The Lone Inn Will be open to TRIBUNE readers SATURDAY. The Lone Inn- iff,? I iCiiuqri eWSp EIGIIT PAGES-'-ou -OijCTiuinS. SCRANTON. PA., THURSDAY MORNINQ. AUGUST 1G. 1894. TWO CENTS A COPY. THE TRIBUNE HAS A LARGER BONA FIDE CIRCULATION SCRANTON BUSINESS MEN THAN ANY OTHER PAPER A pleasant surprise awaits you in , . ''''' rails GLOSI nr. Hi Democratic Senators Indulge in Vain Regrets Over Tariff Fizzle, A MEASURE WHICH NOBODY OWNS Mr. Vest Turns the Calcium Light Upon Tariff History and Advances Opinion That the Senate Can Never Be Democratic Mr. Vilas and Mr, Mills Moralize on What Might Have Been A Bill That Satisfies No One. Washington, Aug. 15. THE house bill to phot sugar on the tree list wns taken op in the denote early in today's proceed ings and orenpied attention np to the time of adjournment. In con nection with it a communication was rend to the senate from Secretary Car lisle to Senator Hurris (Dnx, Tenn), noting chairman of the finance commit tee, givinjr figures to show that with sugar on the froe list there would b-1 n tr-asnrv deficit of from $23,000,000 to $30 000.000. Despite that communi cation a motion was made by Mr. Berry, (Dom., Ark.), that the senate proceed to the consideration of the bill; end that motion was antagonized by one offered by Mr. Harris that the bill be referred to the committee oti finance. Mr. Harris made an argnmnt in support of his iutioo. Speeches agaiust ft reference and in favor of the passage of the hou'i hill were mad by Senators Berry, Wst, (Dein., Mo.), Mills, (Dcm., 'is). Mr. Vst's speech wns made in the elocution of his promise to tnrn the calcium light on the history of the bill in the finance committee. In his speech Mr. Vest declared that the president had said, before bis letter to Mr. Wil son was sent, that he would support the bill that passed. As it was now, bis letter to Mr. Wilson ww a good campaign docuweut for the Republi cans. SENATE ON THE TAU1FF. Mr. Vest said the senate conforrees bad aid that they might have either free coal or f:eo Iron or. But the dif ficulty was thut the honsa conterroes could not be i.' to understand that tho senate conferred knew more about the condition of tff.iirs in the senate than they did. Ho declared with much emphasis that the senate wns not n D -inocrxtic senate on the question of tariff reform; never wns and never wmild be, is at present constituted. He was tired of evasion, suspicion and lying and be wanted the truth to be known. He spoke of the newspaper suggestions that he was actuated by a feeling of revenge against the president bccuuno be had ignored him in regwd to patronage in Missouri, He bad no private grief against the president, but he wished to acknowledge his gratitude to him for having relieved him from all appointments. He was ready to follow the president as the old Scott followed the banner of the Bruce. VILAS POUKS OIL ON TIIE WATERS. Mr Vilas (Dm., Wis ) replied to Mr. Vest's statement as to the action of the Democratic caucus when the senate bill was first reported to it on the 20:h of Marc i. That bill, Mr. Vilas declared, was a justifiable bill in its general features. But the caucus then voted for free iron and the finance committee has not carried out that vote. It bad acted on the general be best to prepare a bill that could com mand a majority of the votes in the senate and had reported a duty on iron ore as well as on coal. Mr. Vilas left that point and applied himself to a defense of the president Against the animadversions of Mr. Vest. He assured that senator that the presi dent allusion to party perfidy had bad no reference to him; and he expressed his regret that that senator should think that he could be accused of party perfidy or party dishonor he who had been so honestly and zealously laboring to bring about the result of the passage of a tariff bill. Mr. Vilas said that the Democratic party had lost suoh an opportunity as was rarely, in the providence of God, offered to political parlies. And while he lamented it, and would nor attempt to conceal his regret that it had not done more, he by no means undertook to say that it had not done much, NOBODY'S TARIFF BILL. Mr. Mills (D m., Tex ) characterized the tariff bill as now passed, as a re- tnarKHiiie measure, one which did not reflect the sentiment of a thousand per sons in the Unite 1 States. He was not amiss in saying that not a Republican lavorea it; that not a Fopolist favored it; and he would not be far from the trnth in saying that the great mass of the Democratic partv condemned it. It whs the product of five or six senators. But they had been between the devil and the deep sea and they had gone to the sea rather than go to the devil. Laughter. He had no apologias to maks for it, because it was better than the McKin ley law and whs the best that they oonld do under the circumstances, lie did not accept it, however, as a final settlement of the question of tariff re form. But it was a step, a substantial step, in the policy of putting on the free list articles that enter into manu factures. He now favored the bouse bill to put sugar on the free list and be would nave it considered and passed now, and not have it referred to the fi nance committee. IRISH CATHOLIC UNION. Twenty-sixth Annual .Convention in Session at York. York, Pa., Ann. 15. The twenty sixth annual convention of the Irish Catholic Benevolent onion of the United States and Canada began in this city today. One hnndred and fifty del egates were present at this morning's session. The convention was onlled to order by President Edwin O. Fianlgao, of Philadelphia. Mayor G. W. S. Loucks delivered an address of wel come This afternoon'! session was devoted ymins OPPORTUNITIES to the work of organization. Reports will be presented and officers elected tomorrow. LABOlfcONVEmON. Delegates Wear Cozeylte Badge) Bear ing Significant Intoripticni. Columbus, O, Aug. 15. The labor convention for the purpose of taking independent action in politics w.ts called to order by President McBrido at 10 o'clock tliis morning in the Trades Assembly hall. John Bran schweger, president of the Central Labor union of Toledo, was elected temporary chairman. Ttie only approach toward speioh making was by Temporary Chairman Branschweiger, who said the conven tion was the result of a movement among trade nnions all over the coun try in favor of united and independent political action. Delegates to the number of 110 wore present, others still to come. The hall was crowded and Lydon hall, a large auditorium, was secured for the after noon session. The delegates wore badges with portraits of Coxey. and bearing the legend: "Keep off the grass." It looks as though the McBride con vention was merely an advance guard of the People's party convention which opens Thursday. Fusion with the Populists is regarded as next to a cer tainty. . MIL HOWARD'S STORY. Vice President of American Railway Union Gives Some Interesting Testimony. Chicago, Aug. 15. In his testimony bsfure the national board of labor commissioners today Gtorge W. How ard, vice presideut of thn American Railway union, gave some history of the uoion in an interesting way. Mr, Howard was asked if the policy of the Amerioan Railway union was to ab sorb the other labor organizations, nnd if so whether this policy bad anything to do with the recent strike. Mr. Howard said it had nothing to do with the declaration of the strike, bun to do with the outcome of it. The American Railway uniau, he asserted, was formed to prmoie a narmoay of action among railway . employes, and not to destroy other organizations. The scope of the American Railway union was defined at length. Mr, Howard said the boycott against Pullman curs was instituted, not because Pullman had manufactured the cars, but be cause ho operated them. "We simply wished to out off Mr. Tollman's rev enue," said the witness, Mr. Howard wont minutely into the extent and cantos of the strike. He related bow the general managers re fused, on Mayor Hopkins' request, to arbitrate the strike. He said the first he had beard of rioting was when a re p rter for a morning paper drew a pis t 1 at Bine Island. Mr. Howard testi fi'dtbatbe had given information to city detectives that certain persons had been paid large suras by General Mana ger Egan, of tho Rook Island road, to burn cars, thereby arousing publio sen timent against the striken. John L. Kernan asked the witness annmberot questions with a view to showing that Htrikes are nnneccessary and that they give the lawless element a chance to commit acts of violence. Mr. Howard acknowledged that this was true and that it was better not to strike, than to strike if possible. The commission adjourned with Mr. Howard still on the stand. COXEY'S RETREAT. His Old Soldier i Ezbib t a oesire to Mob the General, Hyattsville. Md. Aug. 15. "Gen eral" Coxey cume near being mobbed at Camp Lost Liberty yesterday. He came to take away seven ot ibis horses, and when questioned about the move ment by oue of his followers, became angry and said be was doue with the scheme. This greatly incensed the five men left by the Baltimore police to oare for the camp property, and Coxey was obliged to beat a hasty retreat on one of the horses. The other horses were driven around a back road, and in this way ho got possession of the property. They chased Coxey, but be escaped. Buffalo Aug. 15. Two wheelmen report that on their way to Erie, Pa , yesterday they encountered n gang of Coxeyltes near Northeast, straggling along, preserving the semblance of an organized procession. The tramps told them they were on their way to Buf falo, and that they are remnants of one ot the Coxey divisions. In all probability they are a detachment of the Coxey "navy" that started east from Duluth some time ago. UBLICIY HORSEWHIPPED. An Adamr, Maee., Physician Gives a Eloyols Dealer a Liseon. Adams, Mass., Aug. 15 -Dr. Chariot Boom, a well known physioian here, created a sensation last night bv pub licly horsewhipping James McLaren, a bicycle dealer, wbom he charged with insulting Mrs. Boom. Dr. Boom recently lent McLaren mnnav and McLaren reanested another loan, which the doctor refused. It is alleged that McLaren men culled at Dr. Boom's bouse and insulted his wife. SPARKS FROM THE TELEGRAPH. Cokato, Minn., is excited over a case of alleged Asiatic cholera. Bt. Louis' now union depot will be form ally opened on Sept. 1. Another coal strike threatened in the Springfield, (111.), district, this time by the operators. A lightning stroke killed Miss Mary Har per, aged 16, at a window in her Pinner's Point, (Vs.), home. A large fortune from bis English aunt falls to William Sewer, employed in the Springfield (III.) watch faotory. In the pangs of nnreqnited love, E. K. Alexander, a Norfolk (V.) negro, fatally shot Delia Stovell, and then himself. Disgraced and ruined by his spendthrift son, i. vy. Bencom, president or the Bann ers' bank, of Watanga, O. T., shot himself. Jealous became her fiance, Ora Pitchett, took another girl to church, Miss Orfy Rarlden. a Warneton (fnd.l belle. took cur- boiic aoid and died. HALCYON DAYS AT THE CA Elements Are Now Smiling Upon the Boys la TIIE DISTINGUISHED VISITORS Delightful Weather Makes Camp Life Enjoyable Despite Strict Regula tionsImpressive Scenes at Night fallAppointments and Promotions Made Gettysburg Tradesmen De sire the National Guard Patronage. Story of Camp Incidents Interest ingly Told. f?ieci'iJ om Our Stnff Corrctfiondint. Camp Ckawfoud, ) GKTTYSBUha, Aug 15 f TrilS was the easiest day the Thir teenth li is had mn uk it went into camp. In tho morning drills of all kinds were suspended and tho soldier boys given nu opportunity to visit the historic battlefield. In the afternoon they hid brigade drill and drees parade. T ien Colonel Rippln and bis stuff nccotnpauied G neral Qobin, his Bt.iff and the other regimental otlkers ot the Third brigade in a canter over the battle field. The party nnmtorad 104 aud made a formidable troop wh.'u mounted. The appointment of Q.iartermaster James W. 0kford to tne position of judge advocate on General (Jinan's staff to succeed John P. Albro was announced today. Commis sary Sergeant W. J. Tracey hut been promoted . to th position of quartermaster. The officers of the day were Division Colonel Draka of the Second regiment, First brigade staff officer, Major J.iraes A. G. Camp bell, of General Snowdeu's staff, Third brigade officars, Major Edward B. Watts, Carlisle; Regimental Offiwr Csptaln Montrose Barnard, of Com pany D; commander of the guard, Lieutenant Walter ilviggs, of Company F. Toi3 afternoon at 4 o'clock the' Thirteenth pirticipatad in brigade drill aud at G.30 appeared on dress pa rade. HUNGRY GETTYSBURG, An unsuccessful effort has been made by the citizuns of Gettyabnrg to have the provost guard withdrawn from the town so that the soldiers would have free access to it. The trades people want the money of the boys in blue. General Snowden, how ever, refused to withdraw the guard and the boys are still debarred from the town and its pleasures. Today the weather was nlmost per fect. The health of the men of the regiment continues good, the few cases of sickness being of a non-serious character. General Snowden informed The Tribune representative this evuu ing that there will be but one division reviewed of the troops which wili take place this afternoon. Assistant Secretary of War Doe ar rived Tuesday night as the representa tive of the national government. A salute to him was fired today. Among the distinguished arrivals toJay at di vision headquarters were Governor Reynolds of Delaware and General Brown of Maryland. Lieutenant Colo nel Coursen of the Thirteenth will have the honor today of beiug field officer at division headquarters. SCENES AT NIGHTFALL, The camp looks most impressive after nightfall, viewod from Semiuary ridge. To the east, west, north nnd south hundreds of tents can be faintly dis cerned in outline by the aid of the lights within, whilo the murmur of many voices float on the midnight air. One regiment is singing, anothershont ing, while a third is applauding the efforts of some entertainer or indorsing his work by shouts of laughter. Here and there a solitary figure moves along on the outskirts of tho camp with the precision of a machine. It is the guard on whose vigilance the safety of the camp is supposed to depend. The regulations at this division en campment are very rigid, and many of the boys begin to chaff uudor the re straint which camp life imposes. Thus fur veiy few of them have been suc cessful in obtaining the coveted per mission to visit Gettysburg, General Snowden believes that the place for the soldiers is in camp, and has is sued orders to that effect. Companies are detailed daily to patrol the town, and those who have the hardihood to visit it without permission, find con siderable difficulty in evading the pa trolers. BOLDIERS WHO AUG ROWDIES. Some of the soldiers have shown a disposition to indnlge in rowdyism, but to the credit of the members of the Thirteenth be it said thut they take no part in anything that would reflect discredit on them. Two members of the Fourteenth regiment ot the Sec ond brigade, Srgnnt Dorsey and Pri vate Coover, were driven out of enmp for unsoldierly conduct at Gettysburg aud several members of the same regi ment wore arrested at Round Top Mou day for taking forcible possession or the shop of a dealer in relics. They were placed in the guard bouse aud yesterday released with a reprimand. Mon are now guarding the property of the Battlefield association and govern ment in and about Round Top to pre vent further acts of vandalism. For the past two days the weather has been delightful and many visitors are now beginning to turn their faces cttnpward. The review tomorrow will undoubtedly attract a big crowd of spectators. Colonel Osthans, of Sornnton, is com fortably housed at division headquar ters, having the tent adjoining General Snowdeii's. The inspection of the Thirteenth reg iment yesterday afternoon was con ducted in a eplended manner, the boys snowing great proficiency in the man nal of arms. Colonel Ripple has been congratulated many times since ho his been in camp by bnmde end staff offi cers on tbi iiue work of his mm. MP ECHOES FROM ENCAMPMENT. Corporal Leyshon is in the hospital. His condition is not serious. James McGouldrick, of Company C, was on the sick list Tuesday. Andrew Weir, of Company A, was a brigade orderly Tuesday. On Thursday afternoon teams from Com panies F and D will play a game of ball. Chief of Police Simpson was Beriously indinposed Tuesday, but is now improving rapidly. "Police Officer" Walker is unable to do regular duly on account of an iujury to his arm. John Anaman found a piece of a shell on the battle held Tuesday whioh he treas ures vory hiejhly. Company F, of the West Side, has some of the best vocalists in camp. They enter- nun meir neiguoors mgntiy. Harry Reinhart. of Scranton. arrived in camp Monday eveninc buying ridden the entire distance on his wheel. Color Sergeant H. J. Hoormans, of the Thirteenth, is considered the finest look- iug color sergeant in the division. Company C had a splendid clam bako Tuesday night,, which was prepared under tho direction of Charlie Uumilton. Annuiberof Company F boys went to Gettysburg Tuesday and returned loaded down with bndgesof uvery description. Adjutaut Millar has boen appointed reel- mental instructor by Colonel Ripple, lio noius school at headquarters every day. A Brent many of the members of Com- pauy A went over the battle Held yester day, Chaplain Loguu acting as guide aud lecturer. John Mitchell and Morris Thomas, pri vates of Company F, had a boxing inutoh in street Tuesday night. Mitchell was the winner. John Beaumont, of Company A. wns Colonel Ripple's orderly on Tuesday nnd imam iiazieton, ot company a, nllod the same position for Adjutaut Millar. Frank Chamberlain, the commissary sergeant, is one of the hardest working aim most popular members ol Company (J. i ue commissary tent win never oe empty whilo he is m charge. The members of the advance dotail of Company F ure exhibiting somo very amusing pictures. They bud them taken while getting tho camp In shape. There is a brisk demand for them. - Tuesday afternoon Adjutant Millar held a school in guard duty at his tent. Mr. Millar is losing no opportunity to thor oughly instruct the uiomuors of the regi ment in all forms of military duty. Captain Chase, of Company C, though tho last in commission in tho regiment, is a thorough soldier and very popular with his men. Ho mads a flue npneurnuce at tho head of bis company during the inspec tion maneuvers. Jerry Walker, of Company F, is the only privuto in camp who has an 'orderly. Ho is tho colored man whom Jerry befriended. That won his friendship and he deolares lhatheis Walker's slave. At all events be is untiring In his services. Miss Emily Evans, of West Scrnnton, is at brigado headquarters as tho guest of Miss lierst, of Lebanon, daughter of Ma jor Oerst, who is General Gobin's adjut ant. Miss Gerst, bor brother nnd guest, were entertniund Tuesday afternoon by Albert Davios, sergeant major of the Sec ond battalion. Corporal W. W. Inglis, of Company D, was in a predicament Tuesday moruiug. He took a nap after roll call and, while he slept, someone removed bis trousers. When be awoke a half hour's search failed to find thorn and hs there were no barrels about, Mr. Ingiis appeared at the mess tent for brenkfust enveloped in a blanket. J. F. H. DEAD IN A BROOK. Body of a Woman Supposed to Have Been Sarah McDonald, of Provi dence, Found at Secleyville. f veclal io the Scranton Tribune. Honitsdale, Pa., Aug. 15. At 8 o clock this afternoon the body ot nu old woman was found on the banks of a small brook at Seeleyville, about a mile above Honesdale. The body was discovered by two men who were tramping their way to Carbondale. The body was lying with the head and arms in the water and was badly de composed. No signs or marks of vio lence Were found. Coroner O'Conneli was summoned and empaneled a jury consisting of Judge Birdsall, William H. Malia, John Bryant, Gustave Smith. Elmer E. Ferguson and J. M. Dilam. The jury brought in a verdict that the per son was unknown to them aud thnt tboy were unable to determine tho cause of her death. Since the inquest it has boen ascer tained that a demanted woman named Sarah MeDouald. of Providence, had been wandering about Seeleyville for some time past. The McDonald woman disappeared on August 4, As the description of the dead bodv answers that ot Sarah McDonald, it is unuouotediy her body that was found. THE GRAND CIRCUIT. Favorites Are Beaten In the Events at Bochester. Rochester, N. Y., Aug. 15. Favor lies were beaten this afternoon in two of the three races thut made np the cura ot tne third day or tne urand jir euit race meeting. In the 2.19 trot Mahogany whs an even iuvorite against the field, bnt he could get only one beat. Uallie Simmons won tho 2 21 trot for 4-year-olds from three competitors in straight heats. King Harry was picked for the winner of the 2.20 trot, but neither ho nor any one of the four others who chased Pet around the track wns in it. Summaries: 2.19 class-Trotting, purse, 1,1000 Cephas, c. g., by Cyril, dnin Mully Matchless by Match- lens (Golden) 8 3 111 Mahogany 1 2 2 2 8 Doilgoville 2 1 8 8 Oveiholt 8 9 4 7 4 Lora J 7 4 t) 4 0 .May Homer 4 6 5 9 8 Houssalaer Wilkes 5 7 8 6 9 Captain Walbridge (1 8 9 6 5 Haven Wilkos 9 5-7 8 7 . Time. !U5 , 2.1i 2.Htf. 2.16. 2.17k". 2:!il class, trotting; purse, $3,000, for 4- year-oius: Sally Simons, Jr., br. m., by Sim mons, dam Uutracked (Shauk) 111 Koseleaf 2 2 2 Nettie Wilkes. 7 4 8 8 Queen Allah 8 4 4 lime, 2;1U, 2:10, 2:17)f. 8:29 class trotting, purse 11,000. Pet, b. a by black Oban, dam un packed, (Moffett) Ill Aliig Hai ry 2 2 Christnbel 6 8 2 Mary (J 8 4 J. 1. L. 4 6 H llrookb..., 5 0 V;.ne, SiilO, 2:2 2:24. 0 CASER10 GUILLOTINED President Sadl Carnot's Murdcrercr Pap the Penalty. THE USUAL EXHIBIT OF BRAVADO Deibler, the Executioner, Performs His Work with Neatness and Dis patchAt a Few Minutes Before Five O'Clock the Assassin Cries Courage, Comrades, and His Head Rolls Into the Basket, Lyons, Aug. 10. r ANTO CASERIO, the murderer r of President Curnot, was guillo y tinod at 5 o'clock this moruiug. J The scene of the execution is ub -ut fifty meters from the prison. three hours before the time set for tho execution a detachment of troops, comprising the Ninety-eighth battalion of infantry and two squadrons of the Seventh cniriamws took possession of the ground. They were reinforced later by gendarmes and policemen. Deibler, the executioner, arrived at 3 o'clock, bringing with him the well knowu guillotine. The van conveying the guillotine wns escorted by goud- annus on horseback. The operation of erecting the machiue occupied about an uour. There was a heavy showor during the night, which had the effect ot driving away nearly ull iuriosty seek ers who bad gathered only to witness the execution. At 2 o'clock there was hardly one hundred persons waiting. Sometime before daylight the weather improved aud the curious began to gather again. A few minutes before 5 o'clock the condemned man was led from his cell to the guillotine. His arms were firmly bound behind him. Whin the attendants eeizid him to lav him under the knife, he strug gled fiercely to free himself. At 4 55 o'clock nil was ready. Caseiio shouted, "courage, comrades." "lonir live anarchy." The knife fell at 5 o'clock precisely, and Cuserio's bead dropped into the basket. CYCLING RECORO LOWERED. Stimal and Fuhrmann Cover 200 Milas in I5h. 60j9. 30s. at Buffalo. Buffalo, Aug. 15. The course from Buffalo to Erie. Pa., vesterday was the scene of a record breaking perform ance W. L. Stimal nnd Fred C. Fuhrmann of the Ramblers' Bicjcle club rode the course and return, a distance of 20J miles, in 1.) hours. 50 minutes and 'M seconds. The murk over the same course previously was 17 hours, 5 uiiii utes, and the American 200-mile record was IT hours. 2S minutes, 30 seconds, over tne isostou-springneld course. STRIKING MINERS RESUME. The Terms of the Operators are Ac cepted at Sharon. Sharon, Pa., Aug. 15. The striking coul miners in Mercer county, number ing nearly 1,000 men will resume work tomorrow, A mooting was held last night aud they agreed to submit to the terms of the operators on a 00 cent per ton rate. The negro miners who were imported from Virginia will be retained. Tin strikers have been out eight months aud many are m destitute circum staucei. ANARCHISTS' WORK. Explosion in a London Suburb in Mem ory tt Kavaohul and. Santo, uondon, Aug.. 15. The explosion last night at the JNew Cross postolnce oc curred in u small stationer's store to which the postolli.-e is attached. It was caused by a quantity ot gun powder and nitro glycerine wrapped in heavy paper. The explosive puckngu was inserted into tho letter box slit. On a portion of the paner was written : ' 'In memory of Ruvacuul, Bourdin,Vaillaut aud Santo. LYNCHED IN KENTUCKY. Marshal Boston, a Negro, Fays the TJjuftl Penalty for Bis Crime. FitANKFOitT, Ky., Aug. 15, Marshal Boston, a uogro, was tukuu from tho county lull ut li o cloak last night nnd hanged on the high b am of the iron bridge which spans the Kentucky river at Frankfort, After the lynching his body was rid died with a hnndrod bullets. Just be fore Boston was swuug up be confessed his awful crime. A CADET DROWNED. Boat Load of oy Is Capiiz.d with Fatal Result. Bethlehem, Pu., Aug. 15 A boat loud of .Nazareth hall cadets capsiz d tliia evening at S.iylor's lake, a few mil's north of bore. Will Towusend, of NuzAroth, and Felix Webb, of the West Indies, were drowned. , BENEFITS OF THE BILL. Cnablea Whisky DoaUrs to Make For tunes. IlAitmsBUita, Aug. 15 Sines the passage of the tariff bill the owners of whisky in bond at the Wilson distillery at High Spire are hustling it Into a free warehouso. About $150,000 will be mads. COULD NOT DECIDE. - Twelve Bidders Make Sixty-two Propos als Apiece. One of the largest city contracts which are annually let Is the one for furnishing the year's supplies for the school districts. The biggest item is stationery, in whish might be included chalk, erasers, etc., and next comes janitor's accoutrements. Everything in the supply lino that is used about the sohool building during the year, with tho (xceplionof coal, is included in this contract. Ther-fore it is a plum eagerly sought for bymany dealers, Last nieht the supply committe of the board of control met and opened the proposals, with the intention of awarding the contrast. There were twolve bidders nnd sixtv-two separate and distinct articles to bid on. Som of the bids on certain articles were to mnoh per case, others so much per box, and others were so much a gross or dozen. When the committee had gone over about one-twentieth part of the ground it realized that there was an immense job on hand, and in order to facilitate the work it was decided to adjourn nntil next Monday afternoon, when the bidders will be invited to be present to explain their proposals. DIGAMIST'S VICTIM. Mies Gallagher Returns to Her Home a Broken-Hearted GirL Mrs. DavUou, nee Gallagher, who married and departed with a man named Davison, alias Lindsay, who it afterward developed is a bigamist and defaulter, returned to her home in this city yesterday on a telegram summon ing her from rottsville where ber sis ter located her. Mies Gallagher, as she must be called, it it can not be shown that the reports concerning Davison are false, said yesterday that she whs more than surprised to boar thut Davison wns charged with suoh terribie offenses. He was most kind nnd attentive to her and she wns led to believe that be wns a model man. JNow that conclusive proofs of his perfidy confront her, she is almost brokeu hearted and intouds to have the base deceiver punished if the law can overtake him. IT MAY RE MURDER. Girl Victim of a Drink-Crazed Man Lies at the Point of Death. Mary Law, ot 3!I8 Railroad avenue, who wns brutnlly assaulted by ber brother-in-law, Timothy Farrell, is still in a critical condition. Tuesday night while standing at the foot of a stairway she receive 1 the full force of a wash tub hurled with, the drunken nun's fury. From th time she vs issaulted until last evening she has scarcely regained consciousness. Last evening a litmuNF. reporter called at ber mother's residence and found the room filled with young ladits from the Lackawanna Steam laundrv, where the injured girl was employed, nnd who displayed strong expressions of sympathy for their injured friend. In speaking to the reporter Mrs, Far rell mentioned that her husband was crazy drunk and was not aware that her sister was at the foot of the stairs when the tub left bis hands at the top. Mrs. Law, the mother, stntcd that her daughter when she recovered consciousness for n short period, ex onerated Farrell from purposely throw ing the tub ut her, as he evidently thought that she had gone into her rooms. Dr. Paine and Dr. Reidy will not be able to gives definite opinion as to the girl's condition until this afternoon, but they state that her couJitiou is very critical. Farrell bus left for unknown regions as he does not appreciate the anxiety of the police to meet him. ILVRDENEDTARENTS. Liquor Purchased with the Pennies of Their Urgent Child. A case of unusual depravity was brought to lieht yesterday through the instrumentality of the Associated Char ities. A littlo boy who has been beg uing about the streets for several weeks past wns picked up by the agent of the society mid when questioned cenfesscd that he was forced to beg by his father and mother and that they spent the money in drink. An investigation was made and it was learned that the case was even worse than wns first surmised from the child's story. In addition to Bending the little 'fellow into the street to beg, (he hardened parents abused him shamefully whou in their cups and neglected to give him tiny care or at tention, lie wns frequently allowed to go for days without food except what be could beg and as he frequently was whipped for making a poor show ing for his day's work he feared to buy food with any of the money be secured by begiug, A warrant wns issuad yesterday cborging the parents with noglect of the child, and last night tlioy wore ar rested. They gay their names ns Mr. and Mrs. John Connolly, of Emmet t street, BjIIovuo. Tho boy is but 10 years of age and vt-ry frail and delicate looking. An iffort will be made to day to have the child taken from his cruel parents and placed in some home. The parents themselves will be prose cuted to the full extent of the law. HAGGERTY IS AFTER NILAND. The Budget Man Fined Yesterday by C. C. Donovan. John J. Niland, Scrantou correspond ent of the Elniiru Budget, paid the usual wo.-kly sum yesterday which be forfoits for the advertising Dr. Uaj gerty is giving him. Nilaud was given a hearing before Alderman Dniovan, of the Eighth ward, nnd fined $4 and cosls for selling papers last Sunday. There is a war rant out also for Correspondent Con nor, of the North End, HIGH SCHOOL HEATING. Committee ArranRes the Preliminaries for Awarding the Contraor. The high school committee uiit last night and discussed the awarding ot the contract for heating and ventilating the new building. It was decided to engage an arohitoct to make the plans, und before they would bo acoepted a bond ot $5,0U0 as -a guarantee of good results would be required. It is expected that bids will be advertised for next week. 1 WEATHER FORECAST. li CLEAR Washington, Au?. 13. Fai-ecnrt a ' for Thursday: For tastcrn 'enii- sytvania, J'air,cootcr, south wind, 6cco?iu'ii(7 northerly. For western iViuis.'-i-nn id, fair, cooler, variable tfinrfs, liccoia iny northerly. FILETS Summer Sale OF INTERESTING PRICES TO BUYERS: One caso "Webster 10-4, Scar let and Blue Borders, 59 CENTS. One caso Kenwood 11-4, both White and Gray, Borders Scarlet, Blue aud Orange, 93 CENTS. One case Kolianco 11-4, both White and Grey, Borders Tink, Blue and Drab, $1.35. 50 pairs , Hampden 11-4, All wool "and Shrunk, Borders Pink, Blue and Lemon, 4.50. Ono case Rio Yisla, Cal ifor nia, 12-4, Borders Tink, Blue, Leniou and Drab, $6.0 a CO pairs Sacramento, Califor nia, 12-4, Borders Pink, Blue and Drab, $8.00. Crib Blankets in all sizes, with latest pattern bord ers and colors. 510 and 512 Lackawanna Ave. MINERS' Wholesale aM Retail. H. A. Kingsbury 313 Spruce Street. TELEPHONE NU1IBER Take oft the old and put on the new. That neatly-fitting, easy shoe. When low prices rule ns now they do, Who would deny himself tho newf Burt & Packard Shoe3 Make Us Friends. Lewis, Reilly & DaYies 114 WYOMING AVENUE. ,i.Kl.l'a'', We Examine Eyes Free of charge. If a doctor . is needed you are promptly told so. We also guaranteo a perfect lit. LATEST STERLING SILVER NOVELTIES L The Jeweler, 408 Spruce Street Lewis, Reiiiy & Davies