The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 16, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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Be May Not De All That Oar Fancy
Taints Him, but He Manages to Make
Himself Felt in Whatever Position Be
May Be Placed.
The irrepressible boy is a character, and
there are a good many of him. He is as
omnipotent us he is voluminous. He bobs
up tinuVr the most inconceivable circum
Ktunces, and generally with a serenity that
In provoking. You can't bottle him, nud
It would be ivpruhensibie to kill him. You
can kit down on him, but lie won't stay
nit down on. Ho i a terror to his sister
and his smut's lover; family secrets are
not sacred iu his eyes; he shirks his own
work, but is always ready to do another
boy's, or, more particularly, a full grown
man's work.
Today lie is horribly matter of fact, to
morrow lie may be mawkishly sentimeutal.
Atone moment he startles you with the
vigor of his loic, at tlio next he surprises
you with the silliness of his deductions.
Now he charms you with his iunato polite
ness, anon he shocks you by a violation of
the proprieties. Ho can look profoundly
innocent when most surely guilty, and de
vise an alibi with raro ingenuity.
1 do not believe that the boy invariably
"foreshadows the man," or that "men are
but children of a larger growth," ns Dry
den expresses it. The Koody-goody boy
may fio to ruin on the fast express, the bad
boy may ennoble ids manhood; the smart
boy may not rise above mediocrity, the dull
boy may forjie straight to the f rout. When
N. I. Willis whs a boy his mot her told him
to write a letter to ids aunt. Upon visiting
him an hour later she found that the
words "Deer Ant" was all that he had ac
complished. Surely he did not foreshadow
the pleasing poet nud the brilliant jour
nalist! ir.r.i:i'ni:ssiDi.i: boys.
I think it w:is Lyman Hiecher who said:
"1 admire boys iu (.lie roiinh. I like them
rs 1 do oysters on the half shell." And
so do I. 1 am ready to make allowance
for natural depravity; it simply may be
misdirected mult, just ns rudeness may bo
Merely a surplusage of vitality. I have
no patience with u mope. The repressible
boy ' hardly ever rises. There isn't any
tlastif. ity iu him; lie lacks pluck, energy,
Ambition. Stubbornness is sometimes but
another name for endurance.
The irrepressible boy may become the
Irrepressible man, uud if the impressibil
ity is properly expended, he will accom
plish a vast amount of good. If such men
as Seward, 1'hiliips, Garrison and Fre
mont were irrepressible boys, we are
thankful that the fault, or the faculty,
pivw with their growth.
In my boyhood I believed in Pauta Claus
and Jack and the D;anslalk. It was utter
I hud reached manhood that I became cyn
ical, incredulous and suspicious.
Our inventory of a boy may not amount
to much. There nre too many unknown
quantities, too many undeveloped phases,
too many umkimated possibilities. I have
a friend who prides himself upon his
knowledge of liumun nature. His intui
tions never deceive him. Boys are his es
pecial study; lie can read a boy like an
open book. He can sum up his worth,
forecast his failures, predict his successes.
I mean to say that ho thinks he can. I
had an amusing illustration of his power
last summer.
"Those arc very good boys of Dar
ringer's," my friend remarked to me one
lie referred to a family who recently
had moved into the neighborhood.
"Do you think sof" I quietly asked, a
quaver in my voice which escaped his
"Yes," he answered. "Two of them
were here early this morning to ask per
mission to pick berries in the clearing. I
waH pleased with their frank ways and
honest faces. They took oil their hats, in
dulged in no slang uud looked squarely at
me. I can tell a polite, honest, truthful
boy the minute I st my eyes on him.
Catch any boy raised around here asking
for permission to pick berries! I'd think
the millennium was about to dawn. They
had only one small basket between tbem.
'Why didn't you bring a larger basket?' I
asked. 'Oh, we only want enough for
mamma to make a pie of,' they said. I tell
you, they are honest, truthful, well raised
"Yes," I replied, scarcely able to repress
iny emotion. "What time were they here
this morning?"
"As early as 5 o'clock."
"And it. is about 5 in the afternoon now,
Isn't it?" I nuked.
"Well," I said, "I came past your clear
ing iifteen minutes ago. The two Darrin- (
ger boys came out of it with four large '
baskets filled with berries. 'Coys, you've
had good luck,' I said. 'You can bet your
bottom dollaron that,' one of them replied,
'we carried just ns many homo at dinner
time.' 'Did you ask Mr. Bradford's per
mission to pick berries?' I inquired. 'Yes,'
was the reply. 'We pulled his leg for him.
Yi'c hid all our baskets iu tho bushes but
the two quart one. We shut up his eye
most everlastingly.'
"Well, those frank, truthful boys, who
do not indulge in slang, and who look
squarely at you, were twelve hours in your
clearing, and got away with ut least two
bushels of your berries. Of course you
can tell an honest, truthful boy the minute
you set your eyes on him!"
My friend did not get vexed. lie ignored
the sarcasm underlying iny speech. A sad
look crept into bin eyes, and he muttered
something about total depravity nnd the
need of wider Christianizing influences.
Frank H. Stauffer in Kate Field's Wash
ington. Kxpenttlve Monuments.
There is a monument erected in Torquay
cemetery to the memory of Isaac Jlerritt
Singer, of sewing machine fame, which
cost $50,000. In Mortjake cemetery a monu
ment in the shape of an eastern tent, erected
over the grave of Sir Richard Burton, the
explorer, cost 1,000. In the cemetery
near Abroath is a monument erected by
Patrick Allen Fraser of Hospitalficld, in
memory of his wife, which cost even more
than that, erected over Singer's grave. It
was the work of your" to build, and Mr.
Fraser made several journeys to Home and
Vcuico to examine the sculptures on fa
mous tombs. He was an artist, and the
whole of his plans, drawings, etc., were
executed by himself. London Tit-Bits,
Tired Eyes and Insomnia
"Among other evil results from abuse ot
the eyesight," said a medical expert in the
treatment of eye and ear, "is tho fact that
to it may be attributed the rcat increase
in recent years of the much dreaded in
somnia. From my experience with the
" kur.'lreds of cases of eye affections I am
satisfied that three-quarters of the cases of
sleeplessness come from nervousness di
rectly traceable to undue strain upon the
optic nerve. In these days of unceasing
work the eyes are not given the rest to
which they are entitled. Clerks, lawyers
and professional men generally are con
tinuously poring over books and papers,
and the result is apparent not only In the
actual Injury to the eyo itself, but in the
retroactive effect upon the nerve and brain.
Even the amusements and recreations in
which they indulge after the day's work
are of a character to be a still further
strain upon the eye.
"Insomnia In women comes largely from
too much work with the needle or pro
tracted occupation in some clerical posl-
tion. There U a simple remedy tor sleep
lessness, which by Its nu tailing success
proves that the trouble largely comes from
the overstrain of the eyes. If the sufferer
will take a small piece of toweling or other
soft cloth and fold In It two small bits of
ice, and then lie down and adjust the cloth
so that the ice will exactly cover the closed
eyes, he will shortly And himself droppiug
off into a refreshing sleep. This, of course,
is only a temporary relief, but the insom
nia victim can readily cure himself by
shielding his eyes from overmuch strain."
New York Telegram.
Bow the Autocrat Troposed.
It was on the Common that we were
walking. The mall or boulevard of our
Common, you know, has various branches
leading from it In different directions. One
of these runs down from opposite Joy
street southward across tho whole length
of the Common to Boylston street. We
called it the long path and were fond of it.
I felt very weak indeed (though of a
tolerably robust habit) us we came oppo
site tho head of this path on that morning.
I think I tried to speak twice without mak
ing myself distinctly audible.
At last I got out tho question, "Will you
tako the long path with me?" "Certainly,"
said the schoolmistress, "with much pleas
ure." "Think," 1 said, "before you an
swer. If you take the long path with me
uow, I shall interpret it that we are to part
no more." Tho schoolmistress stepped
back with a sudden movement, as if an
arrow had struck her.
One of the granite blocks used as seats
was hard by, the one yon may still see
close by the gingko tree. "Pray sit down,"
I said. "No, no," she answered softly. "I
will walk the long path with you."
The old gentleman who siU opposite
met us walking arm in arm about t he mid
dle of the long puth, nnd said very charm
ingly, "Good morning, my dears," Oliver
Wendell Holmes.
Musical Car Whistles.
To the average New Yorker who finds
himself in Brooklyn in the course of the
open car Reason tho most remarkable
feature of the occasion, is the solos per
formed by the conductors when they start
and stop the aforeeuld cars.
They are not satisllud with the "toot" to
stop and the "toot-toot" to go ahead that
their New York brethren use, but run iu
bewildering combinations of "tootle-tootle-ti-too"
and "whoopety-whoop" that mukes
a stranger's brain reel. Some have a double
whistle and some bosst whistles with three
pipes. These gentlemen penetrate the air
with bird notes and gurgling trills, and
when a dozen cars of as many lines get
bunched together at the bridge or Fulton
ferry the resemblance to a rehearsal of a
brass band on Saturday night is startling.
I asked a conspicuous performer on the
pipes the reason for his outbursts, and he
replied: "It's de kids, see? If we use 'er
plain whistle doy gets onto us, see? 'En
dey make de driver keep astoppin' all day,
see?" New York Herald.
Disease Curried by Files.
Any one who has been iu Egypt will
have hud an object lesson on the propaga
tion of diseaso by files. The many victims
of ophthalmia to be soeo there usually have
their open sores covered by swarms of flies,
which makes the prsaeuce and obtrusive
ness everywhere In that country of this In
sect pest doubly abhorrent, from the possi
bilities of contagion by contact with them.
The prevalence of ophthulmia in Egypt is
attributed specially to these swarms . of
flies, which convey infection from affected
subjects to those unaffected.
Iu our own country there is no specific
malady which may be thus mainly attrib
utable to the germ currying action of Hies,
but it is quite possible that many cases,
where the sources of infection cannot be
traced, may have hud their origin in the
presence of files unwittingly admitted from
tainted places. Brooklyn Eugle.
What a Tm volar Saw la America.
A German scribe relates that during a
visit to America he saw three journals
printed on sugar cakes flattened out.
Rolled chewing tobacco formed the sheet
on which two other journalists recorded
the news of the day. Five offices utilized
fly papers, and the genius of seven editors
was displayed upon pocket handkerchiefs.
The climax of astonishment was readied
when the Teuton purchased a nowspuper
formed of a porous plnsterl He went on to
relate that three publishers defy competi
tion by having their subscribers photo
graphed yearly, several give their sub
scribers free burial, five invite them to a
dinner once a month, and 200 provide them
with medical advice! Loudon Tit-Bits.
Vulgar Wealth.
On a Pullman coach, on iny way to Mar
quette, on tho Duluth, South Shore and
Atlantic railroad, a colored porter asked
me if I know a certain other passenger. I
did not. "Wall," said the porter, "he has
just given me a five dollar bill, and said ho
did it 'for a starter.' Dat feller is jist reek
ing with money, for sure." A man who
will give a porter five dollars for a starter
where others expect to satisfy him with
twenty-five cents is a vulgar fellow, no
matter what his wealth or position may be.
Julian Kalph in Nuw York Sun.
An Ore Concentrator.
A new ore concentrator him been devised,
which operates by crushing tho material to
nbout a quarter of an inch in size, and
which, exposed to tho action of powerful
mnguets, separates the particles of iron ore.
The particles of ore aro again crushed to a
finer state, and again exposed to magnetic
action, resulting in a concentrated con
dition of tho Iran. Exchange.
Frosh Water Pearls.
Fresh water pearls are found in many
streams of this country in the shells of
mussels, called "uulos." More than ?10,000
worth of tbem wm sent to New York at
one time within three months from Wis
consin, one specimen being- sold for $300,
Washington Star.
In the Sinoo Neighborhood.
Two wretched looking tramps were
brought up before a Texas justice of the
jieace. Addressing the worst looking one,
the justice asked:
"Whore do you live?"
"And where do you live?" asked the
Justice, addressing tho other.
"Oh, I've got the room above him."
Texas Sittings.
The most expensive iron work patterns
for buildings are thoso which include
arches and elaborate ornamentation In
panels and statuary, and when a buildiug
is to be extended it makes considerable
difference in the cost if eiaborate patterns
have to be duplicated,
"Let no man take my crown!" Oh, can It be
These gracious, royal words were meant for mef
My crown! And was I born a crown to wear?
Where Is my kingdom. Lord, oh, tell me, where?
Etand forth, O mortal, and receive thy right!
Hath bo not said It he, the klnjjof might?
Joint heir thou art with him, the prince who
Thy reign that hath no end e'en here begins.
But not alone In Heaven regnant thou'll be;
On earth a radiant crown awaitoth thee.
'Twos made (or thine own use. (or thine alone;
Then see that no man else ahitit thee dethrone.
Whatever Ulent thou canst claim as thine.
What Illumined truth In thy soul doth Bhine,
This Is thy crown, and this thine empire true,
Just where Is tldns appointed work to do.
It matters not how mall thy kingdom be;
The crown thereof belongs to only theo.
If thou canst do in God's name one truo thing.
It Is thy right; with Joy thlno offering bring.
Amelia V. King in Business Woman's Jour-
Hats Will Be large, Bonnets Small and
Shoulders Sloping.
Many of tho wide, capollko lace collars
now shown are mado of fonthcr edged
braid wrought into elaborate patterns with
the needle. Thoy are finer and more deli
cate than guipure, but loso a great part of
their beauty whon they are washed, as the
loops of the braid loso their roundness and
becomo twisted and matted.
Capes will no doubt bo as popular next
Winter as thoy were last. Vory attractive
ones, intended for traveling and other
hard uao, are shown in heavy serges, navy
blue or black, lined with tartan plaid silk
of brllliunt colors, Theso nre fororuuners
9i timm
of the autumn stylen, although It Is finrd
to realism that a cool season will ever ar
rlvo whllo wo are in tho midst of hot
weather. Pummor Is so small a part of
the your for tunny Americans, however,
that it is in a measure bound to muko up
In intensity what it lacks In lenglh. Per
sons living in tho latitude of New York
have only threo months of summer at
most, with ono month each of spring and
fall. Tho rest of tho year 13 winter, with
a generous nllowance-cf rain, snow, mud
and fog. Tho inhabitants of moro north
erly states enjoy a still shorter season of
muslins and shado hats und to bo ex
cused if on discarding ono winter's gar-tuent-l
they then look anxiously about
for some hint of tho ensuing winter's fash
ions. It is sufo to predict that lmu will
be large, bonnet i small and sho'ilderB
eloping, Skirw will probably bo somewhat
scanter, since they have begun to bo drap
ed and doubled.
Probably the continuous heat has hud a
groat deal to do with tho fart that this
suiiimor has been prollflo in thin street
gowns. Dimities and luwn.-i, but latoly
kept entirely for houso und carrlugo wear,
are soon everywhere on tho streets, and
women moro heavily clothed look hot nnd
uncomfortablo in contrast. It is to bo
feared that this freak of fashion will not
hold over until another year, for her ra
tional fancies aro seldom enduring.
Do not buy anything that Is exported to
do long service of tho blue shades, for tho
color is too trying to have uiiything except
a transitory vogue. As soon as tho nov
elty wears till It Is doomed to disfavor und
Whore City Fcoplu of Moderate Means Find
Since tho decrease of farming industries
in New England many of tho deserted
farmhouses in retired regions huvo been
bought by city people of moderate meuns
for summer homos. Theso houses usually
lie at a dlstanco from tho railroad and arc
devoid of any pretenses to smartness;
hence they may be obtained at a noniinul
prico and answer for purposes of summer
retirement very well even to persons ac
customed to tho modern conveniences of
city lifo. To pass a winter iu ono of them
would be a different story, but during
tho wnrin weather tho out of door Hfo is
tho main thing, and Iu n quiet country
spot tho houso Is little moro than a place
in which to oat and sleep.
Tho buying of ono of theso houses Is a
scheme eagerly entered into by many self
supporting young women, who, ns teach
ers or artists, lead a conilned life in the
winter, and especially need rest and frco-
doin in the nuinmer. They cannot well
Ht.o'.d to pay the l:ij? bills conwquenl, on
n long stay at u regular summer resort,
besides desiring moro scnliishm and quiet
thun it iu possible to havo nt such n place.
Two or threo girls often club tw'her to
make up tho fund for tho purchase of a
furmhouso and buy only tho stile lest ne
cessities for Its permanent furnishing
cot beds, camp chairs, a stovo and blenched
muslin curtains tho docorativo part be
ing supplied hy tho cushions, rugs nnd
brio-tt brao gathered togethor by overy in
dependent young woman, whether sho re
sides nt home, iu a boarding houso or in a
school. Durlngthesumnier holidays thoso
young women's life in their house is a
sort of glorified ramping out. They do
tholr own work, which is very simple un
der the olrcumslauoya, and furnish their
table with thu oggH, fruit nnd utiier prod
uce of tho vicinity. There aro no nodal
demands upon thorn except thoso that they
themselves choose to create. They are
completely Independent, and when tho
season Is over they pack their Japanese
draperies and jars to take buck to tho olty
and lock up their house with Its scant deal
furniture to wait for another year.
The sketch shows a gown of brown
eheokod wool trimmed with old roso vel
vet end cluny Insertion, Tho plain skirt
Is trimmed with a velvet rueho. The
round corsago Is gathered at the waist
nd has a yoko and bretHlos of guipuro.
Iho tight slueves have a guipuro trimmed
puff above tho olbow, and velvet rlbbuU
tonus a belt with long ends.
Jl. DIC Chollet.
A Traveling Mao Discovers That Be Bni
Slept with Staue Company.
A gentleman who traveled in the rural
districts of the west some years ago says
that to this day he has a "creeping sensa
tion" when he recalls Ids experience in
spending the night at a farm house. It
was lato in the summer, and the farmers
were doing their threshing, while their
wives were emptying their ticks and refill
ing them with clenii straw.
Just before dark the traveler reached a
comfortable looking house, where a hearty
welcome was accorded him when he asked
If. he might stay all night. While eating
AaC 1,-M ! ' Ui.:l h
his supper he heard the farmer's wife say
to her husband and son:
"The straw tick from the spare room
bed will have to be filled. I emptied it to
day and forgot all about it until this min
ute." When the tired guest was shown to his
room he undressed hastily and climbed
into bed. Every movemont of his body
caused the straw to rustle under him, and
pretty soon he discovered that It rustled
even when he was lying perfectly still.
He was of a nervous temperament, and the
strange noise disturbed him.
It was only occasional. lie would be
still for a moment, and then the straw
would rustle loudly. He fancied he
felt something moving under him. The
rustling grew more frequent, and he won
dered what caused it. . It might be a rat!
He sat up in bed. At once the rustling
became more violent than ever, nnd he dis
tinctly felt movements under him. Ho
jumped from his bed, lighted his candle
and looked nt the straw tick. All was still
"I guess it's nothing but grasshoppers or
crickets," ho said. "I'm not going to bo
cheated out of my rest by some harmless
He got back into bed, but pnssed a rest
less, wearisome night, hearing the rustling
sounds frequently. The next moruing he
said to his host:
"I beg your pardon, but I think that a
mouse or some small animal was In the
straw you put into the tick on my bed last
night 1 heard and felt something rustling
around constantly."
"Wo must seo nbout It," said the man.
"nenry you pitch the tick out on the grass
and empty out the straw. Liko as not
some of them plaguy Held mice got into it.
It wns so dark wc couldn't have seen it if
it had been a ground hog."
A few minutes later Henry nppearcd at
an open window wilh a black snake fully
four feet long daugling from the end of a
"There yon air," ho said laconically.
"That's all It was. He was turrible mad,
and come nt me tho minute I let him out.
But 1 tromped the life out of him in no
"And 1 slept all night with that thing in
my bedl" gasped the stranger, shuddering
from head to foot.
"Shucks!" said the farmer; "he wouldn't
'a' hurt you none if he had bit you. Them
kind of snakes ain't pizen." Youth's Com
panion. A Word for the Earthworm.
The earthworm is an animal which has
not received that attention from zoologists
which It deserves, in spite of the fact that
its habits and structure formed the last of
that magnificent series of volumes with
which Darwin enriched scientific literature.
And it has not only been neglected by nat
uralists, but has incurred the bitter enmity
of gardeners and farmers. It is true that
the gardener has t vtue reason for his dis
like wheu he sees his carefully rolled walks
and smooth lawns rendered unsightly by
the heaps of earth with which the worm
diligently covers them.
But the farmer has no business to com
plain, for not only do earthworms form a
large part of the food of mnuy birds, which
would, perhaps, in their absence direct
their attention more closely to his crops
and fruit trees, but they are of positive ad
vantage in loosening the soil, and so mak
ing passages for tho rain to trickle down to
the lowest roots.
More than a hundred years ago Gilbert
bite devoted one of his letters to the sub
ject of earthworms, and defended them
from the accusation of uselessness and in
juriousness in the economy of nature, re
marking further, and so to a certain ex
tent anticipating Darwin, that they are
often responsible for the formation of new
soils. F. L. Beddard, M. A., in Chambers'
Fishes That Carry liattcrles.
The "torpedo" or "cramp fish" has two
complete electric batteries on either side of
its head, constructed after the most ap
proved scieutilic principles. Kach of them
consists of about 470 cells In the shape of
six sided tubes placed side by side. The
walls of these cells are lined with nerve
tissue und each one is filled with a clear,
trembling jelly. Precisely how many volts
this duplex galvanic apparatus is capable
of administering bus never been deter
mined, but frequent experience has shown
tho power to be sufficient to knock down
and temporarily paralyze a man.
Natives in Central America are said to
make a practice of driving wild horses into
water where cramp fish are in order that
the latter may stun the frightened quad
rupeds and make them easy to capture. So
that a shock shall bo administered, the ob
ject must be brought iuto contact at two
points wilh the torpedo, thus completing
the electric circuit.
Scientific men regard this as oue of tho
most interesting of natural phenomena.
iwo other kinds of animals possess gal
vanic batteries a catfish and an eel. The
two latter have the styrago cells situated
in their tails. In all three cases the elec
tricity is merely transformed nervous en
ergy. Interview in Washington Star.
Marvelous Fecundity.
The reproductive powers of many bac
teria is so marvelous as to be almost be
yond belief. Professor Law has experi
mented with several different forms which
were capable of doubling their uumber
every hour. When in the best condition a
singlo bacterium willgivo It',, 777,200 indi
viduals In the short space of twenty-four
hours, In forty-eight hours the offspring
from a germ not measuring more than cue
iiftecn -thousandth of an inch will have in
creased until their bulk cannot be put in.a
halrpint measure, the total number of in
dividuals then exceeding S1, 500,000,030! If
these deductions aro correct (and scientists
have proved that they are, as near as such
figures cr.n possibly be from the very nature
of tho experiment), is it any wonder that
bacterial db eases are so dilllcult tocoutrol?
St. Louis Republic.
Ono Way to Spell I'otato.
Coiislilisriiig the state of tho crops and
the anxiety expressed by our English
cousins about our spelling, the following
exercise may be appropriate. Who invented
it is unknown to me, but It sounds'llke Dr.
Waylaml, of Philadelphia, a "fonetlk par
eon:" "What does this spell Ghor.ghphth
thcightt,eeau?" Well, according to the
following rule, it spells potato: Gh stands
for p, as in the last letters of hiccough;
ougli for o, as in dough; pbth for t, as in
phthisis; cigh stands for a, as in neighbor;
ttj stands for t, as in gazette, and can
stands for o, as ill beau. Thus you havo
p-o-t-a-t-o. Bo.tou Advertiser.
Goetho as an lleotrl Inn.
Goethe was an experimentalist rs well as
a poet, and one of the curiosities of the
electrical exhibition at Frnnkfort-on-thc-Main
is his elect, leal machine. He, of
couwe, lived long before the days of dyna
mos, and it is simply a glass frlctional ma
chine, such ns are used to draw sparks
from, or to charge Leyden jars In lectures.
The glss8 wns in the shape of a globe,
which was mounted on au axle and re
volved by means of a wheel and cord. On
its being rubbed electricity was developed.
Loudon Globe.
Domestlo Follcitr.
The wife of a drum major, a colossus, is
a dwarf. She is a despot. He has tho do
cility of a child. When they quarrel she
orders him to put her on the table und let
her slap his face. He lifts her in his arms,
puts her on the table, bonds his head, re
ceives the slap which she gives with her
might and then replaces her on the floor
with respectful terror. This vulgar parody
of the Samson and Delilah story would be
called by Courbet a real allegory. New
York Times.
every poison and Impurity from your
blood with Dr. Pieree'i Golden Medical Dis
covery. Rheumatism has its origin in a
poisoned condition of the blood and is al
ways relieved by this remedy, which acts on
liver, kidneys and blood. Dyspepsia and
stomach troubles are most often the result
of a diseased liver.
Rouse the torpid liver
to action with the
" Discovery."
I feel a great deal bet
ter than I did before
Inking your "Goklrn
Medical Discovery " for
my rhr-iinmtlMii, and it
does ail that it Is recom
mended to do. I have
a daughter who was
troubled with a weak
stomach io that, eho
vomited ovorythlmr
thnt she ate and Ilia
" Discovery " cured her
Olso. Which I nm HtfinL--
3. S. Lint, Esq.
ful for.
Yours truly, JOHN 8. LINT,
Atmiaiio, SUuben Co., IntU
Is an Improvement iu Soap.
v o
In the Trolley Soap o!d methods
and materials are superseded by new
ones. The Trolley Soap leaves the
clothes sweet and clean and lnsts longer
than other soaps.
hi Your Grocer for It.
If he does not keep it send us order for
or for a Box 100 cakes 75 pounds J4.50.
Joseph $, Thomas ElnSon,
227 Chestnut Street, Phila.
IstDay.fJllWell Mai
of Me.
nt liKtu 30th Day,
produces tho above remits In 80 days. It s-ti
powerfully aud quickly. Cures wliru all others tail
Young lueu will ntgaia their lot.1 niuinnod.and old
men will rccovor tlu-lr youthtul lor by u1uf
UIOVIVO. It quickly und surely restnvegNervouit
net. Lost Vitality, Inipotum-y, Nightly KmisMons.
L. x,t I'owur, Fulling M, iiioi-y, Wuatiiui Oiwswrs. slid
all c-ll'ects ot bflf r.ljUM or xcr,Mi and Indiscretion
which miUta ono tor amity. bitiliiM or mnrriugu. It
not only ciii-pk by starting at tho Kit ot diuaac, bill
iu a great nerve tonic and blood builder, bring
i ba-k the pink clow to rule checks and re
torliig tlin lire of youth. It wards off Jnanitj
md Consumption. Insint on hiving RUV1VO. no
thcr. It can bo carried in Vint pocket. By mail
1.00 per package, or tlx torftS.OO, with a por.i
Tvo written iruaranteo to cure or refund
ho monoy. Circular frtw. Address
' "'L MEDICINE CO.. 61 Rlvor St., CHICAGO, ILL.
For sale by Matthews Tiros., Drurglsts,
tcranton, l'a.
Large Medium and
White Clover,
Choice Timothy and
Lawn Grass Seeds
Guano, Bone Dust
and Phosphates for
Farms, Lawns and
tm co,
Roods 1 and 2 Commcnwaaltli M&
ilado at tba M003TC aud EUbH
JjALli ttOIllid.
Lr.fflin & fUnd PbwJer Co.'l
Electric Batteries, Fussa tor eiioJ
ing blasts, Safety Fuse and
ftepauooChemical CoaHih Explosives
iiKST 6t,6u bllOE IN THE Vtll.D.
i io-r rcrf it a dollar aamrffJ," .
ThlsT.edlea' Kalld French DoBfola Ivld nut
ton Boot dulWered trie auywkare iu the U.S., on
Mcstpl 01 Cull, Uafiay Older,
er rustal Note (or (1.60.
Kquala every way tho boots
old In all retail stores (or
tlM. We Biake th! boot
turMlres, tharfore we guar
antfg Iks fit, ttyli and wear.
any one is not autnafj
rlil refund the monoy
udsiiot her pair. Optra
oe or Common BeiiM,
widths C, I E, k EU,
iliea I to and hnlr
.flfzna. StnA tmtw tint!
-.1 v-- .. - rnt
Dexter Shoe Go bo8ton?l1s
6cnl Imi le Jt
a Mr.
A Handsome Complexion
Is one of the groatf Bt charms a woman can
ponaeas. FozeoMi't OoiiPuixiON Powikj
gives It.
Ms and
The aboTe brand of flour can be had at any of the following merchants,
who will accept The Tmbune flour coupon of 25 on each one hundred pounds
of flour or 60 on each barrel of flour.
Bwnnion-r. p. wice. Washington avenno I
Gold .Veoal Brand,
puninore-ir. P. l'rloo. GoM Medal Brand.
lJUiimoro-1'. D. Mauley, bupurlutivo bran-1.
Uyi5.' ?llc;0.T,'OIJ P"1"- Washburn St.
Gold Mednl Brand; J. eepli A. Mours-Main
venue, Superlative lirund.
Green Kide-A.I.Sponcer.(iold Medal Brani
J. T.McIIkIo, Hupi-rlutiva. .
I'iovidnco Fennor Se Chappoll. N- Main ave-
nne, Huporlative Brand ;U. J. Qillespl W.
Markot atroot, Gold M.'ilnl Braud.
Olyphant James Jordan, Superlative Brand.
pK-kvllle BlianVr & r Huperlatire.
Jermyn C, O. Wlutora & Co. buperalative
Arenhald Jonoe, 8 mpnon & Co.. Uold Modal.
Carbondale B. H. Clark, Gold Modal Brand.
Uoneadale-I. N. Foster ok Co. Oold Medal.
Minooka M. H. Luvollo
Dealer in Cnoic3 Confections and Rolls.
1437 Capouse Avenue.
Klt.iV Kit
CAST ST h'.Eli
Wholesale and retail dealers' in
T ft
V u
That we will GIVE you beautiful new pat
terns of Sterling SILVER SPOONS and
FORKS for an equal weight, ounce for ounce,
of your silver dollars. All elegantly en
graved free. A large variety of new pat
terns to select from at
"ITo star was ever lost we once have seen,
V7o always may be what we might have been,"
Scranton, Pa.
2 and 23 Commonwealth Building)
Manufactnrad at tho Wapwullopen Mills, Lu.
erne connty Pit,, and at WU
mingtuu, DolHwure,
Genoral Agent (or tbs Wyoming District.
118 Wyoming Ave., Scranton Pa,
. third National Bank BuUdlng.
THOS. FORD, Pittston. Pa.
JOHU B. HMITH & SON ; Plymouth. Pa,
K. W. MULLIGAN. Wilkea-fiarro.
Acenta for the Hepaune Cheuiioal Com
tanjp'a UigU Exuloiuve. f
The Flour
"Chicago, Oct 81. Fh first effloW
announcement of World's Fair dl-J
plomas on floor ha been mado. A
medal baa been awarded by the
World's Fair judges to tbs flour manu
factured by the Washbura, Crosby Co.,
in the great Washburn Flour Mills,
Minneapolis. The committee reports,
tbe flour ctrong and pure, and entitles
it to rank as first-class patent fluur tsn
family and bakers' osa."
Taylor Judge A Co,, Gold Medal; Athorto
& Co., Superlative,
rnryea Lawrence Store Co., Gold Medal
Moosic John MoCrlndlo, Gold ModaL
Pittaton-M. W. O'Boyle, Gold MedaL
Clark's Green Frace & Parker, Superlatives
t'lark's hummit-F. M. Younii, Gold Medal.
tulton-S. E. Finn & Son, Gold Modal Brand.
NirholHon J. E. Hardin?.
Wavurlr-M. Yr. Bliss ft Son, Gold McdnL
Faptoryville-Charles Gardner, Gold Modal.
Hopbottom-N. M. Irinn b Son, Gold Medal.
tooynanne-Tobyhanoa Lehlga Lumber
Co., Gold Medal Brand.
Oonldaboro-B A. Adams, Gold Medal Brand,
Moscow-Gaifte ft Clements, Gold Medal.
Lake Arinl-James A. Bortree, Gold Medal
lorestCity-J. L, Morgan Co., Gold Medi
Wagonmakera' and Blacksmiths'
& Cosine!
CoM of th oast quality for domeaHo nie,ana
ef aU size dalWered In any part ot the ait)
at lowest price.
Orders left at my office.
Bear room, first floor, Third National Bank
or sent by mail or telephone to the mine, will
receive prompt attention.
fpeclal eantraeta will be made (or the ials
ana delivery o( buckwheat Coal.
mIL rMrmaaseUTouna i
in 90 torn &vn ta
Mario Rei-
edy.aadwrwutr, toM e tutMueeatd.
roilunimxjfaiU"! IW-pat sookmaskratnl (an,
mrftapeaptelrlrrrBfAI. WbiH.Bpriap
i MMimfklL Our MjivIa aMnwI. mat
ralttnl; . cool co. taiawm 01. f
jV 1 i 'III, IJf )M -WPIII'jJM"
" -Hf" 1 -' ' - 1 lt