The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 16, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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low to
(eep Cool
Is a3ked by every one
during ' th338 summer
days. The seaside and
mountain retreats offer a
solution of this question.
But none of these are
complete unless you avail
yourself first of the right
kind of material to wear.
For our August offer
ings of requisites we
have chosen exception
CLES and recommend
them for their Useful
ness, Reasonable Price
and Desirable Quality.
Is a problem that must
be faced by many.
Has been largely due to
the fact that we furnish
goods in style and finish
of the high-priced at a
Low Cost.
A Xcw Vorlt Jeweler Discourse About a
Tray of Precious Gciii!!.
Ill t!io bijj show window of a jewelry
store resti'd last week a small tray that
gathered a crowd of curious spectators to
the window. Kvory tinio tho sunlight
played upon the pinto (ilnns tho tray cor
uscated with iirimnatie hues of dazzling
brilliancy. The tray is well known to the
trade. It is designed to display tho re
niiirkahla variations of tho color of large
African mine diamonds, and contains ex
amples of all tho colors known. It pos
sesses meat interest for novices in gems,
and the jeweler is called upon half a dozen
times a day to explain the beauties of the
specimens. "i
"It took a long time to pet this collec
tion together," the jeweler said, "and it is
the only one in the town of tho kind thus
arranged. You see here the brown dia
mond, tho absinthe, the canary or yellow,
the gem, tho pink, the rose and the coiieo
and the green diamond. The effect of these
combinations in tho sunlight is entrancing.
Each predominant line seems to impart a
distinct luster to tho prismatic scintilla
tions. When the tray is swung to and fro
in tho sunbeams, it- gives forth, as you sen,
a perfect blaze of rainbow colors. . Tlieso
gems also illustrato different cuttings of
the diamonds. Wero thoy all set in a
bracelet, or a brooch, or a necklace, they
would make a rarely beautiful trinket, but
it would cost a heap of money."
The jeweler picked out one sparkler with
a pair of diamond tweezers and hold it for
ward in the show window.
"This is a IJrazilian gem," he said, "like
which there is only one other in the world,
in Paris, and the French one is not as puro
or as iVrge as this. This is what is called
a black diamond, and is valued nt 2,500.
It weighs a trillo less than four carats. Its
beauty lies in the fact that it changes its
color in different lights. In this strong
sunlight you see it is almost black. It gives
forth a prismatic radiance greater than
that emitted by the best of the black gems.
In gaslight, you observe, the black hue be
comes a rich golden brown, and the play of
colors is changed too. Diamonds of this
sort nro regarded by the superstitious mi
ners as 'gold stones,' that is, gems possess
ing a power of imparting good luck to tho
owner in tho search for hidden gold. This
stone was secured In Paris, whither it was
brought in rough for cutting by a Iiio Ja
neiro merchant.
"Here," continued tho jeweler, "is an
other curiosity." Ha picked up a three
carat wliito stone with the tweezers. "It
is a specimen that will prove to you that
there is a differeiieo of sex in gems. This
is what is called tho female, a multiplying
He held tho gem under a strong magni
fying glass and pointed to four or five
smaller diamonds clustered about one of
the facets at the edgo of tho table of tho
stone. "Tho 711.1I0 gem," the jeweler said,
"is sharp pointed and never gathers these
embryo gems. There is a fine specimen
alongside that pink stone. It surprises
most people who see those specimens to be
told that they are of different sex as well
as color, but such Is tho fact." Jewelers'
The I'ltpurtluniible 8iu.
Cliollio (desperately) I'm on me beam
cuds, me ileah boy. I must either steal
some money or blow out me bwains.
Bertie Hut that would bo ah er com
mitting a cwlme, wouldn't itf
Chollie Cwlmcl That don't mattah,
mo boy.
Doilio (decidedly)-But it will be bad
fawm, deah fellah.
Chollie Too twuol That sottles It. No
stealing or suieido for inc. Pittsburg Bul
letin. The world is always Interested in the
enre of consumption; yet its prevention is
of far more Importance. Dr. Wood'o Nor
way Pine Syrup is guaranteed to cure
coughs Bod colds. Bold by all dealers on
guarantee of satisfaction.
Bur Success
The Mozsrt band, of tbis place, will
go to Jermyn this evening to give an
open air concert on the lawn of St.
John's chorea.-
Tomorrow evening's concert in the
Baptist tabernacle by Haydn Evsns'
conoert oompy is an event that is br
ing looked forward to with much
pleasure ty onr tausio lorers. and un
doubtedly a lre audience will greet
the singers on Friday evening.
Columbia Hose company have re
c-ivd an invitation to he the guests of
the Engle Hone company, of liunoock,
on the occasion of the ununal parade of
the Iluncock fire department on Sapt.5.
Today ooeurs the sixth annual tour
nsment of the Carbondale Tennis club
Ht Furriew. The reception committer
is composed of George Van Kureu,
chairman; J. H. Reese, Charles Oreh
iirdandJ. J. Hamilton; scoring and
umpiring, W. A Msnville, chairman;
J. 11. Reee, J. A. Hool, Charles Orch
ard. W. B. Gritman, E A. Gllmore
and D. G. Crane. This event is ex
pucted to be the most interesting one
ever bold by the club. Jinny expert
pliiyers will participate.
Last evening at 8 30 o'clock occurred
ti e marriage of Miss Nellie Atkinson,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William At
kinson, of River street, to Joseph Ham
merle. The ceremony was performed
by Rev. E. J. Bulsley, of toe Triuity
church, at the home of the bride' pa
rents. Cards have been inuud by Mr. and
Mrs. R, V. Budd, announcing the mar
riuge of their daughter, Miss Eva
Grace Budd, to Corron E Dir. The
event will ooeur at the home of the
bride's parent, 155 Lincoln avenue, on
Wednesday evening. Au 29.
An eight-day retreat at St. Rote con
vent, thlt city, cuuie to a clone yester
day morning by the eoUbrutiou of a
low muss by Father Millen, of wet
ern Pennsylvania, wn has eunducted
the reitrvat. About 173 sitters from all
over tu Sarautun diooose hnve been
Mr. and MrB Adolph Brunner, of tho
West Hid, are mourning the death of
their 8-muntiis-old sun, William, who
died yesturday morniug of cholera in
fantum. PUrce Butler and family, of Cansan
street, will leave today for 0an
Lewis Sadler, of Carlisle, was a Car
bondale visitor yeiter ly.
Miss Annie D. vis, of Scranton, is
visiting friends in this city.
Patrick Conuell, of Woodlawn
avenue, died at au early hour yester
day morning after an illness of bnt
three days. Decnse 1 was a native of
Ireland, and was 09 year of age. II
had been a resident of Carbondale for
fkty-slx years, and is snrvived by his
wife and fonr ohlldren, John, William,
Thomas and Mrs. Hugh Fiuton. The
funeral will b held on Friday aft-r-
i- oon at 3cloclc in St. Rose ohureu.
Interment in St. Rose cemetery,
John, an infant of Mr. and Mrs, John
Kearney, of th Est Sid, died on
Tuesday morning an I was buried yes
b-rday. The parents bar the sympa
thy of everyone in their bereavem ot.
Miss Maggie Judge, who has been
visiting friends iu Soranton, has ra
mmed homo.
Mr. and Mrs. Willintn Daeehe, of
Gold Britton, have retnrned from an
extend d visit with friends in Duumore
and Scranton.
A lively session of the council was
held on Tuesday evening. The mem
bers present were Pronldent Lane aud
Messrs. Caflrey, Bluke, Jones and
Swift. The eouncihnen were surprised
when an application for right of way
over Cburou, Monroe aud Bridge,
streets was asked by the Lackawanna
Transit company, and they deslded to
let th matter rest until a later meet
ing. Daniel Atkinson complained of
the unsanitary condition of Monroe
street near his resldenoe, and
the street comuiixeiouer was di-T-ctfd
to attend lo it. The str"t
commissioner's time amounting to 989
ws ordered paid, as was also tho in
terest on the tioroug'i bonds. Th pay
ment of the appropriation of 000 for
the rwpsir of the Ridge road provoked
n wnrui discussion, the president rrfuv
ing to entertain a lnotiou direoting the
secretary to draw an order for the
iiiuonct. Tho president, who is also a
mender of the road committee, ohjected
principally because ho was not con
sulted when the contmet for the repair
ing of the road was awHtdud. The other
numbers of the committee disci timed
Hny inti ntlon of ignoring the president
bnt explanations were unavailing.
After a hot dicnaion the motion w is
put and was finally adopted. Dr. Van
l)orn stated that the board of hnalth
liud compiled with the borough attor
ney's opinion relative to tho Using of
the salaries of the ofhVrs and tue sul
try of the secretary and health fli:r,
sj!3 each, wore ordered paid. The bills
01 the auditors, $0 cuoh, wore also
ordered paid.
The exenrsion to the regatta at Lnk
Ariel on Tuesday frcin this vioiuiiy
whs rot as well atten led as its pro
moters hoped it would be. Neverthe
less a large number of our people spent
a piensunt day at the lake. There bav
linen so many excursions from hem
during the past few wnak-s that it is
not surprising that the excursion of
Tuesday was not butter attended.
Mrs. Dennis Blake, of Hill street,
still continues to be serionaly ill.
Guaranteed Cure.
We authorize our advertised druggist to
tell Dr. King's New Discovery for Con.
pnmption, Coughs and Colds, upon tliU
condition. If you are alllicted with a
Cougb. Cold, or any Lung, Throat or Chest
trouble, and will use this remedy as di
rected, giving it a fair trinl.and experience
no bent jilt, you may return the bottle and
have yonr money refunded. We could not
mnke tbis otfer did we not know that Dr.
King's New Discovery could be relied on, '
It never disappoint. Trial bottles free at
Matthew Bros', drug store. Large size
60c. and 81.
Miss Amy Rawson, of Churnh street,
is visiting friends in Shenandoah,
Today John Ean leaves for Balti
more, Md.,and will not retnrn for
ora years
There will be a birthday party at the
home of Wlllism Thomas, on Miner
hill, tonight given by his daughter,
Miss Nellie Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy MoCarthy,
Mr. and Mrs. John Lovering, Mr and
Mrs. Thomas Lovering and Mr. and
Mrs. Roland Davis, of Greenwood, were
among the excursiautsts to Northum
berland on Tussday. v
T. D. Masobell, of Greenwood, is ex
cavating for the reotlon of a new
building on Main street.
Mr. and Mrs Henry Rawson gave a
very pleasant birthday party at their
how on Cbnroh street last evening, It
ii- ing the event of their dangbttr Liz"
zie's sixteenth birthday and also the
birthday of their son Henry, who was
14 years old. Avery pleasant time was
enjoyed by all present. The following
were among the guests: Mr. and Mrs.
John iBIaokam, George Dond, Elmer
Davis. Eddie and George Jones,
Thomas Lovering, Arthur Morgan,
Roily Davis, Tom and Rob Welburn,
Fred Rose, Evan Jones, Herbert and
Ernest Rawding, Harry Thomas and
Edward Harris, of Taylor; the MisB9s
Sadie Enapp, Sarah Fox, Jessie and
Alice Morgan, Julia Mahoney, Ellen
Mangan and Jvsse May Jones, of Taylor.
R. W. Davis, of St intou, is spend
ing a week hers with bis brother, D.
W. D ivis.
John A Eipp, Pike county nominee
for representative, was registered at
the Burnett Tuesday.
Hirra Turner, of . Knowlton, and
Miss West, or Ashton Mills, are with
R. W. Turner for a few days.
The Methodist Episcopal Sunday
school of Stroudslnrg will hold its
auuual txturtlon ut St suffers, on t li
ne w Wilkes-Barre and Eiston railroad.
A very large crowd is anticipated.
W. H. Wakeford, of Havre-de-Grace,
MJ., spent Sunday with Miss Lizzie
B. Frank, a membsr of the Goodwill
Clonk company, which rocently burned
down, was with us Tuesday. He re
turned to New York Wednesday.
New steel rails are being laid from
E-wt Stroudsburg to Scranton on the
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western
The Delaware Valley Electrio Road
company again held a meeting with the
Eist Stroudtiburg council, but could
come to no satisfactory tortus,
Mortou Dicker aud wife have re
turned from a week's outing at Asbury
Jacob CoiYman and Blanch C"ff man
are spending several days among
friend iu Scranton.
Frank Miller, who has been visiting
his nnele, Jacob Miller, returned to bis
home in Wilkes-B.trre.
Harry C. Cope, a Bethlehem lawyer
of some note, upent Tuesday here,
registered at the Burnett.
Dunkin Draper, a Wilkes-Bsrre bus
iuess man, speut several days with us
last week.
Captain W, D B. Ainoy has returned
from Gettysburg, As district attorney
lie was obliged to be here this week to
atteud oourt. He was with bis com
psny on inspection day aud roports
thnt th regiment was one of the be-t
drilled be saw there.
Mrt. Sarah Ulriuh IMly, tho bard of
Shanty Hill, w..d here this week dis
tri outing some of her puetry.
Every one of the ean.lUu3 at the
Republican convention held here on
Tuesday were nominated by acolama
tlou, aud they will be elected by a
rousing majoritv.
A lawn festival was given by the
ladies of the Methodist Epneopal
cbnroh last night ou the ohurch lawn.
The colored people are holding their
annual wilderness this week.
Captain U. F. Beardsley was at Far
vlw yesterday attending the seven
county reunion. H will invite them here
for tilr nxt camp and the old sol
diers will Mud a hesrty welcome uwit
ing them from the people of this city
ou a hill.
C. F. Watrous, jr., of Pittston, has
been visiting his parents here this
Distiiot Attorney Ainey assisted by
C, A. Van Wormor will have charge of
the commonwealth sid- of the Ssliring
murder trial. J. M. K dlv and E. W.
Srtfford will defend tup p'-isoiier.
Dewitl Ford imm is qutu ill at his
lionn on Maple street, tii brother F
11. Foidham, of Scranton, is here with
A little daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
.Tames Morris, Jr , has been quite sick,
hut whs reported better yester lay.
The Cathoiie r -aidfnts of Montros"
an I vicinity held a picuic on the fair
grounds yesterday. It was largsly at
tended A. W. Lyons has returned home
from his trip down the Susquehanna.
Mist Helyn Mckeuby is entertaining
MUs Fraukle Kendrick, of Diuglnm
ton. "
The throe hotels are filled with guests
this week besides a gr-;ut muuy at
boarding hous
J. B. Winslow und wife are at Like
Underwood in Wayne county.
The streets cm leav here every 22J
R"V. F. A. King and daughters, Ln
and Grace, are on a visit througu York
A business meeting of the Price li
brary will be held tonight.
Hattie McKenzio left yesterday for
AlUntio City.
Mrs, Joseph Davis is visitin; in New
Haggle Linney is at Lake Winola
for a few weeks.
Bsrney McGill, conductor, and
Alexander McTigne, uioturman, have
returned to do duty on the Taylor linn.
Both are popular and esteemed young
Willie Stone played the greatest
game at short stop of any p rsou seen
in that position nt th game nn Mon
day betwesn tue Electrics and Browns,
jis, of Oly pliant. His pickups and
c-itohes nent the large andienc wild,
and it would be to the Electrics' bum
fit to eouilnue him iu this position.
Taylor board of healtn is now 011 its
nlgb horse and in its deliberations it
proposes to get rid of Hewitt's bone
Thomas McAruiur, a woll-known
resident of this town, has been
awarded the contract to sink Rich
mond's air shaft on the Carter estate
in Providence. That the work Is iu
safe and experienc-d hands is without
a doubt, and we wish Mr. McArthur
the best of luck in his undertaking.
A girl was born to Mr. and Mrs.
Fr"d Ries of Albert street on Monday.
Richard Smith of Harriet street,
whs slightly injured at the Riohntond
breaker on Tuesday.
F. H. Holli.ter of Trenton, N.
J., called on friends iu town yes
terday. In justice to the engineer at the Jer
myn air shaft, where the slight tire os
anrred last Saturday, we wish to state
that it was not an overheated journal
which caused the fire, as stated by the
Ropabllean. There is no machinery
where the fire was located, ami it orig
mated from a spark which fell from a
lamp a sarpouter wu using wniln
working in the towor a short thus be
fore the iire brike out.
Mrs. Cecilia Dougher, of Bald Mount,
wos the guest of Mrs. Charles Gordou,
of Dickson, during the week.
A few good fishermen will find em
ployment in Dlcknon.
John Gtlligan, who has been ailing
for some time, was forced to resign his
position as engineer at Jermyn breaker
on ascount of his health.
When Tlaby was sick, wo cave her CastorTs.
When alio wot a Child, she cried for Custoria,
Whon she became Miss, she clung to Costorla.
When slie had Children, she gave tkera Custoria,
Ruv. Rjlph Gillam. the noted Phila
delphia evangelist, is visiting at the
home of John B. Smltn. Mr. Gillam
has won a wide reputation through
this "ction by being associated with
B. Fay Mills during his labors in
Scranton and by his own individual
ffforts at this plaoe at a later date will
occupy the Presbyterian church pulpit
on Sunday.
Mrs. D. Rouse, of Wilkes-Barre.Mrs.
Rouse and Miss Williams, of Weath
erly, were visitors at the home of J. H.
Warg on Tuesday.
Mrs. C. L Y tuisn. of Brooklyn, N.
Y., is the guest of Miss Artie Butler.
George Gifford is sptnding bis vaca
tion at his home near R d Btnk, N. J.
Richard Wardell is a visitor at New
York city.
Mrs, Friend Cavill and her son, of
Green Ridge, visitod relatives ac this
place yesterday.
Stanley Gaines spent Sunday at his
home in Hawley.
Thomas Warg is filling Station A?ent
Burschel's position at the depot while
the latter is at Gettysbutg.
The following party will make a few
weeks' visit through New York statu:
George Kenny, Misses Marion Kenay,
Jennie Gniennev and Grace Eugle.
Miss Minnie Eugle will spend two
weeks at Hamilton.
The Ladies' Aid society held a social
at the home of Mr, James Guinney on
Butler street last night. The follow
ing were ou the programme: Messrt.
Wolfe and MuLongbiiti, of Scranton,
banjo aud guitar duet; Elith Swingle,
of Green Ri Ige, piano solo. The houu
talent was Misses Eugle and Guinney,
piano duet, and Professor Leacock, a
piano solo.
Many old veterans of this place at
tended the seven-counties rsuuion at
Farview yesterday.
A man at the "corners" who thought
it was smart to yell mean and insult
ing remarks at pedestrians was severely
bandied by one of tho latter last even
ing, and needless to say the bystanders
applauded the righteous indignation of
the on- who administered the chastise
ment. Editor Woodward, of the Pioneer, is
erecting a large building.
Mrs. Philip Davis will spend today at
Mrs. W. W. Fay died at her home on
Dudley atreet yeiter lay fornnoon. Tue
deo-aiirid '.s the wife of Yard
maetur Fi.y, of the Erii and Wyoming
Valley yard, and a lady held high in
the esteem of b h'g" circle of -.cqaaint-a
11 sua. She was a member of the Bp
tist misoion and an earnest Christian
worker. A hunbAud aud one son
mourn h r demise. The funeral will
be private to all except immediate rela
tives and neighbors and will take place
from ber lite noma on Friday after
noon at 2.30 o'clocit.
Mrs. Horn' rEniij left last Tuesday
to visit with friends at Montdale for a
lew w eks
A large delegation of Warappa tribe,
Improved Order of R-d Men, paid a
fr itemal visit to Sankie trib at Pric
burg last TuHsdty evening.
Tii' Ladies' Aid nosiety of the Meth
odist Epioripl church will hav a sup
per and ice cream social at the home
i t Z. P. Travis, on Hickory street, nxt
W-dnesday evening Auj. Supper
will be served at 0 o'clock.
Wait and go with tin union excur
sion of th- Sunday schools to Like
Ariel for tue small sum of 'JO cents, 011
the 2Din of this month
Tue Christian Endeavor society of
the Biptisl clinrnh will bold a I rtVn
social at E E Grieuer's next Tuesday
evening, Au . 21
Johu Ji ffarsou an 1 Eithsn Warren
left yesterday to spend a few days at
Atlantia Ciiy.
Gerald, th- C-year-old son of Mr. an I
Mrs. Petr Burke, did of cholera mor
bus last Tiles lav afternoon. Tue fun
eral serviee will be held this afternoon
at 2 SO Iiiterm- nt will be made iu
Arch W ild O itliolio ceitiatery.
Boiu to Mr, and Mrs. Diimminj on
Friday lust a sou.
Miss E. E. Leach, of Providsnee, wa
a welcome visitor in our midst yester
Thero is groat excitement on the
ridge over a prospective shootliu
match between Abranam Howelis and
Frank Divis on Thursday at 3 p. m.
sharp for $3-j a sida.
Mr. mid Mrs. David Tutliill,form rly
a resident of this plaoe, but now ol
Coming, s'p?nt Tu-sdav and Wednes
day with Mr. and Mrs G A Bill.
John Hailutoueoi .3 utn Main street,
narrowly oso-tped losing his life by a
fall of rock. Luckily it fell ou his
foot brniiiig his ankle badly.
Miss Mario 1 Greens of Main street,
pent Tues lay 1-veiling witu the Misses
Van Buskirk of Taylor.
Miss Ella L' is suilriag with na
abes-sson her hand.
Mrs S. B. Coroey of North Main
etreet, Iihb rotnrusd after visiting
Iriends in Mill Ci;y.
The Miss-s Cnrri Swartz and Grace
Hindi, of Miisoow, nr-i visiting at the
home of their cousiu, Mis Matti
IJinds, of Minojka av-nue.
Miss Katie Gil nek, of River street, is
summering at Atlantis Cuy.
Miss Gertie Iiimlyu was a visitor to
the Eleotrio City y.ster lay.
Mns Alice H i'1'V is visiting relatives
in Brooklyn, N Y.
MUs Virginia Az r, of Sirou lab org,
is visiting Iriends in this viuiuitv
Born To Mr. -and Mrs. El ward
Doran, a son.
Mrs. William Cox, Mm. P. Horubaker
Hud Mrs, R V-iiidinnurg att- n led the
veterans' reunion at Farview Wednes
day. The Presbyterian parsonage Is pro
gressing fas'.
Willie Watson is improving in
Conrad Watson, of Miuooka avenue,
intends UDving to Scranton.
The trustees of the Mtthodist Episoo
pal cbnroh have pnrohasod a larg bell
fur thoir church. ,
Miss Addis Petaick is visltlug rela
tives at Carbondale.
About 400 people necomp-mied the
excursion of Grace Episcopal Sundsy
school to Farvlsvr Tuesday. The Ilontis
d de Cornet band furnished delijpitful
music during the day,
Mips Mary E, Rogers, of Brooklyn,
N. Y Is visiting relatives in town.
The Hooesdale Cornet band is in
good form and is reudefiug some ex
cellent music
The Maple City wLsslmen have de
cided to bold a a rase meet Oat 4, the
programme to be as follows. 1 mile
novice, mile open, 1 mile opsn, 1 mile
handicap. Special sanetiou has been
asked for a 1 mile Wayne county sham
pionship. The committee In chargo of
themietis: Paul W. Gardner, chair
man; Perry Li Birr, secretary; J. T.
Brady, treasurer; Otto L. Scbualler,
Euianu-l Freeman, Samuel J. Katz,
Julius Moll and Fred Dlttrlck. .
The local lodge, Aucient Order of
Hib- rnians gave an vxcellsnt parade
yesterday morning. They were led by
the Honesdale Comet band and St.
Francis Pioneer corps In uniform.
After parading the prineipal streets
they walked to Bellevue park, where
(hey held a picuic. v
Mrs. Ready, aged 103 years, Is very
ill at the home of hr son, Thomas
Ready, of Seventh street
Mr. Williams, of Parsons, is visit
ing her mother, Mrs. Hughes.
Mrs. Charles Jones, of Freeland, is
the guest of Mrs. Evan Jenkins this
W. H. Brown is entertaining bis
mother here thfe week.
Mrs. Nathaniel Chestnut presented
hor husband with a flue baby boy on
Miss Jennie Prloe and Willie Price,
of Carbondale, are visiting their aunt,
Mrs. Jenkins, of Seveutb street.
A largejiolegation from Charles Ri
ley post, 570, attended the veterans' re
union at Carbondale yesterday.
Mrs. John Sharps is visiting friends
at Scranton this wnk.
Mr. and Mrs. C, L Avery, of H izle
ton, are visiting at David McGinuis'.
Mrs. Hamilton, of Wilkus-Burre,was
the guest of Mrs. McRill yesterday.
Mr. Lyman R-el, of Curboudale, is
visiting her mother, Mrs. E. Robblns.
Mrs. George Crosby, of Carbondale,
is visitiug ber father in-law, Jarms
Mrs. W. Heel and MUs Sarah Pace
returned last evening from visitiug
friends at Tunkhannock.
Lake Winola.
Mrs. B. G. Morgan, of North Main
avenue, bus returned to the lake after
a vi-it at her home.
David Owens, teaoher at No. 14
school, has come home from a two
weeks' aoj turn at Luke Winola
Misses Cora Jones, Sarah Davies and
Charles House and James Powell, who
are visiting at the lake, drove to Fac
toryville iu a surrey on Tuesday.
A. B. Eynon, cashier at tne West
Side bank, bus purchase ! the handsome
cottage of Contractor Georgi Cooper
D. D. Evann made a similar purchase
from Mr. Eynon of the "Elgewood.''
Miss Edith House, of South Main
avenue, returned yesterday from a so
journ at the lake.
A handsome canoe has been pur
chased by A. B. Eynon. for his sous
uow sojourning at the lake.
Miss Grace Acker, of South Main
avenue, is boms from a week's sojourn.
James ShmbuD. of Great Bond, was
sr rested yesterday for drunk and dis
orderly conduct. He wis brought be
fore Justice of the Peace Crook, of this
place and in default of $200 bail he was
taken to the county jiil nt Montrose.
Last night the barber shop of J. H.
Vosbnrg ou Franklin street was burg
larized and thirty-three rnssor and two
clippers wero taken. About 12 30 11
window glass was broken by soma uu
known pirsou, and some people across
the street heard it tnak aud went and
informed Mr. Vox burg, who cuius and
stayed a few minutes, but discovered
nothing. He went Sjpme again and
when ba opened his shop yesterday
morning he mused bis razors and clip
pers, which w re valued at about $100.
Mrs Dr. F. D Lauibrt and children
aro visiting friend nt Royal, Pa.
Going Don n the Outside of a Building.
A crowd of Madison njuare promeuaders
was earnestly contemplating the northern
wall of the Hotel BurthoMi Tuesday. This
is what they saw: 1
A guntleman in 11 red blazer was coming
down a roa; hand over hand with the agii
Ity of a sailor or 11 South American mon
key. He was nn athletic young man with
a blond mustache and blue eyes, and every
movement of his limbs and body indicated
Tho crowd held ils breath as the young
man descended. When the venturesome
athlete reached the sidewalk lie was teen
to stagger. But ho bold to an iron railing,
mid shouted up to four men who were look
ing from tho window above:
"I'll Kit-you I can como up the same
There was no response. Tho crowd
closed around the athlete. He gazed
around at tho faces of his audience and
then turned and went into the side door of
the hotel.
The four heads above disappeared from
view. The crowd slowly dispersed under
the direction of a pink policemun. The
rope disappeared. It was hauled into the
seventh story window. AU was quiet on
Twenty-third street.
The red blazer gentleman whs n promi
nent young Canadian, returned from Eng
land, where lie has la-en playing on the
Canadian football team. He arrived iu
New York n week nt;o, and has been cele
brnting his retnrn ever since. Ho consid
ered the Uartlioldi episode a bagatelle, uud
said ho could have, climbed back ugain
with ease. New York Advertiser.
A Ilemurkublo Fig Tree.
At, the drug store of Mr. J. M. Sprague
in St. Paul there Is a thrifty fig tree four
years old and perhaps live feet high, which
came up spontaneously in a tub which con
tained an oleander. The only way in which
Its voluntary appearance is accounted for
is that it grew from seeds of ligs which
had been fed to a canary whose cage hung
over tho tub. But tho most perplexing
part of the problem rests on the fact that
the figs were preserved. Will seeds of pre
served figs retain their germinating prop
erties? Sometimes, perhaps. St. Louis
To Slake the t'iiir Nervous.
Tho czar found on his table tho other
day a sentenco of death against tho emper
or of ull tho Russian, to be curried out in
24 hours. It was stamped by 'The Soci
ety For tho Liberation of tho Russians,"
and It was impossiblo to discover how it
bad found a place on tho czar's table. A
few days later tho czar found a skull in
one of tho bedrooms, 011 tho frontal boms
of which was written 'Alexander."
The Magic Toucfi
Hood's Sarsaparilla
You smile at the idea. But
if you are a sufferer from
And Indigestion, try a bottle, and be
fore you have taken half a dozen doses,
you will involuntarily think, and no
doubt exclaim,
"That Just Hits It!"
"That soothing effect is a magic
touch!" Hood's Sarsaparilla gently
tones and strengthens the stomach
ami digestive organs, invigorates the
liver, creates a natural, healthy desire
for food, gives refreshing sleep, and
in short, raisos thn health tone of the
entire system. Remember
if? Sarsa"
U. & parilla
Hood's Pills cure liver Ills, constipation
bilious ness, Juuudice, sick ueadacbo, Indigo Jtw
ir mnMiaiawwn
a 1 s
1 ME r A
400-402 Lackawanna Ave,
Fine Holland Shades, with heavy
knot fringe, Hartshorn Rollers,
Plain Shades, 20, 25 and 30c. each.
Measuremeats taken and shades put up by experienced workmen.
We Carry All Site Store Skies in Stock.
15 and
A few Vienna Porch Shades
left that we will close out at cost.
406 and 408
k WW
hi W Mi mi l
Dae to tbi Fast Arrival of Our Immense
Fall Stock.
AE ARE anxious to dispose of our
V remaining ODD and END Stock,
and this is how:
f 21 Bedroom Sails Reduced to $14
$25 B-droom Snits Reduced to $17.
28 B.'droom Suits Reduced to $20.
$33 Btfdrooui Suits Reduced to $28.
$15 Sidebosrds R-duced to $9 50.
$18 Sideboards Reduced to $11 50.
$21 Sideboards Reduced lo $13.
$30 Sideboards Reduced to $29.
35 Parlor Suits Reduoed to $28.
$40 Parlor Suits Reduced to $33.
$51) Parlor Suits... ., Reduced to $40,
$75 PMrlor Suits Reduced to $50.
Numerous oilier tliiufjs in the Furniture liao cut equally a3 low
Ilockcrs, Desks, Tables, etc.
Carpets will be reduced to
65c. Ingrain
05o. Ingrain
75o. Ingrain
$1 Tnpstry Brussels
09c. Tupestry Brnnselg
75o. Tapestry Brussels
Rues, Art Squares, Mattings and Oil
br. onr Lihril Credit Offerings holds
xtension Sash Rods
20c. each.
Lacka. Avenue.
make it interesting:
Reduced to 35o.
.......Reduced to 45c.
Reduced to 559.
Reduced to 75o.
, Reduced to C3e.
Reduced to 50c.
Clotbi will alto be chopped. Rtmem
good during this Reduction Sals.