The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 17, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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134 Wyoming Aye.
We will show you what
you want.
And always have
Good Bread.
The Weston 111 Co
Punch Cigars
G.4 B. 8t Co.,
lmrrlnit on Each C'lftf.
Qarney, Brown & Co. Mfr's.
Ilillil Mltl MJUAilK.
DR. H. B. WARS will be
in his offisa on and after
the first week in Septem
Sheriff Fnhey Is in New York.
Mrs. Wude M. Finn will leave today for
Ocean Grove.
Miss Marao Budcett nf Carbondale, is
the guest of Mi.a k.ita Crane of Dunuiore
Leo R'.os, of Fine street, who has
been at Lake Ariel, baa returned borne iif
til- a aliort stay.
Churles House, of the city controller's
mnce, is imctf at uisUesK after u pleasant
two wi'eKs' vacation.
Jnmes F. Hcaulon of Xew York, who
has been the guest of Edward O'lloyle of
Capouao avenue, returned home yester
T. V. Powderly lectured on "Duty of
tbe Workman to tbe (State," at Mount
Morris Wednesday evenies and also lec
tured last night nt Cuba. Both
were m.iUd to CimutauaiiH circles. Air,
Powderly will lecture ut Chautauqua this
ana tomorrow evening.
You Can Buy nt Coaraan'a
1 lb. f tlio finest Chocolate packed in
hnnusouio boxes for om. id.
The bi-annual meeting and tournament
of the Turner sociuties of the Philadelphia
dis'rict will be held in this city Aug, 20
ana ki uuuer tue auspices o: the local ruin'
Saturday Evening, Aug. 18 Reception
of the delegates froiii Philadelphia, Will-
lamsport, Aiientowo, w iiKos-Uarre, Treu
ton, N. J., Camden, N. J.
Monday, Auy. 20 Oraud parade of the
vinting societies, ah local singing and
other German societies will participate to
Central Park garden; sports and games
between visiting and local Turner socie
ties. Admissiou to park 25 cents Picic
all day and evening.
Tuesday, Aug. 21 Mammoth excursion
to Farview. Train leave Delaware and
Hudson depot at 8.30 a. tn. Tickets for
adulta, 73 cents; for children. 40 cents. For
sale at C. D. JNnuffer, tied Durr, John T,
Fahrenholt, city; Schneider Bros., Chariot
Pcbeneb, Ctiarles Kirst, South Hide;
George Wuuucb, Joseph Zimmerli, Iiyde
Committee; Louis Gscheidlk,
1'itKD liUMMLEB, Secretary.
liTYLlsn Lorgnettes at Davidow Bros.
r . ..
- Ecrantoa'a Business Interests.
, .Tns Tribunb will socn publish a care
iuuy couipueu and classified list or tne
leading wholesale, bankiue. manufuotur
ing and professional intermits of Scran ton
and vicinity. The edition will be bound
in book lorin, beautifully illustrated with
nbotogravure views of our nnblio build-
lugs, business blocks, streets, etc., together
witn portraits oi loading citizens. Ho
similar work has ever eivun an ennui ren-
resentation of Bcraoton's many indus
tries, it wm ue bu mvaiua Die exposition
' of onr business resources. bent to
persons - outside tlie city, coplos of
this handsome work will attract
new comers and be an unequalled
advertisement of tbe city. Tbe circu
lation is on a plan that cannot fail of good
results to tno-e concerned as wen as the oity
at large. .nepre-emaiiveso i hb tribune
will call upon - tuosb whose names
are desired in this edition and explaiu
Its nature more inny.
Those desiring views of their residencoj
In thin edition will please have notice at
tbe ouicv. -
S. B, Dorfet, mate of tbe steamer Art-
ha. I lita fnnl-. ' hAdlir iammaA
Thomas' Erlectrio Oil cured it. Notbiug
eqUHl W IV lor a quiti yaw .duvivi,
A miner's friend Davidow Bros, tl
clocks. Warranted. .
Bnoklen's Arnloa Salve.
Tta hf anlva in th world for Onkl
Brntses, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Bheum, Fever
C n... 'I '.1 ( hi hlsin.
lrn .nd all Klrin Erntitiona. and Dosl-
tively cures Piles, or no pay required Ik
It cniRr.nt.Ml tn crlva Tierfttct satisfaotion
er money refunded. Price H5 cents per
doi. r or saie oy juatmews dto
ft Foe to Dfspepsia
Scissors' Grinder Takes Two Tumbles
Down tbe Cedar Avenue Saud Back.
He Started Out In Search of n Alder
man to Get Out a Warrant Opening
of 8U Luke's Kindergarten School
Next Month -The .Neptune and
William Connell Fir Companlee
Are Badly In Need of Koreas Other
The seed Italian aolssors grinder
dally sen on tbe South Side, wander
iuur alousT ringing a belt and carryiur
on hit should bU working parapbor-
nulla, bad an experience yesterday thit
will be apt fu eling to bis memory.
He bed climbed tbe lugn sand bank
kirtiog Cedar avenue oear Palm
ttreet, wine a crowd of urohlus at
play on tbe Isvel above began to teas
him.' While dedgtug the stenes they
threw at blin be backed over the buk
ind tbe rapidity of tbe somersaults be
performed oa his dotvswarl trip
ppeared to have bad a were li-ol on
hi i temper thaa ble body. He gut up,
dusted iiIumK an I started a? tbe bank
i saesod time. The beys allewed blui
to climb almost to tbe tp and than
cnt a foailade of stoaes tewtrd blm.
One of tbe stones hit him ana dowa tbe
biuk he went again heels over bead.
He gathers.! himself out ef tbe saud
pit. gaged ruefully at kl tormentors,
nd started In search ol an alderman.
Fall Term Will Opn Nx-. Momh with J AU.Bd.Q09.
Tlie succemful ' Piist ' school terra of
St, Lnke's Kiudergart u school ou
Ctdur- avenue bus causd parents to
ke ereater deminJs for the reop-
ion of their ohlldreu tbe eouiiug yer
han it is fasrtd tbe ssbool will be able
to accommodate. Tbe teacher, Mine
Florenoe Hull, bas been oomtnsadea so
highly for bar work that It may not be
Improbable In toe near future to see a
movement bttgun for au enlargement of
the sshool.
Hurrv C Hak. of Power's drug
store, has assisted very materially In
kindergarten school work on this sid-,
xud to bis efforts in part must be at-
ributed tbe ureasut popularity and tue
nope of more extend I usefulness of
the ssbool in time to 0"iue.
The Neptuaes and Vflliiaaa Connells
With ut Proper St r vice.
Tf the Neutnne Euurlne eombanv.
with it. Iiohvv n.w .uutue. and tlie
William Cotivell Hose ceupuuy, with
Its cuuit'Craouie hots carnag', urs not
up to the staudard iu their punc uality
nt fir.s, it is a fair question to ask,
"Whois fault is ttY
As a. tuatur of fact neither comoanv
is supplied with decent horses, and so
they cm he expeotea to roucn nres oniy
ne nnicltl m the tnmbla down aniin its
n,,n rlrucr lha vehicles. A TRIBUNE re-
1 i . .n.. Iv.... ,.t.t
porter una mru ijvulvuij Tursuuau.
to put-this matter into print for the
consideration of the genlluinen of tbe
The new Neptune steamer will be tested
next iilunday.
Dr. and llrs. J. A. Mauley will return
today from Saratoga.
Miss Sarah Nedham, of Cedar avenue,
is visiting in Elmburst.
Common Councilman Edward Robinson
bus been troubled with gastritis fur some
time, but is now convalescent.
Tha SaenasrrnLde and Grentll Verein
societies, of this side, will attend the
parade of tbe Turn-Bezirks next Monday,
and also tue jaozurt uiee ciuo.
The South Side will send a larje dole
gation to tbe excursion of the K.wl-ior
Atblatio dun, wnicu leaves at 1U o cluck
to-morrow night lor rcw xnrk.
Tbe funeral of tbe late aiicbsvl Cnva
uauifb. of SC3 Prospect aveuue. will take
place this morulas at 9 o'clock. Interment
will be made in tiyde 1'ark cemetery,
preceded br a high mass of requi.'m nt St.
reltr 9 cntnuural,
Jlrs. Ihomns JJuron, r.r Stone avonup.
was laid to rtst yastei'day iu Hvda Park
Cathulic ceiuatery. The largi concourse
that attended the funcrul ci'-uiiied the
resect and esteem in which nUo whs helil.
The pnll bearers were Patrick JlcHale,
Johu Hivyderi, Patrick Iiyau, Jlichnl Oar
vcy, Johu Durkin and Patrick Wh.iicn.
Bnt and a Ser Are Mlzrd Up ia a Law
' The litis. at, b.twsea Jsba T. Cos-
tsllo tad Rot K GUI bas not yet
rhed a fisal s, , and frwb devel
opments r eft ib hntt, Coetello
rented a lt, no. lilts JNertn Ailn
avau, te Ulll, the lease of whieh it is
allege was a-n en uun sy, April l
soil slfned ifunnsy, April 13. further
mors the landlord pave tk tenant n
deg and tnc poor "bow-wow has ben
the lnnoosnt einss of muon trouble,
iitlgstien ad expanss.
Mr. Cnatello elnlms that Mr. Gill re
quested hiw to take ill 4e haek again
ud he aooerdlngly obiigea him in bis
request, whilst Mr Gill dnims that
thougs tbe deg was given be was takan
away witbou,Ms f ermlaslon. This point
was arsjusd before Aldsrssaa Ballev,
wbo cave judswsnt' iu favor of Gill
for $5 Against this Costa 11 appalad.
bait was tbea enternd by Costelln
for poisesaion of 1418 North Main av.-nil-',
and Allermaii Horan gave an
order for possession of the premises.
Agsinst this Gill appealed. Further
developments are awaited with Inter
est, although the details are difficult
to follow. It is said the oass will
round up ia the county court, and it
may, if all threats arc carried out, yet
surpass the cslebrated Jones county
calf case. . .
Besldence of an Alderman Said to Dis
qualify Him.
In a contemporary of yesterday Al
dsrmau D. M. Williams, of the First
ward, is charged with residing ot't of
tbe ward, thereby disqualifying him
self ss alderman.
Mr. Williams informed a Tribune;
reporter yesterdsy that he boards at
the residence of Hanry Jones, Wayne
vnue, and attends regularly at his
office from 8 p. m. to 8 p. in. The
alderman was very indignant that this
uncalled for - attask was msdc apnn
bin and was at a loss to account for
tbe motives which prompted the
Armit Thomas, mail carrier, resnmsd his
duties yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Burke will spend a
week's vaoatloa at Atlantic City.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Wlnton returned
home yesterday from an extended tour.
Dominick Evans, ot Brick avenue, Is
entertainiug bis sister, Miss Mary Evans,
I Boston.
Mrs. Jams Bell, Miss Nellie B11 and
Mis Mamie Brers are spendiuif a vacation
at Benton,
J. F. Evans, who intends to reside ner-
mnueutly lu New York, lettthe North End
a few days ago.
Elecmntly framed nictures are beins sold
for half price of fruine. Chicago Art Co.,
17 Penn avenue.
Alderman Horan has removed his court
to 105 West Market Btreet, next door to
tbe Lewis drug store.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Murnhv. of Oreen nidire
street, have returned Irom New York,
wtere they spent n pleasant vacation.
Poter Scort and Michael C s ove will
meet at O'Mallev'a court on 8iurdav nt
4 o'clock, when a game for 110 will bo
Patrick G ilhdher had a collision with
Lieutenant Suellinan on Wedaesday uiht
and as a result will pay J or gpoud tea
cuys in tlie county juil.
The many friends of Thomas R. James,
Wayne aveiiua. will bo ulu.l to hear of hiB
gradual recovary after a long illtus. Mr.
Jnints expects to bo uble to rcsauie duties
next week.
The Rev. Floyd F, Fuller is progressing
very satisfactorily after the opurution on
his band by I r. Kay on Monday la-t. The
operation was in every manner succus-iful
and the results will be heuehciul aud per
manent. The fimernl of Brian Mulroy, of the
Highworks, .took place yes-erdy. Ser
vices wore held at the Holy Rotary church
and intermaut was made at the Hyde
Park Cathidic cemetery. Deceased was
au old citizen of the North End.
Thomas Jehu (LWw y Uryn) is announced
as bavlug couiuliad with tbe d siroi of his
f i lends to bucomn a candidate for j iry
couimistioner, subject to the decisiou of
the Kepnlilicuu couvontlon. Tu Llew is
one of the must busiling men. of tlie sec
tion and is working witu lus usual energy.
Tbe funeral of Mis Ellen Evaus. the
daughter of Mr. aud Mrs. David Evaiu, ot
Margaret avenue, will take place this att-
ernoou, iuteruient beinir at Waibburu
Street renieterv. Mihs Evaus wan well
known in the North End and many friends
regret tbe loss of a sincere friend.
John Clump sails today for Yorkshire,
England, where he will probably spend a
couple of years. Mr. Clump was a re
spected member ot Mss Amr Mulley's
dais, Methodist Episcopal church, and
was tbe recipient of aspleudid testimonial
upou his departure from bis teacher and
A Eesume of tbe Uucb Talk.d of Via
Tbe question of having a viaduct
over tbe D.-laware Lackawanna aud
Western tracks is again agitsted ty
lbs action of tbe Wtst bide board of
trade In announcing that a publio meet
ing would be held. It was thought that
tbe recent decision of court put a fnr
tlirr sud to tbe project, but now that
it is one more fully revived, the peo
ple of the West bide will not bo slow
n taklug a decisive step.
-Tbe ordinance must bs pasud by
council before viewers can be ap
pointed. After the appointment of
vi-wers and asfssinent of damages the
eouncils will' be allowed thirty days to
repeal the ordiuuncs. It is now thought
that sucu exorbitant charges will not
be made for dumiges by property bold-.
srs along that section Tue danger
wrought iu crossing the tracks at this
point is a good p 'int in fuvir of the
viaduct. D D. Evans, T. H D ile and
T. Fellows M .son, the coimuUtoo ap
pointed for the holding of n pnblie
meeting, will shortly arrange mutters
lor the demonstration.
The Servloss Will Bs Conduced Te
' morrow Afternoon.
Mra Phillips, wife of ' Thomas
Phlllipi, of Bromley avnu, who did
at ber brim ou Wo luusduy evening,
will be burled tomorrow afternoon.
Deceased was CO years of uge and a
native of Wales. For uiuuy years sue
has resided on this side, where her
estimable qu ilitis won for her many
friends. A a tnimbir of thu First
WsUb Congregational church she waj
mueh esteemed.
Mrs. Phillips is survived by her hus
band, nns daughter and tnree sous,
Mrs. Edward Heal, and Divid. John
and Tiionias C. Phillips. Services will
be cotidaotod bv R-v. David Joues.
Interment in tbe Wash burn Strsot
Mrs. Johu S. riarris, of Division street,
is sojourning at Lake luola.
Will Lewis, of North Hyde Pnrk nve
uue, is spending a fow days in Glenburu.
Mi?s Cora KeurUer, of Nerth Lincoln
uvenue, Is rusticating at Pleasant Bencli.
Miss Dobba Ilugiies, of Danville, is the
guest or relatives ou Aortli L ucum ave
George Dnniels, of North Hyde Park nve-
nue, is visiting friend in Susquehauna
Harvev Rablnson, of Oranc. N. J., ii
viitiug David Harris,ot North Hyde Furk
Cbarlos Houea!id nlntor, Edith, of South
Main avenue, have retnrued from Lake
We are clenrine: out the whole of our
stork of line e clangs. Chicago Art Co.,
l!47 Fenn avenue.
Mr. and 'rs. G. H. Deitrick.of Wright's
court,- win leave suortiy lor a tnree weks'
stsy ui Port Jervis. , ,
The Scranton Traction company have
now completed tne track improvements
on JNprtn JJain avenue.
Tha Columbia Hose enmosuy hell a well
attended piculo a; WnhWr'e grove yester-
day afternoon ana evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Ekazsr Evans and daugh
ter, tiame, oi nortu tiromiuy aveuue, uie
iu Atlantic City on a vacation.
Mr. nud Mrs. Giorg W. Jenkins, of
South Hvde Park aveuue, left yesterduy to
Mirses Lillian and Gertrude Woiseuflue,
of Chestnut street, are speudiug a few
weeks witu relatives in Mouroe cnuuty.
Edward Jones, of North Hyde Park ave
nue, a m.moer or the hciauton inuil da-
psrlment, 1. sojourning at Ln idlewilo.
Mrs. Theodore Naunian aud sen- Walter.
of Noitb Sumner avenue, have retmned
from a vi-it with friends in ilkea-Barre.
The work of placing a sewsr lu the
lwenty-urst ward l progressing rapidly
uuuur vuo auicrvisiou oiuouii actor xica-
Mail Carrier John H. Pbilllps is on his
annual vacation, anil H now duvotiug his
time to preparations for the September
eieteudiod, .
A farewell concert will be given in the
Jackson Street Baptist church on Monday
eveuiug by Profesaor Haydn Evaus and
party, ihu mem tiers or tbe concert com
pauy will leave about Aug. 23 fur a tour
through Lnglaud and Wales.
Wardtd Off DUaaae.
"I have used several bottles of Hood's
&ararparilla and found it to be all that It
is recommended. It hai wardod off dis
eases from teveral members nf the family."
Alary A. leaner, iiimnnrst, ra.
Hood's Pills cures sick headache.
$40,000 Eobool House No. S7.
E. L. Walter, architect, bids to be opeaed
this be built on Columbia u venue.
Lots for sale on this avenue at low prlcei
lor a brier period.
Arthur Frothinqiiam.
Buy the Wbr
and get the best. At Guernsey Bros.
Pillsburt's Best makes best bread.
List of CIt:z:ns Wbo Will Truo Djlivermci
Jury Commissioners Ward and Howe
and Sheriff Fahey Drew One Hun
dred and Eighty Names from the
Jury Wheel for the Fall Term of
Common Pleas Court List of the
The followlug jurors hvs been
drawn for the comi.ig term of common
pleas court:
C. M. Parker, farmer, Waverly.
Peter J. Baxter, collector, Scranton.
Lewis Fizer, contractor, Jermyn.
Johu Copelaud. yardaiuster, Cnrbtmdale.
David F. Shook, teamster. Scranton.
William Campbell, miuer, buranton.
Julm NoKtk, uKichaut, Madison.
JoIju Salmon, miner, Duumore.
Patrick McDonnell, miner, Mooaic.
Win Aihertou, farmer, S.uth Abingtaa.
Arthur E. Soauians, surveyer, Lu Plume,
John L. Weutz, physician, Surauton.
1'. U. Ullgullou, liquor ueaier, qcruutou.
Michael .Met frail, salesman, Seranwiu.
T. S. Parker, farmer, Clark's Greau.
Chas. Mock, justice of the nsace, Jofforson.
). S. Colliue. farmer, JeffBisoii,
James M. Nicholsen, carpantur. Jermyn.
Jnmes F. Hunnigan, geut, An Lbald.
J. E. Whitman, carpenter, Scranton.
John Ludilou, miner, Mluooka.
Heuiy M. Baiter, luborer, Carbondale.
Cyrus J. Meixell, bookkeeper, Scranton'
Thomas O Hoi a, hotelkuapar, Arehbald.
Thomas Jordan, miner, Dickson City.
Liudeu Decktr, elerk, Scrautou.
Waller Uukor, merchant, Jermyn.
John Gibbous, miue foreman, Scranton.
J aims K-lly, constable, Wintou.
Martiu Mty, mrchaut, Scrautou,
Philip Foy, couductor, Scranton.
Joseph Alexander, jr., merchant tailor,
George Tiuior, carpenter, Scranton.
Alicbuel Gradt, niliiur, roll.
A. li. Eyuou, cashier, Scranton,
J. Saltry. physician, Sornnton.
John J. Hayes, stone cutter, Scranton.
Theinus F. Walsh, shoemau, Scranton.
George Russell, larmer, Fell.
James Morrison, miner, Carbondale.
Levi Geiz, tlrayiuau, Scranton.
E. F. Decker, termer, &ott.
William, Raver, farmer, Beaton.
Johu Eiden, mlllliaud, Scruiitou.
MUhasl AicDonnell, miner, Dunmore.
('. J. Jones, merchant, Scrautou.
Edward G. Connor, supt., Scranton.
George W. Pa tersou, farmer, LaPlume.
A. F. Law, clerk, Scrautou.
Hubert Junes, gont, acruuton.
Robert SharploM, miuer, Arehbald.
Thomas K. iiunley, miuer, Arehbald.
v. Kivcuburg, tanner, uroeulield.
Michael Dougher, miner, Archbald.
James McDouald, fireman, Moosio.
Auihony Cuslck, marcbnnt, Minooko.
Joseph Silkman, clerk, Scranton .
Richard Grimee, conductor, Scranton.
Andrew Laudseidel, turmer, Ransom.
Alfred G. Lewis, watchman, Scrauton.
Hugh Collins, brakeniHD, Scrauton.
NVw. H. Steveuo, farmer, N. Abluston.
John VonBeck, gent, Carbondale.
William Smith, farmer, Covington.
M, J. Gillespie, maehiuist, Scrauton.
W. w. Keieiuger, clerk, Scrauton.
George Dings, farmer, Madison.
Martiu Wasnuer, merchant, Scranton.
Martin J. Bigliu, clorn, Scrauton.
Daniel F. Kelly, mill haud, Scranton,
Patrick iu Alauama, uiluer, Scranton.
H. P. Parker, farmer, South Aliiuu'ton.
GrifUih Morgau, miner, Carbondale.
J. F. Mitchell, reporter, Scrautou.
P. At. r "ster, msrehaut, Scrautou.
George Good, icb, farmer, Scott.
Beutuu T. Jayue, agent, Scranton.
L. W. Partridge, merchant, Elmhurst.
Peter Carr, laborer, Scranton.
Daniel T. James, miner, Scrauton.
lieiiiamlu i. tiauiels, nnutr, Scrauton.
Stephen Caileuder, farmer, Blakely,
C. D. Wiuter, msrehaut, Jermyn,
itotiert tiouaa, engineer, blukelv.
David Hopkius, farmer, Rauso'm.
Martiu McDonald, miuer, Scranton.
iLbeuezer Drake, la'- I Korje.
F. S. Godfrey, hot . iJcrauton.
Daniel J. Evans, lnaufauce, Scranton.
Patrick McNally, butcher, Scrauton.
Pun ick Higgi.,8, merchant, Miuooka.
Martiu Neulou, clerk, Scranton.
Patrick McGarry, teamster, Carbondale.
William A, Murphy, carpenter. Scrautou.
John Bullion, laborer, Scranton.
Allrccl Kara, elevator men, Scrauton.
George F. McL'srty, uinchiuiet, S runton,
C. E. Silvius, curpeutur, Sumh Abiugtou.
John Genter, luschi list, Scranton.
P. F. UriAhi, merchant, Scrautou.
JmuKDntimr, laboier, Lackawauca twp.
i iviii. i-ueiiuu, loruuiaii, auruuton,
Samuel Werkheler, farmer, L.-high.
Jiiuea Browu, iuooiei, Moosic,
Rudolf b:ceer, gant, Scrautou,
JohuScrngg, machinist, fcrantou.
Willard Atlurtou, uinch.ut. Tuylor.
Edward Swaitz, englBeei,) Scrauton.
Jamas McCarty, foreman, Duumjr.
Fred Wiimnuu, macUtuM. Scrauton.
C. A. Shermae, farmer, Gleaburn,
Samusl Wilcox, liveryman, Mndiien.
Joiiu S. Feigutun, fnremau. Scranton.
Thomas B. James, miner, Bellsvno.
Charles Clnrk, butcher. Sorauteu.
Joseph Carpeutsr, farmer, N. Abington.
uo.rpu noun, powuerotos, Mooeic
Michael Devln, dark, S:rantou.
D. L. Donty, farmer, YVaverly.
Tulllo W. Jouet, laborer, Taylor.
THAVRRBK juhom, oot 1. '
R. J. McHala, laborer, Olynlumt,
Louis C nrad, itiercbant, ecranton.
Horace G. Thayer, rarpentar, Elmhurst,
Michael Burke, mlllluiad, Scrautou.
A. ti. Knlgway, farmer, lient .u.
Jacob Uoiz, merchant, Pur au ton..
Thos. Penbridgs, farmer, Spring Brook.
L. J. Liudy, moulder, Carboudulr.
F. R. Gill, gentlemen, Jernyn,
E. J. McIIhIc, contractor, Carbondale.
Wm. J, Jenkins, miner, Scrauton.
Richard Nape, dispatcher, t-crnuton.
Moigau Ricuarrti, lancer, Sprlug Brook.
Johu Garvey, millhsa l, Si raniou.
James Mnngau, miner, Miuooka.
Patrick Cook, stnel worker, Scranton.
John Wiigtit, gnntlnman, Ar.'hbuld.
A. L. Duuleavy, grntlemau, Scrautou.
Thos. D. Liuglieii, puuip ruuuer, Scranton
Flank Cnuavan, clerk, Seruutou,
Patrick ftlahon, minor Arehbald.
J. h. Loveliind, farmer, .Madl-ou,
Uarrisnu Rmihiid, ye .tiau, Covington,
Thomas Jennings, ic jer, Scrautou.
Starling Bedford, druggist, Waverly.
George Ilunold, sr., mould- r, Scrautou,
Frrd Blrseeker, farmer Corlugtou,
D. W. Vaughn, clerk, Scranton.
M. M. Beuuett, bookkeeper, Duumore,
Peter Haggerty, mill bund, crantou.
W. P. Riley, cx-ergeaut, Scranton.
II, F. Ferhi-r, drayman, Scrsatou.
William Kelper, Carpeuler, Scrauton.
David Davis, foreman, Lackawanna twp,
Thomas Shannon, miner, Meoslo.
Pairicli Sheerau, miner, Scranton.
Michael CVHors, hotel keeper, ranti.n.
John P. M-ssatt, niachlnist" StTHiitou.
Louis D'Aquluo, chiropodist, Sranton,
J. D. Hi'pkms, farmer, Newu-u
Johu Kelly, hotelkeeper, Scranton.
F. U. Hopkius, photoginpuer, Scranton.
John Cook, miuer. Scrauton.
John Flvun, welgbmaater, Olyphant.
W. B. Wells, geut, Sciautoj.
Ladies' fa!ch.
13 Lacka. Ave.
Stephen Arkerly, bntcber, Scott
Michael Keugb, gent, Scrauton.
O. K Miller, barber, Scranton.
P. J. Kellr, laborer, Scrauton.
Pntrick Healey, enitiueur, Olyphant.
Patrick AlcNully, miuer, Miuooka.
Authony Wnleh, miner, Olyphaut.
J. J. Breuiiau, farmer, Goulihb iro.
Frank MrKe, braltemau, Sorauton.
Martin Goldeu, miner, Scranton.
Heury Duulap, farmer, Greenfield.
George Benedict, agent, Scrautnu.
Alexander JUcCormi. k, miner, Moosic
Wm. York, machinist, Scranton.
Abel W. Brundage, bhcksuii.b, Scranton.
Waur Filfirs.
Pure water eeenres good health. T. F.
Leonard, at &5 Lackawanna avenun, has
for Bale four fctylea of atoun water filters
that are sold at pries witlilu n-ach of all,
and are us easily cleaned and taken cnie of
ns a waier pail, and will last for years.
Tim filter Is all sin'io, n 'thiiirt to rut, cur'
rode or beuonit) futil and will tificr Irmn
four to twelve gullons por day. Drop in
aud see them.
iTus.Q Boxes,
Best mode. Play nny defied number of
tunes. Gautschl & Son., manufacturers,
1CS0 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Won
derful orcbestrlMl organs, only Jo and $li).
fpeoialty: Old music boxes uarefully re
paired aud improved with new tunes.
Shoe repairing promptly nttendod to at
the Gh'bu Shoo etore. '
Import Samplas mean 20
per cent, less than import
No two pieces alike.
Flower Vas93, Jarden-
ieres, Plates, Chocolate and
Tea Pots, &c.
To secure REAL BAR
GAINS, come at once.
n6 Wyoming Ave.
If a Tornado
Strike Scranton
It would causa little more
surprise to our citizens than
never have been sold before at
such prices; but, remember there
is no CREDIT at Freeman's.
Our line of Groceries is
complete and you can
rely on them being the
If you want a delicious,
high-flavored T3A, try
our New Crop JAPAN
for 50c; worth 75c.
4 7 LACKAW.V.'i1 A AVL .
Meat Market
The Finest in the Citj,
The latst Improved fur
nishings and apparatus for
keeping meat, butter and eggs.
823 Wyoming Ave.
A VJfl'-'-!ta1 tJ l":!lJi
tre at Prcsant the Mint Topntar on J rrcrerred 'f
Lrltltnie ArlL-ug.
W:-orooms: OpposiisCaluaibusMonumont,
'l',,e.r"'ei:i Av. Fcrrnf,''" "
ROOF tlnnlntf and soldering all rlono away
with by the use ot HA KT.MAN'8 I AT
KNT PAINT, which consists of ingredi nts
well-known to all It can bs applied to tin,
galvanized tin, sheet iron roofs, ui eo to brick
dwelliutra, which will provent absolutely any
crumbling, cranking or breaking of the
brick. It will outlast tinuing ot any kind by
many y.nrs,and it's cost does not exceed one
fifth that ot he cost of tinning. Ia sold by
the job or pouud. Contracts taken by
AMOMO UAltlAlAMM, biil Birch Bi
You Meed Them
And a visit to Martin Sc. Delany's will be
wilder you at their immense stock of thin
goods. Just the stuff to keep you cool.
Our novelty in summer goods is a
Nobby, Long-cut Double-breast Blue and
Black Serge Coat. The proper thing for
SSartiii & Delazxy
Custom Tailors and Clothiers,
wvs ndve
45 dozen Ladies' White Embroidered 4( Cark 1
s Handkerchiefs, value 25c. for . . 1" VJOlllO
50 dozen Children's School Handker-
k chiefs, in plain and colored borders, 0 fiAnfo S
value 5 and 10 cents, for .... " wvlllo 3
3 35 dozen Ladies' Hemstitched Handker- R rnnfo I
I chiets, value 10 cents, for - - - - w Vvuia a
I A new line of Chemisettes just received. a
Scientific Eye
For Fall Wear
305 Lackawanna Ave.
It's a Great Shock
to tbo folks wbo are clalmintr they nndersolt
ill cithers to find that witbiut the least fuss
or bluter we are giving eustum rs the ben-
fit or Burn opportunities as tue.
, A Stnc'lv JSIgli Grade;ht-relgbf
( t llec-l, 181)4 litttlero, f. r SI 10 cash.
I 18:) pattern, (.130 Wheel, for 173.
1 181)4 pnlterii, 4100 Wheel, fur S33 easily
those prices make tha business at our store.
lalonef Oil and
Manufactor'g Co,
O I L S fwrnaBSOBOSSar
Lacka. Ave.
Testing Free
The Specialist on the Eye. Headaches and Ner
voosnefs relieved. Latest and Improved Btyle ot
EyeglasRes and Spectaoloj at the Lowest Prioej,
Best Artificial Eyes inserted for to.
303 Sl'IU'CH ST., Opp. Old Post Office,
City Musio Stor
"rltllZ A UAUUit
41k a large stock ef flrst-eUat
Another Advocate of
OENTLEMKH It affords me gresJ
Vleasnre to state that your new process
of extract In c tenth was a grand sncseaa IS
my ease, and I heartily reoommead It t
all. I sincerely hope that others will
teat its merits.
Yours respectfully,
CAPT. 8. B. BBYAN r, Seramton, Pal
Henwood k Wardell,
816 Lackawanna Ave.
Will on and after Mav 21 make a great redaa
tion In the prices of plates. All work goal)
anteei ftrst-cUss in every particular, .
Vlotor, Oendron, Eclipse, LovelL DlaatosA
and Other Wheels.