The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 17, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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Everything used in mak
ing Cleveland's Baking Pow
der is printed on the label
3oes better workJ yTV M
. thaa a heapingvCr
lV8poonful " jf
,You't know. what you
are eating when you use
Cleveland's Baking Powder.
Cleveland Baking Powder Co.,New York,
Buoceeeor to Cleveland Brotherj.
Norrmanfi Moore
120 Wyoming Avonuo
Have your COLLARS starched In ths eld
war, when yon can have them done with sotV
pliable Buttonholes tor TWO CENTS EACH.
2-Days' Sale-2
, Saturday and Monday.
Oar entire line of Scotch Ging
hams, Persian Mulls, Printed
Piques and Dimities, worth 23c.,
for 10c
Ginghams, Organdies, Sateens,
etc, worth 12 l-2c., for 5c
Hears & Hagen
415 Lacka. Ave.
If you want
Carpets, Draperies, ,
Wall Paper or Window
Shades, come to us.
We have a full line of
Ooods, and our prices are
very low.
127 Wyoming Ave.
To my friends: I hereby announce
that I will be a candidate tor the nomi
nation of district attorney, before the
Republican County convention. .
Tribune reader! leaving for their
iimmn'i vaentlon ean have their fanr-
ite paper unit to tlveui without extra
rout, by notlfrlug this office of the do
Hired change In the paper' addreta.
There will be a meeting of the
board this afternoon at 2 o'clook.
Mrs. Alice J. Roberts through her next
friend, Oscar Swingle, filed a mit for di
vorce yesterday against ber husband Will
iams J. Roberts.
At a meeting of the Press club tomor-
row evening it is requested that there be
full attendance. The finances from the
Lake Ariel regatta will be aeted npon.
The awarding of the contraot for build
ing the North Mala avenue culvert over
Lesraetts' creek to Julius Alaier has been
approved by the mayor. His bid is $2, 190
with an allowance of t-ali for old stone.
The Washburn Street Presbyterian
church will worship with the Jackson
Street Baptist church next Sunday. Rev,
1). 0. Hughes. D.D.. will preach. Ths
evening service will commence at 7 o'clock;
Michael Cavanagb. after an illness of
nearly two yean, died at his home, 810
rrospeoi avenue, on weduesdav at 8 a.m..
aged 88 years. Funeral Friday morning at
o'ciock. interment at nyae f ark Catho
lio cemetery.
The building committee of the board of
control last evening considered bids sub'
mltted lor the beating appliances for No.
i ecuuui, uy xiunti et connell, Hinead,
Wills (JO., and Carpenter & Co., of
Wilkes-Barre. The plans will not be se
lected until tney are lurther investigated.
Save the Wilkes-Barre News.n.w
The Jolly Ten, accompanied by Bauer's
band, of Eoranton, will leave for their
annual camping trip on b.unoay afternoon
1.85 Lehigh Valley road. Their destina
tion is Lake Keoka, New York, and will
be gone a week. The usual good time is
PABSTg Wilwaukkk Beer, eool and
sparkling, at Loh man's, bpruce street
Vew Bulldlof Association.
A charter was granted yesterday by the
state department to the Citizen's Building
and Loan association, of this city, with
the capital stock of $1,000,000. The officers
sra Henrv J.' Zieeler. president: T.
Snowden. vice president Harry T. Hardy,
treasurer and Henry F. iilegler, secretary,
and the following directors: John Boheuer,
Kobert T. Koetiler, ueorge u. n-mterie, u
M. Hathaway, I u. Jtregier, ueori
Rchnltz. R. A. Zimmerman. Henrv
Bornks and H. A. Kauf hold. The oftlce of
tbe association will be No. 225 Wanhlug.
ton avenue, and the first pay night will be
tne last 'luesaay ot August.
Thet cut butter Davidow Bros, triple'
plated butter knives, 87 '
Williams & ftMnultv
Select Council Will Bate belt Investigated
by Itselt
Member Connell Says He Doesn't
Think Any Serious Charges Were
Made, But a Charge Which He
Thinks Was Made Was Pretty
Nearly Right Many Recommenda
tions from the City's Chief Execu
tive. There was no great flurry at the se
lect council meeting last nlgbt over
the Frable charges. Mr. Westpfahl,
under the hesd of new butiuess, intro
duced a resolution, directing that inas
much as a member of the Sooth Side
board of trade, named George Frahle,
had charged South Side councilman
with buviug drawn money from ths
city treasnry for work tliut was pur
ported to have been done by street la
borers, which work had never been
done, that council direct a committer
consisting of Members Lauer, Mi-Cmu
and Thomas to Investigate and report
on the charges.
Mr. Connell thought the investiga
tion should bu conducted by elective
officers of the city not member ot
oounfil. "To be inv-sttgatej by our
selves," anid be, "is like tb.4 eugtr ln
vestlgation. Mr. Manl-y thought the
resolution was all right. As only S uth
Side councilman bad been included in
the cliargos, West Side members would
be aide to impartially oouJuot toe in
vestigation. Mr. Connell sail that for
His part be didn't think there were any
charges made. It was simply stated at
the meeting that money had Dein in
judiciously expended by councilman,
and that is pretty nearly right, i
yurss, added Mr. U-mnell.
Ou motion of Mr, Miiilsy the reso
lution was adopted without farther
ol jsctiou.
The sanitary committee, which bad
made a tour or the olty at the invita
tion aud iu company with the officers
of tbe board of health, reported that
certain sections of the city were in a
'terrible insanitary coudition. le
Providence station bouse, Connor
court In the Fourth war I, D oner
court in the Fourth ward, aud parts of
the Twentieth ward were particularly
in need of sanitary legislation. The
committee also recommended that the
water supply of the city be analyzed
monthly and reported upon to councils.
Mayor Council, in a commuoioailon,
vetoed the resolution providing thai
tbe Leegett street bridge be removed
to Wells street, and stated that th
bridge will not fit tbe abutments, nor
span the cre k. '
The mayor communication recom
mending the purchase of. tbe ap-
pronohes to the proposed Roaring
brook bridge from the rutt estate ioi
UO.UUU was adopted. The mayor noil
tied oouncils that tbe papers conveying
Nay Aug park to the city had been
executed and asked that provisions be
made to pay tbe rental. Lie also called
attention to the necessity of ' having a
full report as to tbe condition of the
mine workings under the eity nan ana
suggested that li. Q. brooks be re
auested to make a thorough examina
tion of the same ana report mi nua-
nors to councils. A resolution to tbla
effect was later adopted by tbe meet
Mr. Burns presented a petition of
considerable length begging that th
name of Fifth avenue, in the Sixth
ward, be erased from the city maps and
changed to O Boyle street. Tuereso
latiou was referred to the streets and
bridges committee.
Tbe resolution directina; the city
clerk to secure competeut bridge plana
for tbs proposed new bridges brought
speeches from Messrs. Manley, demons
and Roche. Mr. Mmley wanted im
mediate action on the measure, as U
was bis opinion that common council
intends to tie up the bridge ordinance
until such time as these competitive
plans are submitted. Messrs. demons
and Roche argued for the completeness
and excellence of the city engineer's
plitns and Inexpediency of the reso
lution. Tbe resolution went to the
committee on streets aud bridges.
A resolution was introduced direct
ing tbe Street Railway compiny to
move its tracks to the center of the
street on Cedar avenue at the Birch
street intersection.
Tbe only ordinance introduced was
one providing for the paving of Frank'
Ho avenue between Spruce and Mul
berry streets with vitrified brick. Tb
resolutions were adopud and the ordi
nance referred to oomtnittee.
ttayor'a Signature Has Been Attached
ti tho Ordiaano.
All teleurapb, telephone and other
coles supporting electric wires will bn
taxed 50 cents each, beginning April 1
1893. The ordinance so providing was
signed by Mavor Connell yesterday.
The ordinanoe was presented by
Counollmau Roche and is virtually the.
famous Browning measure wbieh occa
sioned such heated opposition in tbe
last councllmanio bodies. Tbe Brown
ing ordinance, however, if passed,
would have placed a tax of 21 on th
poles and contained no provision for
painting. The present measure stipu
lates that the poles shall be painted
uniform color within six weeks after
they are erected.
Traotlon Company No Longer Toleratea
Smoklmr en Platforms
The Scranton Traction company has
posted a new order prohibiting amok
ing on closed cars altogether, and
allowing tbe devotees of tbe weed to
smoke on only the two last seats of
onnn cars.
Tbe rule went into eff.tct yesterday
and notioes have been placed In all tbe
cars. It will do away with the orowd
ing of platforms and be an appreciated
move in the rigut aireetion.
Neither Are Being Spared by Orsen
Ridge Wheelmen.
Tbe bicycle races at tb Driving
park on Wednesdnv. Aug. 23 should
aud will, no doubt, be well attended
Tbe Green Ridge wheelmen have
spared neither pains nor money to
make the event a success.
. It i a notable fact that bicycle rao
ing hss attraotsd double tbe crowds
throughout the country than have
horse races or any of the popular sports
and Ssranton 1s not unlike the other
cities in this respeot, as on Fourth of
July last, upward of 5.030 neonle at
tended tbe bicycle raoss at the Drivlns
. i i . , i i . . ... .
paraauu au istt well pleased. win, in every
reapact, squal those held July 4, aud
lovers of para, oUm sport will find do
better place or arauiement tuan tneee
coming rsoes under the management
cl tbe tireen Ktdg wheelmen.
Traotlan Company Seeks Injunction
tbe Taylor Trouble.
In Judge lwards' chamber Yester
day Attorneys Ammerman and Watres,
counsel of the borauton and Plttstoc
Traution company, petitioned for au
nj auction repelling Supervisors John
Connolly and Abrmn Seal, of Old
Forge township, from obstructing Con
tractor f. a. rage irom building tct
street oar tracks through tbe township.
jur. Ammerman is president of the
ompany and claims to have tbe right
way through Old Forge township
granted by the former supervisors.
David T. Jones and Johu Couway. The
preliminary injunction, has be-n
ranted aud next Tuesday at 9 oolock
the final bearing will be given.
Enthuslaatio Misting of tbe Ninth Ward
Ropubllcan Club.
The rooms of the Central Republican
club lust nlg:t eontaiued an enthusl
Hutio meetiuiof the Nmth Ward IU-
publicau club, at which delegates wr
lected to the state convention of li"
publican clubs in Uarrleburg, Sept. S.
The following dele na ten were cIiosju:
J. Colborn, jr., Frd W. Floitz, aud
M, W. Lowry; ultet-nates, Ceptain
Jamas Mnlr, 13, M. Vernoy aud Wal
ter M. DUkjon.
Mr. Colborn presented tbn following
r.'solntiou, nud it was adopted with
hearty unanimity:
llesolved, Tbe Ninth Ward Republican
club heartily endorses the canilidacy of
Mujor Everett Wurreu for president of the
btute league of Ilepublicau cluhe, and iu s
doing believes that It voiC'-s the united
sentiments of Republicans of NortUoasteru
Major Warren and M. W. Lowry
were appointed a committee on trans
portation. A large Scrauton delegation
is expected to attend the convention.
There will be a mummoth miss meet
ing in the opera house at Ilnrrlsburg
at night and all the state candidate)
will be present and dnllver speeches.
There will also be present several con
gressmen, wbo will speak.
Judge, of ths ExoBlnlort, la in Training
In Philadelphia.
James Judge, of tbo Excelsior Atb-
letio club, of this olty, is now in train
ing in Philadelphia for a fight with
iVorlurity. of New York, for the Am r-
icau amateur cuampiousbiD at Uo
Judge is looked upon as a ur win
ner aud is greatly feurel by. the metro
politan boxers. His excellent showing
at the receut tourauineat in this city
has inspired bis friends with such con
fidence in bis prowess and skill tbat
they have concluded he is good enough
to face tho best mm in tbe country.
Eoranton Press Club to Eavs Its Owr.
Oscar Wlrtz, ohampion nmatiur
junior single sculler of Amsriea, who
raced iu the Press club regatta has de
ified to remain in Scranton if be can
secure employment.
Iu case be does remain, tbe Press
club will engage him to raoe in their
name and will enter him in all the re
gattas of the association. Bull of the
University of Pennsylvania team at
one time signified bis willingness to be-
some a member of the Press club crew
aud it may yet be passible to also se
cure Llia.
Conway House, 132 and 134 Peon Ave,,
Is where you will always Hud good service
and Courteous treatment, the table is al-
wsyH supplied with the best in tho market.
Transient ana local trudu solicited,
Wood's College of Business and Short
To the Public Since the organization
ot our school we have given to the citizens
of Bcranton nud Pennsylvania advant
ages in the commercial and stenographic!
work equal to tbat of the best colleges in
the largest cities.
iUore man l.uuo Btudonts nave attended
in a single year.
A Ureal Multitude has been Inspired to
higher living and have won import ant.
pluces in the business and professional
With the experience and success of tbe
past we propone to give our patrons of tbe
future Dinner, more practical, and thor
ough business and stenographic courses.
Conditions In the business world have
changed. Schools mnst change to meet
these conditions. Students must be taught;
to do as well as to think.
The faculty is an important factor iu
an institution.
Heretofore tee hare educated our
teachers this year we have engaged men
who have made a record and acquired iv
We have had good pupils in tbe past.
We shall have better ones iu the future.
No business school in the United States
can exhibit a mure competent, cultured
anil efficient class of Aggressive teachers.
The college will reopeu August 27. Day
ana night sessions. Old students, students
who have not completed the course, aud
rrospective students, are invited to call.
The office is always oped.
F. E. WOOD, President.
Fine peaches, cheap. Coarsens.
The Late Kia Edith Oroft.
At a special meeting of tbe Luther loague
in conjunction with the Sunday Bu ool
association, held rn Aug. 12, 1894, the fol
lowing resolutions were unanimously
Whereas, Almighty God in the exorcise
of His divine will has removed from among
us, Edith Crof therefore be it
Koaolved, Tbat it is bur-a just tribute to
the memory of tbe departed to sav that in
regretting ber removal, we mourn for one
who was in every way worthy of our re
spect and regtrd.
Resolve!, That we sincerely . condolu
with the family of the deceased oa the dis
pensation with which it has pleased Di
viue Providence to afflict tbein, and com
mend tbem to Hits wbo doe'.h all thing!
for tbe best, and whose chastisements am
ment iu mercy.
Resolved, That this heartfelt testi
monial of onr sympathy and sorrow bt
forwarded to tbe family of our departed
friend, and also for publication to tbe
Young Lutheran and local pa:ier.
R. W. Neubauer, Roa Hnber, Minerva
Hopp, Klttie Karoher, Qeorge W. Mar
shall, committee.
going Davidow
Bros. 85c. alarm
FlneJirtny reachsa
are coming. Mr. Ooursen (who makes a
specialty of fine fruit) is displaying fanoy
early Crawford and Mountain Rosa
peaches, as fine ss were ever seen at t hi 1
season. He informs us tbat the crop will
be fully 60 per cent in Jersey, and prices
will rule low enough so that all can nave
plenty of this luncious f rnit.
The $40,000 Sohool House
for Columbia avenue has been let and will
be commenced immediately. There are
still a few lots left at a low price.
Arthcb Frothinoiiam,
Office, Theater Lobby.
Eoraatoo's New Bridges.
The dolay In building Scranton bridges
does not keep tbe buutiug bargain buyers
from Davidow Bros.' electrlo palace,
Battle Royal Expected Batwica Kjeley, ISag
nolla and Abigail.
The First of Four Good Trottlnjc
Races Will Start at 2 O'Clock.
Horses Appear to Be Well Classi
fied and Surprises Will Be In Order.
Centaur Makes His Selections.
Thirty entries have been made for
the four events comprised in the oard
for today's trotting races at thi Driv
ing park, and the racing committee
has profitted so well by the previous
performances ot the horses that tbey
appear eqully classified today. Several
new horss are carded and will add to
the uncertainty of the result.''
The first race will be called at 2
o'clock, sharp, in order that the final of the last event may be deter
mined by 5 p. m.
Iu the lust rnc, which will contain
s-ven starters, Keeley, Mollis, Mag
nolia and Absgall will furnish a battl
royal witu cl)iucHi cqnally favorable
for all. Tbo 3 50 vli'ss Includes right
equally matched flyers, and if Jack,
Duke, John Honou and D iisy are not
scratched tbe contest suould develop
plenty of excitement. E,:ch succeed
ing meeting of the drivers hai in-
CNHsed the strife among them and
uow that the wheat and ohH are sep
arated aud the horsts lire eveuly dis
tributed, the excitement of closs
finishes, will be in order.
The card follows:
Flniey, s. m J. T. Richards.
Fred, b. g., Alex Dunn, jr.
Da.b, g. g., Fiu'ik Buzzard,
llarry B, b. g., J. A. Swayzo.
Bud, b. g., Dr. John Wentz.
Nellie, (;. in., Jehu Bonoro.
Ilorty U, b. m., P. Coyne.
Georgie VV, b. g., Johu Fritz,
3.00 CLASS.
Frank H, br. g., F. O. Buzzard.
Billy, b. g., C. M. Sanderson.
William, b. g., Frank Met ritleld.
Poor Klcbard, b. g., Dr. Uouser.
St. Nick, b. g. R. (Jrippon.
Kitty, s. m., P. Coyne,
Dr. Chambers, b, g., H. B. Reynolds.
2.50 CLASH.
Fanny Blair, b. in., G. M. fehelly.
Pee Dee, b. g., M- U. Dale.
Jack, o. is., Dr. Churles Bill.
DuUe, bl. g.. L. T. Payue.
Daisy, b. in., C. S. Hoamnns.
Pet Hand, b. in., Fruuk Spuncer.
Joe, br. g., R. Crippen,
John Bouou, b. g., C, il. Sanderson.
2:40 CLAS3
Mollie, b. in., A. L. Sponcer.
Magnolia, bl. m., Dr. J.ihn Wentz,
Keeley, b. g., W. M. Jermyu,
John, b. g.. Dr. a. E. Hill.
Thief, b. g., A. L. Sponcor.
Johnny, br. g., Charles Schadt.
Abigail, br. iu., Div Housor.
"Centaur" a.lmlts that the last two
races are decidedly open for several
horses in each, but thinks the following
selections are nearly correct:
Road race Bud, 1; Fred, 2; Barry B, 8.
ts.w class St. iNicir, l; roor Kicuara, x
uuiy, a.
2.50 class Jack, 1; Duke, 2; John
Bonon, 3.
2.40 class Keeley, 1; Magnolia, 2; Abi
gail, 3.
In commenting oa his seleatioas.
"Centaur" said: "Ilorty C, a stranger,
and Fred in tbe first raoe may bring
about a surpriiA, and eithar Frank H
or Billy may fiud better positions than
have been ..salgucd them.
"The 2 50 clasi make a very pretty
puzzle, bat Jack should win if Dr. Hill
is able to keep bim in hand, DaisyV
steadiness may put ber in tbe first div
ision and Pee Dee, it well driven, has a
good chance. It is a very open event,
"Magnolia, Abigail and Keeley shoald
give, the hottest race taut bis been
seen on tbe track this year, but Mollie
or Thief, only one of which will prob
acy start, may upset all calculations.
SHU I feel reasonably sure that Keeley
will repeat bis past good performances,
with Mugnolia quoted at short odds
lor second place.
The Expense Will Bs Investigated
The resolution of councils providing
for a conference between the park
committees of both bodies and
tbe Scranton Gss aud Water company,
relative to the bitter's oharge for fur
nishing watr for a public bath la the
new Nay Aog park, wss signed by
Mayor Connell yesterday.
It is proposed to buve the bath built
50x100 feet and about four feet deep,
No exact spot for its location in tbe
park has been decided upon, nor is it
certain that the end will be attained.
Several members of council realize
tbat tbe bath is needed and would bo
appreciated. The matter will he de
cided when the amount Is kuown.
Rscord Being Made Along the Oatarlo
and Weetcrn.
Another chapter in the series of
burglaries perpetrated np tbe valley
occurred at an early hour yesterday
morning at Dickson. Tic store ot W.
H. Rlfl.mond, In which is located tbe
postofflue, was entered and the thieves
secured a quantity of plunder before
being disturbed by the watchman,
Eutrance to tbe store was obtained
through a window and while at worl:
were interrupted by tbe watchman.
Tbey siicoeeded in making off with
shoes, clothing, mors and a amill sum
TEAS are among tbe most delusive
goods sold in a grocery. Frequently the
most iuferlor goods are sold at high prices.
We have made it a point to make a spec
ialty of the best grades imported. Prices
never were so low. We have good Tea at
23o. and Japans and Oolongs at OOo, that
receutly sold for fl per pound.
429 Lacka. Ay,
of money from the stamp drawer. Tbey
are supposed to reside in tbe borongh
and sumcient evidence has beau ob
tained against them to warrant an ar
rest today.
This is tbe third mbberv on the line
of the Ontario and Western railroad in
tbat vlcinty since Monday niht.
Ttllman Buns Away with the Confac- I
tionet's Daughtor.
A little excitement baa been afforded '
the neighbors of Mr. aud Mrs. Isaao ,
Harrison, of tue confectionery store on i
838 Frauklin aveana, by lb report ;
that H eir pretty daughter, Rosa Harrl-)
son, bud disappeared on Tuesday night I
with uainuel leiiman for the purpose -
of being msd' one ac Plym mth. '
It is evidently tbe old story of love i
at first sight and the stern parents of '
ths charmer obdurate iu refusing per- '
mission to the languishing couple. 1
Mrs. Harrison has no extra opinion of ;
ber reputed son-in-law and states that '
Rosa bad supplied him with edibles
when be was famishing in the bslmv '
days of courtship, Tbe love part of
tbe business m iy be sumciently genu
ine but Mrs. Ilarrlson desires same
thing more substantial tbsrewithtor
ber daughters support. The neigh
bors, who have
a nigu opinion ot the i
quite excited over the 1
' . ... :
Harrisons, ar-
event and discuss it with avidity,
Three Well Kiowa ClMzsns Spiak at
the Veterans' Banquet.
The reception and bann i'st at the
Hotel Authraclte oa Wudn day even
ing followiug the Ssvsn-County Grand
Army of the Republic reunlou at Far
view was a great success and eclipsed
all its prodecet'iurs. Tho speeches wi re
an especial fwtture of tbe evening and
the reminiscences of tho varioua speak
ers were uiojC enthuniasuoally re
Judge Archbald, in proposing "Our
City1' was most happy in pleaalog ra
sollectlons of the city of his birth.
Judge Edwards spoke upon the "State
Militia," aud his rem 'irks upoa his
family's countction with tbe city were
delivered with commendable pride.
Ex Mayor Fellows gave an excellent
speech ou "Our R -union" and did full
justice to tbe subj -ot in baud.
lbs Han Wbo Brutally Assaulted His
loter-la Law.
A slight improvement was reported
last nleht in the condition of Mary
Law, 833 Railroad avenue, who was
brutally assaulted by ber brother in
law, Timothy Farrell, on Tuesday
night. Tbe medical attendants are of
opinion tbat with dun care she may yet
recover moderate health.
Farrell is still at large and various
places are mentioned in the locality as
his hidlug plnce. The family do not
intend to issue a warrant and do not
appenr anxious for bis arrest as they
seem confident that the whole matter
was an accident, Farrell bears a good
charsoter hitherto and has been known
iu police quarters. County Deteotive
Shea has issued a warrant for bis ar
rest. Extremely Exqrcltlts.
Such is tbe remarks overheard by pat
rons of Davidow Bros.' silverware depart
ment. "
New Long Slatano SubaOTibers. J
A new list of telephone subscribers is i
being prepared and will shortly appear, '
and Iu tbe meantime the names of those !
who have receutly been equipped with j
long distance iutor-state metallic circuits 1
Is printed below for general information; '
il. u. uaiiey, grocer. ;
county ail.
Dr. A. J. Connell, office.
Dr. A. J. Conuell, residence.
Dr. Ardnt, office and resideuco.
Mrs. E. N. Sparbam. professional nurse
Scranton Iron Fence Manufacturing Co.
S. Sjkes & Sou, contractors.
Peck Lumber Manufacturing company.
Paragon company.
Scrnuton Forcing company,
P, F. Cawley, wholesale fruit dealer.
T. R. Hughes, Green Rid'e market.
F. H. Hewitt & Son. fertilizers, hides
and tallow.
T. i.. Crr & Son, market.
Blue Ridge Cal company.
William Com ad, milk depot.
William H, Peck, residence
F. Ot. Rarrick, bottler.
Scranton Caramel company.
Rev. P. J. McManus, residence,
Wyoming House.
Lackawanna Valley House.
Win. Linn, Allen & Co., stook brokers.
I will present one thousand dollars In
gold to any oue whom I canuot cure of epi
leptio convulsions or lite. Du E. Ukbwkr,
311 Spruce street, Scranton, Pa.
Eanto Cesalro'a Dom.
Tbe knife tbat guillotined tbe assassin is
not near ns large as the knife that cut the
prices ou fine jewelry at Davidow Bros. '
Db, C C Lavbacu, dentist, Gas and
Water company building, Wyoming ave
nue. Latest improvements. Eight years in
Eat Bread mudo from
and be healthy.
Plllsbury'a Best
Iht Niw War Cruiser Minneapolis.
Tbespoedof tbe Minneapolis is not near
as speedy as the speed that people speed
to Davidow Bros, for bargains,
1)1 UD. .
CAVANAUGH Michael Cavanaugb, at
his late residence, 825 Prospect avenue.
Funeral Friday morning at the cathe
dral, nt 9 o'clock.
And see the Dia
mond Prizes to be
Given away by the
Green Ridge
Best Sets of Teeth,$8.oo
Including the painless extracting
ti teeth by an entirely new r
S. C. Snyder, D.D.9.
and Delaware and Hudson
Hatch Decided Today, n
Air on the Mountain Delightful, but
the Wind Interfered with Good
Play The Attendance Was Slight.
Lieutenant Davis and Captain Fisk,
of West Point, Are Entitled to Hon
orsThe Different Events in Detail.
Tbe Carbondale Tenuis olub held its
annual tournament at Farview yester
day. The day was a most delightful
one, though a strong; wind was blow
ing which somewhat iuterfered with
tbe play. The crowd that attended
was not a large one. but all were en-
1 tliusinstio, and roundly applauded tbo
I many good plays that were made
! N. R. Johnson and F. C Fuller
played remarkably well and sncceoded
1 1 .., ... .i . .
--p--""-"-" ' ...
Petively for the singles, while thoy
Ulan otlAnua.lail f n nri nuallml
nary event in the doubles. The final
event in the doubles was postponed un
til today on account of the lateness of
the hour.
The tournament opened with prelim
inary singles between Moon and Lith-
rp of Carbondale, won by Moon 6-1,
2-0, 0 1. Lljuten tnt R P. Dvles, of
west rolut. defeated Charles Orchard.
of Ourboudale, 6-1, 6 1, 6-1. Wilbur
F. Sadler and Louis Sadler bad both
entered tbe tournament, but on account
of absence from the city their events
went by default. W. F. Sadler defaulted
to Captain W. L. Fink, of West Point,
and L. Sadler to Fuller.
In the doublet, after a very bard and
well playd game, Johnson and Fuller
defeated Davis aud Fisk, 0 5, 2-0, 6-3.
Tbe Sadler brothers defaulted to Tor
rance and Moon, wbo lutr defeated
Orchard and Lathrop, 6 1, 6-1.
In tbo single semi-finals Davis and
Fuller played a most exciting game,
several of the plays being almost phe
nomlnal. Davis at first seemed to have
the best of it, but by bard and steady
playing Foller won by score of 5 6,
Preserving Kettles
The time is near at
hand to use them, so
figure ahead.
4 quart,
18- quart,
10 quart, 12-quart, 14-quart,
55. 65c. 7Ec.
Also 1-quart Tin Fruit
Cans at 45c. doz.
126 Penn Ave.
We are now
prepared to do
business at '
our new build
ing, 323
Washington Ave.
Of SHOES Is Now On
And you'll not be treating yourself right if yon don't take advantage of It.
Every shoe in tbe house is reduoed to cost, and many goo Is such as RUS
SETS and all SUMMER bHOES, a good deal less than cost,
WHITE CANVAS OXFORDS, best quality, worth $1.50 a pair, will be sold
for 73 CENTS.
Soma that aro soiUd anJ discolored will be sold for 25 CENTS a pair.
There Is no half way business about it, but a great bousefull ot GOOD
SIIOE3 at tbe cost of making them. LET US SEE YOU.
It's an 111 Wind That
Blows Nobody Any Good
Our large stock of SUMMER GOODS has proven
an ill wind to us, but is blowing to your advantage.
We are offering our
Bag Discounts
on Summer Goods. Embrace the opportunity. The
Discounts offered last week will be continued ONE
6 5, 6-4. Johnson in singles also dc-
feited Moon 6 0, 6-4 and In tbe semi
finals defeated Fisk 6 2, 6 0.
Tbe abeve events were not finished
until slmost 6 o'clook and there was
not suffleleut time left to finish the
remaining ones, namely, the finals be
tween Johnson and i uller and Moon
and Torrano, and tbe matoa for the
Delaware and Hudson prize cup. These
vxnts will be held this afternoon.
Theslnsle final for the first nrlza.
Fuller defaulted to Johnson. -
The prizes were very handsome for
theilngl'S. The first whs a erown em
press vase ; the second was a beautiful
Dal ton chocolate pot. There was lonly
one prize for the doubles, whloh was a
pair of royal Worcester vases.
A summary of the events Is as fol
lows! Single, preliminaries Moon-Latbrop,
8-1, 2-8, 6-1; Davii-Orchard. 6-L 8-1, 6-1;
Fuller-L. Badler, went by default to Ful
ler: Flsk-W. F. Sadler, went by default
to Fisk; Johnson-Moon, 6-0, 0-3.
Singles, semi-final Fuller-Davis, 5-6,
6-5, 6-4; Johnson-Fisk, C-i, 8-0.
Singles, final, Johnson-Fuller Went by
default to Johnson.
Doubles, preliminaries, Davls-Fisk, Johnson-Fuller
6-5, 2-0, 6-8; W. L. Sadler-L.
Sadler, Torrance-Moon Went .by default
to Torrance and Moon.
Doubles, semi-final, Orchard-Latbrop,
Torranoe-Moon 0-1, 6-1.
$2 75 Return Trip to New York.
Excelnior Athletic club excursion Sat
urday evening. Train leaves Erie aud
Wyoming Valley depot at 10 o'clock.
Tickets good for five days 14.55.
Ready for Cunt omsrs.
VVith a 60 -foot addition on our store and
thousands of dollars worth of flue Jewelry,
Davidow Bros, are ready to wait on their
patrons, 217 Lackawanna avenue.
nothing: but the best.
You will be satisfied
if you call on J. BOLZ and
get some of the bargains he
is offering.
A $5 Coat for $1.49.
A $7 Coat for $3.
A Fine BlackClay Worst
ed Coat for $5, worth
Ladies' Capes, all shades,
for 98c.
Ladies' Tailor-made Suit3
for $4.75, worth $9.
During the Summer.
138 Wyoming Ave.
next dime: bank.
128 Wyoming Ave.
Hip Pads, Stocking
mm w$
i mm ie
Cor. Lackawanna and
Wyoming Aves.