S3 THE SCITNTON TEIBIINE THU USD AT MORKTNTJV" AGUSUT 16. 1894; BASE BALL Bcranton Still Sits Snugly oa the Well Lubricated Toboggan, GOBBLED UP BY THE BLACKBIRDS The Buffalo Team Keeps on Winning, Syracuse Being the Victim This Time Wilkes-Barre and Rain De feat Springfield J. Pluvius Pre vents the Game at Binghamton. Standing of the Clubs Interesting Base Ball Gossip. EIE was victorious yeaterday over Scranton, and the result forces the hitter further down the list in the standing of the various Eastern League clubs. Wilkes Bsrre's de font of Springfield lasssns the gap interTsninsr between Scranton and the club from the "town near Scranton" aud will consequently add to the enthusiasm whioli will b, undoubtedly, displayed at the games scheduled to be played between these clabe next week. Buffalo etill keeps up its winning streak, and, barring accidents, will make the present leaders of the league beetle to mnintalu its position at the top of the ladder. Ruin prereuted the scheduled game between Providence aud Binghamton. The percentages of the slabs, num ber of games won and lost by eaoh.and their standing in (the league race is as I0I1OWSI Won. Lost. Providence 63 21) Buffalo......... M 44 Erie ,. 48 87 Pcrnnton 44 40 Wilkes-Barre... 42 40 Syracuse 43 45 Springfield 41 45 Binghamton.... 23 01 Per C't. ,646 .651 .6S3 .624 .512 ,4SH .477 .274 CAUSE FOR THANKSGIVING. Doranton's Sail Aggregation Esoapes a Ghut-Out at Erie. Erie, Pa., Aug. 15. Erie defeated Bcranton with ease today and but for a fnmbled ball by Smith in the second inning, would have made it a shut-out. The visitors made ouly five scattered bits off McGlnnls, all singles, and two of which were of the "soratch" species. A hard running stop of what looked like a safe hit was the brilliant feature of the game. Iliekey's work at third base for Soranton was very poor. Score? ERIE. R. B. P.O. A. E. Nicholson, lb 2 . 2 8 5 0 Smith, SB... 0 14 5 1 Shearon, rf.. 12 10 0 Lally, cf...,...... 0 2 2 0 1 Field, lb. 1 1 14 0 0 Berger, c 112 0 0 Kuehne, 8b.... 1 2 0 4 1 Van Dyke, If., 0 110 0 McGlnnis, p 1 0 0 2 0 Totals.............. 7 12 27 10 8 BCEANTON. H. F.o, A. E. Cahill, 2b. 0 Johnson, cf... ........ 0 Patchen, c...... 0 Hoover, If 0 Rogers, rf 1 Lehsne, lb...... 0 Smith, ss 0 Hickey. 8b. M 0 Donovan, p,M. 0 Totals 1 5 27 12 Erie 0 0080018 0-7 Scranton.... ..0 1000000 0-1 Earned runs Erie, 1; Scranton, 1, First base by errors Erie, 6, Scranton. 8. Left on bases Erie, 7; Scranton, 6. First base on balls OS McGinnis, 1. Struck out By McGlnnis, 2; by Donovan, 1. Home run Nicholson. Two base hits Shearon, Lally. Sacrifice hit Lehane. Stolen bases Nicholson. 2. Dougle plays Nich olson to Smith to Field: Cahill to Smith to Lebane. Passed ball Berger, L Umpire owarcwooai lime ONE FOR DAN SHANNON. Jupiter Pluvius Comes to Els Aid on Home Grounds. Wilkis-Barrb, Ps., Aug. 15. Springfield lost today's game with Wilkes-Barre by very poor fielding and McLaughlin's strong pitching. Rain delayed the game twioe. And in all 45 minutes' time was lost. The ball was wet and soggy and very hard to handle. Attendance 830. Soore: WILKES-BARRE. H. H. 0. A, I yttle, 2b..8 4 14 Pottit, ss..! 8 4 3 8tcarns,lb8 2 la 0 Lazntte.rf.l 2 3 0 He ts, cf...3 12 1 Oillor.,3 b..l 1 2 1 llofs, rf....l 1 0 0 Wrnor.cn 1 8 1 ll'LTii, p..O 0 0 2 I SPRINGFIELD. E.I n. II. o. A. E. OlShnnnon.ssl 1 2 ljO'XIo'ra.ilbl 1 0 0 Lynch, 2U. 0 1 4 OclieuTr, if 1 3 0 1'Bot'enns.rfS) 0 0 1 II 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 I) u S Nadenu, lf.l 1 (1 Leahy, c.O 1 2 l;n'r'dVo.lbl 2 8 OiCoUBUlin.pO 0 0 Totals.. 15 15 27 11 6 Total... 7 10 27 8 6 "Wllkos-Barre 3 0 3 4 0 0 6 0 0-15 BpringGelu. 2 0S01001U-7 Earned runs Wilkes-Barre, ; FprinRfleld, 8. First bane by errors Wllkos-lltirre, 2; Kprinirllold, 8. Left on basos Wilkos Barro. 11; Sprinxtleld, II. First base on balls Off McLaughlin, 4; off Coughlin, 8. Struck out McLaughlin 2. Home run Gillon. Ihree liase hits Stoarns, Lozotte, O'Moara. Two baso hits Lozotte, Shannon, Hhefllor, Brock pnridgo. riacriflce hlt-Betts. Stolon bases Lytlo 2, Betts t. Lynch, Nado: u, Lenity. l)ouble plays Shannon to Lynch to Breckon riihre. Hit by pitchor-Lytlo. Wild pitches toughlin. Passed balls Loahy, Umpire Suydur. Time 2:05. OTHER EASTERN LEAGUE RESULTS. At Buffalo Fyracose 8 0 4 3 0 0 1 1 0-11 Buffalo 2 8 1 0 0 0 2 7 x-lS Base hits Syracuse, 14: Buffalo, 20. Er rorsSyracuse, 6; Buffalo, 6. Batteries Bauswein and Hess, Vickery and Urqu hart. Umpire Doescher. At Binghamton Binghamton 'vs. Prov idence game was postponed onaccount of wet grounds. STATE LEAGUE. At Reading Reading, 4; Lancaster, 2. At Hazleton Philadelphia, 7; Hazle ton, 0. At PotUville-Pottsville, 8; Harris burg, 4. Ac Shenandoah Allentown, 7; Shenan doah, 8. MOST WOMEN'S TROUBLES are caused by a disordered stom ach. The genuine Carlsbad Spru del Salt ia a positive remedy for a disordered stomach. It clears the complexion and purifies the blood. Best results when out door exercise can be had. Secure only the genuine imported article, which must have the signature of "Eisner & Mendel son Co., Agents, New York," on every package. i NATIONAL LEAGUE. At Philadelphia Philadelphia. .3 0 0 0 9 8 5 1 0-11 Louisville 1 2001000 0-4 Hits-Philadelphia, 14; Louisville, 8. Errors Philadelphia, 1; Louisville, 6. Batteries Taylor and Buckley; Hemming and Weaver. Umpire Kecfe, At Washington Washington 0 032110 0-7 Cleveland 0 10802000 Hits Washington, 11: Cleveland. 13. Er rors Washington, 4; Cleveland, 2. Bat teries Btockdale aud McOuire; Cuppy and O'Connor. Umpire Hurst. At Baltimore Cincinnati..... 0 0 0 0-1 0 0 t 0 2 Baltimore 4 0108000 s 8 HiU-Cincinnati, 6: Baltimore, 12. Er rorsCincinnati, 4; Baltimore, 2. Bat teriesFisher and Murphy; UcMabon and Itobiuson. Umpire Batta. At Brooklyn Brooklyn 8 8000021 x 9 Chicago 0 100180005 Hits Brooklyn, 0; Cbicngo, 7. Errors Brooklyn, 4; Chicago, 1. Butteries Daub, Stein aud Daily; Hutchinson aud Shriver. Umpire Lynch. At Now York Now York. ...3 0000000 08 St. Louis I 0200100 04 Hits New York, 0: St, Louis, 10. Er rorsNew York, 4; St Louis, 2. Bat teries Uerinau and Wilson, Breltenstein md Twinehain. Umpiro McQuaid. At Boston Boston. ..0 010130100 10 Pittsburg 020010000 05 HitsBoston, 12; Tittsburg, 7. Errors Boston, 1!; Pittsburi:, 3. Batteries Stlvetts and Gatizel, Eliret and Merritt. Umpires Emslio aud lloaglund. BASE BALL BREVITIES. ' Ryan is playing iu his "J3 form for the Chicago team. Chicago has been playing the fastest ball of all the western clubs. Hallman has beon putting on a great (fame at second lately, aud he is also hit- ung tne can nam. Baltimore so far has made the best record leaiuat Wushiugton. having won 11 and lost but 1 game. New York comes next With 10 won and 2 lost. Despite the denials, it is stronclv stated teat Buiialo will take tue place or Uleve land next season, and that stops to that end have already been taken. The Coal Barons' toboggan ride has car ried them below the .500 mark, and, in the opinion or the Sprlngtlold Union, it is doubtful if they get above it again this year. Bill Brown, Wllkos-Barre's first baseman bas been laid off without pay on account of a bull by the club's treasurer. Brown was given his full pay at the lat pay day beforo it was discovered that he hud drawn f 12 advance money on tbe trip, and when Bill refused to return the amount he was laid off until he worked it out on the bench. A Binghamton dispatch say: For the past two months the olub has been losing mouev steadily. Lxpeuses were reduced. cheaper players were hired aud everything possible was done to put it on a paying oasis to no purpose, since its return Home tbe club has not recolved patronage enough to pay the cuiii auteo, and .it became im perative to disband. The James Boys and South Side Base Ball clubs will play a game of ball at Uogan park today. Game called at 4 p.m. 'Ike following is the butting order of tbe south side team: ilnnerty, catcher; Mc Donald, pitcher; Logan, shortstop; Smith, Brat bane: Walsh, seoond base: Jlaliott, third base; Mulvin, loft hold; liuane. center Held; Ueiuert, rlglit num. In one of the games at Buffalo Scranton had three catchers in the held. Patchen was behind tbe bat, Cahill at second base end bmraot liodgers lu tuo right garden. Tbe latter has played in nearly every western and Southern leugue organized. He began his career several years ago in the Texas league, graduating the same year that Raymond, Weaver, Eliret, Tub welch, mil Joyce ana a tew other notables did. "Doubtless Pitcher Hodson, the ex- Scrantonlan, can wear much smaller hat today than he could just after his opening game wiih Boston, Inst week, Those skyrockets always do come down somewhere." Thus sayeth the ora cle of the Springfield Union. Don't trou ble yourself, brother, about Hodsou. He will yet establish a record that will acquit bim of the charge of skyrocketing, except in tue upward airoctiou. The irrepressible Pat Doaly.of the Cham pion West Ends, whs an interested spec tator or yesteraay'sgaineat uiympicparic It was notioed that every time Third Base man Hickey, of the Scrauton club, made a good play at the bat or in the Held, Pat gave him most entbuslastio applause. The rea son was that Dealyand Hickey each played in the New YorkStateleague until its dis bandonment a few weeks ago, and Dealy had him on ms Kingston team ror one game, bnt was compelled to return him to the PittBiieias, uurtaio Times. The Springfield Union is quite certain that a deal is quietly going on for the transfer of the Allentown State league team to take Blcgbamton's place. This should be successfully accomplished by Thursday at farthest, but the facts will not be "ready for publication" until Kel ly's State league team has been disbanded and resigned as an Eastern league aggre gation. Meanwhile the public is blng entertained by tne statements that lung' bamton will bold on to the end an niter impossibility and the bluff of giving liiughainton's team to Toronto is made to divert if possible, the attention' of the Pennsylvania league magnate from the real point or attack. It is the opinion of the Buffalo Times that Scranton should huvo let well euough alone and remained in the Pennsylvania State league. It is not of the caliber of r.he Eastern. Surely, if Troy could not weather the seasou Scranton could not. Continual doleat has been the rule since .ho club joined the Eastern league. The name puper soys: Manager Tommy Cahill, of the Scrantons, is hustling hard to Htrengthun his team. This afternoon ho will probably present a new first baseman in the person of "Keddy" Mack. That player nrrived Tuesday morning and had it long talit witn tne bcrauton manager, Until recently "Keuuy" was covering sec ond for the Uingtiamtons. The Chicago Intor Ocean has the follow ing dedicated to Captain Anson, the "Grand Old Man" of baso ball: Oh, captain I my captain 1 What memories you recall. Through twenty years of hopes and foars lou biitnoiy belt tno Dan. I watched you in your lusty prime Clear all the buses every time; Your fame is known in every clime; You tower above them all. Oh, captain! Toy captain I I saw you years ago, Stalk o'er the grass and far outclass Tbe prowess of the foe. Where are your comrades of the fray Wber's Clorkson, Kelly, Browning, sayf Uke Williamson cneyve nad tuoir day, Into the night they go. Ob, captain I my captain! I'm camping on your trail, Of batsmen bold you'er eighth, I'm told Your stick will yet prevail, Ob, let the rabble rudely cry, "Ole Anse is old enough to die," For many years rouud lirst you'll ply Altho1 the bleachers wail. BICYCLISTS IN HOT WATER. Prominent Class B Ilea Are Seriously Charged. Serious oharges were made at a meet ing of the Aliunenpolis Cycle Track as sociation Monday evening against San L'er. Titus. Cahnnne. Louisden. Gith ens. Gobler, McDonald, Bald and Mur phy, Class B men. Ia Denver, Bliss and Tyler have been barred from rao ing and if Johnson does not fill his entries his expulsion will be demanded, Sanger, Titus and tne others are charged by the Minneapolis meeting with pacemaklng, demanding pay for exhibition riding against time and r 1 using to ride from scratch when so NOW USE LACTATED FOOD. Healthy Babies Ought to Gain Steadily in Weight In Angust Four Things Needed to Make Baby Thrive, August for some babloi is fearful struggle for existence. An infant needs Dure air. proper food, cleanliness and proper attention. A healthy babv should gain steadily in weight in Augustas well as in other months. When an infant has cut its first tooth and does not thrive as a healthy child should: when it grows pale and fret ful, throws up its food in undigested masses, the first thing the practised doctor will advise is lactated food. Experlenee has shown that babies gain most steadily in weight and siz when put oa a diet of lactated food. The use of lactated food bas made cholera infantum and snmmer diar rhea troubles no longer a mutter of fear in thousands of homes. Laotatad food agrees with babies when every other nutriment is re fused. After a day or two tbe puny child put on a diet of lactated food shows a decided gain in vigor and live liness and there soon follows a rapid increase in weight and siz, Lactated food is so absolutely free from any possibility of contamination and is so rich in everything that bone, body anq musole need to grow on that babies regularly fed on Instated food develop in every limb and part in a way that delights the hearts and eyes of mothers. K-ttn lactated fool steadily at band. It will remove the anxiety of summer and dangerous weakness. assigned, The charges bave been for warded to the Lsague of American Wheelmen for investigation. GOOD ROADS TC URNAMENT. Th Claes B Bldcn Will Sattle Old Scores. The cordial endorsement that the newspapers are giving the Good Roids tournament, which commenees on the three lap track of the Asbury Park Athietio association Aug. 3U. is proot enough that the efforts of cyclists look. ng toward the improvement of roads s appreciated by all classes of citizens. A grand upright piano will be tbe chief crtzs for the class B riders, aud n regard to tue cbftmplonsnip mile oi that class, banger, Tyler. Bliss and Johnson will be able to fight it out. It will be tbe race of a lifetime. Tbe manager of the tournament pro poses to run all trial beats on the morn- ng of the three days so that ouly the semi finals and finals will be contested n tbe afternoon. Governor Flower.of New York, and Governor Worts, of New Jersey, Senator David B. mil, Mavor Uuroy and other prominent peo ple have been invited O attend the ruces. TftOTTISQ ESTKIES. Attractive Programme Prepared by the Gentlemen Drivers. An attractive card has been prepared for tomorrow's trotting races of tbe Gentlemen's Driving club. Tbe events have filled well and appear to be so well classified tbnt picking of winners is uncertain. The first race will be called at 2 o'clock according to the following card: ROAD RACE. Flaxey, s. m J. T. Kicbards. Fred, b. g., Alex Dunn, jr. Dajb, g. g., Frank Hazzard, Harry B, b. g., J. A. Swayzo. Bird, b. g., 0r. John Weutz. Nellie, g. ru., John Beuore. Horty C, b. m., P. Coyne, (ieorgie V, b. g., John Frits, 3.00 CLASS. Frank H, br. g F. C. Hazzard. liilly, b. g., C. 31. Sanderson. AVillinm, b. g., Frank Merri field. Poor Richard, b. g., Dr. Houser. Ht. Nick, b. g. K, Crippeu. Kitty, 8. rn., P. Coyne. Dr. Chambers, b. g., II, B. Reynolds. 2.50 CLASS. Fanny Blair, b. m., G. M, Khelly, Pee Dee, b. p., M' H. Dale. Jack, b. g., Dr. Charles iiilL Duke, bl. g., L. T. Payne. Daisy, b. ui., C. S. Seamans. Pet Hand, b. m., Frank Spencer. Joe, br. g., B. Crippeu. John Uauon, b. g., C. M. Sanderson. 2:40 class Nellie, b. m., A. L. Spencer. Magnolia, bl. m., Dr. John Wentz. Keeley, b. g., W. M. Jermyu. John, 0. g.. Dr. G. E. Hill. Thief, b. g., A. L. Spencer. Johnuy, br. g., Charles SchadU Abigail, br. in., Dr. llousor. ' Decoratliij; HIS Friend's Grave. , In a cemetery at Nushville a stranger was seen planting a flower over a soldier's Kiave. When RMUed, "Waii your son buried tbercf" "No," was tho answer." "Your son-lu-law?" "No." "A relative?" "No." After a moment the stranger laid down n small board which ho held in his hand, and said: "Well, I will tell you. When tho war broke out I was a farmer in Illinois. I wanted to enlist, but I was poor. I had a wife and seven children. I was drafted. I had no money to hire a substitute, so I made up my mind that I must leave my poor sickly wifo and little children, and go ind fitjlit the enemy. After I had got all ready to go, n young man whom I knew came to me aud said: ' lou have a big fam ily, which your wire cauuot take care of. I will go for you.' He did go iu my place, mid in the but Uo of Chlckumauga he was wouudud und tuken to the Nushville hos pital. Hut, after locx sickness, he died and was barlud here, aud ever siuce I wanted to coino to Nushville to see bis grave, so I saved up all the spare money I could and came on, and I found my dear friend's crave." With tears of gratitude running down his cheeks, he took up the small board and pressed it down into the ground in place of a tombstone. Uuder the soldier's name were writton those words: "Ho died for me." Nashville American. l'orfuruo Instead of Fumigate. The practice of fumlgHtlnif a room by burning pantiles, powders or other sub stances that emltaHuioke Is condetunei hya doctor, who advises In their Btead the pouring of eau de cologne or vinegar upon a heated shovel, or the using of a sprayer, first charged with fresh water and then fragrant waters, recommending especially those that contain turpentine, extract ot pine, etc New York Post. The lilble la' a BUelL' -In the Ilurleian MS., A. D. 530, mention Is made of un extraordinary piece of work the whole Bible contained In an English walnut shell no larger than a hen's egg. "The nut," says tbe MS., "holdeth the book, and there are as many leaves iu it as In the great Bible." St. Louis Republic Mothers! Mothers!! Mothers!!! Mrg.Wlnslow'8 Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while toe thins;, with perfect success, It soothes the ohild, softens the gams, allays all pain; corn wind colic and is the best remedy for di arrhoea. Hold bydinggists in every part ct tbe world. Be sure and ask tor "Mrs. Wluslow's fciootbing Syrup," and take no no other kind. Twenty-nve cents a bot tle. M n d it i A Word. tPaUf aU.Mni tort that mueh, sa Net Situation WanUtLwhich art fowrte tliXE. Helo Wanted Female. W salesladies to speak Goi man. tCLaf BTORE. For Rent. IOB KENT STORK 511 LACKAWANNA VWAAAAAAAAAAAAAWVWW av. luuuira w lit.... -t ii Laoka wanna Are. 'L'OB RENT-FIVE OR 8IX BOOMS. AT J ply S26 Moridlau street. 1?OB BfcN r ONE-HALF STORE. Pcun avenne. per month. 120 FOB REXT-NICELY-FUtt.'.ISHED HALL suitable for luJe rooms. JOHN JEU- MYN, 11U Wyouiiiw avenue. Lost. 1 OST A PTTd DOCJ: BLACK FACE. I J blck strlne dowu the back and one ciaw on its rrunt root, r inaer win 00 re warded by roturnlus to !M North Oaillold aveuut. To Investors. "11 ANTED - 1,&X), FIRST MORTGAGE W.00O; intoreBt B per cent. V. 13. REPLOULE, 4 Spruce ntrent. , f and iTiunranna .in imtv real tMr. il worm Money to Loan. G'iSlft TO Imv ,v PIUMT MimTfUllR ! D. 13. REPLOGLE, Attornoy, 4J8 Bpruco Architects' Notice. ARCHITECTS' NOTICE COMPETITIVE plans and epeolflcatlons are lnvltod for a cur uuilcliuu to be ut.au for tire department bouse and uolla niitrol station. A urosnuctus of the building may be Keen at the olllcu of the city rlork, at which office tho said plans and specifications are to bo submitted on or before Wednesday, August W, ISM. By order or city councils. M. T. LAVELLE, City Clerk. Scranton, Pa., July 24, 18U4 Special Notices. "VTOTICE THE FOLLOWING 18 A COPY i.1 of a petition prumnted iu Select oouuoll of City of Soranton, Pa., Juno 21, ltw4, for the paving of Franklin avenue with sheet asphalt paremuat between Spruce and Vine streets. To tbe honorable tbe select aud common councils of the Citv uf hcrantoni The undersigned owners of property abut ting on Franklin avuuue, between Spruce strout and Vino itreet, respectfully petition your honorable bodies that said avenue be tween tbe po.nts named, be paved with shtot asphult paveinunt on a concrete base, ho price not tu exceed two dollars aud sixty-five ciuitsftl'.tlS) i er souare vard: that the same nmy be set with curb stones so far as the same may u necessary ; tnat tue cost 01 gam im provement be assessed nuulnst sbuttlntr uwn ers, according to the feet front rule; that tbe asueHHtuouts be made payable iu live annua) installments; and your petitioners will ever pray ana 010. W. L. Connell, Joseph Roos, James Hughes, Lucinda Short, K. T. Black, Jacob A. Hhiffor, U. Long, Km-ah Oriffen, 40, Maria Zeldler, M. E. McDonald, C. Fred. Hhilfor, Carl Feil. E. T. Swortz, Saniter & Levy, E. K. Crotbamcl, William H. Davis, C. W. Roeslcr. Estelle 8. Dermau, The Dickson, Mfg. Co.R. Hchuourold. by James P. Dickson.H. H. Throop, Pres't., Emily II, Stevens, I. A. Fleischot, J. Hunintt, Tho Delaware & Hud M. Kemmerer, son canal 10., by Li. A. Bittcnbeuder, u. louugs, suu. vicen. A. Cnmetock. Pres't. 1: m. may, Jnred J. Pustens. D. K. Oaklev. Mary Goodwin. The foregoing ts published in pursuance of provisions of a roso ilutl in or the city councils 1'euna. JU. T. LAV KLLiB, uty clerk. Scranton, Pa., Aug. 11), Mi. XTOV V. ANT THIS RELIC REPRINT X Frank Leslie's lllustrntod Weekly War illustrations iiwi-inoj. two volumes I'ollo, JIU..V); payable moatlily. JiUU. Uol vered by express toniplete, prepaid. Addroas P. O. MUOUY, tils Gibson street, Scrantou, Pa. TLANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS. MAGA A) sines, etc., bound or rebound at The Thibuns office. Quick work. Reasonable prices. HfEAL TICKETS CAN BE HAD AT 144. IU corner Spruce stroet and Franklin ave nue. Twenty meal tickets for $3.5(1. Good table board. Notice of Dissolution. OTICE IB HEREBY (J1VEN THAT THE tlrin known a Horev & Holt Is thu iiy (lissolvod by unit Jul couscut, John II. H)lt rotirlofr. TU business will be continued by C. II. Horey, who uhbuuih nil iuttebteduena of tlio firm, aud to whom all dobti duo the flrui must bo paid. C. M. FLOKEY, lom U. HOLT. Scranton, Fa., August 13, lS'Jl. Charter Application. TyorlcEinJEReBYlE 1 apuli:tiou will bemad to thoOovornor of tho Httttn of Pennsylvania, on Friday, tlio tentU day of August A.D. by W.A. Con nell, W.W.Van Dyke, 8. W. Robvrts, Hanwu Carpenter and Horucfi K. Hnud, under tbo Act of ANsnmbly of the Coniraonwealtll of PcnnHylvuuia, untitled "An act to provido for thi Incorporation and rovulatlon of cer tain corpoaatl ns," approved April 2Hth, 1HT4, and tlis supplements theroto. for tho cbarter of an intended corporation to be called "Tlio Nay Auij Shalo Brick Oompauy," tho character and objact of which Is tbe manufacturi! and sale of building brick, par intr brick, tiles and other articles umd from clay, sand, earth, rork and minerals. or either or all of them, and Cor those purponns to have and possess and enjoy all the lights, benoflts and privileges ot Bali act of assem bly and Its supplements. JliSSUPS & HAND, Solicitors, -yOTICR IS HEREBY GIVEN THAN AN li application will bo mads to tho Gover nor of Pennsylvania on Friday, the third day. of August, lMii4, by Hamuol P. Buyer, Ueorga W. Barnes, Josaph B. Iilckson, U, H. Johnson: I U t V, Ait Af Aa 1.1.. null a. iu. uui. muuoa .mw v,v ui noouiuuiy i entitled "An act to provide for the in- f corporation and regulation of certain', corporations," approved )roveu Aurn uiu, jot, ana !iereto.for t'io charter of an tne supplements toe intended corporation to be called "The Wy oming Otl company," tuo cnaractor aim ob ject of which is the mining, producing, soil ing and storing of oil, and for t'-icso pur pones to have, posne.s aud enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges of suoh act of assem bly and supplements thereto. WliXAliD, WAKUEN & KNAPP, Solicitors. Rest Estate. CRANTON REAL ESTATE AMD IN- O VESTMENT AGENCY, oilers bargains as follows: CITY BUM.NESa PROPERTY. 40 ft front by W ft. deep, on Bpruoe Btreet, rents for 3700 510,000 40 ft. Iront byW feet deep, on Spruce street, cornor alloy 10,500 Theso together give HO ft. front on Bpruce street between Ponn and Fronklin, with alloy on side. Bpruce street property is advancing rapidly. CITY RESIDENCE PROPERTY. CORNER MONROE AND VINE streets, lot tOxW, two dwolllngs, f 0,(00, giving a nioe residence and an Income for small investment: ALSO A PLOT OF D LOTS, giving 120 ft. front on Monroe avenue, near Vine street. Thoie make a first-class residence plot in a do-lrnble locality. If not sold in one plot rill sell abovo separately. WEST SIDE. Lot 60x180, South Maiu avenue, adjoining residence of Smith E Mutt, price, ti, 7o0; also lots on Rock street aud West End place. Ouly four left. COUNTRY PROPERTY. A BEAUTIFUL HOME AT DALTON, PA., modern house, spring water piped Into It from hill back, Ham for three horses and two oows, hennery with cemented iloor, young fruit, fine lawn, grand outlook; one and a half to three acres, as desired, Sfi.OOu. Also lots of about same site on Western Slope, Dulton. Call or address SMITH B. MOTT, Manager, I No, 431 Lack, ave. rear board trade. CATALOGUE OF REAL ESTATE FREE to all. Please send for copy. R. ERNEST COMEOYS, Price Building. IP YOUR OtD BOOKS NEED ITX. . . . 1NQ, SEND THEM TO The Soranton Tribune Bookbinding Dept. Connolly & Wallace On acoount of extensive alterations now la progress at our store, we, will conduct a SPECIAL CLEARING SALE FROM NOW UNTIL SEPTEMBER 1ST. Oar purpose Is to reduce stock in trade. Prices will bo such that you Immense Our limited spaoo forbids and ascertain how cheap Dry Goods With the addition of 1,500 us 5,500 feet, we will be well qualified to satisfy the demands of our When finished we will have the best lighted, most attractive and convenient store in Scranton, and our LOW PRICES will contiuuo to be our drawing card. CONNOLLY WALLACE Fine IPifore l&a.ttres3es Are NOW Made and Sold VERY CHEAP by The Scranton Bedding Company, Heptasoplis Excursion TO- Glen Onoko AND THE SWITCHBACK TUESDAYJHJG. 28th Trains leave D. & H. Depot at 7.45 a.m. Tickets for sale by all the mem bers. SPRING HOUSE HEART LAKE, Susquehanna Co. V. E. CBOFUX Proprietor. mHIB HOUSE is strictly temperance. Is now I and well fnrnishJ and OPEN ID TO x '1HE PUBLIC U'riia YEAR UjUND; is located midway between Montrose an I Scran ton, on Uoutrose and Laoicaw:nui Railroad, six milos from O., I., & W. R. It. at Alford Station, and five mU-n from M mtrmij ca pacity, oiKbty-flva; throe minutes' walk f rom B. R. station. OOOU BOAT. FISHING TACKLE, Sic; FKEE TO UUIiSlS. Altitude about 2,0011 foot, equalling In this respect tho Adirondack and t'utiiiiU Moun tains. line groves, plenty of sha-lo and boautiful scenery, making a Summer Kugort unox ceiled in beauty and ohejvOJ''- Dancing pavilion, swings, croquet gr ounds, &a Cold Spring Water and plenty of Milk Kates, 87 to SIO per week. Sl.SO per day. Excursion tickets sold at all statio ns on D. L. & W. linos. Porter moots all trains. Scranton Tribune Job Department I well equipped with tbe latest styles of type, Superior Workmanship Low Prices aud Promptness ought to be Inducements to the trade. Shadowed by a Detective rhig woman is one of tha mysterious and interesting characters in our new De tective Story, by Fergus Hunio f you are intoresbsd In unravelinjf tajra- i cries you should follow tha tortttooa (or-1 .unes of the hero of this story. : ''ft&bUflrint it in Serial fornu I 7 ffS5 I !sML&ZJ .x vx. "nw r- f i p order to accommodate the large purchases we have made for tho fall cannot afford to miss this opportunity. Attractions in Every Department any further details in regard to prices. We only ask you to visit uu can ba aold under our new regime. square feet of floor space, which with 209 GRAND CLASS A BICYCLE RACE MEET OP THE Green Ridge Wheelmen AT g WEDNESDAY AFTERHQDH, August 22, 1891, at 2 O'clock L. A. W. Sanction and Race Rules. Admis3ion,50c. Grandstand, 15c The GENUINE New Haven Wlathushek " Pianos ESTABLISHED 18C0. Sew York Warerooms No, 80 Fifth Avenue. E. C. KICKER & CO,, Bole dealers In this section. OmCK-W Adams Ave., Telephone BTd'r Scranton ar WHHOT See our FUTEESTDOLLAIl Solid Oafe bedroom Sctf We sell Furniture'vas cheap ,a3 any house In tho country that in tends to give honest value for the money. Try us. Hull JOB MID 207 cases.such as Weak iHumetlon or Inwrnlt r. tFOREANfl AFTER USIHG.;ooih:Adar7.;XlBUV eedco.. nasonio xeaipie. v,. For Salo in Soranton, Pa., by H. C. SANDERSON, Druggist, cor. Washington inrl Snciicn stronts. . fcTIKItiisBsii Th(rretremeay rrH4la Uya W. HABKIS Uiuug-lst. Kew dlscstsry Jlsfgis and ' Uuiig rSaL MEUtOlHIt For salt by JOHN H. PHELPS. Spvuce Street, Scranton, Pa. ii aw iMf jv v . THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO. BCRANTON AND WILKES BABRB, PA. UAJTUFACTORSK8 OF Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. ' General Office, BCRAJKTQH A our present capacity will givo largo and increasing business. WASHINGTON AVE. Opp. Court House. Lacka. and Adams Aves. Dr. E. Grewer The Philadelphia Specialist, and his associated staff of English and Gorman physicians, are now permanently located at 811 SPIIUOB ST., SCRANTON. The doctor is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, formerly demonstrator of physi ology and surgery at tbe Medico-Chirurgical College of Philadelphia. A specialty of Chronic, Nervous, Skin, Heart, Womb and Blood diseases. DISEASES OP THE HERYOUS SYSTEK The symptoms of which are dizziness, lack of confidence, sexual weakness In men and wo man, ball rising In the throat, spot floating before the eyes, loss of memory, nnable to con centrate the mind ou one subjeot, easily startled when suddenly spoken to, and dull, distressed mind, which uurtui them for per- forming the actual duties of life, making hap- , malting nap the action of cluess impossible'. diBtressinz tbe action or. the heart, cansing flash ot heat, depression oi spirits, evil forebodings, cowardice, tear. i dreams, melancnoiy, tire easy oi company, ' feeling as tired in the morning as when retir- log, lack of energy, norvousness, trembling, I confusion of thought, dopresalon.constipattou. ! weakness of the limbs, oto. Those so affected should consult us Immediately and be restor ed to perfeat health. LOST MANHOOD RESTORED, Weakness of Toting Men Cured. If yon have been given up by your physician cull upon the doctor and be examined, He cures the worst cases of Nervous Debility.Scro fula.Old Sores,CatarrbPiles,f emale Weakness, Affections of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, Aathina, Deafness, Tumors. Canoers and Crip ples of every description. Consultations free aud Btrlctly sacred and confidential. Oflioo hours daily from a. m. to9p.m. Sunday 9 to ii. huuiubj ne :'cetit stamps for symptom blanks aud my book called "New Life." I will p. y one thousand dollars in gold to anyone u horn I cannot euro of EPILEPTIC CONVULSIONS or FITt. DR. E. GRBWER, 811 Spruoe Street, Scranton, Pa. 5 IICMG iW Meraory, Loss of Bra . n "";i?3i""", LitXuhood. Nightly Emissions, "BT"'""",r"M .anihMimn U.OUemttveOrllnsofeltb.rsexeau.e(lby Mcesslve use of tobacco, opium er stimulants, wnios una w uurra . Can be cameo ip; '""'"7" '.1 BESTIEIIAIHOID' DR. MOTH m:btiusb IsllllIIIUVU nil s O ifiTn,Tiriiiirarsmiiriin,i r ILi-v7 iotdottouh proHmiioa ana KiinoiroaBaisweR 17 -nn Avenue. o RESTORE LOST VIGOR Wilt brace you npla week. SolS with WRITTm)) V&fi Ing or Lo9t ManUood, Impoteuoy.N.ghUy Km.BlonBtToutUfnl Vn?f y antal Worrv.eicesslv) U80uf Tnbnoro or Opium, which lead WCf- sn.oiiitlnnandlniiinitT. With atai-v Hit nninr w irlve a Written KUP .'tiUABAH IKH te UM roui PMI lit , Loss ofSaiuai romr 10 SIIOSI ni, I lmclnaUiy Smtittea from sbt mmi, IrnsgltcUd, mch troubles IMS It onoinmpticD or IssaiiUy, Sl.oo pr boa by mul, 6 boits for Si, Wlta $5. siSrr we gira a wrltun innrmtn to euraet itfuoo U moiiay. Aadrms OO.. Clf.l.d,Oul). Pharmacist, cor. Wyoming Avtnua and