Mr.
James Blair May 13, 1807
J. J. Albright ft. 21, 1M1
B. U. Thioop, M. D Nov. i. 1811
Meldun T. Hciauton Oct. IB, 1M14
Andrew Watt April 0, IS 15
John B. Smith June 7, 11
H. 8. Pierce Feb. 8, 181(1
W. W. MKnesa Aor, HO, 181(1
J. C. Piatt Sept. 17. lsK)
C. F. Mattes May 20, 18i
Cliarlea Hi ranton Jmfe 28,
Jared Cbittendeu.,
July 85, 188
Dec. ft, 1 2H
Dec. 21, 1823
May 15, ls;4
Nov. 18, 18-24
Dec. 28, 1824
E. W. Weetou
Kay. S. 0. Logan . .
CoeF, Young
A. H Vandllug....
W. K. Stem,
Jolin C. Phelpa
Daniel Edwards., .
April 20, 1825
April KS, 1825
William Connell.
..Sept. Ill, 18 7
John Jertnyn Oct. 27, 1827
Joseph B. Van Bergen :.Feb. 28, 1828
Bldnoy Brnadbont April 1(1, 1828
John . Dirkwn Feb. 22, 182(1
Uoorge L. Dickaon Ang. 8, 183U
Alfred Hand March 28, 1885
Jauiei AroUbald Feb. 13, Km
A. W. Dickaon Feb. 7, 1843
W. W. Soranton . April 4, 1844
Of the above list, some have since
died, but few, In comparison the
I number who formed that party,
RellQfous World
The Woraen'a Christina Temperance
union, of Oreen Hi-lee. h p-"nd s
failing room at tbrirroi m, C15Gr-en
RUH sirsel, It linn been ( nrnl-h
witn varinna apnlianoea (or moi
innate, and h s go d and v iri.d sup
ply ot uwep pers, peiiodlcals an
ooka. in in inhere of tie anion nav
lately given appi i attenlmi 10 a cant
of boys that wer extrvuiely annoying
io tiie nelgiiborboo r by tuelr etre
pUy. They bad become a nulauc,
UU the attention of ud ofikr w
necessary In nnontalo order au.l Ule-ui-rse
tbe liidi, Tbe women bare taken
to tbe boy and bave trleii to uieu-ge
hem along tho principle of the i-xpal
my power or good urns. From thirty
o thirty livof th-m have been drawn
into the reading; room. whre tb y
apeud their evi-ulngs ia uinmnntB
nnd reading, Ihe streets me qui-1
nnd th pet pie are uot dimur-ed
tbe iffl.i.r on duty eould not
inks out where the l ido h ut aon- to so
suddenly, and m etlng on of me ml
neHi men, lie aakd hlmwh-thad b.
m- of the b.ys. The work of tb
Christian Temperance uuinti it I z
plained to h i lu, -ml be show i tu
tiouu of tbe tr4it, enbdu I an I
fnl In th room ou lirHi 111 ig utrinv
Tnes women kiww ih-u ih ;il wy
i keep i oys out nf mischlsf u to give
hem innocent amus' iaeiiii aa I a r nni
where tby nr wvloouv t to jmr.-iii
in in. lue g'oa w-tk i.i tie iu -
ally, und tntw who wi
io givn h beipl .g band C ill -lo so lo
mliug p ri.nilc iu u I bonks to lb
ount on- Ororu It- lg tut t. It i
inisionary work ui Oiu ne alil-il to
liese lutereated l.i bun, who Otttiuo
,it their Urn-' d I energy.
The Moody on trieite le wull k iow
in Chic 'flro huiI uiauy of the tate. I
lirector it Cnaw tllfla J. DitI, a for
mer ProTidence boy, an I wuo now tU
ita hie mother, reM ling on Wrreu
ir.o . Mr Diivitu ws faaionsinlbe
North End tor bit ability a sIiirt
aid mueician, before be left for Cbi
catro, to steure bettnr ttalnintf n i cul
ture. His talent and oouoeorntad spirit
.iou him to promlnvno iu
coiinoetion with Mr. Mo i ly'e work in
me m trcp ills of tbo w-at A q:t-r.
k-tte waa org mizd and Mr. Dnf Ina ap
pointed condiiulur They aaug iu the
Chleaijo Av"iim cunreh, which bsi.
itoea orgamz- d and fouudxl by D. L
Moody, nud uuriug the wei-k they gave,
in Turiona ii.aiiiati.'i iu the city, aucred
ud eeotllur vonoirte. T. ia aamiuer
ibey Rung at Moody's Northfl,.ld Sum
wur school un i were highly compli
mented by Uoturera from both eld of
tbe Atlaulio.
The qiiartttte will not rutnrn to Chi
cago tms fall, but will rWh a series of
eoi.certs throngh tho eastern autaa un
der tbe manAgement of the Hedpath
Lyoenm bumau, of Boston. ,Taey b-iv
ueeu ecigaund for one month I y Dr.
Dixon, of New York oity. If Mr. Mood
or tie lieutenants come to our alty, it
it would add much to tbe influence of
tueae mueiiuga if tbe aervlcu of thetr
young niuu uonld be tauured.
Youuan H. Shabaz, of,
Perain, ia vinitiug toe 13 iptiat ehurotiea
of tiiis city and Tnciuity. He is a
bright young in in and a etudent el
Huinihon Tbeolugiuul seminnry. H
was bor iu Persia and haa ue-n iu tbis
vicinity two years iiud a hull, i.uring
wbicu liuiii he bus altaiurd an hiIi-iju n
c-iinmana of tho Lngiiah languugo to
erui 1 liii;i to lecture with euiisijm
.tble (laeiicy. His li'cinr ia on "Persi-i,
iiaMnumri and Cujiodw." Tbe pr
viiiling religion of his country is Mo
tiiinim iliiuirtin, aud Mr. tilnilibnz com
nnres Ciiribtiuiitv with it and shows
.D superiority ot tue la-tor. List San
my evening lie d lighted a lnrg- nudi
nc in the Nurtn M in Avi)U' cnurc.i
Next Wem-smv v-iutirf he leciuie:
iu tliH LI :kiy B.ptist eniirch Ho ia
ivortay y u .11 man, aiht as so 111 as i.e s, l.e will .ntcr tne iUMMii;t.y
work iu bin na ive country. Tnis lee
lUI'MU lour lil inn !e to e:iiii lil ui t
uu-it liis is;i as s ..t tlie seminary.
the t pit-1 mi mr c ur.l
Tiw B p'i-l Mi .1 I rbil
coiii- r
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TH- WOu l Mttu ! lie G
Tlie (it J. i -I M,i,i y . 1itJ -liatje
C lli' iii i ' L ek .TV Oinn (V Umi V Ii .
Ol tu-t villi tit- mi'i lie pr p
i tiora nnlicip t d. I i of :.
y.rwi.s unl . Table, un i ni ir.y l.ij
nieii and cln'iouiii promln-m in i.l
Chriatien activity ar oni of toivn. The
!.e'sNi'y Quaiieiii) guarantee was no
seemed, for the aluiple real' n that
ninny entboilaailo ohnroh wrlc-ri re
way on thalr TnOHtion. No city in th
.late haa allow n greater liberality ii,
-Tangeliatie work than outs, and tne
lethargy that aeeni to have eh-iraeter-zed
the action of tb eemiutttee Ii,
charge of tbo work cm oulv b. ex
plaiu.d by a coueurrencr of disparag
ing ftratnraa ineidnial to this senaou
of the year. Tue Luzerne oonaty om
ptign has aeoompliebed Tory mucn
good, and the evangelists were no
willing to leave wlthuot visiting some
puoaa in Lackawanna county.
K B. Andrews, president of tiie rx
eontive oommittee of tbe work in oui
u.lgbborittii comity, has fnrwponded
with R'V. D. C Hughes, D. D , of the
West Side, kindly offorlng the e ot
one of the tents tor two week' services
A few of the olwrgy ot that side of the
city, met and decided to aosept th
' ffer, and. are now seeking a looatiou
for the tent. The vaoant lota on Houth
Hyde Park aveuue, next to tbe Waan
bnru Street Presbyterian church, offjtra
oommo lions aud central looatlon.and
it is tbe wish of the commute to se
cure this as plaos to erect tb tent.
If all arrangements can be eompleted,
the meetings will be held About ,the pnri of lliia m 'ntb, or the begin
niug ol 8 --teiu I r
Lt.C tNu .PiHlTUaL.'
The Sunday achool of the Jacknon street
Bpil-t i-i.ureh will hold hs snnual iicuio
iu Laurel Ul.l park next Tueaday.
Next Friday tbe Sund.jy acliool of the
Plymouth (JongregaibiiiHl hoivh will bld
da auuual at Lau ol Hill piirk.
Tho L id .' A4 aocotf of th Hickory
Smei Pi-- irteriuu church g ai mvi
latioa to tlie coiiKr-jjiiluu to ittoud their
ik-uic at Central purk on the 25. h lust.
The Young Paople'a union of the Welsh
Biiptisi cnurchea of nonhesiarn Peumyl
vaula will maet next Mon:y iu Pittaion.
'Ihe leading a tdreB in ih pvenlna aeenlon
will b delivered by Ebv. W. F. Dvie, of
our city.
Mrs. B glow'a cla, of the Green Hides
Pre-by lerinn chmch, held n lawn ai-cialal
tho h. me of J. 11., on tirn
Kidi;e g;rei, luat Tuesday eveiimg A
p oant lima waa enjoyed by a large
1 ouipany of ynng in-opl.)
Tbe Wyoming cann in-utltiir is in pro-
Itrei. and 11. any of our people hio di at
tendance. Ihe meeting villi b clo-eil
next Tuehday evenbi); aud ihe bint seaalon
la ..eneially ihe mo t mthu-laa le or nil.
Muuy of thn p;.tor. ot tlie city and vicin
ity exoect to Httoiid the meetings tlie eurly
pnri or nexi week.
P ofe.gur Haydn Evr.,naand Ids Cnmbro
Aui iienu qunrtette, vtili a coLreri n
he 1 revn 01 re Jeilinlift clinch thii-
evening, nun at Ihe Ja- ki-ou S reel, Baptist
chin i u 11 xt .Vondny eveniuir. Tuey wl.l,
-lndnub edi.y, be giveii-d with acmw ieu
ii' line ia bo.b cuu chea. im- aOuiiusion
lee nas bi-en pu at tue p pulur price . 1
5 tenia, ao that ihn uiiKa of music lovers
may hear tiie-e at.. sere who expect to idve
a "ari-e uf c nicer in Wales. Tle y will
ave for Now Ynk ed y Tu 8 lay next,
and will start on ttieir voynff' tue follow
ing Uioruing.
Rev. E. L. MillHr haa Introduced the
Boikead e syileui of Bible leaching to the
uieiuoera of ihe Junior Lutli-r leKii-. It
la biReJ on the kitideruurleu inetliiid ami
la expected to ho interesting and prolitnble.
Rev. G. G. JlBSiiner, presiding elder of
the Philadelphia district of the Germau
ilethodiat Kpiacnpal cbureli, will lecture
to the Kpworth longu- of ihe Firt Onr
mau MclhudlBt Episcopal cuurch on Aug,
Itov. Daninl Suvane tli.l not proach hia
usual 01 en air aoruioii this WePlt on Dea
con airni-t, becttuaoof tbe excursion tu Far-
view, tiuxl Friday eveumg, It tho weatner
perinhs, th eer vices will tuUe place as
The two stained dins tviudoWB recently
put in St. Dnvid'i cnurcii present a very
beautilul appearance nud aro liiibiy an-
predated by the cu;retatinn. Tue church
la grateful for this bonutlfnl gill lrom tbe
cluiruu of tbo Good Suepuerd, Green Uidge.
Rev. William Kyaua, one of the leading
divines of tbe Wealoyan dunomiuation iu
VVi.Us, will preach Monday oreiiing iu the
Tubm nacle Congreuntinnal church on the
West Sideand in the Welsh Oongrenaiional
church on West Markut i-treet Wednesday
eveniug. Ou Tuesday evening he will
preach at the Congregational church of
Jenny 11.
A C'hrifltiun Eudenvor aoclety has been
orguuiz-d by Charles Chandler in the mis
sion achool of ihe fcec.-nd l3reahyierlan
chureh on Now York street. Twecty-one
members are enrolled and very euthuslna
lie ineetiuga are held. This new organiz
ation win conduct the Wednesday night
meeting, whlcn haa hitherto b"n under
the care or tho Eudvavor society of the
home church.
Eev.W. G. Watkins, of the Main Avenue
Baptist church, uhs stnrted a Junior
Christian Endeavor society that proml-es
to be one ot tho most lIounahlUK oritau.z-i
lions of the church. Oyer thirty members
ro enrolled, and they will mmit every
wcdtiesiHy a.ternoon in rhechurcu. jiih
i ay Powell, one of the North End public
fChool teaci.eie, l" piesuicnt, and ml
Anna fchoi wiu is secretary.
Tho local union of Christian Endoavor
workers mut last cvuniug to discuaa the
quoKtion ot tiikiug up a definite line of
work in tho ciiy. They will begin work
on ono of the linen laid down iu tne Cl-va-
bind couvoutiuu, viz.: "Good Cnizouahip."
TLo ol1 ct is to arouro nieuib rs of
ihurclieato a ac use of 1 heir duty as citi
T. n, and redeem the municipal govern
1ne.1t from the bands of pioles.ilounl poll
PtW N PUtPlf.
Prayer service w.ll be held In the Taber
nacle C-iiR ' uuuoumI cnuicu louiur.ow
ii.oi nl..g nod evciug.
ll-v.P A. 1 van, of Providence, will
i,... Ii at .i.e l'imouiu C eietntioi.a
c.o.r- u loino row rui Ii iho eveu-
l.ig . ei'Vii i ol suii will Oe on-ei ve,.
K elin -I' oU luivo bei u placed iu the
, 1 1 1 via n cnUi'i u W ho i Ho. i mti. a ,o i hi
im, fji-i t i i.e woisi.i, p. i-. luey u.r
im. io by tue luuii ,cja ul Eiwiu augh a
Urv. In Jlel ey U vi iting his brother.
1'. u. ede., ot G.eeo U .go. II' M 1
.ii-ni'j io,..oir- v moioi u iu the Gr
I V Ci Tuele, Wdl b- I.O
i i ii u v. a
.. 1 p ... n
N.I II .1 ' .-
lieE i- '
ett U -lit 0' 0 I liiu cnl
l.t I C LuHb4.
. i row. ne wi.i .p uk
il . . Cte HI b tu U0. II
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'i i, !! v Dni 1 Siv
i i i ..i I i V le ...
; . I .. 1. 1 ne a.vI . ..Is
. ... -J, n 1 p. o
. ... h ii le t rre.-d.y o in ,
I . .i . o I,.' 1. h la-.- , c.l ...
ii, v it c i Io. i .io nest l ii
il. . Vlert . 11, b-' I 0 idu I'd
Ll. ilU 11 , U. I). Ul.e eveo.Ug
uu" ' i -u u i i ,o i from 6 p. m. to i
to it '
p llli'
, ,, UI.
1 1
ni-,.1 -.
e. I
1. .
SU ' vill elld.'U of the
Ui I P -i.i. a,. iVu-.i , R.-V
o U I, of 1 JlOHilfllH t.
l"oU i i l..e 1..10' e., ol
. . bijll.-1
v. I.I VI- 11 "U
U.e Li. ui" uu im a
Hi. Aim kV ci.u, I'll
lie e In ple.o h 1 i
I-, u. le. i.tu ai. a i iu
i.e i Oiulu,, m,il in the evoulug n. ih
P l'k Pmre Uilblou cu ipul.
ihe ci lk if tho Noith liiilu Avenue
i'aplist churi-h, will tend ibe
hurcb letter at torn rrow moruiiiK'a ser
vice. The lutter kif-s a brief ekuicb of
ihewora of ihn chun-h duilug the la-t
y. hi-, aud i very ucoui axing iu bo li pan
tor aud people. When du ly acted upon
by the congreaiion, it wi.l bo forwarded
to the aecieiiny of the Aluniiton a.xnoeia
lion, who will end it at the aunual mi--ion
which will be held Sept. Vi at Clark's
An abb fr'lele appears this week in the
Eplicopal Itecoid ou "Did Jeaus M.ike In
toxicating Winer'' from the pen ol W. W.
Latbroi e. . Hi pottlion i clear from the
concluding parugrnpn, which reads a lul
lowa: "it ia utterly impo hi bid, it seems to
me, to hariuonizo wiili the word of S- lo
mon, dicinted by the Holy Spiiit, tbe the
ory that Jesus made lutoxicating wine,
nut the explunaiion that the wine waa
pure, uufarmeuted, barmleas; thia accords
perfectly with all Scripture."
Roy. I C. Floyd, D. D., went to Biug
bainton last Tuetdny aud returned home
Key. R. S. Jones. D. D., of Providence,
ia among bla friends in Spriug Brook, and
will pieaoh there tomorrow.
Rev. Joseph T. Smith, D. D., L.L. D.,
ot Baltimore, will preach in th First
Presbyterian church tomorrow.
Rev. E. fi. Eckel, rector of the Trinity
church, Weat Pittston, la spending his
vacation in Delaware bis former home.
At tomorrow morning's servloe Ray.
Frederick Hotter will preach the installa
tion sermon to Teacher Arthur Buizs.
Noxt Monday evening the Rev. W. G.
Watklna, of Piovldence, will lecture i 1 the
Baptist church of Forest li.y on "Woman
Di covered."
The venerable D. Web t r Cox. areh
deiic not Scruro i, sp.-ui lodav ui.b it'-v.
il Mra. M. H Mill, at the re lory of St
David a pui .su.
Rev. D. M. Kin er, of th - Pr yilenc
Christian rhun waa at IJitt-i -n, thui-
1 1 ay aud pinioned Ihre thai evei.i.ix. Ee
eiuruol home ye teid ty uior itu.
Rev. A. W. I ooiier, of th" il onptoii
8:reet chiir h, le t yei.!erdny lor Si-r-
villp tii.niiKs, J. i. Ida lulpit mil be
snppli d touior o by Ki V. II. C Hlniuau.
Rev. W: J. Fold and wifo. of thn Green
Ridn BaDiiat ehurcn. are expeoied h : e
next week tr m thoir weildiuK mur. T ey
will live on 11' naey at nu, 1 cur the A
bury Method! t E,ii. copal couroh.
R, v. P. R. Hawxnurst, D. D , of tb..-
Paik Plai e Methodiio Epiaouai church, is
on a vacation of two w ek viadl ig friend
iu various pait of the states. U I ex
peited home the latter part of next week.
Rev. J. G Morria, ol Bellevue, will leave
nex; week for a two week.' vneaimn ai
tue seashore. He will pro ich for two bun
daya In the th- Thirteenth Hir.-t Oiilvim-
latic Mmhodist church of New lark ouy.
Rev. Edtfnr Campbell, of Foreat City,
Im received a c.ll from St. Peter1 cliuroh
f i'henixvii e, t is at.oe, ft .d will, iu all
pri bnbility accept It. i..r. Cnmpb 11 ha
beon iu Forest City fur two y ars aud un
done very g od w -rk, alihnugu, owlug to
Irupd'nt roii.uv.iia, the cougu'gatinn una
noinreatiy 1111 renaeu ournu uie imin rry.
He move, i to a larger .nid beiieriqu pp. (l
Mi ti-n, wlileh is a very piumiuu,; u -ia
or his eutliuuisi-in.
I0M0 ROA'a C - U tCH Sifl'X'S
Pknn Avknl-s Baptist Cnrnafi Rev
K ,11-0111 jiaivey, of GerinaniuiVi., P.dla
d Inhin, will iiienoii morning an I evu
mg S-rvicea at ln.S'J a. m. ao 7.:i0 p.
ititilH irhoo at a u. ra. uonuiau
tle.ivor iiirtetiug at 6 .tu p. in. All cl'd.adr
w Iron eU.
'lBISITV -EXI1U8H Ll-tubbas ( ncacB.
A iaiUH uveiin , corner rr r-e.
Rv.E. L. i.iiler, pator. S-rvicea at
10 3D a. m. and 7.UU D. in. The Ref . J. W.
Richard", of Lancaster, will preach at the
evitnng aervlce.
Ei.mPark xrn DisT EnscoPAL Church
f reaching a 10 M a. m. nr Rv. H.
morns, ana 7.4d p. m. by uv. Jutiu uavy.
Suudny scb 01 a 2 p. m.
The ( HuncnoK thb Good Shbi'hbbd
Greeu liidgo atreat. 8, 1U.3U, 12, tt.4j, 7.30,
All seats free. All welcome.
Saint l.ckk'8 Chubcu Hv. Roenri Is
rael rector. Thirteen tn Sunday after Trin
ity; Borvice and ser non, lU.3l)a. m. ; Sun
day achool, 2 3J p. ni.; evening prayor, 7
p. m.
Dunmoiie Mission Suudav achool, 3 p.
m.; eveuiim prny. r and sermon, 4 p, m.
Rev. Fo-ter U Gi r, pattor. Sei vices ou
Minday at the Y 'ling Men'a Chrisilan a-
sociaiion nt 10 30 a. m. aud T..) p. m.
Morning subject, "Glorying in the Cross;"
event. .g subject, "Joaeuh, the Rulur of
Simpson Methodist ,PMOorAL Ciiuncn
Preaching morning au I evening by tlie
pa-tor, itov. Li. (J. i ioyd. All aeata tie.',
All welcome.
First Presbyterian CnimcH, Wash
inton avenue Services morning and
evening. Preaching by th R-v, J.
Richie Smith, of Pe.kskill, N. Y. Mr
Smith la the aon of Rev. Dr, Smith, nf
Baltimore, wllone pronching has for two
summers been sreatly enjoyed by Scrau
ton people.
Calvary Reformed Cnuacn -Corner of
Monroe and Gibson st'acit. Rev. Yf. H
Siubblebine .a.tor. Preaching by the
naotor at 10.30 a. m., and 7.U0 p. m. Even
ing subject: ''Angela tn Heaven."
St. Mark's Corner Washburn and
Fourteeutu atreata, Ray. George M.
Scheldy, pnator. Sorvicea every Lord
Day at 11.80 a. m. and 7.131) p. m. Sunday
school at x.w p. m. uoiy or.mmunlon to
morrow morning. Tho missionary aupor
intendent will assist. Seats free.
First Baptist Cuuiich -Pastor Collln
will preach Sabbath at ,10.80 a.m. and 7.80
p. m. Morulas theme, "Shaking of the
Dry B. lies," Evening theme, "Sounds
Going Tbronuh tne Mulberry Trees."
Siats free. All welcome.
Lady Henry Somerset and MIssWIl-
lard have oriratilzed a big society In
England, and propose to duplicate it
here, t he purjioe ot which la the pnpu
laiizui" ot bicycle riding among
women. Tlie real object of these two
eminent reformer, however, is to
bring about ttrc.s reform among wo
men, through the int'iliuni of sport
livery former eii'ort to get women to
wear blo'imcrs anil breeches In nubli.
lias failed, and it hint been- decided to
devolo attention to bicycling- hoIcIv
llou-icw in charge of matrons have been
established ut v annua points of Great
lli'iium, anil the women supply the
bicM-ks, which they buy on I he in
sialluiein )lan. T'iii have b.en laid
out so that women ticcmup nled by
men can no from one bicycling station
to aunt her, nud everything is dune f r
the convenience of the rid rs. The
only condition is liiat they sluili wear
biieches or bl miners, and English
women have accepted thl- cuiiditinn
wiihcnat alaeilty. Lady Henry de
cla es that tho mov nicnt is tiieenter
i. g wedge of real divse refurui.
A I.i-s.ichnse'tH wheel e'uh, the
' ivl i i uy, in in 'irsiiip in wiiieh is
old - oj'cll 10 women, la III danger of
i.isn 'i.iling hom l.i if very pecu iar fact
tiuii evi i v hlimle nii'iuiier wnnts to be
t-1 cieii to tne ios,i on ot c ub lumii-r.
When 'he cluii s tlrsl fmin. di' was
e cci'ilnitly dill.euli lo i:e' anyone to
iiC'i'l l tiie ollliv ul bngl'-T f'iliiilly,
hovvever, a fair mo er was fi.iind aiiil
in i hive in ' Him was married. The
olllce thus vacated was inure ca-ily
lillt-d this time, and wua aain made
viu'itnl by tiie man iaiie of the bugler.
'I lieu il dawned upmi tlie fair tond
l'i HkeiU'8 1 1 nit I lie cub imgl rdilp
whs a sImi'I an I 1 er'aiu road lo hpiedy
n a iiuo ; and iheii tl.o war oil
wliiuti ih i aieua to resuli m tho club's
golin; to pied e unless it decides lo have
a bu: e corps ineiuberehl)., wlileh
sliull lu-open to very meniuer of the
W. udori .go Cycle club.
One aiire evidence of the growth of
the cycling craze iu Hcramon is seen in
the avidity Willi which muuuiaotiirere
of leading wheels meek lo give their
wuivs a lucid iulrodueti hi. ' Within a
fortnight half a dozen epecial agents
have been in tho city arranging to
place local advertising and otherwise
to call intention to tlie durability of
their particular waree. Bcrantou is
becoming known in the cycling world,
a fact tor which it ia largely indebted
to tlie Serauton aud (Jreeu liidge
bicycle clubs, whose various meets have
been invaluable lu bringing the Elec
iric City iuto state aud national prom
inence. When Baby was alck, we gave ber Castortav
When she woe a Child, she cried for Castorla.
When she became MIbs, ahe cluox to Castoiia
When she cad Children, she gave them Castoris,
Oar C:
"t G'Jirlm D I
D Tonse oi funu
n r,mn s::jt to m
Comnria djr of the Deparlmn
the All.inlic Thrown Down Be
cause of An Injudlcojf Syndicate
Artic'a General Gob n'a Views on
the f ra.ioead Enlargement of the
Regular Army.
Sptciulf om Slnff Crrttpjiulmt.
t iMlr i'HWfOHD, )
GarrYsaura Au 17 )
T NOW appears that the failure of
MJ.r General O. O. Howard, ol
the United (Mates rmy, command
int: tne nepaumerii or the At an
tio, to re lve an Inyltatlon to rc-vlim
the National Guard of Pennsylvania nt
Gettysburg was not accidental. Sec
relnry of War Dm Lninout was Inv
ted nnd ao wa Major General Scln
held, but no invitation was sent 1
General Howard, and his presence, i
is understood, was not wanted. Then
ia an intene feeling of bitternesi-
t'-ward Guimial Howard aniontr th
ofllrer of the guard, csusrd by th
crliu'l-iu of the punishment of Privai-
lama at Homestead for a leged treaaoi
able uneraiiccH. In this article, whie
wai publlhhed soon after that oeetii
rniee, General Howard scored tin
Pennsylvania mlllua and denounce
the punishment of Imns ae unlaw fe
cruel and suinething wlileh would n'
be tolerated in the regular army. Con.
mg as it did when Iho public wai
wrought up to a high pitch of excite
ment, the article created more or les'
of a sensation all over theoountry
H ca lug of this Incident Genera
ttnowden says;
''Gennral Howard's syndicate articli
on the Jams ease was not such as t
commend itself to the National Guaro
of 1'ennsylvanla or, so far as I eai'
learn trom a large number of personnl
lette.-s, the officers of the regular army.
General Howard said that apeaklrii
from the alanduoint of a Christian
soldler.the administration of disciplini
was uot jusiiueu oy military law. A
civil judge of Allegheny county (Judge
Porier', suld that it was. The arucb
waa published at a tine when Putin
sylvaula was in the throes of revolu
Hon, and at a time when the very ex
igence of discipline was threatened
Tiie article was ill-advised and open to
ceus'.ire, to say tlie least."
"Was it for this reason," the genera
was asked, "that General Howard wa
not invited to attend the encamp
ment?" "You can draw your own inference."
was General rtnowden's answer.
Just before lie startod for Gettysburg
General Gobln was interviewed al
Lebanon on the proposition of General
Sehofleld to increase the regular army.
Thl. is his reply:
"1 believe tlie regular army should
be increased to tho extent at least ol
oompletiug the regimental organiza
tion, as provided for in the new drill
regulations, by adding an additional
battalion to each one, thus making
each regiment consist of twelve com
panies, divided into three battalions.
This, of, applies particularly to
the infantry aud cnvalry. In the ar
tillery arm of tho service such impor
tant changes have been made and are
still being made in the cannon and
mWslles, aa well as the explosives, that
well drilled men thoroughly conversant
with all the details are absolutely nec-e-sary.
The training of artillerists is
evidently a matfcr of greater impor
tance than it has ever been, owing to
the distance at which the artillery can
be used, aa well as the improvements
iu powder nnd cartridges. To strength
en fortifications with improved arma
ment and not have the trained men
skilled in their use to care for them, is
simply wasting that much money, and
yet every coast fortification to be avail
able as a factor in the defens.' of the
territory it covers, must have this im
proved artillery.
"A maximum of 40,000 or 50,000
men,'' me t enerai nnneu, "would not
be too largo a standiug army for a
govt rnment Mich as ours, i eaunot
agree, however, witli General Kcho-
noid's iden of a flexible foree. Soldiers,
to be efTu-ient, cannot be gathered up
and enlisted whenever an emergency
arises, nor would it lie judicious, or
fa r to the men to discharge them after
the emergency had ended. Their very
enhstnieut, it occurs to me, would
cause a panic by creating the impres
sion that the president, at that junc
ture, deemed it necessary to increase
the regular army. That tlie army
should tie a positive recognized bod v.
as It now i, with sufficient men under
trained officer to respond to the call
of the president whenever under the
constitution lie is authorized to use it.
"Tbe militia of the states. I believe
to be suflicieiit to take care of law
breakers ml rioter nt home, at least
in Ihe sia't9 east of the Mishislppi
and in niotof them west of it. The
ueeessiu is foran executive officer who
will call upon them and use them efll
elen'ly, or if any particular stale
should be deficient the nre-ideut can
call upon the adjoining or other states
Tor their quota "t troop ae Washing
on did dm li g the iilsky Insurrec
tion ol 1V94. vi hen he culled upm the
truvenii rs of Pennsylvania. New .Lr
sey, Maryland and Vlrgiuia for their
ttiolas ot ihe 2,vo0 men he proposed
to use io enforce the law unci protect
tbo uni'ea htates officers in the per
formance of their duties. This, it oc-
curstn me, la preferable and more iu
keeping with our syBtem of govern
ment. "Tho regular army, even though
composed of 50,000 men, could be use
fully employed without engaging in
the selllunent of troubles iu muni
cipality where state troops can be had
to aid the civil powers iu suppressing
disorders and maintaining the Jaw.
Of course, whenever state troops fall
to respond or the executive of any
stale refuses to call them out I believe
the president should use the regular
army wherever and whenever the law
authorizes him to do so."
Guaranteed Cure.
We authorize our advertised drutrsiat te
sell Dr. King's New Discovery for Con
sumption, Coughs and Colds, upon tuU
condition. If you are afflicted with a
Cough, Cold, or any Lung, Throat or Cheat
trouble, and will nae tbis remedy as di
rected, giving it fair trial, and experience
no benefit, you may return. the bottle and
have your money refunded.' We could not
make this offer did we not . know that Dr.
King's New Discovery could ba relied on.
It never disappoints. Trial bottles free at
Matthew Bros', drug atore. Large size
ouc ana ei.
iJad Blood.
Bad Blood.
Bad Blood.
I hav. bn aiiBering ten
years with El yulpulaa Hav.
tuaon doctors' medieinoa und
PHtent mi.uicluei of most ail
Kind., but none aeemad to dc
me any (rood. I Anally mails
up my mind to try Bni-dnck
Bloou Bittois. Hav.uaed loui
bottles of B. B. B., and tarn
myaolf cured.
Mh. N. J. McCatit.
Borvice, Beaver Co., Pi,
Lot Italw.y'a Heady Itellef lie nsed on
the flnt luillcntlon ot I'alu or UneBalursa;
If threatened with Diaause or Memo a a,
th. Cure will b. made before the lam II y
doctor would ordlnarllr reach the bouao.
to twu-.ty minutes Not on hour aftor re.nt
lug this ii'lrertiaimaaC nued any oue oL'F
For heads eha (whothur alck or nervous),
i-H'thache, uouralKia. rheumatlam. lumbigo,
Baina and weakuraa in tho ba k, apin-or
mnyi), ralna a otind the llvr. pleurisy,
swelling-of the joints and pains of all kinds,
th aiiplieaton oi Ksdwov a Keady Relief
will anord inmfdla', and its continued
use for a few days iff ,ct a perumuent cure.
Summer Complaints,
Dysentery, Diarrhea,
Cholera Morbus.
A half to a teasnoouful of Ready Relief in
a half tumbler or water, repealed as often
aa thediacbargis continue, and a flannel sat
urated with Keady Relief placed over the
e'omach and bov o a will afford Immediate
relief and socn effect a cur.
Internally A half to a teaspoonful In half
a tumbler of water will, iu a few minutes,
cur. Cramps. Spasms. Sour Htomach.NaiiSfU,
Vomitin., Heartburn, Nervousness, bleep
loaMiesa, Sick Headache, Flatulency and all
Internal pains.
Ualarialn lis Various Forms Cnred snd
mere is not a remedial agency in tbe world
that will c re lever and ague and all other
malaiioux, bilious and all other fevers, aided
by RAi.WAY'rt PI, L . ao oulcklv aa HAD
Travelers should always cr rry a bottle of
Bad way's Keady Relief with them. A few
drops in water will prevent sickness or pains
from change of water. It f-i better than
French brandy or bitt. rs as aatlmuiant.
Miners and lumbermen should always be
provided with it.
Price 50 cents per bottle. Sold by ail drug
Perfectly tasteless, elegantly coated. pur.
fegulnto, purify, cleanse and atreugth-.-n.
KADWA Y'8 , ILLS for the cure of all die
ordera o' the Stomach, Fn-)ls, Kidn ys,
Bladde , Narv.iua Diaeaiea, D zzineei, Ver
tigo, Coativoneas, Files,
Observe the rollowlng symptoma resulting
f rom disea es of tho digea.lre organs Con
stipution, la ward pdes, fullness ot blond iu
the bead, ac uity of the siomach, nausea,
heartburn, disgust of fool, fu lness of weight
of the stomach, sour eruotat'ous, s.nki-gor
fluttering of tho heart, chok as or suffocat
ing sensations when in a lying posture, dim
n ss of vision, dots or weba b, fore the alght,
fever and dull pain ia the h ad. deficiency of
perapl ation, yellowness of tlie akin and
eyes, pain In the aide, chet, liuiba. aud sud
den Hushes of h:it, burning in th. flesh.
A few doses of RAD WAV'S 1 IL 8 will frae
the system of all tho above named disorders.
Prion 2Sc, per box. Sold by druggists of
Bent bv mall
Send to DR. RAHWAY & CO., Lock Boj
806, Mew York, for Book cf Advice.
Made a
Well Mart
of Me.
int untAi BOth Pav.
produces the above reatilta In 30 days. It a
powerf ully aud quickly, tlures when all otliors fail.
Young mm will regain their Inst manhood, and,, Id
men will recover their yonthlul vior bjr ui,iiis
.tbvIYO. It quickly aud nu-el rtore Nenous
368a. Lost VitalllT, ImpotuBoy, Nigiitly Kmiiisions
.ost I'oft-or, JulUiig Ui-morj, Wwtlua iliaeaswi. and
ill olTsc-ta et aelf-abuita or excewand indiueretion,
hioh mi .at (or u1y bnilacaa er marriage. It
nt nulr curea by ettrtlng at thn seat ot dim-ana, but
lagi-nal nerve toale aal blood builder, bring
g back the pink glew to pal. cheeks and re
oring the dr. of Touth. ft wards off Insanity
ii Consumption. Inaiat ea kariog
or. It au be cai-rled la Ttit packnt. Sis mcil,
.00 per puckace. or tlx tvt 8S.00, with a poui
e wri'teu gnariiuie. to cure or refund
-money. CircAilartme. Addrets
For salo by Matthews Bros,, Druggists,
PcrKtittm, I'a
eeds ami
Large Medium and
White Clover,
Choice Timothy and
lawn Grass Seeds
. Guano, Bone Dust
and Phosphates for
Farms, Lawns and
What Is More Attractive
Than a pretty face with a fresh, bright
oomplexlont For it, use Pouoni's Powder.
n r?!LLS3
mm RELim
r .7.' jtk