TIIE ECRANTON TKIBUNE-SATJRDAT MORNING, AUGUST 18. 1894. We Keep Dp To the minute on all NEW STYLES, and are the first to introduce them to the Retail Trade. Every Detail of Merchaad'uing !. so can-fully watched that there is slight- cliauce of dis sai is action. Quoting Prices Goes ior L.TTLE Unless You face the Goods. Every d pu; tni"iit is a reser voir of STYLE and ELE GANCE, and we oll r uo sleepy imitation lor p.itron age. EUY HERE, and Ycu WiU Get the Beat Do not drift away Irom our FilN'H G00U.5 AT LOW TlilClvS. Remsmtnr, Pleasure V7a Tako To Show G -oil and liocS If wo can 8u Qiote in a -at Mart ry purclm e, we :uv hetli Ix-m li.."l. We M'VEIi INSi-T ON' YOU Dinvha-iu ' what you don't want. Our Entire Sto:o, Our clerics, our system ol buyiug, all are at your ser vice. Early Fall Dress Goods The cxiiiniM ition o! our Dress M tWi-ils lor Kail is early so licited. The v riety of de signs t cii io t'roai is as ex tensive a lornieriy. 'Ih qualities, the finish au.l the prices are I he best. GORMAN'S GQftKnnFPfll L NEWS OF INDUSTRIES Pittsburg nl tn Adegh ny valley hi pro'mlily ditined to h- the tne t " if eom - x'- siv-e -rolley op-r-ltui a fu. A M K -ii'Tt Jup it -h ys an ih-r liTfitt -l-c'ric street riilw-j sen-in- Is worklnout. in rotii.t a:reaiy beeu state ' tint lb Q fnwon i a ,i Dr'i"b'irg Eletttrio railroi l is o gnti nnrfwiifct.e Dr v isbiKg 13ri Ig m my f'T passage ovr f.at lrl U i in H rnol tton. T" Grl'tiwool an Dravoatnira- Siret K i.wty cosapan. Una secur d mII the right of way be tween II m l nail Dravosourg for I e track', Htid the work will 0 gin " t ti tin tnU week. The risht cf wsv tnrough Dr.tvoiburg has ben seonred, nl pass-ig emit the bridge hiu bsen pr.uttoslly i.ssuri. Tot eompsuy wants to reaei M K eport, u I it prop s to do ii v unrctiatiag lb liKeport and U)ii.it.ltou lines, if po aim. Alreadi work has b- guu ou nrldg at II nu -11 -ad to conueet tlin rallroil with t i S -riitid avenue lln -, wile will cam-pise- ng-rs Into the h irt of Pntsbnrs lha pi ns of tli m u 'y eontmpl it' t in rtt"K of a 20-oo t i-'p or. . itl 60- nr or uiu o s, fn ui tut tor--rot I'Vui .iy uuh sui vVaii.ut ir or Pu s urg ver tireeu uiiuni wlih 10-c m It to (Jiowi)'m1 Bud 5 c-iits ui r-to Pi.ttmrg The i rn p-.pl- i i . i na un ro e il I t i hit $10 (KM 000 Tli- tfiid.-nor inw rl o-ntr d'z i'l ml c --p. r ui'-n nfr.i.M ii tor h -hi iijutiHii i(ii fcinkintf y mnulf in i Hntnrnoit ir." ii n w uitriiu r iv. d i i n irpf t .tl 1 1 oi I uiiii nu 'rid ' A i in licitlo i o ) : i i- ho i o i) u : r r .' et I i ti--in .II. . I - -1 4 i 0 !; n i. ri ill i W.irKl 4 I w- -cl : I to f ii e. t . i wii CHpitilo filUOiO)) " vr il'ii I- lb r minus will o u . f rr-d n in- w icii iby will b' op rut d. l b i j ci ot tb lor.iilnit ol ii'orpiri mi is to reins- in 0i ndu x p -lift's siid to n 'I'll thf i'P r- .lom tn miik lertn with tuir mn. wi o irf h-n oa trlc-t sin Ffbru.irT for 'iff -rmi i l rut ol IS vents ton mom thnn i" p ldinlii niu-r districts ol thustntrt. Tim op-ir- tois hIso mlopt-"l new sell dal- oi i iw'i'8 brt-nd o . iii- GO utr.ite lnp-' . by Hi- I n u. in nu o uvi'utluii L l l o HSI'd 1(1 t'b" t fii I i - '"! H Plli no t'm' 'b y wi I -i.it 7 -in .iiid .Is i lo it v- ; n t fir .1 t h luw-r p i-'i l" o', ' i tilci.ti ton, is .11 in.it i iii- r I'm a il p y. Ii lb sell- ilu is not a o p'. il by b itur I .y, Ann n- -p i mis pjrfe to el" .r in mi i' hi i louls anil d. CHIn Hie pi 0 of Ul IU -rs T-iv-iut .ml open lomiifr womui-i T im acti'in is likdy to prcipiiut .i c:i.-is iu tl)H .lrt-l l"ii il. mi lot. Sits lh Indin'ipo1is Journ.l 'CorlfS Gromiu, wiio for n.iny ynuri Wrt sup riui imt!Mi ti otouy n wt-r of tilt uA w r , L ick wahom ud VV it'ern, two yeirs -.Koui 't wii lT Thro op. ! V. 1? r V I w I ; - i, I d dtf t- r, . s i .Hi H ' y. ir I i v d mil fr in All C (.' tv 'T II V I T- bff up ii i .i i wo w ks v t- Miion win tl'-ir bioii tT in I sis t-r, Mr. .old M' E v . r J' li s. J.ibn M ov a'lHniie1 tin fnner-il lis fnilirr bo iiit-d at Lcyliou ci"ek on Tn-sdnT I !. Tb" Phiic.h! Cnl conipiiny wil pny tlii-ir tuipliy s tm Siurla, An- 18 M ns Tillif D'TtlT. Mis G rtrml Suei-ps nnd Miis Xftiit B rily itti'inl- i h pnrtT I. eld t tbx houi- of Mist Suai Pin, 3raiini aT -nu , Hydo Park, on Thnrsdiy eT"iiin. D Tid Wlllinms spptit Thnrsd iy and Fridiiy with friends in Forest Ctt v. Mis Kitio Courov i now til in tlie Tscancy at th? Throop iiofl c uis I by the dupi.rtnre of Mis Alien Eirly. J. K. Griffith, of Litrobe, was call'-r in town on Thursdty. Mr. Bender, of Pittstoa, wai in town oo Tbnrs'lay The new -ngla-s for the new slop in the No. 3 Tein. in t'm Pncoisi mine, are tiow in readiness for anciior- The penpls of Throon miss th- de linhtful tutmic of the Glue club owin : to tha eTenings bcinic so culd thit hev conl 1 not tine the stand on Bllmnn & Co's. porch; so they retire to bud aurly Airs. Brown and her dnuhter Molli-, of Waslitntftoii, D C, ara visiting ni tho rt-sid-nce ol Chrle Fnrinuer Mi Jennia Williams is sntlorinu from a slight cold. Georifi Knss, of th Scmntnn BikinK company, whs in town on Friday, Mr. nni Airs C D. Sanderson, Mi Enuns Sinderson, Mr. and Mrs II W B' llman nttendrd t tie races yesur l.iy at Scran ton Driving ptrk. Edward B'iufil'l. of tbis place, and Dyke Layman, of Prlcabnni. went off on a GsliinK expe liti-m on Tnursday. Mrs E. BnuhVId and her daughter, Edith, spent yenterday inScranton. A Rime of ball was played between the Red Row an I the Brown Row o' this place on Friday. The boys playsd three InnioKS, then quit, the score standing 7 to 4 in favor of the Brown Jlow. Iloncsdalc. Mrs. J. bas ti'sn J. Walsh, of Srranton, who speniliuir the psst month at the borne of her father in law ai Soath Canaan, is the gnest of Miss Mary Hen niuan. An enjoyable dance ws bell at the Central theater Thnrsday eTentns;. The "Spider and the Fly" will b pre-eated at the Opera house, Atla 81 The wheelmen of HonisdaU bad i una parade laatnlir'it. S-rvtces for boatmen will be held In tbe Gr iTlty d' pot at 3 80 p. m. Sunday, Rev John N. Lewie will oondnot tbe jt-rTtces. Mrs. Elton E Pol ley and family, of SseleyTille, are the guests of relatives at Lake Ariel. Miss Nellie Benjamin, of Srranton, Is the paest of ber brother, Key. u tl Benjamin, Eyspspsla and Indlg-eatlon Jn their worst forms ar cured by the me of P. P. P. If you are debilitated and run down, or if you need a tonio to regain tlcsD and lost appetite, strengen ana vigor, take P. P. P- aud vou will be strong and tiealtby. tor shattered conatitutinns and lost manhood P. P. P. (Prickly Ash, Poke Boot and Potassium) is the king or all medicines. P. P. P. Is the greatest blood punner in the world. Dor sale by all druggists. Tbk world is always Interested in the cure of consumption; yet its prevention is r far more importance. Dr. Wood's Nor war Pine Byrup la guaranteed to cure Toughs and colds. Sold by all dealers on a guarantee of satisfaction. II MCcideut WtWl i.llg.iliK irom a oeumolivi' wiil'-n so uiraivz-ti mui ii be lost t tie use of l. is lower urn nitr.-lT an now nob 1-s annul on rn cli-8. His turg on-t hupe th Tri.tU .Iy lie will r -nov-r, bin it wi.i ie it alow pr c is. M . Gr.n in wi ,MH ot tn- I'.iiiid rs of tli- M st .vleclinnli's N oi'iii tl asi.ici itio i, wil l R.-nii n W.-lls, Willi in Sw .nsiou aud niiers well ktrnwn in Iu-.i.iuapolie iiirofl 'jircles, and oi mo ion oi Wii Ii m SwallatOll. Ili-IT UleOlimiie ol ne p.iiili n II liues, nt tlio r i nt iuiouhI meeting of the assort i.iii. Mr. GfiUam w.is eieoud an lio.i- .rirv uiriub r of the asatiowiion. Mr Grah itn now resides in iSurauton, an 1 o a r-i.r.-8'iit-ttive of tb Jottr m! be rt-o ntly relael some iiiteret;nj iu- l tents retardiiu bis association win . i. i iu. Bter in. cii'inice who uave uriuru troin ensterti to westem roads. Wm Gi.rstang, of the Big lour, bt-ing ol tne numb r. b v. ral luiportant im provements in tho construction of lo-'" motives oruiuatea wun Mr. uraii.ni .nd be has much tn say as to tbe con i ruction of locomotiv s built for the L ickawann root, wnich oontinu -a him on its pay rolls. His son is master me clnnicof tea shops of that road at Ui'Komsbnrg, P.. and is said to be Very computtfiit master inuelinuio. Trouble s-ems to bs growing between the trunk liii'-s and the Central Ir ui association Hu m ov r lake rates. Tu I ke lin- s are now liking all tliny ot ifet ef ijf iTixliins. for lntano, at 2) cents per 100 pounds, Chio.igo to Nnw Yurk, ami wonl o a slloin soale a wn in 40 cents per KlO pon ' is. Cnieagn Boston adiff r-uce o' 10 ukuis and 81 ce .is respectively, as comnar with all rail rates, WuiU III agreement between the trunk lln tbe Central TrafHj association lines and the lak- lines provides lor a 5 cent diff rential on provisions tiy lak and rail. Tbe trnnk lines r c-lTr 60 cents ror tneir nani irom tiai falo to B ston on wool, the lake lines m ks a 40 cent rata ou wool, Cuieago to Boston, and to mjet that rata tn roads between Chicago to Buff lo would receive bnt 4 cents per 100 pounds. If this discrimination conn ues the Chicago east-uonn I pool will go to pleoas and also rates on wool an provisions, the demorallzttlon then ex tending to otuer class ol freight, Tbe statement of shipments of an thraclte eoal (approxim-tted) for th week ended Aad. 11, Compared with th' corresponding p-riod Ustyear, was mads publio Tbursdsy by the Dun-ao of Antbraolte St ttstios. During that time, says tbe Stockholder, the ou'put for all the regions bnt the Lebigh de orid; that of the Lehlgn increase 2 399 ions. Restriction ot productio was most rigid iu tbe Wyomiug region the deoreas In tonuage from wnioli sgxregatei 45 901 tons, while the inn nage from tne Sobuylaill was 13,391 nns below that ia tbe same w in 1893 Altogether, there was deorsase o CO. 893 tons, which made tbe decrease for tne year 1,C91,002 tons. Iu view of slask demand at tuts time, the reoom mendatlon of the ooal sales agents, that restriction of production on tbe 40 per oent. basis be oontlnned the remain lar of the month, is none too timely. D tailed table of the ooal movement for the week ended Ang 11 fo lows: Aug 11, tbe twelve months preceding than for sav ers! years ana n niRUer rate ot wages ou an average paid. Retting & Son hsve secured plans for the erection of a 23,000 barrel brewery at Pottsville. The Lslte Erin and Western last week hanilie l ibe largest freight tonnage on its evstein in auy week tu the last miriei-n lllOUtl.S. Several more furnaces of the R- Hiiinn Iiou cniiipaiiy reitumed at H-mliug lU'-s- ay aud ODD nu u are ..o.v at waik in tie ai i nitiiits bit b were idle um d rerenily. The Wajner car shona at East Buffalo will cloe bitturdsy, owing tn the tiuau.ess lepressiun ami tne I sua or Uiintuo ior ttr- U.er i.iinu men will ne wnowu out f worn. The Wa.ner works were among the fir-t to leel thf effects of the dt p. -e- alou ttittl fWi-pt t'Ver lUB cuutiiry ms; tniiimer, Tie cnipa.iy hps to bo able to resi me i. about a ni-.ntu. The South Baliimore car works have tne contract to r 'build 1,0 U rars for tbe Haiti more itud Ohio, 'llu-se w .rlcs Have o -en iu the bauds uf a receiver eiuliteeii uiouthr aud iu that time it has pud two dividouds to the stockholders ot Vo percent,, aim jv til iu Ojd bsr dh,v 23 per ceut. mure. Uy next Jitnua y Ro eivrr rrnn" says he will turn the plant over tojhe ttoi-khul I- r- clear or an u ou. Statements, which have giiiied cur rency, have beeu made recently to tbe ef fect that a C'.auge ill the mauaiienieut of th h-Bdiig isc.mt. m lated, a d that the peudii.g ieor auizatinu is pre ictied up 'U Ihls lilea. '1 hat is, it i- authoriialiveiy said, no tut Is f t such Ht-tten.e it, an. I n-i thought ot rr.-cuu; ACiiange luiURii .g ii. rut is nteriaiued by PUuadelp.ua c..ii-tHli-ts, who aie strivnu t. facilitate i o orgiilitz-tMiiu nf he lievll.ig. Thti Uuiii'd States inoui or onterey has ailed Ir in Mare Islam N.tvv yaro f'T Astonu, Ore , w bi nee i-he 111 go t P-.get souud lo ninae t rac ic d es. in i.er du ces -I cat Hum several itatiiugl : mines. Until very reciit y all of ihi'f..l bume l hy the t sciflc . o'laitrnu ha b -n purcliaseil by the navy oi pin uiii iu fruin urrisr. u iuii.DiB mini'-, ri iinii --io . tiio rsls i avn tepehtudly Ix'-i) ma bv the ciuiiui' rci.tlorgiu .7. it.oii" nf -evetcil P.igrt onn'l clues haiignr cupi i nl ats a e Interc-t-d in a Umvi men . la l Ine mu-t I tnu I e 1. 1 1 tv are i i v ra in V ti.t t 1'' u Hi. t At ti.u lntt r i-irtc me e ill e l eil it pi v.'i s.n i ll itn a . .( i lit f I.Oin ii..i -e power a i I c i .V'-) or ii tU(,u to' ui a s of a in. -i .i i 'i ' ii in- 111. IZ d to liptnj tue lli' i v j -. .r for I he ipi .1 rln niiil ntlier 1 ilu-unsin ha. ic i.iii. li isclaiuietl in.; nils i..w r can be supplied at am ul o.ie-bii f the ice ni coal and ciu ue n.mi-' in ive luucb betier sullslacti.'i' than steam d ies. The eyu.licate will shor ly aiply for a uuurter. Archbald Mi.-is M'ggle Mi D ini'-ll, of Sil-m sirei. Is Tiiiing tri-n Is i i .Miiionk t. M. F. Barrett, of Hill street, hiis ken a position as nu tn.n fur t lie rli'phon foiupmy, mw striniiiiiu wirs throng i this iiur uig i. I is said lit l .. ri du is to tak pi ce in i n- Ht t !" gn v f iie.l i y A le- io.vii t nl .n i' .M rl rt wih i hi tg- i I is in. 1 ro ii i iii.it ' s l i! O l' ti I k -tl I i pl.tce .-. C U ' I- . 11 1 1 I is c rt tin tiit ' er wii at am in C'rii-.m-l-il n x v-ar i t ie pr 'inot' rs of tne g on ue not sue c-sslul in pi icing n club tnU ye ir. We are threatened With more street railw'V trouble At list Tn-siiiye uiicil meotiuis an nrdinniic:' w is pre eiit-d ou behalf of tbe L ck i Wnnnit I'r.ineit company risking for nhi of way oTer Jlouroe, jj-inrel and lirl iae streets. Since these are the only streets ny whioh it Is possibl to enter th orougn from the sontb, it will rea.llly e seen that tbe ri-qu"8t f the comptny is an iinportnnt me, piriiculirly in tUw o1 be likelihood of ati"tlvr stteet rail- Wiy coming In o vvmton hv way ol i lie buck rmid which in i- lit also be tempt"! to enter here. Tn- Tr ns t conip iny is probabiv awar- of tbis aud nrdin-iiiee o' lU'-s l iv m iy b- m ve to keep the prsp- ctive vt-itnrs ..ui. W'itn Laurel or M du stre"ta g me tue hori'tigb will be worth little t any other railway comptny and W' ned rip ct uo competition with the Tract i"ii onmpiny. Tu Carlmiidale rrnCti'in cnmpiiii- wnnied these streets it ou i-iliteen mo'it s bbo, but th'ir r-.qu st w is iiidijriisntly refusel. T e ordiii .tic of the Carooiidale Tra'-ti "H i-nmp'iny is snid to con till uo provision for o iinpetiSHtion to the borough an i OU isel acted wisely In tabling It, Mrs, Grimes and doighter, of Prov idenne, called on friends hre early in h week A team belonging to the Riverside store company ran nwtv on lliursday afternoon and the oorupints of the waxon to wiiieh the team was attache) were thrown oat. Henry Roth, who was driving, bid his arm broken Wiilis Cosgrove, who was with him, was not bur1 BABIES NEVER REFUSE IT Lactated Food Relished in Hov. 1 test Weal er, Growth Ste iy Continues and tren;t;i is Kept Up ii umnsr, Wit nut Taxi ig th) Wo kenad Stom cli or B.-ing g on Di rrhoa. T is truly a triumph In Infant feel i k when ka'i p take a food wltn evi e nt r- lisb, even when the w-athr is h- notlesl, and wtien tne tone of then itile st uim l.s is so rilii"s-l by th neat," say a writ-r in tne Gio' e, And liiis is why prysit:iQS and iraiukd uur.es .vtiiy.vh.re, as well as baby's natural food ia easily accom plished with little outlay of nerve force. For mauy years the best medical au thorities have recnminenil'd the use o! uii'ir of milk in food for infants, with the hat piest r suits. I is recommned ed because, as Prof. Kiss says, "th principtl element in vvuiusi's milk I- he uiilk sugar." And not only il- it tir- a pi-. .sunt tasie, but U has been nun I lo nll'tV X r-in-J irrit thillity o ne st 'ra it'll an check diarrh-a. and nua proves inestimatil Value to til I .ra-e el-iss of iuf tnts tnat are predi posed to irrit iliility of the stom icli m l bowels and iu consta t danger of cholera tnfaniu ri, Tne htsisofUota- d food is su'iir of milk. Tlie ou afi'ty for pd-, we .k, si-kly babies is to keep up their str-ngfi witiioui irritating t i"ir tnt-siiuei. Thiigreit nrobl'-m o' feeding d-lictt hatiies iu hot weath.-r has teen solved to the complete satisfaction of hoses ol .e?:y:. -"fV iff M. i.-l .,r.-p )V.l W 4 v . ;;. -v 'J r ' if' rhr tilt hJ$ x&H ;'k Jr. .i'..i : ??trsiiliniT ,m!r .c i II, I ilfH'l!'i 1f I I I .li fL l II .1 Ii 'Mil. If til Jill r rr-J' t. -t. -1-it, - F' --Sft.S countless mothers who hive reared l.irjie fumilii'S succ -sslully, so fnrnesilr urge it di t of li.-laied fno I wh-never he Iuf Oil di estlOll is feehl-, I : is id I luiiy food ia in H up ! iinpi ingredients th t . very luotner i is io i-e wh'l -oiii' an I rii.'h i i'"iri8 .i'i i q-i ili'i s I UawllniI ii'rtec' m .siit ii- for lie.iltliy, viii rous tiiiin r's miik, aud ihe one m ant f nid widen p -s ss-t a scientific coiui.ination of ail tbe el m uts n-c 8 snytotlie complete uuiritiou of tli groiviiig rlnld. tht-ie is uo secret about its coiup i In. In its manufacture in Burlinirtoii.V under the person I suiierTisiou of m less a man than Prof. Boyntou of th Vermont me. lie I school, eyery pro eel's is most scrupulously sii'irde.' aiiinstany source of impurity. It is. s ii-. s b en s iid, "s pure as the an mong the Virmont II 1 1 is where it i r p in d " T.iere cau be no ( ill to lnctated foul lor iiursinif mmb rs. I could" the very t-l' uients of pur- re st milk i he conv ninif ot In- iid fool inm .- i Duntnorc. TliefnniT I .f in lite Mrs. W. W V iv orenrr-d from her late i'niii on l)U Hey street. The funeral s rvipea were condnet'd by R.v Mr O'Neill, of the Bap'lst tul'slon The pol ''ear ers were Chse'-s B' es, J tns Bryden, WiU'B'ii Gnffl s.Orvlu Miller. d'hom is Sioslup uhaud Ahr .mS. II r. Th fl r .1 i ff rlnus wer- o rril by Con- nator Cnerles E sion I it-rmoat was made in Dnnmnre cem tery Burges Dnvgrn, antlimiz 'd by 'he c-uiieil, h .8 ff r d a mw rl of f300 for inforiii.stlon a rains' the p .riles w.io i r ike lutoTail rBuike'sest .tilNhra 'lit, placed dynamite on Bryan Healev's poroh. or start d th lt nr-- at the corners. One hundred doll ire Is offered for Information in each Instance, John S Cuff, of New Yurk city, Is visiting friends in town Miss Grace St-mion has returned to her hom.' at Whttn-y s Pol it. N Y. Miss Jennie Yonng, of North Park, is visiting Bntillord county relatives. Borough Cierk rjavage and d"trh. t-r Beih will leave for a visit to Wya losing reUtiV'S to lay. R-T. IUIph Glllam will cinduot th' m.'rnlnr and evening s-rvlu-s at the preai vtorlan cho'ch m "" The Past Guarantees Tho Future , The fact that Hood's Sarsapi rilla has cured thousands of others is certainly sufficient reason for belief that it will cure you. It makes pure, rich, healthy blood, tones and strengthens the nerves, and builds up the whole system. Remember , motliors by lnotutsd fori. It has stved ii.oiio..n ls of infant liv.n. Mothers worry less about Ihoir oh il - ren when th-y ees them daily eating well ami wiln evid-nt relish. Cuildren ih it oantioi ear milk or can only besr i little, not enou i to nourish "tu-ra, sn uld'use l ictate I food. This g'tn-r- us di -t snoivs itsilf la brLli er eyes, B' in 11 ah, clear a'tin, and the lively m m nts 1'iat b-'t iknn h-aUh. Sound con oitu ions, sturdy growth of bone and fl ib, Coup, uuiuterrapt d sleep nil omue Irom tt diet of lactated ioo 1, Ti-e healthy child whose picture is s inwn abov , cats nothing nnt licts- i fond. H-r in her, Mr-. C II Sis on i f Potsla n, N Y., writes: "Tne oris'i.-i.tl of mis picture con-'uiii-s two cupfuls of luc;aiii fwl every three hours daily, beginning hi C iu the morning and ending ni 0 it night. It w,ts prescribed by Dr H. D. Urown of this pluoe, and a ie eats notu-' in else. As alio is a teetniug b.iby we it well enongii alone,' tampering with u i other load, .is she turiv-s ou this." ItMAIMUAl LUvlMrHoiAi Ftecks and ondl New Yoiik. Amr. 17. Wall street re view Ti e o etiliig of the Mock markel was r.ttier we-ik. tbe graug r leading with losres nf i?i per cent. The lorei orTi'ti'ics lealo caused the ak opening here, the Miles f r this 1 crount uavini. aii.oiiiiC'd to about 1' ,0 hi , hires. Tli General market closed itrniig aud V In J higher ou tho day. Th- grangers led In riao. LilKtillorH, l owevi r, los perccui Tftal sales were 2r) 1,440 .-bares. rie foil win; eninoi'im lanm snnwinar the day's fliictimtlnns in activ.i stm'ks is stiiille.l aud revissd ils.Hr b v bailar t fc'utior, stuck brokers, 11 Wvomin aveuuo: Opeu- UI rh- tw In t. est (isr Am. Tot. Oil 80 Vt t. Am Hnsar. ICS Uf't, hn A T. S. F H Wii (1$ Can. Ho. Wfi b-H Ten. N.J ( hie M . S inn (,)., B. ft Q oil. Chle. Das, ('., C.C. A Ht. 1,... 37 Col., Ktiok.Val. 4 T. I). & 11 . . D., I.. W I) ('. V Erie 14 K. Co ike shore I.. N . . . Man l a' tan , Ullmt. Par Nat. Lead N. Y. N. E.... N. Y. Central..., S. V.. O. ft w.. N. I., b. ft W U. H, C. Co North Pse Ni rth Pac. pf Omaha 1'ae. i.nil heartintf rtnrk Island H.T St. Paul T., C. I Texns & Psa I'ninn I'adilo W a hash P Western union W.& U F. W. & L. E. pfj aV')4 h. 41 Pi'A it'4 WW lliHaj -ih 4 17 a) W4 , titiifi . iw in 1 Hll. 1IH 4iia 14 4.i mi ln'i ' I'M mi x: yr tVti "4 rni-i ii'ti ll '44 mi w 4o)s ton el'd 'V UT'H lii's .Ri i.'.it 4nil 111 t, 2W1 4 Is li-H, J"H V7 ..La i'lli, 4 17 :iii i'lii 1 Tin IIH IU )t 11,4 11S 4 Clos 1 e. 'i in, &'M l'li': 71. !1'4 lii" la'4 l-Hj Ilia's. MM :h'; 4 17i, linHj 171-4 lull, ower; August, atc: Sei'tember, He; Ocinlier, ii5c: )': pi ices, No 2, lila Hr.. No. 2 white, 37!aJ 3)'o,; No. a (.'In. ait), 85 SitjV.: No.it, y:i... . a white, .17ei7Vc.; mixed wt'sHn-n. o,"iitH5 tj c. ; whin do., a.'c: white state, 20 ,,t44c. t Kitr S'euiiy, dull; fuiuily. U)a;2; i. ' a men-, $iatt 51 t'CT AlKATH-yuiet, fii m: pickled b-)Iies 12 pound, t!ijc.; en k led shonl ere, cVf '. I. kl-il hums, li'4a2.'.; inh dles noun ai! Lard liull, e.mim ; western sieam lo eil ui 4-7.110; city at 7'a'c.; Septemher' h.ll re till 11. 1 i.H ier fill, t in.... f -r.. L: ... 1. I Am" icn, 8 Ml; compound, OVe, Pokk Sleadv, quiet, k lea, V.a barrels niey, fin il"). 5; cxtr.t piiin.', $1.1 13.311, lilTTKit Firm, lair deiuuud: Ktsto dairy, 14 iiU'.; do. cream, ry, I7..y.ijc.. Peni.sylv.iuia, do., 17aa3i "; western Oniiy,' 13..10 .; rio. creainery, 14Sa2lc.; tin. factory, VJalSSc: elgins, 2jcij,; lmitn tiO'i creamery, 14:il7c. Cheese 1 11 in, quiet; state, large 7y ll"ic; litncy. Oi'.; tin. nmall, -;-.' . partsk.ms, -t'i.tlc.: full kUIuis, ' l'-oiis-hiinci H-ar.-e, nnneri Bllltei,nd PeniisylviiiiiH l,;.iajs-.: ice 0OUBP Su-n It.. . u.D.ur.i f..u. Il'.ly tl . ' ' , ...n..u ..l.u,.u,..l.- ilS I' 'tl liilit 111 ' lll ir.4 Ml! IIH sas 'c; do.,perm.ie Cbicaen Oral 1 t SCBAKTOK, Aug. IT. Rpslon. Vv yoining.. Loi.lnh Hchuylkill. Total.... Total year to uaie.. Aug. 11, IMU. ai;U1 l7,285 la:i. 3HS.4W 21U007 Difference. Deo 46,1101 lno H.IU8 Duo ia,;u 7:U,li8 Deo 60,8.'l 28.071,078 26,002,136 Deo 1.601.O8J Minor Industrial Notes The Pottsville iron aud steel works are running on double turn. Tbe annual report ot the railways ot Iowa for the year ending June 8 ), 1894, snows that more men were employed lo Sarsa-parilla Hood's Cures Be Sure to get HOOD'S and Only HQOD'S. I Hood's Pills are especially prepared to bs liken wltb Hood's Barssparilla. Hc. per box, ill Provisions.. The following Quota tions are suci'ii t u 1 enrrestsl dally bv Lis Bar ib Pullei-.stoe.il brokers. 121 iVvomia avenue. WlfSIVT. Orenmw.... HlKbest.... Luwusl,,,.,, Citie'rui COItV. Openlnir..., Highest.... Lowest Closing tJA'I'H. Openlne ... Hiiihi'it.... Lowest. L'lnslnif l'OKK. Open n(j Hlnhost Lowest ( losinii LAUD. Openlll tlleheat Lowest t lowing SHOUT RIBS. riieninc Hluheat Lowost Closlug- PI iadriphm T ali.-w Mai-kat PiilaMllmiia. Aug. 17.-Tallnw was Him. with smitll supiii.s Piiees wi-ie: Piime cily n ii. nslicitiN, 4s; 4!(c.: prime, country, in liar re Is. 4Ja41t,c; do. dark 111 liarrele, 4'c. ; raki-, 4-4c. ; yroase, ac. p- oiet'-iii t ass. P. II. ( Kfrorl, New Cassel, Wis., was tri iibied wiili ueuralnia and rheumatism, uisBtoinacli was tli-.nr Jured, his liver was aileclttd to an nlantiiug decree, nppetite fell atvay, and he was terribly reduced iu llesh and etrengih. Thiea bottles ot Elec tric Bitters cured him. l.dward Shepherd, Uarrisbnrg, II!., had a running eoreon l.ia leg nf eigut years' standing. Used lh:t bottle-of Blot-trio l itters and seveu boxes of Buck leu's A nica halve and Ills le? is ouud and well. John Kpenkor, Catawba, O., had live Inrie fever sores on his leg, doctors taiu ue was lucuralile. One bottle Electric littera and one box Buckleu's Arnica 4 lve cured him entirely. Sjld by Mat tlew Bros. I'nv; sf. re. Reot Di . May M4 A7M it!t 644 '"'fj K (.4 f7 nl Uii 67! iiiH 6'iL 61 M'si H'l MH 6J?J 6I1U 62 64 4 5" H " "S mi .... IV'M 80 MKi m -. 1.117 li47 I, Cli IHJ5 im w 7.M1 -,M 746 74') 7'20 711 NswTnk 'rod 0 a'ket. Niw York. Aug. l7.-FL00ti-Dull, Weak. ffered freely. Wihat-DuH, XUr. lower, with op tloux t loi-P g weak; No. 2 red, store a. d elevator, 67c.;sn at, Wc ; f. o. b., 671'.: ui graded reii,58..oHc.; N . 1 northern, 04i iiB6c; options closed weak at be ow veeterday, with a null local tr.de; D.-cem ber most active; sa es Incin ied No. 2 re 1. clo-lmr: Autrut, 67c: Remember, 67c. December Olc ; liny, 65o uohb Dull, lower, steady; No. 2, Clc levator;. 61jifc. afloat; options were dull, weak and Mnc. lower; Ma - most active; August, 6(iVc; rSei tember, 6l)Xr.; Ootober, SSc ! Deflrml ei, 63c ; Mav, 64c OAia-Plrly active, firmer; options taiid at the Head. For thirty years Dueber Watch Cases have been endorsed by every prominent dca lerlnthcCnitcdSta'.es. Tho Duoher trado ciark in this country, and the Kull murk In Kngla ad are a guaran tee ot puro metal. 17 Jewel Hampden move ments iu Dueber cases stand at the head. not kes.-pe.ir watches milt anil ue will semi yutl the who linen, tub uciBka 'suton, u. fr7 I RubyeweleoI Mi ADTED ,l JfyourdeBlfinc- us your Hunc. name t iU i -. BJJIB.8.H?.? Cu:i"'P' Capital. $1,000,000. BEST I.BO !Ag; JJ4 TUB WORLD, v, ,AJ".ir Mill'' tarnta." ThlsT-adles Holltl f h !,,,! Kid But ten Boot dsllvered C .nvwk.rt In th U.S.. on ?.rToUl Not for 1 .50. very way tho boots .11 Mt.ll our," thsrstors we mar "ni'!t' "III' - Sao M V on. f. lint utUSul . 11i,ni,,,Mi Hn... WldV i Tl V fj- If 1 l"V ...A W.ll 8'd yiur ritfj will )lt ye,. iiiusirr a(i V.ts. InellS mm JT'2i I-.!. ft wan ksj in 1 "V mm ihkw B 1- 1.. 'H 'I . - .WV. . jyui AmtrM- FREE Dexter Shoe Co., bSis;i BCBIIIlNEIIEZIIIItlllllllBIIIIIIlSEllBIIIBIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIUllllllIIIimil THE GREAT ALE AT pis I1L r AIM s 400-402 Lackawanna Aye, Commences ATURDAY. AUGUST 4 GREAT BARGAINS 9is:2nru:::i!i.!!32z.!!!is:i;un:!i!iiniMiMiniiHiiiiiMiiiiiii3nniiuiiiih" SHADES Fine Holland Shades, with heavy knot fringe, Hartshorn Rollers, SOc. Eacli Plain Shades, 20, 25 and 30c. each. Measurements taken and shades put up by experienced workmen. We Carry All Widths Store State In Stock. Brass E xfension Sash Rods 15 and 20c. each. A few Vienna Porch Shades left that we will close out at cost KERR SIEBECICER 406 and 408 Lacka. Avenue. H TiiBjf Say a g $ Solomon Had if IB lives 1 WW We Have Ooe Thousand in Scranton and vicinity that can attest in tlie lurnisliing-up qualities ol tne "iiiconouiy" a.-Vj especially the L'UHXIIUKE part of it, but fe IS THE STUFF that wo are blowing loudest about this season, and our toot will bo heard with delight by tho economical housewife, whild it will vi brato disagreeably on the ears of the Carpet Dealers estimates. I ,... i. ...r ; ijJ'T .f....,1i'.,ai- --I'te V, sVnk mM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers