THE SCI?ATON TlilB'RJN'E TIIUItSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 10, 1SD4. GENERAL OF NEWS INDUSTRIES JourntlUt NlTsn, of Wllkei-Bsrre, droYt down to Patterson grov the other day to deliver an uuMreiij (all ot olotjaenc tad fir to u assiinoly o! war tetiraiii. InoidDtlly, with a newipopcr man'f natural instinof, he Htaiublad upoa big- scheme which is now agitating certain capitalist of Uhiclcsbinny, the details of which are oatertalpinKly set forth in tbt Record Tb enterprise Is nothing more nor less i has assured tbe shop men in the employ ot than tha building of an lectrio road I the company that with the revival ol from Shickshlnny to Benton, twenty j railroad business their waBes shall be re adies away. Thoss interested have I stored. ,,..,, , not jeen talkina- th. thine- over for a cood I All the wholesale fruit dealers of Boston while and It would haV. been put into I loroe before this, were not the state nws regulating freight trufflo prohibl- ; tire so far as electrlo roads are con- ; earned. Bat a beam of sunshine begins to brighten np the hopes of the plonoers who long to fly over the bountiful hills I ubontjHantington valley, and it comes . in tbe assuranoe that the next legisla- ; rnre will grant the same privileges to the trolley lines as are now eujoyed by 'he steam systems in the state. It is (anerally understood that so long . us the big railway people were kept out of the ownership of eleetrio roads, that their influence with the law makers at Uarrisbarg would be ' strong enough to embarrass tbe man- ; :igers of eleetrio roads in their efforts i co eeenre freighting privileges, but ! jow, since it is heralded that the big j railway comoratlons have at last got n on the ground floor and arc carrying ,i goodly amount of stock and bonds of the long li )es reaching out from Phlla delphia in several directions, virtually gridironing the territory for buudred of miles, with a certaiuty of further enoroaebments, the hope of getting a law passed permitting trolley lines to carry freight inspires the Shiokshinny und neighboring people to renewed ef forts. It is proposed to build tbe new road over the spleudld turnpike, whose excellence la traditional aud whose views alone arc worth g olng far to see. It wouldn't take long to lay a road down on such a snre foundation. The territory needs such a road, too. The freight busineis alone would be enor mous. The fertile farms would find in easy and economical outlet for their rich harvests. Its duirles would be greatly benefited and its orchards yield nandsume profits, Such a road would connect at Benton with the brtnch nteam railway there and thus augmeut the travel to and from Shickahiuuy. "Of course," adds Mr .Niven, "much has been said In the past about an ex tension of the Wilkes-Bar re and East em road from its terminus on the west aide of the river at this point to , Williamsport. Al Orr, the energetic railway prospeotor, has suggested a route that seems feasible. His Hues go through tbe Ice Cave district to the headquarters of Huntington creek, thence along the creek to connect with the road running to .Watsontown and VVilliamsDort. The nroject is a feasible nna. bnt the Wilkss-Burra aud Eastern magnates do not seem anxious to rush it. If it were bnilt It would make a hot competitor for travel aud traffic with any eleetrio system, but as things look at present, the trolley cars will oe rushing over tbe charming hills of iiiuntington long before the whistle of Jany locomotive is beard in that rich, fertile and beautiful region ef oonutry. It may be depended on that if the j legislature gives the freighting privl ) ieges wanted the coming winter, that before next summer ends the electric oars will be flying between Shlck nhiany and Benton, with both towns in it for all they are worth." A Wilkes-Barre dispatch quotes Su perintendent Law.dl.of the Lsbigh and vVilkes-Barre Coalieompany, as having naid that if the senate accedes to the house's free coal bill it wilt ruin the ;oal interests in this section to suoh an extent that the anthracite coal oper ators of the state would be unable to recover their markets for ten years. The Nova Ssotia coal, he said, would control the New England markets and down into New York, which would destroy the anthracite markets for all i.tsam producing coal along the sea - board. It will be perceived that Air. Lawull's position ou this matter is vir tually the sara as was that of Presi dent William Coonell, of tbe Anthra cite Coal Operators' association in bd interview presented several months ago In The Tribune, . Traffic officials are building large ex pectations of increased tonuuge on the end of the tariff discussion. An im mense amount of goods has for some time been in bond awaiting the proba ble reduction in duties, and it will be released for shipment as soon as the tariff bill becomes a law. Importers more than any other class bav been living a hand to mouth existoncs for nearly a year, not daring to stock up iu i.he face of reduced duties. They will now make up for lost time and turn over some extremely valuable tonnage to railroads. A sample case was the ongagement on Tuesday of transporta tion for $100,000 worth of silk, which will be taken out of bond as soon as the tariff bill goes into effept. Every day jhows an increase ofjtbe westbound ousiness of both eastern and western i'oads. One eastern road is already short of cars and has been compelled to refuse proffered shipments. Owing to the increase of cut rates there is no expectation of an increase in eaetbound uhlpments from Chicago until the close of navigation, but westbound earnings cire muejh more than maktog the lore ,;ood. It is the universal opinion that Hard times for this year are past for railroads. This curious ease is reported in the Philadelphia Reeord: "O. W. Ken nedy, of No. 107 North Front street, was arraigned before Magistrate Wil here Tuesday morning, charged by L. P. Pennell. a clerk in the Broad street station, with defrauding him out of $00 by the promise to secure him a posi tion as superintendent of the Cornwall railroad at Lebanon. When Kennedy failed to secure the position Pennell requested tbe return of his money. Kennedy paid baok $10, but as the re mainder was not forthcoming Pennell caused Kennedy's arrest. Kennedy claims that be spent more than the money paid him in endeavoring to se cure the position, The case will go into oourt." Minor Indubtmal Notes! 'All the collerles In the lower anthracite legion will work only three days this week. The lnt threa weeks the Pennsylvania liaa been handling an average of 10,050 car loads of coal aud coke per wees. The dlreotors of the Cleveland and Pitts burg, a Pennsylvania Interest, bare de clared IX per cent, dividend, payable Mpt. L ; William Q. Christian, lately resigned freiB the position of supervisor of the Leb anon Valley branoh of the Philadelphia irnd Eaadin, raooired and accepted the appointment of superintendent of the South Jersey railroad, with headquarters at Cape Hay. The Reading's coal tonnage for the week ended Aug. 11 decreased 8.1S6.15 tons, making the decrease for the year 854, tons. - Orders were given last week at tee Al toona shops of tlio Pennsylvania lines tot the buildiug ot eight Ula E locomotives (or the Wei-taru hue. W. H. Crnmpton, who has boa goneral manager of tbe aud Lebigt road tor soinrt years, ha' resigned, owing to changes In oivneiAhip. On the Pennsylvania lines west of Pitts burg the voluntary rulief dopartmeut is divided Into fifteen districts, each dibtnol haviug an examining lurguon. President De Conrtey. o( the Western Now York and Pennsylvania railroad, unuea m - Central Kaliroad o( New Jersey to con sign all peaohos for Boston iu future via the Now York Ceutrul and the New York and New Euglaud via Brewsters, N. Y. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Stocks and I'ondt. rfitw YoitK, Aug. 15 Speculation at the Sto- k exchange quieted duwn a cood deal todtiy not unimturallv in view of tht sharp rise of tho past (ew days aud th dispo'ition to limit new operations until j tariiY matters lire finally adjusted oituui i Dy rresntunt (Jlevlauu allUmi; his signa ture to the senate bill or the bill baconms a law after ten days hivo elapsed without such uctou by the president. Wall stret regards a veto as out ot the qiwtiou. The tri.nKactious today aei;regated only lill.liiS agiiiiint aitv7l'j sliarot yesterday, but the falling oil was larijoly due to a decreased shUs of Sa,nr which figured (or 05,001) . atfitiust 1VJ.IKI0 shures yuaterday. Iu the lute tradiu? Distilliug and Cattle Feeders was the main attrac tiou, : decliniui: from 22) to ;j under heavy sales. Tho gunural list closed at a reaction of uto porcent. from the high est of tho day. The net chuutfes show un advance of 1 per cent, iu fc-utrar aud de oliuos of Ka1 V pt,r cout' 'n raui-srs and Louisville. Distillers lost i ou the day. The market closed about iu tone. Tu foll iwinu eoinpira tame auuvriust tUe day's tluutuntioiu id autlve stocks is supplied ami revised dally by Lallur A Fullor, slock brokers. III Wyuinluv aromie: Low IMt. 107' IU-V-3 cios- ; in?, i KISI; , 0 : Tit ' l",rA,. i '-Jll I In. Am. Cot. Oil UU i Am 8uKr. 10"t A. T. & S. F U Can. ho. Ceu. N. J 113 Chin N. W. ICVm y., b. y Tin Chid. Ona 744H C.,(J. (.'. 4; 8t. L.., Col., Hoek.Val. iT est. ."J mm ;;n.,i D. . H. D., It. ft W n.&c. f Erie . E. Co Lake HUore L. iN , Manhattan Miss. Pho Nut. Lead , N. Y. &N. E , N. . Central N.y., o. ft w.... N. Y.,. ft W U. S. C. C( North l'ao North Pac. pf , Omaha Pao. Mail RnadlnR Hock Island , Z4 , an .KJim m r.3 117i Hi( m l'V's M 10 is!.?, ml ai'i wt4 u n l.-.i,, i llWlfi U7V? M VMS i lets . liWll 1 i ll I Mi. j AH 3174 28 il imi 17 l.V4' it;! 4 4 lVa 37 VM VAi Id 12W hKi ttl4 H 4i)a , 4 . ;it . l'"V . Wi . . r.K . i"lu . w . ffi . n?a . W,i . -m . ii lhH. UK. 10 II w B.T.. I 9t. Paul., i T., C. ft I Texas & Pac Union Pad tic pf Western Union... W.&L. E W. &L. E.pfd.... Chicago Grain aud Provisions. 6cnANiow, Aug. lo.-Tha following quota tions are suppUed aui oorrootod duily by La Bur & Fuller.stock brokers,Ul Wyooiiun ave nue. WHEAT. Cuenlng IliKUvht Lowest. Closing CUUN. Oyionln? Hlxhost Lowest Cliwintr DATS. Opi'iiing Highest Lowest Cln.slni; PORK. gent. f,l)4 . ss M m 81 H Doc. 51'Sfj filtfi May. M 6i' 311 Opening M7 HlRllOSt Lowest Clusln? LAKU. 0K-Ullltf Hiirhest Lowest , Cloning SHOUT HIH3. Openimr Li.'liv!,t Ln ust. Cluaillir 1H77 UVi 1.1j7 71 -i Vf. 7B'i pt 74'P 7U , New Yorlt 1'roduce ITaiket. New Yohk, Auj. 15. Flour Dull, ; steady. ; Wheat Fairly actiw; lower, clos 1 ing t".idv; No. 2 ted, store and elevator, i 88''a58Xc. afloat, S8Ke : f. o. b., 5Ss b)ie.: ui graded red, S4a39c; N. l uortn ' ei u, CU.VaWiH'e. ; options woie fairly an. 1 tive and irregular, with trading chli-tij j locnl, closing weak at nc. under yes- terday; December and 8epf,embar most i active: No. x rcu, .'.jslnir, Autrust, 58,'-o. : September, 58Tc. ; October, 5'Je.; Docim ! ber. (VJo.; Muy, 870. cobs Dull, lower; closing firm; No. 2, 1 MX, elovator; eii'faOlc. allont; op ; tious openod strong at JiJala advance, , but closed weak at unduryesierday; trading fairly active; May and Suptem i ber most active; Aujtusf, (l'7c; hop : tembor, file; Ootolwr, COc,; November, j 590.; December, 67c; May, tilje. Oat:) yuiet, Dnu; options, fairly nc j tive, nnuer: AuRn-it, 83Jc.; Spptembor, I 34c: October, 8oc; spot prices, No I aijialllc: No. 2 white, 3flJi37c. ; No. 2 Chi i cao, 34all5e.; No. , S5t!. No. 8 white, i 3(ii301fc: mixed western. 84a3jc.; white do., iiita4-'ic.; white state. H0n45c. Lekf Steady, qulot; family, $10at2; ex tra mess SSaS.OO. Beef tlAMs-Q.iiet, firmer; jr-TiEttCKD LrEi'-0,.iiet, steady; city extra Iudia '..iuss, 15al7. Cit Meats Firm, light supply; picKled bellies, 12 pound, HVc; pickled shoulders, Cu(i5fc.;; pickled hums, li;al2&; mid dles, notninai. . La.rd Dull, firmer; western steam, eloped at S.00; sales, 1,00a ti-rces: citv at 75a7)4c.; Septimber,S.00; reQnod.flrtnor, qniet; continent, f H 35; booth America, a (u; compound, bstl'e, PonK Alure active, Uirm ; mess, $15al5.25; extra prime. $1313.5i). liUTTKH Firm, niiiet; state dairv. Ma 21o.; do. creamery, 1723e.; Pennsvlvania, do., 17a28c; western dairy, lHalde.; do. creamery, HaSHc.; do. factory, 12,al5Jc.; elgius, 2-lo.j imitation creamery, 14al7c. C'heesk Otilet, nrm; slate large. 7 Va fl.c; do. fancy, u;c; ' western, small, 7a9o; part skim.s. full skims, 2a3c. KooB-rFirm, light supply; state and Pennsylvania, 17al730i western fresh, 15al7c. do., per case $1.20u3.60. Philadelphia Tallow Market. Philadelphia, Aug. 15. Tallow was stoavy and nncbaut;ed. Prices were: Prime city in hogsheads, . 4Jic: prime country, in barrels, 4c; do. dark In barrels, 4c; cakes, ic; grease, 8)o. Syspepala and Indigestion In their worst forms ar cured by the use of P. P. P. If you are debilitated nud run down, or If you need a tonio to regain flesh and lost appetite, strength and vigor, take P. P. PM aud you will be strong and healthy, t or el- :rd constitutions and lost manhood P. P. P, (Prickly Ash, Poke Root aud Potassium) is tho king of all medicines. P. p. p. U the greatest blood purifier la the world. For sale by all uruggisie. Fob Burns, Scalds, Bruises and all pains auu BureuroB oi tne iiesu, the grand house hold remedy is Dr. Thomas.' Eoleotrio Oil. Be sure you get the genuine, How the Gossip Started. Postmaster (to ussistant) Jes' look up John Trteriu thet commercial agency book, an see how much he's worth. Assistant (a young female) Thet's thei feller thet Miss Biulcl, what's stayiu up the street, writes ter, Isn't it? Postmittter YeB; an this is ther third letter tola week. svx.w I""B -v. r-vuu- ( Trotter. I reckon It's getfclu pretty stri- . ous, 'cause ne answers 'em right away. he answers 'em rlsrhr. awav. John Trotter. Mere be la one inillloul Fostuiaster Whatl Assistant Look fer ycrself, ef ycr don'l believe me. Thot's what X says. Postmaster No wonder she's allui. wrltlnf AssLstaut (giggling) Yes; I'd write my self. Shall I Burt this mail jest come inf Post master Yes. Puue. Asssstunt (suddenly) Say, say, look tvherol Here's a box fer Miss Budd from v. N'York jeweler, an it's addressed by the' - .- ; Mr. Trotter. ReiiUtereU, too, I reckot- pretty good un. Postniastvr (exatninlnu; bos) Yes, thot'i. I wliut it is, inns' likely. Here, keep nn eyn on it while I runout a minute. There goei; Burkina across the stieut, un ho might like : tin item for The tiamate. Kxlt. ! AssistHtit (Boliloquizinir. Wouldn't I jeii like ter see it, though! I guess it's set all eround with ffrent big dlamouds, 'n cast w hundred dollars, rfljrhs. Extract from the (uilow ing issue of the . Toptou Gazette: j "Whut will our beaux say when Mien B , who Is spending tho summer in our midst, announces Iter euKageiufiitf Alittln j bird tells us that the ring has come, ami the donor is worth several millious. Our boys have no chance, but wo bear you no ill feeling, Mr. T , and extend our good. riht baud and best wishes." llarper'i: Bazar. A Conductor with a Ileadiiche. "My childish awe aud roverenco for this conductor of au express train has never quite left tne," says a wouiuu, "and it, b. with a feelinjr of halt surprlso that I dis covered ouc was actually very human. A long journey iuvuriably gives me a sick hendoche and I go prepared. My home ward trip was no exception, and two or three hours after our start I was chained to a big camphor bottlo. The conductor eyed me sharply every time he paused, anrt it floated through my aching heud that hn was probably puttlug me down in lili. thought ub one of those helpless woraeL who give out ou the slightest provocation, liut suddenly he stopped ut my seat: " 'I beg your pardon, madam, but is thai, camphor you are using?' he naked. "Wonderingly, I rc-pliud, 'Yes,' with it quick, vague feeling that I was transgress- , iug some rule of tho company in having it. " 'M'ill you lend it to me for a moment?' I be went ou. 'I have a bliutling sick head acho and I have bocn wishing I could get t. whiff from my camphor bottle.' "lie grasped tho bottlo eagerly as hauded it to him. He took lunx, strong whilts of it, poured some in his hand anci wet bis mustache, touched bis finger with it aud pnt it in his mouth, and finally satu rated bis handkerchief, with an apology for his greediutss, as he termed it. "The shock of tho incident, so contrary to my lifeloug estimate of these grand oM cials, really cured my headache, and tho rest of the journey1 was accomplished with a certain sense of elation ot having met u great man on his own level." New York Times. A Story at Which No One Kvcr Laughed. Dr. James Xevans Hyde is a great trav eler, and if he hadn't taken up medicinn he would have succeeded in the newspaper business. He has seen all there is worth seeing, and oujrht to be a good judge of I, good story, ! "I saw a thlngonce in my own country," he said, "which I thought was clover, ant! I have told it several times, but somehow nobody ever laughs at it. I was down on the Rhode Island coast strolling about thn , factories of one of those ancient towns. 1 saw this sign on a door, 'No sweuriug al lowed inhere.' I thought that a singula;1 admonition, and went iu to see what tho nature of the work was which required au order to keep down profanity. "The place was a sardine factory. Thero . were several hundred roeu and boys cm-' ployed sticking French sardine labels ot ' the little tin boxes into which were placed ! the minnows. The manufacturer knew j what a fraud he was committing, and ho i knew his employees were aware of the ex-' tent of it, aud in order to bridlo their iu - i dlguation he issued the order. I don't teh : you tho story in the hope that you will laugh at it, only that you cau see how widely people cliffur about a good story." Mistaken for Kamuel the D, 000th Time. The Kev. Dr. Samuel E. Appleton, of thn Church of the Mediator, Lombard street and the Rev. Dr. Edward W. Appleton, o ! St. Paul's church, Cheltenham, nro broth ers twin brothers and so much aliko li. face and mannertliat their lutimate friendi. can hardly diatiugulah them. Many amus inp; stories of mi.sideutity have beeu tolt of them. The Rev. Samuel oue day sent a letter of resignation to his vestry, which, by the by, they declined to accept. While the matter was umler consideration, however, oue of Samuel's parishioners happened tc meet the Rev. Edward on the street. "Sor ry to hear you think of resigning," ho re marked, mixing the brothers up us usual. Since the Rev. Edward bad never thought of resigning his charge, he was somewhat confiL-ied and angered at what ho took tc bo a broad hint. But almost immediately the stranger saw his mistake, aud, as parishioner and priest parted smiling, the latter entered In his notebook, ".Mistaken for Samuel the 8,000th time'-l'liiladelphla Record. A Clergyman's Mistake. Cricket is uow being played by main well established olubs in tho vicinity ol New York, nnd tlieso clubs count nmonp; their members many clergymen of English birth, who are among tho best aud most enlhusiustic of players. It was one of these who, on the Sunday following a Sat urday when he had beeu one of the victors iu a hard fought match, delighted his con gregation by aunounclng from the sacred desk, "And here endcth the first innings." Christian Union. Bard on the Judge. Judge Have you anything to say before sentence is passed? Prisoner Nuthlu, only I wouldn't be hero if it wasn't fer ignorance of tho law. Judge Your Ignorance of the law Is no excuse. Prisoner 'Taln't my Ignorance I'm talkin about. It's yours, Good News. Speolmsn Cases. S. H. Clifford, New Cassol, Wis., was troublod with neuralgia and rheumatism, his stomach was disordered, his liver was affected to an alarming degree, appetite foil away, and ho was terribly reduced in llesh and strength. Three bottles of Elee trio Bitters cured him. Edward Shepherd, Harrlsborg, 111., had a running sore on his leg of eight years' standing. Used three bottles of Electric Bitters and seven boxes of Buck leu's Arnica Halve and his leg is ouud and well. John Bpeaker, Catawba, O., had five larse fever sores on his leg, doctors said he was Incurable. One bottlo Electric Bitters and one box Bucklen'e Arnica 8lve - nred him entirely. Sold by Mat thew Bros, drug store. Thb Rev. Wm. Btout, Wiarton, Ont., states! After being Ineffectually treated by seventeen different doctors for Scrofula and blood disease, I was cured by Bur dock Blood Bitters. Write blu for proof. WHERE HE GOT THE EGGS. An EnzUth Better That Farnlthed the House with an Elff a Day. A lady living In cue of the suburbs of New York has a flno large English setter ; who is constantly amusing her by some : unexpected aud original trait of character. About a month ago be came tnssing into Lor room just before breakfast, and laid ... . ., ... , ..... . ,.,t. I..4.1 aown Kenny . uw iw "-" wUK"mKiy " " .i..rh,,r Viinu hn fniild have outolueu it I for I she kept no chickens) aud also how lie could have carried it in his mouth without breaking it. j Taking it to the kitchen (the dog follow ' lug and seemingly extremely interested as i to whut slie proposed doing with his treas- urc trove), she saia to uio goon, oiin uut. brought me a present; plcoso poach it for my breakfast." Tbe iutolligent brute watched the process of its preparation with eager interest, aud if ever dog showed i I....- 1.1. I. .. AVK1Ul.nJ t anu leifc couscioua pruic, it c.vuiuivcu by ..jh bud llgllly watched hi be- loved mistress eating his egg. To tho lady's great surprise, the next morning he again appeared with his dainty gift, aud, although she feared It was stolec property, his mistress bad not the heart to disappoint him by not having it cooked for her breakfast. She was touched by hh evident joy iu being able to do something for her; but when, day after clay, it became a regular occurrence, she rosolvcd to search the neighborhood to find who had been despoiled ou her account. It was in vain, however, that she inquired on uli ifido"; no one had missed any egs. Finally her mind was relieved by seeing Jim appear several mornings with mi ex tiemely dejected aud crestfallen mien and no KKi "All, they have fouud you out!' have lliey, old fellow?" she said, caressing the uu'uappy looking animal. "Well, hoti esty is tho best policy, and I am glad to have found a way out of it without hurt ing your feelings." A few days afterward while walking in the village with Jim she heard a little boy exclaim: "Mamma, mamma, there is tht dog that stole our eggs; Just look at him. I guess be dldu't like the red pepper," for Jim was regarding the smiling littlo mother aud bur sou with Ineffable disgust, slinking by them iu a way very different from lib; usual gallaut bearing. His owner, feeling very like a receiver of stolen goods, proffered explanations anC apologies, which were received with mucb amusement, the boy declaring that suet, a dog deserved the egg, aud that he shoulc, have one every time he came for It, But Jim bad bad enough of eggs forever aud I, day, and now always draws up his lips and growls whenever one is placed before him. New York Tribuue. At Sproat's Landing. A mooulcss night soon closed around the bout, and iu the morning we were ut. Sproat's Landing, a placo two months old Tho village consisted of a tiny cluster o.' framo houses and tents perched on tho eilgoof tho steep bunk of the Columbia One building was the office und storehouse of the projected railroad, two Others weru general trading stores, one was the hotel, aud tho other habitations were mainly tents. I firmly believe there never was a hotel like the hostelry there. In a general way its design was au adaptation of the plan o' a hencoop. Possibly a box made of grid irons suggests more ckarly the principle o.' its construction. It was two stories high and contained about a baker's dozen o.' rooms, the main one being tho'barroom Oil course. After the framework had beet-, finished there was perhaps halt enough "slab" lumber to sheathe the outside o the house, and this hud been made to servo for exterior and interior walls, and tho floors and ceilings besides, Tho consequence was that a flock oJ gig.'Mitlc canaries might have been kept in it with propriety, but as a place of abodn for human beiugs It compared closely with the Jlrooklyu bridge. The queer hotel wa;i but little more peculiar than mauy of thu peoplowho gathered ou the single streeo on pay day to spend their hard earned money upon a few rudo necessaries from the limited stock on sale in the stores. There never had been any grave disorder there, yet the floating population was on motley a collection of tho ritlrall of tho border as one could well imagine. Juliar. Ealph in Harper's. The Ouestlim of a Majority, According to a decision of the French council of slate a unanimous vote may bo cast in favor of u candidate ut au election, and the candidate muy yet fuil of receiving a "majority" aud of being elected. Tn thrt mwn nf Alinlliiri.iin Vrnnnn In n j ftw;A nr .1 Wni nf,. voter presented himself to cust his ballot, He voted for il. Baguenx for the office, and M. Bagneux haviug received all the votes cast was declared elected. Bnt the matter was carried before the council of state, which promptly aunullec the election, declaring that a "majority ol I voles cast ' was nocessnry to elect, am! that, as "a majority" means "tho greater number," there could only be a mnjorlt) where there were more than oue. It is presumable, from this decision, thai if two votes hud been cast for M. Uag lieux, theso two votes would have bceL held to constitute a majority; just as two sheep have been said to constitute a "flock of sheep," and two calves a "herd of cattle. " Yo u t li 's Companion, lluvo Things Hot. Yuan Mel lays groat stress ou having dishes served direct from thu fire, w ithout any interval, which, he says, "leaves the same flavor with food that mildew leaves behind iu clothes." He points out that mnny cooks throw away, in ignorance, sometimes the best portions; e. g., the upper llesh of the terrapin, using ouly the lower part mi rouutl, which he calls "the skirt." Also, the back of the samlle, tiblng only the belly. In liko manner, he observes that, although the yolk Is thu best part of an egg, no oue who understands tho art of rutins ever thinks ef separating it from tho white. Temple Bar. Iluy Choirs lu New York and Vicinity. In 1609 there were but three boy choirs in Xuw York In Trinity church, Trinity chapel and St. John's. After four or tive years, th8 next boy choir was organ ized t hrough the exertions of Mr. Hatch, the banker, for Christ ohurch on Fifth avenue, whioh Is now demolished. After an interval of .seven or eight years, boy choirs seemed to spring up In all direc tions. The ritualistic movement in tile Episcopal church, no doubt had muoh to do with the introduction of this kind of Jimmi, kiiwm,ii in nig iivi, iuuuu in what are called the "low" and "ovan gelical" branches of the church, and oven in some nf tbe -;rr:irlnn churches. sBeecham's pills arc foi biliousness, bilious headache, dyspepsia, heartburn, torpid liver, dizziness, sick head ache, bad taste in the mouth, coated tongue, loss of appe tite, sallow skin, when caused by constipation ; and consti pation is the most frequent cause of all of them. Book free; pills 25c. At drugstores.or write B.F.Allen Co.,365 Canal St., New York. There are now In Brooklyn and Now York between sixty and seventy boy choirs, and, ooiintlui; Now Jersey aud tho suburbs, there matt be 100 ot tbein. In terview In Now York Epoch. BolleU About Palming. The earlier Christian writers believed, according to Draper, that painting and sculpture were interdicted iu the Scrip tures, aud were consequently evil arts. It may be questioned if this opinion did not have K.i root In tbe Idea of primitive peo ples that the art of drawing was an Instru ment of sorcery, by means of which one ac quired tbe power to act upon a persou. Mussulmans still have a horror of Images, aud the Koran forbids haviug one's por trait made and possessing any Imago at all. L. PopofI in PopularScieucc Monthly. OTJREO Biliousnoss. CURES Biliousness. CURES Biliousness. MM Direct rroot Lfv wife baa boon tronblad Rotates The LIVER with Liver Complaint and Pal pitation of the h'-uit for out a ) ar. Hur case balUud the aaill jot our test yhyah-iaus. Aftf-r imiiig tn rj e Dottles or your Burdock lfluod Uitters ibe is al most entirely wi ll. We truly Tocommend your raedlcine. (lEORCja W, bHAWLL, Uontpeher, Wtlliaiui Co., O ird National Bank of Scranton. ORGANIZED 1872. CAPITAL, $200, SURPLUS, $250,000 This uautt otrers to depositor! even facility warruuted by their balances, busi ness ana respimniDUHv. Kpeclul attention ulv.n te business ae cuuuts, uiiercac pata eu tune uopoaita. WIL7.TAM CONTTKM, President, CEO. H. 4'ATI.IN. VUe-l'rrsldent. tVU.LlAU U. I'LCti, Laihlek DIKECTOilBL TTIlllam roiinoll, Geerua XI. Colli il Alfred Hand James Arrlibnld, Henry Uelln, Jr, T.UUitui X. umitti- Lutber Kell Stand at the Head. Fur thirty years Iiucbcr Watch Cases lmvc beeu endorsed by every prominent dea leriuthcUnltedHtatos. Tho Duo ber trade- t.. .Mo Munttrr 17 '-W R1,d tho Hall mark lu RUBY JEWELED England aro a guaran- 1 tn fniiifrrri .jlil. ,t l r,w"UJw o 1 tee oi puro muuti. if ments tu Dueber cases stand at the head. Ifyourdealpr does not keep our watches mall un your address nod we will fond you tlie nnme f n deuler who d(,ia. TUB IiuiSDiia Watch Woukk, Cuntou, O. Hotel Wayerly Enropoan Tlan. Firrt-claas Bar attietie. Lepot for ilei'gaer ti Engel's Tanuliieueor Bar. 9. E Cot 15ft tr.d Filbert s., fiikii Xost desirable for roirtrtents of N E. Penn tylvauia. All conveniences lor traveler to and from Proad Street station aid tho Twelfth and Mr.rket Htroot ftatlon. U llrable for visiting Serantoulaus aud tie iu the Autbraulte it.glou. T. J. VICTORY. FF.OPRIETOB, Ill FRED WE1CEEL At his newly renovated aud licensed TFoti-1 at CLAKK'S sUlUMl t', is now prepared to far nish ti'.tve inr uv.-u a:l mol-il n.irtios with the LA TEST, NEW-STYLED KlUrt, Kliutle or double, t ttte tlum to lake Wiuola. Gravel pond ni l ull suburban points a:iU Hummer resort-; it reitsuaablo prices. A lnrio livery iiaru colinoclud with uotol lor travel ini; public. HASdON STA'r.K. AT Til 1! OLD DFPOT HOTEL, P ACTOR YViLLE. Is prepared to reueivo summer boarders nnd furuixhrlKH for tmirists to surrounding towns aud sunuuer r sorts. H Scranton Tribune A' .yi I JOB. DEPT. EVERY description of Job Printing in tbe best style of the art. Promptness and Punctuality a particular point Experienced, practical and com petent men iu charge of each branch of the work. We do not make a sham show of cheapness and curtail the quantity or quality of the work. Dancing Orders, Hangers, Cards and Posters a Specialty. Bill Heads, Note Heads, etc, printed at short notice. Estimates on all kinds of trinting, small as well as large, cheerfully given. The Scranton Tribune Job Dept. 13 ONE OF THE BEST EQUIPPED ' ESTABLISHMENTS IN THE QITV, KJINUIUaKil Th BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL i'U VS11.1ANS A.u NUItUcONSL Dlt. Q. i.LOAK DKAN has removed to 61o bpruee street, bernntou, la. (.Just oy losito coun-houie Square.) DK. A. J. CON NULL, Ortlce !ul Waehtugtoa avenue, corner Hpruue streut, over 1 rauuke a druir store. Kesideneo. ftitt Vina sL Oh. hours: lU.VitoUa. io. and to and p. m. Kiinday,J tojp. 1)K. w. E. ALLEN. Oflieo cor. Laoka-J- wanna and Washington avos. : over Leon ard shoe store; oUiue hours, lu to 13 a. m. and o io t p. in. : eveuium at reuldenuo. uu n. V RHlilngton ave. li. (J. L. FREY, Practice limited to Ulv eaKOS of the Evil Eur. Uniw and Throat: cilice, Wyoming ave. Kesidoaee, tUV Viae etrcot. L.M. tlA'IKH. V.'S Wiiihiiirton AvuUUJ. Otllee bonm KloBim.. l.iiu tn U aud to 8 p.m. Hosidunoe 8) Mudlson avenue "10HN L WENTi M. D" " Ollieus M aud "! t Coininonwealth huUdinor: rosidenoe 711 Madison avo: ollloe hours, 10 to 12, it to 4, 7 to 8; btuidays 2.30 tu 4, eveuinge at resideuoe. A PDccIhHv made of dlfeusea ut the eve. ear. noes and throat and gynooology. 1 It. K A Y. m PenuAve. ; 1 to 3 p. m ; call 2Mi. X) UiB.ot women, and din. of chil. T M. C. KANCK'B Uv and Collection of tJ . tlce. No. 817 Biiruce ut, opixaite Forest House, tcruntou. l a,; colh-rtiuusa sceclalty thniuthi'Ut Pennsylvania; reliable corrospouu cntu in every coun t y. f.SSbl a JS liA-'iD, Attorneys and Counsel. lors at Law. Commonwealth tralldliiX Vi'itshiuiiton ave. V. 11. Jessup, llOBACE IS. UANa W. 11. Jkssup, Ju. W1LLAUD. WAKHEIf & KNAl'P, Attor neys iinu CouiiHelors at Law, Republican lmlldin, Waslilniftoo avo.. Horatitoii, Va, iATTtrttjW It WILCOX, AHoruoys and llouuseUois at Law; otllocs li and b Liuraiy bulJdltig, tjcrauton, J'a. HoswBM, n. rArrnnsoB, WlLI.IAM A. WlLOOX. LFKEDHAND, WILLIAM J, HAND. At- JV torneys and OounKellors. Comiuonweidth building. Itonms 19, a) and :il. WF. BOYLE, Attorney ut-Law,Nos.l und 20, Burr building. NViinbliintoii avenue. HEN It Y H. SKELY-Law olllee iu Price building, I'M W'ushinclon avenue. fHANK T. C)KiiLL7Attorniyat Ijw. Hooni F f. Coal Kxebanee. rjcrantnn. Pa. MILTON W. I.OWKY, I Att'ya, 1X7 Washini? C. H. VON BTOKt.'H. I ton av., C. H. square. JAMES W. OAKI'tlHD, Attornoy at Law, rooms f3, 04 and (A Comnionweulth Wg. OAMUEL W. EUUAH, Attorney at Law. IJ (Jfliee, 317 Spruce st., Bcrnnton, Pa. T A. WATHUS, Attornoy at Law, 423 J J. LnrltawaDiia aue., Hci-nnton, Pa. P. BJ11TH, C'ouneIlor at Law. Office, i rooms 51, 65, M CommonWHaltu buildin'!. Ci H. 1'ITCHEK. Attorney at Law, 'i mouwealth builaing. B'-rant'in, l'a. C. CtiMKGYa ffirSpnieosT" Com- DB. HEPLOUL.E, Attorney-Loans ne?o- tlatod on real estate sernrlty.40S Bpruoe. p F. KILLAM, Attornev-at-Law, 120 Wy ouiincavi-nue. Bn-anton. h'CIlOOL OF ) tou. l'a.. m THE LACKAWANNA. H.-rvi. roparcs boja and ijli ls foreolleifj or business: thoroughly trains younif children. Catalogue at request. Rr.v. Tiiomai M. W ALT EH H. BL-EU M1S-1 WORCEbTEB'S K1NDEKOARTEN and Keliool, 412 Adams avnuo. Pupils received at all tiuios. Hoptembor 3. Kent term will open IKN llS l'S. Ci C. LAUBACIL burneou Ueutist, No, IU J Wyomiun ave i. M. r-ThAl'loN. nfflr. f V..1 Exrhan-ro. l.OA.NS). rilIE KEl'UHLIO Saviuss and Loan Asso X elation will loan you money ou easier terim aud pay you better on Investment than any oilier association. Call on S. N. CALLEN- t'KK. l'iii Hanif hnild'nir hEKUS. GK. CLARK & CO., Beedsmen. Florists . and Nurserymen; store 148 Washington avenue; frrocn Inniao, I3j-J loriuiiaiu avenuo; tnr" teleplione 782. TEAS. C? K AN LI UNION TliA CO., dones Bros. Willi! Sf HKKNS. TOS. KUETTEL, 5il Lackawanna avenue, Kcranton. Pa.. manul'T of Wir' Scrwni HOir.LS ANI 1: K ST A V U A NTS. THE WESTMINSTER, 217-210 Wyoming Jt ave. Koems heated with steam: all mi od- ern improvements. C. M Tkumak, Prop. rnllE ELK CAFE, 125 and 127 Franklin avo X nue. Rates reasonable. P. ZiEW.Eft, Proprietor. ! W bXJi STKB" HOTEL."" W. U. KCHENCX. Manarme. i Eixtoentta street, oue block east e! Uroudway, at l niou winare, ew 1 era. American plan, .1.50 per day and upward. 'OlMi ilOLSli. Luropejin plan; 'kooJ rooms. Open day aud nik'ht. Bar sup. plied with the 1 e U-sL P. H. COYNE, Proprietor. CCKANTON HOUSE, near D., L. & W. pas. k) senger aepoc Conducted on the Eiirniiean p'nn. Victoh Kocii. Proprietor. Altt'lMTKt I .S. iVAVIS U ffi nrjd & HOL'I'T, Arelnterts. Kooins 21, 2rt Commonwealth b'ld'R, Scranton. I.i L. WAL'IEli, Arehito. t. Oflieo, rear of X Jt COO Washington avenue. ,i L. HUOWN. Areh K Areliltoct, Price I bnildlnu.lSil W nshlnirtou Ave., Scranton. 31IS i:i I.AM'Ol'S. DAL'LK'S onciiT THA - MUSIO FOR J) balls, plcnleu, dink's and concert wurk furnished. For terms address li. .1. P.aiwr, conriue.tor. 117 Wyoming aw. over Hulhert's mindc tore. OHTON IX SWART j WHOLESALE lumber, Prico buildiiiK, Scranton, Pa. TlftGAUHEK nUOTllEUS, PRINTERS' JL nu)))llos, envelopes, put huddUos. envelopes, pnpar bags, twine. Varehouso, IM Pa. auhlngton avo., bcranton, IJOK3EB AND CARRIAdES FOR BALE 11 ut 1MJ LapoiiS3 nvciiim. D. L. FOOTE. Aeont. IMiAXK 1 sala P. BROWN CO., WHOLE dealers in Woodwaro, Cordaso and Cloth, 7.0 W. Lackawanna avenue. Robin's Sens Beer Brewery Vannfactarert ot tho Celebrated PlLSENER Lager Beer CAPACITY 100,000 Bbl& Per Annum, What Is Mora Attractive I Than a pretty face with a frenh, bright comploxlont For It, use Pononi's Powder. CENTRAL RAILROAD OF II J, LEHIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION Anthracite coal used exclusively, lusurluj cluauliuese and comfort. TIME TABLB IN EFFECT MAT 20, 189L Trains leave Beranton for Pittston, Wilke. Bnrro, etc., at 8 ai, 9.15,11.30 a. m., 12.60, luj, 8.W, 6.01), 7 2), U.U& p. m. bundaya, 9.UU a. m.. 1.00,2.15, 7.10 p. m. ' For Atlantic Citr. 8.20 a. m. For New York, Newark and Elizabeth, 8. n fexiircssj a. m., U'.oO (express with BuffeJ parlor car), 8.UU Cexpreu) p, m, Buaday, 2.1 D. m. ton aiAiicn cnnne, Alt.entown, BsTni.-s. n,KrSi' Eastob aud Philadklphia, 8,'J) a. m.. Bumla ho"00 (ex01'' hUadelphia) p. in. (w'th through ear) a. m., 12.60 p. m. 7r iLf, Lonanon aud Hnrnsuurir, yi-x Aheutowu. a. m, 12.50, 6.00, p.m. Buuday, ror i'ottsvitie, 8,'iOa. m., 2.C0p. m. Keturnlng, leave New York, toot of Liberty ?,,n"it:i1,.r,th. Tivet nt lu (express) a. m.. 1.10, 1.J0, 4..m (express with Buffet parlor carj p. m. Sunday. 13il a. m. Leave Phdadelphia, Headlntt Terminal, 9.01 a. ui., w auu i.w ii. m. rjuuaav. d.z a. in. Through tiekota tii all nniutn nf. may bo had on application iu advance to thj ueaub BKeu( ut vuq siaiiou. U. i". BALDWIN, j. n. oLnArHEN, Gen. 8npt. ueu. rass. Agent. DELAWARE AND HTJD. KA1LKOAD. Commencing Monday.Julr U, all tnuUHWill arrive ami depart (roin the new Lack awanna avenuo statiou al fullows: Trains will leave Scran, ton statiou for Carbondalo aud intermediate points ut 2.20. 6.45. 7.00. 8.25 and 10. 1J n.m 12.00, 2.20, 8.55, 0.15, 0.1a, 7.25, 8.10 au l 11.20 p.iii. For l arview, Waymart and Iloncsdalo a5 7.00. H.25 aud 10.10 a.m., 12.00,2.20 aud 5.15 p. in. 1'cr AlLuuv'. Saratoga, the Adironducksaud Montreal at 5.4r a in. and 2,20 p.m. For Wilkes-ISarro and lutormodiato polnt-i at 7.45, 8.45. 0.38 and 10.45 a m, 12.05, 1,20, lit, 4.11), 6.10, Oft). 11.15 and II. : p.m. Trains will arrive at Buranton Btation front '"ai bnudale and iutermodiate points at 7 40, 8.40, V.H and 10.40 a.m., 121.0, 1.17,2.114,3.10, 4.51,"), IU1 and ll.:3 p.m. From Houosdale. Wavmart and Farviow ut .:(4 a.m.., 12.00, U7, 3.40, 6.55 and 7.45 p.m, From Montreal, baratoga, Albany, etc., aj 154 and 11. .t) p.m. From v llkes-Burro and intormodiato point t ni- ia, r.vf, iao uuo ii e-i a.m., x iu, s,i, o.ov. u.iu, u.oo, f.w, u.vo auu it, iu p.m. MAY l;i, istfl. Train loaves Scranton for Philadelphia ana New York via. D. & Ii. R K. at 7. 4.5 a.m., 12.05, 2.3S and 11.38 p. m. via D., L 4S W. K, it., 0.00, 8.08,11.20 a. in., and 1.9.1 p. in. Leavo Bcranton for Pittston and Wlllisi Darro via 1).. L. & W. K. U 6.00, 8.08, 11.21 a. in., 1.30, aW. 8.07. 8.00 p. iu. Leave Bcranton for VTlilto Ilaven, Ilazleton, PottHvillo and all points ou tho lijave:' Meaduw aud Pottsvlllo branches, via E. & W. V.. 40 a.iu..vm D. & IL R.R. at 7.45a.m.. 12.0 i. ; 2..'K 4.1X1 p.m., via I)., L. & W. R. R, 4.00, 8.0J. J 11.20 a.m., 1.30, 3.50 p.m. Leavo Bcranton lor Bethlehem, Easton, I Heading, Harrlfburif and all intermodiato points via Tt.ii 7.4.1 a.m.,12.05, 2.3i I p.m., via V., L. & W. R. R..0.O0,S.O8, 11.20 a. im. l.:ni p.m. Leave Bcranton for Tuukhannock, Towanda, , Elniira, Ithaca, Ueneva and all intermediate I points viu U. & H. It.R.,8.t.) a ui.,12.05 and 11.33 , p. m.,vla D. L. & V. K. It., 8 0S a.m.,l.;Wp. ra. Loave Bcranton for ltochostor, Buffalo, Nl 1 apara Falls, Detroit. Chicago aud all nointi j west viaD. & II. R. R s.45 a.m.,12.05, p. m., via D. L. & W. R. R. und Pittnti.u Junction, 6.0b a.m., 130, 8.5u p. m.. via E. & W. U.K., 3.41 p. in. For Elmlra and the west via Salamanoi, vi D. & If. It. R., 12.05,6.05 p. m.. via D. L. & W. R.H., ,8.08 a.m., 1.30 and 8.07 p. m. Pullman parlor und slooplng or L. V. chair cars on all trains between L & B. Junction or Wilkos-Barre and Now York, Philadelphia, Buffalo and BtippunNlon Bridee. KOI jL I.N H. WILBUR, Gon. Bupt CnAS. B, LKE, Geu. Pass. Au't, Phila.,P!. A.W.NONNEMAOHLR.Ass't Gen.Pi Au't, tiouth Bethlehem, Pa. DELAWARE. LACKAWANNA AUD" WKSTEKN EAll.hOAD. Trains leave Scranton as follows: Expnwu for Soit York nd all points Kant, 1.40, 2.5 6.1. 8.0) and O.Od a. m.; It 66 und 3.o0 p, m. Express for ICttston, Trenton, Philadelphia and tuts South, o.l'i, 8.0U and U.U a. in.; UuJ nd3.Hp. m. Washington and way stutloun, 8.55 p. m. Tobybunua accoumiodntion, 6 10 p. m. Expr ba for BlnRhainton, Oswcia, Elmlrn,' rornuie, Btb, Dansvllle, Mount Morris ani Builalo, 12.10, 12 15 a. ra. and I U p. m., maKinf dote ccm-ioctioi.e at lluftulo to all pointe In tU Wodt, Northwest and Southwest. Bntb aooflmniodation, 1 a. m. Uinghamton aud way atatlous, 12.37 p. m, iMciioliOu uccomuiudatioo, at 4 p m. anoi 0,10 p. m. BlnRliainton and Elmlra Expreee, 0.05 p, ra. Express for Cortlaud, Syrncuso, O.woe. Ctica and Richaeld Bprinzs, 115 a. m. and L-i p. m. Itliaca, S.15 and Bath 9 a. m. and 151 p. m. For Nortliumbcrlan(l,Plttstoa,Wilk08-Barris Plymouth, Bloomnburg and Danvllle, makinc rlnso couneoilons at Northumberland foi' Willinmaport, Harrisburg, Baltimore, Wash, lnnton and the South. .Northumberland nd Intermodiato stationj, CtK.1, 9.M a m. and 1.30 and 11-07 p. m. NautiooKo ana intermediate station, 8.01 &Dd ll.) a ni. Plymouth and lntermeaiatu stations, 8iand8.5Jp. m. . . Pullman parlor ana sleeping coaches on all 'JrdetaedSinformatlon, pocket ttmo tables etc.. apply to M. L. Smith, city tickot , offlo rs Lackawanuaaveuufc or depot ticket oilic. ERIE AND WY0M1NO VALLEY RAIL' Trains leave Scranton for Now York and In termediate points on tho Erio railroad at LU a. m. aud H.U p. m. Also tor llonesdalff. llawlcy and local points at 6.S5, 9.45 a.m., anil 8.!M p.m. , , All thb above aro through trains to and from Iloncsdalo. sin additional train leaves Scranton tor Lakn Ariel at 5.10 p.m. nud arrive at Scran ton from tho Luke at S Sii a m. and 7.45 p.m. Trains leavo lor Wllkos-Barro at .W a. in and 8.41 p. m. In Fflpot June 24lh, 1804. North Uound. feoutk Bound, 803 8031201 1 !. H08 9U4'20t & a 9 Btatlons fj Volt f r 111111 (Trains Dally, Ex-!5 ? 3 cept Bunauy.) n I Arrive Iavoi N. Y. rraimiln 8t 7 4 We.-t 4'Jnd street 7 55 weehawkon 810 r m Arrive LejiveU I' Ml 8 0 1 Jn; . 10 1 Oil , 7 512 50 . 7 HI IS -ill . lianenck Junction! 9iW 8i5i Hancock miirllKht Preston park Como Poyntelle Bolnioiit Plenaaut Mt, Unloudule I'Oiwt City Carbondnie Uhtte Krlngo Alaydcld Jennyn Archibald Wlnton Peckvlllo Olyphant Dickson Throop rrovldi-Jice Park Place Bcranton 618 8 31 , 7 4.VK40A M e 32 a 4i Tw.iassuoiw 64' 7 puna isiio oi 6 45 7 SMISWI 7 lt Iter-"" U4H 7 0Sill W. 8rl 0M II 81 K 15 6 5.1 8 0 5 05 Uit 8 lit 5 OS 5 IS 7 10 8 19 7 Ml t8lj 7ITT8 88I oisriibOi 9 1 fowl ...JI0 0I 4iiii va tm 8.VU W 8 57 esslrnisi gw! I Sl it 4.1 f5 4J 7 81 8 45 740 161 7 4H 8 M 7 48 8 59 7 5S 4 91 7 14 ' 7 06 4 10 SOfll 414 S2f4 17 5 45 (51 551 6 51 8 01 6V7 61(1 614 61 630 8 an 11 11 850 6','"11 07 8 41 6 11 05 841 8 1911 0'1 8 89 e mi ii a ati fO lH'flOf.71 8 33 6 10ll)55 8 30 P MA 111 II 805 4M heave Arrive! A 11 1' li e K All trains run dolly except Sunday, t. slRulues that trains stop on signal for pan. Bengera. (it'cure rates via Ontario Western oefow piirchaHlng tlckete and save money. Do anal NlUgt Express to the West J.O. ArdorB, Gen, Pass. Agt T.FUtorott,I)lv.i'aaii.Agt.S(irantoa)Pk, I VIZ CAN QIVC YOU SATISFACTION f fllfli ft ifiMi4 4 It A Tnfy (3 Work you will need soon. Tbe Scranton Tribune Job Dept. if- w 3 'a r V M 7S'1 .... 7 10 .... 7 00 .... P M